#yoon dowoon one shot
day6source · 6 months
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Welcome to the DAY6
"DAY6" returned to fans who had been waiting for the long-awaited performance after discharge. From the moment when they came up with the song to the moment when they all sang along on stage, they revealed the whole process of their new album with excitement and deeper sincerity. It's time to just trust, listen, and enjoy.
Q. It's the first album in three years since all the members came back after their military service. All the work you've done so far is precious, but I think it must have been more meaningful during the preparation process.
Sungjin: Since it's been a long time since I released an album, I wanted to do well, but as a result, I prepared as much as I could now. Young K: I think it's a moment we've been waiting for a long time too. While preparing for it, I felt like I wanted to play good music quickly and I was very excited. Wonpil : When I work on the DAY6 album, I'm the most sensitive and attentive, but I'm still the happiest. I think this album will be one of my most cherished albums. Dowoon: I've been waiting and preparing for this album for a long time, so I think it's half-excited and half-frightened.
Q. Also, "You Were Beautiful" released in early 2017 and the song "Time of Our Life" released in mid-2019 have been on the charts, what was it like to watch this phenomenon?
Sungjin: I'm just thankful that so many people sympathize with and cherish our songs. I hope one day, DAY6's other songs will be loved. Young K: It's such an honor and I'm so happy. It's been a long time since the release, but I think we've been doing well because we've been loved like this. On the other hand, no one knows when we'll be loved, so I thought we just had to keep doing good music. Wonpil: I've been working on music since my debut without paying attention to the ranking or the results, and I just wanted to do music that doesn't age. We've always focused on making albums that we can be satisfied with, and we've always worked on them, but we're just grateful and so amazed that more and more people like our music. Dowoon: I was sure. Rather than saying, "This song is definitely going to be released," I was sure that it was as good as we liked it, and now I'm just thankful that so many people besides us liked it.
Q. The title of the new album is 'Forever', and the spelling of Four is not Forever, what does it mean?
Sungjin: It is true that it melted the desire to be loved for a close time to eternity. Young K: It's the 4th generation of the fandom My Day that supports us, and the four of us borrowed "Four" with the hope of eternity and put good music into it. Wonpil: We came back after a long period of blank space, and now it's going to be forever without falling.
Q. How did you work on the title track "Welcome to the Show"?
Sungjin: I made it in an hour or two with a song that I would run around with my fans at the concert, and I really liked the feeling. It feels a little different from the title songs of the existing DAY6 album, but I'm satisfied with it. Young K: It started by saying let's make a song that everyone can sing and run with. If it doesn't come out soon, I said let's go home and started working on it, but fortunately, it worked out. Wonpil: It was the last song that I came to work on. In the situation where we had to make one more song, we actually worked on the song freely saying that it would be nice to have a song that we all sing together while running in the concert hall.
Q. What is the part that you put the most effort into working on the new album, and the part that you think you like the most in a specific section, lyrics, or performance for each member?
Sungjin: I paid a lot of attention to the guitar tone. I tried my best to create a mood not only when I hit the lead line, but also in the section where I played the chord. Young K : I think the part that I put the most effort into is the lyrics of the title song. It went through the most revision process ever and I tried to write it so that everyone could relate to it. Wonpil: It's been a while since we came back with DAY6 album, so we paid a lot of attention not to lose our color. Personally, I really like the part where all the members sing along in the title track, "Welcome to the Show." I want to see you sing together as soon as possible with My Day and the audience. Dowoon: I like the group singing part of the title song, Welcome to the Show, the most. If we sing together at the concert, I think it will feel like we are truly completing the stage together.
Q. There are seven songs including "HAPPY," "The Power of Love," "Get The Hell Out," "Sad Ending," "Let Me Love," and "I Didn't Know That's Your Love." Can you explain the songs in the album other than the title track?
Sungjin: I worked on it thinking that it would be the title of each track. All the songs are about situations that can happen in life, so I'm curious about what each of the listeners think rather than explaining the song. "HAPPY" is a song that keeps asking the fundamental question, "Can I be happy?" to explain one by one. I don't give you the answer, but by asking this question, I think I can comfort you that you are not the only one who has had such anxiety and agony. "The Power of Love" is about talking about and spreading the power of love. "Get the Hell Out" is a song about a world that someone you want to forget can no longer think of. "Sad Ending" is a song that tells you to end with pain to the person who has already left your heart. "Let Me Love You" is a song that appeals to you that you can give true love. "didn't know" is a song that says that it was love, looking back on the past relationship. Please show a lot of love! Wonpil: It's the same with the title track, but I think the songs in this album contain all the music we're pursuing in terms of sound. It's an album that contains all the songs that represent DAY6's musical sensibility, so I think it'll be fun to listen to it from track 1 to 7! "Ididn't know was a bit of a fresh shock when I first heard it. The chorus line that feels like a bounce was very thick, but it was amazing because it matched well with the melody that the older members played.
Q. What the members learned musically throughout the hiatus, or what they naturally became interested in these days, I wonder how the members' changes were reflected in DAY6's music and this album.
Sungjin: After a hiatus as DAY6, I've become more interested in sound. I'm still learning, but when I was working on the sound for this album, I also used my knowledge. Young K: My yearning for the band sound that DAY6 can give has grown and I'm excited to have it on this album. Wonpil: I don't think much has changed, but at the same time, I think the part that hasn't changed is that I always think about what My Day will like the most, who are waiting for us and always supporting us. So this album is also familiar to those who are looking forward to our music, but we wanted to play richer music. Dowoon: I became more interested in composing. I wanted to know more and more about music.
Q. Since you're about to make an official comeback in a long time, it must be overwhelming and special. Is there a message you want to send to your fans before promoting your new album?
Sungjin: Thank you for consistently trusting and supporting us! I hope you won't forget that we also trust and support you. Here we go again. Let's run together!!! Young K : DAY6 is back everyone. Thank you for letting us sing and play. Let's be happy! Wonpil: Thank you so much, My Day, for waiting and supporting us during this long blank period. To repay you, I thought I'd like to come back with an album as soon as possible. There will be nothing more to make us wait! Let's walk slowly and for a long time with us. We love you so much. We've worked hard on this album, so please listen to our songs and look forward to it! Let's play together!
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blu-joons · 2 years
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You were a very cuddly couple, the two of you loved to spend time with each other, even when you were out with others you would still make sure that you were sat next to each other and holding onto each other somehow too.
It didn’t take long for the boys to accept you as they saw how giddy Dowoon was whenever he was around you. He got incredibly shy seeing you around the boys, seeing his two worlds collide felt incredibly special for him, and was even more meaningful as the two different worlds got on so well together.
There was often a little bit of fright in Dowoon whenever he saw that you needed comforting as he worried about what to do. He’d watch you for a few seconds quite a lot of the time to try and figure out whether you wanted to talk, be cuddled or both, not wanting to do the wrong thing for you when you were down.
He loved to try and learn when it came to being domesticated, although he wasn’t the best at doing jobs around the house, Dowoon tried to pick things up. He copied your methods for most things so that he could things for himself and lessen the workload that you had around the house. Over time, he became more and more domesticated, mainly thanks to you being so willing to help show Dowoon most of the ropes.
It took quite a while for Dowoon to propose to you, as he often got too nervous to do it. Before he actually proposed to you, there had been several other points when he had planned to get down on one knee, but something in the back of his mind stopped him. Eventually he managed to pluck up the courage and the confidence to get down on one knee and finally propose to you before he got too scared again.
Dowoon’s favourite thing about being with you was how much he found himself laughing whenever he was around you, with his sides often aching from giggling so much in your company. He found you hilarious, whether you intended to make him laugh or not quite a lot of the time, but the two of you also shared similar senses of humour so you’d often find yourselves laughing about the same things too.
The two of you definitely preferred to stay in and just do your own thing, at times having to go out felt like a chore for the two of you, especially when you had no choice but to attend whatever event was being hosted. You’d both be incredibly relieved whenever the event ended so that you could finally head home.
Your honeymoon ended up taking place a little while after the two of you got married due to your busy schedules. By that point it didn’t feel much like a honeymoon, but at the same time the two of you were just thankful to be on holiday and away from the hecticness of the city for a few days as well.
Telling you that he loved you often made Dowoon shy, so instead he quite liked to do things to show you that he loved you instead. Gifting you flowers was definitely a favourite method of his because it meant that Dowoon didn’t have to always see you face to face and let you see how flustered such gestures made him.
It wasn’t very often that Dowoon would get jealous, if anything you were the one that got jealous much more often then he did. There were still times when you struggled to deal with the attention that came his way as an idol, quite often feeling pushed aside a little too when he was surrounded by so many of his fans who didn’t seem to want to pay much attention to the fact that you were stood there too.
You definitely were in no rush when it came to settling down and starting a family, the two of you trusted that it would happen when everything fell into place. Despite a little pressure on you from your families, the two of you were determined to walk through your futures at a pace comfortable for you both.
The two of you slept a lot on your lazy days and made up for all of the early mornings and late nights that you had when your schedules were busy. You quite enjoyed just doing nothing and lazing around your home, most of your day was spent just talking to each other and sharing the stories that you hadn’t been able to share with each other because of how little time you spent with one another.
You were bad influences on one another when it came to the mornings, trying to pull each other back down when they tried to get up. Especially when one of you didn’t have to get up too early at all you’d try your best to encourage the other to stay so that you didn’t have to spend too long in bed all by yourself.
Most nights the two of you just spent time in bed and watched something to distract yourselves from thinking about work. You would lay for hours some nights and watch as many episodes as you possibly could.
Dowoon was obsessed with your laughter. He just loved to hear you laugh, even if you were in a different room of the house, when he heard you laughing Dowoon just automatically found himself smiling too.
He loved being at home with you as if nothing else mattered in the world. The comfort of home was like nothing else for the two of you, being able to do what you wanted and not be interrupted. At times those moments were rare, but every single one of them was appreciated, without any failure by Dowoon.
If he could tell that you were a little bit stress or snappy, Dowoon would be onto you straight away and wanting to know what was wrong, not quitting on asking you until you eventually opened up to him.
Whenever he played his drums, Dowoon kept his wedding ring on a stand down the middle of the kit to make sure that he didn’t risk damaging the ring. He also loved being able to see his wedding ring whenever he performed and use it as something to give himself a little extra boost whenever he was up on stage.
Getting silence in your home with a drummer was almost impossible, no matter how hard Dowoon tried to be quiet whenever he rehearsed, you still managed to hear it. Even when he wasn’t playing, if the two of you were in silence, then his hands would start drumming against something to make a bit of noise.
Dowoon’s best trick for making things work with you was trying to make as many memories as possible, not only so that the two of you could enjoy yourselves but also so that you could reminisce in the future too.
There would often be a moment of panic in Dowoon when he saw that you were upset before remembering to be there for you.
He loved to visit you when you were at work, often trying to wind you up too. Dowoon loved to surprise you as your colleagues loved to tease you too about how shy you became whenever he showed his face.
There was only one thing that Dowoon wished for and that was that he continued to have you right by his side forever.
He loved to peck against your cheek, especially when you were least expecting it. Dowoon was incredibly observant, never missing the chance to stun you with affection and leave your cheeks a shade of red.
You were his rock, there was never a moment when you weren’t there supporting him.
The two of you would often fall asleep cuddled up to one another and holding on tight. You hated having to use a blanket or cuddle up to a teddy, trying as often as possible to rest in Dowoon’s chest instead.
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mydaystan · 4 years
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Send me your day6 bias + a MV | I’m serious (MV making) Dowoon for anon
My eyes say that I like you, why don’t you feel it?
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flurrys-creativity · 4 years
Cold fingers
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Pairing: Yoon Dowoon (Day6) x Reader; Genre: Fluff, Romance, Slice of life; Rating: sfw, PG-13; Warnings: freezing fingers (duh), hands touching bare skin that aren’t other hands/arms or face; Wordcount: 997; Event: Winter Hearts from kdiarynet; Prompt: Number 14 - “Warming up cold fingers”
Summary: You were late to a meeting with your best friend, who patiently waited for you in the cold. When you arrived he desperately tried to warm his hands again. Feeling slightly responsible for it you wanted to help him, making him more than just flustered.
A/N: I somehow think this scenario is very romantic... at least I think it’s somewhat intimate and shows how close someone is to someone else
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Dowoon glanced towards the huge clock in the middle of the park again, his heart sinking with every second that passed.
Sure, he arrived too early at the park but you were now over ten minutes late. You’ve never been this late before, or at least you had messaged him if you wouldn’t make it on time.
If it had been summer, Dowoon wouldn’t mind it so much but it was the middle of winter and it was freezing cold.
Additionally to this misery Dowoon had forgotten his gloves and his fingers slowly but surely turned numb. At first it felt like a slight burn, then as if a dozen needles pricked his skin and now they just felt numb.
Dowoon looked down on his hands, seeing them shake heavily. Even concentrating on his fingers didn't prevent the shaking. He sighed deeply and tried to clench his fingers into a fist.
A hiss escaped his lips when the movement sent a shot of pain through his body. This couldn’t be a good sign. Dowoon lifted his hands to his mouth and tried to breathe some warmth onto them, carefully rubbing his hands against each other. Since even this method didn’t help to warm up his hands, Dowoon stuffed his fingers underneath his armpits, the second warmest place of the body.
Another five minutes passed and you still haven’t arrived or messaged him. Dowoon considered to message you but the condition of his fingers prevented him from using them properly.
“I’m so sorry!” You shouted and ran towards Dowoon, who stood hunched, trying to make himself as small as possible and contain his warmth, next to a street lamp. “My phone died due to the cold and the tram got delayed due to the icy rails,” you apologised, feeling deeply sorry to keep Dowoon waiting for so long.
“You are here now”, he stuttered, his teeth chattering from the cold. “That’s all that matters.”
You sighed in relief and hugged him tightly before your hands wandered down his arms and grabbed his fingers. You gasped in shock, feeling the coldness of them. “Oh my god! How long have you been outside?”
Dowoon shrugged with his shoulders, giving you a half looped smile.
You clicked your tongue and stuffed his hands together with yours into the pockets of your jacket, stepping closer to him in the process. You gently rubbed over his hands and hoped to warm them up a little. “Does it help?”
He shrugged once more and tilted his head to the side. “I had them in my pockets before. They still turned cold.”
A low grumble escaped your throat and you nervously looked around. Your gaze stopped at the clock in the middle of the park. There was still some time before you wanted to drag him to the movies. Maybe you two could go to a café first and get something hot into his hands. Though you remembered your mom had taught you to use lukewarm water to warm frozen fingers. So wrapping his fingers around a hot cup could hurt instead of help.
You sighed. Maybe the both of you should go to the theatre already. Even though the movie wouldn’t start, you had the warmth of a building surrounding you. “Come with me.” You didn’t even wait for a response and pulled his hands out of your pockets. You still held one of his hands and stuffed it back into one pocket while you hurried to a café nearby.
Once you arrived at it you felt yourself shivering as well. You didn’t want to imagine how cold Dowoon must have felt waiting for you all this time while standing still.
You pulled him into one corner of the entrance hall, to avoid standing in the way of others. It was slightly warmer inside of the theatre but the cold from the outside had clung onto your bodies. You stepped close to Dowoon. “I can’t believe they didn’t call this the coldest day of the year.”
Dowoon chuckled lowly and silently agreed with you. He held his shaking hands in front of his body and stared at them blankly. His fingers felt numb but at the same time they burnt.
You stared at his hands as well, seeing how red they were from the cold. Actually, they almost seemed to be turning slightly blue. You bit on your lower lip nervously and thought about your options to help him.
Coming to a conclusion you opened your jacket, grabbed his hands and lifted your sweater slightly to stuff them underneath it. Against your warm stomach.
You hissed when his icy fingers touched your bare skin, involuntarily sucking in your stomach. Still, you pressed his hands against your skin, not letting go.
Only a few inches separated Dowoon from you. Your little hiss made him painfully aware of that fact. He looked up from his hands, which were covered by your sweater, to your face. He could count your eyelashes and even noticed a few ice crystals in them.
“Does it help?”
Dowoon literally froze again when your eyes met. Your question just made him realise where his hands were placed. Heat crept up his neck and cheeks, making them sting slightly from thawing.
He blinked a few times and tried to move his fingers hesitantly. It wasn’t as painful as before, instead they started to sting just like his cheeks. Dowoon nodded slowly, pressing his fingers harder against your skin, as if he was holding you at your waist.
“That’s good”, you smiled and rubbed over his hands, “I’m really sorry you had to endure the cold for so long.”
Dowoon shook his head, smiling shyly as well. “It wasn’t your fault. I simply could have brought my gloves.”
You wanted to argue with him but decided to let it drop. “As long as your fingers are coming back to life again. That’s the only thing that matters right now.”
“They are. Thanks to you.”
© all rights reserved
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sinsofstrays · 5 years
Till You Become a Mess
Dom!Woon x Reader | Smut 
Word Count: 675
omg... ur writing is simply *mwah* fantastic!! can i req dom!dowoon fcking u in a bathroom after u teased tf outta him at dinner? -Anon
I hope you enjoy lovely and thank you so much! 
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You aren’t surprised to hear the boys talking loudly in the dorm. Dowoon brings you inside, apologizing that you two couldn’t be alone for dinner. It doesn’t bother you as much, you’re used to the group being there. But it does make it harder to mess around with Dowoon.
Dowoon leads you to the table, where the voices are at their loudest. Everyone quiets down a bit more when you take your seat. Dowoon sits beside you, keeping his hand softly over your thigh. Sungjin and Younghyun bring out an assortment of foods, and you have to admit that you’re pretty impressed with the spread.
Everyone goes near completely silent once they start eating. As Dowoon takes a bite of food, he jumps and hits his knee off the table. He clears his throat and glances at you. You bite a smile as you pull your hand away from his thigh. Dowoon shakes his head and continues to eat, happy that only Wonpil seemed to notice.
He is caught off guard once more as your hand travels higher. His fork drops to the plate as he shivers from your touch. He lets out an embarrassed and choked laugh. Under the table, he digs his nails into your inner thigh. You smirk, your hand palming him just enough to feel him twitch under you.
Dowoon leans back and clears his throat, grabbing your wrist as you squeeze his upper thigh. He stands up and excuses himself, walking down the hall. The boys don’t pay any mind to him and continue to eat. Before Dowoon turns the corner, he looks at you and twitches his brow. You know he is telling you to follow.
You quietly slip from the table and sneak down the hall. As soon as you reach the door to the bathroom, Dowoon pulls you in. He collides his lips into yours and pushes you against the vanity, blindly closing and locking the door. His palms roll into your hips.
“You’re so bad, baby.” He whispers before lifting you up onto the vanity. “Do you enjoy teasing me?”
You only respond with a smirk that is quickly swept away by Dowoon’s lips. He grabs the back of your hair and pulls your head back, biting at your neck. Your eyes close and you grind into Dowoon’s hips. Dowoon grips your hips harder before ripping your jeans down, tossing them to the floor.
He kisses your neck before squeezing your bare thigh. Dowoon’s body trembles but he doesn’t hold himself back. He undoes his own jeans and exposes himself, pulling your body closer. You hold your breath to keep from gasping out as he suddenly thrusts into you.
You bury into Dowoon’s shoulder as he digs his hips into yours. He keeps one hand wrapped in your hair and one gripping your waist. Your back arches, Dowoon grinding into you faster and faster. He lets go of your hair and slams his hand against the mirror to keep his balance. Sweat quickly beads on his skin. Your body trembles as you feel yourself getting closer to an orgasm.
Dowoon bites and heavily kisses your neck, digging his nails into your skin. His breath gets heavier as pressure builds at the base of his spine.
“Cum for me, baby.” He whispers into your ear.
You muffle a moan into his shirt and let yourself orgasm, nearly slipping from the vanity. Dowoon keeps a tight grip on you as he keeps his pace. He smirks, listening to you attempting to keep quiet from the stimulation. He straightens himself and wraps his hand around your throat, pushing you back into the mirror.
A low growl escapes him but he silences it by slamming his lips into yours. He bites at your lip and quickly pulls away. You both breathe heavily, your cheeks flushing when you remember that there are others in the dorm. Dowoon quickly fixes himself and stares over to you.
“Next time, I’ll punish you.” With that, he walks out, leaving you still panting and dazed.  
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excusemyobsessions · 5 years
“How about we don’t get up at all?” (x Dowoon)
DAY6’s Dowoon
Word count: 300 words
Scenario: Tired after a long day, lounging on the couch.
Genre: One shot, Fluff, Soft, Gender neutral
Little note: I know this is really short but please accept it as it carries my love too.
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It had been a long day. Really long day.
You and Dowoon had been running around all day, out in the cold, in the falling snow and fighting the cold wind. It was finally time to settle down and you couldn’t be more thankful.
You two stumbled into the apartment, brushing little bits of snow off your coats and removing your shoes before you both you stepped out into the living room, straight towards the couch. Almost in perfect synchronization, you hopped onto the couch, letting out a loud, pleased sigh as you let your bodies sink into the soft cushions.
You dropped your head back against the back on the couch and closed your eyes, just letting your whole body relax and so did he. It felt as if you were laying on clouds. Had that couch always been that comfortable?
You stayed like that for a while until his deep voice broke the silence, managing to lift his hand lazily to drop it upon your thigh.
“I’m not sure if I can get up…” he mumbled.
Unable to move much, you opened your eyes and let your head roll to the side so you could look at him. Hearing you move, he did the same.
“How about we don’t get up at all?” you suggested, smiling.
He chuckled and smiled back at you.
“I like that idea.” He nodded.
You moved your hand to slip your fingers between his, keeping his hand on your lap.
You two sat there in silence, either with your eyes closed or watching one another while you regained some energy to try and peel yourselves off that very comfortable couch, your thumb stoking his knuckles tenderly.
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junpiterdrabbles · 5 years
you were at a claw machine in an arcade that just opened up. you had your eye on a white dog, and you were determined to get it. 
after many tries you pulled out your last coin, this was it, you were going to get this dog. you put the coin into the machine, pressing the side arrow to go right and the front arrow to go as far front as needed.
"you went too far to the front." a deep voice said from beside you. startled, you let go of the front button, just to see that said voice was in fact, right.
"damn, why didn't you just tell me before i let go then?" you asked, getting slightly annoyed at the stranger. 
he chuckled, "because you seemed so determined to get it, here take this and i'll help you out," his warm hands placed some coins into your cold ones, his voice dropped into a whisper, "i hope you get it this time, if you don't then we both went broke for nothing."
with a smile on your face, you put one of the coins into the machine before turning to the man, "what's your name?"
his eyebrows shot up at your question, before his cheeks painted in a blush, "dowoon, yoon dowoon. and what's yours?"
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Day6 (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kim Wonpil/Park Jaehyung | Jae Characters: Park Jaehyung | Jae, Kim Wonpil, Kang Younghyun | Young K, Park Sungjin, Yoon Dowoon Additional Tags: Yay angst, Unrequited Love, Pining, Mutual Pining, it's not that sad don't worry, jaepil nation RISE Summary:
After a vulnerable moment during a star-gazing session, Jae notices that Wonpil has been distant, and struggles to figure out the cause of this shift in behaviour. Don't worry, he figures everything out in the end.
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theevar-blog · 7 years
singing in the rain
description; after an argument, Brian finds Jae singing in the rain.
word count; 677 it hadn’t been the best day for Brian, neither for Jae. that day was supposed to be one of the best days they expected in their lives, but it seems something or someone, was against it. the day had been anything but good!
let’s start with brian, since the moment he woke up, he knew his day wouldn’t be the best one, but he didn’t think it would be that bad. he woke up with the other side of the bed empty, yes you read right, it was empty and that was already a reason to know that the day wouldn’t be the best one. but to be even worse his boyfriend had already left the house which made everything worse and brian had mixed feelings about, he didn’t know if it was better to feel sad or angry, so he chose neither and just went to work knowing he could see Jae there.
but not everything is a sea of roses, Jae was so busy that day, that he couldn’t even take a small break to drink a coffee or just to see his boyfriend. he had left home at around 6 am, because someone at the company decided they needed his help, even though it was a small job at start, by now had turned into something that should be done by at least 3 people, but those 3 people needed, were probably doing the same job as him or taking a small break and leaving him there working their part.
but they believed everything would get better when they got home. well, they were absolutely wrong, everything became worse.
Brian had lost it, he started accusing Jae that he was the reason their relationship was falling when in reality it has never been better and Jae just couldn’t believe, after a really tough day at work when he finally thought he would just lay on his sofa and relax, Brian started accusing him of 101 things of “why their relationship wasn’t working”. all of the words that had come out of Brian’s mouth, hurt him. he couldn’t believe, after everything he had done to keep that relationship, Brian justkept saying that it is his fault.
so he picked his guitar and just went out, it was raining pretty heavily but he couldn’t care less, he didn’t care about the rain, about the yelling he could hear from Brian telling him to come back because he would get sick, he didn’t care.jae ran as far as he wanted, he just wanted to be far away from home, not that much of distance just some meters actually because he wanted Brian to find him, that way he would know that maybe Brian didn’t mean all of that, that he still loved him like he had done for the last 4 years.
so he took his guitar and started singing and as cliché as it sounds, he was singing in the rain.
and he sang for as long as he can remember, his phone had died and he couldn’t do anything, but in his mind, he could only think “what if Brian has been trying to call me?” which he had done like 17 times.
after that he couldn’t do anything, he was just thinking about Brian, he didn’t know if something had happened to him, like what if Brian was looking for him and for lost? or what if he did something stupid and is in jail right now? or what if aliens came and he was abducted? he couldn’t lose the love of his life.
but he was so into his thoughts, that he didn’t hear his name being called by the man he loves. jae was only brought back to earth when Brian’s arms enveloped him in a tight hug and “I’m sorry, don’t ever so something like this” was said in a small voice.
and if you thought that singing in the rain was cliché, then you are going to think that what they did next it’s even worse, they were kissing in the rain.
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day6-writings · 7 years
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Note: This is somewhat smutty so please read at your own risk. It isn’t explicit, but it is implied. Either way, this is my first one shot, so please love it well.
Pairing: Dowoon x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Implied smut
In life, you’ve always been quite assured in your judgement; you’ve always pictured yourself as the kind of person that observes those around you well. And to an extent, you’re right. You can identify each slip and flaw in people’s words and body language. But there has always been one exception to that rule.
Yoon Dowoon.
In and around his friends, he’s charismatic and gentle. His jokes are light and his words can be rather minimal. He’s shy, you’ve noticed by the way he smiles timidly, and his ears paint a fluorescent pink, the same as you cheeks. But upon knowing him yourself, he’s added so much more dimension. He’s passionate, more than you’d ever expected. He plays the drums with a fire in his eyes you’ve never seen before, bright embers that spark with hope and determination.
You thought that Dowoon would act the same around his friends in smaller, more private places as he is out in the open. But he isn’t. No, he’s much louder, much more outgoing and carefree. It’s like he drops his anxiety of the public and press at the door and comes back into himself, fitting back into the social circle with so much more light.
He proved you wrong, but somehow, you thank him for that. He broke down your walls and showed you that a person can have so much more. He enticed you with his God-awful pickup lines, shy smiles and enchanting words. The first time he kissed you was at the porch of your house after your first date, and you lost count after the second and third.
“What are you thinking about?” Dowoon bumped against your shoulder, bringing you back to the present. He looked so radiant in the sunlight, it hit his face and made his brown eyes prominent. They sparkled like the sun itself lived within his orbs.
“Nothing. I mean, I was wondering what we were going to be watching tonight?” You decided not to bring up the reality of what floated around your head, because he already knew how much his world had changed yours when they had collided.
“Well, it’s Jae’s turn to decide so, yeah, pretty much anything from Chicken Little, Mean Girls or The Conjuring.” Dowoon stated. He let his palm slide into yours before lacing his fingers like ribbons, attaching himself in an unbreakable promise of love.
“At least we don’t have to watch Iron Man again,” You laughed, “Wonpil is so predictable.”
“Tell me about it. I have to live with that as well.” He smiled fondly.
The shared house came into view. It was blooming with flowers and greenery that they’d all planted. It was a funny picture to visualise, five men gardening, but it did all pay off. The house was beautiful on it’s exterior. It shone with colours of all ranges, pinks and blues and yellows.
The oak door opened before you could reach it, and Jae swung out with an unstoppable grin etched on his cheeks. “Finally!”
You walked the familiar hallways and allowed yourself to rest on the sofa where movie night had already been set ready to go. Blankets had been thrown in all directions across sofas and pillows scattered in an unorderly mess across the carpet. Amongst the sea of it all, Sungjin lay on his stomach beside Wonpil and Brian, punching their thumbs against their phones, barely noticing you in their entrancement with the lit up screens.
“Phones away!” Jae called, “Movie is starting!”
The three abide by the instruction as Jae bounced over to the DVD player to set in the desired film.
“Oh, hey {y/n}, I didn’t notice you there.” Brian greeted, grinning.
“Hi {y/n}, and Dowoon.” Sungjin added in, Wonpil simply smiled as you returned greetings.
You sat on one of the sofas and Dowoon occupied the space beside you as Brian, Wonpil and Jae occupied the other, lying across each other like their personal space was non existent. Sungjun seeked refuge on the floor, piling pillows to find comfort as the start screen came on.
“Really, we’re watching Batman versus Superman?” Dowoon groaned from beside you. “Isn’t this the worst film of 2016?”
“Excuse you.” Jae jokingly sassed. “I have not seen this film yet so we’re watching it.”
“I agree with Dowoon, this film actually had terrible ratings.” Wonpil reasoned.
Jae smiled in a mockingly bittersweet way, “Well, too bad it’s my night to chose-”
“Shut up,” Brain interrupted, “It’s starting.”
Dowoon tightened his grip around you by snaking his arm behind your back and holding you close. It’s like a shield to everything that surrounds you, you feel so safe and it’s warmer than the blanket could ever made you feel.
He pulls the blanket up around you both and then fixes on the screen.
But he never ceased to surpass your expectations, he’s always been so calm around you, if anything he was apprehensive to affection around his friends. They tease him relentlessly, and that ever so sweet pink graces his ears darker than actually initiating romantic gestures with you.
But tonight he doesn’t seem so bothered by them.
Perhaps it was their lack of focus on him, and his assurance that they won’t stray too far from watching the screen, but he’s pressing his lips against yours and even in the heat of the moment it’s easy to submit to his wish. And move your lips in a syncing battle back.
He’s so playful with his lips, you can feel them smirking against yours as he nips and bites against your lower lip. He tastes like peach and fruits, and it’s exploding like colour inside your mouth. He lets his tongue wander, not allowing a single place to left unexplored. It’s hypnotising, and he plays your heart as professionally as he plays his drums. It beats against your chest like a love song.
His mouth suddenly lurches forward, you bit his lip in the shock of it all, he groans, but you’re not sure if it’s because of you or because of the pillow that had just smacked the back of his head.
You tune back into the room, and laughter fills the walls. Dowoon shakes his head, but annoyance is not traceable, if anything, he seems challenged, and embers fill his eyes the way they do when he’s full of passion.
“Will you guys shut up? I’m trying to watch this.” Jae complains, staring at Wonpil, who had clearly been the crime carrier.
Silence washed back over the members, and you cuddled back up to Dowoon, slightly flustered from sudden attention. You relaxed into the warmth as his hand ghosted over yours. You let him guide your hand to his chest, but your senses were enlightened when you get the fabric of his shirt shift so your hand rested against his skin.
It wasn’t like the kiss. This was private, and the blanket hid his teasing intention. It was suddenly a playful atmosphere turned dark. You lined his toned chest beneath your fingertips, it sent sparks from your nails to your gut, and you were sure he felt the same.
He slouched slightly, letting his head fall against your shoulder as his hand wandered around your lower torso. If it wasn’t hard enough to act normal, he started placing sparse kisses arong your collar, shoulder and neck.
He was clearly uninterested in Jae’s movie, and was now taking it out on you. This wouldn’t be such a bad thing if you were somewhere more private, but literally every one of his friends surrounded you and one false move would make them all very aware what was going on beneath the blanket.
Speaking of beneath, his hands were beneath your trousers, teasing the line of your underwear.
“Dowoon.” You said steadily, trying not to sound as flustered as you felt. “I’m hungry.”
He rose his head from your shoulder, he looked so proud of himself, his grin showed it. “Should we go and get something then?”
You swallowed hard, feeling your head rush like seeing stars. It was so incredible that he could make you feel like this with nothing but the touch of his hands. You bit the inside of your cheek.
“Oh for God’s sake, just get outta here, will you? You could cut the sexual tension with a knife.” Jae scoffed.
Laughter erupted in the room again, and funnily, Dowoon looked slightly darkened from blushing, yet he still rose to his feet, extending to reach for your hand. “Ah, we can get the pizza.”
You nodded, rosy, and followed him away from the roars of noise. You never quite made it to the kitchen like Dowoon had stated about pizza, instead you whizzed straight past it with the air blowing your hair back and the halls passing in a blur. You never had time to focus on the wall, not even when you were pushed up against it.
Dowoon was a mass of unexpected events and twists; it’s something you still haven’t completely figured but you knew it would be the best days of your life finding out.
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kbandtrash · 4 years
Surrounded (Mafia Crossover AU)(Part 5)
Day6/N.Flying/The Rose/Like any other kband honestly x Reader
Warnings: Violence, self-harm
Word Count: 1.5k
Part 1
You looked at Taehyung nervously.
“Hey,” he greeted calmly.
You began to scratch at your arms in nervousness. He slapped them away. 
"I've been told of your scratching habits. Care to tell me about it?" You shook your head. "No, I don't know much. I just know that I scratch." He gestured for you to sit on your bed and you obliged. "Do you know why you do it?" As you settled on the bed, you looked at him. He was handsome, though his face when he smiled was cuter than handsome. "Um... I suppose it's because I get nervous. Then my body starts scratching and I don't notice it." He nodded, in thought now. "Y/N, do you remember anything from before the dungeon?" "I was told—" "No, do you remember anything?" "Oh... no, not at the moment." "Okay. I need you to lie down." You nodded without a thought and did so. He stood beside you and reached for your hand. You flinched when he touched it. "It's okay, I'm not going to do anything dumb. Trust me." You bit your lip softly and let him take your hand. You felt his finger trace something in the palm of your hand. You try to make sense of it, but he wasn't writing anything you understood. He sighed. "Y/N, close your eyes." You hesitated. He was a stranger and you didn't trust him. But you found your eyes closing. Then Taehyung began tapping his feet softly, a steady beat. You felt your mind go blank. He began to whisper. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two," he counted slowly. "One," you finished for him. He smiled. He had calmed you enough and now his hypnotism had taken effect. "Y/N, what is your real name?" he asked, figuring he would start out with a simple question. But when you answered, he faltered. "Experiment 1." He shook it off. "Alright, good. Can you tell me who you work for?" "The Rose." Taehyung frowned. He hadn't been told of your relations with their biggest enemy. He continued anyway. "I hear you are a superhuman. What power did you have?" "Enhanced strength, speed, agility. The ability to create and control fire." Creation of fire… but how is it possible to control it? He bit his lip in anticipation. "What did you do in The Rose?" "I killed." Taehyung shuddered. "Who was the last person you were supposed to kill?" You didn't answer for a few seconds, but before he could ask again, you had spoken again. "You." Taehyung felt his insides crawl. "Do you know who I am?" "Yes. You are Kim Taehyung, a therapist, mythologist, and a person very much against the Mafia. You are close with a man named Seo Ka—" Taehyung let go of your hand and you stopped talking. He stopped tapping his foot as well. "Y/N, wake up." Your eyes flew open and you stared at Taehyung. "What's wrong? What happened?" "I... I'm going to tell you something about what you just said. You have to tell me whether you remember knowing it or not." "O-okay." Taehyung hesitated. "Y/N... you told me your real name was Experiment 1." "What?" "Okay. You also told me that you were a superhuman with enhanced strength, speed, agility, and... control over fire." "I didn't know that." "You said... that before you were taken here, you were told to... to kill... me." "Are you serious?" He nodded fearfully. "I-I wouldn't hurt you. Or anyone else." "But didn't you just, you know, cut Dowoon open?" You swallowed and shivered, sitting up. "I... did." Taehyung stepped back from you. "There was more that you told me." You took in a shaky breath. "Okay." "You knew who I was. You said I was a therapist, mythologist, and... someone against the Mafia." "I didn't know the last two." "That isn't all. You started to talk about who I was friends with, and that's when I stopped you." You were pale. "Oh." "But that's okay. I trust you not to kill me." "Are you sure?" He frowned. "I should go get Wonpil." "Uh, why?" "He made me promise to bring you to him after this." "Okay..." You slid off the bed, your legs still weak and buckling underneath you. Taehyung caught you quickly and helped you balance. You turned a bright shade of pink. You walked down the halls, noticing all of the windows had been closed. It was dark; the lights overhead had been shut off. A door down the hall opened and light poured out. Taehyung pushed you both to the wall, as if he were hiding you from sight. Voices echoed down the halls. "Dowoon lost a lot of blood, but as long as he stays there for at least a week, he won't die." "Won't die? Is that it? Will he be able to work again after that?" "About a month after that at the least. I'm sorry." Someone scoffed. "If I hadn't taken Y/N down there. I could've just told him without her there." "I know you had more to say than just telling him to keep an eye on her." "You got me. I... I needed him to save her." "Why him? I thought Young K was supposed to do that, actually." Taehyung turned to look at you. He had a questioning look on his face. You shrugged in response and then continued to listen. "He was. But I know he's not strong enough. You know it, too. The only ones actually able to do it are Dowoon and Sungjin, unless we count Hweseung." "I don't think we should count Hweseungie. But you're right, I guess. Well, you better get going before Sungjin realizes you aren't in detention yet." "Yeah, alright. Bye, Pillie." The door closed. Taehyung waited a moment and then led you toward the door. He opened it silently and revealed Wonpil sitting at his desk. Wonpil turned to look at you. His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Tae? And Y/N? What are you guys doing here?" "You told me to visit when I had the chance, didn't you?" "Well, yeah, but not during lockdown!" You interrupted, confused. "Why are we on lockdown?" "Because someone from The Rose was spotted a block away, beside the fact that we don't know if you're done with your relapse," Wonpil stated worriedly. "Relapse?" "Yeah, when you attacked Mr. Yoon it was labeled as a relapse of your old power." Wonpil rubbed the back of his neck. Taehyung sat on the bed. "So you're saying that she's technically a criminal and she's not allowed to leave her room?" "More or less." You blinked. "Why didn't they just put me back in the dungeon?" Wonpil had a 'duh' look on his face. "We're not heartless. Also Taehyung refused to do therapy down there." "Yep," Tae nodded proudly, "you're welcome." You were about to scratch your arms, but found your hands reaching up to your head. You ran your fingers through your hair. Taehyung gaped at you. "Woah, I just realized you're pretty." Wonpil slapped his arm. "I thought you grew out of being a child." "Nope." You, meanwhile, were blushing. "Am I actually pretty?” Suddenly your stomach twisted as something flashed in your mind. You were confused, so you decided to bring it up. “Even though... I'm a... murderer?" Tae went quiet, an unsettled look on his face. "Dowoon's not dead, though." "But...I just remembered something." Wonpil and Taehyung went completely still, staring at you for you to go on. You gulped as the disgusting feeling in the pit of your stomach only grew. "I killed a guy named Junhyeok." Wonpil's fists clenched suddenly. He began to shake. "Junhyeok?" You seemed to just realize what you were saying. Your eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh. I killed someone. Did... you know him?" "Y-yeah. He was part of Day6 for a while, through training and until he became a professional. We knew he died. But... nothing showed that he was killed." Wonpil took in a shaky breath and turned away, hiding his tear-filled eyes. You felt tears run down your cheeks. "But.. I killed someone, Wonpil. I killed someone. Like, murder." Tae's hand twitched. "But you're not a murderer now. You don't answer to The Rose anymore. You won't go back to that life, right?" "Of course not!" you exclaimed. It seemed like you were trying to convince yourself as much as Taehyung. The door opened suddenly. You felt your body go weak and you wiped your tears away quickly. Wonpil stuttered, "W-woos-sung?" "That's me," the man in the doorway said brightly, spreading his arms wide proudly. He smiled at you and everyone shivered at his face that showed he had gone crazy. "And I hear my Experiment is here."
Part 6
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blu-joons · 3 years
DAD Day6 A⇴Z HEADCANON ⇴ Yoon Dowoon
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He loved filling you with affection and attention more than anything else, the last thing he wanted to do was focus too much on your bump. Dowoon would always make sure to look at you or kiss you when he was around your bump too.
Dowoon loved messing around with your bump, often deciding that it would be a good idea to use it as a drumkit. He loved to tap against your bump whenever he was laying beside it, usually prompting a good kick or two out of your baby too, letting the two of you know they could feel Dowoon and were enjoying what he was doing.
When you had a particularly random craving you could always feel a slightly judgemental eye watching over you. Whilst Dowoon would never make you feel bad for craving something specific; he couldn’t help but often wonder what was going on in your head when you were eating foods that he knew that you usually hated.
Both of you had made a pact from almost the start of your pregnancy that you would talk about your due date as little as possible. Neither of you wanted to feel too much pressure with your due date constantly nearing a little bit closer, things would be organised at a pace that the two of you felt comfortable with more than anything else. If anyone did mention your due date, it would always be as quick a conversation as possible.
He was very attentive to you, being able to pick up on your feelings and needs a lot by the look in your eyes. He prided himself on knowing you well at the best of times, but he put his heart and soul into taking are of you whilst you were pregnant so that you had as little to worry about as possible allowing you to stay focused on growing your little human rather than having to worry about the little things that you usually did.
Your families both knew from almost the very start of your relationship that it was only going to be a matter of time before you announced that you were starting a family, they very much knew that it was meant to be. All of them could tell that the two of you were forever, they were just anticipating. When it eventually came, they couldn’t have been happier for the two of you, even if they saw it coming right from the very start.
There was no way that Dowoon was ever going to wait to find out whether he was having a boy or a girl, it was about the only thing that he put down on when it came to your pregnancy, whether you wanted to find out or not, Dowoon just didn’t have him in it to wait for months when the chance presented itself.
The drummer in Dowoon couldn’t resist drumming along to the beat of your baby’s heart whenever he heard it. The beat would usually end up being something that would stick with him all the way to the studio, recording it as soon as he got in as something that he might end up using in a future song someday with the group.
When you were going through a particularly tough time, whether it was insecurities, lack or sleep, or just worrying, Dowoon would always remind you that he loved you the most. He’d do whatever he could to try and boost your mood, but nothing made you smile more than knowing that he was always there for you.
Being the youngest, he was certainly the victim of a few teasing jokes from the other members who couldn’t quite believe that he was about to become a dad. Dowoon, as ever, took it all in his stride, he knew that the others were only messing with him, he’d been through their jokes for long enough to know how to smile through it, and that they really joked because they wanted you both to know just how much they cared.
If he was made to wait a particularly long time for a kick, Dowoon wouldn’t be afraid to drum against your bump in order to disturb your baby enough to encourage them to kick back. He refused to accept that sometimes your baby could be still, Dowoon loved to feel them wriggling about as often as he possibly could.
To begin with Dowoon was a little flustered as the reality set in that you were in labour, but once he’d zoned in and realised what was going in, you were his only concern. He was there for you from the very start until the very end, not once leaving your side. He talked to you constantly in the hope that it would distract you from the pain, that was after a polite request from the midwives to stop him singing first.
There would always be a haze of confusion over Dowoon when he first woke up most mornings, but once he was in the room, instinct would carry him into the bathroom to be there for you, regardless of how many times you tried to push him away because he didn’t deserve to see you as such a mess first thing in the morning.
The eager side of Dowoon couldn’t help but throw himself into putting your nursery together, whilst it came with a few mistakes, eventually things turned out perfectly, and he was most definitely smug and proud of himself too.
Dowoon was obsessed with your smile, he loved seeing that you were happy and enjoying your pregnancy more than anything else. He loved matching your smile or smiling wider than you, letting you know how happy he was too.
It took a little while for Dowoon to give you some space after you gave birth, he was incredibly cautious that you would do too much too soon, he wanted to make sure that you knew you had time on your side. He was never going to rush you or push you into doing anything too soon, he was happy working at your pace, not his.
When he can tell that you’re a little quieter than usual, Dowoon will always check in with you. He knows sometimes your insecurities creep in on you, so he much prefers to ask how you are rather than leave you thinking alone.
Although Dowoon wanted for his child to follow their own dreams, he couldn’t stop himself from buying a few instruments for your baby for when they were old enough. He wasn’t going to force music onto your child, but a small part of him hoped that it would be the pathway that your child would choose to go down.
He was always a little worried about missing someone out, so Dowoon always made sure to make up plenty of copies at home to give to everyone. Your families were very invested in your pregnancy, and your scans were the perfect chance to repay them for all of that and make sure that they all felt involved.
Taking a test at the time was a precaution for you both as you’d been feeling unwell, however what you thought would be a task to rule pregnancy out, ended up being a task that gave you the answers you’d been searching for.
He always made sure to arrive very early to your appointments as a just in case, you’d be sat for well over an hour sometimes just to ease Dowoon’s mind that you’d miss out.
Almost as soon as you got home from the hospital Dowoon was enquiring when you could ask people over, he couldn’t wait to have them round and introduce them to your little one that had stolen his heart.
Dowoon was excited, he was calm and patient, but he was excited that the days that he enjoyed too would lead to something amazing for him too.
He would often kiss all around your bump to try and make you feel confident, Dowoon knew that your bump was something that often left you feeling a little low, so he’d always pay close attention to that spot particularly.
You were each other’s rocks, you needed each other a lot more than either of you really knew.
He would be focused on calming your bump most nights, whether it would be by holding your bump or tapping against it, he would never be able to rest until he was sure that your baby was giving you the chance to rest too.
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flurrys-creativity · 4 years
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Pairing: Yoon Dowoon (Day6) x Reader; Genre: Fluff, Fantasy; Rating: sfw, PG-13; Warnings: None; Wordcount: 441
Summary: You’re the entity responsible for the changing colours of leaves during autumn. Since this is a lot for just one being you regularly train spirits to help you during autumn. This time you got accompanied by a very peculiar spirit.
A/N: This is the shortest thing I’ve ever written.. I nearly can’t believe it! Anyway that is story number 5 of the unbelievable bingo! I filled the slot “changing colours of leaves”.
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You watched the leaves spiralling down to the ground, admiring their colourful artplay of yellow, green, red and orange. The colours and how they were spread made every leaf unique and gorgeous in its own way.
Just how it was supposed to be.
You turned around and inspected the works of your spirits in training. As the fairy of autumn you had to supervise them as long as you trained them. Only after a successful examination were they allowed to be let loose on the world. Each of them was sent into another part so the changes of autumn could be fulfilled properly.
You slowly walked past the line of trees, all of them shining in the brightest colours. You nodded in affirmation, loving how hard they worked on them.
That was until you reached the last spirit. You stopped dead in your tracks and gaped at the tree in front of you in disbelief.
“What are you doing?” You screeched in shock, taking a few steps towards the tree and the colourful leaves.
Colourful, yes. But not in a way you would approve of. The leaves were littered in dots and stripes of the most unnatural colours you could think of.
“Changing the colours of the leaves, Miss.” The spirit answered dutifully, a wide grin on his face.
“I see that! But..”
“Aren’t they beautiful? Nature is really amazing, isn’t it.”
You gawked at him, not believing what you just heard. You blinked a few more times before your form slumped and a deep sigh escaped your lips. “Yes, it is.” You nodded.
“You know how the wind goes ‘woosh’ through the leaves and the river is making ‘ssshhhh’? I like those sounds.” He still grinned at you, his eyes nearly disappearing with the shape of half crescent moons.
“What is your name, spirit?” You asked, the curiosity getting the better of you now.
“Yoon Dowoon, Miss.”
“Your way of thinking is really peculiar, Dowoon. Why are you here as an autumn spirit in training?”
He shrugged with his shoulders, his gaze wandering back to the leaves of the tree. With a grin he flicked his wrists and added more strangely looking patterns to it. “I like the changes.”
You winced slightly. “The changes.” Your own attention being drawn from the leaves to the side profile of the spirit next to you. “I might find a place in some rainforest for you. Even though there isn’t technically a change of season.”
“Thank you, Miss.” He grinned and concentrated on his work again.
You nodded, a small smile adorning your lips, before you turned around and went after your own work.
© all rights reserved
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haveanotherkpopblog · 5 years
Inspired by @noona-clock‘s “Day6 in Hogwarts Houses”
Pairing: Yoon Dowoon x You
Genre: AU, Fluff
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Lots of science talk
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The universe. An ever expanding, ever changing force full of all existing matter and space considered as a whole. It’s believed to be at least ten billion light years in diameter and contains an infinite number of galaxies. Each galaxy full of stars begging to be explored.
Night cloaked Hogwarts as you and Dowoon crept silently towards the Astrology Tower. You clutched your notebook, holding it to your chest while Dowoon carried his telescope behind you. You both scurried through the corridors, trying to avoid perfects, teachers, and Peeves. The hallways were eerily silent, save the snores coming from the paintings. A mysterious wind blew through the hallways, making you shiver.
“Why is it so cold?” Dowoon inquired. Before you could answer, a loud cackle rattled your bones. “Scratch that.”
“My my, looky what we have here! Students out of bed!” Peeves cackled.
“Quiet down, Peeves!” you hissed. He laughed, floating above you and Dowoon.
“Why would I do that?” he asked grinning. You thought for a moment, turning to Dowoon. He shrugged, glancing up at the mischievous poltergeist.
“Hm, I don’t know. I thought it was more entertaining for you to bother Nearly Headless Nick, or Moaning Myrtle. The worst punishment we’ll get is a warning, considering we’re both perfect students and are out of our dorms to conduct scientific experiments,” you explained, waltzing past him and towards the tower.
“You’re no fun,” Peeves complained. You shrugged, motioning for Dowoon to follow you.
“You know,” Dowoon started after you both were out of Peeves’ ear shot, “when you suggested we go stargazing, this was not what I thought you meant.”
“No, I told you I was going stargazing, and you begged me to let you come,” you corrected him. He huffed and you shrugged. You guys clambered up the stairs of the Astrology Tower, slowly reaching the top. You went to the large opening, staring up at the thousands of twinkling stars. You waited as patiently as possible while Dowoon set his telescope up, eager to continue your studies.
“Why couldn’t this wait until class?” Dowoon inquired. You moved around him, maneuvering the telescope to angle it to the correct coordinates.
“Because science does not wait for class and neither do I. I would also prefer not to have Professor Sinistra breathing down my neck. Great teacher, slightly annoying though,” you told him. “I’m on the verge of a possible astronomical phenomena.” You bent down, making sure you could see what you needed to. Dowoon hoisted himself onto the railing, gripping it tightly.
“What kind of phenomena?” Dowoon inquired, swinging his feet back and forth.
“Astronomical,” you replied simply, turning to the telescope.
“Specifically?” You turned to face him, chuckling and smiling. He was leaning his head in his hand, arm resting on his knee. He was too darn cute for words sometimes.
“Something is happening to Antares,” you told him. He quirked an eyebrow.
“It’s the fifteenth brightest star in the night sky and the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius,” you explained, pulling out a pen. You turned back to the telescope. “It’s been acting extremely strange, and I want to document it.”
“Why don’t you use a quill?” he asked.
“Pen’s more convenient.” He laughed. “What?”
“You go to a school for witches and wizards, yet you use muggle items. You’re fascinating, you know.” It was your turn to laugh.
“The only thing that’s fascinating is how strange Antares is acting,” you said, jotting something down in your notebook.
“What qualifies as ‘extremely strange’?” You giggled, stepping back from the scope.
“Dowoon, Dove, we have the same astrology class. You know what qualifies as ‘extremely strange’,” you reminded him. He nodded, his eyes gazing into yours lovingly. He grinned, hoping off the rail. The wind whipped through the room, spreading goosebumps across your arms. He pulled his robe off, wrapping it securely around you.
“I know, but I like listening to your voice,” he confessed, wrapping his arms around your waist. You hummed, resting your arms on his shoulders.
“I usually talk when I make observations,” you said. “If you’re quiet, then you can hear me talk.”
“But I like it when you talk to me.”
“Then let me work.” You gently pushed him away, turning to face the telescope. He sighed, stepping back. You bent down, watching as Antares flared at inflated levels. “Amazing! Dowoon, come look at this.” You stepped aside, waving Dowoon to step closer. He bent down to the telescope.
“Okay, so you see these pulsing spots on the star?” He hummed. “That’s a solar flare; it’s a rise in energy in a certain spot. Now it’s not an unusual occurrence, but the rate at which they’re happening and the nature of these solar flares are amazing. I’ve never seen anything like this.”
“So you could say it’s actually twinkling,” he told you grinning. You giggled picking up your journal. “Tell me more about this scorpior constellation.”
“Constellation Scorpius,” you corrected. “It’s a zodiac constellation. The arrangement of stars form a head and a long curving tail. In Greek Mythology, it represents the scorpion that was sent to kill Orion as punishment for his disrespect towards the Greek goddess Artemis.
“After the scorpion completed his task, he was placed in the sky, on the opposite side from Orion, as a reward of sorts. It was s’posed to be a reminder to humans to be wary of their arrogance and pride. As the Hunter set in the west, thus rises the Scorpion from the east.
“It’s actually one of the oldest constellations, dating back at least five thousand years. It was seen in Babylon and, going back to the Greeks, the constellation used to be bigger. The Romans in the first century took its claws to form the constellation Libra.” You glanced up quickly but did a double take when you saw Dowoon staring at you fondly. “What?”
“Did you know your eyes sparkle when you’re excited?” You opened your mouth but closed it again, multiple times. You dropped your gaze, cheeks hot. “It’s really cute.”
He cupped your face, meeting your eyes. He leant in, pressing his lips against yours. You closed your eyes, moving your mouth against his. You gripped his robes, pulling him closer. His lips were soft against yours, and they tasted like pumpkin juice. You could get lost in the feeling of his lips on yours. You pulled away after awhile, heart hammering in your chest. You smiled up at your loving boyfriend smiling.
“What was that for?”
“Because I love you,” he giggled, ears turning bright red.
“I love you too, Dove.”
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ao3feed-ateez · 5 years
by Imjustreallytired16
A collection of one-shots about the groups I currently stan. Full Fandom list and request form inside.
Words: 526, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: WAYV, 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, Stray Kids (Band), NCT (Band), NCT 127 - Fandom, NCT Dream, NCT U - Fandom, ATEEZ (Band), Monsta X (Band), GOT7, SHINee, EXO (Band), ASTRO (Band), The Boyz (Korea Band), Day6 (Band), Wanna One, Super Junior
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Kim Seokjin | Jin/Reader, Kim Namjoon | RM/Reader, Min Yoongi | Suga/Reader, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Reader, Park Jimin (BTS)/Reader, Kim Taehyung | V/Reader, Jeon Jungkook/Reader, Bang Chan/Reader, Kim Woojin/Reader, Lee Minho | Lee Know/Reader, Seo Changbin/Reader, Hwang Hyunjin/Reader, Han Jisung | Han/Reader, Lee Felix (Stray Kids)/Reader, Kim Seungmin/Reader, Yang Jeongin | I.N/Reader, Lee Taeyong/Reader, Moon Taeil/Reader, Suh Youngho | Johnny/Reader, Nakamoto Yuta/Reader, Qian Kun/Reader, Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung/Reader, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten/Reader, Jung Yoonoh | Jaehyun/Reader, Dong Si Cheng | WinWin/Reader, Kim Jungwoo (NCT)/Reader, Xiao De Jun | Xiao Jun/Reader, Wong Kun Hang | Hendery/Reader, Huang Ren Jun/Reader, Lee Jeno/Reader, Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Reader, Na Jaemin/Reader, Liu Yang Yang/Reader, Zhong Chen Le/Reader, Park Jisung (NCT)/Reader, Kim Hongjoong/Reader, Park Seonghwa/Reader, Jeong Yunho/Reader, Kang Yeosang/Reader, Choi San/Reader, Song Mingi/Reader, Jung Wooyoung/Reader, Choi Jongho/Reader, Son Hyunwoo | Shownu/Reader, Lee Hoseok | Wonho/Reader, Lee Minhyuk/Reader, Yoo Kihyun/Reader, Chae Hyungwon/Reader, Lee Jooheon/Reader, Im Changkyun | I.M/Reader, Im Jaebum|JB/Reader, Mark Tuan/Reader, Jackson Wang/Reader, Park Jinyoung/Reader, Choi Youngjae/Reader, Kunpimook Bhuwakul | BamBam/Reader, Kim Yugyeom/Reader, Lee Jinki | Onew/Reader, Kim Kibum | Key/Reader, Choi Minho/Reader, Lee Taemin/Reader, Kim Junmyeon | Suho/Reader, Kim Minseok | Xiumin/Reader, Zhang Yi Xing | Lay/Reader, Byun Baekhyun/Reader, Kim Jongdae | Chen/Reader, Park Chanyeol/Reader, Do Kyungsoo | D.O/Reader, Kim Jongin | Kai/Reader, Bae Joonyoung | Jacob/Reader, Kim Younghoon/reader, Lee Jaehyun | Hyunjae/reader, Lee Juyeon/Reader, Moon Hyungseo | Kevin/Reader, Choi Chanhee | New/Reader, Ji Changmin | Q/Reader, Ju Haknyeon/Reader, Kim Sunwoo/Reader, Son Youngjae | Eric/Reader, Park Sungjin/Reader, Park Jaehyung | Jae/Reader, Kang Younghyun | Young K/Reader, Kim Wonpil/Reader, Yoon Dowoon/Reader, Park Jinwoo | Jin Jin/Reader, Kim Myungjun | MJ/Reader, Lee Dongmin | Cha Eunwoo/Reader, Moon Bin/Reader, Park Minhyuk | Rocky/Reader, Yoon Sanha/Reader, Yoon Jisung/Reader, Ha Sungwoon/Reader, Hwang Minhyun/Reader, Ong Seongwoo/Reader, Kim Jaehwan/reader, Kang Daniel/Reader, Park Jihoon/Reader, park woojin/reader, Park Jungsoo | Leeteuk/Reader, Kim Heechul/Reader, Kim Jonghoon | Yesung/Reader, Shin Donghee | Shindong/Reader, Lee HyukJae | Eunhyuk/Reader, Choi Siwon/Reader, Lee Donghae/Reader, Kim Ryeowook/Reader, Cho Kyuhyun/Reader, Liu Xian Hua | Henry/Reader, Han Geng | Hankyung/Reader, Kim Kibum | Kibum/Reader
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wonder-wonpil · 6 years
forbidden kiss; kyh
ah, this was supposed to be such a nice story but it ended up being unfinished and unedited. may or may not continue, depends on my memory span and motivation.
genre : fluff, angst, action?
man I honestly don’t know but enjoy
Gunshots were fired as the bullet flew aimlessly, in hopes of getting a shot through another person. There were no good guys or bad guys in a bloodbath, because in the end, the strongest of them all will take the crowned victory.
“Kang!” his section leader Park Sungjin had warned him, but he was too late. He was even lucky that the bullet only scratched his oblique, but that didn’t lessen his pain as his mind stopped working.
Younghyun fell to the ground with a thud as his arm reached out to feel the warm blood that pooled over his wound. In the distance, he can hear Park Jaehyung’s loud “Shit, hang in there!” as he scrambled to reach out to his partner.
Numb. Younghyun felt numb and betrayed. His vision blurred as he watched the masked woman who was responsible of the bullet swiftly escapes. Groaning, he clutches his wounded side as he got back on his feet, running after the woman.
She was no other than the anonymous mafia leader, the one who goes by the pseudonym Scarlette and runs a whole underground mafia society with deadly names, such as Yoon Dowoon, the talented young sniper; or Kim Wonpil, the infamous hacker working under her. Younghyun’s job as a policeman was to eliminate any threat, and he was so close to catching Scarlette. And she was not getting away from him today.
Younghyun forced himself to run after the more agile woman who was jumping over the boxes that was scattered on the old, rusty building with ease because of the memorized navigation. When she reached another closed door, flicking it open with a slam of her body, Younghyun followed, but leaned on the frame of the door. His eyes squinted from the sudden light from the open rooftop before refocusing on the woman in front of him.
A gun to her right hand as the wind danced through her locks, and a mysterious grin from behind the mask that only covered the first half of her face. Younghyun put on a steady glare, hand travelling to the gun on the side of his hip as he pointed it at her.
“You won’t shoot,” she stated. As a person who didn’t talk much on public - much less make a public appearance - Younghyun was profusely calm when she started talking. He knew he was special, the only one she would dare play a game of cat and mouse with.
“I know you will let me live another day,” she demanded, as she pointed her own pistol at Younghyun. “We know who has the better aim, Kang.”
Younghyun let her words sink in before letting the infamous smirk of his tug on his lips as he dropped the gun, a small series of laugh to follow. “You’re right.”
But he started coughing up some blood, and the smile that she once wore was gone. Taking steady steps, she leaned in towards his deformed state on the doorframe, whispering; “Stay safe, okay? I’ll make some dinner later. Love you.”
And she pressed a small peck on his cheek before taking a run for the edge of the rooftops, taking off her mask and throwing it along with Younghyun’s pistol. Her long trench coat disappeared with her as she jumped.
Younghyun, worry present on his face scrambled for the edge of the rooftop to see if she managed to land safely. And she did, to the balcony a few levels below. She looked up to give him  a wave and a smile - the smile he oh-so-adored, that made him smile, too.
He let the upper half of his body lean on the edge of the rooftop as his teammates rushed to get him down.
“What the hell happened? Were you shot?” Jaehyung had asked. Younghyun shook his head.
“She didn’t shoot me, but disarmed and threw my gun. Then she took off the mask and jumped.”
Sungjin rubbed his temples together in attempt to soothe the stress. “Did you happen to see her face?”
Younghyun shook his head, hanging it low in shame, “I’m sorry.”
The head officer sighed. “It’s fine. Let’s get you patched up first.”
Of course, being a part of the national security was one of his silly dreams he never thought he would manage to fulfill. But nowadays, Younghyun thought of being an actor instead.
How could he not? With the charming smile and his ability to deceive, all learned from his truly.
“I’m home,” Younghyun called as he opened the door to their two-floor house in a suburban resident. The woman he truly loved was the one with the apron on as the scent of her cooking filled the small house.
She turned to him, welcoming him with a warm smile. Younghyun knew all-too-well that that smile - the one where she closed her eyes and curled her lips to add the innocent effect to it - meant no good.
And by the looks of it, the scowling feature on Younghyun’s face was no less threatening.
After slamming the front door behind him and fiddling with the locks, Younghyun turned to her with a somewhat pissed look. However, she remained her innocent facade.
And Younghyun began. “You shot me!”
She blinked in surprise. “My, I’m sorry - you must be mistaken. I couldn’t have possibly shot you!”
Younghyun ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
“How could I, a normal civilized housewife could possibly wield a gun - much less point it at my own husband? What kind of wife would I be then?”
“Stop acting dumb!”
And she snapped, “Hey,  just so you know, I’ve been running my business since I was only eighteen. Get that? Eighteen,” she emphasized. “And look where I am now. The most wanted woman in all of Seoul.”
Younghyun felt like rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
She laid the plates on the table, “Anyway, dinner. And wine!”
Younghyun stared at the red liquid in the glass and frowned. “What’s this? The blood of your fallen enemies?”
The woman rolled his eyes, “Just eat the damn meal, Younghyun. Then we’ll change your bandages.”
As Younghyun digged in the meal, he kept a glare on her.
“I believe you owe me an apology,” Younghyun reminded. “A big one.”
This time, she sighed. “Okay, baby. Sorry for shooting you,”
Younghyun pouted, “And I want a kiss.”
She then laughed; one of the most melodic things that Younghyun would never tire of. One that Younghyun would describe as the eighth wonder of the world.
She leaned in closer to him and landed a small peck on his lips. Three years married, and Younghyun still got high from each peck. She was so toxic; a drug he couldn’t stop taking.
Except he was the same thing for her.
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