#yoongi's hair color palette · white
for-yoongi0309 · 6 months
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chaoticpuff17 · 6 months
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part 16
There was a sadistic sort of glee that Margot took in dragging Yoongi through the store looking at dish set after dish set despite his clear disinterest in the proceedings. He was bored, but he hadn’t come to pick out dishes. He’d come to keep an eye on her, and she was determined to make the experience as painfully boring as possible in retaliation. Margot could be a very petty creature when she wanted to be, and in this instance, she wanted to be petty.
Margot spent an obscene amount of time looking over each dish set that caught her eye whether she liked the set or not, and Yoongi dutifully followed along wondering to himself how she could spend twenty minutes staring at the same pieces of ceramic, but he refused to utter a word of complaint. He was content even in the boredom just to be with her. She wasn’t lying in bed a shell of herself, and she wasn’t hurling insults at him at every turn. Overall, it was a successful outing so far by his account of it.
“Do like this one, jagi?” he asked, peering at what felt like the hundredth set she’d looked over.
“It’s nice.” She admitted, turning over the piece in her hand. “I like the color.”
Yoongi took another glance at it. “It’s green.”
“It has character unlike you’re boring ass dishes.” she shot back, quirking a brow at him as if to dare him to argue with her. “Besides, half the pieces are still white. It’s a mix and match kind of set. It adds some color to your house.”
“Pick whatever you want, love.”
Margot looked him up and down for a moment as though he’d said something incredibly dumb. “Yes. I’m going to. That’s the whole plan.”
Margot turned away from him, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her face as she debated if this was the set she wanted to bring back to the penthouse. The color was lovely, a nice calm pale green that would brighten up the space while remaining in her favored color palette. While Yoongi had done a good job of making the space into one her college self would have liked, she wasn’t that girl anymore, and her taste in colors had changed a great deal since then.
“This one.” she confirmed, and Yoongi motioned for an attendant to come over, quickly ordering for the set to be packaged up for them. “Now for mugs!” she declared, moving further into the store as Yoongi stared at her as though she’d grown a second head.
“I thought you came for dishes?”
Margot turned back around, hands on her hips. “Mugs are dishes, and your whole apartment needs a redo if you want me to stay there permanently.” Not that she had any intention of Yoongi’s apartment being her permanent home.
“Do what you need to do.”
While the idea of a complete overhaul didn’t thrill his soul, he was immensely pleased that she was making the space her own. It may not have been the most productive use of his time, but he was happy to be spending time with her and even happier that it was in a normal way.
“These ones match.” he pointed out, pulling a light green mug down from the shelf to present to Margot.
Carefully, she took the piece from him, looking it over with a critical eye, and begrudgingly she had to admit that it was a good choice. It was probably the one she would have picked out herself after a much longer process of hemming and hawing in the name of annoying him.
She bit her cheek and stared at him with narrowed eyes, annoyed at how perceptive he was when it came to her tastes. He picked up on her likes and dislikes far too quickly. In a boyfriend it would have been endearing. In him, it was off putting.
Yoongi smirked down at her, amused by her annoyance. It was all part of becoming reacquainted with each other. Her annoyance would give way to gentler emotions with time. He was sure of it. For now, he found the glowering cute.
“Stop that.” she huffed. “You’re not picking dishes.”
“Do you want this set?” He asked, quirking a brow as though to dare her to say she didn’t like what he’d picked.
She stayed quiet for a moment, eyes narrowed and biting her the inside of her cheek before she gritted out that yes, she did in fact want that set of mugs, earning a triumphant smirk from Yoongi.
“I’m going to keep looking.”
“I’ll have them add the mugs to our tab.”
“You do that.”
Margot continued to move through the store, Yoongi following behind as always. As she perused the ceramics, Yoongi’s phone began to ring, drawing her attention.
A furrow appeared between Yoongi’s brow, his mouth set in a hard line clearly irritated by the interruption. Whoever was on the other side of that call though was apparently important enough to draw Yoongi away.
“I’m sorry, jagiya. I have to take this. You should keep looking.” He placed a hand on her arm in what she assumed was meant to be a comforting way before drawing back to pick up his phone.
“What?” he barked harshly into the device, letting his displeasure be known to whoever dared disturb his day with Margot.
The woman herself continued through the store searching for an opening in this golden opportunity. With Yoongi distracted, she might just be able to get a message out. She wouldn’t be able to fully slip away. He would see her making for the exit, and she knew that her security team was more than likely not far away, but with any luck she might just be able to contact someone and let them know what had happened to her.
Looking around, Margot noticed one of the ladies who worked at the store lingering near by. With a quick glance over her shoulder to ensure that Yoongi wasn’t paying attention to her, Margot made her way over.
“Excuse me.”
“Can I help you, Min buin?” the woman asked, a customer service smile stretched across her lips.
“I was wondering if you had a phone that I could use.”
The woman’s smile dimmed, confusion in her eyes. “A phone, buin?”
“Yes. I don’t have mine currently, and my…” she steeled herself for a moment for the lie she was about to tell, the words lodged in her throat not wanting to come out. “My husband is currently occupied, and I can’t borrow his.” The woman stared at her skeptically. “Just for a moment. I promise.”
Margot kept her expression light and calm as she tried to persuade the other woman not wanting her to know that anything was amiss.
“Of course, buin.” the woman reached into her pocket pulling out her phone and passing it over despite her reservations.
“Thank you.” Margot breathed out a sigh of relief, taking the phone.
Quickly, she dialed one of the few numbers she had memorized, praying as the phone rang that he would pick up.
“Tae-il?” Margot rushed, speaking softly but quickly into the phone.
“Margot-ah?” Tae-il asked clearly just as relieved to hear her voice as she was to hear his. “Margot, where are you? What happened.”
Margot glanced at the woman who was still nearby looking at her curiously. “I’m with Yoongi.”
“What?” Tae-il’s voice shook as he spoke. “Are you alright? Has he hurt you?”
“I’m alright. We’re out running errands.”
“Could you let Namjoon-ssi know that I’ve been tied up, and I won’t be able to make our meeting?”
She spoke in a hushed tone, careful not to be too loud so as not to attract Yoongi’s attention but not so softly that the call would seem unusual to the other woman. She was also careful to keep her words as unrushed as possible. That would also cause suspicion, and she doubted that this woman had any qualms about reporting any odd behavior to Yoongi. It might have just been her own paranoia, but she didn’t feel she could trust anyone where Yoongi was concerned especially not in a place where the staff referred to her as Min buin.
“I don’t have my phone right now, so he won’t be able to call.”
“Margot, are you safe?”
“Yes. Please pass on the message.” Margot looked around nervously, noticing that Yoongi was putting away his phone and turning his attention back to her though she wasn’t where he had left her. It would be a matter of moments before he spotted her with a phone in hand.
“I’ll call again soon.”
“Margot, don’t hang up.”
Margot hung up the call, handing the phone back to the sale’s woman. “Thank you for letting me borrow your phone.”
The woman gave her a look, still suspicious about what she had just witnessed but unwilling to ask any questions about it. “It was my pleasure, buin.”
“Mari-ah.” Yoongi called, sharp eyes spotting her tucked away behind one of the displays.
“Thank you.” she said again before turning her attention to Yoongi. “Calm down. I’m right here.” she huffed, pretending that she hadn’t just done what she’d done.
Yoongi was back by her side in a moment, slinging an arm around her waist in a display of public affection that she wasn’t particularly fond of. “What did you find, love?”
Margot took a quick glance at the items around her. “Tea sets.” she responded quickly and as breezily as she could, ignoring her shaking hands.
“Didn’t you just buy mugs?”
“Mugs and tea sets are different things.”
“Did you find anything you like?”
“Not yet, but I’m sure I’ll find something.”
The pair spent hours in the store, filtering through the departments picking out this and that for the apartment or rather with Margot picking out things for the apartment and Yoongi throwing in his two cents every now and again only to receive a withering glare from Margot in return. Even with the glares, every now and then something he would suggest would be begrudgingly accepted into the haul.
Margot made sure to make every moment count, spending longer than necessary looking over each section of the store and each item. She was all too aware that when the shopping was done, so was her time outside. There were only so many excuses she could come up with to remain out of the apartment in one day and only so long that Yoongi would allow her to use those excuses before it was time to head home.
“Come on, jagiya.” Yoongi sighed, relieved to be done with the shopping even if it meant there was now a significant dent in his credit card. “I think that’s everything you could possibly need for the moment. Let’s go grab lunch.”
Margot hesitated, unsure if she wanted to go eat with him and wracking her brain for an excuse as good as going for lunch as to why they couldn’t go back to the apartment yet. She came up with nothing.
“We can even go to Tae-il-ssi’s restaurant if you’d like.”
Her eyes widened, the offer too good to be true, but she could see no lie in his eyes as he made the offer.
“We can go to Tae-il’s?” she asked slowly, just to be sure that she had heard him correctly and wasn’t hallucinating the things that she wanted to hear.
“We can go to Tae-il’s.” he confirmed.
“Okay then. Let’s go to Tae-il’s.”
Yoongi sent their shopping back to the apartment with part of the security team as he drove them back to her former home, her real home. Margot could only hope that Tae-il would have the presence of mind not to say anything to Yoongi about the phone call she had just made. She very much doubted that he would appreciate her making illicit phone calls to send messages to detectives behind his back, and she didn’t want to see what the consequence to that action would be if he found out.
Part of her knew that it was stupid to go to Tae-il right after the call, but the other part desperately wanted to see him and assure him that she was alright. if she was very lucky, Yoongi might even allow her a moment alone to talk to Tae-il where she could give him a more detailed message for Namjoon. She knew the odds of it were slim, a mere hope of a hope, but she was determined to try for her own sanity if nothing else.
“Are you excited, jagi?” Yoongi asked, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
“To see Tae-il.”
Margot thought for a moment, trying to choose her words carefully. “I’m excited to see him, but I also don’t want to worry him too much. He’s not going to be happy that I’m with you.”
“He doesn’t like me very much does he?”
“No. No he doesn’t.” she huffed out, rolling her eyes. “You can’t really blame him though. You did ransack his restaurant.”
Yoongi’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “I didn’t personally do anything.”
Margot looked over at him, once more debating if there was a brain in his head at all given the brainless things that seemed to come out of his mouth routinely.
She started to speak, and then paused, blinking slowly as she tried to piece together her thought. “You were…. you… you ordered it?” She stared at him, still trying to process. “Are you trying to imply that you aren’t at fault because you didn’t physically ransack anything despite being the one to order it? What kind of fucked up sense does that make?” She scoffed, turning to look out the passenger side window. “This is why no one likes you.”
“You don’t like me, jagiya?” he asked, a small smile pulling on the corner of his lips as he gave a small gasp of shock.
Margot turned back to him, face void of all expression. “Not even a little bit.”
“You’re lies hurt me, jagiya.” A pout pulled at his features.
“I’m sure you’ll survive like the cockroach you are.” she waved him off breezily, turning once more to watch the world pass by through the window.
Yoongi let her be after that, content to drive in silence as her thoughts took her away into a world of her own making. His own thoughts drifted to her words.
While being called a cockroach wasn’t the most flattering thing, it also wasn’t a completely inaccurate assessment. He wasn’t ashamed of the things he’d done to get where he was now, but there were certainly things in his past that strengthen the comparison. He’d scraped his way up from the bottom with the same resilience of a cockroach, and everyone who had doubted him or tried to stand in his way were either knew better than to question him or were no longer there to underestimate him. Every attempt to destroy him had failed, and he’d clawed his way up until he’d reached the success he had today. It was with that same determination he planned to approach him relationship with Margot.
Cockroach or not, he was a man who got his way, and he doubted that Margot had the same single minded determination to resist him. She’d tire of it eventually, and the comfort of their previous relationship would win out over the stubbornness she insisted on. It was a waiting game, and he was sure that he was the contestant with the most patience and the most to lose should he have guessed wrong.
If he had bet wrong in this, he would lose everything he had ever wanted. If she had bet wrong, she’d get a loving husband and a beautiful home.
Yoongi’s hands flexed on the wheel again as the thoughts ran through his head. Everything he’d ever hoped for hinged on whether or not she bluffing about hating him or not. He talked a good game and put on a good show when she spewed her vitriol against him, but deep down, beneath it all, there was a kernel of doubt that liked to snake up his spine when she did. What if it wasn’t just a bluff? What if there wasn’t still a lingering affection as he’d been banking on? What if he couldn’t get her to love him again?
Just as quickly as the doubt would rear its ugly head, Yoongi would push it back down again. He couldn’t afford to doubt himself, not in business and not in this. Everything depended on his ability to predict the correct outcome, his unfailing instincts and ruthless drive to succeed. He hadn’t been wrong before, and he wouldn’t be wrong now. She loved him. Deep beneath it, all just as his doubt lingered so did her love, and he would find a way to pull it back out again even if he had to drag it out of her kicking and screaming.
As much as he hated to admit it, it had been quite some time since he’d actually had to woo a woman. The last time may well have been Margot herself, and he’d fumbled that spectacularly. He knew the basic principles though. He knew that it would require softer tactics than he was used to, and he had been made well aware by Margot herself that she was not going to bend to him easily, but she wouldn’t have been his Margot if she had folded at the first attack. His Margot was made of stronger stuff than that, and as frustrated as he found himself at times that they couldn’t just jump back into things as they had been, he also found a certain thrill in the chase. She kept him on his toes.
A slow smile stretched over his features as he pulled over. His Margot wasn’t easy, but he wouldn’t have had her any other way.
“We’re here, jagiya.”
“Can I actually get out on my own or is the child lock still in play?” She asked, tilting her head to the side in question.
“I’ll get the door. "
Margot grumbled as he opened her door for her, offering a gentlemanly had which she chose to ignore. “The child lock is kind of demeaning, you know?”
“We can talk about not having the child locks on when you no longer look like you want to run me through.”
“So not any time soon.”
“That’s completely up to you, jagiya.”
“I dislike you immensely.” she sighed, narrowing her eyes slightly before her entire demeanor switched. Her shoulders pulled back, and a bright smile took over her face, lighting up her features as she made her way to the door.
part 17
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sugar-petals · 2 years
MASTERPOST: k-pop idols and personal color analysis
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↳ with a special masterclass on warm and cool undertones. welcome to the world of seasonal color typing.
this post is for you if:
you want to know what looks great on someone and why.
look for a timeless aesthetic theory that’s universally applicable on anybody.
like to train your eye with image analysis.
enjoy men’s couture, make-up and hair. i specialize in analysing the gentlemen, there’s fewer material on them out there.
want to see why k-pop idols get colors professionally draped to find out their best palette. (like nct’s ten below.)
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this post is not for you if:
you want quick & easy information. it takes time to learn and practice color analysis. but: i’ll show you some hacks, too, and give lots of visual examples.
seek to directly find your own best personal color palette. this is more about kpop styling > advice for self-typing. 
are familiar with the topic and look for set-in-stone answers: just in advance, i’m not an outstanding typist. i’m better at explaining the system itself.
think i’ll hit you with the color wheel. yes, personal color is related to this; hue, tint, and shade. but that’s about it. we won’t use this model 😂
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that being said, let’s start without further ado:
(...if you want to note down any vital key words from this post, this is it)
how do we distinguish color in the most basic ways? with the following dichotomies.
↳ warm VS cool,
↳ soft VS bright,
↳ light VS deep.
NOTE - for some color analysts, soft is ‘muted’, bright is ‘clear’, and deep is called ‘dark’. it’s the same thing, i use both terms.
so far, so good. it’s pretty intuitive. but let’s understand how these categories come to be: 
warm means added yellow. cool: of course, simply more blue. 
soft means extra grey. bright has more saturation, strength. 
light means more white added. deep means added black.
let’s sort some yoongi selfies into the 6 families so you can see what i mean. if you feel like he’s especially rocking the right-hand side, you will see where i’m going.
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how warm or cool = temperature of color.
how soft or saturated = chroma of color.
how dark or light = value or color.
as in these examples below (tentative, this is just an approximate illustration), every human being falls into one among six tonal color groupings that matches their appearance the very best. 
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it makes them pop, even if other palettes might be great also it looks the most harmonious. it’s their home, their strongest suit. everybody has a skin undertone (≠ skin color) that’s either on par with cool or warm tones which is the primary distinction, and deep or light, bright or muted color. there are lots of possible options of color palettes for each family. 
these 6 color families provide the subtypes of the 4 main ‘seasons’ which are the pillars of the whole system. hence, seasonal color analysis. this system has been around since the early last century and is as timeless as the name suggests.
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congruently, let’s distribute the subtypes:
two seasons are warm-toned (Spring/Autumn), 
two are cool-toned (Summer/Winter),
two light (Spring/Summer), 
two deep (Autumn/Winter),
two bright (Spring/Winter), 
two soft (Summer/Autumn). 
you’ll understand it in a minute. i found this graphic spectrum helpful, take a second to think it through — again we have temperature, value, chroma.
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say if the color is warm, it can only be spring or autumn. a light color can only be spring or summer. and so on. it’s that straightforward. there’s always two each. and every person’s best palette is found in one slice of this pie.
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i love the idea of comparing seasons to people. we’re working by exclusion principle/narrowing it down to type someone here. say, if an idol looks dashing in cool colors that are also very bright and deep, they are a winter. 
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so that’s how the 6 families distribute among the four main categories. i know, it’s a lot to memorize. here’s a representative color each, and an overview that’s simpler.
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and yes, it’s quite literally the colors of landscapes during those times of the year. like in nature, all of us are either spring, summer, autumn, or winter (and one of three subcategories, so there are 12 possible types in total). 
let’s use some broad examples to summarize:
1. spring colors are warm, bright, light (like a flowerbed or meadow in the morning) — stray kids’ felix
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2. summer colors are cool, soft, light (like the beach or city at daytime) — bts’ jimin
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3. autumn colors are warm, soft, deep (like falling leaves at dawn or a cozy home) — nct’s jaehyun
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4. winter colors are cool, bright, deep (like a snowy night or crisp barren landscape) — bts’ yoongi
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within these four archetypes, we can categorize the 6 color family subtypes as beautiful 12 (non-exhaustive, there are many more options) palettes. example:
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notice how:
the early two seasons are less shaded. spring and summer are very subtle.
spring/autumn have a lot of yellow base: they are GOLD. 
vivid the later seasons are. autumn and winter are the pretty heavy ammo.
and how blue-base crisp and cool summer/winter look like: they are SILVER. 
not all golds and silvers are created equal, some are lighter, other shades are deeper. but the general guideline for beginners is: cool season = blue/silver like yoongi and warm season = gold/yellow like namjoon. easy hack:
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both can look good on a person, but one either distracts from the face/doesn’t do anything for you while the other makes you glow refreshed. that’s how you differentiate. let’s figure out how we apply all of this when looking at pictures.
/// what the person’s best color palette does for them:
the outfit works together with the face.
a coherent impression is created.
the features are well-defined.
it’s a ‘wow’ moment. nothing is off.
the whites of the eye are emphasized.
you overlook blemishes; the person looks even and radiant.
a healthy, moderate shine appears.
it compliments the natural hair color (which is always your exact season)
your attention is on the face, not the styling.
the color feels modern, appropriate, interesting.
the right amount of contrast, tying everything together.
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/// meanwhile, how you know it’s NOT the individual’s personal color:
their skin appears a lot warmer or cooler than it usually is. #1 dead giveaway. 
as i’ve heard korean color analysts say, ‘the head floats’: because it feels so separate from the color. (= too high contrast)
the garment casts weird shadows on their chin/cheeks/under the eyes etc. that don’t come from elsewhere.
it all doesn’t feel healthy and smooth.
it makes the skin seem greyed/dull, maybe paler, even blotchy.
it simply kills the vibe of the outfit. something is off, the clothing suspiciously washes them out. (=wrong undertone)
the color is odd, boring, or chaotic on them. 
the jawline suddenly loses all previous definition, blends with the neck. or: the features are unusually severe.
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this is basically “style yoongi like a spring (=felix) VS style felix like a winter (=yoongi)”: the difference is immense between warm and cool tones. winter coloring craves so much opposing shades while a spring face is best complimented by no contrast at all. remember: spring is subtle, winter is heavy ammo. felix is a believable blonde because his season is very light and yellow-based.
let’s practice even more and go through all 4 seasons with taeyong’s ever-changing hair. little did we know: if it’s too bright, muted, or warm, his complexion also becomes brighter, softer, and warmer accordingly: to compensate/adapt to the surrounding color/pick up the reflection. but when he wears his best palette that is mostly black-based, it shows his face as it is: cool, strong, intense, and contrasting like winter.
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if that’s too difficult, let’s go back to do a simple gold VS silver example. that’s how you can tell that shinee’s taemin is cool-toned. 
his recent eras have been more geared toward his undertone that is blue-based and sophisticated (silver, white/grey, blue) rather than warm, bold, and expressive (gold, orange, yellow). 
the majority of warm colors look a little overstated or draining on him, while cool tones underline his sexy image just right. 
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(the bottom left example isn’t a summer type outfit because it’s dark and saturated — but he can still pull it off since winter is also blue-based)
cool and warm tones can be applied to all people’s fashion and hair. what matches their complexion seamlessly, what makes them glow. every human being has a distinct palette. 
what may look mediocre on a summer might feel hot on an autumn; every color can be interesting: on the right person. a clear white t-shirt (=cool tone) is meh? think again when a winter type wears it (bts’ taehyung).
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meanwhile, make no mistake: finding one’s season has nothing to do e.g. with how tan you are, or eye color. if someone has light skin, they are not automatically light spring or light summer. because ‘light’ is a color family in this system, not a name for a skin tone — just like having dark skin won’t make a person a dark winter or dark autumn type, for instance. 
i’ll give an example outside of k-pop. my favorite football player, leroy sané (about time the world learns about this cutie). in his wardrobe, nothing does it like the light and radiant tone of spring. he wears the most extreme warm chroma kits with zero effort: while cool-toned, dark colors could never compete. he glows in bright clothes and exciting warm tones. because... he’s a clear spring type! 😍
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or say, if someone is naturally warm blonde: that doesn’t make them a spring or autumn automatically. it’s just that — the other way around! — people who are springs and autumns wear warm hair colors superbly well, e.g. stray kids’ hyunjin. 
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so this is purely about which patterns of color assimilate the best to you as a holistic impression. the contrast level of your features overall is much more important, and how either cool or warm tones make you come to life. remember, gold or silver, and you need to know how intense they can go.
people with a warm skin undertone thrive in colors that are more upbeat, bright and vibrant with less contrast (spring), while others are suited by contrasting golden earth and jewel tones (autumn).
people with a cool skin undertone are flattered by colors that are more light silvery and pastel (summer), while others fit stronger icy tones that feature more extreme black and white contrast (winter).
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- that precisely means: some cool/warm tones may not hit home for someone, BUT lighter or darker ones may. trial and error. when analysing, don’t discard something too easily. and: as we saw, some palettes overlap and seemingly share colors. for instance, bright winters can borrow from bright spring types, since they’re both from the bright family. say, jimin can wear some assorted colors of spring AND summer.
still: keep in mind the basic ideas (and how winters always look better in cool shades, while spring is always warm). if he’s a cool tone and his best colors are soft > bright, and light > dark = we can do the math. he’s a summer. taemin is amazingly flattered by hazy, dusky greys — it’s a light muted palette. grey’s not cute and memorable? he can make it so.
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or vice versa. if he’s cool toned and bright > soft, and dark > light = he’s a winter, like changkyun. winters thrive on contrast and can’t handle bleach as easily as summers and springs. their face disappears, almost becomes ghost-like. taemin can pull off blonde like it’s nothing, while changkyun needs the depth of dark winter hair, as it wonderfully contours his face. winters look their most sexy and mysterious in very strong hues.
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- color analysis takes so much differenciation as color varies so much. a bright warm red (= spring, even winter) might not be bull’s eye for someone because the saturation/chroma is too much, but a soft warm red (= autumn) can. it’s hard to study at first, so sticking with the 4 seasons concept as a beginner can help, long as you remember the 6 color families.
- someone might wear items/hair color from different seasons at the same time. analysis difficulty mode 5000. say, the foundation could be summer, the eye makeup winter, the shirt spring, and the hair autumn. but you can figure out what feels right one by one. bts’ yoongi can wear warm toned orange hair and it’s not in his palette — he’s a cool tone. but depending on the rest of the outfit, the overall impression still works anyway and looks pretty good. 
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since he’s a winter, he can balance the orange hair with black + silver accessories and pull it off better. too soft grey clothing doesn’t make him pop as much and the hair takes over. there’s a reason why the right-hand version went viral and is hard to forget. yoongi wears his winter palette very often. 💘
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- what looks good on someone often resorts to subjective VS objective. what makes someone look radiant and harmonious can be very different to color analyst’s different perspectives and even biases. if you want someone to be season XYZ, you find ways to justify it. that’s why proper analysis means: sifting through dozens and dozens of pictures, and sometimes correcting your typings over and over. 
meanwhile, sometimes it’s easy — because the difference is so extreme. consider txt’ yeonjun with warm blonde hair before an orange color background and dark hair before a cool grey backdrop:
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- keep in mind that certain seasons will be more prevalent among idols. the colorful spring tone era of kpop has blended into a more cool-tone dominated era in the industry. there’s a trend toward casting winters and summers into agencies, but mostly winter. their range of colors is more flexible and eyecatching, and always ready for a classic black tie event. a bright winter aesthetic is veeery popular for nct’s music videos, for instance (so pretty). 
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(how do you know it’s not bright spring? it has strong black background contrast and silver in it.)
so, styling examples in warm tones are harder to find and analyse if seemingly all men’s fashion is blue-based and you don’t find comparison pictures. spring is already seldom worn, but autumn concepts like shinee’s are especially rare.
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- some body types do some color palettes better than others. if you have heard of kibbe body typing, you’ll know what i mean. if your body type says ok, a vertical line of black color works best for you, but your personal color says you’re a soft or light season instead of a high contrast season? meeting halfway and typing well is even more difficult if you consider kibbe and aren’t a versatile gamine or classic type. i mean look at this recommendation table mess:
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- often, people can never seem to agree on a typing online, even experts. everyone has their own approach and tweaks to the theory. the debate can get heated and messy; nobody wants to be wrong despite color analysis being so hard to get right. othertimes, i’ve seen color analysts or forumists type things like ‘ew, person XYZ looks the absolute worst in this color it’s horrible!!’ — i encourage everyone to stay civil and not insult the person you’re typing by saying they look terrible, awful, hideous, gross, nasty, et cetera. and even if a color doesn’t look right, say which one does, end on a positive note. color theory is no excuse or shield to hide behind to call someone ugly.
- lighting/editing/filters can also mess with correct analysis. photo backgrounds can reflect. the issue of artificial vs natural lighting — what helps to type more accurately? (...if you ask me, natural. but color harmony shows indoors anyway, and even in bad lighting.) if the person is wearing major cleavage, their own skin will ‘cancel out’/neutralize the effect of the garment’s color cast on the face. it takes time and effort to learn this system so mistakes sneak in, i constantly err myself. the list goes on. online typings can easily be inaccurate; we’re not doing the analysis in person, with clearly labelled color drapes and palettes under the face as the pros are doing it for consultations.
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example: his company can edit and photograph taemin as a deep winter, icy lighting, heavy makeup, black clothes. but unwhitewashed pictures will tell you that all black everything isn’t as spot-on as more gentle summer colors. 
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winter is too strong and deep. summer is just right, being easygoing and subtle enough.
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- always remember that all colors can be made more cool or warm (by adding yellow or blue respectively), dark or light (by adding black or white), soft or bright (by adding or subtracting grey). yellow can be made cool or warm, blue can be made cool or warm. white can be crisp or off-white/beige. there are only a few dealbreakers in this system. for instance, cool seasons struggle with wearing either orange, and light seasons don’t pull off any black, and the warm color family is incompatible with very sharp white. but other than that, remember that any color is always able to be manipulated on a spectrum.
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but usually, when you type someone into warm or cool, the difference can be quite glaring and you don’t have to go the extra mile and find them in a cool blue vs a warm blue, for instance. let’s look at felix from stray kids and which tone accentuates his face the best in random colors:
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the cool and ashy purple of the dye, the blue-based background, and the black jacket don’t do him any justice. it’s a styling for a winter. instead, felix being a spring is best-complimented by warm blonde hair (guess why he wears it so often, it’s in his palette) and citrus pastels, with warm tone makeup like the peachy coral lip on the right. that’s all we need to check.
- seasonal color analysis works best when the person doesn’t wear makeup and you just observe the effect of the surrounding colors on their face, but then again: makeup is also ‘surrounding color’ and will read as either fitting or separate from the person. let’s look at taeyong:
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the fiery red hair and orange eye shadow are mostly yellow-based and therefore suited for a warm undertone. on his cool tone skin, it needs deeper and more blue-based colors, or a strong contrast like on the right. a cool brunette tone and silver jewelry are just natural on him. even a very subtle makeup style can help him dress his season, despite taeyong handling tons of makeup on any given day. moral of the story, long as his outfit is deep-toned enough, he can go for anything except too much yellow-base. 
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to end this post, let’s practice again to sort idols into the big 6. because as long as you got these down, you can type someone on your own. 
bts’ namjoon’s color family is gently muted. his stylists don’t go for it often, but he wears beigey-peachy soft tones like no other. there’s a reason why he does honey blonde and brunette hair all the time: his undertone is warm. namjoon is a delicate soft autumn.
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shinee’s key is very versatile in fashion, but his color family is cool. very breezy and a bit muted, but mostly full of blue-based greys and browns. not too much winter constrast, this is a more subtle palette. his undertone is cool. kibum is a cool summer. 
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and finally, stray kids felix as we saw belongs to the warm tones, and the light family. that means minimum contrast and lots of subtle chroma, beige and cream are his forte. the more understated the tint of the clothing and accessories, the better. felix is a light spring.
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yep, this can go on and on. i hope you picked up some knowledge bombs from this explanation and feel as intrigued by personal color as i am, do ask if you have any questions and need some help. 
cheers and happy researching ✍️ - caro
506 notes · View notes
not allowed iv, m | jjk, myg
pairing(s): est. poly relationship – jungkook x reader x yoongi
summary: Your boyfriends woke up and chose violence. Excuse me, Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi? Do you really think you can post one after another on Twitter, send the world into heart palpitations, and not expect your girlfriend to do something about it? Hmm?!
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; mentions of the pandemic; reader and Yoongi have giant heart eyes whenever they see each other; feels and fluff; smut (fem reader, dirty talk, nipple play, f and m-receiving oral, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, m-masturbation, double penetration/spit roasting); idol!BTS
that’s right JK posted his blue hair and i absolutely lost it part of ‘not allowed’ series, but can be read alone. basic summary: your boyfriend asked JJK to fuck you, then again, and then they decided to make this a thing; based on real time.
Your boyfriends woke up today and chose violence.
Everything was fine. You were on your lunch break, sitting in your kitchen, knowing you would have to get back to work soon. A quick meal and scrub of the dishes left you with you a few minutes to check your phone. You didn’t get many messages throughout the day and you preferred it that way. You took a moment to scroll through social media.
Only to choke a little seeing Jeon Jungkook, the Golden Maknae of BTS, reveal his dark blue locks to the world in the middle of the damn day. Did you almost drop your phone? Yes. Did you not because it was the special edition BTS S20+? Also, yes. The TinyTan SUGA phone case would have protected it anyway, but… still.
You placed your phone aside and went back to your computer, ready to attend work again.
Not quite composed, but it was just a picture, just a picture, just a picture…
Except you knew what Jungkook looked like naked and that wasn’t helping.
Three hours later, you snuck a glance at your phone only to be attacked by the cutest human being in the world, Min Yoongi, SUGA of BTS, sometimes Agust D, all the time lil meow meow because, holy shit, why the fuck was this man so cute? Those damn cheeks. Those eyes. Fuck, you loved his eye shape. And his pretty lips. Damnnit, why couldn’t you kiss him right now?
They’re trying to kill you and ARMY all at once. 
You’re convinced.
You rubbed your temples and took a deep breath.
It is only a coincidence. It doesn’t involve you. They’re only being their usual adorable, attractive selves and giving a gift to the fans. You weren’t delusional. It was their job to do things like this. You knew this and you were used to it. You’ve seen Yoongi say all kinds of things in V-LIVEs and you always thought it was funny. Lately, he hadn’t been responding to them much though. As for Jungkook, well.
Everyone in the world wanted Jungkook, including you, so could you blame the world? No.
Jungkook tried to tell you before that he was shy and you recalled all those see-through shirts he’d worn on stage. All those ab reveals. Hmm, you weren’t fooled.
“I wanted to make sure you were looking at me, noona,” Jungkook had teased you, hooking his arms around your waist. “I had to get your attention somehow.”
Yeah, yeah, your attention and millions of other people.
It made you laugh, until he became your boyfriend, and now it made you choke on air like every other human being who saw him looking that good. Before you had the safety of giving your full attention to Yoongi. Yoongi had always been your priority and you wanted to make sure he felt that way.
Little by little.
Jungkook grew up.
And became harder and harder to ignore.
Even more difficult when Yoongi gave him the apartment key and told him to fuck you in his stead.
You heard your phone ping. You checked your messages, saving your work in the process.
That will teach you to post such sexy pictures.
You twitched. Excuse me? What was Jungkook talking about? Your personal, private Instagram was for expressing your – sometimes eccentric – fashion sense. Was he referring to the images you posted for Valentine’s Day, the ones with the white vinyl coat, red stockings, and sky-high red heels? Hmph. You couldn’t even see your face in those. Actually, you deliberately cut off most of your face in all of your pictures. The most you showed were your lips, always painted to match your outfit. You didn’t want anyone to recognize you, even by happenstance.
Made taking pictures much easier, since you never had to do eye makeup or worry about accidentally making ugly faces.
It was private now, but it wasn’t before, and the only reason you privated it was because you started dating Yoongi. You still wanted it use it as an outlet though, so you left it as is, with your follower count unchanging. It wasn’t that many people to begin with and you were pretty sure a lot of the accounts were bots.
In any case, sometimes you felt like being creative and dressing up, thus you did so on Instagram. You couldn’t dress like that when you went to visit Yoongi. Ah, and now Jungkook too. To be honest, you loved fashion and trying on different looks, but it wasn’t possible unless you were alone. And you were alone a lot, with no one but strangers to appreciate (or be confused by) it.
Might as well take a picture, right?
And if you could tease Yoongi a little, at least from a distance, that was even better.
You forgot Jungkook also followed you now though. 
Had the photos been sexy? Sure. Provocative, lots of leg, almost a peek of ass but not quite. Red lips to stand out against the white. If the coat was black, it would have been more traditionally fetishist, but that's why you had picked shiny white vinyl. Brighter for the cute holiday. 
Who are you kidding? You wore it to provoke Yoongi.
He texted you after you posted it. Usually, he said things along the lines of, pretty, cute, you look crazy, I like it. Only sometimes did he say...
what the fuck
You had asked him if he liked your post today. 
I'm not trying to pop a boner in the middle of practice, control yourself woman.
Maybe don't post such cute selfies then, you had thought. Then your phone pinged again. 
Send a picture with the coat open. Jungkook wants to see. 
Oh, so now that the maknae was involved, he was going to pin things on the younger one. Two can play at this game. You sent the photo to Jungkook first. You knew that if the situation was reversed, Yoongi would have done the same. Jungkook's reaction had been hilarious.
Noona?! WHAT???
And then a slew of head exploding emojis.
Yoongi had been agitated until you finally sent him the picture too. It had been a fun incident.
Until your boyfriends woke up today and chose violence.
You stared at blue-haired Jungkook and 'Blue and Grey' Yoongi from the MTV Unplugged performance. 
This just wasn’t allowed. 
This visit had a purpose, but then you saw Min Yoongi standing in the hallway waiting for you, wearing an olive-green shirt, hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants, small smile on his lips. Purring your name lovingly after you closed the door, and you realized you missed him so very much, his lovely dark brown eyes and dark hair, and then you were suddenly in his arms and he was hugging you. 
With both arms. 
Yoongi was recovering well and he still couldn't do strenuous activity yet, but he was hugging you with both arms and you wanted to cry because it was so nice to have them both around you. You could've been cool and collected, yet somehow both you and Yoongi had the same idea to first hug and breathe in each other, his fresh, woodsy scent strongly invading your nose and his soft cheek against yours.
"You smell different."
"Do you like it?" you mumbled into his neck, kissing it lightly. 
You thought it had worn off by now, but the new perfume you had purchased lingered far longer than you imagined, clinging to your hair. Warm spiced sweetness with a hint of sharp smoke. Yoongi inhaled deeply beside you.
"You should wear more perfume," he murmured, hands kneading your waist.
"Someone might notice."
"Nah, your taste similar enough to mine."
He was taking off your coat and you were stepping out of your shoes, being pulled deeper into the apartment, and now his kisses were yours, soft and light, every one saying, I missed you, I want you, I love you. There no need for words when it was Min Yoongi. Fingers tapping down your waist, pulling your oversized black shirt up and over your head. 
"Excuse me?"
You pooped your head out to see Yoongi staring at your chest, jaw dropped and eyes wide. Oh, right. You had been so occupied with hugs and kisses that you almost forgot. Your shirt fluttered to the floor, forgotten.
You smirked. 
Yoongi made a face at you. Somewhere between angry, aroused, and shock. Good. Serves you right for posting such a cute selfie.
The front door opened. 
Both of you instantly moved, you sliding behind him and into the bedroom, Yoongi standing in front of you, masking your frame. The discarded shirt and jacket could be explained away – that's why you wore oversized men's clothes, usually in Yoongi's preferred color palette.
Oh, whew. Actually, wait. No, this was danger. 
"Ah, Jungkookie."
Yoongi placed his hand on your arm and you popped your head over the corner once you heard the door close. Yup. A swift shake of dark blue locks, white sweatshirt and loose black sweatpants, and that mischievous smirk with a wrinkle of his nose. 
"Hey, noona!"
Damnnit, planning for two is hard! You couldn't just go put your shirt on and do the grand reveal again. Yoongi grasped your upper arm with his right hand and yanked you from the doorframe. You squeaked, body stumbling into Jungkook’s view.
"Did you plan this?" Yoongi asked with a cocked brow. 
Jungkook's eyes went wide. 
"Uh... no, but I like where this is going," Jungkook replied, smirk growing. 
The black lace bra stood out against your skin, strappy and elegant, molding to the swells of your breasts and the curve downward to your waist, matching the garter belt that disappeared into the black jeans you were wearing. You didn't usually wear lingerie. It wasn't practical and if you accidentally left something behind... it wasn't worth the risk. Yoongi and you took every precaution to not fuck this up. 
Therefore, you only wore lingerie on your private Instagram. 
Only showing little flashes, never the whole picture. And, really, you wore it in your photos to mess with them. It made you feel nice too, so it was a win-win. This set was familiar to Yoongi and Jungkook because you had worn the red version in the original Valentine’s Day themed photos. 
Again, you didn't usually wear lingerie, but Jungkook and Yoongi couldn't just post pictures on Twitter back-to-back, two-shot you, and not expect a damn reaction. That kind of shit wasn't tolerated! On top of all that, you had to wait and get properly tested before getting here. This pandemic extended your frustrations. So, yes, fuck it, you wore the damn lingerie that made you feel the sexiest. Even if your jeans were still on, you knew you looked good. 
No one had to tell you. You checked in the mirror before you left. 
"Is this your response to my text a couple days ago?" Jungkook teased, kicking off his shoes and bounding over to you two. His dark blue hair shimmered in the light, like a night sky covered with stars, smile pure and naughty at the same time, lighting up his whole face. 
Fuck you for being hot, Jeon Jungkook!
You leaned back against Yoongi, crossing your arms under your breasts, pressing them together. Jungkook grinned, the mole underneath his lower lip winking at you. 
"Something like that," you coolly replied. Shit, there was an edge to your voice. Hopefully neither Yoongi or Jungkook picked that up.
Jungkook pursed his lips, the tip of his pink tongue sticking out the side. Ack. You had to look away. You turned and bumped your lace-covered tits against Yoongi's chest. His dark brown orbs flickered to your breasts, sly smile on his lips. 
"This is your fault too, by the way."
Yoongi raised his eyebrows, amused. "What do you mean?"
You dropped your hands, surveying him suspiciously. "You think I don't know? Posting right after Jungkook? That's not allowed! You know what that does to me."
Yoongi leaned forward. Your breath caught in your throat, heart beating fast all of a sudden. You backed up, right into Jungkook's chest. Uh oh. Yoongi hummed, black hair shadowing his face, devious sparkle in those dangerous eyes, his voice a raspy, purring drawl. 
"What does it do to you?"
Your hand fell back to brace yourself and Jungkook's fingers wrapped around your wrist, stroking your skin. You felt him shift behind you and then his lips were on your ear, whispering in his silvery voice. 
"Yeah, noona. Tell us.” His grip on your wrist tightened, squeezing lightly, asserting his presence behind you. “Or you can show us."
How dare they tag team you? First, they visually attack you – and millions of other ARMY – in the middle of the workday, and now this, Yoongi closing in, kissing you once more, deeper, hungrier, with dark intent, smirking against your lips as Jungkook took both your hands, ghosting his long fingers over yours. You whimpered into Yoongi's mouth, body tensing, Jungkook pressing himself into your back, breath against your hair. 
"You smell different," he murmured.
You couldn't reply. Yoongi was sucking on your tongue, making you whine. 
"Warm, sweet, and spicy."
Yoongi released you and you gasped for air, bucking into Jungkook's crotch. "I bought it last week... thought it smelled nice..."
Jungkook nuzzled your hair. "I like it. Makes me horny."
You laughed a little, turning your hands around in his to lace your fingers together. He held your hands firmly, grinding his crotch into your ass. You could already feel his arousal through your jeans.
"Sounds dangerous," you mused. 
"It is," Yoongi chuckled. "But you should keep wearing it anyway. You smell good."
Heat rose to your cheeks. Then you realized your jeans were already undone, being daintily pushed down by deft hands and an amused expression, Yoongi crouching to pull them along. Bit by bit, revealing the matching garter belt, the high-cut black lace panties that framed your thighs, and lace-topped sheer stockings, all the straps emphasizing your softness, sinking into your thighs and ass.
"Fuck..." Yoongi breathed, running his fingertips over the delicate fabric, touch so light against your skin, dancing up your knee. "You're so fucking beautiful."
He looked up at you, eyes so dark they seemed black, playful smirk on those perfect pink lips. Thump. You felt Jungkook pull your arms back and press them to his sides. You grabbed fistfuls of Jungkook’s shirt, staring down at Yoongi advancing between your legs, his smirk growing wider and more teasing, lovely voice low and husky, deep with arousal.
"What's the matter?" Yoongi purred. "Cat got your tongue?"
Your body tensed in anticipation, Jungkook's hands crawling around your sides, one tattooed, one not, fingers hovering over your now trembling chest. Looking down at Yoongi's smug expression, tongue flicking out and teasing you. Reminding you how good he was and how long you'd been waiting. 
Fuck you for being hot, Min Yoongi!
"Don't overexert yourself..." you breathed.
A sculpted brow lifted. 
"I have help now," he reminded you and Jungkook's hands sank into your barely-covered breasts. 
"Fuck..." Jungkook hissed into your ear, running his palms over your nipples, listening to your gasps as Yoongi dived between your thighs, hot tongue sliding against the lace. "Missed these tits so fucking much." His lips on your ear, growling your name, that dominant edge to his silvery voice, tweaking the hardened nubs while Yoongi teased your clothed clit with his tongue, the lace hardly a barrier but still an effective one, the rough threads plucking against your sensitive nerves.
How long had it been? So long, almost forever since Yoongi’s tongue was on you, soft and fast and the perfect pressure, deliberately teasing you and not moving the fabric aside, so close yet so far. If it wasn’t Yoongi, maybe you could tell him to move it, maybe you could beg, but you couldn’t speak because of Yoongi’s tongue and Jungkook’s rough touch, his hands on your breasts, pushing them together, your nipples poking tiny tents in the black lace, running his fingertips over them over and over, his hips grinding into your ass. Yoongi cupped one of your ass cheeks and spread them, your panties bunching in the center, Jungkook’s hardness slipping in, still covered by his sweatpants.
Wetter, hotter, sanity slipping little by little.
“Y-Yoongi… J-Jungkook…”
You tried not to shove your hips in Yoongi’s face, not wanting to strain his neck, and ended up pushing back instead, bouncing against Jungkook’s cock. The younger man snickered, nipping at your ear, pinching your nipples, and you felt a slick squelch as Yoongi’s tongue pushed the lace into your dripping pussy. The moans dragged out of your throat, eyelids fluttering, letting them do whatever they wanted, pleasure flooding all your senses, watching Yoongi wreck you, clutching Jungkook’s sweatshirt, panting their names, leaking more and more, the scent of your juices getting stronger and sweeter.
“This isn’t fair…” you panted. “I’m going c-crazy…”
Yoongi hummed on your clit and you cried out, hips rocking, so good, head tipping onto Jungkook’s broad shoulder, his long blue hair brushing against your cheek and eyelashes.
“Good, because you make us crazy,” Jungkook muttered, pushing your breasts together and squeezing them roughly. His voice was so deep you could feel your back vibrate with his words. His other hand came up and gripped your chin, trailing down and fitting around your neck, the loose sleeve falling and revealing his forearm tattoos, contrasting your lace-covered skin. “Always looking so fucking pretty and making me want to fuck you…”
His index finger came up and pressed against your lower lip. Those chocolatey eyes were watching your face from his peripheral vision, smirking as he witnessed your expression.
“Even showing off these sexy, fuckable lips. That’s not fair either, noona.”
“T-That’s not…”
Jungkook’s hand at your throat dropped and you yelped, his large palm fitting around your right thigh and lifting it up, fingers sinking in. Stockings, lace, garter, Jungkook’s touch, holding your leg up and out, giving Yoongi a perfect view of your glistening core. Then there was more, too much more, Yoongi pushing aside your panties, soaked fabric snapping against the inside of your thigh and then his mouth was directly on you, oh, fuck, his tongue on your throbbing clit, lips wrapped around it, pure suffocating ecstasy, your slick juices dripping down his chin, so easy, it was just too easy for Yoongi to make you feel so fucking good and he looked so sexy doing it too, those cat-like eyes piercing into you, ordering you to cum for him, to spill all over his beautiful face.
“Yoongi… fuck, your tongue is so fucking good–”
Your body rippled with pleasure and you flung your head to the side, away from Jungkook’s ear to moan far too loud, filling up the entire hallway, wanton and lewd, absolutely pornographic and sinful in nature, orgasm gushing into Yoongi’s waiting mouth, shuddering against Jungkook’s hard body. So many sensations, too many sensations. Yoongi sank his nails into your ass, growling as he sucked out your cum and drank it, Jungkook grinding his stiff length in between your ass cheeks, spreading your leg so far that your left one was quivering with strain, tits squashed in Jungkook’s left hand, his warm tongue on your ear, whispering darkly. Dirty, sensual, and your pussy couldn’t stop throbbing, Min Yoongi’s mouth and Jeon Jungkook’s low octave driving you insane.
“You look so fucking good, noona. Your body is so fucking perfect, so sexy wrapped up in lace,” he exhaled, sliding his palm over your nipples roughly, earning more depraved moans. He lowered your leg, slowly, Yoongi lapping at your clit, sending shocks of pleasure up your torso as he cleaned you off. Jungkook’s hand slid down over your stomach, flicking the straps against your skin, small snaps of pain that made you gasp, trapped in Jungkook’s power, letting him take over you. He took a step back, forcing you to arch your spine and look up at him, a curtain of cobalt surrounding that handsome face and those intense brown eyes.
No one could make you feel the way Yoongi made you feel. No one.
Why did staring up at Jungkook like this do things to you? Why did it put your heart on a string and tension in your throat? Get it together. You weren't a teenager. Ask for what you want. He was just so insanely attractive in every way.
Jungkook smirked and you wanted him to ruin you. 
He lifted you up easily. You saw Yoongi standing up and wiping his chin, self-satisfied and amused. He tilted his head and plucked one of the straps on your stomach, a light, erotic sting. Yoongi made eye contact with you, locking you in his gaze. A single look, and your heart was fluttering, immediately smitten. One by one, fingers wrapping around a few of the straps and pulling you to him, backing up, leading you to the bed by own your lingerie. 
"Why today?" Yoongi drawled, tracing the curve of the bra cup, sending shivers over your skin. "Feeling risky?"
You raised a brow, focusing on him, trapped in those cat-like eyes. 
"Control yourself. Aren't you used to this body by now?"
Yoongi grinned devilishly, darting closer, leaving you breathless in his speed. The scent of his cologne and your orgasm lingered on his skin, a delicious combination. 
Kissing you, taking your startled inhale, and you could taste yourself, fuck, just something about his skilled lips and your taste had your fingers twisting into Yoongi's shirt, rolling your body into his, still being so careful, but it was so hard because he was making it so hard, teasing you with that deft tongue, bursts of pleasure with every heartbeat you had while captured in Yoongi's lips. You missed it, this intensity, the overwhelming feeling that Yoongi gave you, being able to give in to the want, but you still couldn't give in without abandon, but you were so close. 
So close. 
Ruin me. 
He pushed you lightly and you felt another pair of arms wrap around you, the kiss suddenly broken, but the second touch was familiar now, one tattooed arm, one not, and you knew that if you fell, these arms could catch you.
Jungkook put you in his lap, your back touching his bare chest. Oh, shit. Before you could think much about it, he turned you so you were laying in his arms princess-style. He must have removed his sweatshirt while you were talking to Yoongi, but he still wearing his pants, now sitting in the side of the bed, blue hair messy from your hands and the removal of his clothes. Your arms hooked around his neck instinctively, not wanting to fall, but he had his right hand splayed across your shoulder blades, holding you up securely. 
"Mmm, this is nice," Jungkook murmured, playfully smiling. He nuzzled your nose, tongue flicking over your lips. "Why did you make us wait so long, hm?"
You frowned, breath against his chin. "The number of cases got higher... and you all were so busy... I couldn't get tested until recently."
Jungkook made a disgruntled noise. 
"Hey, public health and safety is important."
He pouted at you. "But..."
"He's horny and wants to fuck," Yoongi cut in.
Yoongi pulled up his chair and sat down, looking amused. 
"He's been jacking off to your pictures."
"N-no, I haven't!"
"Really? I have."
Yoongi's face was completely neutral. It was hard to tell if he was lying or not. 
Jungkook tried to hide his flushed face with your hair. "... M-Maybe I h-have..."
"Tsk, tsk, naughty Jungkookie," you teased.
"And you?"
You felt Yoongi grasp your chin, tipping you back in Jungkook's arms. Some of your hair fell over your eyes, hazing your vision of Yoongi. Even so, his intent was obvious. You could feel it in his gaze, the burning hunger, his fingertips caressing your chin, leaning forward slightly to observe you. 
I want to ruin you. 
Yoongi didn't have to say it. You knew it, pierced by the predatory glint in his eyes. You could tell he missed this, could tell that he wanted to give in to his desires, wanted to lose control, only limited by his own physical body.
He pressed his thumb into your lower lip, lifting a brow. 
Jungkook was here now.
Yoongi gave you his trademark open-mouthed smirk. 
"Ruin me," you whispered, staring into those cat-like dark brown eyes. The recognition was instant, pleased that you knew what he wanted. You shifted your attention to the maknae, his chocolate eyes wide, watching your tongue slide out and licking Yoongi's thumb. "Ruin me, Jungkook."
You loved the way Jungkook could turn from blushing anxiousness to sly confidence, and all it took was your words and the way you said them, enabling him in the best way possible. The dark blue hair helped accented the shift in demeanor, creating cool-toned shadows over his lightly tanned skin. 
"Anything for you," Jungkook purred.
You gasped sharply as you felt two fingers slide into you, Jungkook’s thumb rubbing your overstimulated clit. Your body jerked, trying to get away, but Yoongi's hand on your chin slid down, pressing on your chest, holding you still, your name a dangerous rasp from Yoongi's lips.
"Stay still."
Your eyes flickered down. Right hand. Okay. You shouldn’t be worried anymore, but you were. It was habit.
You gasped, left arm firmly behind Jungkook's shoulders and the other behind you, your hand on the bed to steady your balance as Yoongi shoved the bra cups down, exposing your breasts. He lowered his head, the contact of his lips on your hot skin paired with Jungkook's thrust of his fingers into your pussy. Instant waves of pleasure overtook you, fingers sinking into the sheets and Jungkook’s hair, fuck, his beautiful navy hair standing out against your skin and, for some reason, seeing that made you feel prettier, thrusting your chest in Yoongi’s face to get more into his mouth, spreading your legs wide to give Jungkook more access.
Only a brief moment of, I should know better, I shouldn’t be doing this, and then Yoongi’s eyes were on you, tongue flicking your red nipple.
Let go.
Was this even fair to them? Could you satisfy both? Could you and should you? But Yoongi’s eyes were telling you to let go, to chase the feeling, to give in, and hunt the desperation and the want. They wanted you. There was nothing like this and there will never be anything like this again.
“Give it to me,” Yoongi growled.
You whined sharply as you felt two more fingers push into you, but not Jungkook’s fingers, Yoongi’s fingers, his thumb joining Jungkook’s on your clit and your eyes rolled back, so wet and aroused from knowing both Jungkook’s and Yoongi’s fingers were thrusting into you, four in total, your pussy sucking them in, back arching as Yoongi sucked on your nipple. So much pleasure, rapidly ascending higher and higher, so fucking full and tight that their fingers were making sloppy smacking sounds, matching rhythm so they filled you completely together, all at once.
You couldn’t stop your hips from meeting them, fingers spreading out in Jungkook’s hair and the sheets as you came hard, gasping their names, euphoria soaring through your nerves, and still they didn’t stop even though your pussy was violently spasming, creating a messy splatter of your juices on the inside of your thighs and their hands. Instead, the pace changed, Yoongi switching sides on your chest, and then you really couldn’t think, because Jungkook was lowering his head too, and now both of your nipples were getting abused, Jungkook’s arm firmly under your upper back to hold you up, not letting you fall.
“Yoongi, Jungkook… p-please, oh fuck!”
Your other hand flew up and buried in Yoongi’s dark locks, both hands in their hair now, one blue, one black, another orgasm crashing down, moan torn from your chest. And they kept going, changing the pace again, your toes and fingers curling, every muscle tense with irresistible, consuming ecstasy that you almost felt a little numb, unable to compute anything else but your body scantily covered in lace, two mouths sucking on your nipples, four fingers stuffed into you, clit engorged and sending violent shocks throughout your system. You couldn’t even discern one orgasm from another, pussy continuously throbbing and convulsing with the continuous, chained orgasms, so wet that it was soaking the tops of your stockings, the sweet honey of your cum the predominant scent in the room.
“I… I-I can’t take a-anymore, please…”
Your legs threatened to close but Yoongi snapped his head up, snarling your name dangerously.
“One more,” he ordered. “Give us one more.”
“Your pussy feels so good,” Jungkook panted, saliva dripping down your chest. “I love it so fucking much, even when it’s around my fingers.”
You were trying to hold back, trying to control it, tensing everything, your core, your legs, your arms, and you didn’t even realize it, but you held your breath too, biting your lip and seeing Yoongi and Jungkook at the same time, both watching you, fingers punishingly squelching into your tight little hole, stretching it out unforgivingly, abused clit pulsating so hard it almost hurt, and it was exactly what you wanted, brimming, boiling pleasure that threatened you on the brink, closer, closer, closer, and the world was almost hazy with how ferociously you had constricted the coil.
You threw your head back, back abruptly arching and smacking them in the face with your tits as everything came plummeting down, resolve cracking with a wanton howl, orgasm racking through your entire frame so hard that your body lurched and flinched, Yoongi and Jungkook cradling you while you rode your high, grinding your hips into their hands and carnally moaning, liquid gushing out and dripping down your legs, your ass, down Jungkook’s sweatpants and onto the bed.
It was such an intense orgasm that you were lightheaded, hands slipping out of their hair and falling down, drained, aftershocks causing your body to shudder, even as they removed their fingers. Your clit was still throbbing, pumps of pleasure spreading through you.
It was obscene witnessing Yoongi and Jungkook cleaning their fingers off right in front of you, pink tongues sliding between the digits, licking off your viscous cum, giving you a perverse sense of satisfaction when Yoongi moaned softly and Jungkook groaned lowly, savoring your taste like a fine wine. Yoongi spied your exhausted, smug expression.
“Do you think you’re done?”
You gave him a weak smirk. “I better not be.”
“Sit in Jungkook’s lap,” Yoongi said calmly. “Face me.”
You tilted your head curiously but did as you were told, shifting your still quivering legs so your thighs were on the outside of Jungkook’s thighs, the balance a little difficult, but Yoongi took your hands and placed them around his hips. You held onto him as he lifted his shirt, pulling it over his head.
“Jungkook, rip her panties off.”
Wait, what did Min Yoongi just s–?
Two strong hands dug out the lace trapped in your ass and fastened around the thin fabric.
The shirt fluffed his black hair as he removed it, dropping it onto his chair. You glared at him as Yoongi looked down at you, expression blank, dark brown orbs full of mischief.
“You knew it was going to happen. If he wasn’t going to rip it, I was.” Yoongi placed his right hand on his left shoulder. His tone dropped, mockingly rueful. “You wouldn’t want me to hurt myself, right?”
Yeah, this was why you didn’t wear lingerie.
But, also, this was why you wore it today.
You felt Jungkook tugging off the now useless pair of panties, plucking them out from under your garter belt. Oh well. You liked the red more anyway. That’s why you had bought two sets, after all.
“Remind me to take all the bits before I go,” you grumbled.
“Sure, noona.” Jungkook dangled the said lacy bits next to your head. You narrowed your eyes and mouth into slits even though he couldn’t see. “I’ll put them in my pocket.” You felt him shove them into his sweatpants.
Were you… going to remember?
Yoongi beckoned you. You shot him a warning look, still annoyed, but Yoongi pointed down to your hands on his hips.
“Isn’t there something you want?” Yoongi mused in that raspy, dark tone, the one that made your irritation fade instantly and replace it with arousal. “Take it.”
He cocked his head, shading his dark eyes with his hair, pink lips parting, the slightest hint of a smirk. Challenging you. Go on. Show me how much you want me. Your body still buzzed with the aftermath of moments before and yet you still lowered your head, sliding your hips back, sucking in a breath as your puffy pussy lips touched Jungkook’s toned chest, smearing yourself on his skin.
“Ooh, I like this,” Jungkook murmured, leaning back a little to give you space. You rocked your hips into his torso, his muscles flexing under you opening, inflamed clit brushing against his hardness. You pushed Yoongi’s pants and underwear down, dipping your head, hearing Yoongi breathe your name lustfully.
“That’s a pretty picture.”
He was only semi-hard, but he was getting harder and harder, watching you grind against Jungkook’s pecs. You knew exactly how to get him the hardest, dipping down and latching your mouth around one of his balls.
“Fuck, yes,” Yoongi gasped, his hand coming up and fitting behind your head. You sucked it into your mouth and then extended your tongue, bouncing the other with your wet muscle while sucking the first one. The first time you did this, Yoongi was literally speechless, sputtering and confused at how you could stimulate both at once and in two different ways, sucking with your lips as your tongue flicked against the other, slurping slightly to add vibration over the sensitive skin. You felt his cock swell, smacking your cheek, fully hard at the combined sensations.
“I still don’t know how you do that,” Yoongi gritted out, keeping your hair away from your face.
“Do what?” Jungkook asked behind you, one hand on your ass and squeezing it.
“She can suck one of your balls and lick the other at the same time.”
You yelped at the sharp sting of Jungkook’s slap to your ass.
“How come you never did that for me?” Jungkook complained, whining a little.
You tried to lift your head, but Yoongi’s hand refused to move. You make a muffled noise of distaste, but Yoongi answered for you as you switched sides.
“Have you asked?” Yoongi replied calmly, sighing in satisfaction.
“How am I supposed to know she has porn star skills?”
“Is this a discussion for right now?” you mumbled into Yoongi’s balls.
“No, because you’re supposed to be swallowing.”
The second your mouth opened, Yoongi nudged his cock between your lips and you wrapped them around it, moaning as his stiff length slid down your throat, so satisfying, his taste on your tongue, so delicious that you didn’t even want to complain, you only wanted to bob your head up and down, hands on his hips. Yoongi chuckled above you, guiding your head with his right hand, left loosely by his side. You slid your lower body up and down Jungkook’s chest, your increased slickness adding more stimulation.
“Fuck, that’s so damn hot,” you heard Jungkook groan. There was a rustle of fabric and then skin on skin, his muscular arm brushing against your stocking clad thigh with every stroke.
If only you could take a picture and could see how sexy you were, blowing Yoongi with his hand behind your head, tucking the head of his cock into your throat a little deeper every time you descended, your pussy sliding up and down Jungkook’s chest, and Jungkook furiously jacking himself off while watching you suck his hyung off, feeling your slippery clit throb against his skin.
Good thing the door was locked, because of any other member walked in on this, it might have become a damn foursome.
“Close,” Yoongi panted, fingers digging into your scalp. “You want it like this?”
You hummed approvingly in your chest, increasing your pace and fucking Jungkook’s torso harder, nearing your end too, Jungkook moaning louder and pumping himself harder. So many indecent sounds, skin on skin, mouth on skin, hand on skin, moaning, crying out around Yoongi’s cock, his saliva-covered balls smacking you in the chin, you ass slapping down on Jungkook’s chest.
Hot, wet, positively sinful.
The chain reaction started with Jungkook. He came suddenly, choking on your name, shooting up your chest, warm stickiness splattering onto your skin and you squeezed your eyes shut, moaning as you came all over his chest, slippery and sweet, drenching his skin, throat muscles tightening, Yoongi whimpering your name, a rare moment of lost control as he thrust his hips into your lips, coating your throat with thick hot strings, forcing you to swallow fast, the pressure satisfying and overwhelming, gulping it all down eagerly.
You did ask to be ruined.
Just… a little more.
Your eyes were still closed, lazily licking Yoongi’s twitching length. He was panting above you, gently stroking your hair, words so soft that they were almost inaudible.
“I love you…”
You went all the way down and Yoongi groaned, your tongue flicking the top of his balls, rapid, swift laps that made his cock swell again, bending against the roof of your mouth. Yoongi chuckled, knowing exactly what you were doing.
“Still want more?”
You backed up, panting hard, Jungkook’s cum clinging to your chest and lingerie, hair a mess from Yoongi’s hand.
“Want your cock in my pussy,” you demanded hoarsely. “Want you to fuck me, Yoongi.”
He pretended to think about it. “Hmm, I don’t know…”
You got off Jungkook’s lap, snaking around the younger man’s body, crawling onto the bed, eyes on Yoongi, his intense gaze following you, enticed by your movement. On all fours, hips in the air, dropping your chest down a little, the curve of your back accentuating the roundness of your bare ass. Still in your garter belt and stockings, your bra half-off, the lowered cups pushing your breasts together invitingly. Jungkook turned his head, pink lips parting as your fingers fanned out over the sheets, one eyebrow arching gracefully.
“Jungkook in front. Yoongi behind.”
“Do… Do you want a towel or something, noona?” Jungkook asked, blinking rapidly at your assertiveness.
“I want to get fucked and I want to get fucked now, so get over here.”
“Bed’s going to be a mess,” Yoongi remarked, moving quickly, shedding his pants and going for the nightstand, taking out a condom.
“We can sleep in Jungkook’s room,” was your dry reply, yanking Jungkook’s hips towards you after he removed his sweatpants.
“Wha– ack!”
You spread his legs out in front of you, eyes roaming over his naked body, admiring it all, his legs, his abs, his pecs, covered in your drying juices, his adorable surprised face, navy curls around his chiseled cheeks, chocolate eyes round and awed at your prowess. Your hands were on his knees, breasts hanging down, breathing hard, adrenaline humming in your veins.
“You are so fucking pretty it’s unreal,” Jungkook breathed.
You grinned.
“I can’t wait for you to fuck my face.”
Jungkook grinned back at you.
You dove down, tits bouncing before becoming squashed against the bed, Jungkook’s drying cum flaking off as you wrapped your lips around one of his balls, moaning as you felt Yoongi’s hands firmly grip your hips.
“You have to help me a little,” Yoongi murmured.
“I will, hyung.”
“I mean her too,” the older man chuckled, smacking your ass playfully. Your tongue flitted out, slurping at Jungkook’s other ball from the side of your mouth as you sucked the first one, wiggling your ass at Yoongi to indicate that you heard him. Jungkook yelped, hands slamming down onto the pillows and clutching them, moaning out your name.
“What the fuck, what the fuck, holy shit…” His head hit the headboard lightly, speaking to the ceiling and maybe even the higher power himself. “H-How...? Why does it feel s-so good…?”
You felt Yoongi slide in, so easy because of all those back-to-back orgasms, and yet he still hissed at your tightness, muscles holding him firmly. You could cry with how good it felt, Yoongi finally fully inside you once again, filling you up just the way you liked, knowing how to hit your deepest spot right away, skillful and wonderful. You licked up Jungkook’s now hard length, moaning deeply as you slapped your hips back into Yoongi’s crotch. Yoongi moaned to match yours, enraptured by the feeling.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good,” he hissed, nails digging into your ass. “Missed you so fucking much, my love.”
“I’ll do the moving, love,” you gasped back, squeezing Yoongi’s cock inside you. You reached for Jungkook’s right hand and grabbed it, planting it on your head. “Fuck my face, Jungkook. Please. Don’t hold back until you cum.”
Jungkook bit his lip, exhaling your name. “I think I love you.”
“And I definitely love you, so please give it to me.”
You closed your lips around him and sank down, looking up at him and his sweaty dark blue hair, his blown-out pupils, his outstretched tattooed arm, so fucking hot, fuck yes you loved him, him and his body and his work ethic and his sweetness and his firmness as he obeyed your command, thrusting into your mouth from below, filling your throat with the thick head.
You rocked your hips back to Jungkook’s rhythm, matching him, slow at first, but gradually faster, rougher, planting your hands on the bed for balance, completely focused on clenching your core and your mouth to fit the two cocks, giving them the maximum amount of pleasure that you could offer, suffocating them with tightness. It if was obscene before, it was ten times obscener now, Yoongi’s hand on your hip, barely having to move as you smacked your ass into him, Jungkook lurching you forward with his force, clenching his jaw as he chased his release, the bed screaming for help and none of you listening.
“You’re so fucking sexy, fuck, you always make me feel so good, can’t help but want you, need you, miss you so fucking much,” Jungkook gritted out, fingers curling in your hair, desperately and viscerally whimpering out your name as you tipped your head to change the angle, the sensitive head dragging against the roof of your mouth as he buried himself in your throat. “You’re so good to me, such a soft and tight mouth, fuck.”
You arched your back a little more, Yoongi hitting you deeper, hearing him suck in a tight breath at your movement.
“Tighter,” Yoongi growled. “I’m close, come on, give it to me.”
And then he smacked your ass with his open palm, making you moan around Jungkook’s thick cock, pussy clenching around Yoongi’s entire length, and then again, smack! Control slipping with every hit, falling into Jungkook’s pace, the sheer force of his hips pushing you down on Yoongi’s cock over and over, now only focused on hollowing out your cheeks and gripping Yoongi’s cock, the sudden twitching indicating that Yoongi was close, so close, holding out a little so he could watch you longer, torturing you just the way you liked, but he couldn’t hold out for long because you didn’t let him, walls pulsating around him brutally as you came, stuffed so full that you couldn’t think. Yoongi groaned your name, gripping your ass with both hands and digging his nails in your softness, cock jolting as he came in thick pumps, filling up the condom and swelling it against your walls.
It took Jungkook a little longer, but not that much longer, your mouth still locked tight and he hissed out your name, whimpering as he came down your throat, filling it with cum once again, so fast that you had to swallow hastily to breathe, and yet there was more, thick salty dribbles that made you moan, so delicious that you leaned into it, sucking Jungkook dry.
“A-ah, n-noona…”
Your body ached, flinching from oversensitivity, your mind swimming with pleasure. Had it ever felt this good before? You slid off Jungkook’s cock, falling against his thigh and using it like a pillow, chest heaving, sticky all over, lips overused, pussy throbbing, barely realizing that Yoongi had pulled out, far too spent to see straight.
“Fuck, I love you two…”
Yoongi’s face suddenly appeared, smug expression above you. He had crawled over your body, ruffled black hair hanging down, dark cat eyes gleaming.
“You’re one to talk.”
He leaned down and kissed you, smiling against your lips, mouthing his love to you, forming each word against your skin slowly so you knew. You smiled back, showering him with light pecks, mouthing the words back to him. Yoongi purred and lifted himself up, taking you with him.
“I can’t move,” you complained, using your arms to push yourself up to avoid straining Yoongi’s shoulders. He chuckled, not the least bit fooled by your whines. He pushed you into Jungkook’s hard chest, covered in sweat and cum, and sandwiched you between them, your face right beside Jungkook’s, cheek to cheek. You could feel the heat in his face, his hair sticking to it.
Everything was far too messy for this cuddle session, but that could wait.
“Is it okay if I love you?” Jungkook mumbled, burying his nose in your hair.
“Mhm,” Yoongi responded, sounding sleepy.
You brushed Jungkook’s hair away from his face. “I would very much like that.”
“Everything is dirty,” Yoongi grumbled.
“You are a main contributor,” you said cheerfully.
Yoongi grunted, leaning against you, squashing you a little harder against Jungkook. Nothing to complain about. You were enjoying every second of this.
“Hm, noona?”
You reached up and ran a hand through his dark cerulean hair. Jungkook hummed appreciatively, closing his eyes at your touch.
“You know this shade is Cookie Monster blue, right?”
“… Hah?”
“Does that make you Ggukkie Monster?”
Yoongi burst out laughing, raspy and full, a rare moment of Min Yoongi absolutely losing his shit.
part v "Sorry, Jungkook, you're not allowed this time."
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vminity21 · 4 years
The Art of You | myg
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Pairing: artist!yoongi x universitystudent!reader, friendshiptolovers!au
Word Count: 1,578
Genre: fluff/soft
Warning(s): None, Rated: pg
Summary: A painting Yoongi has been working on reveals his true feelings that he has for you in the most beautiful way imagined. Dedicated and was requested by @suhdays​ , who also created the beautiful banner for this blurb. Thank you.
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A tan apron clings to Yoongi’s frame while he scrunches the sleeves of his sweatshirt halfway up his arms. Converse pat along the plastic flooring while he settles the painting onto the ground. It is nearly finished, and the inspiration is revealed in just the smallest intricacies- details that remind him of you.  Gentle transmits of music reverberate within the small space, and he readies his paint upon the palette you gifted him a year prior before he discovered the budding emotions, he has for you.
Aligning a picture of what he plans on adding to the main canvas, he carefully traces the lining with his fingers, concentrating solely on whatever he intends on creating to make the masterpiece complete. Dark strands flop past his eyes while he positions himself over the canvas, palette steady in his left hand while his free hand grips the handle of a petite paintbrush. Two bracelets decorate his painting wrist, but he is ever so careful than to let them touch any part of the dampened streaks.
Heavy footsteps trample into the room, slinging your bookbag over a chair in the corner, a brief sigh brushes your lips. Yoongi knew you would be due soon from your class at university, and you are too exhausted to fully pay attention to what Yoongi is finalizing. He has been working on a new project for weeks now, but he refuses to tell you who it is for. Sometimes, Yoongi likes to keep to himself, especially when it comes to his art, yet he has been quite successful with some of the artwork he has accomplished and sold within the past year.
His lips grace a small smirk, happiness spreading along his chest with being in your presence- something he has been looking forward to all day. “Yoongi, I’m home,” you bellow, stacking a few notebooks onto the tiny table in preparation to continue the homework you would so graciously like not to do.
“About time you showed up,” he teases, swiping a bigger paintbrush along a plain sheet of paper to observe if this is the color he would like to use. Noticing the palette, he had set down for the moment, you smile to yourself. He really loves his palette- the only one he owns that you happened to give him, yet he refuses to buy more, especially since the one you bought him is covered in faint stains from past achievements. You never understood it, but he takes it with him everywhere he goes, and the one time he thought he forgot it, he almost lost his mind. Thankfully, Namjoon, Yoongi’s roommate, found it behind a dresser where it must have fallen without Yoongi’s knowledge.
“I still don’t get why you are panicking, Yoons. I am sure there are some palettes in one of these stores here,” plus you did not have any issue with purchasing him another one, “Want to check them out?”
“Not really,” he murmured, timidly looking away from you while he anxiously awaited the doting text from Namjoon. What you are unaware of, is that palette you surprised him with is the truest good luck charm he has ever received. Because of you, every time he used that specific palette, his artwork has been recognized by thousands of individuals throughout the country. Because of you, he is determined to continue his passion with the gift you gave him held firmly in his left hand.
“Okay,” you sigh softly in confusion, “Well then would you like to grab some coffee until Joon replies? I’m sure it will turn up.”
Yoongi shakes his head briefly to situate his hair while the memory dissipates for the time being. “How long have you been in here? Have you even eaten anything?” You always worry about him because when he gets too focused into what he is doing, sometimes he may forget to hydrate, as well as eat, yet you can relate due to college being so overwhelming. You notice the white mask tucked under his chin, his earrings gleam beneath the light, and you cannot help but fondly gaze at how handsome your friend is. You met him a year ago, and although you have always had feelings for him, you feared that he didn’t feel the same, and when you stumbled upon his talent for the arts, you were determined to gift him with something related to what he loves to do.
“I was thinking we could grab dinner as soon…” his words trail as he dots the brush along certain areas of the canvas. You can’t help but curiously tilt your head to see if you can figure out what it is, he is creating, but from the angle and distance from where Yoongi is, you can’t quite see it yet. “… as I am…” He is so enraptured in his work that he forgets to finish his sentence and you playfully shake your head at him before turning to your studies.
Uncertain of how much time has ticked away into the evening, you do not understand how Yoon’s thighs cannot be burning from how long he poses in deep concentration. “Who needs exercise,” you joke, running your fingertips along your eyes to awake them if even possible. “You know,” you bring your voice up in volume for Yoongi to hear, “I’m not going to lie, I’m actually excited to see what you’ve conjured up,” you confess; there has not been a completion that you haven’t loved from Yoongi’s extraordinary talent.
“It’s definitely different from what I’ve done before,”
“Oh really?” Your attention is now returned to your notebook and with pencil in hand, you scribble random lines along the sides to prevent yourself from blushing. He has such an effect on you, and you wonder how he hasn’t realized it. “What inspired it? Give me a clue.”
“You mean, who?”
Pausing, with furrowed eyebrows, you ponder through your brain on who Yoongi could be referring to. “It’s a who this time?”
“Believe it or not,” he says, and you hadn’t taken into account the way he places his hands on his hips, longingly staring at you while you rack your thoughts with whatever guess you can muster.
“Okay but where’s my clue?”
“Hm,” he hums to himself trying to not make it as obvious as he would like to, especially if it risks scaring you away. “She loves to getaway. More so when it’s cold and the atmosphere contains the scenery she needs.”
A she? Surprised by the revelation, your heart shatters in different directions, yet you compile yourself enough to remain composure. “A getaway?” You choke, trying to lower your voice to not appear as shocked as you feel. “I’m assuming in the winter?”
“Mhm,” Yoongi responds, “Sometimes she wishes that she could see flowers there though, especially the ones that are her favorite. It’s simply hard when there is always so much snow.”
“Um, is it-?” Despite the tears wanting to burn down your cheeks, you guess a few names that come to mind, hardly being able to realize that Yoongi is talking about you. Exasperated after you have guessed so many wrong answers, Yoongi’s arms drop to his sides while he exhales slowly, gathering himself before sauntering to you. When a soft hand presses to your cheek, you lose all track of sanity; his lips touch yours so gently, it takes you a moment to realize what is happening. Oh! You gasp inwardly. Oh, you want to laugh at yourself for now you see that every fact he uncovered about his painting was him hinting about you.
Your fingers curl into his sweatshirt while you pull him closer, deepening the kiss while your heart flies sporadically along your ribcage. This whole entire time- he has been working on a painting inspired by you. And, this entirety of your friendship, he has thought of you lovingly as much as you have thought about him?
Breathless, he pulls away, but just enough to rest his forehead upon yours, his bangs tickle your face. “Are you ready to see the painting?”
Nodding, you are at a loss for words, the sensation of his kiss still lingering while he takes your hand. Following suit, he bends swiftly to lean the piece against the wall, accepting your hand in his once again as soon as it steadies. Gasping, your eyes widen at the most beautiful scenery you have ever witnessed. Snow capped mountains sketched meticulously with splashes of blues and greys mingle in precise detail to the sparse blades of grass poking from the blanket of white covering the ground. The sky alludes to the beginning of a snowfall, but what your vision gathers in the center of the painting is what touches your heart in ways Yoongi has always been able to prompt.
A bundle of magenta peonies are painted to be growing in resistant to the brutal winds of winter, and in tiny, neatly stroked letters exposes the words you never thought you would hear, or in this case, read.
“I love you.” Yoongi whispers, squeezing your hand as you take it all in.
“Yoongi, it’s- it’s the most beautiful gift.” You cry, him embracing you immediately, the scent of his sweatshirt reaching your nostrils as you cuddle into his frame. “I love you so much.”
And with that, forever awaits, Yoongi expressing his love in a way only he knows how- painted contentedly to the art of you.
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dulcaet · 4 years
paint my heart | yoongi
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synopsis. you should have known that, over time, paint crumbles, and that time spare no one, not even the colors adorning your heart. 
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pairing. yoongi | reader  genre. angst word count. 2,043 warnings. none
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initially, there had been only an immensity of white. a simple, but gigantic, empty canvas ready to be offered to those wishing to add to it the most beautiful colors that existed. 
the life you lived was lulled by neutral feelings; your smiles were real but not bright, your eyes lit but not sparkling. the days were passing by, some slowly, others more quickly. they were chaining each other to the rhythm of the clock hands in your kitchen. the work you had managed to get was perfectly supporting you financially and you took great pleasure in learning what the profession of a sound engineer consisted of. everything was fine. but everything could be better. and everything would become soon. unfortunately, you didn’t know that yet.
you'd never consider your life boring, but sometimes monotony could be hard to bear. it, who always stood behind you, like your shadow, to remind you of the lack of laughter, smiles, adventure in an empty, gray life.
weeks, and months passed, that infinity of white still painting your mind. no painter had put his brush on your canvas, not coloring it with pearly, colorful hues, which would form the most beautiful of the artwork: that of a fulfilling life.
then, suddenly, there was an infinite number of colors. a palette covered with paintings all different from each other. blue. green. yellow. red. purple. one had been searched for the most beautiful pigments in the world, carefully making from them colors that all the greatest painters could have envied.
it had started as a normal day, a day tinted in white. you had stopped in the break room to drink your coffee before climbed to the third floor to reach the studio where your superior was waiting for you. the habit having taken over the rest, you had not knocked, judging that your arrival had already been announced a few seconds earlier by a message from your part.
maybe you should have.
“i’m really sorry, i didn’t think this studio would be busy!”
nervousness had taken hold of your heart, dragging it into a frantic waltz. a man sitting on a sofa whose upper body was leaning towards the coffee table had turned to the door squeaking. a pen in the hand, fingers stained with ink, glasses placed on the nose. this face, no, this portrait perfectly drawn by the hand of the most talented painters, you had seen and seen it again. on social media, in advertisements, on youtube. not a day had passed without you noticing this face so beautifully carved.
and he had been standing in front of your astonished face.
he had smiled with all the kindness present in the world and had looked at the time on his watch before apologizing for exceeding the scheduled hour.
this exact moment was your first meeting with min yoongi. the first of dozens of others.
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a smile drawn on your two faces, fingers intertwined, the streets of capital had never looked so pretty. the yellow of the streetlights, the orange of the car flashers, the red of the store signs. the moon at its highest point reflected your candid faces, illuminating it in white and pastel blue. she was watching you, smiling at this birth of love.
adoration was a feeling whose aura could almost be seen as powerful as it was. these heartbeats rhythmed in unison, these candid laughs, all these little special touches reinforced the beauty of the idyllic picture that was painting in front of the moon’s eyes.
“yoongi, look!”
one hand holding your straw hat so it wouldn’t fly away, the other pointing to a multi-colored bird on a tree branch whose leaves were colored with a resplendent green hue. the smell of freshly cut grass intoxicated passers-by, plunging them into a euphoria that only summer could provoke. this feeling of being invincible, encouraged by the rays of the sun whose reflections chase away the patches of shadows, the bad memories. the five silk trees formed a globe as enchanting above the park letting these so-called rays of light pass through. the sweet pale pink flowers lowered themselves and rose to the rhythm of the wind oh so quiet.
summer was your favorite season, it was synonymous with holidays, sunshine, tranquility. happy to be able to enjoy the good weather, little laughs escaped from your lips without you noticing.
the characteristic noise of a camera caught your attention. turning your head, eyes obstructed by strands of hair, your gaze rested on the man standing a few meters from you. he was smiling at his screen, fiddling with the buttons of the device. curious, it was with a bouncing step that you walked towards him, making your light white and pink dress twirl. arriving at his height, you lean towards him, tiptoeing to see what seemed to hypnotize him. a grimace on your face, you quickly put a hand on the screen to hide the picture.
“delete it! i’m hideous!”
“don’t say things that are impossible.”
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the pupils trembling, you watched the surroundings, hoping to see yoongi’s silhouette. you had begun waiting more than three-quarters of an hour ago on the forecourt of the restaurant where you had booked a table two months ago. there was no apparent reason for this event, if not to celebrate your love. it had been several days since you had seen him because of his rehearsals, so, excited to finally spend an evening with him, you had got all dressed up.
however, the soft light of day had darkened, giving way to this vast world called the night. the delight that had hitherto decorated your face, making it up in the prettiest of ways, for joy had this powerful power, had disappeared, dropping that mask on the concrete ground. as the dim light of the streetlamp illuminated you, all the gravity of your face increased, painting a face of sorrow.
one hand was rubbing your upper arm, the wind chilling you, the other furiously tapping on your phone’s keyboard.
me to yoongi ♡
where are you?
please respond! it’s cold out there.
yoongi ♡ to me 
something came up. don’t wait for me. grab yourself something, i’ll pay.
a lump appeared in your throat, as did the pain that pierced your heart. you remained still, however, letting it spread in the hope that this horrible sensation would go away if not interrupted. what you did not know, for love blinded the heart and confused the thoughts, was that a piece of the first one was now laying at your feet.
a drop of grey paint fell on the canvas, staining the blue sky adorned with white clouds.
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the clock above the kitchen counter reminded you how pathetic you were, standing until way too late at night in hope of catching sight of the man’s face you had got into the habit of calling your boyfriend. if you could still define him like this. a silence had taken place in the empty apartment, a silence that even seoul’s frenetic life could not break. you were sitting on the couch with your eyes staring at nothing but void. your pupils previously illuminated by the candor of love were no more than two impenetrable walls. you seemed empty, as empty as a hollow shell. your inner state represented the vision your apartment gave. whether it was the pieces of furniture, the frames hanging on the wall or the decorative plants; all were tinged in the same gouache.
nowadays, the colors had worn out. overtime, you supposed. time was, after all, one of the main enemies of love, especially when it became rare.
oh, how much you hated gray. it colored your life with a monotonous color where everything seemed sad, an impression so different from the explosion of colors that your retina had become accustomed to seeing. there was nothing but grey. grey everywhere. in your body, in your eyes, in your heart. the latter seemed to have been impregnated with it. it would not be surprising to see the normally red carmine liquid flowing through your veins turn into a grey color. a plain grey, without any reflection; there wasn’t light anymore.
no more conversations until late at night. no more encouraging little messages on your nightstand. no more signs of affection, whether expressed in the form of a kiss, an embrace or even a smile.
there was nothing left.
nothing more except a weariness that did not seem to want to leave your life. it was now an integral part of your routine. many times, you had wondered if you had become paranoid. yoongi was a busy man. everyone knew this detail about him, you knew about this and for a long time, this detail had been one of the reasons for your reluctance to engage yourself in this relationship. this fear, which was ubiquitous at each moment of your life. this fear was flowing in your veins. the fear of being sidelined.
for more than a year, he had succeeded in proving you wrong. he had shown you that even though his career was a source of significant demands and that his schedule would always be a delicate thing, the love he had for you would overcome that.
he had forgotten to point out that all these wonders would only last a while, the attractive illusion giving way to the harsh reality.
things had changed.
suddenly, as if in slow motion, your face, which had lowered in defeat, rose up when you heard the door open. without you being able to control your body, your eyes began to sparkle, your pupils dilated, your heart racing. overtime, through missed appointments, repeated absences, nights alone, you had learned to hate these physical reactions. how sad it was to achieve such a critical stage that your only possibility was to hate the love you had for him.
he did not undress nor did he take off his coat, merely heading to your room, whose sheets now seemed constantly frozen. not a look. not a word. it was almost as if you were just a mirage, something that didn’t exist or that wasn’t interesting enough to deserve attention.
“don’t wait for me, i’ll be late.”
the door was slammed, silence set in, a silence that was cut off by your sobs. you were crying, more than you had ever done in your life. in your tears came all the frustration, the sadness but also the pain that a lost love could cause to an already weakened heart. your thoughts were black, blacker than the ocean after a hurricane, your mind filled with disarming memories.
two long minutes passed. the grey darken. you swallowed, holding back a trembling sigh that reflected your sorrow. with your eyes focused again on your stress-bit nails, you ignored him when he came out of the room with a bag on his shoulders. this scene was recurrent, so recurrent that it was certain you could play it in your head. knowing this, no ounce of surprise crossed your mind when he uttered that sentence. that damn sentence.
someone once said, “happiness is screamed, sadness is written.”
you had always known how to transcribe your emotions perfectly on the paper. however, today, for the first time in your life, you faced a writer’s block. the page was blank of words, not strong enough to describe what you were feeling. a page that was soon flooded with tears, the revenge of this sadness that had been held back for too long.
min yoongi had never been yours. not even for a second. you should have known this. it had been obvious. you should have known his heart belonged to music.
with each of the tears that wet the notebook, making the black ink drool, it permeated the immensity of paper until there was only one color left to the eyes of everyone.
the canvas had now become black.
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bts-fantasy · 5 years
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The Boy Next Door
Genre: Thriller AU
Characters: Yoongi, Hoseok x Reader
You woke up in the early morning to the sound of brids chirping. Yawning loudly you got up and opened your blinds to let the morning sun shine into your room looking at the clear sky your mood got lifted even more after being woken up by the peaceful sound of nature. You had a feeling that today was going to be extra special.
Suddenly you heard a loud bang outside and a deep voice shouting curse words. Your eyes shifted to the guys standing in the driveway next to your house one of them trying to lift up a heavy-looking box.
„Ah, shit! I hope you didn‘t break anything“, the guy shouted, who seemed like the older brother of the one who’d dropped the box on the road. He kept carrying one box after the other into the house next to yours while the younger was staring at the box in front of him as if it was a math problem.
His thin figure was slightly struggling to hold the heavyweight up for too long and he put it down once again with an annoyed expression looking around to check his surroundings as if he wanted to make sure no one was looking his way. His hair was tousled and black as ebony his clothes that were loosely hanging over his body were all in the same color palette of dark grey, black and blue.
Soon his eyes darted up staring directly at you catching a glimpse of your gaze right before you disappeared from your window.
Your heart was beating rapidly inside of your chest for being caught staring and you quickly moved to your bathroom to get ready for school. You put on a black turtle neck sweater with white pants and went downstairs where you could hear your mom fidgeting with the mixer already.
„Mom, are you baking a-“, you stopped as soon as you walked into the kitchen spotting your mom cracking eggs into the batter.
„...cake, for the new neighbors.“
You smiled at her as she nodded. It was a tradition for you two to welcome a new neighbor with your mom’s homemade cake.
„Yes. I saw them arrive this morning and introduced myself to them. They seem to be very nice people.“
You hummed in response taking a bite of the pancake that was already set on a plate on the table.
„Mhmm... delicious! Thanks, mom!“
A bashful smile spread across your mother‘s face since she still struggled with compliments despite the amount she received.
„I‘m glad you like it Y/N. Now hurry up or you‘ll be late for school!“
Finishing your breakfast quickly you left the house after saying goodbye to your mom and ran up to the bus station just in time to catch the bus.
A few minutes later you walked through the big wooden doors entering your school where you were met with the loud noises of students talking and lockers smashing. You walked to yours taking out the textbooks you needed for your classes as you got tackled by someone from behind.
„How was your weekend, Y/N?“, Hoseok‘s loud voice startled you and you turned around with wide eyes that shut him up immediately.
„Sorry, I know you told me not to yell at you first thing in the morning.“
He averted his gaze with a pout but you couldn‘t help but giggle at the adorable expression. It was funny how your friend was sensitive to loud noises but was the loudest one himself.
„It‘s okay. My weekend was so much fun! And with fun I mean I‘ve been working on my assignments non-stop and I haven‘t seen sunlight in two days“, you faked a smile as Hoseok looked at you as if you‘d gone completely crazy. He bent down to meet your eyes studying your face carefully.
„Yep. It‘s clear. You need help.“ He nodded earning a playful punch from you in return as his loud laugh filled the hallways. The bell rang and the hallways emptied quickly everyone walking into the classrooms and you and Hoseok started your day with a good mood.
„Is he hot?“, Hoseok whispered after a few seconds causing your eyes to grow wide looking at him. You‘d just told him about your new neighbors and the embarrassing incident, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks once again at the thought of it. Hoseok kept staring at you with expectant eyes waiting for your answer but you simply didn‘t know what to say so you just shrugged averting your eyes.
Hoseok sighed shaking his head at your response clearly disappointed he shifted his attention back to the teacher in front of you and so you continued the rest of the classes for the day trying hard not to fall asleep.
„Mom, I‘m home!“, you yelled the sweet smell of freshly baked cake engulfing you as soon as you set foot into your house.
„Oh, perfect! Can you please bring this over to the new neighbors? I have an important video conference with one of my clients.“
Your mom‘s eyes were sparkling at the mention of her client. She worked as a full-time artist and selling your artwork was a difficult business and it was always great news when she got a new client who was ready to buy one of her beautiful paintings. So you nodded taking the cake that was carefully packed in a tin and made your way over to your new neighbors. You heard your mom shout a ‚thank you‘ behind you as you closed the front door already dreading the encounter in front of you. You were hoping that his older brother would open the door since you were still too embarrassed to meet the one who‘d caught you this morning.
Walking up the few stairs, you finally stood in front of the black wooden door fixing your hair before pressing the bell right next to the brass sign that read ‚Min Brothers‘. You held your breath as you heard the loud bell sounding through the entire house and someone shouting inside.
„Open the door, Jae!“, a deep voice shouted inside.
„Get your ass up from the couch and get it yourself!“, you heard another voice shout that you recognized as the older one. After a few curse words you heard slurping footsteps nearing the door automatically causing you took a step back as a precaution. The door opened revealing the older brother whose eyes widened in surprise to see you standing there.
„Oh, hey...“, he spoke lowly as you tightened the grip around the cake tin. His black hair was almost covering his eyes which made it hard for you to read his expression. You couldn‘t tell if he was annoyed by your visit or not.
„Uhm... this is for you. My mom made it as a welcome gift“, you spoke rapidly only wanting to disappear but you soon saw his lips pull into a shy smile as he accepted your gift with a bow. He ran his fingers through his hair to get the strands out of his sight so he could look at you properly. His gaze wandered up and down your face examining your details in a calm manner but it made you freeze in your spot your mind racing with thoughts about what to do or say next.
„Thank you...“, he dragged his words implying for you to introduce yourself which you‘d completely forgotten in the heat of the moment. As if you were stung by an adder you realized how dumb you were acting in front of your new neighbor and you quickly introduced yourself with a nervous laugh.
„Sorry, my name‘s Y/N. I live in that house over there“, you pointed towards your house but stopped to look back at the guy when you heard his chuckle.
„Yeah, I know.“
Your eyes widened immediately at his words and he noticed your gaze before he quickly added: „I saw you this morning when you ran to the bus station.“
Your cheeks turned red but you were glad that he didn‘t mention the window incident as you nodded with a shy smile.
„I‘m Min Yoongi, by the way. It‘s nice to meet you, Y/N.“ Your name rolled off his tongue so smoothly it made you shiver and you nodded with a timid smile.
„Uhm... I think I should head back home...“, you said after a long pause stepping down the stairs ready to leave but you stopped when you heard his deep voice speaking up again.
„I‘ll see you around.“
Before you could reply the door got closed and you quickly left as you felt like an intruder standing all alone on their front porch.
Finally, back in your room, you turned your laptop on to work on your homework for the next day as your phone suddenly rang with an incoming message. You furrowed your brows at the unknown number as you opened the message only to feel your blood freeze in your veins.
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You tossed your phone away standing up so fast that it knocked your chair over with a loud crash. Looking around your room panicked you moved to your window to see if there was someone outside but all you could see was an empty street illuminated by the lamp posts surrounding your little neighborhood. You closed your blinds quickly trying to calm yourself down as you stood in the middle of your room staring at your phone that laid upside down on your desk, too scared to pick it up again.
„Y/N? Is everything alright?“, you heard your mom‘s voice coming from downstairs startling you again. She must‘ve heard the loud crash of your wooden stool and you knew how scared your mom was of loud noises after everything that went down with your dad. You composed yourself quickly holding onto your elbows to prevent yourself from shaking as you replied to her.
„N-no mom, don‘t worry it was just my chair.“
You walked over to pick the knocked over furniture up again your eyes shifting to your phone as you kept staring at it. Only one question haunted your mind the same words repeating over and over again in your head.
Who was it?
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A/N: It‘s finally out! The first part of my halloween series!👻 I sat down with my roommate today to work out the plot and I gotta say that I‘m very, very excited for this one!!🥳
I hope you guys enjoy reading this and comment your thoughts and also if you want to be included on the taglist!😁👍🏽
Stick with me until the end because you don‘t wanna miss it I promise🥺
Thank you all for reading, I purple you!💜
(Btw don‘t get confused when you see my main acc respond to your comments (@thedreaming-poet))
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vin-taege · 5 years
First BTS song:Dope 
First bias: Before hopping from bias to bias, it was Jin. I remember seeing him in that doctor costume for the first time and thinking: “Mhmm that’s it, chief.” 
Current bias:Taehyung, my art hoe, my love, mr. big dick energy
Put the members in order of bias:?? can I cram all of them in one spot ??
Fave BTS song:Oof either Fake Love or Anpanman 
Fave song from Wings: Cypher Pt.4 because that shit’s a power anthem
Fave song from LY:Go Go Fave underrated song:Is Baepsae underrated? How about Satoori Rap? 
Fave music video:Blood, Sweat and Tears, hit me with that aesthetic
Fave dancer: Jimin because damn graceful boy 
Fave vocal:Taehyung with his wide-ass vocal range
Fave rapper: lil meow meow
Fave colour on each member:aside from bst’s whole color palette;
namjoon - lilac 
yoongi - black yes or white
hoseok - light brown
jimin - S I L V E R/balck bc i miss his prince eric look
taehyung - red/blue/blonde yellow
jungkook - reddish purple mhm yes that hair color 
Fave choreo: Blood, Sweat and Tears Fave ships: Minjoon (underrated smh), Taegi (I feel like this is also underrated??) Taekook, Namjin ofc, Yoonseok
tagging: @go-setyoursoulonfire @once-you-jimin-you-can-jimout @bbyjin @lthyl @blueberrymidget (do your Save Me boys proud) @jooniper (hello, I see you a lot!)
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‘Hi Y/N! It’s good to see that you’re back!’ Says Manager Sejin with a warm smile, I never imagined that he will still be the one to pick me up after all these years.
‘It’s good to see you, oppa! How’s the wife? Btw, thanks for taking care of the brothers. I know they’re a handful.’ You answered, while your eyes rolled on the last part as he blushed when you called him ‘oppa’ like you used to call him.
‘They’ve been better specially when they got out of the ARMY. Taetae now wakes up without setting the alarm clock. Haha! They don’t Jimin so much anymore’ He reports because if there’s one thing that delays everything, it’s how hard to wake Tae up and when you say ‘I Jimin today’, that meant that you were late
‘That’s good! I missed you guys! I’m excited to spend my coming days with the boys. It’s been a while!’ You said with eyes filled of excitement.
As you entered the van, six handsome faces welcomed you like you’re an Idol. But ofcourse you’re not, you’re an F1 race car driver while being a member of a family who owns a lot of hotels and restaurants all over the world. These six handsome faces own the hearts of a lot of people because, well, they are famously known as BTS.
‘Looks like we are missing someone. Where’s Seokjin? Not that he needs to be here if he’s busy’ You asked because you’re used to seeing them all together in one car.
‘You just got here, never even gave us a hug individually, and you’re looking for Jin hyung immediately?! I thought I’m your favorite?!’ You wanted to pull Jimminie’s pouty lips by that time. This little boy never really learned when to shut his lips!
‘Excuse me Chim, I’m Noona’s favorite! I was the one who asked her to stay with us duh!’ Hobi replied to Jimin like you’re not even there
‘Nope! I am! I’m the one she called up when she’s about to board the plane!’ Said Tae, with that smug smile on that computer generated perfect face
‘Hey! Hey! I’m just used to counting you guys like Joonie does everytime specially I know some idiots might get lost. Like before, right, Chim? I’ll hug you all later while giving my gifts. Hobi, I’ll stay in one of our hotels after tomorrow. Ofcourse I can’t stay with you for a long time. You’re all busy. Taebear, I called you up because I know you’re still up that time, and you’re holding your phone. That’s the main reason why I called. Hehe!’
You heard some protests and it got really chaotic. So noisy that Namjoon cracked up
‘Guys, let Noona rest. It’s been a long flight. Let’s smush her when we get to the dorm.’ and the car got silent for a while, and it made you reminisce that one crazy day when you met the three beautiful souls you are with today that opened the gate to meeting three more.. and a special one, the one you silently love differently amongst them for the longest time.
It was around 11’o clock in the evening and you are auditing your accounting process flow for your pub. It was your uncle’s before he passed away but he gave it to you as a gift. You’re not really into pubs but you know how a restaurant operates as you have many of that. Technically, your family runs a lot.
You were starting to get involved when you heard a knock on your glass door that has a ‘closed’ sign facing out. Three men are standing outside, looking frantic and a little lost, one with a pair of bunny eyes that are pleading for you to talk to them.
‘Hi. We’re closed. Feel free to drop by tomorrow for the Tapas. We are also open for brunch’ you said with a smile
‘H—hello. We are tourists and we are looking for a shelter for a little bit. Some people are chasing us!’ The guy with a blonde hair wearing a big black shirt and a straw hat pleaded with a Korean accent. You know because your eomma is a Korean.
‘Please. We are not bad guys. Please help? Please?’ Said by the guy who’s wearing a bucket hat and black long sleeves. Sure, you’re a black belter in Taekwondo and Karatedo but three tall strangers are dangerous, right? But in the spirit of being half Korean, you let them enter.
The shorter guy with a striped shirt hugged you tightly you were taken aback. You did not feel any danger but you’re surprised that they are chased after, and got curious for the reason.
‘Hi. I am Y/N. May I know why are you being chased? By whom?’
‘Hi. I’m Tae. We are being chased by saesangs’ the guy in straw hat answered
‘I’m Jimin. We got followed from Korea. We are supposed to have a vacation here in Malta for a week’ the guy with stripped shirt added
‘These girls got crazy lately. A lot of our fans are not like this I promise. I’m Jungkook btw’ said the guy with a bucket hat
‘Fans? So you’re famous? Really?’ You said while laughing. Because they don’t really look like they’re famous. Hell, the Jungkook guy is even wearing a Birkenstock. Hello? Is he a dad or something?
and they laughed shyly that you took it as a ‘yes’. You asked for their group’s name and they told you to search for BTS on the internet. True to their words, they are really famous together with four other members who really look gorgeous. Specially the blonde guy with broad shoulders though his fashion is a little bit off for you. Pink and white plaid shirt and striped necktie in different color palette was a no-no for you.
‘You can stay as long as you don’t break things. Help yourselves, on the house.’ You said while going back to your task before these three appeared. Even though you want to know more, it’s not in your nature to ask questions to strangers specially like them. You may be sassy but you’ve been taught well.
‘Hey Noona, can I try some of your wine?’ Asked by Jimin. Who can say no to that smile?
‘Yes. Just keep quiet. I have a lot of things to learn. Feel at home. Just don’t break things ok?’ You answered while taking down notes without taking your eyes off your monitor
‘Don’t worry. RapMon hyung is not here. Nothings going to break’ Jimin answered and you just nod. You don’t know the RapMon guy but you’re too busy to care.
After an hour, you got to join them on the corner table. They are talking about their failed busking where in they tried to sing for the crowd for free. Apparently, someone tried to do a live video and some Saesang fans saw it as that’s how they got followed.
‘Don’t forget to keep in mind that safety is priority. How old are you guys?’
‘We are 23. Jungkookie is 20. How old are you?’ Asked by the guy named Tae
‘I’m 25. I’m your Noona.’ You answered
‘Oh! Just like Jin-hyung! How come you know what should we call you?’ Tae again. Seems like he’s the extrovert of the group.
‘I’m half Korean. My eomma is from Seoul’ you explained while being curious who’s Jin-hyung is.
Tae takes out his phone and makes you look at his phone’s lock screen. The picture seems from a photo shoot and they look amazing. There are seven of them in a greyscale picture, all of them look dashing in a three piece suit. They are looking straight to the camera with a very serious face but your your eyes are stuck to the man with the broad shoulders and plump lips.
He gives information enthusiastically. ‘Here, this is our leader RapMon hyung. He’s the brain of the group. He makes most of our lyrics with our producers and he’s a genius! This is Yoongi hyung, he looks like a cat right? He also raps like RapMon hyung and Hobi hyung. He raps so fast and he’s kinda an old man. And this is Hobi hyung. He’s our sunshine. He makes us laugh all the time and he also produces songs like Yoongi and RapMon hyungs.’ He said proudly. You can see that he’s very fond of these guys.
He continues ‘This is Jin hyung. He has high vocal tone and a good range. He often cooks for us. Kind of our baby sitter. Then here we come! We are the youngest of the family. Jk is our Golden Maknae, he’s our center because he’s so beautiful! This is Jimin when serious. Very different right? He’s sensual when he needs to. He dances contemporary. Then here I am. I sing and dance and I am trying to rap but they don’t want to hear it.’ He ends his introduction with pouty lips as if he never got a gift from Santa last Christmas.
‘Are you always like this? Giving out information as if I’m asking?’ With a smirk as a response, you continued ‘do you think they are not looking for you now? The babies roaming around Malta like nobody’s business?’
To your surprise, Jimin answered ‘don’t worry. I told our Manager Sejin that we are here and he will fetch us after Jin Hyung gets home. He’s at some bar now, so don’t worry. We can keep you company if you like’ you wonder if he is really this sweet to everybody because you can feel the sincerity in his eyes. Your heart is starting to get soft with these three.
‘I’m just here for the week. Don’t worry about me, you may have itineraries for tonight.’ You said, afraid that you’re keeping them from enjoying Malta.
‘Ani! Sesangs are here now. We can’t walk around like we did for the past days. Anyway we’ll leave the day after tomorrow, and tomorrow is our off cam day. We can do whatever we like. I can sleep the whole day if I want to!’ He said matter of factly as if he’s not the youngest. He scrunches his nose afterwards and lets out a giggle ‘I wonder where Jin hyung is. Last night he forgot our door code he almost slept on the pavement’.
‘He’s good in speaking English now. He will get by’ said Jimin. You are starting to think how this guy thinks about his group.
Hours went by, and you just sat there. Eating chips, cheese and cold cuts. Your favorite wine on the side, and a good company from the three strangers.
At around three AM, Manager Sejin knocked, he thanked you for keeping the three safe and for keeping this incident a secret. You joked that you need an autographed cd to commemorate the experience and they happily agreed. You called it a night, went to your hotel and slept after taking a bath.
Imagine your surprise when you came to the pub in the morning. There are the seven faces you saw from Tae’s phone the night before, smiling at you. Tae was beaming as he sat beside Jungkook at Jimin while having breakfast.
‘Hi Noona! We came here to pay! The box has every merch our manager brought with us!’ That’s Jungkook in between chewing his Tapa.
You went to their table. Bowed like a hospitable pub owner that you are and introduced yourself like how you do it regularly. Then you met the eyes of the person you are most interested in since last night. Seokjin.
It was just a split second but you felt something different-but you can’t pinpoint it right now. Hence, you just thanked them for coming over and went straight to your daily chores.
Before they leave, Tae went to the bar where you’re sitting. He asked for your number and laughed at you when you asked if he likes you. He replied ‘oh I like you so much! But ofcourse not in a romantic way. Look at Jungkookie, how can you not love that face? So, nope. I just feel like we’re friends from now on.’
You laughed so hard a lot of people eating in the pub looked at you. The attention made you blush but you can’t help yourself. You’re starting to think that these people might stay in your life for a period of time. You agree to Tae’s proposition of seeing them later after the pub closes to have a drink. They will go home to Korea tomorrow.
Time passed so fast. You are now sitting on a bar stool while Yoongi was asking about the architecture of the place, its history and your Tapa’s recipe. Hobi was taking a lot of selfies and Jin was giving his daddy jokes that you find really funny.
The night is growing older and the only sober person who came home was Tae. Who gets drunk for Coke anyway? Before the night came to an end, you had a group chat in Kakao talk named Malta Memories with a group picture taken by Manager Sejin where in all the faces wore a smile. It’s the very same picture you keep in your office in Paris.
You stopped reminiscing when the van stopped. It’s been five years since that happened. A lot of special memories are added to the list and the group chat was kept active even though you all matured. BTS’ fan base grew bigger as they hit the world wide fandom, you now hold the Operations team for Europe hotels and restaurants. They went to the ARMY and you retired from racing because of an accident.
You felt a little thug, a little pain in your heart when you remember an incident last year. But never mind, it’s all in the past now.
‘Penny for your thoughts?’ It’s Joonie. Your big boy who destroys everything. You can’t remember how many shot glasses were shattered because of this guy. But you know deep in your heart that never ever in this lifetime that he thought of hurting anything and anybody. He even gets upset when you kill the bugs that try to suck some blood whenever he asks you out to the park.
‘Nothing. I’m just happy to see everybody. I missed you guys!’ you hug his big body tightly while tapping his back.
‘I missed you too, Noona. And I know you missed somebody more than how much you missed us. He’s upstairs cooking your welcome food. The Bibimbap is waiting. Let’s go?’ Smiling with his dimples showing, you grabbed his hands going to their dorm where the younger ones went to minutes before with your luggages.
You entered their new dorm and you felt very proud. Five years ago, their old dorm was not as big as this. Not as fancy. Not as established. But you felt at home, specially when you smelled what’s cooking. All of your favorites from the Samgyupsal to the Odeng.
You saw who’s cooking and your heart skipped a beat. There goes the most handsome face you’ve ever saw. He’s not the Worldwide Handsome for nothing, right? He’s wearing the apron you gave as a gift that one Christmas party three years ago with his name embroidered in front.
‘Hi. Everything smells delish!’ You said, hands a little bit shaky as if you never outgrew the feeling whenever he’s around
‘But my face is more delish! I’m Worldwide handsome you know?’ He blew a flying kiss that made you laugh your ass off. He came nearer for a tight hug and a peck on the cheek.
‘Here we go again. Where are my toys, Noona?’ Jhope tugs as he storms your luggages.
‘It’s in the box. It’s all named there. Got a lil something something for everyone.’ You answered while tasting Seokjin’s Jjiggae.
‘This is good! I’m getting more and more hungry!’ You complimented while giving him back the spoon. Yoongi came in to give you a hug for his Lamb skewers and Wagyu cubes. Moments later, the other guys entered to kitchen to thank you one by one like it’s Christmas. It makes you wonder how come these boys who can buy anything at an instant but still gets very excited for the little things coming from you.
You gave Tae a Gucci tie. Jimin some bottles of well aged wine and cheeses, Hobi his KAWS toys, Joonie some books and paintings, Yoongi his meat, Kookie with the Triple S that he’s been looking for a while, and Seokjin’s bag contains herbs. Good quality herbs for cooking.
You started the feast and you did not even bother to ask why there’s a lot of Soju. You felt elated once you hit your limit but everybody’s having a great time! One by one, they freshened up and went to bed like the adults that they are now. You asked for a cup of tea and Yoongi gave you Iced Americano instead.
‘Meow meow, I’m so proud of you! You’re now well known not because of BTS but as a PD-nim!’
‘Noona, as if you’re not updated. You even come to our shows from time to time. Why are you so shocked? You’ve been there when we started Wings and until now you’re here!’
Then came in Joonie in his pajamas and glasses. He has his Caramel Machiatto on hand, smiling widely as we look out at their balcony. The city lights look amazing!
‘How are you? I saw auntie last time. She was asking me to talk to you to finally stay here in Korea.’ Said Joonie. Knowing him, he never keep secrets like this specially to you guys.
‘I’m coping up. Right now there’s an invitational cup I’m going to attend in a month. Just for old time’s sake. I want to drive fast again!’ You reply with a reserved smile
‘Don’t you want to stay here for good? At least Jin hyung is here. You can now add to the story we’ve been waiting for!’ Said Hobi coming out of no where, while having his mask on his face.
You are sure they saw you blush. Contrary to what people in the company think, you are not a cold, hard, empty rock. When it comes to your family and these guys, you feel everything even the simplest warmth of smiles.
‘No. It’s all in the past. He looks better than ever now, I’m sure he has a special someone by now.’ Saying matter of factly. Sadness glints from your eyes.
Yoongi smiles knowingly. That gummy smile that melts a lot of Army hearts. ‘are you fishing for Jin hyung’s love life status? You’re subtlety asking if he’s dating someone now!’
‘No. I’m just saying, I missed the opportunity before. I might have lost it for good’ you try to be as poker faced as possible
‘Noona, you promised Jin hyung. If you’re still single until this year ends, you’ll do everything to make it work with him. Remember?’ Hobi stated frankly. You wonder how they know. As your eyes grew big, you heard his sunshine laugh together with the two who smile knowingly. You put both of your hands to your face for cover. Wanting for the tiles of the balcony to eat you or teleport you or something.
‘Noona, don’t even try asking how we knew. We’re not good in keeping secrets in this family, remember? But don’t be bothered. Though all of us know, we’ll keep on pretending that we don’t and we’ll wait patiently for the next stories to be untold’ that’s your not so little brother Joonie who spoke. With eyes full of love as he gives you a hug. You said goodnight and went straight to Jungkookie’s room. He’s sleeping beside Tae like usual, and his room is like a guest room. They often say that it’s your room from the very beginning as there’s no single soul who slept in their dorms except them and you.
You turn around a couple of times and you can’t help but remember that night.
You had an accident in the race track. Nothing serious, just a few cracks on your shoulder. You came to watch their Wembley concert with a cast on your shoulder and a heavy heart. You still don’t want to go home to Korea and want to continue the businesses in Europe. The boys were booked to one of the hotels your family own but never had the chance to talk to them pre show because of tight schedule.
After the show, Manager Sejin fetched you from the VVIP area and asked if you want to ride with them going back to the hotel and you agreed. You saw them one by one and you can’t forget their faces when they saw your cast. It was panic, horror and pity. Things you never wanted to see when somebody looks at you lest these boys who you call your brothers.
In the hotel, Seokjin was having his VLive to thank the fans when you entered. You motioned that he carries on but he said goodbye as soon, and hugged you for a long time. He kissed your forehead like before and whispered ‘I missed you’ like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Not that you don’t talk everyday, but knowing how this guy prefers personal conversation than over the phone, you give in and fill your lungs with his scent.
You never really knew how it went that way. You just remember that one night three years ago, while walking around in London after a show, he told you he loves you in a romantic way and you replied with same intensity but you asked for some time to let the love flourish. They were still promoting their present album at that time, he was working with his mixtape and your career as a racer was at its peak. You both agreed to be ‘steady and be the constants of each other.’
He then pulls you out of the room saying ‘I don’t want people to think we stayed in the room with just the two of us.’ Being a gentleman that he is, you just let it be. It’s not like how you sleep beside Jiminie or Taetae and Kookie sometimes.
You went to the buffet where the rest of the boys are. Giving you a knowing smile that you’re getting used to, Jiminie let’s out a squeal.
‘Noona! Where’s my hug? Will you come with us back home? We’ll have a month of rest and I’m thinking of going to Soop and just relax even for a week!’ Jimin giddily says
‘I’m sorry Chim but I have a launch in a week. I’ll try to catch up once I’m done with the new hotel okay?’ You replied with a sad smile
Jin held your hand like before whenever you need support ‘it’s okay. We can wait.’ He assures while fiddling with your fingers. You heard gasps from the new staff members but you know they won’t squeal.
You sat beside Tae and Kookie after giving them kisses and hugs. ‘Your rings are with me, safe and sound. Get them later in my room.’ Were your words and Hobi out of nowhere asked if they can ’chill’ with you in which you all agreed.
It was getting late and almost everybody are tipsy except you and Tae since you can’t drink alcohol for your meds to work, you heard muted voices from the balcony. Based on the voices, it’s Tae and Seokjin talking.
Tae: when will you tell her that you really want her to be in Korea? The rings are here! You’ve been telling us that auntie wants her to stay there as well! All of us!
Jin: I can’t. She might run farther away
Tae: but hyung, auntie has been bugging you for a year now!
Jin: I don’t know, Taehyung. I don’t know. I’m pressured right now. Please don’t add on the list.
Tae: but auntie said if it’s not you, then she’ll find somebody-one of their partner’s son to marry Noona!
Jin: it’s up to her. Whatever makes her happy.
You stood still. Heart shattered like a glass that slipped from Joonie’s grasp. Is Seokjin proposing just to let you go? Is he doing these things just to help you secure your freedom? Does he pity you so he helps you with your dilemma by talking to your mom, extending your freedom by telling her you’re together, then prolongs the so called relationship from marriage then backs out in the end?
You never let you tears fall. Instead, you cleared your throat and asked Tae to leave you two. You started with ‘how long have you been in contact with my mom?’
He answered ‘from the first time. Malta.’
‘Since when was this plan running?’
‘Three years ago. But it’s not what you think!’
‘So here we go. I can’t afford to lose you even though you’re dumb to put your relationship with anybody for my sake. We remain friends. Best friends. You will tell my mom I won’t marry anybody and I’ll keep doing what I do. I’ll keep loving you but I want you to explore your possibilities with others. You’ve been locked with me for my sake. I don’t need your pity.’
‘But.. it’s not like that. I love you. I live this life with you and I’m happy with you. I’m happy that you’re doing things that you love even if I’m not beside you and I’ll do everything to ensure that you’ll be in that disposition until you tell me you’re ready for more mature roles!’ He tries to crack a joke
The tears fell even though you tried hard to keep them in. ‘No. Let’s respect our boundaries from now on. Please do as I ask. Don’t worry, if our love is true, we’ll come back to each other’s arms.’
He answered ‘I’ll give you two years to soar. And if we’re still both single,it’s a sign. Deal?’
And you shook hands as if you closed a partnership.
You still can’t sleep. It’s been a while and the feelings are still there, even flourished. You still talk to each other everyday either through the group chat or via call. You video chat every no need then and he sends you potted flowers from time to time.
You stared at your walls. It’s around four in the morning and you still can’t sleep contrary regarding jet lag. You try to go out and visit Tae and Kookie’s room because you know Tae sprays something to the sheets to make them sleep faster. As you’re walking on the corridor, you heard Seokjin’s voice talking to somebody. He was laughing his heart out and he was joking with the person on the other line. Your senses went back and you’re ashamed of yourself for trying to eaves drop from your friend.
You tried to knock the couple’s room but it’s locked. You went to Hobi and Jimin’s room but their beds are separated leaving you a little room to sleep on. You were thinking of Joonie but he snores like a drunk dad always so you’d rather go back to Kookie’s room.
As you walk past Seokjin’s room again, you decided to give it a try. You tried to knock twice and he opened the door on the third.
‘Hi. You’re still awake?’ You asked
‘No. I’m sleepwalking!’ He jokes. He got a pinch on his side because of it
‘Can I come in?’ He opened the door and he went back in front of his Mac talking again to the person on the other line. You just looked at him and he seemed to zone out. He the remembers you after a while
‘Oh. Sorry. I’ll just finish this. It’s fun!’ Then gets his attention back to the monitor. He continues again to talk to the other person.
‘You can use my bed. I’m enjoying myself here. We are playing. I won’t sleep until after breakfast for sure’ with a grin on his face.
‘I think I’ll just go to the kitchen and try to clean the fridge or cook breakfast.’ You replied after an hour of him just laughing and playing. He even forgot that you’re there.
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moonliuna · 7 years
Stand Behind the White Line- Chapter 2
Read on Ao3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12621328/chapters/28839300
“How much longer?” Jungkook groans, leaning against the side of the bus stop.
Yoongi sighs, also incredibly bored. “I don't know. You’ve got a fucking phone, check the time yourself.”
“An hour, okay? Now be quiet.”
“An hour??”
Yoongi facepalms. “Jesus… Alright, I’m grabbing a snack. Come with?”
Leaping up at the distraction, Jungkook agrees. They walk along the street in silence. Naturally, it’s a little awkward, but neither of them seem pressed to fix it. Yoongi eventually stops in front of a coffee shop, raising an eyebrow in a silent question. Jungkook nods, and they enter.
The café is surprisingly large, with a decent crowd huddled inside. It’s fairly quiet, though, and the muted color palette accentuates the splashes of pink throughout. Calmly, Yoongi guides Jungkook to a table in the corner.
“I’ll order up front; is there anything you want?”
Jungkook is quiet for a moment, considering. “Just a chocolate chip cookie and an Americano, hyung.”
He nods and pulls out his wallet, moving to the counter.
Jungkook’s phone vibrates in his pocket, and he pulls it out to check.
Seulgi Hey bb. Eating lunch?
At this reminder, his stomach growls, and he really wishes he had ordered more than a cookie. It’s probably too late now. Silly, Seulgi would have said teasingly. Jungkook would have acted mock-offended. He shakes his head, ridding himself of stale memories.
JK Yeah, stopped at a place with this hyung I met.
Seulgi Ah, a hyung? What's he like? ^^
JK He’s nice, a senior at my college. We met because we both missed the bus ㅋㅋㅋ
Seulgi I wish I could have seen ㅋㅋ I miss you ㅠㅠ
Jungkook frowns. I really hate our distance…. I wish I could make her feel better.
JK I know… I miss you too.
He’s waiting for a response when Yoongi appears, holding two coffees, cookies, and sandwiches.
“Here.” He pushes half the food towards Jungkook. “I noticed it’s almost 13.00, so I grabbed some sandwiches. If you're not hungry, I’ll eat some,” He says with a smile.
Jungkook perks up and looks at Yoongi gratefully. “Thank you so much, Yoongi-hyung!”
Before the older can respond, Jungkook’s phone buzzes. He reaches for it instinctively before sheepishly glancing at Yoongi for permission. The other just chuckles, nodding to show that it’s fine.
Seulgi … Do you really?
Jungkook tilts his head, confused.
JK Of course…? What are you talking about, bear?
Seulgi It’s nothing…
I just…
I’m just a mess right now
I have to go
Oh no… What am I supposed to say now?
He tugs on his hair, conflicted and upset. Yoongi must see that something’s wrong because there’s soon a hand on Jungkook’s arm.
“Hey… Jungkook-ah?”
Jungkook looks up and regrets it right after. Yoongi’s eyes are warm and open, concerned and empathetic, and it hurts. It hurts because he wants to do that for Seulgi. Because this exact conversation has already happened so many times. Because he’s not enough. Because he has someone here to help him. And he doesn’t know if she does. He wants to help her- to hold her when she’s falling apart. He wants to see that kind of warmth in her. But that’s impossible.
He ducks his head.
“Gguk-ah?” It hurts. And the hand on his arm starts to burn.
He wants to speak.
But that feels impossible.
And the hand moves to his hand and it burns even more on his bare palm.
And this time, Yoongi’s silent.
It takes a while for Jungkook to speak. He doesn’t know if it was ten minutes or thirty minutes. Or maybe it was an hour and they’ve missed the bus again. He wouldn’t mind, but Yoongi would. He has places to be. With this thought in mind, Jungkook opens his mouth.
Yoongi’s hand tenses up then relaxes. He begins to draw tiny circles on the back of Jungkook’s hand.
“Don’t apologize.”
“Don’t. You’re not a… God, I don’t know… burden or some shit.”
Jungkook almost laughs. “Can I thank you?”
“Eat first.” He takes his hand off Jungkook’s to push his sandwich towards him.
“Okay.” Jungkook eats slowly, trying his best not to glance at his phone.
Yoongi stays silent.
At one point, a tall, broad-shouldered man with rose gold hair stops to speak with Yoongi. He’s dressed in the cafe’s apron and has a kind smile. Yoongi just whispers something in his ear and the taller nods. He looks at Jungkook gently and places his hand on Yoongi’s shoulder before leaving.
When Jungkook is done eating, he hands his cookie to the older man. He’s met with a disapproving glare.
“I’m really not hungry anymore, hyung.”
Yoongi sighs, but takes the cookie.
Jungkook sips his cold coffee, considering what to say next. Just be honest, right?
“That was my girlfriend, Seulgi.” He finally meets Yoongi’s eyes.
Yoongi seems surprised, but he nods, taking it in stride.
“We met in middle school and were good friends up until 9th year. Then we started dating, and it was great. It is great. But we’re in different universities now. She’s studying abroad… in the US.”
Yoongi’s eyes widen. He nods again, impressed.
Jungkook can’t help but smile. “I know, it’s amazing. I was- am- so proud. But now she’s 17 hours away by plane. It’s only been a few months since we graduated, but I haven’t been able to see her at all. We used to hang out every day, and that kind of change is… difficult, to say the least.”
His explanation is met with unwavering attention. Yoongi hums for him to continue.
“We’ve been texting, but it’s tough. She’s so stressed and I can’t do anything to help. It’s so fucking frustrating.”
Another nod.
“And just now, she… I don’t know… said I don’t really miss her or some shit. When I asked her about it she just shut down and left.”
Yoongi still doesn’t say anything, and Jungkook kind of want to scream. Tell him to say something. Tell him to give some advice. Say what to do. What’s the right thing to do.
“That’s it, I guess,” Jungkook finishes.
Yoongi licks his lips, before carefully starting to talk. “Long distance relationships are, well, never easy. In fact, they’re not the best idea to begin with. It’s rare for them to work out, even with people who are deeply in love... Will she be abroad for four whole years?”
Yoongi winces. “That’s… not a great sign. I’m not telling you to break up, but you need to confront her. It’ll be hard. You’ll both cry a lot. It’ll hurt like hell. But, you’ll finally have answers. Even if they’re not the ones you wanted from her.”
Jungkook puts his head in his hands. “I just… can’t let go yet.”
Yoongi takes a deep breath. “Maybe she already did.”
I can’t handle this.
“Hyung?” Jungkook lifts his head.
Yoongi gazes at him unfalteringly. “Yes?”
“What time is it?”
He’s disappointed, Jungkook can tell. But he won’t push. Instead, he pulls out his phone to check.
“We have ten minutes.”
The two make a silent agreement.
“Race you, hyung!”
Fun fact: I used Seulgi as JK's girlfriend because I absolutely love Red Velvet, and she's so cute ^///^ I just used her name though, their personalities will be different! Please don't use this fic as a reference for her personality ;-; (Oh, one of her nicknames is bear, which is why I used it here!)
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for-yoongi0309 · 6 months
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© 민스터리
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sunset9599 · 7 years
“Galleries.” Yoonmin fluff I wrote. By the-vickynoona PainterJimin/PianistYoongi AU
I was inspired in “The Danish Girl”’s and the decade of the 20′s. Please imagine this in that pastel, romantic, suitable way. I hope you like it:)
-“You should let me paint your back one of these days”, said Jimin to the man laying on the bed, face buring on the white-creamy colored pillow.
-”Hmm... Okay. Why don’t you do it now, then? I’m free the rest of the day and I’m too lazy to get up at any moment, so... Serve yourself.”
Jimin let out a sweet and excited grin as he walked to his desk and started to gather his things on his arms.
-”Yah, Yoongi. Be more careful on the things you allowe me to do. I might get carried away”.
With a soft giggle, Jimin approached the dark haired boy and sat at the edge of the bed, the rustling and shuffling of bedsheets and paint bottles were heard inside their bedroom. The window was open, and the curtains swayed at the soft rythm of the lullaby the wind was singing in the middle of spring. Honks of cars and the bakery’s bell across the street were heard too, the sweet and soft smell of new and home-made bread filling the air.
-“Yesterday, I went to the art gallery again.”
-“Oh..” That meant something happened, again. -”How did everything go?”
Jimin let out a heavy sigh. 
-”The same old thing... They told me the same bullshit again, Yoongi.” Jimin opened a bottle of oil and another one of paint, getting his brushes started. Yoongi felt uneasy by the news. He joined the sighing.
-”Jimin, sweetheart, you know how the Burnberry’s are. They can’t appreciate good and amazing art without judging social class first. Listen, darling, I know we don’t owe that much money, nor that we have the greatest or biggest house in all London, but I promise that I will get us some nice amount of money at the bar and-”
-“Don’t.” Jimin interrupted. -”This isn’t about money, and I’m not uncomfortable about how we live. First of all, I love how we live. So please, stop worrying about that.” Jiin mixed the oil with the paint on his palette and looked at the man’s hair. -”I’m going to start now.”
Yoongi only nodded and closed his eyes.
“Besides, even thought they worry about my ‘social class’, they said that I do the same thing. You know My Thing are portraits, maybe even landscapes. But c’mon, I can’t go and change my style from morning to morning. I can’t paint only flowers like Daniel does. He even gets more aknowledgement than me by only painting roses, all the freaking time. Ugh. Lucky brat.”
Yoongi let a soft laugh escape his lips, while the feeling of cold oil and paint was being sprayed by a brush alongside his bare and pale back. He hugged the pillow thighter and turned his face so he could face the other. The man with paint stains on his face looked entirely cute with that focus and determination on his eyes. A small pout adorning his lips. Yoongi let out another breath he didn’t know he was holding.
-”So... What are you going to do now? Are you going to come back?
-”No. And answering your question, I’ll search. They don’t deserve my time.”
-”Smart. I agree with that.”
-”Yeah... So, in other news, how was the bar last night? Was it filled?”
-”Kind of. Well, you know, it was full of rich people, all greedy and egocentric . It was nice, though. I presented one of my new compositions and Mr. Bolseck liked it. You know how important that man is.”
Jimin hummed and kept mixing the paint, creating colors and new horizons on Yoongis back, using his white, porcelain-like skin as his favorite canvas; swifting motions relaxing him.
-”I love when you play the piano, you know? I think, no; I believe the fact that you create pure art the moment you press your fingertips over the keys. Who knows?, maybe I’m to in love to talk.” He giggled.
-“Oh, that’s nice, because, I think I’m in love too, Deeply. In fact, in case you didn’t know, I think you are the best artist in the whole country. But, it’s such a shame that you weren’t my first love, though.”
-“Oh yeah?...” Jimin puffs his cheeks a bit. -“Who was it, then?”
-”Was.”  He corrected. -“The piano, of course.” Jimin held his laugh and smiled at the other.
-”Oh well then. I guess It was the same way to me. But painting overcame music in my case, I believe.”
-“Hmm. I wouldn’t marry my piano, tho.” He whispered in a low tone.
-“Huh? Did you said something? Jimin asked confused. 
-“Oh... No, no...” -Yoongi smiled and hid his face on the pillow again, feeling a bit relieved.
The minutes became hours, and the wooden clock on the wall said it was 4:37 pm. Yoongi almost felt his back ache from stiffness but any pain faded the moment Jimin laced his fingers with the boy’s strands of hair, and soft lips kissed the top of his head.
-”We’re finished, piano boy. It looks amazing, just saying.” Jimin smiled warmly and proudly at him, while he  had a hold in a mirror in the perfect angle so the boy could see his back. -”Take a look at yourself.”
And so he did.
Jimin managed to paint Yoongi’s first piano (which’s picture was in the living room, funny fact.) in an armoniac collaboration with a beach’s landscape. Yoongi loved the beach, and Jimin, and he thinks he does even more now. He felt the warm on his chest fill him completely, as he turned his head into Jimin’s direction again and tilted his head a bit so he could rest it on the pillow. He gripped the small box that he was holding under the creamy colored pilllow thighter as he looked into Jimin’s eyes.
-“True. It’s beautiful and amazing. I have a question for you, though.” His nerves came back but the determination in his heart made him get braver.
-“Mmm, yeah? What is it?” Jimin said as he cleaned his brushes with a rag.
Okay. You can do this, Min Yoongi.
-“Would you like to paint on my back, for the rest of our days?”
Jimin stood frozen, directed his eyes to the man still laying in front of him and stuttered.
-“Y-Yoongi? He frowned, feeling something in his stomach turn. From excitement.
-“You don’t need to keep searching for a gallery to take in your art anymore, Jimin. I want to be your only and one gallery from now on. To get your feelings and dreams painted and traced all over my skin. Becoming one. Just as the oil mixes with the paint, becoming something forever.”
Jimin felt his knees waver. Yoongi was doing something that Jimin never thought he would be living, because on the era they were living. The place. The ways. 
His eyes watered. Awating.
-“Now, can you answer me something?”
Jimin did.
Since that day, Jimin kept his memories, feelings, worries and even himself, in that pale, silky skinned, gallery.
His own gallery. The only one that mattered. Now and forever.
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for-yoongi0309 · 6 months
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for-yoongi0309 · 6 months
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© 슈가온더비트
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for-yoongi0309 · 6 months
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for-yoongi0309 · 6 months
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