#yorkington rvb
RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 1, Part 2, Poll 1
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Incorrect quotes?
Wash and York having sex, and Wash loving Hamilton musical starts singing "in New York you can be a new man"
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red-is-rainbow · 5 years
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aahahahhahnfjk im so sorry its late but heres my valentines gift for @illucci ! thanks to @rvbgiftexchange for hosting the event !! the last doodles are compensation for lateness
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becket-boy · 5 years
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Just Norkington Things - 'Great' mind's think alike
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caboose-onthe-loose · 5 years
Yorkington? (I LOVE YOUR WORK)
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Poor York stood up for a cat
^^ Mod: thank you so so much for the lovely comment ^^
(click image for better quality - ask box is open)
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agentwashingcat · 5 years
More incredibly self indulgent York/Wash lol. Cross posted on ao3!
“Hey, uh, you alright there, Wash?” York pulled himself back, letting his hands settle gently on Wash’s hips. They’d been fooling around a little on his bed, making out, that sort of thing. York had suggested going a little further, and Wash had said okay, but it was pretty clear to York that he wasn’t, really, not when he stiffened everytime Yorks hands got anywhere close to someplace he might call intimate.
York had to admit, he was used to already having slept with his significant others by this point in the relationship. But Wash had always been hesitant and York wasn’t about to push. Especially now that it was incredibly clear Wash was uncomfortable going further.
“Sure, fine.” The way his voice cracked made it clear it really wasn’t fine, and even Wash winced at the sound of his own voice. “Okay, maybe not.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” York soothed, moving his hands to cup Wash’s face. Wash was very steadily avoiding eye contact, and York frowned. “Hey, look at me.”
Wash’s eyes flitted up briefly before looking away again, red tinting his cheeks. “I’m sorry, I just, I’m trying but-”
“Hey hey hey,” York cut him off quickly. He definitely didn’t want Wash thinking this was something he had to do. “I don’t want you to force yourself to do anything, okay? I love you, sex isn’t as important as you being happy is.”
Slowly, Wash looked at him. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” York tugged Wash into his lap, wrapping him up in a tight hug. Wash returned the favor, pressing his face into York’s neck and holding onto him tightly. “I wanna make it very clear I don’t need reasons, but is this something you want to talk about?”
Wash pulled back slightly, uncertainty written all over his face. “I… don’t know that I could give you a reason, anyway. I’ve just, I’ve never been interested, really. I used to think you know maybe it was some sort of weird dysphoria thing, right, like oh, wrong body, don’t want it, but I don’t… that doesn’t feel right. Ya know?”
York raised an eyebrow. “Have you ever considered the possibility you’re ace?”
Wash blinked. “That I’m what?”
“Asexual. It means you don’t experience sexual attraction. One of my brothers identified that way.” That was really the only reason he knew anything beyond just the basic definition.
“Oh.” Wash was quiet for a moment. “That’s a thing?”
“Sure is.” York smiled softly, bringing their foreheads together. “Think that might fit?”
“...yeah, I think it might.” Wash grinned, letting out a little laugh. “I thought I was just weird. Good to know it’s not just me.”
“I mean, you are weird,” York teased, giving Wash a quick kiss. “Just not about that specifically.”
“Gee, thanks, York.” Wash just shook his head, settling into York’s lap. “You jerk.”
“You know you love me.”
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kellanswritingblog · 5 years
I almost forgot to post for @rvbrarepairweek today but here we are with some Yorkington.  Takes place shortly after Wash joined Project Freelancer, and York has offered him some pointers on his hand-to-hand technique.  
Wash put up his fists, and York immediately shook his head.  
“Your stance needs some work,” he said, moving to readjust Wash’s form, carefully moving his hands, shoulders, and hips.
“Is the manhandling necessary?”  Wash asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Not always.  Usually it’s just for fun.”  
Before Wash could stutter out a reply, York was in front of him again, his own fists up, ready to fight.  
“Alright, rookie, hit me with your best shot.”
Wash obliged, and York blocked it with little difficulty.  
“We can work with this.  You up for a round of fisticuffs?  I have to see what I’m working with before I can start teaching.”
“Only if you’re ready to get your ass kicked,” Wash replied, hoping that the anxiety he felt didn’t tremor out in his voice.  
“I like it,” York exclaimed.  “Let’s do this.”
While Wash’s technique was on the sloppy side, he fought with the fear of failure nipping at his heels, making every punch harder and his movements quicker. He knew York was probably taking it easy on him, but every time he landed a blow, he felt a little more sure of himself.  
With one particular punch, York staggered backwards, and a sense of victory flooded over Wash.  
“Not too shabby, huh?”  He started to brag.
York, however, had already started his counterattack, and landed a blow square in Wash’s chest.  He stumbled, his feet tripping on themselves, and sent him to the ground.  
When he fell, though, his legs flew out at a bizarre angle, and tripped York so that he fell down directly on top of him.  Their chests were pressed against the other’s, each breathing heavy with exertion.  
“Not bad, not bad at all,” York complimented.  He was seemingly oblivious to the closeness and didn’t make to move away. Meanwhile, Wash could feel his face flush.  
“That’s, uh, great.  Sorry for tripping you.”
York laughed.  “Hey, whatever works, right?”  With that, he climbed to his feet and then held out his hand to help Wash to his feet. “Let’s call it quits for today. We can have another sparring match sometime.  Maybe with fewer prying eyes,” he added, looking up at the windows above them, where some of the Project’s staff took notes on their clipboards.  
“Sounds good to me,” Wash replied, dusting himself off, as York started to walk away.  Then, something hit him.  “Wait, were you flirting with me?”
York chuckled and turned back to answer.  “Have been since you joined the program, bud.”
He left the training floor, leaving Wash alone and blushing.
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reallyagentyork · 7 years
i’m here, i’m queer, and i 
want to talk about norkington good god
((nork, northington, and yorkington as well!!)
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 3, Part 2, Poll 1
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sol-the-otter · 8 years
i seriously need people to discuss my RvB ships with. 
my Real Life doesn’t include these people. 
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rvbtexts · 8 years
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Everyone worries over York’s coping mechanisms
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List of Phases
1. Voltron Most Used Keywords: klance, lance, keith, hance/hanceome, shance, shiro, hunk, pidge, allura, shklance, shallura, coran, sheith, red, blue
2. Red Vs Blue Most Used Keywords: blue team, red team, rvb, tucker, freelancers, tuckington, chucker, grimmons, grif, sargenut, donut, sarge, simmons, wash/washington, york, yorkington, nork, norkington, tex/texas, chex, felix, carolina, north, yorkalina, caboose, florida, locus, churchington
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agentwashingcat · 5 years
I was gonna write something else but we got more York/.Wash because I have a problem lol. A follow up to this fic.
Cross posted on ao3!
“I think we should have a kid.”
Wash dropped his phone, staring at York. Of all the things he had expected York to say, that was definitely not it. Especially not first thing in the morning over breakfast. Before Wash had a few cups of coffee in him.
“We have a kid,” he said evenly. It was still kind of weird for him to say he had a kid. But Delta had started calling him dad last week, and Wash had to admit, it was an amazing feeling. “His name is Delta, I think you’ve met him.”
York rolled his eyes, taking another bite of cereal. “I meant another kid.”
“I know what you meant.” Wash downed the rest of his coffee, tilting his head at York. “You think we can handle another kid? Or like, a baby?”
“Why not, it’s got to be easier with two parents, right?” York teased, reaching over to place a hand on top of Wash’s. “I just… I see you with Delta and it makes me want another one.”
Wash flushed. Before York, he had never really thought about kids that much. Hadn’t even really been sure if he was parent material but Delta seemed to like him, so that was something, right?
There was something else he had to ask though. “You don’t mean, like, a biological baby right, because there is no way that’s happening.” First of all, Wash was pretty sure he’d been a T long enough that it wasn’t possible. Second of all, there was no way in hell he was gonna carry a baby.
“No no no,” York said, shaking his head. “The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind, actually. I thought we could adopt. There are lots of kids out there that need homes.”
“You know that’s really expensive, right?” Though to be fair, so was raising two kids.
York nodded. “We don’t need to do it right now, we can save up, I just thought bringing it up now gives us time to prepare. You know, if you’re up for it.”
York was watching him, and Wash took a bite of cereal to give himself time to think. Did he want another kid? Delta of course was more than enough, but…
“Yeah, okay. Let’s do it.”
York laughed, dragging Wash over the table for a kiss.
“York, my cereal!” Great, now he had milk all over him.
“You can get more.” York was grinning like an idiot, and Wash felt himself begin to do that same. Excited at the prospect of having another kid. Nervous, sure, but definitely excited.
Wash was suddenly smacked in the face with another idea. “Should we uh, get married first?” Could they even adopt together if they weren’t married?
York’s grin grew even wider. “Well now we should!” He kissed Wash again, though it was a little hard cause neither could stop grinning.
This would be an exciting year for them.
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Bow Chicka Bow Wow! #RvB #Projectfreelancer #tuckerjokes #yorkington #AgentWashington
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 2, Part 2, Poll 1
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agentwashingcat · 5 years
I said I was gonna write something else today instead of york/wash and then I didn’t.
Cross posted to ao3!
Wash was like, 90% sure he was hallucinating. Except that Carolina had gone quiet beside him, and even the reds and blues had stopped talking.
So maybe he wasn’t hallucinating. Honestly, he kind of wished he was. Because then, at least, there would be an explanation for why York was standing in front of him.
“Where the fuck have you been?” The words were spit out with all the venom he could muster, enough that York actually took a step back, and Wash could imagine the shocked look on his face. Yeah, York wouldn’t have predicted it going like this.
“What, Wash, I’ve been looking for you.” York put his hands up in front of him, a placating gesture that only pissed Wash off more. Looking for him? He couldn’t have been trying very hard.
“Oh, you’ve been looking for me?” Wash’s voice cracked, but he shrugged off the hand Carolina placed on his shoulder. “Were you looking for me after the ship went down? When I was trapped in debris for fucking hours until they finally pulled me out? Or how about before that, when they put Epsilon in my brain and he fucking destroyed himself and nearly took me with him? Where were you then? Oh, I remember, you ran away with Tex even though you fucking promised you’d be there after I got my AI!”
He was definitely shaking now, thankful his helmet was hiding the tears he knew were falling down his cheeks. Deciding he didn’t want to do this anymore, he turned heel and bolted.
Inside the base, hiding in his room, Wash ripped off his helmet and gloves, pressing his hands to his face to try and keep everything together. There were so many times he had desperately wished for York to be alive, and now that he was he was ruining it. Typical Wash, right?
There was a soft knock on his door, and Wash looked up, startled. Tucker was standing in the doorway, his own helmet off and concern etched across his face. “Hey, man, everything alright?”
Wash couldn’t help put give a bitter laugh. “What do you think?”
“Sorry, stupid question.” Tucker approached, placing a gentle hand on Wash’s shoulder. “You wanna talk about it? You’ve… never really mentioned that time in between freelancer and us before.”
“It’s… not exactly something I like to remember,” Wash admitted quietly. “A lot of my memories of it are vague. I spent a lot of time high out of my mind on whatever drugs they were giving me. But I remember… asking for my friends, for… for York and refusing to believe they were gone until… until I was in my right mind enough to see no one was there.”
He had tried not to blame his friends, but… it was hard. Carolina was one thing. She’d been thrown off a cliff and left for dead. And Maine was already the Meta by then. And obviously North had to look out for South and she came first but… it was York that really crushed him. He’d just taken off without saying anything and then just… didn’t try and find him after? Wash bit down hard on his lower lip, trying to fight back tears again. This was stupid, he couldn’t remember the last time he had cried this much.
“Shit dude.” Tuckers arms wrapped around him then, pulling him in for a tight hug. “That’s rough. Want me to go kick his ass for you?”
This time, Wash managed a real laugh. “Maybe. I just… need a minute to put myself back together.” He needed to have an actual real conversation with York that wasn’t just yelling. He was already starting to feel a little guilty. He should have at least let York explain himself.
“Take your time, man, Carolina won’t let him through until you’re ready.”
York stared in shock as Wash left, the sim troopers letting him through before continuing to stare York down. Oh man, he fucked up, didn’t he?
“Wash, wait!” He tried to follow, but Carolina put out an arm to stop him.
“I think you should give him a few.”
“Carolina, I, I didn’t, I swear I didn’t know you guys were alive!” He’d assumed, like everyone he had talked too after, that Carolina had died after Maine ripped out her AI and tossed her over a cliff. And when the MOI crashed, he’d just assumed Wash went with it. It was such a shitshow, he didn’t even know how he was supposed to find anyone in there.
“York.” Carolina spoke firmly, placing her hands on his shoulders. “It’s okay. I know. What I don’t know is how you survived.”
That was a fair question. “I faked my death. I was seriously injured but not as badly as I let Tex believe.” York paused, wondering if Tex is still a sore subject, but Carolina didn’t  move or say anything, so he kept going. “Well, there were lots of dead bodies so I just… switched armor.”
“And left Delta behind?”
Carolina was much more informed than he expected. And this was the part that York hated. “He had to keep the recovery Beacon going. I tried to convince him but… sometimes I think he had his own plan.” He’d heard about everything with the Alpha, knew Delta was gone now but York still missed him. He was a part of him, and it still felt like something was missing in his head sometimes.
Carolina sighed. “York. I’m about to tell you something you really aren’t going to like.”
“It can’t be worse than what just happened.”
“Wash was recovery.”
York felt like he’d been punched in the gut, and he had to grip Carolina’s arms to stay upright. “What?”
He could almost imagine the look she’s giving him beneath her helmet. “He was the one who found your, what we thought was your body.”
York thought he might actually be sick. They’d been so close. They could have been together so much sooner than this. Would Wash have been more or less angry then, finding York trying to fake his own death? He guessed it didn’t matter now.
“Carolina, I need to talk to him, please.”
She let out another sigh. “I’ll go check up on him just, wait here, okay?”
For once, York did as he was told. Rushing things would only make this worse, and he desperately didn’t want to make it worse.
“We’re in my room,” Wash called to Carolina, extracting himself from Tucker’s hug. He wiped at his eyes, trying to at least look presentable. He was  pretty sure it wasn’t working. He’d just put his helmet back on instead.
Carolina appeared in the doorway, tilting her head towards him. “You okay?”
Wash was quiet for a moment. “No. But I guess I should go talk to him, huh?”
“Not if you need more time. I think he wants to make things better though.”
Wash took a moment to collect himself. He needed to talk to York. Work on the whole not holding grudges thing. It’s not working so well here.
York was, somehow, right where Carolina left him. Wash didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.
“Can we have a minute?” Carolina herded the rest of the reds and blues away, leaving him alone. With York. Who was supposed to be dead. But Wash guessed he was supposed to be dead too.
He opened his mouth to speak, but York beat him too it. “Wash, I’m sorry, I didn’t, I honestly thought you died, if I had known, I would have gone back for you, I never would have left, I swear.”
Wash let that hang in the air for a moment. “Then why did you leave before? With Tex.”
York visibly flinched, but Wash needed an answer. He had to know what was so important York left before he got his AI. Before Epsilon.
“I was trying to do the right thing,” York finally answered. “Tex needed my help and I didn’t want to get you involved. In case things went south. Which they did.”
“You should have waited,” Wash said darkly. “Epsilon, the AI I got? He was Alpha’s memories. Got all that shit dumped into my head the day after you left.”
“Shit, man.” York looked like he wanted to reach out, but thought better of it. “I didn’t, I didn’t know.”
“It… was rough.” Wash looked down before looking back up. “York… I’m not the same guy I was the last time you saw me. I don’t even think I can be that guy anymore.”
“Wash… I doubt I’m the same either.” York took a hesitant step forward. “Either way… maybe we could start over? I’m not going anywhere, I swear.”
Wash was quiet a moment, before reaching out for York’s hand. York grabbed onto it eagerly. “Yeah. I’d like that. I… I really missed you, York.”
“I missed you, too.” Next thing Wash knew he was back in Yorks arms, both their helmets on the ground so they can get a good look at each other. They both look older. Ragged. But York has the same look in his eye he always had when looking at Wash, and it makes Wash think maybe this could work.
Maybe they can be together again. And maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay.
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