#you are getting THOUSANDS of dollars of free labour and content in these kinds of things
felidaefatigue · 1 year
Hey just a reminder for any young artists who might see this
do not do unpaid art labour for corporations or any formal body do not apply to competitions where the winner will get the art job and win prize money but the company gets to have rights to advertise with any and all submissions
do not.
ask to be paid by companies. always. no matter how good the cause.
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seungeunoh · 4 years
Would You Really Get Paid to Travel (or for Free?)
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Well, I understand , I know... the pains of linking flights, delays, cancellations, lugging bags a mile across terminals... the hassle of leasing automobiles, fighting traffic in an overseas country (and figuring out which side of the road to drive) and trying to discover what the guy is telling you if all's you asked was"where is the bathroom?" ... Aside from all that, is it perhaps not the best sense whenever you can resign from the standard routine, take a few deep breaths and realize you've got nothing to do but lay on the shore... your hardest decision is if you will get steak or veggie that night... along with your main worry is if you have enough sunlight? That is what traveling is all about... when it transposes us from our regular lifestyles and places us in a wholly new culture... seeing, breathing, and eating and dancing into exactly what people 10,000 miles away from you're doing and thinking to yourself"this is the kind of stuff you see on TV". That's when it's all worth it... that's why travel is so amazing.
But, only one of - if not"THE" - biggest challenges in traveling is that little green bit (or many bits ) of newspaper named MONEY. Whether you are trying to search for a friend in Dallas or take your wife to Bora-Bora, it all costs Money-and a lot of it. The occasions of those Southwest"$49.00" fares are long gone and the small weekend getaways whack a dent in your pocketbook. There are ways to shave a few dollars in some places, but no matter how you slice it, travel is costly. Not everybody has a cush, 7 or 6 figure salary which allows them to simply take off 6 day weekends or weeks at the same time for you to party in Ibiza. So, is there really a way to travel-and I mean really travel-and either receive money or travel for"free"??
The travel sector is an $8 TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY. Yes, you read that right... that's Trillion with a capital"T". Therefore, aside from the hotels, airlines and bag manufacturers, how will you join up?
Let's take a look at some of the ways you can earn a living, traveling across the world:
Flight Attendant: This is actually a wonderful way to visit a LOT of places-FAST. The ordinary flight attendant makes $37,000.00 a year, with the greater degree salaries hovering from the $75,000.00-$90,000.00 range. It's certainly a bonus if you know more than just one (1) language. Flight attendants receive a daily per Diem for food, together with flexible work schedules, discounts on flights, hotels and travel expenses for vacation. The disadvantage is that after you're working, the flight program might be grueling-traveling into multiple cities at a 12, 18 or 24 hour time frame. When you finally stop to rest, the desire to go sight seeing or take a look at the city, has been exchanged out with the simple necessity to sleep in a bed. Also I forgot to mention... have you NOT seen a couple angry, annoyed or upset people on your own plane? Yep, be prepared to manage those rude customers through your 12-24 hour shift!
Commercial Airline Pilot: Same deal with flight attendants, concerning labour program, but the pay is significantly better-depending on the magnitude of this jet along with company, it is possible to be making $121,000.00 a year. If you want to head to flight school, then pass your minimum 250 hours of flight experience, then do it! Just make sure you have perfect vision and hearing. Again, if you want to earn this a career, you are going to see cities all over the country (and the world), but be ready to deal with tens of thousands of customers, weather and equipment problems, grueling schedules and also the stress that comes along with the responsibility of flying so many people to unique places.
Travel Agent: As you may already understand, traveling agents know about the greatest places to see. They are the middle men between the hotels, airlinesand tourism bureaus along with also the travelers. More than likely, they've got an chance to visit some of these places in order that they are able to see every thing for themselves-that's quite a sweet flavour, eh? Common salary are everywhere from $25,000.00 to $35,000.00 and probably be asked to register in some type of training, on average with the Travel Institute.
Freelance Writer or Photographer: What a cool job this would be... traveling all over the entire world... spending time with numerous cultures, observing how the people convey, eat, sleep and worship. You truly are"free", relaying what you visit and experience to individuals sitting on their seat, thousands of kilometers apart. Simply grab... well, it's this 1 thing we talked of a little earlier: MONEY. Apparently, you're not going to receive money until you reach such places, therefore make sure you plan this out a bit, fill up some green in your checking account and pick up some pointers about how best to express your self with the pencil & paper or with the camera. Try to produce some sort of"following" which means you have a fantastic base of individuals viewing and reading your own content. Don't attempt to fly to India with a million dollars and an iPad, looking to start a travel site that produces cash, allowing you to wander the world to the upcoming few years. You might also go for your nearest casino and play blackjack. If it's possible to pull with the occupation (also to those that currently do so ), I tip my hat to you-great work!
In case you are in between jobs, just from school or Just Want to take a"sabbatical", why don't you consider those paths in traveling the entire world:
: Speaking English can offer access to countries in every places across the world. Some businesses offer free room & board in exchange for you really to help their employees enhance their English speaking skills and knowledge. There are also programs you can locate on the internet that well set you up with a certain country and company so as to train their people English. Now that you have your room & board covered, today we just have to figure out the way we will cover food and drink...
Start Giving Back: Feeling charitable or need to help the others? Why not look to jump onto a church mission trip, Habitat for Humanity-International, or in the event that you can simply take more time off, connect the Peace Corps? Obviously, that is not likely to be as glamorous as sailing the Mediterranean, island trusting the Greek Isles, but if you want to feel good about helping out people less fortunate-and work hard pack your bags and sign up for a volunteer opportunity. You will surely see some regions without paved roads, running water and folks only searching to get a roof over their head. Giving the less fortunate the simple things we take for granted: food, shelter and clothing, can give you new awareness of gratitude, after completing one of these tours.
All of these ways traveling are great and all, however, the number of people get the chance to eliminate extended amounts of time or have the guts to walk away from their occupation and also become a commercial pilot or even join the Peace Corps? I don't know about you, but I am accountable for the spouse and three(3) children, so taking the plunge on the"unknown" is absolutely NOT realistic.
So, back into the initial question above... How do you travel at no cost? And when I say,"travel", I mean, traveling... That usually means taking a care-free vacation... perhaps not needing to be concerned about if you're able to manage to leave the resort for supper that night, or buy those additional couple of sunglasses... Care-free travel means doing exactly what you want, whenever you need and not fretting about the bill when you get back home. Let us break a couple of ways in that we can actually travel free of charge (or as near it as we can get)... or even better: GET PAID TO TRAVEL!
Use Those Points! : You know, I always knew I was going to be more thankful for all the money I used my credit card. Now that I awakened all that debt,'' I also racked up dozens of points! Points I can use towards booking a fresh airport or maybe pay for my stay at the Bellagio in Vegas... at which I could blow more money! ... I'm kidding! ... sort of. Whenever you are wanting to obtain a brand new credit card, choose the card that offers the maximum, when used. Compare the interest rate for charges and cash advances, the yearly fees and in addition the bank card that gives you the most useful rewards. If you fly into certain airline, then be sure to input your frequent flyer number to gather those kilometers. Use travel websites that allow you to accrue points once you purchase flights, hotels, cruises and rental cars. You are paying for this stuff anyways, why don't you try and earn a little more for next occasion that you want to get a trip?
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dannylenihan · 7 years
Why things cost what they cost...
In the last couple of weeks my little brand, 3 Legged Thing, launched a brand new Universal L Bracket - the QR11. For the most part, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.
Then, somebody sent me a link to a well known forum, where a conversation had started about the press release for the QR11. The comments were almost wholly negative with more than one contributor stating “You can buy this from **Insert website** for $7″ or “I got one from China for $5 and it works just fine”. 
Fantastic. What you actually did is perpetuate a cycle of intellectual property theft, and put your own equipment at risk by using something that has zero accountability, or any certification, made with unknown materials, in a factory where you have no idea what the conditions are like. That’s what you did. I’ll take you through it, step by step, so you can understand.
1: Intellectual Property.
Firstly, we (manufacturers) all trip up on intellectual property from time to time. When you file a patent, it takes the examiners upwards of a year to do all of the searches required to see if any prior art exists. As a small company, we simply don’t have the resources or the time to do this kind of search, and neither do most larger corporations, but we try our level best to ensure that we are only filing utility patents for true innovation. From time to time every company inadvertently steps on another’s toes, which is why we have a licensing system.
Chinese manufacturers have little or no regard for intellectual property. They are well known for copying other designs. They just buy the product, scan it, pull it into a CAD system, and then load it up to their machining. Voila - product copied. Zero overhead, unless you count the cost of the product in the first place, plus the engineers time, reverse-engineering, and maybe two or three attempts for a production sample before it comes out correctly - or at least, how they perceive “correct”. The process probably takes a couple of weeks, if that.
So, basically it’s a counterfeit, that took the hard work of a small company like mine, and without any consideration for the legalities (yes, it’s illegal) they copied it, stuck it in a box and sold it. But sure, you can have an L Bracket for six dollars.
2: Design & Deliver - this is just to demonstrate the work it takes to bring a single product, like our new L Bracket, to market.
a: Design meeting - new product introduction. What are the objectives? What are we trying to achieve?
b: Meetings with camera stores. Measure every camera. This takes a couple of weeks
c: We make a box sketch for the underside, and left side aspects, taking in to account every camera we've measured.
d: With all of the data in place I create a simplistic design which offers the most universal coverage for all cameras. Is it perfect? No. But that’s not the point - the point is a one-size-fits-all bracket, which may have some limitations, but serves to do the job it was designed for - to enable a photographer to switch from landscape to portrait without moving the tripod or head, retaining the composition.
e: Then I start to design the mechanical necessities - usually I start with the rubber pads. This process can take a long time. The rubber pads are crucial to the final product. My goal is to create maximum surface contact and grip, to provide a stronger, more secure connection. 
f: Innovation comes next - what other value can we add to this product? We add a number of extra functions to all of our products. This part of the process can take several weeks.
g: Once we have a final design, there are a number of stages. Filing patents or design registrations comes first - over the life cycle of a patent it will cost upwards of $100k for extending worldwide, annual renewals, legal costs, filing fees etc. 
h: Making a short run production for samples is next, and handing these out to a number of Pro-Team members to test and try and comment on.
i: Build the asset library. The costs and time implications of this should not be underestimated.
Photograph the products - pack shots
Lifestyle Images - shots in use, in different locations and environments
Product Video 
Product Information Packs for dealers
j: Packaging design and Instructions actually happens towards the end of the process. This can take a few months itself, as there are a number of things to consider - we write manuals in six languages, and our boxes and packaging have to comply to regulations in 206 countries - no easy feat.
k: Finally it’s the launch - Press releases, marketing, adding listings and writing copy for websites, blurb etc.
That whole process just took between 8 and 12 months, with thousands of man hours, and costs upwards of $100k in time, materials, legal fees, outsource costs etc.
The Bottom Line
The Chinese factory did it in two weeks, without any of the above effort. Is it any wonder they can produce something that looks similar for six dollars?
3: Factory Standards
Working conditions is an important part of our company ethos, as it is for most manufacturers in our industry. Sure, I could make things cheaper - the first factory I worked with, with one of my other brands back in 2005, was a total chop shop - I pulled out of there when I realised how bad the conditions were. That was a steep learning curve for me - since then, I inspect any factory for compliance to health and safety regulations before deciding whether or not to trial them, and I always, always stay at the factory for first production, to see that workers are treated fairly, provided with the necessary tools and safety equipment required to do their jobs properly.
"I always, always stay at the factory for first production, to see that workers are treated fairly, provided with the necessary tools and safety equipment required to do their jobs properly."
I’ve seen factories where the conditions are appalling. Where old ladies sit with woollen gloves, using their hands to knock burrs off die cast components, blood pouring up their arms. Where moulds that weigh over 600kg are carted around on rusty chains by workers with no safety helmets, wearing sandals or flip flops. Where workers using lathes or DMC’s sit with sparks flying at them, no goggles on, hands covered in splinters.
It’s inhumane. And for us, unacceptable. But sure, you can have an L Bracket for six dollars.
4: Materials
We use only the highest grade of materials. We use T6061 for aluminium with a 1.1% magnesium content. We use the highest grade of stainless steel for the safety pins and the camera screw. We’ve tested these to destruction, because we know that a 4mm shaft of stainless steel is the difference between holding your camera and losing it. Is the cheap, Chinese version free from materials that are restricted in most countries? Lead, cadmium and a few others besides? 
Here I am inspecting the aluminium billets at the factory. Our QC process starts at materials in, and is duplicated through every stage of production.
"We use only the highest grade of materials."
Then there are the actual processes to consider. I saw one comment along the lines of “got one from AliExpress, CNC’d, so every bit as good as a brand version”. That’s just not accurate. A CNC machine is just a 3D drill that does what it is mapped to do. There are all sorts of other considerations - which kind of lubricant do they use? Is it toxic? Do they have sealed waste flushing and specialist disposal? What about the tolerances? Is it precision engineered? Unlikely. Being that the aim of the game is to be as cheap as is humanly possible, I doubt that any single item sits in a block for more than five minutes, meaning it’s machined crudely and cheaply. It’s also the difference between using a $2 drill bit and a $100 drill bit. Both will make a hole, but only one will do it smoothly and accurately.
How is it finished? Is it anodized? Anodizing is a horrible chemical process that requires strict controls and safety equipment, and extensive training. Even the Chinese government have started to close many of the non-compliant factories, because of the injury and fatality rates, and the dumping of chemicals into groundwater.
"We recycle every gram of waste - from swarf to filings, everything is collected, rinsed, packaged and recycled."
So, the materials are unknown, potentially full of non-compliant chemicals, made in a factory that’s possibly poisoning the groundwater of the local community, and might be responsible for many workplace injuries, but sure, you can have an L Bracket for six dollars. 
5: Pricing
With months of development, huge legal costs for protecting designs and technology, thousands of man hours of labour, outsource costs, prototyping etc, this product has to make money. Contrary to popular belief, “profit” isn’t a dirty word. It enables everyone in the world who works in the private sector to have a job.
I have distributors in countries around the world. I need to sell the product to them, with a layer of profitability for my company. They need to sell it to camera stores, and also need to make a profit. The camera stores sell it directly to you, and they too need to make a profit, and it is this last link in the chain which is so at risk of extinction. Our industry has millions of employees around the world. We’ve already seen huge losses of jobs and stores since 2010, and we’re only just seeing small signs of recovery. A huge proportion of camera sales happen in stores - not online, and it is this facet that is most critical. The more stores that close, because they simply cannot compete with Chinese rip offs and off-the-shelf rebranded products, the less innovation will occur, and less production will happen, leading to higher prices and less jobs, until the economic viability of our industry is no longer sustainable.
The Reality
THAT is what you’re buying in to when you decide to get it cheaply. Far be it for me to judge anyone for their decisions - that’s not what this is about. This is about the disposable, throw-away comments that largely circumnavigate the actual circumstances of a product’s arrival in the market place.
Have you ever heard the expression “You get what you pay for”? Well, you do, if you buy something, anything, off the shelf in China, without any sort of verification process.
Anyway, I’m sure that any number of keyboard warriors will have something to say about this article. I’m not here to condemn anyone for their actions, far from it, I’m just trying to educate people to the realities of Chinese copies. 
There are only really a dozen or so global brands involved in camera support technology. As the smallest of these we are, perhaps, less affected by the Chinese copies, so I’m not writing this to protect my own company. This is about all of the great manufacturers, past and present, who spend millions on product development every year, only to see themselves ripped off by unscrupulous factories who don’t have the vision, the skill or the tenacity to create anything themselves. This is for the tens of thousands of employees of those companies who work hard, in daily fear of their livelihoods thanks to the incursion of illegal copies into our market place.
Are we perfect? No. But at least we’re doing it ourselves, with integrity, with compassion, with respect for human rights, with regard for regulations and compliance, with one eye on our planet and recycling, and with a degree of passion for this great industry.
That’s why it costs $50.
Thanks to Simon Pollock for the factory images.
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creativesage · 6 years
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(via What if people were paid for their data? - Data workers of the world, unite), by The World If staff at The Economist
Advocates of “data as labour” think users should be paid for using online services
“DATA SLAVERY.” Jennifer Lyn Morone, an American artist, thinks this is the state in which most people now live. To get free online services, she laments, they hand over intimate information to technology firms. “Personal data are much more valuable than you think,” she says. To highlight this sorry state of affairs, Ms Morone has resorted to what she calls “extreme capitalism”: she registered herself as a company in Delaware in an effort to exploit her personal data for financial gain. She created dossiers containing different subsets of data, which she displayed in a London gallery in 2016 and offered for sale, starting at £100 ($135). The entire collection, including her health data and social-security number, can be had for £7,000.
Only a few buyers have taken her up on this offer and she finds “the whole thing really absurd”. Yet if the job of the artist is to anticipate the Zeitgeist, Ms Morone was dead on: this year the world has discovered that something is rotten in the data economy. Since it emerged in March that Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy, had acquired data on 87million Facebook users in underhanded ways, voices calling for a rethink of the handling of online personal data have only grown louder. Even Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, recently called for a price to be put on personal data, asking researchers to come up with solutions.
Data provided by humans can be seen as a form of labour which powers artificial intelligence
Given the current state of digital affairs, in which the collection and exploitation of personal data is dominated by big tech firms, Ms Morone’s approach, in which individuals offer their data for sale, seems unlikely to catch on. But what if people really controlled their data—and the tech giants were required to pay for access? What would such a data economy look like?
It would not be the first time that an important economic resource had gone from simply being used to being owned and traded; the same has already happened with land and water, for example. But digital information seems an unlikely candidate to be allocated by markets. Unlike physical resources, personal data are an example of what economists call “non-rival” goods, meaning they can be used more than once. In fact, the more they are used, the better for society. And frequent leaks show how difficult it can be to control data. But another historical precedent might provide a model—and also chimes with contemporary concerns about “technofeudalism”, argue Jaron Lanier, a virtual-reality pioneer, and Glen Weyl, an economist at Yale University, who both work for Microsoft Research.
Labour, like data, is a resource that is hard to pin down. Workers were not properly compensated for labour for most of human history. Even once people were free to sell their labour, it took decades for wages to reach liveable levels on average. History won’t repeat itself, but chances are that it will rhyme, Mr Weyl predicts in “Radical Markets”, a provocative new book he has co-written with Eric Posner of the University of Chicago. He argues that in the age of artificial intelligence, it makes sense to treat data as a form of labour.
To understand why, it helps to keep in mind that “artificial intelligence” is something of a misnomer. Messrs Weyl and Posner call it “collective intelligence”: most AI algorithms need to be trained using reams of human-generated examples, in a process called machine learning. Unless they know what the right answers (provided by humans) are meant to be, algorithms cannot translate languages, understand speech or recognise objects in images. Data provided by humans can thus be seen as a form of labour which powers AI. As the data economy grows up, such data work will take many forms. Much of it will be passive, as people engage in all kinds of activities—liking social-media posts, listening to music, recommending restaurants—that generate the data needed to power new services. But some people’s data work will be more active, as they make decisions (such as labelling images or steering a car through a busy city) that can be used as the basis for training AI systems.
Yet whether such data are generated actively or passively, few people will have the time or inclination to keep track of all the information they generate, or estimate its value. Even those who do will lack the bargaining power to get a good deal from AI firms. But the history of labour offers a hint about how things could evolve: because historically, if wages rose to acceptable levels, it was mostly due to unions. Similarly, Mr Weyl expects to see the rise of what he calls “data-labour unions”, organisations that serve as gatekeepers of people’s data. Like their predecessors, they will negotiate rates, monitor members’ data work and ensure the quality of their digital output, for instance by keeping reputation scores. Unions could funnel specialist data work to their members and even organise strikes, for instance by blocking access to exert influence on a company employing its members’ data. Similarly, data unions could be conduits channelling members’ data contributions, all while tracking them and billing AI firms that benefit from them.
All this may sound like science fiction. Why should Google and Facebook, for instance, ever give up their current business model of using free data to sell targeted online advertising? In 2017 they raked in a combined $135bn in ad dollars. If they had to compensate people for their data, they would be much less profitable. Meanwhile, startups such as CitizenMe and Datacoup, which can be seen as early forms of data unions, have so far failed to make much headway. Yet in other corners of the industry, tech giants already pay for data, although they are careful not to talk too much about it. Mostly through outsourcing firms, they employ armies of raters and moderators to check the quality of their algorithms and take down content that is illegal or offensive. Other firms use crowd-working platforms, such as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, to farm out data work such as tagging pictures. Mighty AI, a startup based in Seattle, pays thousands of online workers to label images of the street scenes that are used to train the algorithms that power self-driving cars.
What is more, if AI lives up to the hype, it will lead to demand for more and better data. As AI services get more sophisticated, algorithms will need to be fed a higher-quality diet of digital information, which people may only provide if they get paid. Once one big tech firm starts paying for data, others may have to follow.
Treating data as labour means tech giants’ profit margins are likely to get squeezed, but their overall business may get bigger. And workers will, at least partially, be in the driving seat. Their mornings might start with checking a dashboard provided by their data-labour union, showing a personalised list of available jobs: from watching advertising (the computer’s camera collects facial reactions) to translating a text into a rare language, to exploring a virtual building to see how easy it is to navigate. The dashboard might also list past earnings, show ratings and suggest new skills.
But much still needs to happen for personal data to be widely considered as labour, and paid for as such. For one thing, the right legal framework will be needed to encourage the emergence of a new data economy. The European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation, which came into effect in May, already gives people extensive rights to check, download and even delete personal data held by companies. Second, the technology to keep track of data flows needs to become much more capable. Research to calculate the value of particular data to an AI service is in its infancy.
Third, and most important, people will have to develop a “class consciousness” as data workers. Most people say they want their personal information to be protected, but then trade it away for nearly nothing, something known as the “privacy paradox”. Yet things may be changing: more than 90% of Americans think being in control of who can get data on them is important, according to the Pew Research Centre, a think-tank.
Even if people got money for their data, skeptics say, they wouldn’t get much. If Facebook shared out its profits across all its monthly users, for instance, each would get just $9 a year. But such calculations fail to recognise that the data age has only just begun. AI is often likened to electricity, and when electrification began in the late 19th century, entire cities used only as much power as a single household does today.
Wouldn’t this data economy be hugely unequal? Some people’s data will surely be worth much more than others’. But Mr Weyl argues that the skills needed to generate valuable data may be more widely spread than you might think, so data work could disrupt the standard hierarchy of human capital. One way or another, societies will have to find a mechanism to distribute the wealth created by AI. As things stand, most of it accrues to the big data distilleries. Unless this changes, social inequality could revert to medieval levels, Mr Weyl warns. If that happens, it is not unreasonable to assume that one day, the data workers of the world will unite.
[Entire post — click on the title link to read it at The Economist.
This article appeared in the The World If section of the print edition under the headline "Data workers of the world, unite.”]
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shgmpmseo · 6 years
Social Media Automation Is Bad, and Other Marketing Lies
Social Media Marketing Is Bad, and Additional Marketing Lies
Remember AT&T’s super-spammy debacle known as the “Ticket Chasers” program? It was a opportunity for folks to acquire NCAA tickets. They chased the effort into a builder, who then chased the Tweets to an robot, who then spammed the crap out of tens of thousands of Twitter users.
The difficulty was that lots of the recipients did not even follow @ATT or have any curiosity about NCAA.
Or, even more recently, consider @McDonaldsCorp’s unfortunate tweet.
There is not a lot of stuff there, but @Wendys sure adored it.
Even the best of us make errors, and people ones in that. However, some point to such cases as proof-positive which  social media automation is bad advertising– that it undermines the purpose of social networking entirely: community engagement and meaningful conversations.
In the end, you would never automate messages for your family and friends, would you? Then how do you (gasp) automate messages into your beloved audience?
The reality is these offenses miss the point completely. Social media automation performed well is equally brilliant and also has a favorable return. The distinction is utilizing what I call “smart-o-mation” instead of “spam-o-mation.”
I really don’t like junk. Nobody likes junk. But societal automation does not have to be spam.
‘It’s Only Time’
Once upon a time, my firm, CoSchedule, conducted a test around the perfect recipe for social promotion. We wanted to understand how many times we should promote a single piece of content. Which networks operate best?
We dug into our own data packed with countless messages from thousands of customers. In addition, we mimicked the numbers from more than twenty industry-recognized research on the best times to program social media messages on each network.
Recently, I met with a marketer who had been absolutely raving about this report. That was pretty enjoyable to hear. Actually, he found so much significance in it , he had it recovered and followed whenever that he scheduled a societal network messages because of his brand’s several reports.
“For each single message?” He asked him.
“That is correct, every single message.”
“Does not that require you a ton of time” I asked.
“Nah, it’s not that awful. Only a few hours each week.”
He was an amazing man, and we talked for a while longer. Eventually, though I gave him a few good information that I could get him the exact results–absolutely scheduled messages–at 1 percent of their time with a number of our automation characteristics.
Surprisingly, he also pushed. It took some time for me to convince him that he should give up the intensive manual labour of scheduling matters by hand. He kept saying, “It is only timeit does not cost me anything!” But that is in which he, and lots of different marketers I’ve met, are mistaken.
Dollarize Your Time
A few quick questions helped me to calculate that his time was worth roughly $100 per hour. In his mind he had been saving money by not falling $60 per month on a automation tool. By the end of our conversation, it was fairly apparent that if he had been “saving” $60 he had been really spending $1,200 in time to achieve the identical function.
He had been stuck at the “it’s only time” snare. He had been grossly undervaluing his time. And we always see this in advertising groups.
Too many entrepreneurs think their time is totally free. However, they don’t realize that it’s even more valuable than their money.
The goal of promotion is to have the perfect folks to the perfect place at the ideal time– all with the goal of driving profitable client actions. The mechanics of promotion are all about ruthlessly outsourcing tasks that can be performed as well, or even better, by automatic processes. If you don’t, you are stuck in a unscalable design.
My advertising friend, like all us, has 168 hours each week. Let’s generously say he only works 40 hours each week. (He probably works even more, like a whole lot of you reading this!) That usually means the three “free” hours that he spends each week perfectly time his societal messages equals 7.5 per cent of the time.
Now, I will ask you the exact same question I asked him “How can it feel to add fewer hours and get far better results?”
It is possible because the exact identical time previously sunk into menial tasks is currently available for high-return pursuits–the things that you absolutely cannot assign to another individual or tool.
It is time to adopt smart-o-mation to get bigger results in significantly less time.
Smart-o-mation versus Spam-o-mation
Smart-o-mation is a way to 10x your interpersonal media results while saving money and time. In actuality, I think in its power so much, it’s really part of my own content advertising formulation.
But when people hear me speak about automation, a few think I am advocating for “Ticket Chasers”-style spamming, in which you merely spew the exact tweets, posts, and pics ad nauseam. This is spam-o-mation, a digital recipe for alienating your audience at a public way. It is also the kind of automation folks really have a problem with.
Rethink Your Publishing Schedule
Harnessing the power of smart-o-mation is dead simple. It is all about bettering your publishing program.
Spoiler alert: It is time to get aggressive.
In my experience, under-sharing on interpersonal media is a marketing outbreak. It appears like this: You print a fresh blog post, then discuss a link on Facebook, Twitter, or maybe LinkedIn. Hopefully, it picks up some grip and nabs a few enjoys, remarks, and stocks.
Now, couple that shelf life with the staggering quantity of sound on societal. Every single minute, you will find:
814 pictures published on Instagram
2,644,941 mails sent
7,844 messages tweeted
This is further compounded with the dismal fact of that post’s reach. As reported by a report from Social@Ogilvy, brands might experience as few as two percent natural achieve.
If you have got 10,000 followers, a cool 200 of these will observe the post because they breeze by using their packs within the course of 2 hours.
From our own data we understand that 77% of our customers share their content on social media less than three occasions. 37 percentage share content on interpersonal media just once after it’s published.
Here is the deal. If you are sharing a bit of content just once, you are absolutely wasting your own content. You’re leaving tons of traffic and engagement on the deskand this implies revenue!
We all know that for a fact because when we ramped up our posting program, our website posts got 31.5 times more click-throughs–that is a 3,150 percentage boost in 1 week. And all due to our frequency.
We quadrupled our traffic with essentially no more attempt.
Our first tweet attracted only two link clicks. A measly two individuals visited our content.
This station could have been a lone burger, if we’d stopped there. Fortunately we kept talking about it. We tweeted about this piece of content eight times, bringing 63 added click-throughs.
One of my favourite quotations from Jay here is, “The goal isn’t to be useful at social media. The goal is to be good at business due to social media.”
That is precisely what a posting program that is more robust makes it possible to do.
Smart-O-Mate Your New Posting Schedule
Over time and with constant testing, we depended on a societal media promotion schedule that is about 40 days long for blog posts independently. But, since we print so much content, manually keeping up with so much social networking posting legwork would cost an incredible amount in dollarized time. It would also be a massive opportunity cost.
While our advertising team will do excellent social media work by posting in the top times over the best days, their time to really create more content and engage with our followers on interpersonal media could be severely undercut.
That is why we specify our cross-platform advertising program and then automate each message with just a couple of clicks.
We still custom design images. We still write valuable copy for each and every societal message. We are doing a lot more than shooting a title and link for 40 days.
However, the purpose to adopt is that intelligent automation will help save you time, and so increase your capability to drive business value with social media.
Get unstuck in the “It is only time” snare, get aggressive with your promotion program, also capitalize on societal automation tools to do the time-consuming tasks for you.
from Shgmpm Affordable SEO Agency http://www.shgmpm.com/social-media-automation-is-bad-and-other-marketing-lies/
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