#you bet your ass I included a word count
briefinquiries · 1 month
Tyler Owens x Reader: No Hesitation
Request: From anonymous: “I had an idea for Tyler Owens!! I feel like Tyler would be the type of guy that if a girl came up to him and said ‘this guy is creepy, pls pretend to be my bf’ he would be like ‘hell yay’ and scare the guy away without making the girl uncomfortable?? Maybe you could do a scenario like that with reader?? Thank youuu!!! Lots of love!!”
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: none
A/N: guys.... i'm down bad for tyler owens, pls send help (or requests so i can keep writing about him). anywayyy, enjoy!
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“You comin’ T?” Boone asked as he peered into Tyler’s motel room. 
Tyler glanced up from where he sat on the edge of his creaky, double mattress and nodded. “Yeah, I just need to grab a shirt that doesn’t smell like pig shit.”
“Good luck with that,” Boone chuckled. “We haven't done laundry in almost three weeks– just about everything in my bag smells like pig shit.”  
“Maybe it’s time we popped home for a bit,” Tyler muttered as he continued digging through his bag. Finally, he pulled out an unused, plain, T-shirt that had been folded at the bottom of his duffel. “What kind of place is this, Boone?” he asked as he pulled the shirt over his head. 
“Just a bar, man. Nothin’ fancy. They got darts though, and a pool table. Which, by the way, I bet you fifty bucks I can smoke you at.”
“Boone, you don’t even have fifty bucks,” Tyler replied, shaking his head. He stood up from the bed and joined his friend in the hallway, shutting his motel room door behind him. 
“Do too,” Boone said defensively as they began walking towards the parking lot to join the rest of the team. 
“Oh you mean the fifty bucks I gave you to get the van’s oil changed last week? Which now I’m assuming you never did–” 
“An honest mistake,” Boone said, putting his hands up in surrender. “They were closed the day you gave it to me, then I’ll be honest, I forgot about it. But my point is, beat me at pool and that money is yours again.” 
“I don’t want the money to be mine again, I want the van to get an oil change.”
“Well you get your fifty bucks back and you can use it for whatever you’d like– oil change included.”
Tyler shook his head, knowing there was no use arguing with his friend. 
“What’re you two love birds arguing about now?” Lilly asked. She was perched on the hood of Tyler’s truck looking at footage she’d taken from her drone earlier in the day. 
“T’s too scared to play me in pool,” Boone answered before Tyler could. 
“Aw,” Lilly said teasingly. “Nothin’ to be scared of. We’ll still love ya, even if Boone kicks your ass.”
“Yeah, T,” Dani added from the front seat of the van. They had the door kicked open and their feet resting out the rolled down window. “There’s no shame in losin’. Only in never trying.”
“I oughta just leave the lot of you behind. Me and Dexter can take things from here. Isn’t that right, Dex?”
“Sure,” Dexter said casually. “But I’ll have you know I can also beat your ass at pool.”
“Unbelievable,” Tyler muttered to himself. “Who’s ridin’ with me?”
Lilly and Boone’s hands shot up. “Shotgun,” Boone announced. 
“You always get shotgun,” Lilly muttered as she climbed into the backseat of his truck. 
“We’ll meet you guys there,” Dani said as they pulled their feet into the van and started it up. Dexter climbed into the passenger seat and then the group of them were off. 
It took about fifteen minutes to get to the bar Boone had been going on about all day. He insisted they served the best chicken wings in all of Tulsa. Tyler would be the judge of that. 
The parking lot was relatively full– but not surprisingly so for a Saturday night. 
“If you have more than three drinks, you’re ridin’ back with Dani, you understand?” Tyler said to Boone as the five of them walked into the bar together. “I’m not havin’ you get sick in my truck for a second time.”
“Whatever you say, Dad,” Boone said sarcastically. “I’m gonna mark my territory at the pool table– let ‘em know we’re next. Grab me whatever’s on tap, will ya?”
He didn’t even wait for Tyler’s confirmation before darting off, Dani and Dexter on his tail. 
Meanwhile, Tyler and Lilly made their way to the bar to order for everyone else. “Man, he’s full of it today,” he muttered once they reached the counter. 
“Yeah, well. We’re all a little restless,” Lilly admitted. “It’s been a long few weeks without much action. Boone’s kinda like a puppy. Except instead of walks he needs adrenaline rushes and excessive fun. Tonight’ll be good for him.” 
Tyler chuckled as he turned to check where the bartender was at. Except, as soon as he did, his elbow collided with the person beside him. 
“Sorry–” he said quickly, eyes wandering down. 
His words caught in his mouth at the sight of an unfamiliar, but beautiful girl. You were gazing back up at him with equal surprise, mouth hung open slightly. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeated. 
“That’s okay,” you answered quickly. “I was standin’ too close.” 
“No other way to really do it in here it seems,” he said. 
You smiled sweetly. “I know– it’s never this busy here, even on the weekends.”
“You come here a lot?” he asked, just trying to keep the conversation going. 
“I wouldn’t say a lot, but enough. Any time I have a hankering for some wings.”
Tyler adjusted his body so that he was facing you entirely now. He was boxing Lilly out– but she’d understand. Especially after she got a look at how gorgeous you were. “You know, my buddy said they were good. I didn’t entirely believe him. But if you say so…”
“You’re gonna trust a total stranger over your buddy?” you asked teasingly. 
Tyler tilted his head to the side. “If you met my buddy, you’d understand why. You know we’re all gonna play some pool in a bit if you wanted to–”
“Hey Y/N, there you are!” Tyler heard someone say, cutting him off. He watched as your head snapped around. A man– tall with broad shoulders and black hair, was pushing through the crowd towards you. 
“I gotta go,” you said to Tyler quickly, instantly causing his shoulders to fall. “Have a good night.”
“Yeah, you too,” he grumbled. He turned back towards the bar to avoid seeing you reunite with who he supposed was probably your boyfriend. 
“Don’t sweat it, T,” Lilly said, clapping him on the back. “You’ll get the next one.”
Tyler rolled his eyes, kicking himself for letting himself get his hopes up over a stupid, two minute conversation. 
Once he and Lilly got everyone’s drinks, the pair of them made their way back towards the pool table which Boone had successfully taken over. No time was wasted before Boone was insisting the pair play. 
To Tyler’s absolute dismay– he really did suck. 
He lost three games in a row before finally calling it quits. He opted to sit at a high top table with Dexter, watching Lilly and Boone compete instead. 
Tyler was just about to throw down the last of his beer when suddenly, he felt an arm loop through his.  He turned to tell who he assumed was Dani, that they’d had way too much to drink, but before he could, a voice (that certainly didn't match Dani’s) rang out. 
“Hi baby, there you are!”  
Dexter, who was sitting across from Tyler, glanced at him surprised. 
Tyler looked to his left and locked eyes with the same girl from the bar earlier. Except now, she was gazing at Tyler desperately. Without warning and before Tyler could even react, you leaned closer to him. 
In a hurried whisper, you spoke so that only Tyler could hear. “There’s a guy over there. I keep asking him to, but he won’t leave me alone– can you just pretend to know me so that he’ll go away?”
Then, you press your lips to the side of Tyler’s cheek quickly, like it was a gesture the two of you had shared thousands of times. You continued holding on to his arm, your eyes wildly trying to communicate how terrified you clearly were, as you looked pleadingly at him to help you. 
Tyler’s face broke out into a huge grin as he, with absolutely no hesitation, took on the role of boyfriend for a complete stranger. He wiggled his arm out of your grasp and instead wound it around your waist, pulling you tightly into his side. 
You were taken aback by how secure and safe you suddenly felt. 
“I’ve been looking all over for you,” Tyler replied.  He could visibly see the look of relief that washed over your face once you realized he had decided to play along. 
Tyler tugged at your hip, indicating that he wanted you to lean in closer. You took his hint and tilted your head towards him.  
“Which guy is it?” he asked discreetly. 
“Red shirt, black hair,” you mumbled quietly. It was only then that you notice the other man sharing the table with your rescuer. You offered him an apologetic smile, hoping that he was intuitive enough to pick up on the cues you’d been dropping.  
Next you noticed the rest of his group scattered around the pool table. Initially, they were in the middle of a game when you came over, but now, their attention had shifted. You glanced at the beautiful girl with tanned skin and long, braided hair, holding a pool stick. She offered you a small, but cautious smile. You hoped it wasn’t her boyfriend you were currently draped over.  Then, there’s another guy– with messy black hair topped with an old, worn ball cap. He had a confused look on his face, but when the girl leaned over and whispered something in his ear, his eyes lit up in understanding. 
The man you were clinging to rubbed your hip bone gently with his thumb. The sensation sent sparks across the entire surface of your skin. You wondered if he even realized he was doing it.  
You’d seen him at the bar earlier and had gotten a good, gut feeling about his demeanor. He seemed genuine and kind– even though you’d only managed about a two minute conversation with him before the man who’d been following you around all night came back. It wasn’t until after you darted off that you realized you should have just explained what was going on right then and there. 
You’d realized he was handsome earlier, but this was the first time you’d gotten a good look at him up close, now that your nerves had calmed down and you felt like you were able to breathe again. You wanted to give yourself a pat on the back, because it seemed like you’d chosen the best looking man in the entire bar, if not world, to be your pretend boyfriend. He had distinct features– a strong jaw, tanned skin, and eyes so green, it made you feel like spring was blooming. His brows were furrowed into a firm line as he scoured the bar nonchalantly, looking for the man who had led you to him. You felt grateful that this complete stranger cared enough to help you out.  
“That him?” he asked, nodding in the direction he wanted you to look. 
You turned your head and watched in dismay as the creepy man from earlier approached. 
“Shit– yes.”
“I got ya, don’t worry,” he murmured gently. “Can I help you?” he asked, turning once the man was within earshot. 
He stopped in his tracks, eyes glued to you. “I was jus’ lookin’ for her,” the man said, words slurring together. 
“And what use do you have for my girlfriend?” he challenged, grip around your waist tightening. 
“Sorry man– she didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend.”
“But she did tell you to leave her alone, right?”
“Yeah, jus’ thought she was playin’ hard to get. You know how these girls can be–”
“No, I don’t actually,” Tyler said. “I think if she said leave her alone… you should probably leave her alone.”
The man put his hands up in surrender. “Easy man, I didn’t mean any harm by it. Like I said, I didn’t realize she was taken.”
“I don’t think you’re getting it–” Tyler said, standing up from his chair to face the man. You were surprised by how cold you felt without his hand around your waist. 
“You don’t get to just choose to respect her now that you know she has a boyfriend.” 
“You tryin’ to start something here, man?” The guy narrowed his beady eyes. 
“Why? You offerin?” Tyler took another step forward, anger surging in his chest faster than he anticipated.  
“Might be,” the man said, meeting Tyler halfway. The two were face to face now– things were escalating. 
But before things could get out of hand, the guy from behind the pool table hurried over. “Easy, T–” he placed a hand on his shoulder before facing the guy. “Why don’t you just back off, man? Get outta here.”
“Yeah, c’mon–” two more people from his group stepped forward. Like a small army, you thought. All stepping up to protect you– a total stranger. 
There was a brief moment where the man studied the scene before him. Then, like he realized that taking on the four people defending you was a bad idea, he backed off. 
“Whatever, she’s not worth it anyway,” he said, throwing you one, final nasty glare before turning and stalking off. 
You didn’t realize you’d been holding your breath until you saw him walk out the front door. Only when it snapped shut behind him were you able to exhale a shaky sigh.  
That guy’s been following me all night. I thought I could handle it, but then he got really mad when I wouldn’t let him give me a drink,” you said shakily. 
“What a creep,” one of them said. 
“Thank you so much–” you said, utterly relieved. Then, you introduced yourself to the table of people you’d abruptly intruded upon. 
“Don’t mention it, glad we could help. I’m Tyler.” 
The others had gathered around the table now and each introduced themselves as well. 
“You were right to trust your gut,” Dani said, offering you a reassuring nod. 
“Yeah, who knows what that creep might’ve stuck in your drink.”
You shivered at the thought. 
“Well, I guess I’m glad I crashed your table then,” you smiled, turning to Tyler. For more than one reason, you thought, taking in the sweet laughter lines around his eyes and full lips. You caught yourself staring and forcibly looked away. You weren’t even drunk, but Tyler made your head spin.  
“Anyways, I should go,” you said quickly. You had to remind yourself of the circumstances.  You’d practically mauled Tyler in front of his friends and forced him to get into a brawl in the middle of the bar. And no matter how breathtakingly attractive you found him, there was no denying the fact that this entire situation was awkward and uncomfortable. You cleared your throat. “I’m really sorry for intruding, thank you again.”  
Tyler was still entirely dumbstruck, even as you walked away. It was like his brain couldn’t keep up with whatever the hell just happened. He watched as you disappeared through the crowd of people. 
“Dude, what the hell are you doing?” Dani spoke up.  
“Huh?” Tyler turns towards them. 
“She was into you, Tyler.”
He wasn’t sure he heard them right. The bar was loud and Tyler’s mind wasn’t working properly tonight, thanks to you and whatever perfume you’d been wearing. 
Lilly nodded her head in agreement, “And if I had to guess by the drool on your chin, I’d say you were into her too.” 
Feeling a little ganged up on, Tyler just stares at his team in disbelief. “I don’t– I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Boone shook his head and chuckled as he walked back towards the pool table. “Man, I have never– in our entire ten years of friendship, seen a girl leave Tyler Owens speechless– this one might be special folks,” Boone chuckled. 
“Go after her, you dummy,” Lilly said. 
“And do what?” Tyler asked. 
Dani scoffed, “Talk to her– invite her back to the table– literally anything but let her just walk away, you idiot.”
Slightly offended, but more motivated, Tyler stood up from the table and finally took the last sip of his beer. It was warm, but he used it as a final attempt at some liquid courage, before striding off after you. The crowd of people was thick, but he was confident that no matter where you were, you’d stand out.  
Sure enough, he spotted you across the bar. You had left your glass on the counter and were currently shifting through your bag, looking for something. Tyler took a deep breath before walking over.  
He called your name, which he was proud to now know, causing you to look up from your things.  
“Tyler, hey,” you said, unable to hide the surprised smile that crept across your face.  
“So that was pretty weird, huh–” Tyler tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but all he did was realize how dry his mouth was. 
You bit your lip, “Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t mean to make it weird– I just– I was scared. He was so creepy, and you just looked like you’d make a good fake date…” 
Oh my god, what were you saying? You were rambling, like you always did when you were nervous. You took another sip of your drink, wishing it was something stronger. 
But a smirk crept up on Tyler’s face, like he could tell you were floundering. 
“Oh yeah?” His voice was playful. “And how do you think I’d be as a real date?”
Butterflies ran rampant in your stomach as you clenched down on your jaw, trying to play it cool. But it was hard to remain casual when you were pretty sure Tyler was asking you out. 
Your voice was hitched slightly higher than normal when you responded, “I think I’d like to find out sometime.”
Tyler flashed his white teeth in a stunning smile before nodding back towards the table he’d just come from. “How about we start now? I got a hankering for some wings, what do you say I get us a plate to share?”
With no hesitation, you reached for his outstretched hand. 
“Should we eat before or after I kick your ass at pool?” you smiled sweetly. 
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rrinkyoo · 21 days
the kinda girl you like is right here with me
♫ now playing – partition.. beyoncé
a/n: me when i say i'm not writing smut then write smut lol
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IN WHICH the jjk men can't get enough of your body.
includes: satoru gojo, suguru geto, toji fushguro, kento nanami, & choso kamo
content: worshipping, praise, degradation, unprotected sex, thigh riding, oral (fem&male receiving), fingering, established relationship (gojo), friends with benefits (geto), mma fighter (toji), coworkers (nanami), tattoo artist (choso),
word count: 3,833 words
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satoru couldn't help the tightness that he felt in his pants. the shared bedroom between him and his wife was dimly lit, yet he could make out every inch of her figure. the silk robe she wore was doing nothing to cover her barely clothed body.
“you're glowing..” he muttered under his breath but loud enough for her to hear. she hummed in response and continued to read the pages in front of her book, not giving him much of a response. but satoru knew that she knew what she was doing; the little smirk on her face told him all he needed to know.
satoru's eyes roam over her body as he walks over, memorizing every part. how the light hits every curve, the way the silky fabric of her robe clings to the softness of her skin. he licks his lips, his cerulean eyes never leaving hers as he approaches the bed. her eyes widen when they notice his intent as he pulls her legs towards him, the book falling to the floor as her breath hitches. “satoru!” she yelped as he straddled her on his lap.
she could feel his hardened cock through his sweatpants while satoru kneaded the fat of her ass. he kissed along her jaw, softly sucking on her skin and grinding his hips to meet hers in an attempt to stimulate them both. satoru's breath shuddered, looking up at her with a pussydrunk look splattered on his face.
the sensation of her being so close together.. the musk of her arousal and wetness against his clothed cock was driving him mad. “i need you so bad, princess.” he moaned against her lips. his fingers found the edge of her underwear and pushed them to the side, revealing her slick entrance. satoru couldn't contain himself any longer and pushed her down on the bed, pushing down his sweats as his erection bounced up and smacked against his stomach.
satoru's fingers dipped between her folds, coating them with her slick wetness. he brought them to his mouth, sucking on each one, savoring the taste of her. "you're so fucking delicious.”
she whined loudly, tugging a tuft of his white hair as she arched her back off of the bed. “stop teasing toru!” he chuckled at her reaction, slowly inching down until his face was met with her glistening pussy.
satoru's tongue flicked against her clit, tasting her sweet nectar as she moaned in pleasure. "oh, i can tell you love this, princess. you taste so fucking good." his tongue continued to tease her sensitive nub, swirling around it as he pressed a finger against her entrance.
he pushed inside her, feeling her tightness envelop his finger. satoru's thumb continued to rub against her clit, making her writhe beneath him. "you're so wet, you're going to take my cock like a pro, aren't you?" his voice was thick with lust, his fingers moving in and out of her in a smooth, deliberate motion.
his fingers continued to slip inside of her, curling them enough to continuously hit her g-spot. "fuck, you're so tight.. bet you'd be so tight and wet around my cock." he started to finger her faster, his thumb still working on her clit, while his other hand gripped her hip tightly. her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she began seeing stars; the sight was almost enough to have satoru cum untouched.
the way she cried out his name had him jerking his hips into nothing. her body shook as she came, and satoru couldn't wait any longer.
he positioned the head of his cock against her entrance, looking up into her eyes. "you want me to fuck you, princess?" he teased, his breath ragged. her eyes met his, and without hesitation, she nodded, a wanton expression on her face. "please fuck me. i need you inside me," she panted, her voice hoarse with desire.
a wicked grin spread across satoru's face. "good girl," he praised, before thrusting forward. the tightness of her pussy enveloped his cock, and satoru groaned, his eyes falling closed. "god, you feel amazing."
he started to move, his thrusts slow and deep at first, savoring the feeling of her pussy wrapped around his cock. "you're so wet for me... you want me to fill you up?" his voice held a mix of lust and possession
she threw her head back, her breath hitching with each thrust. "please toru.." she whispered, her voice shaking.
she scratched at his back and his chest, most definitely leaving large red marks that would be visible the next day.
his thrusts became more erratic, and satoru's cock jerked in her pussy, the first spurt of his seed hitting the back of her womb. he paused for a moment, panting, before his hips began to buck, driving his cock further into her, and filling her with his seed.
he held her tightly, his grip bruising, as he continued to paint her insides with his essence. the sloppy sounds of their bodies slapping together filled the room. satoru's breaths grew shallow as his orgasm subsided, and he slumped forward, his forehead resting against her shoulder as he emptied himself inside her.
"you... you want me to what?" geto asked, shell-shocked at the question you splurged at him. you and suguru had been friends for as long as you could remember. growing up, the two of you did some stupid things, like make out or give each other head whenever the other was stressed.
so why was you asking him to take your virginity so shocking?
"i'm TIRED of being a virgin sugu. everyone i know has been fucked at least once, i'm starting to feel left out." you pouted. suguru was shocked at how bold you were, to say the least. throughout the decades of your friendship, he has never once seen you so upfront about what you wanted.
his eyes scanned every inch of her, trying to find one ounce of hesitance. "sweetie it's just-" he started, taking his hand and gently caressing her cheek. "wouldn't you want to wait and do it with someone special?" he knew how you were. impulsive and stubborn, trying to sweet talk you out of this would be impossible, but he wanted to at least try, just in case you were blinded by your lust.
"sugu, please. i'm serious, and i wanna do it with you." they continued to stare into each other's, suguru shifting slightly on the couch as he tried fighting his growing erection.
"that's it, ride me, you little slut. you're perfect for this," he growled, his fingers digging into your hips, controlling your movements. your loud moans echoed off the walls as suguru fucked you on his thigh, clenching his muscle to make it even more pleasurable for you.
"s-shit sugu.." you whimpered as you tugged on his long locks, burying your head in the crook of his neck.
he smirked as his hands continued to run along your hips and waist. "you're just aching for me to fuck you.. can feel that sweet pussy pulsing on me." suguru slowed down her movements and gently tossed her on the bed.
he knelt between her legs, his face close to her core, the heat from his breath making you squirm. "now, let me taste that pretty pussy."
he slid his hands to the waistband of your shorts, pulling them down and your panties simultaneously. he forced your thighs up to reveal your slick folds.
his tongue darted out, teasing your clit before he dove in for a deep taste. your back arched, hands gripping the bedsheets as he devoured you, his fingers finding her entrance and sliding inside you.
the room was filled with the sounds of moans and wet sounds, your body shook under his ministrations. suguru's cock ached, desperate to be inside you, but he wasn't done with you yet. he wanted to make you beg for release.
His tongue flicked against your clit, alternating between teasing kisses and deep, probing flicks. his fingers thrust into her, hitting that special spot that made your toes curl. suguru's eyes never left yours, the possessive glint in them growing brighter with each moan that left her lips.
"you like that, baby? my tongue, my fingers, making you feel so good?" he growled, releasing your clit long enough to speak before he sucked it back into his mouth.
your hips bucked, body arching upwards trying to get closer to his mouth. suguru's chuckle was deep and satisfied, the sound vibrating against your clit.
"so close, aren't you?" he purred, his fingers curling inside of you, hitting your G-spot with just the right pressure. "tell me, baby, tell me how much you want my cock inside you."
your moans turned into whimpers, back arching as she grasped for release. suguru smiled; his eyes were dark and predatory as he felt her start to come undone. he continued to work her, his fingers and tongue driving her towards the edge.
"come for me, sweetie," he commanded, his voice a low rumble "let go on my fingers.."
the pressure built, an overwhelming wave of pleasure threatening to consume her. your body shook, legs trembling as you came. suguru didn't stop, drinking in your cries as he brought you to the peak and held you there, making you ride it out.
once you began to come down from your high, suguru pulled back, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. he stood, his cock straining painfully against his jeans, and began undoing his belt.
"let's see if you can scream for me again, this time with my cock buried in your tight little pussy."
you sighed as you realized who was up next for you to interview. as a sports reporter, you've met hundreds of athletes; some were the sweetest you'd ever meet, and some were the cockiest. but nobody would ever compare to the inflated ego of toji fushiguro.
you've interviewed him before, more times than you liked. the MMA phenomenon was a thorn in your side. but for some odd reason that you couldn't explain, he loved being interviewed by you. maybe it was the way he liked annoying you, but he couldn't get enough.
so here you were, standing in front of him as you waited for him to finish his pull-ups.
"there's not much more to talk 'bout sweetheart," he smirked. "just won my last fight is all, that's all ya need?"
you glared up at him, clenching your fists to your side. "i have more questions than that, idiot." you followed him around like a little puppy into the locker room after he finished his workout, spewing question after question to him. "listen cutie, i'll answer all of your questions after i win the fight, alright?"
you glared at him one more time, his attitude irritating you even more than it already has. but you knew what would make him talk. "how do you know you're gonna win?"
he paused, turning to look at you with a mix of glare and confusion in his eyes. toji moved closer, standing over your much smaller frame. "what are you tryna say?" he said, his previous cocky tone replaced by with deep growl.
"i mean.." you started. "you don't know how tough your next opponent might be. it must've been an easy fight with that big mouth before, all bark and no bite."
toji loomed over you, face mere inches from yours. you refused to back down, even as your heart raced. "you wanna find out how much bite I've got sweetheart?"
the cold metal against your bare back caused goosebumps all over your body as toji pounded into you on the lockers. your nails roughly dug into his shoulders as he filled you up fully. he growled in your ear as he pinned your wrist above you, "you like being fucked raw? you're fucking dirty."
"always getting in my fucking face, huh?" he growled once again, his grip getting impossibly tighter on your wrists. his emerald eyes were shined over with lust and hunger as he continued to bully his cock into your cunt. you moaned loudly as his hips slammed against your ass. "someone's gonna hear us t-toji!"
he scoffed before taking a handful of your hair, tugging it back while pressing kisses all over your neck as his thrusts became even more forceful.
you cried out, a mix of pleasure and pain echoing through the otherwise empty locker room. toji pulled out, then slammed back into you, his thrusts fierce and unyielding.
"shut the fuck up," his pace quickened, his hips snapping forward with each brutal thrust. "if they were to hear us it'll be because of you."
he pulled out and sat down at a nearby bench before tapping his lap. "you know what to do, baby," he smirked.
you straddled him, his cock sliding back into you. you began to ride him, your hips rolling in a slow, steady rhythm. as you picked up the pace, toji grabbed your hips, controlling your movements, his thrusts deeper and more forceful.
"ride me faster, you little slut," he demanded, his voice dripping with desire. "make me cum."
you could feel the heat building inside you, your body responding to his command. you rode him harder, your moans growing louder.
"fuck, yes," toji grunted.
his grip tightened on your hips, his thrusts more forceful with each passing second. the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room, the echoes of your moans and his grunts bouncing off the walls.
toji's face twisted into a mask of pleasure, his body tensing as he surged into you one final time, his hot seed spilling deep inside you. he groaned, his grip on you loosening as his orgasm subsided.
"fuck, that's it," he panted, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. "such a good little slut, taking it all." He pulled out, his cock leaving your quivering pussy with a wet pop. You collapsed onto the bench, your body still quaking from the aftershocks of your orgasm. toji, still breathing heavily, leaned against the bench, watching you with a satisfied grin.
"that shut you up?"
"fuck you."
you had an embarrassing crush on your co-worker. how couldn't you? he was so handsome and sweet.. and definitely had a big dick.
you anxiously fixed your blouse as he stood next to you in the elevator, the scent of his cologne going straight to your core. anyone would be able to make out the dark circles under his eyes. it didn't take a genius to know that nanami was stressed out of his mind.
".. rough morning?" you asked him politely. he scoffed, leaning his head back on the wall of the elevator before gently shutting his eyes. "you don't even know," he responded.
"try me," you answered, and you swore you felt your heart drop to your ass when he turned his gaze towards you. you threw a small smile at him and hoped he didn't notice the way you tensed up. "the office has been swamped with work recently.."
nanami nodded in agreement, his hands gripping the railing as he seemed hesitant to say what he was going to say. "this sounds very selfish of me but..." you tilted your head. "was is it?"
"would you be willing to help me?" he asked. "there are so many things in my office that would go by so much easier if i had a second pair of eyes."
more time to spend with this hot chunk of ass? don't even have to tell me twice!
"of course i'd help!" you responded, far too eager for your liking. "it's not selfish at all, everyone needs help once in a while."
"perfect, just swing by my office later. i usually stay past midnight."
if you had been paying attention for just a second longer, you could've seen the tiny smirk that stretched across his face
before long, you found yourself on your knees, your head buried between his thighs, his cock in your mouth. He gripped your hair, thrusting into your mouth as he groaned in pleasure. "you're doing so good, my love," he panted.
you were so right about him having a big dick.
your mouth moved faster, taking him deeper and swirling your tongue on his sensitive tip. nanami could barely concentrate, his thoughts clouded from the pleasure you were giving him. "you're doing so fucking good, gonna make me cum all over that pretty face."
nanami's breathing grew heavy, and he reached down to cup her head, guiding her to take more of him. "you're making me want you so bad, darling. you're driving me insane with this tight, wet mouth." he could feel the tension building, the edge of release beckoning. "tell me you want to feel me inside you. tell me."
the sound of your soft moan only served to fuel the fire. "please, kento i want to feel you inside me."
the words, the eagerness, it was all too much.
with a growl, nanami yanked you up, pushing you against the nearest wall. he fumbled with the buttons of your blouse, tearing it open to reveal your smooth, creamy skin. "you're mine now," he hissed, sliding a hand between their legs, feeling the wetness that awaited him
nanami didn't bother to remove any of your guys' clothes; he just shoved his cock inside you, feeling the tightness of your pussy consuming him.
he started to fuck you hard, his hips slamming against your ass, driving deep into your core. "you're so fucking tight, my love," he groaned, his voice tinged with desperation. "take it. take all of me."
their moans mingled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, the office transformed into a den of raw, primal lust. nanami's hands roamed, leaving bruises on your ass, squeezing, spanking, leaving a mark on your flawless skin.
"fuck yeah, you like that, don't you?" he demanded, his pace quickening. "
your moans grew louder, body arching to meet his every thrust. "please, don't stop kento."
nanami grunted, feeling the inevitable approach.
the sounds of their fucking echoed through the empty office. nanami could feel the pressure building, "cum for me, her. come on that cock.'"
nanami's thrusts became more desperate, his hips bucking wildly, as his orgasm finally crashed over him. hot, thick ropes of cum filled you.
he pulled out, leaving you quivering and panting, your pussy still clenching the emptiness he had left behind. nanami leaned in, his lips brushing against their ear. "i.. i need more. need to go again."
choso pulls the stencil from behind her, lining it up to the center of her spine as he holds it in place with one hand, the other used to trace around the design with a marker. he can hear her breathe deeply, nerves getting to her a bit. he turns to look at her, chuckling as he places a hand on her hip. "why are you so nervous, pretty? you're acting like this is your first time.
she scoffs at his words and turns her head to look at him. "the first time or not, it still hurts like a bitch, cho." he hummed in response as he set up his station, getting his tools ready to start on her tattoo.
"you ready?" he asked. the soft buzzing from the machine was contradicting to the stinging pain that came with it. she nodded and closed her eyes, prepping herself for the sharp pain.
the process was going by painfully slow, but choso couldn't help but feel a bit distracted. he couldn't focus when he could see the lumps of her breasts pressed against the ink bed. he painfully swallowed, his eyes darting from her boobs to her tattoo to her boobs again. "don't move. you're doing great." he assured her, taking his free hand to adjust the tent in his pants.
the gun buzzes along her skin, each prick eliciting a sharp gasp from her. choso places his hand on her shoulder and rubs it soothingly. he leans in, his breath hot on her ear. "breathe through it, pretty. don't tense up. it's only gonna make it hurt more." there's a hint of concern in his voice, but it's quickly replaced by a smirk. "maybe i'll give you something for doing so good after we're done."
choso's large hand wrapped around his thick, veiny cock, which was already hard and throbbing with precum seeping from the tip. he lined up with her wet entrance, and slammed into her, making her body jolt forward as she let out a loud moan. he thrusts into her roughly, filling her puffy pussy up completely. he begins to move in and out, picking up speed. her moans and whimpers are music to his ears. he grabs her hips, pulling her back towards him with each thrust. "being so good for me, pretty.." he whimpered.
his eyes were glued to her ass as it bounced with each rough thrust he could muster up. her tight walls were gripping him so hard, it took him everything to not bust inside of her right there and then. "you're so fucking tight, her. I can't fucking hold it longer." choso whimpered, his voice low and gravelly. he reached around, gripped one of her nipples, and began to tug and twist it. "feels so good, doesn't it? my cock, my hand, everything l'm giving you?"
"god, yes, cho. please, don't stop!'" she moaned, her body shaking with each thrust.
"you're taking my dick so goddamn good," he groans, his voice thick with lust, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. he inches his hand down from her nipple to her clit, his rough fingers finding her sensitive bud and rubbing it in quick, hard circles. her whimpers bounced off the wall, and her back arched as she enjoyed the dual pleasures of his cock deep inside of her and his fingers working her clit.
"so fucking close so fucking close," he repeated under his breath, his whimpers becoming more broken and his thrusts losing their rhythm, beginning to get sloppy.
he could feel the tension building within her, her pussy clenching around him, milking his cock with every thrust. "fuck, i can't hold it any longer. let me cum inside please let me cum inside.."
her pussy clenched around his cock, milking him as her orgasm washed over her. she cried out his name, her body shuddering as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her.
choso followed closely behind, his body tensing as he let out a guttural roar, his cock throbbing inside her as he filled her with his hot cum. he remained inside her, his breaths coming in pants as he tried to regain his composure. "mine.. mine all mine.." he mumbled possessively, pressing a kiss to the small of her back.
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sugarfairyteez · 26 days
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Seonghwa: First Date
pairing: seonghwa x fem! reader
Word Count: 726
Warning: Involves mature content containing vulgar activities and language. Minors do NOT interact.
Praising, Dirty Talk, Swearing, Pet Names, Desperate Seonghwa, Release on Clothes, Grinding
His cock ached in anticipation. Craved to be engulfed by your wet cunt, exploring the depth ends of your vulnerability. Destined to share that precious moment with you, the thought dizzied him. Clouded in his brain, he was finally going to have you. Lingering the night was the goal.
The sweet melody of your voice hung in the air. Thumps resonated in his heart and his throbbing dick, sedating him. He could feel you, the wetness of your bare dripping pussy seeping in. The harsh rhythms of your hips pressed your slick on his hardened, clothed bulge.
You reeked with desperation— he sensed it. Desperation to get yourself off increased his level of eagerness to make you come undone.
“I know Princess…”, Seonghwa cooed, hands sliding against your smooth skin. Caressing your legs, he’d headed to clasp on the underside of your plushy thighs. Veins shredded through his thin flesh, streaking underneath as he squeezed. “You keep going for me…You’re doing amazing”
Your whines.
They drove him insane, on the edge of insanity. His contained composure cracked, but not yet crumbled. He was tempted to flip you over on the sofa, yet allowed you to work your hips on him.
Seonghwa craved you for long— too long.
He couldn’t scrutinized anything with impatience. Creating long last memories in your living room meant more than anything. He needed this to be permanently engraved in your mind— the perfect ending to your first date.
“F-Feels g-good H-Hwa”
Your cries echoed in his ears like an empty cave. Air winded his chest— the buttons on his vest loosened and undone as you yanked, clinging for dear life. “G-Gonna c-cum soon…”
It was his key sign to make you release now. He needed you to.
Matched rhythm, Seonghwa grind, amplifying the pleasure for you and himself— his pulsated cock. Determination stroke within, driven by the crazed wails and moans spewed from your lips.
“I’m aware doll face~”
Gruffness filled his tone. The acceleration of his heart beat increased whilst his hips moved rougher. His cock twitched, begging to be released.
“Bet your pussy is aching to release, isn’t it?”
Thoughts were spoken into words. Peace settled, the bliss freeing him as he continued. “You deserve it…You deserve to be fucking spoiled”
Leant back, he caught a glimpse of you:
Face fucked out and scrunched, your lips were wide agape. Your eyes were shut, random strays of your hair peeked messily. Your dress was ruffled, bunched on your hips; the thin strap gliding down your shoulder, exposing your skin. You looked beyond ethereal.
An animalistic growl fled from him. “Fuck, you look so pretty for me baby~”
His palms roamed, head spun in circles as the surface of your smooth skin grazed his touch. The grip on your thighs freed, swooping upwards to grasp on your nude ass. “You look prettier than I imagined. Can’t wait to finally fuck you…”
Hues of red splayed over your glistening skin, flushed with a tinted blush. Your neck dampened, shining with the residue of your sweat. He knew you were very close.
“I wanted you for too long Princess~”
His airways felt as if they were closing in. The shakiness was visible, peaked through his words. Nostrils were caressed with the sweet scent of cherry blossoms, pulling you even closer to him. “Waited too long to fuck you~”
“S-Seonghwa! P-Please—”
Tingles jolted throughout his body, the shriek that left from you pierced through him. Your dainty fingers combed his black, long tresses— the air whisked as the bucket hat fled long ago. He’d moved his hips harsher.
Mind blank, gushiness sunk in past his restraints. Lewd squelching hung loosely in the air— a hazed feeling washed over him. His cock was teased, hinted with the sweetness of your nectar.
“Fuck doll face~”
Saliva pooled in his mouth— your breasts neared his face, perked nicely. The tender flesh was loose, partially covered by your dress and bra. His lips ached, trembled as his leant in to place gentle kisses on your skin. Lips stung with anticipation.
There was one more thing left to do— the thing that would complete him.
“Need to be inside of you…”
Seonghwa mumbled across your skin, breathed between each soft kiss. “Is that okay with you Princess?”
The whiney ‘yes’ was all he needed.
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
Beach Day with Toji
Tanning and Gambling
Summary: Marie’s Summer Smut Fest prompt: Beach Day
Pairing: Fushiguro Toji x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: Smut, pnv, unprotected sex, cream pie, exhibitionism, shower sex, alcohol consumption, beach time
Word Count: 1,674
A/N: this one sort of took a mind of itself; I got really into it, so I hope you enjoy it! I know I did! 🙂‍↕️🏖
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Are you laid out on the warm sand piña colada in hand side contently? Being a higher assassin had perks, including the money you used to go on a tropical getaway with Toji. He was lying in the sand beside you, smirking at the scratch or tickets he bought at the convenience store on the way to the beach. That was Toji for you, always gambling after a job.
You listened as he scratched at it with a delicious taste of rum and pineapple, flooding your mouth as your boyfriend barked a laugh, sitting up quickly beside you. While doing so, his large muscular frame blocked out the rays of sun you had been soaking in. You tried to ignore it, waiting for him to lay back down after he looked at his ticket. But he only continued to snicker next to you.
Peeking over your sunglasses, you looked up at your dark-haired boyfriend. “Did you finally manage to win something?”
“Oh, you bet your sweet ass I did! ¥700,000; looks like we’re ordering tons of room service tonight.”
“Awesome, great, now get the fuck out of my sunshine. You’re going to ruin my tan.”
“Eh?” You felt no warmth of sunshine, meaning your boyfriend hadn’t bothered to move like you had told him to.
Instead of answering, you were lifted off the sandy ground. “Ruin your tan, huh?” Your drink is plucked from your hand and placed on the ground next to your towel before your sun hat is tossed to the side. Before a protest leaves your mouth, you are thrown over your boyfriend's shoulder. “I think your sweet moody ass—” you scream as Toji’s hand smacks your ass, “has tanned enough for today.”
There was no time to fight against him or protest his actions, let alone throw him any snide remarks like bolting for the ocean water. Ignoring your screams and fists that slam against his muscular back, the only thing your boyfriend does is throw you into the water, smirking at the scream that leaves your mouth. The cool ocean water feels good against your heated skin as you pop your head up, gasping for air. You were fuming with rage and irritation, and he swears he can see the steam rising off your head as you stand up.
“How’s that for ruining your tan?” he tilts his head as you push yourself out of the salty water. What had you been anticipating for snarky remarks or you after him? Instead, he got a face full of water as you splashed him repeatedly.
A snarky smirk tugs at your lips, as you watch Toji, drag his large hand down his face, tongue running over the scar on the corner of his mouth. “How’s that water in your face?!”
Instead of responding to you, he pulls his T-shirt up and over his head, throwing it towards the umbrella. He had set up when he first got to the beach. Before it hits the ground, inhuman speed. But you could try to evade him before he inevitably caught up with you. You ran down the shoreline, screaming as your boyfriend chased after you. The whole evading him lasted five seconds before he wrapped his arms around your waist in an iron grip vice, dragging you further into the water where the waves washed over both of you.
You laughed and playfully fought against him the whole time as the salty water and sand rushed over you both. It wasn’t until you were completely soaked in water with sand in your hair that Toji pulled you out of the water by your arms over the warm sand before he plopped directly in the spot, the same spot now shaded by palm trees and your umbrella.
“Alright, get back to your tanning. I’ll be over here trying to win some more money.” Toji cockily said as he plopped down into the sand next to you.
You found yourself staring at him, watching the ocean water drip down his well-defined jawline, leaving you craving less mixed cocktails and more of him. Rolling onto your knees, you crawled over to him, pressing kisses down his jawline while your hands rubbed up and down his chest. Toni groaned slowly, closing his eyes, losing himself at the sensation of your delicate fingers tracing over his abs, trailing lower and lower until you reached the top of the swim trunks.
“Can I help you—?” There was a flirty, almost smug tone to his voice.
“Ooh~ I think you can.”
Toji growls as you grip his cock in your hand, squeezing it. “Yeah~? And what can I do for you? Need another fruity cocktail?” You stand up, pulling him with you, dragging him down to the enclosed showers just a bit away from the beach.
“I want your cock.”
Oh, and Toji gave you his cock. The lukewarm water from the showerhead above you rained down over both of you as you wrapped your legs tighter around his waist. Your nails dug into his back while you slammed into the wall of the outdoor shower again with a force that shook the whole stall. You gasped, throwing your head back as Toji snarled in your ear, his hands groping your ass, squeezing it in both of his hands.
Your eyes rolled back into your skull as Toji chuckled roughly against your neck. “Sounds like you're enjoying yourself~” his teeth nipped at your ear, biting down hard on your earlobe.
“Ahh! Nngh fuck yes, it feels so—” One Toji’s hands leave the fat of your ass to slam against your mouth, preventing you from making any more sounds.
“Tsk, nu-uh—“ he hushes in your ear, dark blue eyes meeting yours, “my little slut, has to be quiet because somebody couldn’t wait until we got to the room for me to fuck her properly.” You tried to silence out a sound of protest, only to have his hand clamp down over your mouth tighter. “Did I fucking stutter?”
You shake your hand and tell him that he didn’t stutter. When he began thrusting up and angling his hips to hit that spongy spot inside of you that made you see stars. You screamed into his palm, your eyes frantically meeting his, begging him to either slow down or let you come as loud and as hard as you wanted. Toji acted as if he didn’t see the desperation in your eyes. Instead, he just smacked, kissing the back of his hand, where your lips would be, as his other hand gripped your hips so tightly you knew you were going to have bruises.
“That's right~ it’s hard to stay quiet when I’m fucking you. Do you like the feeling of my cock inside of you? You like it when I stretch your fucking hole, don’t you?”
Not again, eyes watering, intense pleasure ran through every nerve of your body. He began to build your lower stomach spreading your legs to the tips of your toes; your walls began to tighten around your boyfriend's hard fucking cock. Toji can see the wanton need in your eyes; he grips you harder and tighter, slamming you against the stall of the outdoor shower, while the water washes away the salt that had dried on your skin and the sand, cleaning you both as Toji fucked you messily.
“Yeah? Is my good girl gonna cum for me? You're going to make a mess all over my cock, right?”
“Then do it make a fucking mess, and the second I get you upstairs and into our room, I’m gonna order the fucking room service, and while we wait for it, I’m gonna make you clean my cock with your mouth. Do you understand me?”
His words were the tipping point that you needed to send you over the edge of mind-blowing orgasm. Your legs begin shaking, convulsing as you wrap yourself as tight as you can around him. You came so hard your squirted all over his cock, the site of the intense orgasm has told his ass clenching tight as he stumbles, ripping the upper wall as he fucks his cum into you. Spurt after spurt of hot sticky cum fills your womb, and you dig your nails into his back, trailing them down his muscles, leaving marks that might last days.
Toji snarls, digging his teeth into your lip, biting you so hard you would have a mark that matched his back. So whenever you both walked down the beach, there would be no doubt in anyone’s mind that you two were together. Once the stinging in Toji’s back and your neck subsides, he gently lowers you back onto the ground, studying you so you don’t fall over from losing the sensation in your legs. It’s only once your eyes can focus on the water slipping down the drain that you see Toji’s still hard cock throbbing between your legs, colored in a combination of both of your cum.
“Yeah, you see the mess you made?” Toji asks, grabbing your chin and lifting it with his thumb. “You're gonna clean all of it up on your knees, get back to the hotel room, and then I think I’ll have you make another mess on my cock. Think you could handle that, babe?”
“Oh, I can do that. Good thing we're on vacation because I’m going to milk you dry to the point that you won’t be able to get out of bed tomorrow.”
“Oh, I’d like to see you try.”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3
Summer Fest Tag List:
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ihugzminseo · 2 months
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pairing : dom!julie x fem reader
cw : infidelity, unprotected piv (glove it b4 you shove it folks), dumbification, breeding, implied 3sum, voyeurism, g!p julie, natty is a littleee pervy, reader is called a good girl like once, aftercare included
word count : 1.5k (aftercare - 0.1k)
a/n : cheating bad but.. cheating okay when julie han!! (not really, cheating is NEVER okay!)
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dom!jultty who share you for their pleasure! (pt. 1 of 2)
you and natty have been together for a while, and you’re both happy with each other. you spend time at the dorms, and you’re close with the girls. almost every weekend is spent with natty and the rest of the girls, at sleepovers or parties or restaurants and you all like it that way.
you consider the girls your best friends, but you especially love julie. she’s the most energetic out of the four, and she’s also such a considerate social butterfly. you love that about her, and if natty can’t make it to a weekend spent together, you aren’t bummed out because you know julie will be there with you.
you weren’t sure if there was chemistry between the two of you, but to you it seemed like there wasn’t. she was just sweet and jokingly flirty, or so you assumed. a few weeks ago, you’d had a sleepover like always and you decided to go and wear a new pajama set. they were lavender and satin, with white lace trim around the hemline and bottom of the shorts. all the girls thought you looked pretty, but julie wouldn’t take her eyes off of you.
every time you’d get up from the floor or couch, her eyes traveled from your face to your legs. she’d brushed her hand against your ass and thighs ‘accidentally’ but smirked and let out an intentionally sultry “my apologies, hun” each time. it wasn’t until the five of you decided to watch a movie that she really made moves. you were sat between julie and natty, which wasn’t abnormal. what was abnormal was julie’s hand snaking up your thigh, playing with the lace on your shorts and toying with the band of them.
you glanced over at her, and she flashed you that bunny smile before turning her head back to the tv like nothing had happened. you were thankful the five of you shared a big blanket, keeping julie’s ministrations under wraps. once the movie finished, you offered to fold the blanket up and put away the remaining snacks. natty protested, saying she didn’t mind helping, but julie was quick to agree to your idea and help you. as the other three girls headed upstairs, you and julie remained in the living room. the blanket was folded, and you bent over to clean up whatever snacks had been knocked down or fallen over.
julie was getting more flirty, hands grazing your body every chance she could get and a smile playing on her lips after every encounter. you’d bent over to adjust the coffee table, and when you stood back up, julie was leaning against a wall with a very noticeable bulge in her pants that clearly wasn’t there before.
as wrong as it’d felt, you let your guard down and had sex with julie. she wasn’t half bad and genuinely made you feel good. the way her cock dragged in and out of your walls made your eyes roll back, and she was so passionate you could’ve screamed. she wasn’t as girthy as natty, but she was longer, and she hit spots you didn’t even know about. she rubbed your clit in tight circles to get you to moan louder, as if she wanted to get caught. using her free hand, she held your waist and choked you as she pleased.
you were on the verge of passing out, and julie could tell. she held you by your back, lifting you up to straddle her. your arms instinctively wrapped around her neck as she pounded into you. her hands gripped your ass, and she scattered kisses all over your neck. you gasped in her ear and bit her shoulder every time she’d hit deeper inside you, and she’d chuckle. saying something like “natty doesn’t hit there, hm? bet she can’t even reach like i can.” or something degrading to elicit sobs of her name that unraveled into unintelligible whines and groans as the night went on.
you were clueless that natty had woken up, and even more clueless that she’d come downstairs. all you could focus on was julie marking your neck and collarbone with blooming hickeys, and the burn of her stretching you out. natty was anything but pleased once she reached the bottom of the stairs, the couch where you two were being directly across from them. she walked over and practically pulled you back by your hair, making you look up at her as julie kept going. “my best friend? you’re unbelievable. not even asking her to stop either. no fucking shame. always knew you were a slut, never knew it could come to this though.” she was seething, and the degradation wouldn’t stop as julie intentionally plunged herself deeper. every stroke forced a moan out of you as you stared up at natty, eyes getting glossy with tears as she tightened her grip on your hair and continued spitting her malice at you.
you felt almost pathetic, natty was glaring at the two of you with the most intense gaze and julie was relentless. your head would fall forward to her shoulder then jerk back, your back was arching harder with every stroke and you were babbling different strings of apologies to natty and praises to julie. natty was hurt, but she couldn’t help the fact of how hot she found it all to be. julie was running her hands all over your body and you were glancing between the two of them with teary eyes and your mouth agape. her and julie held eye contact, with natty scowling and julie smirking.
“has she made you cum yet?” left natty’s mouth in an almost sour tone, to which a slew of “yes, yes, fuck yes!” left yours in desperation. truth be told, she had made you cum. hearing that hurt natty, but not for long. you only said yes because of how fuzzy your brain was. your nerves are burning and you can barely focus on anything in the moment. julie’s thrusts begin to get animalistic, and she’s breathing heavily as she pulls your hair to expose your neck to her and digs her nails into your chest and thighs.
you’re a mess, hair disheveled and lips bitten and pink. you’re gripping julie’s shoulders and babbling natty’s name, the feeling of julie inside you causing a sense of stimulation you’d never felt before. natty stands behind you, her hand around your throat and her eyes empty as she continually tells you to be quiet. even in the darkness, you can make out the fury in her face. julie is holding your hips so tight you feel like you might explode, and natty is scoffing and calling you pathetic as tears finally come falling down.
the scene is dirty and you feel terrible, but you can’t bring yourself to ask julie to stop. you can’t bring yourself to ask either of them anything, whether that be julie slowing down or natty releasing your throat. you’re looking forward and up between the two of them, and julie has a shit eating grin as she stares past you and straight at natty. your eyes are forced shut from the pleasure, but you bring yourself to open them slightly as you hear julie say “god baby, ‘m close. gonna let me fill you up? gonna be a good girl for me?”. you truly can’t help how your eyes open and you nod relentlessly, despite natty being right behind you with one hand around your throat and the other tangled in your hair.
your mouth falls agape as julie’s hips shake then still, feeling her spill inside you. natty takes the opportunity, shooting julie a dirty look before she spits in your mouth and uses the hand that was around your throat to push your jaw up and make you swallow. you do, and she smiles down at you before giving you a spiderman kiss. julie thrusts into you gently a few more times before pulling out, using her fingers to plunge her seed deeper inside you. she lays you on your back, and you’re almost completely out of it.
natty holds you by your chin, and you’re forced to look up at her. julie is tying her hair back, running upstairs to start a bath for you and leaving you in the living room with your girlfriend. natty looks disappointed, but so so pretty from this angle that you want to lean up and kiss her.
“you know better than that baby, i know you do. julie? of all people? you’re terrible for that. but if she’s what you want, she’s what you’ll get.”
you have no idea what she means, and she doesn’t give you time to figure out as she carries you upstairs to the bathroom. it’s a daze as she cleans your body, moving gently when you wince. and then it hits you. natty can tell you’re deep in thought, and she speaks.
“julie and i are gonna share you, since that’s what you want. you look out of it already, so that’ll be for another night, yeah?”
your face drops as she speaks. you know what you’re in for, and you don’t know if you’re ready for it.
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simpxxstan · 2 months
hi i would like to req cheol x fem!reader with the song you are in love by taylor swift. thank you!
congrats on 500 followers btw 🫶🏼
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this is part of my 550 followers celebration event (closed now)!
thank you for this request, really hoping you like it! i'm not a swiftie so i was unsure of how to interpret the song prompt. hope i did it justice! posting very very late, thank you for being patient for so long <3 happy bday month to cheollie!!! i love him so much and this couple too. i think i might write a few more drabbles for them later lol
genre: coworkers to lovers, friends to lovers, fluff
word count: 3.3k words
warnings: reader is fwb with an oc (not seungcheol).
"you are in love!" your best friend says. "yeah, i know." you sigh, "that's why i've been ranting for so-" "no, silly! not with jay. you're in love with seungcheol!" you had laughed off her words, wondering if she'd become tipsy way too fast into your girls' night.
but when you're lying in your bed later that night, the thought lingers in your mind- the alcohol clearing up and making you progressively more sober as the cold air from the open window hits you, while your friend snores soundly next to you.
"think about it." "i am thinking ab-" "no, you've never really thought about this before. think about it clearly." you'd laughed heartily at her faux-wisdom, which always appeared after finishing two cans of beer.
but she's right. you have actually never thought about this. you've been so obsessed with getting jay to like you that you've never really given a second thought about seungcheol... and what he really means to you now.
"i'd expect more from a stats major and a data analyst, honestly. aren't you supposed to be logical and rigorous-" you slap her arm while doubling over with laughter, knowing full well that she's imitating the words of an infamous professor in your college. "i am being logical. we're just coworkers."
were you?
now that you think about it, certainly not. you're more than coworkers. more like friends. more like best friends. in fact, he's the closest friend you've made since your days in college. just coworkers don't buy each other their favourite drinks when the other has a bad day. just coworkers don't hang out for hours after work nearly every other day. just coworkers don't invite each other to parties with their separate friend groups. just coworkers don't have inside jokes that prevent you from forming friends with anyone else in the office.
your mind travels back to last thursday, when seungcheol had saved your ass for the nineteenth time this year when you'd arrived late by preventing the boss from noticing.
and the thursday before that, when seungcheol had dropped you home after he'd found out that jay had made you cry during an argument in the break room just before work got over.
and the thursday before that, when you'd gone with seungcheol to taste the menu at three different banquets because he was busy planning the wedding of his best friend, joshua, and needed an unbiased taster.
did just coworkers know everything about each other? including his dentist appointment's dates, the last time you went grocery shopping, the last time he went to watch a movie, the vitamin supplements you eat after breakfast, and so much more.
you smile in the darkness. no, you and seungcheol could never be just coworkers. you're best friends, nothing less of that.
but love?
ah, no. you'll bet your life on this one. you've been in love before. and what you feel for seungcheol is nothing like it.
your heart hammers in your chest as you ring the doorbell again, the weight of the melting cake heavy in your hand. you distinctly remember jay telling you that he'd be home tonight, then why wasn't he responding to his calls nor opening his door?
you're answered about twenty minutes later. you're sitting on the stairs in front of his flat when you hear him walking up the stairs... and there's someone else's voice too. a female voice.
words get caught in your throat when you see mina, the new intern fresh out of a college, walking right beside him, arm looped in his, a hickey prominent on her neck, freshly bruised.
"why are you here?" she asks you, and you wince.
"i wanted to surprise you... for your birthday! sorry, i- i didn't know you had plans."
jay smiles as he looks at mina next to him, and pulls her closer. "no, mina actually surprised me too. and we went out dancing. sorry, have you been waiting for long? you should've call-"
"i did."
jay pulls out his phone and checks it. "oh shucks. you've been calling for the last twenty minutes," he takes a step forward and leans in to kiss your cheek, lightly. "you can join us for dinner? i'm sure mina won't mind." mina definitely minds, because she looks like she's going to shoot you down in a matter of seconds.
"nah, i'll just leave. happy birthday though. i can see you had a good one." would you be petty if you didn't give him the cake?
"sorry for making you wait for so long, y/n-ah."
one year and four months.
"no worries, man. enjoy your night. bye mina!" and you smile, like the stupid people-pleaser you are. at least you brought the cake with you.
"what's up?" seungcheol opens the door and you smell the heavenly aroma of fried noodles from his kitchen greet you.
"thank you for opening the door."
seungcheol raises an eyebrow at you. "why would i not open the door? you're literally-"
"yeah no, that's cause jay didn't. he went out with mina, it turns out." you stuff the cake into his fridge and stand next to him where he's cooking in a wok.
"mina? intern mina?"
"yeah. they made out too... so i'm guessing it wasn't friendly."
seungcheol scoffs. "mina joined, like, last week."
"two weeks."
"he switched you up for her although he's been with you for a year and a half."
"she's twenty-two, cheol. i'm pushing thirty. i'm not sexy anymore." you bite your lip as you look at the word puzzle in the newspaper on the coffee table. seungcheol doesn't reply immediately, so your heart sinks a little further. even if he doesn't subjectively find you sexy, he could just say it to console you. well, but it's a stretch to even expect that from-
"you're the sexiest woman i've ever met." seungcheol says, his voice softer, as he plops down next to you, holding two bowls filled with the fried noodles. he begins to eat wordlessly, legs propped up on the coffee table, almost inhaling the food. if you move your leg a little, your bodies would touch.
you don't reply. you can't reply. you start eating the food too, relishing the flavours in silence.
"want some more? there's more egg bits towards the bottom, i know you-"
"it doesn't matter if you think i'm the sexiest woman. clearly he doesn't."
"is jay the only person whose opinion matters?"
"are you really asking me that?"
"what i am asking you is that you've wasted one year and a half pining over a man who doesn't care for anything more than sex, and you still hope he's worth your time?"
your breath stutters. seungcheol's staring at you, and you feel shameful and self-conscious suddenly. all the fire and rage from your earlier comments dissipate and you sigh.
"you think i don't have a chance at all?"
"jay is an asshole, y/n. i think that you shouldn't care about him at all. but that's just what i think. my opinion doesn't ma-"
"shut the fuck up," you extend a hand to grab his wrist and make him look at you again.
seungcheol does look at you again but doesn't say anything.
"my best friend says i like you."
seungcheol's fork clatters in his bowl and you both turn to look at each other.
you have no idea why you say that. sure, it's been on your mind all day, all evening, and suddenly you feel like you're on your toes around him through the day. even when you two sat together at work, you'd become oddly conscious of his presence in your periphery, which has never occurred to you before.
"do you?"
and you have no idea why he says it either. in all the million possible options of things he could've said right now, you'd never imagined him asking this to you right on your face.
so you have nothing to say, except a very shaky, a very feeble, "i don't know."
the next day, two things happen.
first, seungcheol isn't talking to you. well, he is talking. but not properly. talking like could you press the elevator button or do you want some grapes or did you read the mail.
second, jay's talking to you a lot. he follows you into the break room and apologises again for standing you up on his birthday night.
"it's okay really. i hope you had a wonderful time with mina." you don't make eye contact, not really interested in listening to his whining, instead more focused on making the espresso you know that seungcheol craves during the afternoon.
"i... just wanted to clarify. there's nothing between us, you know. nothing going on." "you don't have to clarify that to me-" "i know. but still. wanted to know if it's all good between us." you push your tongue into your cheek to stop a curse from coming out. finally you pick up the two mugs of coffee and face him. "yes jay, all's good." jay smiles widely. "so are we on for the annual company dinner for this weekend?"
shit. you'd forgotten about that.
"but we go every year!" and jay throws you those puppy eyes that bring out the wrinkles next to his eyes that were the first reason you'd fallen for him.
it, surprisingly, doesn't make you feel weak in the knees.
"i'll confirm by tonight, okay? gotta go."
you head straight to seungcheol's desk and put down the cup of coffee on his desk, making him look up from his desktop.
"do you have a plus one for the company dinner?"
his eyes widen, and he responds after a moment's pause. "no. but-"
"will you come with me?"
"will you be my plus one?"
"but you're going with jay?"
"who told you that?"
"you did, genius. that's all you could talk about on monday."
you cringe internally. you don't even know why you do that- talking so much about jay, thinking so much about jay, just... caring so much for him. is it a parasocial thing? like people crush on their celebrities and make imaginary daydreams about taking care of their crushes? because jay certainly hasn't recicprocated even a tenth of your affection.
or maybe it's because of the sex. it is natural for friends with benefits to end up liking each other. well, in your case, liking the other without the other liking you. perhaps it's the physical intimacy. perhaps it's the consolation that you may be pushing thirty but you're still attractive enough to be on the market. perhaps it's the attention he gives you during your hookups. and perhaps it's the lack of attention from anyon-
you don't have a lack of attention. you have friends.
so it's not the attention bit.
is it specifically male attention?
but seungcheol is male. and he gives you a lot of attention, but only as a friend. you may be the sexiest woman he's ever met but he would never hook up with you. he's way out of your league.
"i don't want to go with jay." you finally respond back, clicking your tongue.
"huh? isn't that like your dream?"
"seungcheol. don't push it."
"i'm the one pushing it? i tell you not to like him, and you're mad at me. i tell you to like him, and you're still mad at me. what am i supposed to say, y/n?" and he pouts. fucking pouts at you like a little boy who's not allowed to eat sweets, and your heart breaks into a million pieces. you know he's not even trying to fake his cuteness (like jay does sometimes) and yet there's something so adorable about him right now that makes you want to-
"just answer me, cheol. please. yes or no?"
"when have i ever said no to you?"
your mouth twists as you nod. he hasn't. ever said no to you.
"i'll tell jay i'll be going with you then."
you turn around to walk away, but seungcheol pulls you back, grabbing your wrist and pulling you up close to his chest so that you have to tilt your head up to talk to him. "what?"
"is this some let's make jay jealous mission?"
"what?!" your eyes go wide and you scoff.
"of course NOT. what do you think i am? i'm not that desperate."
seungcheol sighs.
"whatever you say, darling."
seungcheol looks as good as ever when he comes around to pick you up and drive you to the company dinner that weekend.
"red suits you," he says, taking in the dress you've brought out from your mother's closet specially for this event. this dress is made to impress. it's the dress your mom wore at the party where she met your dad for the first time, and you've heard from dad countless times how enchanting she looked in the dress. you're hoping you'll do the dress half the justice, but clearly you haven't inherited your mother's body proportions, so it doesn't look as good as it did on her. and yet, the plunging sweetheart neckline allows you to wear pretty accessories that you hardly get to wear to work. it is really a dress to impress. somehow, something inside you wants to impress.... someone. and for some reason, you don't think it's jay.
the car ride is silent. it's extremely uncomfortable because you don't remember the last time you spent ten minutes in the same space as seungcheol without talking to him. you knew you shouldn't have raised the my friend thinks i like you shit. but you've raised it and now you can't go back. his question still lingers in your mind, and it feels like a challenge.
do you like him?
when you look at him in the moonlight, his jawline is shaved clean and his hair is slicked off his forehead. it's not like you've never realised before this how handsome seungcheol is. in fact, it was the one of the first things you'd noticed about him. he's got an aura about him that's so attractive from the outside. but as you grew closer to him, the attraction somewhat wore off into a casual comfort... where you can exist in the same space with him without double taking at his beautiful smile or wondering why his dimples are so cute.
but that's not to say that his appeal is lost on you.
under the moonlight, he looks godly.
''i heard jay's going with mina." he finally tells you when he parks into the parking lot.
"good for them." he looks at you and cocks an eyebrow, and you shrug.
you're about to open the door and step out, but he quickly grabs your hand across the car, and pulls you inside.
"umm. y/n, i don't know what you're doing. but i- whatever i said that day- look, i don't like jay because i think he's rude to you? but apart from that i'm sure he's a great guy and you should like him if you want to. and i have no right to say anything about it-"
"what?" you're so confused by his little monologue.
"sorry i'm saying this poorly. what i mean is, please don't let what i said that night make you avoid jay or anything."
"this isn't about that."
"it's not?" he tilts his head in query.
"no. this isn't about how i feel about jay."
"it's not?" he asks you again, his face more confused. you're tempted to smile at the cute confusion on his features, but you know it'll make him mad for spoiling this serious moment.
"this is about how i feel about you."
seungcheol does not utter any more words to you after that. there's still a very prominent confusion on his face, but he masks it well with his natural charm.
but you're not confused at all for once. everything seems to become clear to you with 100% HD clarity. for some reason, it all makes sense now. why your best friend thinks you're in love with seungcheol.
because you've never been in love before.
you've always fallen for the toxic type of person, like jay. relationships that are more about hookups and drunken fights than emotional bonds and care. and your past experience has made you feel that love is nothing smooth. it's always been a rocky path for you. push and pull, where you're both pushed around and pulled to meet to other's conveniences.
but being with seungcheol is so... different.
there's no loneliness. no push and pull, no compromise. only laughter and memories. he makes you smile you more than any of your love interests have made you smile. he makes you laugh ever so often. he takes care of you when you're sick. he cooks for you whenever he comes over because you can't cook to save your life. he wrote you a birthday card. he bought matching t-shirts from a thrift store because you both happened to like the design. right now, when you see the way he's talking to another colleague, his pretty lips articulating every word clearly, your heart warms with fondness. a stray hair sticks out, and you fix it back. he doesn't notice. or he pretends not to. when jay comes around within your periphery, he pulls you closer, and you can't help but smile again. something about everything he does is so endearing.
it's not a eureka moment.
and yet, it feels good to feel love for real for the first time of your life. you can die tonight happily, knowing you're capable of real love. because you know you do love seungcheol. for all his pouty tantrums and all his whining complaints, you love him the most in the world right now, and you simply cannot imagine choosing a life without him.
"do you want to dance?"
seungcheol's been deliberately avoiding eye contact, but now he looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights.
you giggle at the sudden reply. "why?" his frown deepens, and you tug at his lips with your fingers. "you don't look good when you frown." "it doesn't matter." "it does." "no one's looking at me." "no one's looking at me either." "shut up. jay's boring holes into your dress with the way he's ogling you." seungcheol's face flares up, and you're mildly amused. "and what about the boy i want to ogle?" "huh?" "you. you're so handsome, cheol." his eyes unfocus from jay and back at you, his eyes wide and lips slightly parted.
"what are you doing, y/n? why are you playing with my heart?"
"i'm not, though? i'm just telling you how i feel."
"and how's that?"
"i feel like dancing with you under the moonlight. i feel like going on a long drive with you. i feel like hugging you on the warmth of your couch until we fall asleep. i've never done these things, seungcheol, will you come with me?"
"never danced? fuck, you're not being treated right."
and he shows you. he takes you to the centre of the hall area, where the roof's glass so that it's slightly isolated from the result of the expanse, and the moonlight's shining in like a spotlight. there are only a few people dancing there, mostly couples. but seungcheol and you dance at the very centre, lost in each other's eyes, forgetting that this is a public place. it doesn't matter. nothing does. except him.
you are in love, your best friend's voice floats into your mind. and you smile as you look into seungcheol's eyes, realising she was right all along.
so you tell him.
"i love you, cheol."
seungcheol stutters in his step for a second. but it doesn't matter. your pace was anyway too slow. he pulls you closer against his chest, and cups your cheek with one hand. "what's that?"
"i told you this night's about you. and i've realised it now. i am in love."
and when seungcheol kisses you later that night, you're downright thankful you've finally realised your feelings. because how did you ever think you'd survive without his cherry kisses?
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Sebastian SDV Dating Headcannons
A/n: Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you so much for getting me to 50 likes on my blog!! It means so much to me💜
Please ask me for writings/prompts! I would love to get to know you guys. I'll write full stories, headcannons, fluffs, smuts, you name it! Just respect the boundary of no noncon, age gap, or other controversial things relating smut. Thanks!
As mentioned before, I absolutely love it when you guys reblog my stuff but just dont claim it as yours!
As with every fanfic, these are just my opinions!
Word Count: still too lazy to do it😀
Warnings: my horrible spelling lol (none)
I feel like telling Robin about dating him would be the most awkward thing ever. I saw another blog saying that ot would probably happen by her walking into Sebastian's room to see you too cuddling and i couldn't agree more. (Ps if anybody finds the author of that blog I'd love to mention them and give them credit)
There is never a truly dull moment dating Sebastion. Oh, its a rainy day on the farm? You bet your ass hes on his way to explore the caves with you in his free time
I feel like Sebastian isn't the biggest on PDA. Sure, he'll wrap an arm around your while playing pool with Sam at the Saloon, but not much more than that. He absolutely loves you and makes sure youre aware of it, but he likes to show his affection privately.
Speaking of, I think that Sebastian would enjoy spending quality time with you. One of the many perks of him working from home means that he typically has plenty of time to watch a cheesy horror movie or two.
Dont get me wrong, I think that Sebastion would still be into gift giving, but not nearly as much as just spending some time together. In my opinion, he probably doesnt super get the whole gift giving "just because" thing but he makes sure youre appreciated. Oh, he made some extra coffee because he couldn't sleep? He'll give it to the farmer
If youre like me and use the Stardew Wiki page religiously, then you'll also have an "insider's hint" you could say on his favorite gifts. When he gets a frozen tear from the farmer at the Feast of The Winter Star, hes actually kind of shocked. Other than Abigail, there isn't really anybody else in town that he talks to about it semi-odd likes and loved gifts.
If he were to get the farmer as a secret friend for the Feast of the Winter Star, however, he would totally get them a DND related gift. You mentioned a cool die that you've been wanting? Its already in his online shopping cart.
Back on the topic of movies, I think that Sebastion would like horror movies. Not just the jump scare type of horror, but the physcological type of horror, like the Blair Witch (one of my personal faves)
Dates are always interesting with Sebastian. Most of them are just spur of the moment decisions like "wanna go see if there are unexplored caves up in the mountains?" And other things like that.
Over all, I think that a relationship with Sebastian would include a lot of independence but also some really good quality time with some odd dates scattered in between. Just know that even if he takes a walk by himself that day, he still loves you with literally all his heart.
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eyelessfaces · 11 months
santiago garcia x reader
𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤: dirty talk
warnings: reader wears a skirt, exhibitionism kink, public teasing, creampie
word count: 0.9k
updates blog: @eyelessupdates
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Santiago had developed the habit of being the worst kind of tease in public. 
He knew it made you slightly embarrassed, not to the point of uncomfortability though; he would never do something that you didn’t feel comfortable with, and he knew you liked playing along, acting like it bothered you when in reality you enjoyed it.
It was rather frequent for his public teasing to resurface, especially at parties like the one you were at at the moment. 
It was Benny’s birthday, and his garden was rather crowded, including with people you weren’t familiar with. That fact didn’t particularly bother Santiago, and you both knew it. It actually excited him more to have complete strangers around, so you knew he could be insufferable, and it had already started when everyone started eating and his hand had conveniently settled at your thigh, progressively going higher up under your skirt as he acted completely oblivious and chatted with Frankie across the table.
This was step one, and the day was far from over.
Despite your best efforts to always be surrounded just so he could be annoyed by the fact he wouldn’t be able to tease you, you forgot the game for a second to take another drink in the kitchen, and Santi took advantage of that weakness. 
You hadn’t even heard him coming, you only felt his arms wrapping around you when he hugged you from the back, making you jump in surprise, your glass almost slipping from your grip.
“I can’t wait for everyone to go to sleep so I can wreck you” he whispered into your ear as he shifted his position to grind his hard on against your ass, making you bite back a moan. 
Goosebumps raised over your skin, your grip tightening over your glass. “Really, I can’t wait, maybe I could take you right here, where anyone could come and see us” he mutters as he puts his hands over the globes of your ass, kneading the tender flesh over your skirt. 
“Bet you’d love someone walking in while I pound that pretty pussy” you can hear the teasing tone and the sly smirk in his voice as he raises the piece of cloth, exposing your underwear, a small whine leaving your mouth as you feel air hitting the damp patch between your legs. “Mh?” his hand pushes onto your lower back so you could bend against the counter, and you don’t even put any force to try to stop this – objectively – unreasonable decision. 
“Tell me to stop, baby” he whispers, pressing himself over you to speak to your ear, his erection pressing even more firmly against you. You don’t say anything, because you don't want him to stop, and that’s when you hear the sound of his fly before feeling him push your underwear to the side, the feeling of his tip circling your entrance eliciting a small grunt of anticipation coming from your throat.
“Quiet” he murmurs as he gathers the wetness pooling at your folds before progressively inching himself inside you, a low groan escaping his own mouth as he bottoms out and really plunges his cock inside of you. 
Benny’s bathroom had already seen its fair share of action from the both of you, but having your way in the kitchen was a whole new experience, no lock and the possibility of everyone and anyone walking in on you at any moment.
Technically, the chances that someone would walk in on you or hear you were low. Everyone was outside, music was blasting and almost every drink was within reach; you only came to the kitchen to get a fresh glass of water.
Now you were gripping onto your filled glass, knuckles turning another color from how hard you were holding onto it while Santi was pounding into you. His rhythm was demanding, restless and a bit desperate; you feel his hands bunching up your skirt, holding onto it tight as the obvious sound of skin on skin resonates in Benny’s open kitchen. 
You have no idea what you would actually do if someone walked in while Santiago was taking you, and despite your best efforts to think of a backup plan, you give up on trying to ponder over that subject when Santi’s hand wraps around you and his fingers settle to rub rough circles over your clit.
Your body jolts at the feeling, the glass in your hand being the least of your concern at the moment; it rolls over the counter with a coarse sound as you come, its content spilling in a trail falling to the floor as you writhe under your boyfriend, drips falling beside your feet. 
His movements hasten as he helps you ride out your high, seeking his own; he presses himself flush against you, his breath halting as he pumps his seed inside you, your head falling to rest over your extended, numb arms. 
You feel him gently ease himself out of you, pull your underwear back over your sensitive cunt.
"Good girl." he smirks as he slaps your ass, smoothing the fabric of your skirt so it could look like no one had ever touched it. “My pretty little slut.” he hands you a kitchen towel, kissing your cheek before leaving, as if nothing had ever happened, like every single time.
No one would ever know what happened here, if it wasn’t for Benny’s high tech fridge having a camera.
as always please reblog and tell me your thoughts it helps a lot!!
triple frontier taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @mystinky-butt @anightshift @whatthefishh @alexxavicry @grxywindd @campingwiththecharmings @mintgreen24 @dameronshandholder @spider-starry @jakecockley @cocodiem @spxctorsslxt @luxisluxurious
+ @flightlessangelwings
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ticklishfiend · 6 months
Figure Us Out (ATLA)
(lee!zuko /ler!aang and sokka)
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A/N : i love atla rn. love zuko. if i encounter an awkward grumpy guy with a redemption arc in media, u bet ur ass i’m going to tickle him
Word Count : 3863
Summary : Zuko still feels like an outsider in their group. Aang and the others are gonna make sure he feels included!
hope u enjoy!!
“You’re such a liar!” Katara playfully punched Sokka in the arm, drawing a laugh out of him.
“I am not! That’s exactly how it went down, you’re just embarrassed that–”
“I’m not embarrassed–”
“Yeah, and you’re totally not red in the face either.”
This was…this was weird. 
Before meeting Sokka and Katara, Zuko really thought “being angry at your sibling” was a concept he understood better than anyone. He and Azula fought constantly back at home, it was pretty much just how they communicated with each other. Arguments aplenty, yelling and bickering by the dozen. 
But after spending the past few weeks with his new team (the word ‘friends’ still makes him bite his tongue), he’s realized there’s actually two different types of a sibling fight, and one of those types he’s never personally encountered before.
He’s used to spitting insults, deep personal cuts made against your biggest insecurities. Lies and manipulation hidden under sweet smiles so no one around suspects a thing. Most fights were like dances, using careful words and holding back just enough information to make your opponent second-guess themselves. And, of course, an argument was rarely ever had without literal flames thrown around to really drive it home.
But this? This was playful bickering around a campfire just to get under each other’s skin. Lighthearted teasing that showed how well they knew each other. There was love under each jab.
It was sorta weirding Zuko out.
He wasn’t uncomfortable by it, in fact probably the opposite. It made him feel closer to the group that he was included in moments like these. He liked getting to witness how normal siblings are supposed to interact, even if he knows he’ll never truly get to experience something like that himself. Zuko’s accepted his distance with Azula, and honestly it’d probably feel weirder if they did interact like this after everything they’ve gone through.
Honestly, he’s not sure why he feels weird. Maybe it’s because he’s just not as close to them all as they are to each other. Right now, Zuko’s just an awkward outsider that’s sorta-kinda trying to fit in, and fitting in with normal people has never exactly been his strong suit. He’s awkward and stiff and he knows it. And yet, they’ve been so open to him already. Sure, he had to prove he was over his whole ‘capture the avatar to avenge my honor’ phase, but now that he’s over that hump they’ve been super cool to him.
Zuko’s weirdly enjoyed getting to know this group’s dynamics with each other. He’s not entirely sure how he fits in yet, but that’s not even his biggest concern right now. Actually, his biggest concern right now might be that weird look Katara’s got on her face.
“Lying is pretty unbecoming of a warrior, dontcha think Suki?” Katara grinned over at Sokka’s girlfriend, who chuckled into his shoulder,
“Do not get me involved in…whatever this is.”
“Yeah, don’t drag her into this! She wasn’t even there!” Sokka argued very loudly, his usual bickering style. He gripped onto Suki’s arm with a pout, fluttering his eyelashes. “You believe me, right?”
Suki glanced at Katara behind Sokka’s back, and could clearly see her plotting something. Katara grinned like a loon before holding a finger up to her lips. Suki giggled, “Of course I believe you. How couldn’t I believe this face?” She pinched his cheek and Sokka hummed happily. Zuko took another spoonful of soup as he watched quietly, catching on that something was about to happen. He just didn’t know what.
Then, when Katara shoved her hands under Sokka’s arms, Zuko nearly spit his soup into the fire at Sokka’s resounding shriek. Sokka quickly fell into a fit of loud laughter, toppling over his log with Katara following after. 
“Admit you’re a liar!” She practically yelled over Sokka’s obnoxiously loud cackling. “Admit it!”
“AH! Ahaha no! You–You’re crahazy!” He sputtered out, shoving at Katara’s hands to no avail. 
Zuko felt weird watching this. He’s not unfamiliar with the concept of tickling, but he’s not exactly accustomed to it either. Especially not with family. Sure, Uncle had been known to tweak his sides every once in a while when they were out on their own together, but never anything like this. Zuko took to awkwardly staring into his soup, hoping he’d fade into the background like he usually did at dinner time. 
Unfortunately for him, tonight he was sitting next to Aang. Zuko felt an elbow nudge his rib, glancing over to the smiling Avatar. 
“Y’know, Sokka’s pretty well-known for exaggerating his stories like, a lot. Katara’s told this story before and he didn’t say a thing then. He definitely deserves this.” 
Zuko swallowed some soup. “That seems likely,” he said stiffly. Zuko could feel Aang’s eyes on him at the same time he heard the scuffle quiet down. 
“That was…” Sokka panted, “so uncalled for. Did you have to do that in front of Suki? And the fire prince?!” Sokka whined, his hands thrown over his face. 
“Hey, if anyone deserves to know how much of a liar you are, it’s gonna be your girlfriend and the new guy,” Katara said proudly, standing up to grab another log for the fire. Sokka grumbled, crossing his arms as Suki wrapped him in a sympathetic hug. 
Zuko decided not to acknowledge his mentioning, not sure if he should get involved in this. Apparently Aang felt otherwise.
“Did you and your sister ever play like that?”
Oh. Okay. So that’s what Aang was thinking about. 
The crackling of the fire seemed so much louder now that everyone had gone noticeably silent. Zuko found himself staring into it.
Katara shifted uncomfortably. “Aang, maybe we shouldn’t–” 
“No no, it’s okay,” Zuko sat his bowl down next to his log. “I understand having questions.”
Aang continued looking at him with those big eyes of his, but Zuko kept staring into the fire. Talking about family wasn’t always the easiest, but felt necessary in gaining more of their trust. They deserved to know this stuff. 
“My sister and I have never really been close. We’ve had our…moments. But play was rarely on the table,” Zuko said. “Not when we both had so much on the line.”
Aang pinched his lips together in thought. “So I’m guessing tickle fights were never on the table either, huh?”
Zuko huffed in amusement, finally peeking over at Aang. “No, not really.”
“Wait, so…” Sokka spoke up, curiosity mixed with something else glinting in his eye, clearly excited about changing the subject. “Do you even know if you’re ticklish?” 
Toph barked a laugh from her rock stool. “You’re just asking cause you’re tired of being the most ticklish in the group!” 
“Hey!” Sokka exclaimed angrily before fixing his face. “Look, first of all, I’m not the most ticklish. We all know that title belongs to Aang,” Sokka nodded towards Aang, who just grinned. “And secondly, being the one that gets ganged up on all the time gets a little unfair when I’m surrounded by frickin' benders, okay?!”
Everyone but Zuko chuckled at that, which brought Sokka’s attention back towards him. “Seriously though, fire prince. Ticklish or no?”
“Um…” Zuko cringed. “I mean, yeah I guess so. Er–Uncle poked me sometimes when we were on the run together, if that counts.”
“Did you not just hear Sokka begging for his life two seconds ago?” said Toph with a chuckle. “That definitely doesn’t count.”
Zuko really wasn’t sure what to say. He’s smart enough to know where this conversation seemed to be heading, and was really unsure how to feel about that. In a poor attempt to evade whatever this was, he pulled his knees to his chest and crossed his arms over them, leaving a spot to rest his head.
While Zuko might’ve been smart enough to sense the direction these questions were heading, Aang was smart enough to sense he didn’t really feel comfortable with it. Not yet at least. 
“Sokka, can you tell that story about the saber-tooth moose lion? I don’t think Zuko’s heard that one yet.”
Sokka gasped in excitement, his train of thought successfully derailed. “Foo Foo Cuddlypoops!”
The next day, Zuko had forgotten all about the attention he got last night. Sure, he thought about it some when he was trying to go to sleep that night. And sure, maybe he clutched onto his midsection a little tighter than usual as he dozed off, thinking about the loud laughter drawn out of Sokka from playful hands. It didn’t…it wasn’t like he was actually thinking about it. Not in any real way. It was just something interesting to ponder on. A sensation relatively foreign to him that would probably make him laugh like he didn’t often get to do so freely. And thinking about the fact that the rest of the group seemed curious if it would work on him was definitely…it was totally nothing, really.
So like–he’s forgotten all about it now. It’s a new day, and Zuko’s got work to do. 
He and Aang had been training their fire all morning, and it was finally time for lunch. Sokka had gone fishing earlier, so they all kept to doing their own thing while he cooked over the fire (a fire Aang had lit himself, by the way. Zuko felt a weird sense of pride that Aang was seriously getting the hang of this, and using it in a way he knew would make Uncle proud).
Zuko decided on meditation while he waited. He sat on the ground shirtless, honoring his Uncle as he let the sun warm his skin and settle the fire inside him. Meditation like this seemed impossible to him just a couple years ago, his impatience once too thin and his temper too fraught. But now, it came so much easier. Zuko could feel the sun working wonders in his body, keeping his fire at a healthy state while also giving him time to clear his full mind. It was truly relaxing.
Well, it was relaxing, until he felt a set of hands scribbling at the base of his spine. “GAAHA–!” Zuko was quickly jolted out of his zone with a yelp, arching his back away with flailing arms. 
“What the–?!” Zuko whipped his head around to find Toph giggling behind him on the ground. “Toph, what the heck?! Can’t you see I’m meditating!”
“Well duh, Sparky, that’s why I did it,” She wiggled her fingers in the air teasingly with a grin. “You never even saw it coming!”
Zuko couldn’t will the flush from his face. He felt so embarrassed, getting played by a 12 year old girl like that. Zuko groaned into his palm, “Whatever, just don’t do it again. Let me finish before–”
“Lunch is ready!” Sokka yelled across camp, using Suki’s fan to waft the smell towards his friends. Zuko groaned again, scowling at the girl who couldn’t even see him doing it. 
“Time to eat, Jumpy,” Toph snickered, getting up and following the smell. Zuko rolled his eyes before throwing his shirt back on and following behind.
For the next 10 minutes the group sat around the smoky logs no longer lit by fire, eating their food and sharing how their days have gone so far.
“Guys, Zuko showed me this really cool firebending trick earlier! I’ll show you once my stomach’s settled,” Aang said excitedly, taking a bite of the berries Katara had scavenged for him. 
“It’s actually a pretty complicated move. I was surprised you picked it up so quick,” Zuko said, feeling a little shy. He was finally warming up enough to talk without being addressed first during these meal times, and silently hoped he wouldn’t get called out on it.
“Well, that’s Aang for you,” Katara smiled towards the Avatar. “Actually, it sorta frustrated me when I first started teaching him waterbending. It took me ages to master those skills, and yet it took him no time at all.” She crossed her arms at him, teasing as if it still bothered her after all this time.
“Yeah, I get that,” said Zuko. “I guess it doesn’t bother me as much since I’ve already seen all the crazy stuff he can do with the other elements. It’s not exactly new for me to see him be so…” Zuko waved his hand in the air trying to find the word, but once he did he got a little embarrassed and decided against it. “Well, you know.”
“Nooo, c’mon, what were you gonna say!” Aang grinned beside him, poking his arm. “You were totally gonna say ‘amazing’ right?”
Zuko sported a little grin of his own, peeking an eye towards Aang. “Actually, I was gonna say annoying,” Zuko lied, almost chuckling at Aang’s gasp.
“Ohoh snap!” Sokka giggled, stuffing his face with more fish. “You just gonna take that, Aang?”
Toph suddenly let her stool drop to the ground, the loud bang catching everyone’s attention. “I know how you can get him back.”
Zuko froze, staring nervously her way. Aang caught the look he was giving, and was immediately intrigued.
“Oh yeah? How so?” Aang asked, before Toph leaned in and whispered something in his ear that made them both snicker.
Aang stood up with crossed arms, unable to stop smiling. “You know, I just remembered a certain conversation we had last night about a certain weakness of yours.” Zuko’s eyes widened, his gaze darting around each person to gauge their reactions. They were all smiling, and Zuko felt a nervous twitch at the corner of his own lips.
“Cmon, seriously? I know what you told him, Toph, and that was not what you think it was. You just…surprised me while I was concentrating,” Zuko defended, trying really hard not to smile right now.
“Yeah, tell that to the giggle you let slip,” Toph snickered.
Sokka caught on quickly with a chuckle. “Oh, buddy, you are so in for it now,” he tossed his last bite of fish into his mouth. “Take it from me, it’s best to just let it happen instead of running. If you run now, everybody’s gonna come after you.”
Zuko froze, darting his eyes back to Aang towering over him. The Avatar wiggled his fingers in the air, and Zuko knew what he had to do.
With a groan, Zuko took a deep breath, puffing his cheeks with air, and tensed his entire body. He pulled his arms close to his chest and clenched his eyes closed. He was gonna take it like a champ. A very awkward champ.
But instead of the tickle attack he had expected, he heard everyone around start laughing. He peeked one eye open and saw Aang doubled over holding his stomach through his giggles.
Katara snickered behind her hand, “For a former prince, you really can be such a dork sometimes!” Zuko blushed, untensing his body.
“Sokka told me not to run so–!” Zuko waved his arms around awkwardly, unsure of what to do. He sighed behind his hands, feeling warm in the face. “I really don’t get you people sometimes.”
Aang giggled, walking behind Zuko and plopping down. “It’s okay, you’ll figure us out eventually,” he said, before digging his fingers into the back of Zuko’s ribs. 
“AH! Ahaha–wait! Aang!” Zuko sputtered out a surprised giggle before pinching his lips closed, squirming and kicking his feet into the dirt. He giggled in his throat, trying hard not to let any sounds escape his lips. Somehow, this was even more embarrassing than Zuko thought it would be.
“Oh cmon, he’s trying to hold it in!” Toph complained, pointing at her ears, “I can’t exactly see your reactions, idiot, I’m gonna need to hear it.”
Zuko shook his head, but it was getting really hard to contain himself when Aang was doing that to his sides. He kept letting out little squeaks and growls, but he could feel his chest was filling with giggles and knew it would be no time before a real laugh leaked through.
“Get his armpits! That always kills you and Sokka,” Katara called out, getting an offended, “Hey, what’s this got to do with me?!” from Sokka.
Aang listened, tickling with so much concentration his tongue poked through his lips. He tried sticking his fingers under Zuko’s arms, but the prince kept them glued tight to his sides. Aang stopped with a chuckle, looking toward the siblings. “He won’t let me in there!”
“I can’t hehelp it!” Zuko complained, but didn’t move from his spot on the log. He panted, relieved for a break, but he could tell Aang wasn’t finished just yet.
“At least try to move your arms away. C’mon, I wanna hear you laugh!” Aang said, giving Zuko a poke to his lower back. When Zuko yelped and arched away, Aang snickered and tried again. And again. And again. Aang kept poking at his back like a typewriter, and Zuko let out the quickest set of giggles before standing up and backing away nervously.
“I–I cahan’t. I really–there’s no way–” Zuko shook his head, embarrassed but clearly having some fun himself. Everyone giggled at his reaction, amused by how ticklish and unable to take it he seemed to be.
“Wait, okay, now I want a turn,” Sokka stood up from his log and walked towards Zuko with wiggly fingers. Zuko shrinked away with a nervous chuckle, his arms wrapped around his midsection. 
“Noho way, this is ridiculous–”
“Oh cmoooon! I’ll let you get me back after!” Sokka locked his hands together to beg, “Pleeease Zuko?” He pouted and bat his eyelashes at the boy. Zuko just scoffed and rolled his eyes with a grin peeking at the corner of his lips.
“You are so stupid,” he grumbled. “That’s not gonna work on me. I’m not your girlfriend.”
“Maybe not, but I think I make a pretty good argument. I’m super fun to tickle, right guys?” Sokka looked around the room. Katara shrugged.
“Eh. You’re super loud. It’s kind of annoying.”
“Katara! Help me here!”
“Er–buuuut you do snort like a pig sometimes! That’s pretty funny,” she smiled toward Zuko, who just gave an incredulous look back. “I think you should do it. He’s pretty easy to fight back if you hate it.”
Zuko took a second to think it over. No one launched towards him, no one took him by surprise. Everyone just waited to see if he’d actually be okay with it.
Spirits. Sometimes it’s really annoying how nice this group can be. 
With a sigh, Zuko spread his arms out to the side, holding his head up high (but kept his eyes closed for good measure. It’s really embarrassing to look everyone in the eyes right now).
“Alright, yes!” Sokka clapped his hands together, making his way behind Zuko. “Okay, see how long you can keep your arms up for. Aang and I play this game all the time.”
Zuko expected the tickle to come right after, but…nothing happened. He waited a few seconds, and still, nothing. Finally he got frustrated, and peeked his eyes open to see Sokka’s hands floating just above his armpits. Seeing that freaked Zuko out way more than he expected, shooting his arms down with a yelp. Unfortunately for him, all that did was trap Sokka’s hands right where they wanted to be, and they immediately dug into his armpits like no tomorrow.
Zuko shrieked, curling up as much as he could while standing before crumbling into a fit of screechy cackles and giggles.
“Oh man, I wasn’t sure that trick would work on you!” Sokka giggled, his fingertips gently but efficiently digging into Zuko’s underarms with no plan on moving.
Zuko was in stitches. He wasn’t expecting this to be so unbearable, but spirits were his armpits ticklish. He could barely get a word out, pretty much babbling nonsense through his endless laughter.
“Ahaha! W-waahaha! It-It–-gggahaha nohoho!” Zuko cackled, squirming from side to side before crumbling to his knees in laughter. 
“Finally!” said Toph, punching Aang in the shoulder happily. “Took you softies long enough to get him actually laughing! If it was me tickling Sparky, he’d probably be in tears by now.”
“And that’s exactly why you aren’t allowed to tickle him,” Katara said, watching the scene with a smile. “Not yet at least. Clearly this is new to Zuko, we don’t wanna run him off when we just got him.”
“St-stahahaha! Ahaha guys!” Zuko rolled onto his back, his body overcome with giggles when Sokka started pinching lightly at his sides. 
“‘Guys?’ Don’t look at us, it’s Sokka you’ve gotta bargain with,” Toph teased, popping one of Aang’s berries into her mouth.
“Yeah! What do I get in return for stopping, huh?” Sokka said, pinching upward toward his lower ribs. That got a real good shriek out of Zuko, and everyone around couldn’t help but laugh. 
“I-! Gahaha, I dohohon’t–fffaahaha knohohow!” Zuko threw his head back as Sokka tickled all over his ribs, finally grabbing onto Sokka’s wrists and pulling him off. Sokka pulled back with no fight, only giving him another poke in the belly to hear Zuko yelp before sitting back and letting the boy collect himself.
Zuko panted, a stray giggle escaping him as he breathed. He clutched his stomach and threw a hand over his warm face, covering his eyes. He wasn’t sure how he was gonna look everyone in the eyes after that display. Oh spirits, what was he thinking? That was such a bad idea letting them take him out so easily like that. They’ll never take him seriously again, he’s supposed to be Aang’s teacher for pete’s sake, shoot this might be really bad, this might—
“Ohoho man that was awesome Zuko! You lasted way longer than I thought you would!” Aang giggled from above Zuko’s head. Zuko peeked his eyes out and saw Aang holding up a hand for him to high five.
Zuko couldn’t help the little giggle that slipped out at that. The Avatar is so…silly. He groaned and swatted Aang’s hand away, making everyone laugh. 
“After you get Sokka back, it’s my turn to play!” Aang straightened his back quickly, making the T-stance with his arms that Zuko held just a minute prior. “I bet I can last longer than you!”
“Pfff-” Toph laughed, slapping a hand on Aang’s shoulder. “Twinkle-toes, your record is currently four seconds without begging. You should probably start thinking your bets through before making them.”
“You can go ahead and have your turn. I’ll get Sokka when he least expects it,” Zuko grinned, sitting up and shooting his attacker a mischievous look. Sokka gulped with a nervous giggle, darting towards Aang to tickle him and change the subject away from himself.
“Ahaha wait! I wahasn’t ready!” Aang cried, immediately crumbling to the floor in a fit of childish shrieks and giggles.
Zuko watched on with a smile he couldn’t wipe from his face. These people were good. They worked with him at his pace. They understood things take time for him, and they’re okay with that. 
Zuko can tell they already see him as their friend. He’s starting to think he can see them in the same light.
thanks for reading! consider reblogging if u enjoyed hehe <3
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Accidentally Mrs. Bravo {Dieter Bravo x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 24.8k
Warnings: Drug use, alcohol, dub con due to spiked drinks, vaginal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), vaginal fingering, Dieter being a sub, face sitting, period oral (Dieter has his red wings), hand jobs, angst, Dieter being a sassy asshole. 
Comments: Being PR for Dieter Bravo is a nightmare, the idea of him going to Vegas for a birthday weekend absolutely horrifies you. Even more when it’s suggest you go with him. It’s going to be horrible, you just know it. Especially when you wake up married to him. 
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers​
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When Dieter told his team he wanted to go to Vegas for his birthday, you had told him no. As his PR manager, Dieter and Vegas are a bad combination. God knows what he’d do when fuelled by drugs, gambling and endless booze. Surrounded by people with camera phones and men and women who would want him to fuck them. Maybe get knocked up. You get a headache even thinking about it. When his manager suggested you accompany him to make sure he says out of trouble, you protested and put your foot down, telling her that you hate Vegas. It’s a cesspool of bad decisions. However, the next thing you know you’re on a private jet going to Vegas while Dieter snorts coke off of the mahogany table while his “friends” drink champagne. You know this is going to end in Disaster.
Inhaling deeply, Dieter throws his head back, letting the endorphins rush through his system and he lets out a loud whoop. “Fuck, that’s some good shit!” He crows and looks around, spotting you sitting in one of the plush leather chairs across from the couch with a sour look on your face. “You want some?” He asks, offering you the one hundred dollar bill he had rolled up to snort the coke with. “Maybe it’ll get that stick out of your ass.”
You watch him with disgust. You might have been hired to handle his PR but the man makes it a never ending job. Being caught with prostitutes, arrested with coke possession and a general bad attitude with paps has made you have many a sleepless night. This trip will be no exception. “No, thank you.” You respond coolly, shaking your head. “The stick will remain firmly in my ass for the entire trip.” 
Dieter chuckles, pulling his hand back, “I bet you like having something up your ass.” His joke makes you roll your eyes and you cross your legs, looking out of the window.
Huffing at your lack of appreciation for his joke, Dieter passes the rolled up bill off to one of his friends and frowns at you. “Why are you here if you don’t want to have fun?” He whines. “You should have stayed in L.A.” He doesn’t want you here. All you do is complain about his behavior, his manners, the way he dresses. He wants to relax and have fun, not be nagged to death by a fish wife. If he wanted that, he would get married.
“I don’t want to be here but your team - including me - thought it would be best to come with you to control what happens. The last thing you need with your new movie coming out is a mug shot.” You tell him. “Besides, I have fun. My fun just doesn’t involve doing copious amounts of drugs, having sex with prostitutes, and drinking more tequila than what’s available in the entire country of Mexico.” 
Dieter scoffs, “what do you do to have fun? Read?” His words make you bristle, swallowing down your retort that reading would be better than spending him in his company. 
“Just behave yourself and we won’t have any issues.” You finally respond, glancing around at his “friends.” All people who are here because of what he can give them, not because they like him as a person.
“I always behave myself.” Dieter gives you an offended look and shakes his head. “Just because I don’t adhere to your version of behaving doesn’t mean I don’t behave.” He chuckles and looks around the plane. “Haven’t you ever just had fun? Fuck what they say or what they think? Just be yourself?”
You try not to react, but his words hit. You went to college for media and you ended up getting a job right out of college with a PR firm. You needed to prove yourself and that meant working all hours. You’ve never really let your hair down and done whatever you wanted. You huff, shaking your head at him. “You don’t behave. You make my job so much harder. I’d hate to see you when you’re not behaving.”
“Have I flashed my dick at the paps?” He asks you, titling his head and smiling in amusement at the mental image of doing just that. “Or come up with some love child with a prostitute? Because I’ve fucked a lot of women. It could have happened.”
God, you hate this man. He’s so self indulgent it infuriates you. He does what he wants, when he wants. Damn the consequences. “Just try to not let either of those things happen during this weekend.” You reach for your phone, deciding to check your emails while he continues to indulge. 
When the pilot announces the plane will be landing soon, you steel yourself for what will no doubt be an exhausting weekend. The plane lands and the limos are waiting on the tarmac. Dieter’s assistant - who luckily has the weekend off - had arranged every detail even down to the baggie of coke waiting for him in the limo.
“Vegas baby!” Dieter squints and nods his head so that his sunglasses flip down onto his nose and he pushes them up. He wraps his arm around the girl he had met just this morning who had said she would be willing to go to Vegas with him. He smirks as he looks back at you, “try to keep up.” He tells you before he and the bottle blonde he’s wrapped around stumble down the plane’s stairs onto the tarmac.
You scoff in disgust, watching him squeeze the woman’s ass when she gets into the limo. He’s wearing sunglasses and it’s fucking nighttime. What an asshole. You get into the limo, sitting in the far corner and he has already found the baggie. This is going to be the weekend from hell. The woman kisses his jaw and he manages to snort some coke off of her tits when she pushes them together. “Classy.” You mutter, ignoring the entourage.
Dieter doesn’t even pay attention to you, too busy motor boating Cindy, or was it Kathy? He doesn’t know, nor does he really care. He just wants to get to the hotel and get another bottle of champagne. “We should hit the club!” Someone suggests, and like the easily distracted creature that he is, Dieter latches onto the idea. 
“A strip club!” He agrees happily. 
You shake your head. “No. No strip clubs.” You put your foot down. You’re not going into a strip club with Dieter Bravo. 
“It’s my fucking birthday. We are doing what I want.” Dieter growls, pissed that you’re doing everything you can to ruin his birthday weekend. 
“No strip clubs.” You repeat, crossing your arms.
“Go sit at the hotel if you don’t want to go.” Dieter huffs. “This limo is going to a strip club.” He lowers the glass between the back and the driver and grins. “Hey Buddy, take us to the best fucking strip club in Vegas. ‘Kay?”
You huff, knowing you have no choice. You can’t leave him be. He would run riot in Vegas. “You don’t want to change?” You ask, “or check into the hotel?” You frown, knowing he’d requested the best suite at Caesars. 
“No. I want to get this party started. We can change later.” Dieter declares. 
“Later? It’s nine.” You check your watch. 
“It’s early for Vegas.” Dieter shrugs and you sigh, knowing you have no choice.
Fueled by cocaine and champagne, Dieter is the first out of the limo when it comes to a stop. He likes the look of the place, the sound of the music is loud but he doesn’t care. Soon enough he will be watching women dance. “Hey, are there men here too?” He asks, suddenly curious. That would be cool. A strip club that caters to men and women, or people who like men and women.
You exhale deeply, trying to remain calm as you follow the group into the strip club. It's loud and full of bodies - both men and women. Some partly dressed, some naked as the day they were born. A half naked man walks past and you fluster when he winks at you. You have never been somewhere like this and you're no virgin but your life has been pretty vanilla.
It’s nothing but VIP for the group. Even if Dieter wasn’t recognized, a few folded up bills passed to the server assures that you are quickly seated at the best tables. “Uh huh, I want a dance from her and him.” Dieter lowers his glasses and leers over the rim with a grin on his face as a pair of dancers walk past. He turns to watch the rear view and catches sight of you. “I’ll even buy you a dance.” He tells you, blowing you a kiss. “Get you to loosen up. Tuck a few bills in a G-string.”
You roll your eyes and have a sip of the glass of champagne. You won’t get drunk but a glass or two will help you deal with this asshole all night. Some people ask why you work for him if you can’t stand him but honestly, he’s a PR nightmare and you always said you wanted the hardest cases for a challenge. He’s definitely been the hardest. “Gee thanks.” You respond sarcastically. 
The woman Dieter brought along is a little offended that he wants a dance and she slaps his chest ‘playfully’ and says “what about a private dance from me baby?”
Dieter rolls his eyes and tugs her close. “Of course I want a private dance from you.” He coos, leaning in and presses his lips to her neck and makes her giggle when he playfully bites her. “Later. We’ll have our own little strip tease.” Later on he has no clue what he will be doing, but she’s fun and he will hopefully get lucky. He’s getting laid for his birthday. Or at least a blowjob. “Don’t you want to shove some bills into his g-string?”
You huff, deciding you might as well do something fun for once. You make a grabby gesture and he grins, handing you the bills. You call a man over and he saunters, moving his hips and he holds out his hand. “Oh, I don’t want a dance. Here, take this. Put it towards your education or your rent or food or whatever. Just - take it.” You shove the notes into the man’s hand who is shocked.
Pouting, Dieter rolls his eyes. “God, you are no fun.” He leans back and crosses his arms over his chest and shoots you a glare. “He was hot, he might have enjoyed the stick in your ass.” He’s pissed that he didn’t get to see the man dance, or see if you would fluster and loosen up. He doesn’t care about the money. It’s about having a good time.
You scoff, “you act like he wouldn’t have been nice to me because he’s getting money. All of these people are here because of your money, Bravo. They aren’t your friends, they want your wallet. Especially her.” You point to Cindy, Kathy, whatever her fucking name is. “I’m going to the bathroom.” You huff, standing up and grabbing your purse. You need to calm down and compose yourself if you’re gonna survive an entire weekend of this.
For a split second, Dieter’s face falls, hurt shining in his eyes before he shakes himself slightly and blinks it away. You’re just pissed that you’re here instead of locked away in your depressing house with whatever boring ass book you were going to read. The waitress comes over and he orders a magnum of champagne and glasses for everyone, including you. You’re at his birthday weekend, you are damn well going to celebrate,
When you come back from the bathroom, there’s champagne flowing and you see the glass waiting there for you. You shouldn’t drink it but you have to. You won’t endure tonight without a drink or two…or maybe three. You sit down and pick up the glass, downing it. You choke on the bubbles and Dieter cheers, clapping his hands. “Now we are fucking talking.” 
Little do either of you know that one of his entourage snuck something into your drinks. You sway slightly, a giggle escaping your lips. “Wow. That champagne was so fucking good.” You feel tingly, like you’ve had ten drinks instead of two.
“So you are human.” Dieter gets up and moves around Cindy or Kathy and wedges himself in beside you. His grin is wide and happy and he clinks his glass against yours and takes a large sip of his bubbly. “It’s nice to see it. I didn’t think that I would ever witness you ‘let down your hair’.”
“Don’t get too excited, Bravo. The night is young and I am - I am supposed to be watching over you.” You can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips. You lean against Dieter, all hatred for him seems to have disappeared and you have another glass of champagne. “Happy birthday Bravo.” You cheer, suddenly excited for the night. 
You groan at the bright light that shines into the room, your head is throbbing and you can barely open your eyes. Fuck, what happened last night. You don’t remember a thing. You wince, realizing you must’ve drank way too much, and you shift, turning over away from the light and you hit something. Without opening your eyes, you reach out, gasping at the feel of hot skin and you freak out, opening your eyes. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck.” You panic, seeing the familiar tattoos on your boss’s back.
Dieter groans, hearing someone’s panicked voice and shifts, turning over and covering his eyes with his hand. “Throw up on the floor.” He grunts, not wanting to lay in puke if whoever he took to bed is about to get sick. He doesn’t open his eyes and groans again, wanting to go back to sleep.
You slap him, “wake the fuck up!” You slap him again. Shrieking when you realize you’re naked. “You need to wake up now, Dieter. I- we are in bed and - and naked.” You look at him and frown when you see the gold band on his hand. “What the fuck is that?” You reach for his hand, pulling it away from his face and that’s when you see the diamond in your left hand. “What the fuck? Wake up!” You slap him with his own hand.
“Ow! Ow! What the fuck?” Dieter bolts upright and throws his hands up defensively. His eyes are wide and he looks at you like you are crazy. “What the fuck are you doing? I’m sleeping!” He isn’t questioning why you are naked and in his bed. He doesn’t even really care, but dammit, he was enjoying the sleep. And you rudely interrupted it.
“Sleep? How can you sleep when a) we are in bed naked together, and b) WE ARE APPARENTLY FUCKING MARRIED!” You shout, grabbing his hand to show him the new gold band and holding up your own hand. “Oh God. This is - it’s gotta be a joke, right? We aren’t married. We just bought rings.” You try to reason, knowing no matter how drunk you could be, you wouldn’t marry him.
His eyes widen and he looks at your hand and then back at your face for a moment before he busts out laughing. “Oh good job!” He crows. “You had me for a second. And showing me your tits to sell it? Genius.” He chuckles and looks around, spotting a glass of champagne on the nightstand and twists around to grab it, swallowing down the flat champagne. It’s disgusting, but his mouth is dry and he needs something. He pulls the glass down from his lips. “You should stop the bullshit babysitting and act, sweetheart.”
You narrow your eyes at him. "What the fuck are you talking about?" You growl, pissed that he thinks this is some kind of joke. "Do you think this is funny? Bravo, this is - oh God. I think I'm gonna be sick." You scramble to get off of the bed, racing to the bathroom and you kneel down just as you throw up. You gag and cough until you're done before you slump down on the floor, pressing your forehead against the cool porcelain. You inhale deeply and look down, eyes widening at the crusted liquid on your inner thighs. "Oh shit." You hiss, reaching between your legs. You stand up, rinsing your mouth, and stumble back into the bedroom. "We had sex. We had sex." You're in shock.
“What?” Dieter frowns, shaking his head. “You wouldn’t have sex with me. Believe me, I’ve asked.” He had asked you the first day he met you and you had scoffed and acted revolted so he had never asked again. Although you’re standing in front of him naked, and that is something he thought he would never see. “You just probably spilled something on yourself.” He rolls his eyes and flops back onto the bed.
You shake your head, tears in your eyes that he doesn't believe you. "I know what dried cum looks like, you asshole." You spit and search around the room for your phone, knowing you need to find out what happened. When you find your phone, you see the notifications. Opening the first one, your eyes widen. "Oh shit." You read the headline, "Oscar Winning Dieter Bravo Gets Married in Vegas." You scroll until you see the video. "Dieter." You take the phone over to him, hitting play.
A picture is worth a thousand words and apparently a video is worth a million. You and Dieter are obviously intoxicated and grinning happily at each other. In the video, he grabs your ass and hauls you closer while the two of you kiss, tongues tangled and the group that Dieter had brought is cheering and clapping. Pulling away, Dieter looks around. “Now, I’m going to fuck my wife!” He yells out, grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the limo - presumably to take you back to the hotel. “Shit.” Dieter groans, knowing his manager is going to kill him. You probably didn’t sign a prenup.
You cannot believe this. You don't know what happened. You vowed you wouldn't have more than a few drinks, how the hell did you end up blacked out and married to Dieter? "Shit." You echo, wondering what the hell you're gonna do. That video is all over the internet and you know that this press is going to be impossible to tamper. The phone rings and you groan at the name of Dieter's manager flashing on the screen. "Hey Alex. How are you?" You ask, trying to act nonchalant. 
"How am I? How am I? You fucking got married to Dieter. You were hired for PR and you orchestrate the biggest fuck up in the history of fuck ups."
“Hey.” Dieter huffs, hearing her screech over the phone. “I wouldn’t say it’s the biggest fuck up.” He throws the covers off his body, obviously not going to be able to go back to sleep and climbs out of the bed, stretching with a groan. Completely unconcerned with his nudity as he stumbles to the bathroom to take a piss.
You watch him walk into the bathroom, jaw dropping, and you realize now why there's an ache between your thighs. "Not a fuck up? You got married! To your PR manager. Jesus Christ Dieter. You need to fix this." Alex says your name and you bite your lip, unsure of how you can fix it. 
"I- I don't know - he can't just say it was a joke. There's..." You rack your brain. "There's one way but he's gonna hate it." You look towards the bathroom. 
"I don't care. Just fucking fix it. He has a new movie coming out and we don't need the studio on our ass because he has fucked up - because you have fucked up." She hangs up and you stare at the phone, wanting to cry at this entire fucked up situation.
The best thing about Dieter is his ability to go with the flow. Or at least he thinks he does. Often he’s just too strung out, but right now, he’s finding this hilarious. “Just call me Brittany.” He chuckles into the mirror before he groans and reaches for the bottle of antacids that he keeps in his bag, along with his illicit drugs. Getting older sucks. He pops four into his mouth and chews them, reaching down and scratching his balls while he tries to remember if he did anything else last night besides marrying you. That can’t have been the worst thing he did.
You know what the solution is but fuck, you hate it, you really fucking hate it. You grab the shirt he was wearing, throwing it on without care, and you walk towards the bathroom. "We can't get an annulment." You declare. Dieter frowns, turning to look at you, his hand still scratching his balls. 
"Why not?" He huffs. 
"We have to stay married. If we get an annulment now, it will be recorded and the press will get hold of it and it will be a bigger story than it already is. If we stay married, even on paper, for six months or so, we can get an annulment and no one will even care to look because it will be old news."
“We can just say it was an accident.” Dieter shrugs and smirks. “What happens in Vegas and all that.” You shake your head. 
“No Dieter, not what happens in Vegas. That’s the problem!” You shriek and he winces at how loud you get. 
“Jesus, there’s the stick again.” He grumbles and sighs, trying to ignore the fact that you are wearing his t-shirt. “I don’t want to be married to you,” he whines. “Your going to tell me I can’t have sex while we’re married.”
“I won’t be married to you in any way other than a piece of paper. We are going to have to suffer each other for the time being. Once we get the annulment, you will give me a reference so I can move on from this shit show. You - you can fuck whoever you want but you won’t be doing it in public. We need people to think we are really married. You need to act like we are actually married, not just a terrible mistake. You need this to work otherwise you will be a laughing stock. With the cocaine possession and DUI, you can’t afford another fuck up.” You warn him, knowing that the last thing you want is to be married to him but you need this job more, you need that reference more than anything.
Dieter huffs, knowing that you aren’t wrong, but it’s all bullshit. “What the fuck, you don’t do your job and I’m the one punished?” He gripes, hating the entire idea. Especially where you said you would be leaving him. He hates when people leave him. “How did Ms. ‘Holier than thou, stick in her ass’ manage to get married to a man she can’t stand in a Vegas wedding chapel?”
“I don’t - I don’t remember anything past going to the bathroom in the strip club. I - I didn’t do my job? How dare you! I tried to prevent something like this but you bought me the drink and it was poured and - oh fuck. Do you think- do you think our drinks were spiked? Oh fuck. That explains it. One of your goddamn gold digging groupies spiked my drink and now I’m - oh God. I knew I shouldn’t have come along. Oh fuck. Dieter - we got married and had sex and I don’t even remember.” You freak out again, hands shaking as the weight of this settles on you.
Dieter frowns, while he loves using drugs and thinks that you could personally benefit from the occasional snort or toke, he doesn’t like the idea of being unknowingly drugged. Again, completely unconcerned with the fact that he’s naked, he walks over to you. “It’s okay.” He hesitates to reach for you, but then he does, pulling you against him and hugging you. Only slightly awkwardly considering you are just wearing his shirt and it is morning. “I’m sure there’s a video of it.”
You are so distraught that you actually wrap your arms around him and allow him to comfort you. Only for a moment until you realize that you’re married to him. “We need a game plan. What’s done is done and you don’t need anymore bad press so we gotta stay married.” You declare as you pull away from his embrace.
Dieter groans, hating that you keep saying that. Because he knows that means that his fun in Vegas will be over if you have your way. “Just lay low.” He shrugs his shoulders and turns around, wanting to look for the pills that he had yesterday. He spots a silk robe and snatches it up, throwing it on but not bothering to close it. “It’s not a big deal.”
“It’s not - we got married. It is a big deal. It’s a massive deal. I never - I wanted to get married and not get divorced. I wanted to be in love with the man I married. Not - not just - this mess. Oh God. My parents are going to kill me. Everyone expects you to be this reckless but not me. I’m the sensible one. Always have been. I’ve always had to be good.” You admit, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Dieter turns around and stares at you, amazed that you are so…worried about what your parents are going to say. “You’re legal, right?” He demands, squinting at you as if he could tell your age by staring at you. “Worried about your parents? Why? What are they doing for you? Are they supporting you?”
“Of fucking course I’m legal, you idiot.” You huff, “my parents love me and I love them and they are going to be mad when I tell them I accidentally got married in Vegas to a drug addicted actor.” They had told you that moving to L.A was a bad idea and now you’re inclined to agree. 
“Who cares what they think?” Dieter scoffs, finally finding the baggie. 
“Who cares? I do!” You choke, tears stinging in your eyes again. 
“Then just don’t tell them.” Dieter says, like it’s the easiest thing to do. 
You shake your head, “I can’t lie to my parents. I can’t do it.” You watch Dieter roll his eyes. 
“You can. It’s easy. Just tell them you got married for real and they’ll be disappointed when their favorite son-in-law asks for a divorce in six months time but hey, what can you do? It’s fucking life.” You watch him, knowing your parents are gonna wonder what you say in him compared to your clean cut exes.
Dieter pops three of the pills in his mouth and offers you a couple. “Want some?” He asks and you scoff, shaking your head and looking at him in disgust. 
“Shit like that got us into this situation!” 
He rolls his eyes and closes the bag, shoving it in the pocket of the ridiculous pink silk robe. It only comes down to his thigh and doesn’t cover anything since he hasn’t closed it. “Just release a statement saying that after spending a night with you in Vegas, I realized that I couldn’t deny my feelings anymore.” He tells you. “Or say that we’ve been secretly dating for months and just decided to go for it.”
You are surprised he’s suddenly agreed to go along with it. Your eyes dip down to his impressive - even flaccid - cock and realize why he’s so obnoxious. “I think the secretly dating one is the way to go but you have been out with most of the men and women in L.A in the past six months. We gotta explain that.” Your mind whirls with the best way to cover this up. Your PR mind taking over to try and distract you from the panic that you also had sex with your boss. One thing at a time.
He shrugs, obviously unconcerned about the details. “We’re poly.” He chuckles, knowing that with as stiff as you are, there is no way that you would ever be in situation like that. “Or that it was just a front. Throw people off.” He grunts and scratches his belly. “I’m hungry, are you hungry? You should order us breakfast.” He switches topics suddenly and looks at you expectantly. “Doesn’t the wife take care of her hubby?” He teases with a smirk.
You huff, walking over to the phone and you grab the room service menu. “Aren’t husbands supposed to stop their stupid fake friends from roofieing their staff?” You retort, glad that you only have one more day of this before you return to L.A and you can get away from him. His assistant can run around doing this shit. You order a healthy breakfast, making him pout, and you smirk, “I’m looking after you baby.”
“Look after me by ordering bacon.” Dieter grumbles and sighs when you just lift a brow. “I’m going to shower.” Despite the rumors, he did shower. He just dresses like he doesn’t give a fuck. Because he doesn’t. Shooting you a grin, he waggles his brows. “Wanna join?”
You wrinkle your nose, “absolutely not. You haven’t even asked if I’m on birth control. We had sex last night. I take the pill, by the way.” You inform him and he wrinkles his nose. 
“Too many chemicals. You should just check your basal temperature.” 
You shake your head, “how have you not knocked someone up yet?”
Dieter shrugs, not bothering to tell you that he normally does use a condom. Doubting you would believe him. “Guess I’m just lucky like that.” He eyes you again, seeing the streaks of his dried cum on the inside of your thighs. “You wanna take a bath while I shower then? I know you want to clean away the evidence.” His tone is oddly hurt and he purses his lips at you.
You nod, deciding that a bath sounds nice, especially since your body aches. God knows what he did to you last night. You follow him to the bathroom, bending over to turn on the bath and there’s a flash in your mind of Dieter bending you over the bath, his cock buried deep inside of you. You gasp, making Dieter look over at you. 
“You okay?” He frowns and you nod. 
“I’m fine.” You choke, grabbing the bubble bath.
Rolling his eyes, Dieter leans into the marbled shower to turn on the water. It wouldn’t be so horrible being married to you for a few months if you weren’t such a stick in the mud. You’re hot, he had been grateful that he was battling a headache when you were standing in front of him naked. Or maybe he had too much sex last night. Maybe that was the reason he wasn’t popping a boner at the sight of your tits and bare cunt, because he likes the look of you. “I guess we go home this afternoon?” He asks with a pout. It’s his fucking birthday today and he’s gotten yelled at, scolded and there is zero chance of getting a birthday blowjob from you.
You ponder it for a moment, realizing that you can’t just go home. It would look bad. You need to be seen out and about. “We can’t go home today. It’s best if we go out. We are gonna get swarmed but the public needs to see you and your wife out and happy.I’m sure even you can manage to act like you actually love me. Happy birthday by the way.” You offer him a smile despite being so mad that the thing you tried to prevent had happened.
Your smile throws him for a loop and he just stares at you for a moment. It might be the second time that you’ve smiled at him, a nice smile, since you’ve become his PR person. “Thanks.” He swallows back the urge to make a comment, something dirty that you wouldn’t appreciate and just nods. “Okay. Be seen. We can do that.” He shrugs. “What would be good?”
You test the water before stripping off his shirt to sink into the hot water, a moan escaping your lips at how good it feels on your aching muscles. “I’m thinking we go to dinner. No entourage. Then we go dancing. We gotta appear close and I doubt you’d be spending your birthday apart from your wife. This is just until the news has died down so we can divorce.”
He rolls his eyes at how boring that sounds. No doubt dinner will be talking about how much of a fuck up you think he is and the dancing will be some sedate oldies music where no one there is under one hundred. He shrugs off the robe and steps under the shower spray with a groan. “Sounds great, grandma.” He quips. “Senior specials? Gotta get there before five.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes. “No. I’ll book dinner for nine and then we can go to a club. Not a strip club.” You huff, swaying your hands through the water. His sarcasm has pissed you off since it’s technically his fault that you are in this situation. “I gotta go out and get something nice for a club since everything I brought with me is for a nice dinner and not the club. I guess I gotta dress the part of Mrs. Bravo.” The words make you feel sick but what can you do? You need to keep your job and the way to do that is to create the narrative that you’re in love with the man. As disgusting as he can be, you hope you find something good in him. He’s selfish, indulgent, and completely self obsessed. Traits you would never want to marry, yet here you are.
“Got it, you don’t like strip clubs.” He feels guilty, something that he hates feeling. He doesn’t know why, he didn’t spike your drink, but you are stuck with him because of it. “Take my card when you go shopping.” He tells you, shampoo in his hair. “This is my fault, so you should at least be able to buy what you want until it’s done.”
You want to argue and say you can afford your own things but honestly, you deserve something nice since this wasn't your fault. It was his fake fucking friends. You wash up and wash your face, standing up from the bath just as he steps out of the shower, reaching for the towel. He really is sexy in that Oscar the Grouch kind of way.
Water droplets glisten on his chest as he wraps his towel around his waist, covering himself for the first time since he got out of bed. “You’ll need to stay in this suite too.” Dieter reminds you. “The paps watch the hotel rooms.”
You huff, knowing he’s right, and you wrap the towel around yourself. It’s hard to resist licking up that drop of water going down to his - your mind flashes with an image of you doing just that and you stumble. “Shit.” You hiss and he reaches out to steady you, causing you to pull your arm away. “Do you- do you remember anything from last night?” You ask, curious if he’s having these flashes too.
“I-“ Dieter bites his lip and almost lies to you. “I remember most of last night.” He admits quietly. He’s done so many drugs that some things just kind of stick with him. Especially sex. He knows you will probably be mad at him, since you were drugged too, but he didn’t know that you weren’t just drunk.
Your eyes widen but you’re not surprised. He’s done more drugs than most of the population of California combined. He must have some kind of immunity. “Tell me.” You demand. “Tell me everything.”
“I don’t know.” He swallows harshly and gives a small shrug. “We came back to the hotel, but we started in the limo.” He flashes you a grin. “You demanded I eat you out. Told me that you hadn’t cum on someone’s face in a long time.”
You fluster, unable to believe you said that. “And did you?” You ask breathlessly. 
“Of course I fucking did.” He scoffs, “I practically laid on the floor of the limo so I could eat you out. You were bucking against my face like a goddamn bronco.” 
Your cheeks burn and you need to know more despite it being mortifying. “Then what?”
He smirks, amused with how flustered you look. “Then we came back here and had sex. In the bathtub, in the bed, in front of the windows.” He chuckles. “You liked that.”
There’s a flash in your mind of him pushing you up against the window, your cheek smashed against it as he rammed into you. “Oh God.” You choke, unable to believe that he fucked you like that. “No wonder I ache. God, thank God I’m on birth control.” You grip the towel tighter around your body, even though it’s ridiculous now he’s seen every inch of your body.
He hums, not mentioning how you had moaned about how good he felt. He’ll save that for himself. “You wanted it again, wanted to ride but you were so tired I stopped you.” You had pouted at him until he promised you could ride him in the morning. Although it seems like that won’t happen. “You can wear some of my clothes until you get your bags to the room.”
You want the floor to open and swallow you when he says that you wanted to ride him. It’s true you haven’t had sex for - who the fuck knows how long it has been. You can’t even remember. You had seen Dieter naked and now you can see why you wanted to ride his cock. Now you’re sober, you couldn’t do it because it’s Dieter Bravo. “Okay. I will wear some of your clothes then go get my things then I’m gonna go shopping and you are gonna stay here and call your manager to apologize.” You tell him, striding out of the bathroom and you walk into the closet to his suitcase, wrinkling your nose at the lack of options that don’t involve holes or stains. “You need new clothes too.” You tell him, holding up his tatty sweats.
Shrugging, he doesn’t understand why you are upset about his clothes. “So buy me some.” He offers. “Hate shopping. Never do it. All that was stuff I acquired.” Half the time it’s stuff that comes from lovers or once expensive clothes that he wears to death when he’s given them after modeling. “But don’t throw them away.” He huffs, a snatching shirt you had picked up away from you. “They’re comfortable.”
“Comfortable can look good too. These are - what the hell do you do in these clothes?” You pick up a tatty shirt and pull it over your head. “What’s your size? I’ll buy you some clothes. We can’t - I won’t be married to a homeless millionaire.” You scoff, “I promise you’ll be comfortable but you need to look good. Your entire image is your income.”
Dieter snorts and rolls his eyes. “I’m still getting worked, aren’t I?” He asks before he drops his towel and starts rooting around for a pair of boxers. “I need to look good on camera. And the makeup and hair people accomplish that.” He honestly doesn’t care about how he looks off set, comfort is his goal. He works long hours when he’s shooting a movie and it’s always uncomfortable. “I honestly don’t- oh! The last movie.” He rattles off sizes. “That’s what the tailor told me when I was fitted.”
“Okay. I’ll get you some new clothes. I just - I know you think I hate you but I want you to be successful. I want you to look good and be loved by your fans. I want you to have everything you’ve ever wanted and that’s my job. To make you look good. For people to love you. I’ll get you some new clothes and some new shoes. Those Tom’s…they aren’t it.”
“Hey….” Dieter pouts and looks down at the Tom’s he had pushed his feet into after sliding on his boxers. “I left my crocs at home.” He argues. “I could have worn them.” He would have too, he doesn’t care. Although he’s surprised by your speech about wanting things for him. Besides last night, you always seem to look at him like gum on the bottom of your shoe.
“God no. I will get my stuff and then we are going shopping. You’re coming with me so we can get you some new stuff.” You tell him, not taking no for an answer. “Let’s get my stuff and then we can go get started.” You shove your feet into your shoes, grateful you didn’t wear heels last night.
“I hate shopping.” He whines, huffing dramatically. “I hate it. It’s boring and people are always assholes.” He hates having to make small talk and all the fucking sales associates thought if they talked to him that he would buy more shit.
You roll your eyes, “tough shit. Your wife wants to go shopping.” You quip and make your way out of the closet to grab your purse, intent on going to your room to change. “Breakfast should be arriving soon. I’ll get my stuff, we can eat, and then we will go out.”
“Bossy.” The fact that his cock twitches doesn’t surprise him, he likes following orders sometimes. “Fine, we’ll go shopping.” He calls out as you walk out of the closet. “But I’m going to complain the whole time!”
You hold up the shirt against him, liking the purple against his skin tone. “I like this. What do you think?” You ask, knowing that people are watching you and taking photos but there’s nothing you can do.
“It’s fine.” Dieter huffs, hating the actual shopping more than the color or style of the shirt. He always feels like a rat in a glass cage when he goes shopping. “If you like it, get it. I’ll wear whatever.”
You huff back, hating his lack of enthusiasm and you know it’s because he hates being with you. “We will get it and then we can go, okay hon?” You promise, knowing he’s uncomfortable. “I won’t make you endure this anymore.” You take the shirt over to the cashier and you feel guilty when you see the total. “I’m sorry. Oh God. I didn’t know - I can put stuff back.” You tell him, picking up the clothes.
Dieter scoffs and takes the clothes out of your hand and sets them back down on the counter. “You want it, don’t you?” He asks, reaching into his pocket to pull out his little card case. The black card is quickly snatched up by the sales associate. “Besides, you told me you wanted to go shopping. Shopping means buying things.”
“Yeah but -” Your protest is cut short as the sales associate starts to fold the clothes. All of these are for Dieter. Yours are already on the way to the hotel. “I promise you I’ll pay you back.” You vow and he shakes his head. Dieter spends more than this a week on coke. 
“Anything to make you happy dear.” He sasses and you playfully slap him, a little too hard but you don’t want to look like you’re not flirtatious with the sales associate there. 
“Happy wife happy life.” You quip.
Dieter rolls his eyes and shoots the clerk a grin. “She’s already figured it out.” He tells them. “I just go along to get along.” He can almost say it with a straight face, but he looks over at you and shoots you a playful wink. “As long as you model the clothes you bought, or let me throw them on the floor, we’re good, baby.” He takes the opportunity to slide his hand down your back and squeeze your ass.
You want to be disgusted but you’ve had more flashes in your mind about how he fucked you and it’s beyond anything you could imagine. So sexy and intense. You find yourself being attracted to him and it’s so dangerous. You’re supposed to hate him, hate how he’s a PR nightmare, one that you’ve now gotten involved in, but you just want him to squeeze your ass again.
His grin gets wider when you don’t gasp and he leans in to kiss your cheek, making sure he drops another kiss right at the corner of your mouth. You’re a little looser than you were last night when the plane landed and he likes that. After your champagne at the strip club, he had ditched Cindy or whatever her fucking name was and it had been all about you. Not that what’s her name minded, she had latched onto some IG model that was there.
You can't stop the shiver that runs through your body and you hope he thinks it's from disgust. "Thank you." You tell the sales associate who promises to take your purchases back to your hotel room. You hold Dieter's hand as you walk back to your hotel. "Gotta let people take photos." You murmur, realizing how many people recognize him and you feel terrible that this is his life every day.
“I know.” He keeps his voice down, but he squeezes your hand. “That's why I hate shopping. The stores turn into a giant fucking fish bowl.” He’s feeling a little jittery, wishing you had let him take something before you left the hotel. But you had said you wanted people to see him happy and sober. Dieter didn’t mention that no one had seen him like that.
You notice how anxious he is and you feel awful for forcing him out like this. You can’t imagine being recognized like this. To be constantly under the public eye. You can understand why he finds solace in the drugs. “It’s okay. Don’t pay attention to them. You’re okay sweetheart. We are going back to the room.” You promise, feeling his hand shake in yours.
He grips your hand a little tighter and looks over at you, almost pathetically grateful that you are here. “Now you know why I’m normally baked.” He quips with a crooked grin.
You feel sorry for him, finally recognizing why he doesn’t dress nicer or go out or be sober. You can’t imagine the stress he must have even going out to the grocery store. You are swift to get him back into the hotel but you enter the elevator and what appears to be several young women all gasp when you enter. “Oh my God it’s Dieter Bravo.” One of them announces and you find yourself defensive when they start to take selfies without even asking. 
“Hey. Can you not just take his photo? You could at least ask.” You huff and one of the women points at you. 
“You’re his beard.” She declares. 
“His what?” You narrow your eyes. 
“He’s actually with a man but you are his cover up so female fans think he’s still an option. It’s okay honey, we all know you’re not his type anyway. He likes them looking like supermodels. You’re…average.” She drags her eyes down your body and you feel every insecurity you’ve tried to overcome rush back over you.
“Hey.” Dieter scowls and shakes his head, pushing the outstretched hands with phones away and reaches for you to tug you close to his side. “How about you not talk about my wife like that?” He demands. “Have I been with men? Yep, not a secret.” 
Dieter has never cared how he was perceived, he was too self absorbed for that, but he’d be damned if someone was going to insult his fake marriage. “And your logic makes zero fucking sense. I like men, but then I like women who look like supermodels, so she isn’t good enough?” He rolls his eyes and smirks. “Be jealous all you want but don’t be a bitch to her. And you can swing by the hotel room to hear how unattractive I find her later.”
You can’t deny that you are turned on by his display. His defense of you is sexy and you can’t stop the smirk appearing on your lips as the woman is shocked, blinking several times until her friends usher her off of the elevator when it arrives on their floor. “Thank you.” You tell him, “you didn’t have to do that.”
“Husbands protect their wives, right?“ he likes the way that your hand is on his chest, the admiration in your eyes appealing. It’s real, unlike a lot of the shit he gets. “Besides, they are fucking insane. You aren’t average, your fucking gorgeous.”
You fluster, caressing his chest before stepping away. You can’t get involved with him, this is a PR disaster to begin with, let alone getting actual emotions involved. He’s more than what you thought he was. “Thank you. You- you aren’t too bad yourself.” You tell him just as the elevator doors open and you walk to his suite.
He snorts, appreciating the sass and his eyes are glued to your ass as you walk. The maid has come while the two of you are gone and the suite is nice and tidy. “So, I guess we need to talk about what’s going to happen when we go back to L.A.” he doesn’t want to, but he also doesn’t want you lecturing him when the two of you had such a good moment.
You sigh, knowing he’s not gonna like your response. “We need to live together. Just until we divorce. The paps might catch me leaving my home or not being in your home. It will raise questions and we need people to think we are together and stop questioning…like that woman did. We need to - to make this work and when we divorce, you can tell everyone that I’m the evil woman that broke your heart so you can get all the attention and hopefully your next role.”
Dieter shakes his head. “No,” he frowns at the idea of what that would do to your career. “We’ll come up with something better than that.” He insists. “I- there’s three other bedrooms in the house.” He offers, looking over at the door to the bedroom of the suite. “You can have whatever room you want.” He sighs. “I’m a selfish asshole, but I’d never make you stay in the same room or sleep with me.”
You appreciate how he isn’t forcing you into more than what you have agreed. “It will only be for a few months. We need to suffer each other until people get bored of you being married. Tonight, we need to put on a show to convince the public we are married. I’m sorry this happened. I know you didn’t want to get married.” You sigh, having heard him say that several times when his manager would try to set him up on dates.
“Yeah, I know you don’t want to be married to me.” He reminds you with a rueful grin. “I’m not complaining though. I get to say I know what you look like when you cum.” Winking at you playfully. “So I’ve got that goin for me.” He’s thought about it all day today and he knows that it’s not going to happen, but it’s a nice thought.
You roll your eyes playfully and slap his chest. “That’s not gonna happen again. It was…a lapse in judgment. We can’t do that again. It will complicate things even more. That was…it was the drugs.” You lie despite knowing you’d love for Dieter to fuck you again.
“Yeah….the drugs.” Dieter frowns at the reminder and turns around to start striding to the bedroom. “I’m gonna go find my coke.” He calls over his shoulder. “You can do whatever you want. If my manger calls, tell her to fuck off, I’m on my honeymoon.
You chuckle, starting to unpack and hang up the clothes you’d bought him so he can pick out an outfit for later. Everything is stylish yet comfortable. You admire the dresses you’d bought for yourself, excited to wear something beautiful that you could never afford. Dieter lays on the bed, napping between snorting the coke, and he watches some movie while you get ready for your dinner. You take your time to do your hair and makeup, coming back out in a robe. “Bathroom is free. I’m gonna get changed.” You tell Dieter.
His hair is sticking up in every direction, not caring to style it after his shower this morning but he sits up when you walk past. Your makeup is sexy and your hair perfect. You look like an actress getting ready to perform her starring role. Right…this is just an act you are putting on so you can divorce him in six months. Dieter grunts and shuffles off the bed to trudge into the bathroom. If you want this to be a role, he can give you that. He’ll be your perfect co-star.
When you are ready, you walk back into the bedroom to find Dieter walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets still rolling down his skin, but his hair is styled and he has shaved. Fuck, he looks good. “You, uh, you look good like that.” You manage to choke out, hoping he likes your riskier outfit. You know that being with Dieter means you have to have a certain image. The man wouldn’t be married to someone who wears jeans and sneakers all day every day. So you hope he likes the skimpy dress you had bought for tonight.
His mouth drops open slightly, eyes fixed on the skin you are showing and his cock twitches. He loves it and he hates it, because he’s not going to be able to touch you. “You look amazing.” He compliments you breathlessly. “We need to see those cunts in the elevator again.” He chuckles. “Let them see I’m sporting a constant boner.”
“Thank you.” You giggle nervously, eyes dipping down to the slight tent under his towel and there’s a flash behind your eyes of you sucking his cock. Fuck, you can’t let him touch you again. You have to keep this professional. “Did you take viagra again?” You tease, sliding your feet into your heels to distract yourself from pulling him close and kissing him.
Scoffing, Dieter shakes his head. “Hell no.” He doesn’t add that there would be no point since he’s not getting laid on his birthday. “Natural reaction to you, sweetheart.” He turns and walks towards the closet. “Another reason I wear baggy clothes.”
You pause, watching him walk away, and you wonder if he’s just joking with you or if he’s being serious. Has he always found you attractive or does he even find you attractive now? After he is dressed, you swear your pussy drips because damn, he looks so sexy when he’s dressed up and tidy. “You look- you look good.” You choke, hoping your face doesn’t betray you, and you fumble to grab your purse so you can make your dinner reservation on time.
Dieter smirks and holds his arm out for you to take with a wink. “Can’t embarrass my wife when I take her out, can I?” He coos, knowing you hate being reminded that you married him. He can be charm itself when he wants to be and surprisingly, he only took a single Xanax while he was getting ready. The wedding band on his hand is foreign, but it somehow mixes with his other rings. “Ready to put on a show?”
With a sigh, you nod, wrapping your fingers around his arm and let him guide you out of the hotel room to the elevator. He seems…sober. You’re not used to seeing Dieter sober like this and you find you like him more. He’s not as brash or obnoxious. He’s charming and, surprisingly sweet. “I just want this to be successful so you don’t end up another failed Hollywood marriage. You don’t wanna beat Kim K and Britney on an annulment, do you?” You tease as you step onto the elevator and you lower your hand from his arm.
“First place is first place.” He jokes, looking up at the LED monitor that shows the floors rapidly descending. “Besides, I’m sure that whoever you are dating wants to kick my ass and have their girlfriend back.” He shoves his hands in his pockets, feeling twitching and he doesn’t want to touch you more than he needs to. He likes it too much. “Just blame everything on me. They’ll believe I did something stupid.”
You snort, “you think I’m-? First of all, no. I’m single. Have been for…longer than I care to admit. Second, I would never do what I did with you if I was with someone. I was drugged and - God, thank fuck I wasn’t with someone because we - it wasn’t exactly once that night.” You’ve had more flashes, able to piece most of your night together. The things he did to you…they should honestly be illegal, it felt far too good. “Legally, I’m yours. Reality, I’m no one’s.” You answer him, feeling a little insecure that you haven’t dated anyone for a while since you’ve been so busy with work.
“Yeah, I get it.” The doors open and Dieter takes a breath before plastering a happy look on his face. “The only reason you would ever look at me is because you were drugged.” He sighs under his breath, his low tone at odds with his expression. “Can you please stop reminding me how much you hate me. It’s my birthday.”
You take his hand, “I promise you I will make sure you have a good birthday. Come on, let’s go get dinner. I’m starving. Then we can go dancing.” You can’t wait to let loose a little and remember it instead of the crazy night you had before.
The photographers are everywhere, lights flashing and Dieter just smiles and acts proud that he is with you. Lifting up your joined hands and kissing the back of yours. “Dieter! What made you marry your PR agent?” 
Dieter laughs and gives you a smoldering smirk. “Well I’ve been in love with her for forever and finally managed to convince her that I was serious. She thought I was acting!”
He is acting but damn, the loving look in his eyes almost convinced you that he loves you. “And we decided to just go for it since I’ve been in love with him too.” You coo, kissing Dieter’s cheek and the cameras flash once more. You gasp when Dieter turns his head to press his lips to yours and you let him kiss you for a moment. “Sorry fellas. We are gonna be late for dinner. Thank you.” You declare, squeezing Dieter’s hand and he guides you through the crowd of paps.
Getting into the car is relatively easy and he allows you to slide into the car before him. The driver pulls away and he looks over at you with a smirk. “Looks like they believed you.” His lips burn where he had kissed you and he turns to look out the window so he doesn’t try to do it again. “They might fall in love with you.”
You snort, looking out of the window. “If you don’t like me, I doubt they will love me. I’m just a five minute wonder. When the Kardashians or the Hadid sisters do something, I’ll be old news and that’s when we can divorce under the radar. We just gotta make them think we are in love for the time being. I know that will be hard but you’re an Oscar winning actor so you should be able to manage it.” You wonder if you’ll be able to manage it. He’s more than what you thought he was, already changing your opinion after twenty four hours in his company. Maybe it’s a residue high from the drug. You don’t know.
Dieter sighs and doesn’t comment. It won’t do any good. You wouldn’t believe him if he told you that while he hadn’t been in love with you, he had found you very attractive and he liked the sass and the fact that you didn’t put up with his shit. He was contrary by nature and you were just so good. And last night….fuck, you showed him how wild you could be.
When you arrive at the restaurant, there’s another throng of paps and fans with their cameras but the restaurant staff usher you inside to a private booth and you exhale in relief when you lean back against the cool leather. “I don’t know how you handle that all the time.” You say to Dieter when he sits beside you.
“Drugs.” Dieter jokes, giving a small shrug as he reaches for the water glass. It’s not wine, but he will order a bottle quick enough and he’s oddly thirsty. “Some days it’s okay, especially when I meet someone who is passionate about movies, but it can be a lot when it’s the paps.”
“I can only imagine. It’s…intense. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. I sit at a desk and don’t really see that side of it. The reality of it. For so long, I’ve just done damage control on different situations you’ve gotten into like when you hit the pap and I never - I always thought you overreacted but now I know.”
He stares at you a moment, amazed that you had just said that. When he had hit the pap, you had raked his ass over the coals. “Thanks.” He ducks his head slightly to study the menu. “Hopefully they don’t bother you too badly.”
"I can handle them. They just need to be bored by me and they will move on. If we have an orgy in the middle of the strip, then we might be on their radar." You joke, browsing the menu. "Shit. This place is pricey. I didn't -" You are cut when Dieter rolls his eyes and tuts. 
"Hellooo?? My wife gets whatever she wants. Plus, I make way more money than I need. Probably why I buy so much coke." He murmurs to himself and you fluster at the way he easily calls you his wife even though no one is around to hear. 
The waiter comes over and Dieter orders the wine and you soon order your meal. "I don't - I haven't really been anywhere this nice before. My parents always preferred to cook homemade meals and special occasions were few and far between and my exes, none really took me anywhere super nice."
He snorts and rolls his eyes. “Wow, sounds like you dated some winners.” He doesn’t mind spending money, the people he hangs out with would verify that. But someone like you needs to be appreciated. “Well, while you are married to me, you can do whatever you want and eat everywhere you’ve wanted to try.” He lifts his brows. “A Hollywood wife must be seen after all.”
You chuckle, "I guess so." You watch the wine sommelier pour the wine for Dieter to taste and he nods, letting the man pour you a glass before filling Dieter's up. "To being fake married." You toast softly with a smirk on your lips as you clink your glass against his. "To being fake married." He responds and you take a sip of the wine, moaning in appreciation of the fruity full bodied red wine.
Your moan punches him in the gut, making it twist as he members the way you sounded last night. You still haven’t realized that he knew that the two of you got married. He wonders what you will say when you rationalize it out.
You eagerly dig into your appetizer. So hungry after so much stress. You see Dieter fidget and flex his fingers as he plays with his food. “Is everything okay?” You ask, reaching for his left hand. Another flash plays through your mind of when he slid the diamond ring onto your finger. You gasp and squeeze his hand. “Do you - if you remember last night us having - then you must remember us getting married?”
Shit…..Dieter stares down at his plate and swallows, suddenly not hungry. You are going to be pissed at him. “I do.” He admits, not looking up. He doesn’t want to see the anger on your face. Plus it hurts less when he gets slapped if he doesn’t see it coming.
You inhale sharply, now knowing that he married you and remembers it. He knew what he was doing. You feel betrayed. "Why?" You whisper, unable to muster anything else.
Dieter sighs and leans back in his chair, wishing that he had done some Coke before dinner. “It was your idea.” He reveals. “You climbed into my lap and told me that you had always wanted to slap me and then kiss me.” He huffs out a small chuckle. “So I told you to do it.” He picks up his wine glass and takes a long gulp. “It went from there, but you asked me to marry you.”
Your eyes widen. “I- I asked you- oh God.” You lean back in your seat, absorbing the news that you asked him to marry you. “Why - did I give a reason why? I need you to tell me everything.” You order, leaning closer to him.
 He gives a small shrug. “I thought you had just decided to take the stick out of your ass.” He defends himself. “Plus I wasn’t close to sober. But we made out in the club, damn near had sex in that booth. Then we went cruising down the strip and you saw the chapel and demanded we pull over.” He chuckles. “You claimed you loved those cliche movies about eloping and something about it could be a weird version of married at first sight?” He shrugs. “I didn’t know what you were talking about, but you were happy.”
You stare at him, tears stinging in your eyes and you swallow harshly. The tang of the wine on your lips when you lick them. “Wow. I- wow. It was me.” You can’t believe it was you that suggested getting married but you supposed it makes sense now. You sigh and reach for his hand. “I’m so sorry. It’s my fault we are in this fucked up mess and I - oh God. I’m so sorry sweetheart. I shouldn’t - my parents got divorced when I was a teenager so I guess I’ve always wanted to get married and do it right but now I’ve completely fucked that up.”
He reaches out and covers your hand with his other one. “It’s okay.” He knows how you feel now, in the light of day. He should have known you weren’t yourself, but he convinced himself that you had just given into bottled up feelings. It’s not true though, you are horrified at being married to him. So you’ll get it annulled or get a divorce or whatever. “We’ll have you single again in no time.” He chuckles and sends you a wink. “Smart girl, we got married without a prenup too.”
Your eyes widen, “oh God. I didn’t - I don’t want your money Dieter. You can keep it. I don’t - I don’t want you to think I did this because of - because of the money. I didn’t.” You promise, “I don’t - oh God. What a mess…and it’s all my fault. I’m so sorry.” You shake your head, knowing that your job is to protect his image and you’re the one who got you in this position.
He chuckles, enjoying the abject horror on your face. “Nah. I’ll just sign up for some really shitty movie, Cliff Beasts 75 or some shit, and tell the press at the junket that it’s so I could pay my alimony.” He teases, squeezing your hand so you don’t think he’s serious.
You roll your eyes at him, half playful, and you look down at your joined hands. For some reason, it feels far too right to hold his hand, even with the ghastly amount of rings he has on each hand. “So you wanted to marry me…even though I’ve done nothing but be rude to you?” You ask, frowning again.
“What can I say?” He gives a small shrug. “I’m a masochist.” His joke is meant to make you roll your eyes and scoff, perhaps say something sarcastic. Anything to keep you from delving into why he thought marrying you was a good idea. He was high, sure, but he never was so high that he married someone else before. His insecurities and loneliness came out last night and in typical Dieter fashion, he was selfish.
You stare at him, unsure of what to think, but you can see something in his eyes. You just can’t put your finger on it. “I- I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch to you. I should’ve been more professional and I understand why you…self medicate. It must be so overwhelming.” You squeeze his hand just as the waiter comes over with your food.
He doesn’t respond with a pithy reply, instead he just leans back and lets the server set down the food. He speaks when the extra ears have left. “I get it, I’m annoying.” He gives a small shrug. “Byproduct of being lonely, I guess.”
You feel sorry for him which surprises you. You can’t imagine how lonely it must be to not know who your true friends are. To know that everyone wants something from you. “I- I really am sorry Dieter. I don’t think you’re as annoying now that I understand why. You’re just…eccentric.” You tell him and start to eat, wondering what you can do to make this man happy. How bizarre, to have gone from loathing him to…something else in less than twenty four hours.
“Don’t feel sorry for me.” He’s slightly prickly after exposing something so raw. “My life is great. Drugs, sex, whatever I want.” He huffs like it’s ridiculous to imagine being unhappy. “I live in Sherman Oaks.”
You snort, “money doesn’t buy happiness. It’s clear that you are lonely and you buy your friends and your lovers. It’s…I want more for you Dieter. You deserve to be truly happy. I know we have fucked up with this marriage but you deserve to be with someone who loves you.
Dieter sighs, knowing that will never happen. He either fucks up or they do. Or they never loved him at all. “Can we talk about something less depressing?” He whines before he changes the subject. “Like you showing me your tits at the strip club?”
Your eyes widen, “I did what?!?” Your mouth drops and you lower your knife and fork. 
“Yeah. You flashed your tits while we were in the club. Said you could get up on that stage and make me hard.” Dieter smirks at how mortified you are. 
“Oh my God. I didn’t.” You cringe, knowing you must’ve embarrassed yourself while high thanks to your constant need to suppress your wilder side.
“You did.” He chuckles and leans in. “But you were right, I did get hard.” He smirks and winks at you. “Got really hard. You liked it. Really liked it.” You had loved how hard he was and that he was a multiple rounds kind of guy.
You fluster, another flash in your mind of you taking his cock into your mouth in the limo, and your cheeks burn. “Oh shit. I did. God, I- I didn’t know - I’ve never behaved that way. I just - oh no. I’m so sorry.” You wince, not even wanting to know what he thought of you. “I, uh, I never behave that way. At least not outside of my kind.”
Dieter grins, eyes alight with dirty delight. “Yeah?” He gives a low chuckle. “You have a lot of dirty thoughts swimming around in that pretty little head if yours?” He nods. “Yeah, you do. You probably read all those smutty romances and watch porn thinking about what you would do if you just let yourself.”
You fluster, thinking of all of the books you’ve read and the porn you’ve watched. “A lot of dirty thoughts.” You murmur, looking into those beautiful dark eyes of his that are just one of the reasons he’s such a popular actor. You lick your lips and shift a little closer to him. “We shouldn’t - we should keep this professional.” Your eyes dip down to his lips and you remember how good it felt to kiss him. You want that again.
“Maybe.” Dieter gives a careless shrug, as if it’s of no consequence. “Although….we already have. And you are my wife.” He reminds you with a grin. “So technically speaking, fucking each other’s brains out would be keeping it professional.” He can tell you are curious. If it’s because you don’t remember a lot of last night or if you want to see what Dieter Bravo is like in bed, he doesn’t know. “You know what they say. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
You want to kiss him, fuck, you really do, but crossing that line isn’t something you can let go. You pull back, swallowing down the lump in your throat. “I- I don’t think it would, considering everyone takes our photo.” You gesture to the people across the room who are trying to covertly take your photo. You go back to your food, knowing it’s for the best. “We can go dancing after this, show off those infamous moves.” You nudge him playfully, trying to lighten the mood.
He wants to pout, but he knows that he’s not going to push. He never pushes, it goes against his code. “Okay.” He lown meal and forks up a bite. You don’t want to sleep with him again. Fitting for the woman who hadn’t even wanted to come here. He can see you retreat back into your professional armor and he sighs softly. “We’ll dance for like an hour, then I think I’m just going to go to bed early.” He decides. “There’s got to be another baggie in the room somewhere.”
You sigh, wishing he wouldn’t escape in drugs. Maybe some therapy would help him process better. You push that thought aside and know that you’re not his actual wife so that would be overstepping. The rest of dinner is spent in silence and you groan when you finish dessert. “I don’t think I’ve had a meal that good…ever.” You dread to think what the bill is going to say.
Groaning in agreement, Dieter doesn’t even look at the bill when it comes, pulling his wallet out of his jacket pocket and handing the card to the waiter as he reaches for his wine glass to drain the last sip. “Have you decided what club?”
“Not a strip club.” You snort and he pouts, making you playfully slap his arm. “Not a strip club. There’s this club at Venetian that’s supposed to be nice. Let’s go there and we can dance then go back to the room because these shoes aren’t gonna hold up an entire night.” You stretch your legs, accidentally brushing against his. “Thank you for dinner.” You tell him when the waiter sets the bill down.
“You’re welcome.” For all his douchebaggery, Dieter tips. He had spent too many years waiting tables to survive while he was working towards breaking into the business. He signs a large tip and scrawls his signature before he takes his card and closes the leather booklet. “Ready?” He asks, standing up and moving over to your chair.
You take his hand, happy to keep your hands joined as he guides you out of the restaurant and through the hotel to your awaiting limo. Dieter tells the driver the name of the club and he leans back in the leather seat as the driver makes his way across the strip. “Can I ask you a question?” You ask and he chuckles, “you just did.” You roll your eyes and look at him and he nods. “Why do you do the drugs? What about it makes you - makes you happy?”
That hadn’t been the question he was expecting. He frowns slightly and thinks about how to answer. “It’s freeing. Fun.” He gives a small shrug. “I like the way I think, the way I feel when I’m high. It can be creative.” He snorts. “Or it can make me not give a fuck about what’s going on.”
You nod in understanding, “I can get that. Just - just being you without any kind of mental barrier. I just - last night I was free. I have never acted like that before.” You admit, “but don’t you ever get tired of it? Don’t you ever want something real?”
Dieter scoffs. “Real checked out when my first multi million dollar role was announced.” He tells you. “Real left when I slept with someone only to have them sell pictures to The Sun.” He gives a shrug that’s meant to hide the hurt and betrayal that he had felt when he realized that he was just some kind of commodity to a lot of people. “Maybe one day, when I’m old and the roles stop coming in, or they aren’t blockbusters or Oscar winners.”
You feel sad for him, you can see the pain in his eyes. He feels used and not truly loved, he has been wrung out for every penny people can get out of him. “I’m sorry you’ve been treated like that. You deserve to be treated like any other human. Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean you don’t get to be treated with respect. I- I can understand now why you act that way you do. It’s an escape and a facade. If you don’t let them see the real you, you won’t get hurt.”
“Knew you were a smart cookie.” It’s not exactly a compliment, because it means he’s let you see beyond his facade. He looks out of the car window and chuckles to himself. “Want to flash the strip?” He asks, making a crude joke to lighten the mood.
You chuckle, rolling your eyes at him. “No I don’t. I’m not even drunk.” You tell him, “or drugged. God, I really did flash my tits everywhere. Thank God no one got a photo of it.” You cringe at the thought.
“Oh there are photos.” Dieter smirks, holding up his phone. “But only I get to see pics of my wifey like that.” He had every intention of deleting them, but hadn’t remembered to do it yet. “You wanna see?”
Your eyes widen, “you took photos? Oh my God. You asshole.” You slap his arm making him give a dramatic “ow” then you demand he shows you. He grins and unlocks his phone, pulling up the photos he had taken. “Oh God. I- I look - I look hot.” You settle on that word. You look happy and carefree and hot. Words you never thought you’d put together.
“Yeah you do.” You do look hot, doing exactly what you wanted and not apologizing for it. The picture where you were pushing your tits together and winking at him is his favorite. Inviting him to come suck on him. He had waited until the limo to do that. “But no one else got photos. Apparently there’s not supposed to be photos taken in the club.”
You stare at the photos, not even recognizing yourself. You look so happy. You don’t remember the last time you were that happy. Work took over and then your relationships were lackluster and you haven’t had much time for yourself. “That’s good. You, uh, can you send those to me? I really like them.” You admit quietly, loving that side of yourself that you’ve never seen.
He lifts his brow in surprise, not expecting you to want to keep any evidence of you letting loose. “Sure.” He nods and opens his messages to start sending you the photos. If you want them, you will have them. “I’ll delete them off my phone after I send them to you, but I don’t believe in that sharing photos shit. That’s disgusting.”
You have a new appreciation for him, knowing that he is many things but he isn’t a liar. “Thank you.” You kiss his cheek, wanting to thank him for being a good man. Your phone buzzes and you ignore it since the limo pulls up outside of the Venetian. “More paps but after that, it’s time to celebrate your birthday. First round is on me.” You promise, grabbing your purse as the driver opens the door.
Dieter follows you out of the limo, wrapping his arm around your waist and starting to weave through the paps. If he didn’t know better, he would think someone tipped them off. Smiling and grinning like he’s happy they are all witnessing his arrival, he tugs you closer. “Talk later! Gotta dance!”
You sigh, knowing you will need to investigate who tipped the paps off. You imagine it’s his assistant who arranged the reservations. “I’m sorry. I don’t - I’ll gotta find out who tipped them off.” You tell him as you take his hand, walking through the casino and you sigh in relief when you see the entrance to the club after several fans took photos of you and Dieter. “It’s exhausting. Having to be ‘on’ all the time.” You can’t imagine how he handles it. You enter the club, skipping the line, and are escorted to the VIP section.
Ordering a drink is quick, the server specifically assigned to your section for preferential treatment. “What do you want, sweetheart?” He asks, leaning in and speaking into your ear over the loud music. His arm is wrapped around your shoulders and the entire world would believe that you two are are enamored with each other.
You force yourself to not turn your head, your lips would be so close, and you know that kissing him, or touching him, would complicate things even more. He looks so good though, the lights flashing over his face, and you want to just protect him from the fucked up world he is in and keep him safe and...loved. Shit, you gotta push that thought out of your mind. You mumble that you want a vodka soda and Dieter orders a whole bottle. "Gonna be a good night." He promises, his lips against your ear and it makes you shiver.
The music plays as the two of you wait for your drinks. He’s aware that there are eyes on the two of you, taking advantage of it by stroking your arm and leaning close, nuzzling your cheek with his nose. “You look delicious in that dress.” He breathes into your ear. “Can’t wait to dance with you.”
You try to smother your whimper as your entire body lights up from his simple touch. Biting your lip, you turn your head to look at him and you swear he looks angelic with the lights flashing over his handsome face. He’s no angel though, he’s the devil in disguise. “Let’s dance.” You tell him, not bothered about the drinks.
Dieter smirks as you practically drag him out onto the dance floor. He doesn’t normally dance as much as wildly gyrate, but he can grind on someone. It helps that even though he’s behind you, you are leading the dance, something that is wildly sexy to him as he lets you take control.
You grab his hands, placing them on your hips as you grind back against him. You may be stiff and starchy most days to be professional but you love to dance. You don’t care who’s watching, deciding to finally let loose and you grind your ass against Dieter. Dipping low and pushing up against him as you grab his hands to help you stand upright. You put on a show that he clearly likes if his hardening cock pressing against your ass is anything to go by.
He groans, grinding against you and gripping your hips harshly. “God.” He hisses in your ear, loving how uninhibited you are being. “You are so dirty under that prissy veneer, aren’t you?” He teases. “You would do anything right now, wouldn’t you?”
​​You gasp when he bites down on your earlobe. “God yes. I would. I just - I haven’t had anyone to bring this side out of me.” His words send a thrill through you and you grind back even harder, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck, arching your back.
Chuckling against your ear, he slides his hand down your hip, fingers teasing the edge of your dress and tracing the hem. “Let me.” He demands, waiting to see if you push his hand away. When you don’t, his cock throbs against your ass as he dips his fingers under the dress and starts caressing the skin of your thighs as he works his way higher to the beat of the music. 
You don’t push his hand away, leaning back against him, and you whimper when his fingers press against your clit through your panties. “Fuck Dieter.” You moan into his neck when you turn your head. You know you shouldn’t be doing this, this is going to complicate things and you haven’t got the excuse that you’re drugged. You’ve had a couple of glasses of wine. You are practically sober and his hand is under your dress.
“You said that so many times last night.” He coos in your ear, rubbing your clit over your panties. “Fuck Dieter, harder.” He moans. “Fuck Dieter, your in my guts.” He slips a finger under the fabric and pushes it inside you, his thumb still outside your panties and pressed against your clit.
You don’t have the capacity to be embarrassed at what you had said to him last night. The flashes you had gotten told you that you loved what he had done to you. His thick digit inside of you has you gasping his name and his chuckle makes you gush, getting more aroused while you continue grinding on him. “God, what else did I say?” You ask with a raspy moan.
“That my cock was the best you ever had and you wanted to ride it.” He pumps his finger in and out of your tight, hot cunt - loving how you’re gripping it. It’s dirty, doing it right here on the dance floor and he loves it. “Whined when I told you to go to sleep. I think you would have slept with me inside you.”
His words cause a whine to rise up your throat, making you grab onto his hair as he works his digit in and out of you. "Oh God. That - that means you must've done a good job making me cum. Was I - was I good for you? Did you enjoy it?" You ask, knowing he's had more sex than you've had hot dinners so it's a valid question and you hope he doesn't lie to appease you.
“Fuck yes it was good.” He groans in your ear and slides another finger under the panties to push in with the other on the next twist of his wrist. “Fucking hot and tight. Like a perfect glove.” He twitches against your ass.
His second finger stretches you just right and you start to lean more against him as he works you towards an orgasm. "Oh fuck baby. You're gonna make me - it's so good. Dieter. I-" You turn your head to bite down on his neck. The music is loud but you don't need to alert people around you that Dieter just made you cum. His fingers work you through it and you slump back against him, feeling almost dizzy from the pleasure. "So good." You murmur, eyes closed as you breathe him in.
Dieter whines as he pulls his soaked fingers out of your cunt, holding them up so the shiny cum can catch the light in front of your eyes before he slides them into his mouth with a grin. You’re leaning against him and not moving to the music any more. “Time for that drink, right?” He murmurs in your ear, kissing the shell again.
You nod dumbly, feeling his cock hard and twitching against your ass as he guides you back to the VIP section. When you are under the stroud of exclusive cover, you reach for his pants. "Want to make you feel good too." All care of your PR job goes flying out the window as you scramble to pull his hard cock out of his pants. The section you're in is private and the curtains hide you from near everyone in the club. When his cock is finally free, you groan at the sight of it. It's beautiful, thick and veiny and you immediately lean down to take him into your mouth, not caring about anything other than making him cum.
“Shit.” Dieter hisses at the surprise move, throwing his head back as his hand comes to rest on the back of yours. He hadn’t expected this. Maybe some teasing, but he knows you aren’t drunk or have taken anything. This is you, taking him into your mouth and moaning around him like he’s a fucking lollipop you’ve craved. “Fuck, baby. You are so dirty, I love it.” His other hand slides around your side to squeeze your tit through your dress. “My wifey’s a little exhibitionist, sucking my cock in the club.”
This is so wrong. You shouldn’t be doing this but fuck, you can’t stop yourself. His moans and the way he touches you spurs you on and you bob on his cock, using your hand to work the length that you can’t take down your throat.
Letting out a needy whine, Dieter’s eyes close and he shuffles his hips up slightly. Wanting you to try to take him deeper. “Oh fuck baby, that mouth, oh fuck it’s so good.” He rambles, practically shuddering under the hot pressure of your palette against the head. “So good, you- fuck baby.” He forces his eyes open again to watch you suck his cock, amazed that this is happening and everyone is sober. 
You’re sober but you’re also drunk on Dieter. Taking him deeper until you are choking around his thick cock. You breathe through your nose, working him deeper until you aren’t gagging. Hollowing your cheeks, you press your tongue against the underside of his cock. Your eyes water but you force yourself to open them to meet his gaze, wanting to look at him.
Dieter is such a fucking needy little shit that the moment that you lock eyes with him, his entire body gives in. Gasping out your name, his cock starts to throb, face twisting pleasure while he is pumping ropes of salty cum into your mouth. 
You struggle to keep up, swallowing each spurt of cum, but a drop escapes to drip down your chin and lands on his pants. Working him through his orgasm, you pull off of his cock and kiss the tip, loving the way he twitches, then you lean down to lap up the drop that is threatening to stain his pants.
“Jesus Christ.” When you are sitting up, Dieter lunges forward to press his lips to yours. Sliding his tongue into your mouth, not caring about the taste of his own cum in your mouth, just needing to kiss you. Dragging you closer while he groans and deepens the kiss for a long minute before he pulls away and sighs as he nudges his nose against yours. “Shit…I wasn’t expecting a birthday blowjob.” He giggles, practically euphoric.  
“Neither was I.” You admit with a giggle, kissing his jaw. “I just - I can’t seem to stop touching you now. I want to give you birthday sex.” You murmur, wanting to recreate the night before and relive the flashes you get here and there. “Plus it will be good if people believe we are actually married, like not just on paper. Maybe a noise complaint will help our case.” You tease, caressing his chest through the open buttons of his shirt.
He smirks and nods eagerly. “I can make a noise complaint happen.” He jokes, before he leans in and kisses you again. “You want to have sex with me?” He asks, lifting his brows as he looks at you softly. He hadn’t expected this, this change of heart towards him, but he’s not turning down getting you into bed again. 
You nod eagerly. Ready for him to make you cum again. “Yes. Want you to fuck me until I scream your name. Until we get a noise complaint and everyone knows that dieter Bravo fucks his wife hard.”
He knows you don’t mean that beyond the fact that you accidentally married him. Fully aware that in a few months time, you are going to divorce him. But right now, the fact that he has a wife and that wife wants him to make a claim on her has him standing up. Shoving his cock back into his pants and zipping up, he grabs your hand. “We’re leaving.” He growls. 
Your cunt clenches at his growl and you let him practically drag you out of the VIP section after he slams some cash down on the table to cover the drinks you never had. When you are out of the club, he ignores anyone that talks to him as he practically drags you to the car, pushing you inside. As soon as the door closes, you are straddling his lap and pressing your lips to his.
He’s greedy right now, pushing your dress up to your hips and nearly ripping your top as he pulls your tits. Dragging his lips away from yours so he can kiss down your chest. He’s not hard yet, that will take at least until you get back to the hotel, but he can suck on your tits and see what you like while his body recovers enough to fuck you. 
When he takes your nipple into his mouth, you arch your back and cry out, tangling your fingers in this hair. “Oh fuck baby. That feels good.” You gasp when he bites down on the sensitive flesh.
Dieter loves tits. Big ones, small ones, he just loves them. He might have a bit of a lactation kink, but he’s never been with someone that had milk, but he always imagines it as he’s sucking on them. He flicks his tongue over the hard flesh and suckles eagerly, making it even stiffer before he scrapes his teeth over it to make you shudder. Pushing your tits together and licking between them happily before he buries his face in the cavity and groans happily. 
You moan, loving how fucking eager he is, and he switches rapidly between nipples, sucking each one and making you shift to grind down onto him, your panties soaked. You know this is a bad idea but you can’t stop yourself. He’s sexy, in a garbage driver kind of way - and you find yourself needing him more than you need air. “Oh fuck. Yes. Just like that.” You hiss when he nibbles the flesh.
He grunts, keeping his mouth busy. His hands sliding down and gripping your ass as you roll your hips. Reaching around with one hand to push your panties to the side so your clit can grind down against the seam of his pants. He doesn’t care if you soak them and ruin them, he wants to see you cum again. 
“Fuck.” You cry, grinding down until your clit rubs against the zipper of his pants, catching just right to make you shudder. His mouth continues to nip and suck on your tits and you swear you’ve never been this wet. You must have soaked his pants by now and you haven’t even cum yet. “Fuck Diet. You’re gonna - I’m gonna cum.” You warn him just before you fall over the edge, crying out as you shake above him.
Groaning into your tits, Dieter feels you fall apart. Your body tense and trembling gives him a rush of endorphins and his flaccid cock is starting to respond, hardening slowly as you grind against him. He holds you close and continues to lave affection on your tits until you slump against him, panting breathlessly. “I want to die like this.” Dieter’s comment is muffled from between your tits. “Just like this.”
You chuckle breathlessly, caressing his neck and running your fingers through his hair as you try to catch your breath, still feeling the haze of your orgasm washing over you. “If you die right now, I’ll get all your money.” You tease, knowing he knows that you don’t care about that stuff.
“Worth it.” He huffs against your damp skin. “Just bury me with a mold of your tits in my face.” He jokes, pulling away from you to kiss up your chest and chin before placing a surprisingly gentle kiss on your lips.
You sigh against his mouth, a little shocked by the tender kiss, and you respond, gently kissing him back. Your hands slide down to caress his chest and you nibble on his bottom lip, in no rush to pull away. This is dangerous, being this intimate and comfortable, but you know things will change when you get back to L.A and have to face reality.
The driver pulls to a stop outside the hotel and Dieter groans slightly, pulling your panties back into place and tugging your skirt down as he kisses you one last time. “Time to get out of the car and pretend we weren’t making out back here.” He smirks and looks down at his wet crotch. “Although that’s gonna be hard.”
You fluster, biting your lip as you try to compose yourself. These damn hotels make you walk through the casino to get to your room. You take Dieter's hand once he exits the limo and the cameras flash, making you lean into his side. "They definitely know what we were doing." You whisper, giggling when people stare at his crotch. "Helps confirm we are really married."
“I don’t think that we will have them convinced just yet.” Dieter winks at you before he hauls you close and kisses you again. It’s wet and dirty, the kind of kiss that leads to sex and he’s very happy when he hears you moan into his mouth, clinging to him.
You whimper into his mouth, nails digging into his shirt-clad shoulders as he slides his tongue against yours. Cameras flash and you pull back, knowing that you need to get him to the hotel room now before you fuck him here and in front of fans with cameras and the paps. "Need to - to get to the room." You manage to pant, grabbing his hand to practically drag him to the elevator.
Chuckling, he eagerly follows you into the car, somehow managing to be in there with only one other couple. “We’re gonna have to behave.” He warns you playfully, smacking your ass before he turns to the other couple. “Sorry, it’s our honeymoon and she’s irresistible.” He shares a smirk with the older man, and then grins back at you.
You slap his chest, shaking your head despite the grin on your face. Shit. He’s not too bad when he’s not playing up being an obnoxious Oscar winning movie star. The other couple - older - just chuckle. “I remember when she used to be like that for me.” He winks at his wife. 
“What do you mean used to be? Still am.” The wife smirks and the husband’s eyebrows raise. 
“Have a good night.” The husband says when the elevator arrives on their floor. 
“You too.” You respond and the wife smirks over her shoulder, “oh we will.”
“Damn, he’s gonna get lucky too.” Dieter huffs in amusement. The question of if you would still be that hot for him when you're their age is on the tip of his tongue, but then he remembers that he’ll be alone again by his next birthday. He pushes that out of his mind, grabbing you and flattening you against the wall of the car, his tongue desperate to chase away the thought and have as much of you as he can while you are still here.
You moan as his tongue slides against yours again. It’s like you can’t get enough of him. Never mind having a drug in your system last night, you’re certain that half of that was Dieter. Your entire body is on fire and you struggle to find any reason as to why you hated him. The bell dings and you slide out from the wall and your husband. 
“Does the birthday boy want some birthday sex? You want me to ride you like I promised?” You coo, smirking as you start to walk down the hall to his suite. When he starts to follow you, nodding his head eagerly, you grin and grab the key from your purse. “Better catch me then.” You rush down the hall, knowing it’s gonna be hard for him to run with his cock hard and throbbing already.
“Fuck.” Dieter groans, watching you take off and he starts to shuffle after you. “Wait up!” He whines, actually enjoying himself even though he wishes he was still crushed against you. It’s been a long time since sex was just playful and he is loving how easy it seems to be with you. You aren’t the uptight woman you pretend to be. “Fuck baby, watch that ass.” He huffs.
You giggle, trying to open the door, when he grabs you. You struggle to unlock the door with his hands everywhere and your hand shakes as you press the key against it, finally managing to open the door. “You’re just too slow, old man.” You tease, kicking off your shoes as you step into the suite and spin out of his arms to set your purse down.
“Fuck you I’m too old.” He huffs, slapping your ass harshly and then grabbing the hem of your dress to start dragging it up. “I’ll show you old.” He drags you back against him, grinding his cock against your ass. “Want you to ride me, I’ve been thinking about it all fucking day.” He admits with a grin, biting down on your shoulder.
You grind back against him, head lolling as he kisses up your neck, and you gather your senses enough to tell him to take his pants off. "Get undressed. Now." You order, desperate to sink down onto his cock. "Then sit back against the headboard."
“Yes ma’am.” Dieters draws out, happy to follow that order. Disrobing is careless, tossing clothes on the floor without any care until he is standing completely naked, save for his black socks. “Keep my feet warm.” He teases with a wink before he crawls up on the bed and leans back against the headboard. Wanting to see what you will say about the ridiculous look of just being in socks.
You chuckle at the sight of him in his socks, his cock resting on his lower stomach, and you push your panties down, kneeling on the bed and shuffling forward until you are hovering over his cock. “Like an old man keeping his socks on.” You tease, reaching between you to grip his cock and position him at your entrance. You slowly sink down onto him,  mouth falling open at how he stretches you.
“Does that make you the young gold digger?” He demands, leaning forward to kiss you and drag you to his chest. Wanting to feel your bare breasts against his skin while you get used to him. He knows you are probably sore from yesterday since you had told him it had been awhile since you’ve had sex. “Gonna fuck your old husband to death?”
You chuckle, “yeah. Especially since we have no prenup. You want me to - to fuck you to death?” You joke, moaning when you manage to rock your hips slowly until he’s fully inside of you. “Oh God. How don’t I remember how this feels?” You say to yourself.
“Blacked out from bliss.” Dieter huffs, reaching up and pinching your nipple. “Hearts gonna give out when you squeeze me with that tight pussy of yours.” He groans when you do just that, cock twitching inside you. “Fuck me baby.” He whines, wanting to feel you move.
You grab onto his shoulder for leverage, lifting yourself up until only the head of his cock is notched inside of you. You meet those entrancing dark brown eyes of his and sink down. Starting a little slow but building up the pace until you are rocking your hips on his cock.
“Fuck.” He pants out the word, loving how you feel around him, riding him. He caresses your hip and looks down to watch you take him. “Look at that. That pussy must be so full.”
"It is. Oh fuck. It is. I - never been this full." You admit shifting to lean back. Your hands braced on his knees as you grind forward, allowing him an even better view to see your pussy. "Fuck. This is just - so good."
Dieter is entranced, loving how your lips are stretching around him. It makes him throb and he reaches down and rubs your clit. Loving your gasp and the way your body shudders. “You look good on my cock.” He groans.
“Feels so good.” Your thighs start to shake and you nearly collapse backwards as you try to continue grinding down on his cock. It becomes too much, his fingers on your clit and the head of his cock hitting just right on every grind down, makes you fall apart. Your cry of pleasure echoes off of the walls and you slump forward as your thighs shake violently with your orgasm.
He whimpers at how tight you squeeze him, hissing through his teeth and letting go of your clit so he can start rolling you over. Needing to cum himself. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He groans out. “So perfect.” He starts to jackhammer his hips, carelessly chasing his own high while you thrash underneath him.
You cling to him, wrapping your legs around him to push him deeper as he thrusts hard and deep into you. “Cum for me baby. Cum for me.” You plead, wanting to feel him fill you up. “Please Dieter. Cum for me.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” It’s all Dieter can manage as he careens towards another orgasm. Looking down at you as he starts to cum. Hissing out in pleasure as the vein in his temple throbs and his entire body locks up as he buries his cock deep and starts to fill you up.
“So good. So good.” You choke as his cock throbs inside of you, painting your walls with his cum and you send a silent thanks to your birth control. “Baby. Oh baby.” You sigh, rubbing his back as he works himself through his orgasm.
When he’s done, he collapses against you, snuggling into your chest and tucking his head into your neck. Unwilling to let this moment end right now. Soon enough you will put that wall back up and try to keep him at a distance. “Fuck.” He slurs, feeling slightly drunk on pleasure. “Best birthday ever.”
You stroke his back, kissing his neck. “Happy birthday baby.” You murmur, closing your eyes and trying to ignore the way your heart flutters. He may be your husband on paper but after this weekend, this can’t happen again. You can’t afford for it to happen again. You need to be serious and focus on his image and the press. Work through this until you can quietly divorce.
He can feel when you start to pull away, shuffling under him. Dieter groans and starts to move off of you, pulling out of you gently and flopping onto his back with a sigh. Staring up at the ceiling and wishing that he could be granted a birthday wish.
“I, uh, need to pee and then we should get some sleep. We have an early flight back to L.A.” You tell him, shuffling off of the bed to make sure you don’t get his cum over the mattress. While you pee, you rub your eyes, uncaring of your mascara as you try to figure out what to do. You don’t know what to say to him after you just had sex sober bar a few drinks. You weren’t drugged. When you come back into the bedroom, you slide under the covers where Dieter already is. “Night. Happy birthday.” You lean over to kiss his cheek before you turn away, forcing yourself to close your eyes.
“Thanks.” Dieter stares at your back for nearly an hour, watching as you pretend to sleep and then your body relaxes as you finally do give way to sleep. Sighing, he looks back up at the ceiling again and wonders when the hell he had done the dumb thing and fallen in love with you. Rolling his eyes at himself and huffing into the dark. Admitting to himself that he had been enamored with you, and this experience had just made it crystal clear he would never have what he wanted.
The next morning, you and Dieter barely speak to each other, focusing on getting to the private jet and you’re thankful his entourage seems to have disappeared. “I- I know you don’t exactly enjoy being married to me but need to make this look good in public. I can’t - I can’t live with you Dieter. I’m sorry. I just can’t do it.” You don’t tell him why, not wanting to admit that while you hated the party person he is, you have seen a different side to him, a side that you know is the true Dieter. Not the façade he puts on, what he thinks people want from him. His true self is sweet and kind and deep. He’s smart and you wish he would let others see that side of him, not just the party animal.
Dieter’s brow furrows, a hurt expression in his face and he shakes his head. “I don’t want-“ he takes a breath and decides to be honest. “I don’t want to get divorced. I want this to- try it.” He moves from the seat that he was in to drop down onto his knees in front of your own plush leather seat. “Give me six months. Six months really being Mrs. Bravo. If you aren’t happy I’ll give you the divorce. But I- I want this.” He confesses. “I was happy when we got married. I’ve been happy with you.”
You swallow harshly, unable to believe he wants you to be actually married to him. “It’s been two days, Dieter.” You shake your head, knowing you’ll be a 5 minute wonder with him. 
“Please baby. Give me a chance.” He pleads, those pretty brown eyes going glossy and part of you wonders if this is all an act. Even if it isn’t an act, he will get bored of you and if you say no, he will badger you until you say yes. 
You nod, “fine. Six months.” You agree, knowing that he will be begging for a divorce within a couple of weeks when someone else catches his attention.
He lights up, grinning from ear to ear as he pushes up to kiss you. Cupping your cheeks and moaning happily against your lips. “Six months.” He promises. “It’ll be the best six months of your life.” Smirking, he waggles his brows playfully. “And the most orgasms.” He chuckles.
You snort, knowing that he is being true when he says that. He has made you cum more times than any ex lover during an entire relationship and he’s done it in two days. When the plane lands, the paps are swarming near the gate to the private airfield but thankfully, the car is waiting on the tarmac. The cameras flash and people shout as the driver carefully navigates the crowd as he exits the airfield. “God, I hope we are old news soon. Perhaps JLo and Ben will break up soon.” You chuckle, “or maybe Chris Evans gets married and they can focus on him.” You grab your phone, knowing you still need to do your job and you wince at the amount of emails. “You have a lot of interview requests.”
He smirks and nods towards the cameras, giving them a wave before he tucks you close into his side. The luggage is already being transferred and all the two of you need to do is to get to the car. “As long as you are there, book them all.” He shrugs carelessly and reaches over to pluck your phone out of your hand. 
“Dieter!” You huff, reaching for it, but he pulls it out of your reach. “I need that!” You stubbornly insist. He shakes his head and grins at you. 
“No, my wife needs to kiss me in front of the cameras.” He taunts, holding the phone up as hostage. “Gimme a kiss and you can have it back.”
You want to slap him but instead you kiss him, cupping his cheeks and sliding your tongue into his mouth as you kiss your husband. Hoping he gives you his phone back and satisfies the vultures. You hear shouting and you press yourself up against Dieter whose arms are now wrapped around you.
Dieter grins against your lips when you pull back, already half hard and winks at you before he pulls away, handing you the phone back. “That wasn’t so hard, was it, snookums?”
You poke his chest with your phone, "never call me that again if you want your balls, Bravo." You warn playfully and he grins. 
"Whatever you say Mrs. Bravo." His words make you pause and you look down at the ring on your finger, knowing you are going to have a hard time taking it off. It seems too easy, too comfortable with Dieter. Not even 72 hours ago, you hated the obnoxious, reckless movie star and now you, God you can't even fully admit it to yourself, may even love the sweet, smart man standing in front of you. 
"We, uh, need to go." You tell him when the cases are put in the back of the car.
Opening the car door with an exaggerated flourish, he blows as he waits for you to get in before him. Totally hamming it up for the cameras and generally being in a fantastic mood as he climbs in beside you. “You’re going to love the house.” He babbles. “Have to get rid of a few things, the toys that were used with others and whatnot, but it’s perfect.” He grins as he looks over at you. “Unless you want to see the toy collection first?” He asks with raised brows. “Pick out some that you want to keep? They’ve all been sanitized.”
You raise your eyebrows, "uh, how sanitized? You know...I think we can buy some new ones. Maybe pick them out together. That would be a good couples day for the paps. Bravo and wife seen shopping for sex toys." You tease, nudging his arm. "I need to move some things over, the main things I need for everyday, and I will need to get my passport and birth certificate to change my bank account for the time being. I won't legally change my name, just my status. Less complicated."
“Okay.” He pouts, but he won’t argue with you about that. He knows that this is a trial run and you could still decide to divorce him. “I need to order you a card anyway.” He pulls out his own phone to tap out a text message to his manager to get that done for him. “I’m assuming you’re keeping your place?”
You nod, “it’s an incredible rental. Great location. I have another six months left on the rent so I don’t want to let it go. I need somewhere to live. As for the card, I know we joke but I’m not a gold digger. I’ll use it for things for the house or for you but I won’t take advantage.”
He frowns, both at the idea of you going back and the comment about being a gold digger. “Sublet the place and you use the card for whatever you want.” He insists. “I don’t even look at the statements, they just get paid.”
You huff, knowing you can never win. You nod, knowing you won’t use the card unless you need to. You look out of the window and watch L.A pass by as you make your way to his home…your home for the next six months…or less. When you arrive at his home, you are impressed and automatically in love with it. “Your home is beautiful.” You haven’t been to his home before, always conducting meetings by zoom.
The thing that is surprising about where Dieter lives is that Sherman Oaks is a residential neighborhood. It’s not the party scene and he was careful not to let things get too crazy. But often his partying is done in hotels so the neighbors adore him. “We have a pool.” He announces, leering at you. “So you can lay by the pool naked and work on my publicity.” Waggling his brows, he imagines eating you out while you are on a phone call or typing up an email.
You imagine it for a moment, just enjoying your life in your new home until you remember it isn’t your new home, it’s your temporary home. “We will see, huh?” You offer him a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes and you know this entire experience can go two ways: 1) you fall for Dieter hook line and sinker, or 2) you hate him, truly hate him. With a sigh as the car comes to a stop, you thank the driver who opens the door for you and you adjust your purse on your shoulder as you admire the house.
He fidgets beside you, wondering what you think of the house. “I- you can change whatever you want.” He offers quickly. “We can hire a contractor or decorator or whatever.” He knows that most of the house is already decorated, but maybe it’s not to your taste. He gives a shrug. “I’m not sentimental about anything there.”
You shake your head, “it’s beautiful, Diet. Besides, it’s your home and I wouldn’t change anything since I’m going to be here for the next six months.” You say to yourself as much as you say it to him. With a sigh and no response, he guides you into the home, telling you to security codes as he unlocks everything, and he knows you will want to stay in a guest room. He picks the one closest to his bedroom and you admire how clean and pretty everything is. “This room is bigger than my entire apartment.” You joke, setting your purse down.
“I liked the space in this house.” He comments as he hovers in the doorway. The driver is depositing the bags in the entryway and he sighs. “Well, I guess I’ll let you get settled.” He offers, feeling oddly depressed now that you’re here and you don’t seem very enthusiastic about being here.
It’s been a few days that you’ve lived with Dieter. He had arranged for movers to collect your things from your apartment and you managed to sublet it for six months. It’s been strange, living with Dieter but not actually living with him. A lot of your work is done remotely so you’ve been hanging around the house, working on the PR disaster of your own making, plus dealing with the interview requests that come in hourly. 
Since you’re so stressed, you decide to take up Dieter’s idea of sitting out by the pool. He is in his art studio, manically painting something when you last looked in on him, and you strip off, wanting to feel the hot sun on your entire body. You hum in delight when you lay down on the lounger, spreading out to enjoy the heat and just relax.
Dieter is in his own private hell. You are here but he feels like he can’t touch you. There’s a wall between the two of you and despite the fact that he had promised you orgasms, you haven’t seemed open to sex. He’s snorted plenty of coke, groaning as his mind mellows out and feels his body relax into a blissful state. Looking out the large double doors to see that you are spread out bedside the pool, naked. Groaning, he grabs a bottle of wine and a glass abs ventures outside.
You hear him approach, his feet slapping on the concrete and you open one eye to look up at your husband. “Hello hubby.” You tease, “brought me some wine?” He nods and pours you a glass, handing it to you. “Thank you.” You sip it and moan in appreciation. “Are you going to get naked and sit in the sun too or are you gonna stand there all day blocking it?” You joke.
It’s an invitation, and Dieter isn’t turning it down. Reaching for the hem of his shirt to drag over his head before he pushes the baggy, paint stained sweats down. His cock isn’t hard, but it’s starting to get that way, seeing your tits on display. “I guess I’m joining you.”
The lounger is big enough for you both and you shuffle over to allow him to lay down. You sip your wine and hand the glass to him so he can take a sip. “How’s your painting coming along?” You ask, admiring him in the sun. God, he’s too sexy for your own good.
“It’s done.” He groans at the taste of the white that he had chosen. “It’s pretty good, I think, but you can see it if you want.” He hands the glass back over to you and nods towards your phone. “Getting my image back in pristine order?” He asks sarcastically, knowing he’s never had a great public image. He’s too much of a wild card.
You chuckle, "that's an impossible task. Those coke snorting photos are still on the internet." You tease, knowing he was younger then. "I am working on it though. Bit hard to paint you as a happily married man when you've been such a whore." You sip the wine, setting the glass down and shifting closer to him. You reach out to trace the tattoo on his chest, unable to stop yourself from touching him when he's so close.
“It’s not like people change.” He huffs, skin tingling when you touch him. “When you're single, who cares who you do?” He smirks over at you. “Not like you didn’t sleep with people, you just didn’t have everyone taking pictures of every one of them and keeping tabs like it was a lottery list of who I was going to fuck next.”
His words hit you and you realize how intense it has been for him to have his entire life under a microscope, constantly photographed. "I'm sorry you've had to deal with that. I have only dealt with it for a week and it has been intense. I can understand why you sought solace in drugs and sex." You look at him as you caress his chest, down to his tummy.
“I’m sorry.” Dieter murmurs softly, feeling bad that you’ve been put through this. “It’s one for the reasons that no one lasts.” He admits quietly. “They either can’t handle the pressure or all they wanted was the press.” He doesn’t mention that he was a shit partner. He was or maybe is (?) selfish. After all, you’re here when you don’t want to be.
You shake your head, looking at him, "you shouldn't be sorry. You are a successful actor. An Oscar winner. You have achieved greatness and you should be with a partner who appreciates that and understands that your life is under the public eye. That you are beloved by the masses. You need someone who can ground you and remind you of the simple things in life like cooking dinner or going for a walk on the beach. You are a good man Dieter, selfish sometimes, but you care too much and I think that's why you haven't found the right person for you."
He bites his lip to keep him from blurting out that he had, but she just hates him. At least doesn’t like him enough to stay married to him. Instead he plasters a shit eating grin. “I always like being ordered around.” He growls suggestively, meaning in the bedroom.
"Yeah?" You tease, sliding your hand lower until you are caressing his thigh, his half hard cock near your touch but you haven't touched him there since Vegas. "You want me to tell you what to do?" You murmur, shifting closer so you can kiss his neck, licking up to the tattoo he has behind his ear.
“Shiiiiiit.” He hisses softly, cock twitching. You touching him is like a drug if it’s own. Making his cock start to throb and grow as he hardens. “Yes.” He huffs out the whine, turning his head to beg him with his eyes. “Order me around.”
You grip his chin, keeping your eyes on him, and you lean closer. “I want you to let me ride your face. I want you to make me cum on your tongue.” You order, knowing he’s hard but you want him to have to wait. This moment is about you. You want to be in charge.
Whimpering, Dieter nods eagerly and pulls his chin out of your grip so that he can slide down the longer and lay flat. “Take a seat.” He groans, licking his lips in anticipation.
You shift, straddling his face, and you exhale shakily as you look down into those beautiful brown eyes, hungry as they flick between your face and your cunt. You lower your pussy to his face and he immediately grabs your hips, practically suffocating himself with your cunt as his tongue slides through your folds. "Fuck!" You yelp, moaning his name as you cling to the top of the lounger for balance.
He groans happily, tasting you and falling in love with the musky, tangy taste. His fingers dig into your hips and he drags you closer. He wants to suffocate himself in you, he would die a happy man right here with your weight on his tongue. Flicking his it against your clit, he groans into your folds when your thighs tighten around his head.
"Oh God baby. Feels so good." You pant, rocking your hips on his face, and you cry out when he sucks your clit between his lips. "Oh God yes." You cry, rocking your hips and using the lounger as leverage to ride his face.
He chuckles, loving that you are letting go. That woman that he had experienced in Vegas is here again, rocking her cunt on your face. Dieter slaps your ass and loves the way you squeal his name again, lurching forward and he slides his tongue deep into your walls, pressing his nose against your clit.
“Oh fuck.” You buck wildly, grinding down onto his mouth as his tongue probes deep, curling and his nose rubs your clit just right. “Shit baby. You’re gonna make me cum. Always - always know just what to do. You’re gonna make me cum and then - then I want you to fuck me. Want you to - to make me scream your name so loud, everyone in this goddamn neighborhood knows you are fuck- fucking me- oh fuck!” You squeal, thighs shaking as he hits just right, sending you over the edge.
You drench him, making him groan and rock you on his face more. Drinking down your juices as they pour into his mouth with a muffled moan of your name as you slowly grind down onto him. Happily coated in your cum and cock throbbing. 
You shake above him, riding your orgasm and you move quickly despite the lethargy the orgasm grants you to shift back and straddle his thighs, gripping his cock to sink down on his hard cock while your walls still flutter from your orgasm.
“Shit!” Dieter cries out your name, shocked by the sudden way you engulf his cock in your pussy. “Oh fuck.” He looks up at you, pussy drunk and still wearing your juices as you start to move. “Oh fuck me baby.” He groans, grabbing and squeezing your tits while you bounce on him.
You want control and you take it, grabbing his wrists and pushing them back to rest against the lounger, stopping him touching you. "You don't get to touch me unless I tell you too." You order, starting to move your hips, grinding down onto his cock. You lean forward, biting down on his chin. "Your cock is mine, I decide when you cum. You understand?"
Wailing his agreement, Dieter nods frantically. “Yours, all yours baby. Oh fuck, it’s all yours.” He babbles. “Have- haven’t jerked off since we - we got back.” He confesses, blushing hotly at the fact.
The fact he hasn't touched himself makes you wild. You start to fuck him, rolling and rocking your hips frantically like you can't get enough of him. "Oh fuck. That - this cock really is mine. Fuck Dieter. It's so good. No one has ever made me feel like this. Love it. Love it." You ramble, sweat beading on your brow as you ride him like a damn bronco.
His fingers wrap around the lounger slats desperate to obey your orders and not touch you. God, he wants to. Your tits are bouncing and he wants to suck on them. He wants to slap your ass and beg you to go faster, to use him to make yourself cum again. “Love- l-love it.” He agrees breathlessly.
Your nails dig into his wrists as you desperately seek your orgasm. “Oh fuck. I’m gonna cum.” You lean forward a little more so the coarse hair at the base of his cock rubs your clit and it sends you over the edge. Coming to an abrupt stop above him as your thighs shake, a wail escaping your lips as you cum, soaking his cock.
Keening at the hot rush of liquid covering him, he bucks up into you. Knowing that he is on the edge but your words linger in the back of his mind. “Can- can I cum?” He begs. “Please, oh fuck, please let me cum.”
You ride your orgasm, catching your breath as you look down to see the desperate look in his eyes. “Not. Yet.” You say through gritted teeth, starting to rock on him again. “I want to cum once more. Do not cum.” You order, wanting him desperate and whining and pleading.
Whimpering, Dieter clenches his eyes shut, knowing that he can’t look at you. If he watches you cum again, he won’t be able to hold back. “Fuck Bravo, think about stocks. Think about your bullshit dealer.” He hisses quietly, trying to keep from cumming before you let him as he shuffles his legs under you and tries not to cum. 
You giggle at his struggle until you moan when you find the right spot inside of you. “Oh fuck Dieter. Feel so good. So good.” You moan, cupping his cheeks after letting go of his wrists. “Keep your hands where they are. You can���t touch.” You remind him, biting down on his bottom lip to stop his ramblings. You are so close to another orgasm, your thighs burning while you grind down onto him.
“Fuck.” He hisses, pouting at you. “You’re so- so, fuck.” His back bows slightly when you clench down around him and he cries out in frustration. “Fuck baby, I-I-I need to cum!”
"No!" You gasp, on the precipice of your own orgasm and you want to deny him. He gets whatever he wants and you have a chance to control this, make him beg. You cup his cheeks before you slap him, making his cock throb inside of you, so close to busting his nut. "Beg. Fucking beg me." You demand, breathless with how close you are.
“Let me cum, please, please, please let me cum.” Dieter whines, his eyes popping open and pleading with you desperately. “Please baby, please I want- I need- oh fuck.” His body goes taunt and his hand grips the slat of the lounger so hard he breaks it, trying to keep himself from cumming.
His pleas send you over the edge and you whine his name as you cum, clamping down on his cock and soaking him again. "Cum for me. Cum for me." You order with a squeal, "fucking cum."
Shouting your name, Dieter follows your order immediately. Whining and whimpering while he experiences the most intense orgasm he’s ever had, not even cognizant of what is coming out of his mouth. “Fuck, I love you, I love you, I love you.”
You freeze on top of him, your entire body going cold as you look down at him. “What did you say?” You whisper. You lean back to look at him, his cock still twitching inside of you and he is blissed out, eyes rolling into his head. “What did you say?” You ask louder, heart pounding in your chest.
Sighing and relaxing, Dieter reaches down and caresses your sides. “Fuck baby.” He pants softly, eyes still closed with a smile on his face. “God I love you.” He slurs and sighs again. “That - was, Jesus, I must have cum a fucking gallon’s worth.”
You slap his chest, shifting to get off of his cock. "Oh my God. What have you done?" You choke, grabbing your towel to wrap it around yourself as you walk into the house, tears stinging in your eyes as you absorb his words, most likely said in the heat of the moment.
Dieter sits up, dumbfounded and staring after you. “What did I do?” He demands loudly, calling after you, but you are already gone. He flops back onto the lounger and huffs, confused and hurt that you hate him so much that you play hot and cold with him. It’s cruel.
After his lust fueled confession, you stay away from Dieter, and avoid him whenever you can. Going to coffee shops to work or going out for lunch by yourself. It's not good for his PR but you manage to go to less popular areas to avoid the paps and anyone taking photos of "Mrs. Bravo" alone. You feel guilty, essentially abandoning your husband but you imagine he has some new pussy or ass to fuck that has distracted him. You usually go to your room, avoiding him, and feeling guilty and angry at your own silly emotions.
Since you left him alone, he’s drank, a lot. Realizing that you don’t love him and it’s almost enough to sober him. Ironic, he fucked around and did whatever he wanted for so long, but now he’s wanting the one person he can’t have. His head is pounding and he wants something to eat that didn’t come from a bag, so he shuffles downstairs to see if there is anything in the fridge. Hating how he feels even more alone than he did before his birthday.
You are bringing in groceries when you find Dieter rifling through the pantry. "You hungry?" You ask, speaking to him for the first time in God knows how long. You can see the dark circles under his eyes and the stains on his clothes. He hasn't been taking care of himself. "I can cook us something. Sit down." You order, setting the grocery bags on the counter.
“‘M fine.” Dieter mumbles, ready to slink off to another part of the house again. To wallow in the misery that he’s created. He’s good at that. “Just gonna order something.”
"Sit down." You tut, knowing he hasn't eaten properly. He never does unless you arrange it. He gets too in his head, too in his art and you know he's been studying that new script. "Sit down and let me make you something." You reach into the fridge to get him a beer and set it down on the counter before you put the groceries away, figuring out a quick pasta meal to cook.
Grunting, he twists the top off the bottle and gulps down half of it before setting it back on the counter. Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand he watches you move through the kitchen as if you own it. “What did I do?” He asks quietly, staring at the counter so he doesn’t have to look at you. He can tell the world to fuck off, but he’s terrified of you hating him.
You set the tomato sauce down and turn back towards him. “You- we agreed to do this for six months and then you go - you told me you loved me. I don’t know if that was in the moment but Dieter - I can’t - you don’t love me. You just - I’m the closest person to you right now so you think you do but you don’t love me.” You turn from him so he doesn’t see the pain in your eyes.
Dieter snorts and huffs out a laugh. “Wow. So you know me that well huh?” He spits, irritated that you keep looking down on him. Treating him like he’s the gum on the bottom of your shoe. “You told me you’d give me an honest chance for six months.” He reminds you. “Nice to know you're counting down the days.” The chair he had sat in scrapes back as he stands. “Wonder why I’m an asshole? I admit how I feel and I get ghosted by my wife. But you don’t really want to be my wife. You’re just biding time.” He tosses the rest of the beer in the trash. “I lost my appetite.” He tells you, turning to walk out of the kitchen, desperate to snort something to make him not give a shit.
You stare as he rushes out of the kitchen, tears stinging in your eyes and you turn to flick off the stove. You clench your jaw, suddenly angry at his dismissal. He always gets the last word. You set the spatula down and follow him, banging your hand on his bedroom door after he slammed it. “You’re such a coward. You told me when you had just cum. What was I supposed to think? That you actually meant it? It’s torture living here. Knowing that you don’t really love me, you’re just - you need attention whereas I am actually in fucking love with your selfish ass and yet I can’t escape because you let us get married while I was high. I just - I hate you. I love you! I love you too, you fucking prick. Is that what you want to hear? Because I do. I can’t stop thinking about you and I thought that if I avoided you I’d save us both the heartache when you move on to the next best thing and instead you decide to mop around and then you - God, I don’t know what to do. You’ve complicated this by making me fall for you.” You slump against the wall opposite the double doors to his bedroom suite.
Snatching the door open, Dieter growls, ready for a fight. “Then fucking leave!” He hiss, grabbing you by the arms and dragging you upright. His eyes are dark and passionate. “Leave if you’re so goddamn miserable, because I’m fucking miserable. I just want to-“ he doesn’t say another word, just crushes his lips to yours desperately. Breaking down and confessing his worst fear. “Don’t leave me.” He begs between sloppy kisses, hands pulling you closer. “Don’t. Fucking. Leave.”
You react immediately to his words, reaching for him to tangle your fingers in his hair and you press your lips to his again. “I don’t want to leave.” You admit against his mouth, sighing his name as you slide your tongue between his lips, finally feeling like you’re home.
He pulls you back and starts to steer you towards his bedroom. He needs to touch you, to taste you. Pushing you through the doors as he continues to keep kissing you. Pawing at your dress in a desperate attempt to get it off of you while he keeps his mouth locked to yours.
“Wait. Wait baby.” You push on his chest, groaning when his lips attach to your neck. “Baby. I - I am on my period.” You warn him, not wanting him to be surprised or grossed out when he fucks you. He might decide not to, if it’s not his thing.
Scoffing, he bites down on your pulse and pulls away. “So? It’s natural.” He tells you casually. “Doesn’t mean I’m not going to lick your pussy until you cum for me.”
You shiver at his words, realizing once again how different he is compared to your exes. That’s why you love him. “Oh God. You are insatiable.” You joke, letting him guide you back towards his massive bed. You haven’t been in here before.
He snickers and nips at your collar bone before he pushes you back onto the plush bed. Throwing off his shirt, he keeps the sweats on, knowing he will want to rush if he strips off too fast. “Yep.” He watches as you pull off your dress and he reaches for your panties, far more practical for your time of the month than sexy. “Period panties turn me on.” He jokes, winking at you. “Played a vampire once.”
You let him drag your panties down and he pushes your legs open, exposing your folds, and you fluster when Dieter finds the string of your tampon. “I- you can leave it in. You don’t - I know it’s not - God I have never done this before.” You fluster, covering your face, “can you leave it in?”
He thinks it’s adorable that you are so worked up over a tampon being inside you. “You’re so fucking cute.” He coos, wiggling his hips and settling between your spread thighs. “Don’t worry baby, it just tastes a little coppery.” He chuckles and peels your lips apart with his thumb. “Not even messy, besides-“ you pull your hands down from your face and look at him. “I eat my steaks rare.” He jokes before he flattens his tongue against your clit.
Your groan is a combination of embarrassment at his words and pleasure of his tongue flicking over your clit. With a whine, you buck your hips into his face and reach down to tangle your fingers in his hair. “Fuck.” You sigh in bliss, having missed this…missed him. “Always so good. You’re so good at that.” You moan when he sucks on your clit.
He wants to make this good for you. Needing you to feel loved and taken care of. Plus he doesn’t mind the way you taste at all. He hums against your flesh when you tug on his hair and grind shamelessly down on his face.
“God, that feels so good, baby. So good. I love it. I- oh shit.” Your head rolls into the pillow, so sensitive from your period, and it doesn’t take long to work you up to your orgasm. His name escapes his lips as you cum when he sucks on your clit.
He groans along with you while you ride out your bliss, watching you carefully and pulling away to kiss your inner thighs while your chest heaves. “Can I fuck you, baby?” He asks softly between kisses. He’s had enough lovers to know that every woman is different during their period. He’s a selfish asshole, but he’s not that big of a dick to expect or demand sex.
“I don’t - I’m sorry. I don’t really like sex during my period. It hurts too much. Can I- I want to jerk you off. Want to watch you cum.” You offer, reaching down to squeeze his cock through his thin sweats.
Dieter kisses your stomach and shuffles up to lay down beside you. “You don’t have to, sweetheart. I don’t expect it.” He promises. “I’m not going to be upset if you just want to lay here and rest.”
“I want to make you cum. Please.” You lean forward to kiss his neck, reaching for his sweats and when he doesn’t push your hand away, you reach in to wrap your fingers around his cock, pulling him free of his sweats. “Such a gorgeous cock and it’s all mine.” You murmur, kissing his jaw as you start to pump him in your hand.
Groaning, Dieter turns his head and chases your lips. “All yours.” He pants into your mouth, groaning again when you squeeze the head. “Fuck, all yours.” He’s needy, lifting his hips into your grip but he doesn’t care. Your touch feels so much better than his own and he wants to fall apart to it.
You love how eager he is for you, and you twist your wrist as you pump him, swiping your thumb over the head of his cock, and you slide your tongue into his mouth when he whines your name. “I love you, baby.” You murmur against his lips, pumping him a little faster before you squeeze the head again, swiping your thumb over it to gather more pre-cum.
Shuddering under your confession, he groans. “Fuck, gonna cum baby.” He warns you, cock throbbing in your hand and one twist of your wrist, he’s cumming. Painting his chest with hot ropes of his sticky seed while you milk him of every drop while he whines. “Love you.”
You work him through it, loving the wrecked look on his face as he enjoys his  orgasm. You kiss all over his face when he relaxes, “so beautiful.” You whisper before bringing your hand up to your mouth to lick his cum from your digits.
“I do love you.” Dieter promises softly. “It’s - I know you think that it’s just some kind of amusement or passing fancy. But I do.” He reaches over and cups your cheek. “I don’t regret marrying you in Vegas for a second.”
You smile, shifting to snuggle into his side, uncaring of his drying cum. “Me neither. I thought I did at first but I look back on it and it was just…comfortable. Like it was meant to be. I know we have a lot to discuss for our future and I know it’s gonna have bumps in the road but I don’t want to pretend to be Mrs. Bravo anymore, I want to be Mrs. Bravo. I want to be yours, your wife. I love you Dieter and I’m so sorry I’ve been such a bitch. It’s just - it’s been a lot to work through and I have needed time to figure out how I feel. I know what I feel and I know what I want…a life with you.”
Dieter beams happily, leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. “Good.” He chuckles against your lips. “Because I want you to be Mrs. Bravo. For real. Us, together.” He waggles his brows. “Will you move into the bedroom with me?” He asks. “Let me snuggle you after sex at least once?”
You smile, nodding at him. “Yes. I’d like that baby. I’d like that a lot.” You sigh, breathing him in. 
“And I want babies.” He adds, making you choke. 
“One step at a time, my love. We have a lot to figure out but we will do it all together.” You promise and he smiles, nudging his nose against yours. 
“Together. I like the sound of that, Mrs. Bravo.” 
You giggle, giddy with happiness that he loves you. “Me too, Mr. Bravo.”
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
bad decisions | jjk - series masterlist
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title credit: bad decisions - bts
pairing: bartender!jungkook x female reader | strangers-friends-lovers, fwb
it's simple: write your deepest darkest fears on origami birds and string them up on jungkook's ceiling. when they fall—which they inevitably will, thanks to his cheap daiso washi tape—you have to face the fear. set it free. the issue? you've a fear of intimacy. jungkook, a fear of rejection. and you've both got the capacity to make some incredibly bad decisions.
genre / tropes: smut, fluff, a lil angst, bartender!jk, student!jk, strangers-to-friends-to-lovers (?), fwb, deal arrangement, undefined relationship (they're just friends! just besties!!), miscommunication, idiots in love, emotional slow burn, bucket list (a.k.a. the birds) - see read more for warnings & authors note
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wordcount: 450k babbbbyyyy (on-going)
soundtrack: official | reader suggestions
start date: 2022.08.06
minors dni // originally posted to wattpad
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warnings: reader has a fear of emotional intimacy and uses physical intimacy as a substitute, jungkook has a deep-rooted fear of rejection. lots of drinking, lots of cursing, lots of bad decisions (every chapter includes at least (1)), jk and the oc have different styles of communication (woo miscommunication!!), a lot of past relationship trauma on both sides, jungkook is the sweetest angel baby ever, jin is kinda evil, jimin is a shit shag (and you have to experience it not once but twice!)
smut warnings: oc is a lil bratty, both switchy but jaykay definitely leads <3, fingering, oral (m & f), ass play, a looooot of titty sucking, cock warming, vaginal sex, sex toys (m & f), every position ever created, jaykay has a huge cawk <3, filming, lots of showering together, thigh riding, 69, squirting, panty sniffing (and sucking !), mutual masturbation, motel sex, endless orgasms, like, idek what else to add but there's more!! they just fuck a lot!! not my fault!! blame the birds!!
note from holly: i heard bad decisions once, ONCE, and knew i had to write about whiney jaykay and how fucking him would be a bad decision, but then it spiralled and now im 370k words deep into a fic about origami birds, glitter, and the way jungkook thinks he'll die every time he gets horny. of everything I've ever written it's hands down my favourite set of characters. jungkook is good in a way that he isn't in literally any of my other fics. i think it's my most well-received fic over on wp and it's just v v special to me. i hope u enjoy it!
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key: smut 💖 | holly's fave ✨ | reader fave* 🪩 | bird 🕊 | club 🍇 *as per my wp stats all chapters listed below are available on wp, and will eventually be linked here too.
BD #1 - Purple Starfuckers - 3.5k
🍇 | a disco ball walks into a bar...
BD #2 - Park Jimin - 3.2k
💖 | does it count if you don't finish?
BD #3 - Coffee - 2k
message request from justjk
BD #4 - The Gym - 4.1K
just wanted an excuse to write about gym rat jk tbh
BD #5 - The Bet - 6.6k
🍇🪩 | songs that remind you of the past, blissfully unaware you're laying the foundations of your future
BD #6 - Wishing - 6k
🍇| summer goes by in a technicolour haze
BD #7 - Sex With An Ex - 6k
✨| kim seokjin looks like an angel, loves like lucifer
BD #8 - Washi Tape - 8k
enter stage left: origami birds
BD #9 - White - 6k
✨🕊 | old, leering men at waterparks are gross. jungkook is not.
BD #10 - Blonde - 3.5k
in the wise words of maisie peters, there's nothing more frightening than a woman scorned and a box of bleach
BD #11 - Perry - 5.9k
🕊 | it's totally normal to shower with your friends
BD #12 - An Agreement -7.4k
💖🕊 | jungkook has to leave the room cause he gets way too hard (in a platonic way)
BD #13 - Work of Art - 11.8k
💖 🪩🕊 | you discover mirrors. jungkook discovers tits. learning is fun!
BD #14 - New Rules - 8k
💖 🪩🕊 | jungkook's got nice hands and he knows how to use them
BD #15 - Paper Planes
BD #16 - Overindulging
BD #17 - Jeon Jungkook
BD #18 - Cake
BD #19 - Send To All
BD #20 - Park Jimin... Again
BD #21 - Doing The 'Right' Thing
BD #22 - Listening To Jimin
BD #23 - Cherry Picking
BD #24 - Resolutions
BD #25 - January
BD #26 - January, Still
BD #27 - Keeping Quiet
BD #28 - Avoidance
BD #29 - 'Daddy'
BD #30 - Evaluating The Meaning of 'Home'
BD #31 - The Photo Booth
BD #32 - Question...?
BD #33 - Boundaries (Or Lack Thereof)
BD #34 - Speed Dating
BD #35 - Saying 'Please'
BD #36 - Denial
BD #37 - Faking It
BD #38 - Delaying The Inevitable
BD #39 - Rooms
BD #40 - Spinning Bottles
BD #41 - Locked Doors
BD #42 - Hitting Where It Hurts
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chackyxyooj · 2 months
Attention (Part 2)
Description: Following a bout of shameless one-sided flirting, the MS boy(s) finally flirts back - drabbles.
Included: Garroth, Zenix, Vylad, Ein
CW: Ein.
AN: Do people like to read Ein X reader? Like, his character is so cruel and obsessive after PDH that he’s basically a mustache twirling villain. So why, one might ask, did I decide to write him? Well… I suppose he seemed like fun to write.
Part 1
Garroth Ro'Meave
There was a point in Garroth’s life when he could’ve been considered a bit of a flirt. That’s not to say that the boy had casanova levels of one liners, but that he knew just the right thing to say if he wanted to make someone’s heart flutter. He’s since moved past that time in his life; at least he thought he had moved past that point.
“What do you think about these pants?” You ask as you give a small spin, allowing Garroth a better view of your assets. The boy can hardly hold back his gaze as it trails your body. When he finally has enough sense to meet your eyes, Garroth finds that you’re grinning. “It’ll last longer if you take a picture.”
“You um…” Garroth’s mouth hangs open as he attempts to reply but modesty is determined to fail him. Not only through his words, but through his actions. He can hardly stop his eyes from drifting down your body once more.
You shift in place slightly when Garroth doesn’t give a full reply. “Geeze, do they look that bad?” 
“No! That’s not it at-!”
“Garroth.” You say the boy’s name with a playful lit. “I’m only teasing.”
“Huh? O-oh, of course.” The panic that had begun to build quickly subsides when Garroth sees the look on your face. You grin from ear to ear, amused with your own antics. The flurry of emotions earns a dry laugh from Garroth as he turns away from you once again. “They look comfortable, I guess.”
“Just comfortable?” You muse, stepping out past the confines of the changing room and reaching out toward your companion. Garroth finds himself holding his breath as he awaits your next move. He doesn’t want to say or do anything he’ll regret later but the way you lift his gaze to meet yours is making it really difficult not to.
Against his better judgement a comment begins to slip past his lips. By the time he catches himself it’s too late. You stare at the boy with wide eyes.
“Garroth… what does that even mean?” You wonder in genuine confusion. “What does ‘your eyes are beautiful but I bet they’d look better on my bedroom floor’ even imply??”
“I don’t know! It just slipped out!” 
“Garroth, you’re killing me over here!”
“I’m sorry!” If the boy wasn’t blushing before, he was definitely blushing now. Garroth knows very well that what he said was anything but charming, but you laugh.
You laugh and Garroth laughs with you.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“You wouldn’t know what flirting is even if it hit you square between the eyes.”
Zenix frowns at your unwelcome observation. How did a conversation between coworkers about customers suddenly become about flirting? The last thing he needed after handling an irritating customer was to be lectured by you; much less to be lectured about flirting. His pride wouldn’t allow it.
“Not true!” Zenix insists, eyes narrowing on you as you continue making drinks. “Flirting is obvious.”
“And what, exactly, constitutes as flirting?”
“Are you seriously asking me that?” Zenix rolls his eyes at your question. What counts as flirting was so obvious that even he knew, so why bother asking such a question? “Pick up lines and bold actions. Obviously.”
“Oh my Irene…” You mutter out between short fits of laughter. “You’re not wrong, but you are naive.”
“Naive?! You’re just being an ass!”
“I never said it was a bad thing. Though…” You state. Before Zenix can get another word out you chuckle to yourself. “...your sharp tongue is something else entirely. There are better uses for it.”
You put the drink you made down on the counter before turning your attention over to Zenix. He can’t quite put his finger on it but your demeanour has changed. The smile on your lips now falls just before it reaches your eyes.
You take a step toward the boy and allow your gaze to quickly trail across his body. Before he knows it you’ve closed enough distance that he can clearly smell the sweet scent that clings to your uniform. Still holding his gaze, you slowly reach up and fix the collar of Zenix’s uniform - something you’ve done plenty of times before but somehow feels different from the other times.
“You clean up quite nicely.” You let your hands linger against Zenix’s shoulders. When you don’t get much of a reaction from the boy you tilt your head ever so slightly.
Just beneath the collar of your uniform Zenix catches a glance of colour. Curious, the boy brushes back your hair and leans in to get a better look. To his surprise, this ultimately drives you to jump back.
“What are you doing?!” You exclaim, eyes wide and cheeks flushed.
Zenix narrows his eyes at you. “What am I doing? What were you doing?”
You open your mouth to reply but shut it as quickly. After a prolonged silence you finally laugh to yourself and your regular demeanour returns. “It’s just as I thought.”
“What’s ‘just as you thought?’ Was there something on my collar?”
“No.” Your reply comes out gently as you adjust the collar of your own uniform. “By the way, those drinks are for table nine. Be a good boy and take them there for me.”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Vylad Ro'Meave
“Vylad… I’m bored.” You drag out the vowels of the boy’s name as you lean your back against his. “Entertain me!” 
The boy peeks one of his eyes open to glance at you from over his shoulder.
You return his glance with pleading eyes. “Please?”
“I told you that meditating isn’t for everyone.” Vylad muses. He more or less expected this kind of reaction from you - not because you were a restless sort of person but because you always want attention when you’re with him. The boy can’t help but liken you to a cute, domesticated animal of sorts.
Unsatisfied with his reply you lean further back against Vylad’s back. The sudden pressure causes the boy to shift along his bed. “How much longer are you gonna meditate for?”
“It was supposed to be for fifteen minutes straight but you distracted me.”
“What?!” You gasp. “Fine. I’ll just… entertain myself for a while.”
With a huff you pull yourself off of Vylad’s back and sit up on his bed. Even without looking Vylad can tell that you’ve begun to narrow your gaze. It’s only a matter of time before you try something else.
A few minutes go by and Vylad is surprised that your self-entertainment has nothing to do with your phone, but his surprise doesn’t last long.
“Hey Vylad.” You call the boy’s name in a sing-song kind of way. “What do your parents think about me being alone with you in your room?”
“I’m sure they’re fine with it.”
“Even though we’re being so quiet?”
“Still fine.”
“And the door is closed?”
“Perfectly fine.”
Vylad can hear you laugh to yourself after he gives his final reply. He’d be lying if he said it sounded innocent. In fact, he was almost certain you were about to try something. Whether that was singing at the top of your lungs or rolling off his bed he wasn’t sure. You tend to be unpredictable like that.
What he didn’t expect from you was how close you suddenly decided to get to him.
You lean in close to the boy’s ear, your lips just barely hovering over the skin. Vylad doesn’t give you the reaction you want but you don’t make it easy. He can feel the ghost of a grin against his skin and just knows you’re up to no good.
“Say, what would it take to raise your parent’s alarms?” You whisper in an almost sultry way.
In complete contrast to you, Vylad takes on an indifferent tone and shrugs his shoulders. “Do you want to find out?” Vylad lets his words hang in the air before finally opening his eyes. He was expecting you to be flustered, but not nearly as much as you were.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
There are a lot of things that can cause Ein’s day to go from bad to worse. Listing and ranking every single thing would be a pain in and of itself, but there is one thing about that list he knows for sure: it’s the fact that you are at the top of it.
And now you’re sitting on the table where his books were supposed to be.
“The hell are you doing here?” Ein spits, his eyes practically tearing through your flesh.
“Isn’t it obvious?” You laugh in that mockingly familiar way, crossing your ankles where you sit. “I’m here to check up on you, sweet little pup.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“Why?” You ask, a grin beginning to form on your lips. “Would you prefer I call you a bi-”
Ein slams his hands against the table and takes pleasure in the way your body stiffens at the sound. “You keep your mouth shut, human.” He growls and bares his fangs.
“Trying to start a fight, little pup? Because I doubt that’ll go over well with him.” You quip as you flick the tip of Ein’s nose. The action causes the boy to reel back with a scowl. “I know you don’t like it when ‘weak little humans’ give you orders, but surely you’ll make an exception for me.”
“And why the hell do you think I’d do that?”
“Is that really a question you need me to answer?” You laugh a disgustingly confident laugh. It all but makes Ein’s skin crawl. When the boy’s ears begin to lay low and flat against his head you become noticeably amused. “What’s wrong? I thought you loved playing second fiddle to me?”
What little patience Ein has suddenly snaps. In a heartbeat the boy has you trapped between himself and the wall. He knows how much you hate it when he enters your ‘personal space’ or whatever you call it. Judging by the way your breath hitches, Ein knows he’s more than within the bounds of your ‘personal space.’
“Don’t make me put you in your place.” Ein mutters as presses himself between your legs. He allows his teeth to hover over the soft flesh of your neck and revels in the way your body trembles beneath his. “What am I saying… I bet you’d love that. Even now I can feel your heart trembling beneath me.”
“Speak for yourself.” You utter, your voice soft and breathless. “I’m not the one wagging my tail, little pup.”
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Aftercare Part 2 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I had an extremely ugh day (couple of days actually) so Ive been living in this fic, writing it out lol Enjoy it <3. I feel safe with them.
Part One Here
Warnings: Dom Steddie and Sub Reader and all that implies (I regret nothing!) , Spanking, DP, mentions of previous bad past relationships for the reader, Smut and fluff. No angst today my friends.
Word Count: 4275
It had been a few days since your tender incident with your roommates Eddie and Steve. The day after they took care of you, you found yourself incredibly sore, not just between your legs but your ass and wrists as well. 
The continued to look after you, changing your bandages and icing the swollen area of your limbs. Today they both had to work so your plan for the rest of the afternoon was to put on one of Steve’s shirts and cocoon yourself in Eddie’s bed while you waited for them to come home.  
As you entered Steve’s room, you found yourself looking at it with a completely new set of eyes. The smell of his cologne hung in the air making you dizzy as your memory floated to him sitting on the edge of the bathtub caressing your thighs. Your fingers ran across his dresser as your grinned at the pictures you passed of the three of you together. On his desk were some applications for jobs he had been looking at including one at his father’s firm but thankfully he hadn’t filled that out yet and you hoped he never would. 
Yellow notepad paper caught your eye and you reached over to bring it closer to you so you could read it. 
Sexy things I think Y/N would enjoy:
Spanking (The correct way!)
Restriction/ Handcuffs (Eddie may have some that won’t hurt her.)
Daddy? (This is more for me and Ed. I know it turned me on hearing her talk like she did.)
DP ( I think she’d love to have us both inside her especially with how fucking tight she is…) 
I know she said she likes it rough. Eddie said he had some ideas of things he did with other girls. I don’t think she wants us to really hurt her…I don’t know. I should ask her…
Edging ( I just want to hear her beg me in that little voice to allow her to cum)
Role play? (She loves scary movies. I bet she’d love Eddie and I pretending to stalk her and then using her.)(Seriously that thought got me ridiculously hard!)
You smiled as you read his list. The men you tried this dynamic with were always pretty selfish, focusing on their own pleasure instead of yours. Steve seemed to genuinely care about you and your feelings; they both did and always had. 
Picking up a nearby pen you scrawled a note of your own on the bottom. 
All of these sound fantastic, Stevie! Or should I say Daddy? ;).
Reaching into his closet you grabbed one of his button up shirts, giggling as you wrapped in around your naked skin. He was so much bigger than you were, his shirt feeling like a nightgown as it touched past your knees. It made you feel safe, as if he was there right now with his arms around you. 
You pleasantly sighed as you left and headed to Eddie’s room. The metalhead was night to Steve’s day. Where Steve’s room was neat and organized, Ed’s was a complete disaster. His room had a cologne smell like the other boys but it was hidden under is signature smell of cigarettes with a dash of weed.
Even the pictures he had of you three were slightly different. All of Steve’s were from outside in the sun whether it be at the beach or a school event you guys had attended in high school. Eddie’s were from nighttime activities like after one of his shows at the bar or a heavy metal concert outside of town. 
You grinned as your finger’s ran over his guitar. God, you loved watching him play. The way his eyes zeroed in as he focused on the notes or the way his fingers moved across the strings… Fuck. A small moan left you at the memory of those same fingers thrusting inside of you. 
As you sat on his bed, one of his composition books bent into your thigh. You opened it expecting to find doodles and notes on his next D & D campaign but were surprised to see song titles. 
Y/N’s Mixtape 
No One Like You- Scorpions
Little Lover- AC/DC
Rock Me- Great White
Why am I not better at this?! 
I don’t want them all to be sexual! I need to ask the guys. 
-Learn to play Def Leppard 
I want to play a song for her on stage and I know she likes them.
Photograph or maybe Animal?
Not Pour Some Sugar! Too cliché!
It took you awhile to find anything to write with in Eddie’s room so you settled on a marker you found under a pile of clothes. 
“You got some kinda hold on me You're all wrapped up in mystery So wild and free So far from me You're all I want, my fantasy.”
Your grin grew as you turned on his stereo and Metallica lightly flowed through the speakers. Finding a spot in the middle of his bed, you curled up into a ball, hugging his composition book to your chest as you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
The bed dipped by your side, followed by the notebook gently being pulled from your grasp. 
“Did she write something in it to?”
You kept your eyes closed so you could hear what they would say when they thought you weren’t listening. You could hear the subtle smile in Steve’s tone as he asked Eddie his question who responded with an equally happy sounding voice. 
“Yeah, she did.”
“What does yours say?”
You felt a calloused palm tenderly pet your head, pushing your hair out of your face. 
“I wanted to play something on stage for her. I thought she deserved something special after what she went through…has been through with those other assholes. She provided a suggestion.”, he grinned. “What about yours?”
“Shit, dude. What I was working on wasn’t as romantic as yours.”, Steve chuckles. “I, uh, wrote down some things I thought she’d like to try…in bed, you know? Especially since no one seems to be doing it correctly. I still can’t believe she didn’t know what aftercare was.”
“Yeah…what did she write? Hell, what did YOU write?!”, Eddie laughs at his friend. 
“She said she liked them all especially, um, calling us Daddy.” The bed gradually dipped on your other side as he lowered his voice. “Dude, that little voice she spoke to us in—fuck—I’ve been jerking off to that sound for the past few days.”
You tried so hard to hold it in but it was impossible to catch the heavy, pleasure filled sigh that escaped your lips. 
“Hey Harrington, did your list mention touching her while she slept?”
“Naw, Ed, it didn’t. I think this sweet girl would hate that we made her feel good and she wasn’t awake for it.”
“Very true. We can think of it like a punishment for snooping around our rooms and taking your shirt without asking.”
“I wasn’t snooping.”
“Oh shit, Munson. Would you look at that. She’s awake.” You slowly open your eyes to meet their beautiful smiling faces. 
“I just wanted to be close to you guys since you were both gone.” Sitting up, you lean your cheek on Eddie’s shoulder. “I missed you two.”
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
You excitedly flash them your wrists. “Much better! And I can definitely sit normally now.”, you giggle.
“Did that prick call you?” Steve sighed when you shook your head. 
“Probably won’t come around again until he’s horny.”
“Well, he’ll have to go through us so…” A wicked grin spread across Eddie’s face when he noticed you exhale again. “You really like us being protective over you, don’t you?”
“I like knowing that I’m safe and cared for.” Your head hung in shame. “I’ve never felt that before.”
Steve’s fingers hooked under your chin, lifting you to face them. “You’re always safe with us. We would never make you feel unwanted or unloved.”
That giddy feeling from the other day returned at his words as you shuffled your shoulders and beamed with pride.
“Can-Can we play?”
The metalhead chuckled as he turned to Steve. “She’s so polite. I love it. Which makes me wonder…Y/N, were those other guys just hitting you to hit you? Like with your idiot, why did he spank you with a belt?”
Your eyes narrow at him as his choice of words for your now ex-boyfriend. “I told him I wanted to try something rougher so he said he could spank me.”
“But that’s not you, is it, sweetheart? I mean you’re not into that sado-masochistic stuff. No judgement if you are.”, he grins. 
“No, I don’t want to be hurt like that. I just…like being controlled… and punished if I do something wrong.”
“Like going through our stuff when we aren’t here.”, Steve replied.
“I wasn’t going through your things! I just—”
Eddie interrupted you by roughly grabbing your jaw. “Didn’t sound like to me he was asking but telling you that you did something incorrect. For a pretty girl that’s so polite, you should know it’s not ok to touch other people’s property when they aren’t there.”
The action of him grabbing you and talking the way he was had your pussy clenching as you felt yourself slowly dropping. 
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I did a bad thing.”
“It’s okay, honey. You’ll learn.” Steve smiled as the metalhead loosened his grip. His eyes were constantly scanning your face for any discomfort. You seemed to be enjoying yourself so far so Eddie continued. 
“Do you have a safe word you prefer?”
“I usually use Red. I mean, I haven’t used it yet but…”
“Tough girl. Can I ask you something and I want you to be honest?”
“Yes of course.”
“Have you wanted to but you felt embarrassed? You said last time that fucker hit you too hard sometimes. Why didn’t you use it?”
“It’s not that I feel embarrassed… I don’t want to seem weak…”
They both heavily sighed but Steve couldn’t help himself as he climbed further up the bed and collected you in his arms. 
“Y/N, we know you’ve been through a lot. Not just with guys but with your family to. You’re not weak if you need to stop because you feel uncomfortable.”
“Promise us, princess. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or anything like that, you will say that safe word. No matter what we will still love you.”
“I promise.” To add emphasis and lighten the mood you do the “cross my heart” gesture along your chest making them laugh.
Eddie crawled up the bed as well till he was shoulder to shoulder with Steve. “What do you think, Harrington? Should we let this descension slide just this one time?
“I mean, little girl needs to learn the rules and respect us, right?”
“I-I respect you…”, you mumble. 
“Hm. I don’t know, baby. Maybe just a small punishment, Munson. Just to let it really sink in.”
The man nods and motions for you lay your head on his lap, adjusting you so you stomach was across the other man’s thighs and your ass accessible. Steve tugs your panties down your legs, gently running his palm over the soft flesh. 
“These cuts do look a lot better, Y/N. You said they don’t hurt anymore?”
You shook you head aggressively before responding in a tone that had both boys subtly groaning. “Eddie took really good care of me.” 
“Yeah, he did.” A small yelp left your throat as his hand came down on your backside. It wasn’t hard but meant to tease while making sure you were okay. “How did that feel, honey?”
The metalhead brushed back your hair from your face as your nails dug into his jeaned leg. 
“Good. S-s-so good.”, you moaned. “You can spank me harder i-if you want to.”
Steve didn’t do it immediately, choosing to run his hands along your skin before finally rearing back and delivering a much harder smack that had you pushing up on your arms. 
“Do you like that, princess? Do you like Steve spanking you?”
Your eyes practically roll out of your skull as he does it again a bit harder. “F-fuck, yes I like it.”
“Say it correctly, babe.”
“Mmm—I like Steve spanking me.”
“Jesus… here, Y/N. Don’t…don’t move.”
The man slides out from under you and you hear sounds behind you of him shuffling around before something clanks loudly to the floor. 
“Again, didn’t take long for Harrington to get naked.”, Eddie chuckles making you smile as he continues to play with your hair. 
Your hips are abruptly lifted so your lower half is more exposed for him on your knees as he firmly spanks you again before his tongue suddenly licks between your folds. 
“Steve! Oh my god…”
“It’s ok, baby. You’re ok. Remember, you’re safe with us.”, Eddie coos. “As sexy as you look, I’m going to slide this shirt off you.” 
You lift up on your hands again, helping pull Steve’s shirt over your head as the boy behind you continues to aggressively devour you, moaning into your cunt as he strokes his length. 
Pulling back, his palm comes down on your ass and you mewl as your head falls back down to Eddie’s lap. One of his hands reach underneath you to grab a handful of your breast as the other pushes his tongue back inside of you. 
“You really are so beautiful, sweet girl. You deserve to be treated right.” His fingers caress your nipples causing you to moan as he gently tugs on the erect bud. “Do you want that? Do you want us to take care of you and make you happy?”
“You…you both have—fuck—have always made me…happy.”
Your answer genuinely makes him smile. “Not like this, sweetheart.”
Your mouth falls open in a silent whimper as you cum, body collapsing as you twitch with pleasure. Sighing, you feel yourself being lifted and wrapped up in Steve’s embrace again. Your eyes remain shut as you inhale him, forehead pressed to his neck as they both tenderly praise you. 
“I want you both…to feel me at…at the same time. I don’t think it’s fair for the first time we’re together one of you has me first.”
“Who said we were going to fuck you tonight?” Your eyes meet Eddie’s playful ones, glimmering with mischief. “I mean, you misbehaved and then, I don’t know about you Stevie, but…” He obnoxiously stretches his arms wide. “I had a LONG, stressful day.”
“I did to, Ed. There were so many rude customers and we were SO busy. I kept thinking ‘Gosh I can’t wait to come home and just crash on my bed ALL ALONE.’”
“Oh, come on! Like you haven’t been thinking about fucking me for the past few days.” You crawl off Steve’s lap and climb into Eddie’s, straddling his waist. “I have ever since I saw you both naked. I kept thinking ‘How could I have known these men for so long, lived under the same roof even, and had no idea their cocks were that big.’”
The boy underneath you exhaled through his nose at your words, feeling his dick get unbearably hard against his jeans. Your palms glided down his chest, raising off his shirt before leaning forward to place delicate kisses along his shoulders and neck. 
“Please, Eddie. You both deserve to feel good to. Make me yours.”
The metalhead practically growled as he crashed his lips to your own. Effortlessly, he lifted you off him, passing you to Steve who was more than happy to pick up where his friend left off. 
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Not at one time. I have had anal but…”
The man’s fingers tenderly lift your chin. “It didn’t feel good?”
Your own fingers run through his hair as you place a kiss on his lips. “Not with him but I trust you two.”
Steve grinned as he held on to your waist, shifting his body down the bed till he was flat on his back. A now naked Eddie pounced back onto the mattress making you laugh before licking your lips as you watch him pour some lube into his hand and stroke it along his cock. 
“You ready, honey?”
You nod as Steve grips the base of his own cock, allowing you to descend onto it at your own pace. Even with just the tip of him inside of you already full.
“Steve…fuck…”, you moaned, lowering yourself further. 
“Yes, baby, you’re doing so good. Just…take your time. Y/N, I…”
“T-tell me, please.”
“I’ve never felt a pussy this fucking tight before. Fuck me, Ed. You don’t even know what you’re about to experience.” His words had you fluttering around him making him groan until you were fully seated on top of him. “Don’t fucking move. I swear I don’t know how long I’m going to last.” His newfound gruff tone had you clenching again, leaning forward on your hands as Eddie gently pushed you down.
“Oh yeah? You like hearing me tell you what to do?”
Steve watched as your face scrunched together as Eddie gradually began pushing his dick into your ass. 
“Jesus Christ.”, he grunted under his breath. 
The other man grabbed your throat, pulling you closer to his face. “I asked you a question, little girl. You want to play rough you have to show respect. Now…” They both thrust their hips into you roughly at the same time eliciting an obscenely beautiful moan from your lips as your forehead fell on his. “Do you like hearing me telling you what to do?”
“Y-yes, Steve. I-I-I like it.”
His hand snaked around to the back of your neck, bringing your lips to his as they began thrusting into you. Eddie’s palm slid up your back, intertwining his fingers in your hair as he yanked it back. 
Steve looked up at you with half-lidded eyes swearing he had never seen anything or anyone so perfect. He had always hated the way people in your life treated you. To him, you deserved the world but he had always been so scared to make a move. He was terrified of losing you and at least as your friend and roommate he could keep an eye on you, protecting you while being there when you needed him. 
Eddie spanked you hard and you whimpered at the feeling as he leaned over you to kiss along your shoulder; his ear closer to your lips so we could absorb those gorgeous sounds coming from them. The metalhead struggled to get along with anyone but could always connect with you and Steve. You always made him feel like a person and not the freak everyone thought he was. There was that level of insecurity within him though that felt you could do better than him. He always wanted to tell you how much he truly loved you but, like Steve, was so scared of losing you. 
Truth be told, they needed you as much as you needed them. 
“Fuck me…I’m gonna fucking cum. Do-do you feel comfortable with us—”
“Yes!”, you cut Steve off. “Fuck yes—mmm—please. Fill me up, Daddy.”
“God fucking hell—”, his voice strained as he tightly gripped your hips, trusting into you roughly as his spend released inside of you. 
Eddie wrapped his arm around your chest, pulling you up against his own as his fingers reached between your legs to rub your clit. 
“Cum, pretty girl. Fucking squeeze us both as fucking hard as you do. Come on, baby.” He kept urging you as he pumped faster.
“What-what should I—fuck—call you? Are you Daddy to?”
“I’m whatever you want me to be, princess. As long as you do what I say.”
Your arms clung to his as you placed your lips against his ear. “I know—mmm—you’re an amazing…dungeon master. Do-do you want to be my master to?”
The moan that left his throat was too much for you as your eyes closed and you came. Eddie soon followed, pounding into you roughly till he grunted against your skin and released his seed inside of you. 
The three of you collapsed on the bed, panting as you tried to catch your breaths. As Steve started to stand however, you quickly reached for his arm. 
“Don’t leave!”
“Whoa! Hey, honey, it’s ok. I’m not leaving. I was just going to get something to clean you with because I assumed you wanted to lay here for a little bit before taking a shower.”
He could still see the panic in your eyes until Eddie’s arm slid under yours and pulled you tighter against his sweaty chest. “It’s ok, sweetheart. I’m right here. You’re not alone.”
“Did you wanna take a shower now?” The metalhead chuckles as you nod, Steve smiling as he lifts you into his arms. “Maybe we should do it like this till she gets more comfortable.”
“I’m sorry.”, you pout; afraid your making things too difficult.
“Baby, there’s no reason to be sorry. Now, Eddie, on the other hand should be sorry for how much of mess this fucking bathroom is.”
Said boy who had been getting the shower ready, stood to his full height and playfully squinted at his friend. “Excuse me. Rude. I like my bathroom. I know where everything is.”
“Yeah, on the floor.”
You giggle at their banter as you step into the tub. “I don’t mind your bathroom, Ed.”
“THANK YOU, princess.”
After both men follow you in, you stand still allowing them to clean and take care of you. There was a vast difference between this time and last time. The biggest one being while they had been rough with you there wasn’t any lingering intense pain. You ass stung where they had spanked you but it was a good burn that had you softly sigh as you leaned back against Steve’s chest. 
You were already sore between your legs and your ass but it was a dull, lingering pain that you knew would have you constantly thinking about them and how good they made you feel. 
That garbage feeling you had come to know after each sexual encounter wasn’t present here. All their attention was on you and as they continued to care for you, you felt your brain slowly return and leave that previous headspace you were in. They never pushed you or made you feel rushed. Because you had felt so heavy and collapsed in his arms last time, Eddie always kept his hand or arm on your waist just in case. 
If you happened to feel that clingy impulse, you would rub your nose into Steve’s chest and he would smile softly as he held you to him. After you and they were clean, they quickly dried you, shoved a shirt over your head, and jokingly tossed you back into bed.
Eddie chose to remain naked, lighting a cigarette as Steve thew on some boxers before laying on either side of you. 
“Fuck. Look at me being a dick. Y/N, is it ok if I smoke this close to you?”
“It’s fine, Ed. I don’t mind.”, you grin. There was a comfortable silence that feel over the room as you laid together. Your smile grows as you place your hand on Steve’s chest. “Um, so I’ve never done roleplay or any other punishment type stuff before but I’m opening to trying anything you suggest. Just nothing too violent… like don’t punch me or anything.”
“Who wanted to punch you?!”
“No one! I just… I’m still learning…”
“Sweetheart, no one should be punching or kicking you.” Eddie raised his arm and you lifted your head to rest on top of it. “Did you like what we did here?”
“Yeah!”, you exclaim a bit too excitedly making them chuckle. “I, um, I didn’t hate the belt with my ex. I just—he just—”
“It’s too hard. Y/N, is that your way of saying you’d like to add that into our thing here?”, Steve smiles coyly. 
“I think as long as I’m with you two, I’ll like anything you try.”
Eddie squished the cigarette into the ashtray, rolling onto his side to face you. “Is it ok if we try, maybe, taking you out to dinner or a movie?”
“Eddie, of course. I love hanging out with you guys.”
“That’s not what he means, honey.”
“Before you said you didn’t want this to be a one-time thing but you didn’t actually say if—”
“You wanted to be our girl or just do this.”, the man gestures around the bed. 
You scoot your body further down the mattress and grab Eddie’s cheeks as you place your lips on his. As you roll over, you do the same with Steve before settling down fully in the metalhead’s embrace. 
“’Our girl?’ Is this the 60’s? Are you going to give me your jacket pin, Steve Harrington?”, you teased. 
“If that’s what you want, pretty girl. Hell, I’ll do whatever I have to do to show the world how much I love you.” His tone dropped to a more serious register as he reached out to caress your cheek. “WE love you.”
Eddie lightly gripped your jaw, turning you to face him. “We do. Now I don’t have a jacket pin but I can tattoo my name on you somewhere.”
“No!”, you laugh as his fingers tickle up your sides. “I love you to. I’d love to be your girl."
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 months
Pairing- Hyung Line x Named Reader
Word count- 5.8k
Includes- Sex with all of Hyung Line, fingering, blow job, pussy eating, cum eating, missionary, sex from behind cock riding, multiple orgasms
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000 @amyz78 @blueie-things
Gif Credit- Apple Tape
Masterlists- check out for more fics📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝OT7 Masterlist
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“Yes! I win!”, I yell, throwing down my cards on the carpet
“What? How?”, Yoongi groans
“Oh c'mon!”, Namjoon sighs
“Haha! Take it off losers!”, I clap
Namjoon rolls his eyes and takes his shirt off
Holy shit
I know my eyes just popped out of my head
He’s fucking beautiful
He just has to lose once more- then he has to take his boxers off and loses
Jin takes his shirt off too
Again, with the eye popping
He’s so hot
He still has his jeans and boxers
Hobi takes his pants off- he still has his shirt and boxers too
And Yoongi…bastard is still fully dressed
He’s really good at poker
He just takes his socks off
And me?
I suck
I’m in my bra and panties.
This is all Hobi’s fault
We all were playing cards together, when Hobi jokingly suggested strip poker
The guys were all for it and so was I
I just didn’t think I’d lose so terribly.
“Next hand!”, Namjoon grumbles
Yoongi deals and I get my cards
They suck
I’m losing for sure
At the end of this hand, Namjoon wins
“Finally!”, he yells
“Fuck”, Yoongi sighs
One by one the guys take off one piece of clothing
I’m hit with Hobi’s abs this time
He worked on them for ARMYS to show off when they did the “Idol” dance practice
And now I get to see them
Although I’m sure Hobi is gorgeous without them too
They all look at me expectantly
“Fine”, I sigh
I reach around and unclapse my bra
I’m not a baby
I lost so I’m gonna take something off
I take it off and toss it behind me
“Holy fuck”, Hobi whispers
I look up to see all four of them staring at me with their mouths open
“What? You never seen boobs before?”, I roll my eyes
“Yeah….just not yours”, Jin mutters
“Well now you see them. Happy?”
“Yeah very happy”, Yoongi chokes out
Namjoon just nods
“Very big”, Hobi gapes
“C'mon stop staring and let’s play!”
It’s Namjoon’s turn to deal
I look at my cards
Completely useless
“Oh what the fuck?”, I groan
“Sucky cards?”, Yoongi asks, smirking when I look at him
“Shut up”
“I win”, Namjoon and Jin say
They look at their cards
“I win”, Jin insists and he’s right.
His full house is higher than Namjoon’s
“Goddamn it!”, he yells
“Oh shut up”, Yoongi rolls his eyes, pulling his shirt off
Jesus Christ, I’m in heaven
Four fucking hot guys in various stages of undress in front of me
I’m dying
Namjoon and Hobi take off their boxers but hide themselves
What babies
My turn
I stand up, then slowly pull my panties down, stepping out of them
When I look up, I want to laugh
Jin’s eyes are wide and his mouth is open
Namjoon and Hobi looked so shocked and are turning red
And Yoongi- he’s smirking and biting his lip
“Jesus”, Namjoon whispers
“Well I lose.”, I announce, walking to the couch and laying down on my stomach, “Jin and Yoongi still have to play to see who wins”
“Uh hello? Guys!”, I yell, clapping loudly
They all jump and tear their eyes away from me
God, you’d think they never seen a naked girl before
“Deal the cards Jin”, I instruct
“I uh have an idea”, Namjoon mutters
“What?”, Yoongi asks
“What if we bet on something else?”
“Like what?”, Hobi asks
“Well uh the winner can do something to Jo. If she wants”
Do something like what?
Is he for real?
“Do what?”, Jin asks, confused
“Something sexual”, Namjoon answers
Damn he’s horny
I mean me too, but still
“But only if she wants”
Uh yeah, I want
I want all of them but there’s one in particular I really want
The one I’m in love with but has no clue
Also he doesn’t feel like that for me
I know
When I asked about why he doesn’t have a girlfriend, like some of the maknaes, he said it’s because he doesn’t want one and no girl has caught his eye yet
None that he wants to look twice at
That includes me
So I just suck it up and ignore my feelings
“So what will the winner do?”, I ask
“How about this round, the winner fingers you until you cum”, Yoongi suggests
Sounds like fun
“Ok”, I agree
“Wait- really?”, Hobi asks
“Yeah. If the winner wants to I’m game”
“Yeah ok”, Jin agrees
They all agree
Yoongi deals out the cards and I watch them play, wondering whose gonna win
Finally Hobi yells, “I win!”
He turns to me, “Are you sure?”
I nod, “Yes”
He stands up and comes over to me
He’s not hiding himself and I get a glimpse of his huge hard cock
Who knew Hobi was packing that thing?
Hobi sits on the floor in front of me
He leans in, his lips on mine in a second
While he kisses me, he moves me, getting me on my back on the couch
I feel his hands all over me, touching me everywhere
It feels good
He sits on his knees on the floor, then starts kissing my body, while his hand moves down
I’m so excited
It feels so fucking good when he finally touches me
“Aw baby is so wet already”, he smirks at me
Goddamn he’s fucking hot
“Open your legs baby and I’ll make you feel good”
I bite my lip, opening my legs for him
“That’s a good girl”
Jesus, why do I like him calling me that?
Using his finger, he moves it on my clit, pleasure shooting through me
“Fuck”, I yell
I feel Hobi’s lips on my stomach, licking and sucking my skin
Then he slides his fingers down, inside
Oh my god
“Fuck baby”, he moans
He slides his fingers in and out, making me yell
“Fuck baby’s pussy is so tight”, he whimpers
Fuck me, he’s turning me on so much
“I want to know how baby’s pussy feels on my cock”, he murmurs
“Maybe you can later”, I smirk at him
“Oh Jo, if that happens I’ll fuck you so good”
My god
“But first you have to cum now”, he says
He puts his thumb on my clit, rubbing it while he moves his fingers
“Oh fuck”, I moan
I watch Hobi take my nipple in his mouth, sucking
I cry out, my body arching, pushing my breast more in his mouth
“Fuck you’re so hot”, he mutters
His fingers moves faster, pushing me right there
Moving again, massive pleasure hits me
“Hobi oh shit”, I yell, grabbing his arm and holding it to me, keeping his fingers in while I cum all over them
“Good girl”, he keeps whispering
When I’m done, I lay there, breathing hard
Hobi pulls his fingers out, looking at them with my cum on them
I watch him and he puts his fingers in his mouth, sucking on them
“Fucking good”, he whimpers
Oh my god, I can’t
He kisses me one more time, then moves away
When I look at the guys, their mouths are all open, looking so fucked out
“Ok whose dealing?”, Hobi asks
“Wwww…what?”, Jin stutters
“We’re still playing right?”, Hobi asks
“Oh uh yeah”, Jin answers, recovering from his shock, “What’s the bet this time?”
“Winner eats her out”, Yoongi says immediately
Oh hell yeah
“She tastes so fucking good”, Hobi comments
“Fuck Hoseok”, Namjoon answers
“Deal the cards”, Jin demands
They play another hand
“Yes! I win!”, Namjoon yells excitedly
“Motherfucker!”, Yoongi shouts angrily and throws his cards on the floor
“Damn Yoongi, you want her that much?”Hobi smirks
“Of course. Do you fucking see her? Of course I want her. You do too, Jin does and from how excited Namjoon is, he wants her too”, Yoongi snaps
They want me?
I’m nothing special
Just Tae’s boring friend
Namjoon gets up and comes to me quickly
Jesus his cock is big too. Are they all like that?
Because damn
Namjoon helps me sit up and kisses me
He’s a good kisser
He pulls me closer to him, sitting in front of me
Opening my legs, he sucks in a breath
“Fuck Jo”, he whimpers
He puts my legs on his shoulders, then leans in
I feel his tongue on me, swiping up my pussy
“Mother shit!”, I yell
He starts moving his tongue rapidly, swirling all over
Oh god, it feels so good
How is he so good at this?
Using his hands, he opens me more
“Aww, baby’s clit is so little”, he teases, then swipes his tongue on it
“Fuck!”, I shout
“Baby likes it there?”, he asks, licking again
I nod, my body shivering
“That’s where you want my tongue baby?”
“Y..Yyyy….yes”, I stammer
“Ok”, he says simply, then licks my clit over and over
My hand involuntarily goes in his hair, pulling
Namjoon sucks on my clit and pleasure blasts through my entire body
My hips snap up in his face on their own, making him moan
His tongue runs all over again and I just explode
“Fuck fuck fuck NAMJOON!”, I shout, coming in his mouth
He keeps licking, moaning, “Oh fuck, so good”
Jesus, he’s gonna make me cum again
When his tongue flicks my clit again, I can’t hold back, orgasming again
“Fuck yes”, Namjoon yells, tongue still moving
My body relaxes when I finish
Namjoon kisses my pussy, the gets up
“My favorite taste now”, he tells me
He kisses my cheek then goes to sit down
I move and lay down again, just relaxing for a minute, my eyes closed
“Next hand. Winner fucks her until she cums.”, Jin yells
Jesus Jin
I had no idea he could be like this
“Do we cum too?”, Hobi asks
“No. Not if you want to do it again”
Well I’m excited again
God I’m such a slut
But I don’t care
Fucking BTS members?
Hell yes
“Deal”, Hobi orders
After a few minutes, I hear, “YES! Fuck yes!”
I open my eyes, to see Jin standing up and the guys glaring at him
Jin practically runs to me
He’s so cute
“Can I Jo?”, he asks
“Yeah Jinnie”, I agree
He pulls his boxers off, his big cock so hard
Damn, they’re all huge
Jin moves on top of me, kissing my lips, hands roaming all over
“Jesus Jo, your skin is so fucking soft. I love it”, he murmurs, kissing my neck
I feel him right there, so I wrap my legs around him, asking, “Please”
Fuck I want it so much
When did I get so horny?
He nods, pushing in
“Oh my god!”, I yell, while he shouts, “Fuck, fuck, fuck”, as he slides all in
I can’t help it, I’m so horny that I shiver and actually orgasm
“Fuck Jin”, I scream, pleasure running all over me
“Oh god, oh god”, Jin moans
“Holy shit did she just cum?”, Namjoon gasps
Jin nods
“From him going in?”, Hobi exclaims
“Yes”, I whimper
“God damn”, Yoongi mutters
“Baby…”, Jin asks, not knowing what to do
“It doesn’t count”, I answer
“Wait what?”, Hobi asks
“It doesn’t count. He didn’t fuck me, he just went in. The bet was that he’d fuck me until I cum. And he’s going to do that”, I answer
“Not fair”, Namjoon whines
“Yes it is. It’d be the same if it was you Joonie. Or any of you”
“Fine. Just do it”, Yoongi answers, waving his hand.
When I look back at Jin, he asks, “Yeah Jo?”
I nod, “Yeah Jinnie”
The smile that bursts on his face is so beautiful
Jin moves back until he’s almost all out, then slams back in
“Yes!”, I scream, “Again”
He does it again and goddamn it feels so fucking good
Jin moves faster, slamming harder every time
I love it
He’s driving me crazy
He’s kissing my neck, shoulders, chest, everywhere his lips can touch
His hands are softly touching all over my body making me shiver under his touch
Jin brushes against my spot and fucking stars burst in my vision
“Fuck, more Jin, more”, I cry
“More baby?”, he asks
“Yes. Don’t stop”
“I won’t baby”, he whispers, continuously thrusting right in my spot
I feel my orgasm coming, he just has to move a few more time
“Jin, Jin, SEOKJIN!”, I scream, losing it and exploding in pleasure
“Yes baby, fuck yes”, he murmurs
“Jin, oh god Jin!”
He pulls out when I’m finished, my body so tired and sensitive
“Fuck, deal the fucking cards now!”, Yoongi growls loudly
“What’s the bet?”, Hobi asks
“I don’t care, I just want her”, he yells
They all did something for me, now it’s my turn
“I’ll ride the winner until they cum”, I say
Their gazes all snap to me
“W..ww..Wha?”, Hobi’s jaw drops
“Whoever wins, I’ll ride them until they cum”, I repeat
“You…ride….you will?”, Namjoon gulps
I nod, “Good luck”
“Give me fucking cards”, Yoongi demands
The game is so intense, with all of them so quiet and concentrating on their cards
They’re like this just because they’re gonna get sex?
“FUCKING YES! FINALLY!”, Yoongi screams
“Fuck this shit!”, Hobi growls, upset
“Seriously”, Jin agrees
Fuck yes
I’m excited
Poor Yoongi didn’t get anything yet, he had to watch everyone else
I’m gonna make him feel so good
I get up, walking to Yoongi
He stares up at me, gulping, when I get in front of him
He likes to act so tough but he’s not
He’s really a soft teddy bear
Holding out my hand to him, he takes it and stands up
I kiss him, pulling down his pants and boxers, he still has on
He kisses me back, his arms going around me
I push him back against the couch he was sitting in front of
This one is bigger than the one I was on
I push him down, making him sit
Looking at him, he’s so fucking beautiful
And his cock is bigger than the rest of the guys, albeit not by much
I’m going to have so much fun now
Climbing on Yoongi, I sit on his cock, sliding down slowly
“Oh god!”, he cries out
“Fuck”, I moan
His cock is already against my spot and I know that the second I move, massive pleasure is going to fill my body
“Please baby. Please”, he moans
Sliding up his shaft, I slam back down hard
Oh god the pleasure is so intense
“Fuck”, he yells, “Again, please, again”
I lean back, putting my hands on his legs and start moving fast and hard on him, his cock hitting my spot over and over
“Oh my god! Fuck baby, you’re so good at this”, he yells
I smirk at him
“You like it Yoongi?”
“I fucking love it. You’re so fucking tight, you feel so good”, he pants, his hands running all over my sides, squeezing my breasts
He’s so hard, every slam is getting me closer
I tighten on him as I slide up and down
“Holy fuck!”, he yells
I’m gonna cum any second
“Yes, Jo, do it baby. Cum on my cock baby girl”, he yells
My body shivers, intense pleasure ripping through me
“YOONGI!”, I yell, exploding on him
“Yes fuck yes!”, he shouts, holding me on him, when he cums
After we both finish, I get taken off of Yoongi and put on my hands and knees on the floor
“Can I baby? Please”, Namjoon begs
“Yes Joonie. Yes”, I moan, horny again
How, I have no clue
Namjoon thrusts in, pleasure taking over again
“Yes”, I cry
He starts ramming into me hard and fast, his huge cock opening up me so good
“Jesus, Yoongi was right baby. You’re so tight”, he moans
When I look back, I almost cum from the pleasure on Namjoon’s face
I making him, all of them feel this amazing
It’s such as rush
When I turn back, Jin is sitting there, so fucking hard, his hand on his cock
Poor baby
“Come here Jinnie”, I call
His gaze moves to mine. He gets up and comes to me
“Lay down Jin”, I manage to get out
Namjoon is still pounding into me, making me have a hard time talking
Jin lays down and I take all of him in my mouth
“Oh my fuck!”, he yells
I move my head, sliding him in and out of my mouth
God I love feeling him in my throat.
His hand goes in my hair automatically, pulling
It doesn’t hurt
It actually feels good
Sucking on his head makes him go insane
“Fuck Jo, you’re fucking mouth baby”
I lick the underside of his head
“Again baby. Fuck lick me again”, he cries
I do what he wants
Just then Namjoon slams in the right spot
I clench his cock so hard, coming and screaming on Jin’s cock at how good it feels
“Jesus Christ”, Namjoon yells, coming, “Yes baby, god, yes!”
Namjoon pulls out just as Jin yells, “Baby please. I wanna cum in you. I want to feel your pussy on my cock. Please”
“Yeah Jin. Yes. I want to feel you inside again baby”
Before I know it, I’m on my back, Jin’s cock inside, causing more pleasure
“Fuck, yes”, he groans, slamming hard inside
“Cum Joanne. Now”, he demands
He slams in a few more times, and I scream, going over the edge again
“Jinnie!”, I yell
Jin pounds in again, and I watch the pleasure on his face when he cums
He yells and moans, then when he’s done he pulls out and falls on his back on the floor
I just lay there, breathing hard
“Baby, can I?”, I hear Hobi asking
Poor Hobi
He hasn’t orgasmed yet
“Yeah Hobi.”, I answer
“Uh, can you…”, he trails off
I sit up on my elbows, looking at him where he’s sitting on the couch
Jesus, his cock is fully erect and he’s leaking
He must be so horny
“Can I what baby?”, I ask
“Can you uh, ride me like you did to Yoongi?”, he asks blushing
“Yeah Hobi. Of course baby”, I answer
When I stand up, cum leaks out, running down my legs
I look around and grab tissues from the tissue box
I clean up the cum as much as I can, but I think I got most of it
Then I walk to Hobi and sit on him
He’s just looking at me
Fuck he’s gorgeous
Moving some hair from his face, I lean in and kiss him
He kisses me back, sliding his tongue in my mouth
Out of all of them, Hobi is the best kisser
His hands go in my hair, pulling me closer against him
While I kiss him, I reach behind me, putting him right under me
Then I sink slowly down on his cock
Jesus, he feels so good
If I thought Yoongi fit inside well, Hobi is even better
He’s perfect
I start moving on him, sliding up and down his shaft
I get a bigger reaction from him then I did from Yoongi
“Fuck!”, he screams
I keep bouncing just watching him in intense pleasure
He’s moaning, yelling and screaming not caring how he sounds
And I like that
“Yes oh god yes. Baby, you’re so much better than I imagined. So fucking tight on me. So wet. I love your pussy!”, he cries
“Fuck Hobi. I love your cock. You fit in so perfectly. You feel so good”
He just moans
Leaning back, hands on his legs, I slam up and down his shaft
“Yes, god yes”, he yells
His hands grip my hips hard
When I’m coming back down, Hobi slams up
“Hobi!”, I scream, sheer pleasure hitting my entire body
“Joanne! Baby!”, he cries
His thrusts get harder and faster, meeting me as soon as I slam down on him
He’s going so deep everytime, slamming against my spot, making fireworks blast in my vision every fucking time
“I need it baby. Please baby girl. I need you to cum”, he begs
“HOSEOK!”, I pant, trying to breath, right fucking there
“Please Jo. Give me your orgasm baby”
He hits in so hard, making me snap
My vision goes white as pure ecstasy takes over and I cum the hardest I ever have
I just scream, I can’t form words
I feel my body shaking and I feel myself falling back but I can’t move to make myself stop
Hobi’s hands go around my body, keeping me from falling and holding me upright
“JOANNE fuck, yes baby!”, Hobi yells
I feel him cum, it feels so fucking good, making another orgasm wash over me
“Yes good girl, my good girl”, I hear Hobi praise
Collapsing against Hobi, his arms go around me, holding me to him
My head is on his shoulder, his fingers running up and down my back, making me shiver
“Aww baby is sensitive?”, he teases
I nod
He kisses my shoulder, then lays his head on mine
“Holy shit. How did you do that Hobi?”, Jin asks
“Do what?”
“Make her cum like that. Her face, god, she looked like she was in so much pleasure”, Jin answers
I was
I so fucking was
“She almost fell off of you, it was that good”, Namjoon comments
“She was shaking so hard”, Yoongi adds
I feel Hobi shrug, “I don’t know. It just happened”
Yeah right
He’s just that good at sex
I feel Hobi move me, laying me on the couch, then getting up
I’m so fucking exhausted and sleepy
I so don’t want to drive home
I hear the guys moving around but I’m almost asleep
After awhile I hear my name
“Jo”, he says
I force my eyes open, looking into his face
God I love him so much
“Jo, you uh wanna stay over? You’re about to crash. You shouldn’t drive”, he says
“I…uh…”, I mutter
“You can stay in my room with me if you want”, he offers
Yes, I want
“Ok”, I say sleepily
I try to stand up, but my legs hurt and I’m so tired, I wobble
“Come here Jo, I’ll help you”
I feel myself being picked up
Laying my head on his chest, I’m out in two seconds
I carry her to my room
She’s already asleep
Putting her in my bed, I lay down next to her
She rolls over to me, facing me and cuddling into my chest, her arm around me and her legs intertwined with mine
She’s laying on my arm and her head is right under my chin
Fuck me
I love her so much
I don’t know when it happened
I just remember looking at her one day while she was laughing at something Tae said and I wanted to kiss her
Then I started noticing that I wanted to be around her, touch her, hug her
I realized I fell in love
I’ve been too scared to say anything for over a year
I’m just afraid she’s going to reject me
Today was amazing because I got to be with her
Yeah I got jealous that she was with the other guys too but she doesn’t know how I feel and she’s allowed to have fuI just hold her to me while she sleeps, playing with her hair and kissing the top of her head
She just fits in my arms so perfectly
She fits against my body perfectly
I don’t want to let her go
She moves a little, yawning
God she’s fucking beautiful
She snuggles back to me, and I hold her tightly
She kisses my chest
“My Hobi”, she says softly
Did she just?
Did she say my Hobi?
I’m so confused
“Jo?”, I call
“Hmm?”, she answers
“What did you say?”
“Huh?”, she says groggily
“Uh what did you say before?”
“My Hobi”, she answers, quiet again
She called me her Hobi
I don’t know why that makes me so fucking happy
It doesn’t mean she loves me
But she’s calling me hers
I’ve been hers since I fell for her
I look down at her but she’s asleep, breathing evenly, having no idea that she just shook my world
“I love you so much”, I tell her
I know she doesn’t hear me but this is the only way I can tell her
I’m too scared any other way
“You’re so perfect Jo, my perfect everything. I wish you could be mine. I’m just so in love with you. I wish I could tell you”
“I love you too Hobi”
I freeze
Is she….is she awake?
Shit, shit
She slowly opens her eyes
And I see love in her eyes
“I love you so much too Hobi. You’re my perfect everything too.”, she says, blushing
“You…I…..when….how…huh?”, I stutter
She giggles and it’s the best thing I’ve ever heard
“A long time ago Hobi. The first time I met you, I thought, "This guy is my one” and I fell for you in a second. But as time went on, I figured you didn’t feel that way, so I just hid my feelings"
I gape at her
I’m her one?
She wants me?
“You don’t have to wish I could be yours Hobi. I have been from the first time I met you”
Oh my god
I’m getting the girl of my dreams
She loves me
Holy shit
“I’m yours Jo, I have been for awhile too. I just want you”
“I just want you Hobi. You’re all I ever wanted”
“You have me. I love you”, I tell her
“I love you.”, she answers
There’s no words for how happy I am
I kiss her lips, my world turning upside down
I love it
She looks at me, worry on her face
“What’s wrong?”, I ask
“Uh about tonight-”
“I don’t care.”
“Wait what?”, she asks
“I don’t care. That was before we were together. All I care about is now, after we’re together. So forget about what happened ok? It doesn’t bother me”
I’m not lying, it doesn’t bother me
She’s mine now and that’s all I care about
Kissing her again, she pulls me on top of her, both of us touching each other everywhere
“I want you Hobi”, she whispers
“I want you Jo. Always”, I answer back, smirking at her, “I’m gonna make you feel so good so much tonight”
“Yeah? Good because I want to scream you’re name all night”, she teases
“Oh baby, you will. You’re going to lose your voice from how much you’re going to scream”
“Promise?”, she asks
“Promise baby”
I kiss down her body, opening her legs, sliding my tongue up her pussy
“Fuck!”, she yells
I’ve been wanting to eat her out so much
I was so jealous when Namjoon got to do it
After I tasted her from my fingers, I wanted her so much
I feel her tremble, while I run my tongue up and down
“Yes Hobi, fuck! I love your tongue”, she yells
Because I love my tongue on her
“Good baby because my tongue is going to be on you all the time”
“Fuck yes Hobi”
Taking her clit in my mouth, I start, sucking, licking and tugging on it
Her hand goes in my hair pulling, while her hips slam her pussy in my mouth
“Fuck baby, keep doing that”, I moan
It’s such a turn on that she’s this into me eating her out
Moving my tongue, I swirl it all around her, licking around her entrance
She starts shaking about to cum
“Scream for me baby”, I ask, then slide my tongue inside her
“HOSEOK!”, she screams so fucking loud
Her pussy tightens on my tongue, her cum coating it, making me moan loudly from how good it is
I need it again
I can’t ever get enough of her taste
I start sliding my tongue in and out, and using my fingers to play with her clit
“Hobi fuck. You’re gonna make me….”
“Good baby. I want it again”
“Then don’t stop”, she whimpers
So I don’t
“Hobi, Hobi, Hobi!”, she screams when she orgasms, giving me what I want
When she finishes, I get up, thrusting inside her
“Fuck Hobi!”
“I told you baby, I’m gonna make you scream all night”
“Yes fuck, I want that, fuck!”
“Good girl. Now scream”, I demand as I slam in hard
I love hearing her
I just smile at her and keep going
“Where the fuck is he?”, I demand walking into the kitchen
Fucking Hoseok, kept making Joanne scream all night
I couldn’t get any sleep
And I’m furious he’s fucking my best friend
“Uh in his room I guess”, Namjoon yawns
I tear in that direction
I’m gonna tear him a new one
I grab his door knob, opening the door
And I get hit with something I never wanted to see
Hobi is sitting up against his bed
And Joanne….my best friend…is on top of him, moving up and down on him
“I love you Jo”, Hobi says, smiling so big at her
She moves hair from his face, sliding her hand on his cheek and holding it there
“I love you so much Hobi.”, she answers
What the fuck is going on?
He pulls her to him, kissing her
I need to get the fuck out before they notice me
I quietly close the door, walking back to the kitchen
“What happened? Why are you so pale?”, Jungkook asks
“I uh walked in on him and Jo uh together”
“What?”, Yoongi yelps
“I guess he wanted more after yesterday”, Jin comments
“What? What are you talking about?”, I ask
“Oh uh yeah, about last night”, Yoongi trails off
“Well uh”, Namjoon starts
“Just tell me”
So he does and I’m so fucking shocked
And angry
“You all had sex with her?”, Jimin shrieks
“You’re so fucking lucky”, Jungkook sighs
“What?”, I yell
“Oh c'mon Tae, you’re best friend is fucking sexy”, Jimin rolls his eyes
“And we’re not blind”, Jungkook says
“So? That doesn’t mean you can fuck her!”, I yell
“You did”, Jimin shoots back
“You did?”, Namjoon asks, surprised
“Once. When we were younger, before I introduced you all to her. But it was nothing. We agreed to never talk about it again and just be friends”
“So you can’t say shit to us”, Jin replies
“But you all basically gang banged her”
“Oh my god no! It wasn’t like that you asshole!”, Yoongi exclaims
“It really wasn’t”, Namjoon agrees
“And Hobi took her to his room, so she has somewhere to stay until this morning. We didn’t know they’d keep having sex”, Jin answers
“It’s not just sex. They fucking love each other”
“Wait what?”, Yoongi asks
“I walked in on them telling each other they love each other”
“Is it for real or just in the moment thing?”, Jimin asks
“I don’t fucking know. It’s not like I asked them to clarify”, I snap
I hear a door open, then footsteps to the bathroom along with laughing
Then the bathroom door closes
“Great they’re going to be there for a long time”, I sigh
“Oh who cares?” Yoongi says, “Let them be happy”
I glare at him
This is so fucked
“I’m hungry. Jin start cooking”, Yoongi demands
“What the fuck?”, Jin answers
“Oh c'mon Jin, just do it. We all like your cooking and you like to cook”, Yoongi whines
“Fine whatever”, he sighs, getting up
I just sit there waiting for them to get out of the bathroom
Half an hour later, the bathroom door opens
Then his door closes
What the fuck?
Ten minutes later, the door opens again, and I hear them talking as they get closer to the kitchen
“So you’re gonna come with me today?”, Hobi is asking as they walk in the kitchen, holding hands
The fuck?
She’s wearing one of his shirts that goes past her knees
“Yeah Hobi. I’ll come”, she answers, smiling at him
He smiles back and kisses her
Ok I’m done
“Uh what the fuck is going on?”, I yell
They both turn to look at me
“Uh I’m kissing my girlfriend”, Hobi answers
What the hell?
“You’re together?”, Namjoon asks
Hobi nods, “Yeah. I love her and she loves me too.”
She nods
“Why didn’t you tell me you felt like that for him Jo? Or why didn’t you say anything?”, I ask Hobi
“I….uh…”, he trails off
“Are you mad Tae?”, she asks
“Of course I’m mad! Not that you’re together, that doesn’t matter. But I’m mad I had to find out this way instead of either of you telling me. Do you think I wanted to hear you scream his name all night? That’s a shitty way of finding out your best friends are together!”
They’re looking at me, surprised
“And then I had to hear about what happened with all of you from them”, I gesture to Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi.
“I’m sorry Tae. It just happened last night. I’m sorry you had to hear us”, she apologizes
I sigh
“Ok, just don’t hide shit from me ok?”
“Ok Tae. I promise”, she answers
“Ok well I made you guys some food”, Jin breaks the silence, “We all ate while you guys were in the bathroom. I saved some from these savages
“Hey!”, Jungkook yelps
“Oh shut up. You guys are animals when it comes to food”
“Thanks Jinnie”, she says, pulling Hobi with her
Hobi sits down, pulling her on his lap
She giggles, then looks at him
He’s already looking at her
You can actually see how much they love each other
It’s like they’re in their own world
“I love you”, he whispers to her
“I love you”, she whispers back, leaning to him, kissing him
“Ok seriously? When I’m eating?”, Yoongi complains
“Oh shut up. They’re cute”, Jimin gushes
“Here eat”, Jin says, giving them food
They feed each other while they eat
They really are cute together
I’m gonna puke
“So uh, I asked Jo to come with us to record and practice. Is that ok?”, Hobi asks
“Yeah of course Hobi. You don’t have to ask that”, Namjoon answers
Hobi nods
“We have to leave soon so we should get ready”, Jungkook answers
We all get up from the table
I watch Hobi put his arm around her as they walk to his room
She puts her arm around him too, smiling up at him
I know I found out about them in a shitty way but I really am happy for them
They love each other so much, it’s beautiful to see
“I love you”, I hear him say to her again
“I love you Hobi”, she answers
They walk into his room, the door closing
Yeah they’re not coming out for awhile
I shrug then make my way to my room to pass the time until they’re ready to go
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literaryavenger · 10 months
Hiii, I saw you asked for one-shot suggestions and I was thinking of something domestic and fuffly, a lazy morning with them not wanting to wake up and get up, things like that.
Sorry the request wasn't good, it's the first time I've made suggestions, but I appreciate your work 💕
I wrote this so quickly that I'm surprised my fingers could keep up with my brain, lol. Thank you for the request! I always appreciate some inspiration, and thank you for reading my stories!❤️
Also keep in mind it's like 2:30 am, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, I did my best to catch them all.
Mornings Like This
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of YN. Language. Nothing more, just fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 1.4K
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One thing Bucky never thought he'd have was a chance at a normal life.
Before even the war, Hydra and everything that followed he didn’t think he’d be lucky enough to find a girl that loved him enough to build a life with him.
Now in the 21st century, the super soldier felt more out of place than ever.
Going from one fight after the other was exhausting, even if he was fighting with the people he came to think of as family, Tony included.
It still didn’t change the fact that he was tired, the kind of tired sleep can’t fix.
That’s why, right now, he can’t help but be grateful as he wakes up with you in his arms.
For Bucky, you’re everything. You’re his best friend, his most trusted teammate, you’re his hope, his dream, his angel sent by God himself.
You’re the person he trusts with every part of himself, he knows you’d never judge him, you always believe in him and you’re not afraid to call him out.
He can always trust you to be honest.
You’re the love of his life, his future. You’re the calm he’s been looking for his whole life. He still considers the day he met you the happiest of his life, and there’s not a day that goes by where he doesn’t remind you all of this.
Bucky opens his eyes slowly, still fighting to sleep a little longer, but as soon as he sees your face inches away from his he knows it's a losing fight.
He can’t help but smile as he watches your face in the most relaxed state, trying to commit every inch of it to memory just like he does every morning.
Today is one of those rare days where neither of you have anything to do; no training, no missions, no briefings, no outings.
A normal day where you can just be lazy like normal people do. Bucky lives for days like these, starting with one of his favorite activities: shamelessly staring at you.
"Are you watching me sleep, you little creep?" you say, not opening your eyes with a smile starting to form on your face.
"You bet your ass I am." He says proudly.
"Careful or I’ll tell Steve you used a bad word." At the sound of his laugh you can't help but open your eyes and the sight in front of you was nothing short of glorious.
Your super soldier boyfriend, shirtless, with a smile that could light up all of the stars in the sky looking at you like you hung up those stars just for him.
At this point you’ve woken up next to him more times than you can count, hundreds, maybe thousands, but this sight right in front of you never fails to knock the breath out of your lungs.
"Who’s the little creep staring now, huh?" he teases with a goofy grin.
"Can you blame me when my boyfriend is so pretty?" you see his cheeks getting pink and decide to tease him a little bit more.
"Awwe, my pretty baby’s blushing!" he groans as his face gets redder and he hides his face in the crook of your neck, while you keep cooing at him.
"Stooop." he says, his voice muffled. You’re laughing when suddenly he’s on top of you, tickling your sides.
"Say you’re sorry!" he says over and over while laughing, never relenting on his vicious attack.
"Never!" you're practically squealing at this point, tears coming down your eyes because of how much you're laughing.
"I can do this all day, doll!" and you know he could, so you finally give in.
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry, okay, just stop!" that seems to satisfy him as he stops tickling you but doesn't move away from on top of you.
Instead he starts peppering kisses all over your face, barely giving you enough time to catch your breath. "Bucky!" you can do nothing more than laugh, and the melodic sound is just an incentive for him to keep going.
Finally he starts slowing down, giving you one last kiss on the lips. But before he could pull away, you wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you and deepening the kiss. He hummed into the kiss and after a few moments you let go of each other.
"Good morning, angel." he says while looking down at you with the sweetest smile.
"Good morning, handsome." you answer with a smile matching his.
He rolls off of you, but doesn't go very far as he pulls you basically on top of him and wraps his arms tightly around you. "Buck, I can barely breathe."
He shrugs. "You don’t need to breathe."
"Trust me, I do." you giggle while he loosen his hold on you. You feel him sight under you, so you raise your head to look him in the eye "Everything okay, baby?"
His eyes meet yours as he answers "Everything’s perfect, bunny. I wish we could stay like this forever…"
You can't help but smile at him. "Me too, honey…" but your smile falters a little when you glance at the clock on the bedside table.
"I hate to ruin the moment, but I have to get up." you try to get out of his arms, but he just holds onto you tighter, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Where are you going?" He gives you an adorable pout and you almost give up on your attempts to get up, not that they were going anywhere in any case. 
"I might’ve told Tony I’d help him test his new gadgets." you say with a sheepish smile.
"C’mon sweets, you can do that any day, just stay here with me a little longer." he almost whines, shuffling a little so you're on your sides and he buries his face in your neck, yet again.
"Buck, I promised him! I can’t just not show up." you chuckle at his almost childish behavior, glad that he feels comfortable enough around you to act like this.
"There’s no way I’m gonna let you get up to go test Tony’s death traps." His muffled words only make you laugh more.
"And what are you gonna do to keep me here, huh?" you challenge, as if you had any other choice with his tight grip on you.
He took his head away from your neck and looked at you for a few seconds before almost yelling "Hey Friday, can you let Tony know that miss YLN won’t be joining him today? Thank you." he has a victorious look on his face while the AI said "Certainly, Sergeant Barnes."
You groan and this time it's your turn to bury your face in his chest. "I knew teaching you to use Friday would come back to bite me in the ass." you can feel his laughter from deep in his chest and the kiss he plants on the top of your head makes you smile against his skin. 
"C’mon angel, let me see your pretty face." you can feel your face heating up but you look at him nonetheless. "There she is."
Bucky kisses the tip of your nose and laughs when you make a face at him that's supposed to be annoyed but he thinks it's just adorable.
"I love you, doll" He says after a few moments of silence. "I know I tell you everyday, but I can’t help it. I’m the luckiest man in the world to get to hold you and kiss you and love you and I’ll never stop doing it for as long as you allow me to."
You're about to cry, so, obviously, you have to ruin the moment "Fine! I’ll stay in bed with you, just stop being so damn sweet." he laughs at your joke, but you're melting inside so you decide to give him a serious answer.
You put both your hands on his cheeks and kiss him. "I love you too, Bucky. I appreciate everything you do for me and I’ll never not want you in my life. You’re the love of my life, my soulmate. You’re it for me. I’m sorry but you’re stuck with me."
He smiles and kisses you again. "I can live with that."
You're about to kiss him again when suddenly there's a loud knock at the door. You and Bucky look at each other, confused, until you hear a voice yelling behind the door.
"YN YLN WHAT DOES IT MEAN YOU’RE NOT GONNA HELP ME?! YOU PROMISED!" Tony keeps whining through the door as Bucky groans and throws his head back into the pillow in frustration, while you laugh at both the men’s antics.
You give Bucky a quick kiss before getting up. "This is your fault, you know." you tell him as you move towards the door, but before you can answer you get hit by a pillow on your back.
You look back to see Bucky laughing his ass off at the shocked look on your face.
God, he’s lucky you love him.
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taeghi · 2 years
change up! || (m)
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— change up! (HIS PROFILE)
➤ summary : you haven't hung out with your childhood friend jake in a while, thankfully your parents feel the same and invite his family over for dinner. you two will just stick to the same pg activities when you bring him up to your bedroom, unless...
➤ jake+reader | smut, angst, fluff, PWP | includes : degradation, dirty talk, teasing
➤ word count : 8.1k :)
part of the bets are meant to be won series
minors dni!!!!!
waking up in an empty bed after you had just hooked up with sunghoon park made your heart swoop to the bottom of your stomach. pure despair flushed over your skin and your mind was full of thoughts of how all the rumours about sunghoon park were true. he was a mean boy who only cared about sex.
the rumours that haewon and you had overheard and talked about so many times. you don’t want to see haewon’s face when she hears you didn’t just have sex with jay park but with one of his best friends, sunghoon park as well.
haewon had obviously not taken the first part of that well, storming out of the cafeteria in the middle of lunch when you had told her. so this time, she might rip her hair out, and then maybe yours. but hey, you could get some common sense and leave the school trio alone and out of your bed.
monday morning, you wished you could’ve just forgotten about sunghoon park and his idiotic friends because you couldn’t bear to see them at school. haewon hadn’t returned any of your texts and you were starting to lose hope that she would ever talk to you again. it wasn’t until the end of the day when you had finished speaking to your teacher about an upcoming assignment that sunghoon park dragged you into an empty hallway by your upper arm.
“jesus, you scared me,” you speak first when you realize who had suddenly dragged you away.
sunghoon’s chuckle is quiet before he apologizes.” Still, i just wanted to catch you before you ran off to study somewhere.” you roll your eyes at him, “i just wanted to say that i’m also sorry for leaving you the other morning, i had the practice to get to and i didn’t want to wake you up.”
“well, a simple text would’ve sufficed, no?”
sunghoon grimaces at his mistakes, “yeah, i’m sorry, i should’ve.”
you sigh but consider that at least he’s apologizing to you at all, unlike jay park, “it’s alright,”
sunghoon’s hand reaches forward at your hips to grab hold of your hand, his fingers gently playing with the finger pads of your own, “you sure?”
“yes, i’m sure sunghoon,” you catch the way he pouts but don’t comment on it, “anyways, i gotta go study so i’ll see you around.”
as the words leave your mouth sunghoon redraws his hand, sticking it to his side and he feels like he’s almost afraid to move from the coldness in your tone, “right, great, i’ll see ya.”
you force yourself to give him a tightlipped smile before you turn and start your way through the school, wanting to get out of his suffocating building as soon as possible and hopefully not run into anyone else you’d dread to see.
sunghoon watches you leave and he can’t help but compare the way he’s feeling now to how all the girls he’s left are similarly to the way you had just left him. he figures if he had cared about any of the past girls he’s hooked up he’d feel more apologetic and maybe sought them out to apologize. Still, he decides what’s done is done and he’s feeling too hurt to talk to more hurt people anyway.
the truth is, sunghoon hasn't been able to stop thinking about you since he left your warm bed, with your sleeping figure so peaceful in it. he wanted to stay in bed longer with you, but his teammates had already started blowing up his phone for him to get his co-captain ass to practice.
“what the fuck was that about?” an arm swung itself around his shoulders at the same time the voice came. sunghoon jolted in the presence of the unknown person until he met eyes with his annoying, nosy best friend, who was competing in a bet. a stupid bet at this point.
sunghoon shrugs jake’s arm off of him, “it was nothing,”
jake scoffs, “nothing? looks like y/n just blew you off which means you blew your chance at winning the bet.”
sunghoon rolls his eyes, “i already hooked up with her.”
“i hooked up with her on friday night.”
“jesus christ,” sunghoon turns and tries to walk away, not willing to have this conversation with him while his feelings are tangled up with the thoughts of you running through his mind. It made him feel like he couldn’t think straight because not a single idea went through his mind that he couldn’t connect to you. like his mom was drinking her stupid vanilla chai drink this morning, sunghoon couldn’t help but think how you smell like vanilla.
“no, wait,” jake clung onto sunghoon’s broad shoulder and turned him to look at him, “why didn’t you tell us you had sex with y/n?”
“i didn’t have sex with her.” sunghoon exaggerates the word sex.
“what? so you haven’t even completed your part of the bet?”
sunghoon shrugs again, “still know what she tastes like, though.”
“ha ha ha,” the best friends burst out laughing in the emptying hallways of the school. though they don’t say it, they both think that it’s not as funny as it would have been if it was about any other girl than y/n.
“i’ll see you at practice, bro.” jake pats sunghoon on the back, both of them dapping each other up before sunghoon makes his escape and leaves jake in the hallway alone.
jake’s smile immediately drops when his co-captain is gone. he knew that starting and agreeing to this bet with his best friends wouldn’t end the way he wanted, but he had to act like the whole thing didn’t bother him. because that was just how jake seemed to be.
he was chill, easygoing, and always kept calm.
and a part of jake hoped that this side of him would be able to stay together while this bet was going on. but now that the reality that both of his best friends had touched you in some way or another, made his stomach turn upside down. he knew that they were his best friends and would never intentionally try to hurt him, but it felt wrong knowing that they had been the ones to touch you.
jake had always thought of you as sweet and innocent, which is the reason why he wanted to keep you out of the popularity scene. he knew that the people he hung out with now would’ve torn you apart, pressured you and changed you in ways that he knew you wouldn’t have wanted. it was always evident to jake that he was much more extroverted and outgoing than you, but he never minded it since you were his best friend since you came out of your mother’s womb. but once high school started, he figured he couldn’t keep up with it and protect you at the same time.
it hurt jake that he had to slowly push you away as he accepted his fate in the popular crowd, but he couldn’t show it. he could never show anyone he was hurting or upset or any other emotions besides being easygoing and chill. he couldn’t even show jay and sunghoon that side of him.
somehow during the trio’s friendship, jake had become the group's glue. whenever sunghoon’s anger issues acted up, or jay got too into his head about school and his dad, jake was the one that would calm them down and get them to focus on reality again. jake was the one that either of them could come to if they had a problem or were upset. so, it never allowed Jake to let him share his feelings.
sometimes he thinks it’s because he’s the one that introduced jay and sunghoon to each other in freshman year. other times he thinks it's because jay and sunghoon look up to him in a way that they don’t to each other. and sometimes jake amuses himself with the idea that it's because he’s the middle child of them both and that they rely on whoever is in the middle.
though jake loves his best friends now, he knows he’ll forever love his first best friend forever more.
jake wonders if you ever call him your first best friend, if you ever think about him outside of your parents mentioning him or his family. he wonders if you’ve shared a memory with him with someone else and if and how you describe him to that person.
though jake never shows it, he thinks about you consecutively. he’s never talked about your guys’ past friendship to jay and sunghoon, nor his parents when they ask how you are and if he’s spoken to you recently. but he notices when you change your hair, when you’re stressing about something by picking your nails and when you’re laughing with haewon in the halls.
and jake’s not blind.
he’s not sure exactly when he realized that you’re a girl, not just his gross best friend. Still, he thinks it was maybe around grade eight when you were both fourteen, and you started accentuating curves that he’s only ever noticed on other girls. but he knows and sees that you’re pretty.
he’s heard the guys on the rugby team mention you, the ‘bright, goody two shoes that is just so irresistible, and since all of them are always too caught him the conversation of what they’d do to you if they got a chance, they never notice the way jake’s jaw clenches and ticks as he’s forcing himself to not bite something snarky at them to shut the hell up.
because jake has thought about marrying you. he thinks it’s only natural that he has since you guys have grown up together. it’s the most cliche ending to the story you guys had started with. but he thinks that maybe it’s made him somehow possessive over you in a way he’s sure you don’t reciprocate since he’s hurt you. and he knows it’s wrong, selfish and stupid to think. Still, he’s glad you’ve never had a boyfriend because he’s unsure if he could’ve controlled himself seeing you together at your family’s get-to-gethers.
jake’s also always been aware that during freshman year, sunghoon had a crush on you. he knew sunghoon was a shy and awkward kid growing up, and that being around a girl the same age was probably hard on his social anxiety. Still, jake didn’t know that sunghoon had a crush on you until he let it slip the summer going into sophomore year. jake remembers sunghoon begging him not to tell you and to not be mad at him, which jake couldn’t figure out at the time why sunghoon would be worried he’d be mad at him. but now that he’s older, he figures it was because it was obvious to everyone except for you and him that you guys liked each other.
jake had thought that since sunghoon had grown and changed through high school and popularity, sunghoon didn’t have a crush on you anymore. but ever since the three of them made this stupid bet, jake couldn’t get out of his mind that sunghoon’s crush on you had never faded, and now, jay has apparently liked you, too. it was driving jake crazy that he had been so oblivious to not notice his best friends drooling over his own best friend.
and now since sunghoon and jay have both been with you, jake only hopes that his chance isn’t ruined.
by the time jake realizes that he’s almost late to practice, he’s somehow already got his backpack from his locker strung over his shoulder and making his way through the school's front doors.
and it’s like the universe was playing with him today because as he was leaving, you just so happen to be walking back into the school, your eyes linear to your phone that makes you look so busy that jake thinks you aren’t going to notice him.
but you look up, and he sees those sweet, pretty eyes of yours meet his and has to swallow because he seemingly forgot to.
before he can get a stupid word out, you’re walking past him, and the school’s front doors are closing after you, letting jake only see you walk away through the small rectangular window of the door.
and it's never been clearer to jake until then that he hates this stupid bet.
but he’ll do anything to make sure he wins.
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ever since you saw jake earlier when you were heading to the library, all you could think about was how much jake probably hates you for hooking up with both of his best friends. you don't want to imagine all the awful things he's probably thinking or saying about you. part of you tries to rationalize it as you were getting back at him for ditching you, for acting like he has no idea who you are.
it might be awkward now since your families are still close, but it's been uncomfortable at family get-togethers ever since he ditched you. everytime your parents would ask what happened between you and jake you didn't know what to tell them. you would always shrug and play it off like some dumb high school drifting thing. but you know what happened between you two was done by jake intentionally.
"do you not like dinner, honey?" your mother's voice distracts you from your thoughts. you look at her and then back at your plate of food that you've just been pushing back and forth, thoughts too overwhelming to try to eat anything right now.
"it's good, i'm just not really hungry."
"do you want to go back to study?" you father asks with a sincere smile, "graduation is right around the corner!- don't want your grades to drop now."
"yeah, i guess i will study." you agree and stand up with your plate in your hand to bring to the kitchen.
"oh, and honey, that reminds me," your mother calls out to you before you disappear into the kitchen, "jinyoung, ashley and jake are going to come over on friday for dinner for a graduation dinner! so please hurry home from school so we can prepare the meal on time."
"this friday?" you ask, your back tensing up at the thought of having to sit across from jake for hours after just hooking up with sunghoon in this house.
"yes," your mother nods with a confused expression, "is that alright?"
"no it's fine, it's fine," you nod, "i'll be here on time then."
your parents and you share a final smile before tossing your leftovers and hurrying up to your bedroom. you told yourself to study to distract yourself from the thought of how bad you've messed up your relationship with jake, and how your best friend has been ignoring you for two weeks.
you really wish you had haewon right now. she would calm you down and walk you through what to do. maybe if she was still around you wouldn't have hooked up with sunghoon. However, she was still talking to you when you decided to hook up with jay, so maybe it wouldn't have prevented too much. except for the internal stress you were dealing with, having no one to vent to. you felt as if your emotions were piling up and drowning you from the inside out.
so you made the plan to talk to haewon tomorrow, you really needed your best friend and you would do anything to get her to speak to you again.
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haewon had started avoiding all the places the two of you liked to spend time together. she never sat on the bench outside the school, on the floor by her locker and not at the back table of the cafeteria. so it was pretty hard to find her. luckily, you remember she used to stand in the back outside corner of the school before you became friends with her. so, you made your way there.
Fortunately, haewon was standing there, her head tilted down to look at her phone as she listened to music with her headphones on her head.
“hae,” you call her name, grabbing her attention as she takes off her headphones. when she doesn’t go to respond, you continue, “hae, i really, really miss you and-” haewon’s scoff cuts you off.
“you miss me?”
“well, yeah, you’re my best friend, hae and i’m sorry for upsetting you i-.”
“you didn’t just upset me y/n, i feel betrayed by you.”
“betrayed?” you repeat the words, taken aback, “i’m sorry hae, you’re my best friend pleas-”
“well you should’ve thought about your best friend before you fucked the guy she liked.” haewon replies snarky, an intense scowl on her face as she puts her headphones back on her head and turns to leave, leaving you alone in the back of the school.
you remain standing there for a while, your jaw dropped as you continue to stare at the spot where haewon once stood. so many signs and memories are running through your mind as you think about haewon and jay. it was always evident that she didn’t like any of the trio at your school, but it never occurred to you that she may have a history with any of them.
instant guilt fills your body as you think about how haewon must be feeling before your realization that your best friend must hate you takes over. you feel the urge to start crying then and there, your arms creeping up to wrap around yourself as you walk back into the school, dreading to go to biology, where jay park himself is.
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like you had told your mother earlier in the week, after school on friday, you went straight home to help her set up for your apparent graduation dinner. probably the most awkward dinner you will have in your entire life because there was just no way that jake didn’t know you hooked up with jay and sunghoon.
you just hoped to god that he wouldn’t bring it up.
if your mother noticed that you were being extra quiet as you helped her around the kitchen, she didn’t verbally say anything. your parents were used to your relatively quiet nature, but you're sure that people who didn’t even know you could tell that something was bothering you. it was one of your weaknesses; not being able to cover how you genuinely feel.
besides your extra quiet behaviour, everything else went as your mother had planned. dinner was in the oven on time, your father was home from work at a decent time and you were standing at the front door with her when jake’s family arrived. you smiled politely like you usually did when you saw his parent’s happy faces enter your home.
“y/n!” jake’s mother ashley bends down to hug you, pressing a warm kiss into your cheek, “it’s been so long my dear!”
you laugh in response, “it’s only been since like christmas, ash,”
ashley nudges your shoulder playfully, “yeah and that feels like forever! remember when you used to come over all the time! i miss hearing you and jake laughing about the house together.”
at the mention of his name you look past his mother and father and make direct eye contact with him. he has a content smile on his face as your mother pulls him into a hug, repeating the words his mother had just said to you. though, your mother doesn’t have to bend down to hug him; instead he’s towering over her and she goes on a tangent about how small and cute he used to be when he was a baby.
your parents usher jake’s family and you into the dining room, telling them to sit wherever they like. However, you all had designated seats from when you all had a meal together. your fathers were seated at the ends of the table facing each other, your mothers were both to your left and you jake were right in the middle of the table, practically being forced to look at each other.
when you glance at Jake, there seems to be no anger or annoyance on his face, just his usual polite expression as he talks with your dad about the football team. you’re trying hard to decipher if jake really knows about what you did with his friends because jake doesn’t seem to understand. but maybe he does know, and he didn’t care. jake’s eyes quickly glancing over to you made you look down at your plate, pretending that your mom’s bland cooking was more interesting than anything else.
when you look up again, jake is still looking at you, a curious smirk on his face as he watches you try to eat. you don’t understand why he’s smirking at you. you can’t tell if it’s because he’s teasing you for hooking up with his friends or if he’s being his usual self and trying to annoy your timid self.
jake’s dad asking about your plans after graduation thankfully pulls your attention from the playful look in jake’s eyes and lets you distract yourself from his dominating presence. all your parents’ attention is on you as you converse with his dad about your future. You’re so pulled into the conversation that you don’t feel jake’s foot start to creep its way up your leg until right at the bottom hem of your skirt. it makes your body jerk back into the chair, and a choked gasp comes from your mouth.
“y/n, are you okay?” your mother asks from your left, a look of concern on her face as she reaches for a napkin for you.
“y-yeah, food just went down the wrong tube,” you force a smile at her and everyone else, “i’m good.” when everyone sees you complete a drink of water and look over your apparent refined composure, their conversation picks up again without you. your eyes harden as you look at the boy across from you, trying to hide his smirk by drinking his water.
you continue through dinner, trying to keep up with your parent’s conversations and eating your dinner as jake continues to play with your feet under the table. he let his food drift up your leg again, going straight to the hem of your skirt so he could push it up, but you caught him in time and pulled your skirt down over your knees. if your parents noticed your constant glaring at the seemingly happy boy, they didn’t say anything and thought that you two were being your usual selves, not like the boy was teasing your legs and trying to get under your skirt.
“so, how does everyone feel about dessert?” your mother asks as she stands to clear some dirty dishes off the table. everyone agreed that it sounded like a good plan but,
“actually, mom i’m not feeling too well,” you tell your mom, lying to get out of being so close to jake.
“oh no, really honey?” your mother frowns and places her hand on your head to feel your temperature, “well you can go up to your room, but if you’re awake later on i want you to come down and say goodbye at least.”
you smile up at your mom in a grateful manner, “of course.” you start to stand and push in your chair, saying your apologies to jake’s worried family.
“are you sure you’re going to want dessert jake? you barely even ate your dinner.” jake’s mother said to him.
“yeah, i’m not really hungry tonight, so i’m not sure if i’ll be able to eat dessert.” jake agrees with his mom, feigning a look of sadness on his face as he glances at your mom.
“that’s okay sweetie; how about you go upstairs with y/n then?” your mom comforts jake. he glances at you over your mom’s shoulder and almost laughs when he sees your hardened eyes still looking at him with pure annoyance.
“sounds good,” jake smiles, “i haven’t been in y/n’s room for a long time, i wanna see what god-awful boy bands she’s into now.” his comment makes everyone except you laugh as you turn on your heel and start to head upstairs. you can hear jake coming behind you, practically feel his warmth with how close he is to you.
when you get to the top of the stairs you turn and glare at jake. both of you are facing each other with very different expressions. It's almost funny to you, “what the hell is your problem?”
“what do you mean?” jake tilts his head in confusion.
you sigh and cross your arms over your chest, “you know what you were doing under the table.”
jake lets out a quiet laugh so your parents don’t hear you, “oh right, that.” jake glances up at your annoyed expression, urging him to continue, “i was just playing around with you.”
“playing around?” you ask him to which he nods in response, “and what would’ve happened if our parents happened to look under the table and see your foot up my skirt?” jake can’t help but laugh, covering his mouth to try to muffle the sounds, “yeah, it’s really funny jake.”
jake stops laughing when he sees how genuinely annoyed you are at him, “i’m sorry y/n, i was just playing around, you know, like we used to. but maybe this time would’ve been a little more funny if our parents saw how flustered you got by just my foot.” you roll your eyes and turn to go to your bedroom. Still, jake’s hand catches your upper arm and stops you, “y/n, okay.” jake’s voice is in a serious tone now, “i’m sorry, it wasn’t cool to do that.” jake steps closer to you now in the hallway so your chests are almost touching. his voice is quieter as it is serious and you’re both looking each other in the eyes, “i just wanted to have some fun with you.”
your eyes are scanning his face, trying to not meet his eyes that hold such seriousness that it almost scares you. you can smell his cologne ten folds now from how close you are to each other and the noise from your parents downstairs has faded out so it seems like it’s only you and jake at this moment. it feels like you’re both leaning into each other and you can’t stop it.
“now,” jake’s voice suddenly says. It makes you jerk out of whatever trance you were in with him, “are you going to show me your favourite harry styles posters or what?” he asks with a cheery voice, turning and heading to your bedroom as if he owned the place.
you stood in the hallway for a second, your breath twisted in your chest as you tried to process what had just happened as jake entered your bedroom without you. his face was so close to yours that it practically left you breathless. you don’t know what jake’s intentions are for tonight, and part of you hopes that they aren’t the best.
jake’s sitting on your bed, awfully similar to the position sunghoon was in the week prior, when you enter your room. his head is on a swivel as he scans your room, trying to locate any one direction posters. the sight of him on your bed made your stomach swoon, but at the same time, it twisted in guilt.
“where’s harry? i didn’t expect you to change up your bedroom so much.” jake asks with a devious grin on his face.
you roll your eyes as you speak, “i don’t have any posters of one direction anymore, jake!”
“oh c’mon, y/n, i know how obsessed you were when we were younger.”
“yeah, exactly,” you point out, “when we were younger.”
jake scoffs, “y/n, where are the posters?”
the look that jake gave you told you that he was onto you, and knew you were lying. he could always tell when you were lying, making you hate him more. there was never anything that you could keep from jake.
you sigh and walk over to your closed closet door, leaning on your hip as it swings open and reveals a 2014 one direction poster taped on the wall.
jake automatically bursts out laughing. a laugh takes over his whole body as he can’t keep his eyes open to see the poster. “i knew it! i fucking it!”
“jake,” you whine out his name in annoyance and embarrassment. jake tries to silence his laugh as he stands up, wiping under his eyes for fallen tears. he walks over to you, standing in front of you who’s leaning against the wall. one of his hands reaches out, gliding down across the one direction poster as he struggles to hold back a smile. “jake,” you whine again.
“what?” jake chuckles, “it’s cute.” you repeat his name again, this time adding a light shove on his chest. “you’re cute.”
your face falls into profound shock at his words as you try to lean further into the wall, creating as much distance as possible.
“what?” jake tilts his head, no sign of amusement on his face anymore, “can i not call my best friend cute?”
you scoff at the term ‘best friend’ “i didn’t think you thought sunghoon and jay were cute.” you tell him as you push past him and sit on your bed. jake chuckles dryly as he turns to face you.
“right,” he drags out the word, “like you do?”
your mouth became dry at his words, “what?” you hear jake chuckle quietly again as he makes his way over to you as you sit on your bed. he places his hands on the mattress beside your hips and lends down, caging you in as he still stands.
“c’mon y/n, you know.” his voice is deeper and quieter as he speaks.
“know what?” you try to make your voice sound strong as you feel smaller by the second. his presence of dominating as it took over your room, wanting to take over you next.
jake’s chuckle is deep now as he leans his head into your shoulder; you can feel his nose brush against the skin of your neck as he speaks, “you really don’t think i know what my friends have been up to?”
you turn your head so you can look at him, your eyes wide as they meet his relaxed one. there’s something playful swarming his eyes as he looks at you with a smile.
“i don’t care, though,” he shrugs, the smile becoming more sincere.
“you don’t?” you ask him, your heart unsure what to do. jake shakes his head no in response. “why?”
a smirk grows on jake’s face then, “because now i can show you that i’m the best.”
“wha-?” you want to ask him more questions. Still, he’s pushing your body down so you’re laying flat on your back. “jake!” his lips are meshing into yours, it's a rough sloppy kiss and before you can even kiss back he’s pulling away.
jake’s hand runs up and brushes your hair off your forehead, revealing your face for him to see. his touch is gentler than his kiss.
“what are you doing, jake?”
his voice is soft as he speaks, “i want to show you how good i am; that i’m the best.”
your hand reaches out and pushes his fallen hair behind his ear, “why?”
jake doesn’t know what to say or to do. he knows he wants to take his time with you, and show you how passionate he is with you. show you that he truly loves and cares about you. but he also knows that he’s a part of a bet.
a bet that could go horribly wrong if you ever found out about it and he’s sure that you’d hate him if he told you he loved you before you found out.
so, he kisses you.
it’s a soft kiss, no tongue involved, and just pure affection. you kiss him back not a second later, and jake hates knowing that he’s got you- that you won’t ask more questions and blow his cover about the actual drive of why he’s here right now.
jake has always wanted to be intimate with you, kiss you and show love and his adoration of you. he’s imagined your first kiss together one million times, and he wishes it was something more like the second kiss instead of his egotistical meathead side-kissing you. his hips lean into yours and you’re both aware now how hard he is.
“our parents are downstairs, jake.” you tell him, your voice quiet. jake could tell that you were worried about them, but also worked up from the thought of what could happen between you two.
your thighs were wrapped around his hips, pulling him closer to you. you could feel your hard nipples under your bra, wanting this so bad.
jake’s voice is sweet again, in a way that he’s not even forcing it to sound, “angel,” he whines into your neck, “we can be quiet, right? i want you so bad- i’ve missed you.”
the last three words make your heart clench as they’re the ones you’ve always pondered about. if jake misses you, your friendship, your bond. it washes something over you and your hips are grinding into his now, no longer being able to hold back.
“what if i’m loud?” you ask him, a slight pout on your lips.
jake smirks at you, running his thumb over your bottom lip, “i’m sure i can put your mouth to work, then.” jake’s always thought about how good your lips would feel wrapped around his dick- probably an unhealthy amount of time actually. “you gonna let me make you feel good, y/n?”
you wanted to think about the possible consequences more. Still, your ex-best friend was hovering over you right now, grinding his hard dick into you which definitely distracted your mind, “yes, please.”
jake wanted to start with his dick in his mouth, but he didn’t want to waste potential time making you feel good.
“lay on your stomach for me, angel.” the familiar nickname he used with you made your ears ring.
you did as he asked, your face laying sideways on your pillow as you lift your hips up for him. jake pushed your skirt up so your panty-clad ass was shown. your skin was as soft as he remembered as he ran his hands up and down your thighs, circling your ass. his grip on your thighs tightened suddenly as he leaned down to press a kiss to your panty clad pussy. he could feel how damp your panties were and it made him wonder for a second if you got wetter for him or his best friends.
jake pushes your panties to the side so he can start to suckle on your clit, his tongue spreading over it quickly. your hands were gripping the sheet, your nails digging into your palms through them, reminding yourself that you need to keep quiet as jake eats you out. his mouth on your pussy is already noisy, that if your moans were to become loud, your parents would surely hear.
jake’s eyes are interchanging from being shut to being open. he wants to enjoy himself and try to remember what you taste like in case this is the last time he ever gets to. but jake wants to focus on making you feel good too, wants to see all your reactions as his tongue starts to lick up your wet slit. he easily slips his tongue into your core, licking and sucking it.
your face is pushed into your pillows now, trying to keep yourself quiet as jake’s pace doesn’t falter. you can feel your bed shaking gently from your hips bucking and jake’s hips grinding into your bed. it turns you on more to think that you were able to turn jake sim on, that you got him so desperate to grind his hips into your bed for any source of pleasure.
“fuck, jake,” you gasp out quietly into your bedroom, his mouth sucking your hard clit into his mouth again, “m-might cum, jake, please.”
the grip on your thighs tightens more as jake focuses on getting you to come undone on his tongue. he can feel you start to get wetter on his tongue the closer you get to your climax.
the tip of his pretty noise is pressing into your clit as he focuses his tongue to reach deep inside your walls, “please, cum, y/n, wanna taste you- always wanted to taste you.”
it’s his confession that makes you finally reach your high. you’re pushing your head further into your pillow, barely being able to breathe to keep your voice low as you cum. all that goes through your mind is jake, and you so badly want to scream his name so he knows just how good he’s made you feel.
when your body stills again, jake pulls away with a shiny mouth. you turn to look at him and his heart clenches at how pretty you look fucked out. your hair is messy and your cheeks are red from trying to be quiet. jake lets out a little chuckle at your appearance, he presses a kiss to the top of your thigh.
“will you fuck me now, jake? i’ll be quiet,” you ask him, and jake thinks he must be dreaming now.
“fuck, okay, yeah,” Jake whispers, moving you so you’re laying on your back, head in your pillows. your lips meet, rougher again as jake’s hands start to trail underneath your shirt until the fabric is bunched at your arms. you pull away so he can slip the shirt off of your core. you arch your back so you can unclip your bra, letting it loose on your arms which jake then helps slide off completely. “just as pretty as I imagine,” jake says, making your neck flush from realizing that jake thinks of you like this.
his lips quickly meet your neck, pressing soft kisses into your skin. his body feels heavy and warm on top of you. his mouth trails down to your nipples, his tongue peeking out and circling them.
“jake,” you let out softly, his eyes meeting yours as his mouth is still latched onto your nipple. he catches the way your cheeks flush red then, your eyes avoiding his.
“what is it, angel?” your hands leave his shoulders and cover your face, “why are you being shy? don’t want me to fuck you?” jake’s hands trail down to the top of your skirt, playing with the fabric.
“i do,” you state, your hands gripping his shirt, “want it so bad.”
jake smirks, “then let me take off your skirt,” you nod and lift your hips, letting jake slip off your skirt and panties simultaneously. he tosses your clothes to the side before dipping his head to kiss down your chest to your hips.
your hands start to tug on his shirt, “want you naked, too.”
jake laughs into your skin at your request, “okay, baby.” he presses a final kiss between your breasts before he pulls away and takes his shirt and hoodie off. his skin looks soft and tan, his abs from working out visible to you now. “turn around, ‘m gonna fill you up so good.” you do as he says again, not even thinking about it, jutting your hips out for him to grab. jake kneels on the bed behind you, his hands trailing down your bare back to rest on your hips.
jake’s fingers spread open your pussy, feeling how wet you are. he could see and you could feel the mess between your legs, how ready you are for him. “so wet, angel, wish we could’ve done this sooner.”
“me, too.”
“yeah?” jake asks, his fingers circling your clit, “how long have you thought about this?” jake groans as he rests his cock on your ass, his precum dripping out slowly as he jerks it with his free hand.
“for years,”
jake lets out another groan that mixes with yours when he starts slowly sinking into you. his pace starts out slow, preparing you for his size. jake also didn’t want your headboard to hit the wall too loudly.
“remember to be quiet for me, angel.” jake reminds you as his thrusts start to deepen. his hips start moving in and out of you quicker. his hands on your waist digging in to help him find a steady pace. “feels so good, y/n- just so fucking wet.” jake liked watching his dick disappear into your pussy, his dick getting wetter everytime he pulled out.
you were rolling your eyes everytime jake pounded his hips into you. in the moment, neither of you understood why you didn’t do this earlier if you both apparently wanted it. it felt so good for him to be inside of you. his cock wrapped snugly in your walls, being so close together.
“does it feel good, angel? feel full with my dick inside of you?” jake asks, not stopping from fucking his dick inside of you.
“yes, jake d-don’t stop,” you tell him, biting down on your bottom lip when his cock hits your g spot.
“give me your hands, y/n,”
you put your arms on your back so jake can take hold of your wrists. the position lets him hit your gspot clearer, his tip hitting it everytime he fucks into you.
“fuck, that feels am-azing, jake,” you moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“i know, angel- you’re so good- so hot.” his pace was becoming faster with every second, jake’s eyes fighting the urge to close as the pleasure was taking him over. it seemed like he was hitting all the right places, making your walls clench around him tighter and tighter.
“jake- want you closer,” you tell him, needing a sort of intimacy in the moment you’ve always craved from your ex-best friend. jake’s grip on your wrist tightened as he pulled you up from your lying position so now you were on your knees, your back pushed into his chest as his hands wrapped around your waist. his arms were pulling you into him, his jaw nestled in your neck as he starts to fuck up into you now.
“is that better, angel? my needy girl.”
“yes- oh god,” you throw your head back onto his shoulder, letting him pamper wet kisses into your jaw as he doesn’t stop. one of his hands reaches down past your front so rub at your clit, the slickness from your juices allowing him to easily rub circles into it. “y-yes, just like that, please,”
“fuck, you’re so pretty, angel- wish you could be mine forever,” jake confesses, his mind too enthralled with pleasure to think about the consequences of his words. a loud moan escaped your lips, making jake quickly rush to put his hand over your mouth, “shh, y/n, you don’t want our parents to hear, right?” you shake your head no as his hand doesn’t leave your mouth. he continues to pound faster into you, your breathing erratic through your nose as he blocks part of your airway. it ultimately brings more pleasure to your head as the oxygen level decreases.
“don’t want our parents to come up and see how good i’m making you feel? see their good girl y/n getting fucked like the dirty whore she is?” you moan against jake’s mouth, eyes closing from his words. the degradation going straight to your pussy as you’re being taken over by jake completely. “because that’s what you are right y/n? a dirty whore that gets fucked by my friends and me?”
jake removes his hand so you can answer, biting down on your neck to keep himself quiet, “f-fuck, ‘m only one for you, jake.”
jake hums into your ear, his hand trailing down to your drenched clit, “you gonna cum for me too, angel? wanna feel you soak my cock more, can feel you already getting wetter.” you can only nod your head yes, too consumed from the pleasure and then suddenly you’re cumming.
your mind goes blank as the hard orgasm takes over your body. jake has thankfully brought his hand to cover your mouth again, masking your moans as your body weakens from the pleasure.
it doesn’t take long for jake to cum then, his warm cum filling your hole. you’ve never felt someone cum in you before, but you knew it was something that you wanted to feel again- mainly jake’s cum. you could feel it start to seep out of your hole as jake’s pace starts to slow- letting both of you catch your breaths.
jake lets go of you, letting your body collapse onto your bed. he slowly eases out of you, leaving your hole gaping from the stretch of his dick. he gives himself a second to take in the image, your pussy red and swollen, and his white cum dripping out of it. it makes him wonder if you let jay fuck you raw.
with that, jake’s standing and grabbing the towel hanging on the back of your door. he’s wiping up his cum as your back is still heaving to catch your breath. your hair is messy and your lips are swollen from biting down on them to keep quiet.
“you okay?” jake asks softly as he cleans up between your legs. you hum a yes in response, your eyes remaining closed. jake continues to clean you up, pressing kisses into your back with praises. “did so good for me, angel.”
you hear jake stand and start to dress himself. you turn and watch him shimmy on his clothes, taking in the red marks on his neck and messy hair. he bends down again when he’s dressed, picking up a pair of your sweatpants and tossing them on the bed before turning and going to your drawers, picking out a loose shirt.
“here, y/n.” he passes you the shirt. you smile gratefully at him as you slip it on over your head. he’s turning and looking over the books and papers on your desk as you dress. there’s a pit feeling in your stomach now, and you wish your orgasmic haze didn’t fade so quickly for you to feel like this.
there’s nothing really to say between you guys now. and just when something crosses jake’s mind and opens his mouth, his parents call him from downstairs, telling him they’re ready to go.
jake gives you a sympathetic smile as he’s helping you stand from your bed, which you gladly take as you feel like your legs are still jelly. you follow him downstairs, standing on the last stair as his family says goodbye to you and your parents.
“ready to go?” jake’s mom asks him, which he nods to.
“bye, y/n.” jake turns and gives you a tight lipped smile and a small wave.
“bye.” you answer, returning the same smile as he closes the door after his parents.
your parents didn’t say anything but a quick goodnight when you told them you still weren’t feeling well, leaving you to stay in your room for the rest of the weekend, dreading going to school on monday. there were no texts from anyone, even though you wished there would be.
you were painfully aware that your friendship with jake would be changed now, all because you changed up what you guys usually did when he came over.
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@ taeghi, 2022. do not repost or reuse in anyway.
stay safe everyone :)
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