#you call it ERP i call it ‘’just dont’’ therapy
pleuvoire · 7 months
it’s funny how the main effective psychological treatment for ocd is “simply don’t do that. just stop.” but the hard part is actually acting on that and weathering the aftermath
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homonculushound · 8 months
“It got recommended.” Yeah no I know you stalk peoples pages you did it before. We both did. Lmao vauge posting is cute. But it’s my turn now. If you even read this.
I told them EVERYTHING about what I said, what you said so don’t worry, they know the shit talking we did they shit talked us too. I told them about how you treated me and our friendship and how I put up with it because I loved you, how you didn’t explain what your expectations truly were until I gave up everything for you. How you brought in a fourth animal when your living in a cramped space smaller than my old appartment, how you intend to keep a infant in the same room as a cat and two dogs who aren’t trained to not jump, how your mother pushed me into admitting something that wasn’t true like how she did to you and how, you despite saying me getting drunk and throwing up was fine cause “Your a adult” you weaponized it against me when your family gave me three days to leave your parents house knowing I couldn’t return to my home state, how you twisted the truth about how those two treated you to make it seem like the victim like how you hated your character being poly with the characters cause he only like one character only you SUGGESTED IT and even wanted to ERP with that fucking character you didn’t like.
And of course I told them about the things that were the “breaking point” for you, so don’t worry I wasn’t just painting you as a monster like you seem to think, unlike you I actually know how to take accountability for my actions and actually learn. You should try it sometime it feels great.
You got on my ass for people pleasing but your the biggest people pleaser in the world and I hope to god you get help for it. You brought me to co-sign on a home and a Loan and only brought up the idea when you had me in your parents house. I had to lie about my credit score to shoot down the idea since you told me I was going to just be renting, it was never your buisness Leaving you, getting kicked out by you, was the best thing that could of happend for me, I would never of learned the truth about you, and how you treated people and what your actually feelings were about me. I looked over so many red flags, but you’ll just keep on playing victim like you always do. Maybe you should focus on the commissions you never finished before throwing stones at me and stealing peoples money like how you never finished my work and took advantage of my kindness to get free games and my character. Once I was useless to you, you threw me out like I was no better than a Christmas puppy despite telling me the stuff I did you weren’t mad about….only to weaponize it later. That’s Abuse. You are Abusive
You abused me, lied to me, and took advantage or me and used me as an emotional punching bag to project your problems onto, you again, call me a people pleaser when you are more than happy to do it. There’s so much more I could say, but I won’t, my firend already sent you a message about the situation and everyone else in those lovely Dino Servers knows too…dont bother coming back to Herds or Rumble, your not welcome.
your not worth my hate, I pity you, I truly do, but I pity your son and fiancée most of all and those animals you should never of gotten.
Get off my page and actually get the therapy you promised you would get YEARS AGO after that situation.
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LFRP - Ayame Sasaki
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NAME: Ayame Sasaki (Aya-hime) ALIAS/NICKNAME: Aya, Ayame Homura (Misaki Sanada, Ai Kurosawa, Kaori Ishida and several other aliases, used during the jobs.) AGE: 19 NAMEDAY: 4th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon RACE: Au ra (Raen) GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Pansexual MARITAL STATUS: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
HAIR: Long and straight, lilac hair reaches halfway down her back. EYES: Bright pink (no limbal rings) HEIGHT: 4′9′’ BUILD: Petite and rather doll-like DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Huge snake and cherry blossoms tattooed onto Aya’s back in eastern fashion, running over her hips on the left, and down onto her thigh. She also has three cherryblossoms tattooed on the bottom of her right foot. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Golden jewelry, a set of kunai, strapped onto her left thigh and a small flashbang, made by her younger sister, Bella.
Personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Phantom thief HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Painting, reading, shopping, theatre, tea ceremonies and aroma therapy. LANGUAGES: Hingan and basics of common RESIDENCE: Homura household in Shirogane BIRTHPLACE: Sasaki manor, Kugane FEARS: Poverty and humiliation
Relationships ––– -
SPOUSE: None CHILDREN: None PARENTS: Asagi Homura (adoptive mother) SIBLINGS: Ainu Wanyuudo & N’bella Bhlero (adoptive sisters) OTHER RELATIVES: Silke Doomflare (adoptive aunt), Kojiro Homura (adoptive uncle), Muneshige Homura (adoptive granpa), Okuni Homura (adoptive grandma), the deceased / lost Sasaki clan. PETS: Two pink moths, Yumeka and Tsukiko. Because of relative short lifespan of a moth, she tends to just replace the dead with new ones, which will inherit the names of their predecessors.
Traits ––– -
extroverted / introverted / in between disorganized / organised / in between close minded / open-minded / in between calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathetic / unempathetic / in between optimistic/ pessimistic / in between traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy / in between cultured / uncultured / in-between loyal / disloyal / in between faithful / unfaithful / in between
Additional information ––– –
SMOKING HABIT: Rarely DRUGS: Never ALCOHOL: Occasionally
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RP Hooks ––– –
Phantom thief of Kugane An priceless jewel necklace disappeared in the middle of tea ceremony you held for your important business partners, with only a calling card and a cherry blossom left on its wake? Or maybe an old heirloom katana catched your eye, but the current owner is less willing to part with it? Aya’s main income comes from stealing (liberating) valuables, and selling them on to be sold on black markets. Maybe something got stolen from you? Maybe you need something stolen? Or maybe you are running a black market, and happen to be in need of her services.
A teahouse regular Aya loves to spend her time in high-class teahouses and theatres. Maybe you catched a glimpse of an elegently dressed, pale auri woman, when visiting such events.
The princess of lost Sasaki family The Sasaki family used to run a bathhouse in Kugane. While being one of wealthiest families in the city, the source of the wealth was not as much the bathhouse, but ties to local yakuza. To strenghten these bonds, young Ayame was to be wed with the son of said yakuza family. Not long after the date for bonding ceremony was decided, an anonymous letter to sekiseigumi shed light on several crimes, supposedly committed by the Sasaki family. After trials, the leaders of Sasaki family were executed, while the others lost their wealth and standing in the city, being expelled from Kugane. Everyone except young Ayame, who as orphaned minor, was not seen responsible for the crimes of her parents. A local monster slayer, Asagi Homura adopted young Ayame just some time after. Maybe you are someone with a link to late Sasaki family? Maybe one of the yakuza family, she was supposed to be married into.
What I do and what I won’t ––– –– –
Darker themes (violence, gore, torture, abuse, drugs etc.) are totally okay, as long as the partner is 20+, and we have a mutual agreement about things!
Even though I like darker themes, Im very much up for just some light, slice of life-RP too! So dont let that stop you from reaching out! :3
No plots that will end up killing my character. Events that will leave scars or permanent injuries (physical or mental) are okay, as long as you talk to me first! 🖤
No ERP for the sake of it. Im married, and have no interest in ERP altogether. Some exceptions may be made, if its important for the plot, but overall, I prefer “fade to black”.
Any racism, nazism, homo- transphobia etc. wont be tolerated! Ever.
Please, keep the IC and OOC thingies separate!!!
About the mun ––– –– –
You can call me Reine. Im a disaster housewife, tattoo enthusiast, bat-lover and a part time writer!
Im a HUGE horror movie & Soulsborne-fan, and that usually shows on my characters too! ^^’ So anything along those lines, and Im in! 🖤
Time Zone: Eastern european (Im a night-owl though, so while it effects on my active hours, its not TOO bad.)
English is not my first language, so answers may sometimes be bit slower than from native english speakers, but bear with me!
If you see me around in game, come and say “hi”! Im always up for little RP, or just casual ooc chatter! Sooo yeah. Come here, lets talk!! 🦇
Platforms: In game, Discord and Tumblr
Contact Information  ––– –
Tumblr - the-second-circle-ffxiv (Main blog: lareine-kira) Server - Balmung, Crystal datacenter (Will gladly hop over onto other servers on Crystal for rp). Discord - On request
@mooglemeet​ @ffxiv-crystal-rp​ @balmungrp​
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cornflowercanine · 4 years
clove, do you have any tips on dealing w/ ocd? im desperately trying to keep my compulsive behavior in check so i dont end up feeding into my obsession but i feel like a lot of my anxiety is like.. internal. if that makes any sense
so um ! i dont have any personally helpful tips, sorry, there Should 8e active ocd-focused 8logs who can help out 8etter, im sorry!! :< 8ut i end up not giving in to compulsions in the same way i havent 833n self harming in like, a year or two, and that is !  just str8 up fucking forgetting! ocd hell 8rain is like “if you dont put your collar on your cat she’ll run away and die” and im like god ok -turns chair- -stands up- -puts on slippers- -stretches- -has already forgotten i was gonna put my collar on my cat- and 8y the time i remem8er im like oh ! my collar is not on my cat ! 8ut she is still alive ! s33 ocd hell 8rain we’re fine !!!!! (which is like, super super super diy erp (exposure response therapy) which is how ocd is normally treated, idk if it works if ur doing it 8y urself like this, 8ut its worth a shot i guess?) which is not helpful . 8ut i do not have any helpful help past ask someone else and o8vious thing of if you can s33 a therapist, thatd 8e really helpful!! i am genuinely sorry and hope youre a8le to work it out, its really hard to live with :(
and smth you might wanna know is theres a sorta su8type of ocd (not like, officially, its just a distinguishing term ppl use sometimes) that i kindasortapro8a8ly fit in called pure-o which is p much what it sounds like! its when most/all of ur compulsions are not outward or visi8le, so theres a whole lot of ‘repeat “safe” words in head’, ‘think a8t the walk i went on over and over and over again to MAKE SURE i wasnt responsi8le for that car hitting a 8ump’, ‘pray every single time i s33/hear/think something sinful’, etc etc etc, and its hard to deal with 8c a lot of times 8oth the o8sessions and the compulsions are in ! your thoughts ! and whereas it can 8e easier for me to Not Tap The Doorkno8 3 Times, its harder to force myself to Just Not Think Something, and looking up stuff a8t pure-o specifically can help u understand and deal with it 8etter, at least id hope u_u and at that point you kinda just have to try to stop it 8efore it starts, like if i notice im starting to think (as random example of mental compulsions) ‘oh god 8ut how can i 8e SURE im a les8ian i have to look up what other les8ians do and signs you arent a les8ian and-’ i have to like. physically. force myself to do something else thats distracting so i stop thinking a8out it and dont have the ... pathway? to have compulsions over it. like watching a video listening to my fave song playing a video making some food literally Anything that you have to put Any thought into that can distract you and get you off that train of thought.
i really do honestly hope things get easier for you, take care of yourself, ill k33p you in my thoughts, and good luck!!! :( ♥♥
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