#you can be sad for israelian people getting killed but brushing aside all the palestinians endured for decades because of israel gov is
So i just got to know charles used to like Palestinian support posts for pst couple of years until recent events and now he’s seen with that noah. I do t even understand whats charles got to do with that literal bitchass child.
Yeah that was odd, i've seen people saying because Ferrari's top people are supporting Israel so he was forced to unfollow the page, for why he would hang out with that guy i don't know
Disclaimer: i don't want to assume things but Charles is always been sketchy with these subjects (ex the BLM not kneel and all of that bullshit excuse) so who knows
I honestly don't want to open the discussion about who supports what in f1, i just hope them, me, you everyone are just getting informations and context about the situation so we can all form our opinion on facts and not propaganda
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