palolabun-blog · 6 years
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Just wanted to share a little fun happy thing I made, so ya know im still alive
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
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The last Muse of Creation to currently join the group directly: Hue!
Although she seems to have an odd type of magic, Hue is not one to cross. Tragedy means to her that whatever happens, happens for a reason, and it is a creator’s job to overcome their tragedies and rise above them. Her powers are similar to Art’s in which she can be an offensive or defensive part of the group if needed, but for now i wont say more!
Design wise she took a lot of thinking to put together, which means this might not be her final concept. I did want her to look more military in a sense, because she is a meticulous person. She’s serious and usually prefers to keep to herself, Art might be one of the few people she can confide in, if it werent for Mech always following her around.
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
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Blue Waifu was amazing in the new episode
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
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some of my favorite outfits ft The Buns!
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
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super cute commission I did! 
A spotted black Netherland dwarf furry oc for Tokki <3
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
I normally dont reblog this stuff, but these are our neighbors and their stupid govt is basically pulling the same shit mexico's did in September's quake.
Stealing money, denying aid to people who need it and lying all LYING to further line their pockets.
Muchisima fuerza guatemala, México está con ustedes
On Sunday Guatemala’s Fire Volcano (Volcan de fuego, yes that’s it’s name)  had an eruption, probably the most destructive eruption since the 60′s I was so scared because a day before I was near that exactly place, and I felt a “pull” like the ones I feel when we have full moon, but I thought it was just the mountains’ magnetic field or something, it was the fucking volcano. There’s so much dead people, TONS of misplaced people, and today to make things worse started to rain acid and we had another eruption, eruption that made a whole county (Escuintla) run the shit out of there to try to save their asses. What makes me mad about this, is that all the human losses could have been prevented IF the fucking entity in charge of “PREVENTING DISASTERS” (CONRED, “Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres“) did it’s job,they knew about the volcano’s activity SEVEN HOURS prior to the eruption and they didn’t said anything, they even emitted this announcement calling to “remain calm” among the people, and to remain in their homes because it wasn’t dangerous, it was “just ash” the fucking ash was pyroclastic flow, which has been known since for ever to be a danger for health if you breathe it, of course is just ash, right? As of today, the death toll is more than 80, and they say that it could rise to 300 and the amount of displaced people can’t be accounted yet. The government isn’t responding as they should, if there’s help for the people it hasn’t been thanks to the president or the rest of politicians, the ones that had helped more have been normal civilians, even this tiny 7 year old boy that sells candies went to the help center to donate the earnings of the day ;_; which was just 5Q, that’s not even a dollar but this kid wanted to help, the politicians? Oh, they’re STEALING all the money that people are donating and the money from the fund for disasters is gonna be stolen too.  Is so disgusting. Things look grim guys, I’m legit scared :/ They’re even saying that another volcano the “Pacaya volcano” is starting to make this boom loud noises, I live in front of this one and fuck, I’ve been feeling this little pulls, god I hope nothing more happens because that would fuck even more the country and would prob even make the whole country collapse. 
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
Honestly you kinda need the practice with male anatomy. Your ladies look pretty good but your men all kinda look very similar. I hope the practices help you improve.
practice generally improves whatever you do so dont hope they help, expect them to make me improve!
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
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when you take a break from drawing work to practice drawing omg
workin’ my way back to basics with male anatomy!
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
Eeee!!! I’m so excited for the taatm rewrite, you go girl!! Good on you for continuing, concepts look amazing!!!
thank you so much! im having a lot of fun with all the character concepts!
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
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The queen of epics, the EMPRESS of DRAMA, Stylo’s concepts have arrived!!
Stylo was born into a Muse bloodline, much like Art was, although the Scripta family is much larger than the Memento family, as such she had a bit more training than Art has had...and is a bitty spoiled. She’s very kind though, and loves sharing her writing and food with anyone she meets! (She is NOT a good cook but believes strongly in takeout) She sees the drama in everything, a double edged sword, but she can use that to her advantage. Stylo’s magic is illusion based, with her using her Tome and Pen to materialize anything she writes for short periods of time!
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
do the muses have different ages in the reboot? are they older? (if i remember the original taatm correctly, they were like 15-16-ish)
They do!
I have changed how the Muses work somewhat, basically the starting age to be able to use those powers is 16
Staccato is the oldest in the group, she’s 18. Relevé and Stylo (ref sheets for her and Hue coming soon) are 17, and Art and Hue are 16, just getting started with magical shenanigans really!
The reboot of The Artist and the Machine will actually show when and how the Muses of Creation became magical girls, there’s a lot of new lore in the works as well, so stay tuned!
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
Hey I think I already asked on the wrong blog but I just caught up with your dash and i'm super curious what happened to Lola that shes got little flames on her ears now. You gonna make more sombria stuff or is that an after story thing?
I absolutely plan to answer that question! I’ve gotten more than one ask about it actually.
Let’s just say an old “friend” of Abaddon’s is involved with Lola’s change in appearance!
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
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Classical pianist by day, DJ and race car driver by night, Im proud to FINALLY present the concept art for Copik, now formally renamed Staccato!
Staccato has been the trickiest of the bunch to redesign so far, she’d been thought out as a big offensive player for the Muses of Creation since the first draft of the comic, but she never really looked how her personality felt until now!
The oldest Muse, Staccato prides herself for innovation within her music, which is why she refuses to accept tradition and strives for new, better and more intriguing rhythm than ever! She has a VERY active lifestyle in spite of her powers, and thus she’s the most athletic by far in the group, her magic packs quite a punch, as such she is best suited for offensive and close contact magic use.
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
nerdyautiechild replied to your photo “more  bun doodles, this time of my sweet chubby boy”
Give me your chubby boy. Now. He so cute?
hahah no, he’s my baby
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
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Happy Homestuck day you amazing nerds!
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
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have you ever seen a character and just fallen in love? bc YEP
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palolabun-blog · 6 years
messy-demon replied to your photo “Another concept done! I know I said I’d post the Muses first, but I...”
I'm so happy that you're still working/re-doing the story cause I really loved the plot/idea/concept behind it!!! <3
thank you!!! im so excited to show you guys more soon!!
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