#revising history
So i just got to know charles used to like Palestinian support posts for pst couple of years until recent events and now he’s seen with that noah. I do t even understand whats charles got to do with that literal bitchass child.
Yeah that was odd, i've seen people saying because Ferrari's top people are supporting Israel so he was forced to unfollow the page, for why he would hang out with that guy i don't know
Disclaimer: i don't want to assume things but Charles is always been sketchy with these subjects (ex the BLM not kneel and all of that bullshit excuse) so who knows
I honestly don't want to open the discussion about who supports what in f1, i just hope them, me, you everyone are just getting informations and context about the situation so we can all form our opinion on facts and not propaganda
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
You try to confront an abuser about some heinous shit they did and they'll be angry that you REMEMBERED it. Like it's your fault for forgetting to follow the secret code of "if it makes me look bad it didn't happen".
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mikereads · 8 months
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I repeat for the third and final time. It’s the same scene!!!
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mythologyofblue · 8 months
“History isn’t a tale told once. It’s a series of revisions.” -Victor LaValle 
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sir-adamus · 6 months
the internet has made being a rwby fan fucking unbearable
fans can't even post fanart without shitheads coming in to insult them (and then the show)
fuck, Ein Lee (who did a lot of concept art and posters for the show) did some designs for a game that came out recently and i just saw some clown whining that "rwby artists ruin everything cos it's Bad"
can't go on youtube, there's an obsessive community of pathetic losers who have dedicated obscene amounts of time to tearing down the show (and even a lot of the commentary youtubers for the show who aren't hating on it have still turned out to be enormous assholes). and on the occasion you do find something positive that someone put a lot of work into, you'll always find these same assholes in the comments regurgitating the same bad faith arguments towards a show they've never given a fair chance
there's nowhere you can fucking go on the internet to block out these shrill, wheedling voices that are desperate for attention who need to prove how much of a big boy they are by regurgitating a bullshit opinion from someone who clearly wasn't paying attention and/or fucking lying
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maryoliverdotcom · 10 months
feeling so proud of myself. like yes girl you wrote full-blown smut under the table in history class
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cult-of-the-eye · 2 months
I'm going to bash my head into a fucking WALL
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astriiformes · 2 months
I have genuinely liked all my classes this spring, and they've generally played to my strengths as a student (good at writing) but I have to say. Having four decent-length term papers due at the end of the semester is seriously killing my will to, like, exist
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transitofmercury · 1 year
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The Return of the Prodigal Son - Eric Rimmington // The Average Fourth Grader Is a Better Poet Than You (and Me Too) - Hannah Gamble // East, West - Salman Rushdie // Newsies Script - Harvey Fierstein // Watch What Happens - Newsies // Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong - Ocean Vuong // Steve Blanchard and Kara Lindsay as Pulitzer and Katherine in Newsies // Pulitzer: A Life in Politics, Print and Power - James McGrath Morris // Under the Burden of Misery - Teodor Axentowicz // Folding a Five-Cornered Star So the Corners Meet - Li-Young Lee // A Portrait of Maya Angelou - Maya Angelou speaking to Bill Moyers
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novuit · 19 days
I'm cooked tomorrow. There's no way I can complete two whole history papers from completely different time periods in an hours time limit. I'm so cooked.
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First off, what a title! Included here in its full glory because I didn't realize it was that long, but I delight in academic titles when played for poking fun especially.
I've been reading about a chapter of this a night, so far, and I'm enjoying it! It's much more approachable than I was afraid it would be, given the comp to Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell--this one is a doorstop, but it's a very readable doorstop! I'm excited to see where it goes.
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crimsongrimoire · 5 months
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fucking Screams bc i erased a whole page of this fic in my sleep. it's fine i got it back so im not pressed but that's really funny
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ratuszarsenal · 1 year
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so do you think foreign armies had some problems pronouncing Kościuszko?
'Oh mein Gott, Johann.. bekämpfen wir Koschtschuschko in Schtschekotschinn....'
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divinekangaroo · 29 days
I always feel like I'm missing so much in your fics! Tell me something secrete about them!
Oh I nearly missed this! Sorry!
Let me tell you about FIRE:
I was gonna write a giant essay about how I use fire/Tommy lighting a fire repetitively in my fics, quoting the multiple times, meaning of each, how they interlock with his capability, capacity, libido (life drive not just sex drive), etc...but that's probably overkill XD.
Here's the short version: I do use references to fire or the act of lighting fires (not lighting fires) very deliberately. This was motivated by, and ties into, Tommy also doing the same in the show - and I pay special attention to when he can and can't light those fires, and who he might choose to ask to light a fire. For example, in series, there are times when it's John and Arthur, or even Jeremiah (as it comes to Ruby's pyre, which I'll elaborate on because it was such a powerful scene - from what I've been able to find re European Romani funereal tradition, albeit I coudln't *specifically* find period-references to Angloromani or Irish Traveller ritual, that *should* have been Tommy lighting it. Research does have an interesting split between whether it's necessary to stay to watch a funeral pyre burn til the end (as the fam did with Polly) or whether it's actually more respectful/acceptable to walk away early (turn your back on death to face instead to life)).
Then, to add another layer to this symbolic importance of Fire, when I started researching narrowboats and what daily life was like on narrowboats pre-electricity, I also then discovered how important maintaining the stove/fire in the living quarters was. The stoves were Aga or Aga-style, and they take forever to heat up. Basically, you get them going over hours, and *keep* them going, because if they go out you have ages before you can build the heat up again to something useable. And given you could reasonably freeze to death on the water, in an uninsulated boat, in the north, in the night, in winter, the fire/stove seemed very important.
I don't know how much the Shelbys would have been in the worst case northern-style winter conditions in the midlands, but irrespective, England is cold and living on water is freezing: the idea of the kids needing to permanently tend this dangerous and all-consuming, hungry thing dwelling on the boat really appealed to me for multiple reasons - especially because there's no modulation. Either they'd be freezing in those living quarters, or they'd be walking into a hotter-than-hell situation (not possible to temperature-modulate all that well), and they'd have to consciously *keep that fire burning* in a hotter than hell situation, because the heat of hell, at least, was being alive.
So yeah, a secret: if there's a reference to fire or lighting fires in my fics, there's a weight of thinking behind it even if it seems random.
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mann-walter · 6 months
I want to start this off by saying that I’m a big fan of Optimus Prime and Transformers; Prime as a whole. I loved them then, I love them now. But there is something that tickles me until today about the two. Yes, this is where I’ll be discussing what I hate most about the series in general and Optimus in particular: his lack of action against Megatron.
For all of us that have watched Prime in its entirety or majority, it became clear rather quickly that Optimus was cast as this saintly model all creatures should be striving for and should admire. He was wise and refrained from frivolity, calm even in the toughest of times, brave, selfless, strong, gentle, and forgiving. On the surface, one might conclude that his only fault was mortality.
But what if I tell you that all of these qualities, in certain times, can turn into deadly vices?
Now, after you’ve accustomed yourself to the show, I think you’d notice another thing about Optimus: why hasn’t he tried to kill Megatron?
We know that most of his decisions were built upon ideals: that violent resolutions should be a last resort, that death is unconscionable, that every being deserves a second chance, and that everyone has the capability to change. But, apparently Optimus had never heard that there is a season for everything. There’s a time to kill and a time not to. With Megatron, it certainly was a time to kill. Not out of revenge, but in order to prevent more destruction, to protect those that can’t fight for themselves.
It is darkly funny actually that after eons of war, after Megatron had made a living hell for so many Cybertronians (the only group of people Optimus is legally obligated to protect), committed so many crimes, he’d be swinging so many times if he were a human, Optimus decided he had had enough and was now out for blood because Megatron unintentionally (although he was all jolly about it) hurt a human boy. It’s actually a very interesting aspect of his character, how he held on to his ideals so tightly that he’d sacrifice so many lives for it. Alas, it was never acknowledged as such by the writers. There actually were dissenting opinions in-universe, usually coming from Ratchet—and weren’t they very valid points—but at the end Optimus was always portrayed as the correct one, that his decisions were all good.
Speaking of Optimus and his ideals, I now really wish they had ventured into those darker implications of Optimus stubbornly, even fanatically, holding on to them. It could’ve been a really great nuance to his character: sometimes, a hero’s sins can have roots in his own goodness.
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bonefall · 1 year
Right of the Challenge? How does that go?
The Right of the Challenge is the basis of the "Might Makes Right" culture of the Clans. You, as a warrior, have a right to defend your honor, to challenge the border, and fight back against attack.
When Leopardfur's patrol attacked Fire and Gray on their way home from fetching WindClan, they knew full well that there was no threat to the border. They were engaging their Right of the Challenge.
You can refuse a warrior's challenge, at great social cost. You and your Clan could be seen as weak, and as cowards for not accepting. A leader, deputy, or patrol head also has the right to override any Challenge... but also at a social cost.
You see, this law was created when Morningstar refused to allow his cats to fight for their honor. He was overthrown, and his successor created the law on the spot.
BB!Morningstar is in the Dark Forest. Not because he did anything evil, but because he denied his Clan their combative birthright. He is a demon but he's actually very kind! The Dark Forest has several cats like him.
Leaders are very careful about disrespecting this law, lest they be compared to Morningstar.
Of course... there are problem warriors who try to invoke this right constantly. Besides Thistleclaw's supporters, Bluestar had general clanwide approval when she suspended his right over and over. If you cannot live by the honor to let a cat go when they're beaten, or trespass and endanger yourself pointlessly, then it is understood that you are abusing the code and undermining the StarClan-approved leader.
It's not supposed to be a free pass to act like a rogue. The Law of the Border and the Law of Honor stand strong... but Thistle Law-leaning cats have their own opinions on the state of the world.
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