#by italian media is honestly appalling
So i just got to know charles used to like Palestinian support posts for pst couple of years until recent events and now he’s seen with that noah. I do t even understand whats charles got to do with that literal bitchass child.
Yeah that was odd, i've seen people saying because Ferrari's top people are supporting Israel so he was forced to unfollow the page, for why he would hang out with that guy i don't know
Disclaimer: i don't want to assume things but Charles is always been sketchy with these subjects (ex the BLM not kneel and all of that bullshit excuse) so who knows
I honestly don't want to open the discussion about who supports what in f1, i just hope them, me, you everyone are just getting informations and context about the situation so we can all form our opinion on facts and not propaganda
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The day before the exam.
Day 2.
So, today was my last day for prepping for my oral exam that's happening tomorrow. Big yikes. I honestly can't wait to be done with this project (the oral exam is the last step). I'll be [frantically] trying to explain my reasoning in FIVE MINUTES. Appalling.
In other news, I did everything on my to-do list! Alright, not Everything™, I skipped the second planned 10-minute yoga of the day but I still did one so whatever. It's a win. I managed to wake up only 10 minutes after my alarm, which is an achievement while taking the sleep medication I got prescribed along with the ADHD meds. Three alarms are what did the trick (09:30; 09:35; 09:37)! Then I read two chapters of my current book, "The Reading Group" by Elizabeth Noble, and got to work on the final touches to my presentation for tomorrow. I planned two study sessions, one before and one after lunch. I actually finished during the first study session so I used the second one just for practising my speech. I watched four? five? episodes of the new Brooklyn Nine-Nine and man, oh man, does it make me depressed af. After, I looked for inspiration for my next semester's project and watched a couple of video-essay-style things to explore. Later, I complained to my paramour that I got allocated to a "speech" workshop, instead of the "digital media" one I wanted to take. The speed with which I wrote to the Head of Studies broke the space-time continuum. I absolutely will not spend five days a week, three weeks in a row, preparing and delivering speeches in front of 20 strangers. No, thank you. After, we had dinner and watched earlier episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine since my love hasn't seen the show before.
Ho letto il primo capitolo di una storia italiana. Since I'm renewing my studying of Italian. Again, it's on the list! And I didn't make any mistakes on the mini-comprehension test after the first chapter.
Italian word of the day, IWOTD: ansiosa/o — anxious!
It's not a happy word but it's relevant to my existence. After the Italian, I wrote out my to-do list for tomorrow, and now I'm journaling here. All that's left to do is to take my sleeping meds, finish my chamomile tea, do my basic skincare and I'll be off to bed! It's only 22:00!! Another win.
That's all folks,
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