#you can call me captain ryoko; ic
nephytale · 6 months
Which Archetype on a Pirate Ship are You ?
Your Result: The captain
You are inspiration and desperation all at once. whether you are sailing to find aztec gold, to hunt a mythical sea creature, or to discover a lost sunken city, you are determined to go beyond your limits and make a name for yourself. perhaps during your time on land you were not given all the love you deserved, so you believe you must earn it. you impassion your crew with speeches from the bow and you lead by example, but when you are alone in the stern you wonder, what if all of this is for nothing? what if you fail? what you dread is that at the end of the journey, after you’ve harvested all the gold of the seas, it will not fill the aching void in your soul. what confidence and faith you cannot give yourself, you imbue on your crew. you hope you will not let them down. you don’t realise that your crew follow your colors not because of your treasure trove, but because of your heart of gold.
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"Good, the winds are in my favor"
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Tagged by: @hunting-songs
Tagging: @astrxthesiai @oc-menagerie (Xia and/or Kyana) @shinuchi-ulti @videcoeur @cc-one-piece-grand-ocs (Kaito) @sarcasticmercy
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
3. Strength
We learn some more about our outstanding team and we find that Ryoko is a strong girl... she just lifted Dazai over her shoulder with ease.
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Okay Bokuto was actually very funny Ryoko found. Akaashi was a seemingly less dead inside version of Fyodor and she appreciated that greatly.
“Fukami Aoba Johsai’s captain wants to talk to you.” Higuchi said, venom lacing her words. The pinkette rolled her eyes making Akaashi giggle quietly.
“Alright blondie where are they?”
“Don’t call me blondie you hoarder.” She snapped. “Over there in the light blue t-shirt.”
“Yikes someone didn’t get their daily dose of Aku today. Nice chat boys talk soon.”
Oikawa wasn’t stupid enough to say he wasn’t nervous to talk to the pink haired girl, he’s a confident man, stupidly cocky and competitive but he knows when he needs to back down from the alpha dog. Ryoko being the Alpha dog. She was terrifying, even mad dog stared towards their team in awe. They looked friendly enough but Toru Oikawa was astute enough to figure out something was up with the Yokohama team.
Incredibly keen
He needed to know and he was going to ask each and every player on that team.
Hirotsu fiddled with his monocle and watched as the students mingled, called parents or friends and generally did their own things, the Fukurodani coach stepped beside him.
“Takeyuki Yamiji.” He says. “Your team is something.”
“Ryuro Hirotsu. Yes they are.” He smiled. “Fukurodani is quite strong too.”
“In comparison to your lot I’ll definitely take that compliment.” The man laughed. “I’m sure you know half the reason Yokohama was invited was so we could learn your plays.”
“We know.” Hirotsu said smugly.
“Then I must ask why agree? Some of us definitely aren’t near your level we were surprised you agreed to join the camp.” Yamiji wondered.
“Let’s just say our lot needs some normalcy. Our school is very much performance based they need to be good at everything they set their minds too. They can do it they are strong kids but a misstep would... uh... anger them. We don’t pressure them to be perfect in any way- we want them to do well... and they enjoy teaching others. The third years like being mentors, the second years want to show off just a little and the first years want to be seen outside of Volleyball. A training camp gives them freedom.” Ranpo interjected.
“Very well said Edogawa.” Hirotsu laughed. Yamiji nodded in understanding.
“Shiratorizawa’s coach needs to be more like you, he’s stuck in his old ways- should have seen his face when your girls weren’t managers.”
“Ugh.” Ranpo sneered. If only they all knew what the Yokohama team really was they’d change their tune.
“Ugh indeed.” Yamiji laughed. “I should go make sure Bokuto isn’t planning on kidnapping Fukami from you he looks so sad now that she’s gone over to Oikawa and their Ace.”
“Perhaps, she has that affect on people.” Hirotsu smiled. She carries a warmth about her that gets hidden by a stone like shell with cracks running through it. The warmth would be a raging fire if not held back.
All of the Yokohama team was like that- they weren’t normal the school made certain they knew that, no one at that school was. Could you even call it a school? Principal Fukuzawa wasn’t entirely pleased by the governments methods of teaching.... non of the teachers were... it’s not teaching if the kids pass out.
Speaking of Hirotsu should go with the other coaches to check on the food Ranpo will be alright alone.
“Oikawa and Iwaizumi right? Blondie sent me over.” The pinkette said lazily. She could see the side eyes of her teammates it’s not like she was going to attack anyone that only happened once and she wholeheartedly believes Twain deserved it.
“Just wanted to meet you. We’ll play against you tomorrow and since we’ll be stuck together for a while maybe become friends?” Oikawa answered. Ryoko snorted at his tone.
“If you have no intentions of being friends don’t pretend I don’t like liars. You seem like a smart guy just ask your questions.”
“Okay fine you got me what gave me away?” Oikawa laughed, genuinely laughed.
“Iwaizumi’s face.” Said Ace went to speak before noticing the quirk on her lips, she was teasing them. “But seriously what’s up milk bread.”
Oikawa spluttered, Iwaizumi snorted and all else who heard snickered quietly. Okay maybe not quietly Tendo found that comment extremely funny.
“Well I was offering a branch of friendship for volleyball note swapping but after that comment.” Oikawa huffed.
“In other words what kind of training do you all do?” Iwaizumi asked.
“Oh- you should talk to Oda and Chuuya on that stuff. I just show up and hit things.” She chuckled. It didn’t seem genuine if the Aoba Johsai players were honest. Her fiery eyes darken slightly, “Honestly we just work well together, like all of you we train each section, play and style to near perfection but again those questions are best for the Captains milk bread.”
“I’m not going to live that down now.” Oikawa grumbled.
“No way milk bread.” Iwaizumi teased. Ryoko twitched and pulled on her braid watching them with an awfully calm watchful gaze, like an animal studying something new. “Let’s let Fukami go back to her team I think her manager wants her.”
Ryoko nodded abruptly and walked back towards the dark haired man she was near attached to.
Fyodor had been watching, as had most of the Yokohama team or at least the Akutagawa’s, Ranpo, Junichiro and coach- who knows what the others were up to... Atsushi was making friends, Chuuya was grumbling to Dazai and Oda with the Karasuno and Nekoma Captains and vices. Ryoko had been with Bokuto and Akaashi but Higuchi had soured her mood (she was now as motioned before speaking with Oikawa and Iwaizumi).
Fyodor often watched, he had no reason to interact unless necessary and no one was coming over to him just yet thankfully. His pale bony fingers played with the silver band on his wrist, it wasn’t a nervous tick or anything just caution. Ryoko and Chuuya wore one too and stupidly many people just assumed they were friend (they are but that’s not the point) ship bracelets. Nope just some spectacular silver bands to keep the three of them controlled.
Purple eyes caught stark grey ones, Chuuya had been thumbing his own bracelet but had made a motion towards Ryoko with his eyes. Fyodor followed till he caught her tense shoulders. The pinkette’s head jerked quickly and only just noticeable to those who knew it was a tick she gained while trying to keep herself controlled- one Chuuya shared. Fyodor didn’t have ticks, he had intelligence and poise... he had a terrible habit to mumble not that anyone would tell him less they face the wrath of their stoic volleyball manager. Ryoko looked uncomfortable, like she wanted to itch at her skin and pull her hair, she was tugging on her braid is that close enough. Her chuckle fell through the air as Iwaizumi called Oikawa milk bread again, more mutters, then the pinkette was soon by his side again.
“Are you alright Ryo?”
“Fine. You? You’re playing with the band again.”
“You noticed?”
“Chuuya is too.” She said pointedly. “I hate wearing it.” She muttered.
“Alright Burnabitch how about we go get dinner.” Fyodor raised a thin brow waiting for the pinkette to get his joke.
“Oh fuck you Rat Bastard it was one time and Kaji deserved it.” She snorted pushing him out the door.
Sakusa watched too, less sternly than Fyodor but definitely more than Atsumu and Osamu were. The trio was off to the side, Atsumu searching for his favourite short ginger (Hinata where are you?).
“You think those two are together?” They heard Lev ask. Yaku hummed in response watching the two Yokohama students walk towards the cafeteria.
“They most certainly aren’t.” Akutagawa scoffed.
“Sound jealous.” Dazai snickered.
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not Dazai.”
“Are too Akuuu!”
“Is the Yokohama team normally this... chaotic? Their energy off the court is so different to their energy on.” Sakusa grumbled.
“It’s like they get to act like kids off the court or something. They aren’t getting in trouble so maybe it’s normal.” Osamu shrugged.
“Maybe. They just were so scary when we played against them.” Atsumu shivered. “Especially their setter... pretty sure he was going to set dunk my face.”
“You were flirting with the female middle blocker.” Sakusa droned.
“That’s you’re cue to run!” Oda yelled gripping what he could of Akutagawa with the arm that wasn’t in a sling.
The evening seemed to go by stagnantly. Everything moving either slowly or too quick bouncing from person to person.
Dinner was nice, sushi and soft drink with some fried chicken if anyone wanted some. Desert was some ice-cream. Pretty simple thankfully. Now everyone was in their designated rooms chatting and messing around until lights out
Atsushi and Tanizaki were bumbling around chatting quietly, Hinata attempted to join but to no avail the two apologised saying their coach sent them a message and ran off. The poor small ginger he was so confused.
“Uh it’s basically bed time man?” Tanaka said as Akutagawa stood to leave.
“Not for me. Good night.”
And with that the door was slammed.
Again the evening felt odd.
“Gin? Ryoko? Higuchi? Where did they go?” Yachi wondered noticing the three empty beds. With hands on her hips she sticks her head out the door but either girl were in sight. “Have any of you seen them?”
“Not since showers.” Kiyoko answered. The girls brows furrowed- where did they go?
“Dazai you can’t go to bed yet.” Oda sighed.
“But I’m tired.”
“No you aren’t dumbass.” Chuuya kicked him.
“Hey what’s going on guys?” Kuroo and Daichi asked.
“We must go coach needs us.” Fyodor answered cryptically. A knock on the door startled everyone.
“Why does this feel like the start of something bad?” Asahi asked quietly before Sugawara whacked him on the head with a mighty negativity be gone.
“Oi Dazai get up lazy ass.”... Ryoko?
“Ryoko?” Bokuto asked with innocent confusion.
“Sup Owlking.” Ryoko grinned with her hands on her hips. “Dazai get up before I make you everyone else has headed over besides you four.”
“I’m going.” Chuuya and Oda said rushing out the door.
“Don’t wanna.” Dazai sung. Fyodor sighed, Ryoko’s eye twitched.
“Don’t say she didn’t warn you.” Fyodor said.
The third years watched as the pinkette strolled into the room slowly towards the seemingly unmovable Dazai and lifted him up.
No struggles or tugs just picked him up and threw him over her shoulder.
The third years sat gobsmacked.
“How?” Oikawa managed to get out.
“I work out.” She winked before sashaying out the door with Dazai swaying and grumbling over her shoulder. Fyodor just sighed again and followed out.
What the hell is up with that team?
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nephytale · 5 months
💕 both Ryoko and Ronin
Love calculator | Let's start with Ryoko!
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Ryoko & Layla
Your result: 82%
Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Ryoko and Layla has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you don't have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together, talking with each other etc.
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"Mhm... so maybe with this result I managed to make you more curious?"
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nephytale · 5 months
Send me ϟ for my muse to tell yours the story behind one of their scars.
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The stars in the sky were clearly visible thanks to the fact that there was not a single cloud in the city. The sea was calm, serene, on that spring night while a soft cool breeze hit their faces. There, on the coast, on the small patch of sand that was surrounded by rock formations that led to the sea, there was a bonfire. Their ship was hidden on a nearby island, but that didn't stop the pirates from deciding to have a good time. Since had already crossed paths a couple of times with Senritsu and noticing that she was pleasant company, she invited her to spend a night by the bonfire, with snacks and drinks, while they laughed and shared stories. Since the doctor had joined the crew, the others understood that they should not be too loud and scandalous, and she had emphasized it again when she alerted them of the woman's invitation with a keen ear.
They were calm, happy, enjoying a great time all together. Even if they weren't all sitting around the campfire, and everyone was enjoying it in their own way, you could feel the togetherness of the people.
Ryoko laughed softly. She turned her back to Senritsu, and lifted her blouse - she lifted it so high that it reached above her shoulders, there was no shame in showing off her body - On her lower back, a tattoo could be seen that consisted of two sais crossed in the shape of X. And above them, a red dragon ascended along her entire spine until it reached the base of her neck.
"My most significant scars are under these tattoos, I decided to transform a couple of bad experiences into art, how does it look?" Holding her blouse up with one hand, she used the other to point to the pair of sais tattooed on her lower back. "This was the first…" Ryoko paused, then readjusted her blouse and sit again in front of the campfire
"My best childhood friend, turns out to be the son of the most powerful pirate that sails the seas. He never really did anything wrong, but just because he carried his father's blood, the navy has treated him like an evil-born demon forever, we were thick as thieves, or rather, I was the tick that stuck to him to survive" She paused and just a few seconds later, let out a good-natured laugh. "We became friends over time… we were almost like siblings…" There was a small sound of someone clearing her throat and Ryoko turned to look at her doctor, who was simply smiling in an exaggeratedly innocent way to be real.
"Well, siblings was not the word that defined us… but we only discovered it when we met again some time later. Anyway, getting to the important thing. Shortly after our paths divided, the navy had captured me. They wanted information about him. And I preferred to die rather than give them information. They took me to the most disgusting cells you could imagine. They didn't feed me, they kept me chained, there was a damn leak that echoed in the place, the only sound I heard for days. That was driving me crazy. Until one day they changed my room. There, two executioners and a lie detector began to ask me questions, and I lied to protect him. For every lie I told, the executioners gave me a whip on the lower back. The punishment was so much, so much the pain, that my bones had been exposed. Their target, and I quote their words that I will never forget 'We are going to hit you every time you lie, until you tell the truth, we will make you unable to walk anymore only with our whips, or until you faint from the pain. You choose.' And so I spent a couple of days. At least there they fed me and gave me water, they needed me lucid to answer their questions. Although my legs had already stopped working, I waited patiently for them to lower their guard and managed to escape from there, crawling until I finally found a very kind person who brought a doctor to help me" She smiled, honestly and softly. She was actually fine, leaving aside the permanent lower back pain it caused her.
Sipping some of her tea, she let out a soft sigh "But we've already talked too much about me, please tell me about yourself, do you have any scars to tell the story?"
{ @hunting-songs }
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nephytale · 8 months
@cpirits | Kyoraku Shunsui
"So… what's a man like you doing alone, in a bar like this? ~" The redhead mentioned just before taking a sip from her glass. Casually, she sat down in the chair next to him, making sure to lift her skirt just a little before crossing her legs. "Judging by what I see, you either love having the attention of women…" she pauses, turning to see some women who were also looking at him, and others who were even looking at her, for being the only one who dared to approach "…Or you really don't care and just want to have a good time" Ryoko mentions with a soft smile on her lips "My name is Ryoko, and it's always a pleasure to meet such a handsome man~"
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nephytale · 6 months
Dashgame: Never Have I Ever !
Rules: Your Muse and all the Muses they interact with are in a pub somewhere across Space, Dimension and Time. Answer the first 'Never Have I Ever' In Character. At the end of that let your Muse ask a new ‘Never Have I Ever’ question for the tagged people to answer themself. After those tagged people answered your prompt, they state their own 'Never Have I Ever' and tag you back along with other Muses. Rinse, lather, repeat.
Original By @treasurechestrpmemes
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"Mhm…" The wine in her glass moved gracefully as she moved the glass delicately. The redhead turned for a moment to look at her twin brother, she smiled, then simply closed her eyes, really enjoying the atmosphere that had been generated in that place "I sleep very few hours a day due to my genetics, and the few hours that I sleep, I really do well, it's a little difficult to wake me up. So luckily, I've never suffered from sleepwalking" Ryoko's voice was soft, calm, and well placed in her throat, which made her have a good presence.
"Neither do I" Kosei, her brother shrugged, disinterested, which made Ryoko unable to help but laugh.
"You have! Do I remind you of that time where you showed up at the infirmary and asked Nozomi that she had to give you a cure against the orange elephants that were singing in our garden?" There was widespread laughter.
Kosei simply responded by drinking from his glass "Thank you for reminding me…" There was a certain annoyed but loving tone to his sister in his voice.
"Let's see… then…" Ryoko thought, while a mischievous smile appeared on her face "Never have I ever… gone more than three days without bathing"
Tagged by: @hunting-songs
Tagging: @cc-one-piece-grand-ocs (Kaito) @opscurus @shinuchi-ulti @sarcasticmercy @themultiversemercs
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nephytale · 7 months
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[— I need you right now, babe.]
"Mh?" The redhead raised her eyes from the book she was reading. A soft but mischievous smile had appeared on her face as soon as she heard him speak. Closing her book and putting it aside, she finally stood up from the couch, walking over to where he was sitting. Graceful, like the refined movements of a feline, Ryoko straddled Kefla, wrapping her arms around his neck and casually playing with the strands of his hair.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I've kind of neglected you, haven't I?" She whispered softly, before placing a couple of kisses on his cheek, then the corner of his mouth, and finally a soft kiss on his lips "You have my full attention, handsome"
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nephytale · 5 months
Senritsu sat down beside the other woman, her chin leaned on her hand and a gentle smile curling sweetly around her stark fronteeth. "Well hello, its a relief to see you are still able to sit up. I was worried, you know." the musician chukled in all good humor, her voice as sweet as a song: "As I thought You must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all day." @hunting-songs
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The woman's lips were still sticked to the edge of her coffee cup when she frowned slightly at the other woman's comment and turned to look at her in confusion when she heard her laugh. However, upon hearing the punchline of her pick-up line, Ryoko smiled, laughing softly to herself. Reaching her hands behind her own neck, Ryoko gently moved her hair upwards as if trying to casually arrange it, letting it fall over her back an instant later. One leg was gently crossed over the other, letting the skirt frame her legs. She finally brought her hand closer to the other woman, and subtly —very subtly— moved a strand of hair behind her ear, letting her nails pass almost imperceptibly over her skin. Her voice was like a sensual purr when she finally replied "I really appreciate your concern, but I have enough stamina to last some rounds…" A soft smile appeared on her lips, revealing just a little bit of her teeth "Now tell me, what does a charming woman like you in a place like this? It seems like my day is starting to get better, because I have been blessed with your company"
{ @hunting-songs }
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nephytale · 5 months
@cc-one-piece-grand-ocs 💕 for Kaito and Ryoko
Love calculator
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Your result: 93%
Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Ryoko and Kaito has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you don't have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together, talking with each other etc.
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"As it should be… I really didn't expect anything less than this"
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nephytale · 6 months
@cc-one-piece-grand-ocs “Happy Easter, Ryoko. You are obligated to take one of these chocolate eggs from the basket,” Kaito greeted Ryoko in front of their room, having not gone to bed with her the night before as he would usually. He was in a certain costume, and looked tired too.
Kaito was technically kidnapped by Shanks and Yasopp before he could go to bed last night, forcing him to put on an Easter Bunny outfit and write a note to Ryoko that he would be away from the night. Now apparently, he could only take the suit off when he has given every crew member a chocolate egg, including their newest members of Ryoko’s crew too.
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One… two… three silent blinks were her first reaction to the image in front of her. Was it Kaito's voice… inside a rabbit costume? She stood with her mouth half open for a few moments and then simply frowned, ending with a deep, exhausted sigh, even if she had slept well that night.
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"I won't ask questions… I can already imagine the answer." She reached into the basket and pulled out an Easter egg. "Damn, darling, aren't hot inside there?" Just as a precaution, and knowing who was the mastermind of all this, she left the egg far away, lest there be one with a trap and it would explode in her face. "I'm going to kill him for doing this to you… or at the very least, throw him overboard." Ryoko crossed her arms, shaking her head "Finish this quickly and take a bath… I'll be waiting for you with coffee and cookies, today we'll take a well-deserved nap together, okay?"
{ @cc-one-piece-grand-ocs }
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nephytale · 8 months
"I've been where you are. I know what you're going through." (from Ace to Ryoko from my inbox call!)
Caring & Reassuring Sentences, Vol. 4
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"So what should I do, Ace?…what the hell is next?" There was a certain tone of desperation in her voice, a somewhat broken voice, due to the lump in her throat that she had been holding for a long time. "And why all this? Tell me" Her fingers danced on the rim of her glass with sake before taking another sip, sadly the last from that glass.
"This all started because my parents didn't want me to have an arranged marriage, and I'm very proud of the decision they made…" Her gaze focused on the ceiling, trying her best not to cry "And then? They were brutally murdered. I paid that damn admiral with the same coin. And now I'm the bad woman!?" She paused briefly, trying to compose her voice. "It's my life, I decide who to spend the rest of it with. Why does wanting to choose my life partner make me a bad person? A demon? A bastard?" Ryoko stood up from her seat, going to get another refill of sake in her glass. "Wanting to have control of my life doesn't make me a bad person… but it's clear that the marines doesn't care about that."
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nephytale · 8 months
From seeing the other once again after the time they spent together, he grinned as he got closer to her from behind. Being bold by wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
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[— Hey there, cupcake. How are you doing?]
IC ask | @lustfulemperor
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Her eyes widened slightly in surprise at the sudden touch, however as soon as she noticed that it was Kefla, she relaxed, letting out a small laugh at her silly first reaction. Reaching out for his hand that dangled from her shoulder with her own, Ryoko laced her fingers with his, gently stroking his hand with her thumb.
"I was a little bored to tell the truth, but now that you've arrived, I can say that I feel a lot better, what about you, dear?"
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nephytale · 8 months
Ryoko tag list
You can call me Captain Ryoko; ic
A bottle in the sea!; ask
Dash comment
ryoko; dash comm
Dash game
ryoko; dash game
ryoko; headcanon
Spicy stuff
do you wanna play? ryoko; spicy
(au)!Ryoko; au
(tl)!Ryoko; timeline
ryoko; musing
ryoko; aesthetic
ryoko; wishlist
ryoko; faceclaim; miss fortune
My art
one more page for my drawing book; my art
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