#you can go to a ‘top school’ and be a fucking idjit just look at some of the politicians we got
affirmative action struck down. once again asians in the usa have been used by the oppressors to uphold systemic racism. congrats to those ungrateful asians who whine about not getting into some school with a Big Name because of a hypothetical latine or Black person. you just let yourself be played for fools and used as tools. hope you’re happy lmao
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Please Hand in Your Papers
[Read on AO3]
Prompt 1: Slow Dancing Prompt 2: Sweet Rides
Mr. Singer is still going over the details of their free-writing assignment, but Dean isn't listening. Free-writes are always the same: Singer sets a timer, you write on the topic without stopping until the timer goes off, then you use what you wrote to build your next paper. Rinse, lather, repeat -- they've been doing this all year, and Dean gets it. He's got other things on his mind right now, like the conversation he'd had with Charlie at lunch...
"Stop saying you don't have a shot with him!" Charlie had hissed, punching him hard on the arm.
"There's no way, Charles. He's... He's so smart, and cute, and really nice to everyone, and there's no way he'd be interested in me."
"Why not, Dean? You're a great guy! You have so much to offer to the right person. Any guy or girl would be lucky to have you."
Dean had scoffed and changed the subject, but Charlie's words are still bouncing around in his head. You have so much to offer... Like what? What does he have that Cas Novak could ever want?
Singer stops talking, and the sound of shuffling paper pulls Dean out of his thoughts as the free-write begins. He looks down at the blank sheet in front of him.
"What Do I Have To Offer Cas Novak?" he writes at the top of the page and underlines it. Screw the assignment, he thinks. I've got the next paper pretty much outlined already. I need to think this through. He starts adding bullet points under the heading:
Someone to slow dance with at prom
Sweet rides to/from school in Baby
Can get him burgers for free at the Roadhouse
I could fix his car if it ever breaks down
Does Cas even have a car? Dean's not sure. He wants to know everything about the boy, but they rarely interact outside of class. Dean gets so tongue-tied around him. Even when they do talk, it's always kind of stilted and brief.
He runs a hand through his hair and closes his eyes. He can't think of another bullet point. Cas is amazing and Dean's nothing special. This is hopeless.
He doodles the Metallica logo in the corner of his paper until the timer goes off, then moves to crumple his list up and throw it in the garbage. Except then Mr. Singer says something that shuts down Dean's entire nervous system.
"Okay idjits, like I said, you're gonna swap these free-writes with a partner for feedback. But I want you all to get real feedback, so you're not just gonna trade with your bestie. We're gonna mix things up. Bass, trade with Sanchez. Banes with Miller."
Dean's spine turns to ice. His brain catches on fire. Someone is gonna read what he wrote. Singer keeps rattling off pairs of names. Too many people get up at once to pass their papers to their assigned partners, and there's a traffic jam in the middle of the room. Singer tells everyone to sit their butts back down and he starts grabbing pages off desks and dropping them onto other desks.
"Novak with Winchester."
Dean's pretty sure he has an actual heart attack and dies when Mr. Singer scoops the paper off his desk and places it in front of Cas. Unfortunately, death doesn't free him from the slow-motion train wreck he's trapped in here. Singer drops Cas's page onto Dean's desk and moves on.
Five, ten, fifteen minutes pass and Dean's still dazed with panic. He does actually try to read over Cas's writing and make some helpful notes, because what the hell, right? Might as well be remembered as a good student when they're giving the eulogy at his funeral. He's not sure if what he writes makes sense, though, or is even legible. The pencil doesn't seem to want to stay gripped in his numb fingers.
Singer calls time, gathers all the pages up, and returns them to their owners. Dean hears paper hit his desk but he's got his eyes closed, and he doesn't plan on opening them again, ever. He doesn't want to see whatever polite "I'm flattered, but..." note Cas has left him. Or, shit, what if Cas wasn't flattered, wasn't polite? What if he was insulted, or disgusted, or angry? What if Dean's paper is full of curse words scrawled in red ink with a big "FUCK OFF" at the top? Or, what if Cas didn't write anything at all? Dean thinks somehow that would be the worst, if Cas just ignored it completely. He has to look. He has to know. He opens his eyes.
Where there had been four bullet points before, there are now twelve. In his tidy hand, Cas has added things like "a beautiful heart" and "fantastic sense of humor" and "endless kindness" and "gorgeous". He's also left some notes beside Dean's original items. After "Someone to slow dance with at prom" he's added "yes, please!!!" He's written "your car is so cool!" next to the item about Baby, and he's drawn about twenty tiny hearts next to the word "Roadhouse" and then "I love Ellen's burgers!"
At the bottom of the page, Cas has left him a grade, perfectly mimicking Dr. Singer's style: "10/10 - see me after class! Burgers and mini-golf Friday? 778-237-3022"
Holy crap. Dean's got a date.
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up-in-my-bunghole · 5 years
Bobby Accepts Dean
I imagine Bobby raising Sam and Dean while their dad was out (which was most of their childhood) and then like,,,, catching Dean with some teenage boys in middle/high school and desperately trying not to openly flirt with them or staring at them with heart eyes. He always noticed him standing closer to the other kids on the football team, or knocking his shoulder with the boy on the debate team, but he kept his mouth shut.
Except for one day, when Bobby is playing with Sam in the park, and he sees Dean next to the park benches in the trees, sitting next to the blondie kid Aiden he heard about from their school for the next two weeks. Their faces were mushed up against each other’s, Dean grabbing a hold of his chin as their lips smacked. 
Usually Bobby doesn’t mind any of that stuff, and there was no need to yack about it with Dean. But Bobby noticed Dean’s brooding, reckless, self hating attitude lately, and he always acts like that after he walks away from the boys on the courtyard. Now, Bobby knows a lot about that kinda hate, and he knows that if you have enough of it for a stupid reason, it makes you stupid, And when you get stupid, you get crazy. And crazy gets you killed.
He couldn’t let Dean do that to himself anymore.
“What is it, Bobby?” Sam asks as his baseball mitt droops in his small hand, looking back to whatever Bobby was staring at.
“Nothing, boy. Just dozin’ off like an old fart.” Bobby turned Sammy’s attention to him before he could get Dean in his view, making him laugh and forget that he even asked a question.
As Bobby loaded Sammy into the backseat, he called Dean over from the bench where he was now sitting and laughing with Aiden to mosey on over to the truck, noting that when Dean was walking back, a blush rose on his face for the smallest second as he looked at the boy on the hidden bench.
“Who was that kid over there?” Bobby glanced at Dean as he pulled onto the road.
Without looking at him, Bobby could see his skin crawl on his body at the question. “Just a guy I know from school.” He says, his voice harsh and snapping.
He leaves it alone until he drops them off back at the hotel, where a note was haphazardly taped to the fridge read “Be out for a couple more days. Lock the doors, watch your brother -John”
Sammy fell asleep pretty quick after they got to the motel, being tuckered out from “combat training” (which meant taking the boys out for lunch and milkshakes and playing in the park). It was just Dean and Bobby in the main room (John actually got a somewhat decent room this time!) watching cable with a gallon of off-brand cola and chips.
Bobby noted that he should bring the kids some groceries tomorrow.
“So, who was that kid at the park bench?” Bobby didn’t take his eyes off the screen as Dean stiffened next to him.
“I said it was no one.” His tone was as sharp as a razor, but Bobby could tell he was nervous.
He’s gonna find out, he knows already. God, I fucked it up. I fucked it up.
“You sure about that, boy?” Turning to him, Bobby raised his eyebrows.
“What the hell do you want from me? I don’t even know the guy.” He took a sip from the liter of soda, wishing it was some whiskey to calm himself the hell down.
“Well, that’s a fun fairy-tale bullshit story.” Dean was about to snap back, but Bobby froze him. “I saw you snookin’ with that kid in the park.”
And right then, Dean thought he exploded. He gets defensive and denies it, starts yelling at him that he’s just making stuff up, or that he didn’t know what he saw. 
“I’m not gay!” His voice carried disgust and offense, and it made a crack in his heart to say that he hated himself.
“I ain’t saying you are.” Bobby gruffed, not having nearly the amount of heat that Dean had. Eventually, Bobby sighs, somewhat defeated. 
:Just tell me what’s goin’ on in that head of yours, kid.” His eyes try and convey empathy, something he doesn’t do very often. He’s just as emotionally stuck up as Dean is in that way, but Dean, for once, understands.
 And Dean finally breaks, letting his shoulders come down and feeling his hands shake the smallest bit. Completely flustered and embarrassed, Dean can’t help but feel scared.
“I... I can’t get rid of it.” Dean carried shame in his tone, making him all the more anxious. “I don’t want to be like this... My dad wouldn’t want me to be like this. And I- I can’t hide it. I try, I really do, but it’s stuck on me.” Bobby frowns at him, and Dean thinks he’s done for.
“God, John would kill me. He’s gonna kill me.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry Bobby.”
Instead of Bobby getting pissed, or slumping in disappointment, he puts a hand on Dean’s shoulder and says, “There ain’t nothin’ you gotta be sorry for, you hear me? You can’t be goin’ on like this, it’s dangerous to be the kinda stupid reckless you’re being, it’ll kill you.”
Dean glanced up to him, willing the water in his eyes to dry out as he focused back in on the moldy floor.
“There’s nothin‘ wrong with ya, kid. It don’t mean shit who get on with, and you don’t need to feel bad about it. I sure as hell don’t care. You’re my kid whichever way you swing.” Bobby shook his shoulder in reassurance, earning a hopeful glance from Dean that soon dimmed as another thought slammed his head.
“Are you gonna tell my dad?” Dean can’t even look up at him when he asks, and it makes Bobby frown.
“Don’t you worry about John. He doesn’t need to know about your canoodlin’. Besides, I think he’ll come around sooner or later.” He gave a tight smile to the kid who he thought of as his own, Dean sighing out in relief.
“Just make sure to be safe, okay? It don’t matter what you do or want with them boys outside, as long as you keep the door shut and your voices down. I ain’t wanna know about that crap. That rule counts for the ladies, too.”
Before Bobby can say anything else, Dean wraps his arms around him and tugs him into a tight hug. After the initial shock of it passed, Bobby squeezed him back, felling his coat bunch up in Dean’s fists.
It was at that moment that everything poured out. All of Dean’s secret crushes, all the hate and self rage he buried, all the times locked in the bathroom, willing himself to be normal, all of the nights he spent outside, an empty back of beer at his side and blood dripping from his knuckles, splattered on the wall. The times when John would cast him a warning look whenever he’d stare at a guy walking past just a little too long, everything. 
Tears spilled down his cheeks, his chest heaving in anguish. He couldn’t keep it all in this time, he couldn’t keep it buried. 
“Thank you.” Dean rasped on his shoulder, clinging to his back like this was the last human contact he’d ever have.
“Course, idjit.”
Bobby held his head in the hug, letting the pain soak through the top layer of his coat and holding him there. Eventually, Bobby patted his back and Dean started to let go, wiping his face with the sleeve of his flannel before Bobby saw it, even though it wasn’t much use, because his eyes were already red and puffed up, the salty water sticking to his skin. Bobby didn’t comment on it, just patting him on the shoulder with a soft smile, telling Dean that it was okay, that he didn’t have to be scared. 
“Alright, we’re gonna start growin’ lady parts if we keep on whinin’.” Dean would’ve felt hurt if it was anyone other than Bobby. But Bobby didn’t need to say fancy words to get a point across, and he wasn’t really mad at Dean for that moment.
“Alright, you wanna beer?” Bobby said, getting up and waltzing toward the fridge.
“Don’t get your hope up, son. I said one beer.” He closed the fridge door with his foot, two beer bottle necks clanking between his fingers. “The rest of this is for me” 
“Fine by me.” As Dean grabbed a beer from Bobby, he smiled, knowing that he could talk his way into getting a second. He felt good that night, like who he was was okay. Bobby said that it was okay, and he started to think that maybe, just maybe, it could be.
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Unbreakable- Part 1 (Mila)
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Description: With a world full of things that go bump in the night, there is more than just one dynamic family duo like the Winchesters. Mila and Natalia Rivera are sisters who started hunting together after the loss of their parents. After ten years in the life, they run into the Winchester brothers on a nasty vamp hunt.  What blooms are relationships they didn’t think were possible.
Characters: Mila Rivera (@justawaywardwinchester ‘s OC), Natalia Rivera (@team-free-will-you-idjits-67 ‘s OC), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Ares the dog
Relationship: Eventual Mila Rivera x Dean Winchester, Sister!Mila x Sister!Natalia.
Warnings:  Explicit Language
Word Count: 2814
 A/N: As seen per the Unbreakable Masterlist, this is my collab with @team-free-will-you-idjits-67! It’s my baby and I really hope you all enjoy it!
I slid into the vinyl booth and let out an exasperated sigh. It was so nice to take a load off after the last couple weeks. My body ached in thanks for finally resting.
The waitress begrudgingly came to take my order. “A coffee and two beers please,” I said tiredly. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow as she scribbled on her notepad. “Oh, I’m waiting for someone else. She’ll be here in a sec.” She turned on her heel with a quick nod and moseyed back towards the kitchen.
My sister landed in the booth across from me, throwing her bag down carelessly. “Wow does it feel good to sit down,” she exclaimed. I threw her a smirk. Natalia was my hunting partner and beloved baby sister. She was also my best friend, my home and I couldn't imagine trying to survive this crazy world without her. After our parents died, it was just the two of us, along our dog Ares, and my beautiful truck Xena.
“Yeah, that’s what I said,” chuckling. “I ordered you a beer, by the way.”
“Oh, thank god. I need a cold one.” The waitress returned with the drinks and took the rest of our order. “So, what’s our next move?” Nat asked, her fingers mindlessly fiddling with her necklace, after the waitress left our table.
Pulling out my laptop, I gave her a look. “You’re not going to like it. There’s a vamp nest that’s been terrorizing Sioux Falls. Apparently, it’s a bloodbath.”
Natalia looked down the neck of her beer bottle as she thought about what that meant for us. “Well that’s just great,” she said with sarcasm emanating from her voice.  I shot her a glare for her sass, but I also sympathized with her. We were both so tired of chasing down vampires. They were sneaky, a pain in the ass, and not exactly an easy hunt. You couldn't exorcise them like demons or bind them in silver like shifters. It took robbing corpses for dead man’s blood to inject them with and the element of surprise. Once they got your scent, they had it for life and the last thing we needed were a couple of bent-out-of-shape vamps on our tails.
 “Look, I know it’s not ideal. But it sounds like they've been trying to recruit.” I turned my laptop to show her what I found. The local college had a string of missing young women over the last few months. The police, of course, had zero clue what was happening right under their noses. They never do. She raised her eyebrows in agreement as I continued, “We can’t let that nest get any bigger. They’ll expose everything if they do.”
“Yeah, there’s no way we can,” she exhaled. She rubbed a hand over her face and my heart sunk a little. I still felt pangs of guilt for dragging her into this life. I was 20 and she was 17 when a car crash took our parents from us, leaving us on our own and me to look out for her. But in my mind, she will always be my 6 year-old baby sister playing school with her collection of stuffed animals.
“Can we at least stay and eat some real food for once?” She groaned.
I laughed at her plea. “Of course. I’m sick of microwaved burritos too.” Thank god the portions at the diner were huge. We were able to fill up on good food, take some to go, and even some eggs for Ares, much to my disapproval.
After our indulgence, we headed out of the diner back to the truck. As soon as we got to there, our boy was waiting for us with a tongue-hanging smile. The Belgian Malinois looked mean as sin, but in reality, he could be a giant teddy bear. Unless you’re a monster. Then you’re going down. Natalia ran ahead of me to let him out. They were quite the pair. I smiled as I watched him trot around her with excitement until she knelt down to scratch behind his ears. “Hey buddy!” she exclaimed. “Don’t worry, we got you some food too.” When she found the good stuff, he patiently sat to receive his reward. She placed it in front of him and he waited for permission to dive in. “Eat up, Ares!” she giggled. I laughed and shook my head at the two of them.  
I beamed at my boy. I was so proud of how far he’d come in his training. He was one of our best resources we had when hunting. His nose could pinpoint a monster from a mile away and he helped us clear buildings without getting ambushed.
Once he had eaten his fill, we all hopped in the truck. She roared to life as soon as I turned the key. I sat there for a moment, relishing in her purr. It was so satisfying to know all the hard work I had put in kept her running like a champ. Shifting into drive I gave Natalia a mischievous look “Let’s see how fast Xena can get us to South Dakota, shall we?”I shot her a wink and peeled out of the diner parking lot.
The magnificent Black Hill mountains flashed by as we made our way into Sioux Falls. There was no better feeling than the wind whipping my hair around and reveling in the rumble of Xena’s engine as I flew down the highway. She always answered my lead foot with a thunderous reply.
With my sister by my side and our dog in her lap, my lifted black ‘70 Chevy truck had never felt cozier. Nat broke the silence. “We stopping at a motel first or the college?”
I looked down at myself and cringed, “Definitely a motel. We still haven't cleaned up from our last hunt. Pretty sure I still have some dried vamp blood in my hair. We can stop at the college tomorrow morning.”
She nodded, “Hopefully the motel actually has hot water this time.” Ares yipped as if agreeing with us and we smiled at our goofy boy.
I scratched the side of his face. “You wanna take a bath too, huh?” Hi ears went flat in fear against his head as he scooted closer towards my sister. Who would have thought this fierce dog was afraid of water? Both my sister and I howled with laughter at him as she wrapped her arms around him dramatically.
“Don’t worry, bud. I won't let the evil bath monster get you!” he licked her face in appreciation and we laughed even harder.
I pulled into the first motel with a vacancy sign still lit and parked the truck, leaving my sister and dog behind while I got us  a room. I rolled my eyes when I saw the greasy, mid-life crisis type behind the counter. Great.
“How can I help ya, little lady?” he said with a suggestive sneer that sent chills down my spine.
I looked him dead in the eye with a ‘don’t even try me’ glare. “One room, please. Cash.” I placed the bills on the counter.
“You here all by yourself? What a shame.” He oozed a predatory charm.
“No, my sister and I are here. We’re… in the law enforcement business. You know, wielding guns and kicking ass.” I responded, maintaining my ice cold barrier. I gave him a look that suggested he did not want to know what I really meant.
“Interesting,” he said quietly. Taken down a notch by my attitude, he handed me a key. “Here you go. Enjoy.”
Without a word, I took the key and turned for the door. I kicked it open with my boot and headed back for the truck.
Jumping back in the cab, I realized just how exhausted I was. We pulled around to where our room was and unloaded our stuff. I unlocked the door and pushed it open for Nat, who was right behind me with her bags. Looking around the room, I shrugged. It wasn’t horrible. Not great, but we’ve seen worse.
We threw our bags on each of the beds and looked at each other. “I call shower first!” I yelled as I ran toward the bathroom.
“Oh no you don’t!” She shouted as she raced me to the door. We tussled for a minute before I had my hand on the knob and turned it to let myself in.
“Ha! Respect your elders, kiddo.” I grinned at the grimace on her face and shut the door. I shed all my clothes and started the shower.
While I was waiting for the water to turn hot, I searched the internet for the latest happenings in Sioux Falls. We needed a plan and had no time to lose. All I wanted to do was let the steam ease my muscles, get in my favorite pajamas, and go to sleep. But sadly, that was not on the agenda.
I opened the bathroom door wrapped in a towel and strolled toward the bed to get my pajamas out of my bag. “Ahhh, I feel so much better.” I teased and stuck my tongue out at her.
“ Mila. You will not believe what I saw.”
I immediately went for my gun in my bag when she elaborated.
“No, no, listen.” I relaxed and sat at the end of the bed. “There is a gorgeous Impala here, and the guys in it were just as attractive. I saw them when you were getting the room earlier and they left in these fitted suits that were just…..fuck.”
I brooded, daydreaming about what it would be like to be with a nice, attractive man. I shook myself out of it. “Well they sound wonderful, but we’ve got work to do. Go get showered so we can get to it.”
She rolled her eyes at me and mocked a salute, “Yes, sir!” I was about to sock her in the arm when she ran and escaped to the bathroom. She was such a brat sometimes.
While Natalia was in the shower, I put on a tank top and flannel pajama pants and started up my laptop to dive into the missing persons reports. I was gathering the details of the women who had disappeared. Things like where they were from, what classes they took, and where they lived now would tell us about who they were and how we might be able to find them.
While I was perusing social media profiles for intel, I heard voices from the room next door. They were muffled through the walls, but there was a very clear “son of a bitch!”and I dropped my head with an irritated breath. Excellent. Another motel where we are subjected to listen to a couple’s fight until 3 o’clock in the morning. I was praying for a decent night’s sleep and I did not need this. Ares growled at the voices from his spot on Nat’s bed. “I know, boy. If they don’t quiet down, you can sic ‘em,” I winked at him.
I was so lost in my thoughts, I hadn’t noticed Natalia had gotten out of the shower and put on her pajamas. She sat down across from me, breaking my focus from my screen,“What did you come up with?”
I groaned and rubbed my eyes “It’s pretty much what we assumed. The women all went to the college and lived in the same area. Within a few blocks, even. This has to be more than a coincidence.” I ran a hand over my face. I wanted nothing more than to crash, but I knew we needed to get our bearings before heading out in the morning. “This bloodsucker must have chosen them. But I can’t understand why.”
“Hm. That doesn’t make any sense.” Natalia sighed. She gave me a look. Dead ends did us no good.
I couldn’t even think anymore. Everything I was reading just came out pear-shaped and I did not have the energy to focus. “I have to sleep. I’m no help anymore. Maybe we can find out more when we hit the campus tomorrow.” I yawned through my words. I shut my laptop and climbed into bed. The soft covers and pillow felt like heaven. “G’night sis, sweet dreams”.
My alarm went off at 6 a.m. I groaned and hit the snooze button. After the alarm went off again, I decided to just bite the bullet and get out of bed. I stumbled to the bathroom, still half asleep, and splashed cold water on my face. I looked up at the mirror at how drained I looked. Like a vampire’s victim. It was going to take quite a bit of makeup to take me from this to Special Agent Cruz, my FBI alter ego to get information from the poor bastards that run these towns.
I washed my face and and applied a professional look; subtle eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, and just a dusting of foundation. I let out a small laugh when I looked over myself in the mirror. My face said business, but my ratty t-shirt and shorts said otherwise.
I rolled my eyes as I walked out of the bathroom to see my sister still fast asleep snuggled up with Ares. Typical. That kid could sleep for eternity if you let her. I grabbed a pillow off my bed and threw it at her. Ares just looked up towards me without lifting his head. He was used to our bullshit antics. She groaned and moved the pillow off her face, “What time is it?”
I snickered as I got my pantsuit out of the closet. “6:30. Get up and get dressed. Get Special Agent Nicks together, and quickly. We need to get to the college soon.”
As I put on my black pumps, she was finally getting dressed. I pulled my hair back into a bun that accentuated my curls. As much as I am not a “girly girl”, I did love dressing as a federal agent. I felt like a beautiful force just waiting for someone to reckon with.
I sat at my laptop, waiting for Nat to finish getting ready. I checked the latest to see if there were any new developments.
“Anything?” she asked while putting on her heels.
“Nothing new.” I shook my head. “I guess we’ll just find out when we get there.”
We pulled into the campus and parked in  a farther lot. We couldn’t risk being seen as ‘agents’ getting out of an old truck. It tends to throw off our authenticity.
I knew where the administration offices were from a map I found last night while doing research on the missing women.  The concrete stairs leading up to main courtyard were just ahead, so I pointed the way to Nat and we started heading up the stairs.  The path lead to a cluster of buildings surrounded by trees and manicured lawns. It was a beautiful campus, but it still felt heavy.
We passed a group of frat guys sitting in a group over some burgers when I heard a whistle. “Damn. What I would do to her.” I overheard one of the men say. He was your cliche meathead: clothes too tight, dim witted juicehead. I stopped in my tracks and whipped around to face him.
“What did you just say?” I looked at him with daggers.
“I was just saying how fine you were, all dressed to impress. No need to try anymore, baby. I’m right here,” his slimy smile sent a burst of anger through me.
I walked up to him like I was about to accept an invitation to sit on his lap and his eyes widened, thinking he was victorious. I bent down to meet his face and spoke in a whispered tone “Boy, I wear heels bigger than your dick. You wouldn’t survive this ride,” as my eyes gestured to my body. I stood back up and continued my way to the office. I heard the howls of laughter coming from the rest of his table. I smiled to myself and threw a wink to my sister. “Dumbass” I said to her from the side of my mouth.
We opened the office doors and went to the receptionist desk to find out who we should talk to. As we waited, I felt Natalia grab my arm, hard. “Ow, what the hell-” I looked over at her. Her gaze was fixed to the other side of the room. I followed it to see two men in one of the offices with the door closed, speaking to someone. “What is your deal?? Who are you looking at?”
“Those are those guys I saw yesterday when you were checking into the hotel. The Adonis types. With the Impala!” she whispered loudly.
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A/N: This was a request from @roonyxx. Thank you so much for your request!
Prompt: The reader is in a relationship with Dean, and she goes to school because she wants to, and in the middle of class, Dean bursts in and needs her to come and get her because of some emergency hunt, and the whole class is like “who is that”. Dean argues with the teacher, and somewhere in the middle, Cas just teleports in and everybody is like WTF.
I hope you’ll like it!
As always, remember, I always say yes to requests and feedback feeds the writer (it really butters my eggroll)
Buy me a coffee (help me, I’m poor) - find my commision-list here 
Pairings: Dean x reader
Warnings: Language
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I plopped down on the seat in the middle row with my coffee almost glued to my hand. As much as I loved going to school, the late days would be the death of me. Anna sat down next to me with a sigh.
“History can screw itself. I’m done. This is seriously the most boring subject in the world.” She rolled her eyes, as she looked down to the blackboard and then turned to me. “Oh my god, is that coffee? Can I have a sip?” I almost wanted to throat-punch her, but contained my killer-plans – throat-punching was reserved for monsters and ghouls, and drunken men, who tried to hit on me in the bar, not fellow students. “Sorry, I’ve been sick, soooo…” I turned my head back to the black-board, and watched the ancient teacher shuffle in. My head already felt heavy and the noises of the rest of the class getting in their seats, were overwhelming.
I started college a year ago. Sam had been all for it, while Dean had been a little apprehensive; he didn’t want to let me go, much less the fact that he wouldn’t see me every day, all day. He finally caved, when I told him he was being archaic – if I wanted an education, I was going to be damned, if I didn’t get one. So here I was, one year into my history and English degree, and I was seriously considering quitting. My teacher in history was probably the dullest teacher in existence; he was old, white-haired and wheezing man. He was boring as the day were long, and it made me want to pull my teeth out, just to have something exiting to do.
“Class, we will start with the civil war. As interesting that may sound…” He droned, every word pronounced perfectly and slowly. I idly twirled my pen, zoning out. I wanted to be home with the boys, helping them to figure their current case out. Something had been sweeping campus-grounds, snatching couples, and we were at a standstill; even Sam couldn’t figure it out. Dean had been even more adamant, that I didn’t go to school today, because of it. Now I wish I didn’t, the thought of enduring another two damn hours with this old coot, was not appealing.
The door slammed open, the noise echoing throughout the room, and a flurry of gasps followed suit. The old geezer looked up, somewhat annoyed, and crossed his arms – I followed his gaze, and frowned. “Dean? What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, standing up. “Wait, you know him!?” Anna gasped from behind me. “It’s my very rude boyfriend.” Anna gasped loudly. “Oh my gosh, you’re so lucky!” I rolled my eyes. Dean found me in the crowd and walked quickly to my row, motioning me to get out. “We’ve got a lead. Come on, we need you.” I frowned again, stepping out of the row and in front of him. “Dean, I’m in the middle of class.” He rolled his eyes. “It doesn’t matter, Y/N. Come on, we gotta fucking go!”
“Hold it!” The geezer shouted from the board. Both me and Dean whipped our heads towards him. “I am teaching. This is a lecture. You cannot barge in and disrupt the class. You’ll wait.” He said. Dean groaned and grabbed my arm. “Listen, Mr. Binns, I’m not here to disrupt class. I’m here to get my girlfriend, so she can help me. Just keep teaching, and she’ll be back next week.” Dean said, already trying to walk out. “Dean, I need my stuff. Two seconds, okay?” He nodded, clearly impatient and desperate for me to get the hell out. I quickly walked to my table, Anna whispering fervently in my ear, but I brushed her off. As I looked back to the stairs, where Dean had been a few moments before, I groaned; he was gone. I scanned the room and saw him talking animatedly with his hands with the old Geezer. You had got to be fucking kidding me.
“Dean, seriously!?” I shouted at him as I leapt down the stairs, trying desperately to stop a disaster – like my 100+ year old teacher getting a heart-attack. Dean flipped around and threw his hands to the sides. “Seriously, me!? Your goddamn teacher is a dickhole, and he won’t let you leave.” I sighed and rubbed my forehead with my hands. “Dean, can you just step out, please? I’ll join you soon, I promise.” He groaned but turned on his heel and started to walk slowly up the stairs, the mutterings of my fellow students following him. I could vaguely understand some of it; a few of the girls were taken with him, loudly declaring how pretty and handsome he was. I groaned and turned to my teacher. He looked menacing, even in old age. “I’m so sorry, professor, but I am an adult, and I have other responsibilities outside of this classroom.” I said, trying desperately to sound adult and composed. “I am well aware of that, Ms. Y/L/N, but that does not condone the behavior of your male company.” I nodded. “I understand that. I can promise, it won’t….” I got cut off by loud shrieks and clamoring around the class-room, and I turned around, half expected Dean to be ripping heads off, but instead I saw Cass in the middle of the stairs, right in front of Dean, who were on the last step before the door. “Castiel!? What the hell!?” I shrieked. He looked confused. “Sam was worried. He sent me to get you.” I rolled my eyes as the screams died down somewhat. “Dude, you can’t just angel-teleport into my damn classroom during a damn lecture!” I said, walking fast to reach him. A guy on the second row grabbed my hand. “Uhm, not to be rude or anything, but what the fuck is happening?” I shook my head. “Better for all of you, if you just forget what happened.” I said, grabbing Cass’s arm and rushing up the stairs, my fellow students muttering and the professor yelling loudly from the black-board.
As we left the campus, I slapped Dean’s shoulder and the back of Cass’s head lightly. “You guys are just trying to make my degree impossible, aren’t you?” Dean grinned. “No, but will admit… It was damn funny.”
He wrapped his arm around me and kissed me on the top of my head. Damn this hunt.
TAGLIST: @hobby27, @trustnobodyshootfirst, @akshi8278, @wingedcatninja, @supernatural-idjit-95, @polina-93, @andkatiethings
FOREVERLIST: @supernaturalmagicfolk, @redeyedvixen @al1y, @roonyxx, @heyitscam99, @sherlockstolemyname, @tayyfvck, @starletzombie, @jensenyourdeanisshowing, @linki-locks11, @pisces-cutie, 
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buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years
Half Blood, Whole Heart: Part 5
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Pairings: Jax x Reader, sister Winchester!reader- SOA/SPN Crossover
Warnings: Swearing, fluff. lots of angst, character injury….. John being the typical father of a daughter... IDK... if you’re offended, sorry not really
Word Count: 4,390
A/N: So I decided to repost my novel- the story that someone stole from my old blog and put up on Wattpad. PLEASE don’t be an asshole and steal my stories. It CRUSHED me when it happened and almost ran me off Tumblr.
Half Blood, Whole Heart Masterlist     Aesthetic by @ravenangel33​
“Maybe he’s giving us the rest of the week off to go to the cabin early.” Jax suggested as he carried you on his back across the parking lot toward the garage. The two of you had been guessing all morning on what Clay had in store for you.
“Yea right. I still vote pay raise.” Jax shook his head as he set you down in front of the office door.
“Time to find out.” He rapped his knuckles on the door twice before swinging it open. You made it two steps into the door before you froze. Frozen on the CCTV monitor was you, Jax, Sam and Dean standing around the open trunk of the Impala with every gun Dean owned on display.
“Didn’t think I’d find out about it?” Clay asked. You couldn’t take your eyes off the heartbroken look on Sam’s face as you took a half step back.
“Clay, this is my fault. I told them…” Jax started and you shook your head and took ahold of his arm and looked at Clay.
“No, this is on me. Sam’s house burned down this weekend and Jess was inside when it happened. That’s where I was this weekend; trying to help out where I could…”
“Jess was inside?!” Gemma gasped. You nodded as a couple tears slipped from your eyes. “Oh honey.” She said as she jumped up from her chair to wrap you in her arms. “Do they know who did it?”
“They have an idea. (Y/N)’s brothers were on their way to Colorado to follow a lead. I told them since Sam had lost everything he had in the fire they could stay for a few hours to rest since they are now family.” Gemma kissed the top of your head and pulled back to look at you.
“I am so sorry, honey.”
“As am I. Jess was a good girl; but that is not why I’ve called the two of you in here.” Clay said. Gemma sat back down in her chair as he pointed to the Impala’s trunk. “The false bottom; who did that?” He inquired as he looked over at you. Your brow furrowed as you wiped your tears away and sniffed.
“Umm… an old family friend designed it for my dad, originally but Dean went back when he got the car and reenforced it.” Clay nodded as he pointed at the chair across the desk. You quickly sat down on Jax’s knee as Gemma handed you a cigarette.
“Becoming the old lady of the VP of the club comes with its perks. You are now privy to a little more detail of what goes on behind closed doors at church. And this…” he said as he gestured to the car “could not have come at a better time for us. We have a shipment of guns coming in Sunday morning. I need something like this to get them to the warehouse.” You nodded slowly as you looked up at the TV screen.
“Do you have cars already that I can use? And what kinda weight are you talkin’?” You asked as you offered Jax your smoke.
“No to the cars and this shipment is little over four dozen unassembled .223 cal Bushmaster AR-15’s.” You whistled in shock at the idea and nodded your head.
“You need two cars for that kinda weight. Put all that in one and you’re driving dead. You need them done by Saturday at the latest.” You said, thinking out loud and Clay nodded. You shrugged. “Well, since you don’t have cars already, that same old family friend who made that box owns a scrap yard and auto shop in South Dakota. Cash only and it’s far enough away that they couldn't be traced between you and him. He’d help me out; guy is like a second father to me.”
“Take Juice with you with the flat bed and get on the road.” Jax nodded and pat your thigh and you hopped up. After quick goodbyes to Gemma, the two of you left the office and headed for the dorms.
“So much for the cabin this weekend.” Jax said. You blanched and looked over at him.
“Cabin…? Baby, what the hell just happened?” You asked with a laugh. He smirked and looked at you as he held the club door open for you.
“Perks of being my old lady.” You heard someone give a weak, half drunken cheer and you laughed as you headed for your room.
“Yea, well if my dad finds out about this he’s gunna kill me.”
“Well I’ll be damned. If it isn’t my sweet little, (Y/N).” Bobby said as you stood on his porch late the next afternoon. You tilted your head and smiled at him as you shoved your hands in your back pockets; suddenly grateful that it was cold enough in South Dakota in October to be able to wear a hoodie to cover your ink.
“Hey, Bobby… sorry for just showing up. I would have called but I couldn’t get ahold of Dean to get your new numbers.”
“You never have to call to come here. Fact, I wish you and your idjit brothers would come around more often.” He held open the screen door for you and you smiled as you and Jax headed inside. “So to what do I owe the visit?” He asked as you headed into the living room. You sighed contently as you looked around the very familiar house.
“New job. I got out little over a year ago and got a job at a shop in Charming, California. Fell in love with this fool here.” You said as you gestured to Jax. “Bobby, I’d like you to meet Jax Teller. Babe, this is Bobby Singer; the man who taught my dad how to hunt, our occasional babysitter growin’ up, and my other dad.” The two men shook hands before the three of you sat down. You bit back a smile as Bobby’s eyes darted over the patches on the front of Jax’s kutte. After a moment, he looked back over at you.
“I heard from John you just up and ran away.” Bobby said as his brow furrowed. You leaned forward and shook your head.
“Bobby, you knew as well as I did I wasn’t cut out for this shit. I am nothing like dad and the boys. I had an out and I took it. Did I go about it poorly? Yea, maybe but I did what I needed to and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I could have made for myself.” The older man nodded slowly as he pursed his lips.
“He hasn’t talked to you since, has he?” You shook your head.
“Dean didn’t until Friday either. Dad won’t talk to me or Sammy anymore and now we can’t find him. Dean and him hunted together for a while but he took a woman in white case in Jericho a few weeks back that the three of us had to finish and he’s been gone ever since. His phone is shut off and everything.”
“He’s chasin’ the thing that got Mary…”
“The one that got Sam’s girlfriend same way.” You said over him and Bobby blanched.
“Balls. How’s Sam?” You shook your head slowly as Jax put his hand on your lower back.
“Not good. He’s on a war path; dropped out and blew off an interview for law school. I haven’t heard from him yet today but I know dad sent them to Colorado for a case.” You watched Bobby’s eyes dart almost questioningly toward Jax and you put a hand on his knee. “He knows. He got the whole life story the other night. I trust him.”
“My guess is it’s a wendigo.” He said as he got up and headed into the kitchen. Your brow furrowed.
“A wendigo this far west?” He nodded as he brought back three beers. “That’s unheard of.” Bobby shrugged as he flopped back down in his chair, sending little wisps of dust into the air.
“Yea, well it’s my guess.” You took a sip of your beer and looked down at the bottle with a small shake of your head.
“Have you heard from my dad?” Bobby stayed quiet for a moment and you looked up at him.
“He’s safe. I… uhh… I talked to the idjit couple days ago.” You sighed and shook your head as hurt and anger coursed through your veins.
“So he can call you but he can’t be bothered to call his kids. Typical John fucking Winchester right there.”
“Awe, c’mon, (Y/N). You know it’s not like that.” You huffed and leaned back against the couch.
“Unfortunately Bobby, it is like that. It’s been like that my whole life and you know it. Mary’s killer then his kids.” You took a swig of your beer as Bobby shook his head but before he could say anything else, you sat back up and got to business. “Look, it doesn’t matter. He wrote me off last year. I ain’t losing any sleep at night over it anymore, but talking about my dad’s poor parenting choices isn’t why we came up here. I actually need your help with some cars.” Bobby laughed and gestured toward the window behind you.
“Car’s I got. What do you need ‘em for?” You bobbed your head to the side.
“Better you don’t ask questions.” You watched him take a deep breath and you once again cut him off before he could say anything. “I need two, drivable cars and I need to get false bottoms in them and get them back to Charming by Saturday. Figured we could use the plans you had for the Impala, use what we can from the lot here and we’ll pay cash for anything we take.”
“Girl, what are you getting yourself into?” You gave him a weak smile and shook your head.
“Nothing I can’t handle. I’m just a mechanic that works in a shop with an odd request from her boss.” Bobby looked at you and you could see a slight look of sadness and disappointment in his eyes before he turned to Jax.
“You get this girl in trouble and you answer to me, boy; we clear?”
“Yes sir, but you don’t need to worry. She’ll always be protected.” Bobby glared at him for a moment before shaking his head and turning back to you.
“Alright, take what you need. You know your way around the yard.” You smiled and stood up to give him a hug.
“Thanks Bobby. You’re the best.”
“Juice, hand me that torch.” You said as you tossed the last section of fabric out of the trunk of the Ford Aspire you were working on the next afternoon.
“What, you gunna catch this place on fire?” He teased as he handed it over to you. You glanced up at him as you pulled off the flannel you were wearing and tossed it at your friend as you sparked the torch up.
“I’m gunna torch you if you don’t get your ass to work helpin’.” He laughed as you started cutting slots in the bottom to add support beams for the weight of the guns.
“I am helping. I’m making sure you and Jax stay on target.”
“You better listen to my old lady and get to work.” Jax called out from under a Dodge Spirit he had found. Juice let out a little cheer and you smiled as you cut the torch off. You grabbed the rubber mallet and knocked out the pieces you cut and grabbed your first support beam.
“Still like the sound of that.” You called out as you laid the beam across the floor of the trunk.
“Did I not raise you better than that?” The sound of your dad’s voice made your blood run colder then the cool air that was blowing through the open doors. You stood up straight and walked around the back of the car to see your dad standing at the opening of the garage.
“Dad? What are you…?”
“No, better question is what are you doing?” He demanded. “I get a call from Bobby yesterday saying my little girl shows up on the back of a motorcycle with some punk asking about cars with false bottoms.”
“Dad stop.” You said as you headed toward him. You saw Jax sliding out from under the car he was tuning up and you started to pray that there wouldn’t be a fight. John shook his head.
“No, you stop. I gave you a good life and you throw it away for some guy you don’t even know.”
“She has a good life now with me and my family.” Jax jumped in and you side stepped between him and your dad.
“Stay out of this boy. This is between me and my daughter.”
“A daughter you stopped talking to a over year ago because she made the choice not to bounce from motel to motel with you to fight a fight that wasn’t hers anymore.”
“Jax, stop. I got this.” You tried as you put your hand on his chest. He shook his head as he gently grabbed your wrist.
“Who the hell do you think you are?”
“Dad, will you please, just stop for a second.” You begged but John simply ignored you.
“I’m the man who has been taking care of her for the last year when you refused to talk to her because she didn’t agree with your lifestyle.”
“Oh, because hunting is so much worse than being in a fucking biker gang!”
“Juice, get him out of here!” You shouted over the men. Juice came running and shoved Jax toward the lot as you tried to push your father away from the man you loved.
“What the hell are you thinking, (Y/N)?” John shouted as his eyes followed the two men into the yard. “How could you think that that is a better life choice for you?”
“How could I not?!” You screamed back as you took a step back. “Dad, I spent my whole life traveling across the US, living in fucking motels, bouncing from school to school with almost no parental supervision or friends for that mater. I mean for Christ’s sake Dean raised me; not you! Then when I started hunting with you, I got arrested at least once a month, I committed felonies every single day and I broke more laws then I care to even think about. With Jax? I have a steady job as a mechanic that pays really good money, I don’t get arrested, I don’t break the law, I have the same roof over my head every night… tell me how being with him is so much worse.” He stayed quiet for only a moment as his eyes fell from yours… and straight onto Jax’s name tattoo across your heart. You watched his rage flare in his eyes as he glared at you.
“You let him BRAND YOU!” He roared. You didn’t even have time to stop him as he stormed around you toward Jax. You spun around as John stalked up to him.
Your stomach turned as your dad got a halfway decent punch in. As Jax pulled back to swing, you finally reacted. You ran into the garage to where Jax had tossed his kutte and pulled the gun he always carried out of the pocket. You sprinted out into the yard, pointed the gun away from the house and the men and fired.
“ENOUGH!” You screamed as you stormed toward the men who had found themselves on the ground in a mess of blood and limbs. You aimed the gun at both of them and scowled. “Jackson, walk it off.” Your boyfriend shoved away from your dad and headed into the garage with Juice on his heels. You kept the gun pointed at your dad and you shook your head at him.
“How can you sit there and ask me if you raised me better than being called someones old lady when you have been avoiding your kids for years and you just beat the shit out of my boyfriend because I choose to get a tattoo? I’m 23 now, dad. You don’t get to make my choices for me anymore and I choose the life I’ve made for myself.” You lowered the gun and headed back into the garage. “We need to get these cars done, guys. No more fucking around.” You put the gun down on the tool box next to the Aspire and forced yourself to go back to work. After a moment, Jax came over and pulled you out of the trunk and into his arms.
“Babe, I’m sorry.” He said and you shook your head and sighed.
“You shouldn’t have let him get to you. That’s not your fight, baby.”
“Yea but I don’t want him talking to you like that.” You looked up at him and gave him a small shrug.
“He’s my dad.”
“Still doesn’t give him the right to talk to you like that.” You gave him a chaste kiss and smiled.
“That’s John Winchester. I can tell you right now, he’s not done. I bet he’s up at the house, stomping around and licking his wounds. Bobby will calm him down the way Dean was always able to and just like he used to, he will see the logic he can’t see when he is mad. I learned that about him when he used to fight with Sam.” You reached up and gently brushed your thumb across a bruise that was just starting to appear on his jaw and you shook your head. “I can’t believe you punched my dad and my brother the first time you met both of them.” He smiled and shrugged.
“Yea well in my defense, your dad swung first.”
“So what do we have left to do to get these on the road tomorrow morning?” Jax asked softly as the two of you sat on Bobby’s porch late that night. You exhaled your cigarette smoke and glanced over your shoulder at the front door.
“All I gotta do inside is put on the top of the box in the Spirit and reinstall the lining in both trunks; two hours max. Can you to check the breaks on the Aspire for me though? I didn’t like the way it was breaking with all the tools in the back.”
“What was it doing?” He asked as you took a drag of your cigarette.
“Takin’ it’s sweet ass time. Felt like I was trying to break through sand so I’m missing something somewhere and could use a fresh pair of eyes.” He nodded as the screen door squeaked open. You both turned around to look at John who had been avoiding both of you for the past 24 hours.
“You’re smoking again?” He asked harshly as he took a seat in an old chair by the front door. You scooted over to lean back against the banister and nodded. He gestured to Jax. “He know?”
“Yes sir.” He sighed and ran his hand over his face, leaned forward and shook his head.
“(Y/N), I know you think I treat you differently than your brothers but I need you to know that’s not the case. It’s just… you’re my little girl. I never wanted this life for any of you kids, especially you but I didn’t have another choice. I had to go after…”
“I know daddy.” You interrupted.
“No, honey, you don’t. It’s not a spirit.” You sat up a little straighter and turned toward him.
“You know what killed Mary and Jess?” He nodded slowly.
“You cannot tell your brothers you know this yet; you understand me?” You nodded. “It’s a demon… and it wants Sam.”
“What?! Why does it want Sam?” John shook his head and shrugged.
“Haven’t got a clue but I’m closing in on it quickly. I know how to kill it and it knows it.” He looked over at Jax for a moment before he looked back at you. “You listen to me… if you are choosing to be out, you stay out of this. This is one nasty son of a bitch. I fought for years to keep you out of this life as best I could by leaving you behind. Figured it was the only way to keep you safe, so if being with… this guy…”
“Jax.” You watched him inhale slightly to fight off any anger and he gave you a half nod.
“If being with Jax is what you want to do, you don’t get involved with hunts. Period. If we need you; I will call you and only as a last resort. Otherwise, you stay hidden.” You nodded and took a drag of your cigarette as John stood up. “I do love you, (Y/N) and I did the best I could with you and your brothers.” He leaned down and kissed the top of your head before walking past you down the steps to his truck. You spun around on the porch as he opened the truck door.
“Hey dad?” He paused and looked over at you. “Call the boys. They are really worried about you.” He nodded and pointed at Jax.
“You take care of my little girl, son.” Jax nodded as John got into his truck.
“Love you.” You called out as he was about to close the door. You could see his smile by the lights in the cab and he bobbed his head in agreement.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” You leaned against Jax’s shoulder as John started his truck. As he pulled out of the driveway, you waved goodbye and sent a little thanks to who ever allowed you to have a little closure on the family business chapter of your life.
“Cars look good, (Y/N)” Clay says as you gave him a quick tour of the storage boxes that lined the trunk and under the back seats of the two cars. You beamed as you shoved the back seat of the Spirit back in place.
“Thanks. Jax and Juice were both a lot of help.” He nodded as you closed the back door and he turned around to talk to Tig and Chibs about the run. You looked at your boyfriend and shrugged. “Guess that was my thanks?” You asked softly and he chuckled and nodded.
“Best you’re gunna get.” The guys started heading to their bikes and you sighed.
“Be safe, come home to me.”
“Always darlin’.” He said as he cupped your cheeks and gave you a kiss. “Enjoy catching up on sleep without me.”
“Yea right. I sleep like shit when your gone.” He gave you a chaste kiss before forcing himself away from you. “Love you!” You called out. He spun around and smiled at you as he cupped his hands around his mouth.
“I love my old lady!” He shouted over the buzz of the engines and your laugh was lost in a handful of cheers. He blew you a kiss as he got on his bike and you waved as the group pulled out of the compound. You headed inside to your room with the full intention of cleaning up and starting some laundry for the week but the comfort of your bed was too much and you did take a nap.
A sharp knocking on your door woke you up and you rolled over with a groan.
“Yea?” You called out groggily. You blinked a few times to let your eyes adjust to the light as Gemma came into the room. “Hey mom, what’s…” as your vision finally focused, you could see tears falling down her cheeks. You sat up quickly and shook your head.
“Honey, it’s Jax…” You jumped out of bed and grabbed your boots.
“Where is he?” You demanded as you fought to function through your panic.
“St. Thomas.” You jumped up and grabbed your phone, keys and helmet and walked past her.
“I’ll meet you there.” You could hear her crying as you raced out of the club. Every step you took felt like you were running through quicksand. You shook your head; forcing yourself not to cry as you began a repetitive chant of ‘he’s fine’ in your head.
You sped out of the compound and down the cracked pavement; pushing your bike to the limit and breaking traffic laws left and right. The short trip felt like it took hours until you were finally pulling into the hospital parking lot and parking next to the motorcycles. As you were pulling off your helmet, you heard someone shout your name.
“What the fuck happened?” You shouted as you stormed over to Chibs, who was out front smoking. He shook his head.
“Mayan ambush on the caravan. We split the party ta keep ‘em off the cars. ‘e took a couple ‘its. It…” He trailed off and you shook your head.
“Where was he hit?”
“‘e took two ta the left side in ‘is vest an’ one ta the left leg… but it clipped ‘is femoral artery.” Your breath caught in your lungs and you took a step back as your whole world seemed to cave in on you. You grabbed your friend’s arm as your knees gave out.
“No… no, no, no…” You said as you sank down to the ground. Tears started pouring down your cheeks as you tucked your knees up to your chest.
“‘e’s in surgery now. Did the best I could ta stop the bleeding.” He said; his words far away despite the fact that he was now sitting next to you. After a few minutes, he offered you a lit cigarette.
“You think he’ll make it?” You whispered, not really wanting to know the answer.
“Aye. ‘e’s a strong lad, ‘e’ll make it.” Chibs said. You didn’t know how long you sat there before Clay and Gemma show up. You linked arms with Gemma and the two of you headed inside to wait for news. Time seemed to stand still and with every passing minute, it got a little harder for you to convince yourself he was going to be OK.
Part 6
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shinichis-therapist · 5 years
Chapter 1
Rosemary's Pov
(Season 7)
"Dad.DAD WAKE UP,please don't leave me." I yelled as dean sped to the hospital. "Dean hurry the hell up" I yelled holding dad. " I going as fast as I can rose"dean said trying to stay calm. "Just try to stay calm,Rosie. He's gonna be fine." Sam said trying to keep me calm. " Ok Sam you want me to stay calm while my fucking dad has a bullet in his head, oh yeah I'm definitely gonna be calm right now Sam because this is the perfect time to be calm,isn't it?" I yelled at Sam. "Ok,ok I'm sorry. Your right." Sam said. "Rose please stop yelling. Now dose bobby still have a pulse." Dean asked me. "Yeah but it's really slow." I said trying to calm down. "Shit Dean, It's getting slower. Please hurry." I said starting to cry again. "Ok we're here. Sam get him out of the car." Dean yelled. "Help!!"I yelled as we ran inside. "Stop,What happened to him." The nurse asked. "Well obviously he got fucking shot, now stop asking dumb ass questions and help my damn dad" I yelled at the nurse. "Ok we will do everything we can ms...?" The nurse trailing of. "His name is Robert Steven Singer,he's 62 years old. Please help him." I said hugging dean. "Like I said we will do everything we can Ms. Singer." She before going into the room where they had dad. "He's gonna be fine Rosie." Dean said kissing the top of my head. "How do know?" I ask looking up at dean. "Because your dad is one of the strongest people I've ever met." Dean said before a man came up to us. "Sorry to interrupt,is one of you Robert Singers next kin?"he asked. "I'm his daughter" I state pulling away from dean. "Are you over 18?" He asked me. "No" I say confused. "What one of you." He says to Sam and Dean. "I'll go" Dean says as he walks away with the man. "You should sit down rose." Sam said. "Ok." I said sitting down and putting my head on sams shoulder . "I'm sorry Sam." I said. "You haven't done anything to me rosemary,if anything I should be the one saying sorry to everyone for the way I'll been acting the past couple of years."Sam said with regret in his eyes. "Yeah you have been a dumb ass." I said smiling just a little and Dean comes back in the waiting room with a bloody hand. "What the hell happened to your hand." I asked. "They wanna take Bobby's organs,and I just saw dick outside." Dean said angrily. "What dick's outside, and they want dads organs?" I asked. " wait dick was outside what did he want." Sam asked. "I don't even know what he wanted."Dean said. "OK will handle him later,but in the meantime I think we should talk about what we want to do if this doesn't go well." Sam said looking at me. " what do you mean if it doesn't go well,are you saying that he's gonna die." I asked in disbelief that sam would say something like. " well I'm not saying I want it to happen,but I'm saying if it does we need to be prepared." Sam looking down at me. "Wow Sam just when I thought you were pulling your head out of your ass you say some dumb shit again." I yelled as I walked into dads room. "We need to move him." The nurse says. " I love you dad." I say as he grabs my hand. "Wait,wait,dad hey,stop his eyes are open." I yelled at the nurses. "Hey bobby,don't talk" said Dean as he looked for a pen. "Here,here." Dean gave dad a pen and he wrote something on my hand. "Idjits" he said as the Monitor started beeping faster and then Flatline. He's gone. "Dad,DAD PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US." I yelled as they made us leave the the room. "He's gone." I said in breathless voice.
(One Week Later)
"What do you wanna do rose" dean asked me. "I'm done guys." I said packing my bags. "Let's go." I said walking out the door. "Go where." Sam asked. "I'm moving with Jody, I called yesterday she said I could." I said getting in baby. "I thought you were staying to help out with dick." Dean said. "No dean, I don't need revenge. I just need to do what dad wanted me to do, and get out while I still can." I say looking out the window at my house. "Ok." Dean said driving away. "Hey Rosemary, I'm so sorry." Jody said hugging me. "I'm fine." I say hugging back. "So school." I asked. "11th grade starts next month." She says. "Ok, do I have a room." I asked. "Yeah let me show you."she said. "Ok." This is my life now a sad orphan.
Wow this has to be the longest chapter I've ever written,I was up all last night writing it. To be honest this didn't even need to be this long but it's done now-M
Word Count-873
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