#you can literally apply it the same way you would acrylic powder too with a brush and monomer
fushic0re · 2 years
why do salons charge $50-$60 for dip manicures when i literally did my own for only $16.99
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marsupials-of-mars · 6 years
“What if you die? You get in a wreck, and you just die. What’s death like? What if they don’t like your new video? What if they hate it? What if your channel dies? How big really IS the universe? Does it end? And if it doesn’t, in the long run literally nothing you do matters. In a billion years someone who looks just like you could have the exact same life and it would be just as pointless-“
“Virge I know I’m nervous but it’s night and I can’t do anything about it so could you quiet down a bit?”
“Hey, I’m doing my job.”
“Can you work a bit less hard?”
Virgil sighed. He was laying next to Thomas, on top of the sheets. It was summer and he refused to take off his hoodie so blankets were a no go.
“If you insist.” They stayed in silence a while. “What if nothing happens when we die?”
“Look I know you’re trying but I’m tired.”
“Fair enough. Night man.”
Virgil patted Thomas’ shoulder and retreated into his mind. He rose in the hall and made his way to his room. He threw off his hoodie and pulled off his jeans, falling onto his bed. His favorite part of the day, sleep. He rolled up in his sheets and sighed at the breeze from the fan playing with his bangs.
After a bit of laying in bed, humming to himself, and tossing and turning, he realized he wasn’t tired. At all. And he knew what that meant. He groaned and rolled over, willing himself to drift off, but no luck. He let out a long sigh and rolled out of bed. He slid his feet into his black slippers and threw open the door. Usually he’d never leave his room without his hoodie much less without pants, but if there was one person in the entire world who’s opinion of him he didn’t give a rats ass about, it was this little shit. He trudged down the hall toward a black and sickening hot pink door. He tried to yank it open, but the knob wouldn’t turn. He smirked. Might as well have a little fun if he had to deal with the night shift. He put on a gross snooty accent and leaned dramatically on the door. He did a great Roman impression.
“Rem, open up! Dream time! Let’s party!” He heard an excited shout from somewhere inside.
“Give me some warning you bitch, I just finished working out I’m a mess!” The lighthearted name calling made Virgil gag.
Too cutesy, too social. He heard the knob jiggle and stood up from his Roman pose. The door flew open.
“You have no idea how-nnGAAH!” Remy fell backward and dropped his iced coffee. “ANXIETY! Where’s Roman?!”
Virgil snorted. He blinked down at the coffee covered Remy, tank top, hot pink sweat bands and all. “He couldn’t make it. I’ve got the night shift.” Remy gulped. “Believe me buddy I don’t want to be here any more than you want me here. A jobs a job.”
“F-fine. Come in. But don’t touch anything.”
Virgil brushed past Remy who jumped back like he was poisoned. He plopped on the couch and stretched out his skinny, sickly pale arms and legs. Remy opened his mouth like he was about to protest, but decided against it.
Virgil sighed. Remy had hated him as long as he could remember. Not just like the others had hated him, the twerp acted like he was an actual monster. He was scared of him. He couldn’t tell why, but if he had to choose one of the sides, or whatever sleep was, to be afraid of him, it would be Remy. He never had a desire to be friends with him. Their personalities did NOT line up. But he did like terrifying him. If he had to put up with screaming he’d make it for a good reason. He dropped his new-ish friendliness he used with the sides and reverted to good ol’ scream-at-the-sight-of-him Virgil.
“S-so...” Remy tried to regain his composure. “Should we get to it?”
“Nah... we’ve got all night.”
“I don’t want you in my room.” Even with the confident words, his voice tapered off into a squeak halfway through the sentence.
“Rude. You’ve got such a fun place, a soft couch... a wall mounted flatscreen?” He looked at the tv. “You like horror movies right?”
Remy shook his head. Virgil chuckled.
“Aw, poor little Remington.”
“I...I mean if you want-“
“Great!” Virgil grabbed the remote and pulled up The Shining. “Im more into physiological horror, less blood and guts. If there’s too many jumpscares...well... I go a little...” His eyes went black and he hissed, clawing at the air. Remy shrieked and jumped back, tripping over the coffee table. Virgil chuckled. “So yeah, I don’t think that’d be too great an idea. This ones a classic. Cmon, sit.”
Remy conjured a frappe and sat on the couch, keeping a good few feet from Virgil. “Mkay. But I’ll be doing my nails.” He seemed to be getting a bit more comfortable.
“Mhm. Sure.” Virgil hit play. As he watched the movie, Remy started to relax a bit more. He painted his nails a deep red and used a toothpick to add tiny white hearts on each thumb. He adorned them with a few black sequins. His movements were so smooth and precise. Virgil hadn’t noticed that he’d stopped watching the movie. Remy looked up.
“Oh... like them?”
Virgil’s eyes darted up to meet Remy’s. “No. But you’re good at that.”
A slight smile pulled at the corners of Remy’s lips. “Yeah, it took a while to master. Ro made me this book of different designs he’d come up with, we do each other’s all the time.”
“Huh...” Virgil thought a moment. He paused the movie. It wouldn’t hurt... “do you have black?”
He saw Remy’s eyes brighten. “Udoy, I have pretty much any color you can think of.” He seemed proud. It was almost cute.
“Do you think you could do mine...?”
Remy seemed confused a minute but slowly smiled. “You’re kidding.” Suspicion crept onto his face. “Is this a trick...?”
“No, not at all. I’ve actually thought about doing it for a while but it seemed a little... out there. For me.”
Remy blew a raspberry. “You wear eye shadow, I don’t think a mani would be too out there.”
Virgil flushed. “What are you trying to say about my makeup?”
Remy’s smile faltered. “Oh, no that’s not what I meant, I’m saying you’re braver than you think you are. Though your eyeshadow it’s kind of...messy.”
Virgil bristled and brought a hand to his face protectively. “I like it!”
Remy put his hands up. “I do to, I like it, I’m just saying it could use a professional touch!”
Virgil blinked. “You want to do my makeup?”
“Um, yes, I have so many ideas! Well, Ro Ro helped design them, but I’ve wanted to try them out for so long!” Remy conjured a binder titled ‘Nails and Makeup for Rem’. He set it on the coffee table and thumbed through it with his coffee free hand. Virgil watched over his shoulder. The pages were full of Romans drawings, first all kinds of nail designs, then the sides faces, colored and shaded with makeup to fit their personalities. Remy stopped at Virgil’s section. “There’s like, literally a billion of you, you’ve got all sorts of potential!” He grinned. His eyes sparkled with passion. Virgil blushed.
“I always thought you kind of... hated me?”
“Oh, I do, you terrify me physically and emotionally and are overall a wet blanket, but I’m obsessed with your character!”
“My character?” He decided to ignore the previous bits.
“Dark, brooding, scared, troubled, badass, that kind of look is so fun to do! I LIVE for that shit!”
Virgil thought about it. He nodded, slightly red in the face. “Okay. Go ahead.”
Remy pulled out a bottle of black nail polish and set Virgil’s hand on his leg. He looked at the dark side’s nails and furrowed his brows.
“Oh... you’re... you’re a biter aren’t you?”
Virgil looked down. He’d forgotten about that.
“Oh yeah... is that really bad?”
“No... no it just means we get to try something even cooler!” He pulled out a few oddly shaped plastic sheets, a brush, a container of powder, and a glass of water. “This’ll take a while but it’ll be worth it! I won’t need the black paint because I’ve got a black acrylic, I’ll just gloss and decorate it.”
“Acrylics? Fake nails?” Virgil raised a brow.
“Trust me you’ll love them, I’ll give you some manageable stiletto nails, they’ll look like claws, you’ll LOVE them trust me hon.”
“Fine, Fine...” Virgil watched as he sculpted and UV dried and filed and glossed and adorned them with purple rhinestones. Virgil resumed the movie and sipped an iced black coffee Remy had made for him. It took all in all a couple hours.
“Done!” Remy revealed his handiwork. The nails were each about two inches and filed to a point. They were glossed with minimalist design: The thumbs were tipped with violet, And each cuticle was dotted with a tiny purple jewel. Virgil stared at them. He smiled. “Nice...”
“He likes them!” Remy clapped his fingertips. Virgil shrugged.
“Guess so. Makeup?”
“Fuck yeah!” He took off his sunglasses revealing simple but perfect eyeliner framing dark pink eyes. Virgil stared. He chuckled. “I know, I’m gorgeous.” He clipped his glasses on his shirt and pulled out a bottle of makeup remover and a makeup bag. “Keep your eyes closed.” Virgil closed his eyes. He could still feel Remy’s hesitance in the cotton ball on his skin, which was fine. He wasn’t there to make friends. He kept his eyelids still as he felt eyeliner and mascara being applied, then eyeshadow. It took a few minutes. Remy fanned his face, tossing his bangs around in the breeze.
“Aaaand open!” Virgil opened his eyes to a mirror in his face. Remy grinned from behind it. “Like it?” Virgil stared at himself. His lashes were unbelievably thick and long with thick black mascara. He didn’t even know they were that long in the first place. His eyeliner was winged and precise. The best part was the eye shadow, it was smoky, Black to silver to violet. He blinked and stared in awe.
“Like it?” Remy repeated himself.
“Mhm...yeah. Thanks man...” He felt awesome. Gorgeous. “Want to make some nightmares?”
Remy’s smile faltered. “Yeah.”
“I’ll keep it mild.” Virgil rubbed his thumbnail. Remy lightened a bit.
He tailed Virgil as he walked to a door and opened it into darkness. They walked in and Virgil shut the door. “Okay Remington, give it to me.”
Remy pulled out a few folders. “Hmmm... he recently discovered what a goblin shark is.” Virgil nodded and pulled the shark from the folder, enlarging it to the size of a school bus. He conjured a dream Thomas and encapsulated him in a tiny submarine. He filled their surroundings with murky ocean. Remy shivered.
“And um... he’s been having back pains-“
Virgil twisted dream Thomas’ spine into a crooked mess.
“Give me another. Maybe some company.”
Remy gulped. “Um...” he thumbed through folders. “His friend Terrence is moving away.”
Virgil closed his eyes a moment and took a breath. “I’m more than aware...” he plucked Terrence from the folder and shoved him into the sub with Thomas. “He gets eaten first.”
“Are you sure-“
“I’m sure. My job is fear.” Virgil darkened the ocean a bit more and added two pure black giant squid. He blinded the submarine with schools of dead fish. He quickly wrote a script. “Perfect.” He locked the dream into place and hit play. With a moment of thought, he slapped his hand over Remy’s terrified eyes before the bite came. He ushered him out of the room and locked the door.
“What was that?!”
“I didn’t think you’d want to see the shark take a chunk out of Terrence.”
Remy gulped. “Well... thanks.”
“No problem.” He began to head to the door.
“Don’t you want to stay for the showing?” Remy motioned to the tv.
“Nah, I wrote the script. And I’m tired.” He grabbed the doorknob. He paused a moment. “Thanks. For the makeup. And the nails.”
“No prob Virge. Does this make us... friends?”
Virgil gagged. “No, never, and don’t call me Virge.”
Remy shrugged. “Sounds good. But if you do ever want to swing by for a makeover, I’d be up to it.”
Virgil smirked. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He walked out and shut the door behind him.
He made his way to his room and laid down, but before he got to sleep he rose in Thomas’s bed. He looked over to see him panting and sweaty.
“Nightmare?” Virgil smiled slightly in the dark. Thomas spoke through breaths.
Thomas sighed. “It’s fine...” He hugged Virgils side. In ten minutes or so of steady breathing and happy thoughts, he drifted off. Virgil smiled. That bitch was doing his job pretty well.
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iwantunique · 5 years
Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019
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Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: It’s quite possible that you’re not quite sure about what to fill in her stocking with? Well, there are several occasions when our mind goes on a walk and we are unable to pick up the best stocking stuffers for our special woman; and we result in a dilemma of what cool things to get for Christmas this season! So, while you’re busy shopping for Christmas, make sure you don’t miss out on the Stockings! The amazing stockings are the best and most joyous things to search right on Christmas morning; both for adults and kids.  Whether looking for stocking stuffer ideas for girlfriend or home gifts for her or best Christmas gift ideas for wife, or cool Christmas gift ideas for mom; every single stuff of ours suits every personality. Along with uniqueness, these presents hold the tag of affordable too! These cool gift ideas from our picks guarantee you to put a priceless smile on your special woman. These gifts will make her fall with you all over again when she opens these presents. There are both expensive and cheap stocking stuffer ideas too and we promise that each gift is ideal for every woman. So, see our gathered list of the best stocking stuffers for women 2019! About Best stocking stuffers for women 2019 1.Thick Heat Trapping Thermal Neck Warmers About this Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019 Product: 2 Men's neck warmers, women's neck warmers keep your neck warm and dry way better than a scarf; Each winter neck warmer has high-quality thermal yarn for max heat retention; Polar neck gaiter set comes in the colors Grey, Black, Blue, and Purple, or BrownSoft yet breathable fleece interior of neck warmer is warm and cozy; Men's neck gaiter, women's neck gaiter slips overhead to cover neck, mouth, ears, and faceNeck warmer has moisture management and thermal properties for winter; Neck gaiter winter is great for men, women, cold weather; Ideal for skiing, snowboarding, sledding, toboggan, running, and other outdoor activitiesSnow Neck Warmer Shell: 100% Acrylic, Lining: 100% Polyester; 8” H x 11” L; the Adult warmer neck is one size fits most; Neck warmers also fit teens and some juniors; Neck warmers made in China(2) Unisex Arctic Extreme Neck Warmers, Choose Color Of Neck Warmer Set From Dropdown Menu: 2 Brown, 2 Marled Gray, 2 Black, or 1 Blue and 1 Purple; New In Retail Packaging
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Promising review: " Oh my gosh I can't stop telling people about these... I'm newish to the neck warmer game, but regardless these are so amazing! My bf and I each have 1 in black and 1in gray now, so we can still wear 1 when we're washing the other. He works outside a lot doing Carpentry work in Philadelphia, so he deals with nasty weather, for hours straight, on a regular basis. He said these keep him so warm that sometimes he has to take it off to cool down! I use mine every day too, I have to run in and out of places a lot, so it's awesome to have an easy slip-on slip-off type accessory. "--Rebecca McNulty Get it from Amazon for $14.99 2. Safe Personal Alarm Keychain for Woman SAFE PERSONAL ALARM: 🔊 Safesound personal alarm for women, men, kids and the elderly. Feel safe with the personal alarm for women's keychain!PERSONAL ALARM: 🔊 Take the safe sound personal alarm keychain for hiking, joggers, self-defense, personal protection, emergency, and your safety.PERSONAL SAFETY ALARM:🔊 Pull the pin of the safe personal alarm and the loud high decibel 130db siren sound will scream.EASILY CARRY: 👜 Safe sound personal alarm is mini-sized and portable to be attached to your keychain, backpack, ladies' bag, belt loops, schoolbag, suitcases.LED LIGHT: 🌟 This personal alarm for women features a bright led flashlight which will be helpful in low to no light situations.BONUS:🔊 We added a seatbelt cutter window breaker to the personal safety alarm and self-defense, vehicle emergency tool. Safety personal alarm and self-defense.RISK-FREE GUARANTEE:🔊 If for any reason you are not satisfied with the personal alarms for women purchase, contact us. safe sound person alarm
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Promising review: " I got these for my 87-year-old father in law, his neighbor's dogs bark literally non stop, he pulled the pin right out his back door and those dogs remain quiet for several hours, he loves it, it is definitely loud"--Patty Get it from Amazon for $16.99 3. LE EMILIE 5 Toe Moisturizing Gel Socks Minutes of daily pampering is all it takes to turn dry, rough skin on feet and heels into radiant feeling and looking skin. Just slide on our refreshing moisturizing gel socks enriched with premium therapeutic oils Lavender, Jojoba and Vitamin E essential oils, and let the socks do the work for you. Each pair can be used up to 40 times. Save yourself time and money by doing this luxury spa foot treatment at home. For a more intense treatment, use with a skin moisturizer. These make the perfect stocking stuffer, Mother's Day Gift or anytime present for friends or family! About Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: DEEP MOISTURIZING: Unlike many similar products on the market, the Le Emilie 5-toe gel socks with our NEW and IMPROVED comfort-fit elastic ankle band are made with premium therapeutic oils that moisturize and soften feet, heels, and toes that are dry, cracked, rough or splitting.PREMIUM GEL LINING: Our specially formulated solid gel lining developed to use over and over again while maintaining its healing properties. Each pair can use up to 40 times.VITAMIN ENRICHED: Lavender essential oil known for its relaxing and healing effects on the body along with its pleasant scent. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps slow down aging and adds extra moisture to the skin.
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Promising review: " I really like these socks. I wear a size 8 and they fit well. The toes are really long, but it doesn't cause a problem. I haven't had any problem with the heal sliding off. I put them on yesterday right after a foot mask and slept with them on. They keeping my feet well moisturized and soft. They are also very warm. I've been walking around with them on and haven't noticed a problem. "--Robin Get it from Amazon for $12.95 4. Pro Beauty Sponge Makeup Blenders THE BEST MAKEUP BLENDER SPONGE YOU WILL EVER USE! Tired of cakey, stubborn foundation? Want a more natural, airbrush finish? This is what your makeup routine has been missing! It's not the makeup; it's how you apply your makeup.SOFTER, SMOOTHER LOOKING SKIN: Use wet or dry, Latex Free makeup blender sponges apply an even, flawless face. Foundation, concealer, setting powder, blush, bronzer goes on beautifully. Great for prepping the skin with moisturizers, primer, and BB creams.BUILDABLE COVERAGE: Get lighter or heavier coverage depending on how you apply. It absorbs very little makeup so it saves you money.EASY TO USE & CLEAN: Pro or a novice, these makeup blender sponges are easy to integrate into your daily routine.
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Promising review: " Okay so I purchased these ready to throw in the pile of all the other unused fake beauty blenders that I own. However, this one fooled me. The first thing I notice that sets this apart from the others was the texture, they hit this on the head. When you wet them they grow one half the size of a BB which to me is a PLUS!. They are really soft and easy to work with. I got a flawless finish each time with these. There is a downside to these sponges, you can't wash them with soap as you do a BB. Once you put any type of soapy product to clean them the texture changes to an almost clay-like texture. They won't look or feel the same after you do this."--Antoinette Huff Get it from Amazon for $14.97 5. Hair Drying Towels Wrap GET 4 HIGH-QUALITY HAIR DRYING TOWEL - Microfiber material: absorbent (300 GSM) and fast drying. Great for people who wash hair daily and want to reduce hairdryer use, perfect product to help hair dry naturally While you do Makeup or Get Dress or Whatever. Good for curly hair and Very Convenient to Use!REDUCE HAIR FRIZZ AND SPLIT ENDS - as the hair dries without rubbing your hair gets dries gently thus reducing the hair frizz.DRIES YOUR HAIR NATURALLY AND EFFECTIVELY - take care of your hair gently and with health in mind. This wrap towel designed to DRY hair without RUBBING and so helps reduce postpartum hair loss as wellAVOID DAMAGING YOUR HAIR WITH OVERHEATING - hairdryer can damage your hair in the long term and also cause frizz. Using this towel eliminates the use of a hairdryer.COMFORTABLE AND CONVENIENT USE - Wrap your Hair in the Towel When You Get out of Shower or After Hair Washing, secure the towel with the button and you are free to deal with anything. A button and a loop at the back that stops it from unraveling.
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Promising review: "This hair wraps work just perfectly! I get done washing my hair and wrap my hair up in these towels while I finish washing my face, etc and they keep my hair out of the way. And I used to use a towel wrapped around my head but the towel would always fall off as I moved around but these keep everything wrapped up in this pretty colored towel wrap. I would definitely recommend. In fact, I am going to buy more for the other women in my family."--CA Get it from Amazon for $10.45 6. Hair Scalp Massager Shampoo Brush Hair Massager Scalp Suitable for all kinds of people: For women, No need to worry about your long nails. For men, Deep clean and reduce stress. For kids, Be the first lesson to learn how to clean hair all by themselves. (children love it) Make a game-changing addition to your shower routine. About Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: Shampoo brush with a perfect grip handle to fit your hand comfortably (Manual with no battery required & Waterproof)Massager with soft thick silicone bristles stimulate blood flow to the scalp and oil glands (Deep clean and exfoliate the scalp)Relax the scalp muscles and reduce stress (Wonderful Feeling)No need to worry about your long nails or sensitive scalp (as well as all hair types)
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Promising review: " At first I thought this wouldn't be comfortable cause it looked so... spikey... but god it's so relaxing! Especially after a long day at work and you're trying to wind down in the tub. It feels great to use this to rub shampoo/conditioner into your scalp. I do it with a face mask on at the same time and it seriously feels like a DIY spa."--E.M. Get it from Amazon for $5.99 7. Women Girls Fuzzy Slipper Socks Cabin Soft Fluffy Warm PACKAGE INCLUDE Slipper fuzzy socks for women or girls.SOFT & FUZZY & COZY: The fuzzy slipper socks are blended of high-quality materials, super-soft coral velvet inner design, It's very soft, comfortable and breathable, no itching issue. It's a great gift and also perfect socks for women or girls.MICROFIBER & HIGH ELASTIC: This cabin socks designed with high elastic microfiber fabric, the soft-touch features will make your feet feel comfortable and keep the feet warm.ONE SIZE FIT MOST: These Women / Girls fuzzy socks come is a standard US SIZE that fit shoe sizes from US 5 - 9, so everyone can enjoy these colorful, fashion, funny socks. Please do not iron them and suggesting wash them by hand, Great quality socks require the proper care!FIT MANY OCCASIONS : This fuzzy socks are suitable for any situation, you can wear them as cabin socks, sleeping socks, school socks, outdoor socks, home socks, Christmas socks, slipper socks, boot socks, funny socks, thermal socks, microfiber socks, house socks, cozy socks, sherpa socks, novelty socks,fleece-lined socks in Spring, fall, winter season or in any cold weather or snow areas!BEST GIFT CHOICE: These unique fuzzy socks come with a creative bag, luxury, high-class looking will be a perfect present for Christmas gift, white elephant gift, birthday gift, gag gift, mother's day gift, Christmas stocking stuffer, valentines day gift or Halloween gift.
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Promising review: " My Sister-in-law call and said they were great socks and very comfortable!"--Carlos H. Davila Jr. Get it from Amazon for $15.99 8. Female portable urination device teal with case Do you know what's fun about squatting to pee in the great outdoors and baring your rear to bugs, strangers and the cold? Nothing! Have you ever sat down on the toilet in a public restroom to realize that the seat is moist from the previous user? Eww! Never again! Now you can go on long road trips and not be afraid to drink your coffee -because you can GO anywhere! Plan your next big adventure without worries, The Tinkle Belle has you covered! You will quickly discover using The Tinkle Belle provides you freedom and convenience with ease. About Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: USE IT FULLY CLOTHED No need to bare all of your assets! The Tinkle Belle is specifically designed with a hard shell portion so that you can use it with all of your clothing without it collapsing! It doesn’t overflow or collapse like silicone funnels. Just insert it into a fly or move to clothe down in front, point the spout down, and you are good to GO!NO NEED FOR TOILET PAPER Yes, we know when you are out and about that you may not have extra tissues or wipes with you. No problem! The Tinkle Belle is designed with a soft wiping "squeegee" lip so that you can remove any remaining drops. No wet clothing for The Tinkle Belle!COMPACT & FOLDABLE The Tinkle Belle is LONG when unfolded and being used, but compact when you are out and about! We know that #sizematters. This longer spout allows you to pee further away from your body. No more peeing on your feet and clothes! You can now have the longest pee distance contest! When you're done being victorious, you can fold it in half to make it compact and be a discreet champion!ANATOMICALLY SHAPED The Tinkle Belle is anatomically shaped to fit you! Pee in confidence without leaks or overflow. The anatomical shape allows for the correct seal against your body and our built-in thumb-rests assure proper placement. The aim with precision!
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Promising review: " I ordered 2 of them. I do have a go girl and a Venus to Mars. I do really like the Venus to Mars and the tinkle belle set up a lot better than the go girl. And I really do like how the tinkle belle is longer, it folds up and comes with pouches."--Sarah R Get it from Amazon for $27.50 9. Compression Running Socks for Men & Women Unlike normal athletic socks, Physix Gear Low Cut Stamina Socks are designed with gradient compression, The perfect performance running gear designed for any activity where Feet are pushed to the limit. Physix Gear Stamina Socks are engineered with the latest arch to below ankle compression technology, offering targeted foot support unseen on lesser quality socks. About Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: STYLE AND CONFIDENCE ON YOUR FEET – Finally! A Durable Compression Running Sock designed to last without compromising quality or Comfort. Double-stitched Fabric your Feet will thank you. Feel the immediate Comfort and remarkable design of your new Low Cut Running Socks. Premium Quality stitching for Running, Working or Cycling, Easy to get on even though they are a compression sock!BECAUSE PUSHING YOURSELF THAT EXTRA MILE MATTERS! Get your blood circulating in style! Great for relief of foot swelling, sore feet or increasing foot endurance. Wear Physix No Show socks with flats or running shoes. Prevent Blood pooling in the foot on long journeys & Fits well unlike other Stiff varieties. The compression support spreads evenly midfoot heel to ankle & won't squeeze your aching toe joints. Some more Feature about Best Stocking Stuffers for Women 2019: TAKE YOUR GAME TO THE NEXT LEVEL with Comfortable breathable material & careful construction. No stitches in places where they'll rub or rip together. Stay put Cuffs Soothing feeling at the bottom and sides of foot & no pinching seen with lesser quality socks without ankle support.GRAB CONTROL OF YOUR WELLBEING IN STYLE – An Excellent Non-Slide No Show compression Sock that's durable with a fashionable look & variety colors available. Washable designed with Quality Lycra Fabric built for durability. Customers agree the comfort is amazing.GET READY. TO BECOME A RAVING FAN! – We cut no corners in our product and will cut no corners in our support of you! You are making a very intelligent decision for doing business with our company. We know you're a big deal and we'll only provide you with the finest product and service around or your MONEY BACK! Add your Physix Gear Sport Running Compression Socks to your Cart and experience the Physix Gear Sport customer experience phenomenon!
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Promising review: " A bit of history is required to explain why. A little over a year ago, I twisted both my ankles. I had twisted my ankles much worse in the past and recovered fine within a couple of weeks. But I’m older now, and I did not heal. I stopped all sorts of physical activity – hiking, treadmill, elliptical, and weight lifting. I went to the doctor, who found only soft tissue damage (no fractures or breaks), and told me to keep doing what I had been doing. So a year later, my ankles were still swollen, still tight, and still prone to soreness if I wore heels or walked too much at my mostly sedentary desk job, all while 15 lbs. heavier from lack of physical activity. "--Adriana in Los Angeles Get it from Amazon for $9.74 10. Headbands for Women Sweat Wicking Scarf Bandana Elastic Headband QING headbands feature moisture-wicking technology that allows them to keep you dry, feeling clean and also makes them an ideal sportswear option. Each headband has an elastic band in the back part so it can stay in place without adding extra pressure around your head. They have a comfortable fit with back elastic so they don’t slide off. These headbands can be opened up and wear as a bandana or push together and wear as a headband. They also can be used as ponytail headband. These will work and look great with any style of hair. Keep your hair out of your face during workouts and runs! You can hardly remember that you have them on. Made from smooth and soft microfiber, a breathable material that wicks away moisture faster than the leading alternatives. Six colors you can match a lot of outfits
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Promising review: " These are the BEST headbands for someone who sweats a lot. There’s no need to look like someone in the “Let’s Get Physical” 1980’s music video with those thick fluffy sweatbands. These can be scrunched to be thin or spread out to cover your whole forehead and effectively soak up the sweat there. I wear this EVERYDAY as I spend a lot of time cleaning and cooking (as a stay at home mom in TX). And I also have really thick hair so these were a great purchase. I also wear them to do yoga and Zumba."--E. Loar Get it from Amazon for $10.99 Read the full article
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stamped concrete
Summary of Decorative Concrete
Decorative cement, also generally referred to as new concrete, may most very easily be referred to as any method that changes what will be plain, greyish concrete to become more visually pleasing. Ornamental concrete can easily encompass a variety of looks as well as techniques. It may include easy coloring methods such as acidity stains, polymer stains, tangible dyes, and also integral colours (also known as integrated shades; mixed in to the concrete prior to it is poured). It can also consist of special remedies including rubber stamping, scoring, chiseling, and perfecting that can affect the texture from the surface. Often, decorative concrete floor integrates several techniques to really customize the actual slab.
stamped concrete
Probably probably the most well-known processes for transforming simple concrete to get more design-friendly is yellowing, especially for inside applications. This method involves having a cured real slab along with literally discoloration it to become a different colour (or colors). There are 2 main kinds of concrete spot. The most common kind of concrete blemish is an acid solution stain. It really is known for generating rich shade. The acid responds to the concrete saw faq and assumes its own living. The result is the marbleized color, much like grainy leather. It truly is probably the most difficult staining to work with; it takes much extreme caution while applying since you are working along with acid, in the end. This discoloration does not include defects within the concrete. On the other hand, it will probably show problems, even all those you did not see once the concrete was at its organic state. But this personality that the chemical stain shows is section of the allure in the finished item of an chemical p stain work. Water-based definite stains in addition to acrylic asphalt stains develop a much more even look compared to do level of acidity stains. These types of stains possess a thin, milky consistency, letting them seep to the concrete's skin pores, which distinguishes them through any cement paint, which could flake off simply because paints just coat the area. Because there is absolutely no chemical response between the discolor and the tangible, it is applicable more like any dye.
This is a better option than stomach acid stain with regard to concrete patches that have beauty defects due to the fact coverage is rather consistent. Still it is nevertheless a semi-translucent stain, therefore it will not totally disguise soil and other flaws in the concrete floor. Water-based unsightly stains are also frequently called real dyes. It is sometimes used to highlight the work of the acid marks job by providing certain regions of the concrete saw faq a different coloring. Acrylic spots offer a wide selection of deep plus bright colorings with a a lot broader choice than uric acid stain provides. Also, while acid spills rely on some sort of reaction using the concrete to create color, the particular acrylic mark colors are often the same inside the bottle because they are on the definite. This makes forecasting the outcome easier. It also enables easier combining at the construction site to match some other colors about. After the grime job is actually complete, it is strongly recommended to put some kind of protective covering on the surface. This can prevent falling and put on. For outside applications, a new concrete sealer is recommended. The solvent sealer or xylene-based sealer will certainly leave your durable, semi-gloss coat, whilst a water-based sealer may leave a good matte complete. For interior applications, it really is generally suggested to apply some wax, similar to that which is utilized on a fitness center floor. In conclusion, staining is generally a good option for those who have a asphalt slab presently that you would like to include color in order to. Stains usually do not hide disorders in the cement, nor do these cards change the consistency of the tangible. They simply put in a semi-transparent, semi-permanent color. There are lots of tools and even techniques which expand style options when utilizing concrete spot. For example , you will find stencils available on the market that allow for the color design and style. Also, obtained lines will also be commonly used to incorporate a design or layout into the concrete floor.
Stain may also be used in conjunction with placed concrete to provide accent colouring. Plus, there are various ways to use stain to attain different appears. advantages of discolored concrete. Naturally , the greatest benefit of stained real is the overall look. Staining concrete saw faq allows you to change a functional component into a style and design element. In addition, with the variety of colors and styles, staining may be used to compliment nearly every design concept. Another advantage associated with stained definite is that it is really a semi-permanent, long lasting option. Since you are simply changing the color regarding concrete without having altering the physical power, your tarnished concrete may have the life of the boring, white-colored slab (which some asphalt is designed to final more than 50 years! ). Also, since the color is really seeped in the concrete compared to a coating on top such as paint, expense flake off just like paint has a tendency to. Stain may also be described as any "green" restoration project as you can simply change what you curently have, which means much less waste within our landfills brought on by starting more than. In addition , soiling requires simply no extra materials aside from sealer or polish to make the floors surface expecting use. Discolored concrete is equally as easy to sustain as a normal concrete piece if not simpler because the sealer prevents discolorations and rinses easily. It might require a brand new coat involving sealer or even wax sometimes to maintain the conclusion. A simple broom or hose pipe will often brush your surface properly. Finally, an additional of marked concrete is it is relatively affordable compared to other available choices while containing a customized, unique product or service.
Stamped Concrete
Stamped cement is another typical technique of ornamental concrete. This literally requires stamping some sort of pattern and texture in to freshly set concrete. Therefore, stamped tangible requires that will new concrete floor is put. This isn't to express that you cannot add a rubber-stamped pattern or perhaps texture for your existing outdoor patio, it just needs a few advanced steps. For those who have an existing real pad that you would like to add a new stamped routine or structure to, it needs adding your layer connected with concrete or maybe overlay blend. Of course , concrete saw faq is more suitable, as it is among world's strudiest materials; but concrete will need a minimum of a couple of inch elevation increase. There is certainly another merchandise available, known as an contribution mix, which can be applied less than three-eighths ins thick. Nonetheless this plastic-cement polymer has a smaller life-span as compared to does definite. There are restrictions to capping your deck with asphalt or overlaying it. In case your patio will be cracked as well as structurally unsound, it is dangerous to put any kind of coating onto it because in which coating will probably crack together with shift too. Capping or simply overlaying your own concrete can effectively conceal any stain and small defects from the concrete, although. The process entails pouring cement much like you will do regarding ordinary flatwork. The area is usually framed upward, reinforced together with rebar, as well as smoothed away. In order to seal of approval, the tangible must be dried out enough not to be soft but damp enough to be able to still keep an impression. The actual timing is probably one of the most hard aspects of rubber stamping. At this point, big rubber rubber stamps are smashed into the concrete floor, many times having a tool known as tamper. Some kind of release system is used to maintain the stamps coming from sticking. Some other special resources, including "flippie" stamps, grout rollers, and so on are used to ideal the area. The particular coloring with stamped real can be achieved in numerous different ways. A few of the coloring components available for utilize with rubber stamped concrete contain integral/integrated hues, antiquing launch colors, colouring hardeners, and also tinted sealers. Integral colorations, also called incorporated colors, is definitely color which is mixed into your concrete just before it is put in. Integral tones come in each liquid along with powder contact form.
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