#you can possibly lump indra into this list as well
hauntingsofhouses · 6 months
i really do have a type when it comes to my faves lmfao
- commits violence/atrocities
- abandonment issues
- toxic relationship red flags
- babygirl
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kilibaggins · 4 years
Memori ~ Last Name
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Summary: Emori doesn’t have a last name, So, she decides to Use Murphys when they sign their initials on something on the beach. A long talk of the past, and feelings happen. [Mostly Murphy talking lol]
Setting: Post Finale, On The Beach.
Warnings: Talk of suicidal thoughts, talk about how it would have happened if Murphy decided to kill himself (wouldn't have been by his own hand) Talk of ways that he could have killed himself [Not in detail. just objects.], talk of not thinking they’d “make it this far”, Murphy’s dad is mentioned.
A/N: I got an idea and rolled with it! It was meant to be a happier fic, but it turned into a bittersweet one.
Not Requested!
“You know, I don’t have a last name.” Emori says randomly one day. John looks up from where he’s sharpening a spike. It’s a few days after the transcendence, and they need to start hunting soon, and everyone decided since John likes knives, that he could be the one to sharpen a bunch of spikes. He started doing it without gloves for a bit, but then his hand started blistering, so Miller gave him his leather gloves that he never wears. John tilts his head in confusion. 
“Oh?” He asks, wondering why Emori would be bringing this up now. Emori nods and sits next to him. She wraps her arm in his and he adjusts himself enough for her to be comfortable on his side. He starts sharpening the spike again, making sure to do it in a direction he knows couldn’t hurt Emori if he slipped. 
“So, I was thinking, I might as well have yours.” Emori says, a smirk on her face. John slips immediately, cutting the tip of the spike off. He coughs softly and laughs. 
“Oh.” He laughs,a dn he lifts his head to look at Emori. Emori laughs softly and kisses his cheek. 
“I am a great thief after all.” Emori says, and she stands up to walk off. John grabs her gloved hand and holds it before she can leave. He pulls her forward and kisses her hand through her glove. Emori smiles down softly at him. No matter how long they’re together, she’ll never get over how sweet he is with her. Especially with a part of her others hated her for. John lets go of her hand and smiles up at her. She can see a faint tint of pink on his cheek and she laughs softly. 
“Best thief.” John says, smiling. “But don;t let Miller hear I told you that, he’d get jealous.” John jokes and Emori chuckles softly. She turns around and walks off towards Echo. John watches her go with a small smile. He feels his heart sink slightly, knowing that in reality there really isn't a way he could give his last name to her if she really wanted it. He looks back down at his mutilated spear and sighs. There’s no use in thinking of the sad parts. 
“Hey Everyone! Come here!” Miller yells out, and everyone looks up immediately. It’s been a few hours since Emori had come over and said something, so John had not talked to anyone since. He likes keeping to himself when he's working. 
“What’s Up?” John asks, walking over. 
“It’s finished! The first building is officially finished! We can all sleep inside tonight!” Miller says excitedly and everyone cheers, including John. 
“I have an idea.” Octavia says, before standing in front of the makeshift door, made of shaved down wooden planks. She takes out the knife and starts carving into it. When she steps back, the letters ‘O.B’ are engraved. Miller smirks and takes out his knife, engraving his initials as well. 
“Hell yeah.” Clarke says softly, before engraving her initials into it as well. “This is a new start. We should all be a part of it.” She finishes. John walks up to it, and leans in to put his initials in, before he smirks. 
“Nobodies going to use this to murder anybody, right?” He jokes and Clarke shoves at him softly. John laughs loudly, before engraving his initials into the wood. Everyone walks up and Puts their initials, or in the case of Indra, Echo, and Levitt, just their first names. Emori is the last to stand up to the door. She smiles softly, and starts engraving what everyone thinks will be her name, But when she pulls back, what is displayed makes John stare in awe. 
“E.M” Raven says, chuckling. Emori turns and looks at John and chuckles softly and the look of shock on John’s face. John feels a lump form in his throat, and he holds up a finger. 
“I, uh, need a second.” He says, and turns around quickly. Emori tilts her head and watches as he walks away. Clarke puts a hand on his arm. 
“He’s not upset. He’s just taking it in.” Clarke says softly. “After everything that’s happened in his life, this might be really big to him.” She continues and Emori nods and smiles. She looks over and sees John sitting on a stump staring up into the sky. She gives him a few minutes before walking over to him and sitting on the ground next to the stump. She looks up at him and when he doesn’t look back down at her, she reaches up and grabs his hand. She feels his hand tighten around hers, but he continues to look up at the sky.
“I can change it, if you want me to.” Emori says softly, feeling insecure of her choice. John looks down at her, a look of slight panic on his face. 
“No!” He says, louder than he intended to. He softens his voice, “No… I love it. I just.. It’s a lot.” He says, his voice turning into a whisper. He looks back up at the sky and Emori looks up as well. John has never been good at explaining how he felt, he always thought it made him weak.
“In the skybox all I wanted to do was Die.” John says, sadness in his voice. Emori looks at him sadly as he moves off of the stump, and down onto the ground next to her. “I planned it out a million times. A broken glass. Sheets. Attacking a guard. It was all scenarios that drifted through my head as I went to sleep.
 I was going to do it once. I was going to attack Jaha in the halls on the way to class. Make it a big deal. A guard would try and restrain me, I’d fight back, He’d have no choice but to shoot me.” John continues. Emori feels tears fill her eyes at the very image. 
“What stopped you?” Emori asks softly. John looks down at her and wipes at the spot under her eyes and looks at the tip of his thumb. Tears. John leans forward and kisses her softly. 
“Earth.” John says truthfully. He looks back up at the stars and sighs softly. “My dad always talked about how he wished he could go to Earth. He wanted to see the green trees, and the pink flowers, and the roaring rivers. He wanted to adventure through the woods for hours at a time. At night, after he finished reading a chapter of our book, if i wasn't asleep yet, he’d describe what he’d do. He;d list out hundreds of activities that could be done with a simple stick. He wanted Earth. 
I stayed alive because even if i couldn’t see in the future, I knew there was a chance, even if it was 1 in a billion,that I could make it here.” John sys, and his eyes start to tear up. “I always wanted to come to earth. I wanted to see what he said. I wanted to see the green trees. I wanted to see the pink flowers. I wanted to Adventure through the woods for hours at a time. I wanted what he couldn’t have. What he gave his life so I could possibly have.” 
John feels tears drip down his face and he closes his eyes. Emori leans up and kisses his cheek. 
“I’m glad you’re here.” Emori says softly, her eyes filled with tears as well. She hugs him tight, her head on his shoulder. He hugs her back tightly. 
“I didn’t think I’d ever make it far enough to meet anyone who’d want my name. Even if I lived, I never expected anyone to love me enough.” He says and looks back up at the sky. “All of my fantasies of this place were of green trees and flowers… But the best thing that ever happened to me, happened in a completely different place.” John says, a small smile on his face. Emori pulls back and smiles up at him. The desert. 
“When I saw that ‘M’ there… I felt so many emotions at once. I felt overwhelming happiness, because I never thought I’d get this far. Even when I knew we’d stay together, I never thought we’d live. I never thought it’d get this far.” John says, his voice cracking slightly. Emori nods and looks up at the sky. She doesn’t have much to say. She understands of course, the thought she’d be here today never crossed her mind. But she knows they both feel individual feelings towards this. 
“I love you so much, Emori Murphy.” John says,a dn looks down at her. Emori smiles up at him, and slips off her glove before cupping his face. John laughs softly, a tear trailing down his face as he lifts his hand up to hers. 
“I love you too, John Murphy.”
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randomly-random-jen · 4 years
Heaven Can’t Wait - Chapter 46
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Chapter Forty-Six - Out of Options
Clarke wiggles out of her jacket without removing her lips from his all while trying to tear his own jacket from his shoulders. It’s hilarious and erotic, and it makes him love Clarke even more. She laughs into the kiss when they both get stuck. Bellamy quickly pushes her jacket off her arms then squirms out of his own. His hand slides under her shirt and up her back. She tugs on his hair, pulling his lips back to her neck.
God, she’s amazing.
It doesn’t take long before she’s raking her fingers across the burning skin of his chest. She grabs the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. Whoa. His hands wander around to her waist. He tightens his grip, lifting her off her feet. Her legs wrap around him as he presses her against the closed door. Her lips trail butterfly kisses across his jaw. If they don’t take this to the bed soon, he’s sure he’ll just combust right here in her arms.
“Clarke,” he says—the name coming out more like a moan. Clarke shivers in his arms, deepening the kiss.
A squelch of static from the radio on his belt startles them both. Clarke jerks, smacking her forehead against his nose.
“Ow,” he mutters, rubbing his bruised appendage.
Clarke giggles into his shoulder as the radio continues to pop and sputter. Bellamy bites back a groan of frustration, pulling it free from his belt without putting Clarke down. He twists the dial until the frequency clears up. “Say again,” he says into the radio. “I didn’t catch that.”
“Bellamy,” Kane answers, “can you come down to Engineering.”
Clarke giggles again, her lips brushing the tender skin behind his ear, making him tremble.
“Yes, now.”
Bellamy sighs, letting his forehead fall against Clarke’s. “Copy.”
He slides the radio back into his belt then kisses Clarke again. It won’t kill them to wait a few minutes.
The radio crackles again. “While you’re at it, lover boy, bring Clarke along with you,” Raven says with a laugh.
Clarke snorts. Great, the word is out. He’s going to kill Murphy.
Slowly, Bellamy lets Clarke down. It takes him a moment to calm his breathing and center himself. Raven will never let him live it down if he shows up out of breath. They quickly dress, trying not to look at each other or they might never make the meeting.
A few minutes later, they walk into Engineering. Raven gives them a knowing look from her spot in the center of a grim-faced circle of people.
“There you are,” Kane says, obviously annoyed. “Let’s get started.”
“What’s going on?” Clarke asks, joining Raven.
“It’s the end of the world,” Raven answers.
“Yeah, we know that.”
She types something into her computer. “Well, it might be ending a lot sooner than we thought.”
Of course it is.
“Based on my analysis of the last few days of storms and the images from our long-range sensors-” She switches the view to an external camera showing a storm building in the distance—bigger than any Bellamy has ever seen. It roils and spits lightning across the black sky. He swallows hard. “This is it. We’ve got four, maybe five days, before it gets here.”
“Well,” Kane says. “We knew this was going to happen sooner or later. We’re as ready as we’re going to be.”
“What about the transformer?” Bellamy asks, dread pooling in his gut.
“We’ve got the power rerouted to an internal transformer now. We’re just waiting to disconnect from outside.”
“Uh, aren't we cutting it a little close?”
Raven’s eyes narrow. “I lost half my crew—I’m doing the best-”
Bellamy puts his hands up. “Right, I’m sorry. When are we making the switch? We have to do it as soon as possible.”
“I’ll be going out tomorrow morn-”
“No you won’t,” Bellamy interrupts.
Raven crosses her arms. “It’ll be faster if I do it myself instead of explaining it to someone.”
“No. Out of the question.”
“Bellamy, this isn’t your decision.”
Kane puts a hand between them. “No, it’s mine, and I’m with Bellamy. You’re too valuable to risk it.”
Raven starts to protest, but Monty raises his hand. “I’ll do it.”
Everyone turns to him. “Monty-” Bellamy starts.
“I know what you’re going to say—with Jaha and the other engineers gone, I’m too valuable to risk, too, but someone has to go, and we need Raven more than me.”
The group breaks into overlapping protests.
“I’ll do it,” Bellamy says loudly at the same time Murphy says, “I’ll go.”
Bellamy hadn’t even noticed him standing against the wall. Everyone turns to him. “I’m not an engineer, but I can follow directions. Just tell me what to do.”
The arguing continues. Bellamy watches Murphy. What is this about? It’s not like Murphy to risk his life. Murphy watches back then shrugs like he knows what Bellamy is thinking. “Someone has to do it,” Murphy says. “I’m expendable.”
Bellamy doesn’t like the way he says that so nonchalantly. “I doubt Emori would agree.”
Murphy shrugs again.
“Enough,” Raven says suddenly. “This isn’t even the reason I called everyone here.” That gets everyone’s attention. She switches the screen to a schematic of the station. “With the repairs we’ve been able to make over the last few months, the station is as ready as it will ever be except for the observation room. There isn’t the time or the manpower to finish it. It will be a no-man’s land after the wave hits. Thankfully, the airlocks work, and the internal insulation will keep the radiation out of the rest of the station.”
The news tears at Bellamy’s heart. It’s silly really—it’s just a room—but he can’t help remember Heaven twirling under the stars or telling her the stories of the constellations. He pushes down the lump in his throat and almost misses the rest of Raven’s report.
“The real problem, though, is this.” A section of the station on the west highlights yellow. “Although the station can withstand the radiation enough for us to survive, the Deathwave will be proceeded by superheated air that will overwhelm our limited cooling capabilities.” The screen shows an animation of the wave hitting the station, heating up the areas highlighted.
“What are you saying, Raven?” Abby asks with a frown.
“I’m saying we’re going to have to evacuate these areas of the station.”
“Evacuate?” Clarke asks. “To where?”
Raven types something then stands back up. “As far east in the station as we can get, preferably to the levels below ground.”
“That’s nearly a third of the station,” Kane says.
“And it’s mostly Grounders,” adds Clarke. “Where are we going to put everyone? We’re already doubled up.”
Raven sighs. “I know it’s a lot to ask, but we don’t really have a choice. It should only be for a week or so—enough for the front of the wave to pass and the air to cool off. There might be a spike in radiation, but that should dissipate as well.”
“A week?” Bellamy shakes his head. This is a nightmare. “People aren’t going to be happy.”
“I know. I’m telling you we are out of options unless we want everyone in this area to die.”
The group stares at the screens. Bellamy can imagine what many Arkadians will think of this plan. “We can turn the mess hall into a refugee camp,” he says with a sigh. “The lower storage bay, too. The crates can be used as beds. Bathrooms are going to be a problem.”
“We’re still going to have to triple up crew quarters,” Kane adds, pointing to a hallway in the yellow. “These are all Arkadian dormitories.”
Bellamy groans. This is not going to end well. Tensions are already high. Forcing even more people into tighter quarters. It’s a recipe for disaster. A powder keg being lit.
“All right,” Kane says, clapping his hands to get their attention. “Enough moaning. We can’t change the situation so let’s make the best of it. Monty, make a list of the sections needing to be evacuated and a time table. Murphy-” He turns his attention to Murphy still standing at the door. “Do you think you can learn how to disconnect the transformer in the next twenty-four hours?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Get with Raven then. I want us on internal power by tomorrow night. We’ll start evacuations as soon as we’re ready—to storage and the Mess Hall until we can get the rooms sorted out. Clarke, I’ll need your help organizing things.”
“Of course. I’ll get Niylah to help with the Grounders.”
“Good. We need to get this done quickly and quietly. I’ll talk to Indra tonight so she’s prepared then make an announcement after the power is switched over.”
Kane slumps against the table, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Abby wraps a comforting arm around him. Bellamy doesn’t envy either of them.
Bellamy joins Murphy and Raven. “You don’t have to do this,” Bellamy tells Murphy.
He shrugs. “Just don’t tell Emori I volunteered—she doesn’t like when I get all heroic.”
Bellamy smiles.
“I’m going to need you, too,” Raven says, pointing at Bellamy.
He sighs. Of course she does. “Tell me what I need to do.”
Chapter 45 | chapters | Chapter 47
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