#you can still be vegan in other aspects of your life
trophyprincess · 3 months
Here are some tips that have helped me stay sane in the face of my body dysmorphia and disordered eating habits.
Positivity time! This one's for all the ladies out there struggling with their bodies.
Body dysmorphia causes changes to visual areas of the brain. Your brain is literally lying to you. You are hallucinating. No, seriously. This is SO SO IMPORTANT. Look, if you have an ED then chances are, you may very well have legitimate body dysmorphic disorder. Your brain may be warping and distorting the image in the mirror. It's why everyone around you keeps saying how thin you are, but all you can see in the mirror is flab. It's a neurophysiological thing. (Most of the literature on BDD seems to pertain to cases regarding the patient's facial features or similar, rather than in the context of body size in ED patients, though.)
One binge won't undo your progress. Everyone fucks up sometimes. Don't dwell, don't ruminate, just pick yourself up the next day and keep going! This applies to "binges" in the proper clinical sense, as well as 4n4 "binges" that are more aptly described as simply "overeating." I occasionally will give myself a "free day" once a month or so, or if it's a holiday or something.
If you fast and restrict, take a good multivitamin, plus a calcium supplement! I also take thiamine to be safe. Being thin and undereating are associated with osteoporosis risk later in life, so calcium is a must! You need to make sure you're getting all of the critical micronutrients your body needs to function.
Exercise, especially cardio, helps with dopamine regulation. I have industrial strength ADHD-PI, ymmv. I also find that exercise bike, walking, or even pacing constantly = STIMMY STIMMY STIM TIME STIMS, MUST STIM, MORE STIM, CANNOT BE STILL, FUCK YOUR QUIET HANDS. Again, ymmv, fuck quiet hands, all my ND homies hate quiet hands.
Strengthening/resistance exercises help prevent osteoporosis later in life. 20-30 minutes 3-5x/week of yoga or pilates is great for this!
THC gummies are pretty low calorie. Shoutout to drugs other than alcohol for not having calories! (I use cannabis and hallucinogens, not big on hard drugs though.)
If you do drink, there are low cal options, but please moderate and try to follow CDC guidelines and avoid frequent binge drinking!! Guys, susceptibility to addiction runs in families. Also, struggling with impulse control aspects of binging may cooccur sometimes with susceptibility to alcohol abuse and addiction. I like vodka with diet tonic water, gin and tonic with diet tonic water, and vodka cosmos with diet 5 cal cranberrry "juice!" White Claw and similar hard seltzers are also great. Personally, I avoid drinking alone, don't drink all that often, and take care to be responsible and cautious. Ymmv, especially if you're still in early adulthood and just now starting to really experiment with substances!
When you do eat, make sure to get enough protein and fats! Carbs, you can take or leave. No one ever died from lack of carbohydrates, oddly enough. Protein and fat, though? I've had seizures due to low blood protein (combined with an accidental double dose of bupropion, to be fair). Rabbit starvation is a thing. This is especially important to pay attention to if you're vegetarian or vegan! Egg whites, chicken, tuna and other fish, olives, chickpeas, nuts, and beans are all good low calorie sources of protein and fats. (Olives, legumes, and especially nuts are energy dense though, so moderation is key.)
Enjoy the nice, healthy, low calorie foods that you do eat. It's okay to enjoy food, even if it's safe foods like light salads or cauliflower rice with vegetables.
Seek out social support and harm reduction advice. One thing people overlook about the whole "pr0 4n4" thing is that these communities are key sources of social support and harm reduction information for people who struggle with EDs.
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acti-veg · 8 months
Not sure why I'm shouting it into your inbox, instead of elsewhere: I'm not a "perfect vegan," and I don't fucking care. I still wear a leather coat I got 10+ years ago when I wasn't veg. I inherited my mother's leather figure skates and still wear them whenever I skate (they're in perfectly good condition, no need to replace them). I buy my cats fresh chicken on their birthdays for a treat. None of my medications for my multiple chronic illnesses are vegan and, although I've asked, there are no veg substitutes.
But I also am religious in ensuring my food is veg. I buy strictly veg *everything* except pet supplies for my cats (I foster severe medical needs cats). Any new clothes/fixtures in my house are vegan + secondhand if possible, otherwise just vegan + new. I talk about veganism with my friends + family. I volunteer for a local vegan + animal rights organization. I don't really have time for the latter, but this is a lifestyle I've lived for 8+ years now, and I truly believe in it.
I'm not sure when I stopped trying to be "perfect" or forgave myself for the "imperfections." I believe I am vegan - this is as far as is practicable, for me. These remnants and imperfect parts of my life are just part of me that aren't going away. I don't know if that makes me a bad vegan, but I'm beyond caring - it's 350% more than most people will do (and if that's true, you're comfortably in the 2000% more than people will do range).
Thanks for listening and always answering asks, however asinine they are. Keep being amazing - I'm glad you've been here as a part of my journey.
I don’t think that ‘perfection’ is an attainable goal, in veganism or just about anything else. All any of us are doing is our imperfect best. I say this a lot but I see veganism as an ideal that we continually strive towards, while recognising that existing in a consumer society makes it unachievable to cause no harm at all or avoid all animal products in all aspects of our lives.
People see this as a weakness and frequently use it to put us down or accuse us of hypocrisy, but I think it’s a strength. To know how difficult it is and the fact that you’ll always fall short of the ideal, to know people will hold you to an impossible standard but to do it anyway and try your best every single day to cause less harm in the world. How could that not speak well of us?
You’re doing great anon, and you should be really proud of yourself. I’m glad you’re not letting other people’s standards change how you view your own veganism, you are doing what is possible and practicable for you, you’re doing your best and that’s all any of us can do.
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survey--s · 1 year
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Who gives the best advice? I don't really ask people for advice - because my experience is that they then get pissed off when you don't take it.
Is there any band out there that you like every song by them? No.
What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? I can't think of anything in particular right now.
Have you ever smoked? Yeah, I smoked for a bit during my year abroad.
Does your favorite uncle have any children? He does. Two grown up daughters who now have kids of their own.
Have you ever been in a lighthouse? Yes.
Name one of your psycho exes? Chris.
Why were they a psycho ex? Well, he was a compulsive liar and refused to admit to several of his children. We broke up and it's come to light there are even more.
Do you still talk to your first crush? No.
Where would you like to travel? I'd love to go back to Canada and Italy, and in terms of new countries - New Zealand, Iceland, Japan and the Seychelles.
Are you shy about singing in front of people? Not really, but I definitely can't sing in tune lol.
Do you know anyone who always makes themselves out to be the victim? Yeah, I went to university with someone like that. It was exhausting.
Have you ever been insulted or called names by a significant other? Yes.
What’s your favorite movie battle scene? The battle for Helms Deep is pretty good so far as battles go.
Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? No - I've never been to any wedding that wasn't my own.
What’s the population of your hometown? The town I grew up in is about 15k. My current town is about 7k.
What’s the most difficult experience you and a significant other have gone through together? I don't really know, to be honest. Looking back most of my relationships were just filled with pretty mundane dramas.
What’s something you have zero tolerance for? Animal abuse.
When's the last time you said you were sorry? Earlier today when I trod on the cat.
Would you like living on the coast? I love living by the coast. The only disadvantage is the strong wind/storms in the autumn.
Honestly, do you enjoy arguing? No.
Which theory do you wish but perhaps not believe was true about afterlife? I don't really believe anything happens after we die. I kind of think heaven would be cool, though, but without the religious aspect.
Are you scared of losing the person you like to someone else? No. I have no concerns in that respect, he's a very decent person with decent morals.
Do you have a hard time making decisions? I'm weird in that I can make huge, life-changing decisions in seconds, but I really struggle with minor decisions like where to eat or what outfit to wear lol.
If there was a large spider in your room, would you stay in the room? NOPE.
What’s your favorite kind of meat? (vegan/vegetarian options count!) Steak or bacon, or fried chicken.
Have you ever been mistaken for staff at a store you were just visiting? No.
What’s the coolest or most memorable animal you’ve ever seen at a zoo? White lions and tigers are pretty incredible, even though they're mostly inbred these days which is sad. I also remember seeing dolphins at an aquarium in Italy but it just made me sad. It was a mum and calf in this tiny tank and they just swam in circles constantly.
Do you share a bedroom with anybody? My husband and the dog, lol.
What video game have you played the most hours of? If you don’t know, just make a rough guess. Overall probably the Sims as I played it constantly as a kid.
Who will you see within the next week? Mike, my parents and I have no idea who else. I'm hoping to catch up with Susie at some point and I'll probably see my in-laws too.
Do your parents live in their hometown(s)? No - they live on the opposite side of the world from where they were born, lol.
Have you ever modeled before? No.
If offered $1 million, would you do a reality show of your life? No. I value my privacy too much for that.
Who owns the computer you are on? Me.
What’s your best friend’s favorite color? I'm not sure he really has a favourite colour.
What color was your senior prom dress? Red.
How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2014? Just the one.
Northernmost state you’ve been to: I've never been to America.
Think you’ll live to be 100? Who knows. Both sides of my family are pretty long-lived and healthy so I guess it's possible.
Which YouTuber do you feel like you could be friends with easily? I don't watch any YouTubers.
Who do you know personally that has a nice singing voice? My dad.
If you met your favorite musician, what would you ask him/her? I honestly have no idea lol
What's something you used to believe in that you don't anymore? Nothing in particular is coming to mind.
What's something you believe everyone should have? A home.
What's the first thing you do once you get home from a trip? Say hi to all the animals, and then go and take a pee.
Do you listen to podcasts? Which ones? No, I genuinely don't get the appeal.
What was the last heavy thing you lifted? The cat.
Do you have an anchor tattoo? No.
Are your hands unsteady? No.
Do you think you’re pretty? I think I'm normal looking.
Who do you know that wears the most makeup? I don't really know anyone who wears tons of make-up. I live in a very outdoorsy area so most people don't wear much (if any).
Are you anyone’s first love? Apparently so.
Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? Yes.
How much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)? Nothing. My sex life is nobody else's business but mine (and my partners).
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fashioneditswebsite · 4 months
Five sustainable fashion designers to throw your support behind
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If you spend your hard-earned cash on designer fashion, you want it to benefit the planet. What does it mean for a fashion brand to be sustainable? What are sustainable fashion designers? A label must consider many aspects, such as the materials it uses, labor practices, and how it contributes to the circular economy. Unfortunately, the nature of fashion means that “true sustainability currently remains an out-of-reach goal for the entire industry,” says Lexy Silverstein, a sustainable fashion advocate, educator, and author. “The reality is that we haven't reached a point where we can completely eliminate waste or emissions in the fashion industry.” However, some brands champion sustainability more than others, “paving the way for a more eco-conscious future”, adds Silverstein. Here are five brands that are making significant progress towards true sustainability. The Sustainable Fashion Designer List 1. Collina Strada View this post on Instagram A post shared by Collina Strada (@collinastrada) Founded by American designer Hillary Taymour, fashion brand Collina Strada is one of the most exciting shows on the New York Fashion Week calendar – not least because the models are a joyful celebration of diversity but also because of the label’s commitment to sustainability. International creative consultant Amanda Jane Valentine particularly likes Collina Strada’s use of ‘rose silk, which she describes as “an organic cellulose fiber made from rose bushes and stems” that is both “eco-friendly and biodegradable.” Collina Strada’s designs are edgy, with a punk-like sensibility—think tartan shorts with tulle on top or a butterfly-print gown with a daring cut-out revealing a silver bra underneath, as Zendaya wore last year.  Rose silk isn’t the only way the brand champions sustainability: Valentine explains how it also uses deadstock materials (“saving fabric from landfill”) and recycled cotton (which “addresses the depletion of water resources”). 2. Stella McCartney View this post on Instagram A post shared by Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) “Stella McCartney isn't just a fashion designer; she's a trailblazer in the world of sustainable style,” says Silverstein. “Back in 2001, when eco-conscious fashion was still a niche, she decided to do things differently. Instead of using leather and fur like many luxury brands, McCartney opted for innovative vegan materials. She's not just making clothes; she's making a statement about cruelty-free fashion.” Valentine says the brand is pushing boundaries with its materials, including “the first-ever regenerative cotton luxury garments using SOKTAS fibers, which debuted at the summer 2023 runway show” and Savian, “the first 100% plant-based, plastic-free fur alternative.” Silverstein adds that McCartney’s “commitment to sustainability goes beyond just materials”, explaining: “Take organic cotton, for example. It's not just about being eco-friendly; it's about supporting farmers in developing countries who rely on cotton as their livelihood.” McCartney is also passionate about the circular economy. Silverstein says: “Instead of buying into the fast fashion frenzy filling up landfills with clothes, McCartney wants you to cherish your pieces for years.  “That's why she offers repair services, encouraging you to breathe new life into your favorite garments instead of tossing them aside. It's not just about reducing waste; it's about redefining our relationship with fashion.” 3. Chopova Lowena View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chopova Lowena (@chopovalowena) Valentine calls London-based Chopova Lowena a “favorite new brand in the high fashion world” and “a creative force that prioritizes sustainability from its conception in 2017”. It’s the work of Bulgarian-American Emma Chopova and British Laura Lowena, which focuses on deadstock materials, recycling fabrics, and traditional craft techniques. “Their iconic pleated carabiner skirts are made from deadstock textiles, along with other pieces in their collections,” says Valentine.  “They also integrate a holistic perspective of sustainability by employing skilled female artisans in Bulgaria who are passionate about preserving heritage techniques.” 4. Eileen Fisher View this post on Instagram A post shared by EILEEN FISHER (@eileenfisherny) American fashion designer Eileen Fisher founded her eponymous brand in 1984, making a name “a beacon of sustainability and ethics in an industry often marred by environmental concerns and labor issues,” Silverstein says. The label has stood the test of time – “not just because of the brands’ elegant designs, but because of its unwavering commitment to doing good,” Silverstein adds. Materials used are “carefully chosen for their lower environmental impact”, ranging from organic cotton to TENCEL Lyocell – a semi-synthetic fiber made from wood pulp. “And let's talk about Eileen Fisher's ambitious goals to achieve carbon neutrality and reduce waste,” Silverstein says. “It's not just about ticking boxes; it's about taking real action to mitigate their environmental impact. In a world where the fashion industry is responsible for a significant portion of global carbon emissions, Eileen Fisher is leading the charge towards a more sustainable future.” 5. Gabriela Hearst View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gabriela Hearst (@gabrielahearst) Uruguayan designer Gabriela Hearst made a name for herself as the creative director of French brand Chloe. Still, she explores her passion for sustainability at her eponymous fashion label. She’s focused on minimizing waste, has enforced a no-plastic policy, and explores sustainable materials and production methods – while keeping the fashion chic. “Transparency is another cornerstone of Gabriela Hearst's ethos. She also walks the walk by ensuring that every step of her supply chain is ethical and environmentally responsible,” explains Silverstein.  “From fair labor practices to environmental stewardship, Hearst works closely with her suppliers to build long-term partnerships based on trust and accountability.” Read the full article
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weltenasche · 10 months
I read that you dropped "name the trait" in reference to your veganism.... Peter Singer ... Veganism and hatred of the disabled - how do they go together? I thought you vegans are against suffering and want to prevent it, so why this latent and unfounded hatred? :)
First of all, who are "you vegans"? You are communicating with me, an individual, and not an imaginary, homogeneous group that follows the same dogma and thinks the same thoughts in every aspect of life. Such a portrayal of a group already reveals a lot and takes away any desire for further discussion from the outset. Nevertheless, I will still address the rest of your message.
Yes, I have already presented "name the trait" as a kind of verifiability for logical consistency in the context of veganism, and I am also familiar with Peter Singer and his philosophy. Furthermore, I am, of course, aware of the criticism of his preference utilitarianism, especially in my home country, which is not surprising given the country's history; historically, Germany cannot dissociate itself from the accusations of eugenics during the National Socialist era.
Without wanting to unnecessarily deepen this discussion, I would like to ask you whether you have also familiarized yourself with his writings and philosophy or whether, like many, you simply repeat what is commonly criticized without delving into it further. That's how your previous message comes across to me. Personally, your standpoint seems to deliberately misinterpret his writings to build a semblance of an argument, if it can even be called that. Your attempt to introduce a kind of strawman in the form of the allegedly homogeneous group of vegans does not really cast your message in a better light.
I am happy and willing to discuss philosophy and other topics at any time, but only if I see a certain meaningfulness and a real exchange in it. In your case, I see neither.
And by the way: Perhaps you should ask me about my reasons for veganism before arguing against it and assuming that Peter Singer's philosophy is my sole reason, because - and I can tell you this much - it is not.
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ferventfox · 1 year
So I usually don't respond to posts off the posts themselves but my resonse was getting pretty long and I just generally didn't want to get into all of this on OPs post, so on this post:
(and those that express similar sentiments)
On one hand,  yeah, a lot of this is just that thing people do when they see someone else abstaining from something and take that as personal judgement on their own behavior and have to point out how abstaining is wrong actually. 
But on the other hand: it’s pretty undeniable that there are a contingent of vegans who are very self-righteous and act like their lifestyle is above any sort of reproach and if everyone was just vegan all these problems wouldn’t exist and so if you aren’t vegan you are bad person who is selfish and unwilling to make sacrifices. It’s actually perfectly reasonable, if you have encountered this attitude, to point out that the mechanisms that sustain plant-based diets also result in damage to the environment and exploitation. That vegans are also selfish and and unwilling to sacrifice certain aspects of their own lifestyles that make their lives easier or more enjoyable. I can hardly fault people for not liking being lectured by hypocrites. Veganism isn’t “guilt free”-- it just isn’t; I don’t think any kind of lifestyle is. 
I have zero problems with people abstaining from eating certain foods on moral grounds. And again, I won’t be intellectually dishonest and claim nobody does---plenty of people take veganism or vegetarianism as some sort of personal insult-- but I don’t have a problem with it, and even abstain from certain animal products myself. I’m also under no delusion that my personal choices for the past fifteen years or so have saved any animals, or that I’m morally better than anyone who still eats those things, any more than I think I’m morally better than a vegans who goes to Starbucks every morning to get their coffee. Coffee drinkers are contributing to the extremely exploitative coffee industry way more than I, a non-coffee drinker am, regardless of whether they use cow milk, almond milk, or no milk.  But you know what? I don’t like coffee so it’s easy for me not to drink it: they can’t live without coffee and I can’t live without dairy. Pretty much everyone has some part of their lifestyle that couldn’t give up even if they know/found out that it's supporting bad things; that includes vegans.
The truth is civilization is built on animal exploitation (and human exploitation) and that maintains your lifestyle regardless of  your personal dietary choices. Even if you were the strictest possible vegan cradle to grave, the debt you would owe to past and current medical research performed on animals alone would be massive. So we’re all essentially in the same boat. We all have shit to feel bad about and our ability to personally cut specific thing out our lives to mitigate that personal feeling of guilt varies by individual. Everyone, vegans and meat-eaters alike,  just need to stop bullshitting that the One True Morally Unimpeachable Way To Consume Products just so happens to align with their own personal preferences and abilities (and whenever morals don’t align with your preferences “No ethical consumption under capitalism” but only for things you really like, not for anything someone else really likes; those people are selfish assholes) and just admit that this is what is going on.  Vegans too, can stop tying themselves into knots, with claims that their motivations for pet ownership are different from everyone else’s or that animal testing is morally reprehensible but their use of animal-derived insulin is an exception because they are using their life to fight for animals or whatever other dumb shit they feel the need to say to maintain a moral high ground they desperately want to have. So whenever you are about to say obnoxious things like "I'm bippity bopity-boo what are you doing for XYZ?", think of all the things you are inevitably not doing for ABC (or even for XYZ) and then refrain from saying it. You 100% deserve any whataboutism you get hit with for saying shit like that' It is, in fact, entirely possible to present accurate information about inhumane or environmentally harmful factory farming practices and tell people about available substitutes for animal products without the seven layers of judgmentalness that someone added to stroke their own ego. It's actually very easy to do!
tl;dr: I see a lot of bad-faith, emotionally motivated, and outright ill-informed criticisms of veganism and I don't like them, but let's not erase all the bad-faith, emotionally motivated, and outright ill-informed arguments that vegans make. I don't like those either.
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yogahealthexpo03 · 1 year
Discovering Veganism: An Overview of Tips, Tricks and Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle
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Veganism is growing now more than ever before, and with the abundance of vegan foods, personal care products, household products and fashion, it’s becoming easier and easier to take on a vegan lifestyle. This growing interest is fueled by the many benefits of veganism, not only to protect the welfare of animals and our planet, but also individual health and wellbeing.
When discussing practicing a vegan life, food and dietary choices are usually the first thing that come to mind. There are plant based options for all types of vegans, from plant based “junk food,” to healthy “superfoods.” To have the most success when exploring veganism or transitioning to it completely from a diet including animal products, it can be helpful to start with substituting your favorite non-vegan dishes; the ones that include meats, cheeses, etc., and simply switching out the animal-based components for their vegan counterpart.
This simple method allows for trying new foods, while staving off cravings for favorite non-vegan foods, since all the favorites are still being included, and also prevents a feeling of becoming overwhelmed with too much unfamiliarity. One important aspect of leaning towards a plant based diet is being sure to also include plenty of natural, whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. Incorporating a variety of these whole foods ensures that nutritional needs are not being neglected.
Additionally, vegan food is typically lower in calories, so eating bigger quantities of food, and eating more often may be necessary, especially when first starting out. As animal-based products are being removed from the diet, common health benefits include weight loss, higher energy levels, improved digestion, lowered blood pressure, and a lowered risk of many cancers and diseases.
The cause of these ailments is often traced back to the intake of animal protein. Our bodies are not equipped to properly digest animal proteins, which can cause digestion and weight management issues. Further more, the dietary cholesterol found in all animal products causes a buildup of plaque in the arteries, which narrows blood vessels. This constricts blood flow in the body, which is the trigger for blood clots, heart attacks and heart disease.
When transitioning towards a plant based diet, check with your doctor if you are on any medications for heart disease or diabetes, as you will most likely need to reduce your dosage or refrain from taking medication completely within a few weeks to a couple months of lowering animal protein intake. Food is a prime focus of veganism, but it does expand to other aspects of daily life, as well, such as skincare, hair care, makeup and other beauty and personal care products.
For something to be considered vegan and cruelty free, an item needs not only to contain zero animal products, but also abstain from testing on animals. When transitioning to a holistically vegan life, many individuals find that in addition to the physical health benefits, they experience a more liberated and guilt-free conscience.
Having an increased self-awareness, as well as ensuring one’s actions are in harmony with their ethics and values, has been shown to have a positive effect on mental and emotional well-being. The first step towards living a kinder life is to educate yourself on issues that resonate with you to find your why, and then deciding what living a truly authentic life that accurately reflects your moral principles means for you.
About The Author 
Stefanie Stevens is a vegan coach, content creator and certified nutritionist. She has been vegan for over a decade and started her brand, Life, Veganized in 2016. She uses her voice to educate on the importance and benefits of veganism and assist others on their vegan journey, whatever that may look like to them.
Stefanie shares original vegan recipes, writes thoughtful informative posts about animal welfare, environmental causes, and plant based health and nutrition, and works with vegan-friendly brands to get their products to consumers and help make veganism easy and accessible for everyone.
Source- Discover the myriad benefits of embracing a vegan lifestyle, from improved health and compassion for animals to sustainable living.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
How Easy Is That? Recipes: Exploring Ina Garten's Cookbook
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Hi everyone! I'm so excited to talk about 'How Easy Is That Recipes' today. It's a great resource for anyone who loves cooking but doesn't have the time or energy to put into complicated recipes. This collection of easy-to-follow recipes is perfect for busy home cooks who are looking for something tasty and simple. With a few basic ingredients, you can have dinner on the table in no time at all! In this article, we'll explore what makes these recipes so special and how they can make your life easier. So let's get started! Benefits Of 'How Easy Is That Recipes' I absolutely love 'How Easy Is That Recipes'. They make cooking so much easier and faster! Not only do they provide simple substitutions for ingredients, but also offer portion control. This makes it easy to adjust a recipe according to dietary needs or preferences. I can always count on their recipes coming out delicious every time. Moreover, the instructions are incredibly straightforward and clear. Even as a novice cook, I was able to follow them easily. Each step is well-explained in detail which gives me more confidence in my cooking skills. Plus, since most of the ingredients used are already in my pantry, there's less shopping involved - making meal preparation even simpler! All in all, these recipes have made cooking an enjoyable experience for me with its user-friendly features that make creating dishes effortless yet tasty! What To Expect From The Recipes Cooking doesn't have to be complex or intimidating. With the right recipes, anyone can easily create delicious meals with minimal effort and time. However, it's important to understand what you're getting into when trying out a recipe for the first time. Knowing about different cooking methods and ingredient substitutions can help make any dish easier and more enjoyable. To begin with, familiarizing yourself with some basic cooking methods is key to success in the kitchen. Depending on the ingredients and desired results of your recipe, there are various ways to prepare and cook food that may give better flavor profiles or textures than others. For instance, grilling meats over an open flame will provide much deeper flavors compared to boiling them in water. Understanding these differences can help you achieve the best possible outcome when following a particular recipe. Additionally, simple variations such as switching up certain ingredients can go a long way if you’re looking to adjust a recipe slightly while still retaining its original intent. If one specific item isn’t available at your local store, look for alternatives that could offer similar qualities without drastically changing the entire dish. This kind of creativity often leads to discovering new favorite dishes or even inventing something completely unique! By keeping these two aspects in mind while reading through a recipe, you'll be able to modify it according to your own preferences and tastes while also giving yourself more flexibility when tackling something challenging in the kitchen. Types Of Meals Available I love trying different types of meals, from fast food to gourmet cuisine. I'm a big fan of home-cooked meals, but also enjoy the convenience of prepared meals and restaurant meals. Ethnic dishes are always a great way to experience something new, and with vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and low-calorie options, there's something for everyone. I'm also partial to regional specialties, comfort food, fusion cuisine, and crowd-pleasing dishes. Fast Food I'm sure we can all relate when I say that, sometimes, there's just not enough time to cook a meal from scratch. That's why fast food is such a great option for those days! Convenience cooking with takeout options like pizza delivery or drive-through burgers are the perfect solution for busy people who don't have hours to spend in the kitchen. When it comes to getting something tasty on the table quickly and easily, you really can't beat fast food. No need to worry about having all of the ingredients prepped ahead of time--you simply order what you want and enjoy without any fuss. Home-Cooked Meals For those days when you have more time, home-cooked meals can be a great option. Not only do they taste great, but they also allow you to control the ingredients and create healthier eating habits. Plus, it's easy enough to find simple recipes that don't require lots of fancy ingredients or steps. With just some basic ingredients like vegetables, grains, and proteins, you can whip up something delicious in no time at all! Home-cooking is an excellent way to enjoy healthy eating without relying on takeout options. And best of all--you'll never get bored with your meal choices since there are so many possibilities! Time Saving Tips I know that when it comes to cooking, time can often be a factor. But don't worry - there are plenty of tips you can use to make the process quicker and easier! Here's how I like to tackle quick shopping and streamlined cooking so I get delicious meals on the table without too much hassle. To save time while grocery shopping, make sure you have a good list before heading out. Not only will this keep your trips short and sweet, but it'll also ensure that you have all the ingredients you need for your recipes. If possible, try buying food in bulk or double up on items that can be frozen or stored away for later use. This way, you won't have to buy them again for future recipes. When it comes to streamlining my cooking process, I find prepping ahead of time is key. When I plan my meals for the week, I always spend some time chopping vegetables and herbs at once so they're ready-to-go when I'm ready to cook each dish. It may take an extra few minutes upfront, but it saves me loads of time during meal prep throughout the week! Plus, having everything already chopped makes it easy to throw together last minute dishes if needed. Making The Most Of The Recipes I love making the most of recipes. There's something so satisfying about taking a recipe and making it my own, either by adding or subtracting ingredients or even just cooking shortcuts to get dinner on the table faster. Plus, I'm all for portion control when it comes to meal planning - there's no better way to keep your diet in check than preparing meals with smaller portions that still satisfy. One of my favorite tips is using pre-cooked proteins like bacon, sausage, rotisserie chicken, etc., whenever possible as an easy addition to any dish. Pre-packaged veggies are also great time savers; you can find frozen green beans, broccoli florets and more that require minimal prep work before being added into a dish. Even canned items such as beans and diced tomatoes come in handy when you need a quick fix! For those nights where I want a delicious yet effortless meal, I always turn to one pot pasta dishes. With just the right combination of vegetables, spices and meat (or tofu!), these simple dishes make enough servings for several days worth of leftovers – perfect for busy weeknights! Frequently Asked Questions How Much Does It Cost To Use ‘How Easy Is That Recipes’? Using 'How Easy Is That Recipes' doesn't cost a thing! It's completely free, which is great news for anyone looking to get creative in the kitchen. Not only that but it also comes with user reviews and discussion forums where you can share your recipes with others or find out what kind of meals other people are making. So if you're interested in finding new recipes or trying something different, this could be just what you need! How Often Are New Recipes Added? If you're looking for recipe discovery, 'How Easy Is That Recipes' is a great resource! They add new recipes all the time, so you can be sure to find something that fits your portion sizes. Plus, they provide easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips along with each dish. Are The Recipes Suitable For Special Diets? Yes, all of the recipes provided by How Easy Is That Recipes are suitable for special diets. We take great care to ensure that our recipes are allergen friendly and gluten free so you can enjoy a variety of meals without worrying about any dietary restrictions. So no matter what type of diet you're following, we've got something that works for everyone! Are There Any Tips For People Who Don’T Have Much Cooking Experience? If you don't have much cooking experience and want to try out some of the recipes from 'How Easy Is That Recipes', there are a few tips that can help make meal planning easier. First, take advantage of time-saving ingredients like pre-chopped vegetables or ready-made sauces. This will save plenty of time in the kitchen! Secondly, it's always helpful to plan ahead - create a weekly meal calendar and shop for everything you need at once. Finally, if things get overwhelming, start with simple dishes that require minimal prep work before advancing to more complex meals. Are There Any Instructional Videos Available? If you're looking for instructional videos to help with meal planning and subscription models, look no further than How Easy Is That Recipes. We've got plenty of helpful tutorials that'll take you through the basics step-by-step so you can get started right away. From knife skills to basic cooking techniques, our videos will walk you through each task with confidence! So don't worry if you don't have much experience; we make it easy! Conclusion Using ‘How Easy Is That Recipes’ is a great way to learn how to cook delicious meals quickly and easily. It doesn't cost much, new recipes are added regularly, and special diets are catered for. If you don’t have any cooking experience then there are lots of helpful tips to get you started. Plus they even offer instructional videos so you can see exactly what the finished product should look like! Overall I would say that 'How Easy Is That Recipes' is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to create yummy dishes without having to work too hard at it. Read the full article
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dragonpalace6 · 1 year
Remember to keep these criteria in mind as you explore the many fantastic Malaysian restaurants in the region!
While the location of a restaurant can have an impact on its success, there are many other important factors that contribute to its overall performance. Many people have the opportunity to learn how to create a reliable company website. This guidebook will be extremely helpful in navigating the various moving components of the hospitality sector. By using this knowledge to your advantage, you'll be able to confidently purchase your next automobile. Please consider the following helpful tips when selecting a corporate website.
The next page offers even more in-depth analyses of specific demographic groups.
Once a Malaysian restaurant is located, it will be exciting to think about all the people who will get to dine there. Falafel salad wraps are a delicious and nutritious option for vegetarian and vegan students. This restaurant values its patrons so much that it offers a wide variety of delicious falafel options. Your desired audience will appreciate the convenience of having a health food store and a school nearby. There are so many amazing Malaysian Restaurants currently open to choose from!
Although running a steakhouse can be challenging, there are still many individuals who enjoy dining there and with some creativity, it is possible to make it affordable for students. It's great to see that statistics and psychology are receiving more time and attention lately, as they both play important roles in understanding different aspects of our world. ("who") You'll be happy to know that plant-based meals will make up the majority of your calorie and fibre intake on this diet!
Explore the Alternatives! Life is fascinating because of the endless possibilities it offers, even if it can be challenging to understand why. It takes a short amount of time and is affordable, and the outcomes are amazing. By integrating demographic and psychographic data, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their target population and make more informed decisions.
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acti-veg · 1 year
Hello, I would like genuine advice because my situation is often seen as taboo by some vegans but I would still like to try my best in the position I'm in.
I have been a vegetarian for 3 years now and was planning to go vegan gradually, I often learned vegan recipes, went to vegan cafes and restaurants, participated in veganuary, followed vegan activists...etc
The problem is even while still eating eggs and dairy (as well as lots of red beans, chickpeas, lentils, tofu, leafy greens + vitamin C to help absorption) my iron levels keep plummeting. I have been trying to take iron supplements for a year now but never managed to stop being anemic. I also have to say my period is quite heavy which doesn't help much.
I'm now feeling so tired I'm considering going pescetarian for a while to see if I manage to get my iron levels back up this year. I feel very disappointed because I had planned to consume less animal products, not more but alas it looks like my body can't follow.
I would like to know if you have any advice to lower animal suffering both in my diet and in my day to day life while being pescetarian for health-related reasons ?
The trouble with fish is that it really isn’t very high in iron compared with the plant sources you’re eating now. Tuna is the one people often cite for iron, but even that is only about 1.6 grams per 100 grams, compared to say tofu which you’re already eating, which is 5.4 grams per 100 grams. The iron in fish is heme iron which may be easier to absorb, but with much less of it available it’s unlikely to raise your iron levels at the rate you need.
I think that your focus should really be on your health above everything else right now. Have you been to a nutritionist at this stage? That would be my immediate recommendation, infusing iron is an option for people with long-term anaemia and would get your iron up far quicker than eating fish would, and lower the risk of any health complications. You need to know if there is some sort of underlying absorption issue before you can know what you need to eat to deal with it.
Focus on getting yourself healthy again, don’t make any further dietary changes until you’ve seen a doctor and talked through options with a nutritionist. Only once you’ve got a handle on things and understand what is going on should you start thinking about any further dietary changes to shift towards veganism, and in the meantime you can still be vegan in every other aspect of your life.
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vegi1 · 2 years
Do vegetarians Live Longer?
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What do vegetarians eat more for health? A vegetarian diet has less saturated fat and cholesterol and is a healthier diet, but do vegans live longer than others?
Loma Linda University research results in the United States have shown that vegetarian women live approximately 6 years longer than meat-eating women, and their average lifespan is 85 years. Also, according to research, vegetarian men live 10 years longer than non-vegetarian men, and their average lifespan is 83 years.
Books say that there were times when people would live up to 150 years and be very healthy up until death bed but as time passed and lifestyles changed, this life span shortened.
These days, most men live up to 76, and women live up to 80.
There have been many controversies around this matter, but the research I have come up with and found after a long proof hunt suggests some exciting facts.
So let’s start with the article and if vegetarians live longer than people with everyday lifestyles and diets.
First and the most important aspect of being vegetarian is the diet that it has, meaning when it comes to expanding your life span, the most important fact that you have to keep in mind is the diet you have throughout your life.
Although there are various vegetarians with different diets, I will talk about the standard vegetarianism that has an essential diet that I will tell you about.
Vegetarians and vegans avoid eating any animal meat. Some vegetarians, like us vegans, do not even consume animal products and derivatives. The reasons for this in other articles. Some choose this diet for moral and environmental reasons and some for health reasons.
Nutrition that gets into our body defines its function, meaning that if your lifestyle and diet are healthy, your body will work better daily.
But you have to keep in mind that this is not the only factor that impacts the life span of vegetarians.
Loma University has researched vegetarians and their nutrition levels relating to their life span. The results show that vegetarian men can live up to 9.5 years more than men who consume meat and have the default diet.
Subjects of this experiment suggest that men who lived up to 63 can live to 73 without any problems and perform best.
And regarding vegetarian women, these numbers were a tad lower but still significant; vegan women could live up to six years more.
These researches were groundbreaking because they focused on nutrition; they proved that vegans and vegetarians live a much healthier life, and evidently, this fact made them live longer than usual.
This research suggests that having a vegetarian diet can help you to avoid many significant diseases and conditions that can cause early death, like heart and kidney failure.
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emenyeh · 2 years
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Veganism from the religious teachings
"Regarding the eating of animal flesh and abstinence therefrom, know thou of a certainty that, in the beginning of creation, God determined the food of every living being,and to eat contrary to that determination is not approved."
~Selections from the Bahá'í Writings on Some Aspects of Health and Healing
~Lankavatara Sutra (Tripitaka No. 671)
"Also, after the birth of the baby, care must be exercised not to kill any animal in order to feed the mother with meaty delicacies and not to assemble many relatives to drink liquor or to eat meat... because at the difficult time of birth there are innumerable evil demons, monsters and goblins who want to consume the smelly blood... by ignorantly and adversely resorting to the killing of animals for consumption... they bring down curses upon themselves, which are detrimental to both the mother and the baby."
~Kristigarbha Sutra, Chapter 8
Another one:
"Be careful during the days immediately after someone's death, not killing or destroying or creating evil karma by worshipping or offering sacrifice to demons and deities… because such killing or slaughtering committed or such worship performed or such sacrifice offered WOULD NOT HAVE EVEN AN IOTA OF FORCE TO BENEFIT THE DEAD, BUT WOULD ENTWINE EVEN MORE SINFUL KARMA INTO PREVIOUS KARMA, MAKING IT EVEN DEEPER AND MORE SERIOUS....thus, DELAY HIS REBIRTH TO A GOOD STATE" Or even send them speedily to hell.
Karma means retribution. “As you sow, so shall you reap." In the Bible, it states so. "As you sow, so shall you reap." That is the meaning of karma in Sanskrit terms.
Another one:
"If bhiksus do not wear garments made of silk," the silk that is made from the silkworms, "boots of local leather and furs, and refrain from consuming milk, cream and butter therefrom, they will really be liberated.... If a man can control his body and mind and thereby refrains from eating animal flesh and wearing animal products, I say he will really be liberated." (Bhiksus means monks.)
~ Surangama Sutra
Another one:
"If any of my disciples does not honestly consider that and still eats meat, we should know that he is of the candela's lineage. HE IS NOT MY DISCIPLE and I am not his teacher. Therefore, Mahamati, if anyone wishes to be my relative, HE SHOULD NOT EAT ANY MEAT." (Candela means killer or murderer.)
~ Lankavatara Sutra
"The most important thing is to stop killing... because animals also have souls and understand like humans... IF WE KILL AND EAT THEM, THEN WE OWE THEM A BLOOD DEBT."
~ Teachings of the Saints, About Keeping the Ten Precepts - Abstaining from Killing, Section 2
"Meats for the belly, and belly for the meats: but God shall destroy both it and them."
~1st Corinthians 6:13, Holy Bible
Another one:
"And while the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere (before) it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD was kindled against the people, and the LORD smote the people with a very great plague."
~Numbers 11:33, Holy Bible
"All men have a mind which cannot bear to see the sufferings of others.
~ Mencius, Gon Shun Tso Chapter
"The superior man, having seen the animals alive, cannot bear to see them die; having heard their dying cries, HE CANNOT BEAR TO EAT THEIR FLESH."
~ Mencius, King Hui of Liang, Chapter 4
"To have peace, humanity must first have peace with the animals; do not kill them to feed ourselves, then there will be peace among people."
~Nam Quốc Phật Temple
"I am come to end the sacrifices and feasts of blood, and if ye cease NOT OFFERING AND EATING OF FLESH AND BLOOD, the wrath of God shall not cease from you."
~ Gospel of the Holy Twelve
"Since you cannot bring killed animals back to life, you are responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell, there is no way for your deliverance."
~ Adi-lila, Chapter 17 verses 159-165
"He who desires to augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures lives in misery in whatever species he may take his birth."
Anu. 115.47. FS, pg. 90
"O best of Kings! If the things, acquired by injuring others, be utilized in any auspicious act, they yield contrary results at the time of fruition."
~Devi Bhagavatam, Fourth Book, Chapter 4, verse 32
"Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy to other creatures."
~ Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), Hadith
"Do not allow your stomachs to become graveyards of animals!"
~ Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), Hadith
"A true monk should NOT ACCEPT SUCH FOOD AND DRINK as has been especially prepared for him INVOLVING THE SLAUGHTER OF LIVING BEINGS."
~ Sutrakitanga
"And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eat anything that has blood*; I WILL EVEN SET MY FACE AGAINST THAT SOUL THAT EATETH BLOOD*, and will cut him off from
among his people."
~Leviticus 17:10, Holy Bible
*blood: meaning "flesh," which has blood
"Those mortals who consume marijuana, flesh and wine - no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow they will all go to hell."
~ Guru Granth Sahib, page 1377
"Do not go into the mountain to catch birds in nets, nor to the water to poison fishes and minnows. Do not butcher the ox."
~ Tract of the Quiet Way
"The offering to the deities of meat obtained by killing animate beings is like offering a mother the flesh of her own child; and this is a grievous sin."
~The Supreme Path of Discipleship: The Precepts of The Gurus, The Thirteen Grievous Sins, Great Guru Gampopa
"Those plants, I, Ahura Mazda (means God), rain down upon the earth, to bring food to the faithful, and fodder to the beneficent cow."
etc., and etc. There are more, of course. These are just a few examples.
For further info, please check SupremeMasterTV.com.
So regardless of which faith anyone belongs to, all must keep the most important precept:"Thou shall not kill." Ahimsa. Nonviolence.
This content excerpt from
Love is The Only Solution
The Supreme Master Ching Hai
P. 61~69
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fashioneditswebsite · 4 months
Five sustainable fashion designers to throw your support behind
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If you spend your hard-earned cash on designer fashion, you want it to benefit the planet. What does it mean for a fashion brand to be sustainable? What are sustainable fashion designers? A label must consider many aspects, such as the materials it uses, labor practices, and how it contributes to the circular economy. Unfortunately, the nature of fashion means that “true sustainability currently remains an out-of-reach goal for the entire industry,” says Lexy Silverstein, a sustainable fashion advocate, educator, and author. “The reality is that we haven't reached a point where we can completely eliminate waste or emissions in the fashion industry.” However, some brands champion sustainability more than others, “paving the way for a more eco-conscious future”, adds Silverstein. Here are five brands that are making significant progress towards true sustainability. The Sustainable Fashion Designer List 1. Collina Strada View this post on Instagram A post shared by Collina Strada (@collinastrada) Founded by American designer Hillary Taymour, fashion brand Collina Strada is one of the most exciting shows on the New York Fashion Week calendar – not least because the models are a joyful celebration of diversity but also because of the label’s commitment to sustainability. International creative consultant Amanda Jane Valentine particularly likes Collina Strada’s use of ‘rose silk, which she describes as “an organic cellulose fiber made from rose bushes and stems” that is both “eco-friendly and biodegradable.” Collina Strada’s designs are edgy, with a punk-like sensibility—think tartan shorts with tulle on top or a butterfly-print gown with a daring cut-out revealing a silver bra underneath, as Zendaya wore last year.  Rose silk isn’t the only way the brand champions sustainability: Valentine explains how it also uses deadstock materials (“saving fabric from landfill”) and recycled cotton (which “addresses the depletion of water resources”). 2. Stella McCartney View this post on Instagram A post shared by Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) “Stella McCartney isn't just a fashion designer; she's a trailblazer in the world of sustainable style,” says Silverstein. “Back in 2001, when eco-conscious fashion was still a niche, she decided to do things differently. Instead of using leather and fur like many luxury brands, McCartney opted for innovative vegan materials. She's not just making clothes; she's making a statement about cruelty-free fashion.” Valentine says the brand is pushing boundaries with its materials, including “the first-ever regenerative cotton luxury garments using SOKTAS fibers, which debuted at the summer 2023 runway show” and Savian, “the first 100% plant-based, plastic-free fur alternative.” Silverstein adds that McCartney’s “commitment to sustainability goes beyond just materials”, explaining: “Take organic cotton, for example. It's not just about being eco-friendly; it's about supporting farmers in developing countries who rely on cotton as their livelihood.” McCartney is also passionate about the circular economy. Silverstein says: “Instead of buying into the fast fashion frenzy filling up landfills with clothes, McCartney wants you to cherish your pieces for years.  “That's why she offers repair services, encouraging you to breathe new life into your favorite garments instead of tossing them aside. It's not just about reducing waste; it's about redefining our relationship with fashion.” 3. Chopova Lowena View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chopova Lowena (@chopovalowena) Valentine calls London-based Chopova Lowena a “favorite new brand in the high fashion world” and “a creative force that prioritizes sustainability from its conception in 2017”. It’s the work of Bulgarian-American Emma Chopova and British Laura Lowena, which focuses on deadstock materials, recycling fabrics, and traditional craft techniques. “Their iconic pleated carabiner skirts are made from deadstock textiles, along with other pieces in their collections,” says Valentine.  “They also integrate a holistic perspective of sustainability by employing skilled female artisans in Bulgaria who are passionate about preserving heritage techniques.” 4. Eileen Fisher View this post on Instagram A post shared by EILEEN FISHER (@eileenfisherny) American fashion designer Eileen Fisher founded her eponymous brand in 1984, making a name “a beacon of sustainability and ethics in an industry often marred by environmental concerns and labor issues,” Silverstein says. The label has stood the test of time – “not just because of the brands’ elegant designs, but because of its unwavering commitment to doing good,” Silverstein adds. Materials used are “carefully chosen for their lower environmental impact”, ranging from organic cotton to TENCEL Lyocell – a semi-synthetic fiber made from wood pulp. “And let's talk about Eileen Fisher's ambitious goals to achieve carbon neutrality and reduce waste,” Silverstein says. “It's not just about ticking boxes; it's about taking real action to mitigate their environmental impact. In a world where the fashion industry is responsible for a significant portion of global carbon emissions, Eileen Fisher is leading the charge towards a more sustainable future.” 5. Gabriela Hearst View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gabriela Hearst (@gabrielahearst) Uruguayan designer Gabriela Hearst made a name for herself as the creative director of French brand Chloe. Still, she explores her passion for sustainability at her eponymous fashion label. She’s focused on minimizing waste, has enforced a no-plastic policy, and explores sustainable materials and production methods – while keeping the fashion chic. “Transparency is another cornerstone of Gabriela Hearst's ethos. She also walks the walk by ensuring that every step of her supply chain is ethical and environmentally responsible,” explains Silverstein.  “From fair labor practices to environmental stewardship, Hearst works closely with her suppliers to build long-term partnerships based on trust and accountability.” Read the full article
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Why is Religious Freedom Vital for the Peace of the Nation?
December 15, 2022
You also have the right to act according to your thoughts and beliefs. That is called religious freedom.  Because that may include the right to wear religious clothing, speak of one’s faith, or attend religious services. No public authority can prohibit you from practicing your religion without good reason. Why is Religious Freedom Vital for the Peace of the Nation?
Importantly, this right protects various non-religious beliefs, including atheism, agnosticism, veganism, and pacifism. According to Joseph Blake smith little rock, Premises protects under this clause must be severe. Relate to essential aspects of human life or behavior, be held in good faith, and be respected in a democratic society. Are there any restrictions on this?
Why is Religious Freedom Vital for the Peace of the Nation? Justifications are mentioned in this article.
Public authorities cannot interfere with your right to express or change your beliefs. Still, there are some circumstances in which public authorities can interfere with your request to speak or express your thoughts, ideas, and religion. It is only permit if the leaders demonstrate that the action is lawful, necessary, and appropriate to protect.
Public security, health, morals, and
rights and freedoms of others.
A measure is “proportional” if it is not more than necessary to address the problem.
Use Of This Right – Examples
Whenever the European Court of Human Rights has ruled that a person cannot be force to hold opinions or actions about a particular religion. That means, for example, that authorities should pay attention to procedures involving oaths. Requiring a commitment to a religious text like the Bible violates human rights law and religious freedom. That’s why another form of affirmation that has nothing to do with religion should be available.
(Examples of human rights and human life:
A guide to human rights law for public authorities. )
provision of law
This text is taken directly from human rights law.
Article 9:
Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion
1. Everyone has the right to religious freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. This right includes the freedom to change one’s religion or beliefs and manifest one’s religion or beliefs alone or in a community with others, publicly or privately, in worship, doctrinal practices, and customs. Includes the freedom to
2. Freedom to express one’s religion or belief shall be subject only to those restrictions prescribed by law and necessary in a democratic society to protect public safety. Even public order, health or morality, or the community’s security. Do. Rights and freedoms of others.
However, a group of parents and teachers have tried unsuccessfully to use Article 9 to ban corporal punishment of children in schools. Lords reject the case because parental rights under Article 9 were limit by the need to protect children from the harmful effects corporal punishment (punishment involving intentional physical violence) could have.
 I declined because they deny religious freedom. Because the House of Lords concluded that children’s vulnerabilities required legislation and that legislation banning corporal punishment in schools was legitimate and proportional.
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Discover a Healthier You with Meal Plans in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE
In the fast-paced cities of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE, maintaining a healthy diet can often be a challenge. Busy schedules and limited time for meal preparation can lead to unhealthy eating habits. However, with the emergence of meal plans and healthy meal delivery services, achieving a balanced and nutritious diet has become more accessible than ever before. In this article, we will explore the benefits of meal plans in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE, and how they can help you embrace a healthier lifestyle.
Meal Plans in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE
Meal plans provide a convenient solution for individuals seeking to improve their eating habits. In Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE, there are numerous meal plan options available to suit various dietary needs and preferences. These plans offer pre-designed menus that are carefully crafted by nutrition experts and chefs to ensure a well-balanced and nutritious diet.
Convenience of Meal Plan Delivery
One of the greatest advantages of healthy meal plans in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE is the convenience they offer. With busy lifestyles, finding time for grocery shopping, meal preparation, and cooking can be a real challenge. Meal plan delivery services take care of all these tasks for you. Fresh and healthy meals are delivered directly to your doorstep, saving you time and effort. This convenience allows you to focus on other aspects of your life while still enjoying nutritious and delicious meals.
Healthy and Nutritious Meals
Meal plans in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE prioritize the health and nutrition of their customers. These plans include a variety of fresh, whole, and nutrient-dense foods, ensuring that you receive a balanced and nourishing diet. The meals are carefully portioned to meet your dietary needs and are often prepared using high-quality ingredients. From lean proteins and colorful fruits and vegetables to whole grains and healthy fats, meal plans ensure that you receive the essential nutrients your body needs to thrive.
Customizable Options
Meal plans in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE understand that each individual has unique dietary preferences and requirements. That's why they offer customizable options to cater to a wide range of needs. Whether you follow a specific diet, such as vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free, or have any food allergies or intolerances, you can find a meal plan that suits your needs. The ability to customize your meal plan ensures that you can adhere to your dietary goals while still enjoying delicious and healthy meals.
Support for Weight Loss and Healthy Living
Many meal plans in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and the UAE are designed to support weight loss and overall health. These plans provide portion-controlled meals that are calorie-conscious and designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals. They take the guesswork out of meal planning and ensure that you consume nutritious meals while managing your calorie intake. By following a structured meal plan, you can develop healthy eating habits and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Meal plans in UAE, Dubai and Abu Dhabi offer a convenient and effective way to improve your eating habits and embrace a healthier lifestyle. With their convenient delivery services, focus on nutrition, customizable options, and support for weight loss and healthy living, meal plans can help you achieve your dietary goals. Say goodbye to unhealthy eating habits and welcome a balanced and nutritious diet into your life with meal plans in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE. Let these meal plans be your ally on your journey to a healthier, happier you.
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