#you can't tell me that there isn't at least one place where Eddie loses complete control of his limbs when tickled there
rosiesramblings · 1 year
Whenever Eddie wants to get Steve's attention, he'll do the 'fingers tipping the other one's face up to look at them' thing, except every. damn. time. he flutters his fingers under Steve's chin, coaxing bubbly giggles from his lips. Eddie thinks it's hilarious and adorable. Steve thinks its embarrassing.
The one time Steve tries to turn the tables, they are in Eddie's room of the Munsons' new government-hush-money-purchased apartment. Eddie's strumming absentmindedly at his guitar when he feels Steve's fingers under his chin.
To both of their surprise, Eddie reacts violently, throwing himself backwards with a loud "FUCK!" Steve freezes for a moment, his eyes traveling from Eddie's now bright red face to the brand new hole in the wall courtesy of Eddie's elbow.
Steve feels so fucking bad, he goes out and buys all the stuff to patch up the drywall, hoping to be done by the time Wayne gets home. Instead, Wayne happens upon him in the middle of the repair, and Steve was worried he'd be pissed. Instead, Wayne just snorts and immediately dives into the story of when Eddie kicked him in the face and gave him a black eye when he was little and Wayne tried to tickle him.
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honestlydarkprincess · 9 months
fic stats meme! 💌
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
tagged by @loserdiaz, @hippolotamus
this isn't completely accurate because i forgot to do flat view so this is only for the stats of my 911 fics
most hits
christopher diaz has two fathers and no one can tell him otherwise
Christopher just wanted to make a Father's Day card for his Buck. He doesn't understand why Ms. Flores is being so mean!
second most kudos
we're gonna be okay, kid
The last thing Buck is expecting is to be woken up from his ill advised mid-morning nap with a call from Christopher's school, telling him that Chris is sick and should go home. He can't leave his favourite kid to fend for himself so even though Eddie might get mad at him, again, he's on his way to pick up Chris before he can even think about it.
third most comments
with you is where i wanna be (take me home)
“C’mon, Buck. Let’s go.” Eddie said, coming up behind him and clapping him on the back. 
Buck cracked one eye open and turned to look at his best friend. “Huh?” 
“You’re coming home with me,” Eddie replied, not even looking at Buck as he opened his own locker and started pulling out things to shove into his duffle bag. “You have spare clothes and everything else you need to spend the night already at the house. I’ll bring you back here tomorrow so you can get your car.” 
Buck hummed in answer, too tired to come up with words for a proper reply. 
Or, the one in which Buck is too exhausted to drive himself home so Eddie takes him back to his place. Includes Buckley-Diaz family fluff, pining, and sleepy cuddles.
fourth most bookmarks
yours and mine equals ours
At the 118's annual Fourth of July BBQ, Ana is supposed to be keeping an eye on Christopher while Eddie grabs them some food; however her attention is on the fact that Eddie doesn't trust her the way he trusts Buck. With her preoccupied, she doesn't notice Christopher losing his balance until it's too late. Christopher has a little fall and Eddie has some realizations.
fifth most words
i'll take the road that leads me back to you
Post-Lawsuit AU. 
Buck's finally back with his family but nothing is the same. The people he considered his family could barely look at him, the man he'd fallen in love with was ignoring him and dating some teacher. 
He decides he needs some time away, maybe some space will finally let them all heal. Will he come back? Will the 118 be able to finally move on and forgive each other?
fic with the least words
to be okay
Every morning is the same. Buck wakes up, and doesn’t fully breathe until his phone is in his hand and the message thread with Bobby is open. After Bobby has replied and Buck can breathe again knowing that Bobby is okay, he texts Eddie and Christopher.
tagging: @bigfootsmom, @lovebuck, @monsterrae1, @housewifebuck, @madneyporchengagement, @theyarnmaidstale, @barbiebuckley-han, @barbiediaz, @diazblunt, @transbuck, @wikiangela, @princessfbi, @911onabc, and @alyxmastershipper
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