#you capture the exact essence of his beauty
look-at-the-soul · 5 months
Hola, Mar! ❤️❤️.
I'm here to sending you a request. Tommy telling his kids (it can be both of them, or just Charlie or just Ruby) a story about his mother. We know he didn't have good memories about her especially because what happened, but maybe, he remembered something maybe a bedtime story (or a recipe, music, etc) and he tells them about her. The kids didn't know her, but after that moment maybe they can imagine how their grandma was ❤️.
My dear Flor @justrainandcoffee thank you so much for sending this request!!!! I knew I had to make it extra special since it’s part of my Grandma’s series 👵🏻♥️✨ so I didn’t want to rush it. This made me go back in time to our endless sleepovers, it made me think of her. I hope you enjoy this 💕
Special thanks to @blondie-22 for creating the BEAUTIFUL moodboard, like always you capture the exact essence of the story 🥰
Edit: A/N part of this story is inspired by a song called Toy Soldier by Martika
Word count 1,172
Toy Soldier
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The bedroom door cracked louder than Tommy expected, he cursed himself internally because it was late and the house was quiet, the last thing he needed was to wake up his wife.
But she was already up and leaned against the window, the shadow of her frame only visible under the moonlight. Frowning, he stopped taking off his suit jacket midway when he noticed something was under the blankets of his bed.
“Why are you up?” He whispered.
“Charlie’s having trouble with bedtime.” She replied back. “He thinks there’s a monster under his bed.” She then added but also gave him a warning look so he better wouldn’t laugh it off.
“There’s no such thing.”
“They wanted to sleep here for reassurance.” Y/N placed her hands on his chest to lean in for a quick kiss. “He was so scared last night.”
“Daddy?” Ruby’s small voice broke the silence of the room.
Charlie stirred and his eyes fluttered open.
“Go back to sleep.” Tommy urged them.
“There’s a monster under my bed, I heard noises.” Charlie assured him.
Sitting next to his son, Tommy caressed his blonde hair in a loving way.
“I can assure you there’s no monster under your bed, son.” Tommy explained in a calmed tone.
“But I heard…”
Tommy shook his head gently, knowing it was a good time to share a fond memory that suddenly hit him hard. After being pushed back to the farthest place of his mind for years…
“You’ve nothing to worry about,” Tommy assured his boy, then turning to face Y/N he invited her over the bed, “you want to hear what really is?”
“I do Daddy.” Ruby replied while Charlie nodded.
“It’s the toy soldier.” Tommy assured his kids. Then clearing his throat he continued. “All toys come up to life around three in the morning, when the house is quiet and you and your sister are sleeping, they start playing by themselves. But when you wake up, they stop because you must not see them.”
His voice and the fabulous tale he was narrating had both his children and Y/N captivated.
“But how do you know?” Charlie asked trying to understand.
Tommy raised his eyebrows, taking his time to explain it properly.
“Well, that’s ‘cause when I was about your age, I heard noises in my room too.”
Y/N noticed the emotions shining in his eyes and his voice.
“And you had toys like mine?” Charlie asked but Tommy shook his head.
“No, I had a horse made of wood, uncle Charlie made it for me.”
Ruby was in awe. “Like a real horse?”
“Yes but a small one, I carried it everywhere.” He relaxed against the pillows, Y/N knew his childhood wasn’t easy, he was forced to mature earlier than other kids.
“So one night I was terrified and went to sleep with my Mum and she told me it was my toys playing.”
“And she told you how did she know?”
“No, she didn’t.”
And both kids went on to ask a million more questions about their grandma, a loving figure they never got the chance to meet. To Tommy this meant much more than he could put into words, he went on to describe her features, mannerisms and and few secrets, so his kids could feel her close to them in some way.
He didn’t know, but through them and their curiosity, he was healing a part of his broken heart by remembering the good moments, her legacy.
Y/N could see the way their imagination was running wild trying to put a face for such mysterious woman, trying to think of what was like to be on road forever stuck in a caravan as they said, asking how she could ride bareback a horse without falling.
Tommy rarely talked about his mother, it had always been something that was buried deep inside his heart, a very sensitive topic, Y/N knew how much it had hurt him to lose her at such young age. Not having her when he needed her the most definitely left a permanent scar in his heart. Y/N wondered how different would Tommy be under another circumstances.
And by the way he described his mother, Y/N realized he looked so much like her instead of his father, which given the circumstances, was a blessing. Although, thanks to Polly who took the role as a mother figure for the Shelby siblings, they had managed much better than if Arthur Sr. was in charge.
“Why can’t we play with them?” Asked Ruby with a deep frown.
“Because after playing with you all day, they get to work by playing, the soldier gotta watch out the fort right?” He stared at Charlie. “And your doll has to drink some more tea, ey.”
Then, a gentle smile played on his lips.
“So you gotta go to sleep to let them play, so they can enjoy their own time.”
“That’s why I heard noises.” Charlie seemed to think about it for a second.
“Yeah.” Tommy winked at them.
“But my teddy stays with me all night.” Ruby stated.
“Hmm he’s gotta take care of you.”
“Can we stay here? So they can play?” Charlie’s eyes sparkled.
Y/N nodded feeling touched by the way Tommy managed to help Charlie leave his fears behind. Loving the way his innocent mind was processing everything.
“Of course, now just let’s all squeeze in together.”Tommy proposed. Feeling Y/N’s hand touching his hand, he looked up at her.
Soon both kids were fast asleep. The story about their toys playing and making noises was the explanation they needed to hear, to feel Tommy’s reassurance.
Y/N observed her husband taking off his clothes, hiding the gun in a drawer and coming back to bed. Thinking how of course not everything is as it should be, and the kids would realize of the truth one day…but she was more than happy to enjoy that little moment in their own little bubble while it lasted.
“That was beautiful.”
He nodded in agreement. He rarely allowed himself to have moments like these, but he felt the need to open his heart with his own happy memory with his mother, gone too soon. She had missed a lot of important events in his life that he was determined to try to be there for his children.
And at least, he could honor her memory by sharing some stories like the one where the toys start playing after midnight.
Turning off the lights of their bedside tables, Tommy drifted to sleep right away and saw the image of his mother wrapping her arms around a younger version of himself protectively, answering all the questions he had about how could his horse toy could not move during the day, or how would drink water if the river was so far away… and he saw her in his dreams smiling adoringly at him before kissing the top of his head.
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Grandma series
Tommy Master list
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @onlydeadcells @gretelshelby @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @blondie-22 @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @kmc1989 @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @lauren-raines-x @everythingelseisextra @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @lau219 @red-riding-wood @ironpen @holacia3
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 3 months
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Fateful Love in Motion
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
2024 General Election (JP)
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ღ Prologue
That night, upon arriving at Ōoku.
Mai: "Nngh, come on!"
I was desperately trying to climb the mansion wall.
Kanetsugu: "What are you doing up there? Get down."
Mai: "Kanetsugu? Whoa!"
Kanetsugu caught me as I lost my footing.
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Kanetsugu: "If you're going to fall in a panic, don't climb in the first place."
Mai: "S-Sorry."
Kanetsugu: "So, who gave you this idea?"
Mai: "Huh?"
Kanetsugu: "Who helped you?"
Mai: "No one! I just wanted to get out of here."
Kanetsugu: "You mean you were trying to escape without any plan? That's a sloppy move for a princess."
Mai: "But I couldn't stand it! I understand my responsibility to take over the family, but it's only possible with the right partner."
Mai: "It's not okay to get close to someone you don't respect or date multiple people simultaneously!"
Kanetsugu: "You're right. Your point is valid."
Mai: "Really?"
Kanetsugu: "But if you're dissatisfied, don't act impulsively. Plan your moves and outsmart those around you."
Kanetsugu: "If you're that determined, I can at least help you become wiser."
Mai: "You're not going to tell my father?"
Kanetsugu: "Your methods are wrong, but I agree with your stance."
Kanetsugu: "Even if you're a princess, your dignity as a person should come first."
Mai: "………"
(He respects me not just as a princess but as a human being.)
It was from this moment that I started to like him.
The very next day, his lessons began.
Kanetsugu: "Your father has instructed me to educate you through Chinese poetry."
Kanetsugu: "However, the essence of poetry and songs is not merely their beauty; it lies in their spirit and passion."
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Kanetsugu: "Understand the thoughts and emotions of the poet, and make them your own."
Mai: "Got it!"
A few days later一
Kanetsugu: "Are you an idiot? You can't even distinguish between Mencius and Confucius."
Mai: "Ugh. Please, one more time!"
Kanetsugu: "You seem to have more guts than I thought."
Mai: "It's because you're serious about teaching me. I want to give it my all in response."
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Kanetsugu: "That's the only thing I'll praise you for."
(He smiled for the first time.)
I immersed myself in studying, wanting to see him smile again.
Sometime later一
Father: "Enough is enough. If you have time to read books, choose a husband!"
Mai: "With all due respect, Father, this is for our family's sake."
Mai: "If I lack education, I won't be able to pick a good husband. The quality of the husband directly affects the quality of the heir. It's a serious matter, you know?"
Father: "Kuh. You've become unusually clever!"
I let out a sigh of relief as his footsteps faded away.
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Kanetsugu: "I see. That was a good comeback."
Mai: "It's the first time I've outwitted my father! Although, it seems like it'll be the first and last."
Kanetsugu: "Is your escape plan ready?"
Mai: "Yes. I'll leave for the port tonight and set sail."
Mai: "That's why you should escape with me!"
Kanetsugu: "What?"
Mai: "I love you. I've made preparations so we can be together."
Kanetsugu: "What are you saying?"
Mai: "I'll become even smarter to avoid being caught. I'll do anything to live with you."
Mai: "I love you."
Kanetsugu: "........."
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Kanetsugu: "I have no right to be with you."
Mai: "Huh?"
Kanetsugu: "If you leave the palace, you will lose everything. Initially, I intended to dissuade you from escaping."
Kanetsugu: "But I grew attracted to you and became selfish, not wanting to give you to another man."
Kanetsugu: "So I taught you how to survive. Someone as insincere as I am doesn't deserve your love. And yet..."
Kanetsugu: "I don't want to give you to anyone else. I want you in my arms."
Mai: "Please, love me!"
Unable to hold back, I hugged him, and a sweet scent filled the air.
Mai: "I don't think you're insincere. The fact that you helped me when I was about to flee without a plan remains unchanged."
Mai: "So please, live with me."
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We kissed over and over again, pledging our love to each other.
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ღ Collection Events Masterlist
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ohmytyong · 2 years
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PAIRING: boyfriend!renjun x female!reader
GENRE: fluff, college boyfriend!renjun, study date
WC: 0,5k
A/N: shout-out to my best friend who gave me this idea <3
the afternoon sunlight was hitting the window, sunrays swimming all over the room. one of them swam right above your notebook, acting as a natural torch that helped you see clearer. it was almost sunset.
the smell of coffee and the sound of pen scratching on paper made up the essence of the small study café in the center of the town. everyone was busy studying or quietly chatting with their friends, their voices being barely audible.
you took a sip from your cup of coffee and went back to keeping notes. your boyfriend renjun, who sat across from you at the table, lightly tapped your elbow with his pen.
you looked up from your notebook. a strand of hair fell in front of his eye, his gaze bathed in the warm afternoon sunlight.
"take a look at this" he said softly, just loud enough for you to hear him and careful not to disturb the other people who were studying.
he turned his sketchbook so that you could see it and pointed to a doodle of a dandelion.
"make a wish" he whispered.
you let your pen fall from your fingers and went on scold mode. "renjun, we're supposed to study! don't waste your time doodling" you said.
renjun rolled his eyes. "i'm an art student, remember? now do as i said and make a wish" he answered.
a sigh left your lips. you closed your eyes momentarily, thought for a little bit and then blew softly over the dandelion that renjun had doodled on the paper.
"are we done now?" you said and renjun nodded with a smile. the two of you resumed and went back to doing your respective homework.
after a couple of hours of keeping notes and going back and forth reading your school books, you closed your notebook and stretched your arms behind your back. a break was necessary.
your eyes dropped on renjun's sketchbook. you couldn't tell what he was drawing, but it seemed like it was a figure of someone.
"what are you drawing?" you asked him and tried to peek over his hand. renjun quickly covered the sketchbook pages and held the notebook on his chest. "n-nothing" he said.
"come on, let me see" you whined and tried to take the sketchbook from his hands.
"i said it's nothing. i'll show you when it's ready" he said and you decided to drop it, mouthing a small "okay".
the sun had now set and the café was slowly becoming emptier. you took a moment to appreciate the comfortable silence, the smell of coffee and the boy who was sitting in front of you.
his hair fell right above his eyes, a few strands dropping right over them, delicate fingers stroking lightly the paper of the sketchbook, soft lips parting every time he stopped to look at his drawing.
your mind drifted to the dandelion he had drawn earlier. it was just a doodle, yet it looked so beautiful. it was the simplicity of it that made it so beautiful.
it managed to captured the simplicity of you and him. and it was this exact thing that you wished for. for you and him.
* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
TAGS: @peachjaem00 @hyuckieslove @bbyyhyuck @vdollys @positionslab @matchahyuck @renjun-fairy
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archiveofthelibrarian · 9 months
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Manwion had hair of silver, which at night, reflected the starry sky yet glistened gold when Laurelin waxed. His long silver waves was adored by all, Quendi and Ainur alike, rivaled only by the gold-silver hair of Artanis which was said to have captured the very essence of the Two Trees.
Love and Glass
Chapter 1
Inspired by my conversation with @animatorweirdo as anon here.
I did not proof read this, so feel free to point out any mistakes.
Masterpost for the fic can be found here.
DISCLAİMER: I do not own anything you recognize. This is a fanwork for entertainment purposes and should be regarded as such.
Word count: 1.162
It was just like any other night.
You were on your couch, relaxing and catching up on that show you had neglected for the past month.
It had been a very hectic month at work.
You didn't even want to think, so Netflix was it.
The hours went on and you became more engaged in your show by the minute.
But suddenly, your attention was torn away from the show by a very suspicious noise coming from your backyard.
Cautiously, you took your gun and went to investigate the matter.
What you found was a creature of such beauty, it was otherworldly.
Though he was the exact same height as you and appeared human, he was anything but a normal human.
His hair was silver and it went down to his waist in delicate waves as it reflected the starry night as an ocean, calm and deep.
His face was drained and his complexion was of unsullied light.
His eyes were the darkest shade of blue, capturing the light of stars in themselves.
You were completely entranced, but through some miracle, you managed to keep your guard up.
"Who are you?" you asked, pointing the gun to his forehead.
The creature tilted his head in curiosity. His eyes shined with childlike wonder and innocence.
"What is that?" he asked with pure wonder and innocence. His voice felt like liquid gold to your ears.
"Answer the question!"
The creature flinched and took a step away from you, terrified.
It would be very unwise to trust him, yet it seemed the creature was genuine in his every behavior.
It was almost like he was untouched by malice and did not know of any ulterior motives.
Ignoring the screaming voice of reason in your brain, you lowered your gun and started speaking softly. "Hey, hey. I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
The creature looked you in the eyes, his very gaze piercing your heart. "Really?"
You nodded. "Yes, I was just trying to be cautious."
The creature seemed to have believed you in an instant as he lowered his guard entirely.
"Now, what is your name?"
"I don't have a name," the creature said. You felt a tinge in your heart. How could someone not have a name? You so desperately wanted to ask, yet knew better than to pry into a stranger's personal matters.
"Then, how do your people call you?"
"Manwion," he said. "The Amanyar call me Manwion for I am the son of Manwë and Varda."
You felt as if someone poured a bucket of ice-cold water over your head.
"I am sorry, did you say Manwë and Varda?"
He nodded. "Yes, the King and Queen of Arda," he said tilted his head. "Do you not know them? How can you not know them?"
That was it. You had fallen into a coma during work and this was some coma dream shit.
You must have frozen since the creature gently took your hand, jolting you awake.
"Are you okay," he asked.
This was a dream. It had to be.
But the evidence was right here.
"Yeah, I am. Just, surprised..."
That part of your brain which has always been too kind decided to take matters into its own hands as you decided to go invite him in. Whether it was a dream or reality, you couldn't leave someone out here in the middle of the night.
"Why don't you come inside and then we can talk. It is quite a chilly night after all.
The creature smiled. "Okay."
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Throughout the entire night, you two talked and as the first light of the sun dawned on earth, it became clear to you that this creature was truly what he claimed to be.
He was the son of Manwë and Varda, the King and Queen of Arda.
He was Manwion, the Silver Prince of Arda,, who was made out of silver crystal and given life.
He was the embodiment of innocence and joy.
He could never know any evil or malice for his heart was untouched by any of it.
But it did not mean malice was nonexistent because he couldn’t know it. And this was a world full of malicious intent.
He was so vulnerable here.
If anyone found out about his existence aside from yourself, they would take him and turn him into a lab rat.
The images of this creature of pure light and joy being experimented on played in your head.
It was so horrible.
You could not let that happen.
So you decided to hide Manwion’s existence from the world, letting him stay in your house.
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Manwiom really wasnt hard to love with his cheerful and radiant personality.
He really was the embodiment of joy.
As days turned intp weeks and weeks turned into months, you found yourself liking Manwion more and more.
Looking at him when he wasnt looking, bringing him new things he had not known earlier so that you could see his face light up with joy...
You had fallen in love and you had fallen hard.
But Manwion was a divine being of another world, he was the Silver Prince of Arda and you were but a mere human from Earth who worked 8-5 and ran on cafdeine most of the time.
The thought of having your affection resipricsted seened like fever dream no matter how you looked at it.
But he did in fact return your affections. And he return them as much more beauty than you ever thought was possible.
And so began your days of bliss on Earth.
But it would not last as few things ever did.
Despite all your caution, the authorities managed to find out about Manwion and thus began a search for him.
With no other choice, you took the barest necessities for your survival and Manwion and you fled from your home.
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You held the hand of Manwion tight as the light from police cars threatened to blind you.
Manwion's hands were shaking from terror.
There were so many guns pointed at you.
The officer repeated his demand for you to turn yourselves in.
You were hesitant to speak as anything you said would render you in an even worse situation.
Just when you thought it was all over, the very fabric of the space-time was torn, revealing a dark tentacle.
The tentacle started wreaking havoc as it blasted the police cars away.
In the chaos, you and Manwion got separated.
The moment you realized he was not with you, you started to look around frantically.
And suddenly, your world narrowed to the sight of him screaming as he was captured and dragged into the depths of the void by the dark creature.
Without thinking, your body sprang into action taking a gun one of the officers had managed to somehow lose, you held onto the tencale and got dragged with him into the void.
The tear on the fabric fixed itself, trapping you, the creature and Manwion inside.
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skyland2703 · 10 months
Use the title of the last song you've listened to + post-Cosmic Fury; Javelia~
I… have written two.
(First song was in Hindi, so i took an alternative~)
[The Song]
That was the title of the— very very ancient, very vintage, and equally fascinating— DVD Javi’s mom had given him, to burn the contents into the computer for safekeeping, because the DVD players were running out of time, and it was one of his mom’s favorite records.
The music was… fascinating, to Javi. He didn’t understand a single word spoken in the song, but there was something in the tunes that drew him to it. The beats of the song, the instruments he didn’t recognise, the rough, raw, emotional voice of the singers, it spoke to him in a way very few songs ever had.
So he had his mom translate it to him.
And at that moment, he knew the song was for Amelia.
But the question was, how to get it to her, without her feeling awkward about him yelling at her about something he related with, in a foreign language, that neither of them really actually understood. A part of him wanted to bring her home, sit her down, and make his mother translate the song for her, the way she’d done for him, but another part of him told him that this… was a very dumb idea.
Google gave the some of the dumbest translations. “Oh respected woman, come where the respected man is standing”. Javi had to drink water to stop laughing, after reading that— not to mention spitting it out when he read the next line, “my heart is wounded, oh respected woman, my heart has become tiger”.
So imagine Javi’s surprise, when he saw a little piece of paper tucked under his pillow, when he plopped onto the bed, after staying at the studio for far too long, one evening, and opened it to find his favorite words from his favorite song, written there, transliterated beautifully, capturing the exact essence that he had needed to convey to Amelia, in all his thoughts, the past few weeks.
“When you aren’t around,, every breath cuts through my throat like it’s broken glass” “When you aren’t around, all that’s left of me, is ash” “The way the strings of my heart are now tied to you, they pull me
And it was signed “Sahiba”
Javi felt his heart coming up in his throat. Then Amelia walked into his line of sight, with a beautiful smile on her face, she was wearing a pretty red and pink bathrobe, and possibly nothing else... She walked closer to him, placed her hands around his cheeks, her fair falling over his face like a dark waterfall, eclipsing him, and cutting him off from the world, her scent engulfed him, and he felt at ease. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and made her straddle him, his lips parting in surprise and awe, as she leaned in to kiss him passionately.
"Did you write these?" he asked, with a broad smile, waving the paper in front of her, as they broke away for a breath of air.
"I called in some favours" she winked. She watched his confused expression, and smiled to herself. He thought she didn't notice every single action of his, every single emotion he was feeling, but she did, but she did. “I don’t need fancy words to understand what you feel, Javi, but I know you love things like these, and that you wanted me to feel what you were feeling too....”
“How did you know…”
“Do you really think I don’t listen to every single song you’re humming when you’re right here, next to me?”
[The Song]
....For the Sahiba song, if you got any um. questions. hit me up~
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monstersdownthepath · 2 years
Scourge Spotlight: Inkariax, the White Death
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CR 26
Lawful Evil Colossal Outsider
Adventure Path: Return of the Runelords: The City Outside of Time, pg. 86-87
Surprise! Happy Holidays, everyone! I wasn’t going to wait until the end of the month to talk about this tall drink of ice water. The season of giving prompts me to give you something special, and what’s more special than a unique gift? Inkariax here is the first and, sadly, only Velstrac Demagogue to get stats, something that will likely remain true for the foreseeable future. I, for one, wish that he didn’t look like... well, just a Blue Dude with some added bits.
A 70-foot tall Blue Dude, mind, but a Blue Dude nonetheless. Yes, the ‘Colossal’ wasn’t a typo; this guy stands taller than most houses. The average human would be lucky to stand past his ankles. It’s easy for Inkariax to treat most other creatures as below him because, in a very literal sense, it’s true. It’s also true metaphorically, if you believe his origin story: it’s said than when the velstrac were first freed from Hell and migrated to the Plane of Shadow, their essence mingled with the frigid expanse of the plane to birth Inkariax, fully-formed. While other velstrac strive for perfection, he believes himself to already be perfect, and is so secure in his belief that he doesn’t even bother speaking to correct anyone else. There are few creatures in existence that can claim to have ever heard the White Death say even a single word, the titan usually communicating entirely through minor gestures or changes in his facial expression. Though he can understand any language and use telepathy if needed, he never does so except to give vague orders to his greatest minions. The most straightforward communion one can hope to get from him are the extremely rare occasions where he writes something down, which is why anyone at all knows why his desolate domain is called the Frozen Tears, and his personal frigid fortress the White Death’s Diadem.
Due to the lack of need he feels in communicating anything, his goals and desires are an utter mystery, perfectly moldable into any existing campaign a DM feels like having him show up in. However, his primary desire is easy enough to use without changing much: Inkariax desires perfection. Absolute perfection and absolute order. As a perfect being himself, the White Death is uniquely qualified to judge what is and isn’t perfect, and if there’s one thing he despises more than anything else, it’s time’s tendency to ruin perfection. He gets around time’s grinding wheel by capturing moments in amber, arranging the targets of his admiration into exact poses, then freezing them in unbreakable, glass-clear ice so he may admire their magnificence until existence itself comes to an end.
Inkariax embodies the absolute worst, most hostile form of Law there is, the dislike of even casual forms of chaos. Not moral or conceptual chaos, but physical chaos; entropy itself grates against his aesthetic, time spoiling all he deems beautiful. Were it not for his strange fondness for the Lady of Pain, Doloras, inspiring him to attempt to impress her with an ever-growing macabre gallery, Inkariax may be moved to freeze the entirety of creation in a single, exquisite moment, eradicating the possibility of imperfection altogether.
What chance does a party have of stopping him from his strange goals, whatever they may be? Let’s find out...
Well, let’s get something out of the way first: 70ft tall. This gives the mountainous Demagogue a space and reach of 30ft, and with the power to conjure Walls of Ice 3/day, there is likely little the party can do to stay out of his reach, giving him Full-Attack after Full-Attack. Perhaps fitting for such a refined being, his Bloody Icicles can be drawn from his flesh and wielded as elegant rapiers. +5 Wounding Rapiers, to be exact, sized for his massive form and thus capable of dealing 4d6+17 damage (+1 stacking bleed) up to four times each round. Worse still, his specific weapon selection means he critically hits on a 15-20, giving him a 1/4 chance to double his output for the attack... or, to put it in a worse way, it’s likely he may critically strike once a round, possibly even twice a round!
Those Bloody Icicles make for powerful ranged attacks as well, as he’s able to fling up to four a round as if they were +3 Daggers, each dealing 3d6+15 damage and critically striking on a still-high-but-more-reasonable 17-20. Unlike his servitors, who specialize in attacking from afar, Inkariax’s sheer size makes attacking from a range for him less than useful; he can pretty easily be fired on in retaliation because, unless he wants to take increasingly ridiculous penalties due to a dagger’s pitiful 10ft range increment, he has to stay relatively close anyway, and he’s a huge target. Also like the Libitinarii, he has both Point-Black Shot and Precise Shot, but PBS only works if the target is within 30ft... and if he’s within 30ft, then why not simply stab them with his significantly more dangerous rapier? It feels like his threat could be vastly ramped up if his ranged attack feats were traded out with Two-Weapon Fighting and its offshoots to let him dual-wield his icy rapiers without penalty.
While his skill with a rapier is usually enough to carry him, this is only if the White Death’s attention has been sufficiently stirred enough by the attacks of insects. His Unnerving Gaze completely stuns anyone who meets it for 1d4+1 rounds unless they succeed a DC 32 Will save, and unlike most velstrac, it has an effective range of 120ft, letting his dispassionate gaze take enemies out of the fight before he needs to bother drawing a weapon. For those who power through his gaze, his Regeneration 30 can only be shut down by a deific or Mythic source, and his DR 20 can only be penetrated by a weapon that’s Epic, Good, and silver. Rather notably, while he maintains immunity to charms, compulsions, fear, poison, and petrification, he is not immune to ability score damage, drain, energy drain, or death effects, making him one of the rare campaign final bosses that can potentially be weakened with Energy Drain or Enervation, harmed by Destruction, Finger of Death, or Slay Living, or even outright killed with Power Word Kill or even the humble Death Knell if the party has no other way to bypass his Regeneration... you know, if you can get past his 37 SR, but still. It’s interesting that such an angle of attack is left open. The party may not even realize it’s an option, given how death protection is so pervasive at high levels, especially with divine targets! It certainly takes a lot of bite away from the Demagogue.
Also interesting, Inkariax has no protection against Fire damage. Not even any Resistance! He’s got a hell of a lot of protection from Cold, though; not only is he immune to Cold damage, but he’s utterly immune to the effects of ANY spell with the [Cold] descriptor, no matter what it may be. He can move through snow and ice without difficulty, and use his Icy Logic to immediately and unavoidably end ANY ongoing effect with the [Cold] descriptor whether it be a spell, item effect, or even an alchemical item, with nothing more than a standard action. Why are you even wasting your time trying to use cold magic against him, though?! You fool!
The only master of cold here is him! Though he lacks the penetrating Hellfrost of fellow snow enthusiast Baalzebul, he often doesn’t need it, his spells damaging enough to surpass most Cold Resistance anyway. Like I mentioned before he has Cone of Cold and Wall of Ice 5/day, but he ALSO has Freezing Sphere and Ice Storm at 5/day as well, the inconvenient Chill Metal available at will, and the Dex-draining Polar Ray at 3/day. With so much AoE available to him, he’ll probably hit someone who isn’t fully protected from his cold, provided he’s not using his turn to disassemble nearby targets with his icy rapiers (which average out to considerably more damage to single targets than even Polar Ray). If you ARE immune to Cold damage, or perhaps you seem like something he may wish to add to his collection, he has Imprisonment 3/day as a terrifyingly powerful Save-Or-Suck, a single Will save standing between you and being sealed in his collection for eternity.
In a similar vein to that, though, there is one last gimmick he has: As he’s mostly a larger and more powerful Libitinarii, and they’re known to freeze targets they touch in ice to preserve them forever, you’d expect Inkariax to be able to do the same, right? Wrong! He actually freezes everything around him at once in a single go to save time. Upwards to five times a day, he can force all creatures within 30ft of him to make a DC 28 Fortitude save or take 6d6 Cold damage and 6d6 evil piercing damage... and anyone who fails must make a second, DC 29 Will save or be turned into deathless ice. Any victim who isn’t subject to Break Enchantment or similar within 1 hour per HD they have? They’re gone. Permanently. The book plainly and simply states that only the will of a deity can release someone frozen by Inkariax’s magic, making this one of the few abilities in existence that can’t be undone by Wish or Miracle, something that off the top of my head only the incarnates of Abaddon’s will have been able to do before.
Two failed saves standing between you and losing half your party to an ability from which there is no recovering, which you may have to succeed five separate times against. Between that and his Imprisonment, you may begin to WISH he’d stick to his damaging spells.
You can read more about him here.
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yeyinde · 2 years
The way you write reminds me exactly of the way Hozier writes lyrics, like pure poetry and art and it captures such raw and intimate humanness I’m so obsessed. I think you’re genuinely one of the best authors I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading from, I am being so fuckin fr when I say I’ve thought about bringing several different lines from several of your different pieces into a tattoo parlor and getting them inscribed on me. I feel like reading your work is watching Apollo pull his chariot across the sky, I know the ancient poets in your blood are so so proud of you; they thrive on your work just as they did their own when they lived. Thank you for writing, like genuinely holy shit. Do you have a Patreon or a kofi or something I can subscribe to to help support you? You don’t even have to post anything on the Patreon I just want to help support you as one artist to another— you deserve luxury for the color you bring into the world and if I could help provide that I would be honoured. And before you say you don’t deserve it— you do. Art in any form is what keeps us human, creating it and consuming it and everything else involved in the process. Expressing the human experience in written format is one of the oldest forms of love, it’s existed for millennia and you are continuing it. You are helping keep the essence of humanity alive by creating what you do, and you’re doing it so beautifully and eloquently. You deserve to be spoiled for such a gorgeous and fulfilling passion.
Are you trying to win my hand in marriage? Because comparing me to Hozier (which is illegal! You can't compare me, a foolish mortal, to my Lord and Saviour, Hozier; that's proper blasphemy!) and Apollo (my beloved), is exactly how you do it 😭
In all seriousness, this is so beautiful. I absolutely had to respond to this, or I would have kept it like a little treasure in my inbox for me to come back to over and over again (like the Griffin I'm wont to be), and I'm so sorry if this makes absolutely zero sense. I ugly cried while I read it, and now I'm tucked in with a tissue box trying to gather my thoughts.
I'm honoured, awed, and incredibly stunned by it all. I wish I knew the right things to say to capture this overwhelming rush of emotions that ran through me as I read it, but I don't have a strong enough grasp of the English language to do it justice.
I write egregious smut on a good day, and often consider my writing to be along the lines of "it's so bad it's good" like those trashy horror comedies of the late 2000s. But everything you said made me so weepy, and ridiculously happy. It's just so mind boggling to me that anyone at all could feel so highly about the things I write, you know?
I've spent so long trying to decide on which lines poetry I wanted on my skin permanently, and the fact that you have done the exact same thing over these silly little thing I type out on my phone is such a dizzying, and almost surreal, honour.
I do this as a hobby, and because I think if I didn't have some creative outlet, I'd go mad. It's just very cathartic for me, in many ways, and so I don't have a Patreon or Ko-fi. I don't think what I do is very meaningful outside of just being very fun and fulfilling to me, and so the idea of collecting anything from it (aside from making wonderful friends through it, and getting messages like this that make me ugly sob over a bowl of cold Soba on Thursday night) doesn't feel right to me at all. But I really do appreciate the thought; it's honestly such a high honour to have someone say they like what I do that much. And to me, the mere thought alone is more than enough!!!!
Just!!! Wow!!!!! I'm saving this to my phone to come to over and over again. It's so beautiful, and I'm overwhelmed, and so so so undeserving of such lovely words!!!
Thank you so much for this. It's genuinely one of the most mesmerising things anyone has ever said about my writing. 🖤
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
So I watched Moulin Rogue (the movie) for the first time last night and among many other thoughts I just want to say how beautifully Scott captured the essence of Christian and his love for Satine..
It’s always difficult to take a movie or a ballet and squish it down into a 4min skating program and make it make sense for everyone- whether they are familiar with the source material or not.
Baz Lurmann himself is on record saying how wonderful and inspiring their interpretation of his characters and story were so that says A LOT about them as performers and artists and actors as well as their choreographers, costumers etc..
But I was just so drawn to Christian and all I could see in Ewan McGregor was that same aching, overwhelming love for Satine Scott has for Tessa when they perform it. The initial falling in love, the jealousy Scott acts so beautifully by delicately bridging Christian’s internal, emotional jealousy with the duke’s anger and abusive jealousy, then finally the utter devastation when she dies.
In the movie when they sing Come What May and they are right in each other’s faces pouring their hearts out, screaming at each other almost, that’s the exact same feeling you get from TS when they skate so close together with their foreheads pressed against each other’s and they are nearly on the verge of tears wanting desperately to be one (not just in MR for that matter).
I’ve said it before but it can’t ever be said enough: TS are just on another planet in terms of their performance and emotion and chemistry- both in and out of character. Their sport did not require this level of depth from them as performers- if it did the judging system would reflect it and they would out score everyone 3times over. It’s also just what the general public couldn’t grasp in them that when they skate it is not their real life. They are actors, they are artists. They just don’t perform in a setting where the difference between story and real life can be understood like say in a movie or on a stage. But the ice rink was their film set, their stage, and they got to tell these beautiful stories together and have these other worldly experiences, then go home and be themselves and love and adore each other in a very different way that is no less special than what people assumed based on an exquisite acting performance- I will protest forever that is it even more special.
While it makes me and so many others cringe to think about what they have been put through and what has been said about them, the way they acknowledge it-at least publicly, that people believing them means they have done their job well, well that at least to me means they have done it better than any actor ever has because people refused to believe these two weren’t actually in love. THAT is how good they were, and not to belabour the point, but NO ONE will ever be as good as them.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Flower Butterfly Fashion Series (2) - Give Me a Like
Gong Jun is here with his little fig counterpart, all dressed up in Louis Vuitton's signature brown canvas.
Following up on yesterday's first fig in this series, Lucky Cat, here we have Junjun giving us a thumbs up!
If you've been reading this blog, you know I love Louis Vuitton. That being said, I don't actually love their signature brown canvas. I've never liked it, and have never planned to own any of it. And yet here this fig is, all decked out in it, so I guess in some way I ended up with some of it after all, in the cutest way possible!
Unlike me though, Gong Jun loves this jacket a whole lot. And why shouldn't he? Frankly, if I was on a magazine cover in a high end designer jacket, looking as good as he looks, I'd love it too, no matter what it's relative fashion merits are or aren't.
Anyway, his studio staff got him the jacket as a gift for his birthday, and he was so adorably delighted by it, I couldn't help but love it for him! Let see some smiling birthday boy Junjun:
He's so cute, I can't even handle it. Junjun should get all the jackets! Every single one of them!
As a side note, this whole live stream for his birthday (2021) was just wonderful. I just adore it. Such a down to earth, cheerful stream! My friend likes to put on his live streams on the background sometimes (his dumpling-making one is her particular favorite!) to give her room some cheerful energy, and inspired by her, I started doing that when I'm cleaning up my office. It really does brighten everything up to putter around and hear the cadence of his voice and the smiles in it.
OK, a few more shots of him in this outfit before we move on to the fig!
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A+ for the WSJ photographer, that's a gorgeous shot of Junjun's beautiful hands. I would know that bottom half of his face anywhere!
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Yes, you know I like his foot kicked up like this! Just gives a shoot a little extra personality. This would be a super cute fig of it's own!
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When I bought this fig, the translated name of it was Like the Dog. Which confused me. Obviously the puppy dog here is Junjun, but I was thinking, what is like the dog? The dog is like what? I didn't realize it was literally, give him a social media like. Well, that's not a problem, I'm always happy to give our Junjunie a thumbs up!
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This pic is a bit overexposed (the light decided to pass by a cloud and pour into my window at this exact moment, bathing my fig in a glorious glow), but the benefit of this is you get a really excellent view of the detail on his shiny shoes. Also please note the detail on the palm of his hand. Super cute!
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They did a good job on his fingers and hands (and yes, the thumb!) overall! The seaming on PVC molds always makes it a bit difficult for the fig makers, but this is well done.
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I was wondering how the fig maker and the factory was going to address the LV Monogram, given that the print actually has a lot going on to render into tiny fig clothing form. Especially considering it's all over the jacket! I think they did a great job by picking one of the recognizable elements and sticking with that. Less busy for sure.
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It looks good too. Nice and sharp, and actually very little areas of overlap. Quality work!
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I love the little detail of the cuffs on his pants!
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Super cute! The proportions on his outstretched arm are perfect, as is his little hand. This particular fig maker always does a nice job.
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The little touches of the neckerchief and the orange bars on the jacket really give this fig's outfit a lot of interest.
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I continue to say how impressed I am that fig makers manage to capture the essence of Junjun's hairstyles. He literally just has short hair, in different configurations of volume and arrangement of his bangs. Yet, they just pay attention to the smallest details of how a lock of hair falls on his face, and render it to fig form. Here's a crop of the inspiration pic so you can see hat I mean:
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The photographer did a great job on this shoot - the shadows and light on this is beautiful.
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This is a nice angle to see all the rosiness in his cheeks. Also, I feel a little awkward saying this, but I do like the detail of his zipper fly on his pants, the belt seaming, and the buttons on his shirt. Tailoring! I'm talking tailoring detail here, folks!!!
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Not much to see here other than a blurry thumb and the locks of his hair falling down over his forehead.
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I'm really grateful the fig maker put the name of this fig in English on the box cards and the box. Makes it so much easier on your linguistically challenged figthusiast friend over here!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 405
Scene Count: 28
Rating: 👍👍
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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rajasthantourtaxi2 · 3 months
Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour by Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company.
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A Brief Overview of the Sunrise Tour of the Taj Mahal
There is no need to introduce the Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World and a UNESCO World Heritage site. But seeing the Taj Mahal at first light adds a magical element to its splendor, giving visitors an experience they won't soon forget. With their specially designed trip, Rajasthan trip Taxi Company guarantees you will see this gem in all its morning beauty.
Seeing the Sunrise Tour of the Taj Mahal
How to Get There and Enter the Taj Mahal Complex You'll be taken to the Taj Mahal's entrance as dawn breaks over Agra. As you enter the complex in the early morning, there is a calmer environment due to less people and colder temperatures.
Calm Silence in the Morning at the Monument The gentle light of morning bathes the marble mausoleum in shades of pink and gold, creating a serene haven at the Taj Mahal at sunrise. It's a time when the monument's ethereal splendor seems to be bursting from a dream, enthralling onlookers.
Grasping the Dawn Over the Taj Mahal This moment, when the marble surface reflects the shifting hues of the sky, is treasured by photographers and lovers alike. It's the perfect moment to take pictures that perfectly capture the essence of the Taj Mahal and make them look like postcards.
Examining the Architecture and History of the Taj Mahal Complex An architectural marvel of the Mughal era, the Taj Mahal was constructed by Emperor Shah Jahan as a tribute to his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. From the fine marble inlays to the exact geometric arrangement, your guide will reveal the meaning and history underlying its design.
Ponds and Gardens that Reflect Light Beyond just a monument, the Taj Mahal is a work of art, enhanced by a symphony of gardens, fountains, and reflecting pools. Stroll through the perfectly symmetrical Charbagh garden and stop by the reflecting pool to see the Taj Mahal reflected in the water.
More Nearby Attractions
The Historical Significance and Architecture of Agra Fort The principal palace of the Mughal rulers, Agra Fort is another UNESCO World Heritage monument that exemplifies the magnificence of Mughal architecture. Discover its audience halls, mosques, and palaces while studying its strategic significance in Indian history.
Views from Agra Fort of the Taj Mahal There are vantage locations inside Agra Fort from which you can see the Taj Mahal and the Yamuna River in the distance. It provides a distinctive viewpoint of the monument from a distinct historical period.
Mehtab Bagh Dusk The Taj Mahal in view The "Moonlight Garden," or Mehtab Bagh, offers a tranquil location from which to observe the Taj Mahal. For lovers of sunsets who want to see the Taj Mahal in the background while the sky changes color, this is the perfect location.
Vantage Points Less Known Mehtab Bagh provides a calmer, more reflective atmosphere where you may view the Taj Mahal in comparatively isolation, in contrast to the busy crowds at the main complex.
Experience with a Guided Tour
The Function of Expert Guides Experienced guides with a passion for telling the mythology and history around the Taj Mahal are offered by Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company. Their observations and tales give the monument life and enrich your visit.
Secrets for the Greatest Experience Your guide will make sure you make the most of your time at the Taj Mahal by providing you with information on lesser-known facts and ideal photo locations. They will also help you navigate the complex so that you don't visit during the busiest times.
Timing and Length Considerations To ensure you see the monument at its most stunning hour, the Taj Mahal dawn tour usually starts early in the morning in accordance with sunrise timings. The journey as a whole is tailored to your schedule and experience to the fullest.
Client Evaluations and Testimonials
Good Reactions from Past Visitors The Taj Mahal sunrise tour is highly praised by visitors for its amazing vistas and the competent assistance offered by Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company. For many, the most memorable part of their trip to India is the enchanted atmosphere of morning.
Visitor Stories of Their Own Experiences Often recounting their emotional bond with the Taj Mahal, visitors describe it as an experience of a lifetime that exceeds their expectations. The Taj Mahal sunrise tour creates a lasting impression whether it is taken by a family or a lone tourist.
In conclusion
Joining Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company to see the Taj Mahal at sunrise is an experience that transcends simple sightseeing and takes you on a trip through time and beauty. Experience something that will last a lifetime, from the peace of the early morning to the architectural wonders of Agra Fort and Mehtab Bagh.
Also Read :-
Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom and Embracing History
Juneteenth, a combination of the words “June” and “nineteenth,” is more than just a date on the calendar; it marks an important turning point in American history and is a symbol of resilience and independence. This essay delves deeply into the meaning of Juneteenth, examining its cultural significance, historical foundations, and current applicability. Come celebrate with us on this historic day and discover why so many people find it so meaningful.
Juneteenth: What is it? Juneteenth commemorates the day that, on June 19, 1865, over two years after it was published, word of the Emancipation Proclamation finally reached the enslaved people in Texas. Originally observed to mark the abolition of slavery in the United States, this day has come to represent African American advancement, history, and culture.
The Declaration of Emancipation With the Emancipation Proclamation, which went into effect on January 1, 1863, all slaves in Confederate states were to be freed. Despite being a significant step toward the abolition of slavery, the Confederate states did not acknowledge Lincoln’s authority, therefore its immediate influence was limited. The Proclamation established the foundation for freedom, but Union victories and the dissemination of the word throughout the Confederacy were necessary for it to be fully realized.
The Path to Emancipation The road to liberation was paved with obstacles. Due to poor communication and the Union troops’ sluggish march, many enslaved people did not know they were free even after the Emancipation Proclamation. Not until June 19, 1865, when Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, did the remaining group of enslaved individuals find out they were freed. General Order №3 signified the official abolition of slavery in the United States at this point.
June 19, 1865: Juneteenth Anniversary General Order №3, which declared that all slaves were free and that former masters and slaves would have complete equality with regard to rights and property, was read out by General Granger on that momentous day in Galveston history. Among the recently freed, the responses varied from shock and astonishment to euphoria and unplanned celebrations.
Early Juneteenth Celebrations The original Juneteenth festivities were marked by feasts, festivities, and get-togethers with the community. Joining in religious services, barbecues, and other social events, liberated people dressed in new attire as a symbol of their newfound freedom. The customs that persist today owe their origins to these ancient celebrations.
In the 20th Century, Juneteenth African Americans took the Juneteenth custom with them as they left Texas for other regions of the country. However, as social and political environments changed over time, the festivities also changed. Juneteenth was brought back into the public eye by the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, which connected it to the ongoing struggle for racial equality.
As a National Holiday, Juneteenth The movement to declare Juneteenth a national holiday gathered steam over time. In 1980, Texas became the first state to declare it an official holiday, and several more states soon after. Ultimately, Juneteenth National Independence Day was recognized nationally when President Joe Biden signed a bill establishing it as a federal holiday in June 2021.
Contemporary Juneteenth Events A wide range of events and activities honoring African American history and culture are held on Juneteenth these days. It is customary to have parades, festivals, and concerts with performances of dance, music, and other arts that showcase the rich cultural legacy of the African American community. Lectures and educational activities emphasize Juneteenth’s historical significance as well as its applicability to current social justice issues.
Education and Juneteenth Preserving the legacy of Juneteenth requires teaching the next generation about it. By including Juneteenth into history curricula and planning activities that teach students about the hardships and victories of African Americans throughout history, schools and other educational institutions play a crucial part in this. To aid in this endeavor, a plethora of educational resources, including books, movies, and internet content, are readily accessible.
Juneteenth and the Struggle for Parity The long-running fight for racial equality in the US is brought to light on Juneteenth. It draws a link between historical injustices and current social justice movements, emphasizing the necessity of ongoing initiatives to eradicate racism and advance equality. Juneteenth represents tenacity, optimism, and the never-ending struggle for social justice.
Ideas for Juneteenth Celebrations Juneteenth can be celebrated in a variety of ways, including through neighborhood gatherings and private observances. Getting involved in neighborhood parades, festivals, and cultural events is a wonderful way to foster a sense of community. In addition, families can commemorate by cooking traditional meals together, having barbecues, and talking about the meaning and background of the holiday. Juneteenth can also be meaningfully celebrated by patronizing Black-owned companies and volunteering for social justice organizations.
Recipes and Food Customs for Juneteenth Juneteenth celebrations revolve around food, with customary dishes honoring African American culinary heritage. Popular barbecue foods include ribs, chicken, and sausage. Other mainstays include sides like red beans and rice, cornbread, and collard greens. Red foods and beverages, such as red velvet cake and strawberry soda, have unique meaning as symbols of fortitude and sturdiness.
Juneteenth in Popular Culture Juneteenth has become more and more prevalent in popular culture, appearing in television, movies, literature, and music. Songs and films that celebrate African Americans’ achievements and hardships help people recognize and celebrate Juneteenth on a larger scale. The spirit of Juneteenth is preserved and made relevant for new generations through these cultural manifestations.
In summary Juneteenth serves as a poignant reminder of the difficult path to liberty and the never-ending pursuit of equality. On this day, we remember the tenacity and fortitude of those who struggled for freedom and consider how vital it is to carry on their legacy. By means of education, community engagement, or introspection, every individual can make a contribution to the continuous pursuit of justice and equity.
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kyr4rose · 6 months
Exhibition review
"Ruminations" is a really amazing show now on display at the Gagosian Museum. With more than 100 artists showcasing their amazing creations, it's similar to a massive art festival. Let's speak about photos now. The scale of the photographs in the show range from 10 to 20 inches, or roughly the length of a large ruler. When it comes to length, they range from 20 to 50 cm, or about from the length of a small ruler to the length of a large one. You get lost in a sensory experience as soon as you enter. The area is changed into a dynamic landscape with surprises around every turn. Here are some details on the artist. Real life, from the dirty streets to the private moments shared between friends, is what Nan Goldin is all about. Her images provide the feeling of being present at the exact moment. Richard Avedon is renowned for his dramatic photographs that showcase subjects' personality.
I was drawn to two pictures at the Gagosian Museum. The image with the orange and blue fish is the one I want to discuss first. My initial thought upon seeing this photo was of Dory and Nemo. Although it appears as though someone has just scrawled all over the picture, this exhibits inventiveness. For instance, Frank created the eyes using both straight and curved lines. The lines in the coral reef similarly formed a shape and showed movement in a certain direction. Frank used traditional patterns in his images, which all included fish but varied in terms of color and significance. The eyes are different in the second picture. There are still lines, but there are just one or two heavy lines rather than several. Additionally, I noticed that the fish are swimming in opposite directions in both images as they are heading in distinct directions.
The fish photographs at the Gagosian Museum by Frank Gehry likely have staying power because they capture the unique beauty and essence of fish in a way that resonates with viewers. Fish are amazing animals with a wide variety of colors, forms, and motions, which makes them interesting photographing subjects. The exhibition might stress the value of protecting and enjoying our seas and aquatic ecosystems while also celebrating the diversity and beauty of marine life. As people, we are becoming more conscious of environmental problems including pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction. We can be motivated to take action to safeguard our oceans and the marine life they support by looking at these fish photos.
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Unveiling a New Era of Smiles with Dr. Ahdout's Dental Implants
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In the heart of our community, Dr. Ahdout's dental practice breathes new life into smiles through transformative dental implants, offering a beacon of hope and confidence for those grappling with tooth loss. This journey transcends clinical procedures, encapsulating a mission of renewal, empowerment, and personalized dental revival.
Dental Implants: The Gold Standard in Tooth Replacement
In the dynamic field of dental health, dental implants represent a revolutionary leap. These sturdy, reliable fixtures embed directly into the jaw, providing a foundation for artificial teeth that rival natural ones in function and appearance. Dr. Ahdout's expertise in this domain redefines patient experiences, merging superior dental mechanics with the artistry of smile aesthetics.
Understanding Your Unique Smile Blueprint:
Your experience with Dr. Ahdout commences with a thorough evaluation, an essential step where technology meets empathy. Utilizing advanced diagnostics, Dr. Ahdout captures the essence of your dental anatomy, setting the stage for implant procedures tailored to your specific needs and aspirations for a rejuvenated smile.
State-of-the-Art Procedures: Comfort and Precision Interlinked:
The fear of discomfort is eclipsed by the serene, confidence-infused atmosphere of Dr. Ahdout's clinic. Here, the implant procedure is a symphony of accuracy and comfort. Employing innovative techniques and equipment, Dr. Ahdout ensures the implant integrates flawlessly with your jawbone, prioritizing your comfort and long-term health above all else.
Crafting Beauty: Beyond Functional Restoration:
Dental implants with Dr. Ahdout are not merely about restoring tooth function. They're about sculpting a piece of art that complements your facial features and personality. From the shape to the exact shade, each artificial tooth is a testament to aesthetic finesse and personal connection, promising a smile that feels authentically yours.
Post-Procedure Excellence: Nurturing Your New Smile:
The journey doesn't end post-surgery. With detailed guidance on aftercare and maintenance, Dr. Ahdout fortifies the path to a successful smile transition. His comprehensive approach to post-operative care ensures that you are supported, informed, and well-equipped to maintain the brilliance and health of your dental implants.
A Lifelong Investment in Confidence:
Dental implants do more than enhance smiles; they rebuild the confidence that comes from a vibrant, unrestrained expression. Dr. Ahdout's patients often rediscover the joy of uninhibited laughter, robust conversation, and the freedom to explore a diet without constraints, underscoring dental implants as an investment in quality of life.
Dr. Ahdout's Distinction: Where Empathy Meets Innovation:
What distinguishes Dr. Ahdout in the complex landscape of dentistry is his profound commitment to patient-centric care. His practice is built on a foundation of trust, cultivated through empathetic listening, patient education, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. It's this synthesis of compassion and innovation that positions him as a luminary in dental implantology.
Engagement Beyond the Chair: Community, Education, Empowerment:
Dr. Ahdout's dedication spills over into the community, where he actively contributes to educational endeavors, spreading awareness about dental health. By empowering individuals with knowledge and supporting community health initiatives, he extends the impact of his work far beyond the clinic's walls.
Embarking on the dental implant journey with Dr. Ahdout means stepping into a world where dental excellence, empathic care, and transformative experiences converge. It's more than a procedural choice; it's a commitment to reviving one's fullest expression of life, comfort, and confidence, with each smile serving as a lasting testament to this profound journey.
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foododdity · 1 year
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merlastagaxe · 1 year
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Reviews: Womens Christian T-Shirts At Christ Follower Life
Reviews: Women’s Christian T-Shirts At Christ Follower Life
When it comes to expressing one's faith, Christians often seek meaningful ways to incorporate their beliefs into their daily lives. In recent years, the rise of Christian apparel has provided a unique opportunity for believers to wear their faith proudly and spark conversations about their spiritual journey. In this review, we will delve into the world of women's Christian t-shirts offered by Christ Follower Life, exploring their design, message, quality, and overall customer satisfaction. These t-shirts beautifully blend fashion and faith, offering women a chance to embrace their spirituality in a stylish and impactful way.
Top 5 Christian T-Shirts for womens at Christ Follower Life Reviews
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Cynthia P.: “The t-shirt came soon after ordering and it fits just how I want it to. I'm very pleased.”
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Sandy S.: ‘’The shirts are long (great to tie) and true to size also 100% soft quality cotton! I could wear a medium but Large is not much bigger either direction.
Love this design beautiful and hides stains nicely! I bought another to gift!’’
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Jocelyn S.: ‘’The word JUSTLY is spelled and printed as JUSYLY! What in the world? Love the red though!’’
Christ Follower Life replied: Hi Jocelyn,
We apologize for the misspelling. Can you please send the picture and your order information to our support email: [email protected], our team will help to resolve the problem in the best way. Thank you!
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Suzanne K.:’’This shirt is a good fit.  This is a size medium which is what I usually wear.  It's not too small and not too big.  It's nice, soft material and the color is exact as shown on your website.  Thank you and God continue to bless your business!’’
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Leila O.: “I’m a big fan of t shirts especially the ones I can show my faith and relationship with God. I’ve bought many t shirt but this has to be my favorite! The quality was amazingly soft and got lots of compliments. I’ll be buying more for sure.”
Design and Style
Christ Follower Life understands the importance of design in creating an effective women's Christian t-shirt. Each garment is carefully crafted to capture the essence of faith while remaining visually appealing. The designs range from elegant and minimalistic to vibrant and bold, catering to various personal styles and preferences. By utilizing powerful messages, symbolic imagery, and scripture, Christfollowerlife.com succeeds in creating t-shirts that serve as a visual representation of a woman's devotion to Christ.
The attention to detail in the designs is evident. Delicate embroidery, intricate patterns, and thoughtfully placed graphics elevate these t-shirts from mere fashion statements to heartfelt expressions of faith. From the selection of fonts to the use of color, each element is meticulously chosen to convey a specific message or evoke a particular emotion. Whether it's a simple cross or a profound biblical verse, the designs on these t-shirts have the power to inspire and uplift both the wearer and those who come across them.
Message and Inspiration
What sets apart Christ Follower Life's women's Christian t-shirts is the profound spiritual messages they carry. These shirts act as a conduit for believers to share their faith and express their personal relationship with God. The messages range from encouraging affirmations of God's love to thought-provoking reminders of His grace and mercy. The use of scripture and uplifting quotes adds depth and authenticity to the messages, creating a sense of connection to the timeless teachings of Christianity.
The t-shirts not only inspire the wearer but also serve as an invitation for others to inquire and engage in meaningful conversations. They become a catalyst for sharing personal testimonies, discussing biblical truths, and ultimately spreading the gospel. By wearing these t-shirts, women have a tangible and accessible means to make a positive impact on those around them, all while showcasing their unique style and devotion to Christ.
Quality and Comfort
Beyond the inspiring designs and powerful messages, Christ Follower Life (CFL) places great emphasis on the quality and comfort of their women's Christian t-shirts. The company understands that a garment's longevity and wearability are essential factors in establishing a lasting connection with the wearer. Made from high-quality fabrics, these t-shirts are not only durable but also soft and comfortable against the skin.
The attention to detail is not limited to the aesthetics but extends to the construction of each shirt. Careful stitching and reinforced seams ensure that the t-shirts withstand the test of time, even with frequent wear and washing. Additionally, the comfortable fit and well-proportioned sizing cater to a wide range of body types, ensuring that every woman can find a shirt that complements her style and offers a flattering silhouette.
Customer Satisfaction
The true measure of a product's success lies in the satisfaction of its customers. Christ Follower Life has garnered a dedicated following of women who are delighted with their women's Christian t-shirts. Positive testimonials and feedback highlight the impact these shirts have had on their lives, serving as a source of inspiration, encouragement, and a reminder of their unwavering faith.
Customers appreciate the thoughtfulness behind each design, often sharing personal stories of how the messages on these t-shirts have touched their hearts and influenced their daily lives. Whether it's a message of hope during difficult times or a visual representation of their spiritual journey, these t-shirts hold immense sentimental value for those who wear them.
In a world where fashion trends often overshadow matters of the heart, Christ Follower Life has successfully bridged the gap between style and faith with their exceptional collection of women's Christian t-shirts. By infusing scripture, uplifting messages, and symbolic imagery into their designs, they have created garments that not only speak to the wearer's soul but also serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around them. The quality craftsmanship and attention to detail are evident in each shirt, ensuring not only a comfortable fit but also a lasting reminder of one's spiritual journey. Christ Follower Life has truly embraced the idea that fashion can be a means of expression and a testament to one's faith. With their Christian t-shirts for women, they have offered believers a unique opportunity to wear their spirituality proudly and share their love for Christ with the world.
If you love Christian T-shirts for women, see more here: https://christfollowerlife.com/collections/christian-t-shirts-for-women
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puzzlesprintcom · 1 year
Get to Know the Artist Behind the Horses in a Meadow Painting - Edgar Degas
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We are excited to announce that we have added a new puzzle to our collection - the Horses in a Meadow puzzle by Edgar Degas. In this blog post, we will provide more information about this stunning artwork and the artist behind it.
Edgar Degas and Horses in a Meadow
Edgar Degas was a French artist who is famous for his paintings, sculptures, and drawings. He was born in Paris in 1834 and is considered one of the founders of the Impressionist movement. Degas was known for his depictions of ballet dancers, horse races, and everyday life in Paris. Horses in a Meadow is a painting that was created by Degas in the late 1860s. The painting depicts two horses grazing in a meadow, with a tree and a distant hill in the background. The painting is done in oil on canvas and measures 29 x 36 cm. It is currently kept at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, France. Style and Meaning of Horses in a Meadow The Horses in a Meadow painting by Edgar Degas is done in an Impressionist style. This means that it focuses on capturing the impression or feeling of a moment rather than the exact details. The painting uses loose brushstrokes and a vibrant color palette to create a sense of movement and energy. The colors in the painting are predominantly green and brown, which creates a natural and peaceful feeling. The horses are depicted in a relaxed and contented state, which adds to the serene atmosphere of the painting. When this Painting was Made Horses in a Meadow was painted during a time of great change in France. The painting was created just after the Franco-Prussian War, which ended in 1871. This war resulted in the defeat of France and the fall of Napoleon III. The country was in a state of upheaval, and many artists, including Degas, were looking for new ways to express themselves. Cost and Value of Horses in a Meadow As one of Degas's most famous paintings, Horses in a Meadow has significant historical and artistic value. While it is impossible to determine the exact value of the painting, it is estimated to be worth millions of dollars. In 2019, a similar painting by Degas sold at auction for $5.7 million. We hope you are as excited as we are about our new Horses in a Meadow puzzle by Edgar Degas. This beautiful painting captures the essence of Impressionism and provides a glimpse into the tumultuous time in which it was created. We believe that this puzzle will provide hours of enjoyment and relaxation for puzzle enthusiasts and art lovers alike. Read the full article
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