#you don’t have to like richonne but they do have chemistry
kazuthorr · 3 months
ppl who have the richonne have no chemistry take is so crazy to me tbh bc at least to me it was obvious that they are getting together at some point and I remember when I first watched twd when they got to alexandria and michonne said “look i get why we are playing it safe” I thought she was talking abt them getting in relationship then realized it was abt alexandria
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richonnelvr218 · 2 months
What Makes Richonne Special
Throughout the day, mostly when things calm down at work or out of the blue at home, Richonne will come to my mind.  I might see an apple or the weather reporter might say East, and I will smile and my heart will swell, and I will feel happy.  Richonne make me happy. Why do I react to them in this way?  Why are they so special?  I have many couples that I love to pieces, but none like Richonne.  I don’t think of my other couples out the blue.  The other couples are not a daily part of my life, but my Richonne are always with me.  I watch Richonne scenes every single day.  I have not stopped watching The Ones Who Live since the first episode aired.  I am a true blue down in the deep Richonne fan, and I knew they were special from the moment they met at the fence.  
Why were they special from that moment? 
Because Danai and Andy have amazing chemistry? It is that.  They certainly do have insanely intense chemistry.  But, it was also more.
A few days ago, I saw a clip, one I hadn't seen before, of Danai talking about how Richonne got together and when they were filming Clear she thought it could happen. Clear was big for Richonne, but their meeting at the end of Hounded, S3x6, was when Richonne truly started because that’s the moment that changed them. That was the moment they saw each other. 
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Think of the word “hounded”.  It means to pursue with or as if with hounds.  To pursue. I like that.  Was hounded not what they were by people or ghosts all episode? Indeed they were.  But at the end of this episode their pursuits end.  They found something they needed. Their safest place.  Their person. 
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Both Danai and Andy, as well as others, have said Richonne finally saw each other on the couch and it clicked.  I can accept that.  They saw each other in that “It’s Always Been You” light.  But guess what? That's always been the case.
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Why are Richonne so special?  I;m talking about infinitely more special than any couple I have shipped and loved prior to and after discovering them?  Again, I love my other couples, but when I compare them to Richonne, there is no comparison. It’s like comparing a pack of crackers to a five course meal.  It's all food, but not at all the same.
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The truth is when Richonne met they truly saw each other.  They saw in each other that something inside themselves they didn't see, maybe didn't want to see, but knew was there.  Inside them. Hounding them.  Danger, fear, and determination to live and protect those they love at any cost. To not go back to that dark, isolating place they enter when they cannot protect those they love. The place each were when they met. They looked at one another and saw themselves. Someone frightening but not. Someone dangerous, but not.  Someone hurting with a hurt they each recognized.  Rick had been shot and Michonne was newly shot. Rick had just lost Lori and Michonne had lost Andre and Mike.  
Grief and Pain.  Physical and emotional trauma. And they saw that and more in each other. I go so far as to say they saw their future, too.
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In Clear, Rick allowed Carl, his baby boy, to go off with Michonne.  A woman he had known all of  about five days. A woman who carried a katana and had no hesitation in using it.  Yet, Rick trusted her with his most precious thing.  His first born. His son.  In Clear, Richonne bonded.  Michonne opened herself to Rick, shared some of herself, and Rick appreciated that. Even made an attempt at a joke by saying he saw things. 
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In Clear, Rick already trusted her, because he knew her. He saw her.  He saw her at the fence.  He saw himself inside her at the fence.  
He saw himself inside her at the fence.  
There was no pun intended with that sentence, but there is double truth in it.  Richonne were connected at the fence.  Roughly nine months later, they were connected in body.  Rick was truly inside Michonne in all ways, and that connection solidified, melded their soulmate bond.  That heat, that passion, that love sealed their forever fate. 
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Richonne saw each other at the fence.  All the hurts, pains, fears, every unspeakable thing they don't need to speak, they see everything in each other.  More, they accept it without question, and make no attempts to change it.  They are each other.  He is her and she is him.  They are indeed one half of a whole.  Two pieces that make one. They are a perfect fit. 
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Richonne love each other. They truly love every single thing about each other, and there's nothing either could ever do to change that.  It's fact, truth, gospel, it's everything.  That's why Richonne are so special.  They are the definition of ride or die. Through any and everything, they are there for each other.  They are an unbreakable bond. 
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That's why they are like no other couple.  They understand each other on a level no one else could ever understand.  They accept each other without question.  They speak their own language.  They speak without words. They see each other.  They are connected. They are love. They are Richonne.
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lilgoblinbitch · 3 months
when i read in the opening that danai wrote the episode i was shook, but i wasn’t expecting it to be THIS good! 🫠
like, the way she managed to capture michonne, to not only write the inner conflict she is going through, but to also to display it so well - oh my god. QUEEN the talent she has >>
the episode was peak, some call it boring but this is what i was looking for, rick and michonne having to find themselves again, to deal with their trauma and to reunite - we finally got into those deep feelings.
i also loved rick in that episode so, so much, his writing was perfect, their dynamic was just so good i can’t okay? 🥲
danai is undoubtedly a genuis when it comes to playwright, acting, and developing her own character. this woman is my favorite. favorite everything idc you name it. this episode was immaculate, words cannot simply describe how this episode made me feel. i mean the way she was able to perfectly capture michonne’s motherly-wife FEMALE RAGE while also making it 100% reasonable and 100% relatable to the audience. i felt every single one of her emotions; it was really an amazing experience. she captured the ‘fed-up middle-aged mother of two kids with a mentally lost military husband’ beautifully. danai straight up deserves an award. so the fuck does andrew lincoln. this show and the walking dead in general was carried by both michonne and rick in my opinion. the show was certainly not the same after they left. now that we have andy and danai together on this show, in which they are BOTH executive producers…. this is them spoiling us. i am so grateful for these two amazing himan beings.
also, i can’t believe people called this episode boring??? um…your head must have SEVERAL. screws loose. i don’t have time for a richonne hater’s bullshit. sit tf down and shut your damn mouth. go watch dead city if you think this is boring LMAO GOODBYE. because this episode ALONE captured everything that rick and michonne are — everything they went through, their chemistry, their relationship— the angst and the romance drips out from the screen and onto each of us viewers. i became so engrossed in this series because of the way it is written.
i digress. danai and andy are truly remarkable. this episode was my absolute favorite out of the series so far. i fully agree with you. thank you for sending me this because it gave me a reason to rant and spill my feelings and thoughts about my all time favorite tv couple (even though i do this every single day because my life revolves around them I CANT HELP IT).
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Darksided Takes Seen On The Internet:
It became The Woke Dead after R&M got together 😑
I stopped watching and deleted TWD from my DVR after R&M became a couple because I don’t want my kids to see that (on a show with some of the most graphic gore and several interracial couples, Richonne is where they drew the line) 🤡
RJ isn't a legitimate son to Rick - and just an overwhelming amount of dismissive-at-best downright-racist-at-worst attitudes towards a child 😪
Taunting that we’ll only be getting about 240 minutes of R&M in their spin-off 🤣 (like sis, we would have been grateful for just a 5 min Richonne special during an AMC commercial break so 240 minutes is a blessing)
Rick had more chemistry with insert-any-non-Black-woman (ones I’ve heard: Lori’s corpse, Andrea, Jessie, Jadis) 🙄
Rick is going to move on with a new woman and start a family in the spin-off, including starting a romance with Jadis (the spinoff didn’t even have to air for set videos and pics to already debunk this) 🥱
Rick only got with Michonne romantically because she was alive and one of the few women available 🤮 (sooo darksided & wrong)
Rick’s best wife was Jessie (this nearly convinced me media literacy is completely dead) 🫠
Michonne is a bad mother who left her kids behind for some horny reason (as if she’s not a wife seeking to bring home the father of her children)
I can’t possibly have an anti-Black take because I think Michonne and her sword are "totally badazz" I just can’t fathom any aspect of the show that highlights her humanity, desirability, and womanhood (this is never helping one's case the way they think it is) 🤔
I don’t usually address the parts of this fandom that have consistently spoken so negatively about this TV couple. I’d rather focus on the positive that we get to celebrate in actuality. And I promise returning to being positive and unbothered is what I’ll do after this post, that who knows if anyone will read and who knows if I’ll keep posted for long. But there’s been a lot of degrading comments that go beyond just “opinion” or fair discussion lately so…I just had to respectfully vent. And it ain’t brief. Cuz if this blog has shown anything it’s that - Brief? I don’t know her lol.
Here’s the thing I’d want to say kindly to those that “just don’t buy Richonne” and go out of their way to be negative about the TV couple - You don’t have to like the pairing. Truly you don’t. You don’t have to see the (blazingly blatant) chemistry. Just know, you not seeing it doesn’t mean it’s not there.
And the issue isn't about you not being a fan of a TV couple or even voicing that Richonne isn't your thing. The real issue is whenever you spend time in your real life demeaning the pairing online with real-life implications of real-life racism and hatefulness.
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Look, I hadn’t been expecting Rick and Michonne to get together romantically before they went canon. It wasn’t cuz I thought they didn’t have chemistry and it def wasn’t cuz I thought they were like siblings. (Ain’t nobody should be looking at their sibling the way they looked at each other lol.) Upon first watch, I just loved R&M’s dynamic and thought the bond and family they found with each other was really sweet and special and I had left it at that.
But when they got together romantically it immediately felt so right. It felt earned. It felt alive, authentic, utterly fitting, and beautiful.
And then shortly after when I went back and watched compilations of their pre-canon moments, I realized why it felt that way. It’s because it was all always right there. All that build-up was evident. All the desire. All the love. I wasn’t only seeing the pre-canon looks they shared and the attraction they felt because I now knew they’d be a couple. I was seeing it because that’s simply what it was. What it always was. Like from a media literacy standpoint, a romance is where Rick and Michonne's story was heading. It was me that missed it. And it would be weird for me to act like their love story wasn’t there just because I initially missed it. That’s on me.
How you feel about their love story doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. It doesn't mean their journey wasn’t well done. Some people just miss it because it wasn't heavy-handed and others just refuse to see it and we know why.
And if it’s just a silly TV show to you and you’re adamant that you don’t care about the couple or about anything, then do yourself and everyone a favor and don’t comment. Cuz people who actually don’t care and think it’s just a TV show aren’t taking any time out of their day to comment negatively about something that was made to be enjoyed. If you enjoy the couple, great. Revel in all their glory. If you don’t - ask yourself why it would at all be necessary to talk down on the pairing so harshly unless their union does bother you more than you care to admit and for reasons you refuse to say aloud. (But trust, the reasons behind why you spew vitriol toward the pairing are still so loud)
Whether you buy it or not, Richonne factually didn’t come out of nowhere. Their love isn’t an afterthought. It’s a patient and passionate slow-burn that wonderfully unfolded into an out-loud soulmate type of love from both of them equally. You don’t have to see it or like it. That’s okay. (Even tho I do feel pretty confident if you close your eyes and imagine Michonne looking like Lori or Jessie or even Andrea I think all of a sudden you’d read their scenes as more than platonic) But nothing will change that an epic love story is what Rick and Michonne’s journey literally is. Not just to “shippers,” but to people who receive actual paychecks as part of the show. Everyone involved with that show knows and values that Rick and Michonne have a grand love story. And the fact that a whole spinoff about their love story is on the way is proof that Rick and Michonne's love wasn’t just a part of TWD it was one of the elements at the very heart of TWD. Why keep fighting to survive if not for the love and family you build in that world?
9 seasons of watching Rick Grimes and they’re ending the main character’s arc with an epic love story between him and the greatest love of his life for a reason. Because no matter who likes or dislikes it, sees the chemistry, or doesn’t - regardless of it all, the characters of Rick and Michonne deeply love each other, need each other, and desire each other. And they have for a long long time. Fans of them are not reveling in an opinion or speculation that R&M’s story is a romance. We’re appreciating the story that was and is literally being told.
Their love story is fiction. Their love story is also a fact and no opinion changes that. And anyone who is willing to just step back, turn off biases, and watch what is literally happening on screen - in the words of Michonne…you’ll see :)
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Oh and if you don’t - you don’t. No sweat. Like what you like. Dislike what you dislike. Just keep it respectful and know that the opinion you’re entitled to doesn’t change the facts. So back to reality & positivity, I go. 😌
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dandrew-stuff · 3 months
Does Andrew produce stuff with his wife? I just saw they sold their stake in a production company in the UK? I high key would love for Andy and Danai to continue to work together as producers and writers. I feel they are so professionally compatible that way.
Hey 👋🏾,hope you’re doing good.
Sorry for the answer being this late but I needed to watch this Sunday episode first cause I was too deep in my richonne brain-rot and I also needed to do some research cause by the time I became a dandy fan,they(A and G) weren’t part of the production company anymore so I didn’t and don’t know much about it.
And I am really sorry about it but I didn’t find anything relevant and trusted about the subject. I can direct you to this account who may know one thing or two (https://www.tumblr.com/wheredandylionscometogrow) and that’s all I can do for you about the subject. Sorry😢🙏🏾
And for Dandy working together in various projects will literally be my dream. I can already see them having their own production company and blessing us with their talents cause as you say,they’re really compatible professionally. I also feel like,they really enjoyed their experience in TOWL as actors but also producers;creator;writers;showrunner and all that.
I remember at the premiere in NYC, during the Q&A, Danai said that she had become addicted to this new aspect of her work and Danai has always loved the behind the scene work,Scott and Danai kept congratulating Andy on his post-production skills and he loved it too, he even tried his hand at writing and Danai congratulated him so it would be a real waste not to use more of their talents in these different areas. And their chemistry is just unprecedented, they can't abandon us now😁!
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Y’all wanna know why I ship chefs kiss?
It’s because despite all their insecurities, traumas, hang ups, flaws, and all that other bullshit that comes with everyday life, these two see each other. And isn’t that what we all want? To be seen, heard, and understood. And they just instinctively get that about one another.
I love how awed they are of one other and it’s so pure and gentle and good.
That Carmy’s soft around her and there’s no ulterior motive—he just is. He can’t help but to smile when it comes to her and she with him. I love that he’s protective over her and not because he’s (knowingly) attracted to her or because she’s a woman, but because he knows she’s putting up with so much and has put up with a lot of shit and it’s second nature for him to just want to defend her.
That Syd had this one meal that totally changed her and, when they opportunity presented itself, she went to work for him.
I love that their interactions aren’t driven by romance, yet they this have this undefinable thing brewing between them.
And I love that if they do get together, it won’t happen overnight. These are two workaholics who overthink everything and just want make their dream restaurant together. They aren’t going to be immediately aware of whatever feelings develop. Then when they do realize it, they aren’t going to jump in the bed together.
Because why would they?
These two already care deeply about one another in a way that isn’t apparent to them. They are business partners now. And they’re likely going to become friends.
Don’t y’all think they’re going to be assessing and reassessing their feelings. Looking at each other closely and trying to understand when it changed. Or if they should take that leap at all?
Because that potential is what’s it all about. When you see the vision, what’s understood doesn’t have to be explained.
I’ve been rewatching the walking dead and I see chefs kiss kind of developing like Richonne in essence. Here’s why I mean by this (spoilers going forth to season 6):
Many fans have argued that Rick and Michonne have had chemistry from the moment they met. The thing is: chemistry is subjective, which is why this isn’t the crux of my argument. However, these two have this deep, meaningful bond due to shared experience, similar experience, shared beliefs, etc. they just get each other.
When shit finally calms down in comparison to the shit they’d been through previously, they end up kissing, which results in them having sex.
But the sex isn’t the point.
Them kissing isn’t even the point, it’s their reaction.
These two sat on a couch and talked about their day, and then ended up holding hands. No duress, no drugs or alcohol, nothing where it could be argued they weren’t themselves or was influenced by something else. They looked at each other and kissed.
In real time, the viewer sees Michonne give this look of, “of course it’s you.” As in, “yes, this makes sense. We’ve been building up to this. And you are the person I see something with.” And Rick is in awe of her. They’re both filled with joy by this development. They don’t walk this back, they lean more into the moment.
The next day, Michonne is uncertain as to what comes next, where as Rick KNOWS this is serious. He wants to be with her and he’s palpably happy that he’s finally figured out that he has romantic feelings for her.
So my point in bringing up Richonne is the “of course it’s you”, which I feel Sydney and Carmy will have. Whether or not they kiss when they have this realization, I feel like a realization is going to happen a few seasons from now.
Whether they’re looking at each other just because, always mentioning the other person, reading a recipe, talking about something mundane, etc etc etc. unknowingly and unintentionally, they’ll realize that they’ve been building towards each other.
That’s what I look forward to seeing.
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edourado · 3 years
Another tag game. Featuring the things that consumes us all: ships 🛳
Hell yeah. Thanks dear @portia77 ❤️
1.First ship you remember: Way to make me remember I’m old btw. But I think that the first fictional couple that ever got me thinking was Wendy and Peter Pan, when I was an itty bitty girl;
2.Your newest ship: Oof. I had to think about this one. Fleabag and the Priest??? Why am I shipping a priest? Because of Andrew Scott, that’s why. Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s writing helps A LOT;
3. Favourite ship ever: Kastle. The sheer volume of writing I dedicated for them speaks for itself;
4.Favourite m/f ship: Kastle and Kalagang;
5.Favourite m/m ship: It’s between Lito and Hernando, from Sense8 and Omar and Ander from Elite;
6.Favourite f/f ship: Nomi Marks and Amanita Caplan ALL DAY EVERYDAY;
7.Most fluffy ship: Huh. Maybe Tim and Mary, from About Time? Perfect example that you do not need conflict to have a GOOD ship;
9. Most smutty ship: The whole of the Sense8 cluster;
10. Ship that you would never have wanted in canon but like in fanworks: Hmm. I don’t know. I think I can only indulge in fandom shipping if I can see it in canon;
11.Character that you can only imagine in one ship: I’m almost afraid to type this, but Ross and Rachel. None of that Joey nonsense. None of that. Please don’t hurt me;
12.Most shippable character: Even though I walked away from TVD a long time ago, and even though im still firm on Klaroline, miss Caroline Forbes. Girl has chemistry with everything and everyone;
13.Character that you can’t imagine in any ship: …Groot?;
14.Favourite poly ship: I had a strong Kastledevil phase. Also, again, the Sense8 cluster;
15.Characters that you kinda ship but prefer as brotp: Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes;
16.Characters that you ship and can’t imagine to be friends: Karen Page and Frank Castle. Have you seen the looks? Have you seen the TENSION? Have you seen the dedication and devotion? The ANGST?! The sweetness? I’ve gotten carried away;
17.Favourite ship for hurt-comfort: I don’t know if I have one for that. Most of my ships have an angsty angle, but idk if any of them qualify as strictly hurt-comfort. Maybe Outlaw Queen;
18.Ship that you never expected to ship: Natasha and Banner, from the Avangers?! I know y’all love to hate on them but I was ON BOARD;
19.Ship that you liked but don’t anymore: Bella and Edward. My Twilight phase lasted until that last book, and then I started thinking about it. But, to be fair, even then I leaned towards Team Jacob;
20.Ship that one day you were thinking of and thought “wait, when did I start shipping it?”: Klaroline. I was never about the villains, but one day I was fawning about the word “love” and “I fancy you”s. Also Nina and Matthias from Shadow and Bone;
21.Ship that you immediately fell in love with after one scene despite not considering it before: Richonne. ONE LOOK through the prison gates and I was like “OH!”,
22.Poly ship that you ship despite not shipping some of the characters in it outside of poly ship: One more time, say it with me: Sense8 cluster. Tbh it’s less about shipping and more about chemistry and trust and the occasional orgy, ok?;
23.Biggest notp: Snape and Hermione???? Like ????no????;
24.Favourite crossover ship: Oh, I know I know! Elsa Queen of Arendelle and Jack Frost. Can you imagine? (Even though she’s definitely a lesbian);
25.Ship that you have a kinda love/hate relationship with: Matt Murdock and Karen Page, aka Karedevil. All Matt’s fault. Also Frank for showing up and sweeping me and Karen off our feet.
Ha! I love this. Tagging @ejunkiet @carry-the-sky @ninzied @devilbunnyking and whoever wants to join.
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elfyourmother · 3 years
no reblogs
i’m just not interested in images of white women w npcs. i’m really not. 
that’s not to say these are not valid characters or ships or that people are bad or wrong for creating what makes them happy and fulfilled. fandom is supposed to be about fun. you do you.
but at this point it’s actively detrimental to my mental health being bombarded w these images all the time. fic is one thing--it doesn’t hurt, i always support writers. but images are more immediate, visceral. when i say i feel like i am drowning in Whiteness sometimes, it’s when i see nothing but these images and I feel that knife twisting in my gut, that reminder that i’m an interloper, i don’t belong here and never have and neither does my character, and I’m reminded that the entire history of non-Black media including the very piece of media in question has had absolutely no place for me and mine to be centered or celebrated, that most often we are made invisible or token support figures at best (the sidekick). I am reminded that Bioware literally erased my queer Black female character from canon and said she was actually a cishet white man. Default Human is a white man, Default heroine is a white woman.
i have to actively cultivate images of Black women and femmes, darkskin women and femmes period being loved and cared for on my dash, in general, even on a nonfannish tip. it is not something trivial, to just happen organically. it is very difficult. I have to actively seek this content out, it does not fall into my lap, even though over many years I have cultivated a dash w various blogs. 
in fannish spaces it is 5000% harder. we are not permitted tenderness or affection. it reminds me of every time a Black female character in anything is shipped with anyone ever there needs to be all kinds of justifications for it--people express visceral disgust, bemoan the fact that it’s not platonic, attack Black women and femmes who identify w these characters or ship them. if it’s m/f they start vomiting about why is romance forced into everything and eww het, if it’s m/m or f/f then we get why do you have to make everything gay why can’t people just be friends. Black female characters in canon romances get subjected to violent misogynoir from fandom. either it’s open irrational hatred or performative borderline fetishization ( “step on me queen”) and it’s always, always dehumanizing. characters who look like me are rare enough.
I will never forget how the writers of Sleepy Hollow killed off Abbie Mills rather than lean into the electrifying chemistry she had w her co-star and how they were aided and abetted by the fandom’s misogynoir. I will also never forget that Still Starcrossed--a show that prominently featured a dark skinned Black woman as the romantic lead and heroine--was slept on and promptly canceled, and a couple years later everyone is absolutely going apeshit over another period drama by the same creators that features a WW protagonist.
I’ll never forget people casting Valkyrie--a Black bisexual woman--as “drunk aunt” to Thor despite the obvs chemistry between Hemsworth and Thompson and the very heavily implied romantic subtext they had. And when news came out that they had kissed in a deleted scene people were literally writing thinkpieces abt how disgusting it was and how glad they were it was cut. ppl literally repulsed by the idea of Thor kissing a Black woman (even a light skinned one!!!)
I will also never forget when Captain Marvel came out and people were spinning heads and spitting pea soup any time anybody said anything about carolmaria even though these women were literally raising a whole child together. even tho they embody all of the tropes fandom femslashers claim to love--friends to lovers, found family, emotional h/c etc etc. they absolutely despise the idea of this WW loving and caring for a darkskinned Black woman so much and building a life with her.
all of this and so much more, in fandoms i’m not even in (richonne, westallen, etc etc) adds up to reinforcing what mainstream society in all its misogynoir upholds as the place of Black women in the world--as helpmeets to their social betters, sidekicks w no needs or wants or rich inner lives of their own. Never loved or cherished or desired. At best, an experiment to look woke or w/e, but never anything serious or real.
so. with all of this context, i have to say that i find this gpose art oppressive as a result. as aesthetically gorgeous as it often is, it feels suffocating and oppressive and painful. if you can’t understand why that is, i’m not mad at you. but you don’t have to understand a feeling to respect it.
and tbh, this art gets no lack of praise. so 1 person making a space that prioritizes other voices really won’t make a difference in the scheme of things. and i don’t say this to be political. i know there are white ppl reading this who bristled after that first line and didn’t read any of the rest of this. I know there folk who think this is just whining bc notes or whatever. i will like to show support for the creative work but i cannot have it in this space. i hope that people understand that and don’t take it as a slight against them or their characters. it’s really really not personal it is literally a matter of my well being.
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thirstaidkitpodcast · 5 years
Look, we claim no superiority when we say we never fancied Zack Morris. But grown up Mark-Paul Gosselaar? Yeah, we have lots of thoughts on what he can do these days and also how he can go about that business... 👀
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From NYPD Blue to Franklin and Bash via Pitch (MORE ON THIS LATER) to The Passage, we explore what makes MPG the MVP... Hint: the thick, shapely beard he sometimes sports is a big part of it. (Nichole once did the necessary investigative journalism and sought answers. 🙏🏿)
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Also part of it? Dem thighs. It gives his whole vibe a strong whiff of what we called “big ol’ turkey leg” appeal. We know we’re not wrong, okay? LOOK AT HIM.
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Which brings us neatly to Pitch (RIP). In the annals of ‘gone too soon’ television, there is a special place for Pitch, because it was a veritable unicorn: black woman lead, with actual present black family members and friends, good writing, and of course, stunning chemistry with the co-lead, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, playing a veteran baseball catcher. If you don’t know about Mike Lawson, YOU BETTER ASK SOMEBODY (it’s us. we have the answers in this episode, and the whole season is on Hulu, US thirst-buckets). 
And here’s another thirst-inducer for us: MPG has lowkey been playing opposite black women and girls his whole career (Saved By The Bell, F&B, The Passage, Pitch, and now Mixed-ish) and while that means 🗣nothing in the Grand Scheme (after all, it’s not like he’s the casting director), it still means... Something™.
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Plus! We had the usual [REDACTED] and a nicely varied Fanfic Wars. Basically, we watered our thirst, exposed it to sunlight, and then it grew into something that became this episode — don’t you just love when thirst flowers and blooms? Bless you, MPG. The real thirst MVP.
You can listen to the whole episode RIGHT HERE (more ways to listen are listed below).
A REAL TREAT FOR YA: Sweet, Sweet Fantasy, an M-rated fic written by writer extraordinaire @lovedmoviesb (read her Richonne fics!) with stunning art from the superlatively talented @mdgart (Bim has a Michonne print of hers in her apartment!). YOU’RE WELCOME.
MPG on Fallon, talking about his mother
Shoutout to homoerotic subtext in Franklin & Bash!
Look at our double dutch KING.
Here’s a truly arousing clip from Weeds that we discussed that didn’t make it to the final edit.
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Sorry this was late but thankfully thirst recognizes no clock... DRINK UP. Wait, have one last Mike Lawson gif:
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With racism being really big in superhero, geek and Sci Fi fandoms especially when they get a TV show or movie I’m worried that if Static X Frieda ever becomes canon again in comics or becomes canon in a movie or TV show it will get racist backlash in the fandom. The fandom already does it with them shipping Hotgear over Virichie. On the bright side at least Hotgear isn’t a popular ship like all the racist ships created to go against interracial ships.
People don’t realize how much black characters and interracial ships get screwed over in fandoms. Even when they’re some what popular or canon interracial ships with a black person get a lot of racist hate from fandoms. The Flash TV fandom does it with Westallen. The new Star Wars fandom does it with Finnrey. The Walking Dead TV fandom does with Richonne. The Supergirl TV fandom did it with both Karolsen and Guardiancorp and now they’re doing with Alex X Kelly. All these fandoms even have racist ships to go against them like Snowbarry and Reylo. If you don’t think there’s racism in fandoms than you need to attention to when black people talk about fandom racism.
Back to Static X Frieda. Static’s relationship with Frieda is really important to his character. They’re relationship is develop really well in the comics and they have great chemistry together. Besides being a interracial relationship it’s also a interfaith relationship with Frieda being Jewish. It will be very telling when people refuse to ship it.
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siancore · 4 years
Your Richonne fics are the best. I like sambucky but not as much like Richonne. I prefer sambucky as friends. It’s probably because they’re not canon or even bi or gay which I wish they was. But Richonne actually had sexual chemistry, canon relationship and a child. It’s more easier to read your Richonne fics. It’s like reading the deleted scenes haha.
Thank you, Anon. I worked really hard on my Richonne fics, so it makes me happy to know you enjoy them. And it’s cool that you prefer them over SamBucky. It’s okay; you don’t have to read everything I write 😊 I appreciate support whenever I can get it.
Hey, do you remember shipping pre-canon Richonne? I do. Was so much fun. Canon is awesome. Nothing compares to it. But shipping SamBucky is fun because of the breadth of possibilities. Sure, I don’t trust TPTB to make them canon or confirm that they’re gay, but it’s so fun to ship for the sake of shipping. Y’know, the fanart, gifsets, meta, fanfic. All that good shit. That’s what I like 😍
We were 100% lucky with Richonne. They were never comic book canon, and SG saw the on screen chemistry and ran with it. We shipped them for three years before they went canon. And honestly, it was some of the best fandom experiences I have had because of the possibilities 😊
I don’t even know what I’m talking about now. I am rambling lol I just love what I love and I’m happy to keep writing for both pairings and fandoms so long as people are reading my stuff! Thanks for dropping by and for your kind words about my Richonne fics.
P.S. I wish SamBucky was gay/bi/canon, too *sighs loudly* Possibilities 😄
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irmise · 5 years
I actually really liked the fact that Danai when discussing with Kang said that it'd be interesting if somebody kissed Michy cause after those almost 7 years post Rick's "death", they didn't explore that aspect. I always felt that it wasn't realistic that nobody other than Rick seemed to be attracted to her(pre and 6 years-post Richonne), like Michonne is just an all around queen, so the writers failing to see that is dumb. I'm sur DG wasn't expecting it to be Zeke tho lol.😆
I wasn't expecting Zeke neither !! 😜
100% agree with you Anon ! This is for me one of the biggest question ! How is it that Michonne never had pretenders ? How is it that a woman so beautiful, intelligent, strong, sensitive, determined, gentle did not have at least some proposals ...
As soon as they arrived in Alexandria, I always wondered why no one took a step towards her. It would have been interesting to see Rick look at his best friend, the one for whom he agreed to come into this new community, trying to build a normal life when he had so much trouble forgetting the past. That would have given even more reason for his decision not to tell her that he wanted to take control of Alexandria ...
And even post canon, rather than force us to look Jadis flirting with Rick ... I would have preferred to see someone from Hilltop or Kingdom, not aware that Rick and Michonne are together, trying to flirt with her before to be nicely cropped. It would have been funnier than this weird and unnecessary moment with Jadis.
There were really interesting things to explore while respecting Michonne (and Richonne) and without falling into the trap of useless love dramas ...
And after Rick's death, I'm like you, I can not really believe that no one has ever tried something towards her ... I don't necessarily mean a love story (my richonner heart wouldn't have take it), but someone who does a step towards her, even if it is for her to say that she can't turn the page after all this years ...
I am sad that the first and only person who has ever tried anything is a man in a moment of weakness and on the brink of suicide, entangled in a complicated love affair with his ex-wife mingled with mourning and unspoken things.
I think the authors have always struggled to deal with Michonne, she represents this type of multifaceted woman who is rare on TV, she is a woman, mother, wife, leader, warrior, friend, counselor, enemy. She is bright with a dark part in her. She does not need anyone to survive, but people can not help but gravitate around her. She inspires respect, trust and fear even by her enemies. And I think that the authors have never known how to play with all these facets at the same time ... How to show her desired by other men if our ultimate goal is that she falls in love with the hero ? How do you give her the choice to try to find love again if we want to show her as a widow and a mother ? They must have been delighted to see the chemistry between Danai and Andy, which made Richonne obvious and so easy to build, without that, I don't know what they would have done with Michonne's sentimental life. Maybe a second Daryl ?
Fortunately, Danai watches over Michonne so that no facets of her character are forgotten, it is she who has imposed the final kiss between Richonne on the bridge, it is still she who questions the authors on the sentimental life of Michonne after Rick's death. Thanks to her the authors remember that yes, Michonne can be desired, despite her strength, despite her leadership, despite her children, despite Rick ! Too bad it's only for 2 seconds with an embarrassing kiss.
Thanks Anon, I loved to discuss about that !
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piccolina-mina · 5 years
I tend to blend my romantic ships, friendships, and family ships as one. If I love a dynamic enough, I don't care what they are or end up being as long as I get that relationship in some capacity.
So I often get arguments about why certain relationships feel familial or are friendships. And I know people are entitled to their opinions and often have valid reasons for them too.
But I still get 😬 when without fail, specific dynamics are INSTANTLY put in non-romantic categories. The same arguments resurface.
"They're better as friends." Which, fine, but also, that doesn't exclude romance. Don't you want to be friends with your lover too?
Some of the most iconic ships started as friends first, right? Friends to lovers is popular for a reason. Many people have at least a foundation with someone before they embark on a romantic relationship together.
Ginny Baker had half of her team willing to die for her by the end of Pitch. She and Duarte confided in each other a bit, and it was a solid friendship that could have easily been something more but wasn't. Blip was the closest to a best friend she had walking into that locker room and remained so all season, but those friendships are diminished because Ginny and Mike should just be platonic since you don't see that. But you do ... in the same show.
"Why can't they just be platonic? We need more platonic relationships" There is an abundance of them though. Focusing on the primary characters or your favorite characters at the expense of everything else does not mean there are no platonic relationships. And friends to lovers usually starts with genuine friendship that starts of platonic and then may evolve from there.
Hacy from Charmed may not be platonic. But Harry and Maggie and Harry and Mel obviously are and those relationships are cultivated and important too. Mina from the resident has genuine platonic friendships with Devon and Conrad and Irving (he used to have a crush on her but has moved on), but a hint of her pursuing something more with AJ and it's suddenly "why can't they just be platonic we need more platonic relationships.)
"They're like siblings" I mean, cool. I get it. I can even see it, but sometimes the set up for why they're like siblings is generally the same set up for best friends, or friends to lovers, or enemies to lovers etc, but it gets coded as sibling-like for specific couples right out the gate. There's a reason why bromance became a thing and it dances on the line of being equal parts platonic or potentially romantic.
Also, using a common ground and relationship both individuals share with someone else to make them platonic. Like if they share a similar bond with a parental- like figure in their life that immediately means they can only be platonic with one another and coding a non-blood related or familial related relationship as incestuous.
Example: Boy Meets World. Shawn Hunter was nearly adopted by the Matthews' more than once. It was implied often that he was like Alan's son. He lived with them before and spent holidays with them. But it never stopped Cory and Shawn from being shipped often. It was probably just as popular as Cory and Topanga.
But despite The Flash following a canon relationship. A constant criticism of WestAllen is that because Barry viewed and was treated like a son by Joe, and they lived in the same house, he and Iris are like siblings. And therefore their relationship is incestuous. An argument that could be made for Brallie on The Fosters, since Callie was officially adopted, but not for The Flash where it wasn't the case. It's not an incest ship. And yet ...
"They don't have any chemistry" It's true chemistry will mostly be subjective, but it's also odd with series where chemistry test overall are utilized just to make sure the right people are chosen for the job.
Chemistry isn't explicitly romantic, chemistry and romance are not mutually exclusive, so "they don't have chemistry" is often a weird one. Maybe you don't like their chemistry, or you don't like what their chemistry can lead to, or you don't want it to be romantic chemistry, but just a flat out "no chemistry" is poorly articulated, especially when there are cases of insane chemistry that is mostly driving a series. (I.E Ichabbie from Sleepy Hollow or Sharpwin from New Amsterdam) some chemistry is undeniable. There's a distinction between "no chemistry" and hoping the chemistry isn't romantic.
"It's coming out of nowhere" is another interesting one because sometimes it's valid, but other times it's a case of someone not paying attention to what was being outlined for some time OR saying this the second something is hinted at when that specific moment is the starting point for something the writers are choosing to explore. It has to start somewhere, right? So you can't call "out of nowhere the second two characters you prefer not to be together share eye contact.
Example: Richonne on TWD. They spent seasons building this relationship up. From distrust to being each other's most trusted person. The attraction between them was even there delu enough if you paid attention, but since attraction is a part of life and doesn't always lead to anything, it could have meant nothing to meant everything but it was there. But one of the biggest complaints was "it came out of nowhere." Careese from POI "came out of nowhere, despite their dynamic being built for God knows how long. Meanwhile, Ruzek and Upton barely glanced at each other before they became a couple on Chicago PD.
Ben and Ryn on Siren is something everyone saw, but Ryn and Maddie and Ryn, Maddie, and Ben together "came out of nowhere." Not if you were paying attention. Yeah, I may as well add Maria and Michael from RNM in this too.
I'm seeing it again, and while I don't necessarily disagree with the latest dynamic in question and why people may not want to ship it, the repeat pattern gets me.
Since I've given examples, may as well point out that this is in part a reference to Brightwell on Prodigal Son. It's new, and I'm not even sure I romantically ship them or Malcolm with anyone to be honest.
But the main reasons why there are already people against the mere mention of them is all of the above reasons. And the thing is, there are many reasons why people wouldn't want to ship them: Malcolm's mental instability, just not seeing them in that way, it being too soon, it being unprofessional, loving the team dynamic more without romance. Liking the relationship as is and not wanting to tamper with it.
And all of that is valid as hell. I get it. I agree often enough myself. Fortunately, the fandom is really fun and open and genuinely nice and hilarious and one of my new favorites.
And I don't think it's one of those fandoms that veer toward problematic, but this is more so an observation on how fascinating it is that the same language is always used. Regardless of intentions or sentiment.
I do think many shippers wouldn't be put on edge, hell many non -shippers but just fans in general representative of what is being shown probably wouldn't be on edge or have their hackles raised if the exact same arguments weren't used against specific dynamics every single time almost instantly.
Like, I wonder if there are better ways to express why a certain relationship doesn't do it for you without dipping into that same well. And it is unfortunate that what should be innocent statements come off a certain way regardless, but even when you can tell it's not ill-intended the pattern and verbiage remain gobsmacking. Like clockwork. It's a quiet observation and I do wonder what if anything can be done about it.
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written by: thefandomrandom | @thefandomrandom18
read more of thefandomrandom’s works on FF.net
rating: M
Rick emerged from the shower with his towel wrapped around his waist stroking the errant hairs on his beard. It had been awhile since he shaved and he was wondering if he should go back to a clean face. Using a towel to wipe the fog off the mirror, he took a good look at himself, turning his head from side to side. The exhaustion was apparent by the lines under his eyes but he was happy. They were able to find food thanks to their new connection at the Hilltop even though some possibly innocent lives were lost and Maggie and Carol were in danger briefly. Things were good..for now.
Running his fingers through his chestnut curls that now touched his shoulders, he figured he may as well get a haircut too. “Don’t you dare,” the familiar voice said. He wiped off the rest of the mirror and his eyes immediately locked with Michonne. His old friend and new lover. She was smiling with some of her clothes in one hand and a half finished apple in the other. “You only brought one?”
She took another huge bite practically finishing it and smiled. “I left one on the nightstand. On my side.”
He peeked around her into what was now their bedroom. “Of course.”
“You were about to cut your hair weren’t you?”
He tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes. “You don’t want me to? You don’t think it’s time?”
Michonne took another step inside the bathroom and closed the door behind her. The soft click had his cock on high alert for anything she had planned. It had only been a few days since they discovered this intimate side of one another but he was ready, willing and able whenever she wanted to have sex. “I don’t think it’s time to cut this. She ran her fingers through his hair, “or shave this,” she said gliding her smooth fingers through his scruff. His eyes closed as she ended her exploration of his face with a soft kiss to his lips. 
“How about just a trim then?” he offered, trying to compromise. Pretending to think it over, she reached down and pulled her tank top over her head. Rick gasped, mentally bracing himself for her next move.
“Ok. A trim,” she agreed and took the scissors out of the medicine cabinet.
“You’re gonna cut it?” He was genuinely surprised.
Michonne guided him to the closed toilet lid, motioning for him to sit down. “Of course. I mean I’m not Jessie level talented at haircuts but I can trim hair well enough.”
Rick winced at the loaded comment and the realization that she knew Jessie cut his hair a few months ago when they first arrived in Alexandria. They had never really talked about her at all. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her even closer and willed her make eye contact with him. “No you’re not. You’re definitely not her. I know that.” She was so much more. He kissed her stomach, his fingertips grazing her back sliding down to her ample ass and gave it a light squeeze.
“You’re distracting me Mr. Grimes,” she broke his gaze and went back to combing his hair in preparation. Just like that the moment had passed and they said everything with a look that needed to be said. They were past that. Past her. Nothing to look forward to but the future. “I have some hair to trim.”
“I’m all yours. Do your worst.” His hands were placed in his lap like a good little Boy Scout, trying his damnest not to touch her. There was no middle ground where Michonne was concerned. If he touched her, he wanted to be buried inside her. Maybe it was because they had been dancing around their chemistry for months and he wanted to make up for lost time or maybe it was because they had a connection he’d never experienced before. Either way, he had to learn to tamper it down…..eventually. He wasn’t even halfway through his thoughts before she proudly announced, “All done.”
Ricks eyes opened in surprise. “Already?” Looking down at the floor, he didn’t see anything but two tiny piles of hair that he bent own to pick up. Confused, he turned towards the mirror and didn’t see anything different. “It’s ummm.” Caught between not wanting to hurt her feelings and just plain laughter, he decided to play it safe. “It’s ummm—it’s definitely somethin’. Thank you.”
Michonne tried to stifle her laughter but lost the battle. “The look on your face”, she giggled, putting the scissors back down on the small vanity. “It’s somethin,” she mocked him.
He laughed too and dropped what was about 8 or 9 strands of his hair into the trash can. “You didn’t do anythang”.
“I didn’t do anything because I love your hair”, she explained, nestling herself back between his legs.
“Is that so?”
Michonne moaned as he kissed her trying to unhook her bra. “Yes that’s so.” Her hands explored his soft tresses, lightly tugging on them as her bra hit the floor and Ricks mouth immediately went to work on her hard nipple. Her pussy clinched in response. “Mmmmm. And the length comes in handy at certain times.”
Rick released her left breast with a pop and looked up at her confused. This was new to her as well. Having her friend, her best friend in the most intimate of ways. Taking a step back she locked the door and began to unbutton her jeans. Ricks intense stare burned her skin and the bulge under his towel had grown considerably. She stepped out of her jeans and black panties and his towel hit the floor.
Mentally he started thinking about where everyone was in the house, praying they wouldn’t get interrupted. Judith was asleep and Carl knew better than to come in his room without knocking first. “You’re so beautiful.”
Michonne beamed, evidence of her arousal glistening against her flawless brown skin. Approaching Rick, she straddled him and he leaned back to give her room to settle. With their eyes locked on one another, she reached behind her stroking his cock once, twice teasing it against her dripping pussy before slowly descending on him. Rick buried his face in her chest, trying not to groan too loud. She was already panting, slowly rolling her hips in a circular motion. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, guiding her movements and trying to control his already building orgasm. When she began to bounce up and down, he knew he was on borrowed time. His balls tightened as his lips covered her other nipple sucking hard.
“Yessssss,” she hissed, her head thrown back in ecstasy not once breaking her rhythm. When she felt the pull in her lower belly she knew she was close. Rick’s thumb began to circle her clit and she straightened up, a loud long moan echoing off the bedroom walls. “I’m about to—“ She gripped Rick’s hair, anchoring herself against the wave of pleasure that was threatening to take her under.
He held on to her ass as he impaled her on his thick cock, feeling her walls begin to close in on him. “That’s it. Come on baby.” His words were her undoing, and suddenly her body had a mind of its own. Bucking and rocking, pulling his hair as the orgasm rose, faded and began again.
“Fuckkkkkk,” he cursed, moving her back just in time so he could release on his thigh. They breathed heavily while he grabbed a towel to clean himself off. She took the washcloth from his hand and finished cleaning them both off. They were always a team. What one started, the other one finished.
When Michonne giggled, he quirked his eyebrow. “Somethin funny?”
She smoothed his hair back in place, kissed him and whispered against his lips. “I told you the longer hair comes in handy for certain things.”
Rick laughed, pulling her in close.
Comfortable and sated.
“It does indeed.”
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weretheoneswhowrite · 6 years
Getting to know you....
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We at WTOWW have got a real treat for all of our faithful readers!  We have a fun and exciting series that we're excited to debut today!
Want to know what's your favorite writers process for cranking out these engaging stories? Want to know how they build such realistic worlds and impressive dialogue?
Well now you can as we asked our talented spectrum of writers a few questions that will help you get to know them better.
These ladies really put in the work to bring you the stories we all love to obsess over and WTOWW are very happy we took the time to get to know them so much better!
First up we have @jonesywrites​ aka Kendra. She is a heavy hitter and a permanent marker in the Richonne Fanfiction hall of fame for her pieces like Bad Thangs,  Machine Heart and Vantage Point and a host of other great stories that are not limited to only the Richonne Fandom. Her talent for world building is really unmatched, it was fun getting to pick her brain.
So take a few moments to relax, let's get to know Kendra a little better.
Why is Richonne so fun to write?
 “I'm a huge romantic. Richonne's chemistry has always been so intense on screen, which is exactly what drew me to them. Exploring that chemistry in my writing is a total thrill because so much of my writing relies on details that the actors give me in abundance. Getting those details right (true to what you see on screen) makes me sooo happy as a writer.”
Do you have a writing schedule? 
“Ha! I wish I did. I'm all over the place. It's hard to find the time to really dive in, so I'm stuck writing a paragraph here or there during the work week. I try to devote at least one day or a few hours on the weekends, but there's always so much to do, so I can only really update every now and then. It's a miracle if I can get back to back updates done.”
What is your editing process?
“ I will rewrite something a hundred times until I feel it captures what I want to convey perfectly. It takes me a long time to finish an update because I'm constantly going back to re-read it and edit it as I write.”
What drew you to fanfiction?
 “I've been a writer since I was a little girl, but when it came to the stories I watched or read, I was always thinking of the characters I liked doing things that had nothing to do with the original plot. Scenes would come like visions in my head while going about my day or trying to sleep. Someone told me about fanfiction when I was in college and I decided to just go for it. Been hooked ever since.”
What has writing fanfiction taught you about being a writer?
 “It has taught me humility, not to compare myself to others (to find my own unique voice and stay true to it), and it has helped me better understand my strengths and weaknesses as a storyteller. I move at my own pace but in my opinion taking time to focus on the things that make me a happy reader makes me a better writer.”
Who outside the fandom knows you write fanfiction? 
“Not many people. Close friends. It's still not something people take seriously within the circles I work in. Being a copywriter, living in Hollywood trying to become a television writer, you just don't admit to writing fanfiction. At least not unless you intend to make a big joke out of it and get major side-eye for your trouble. ::shrug:: So I don't talk about it.”
How many people know you're a writer? 
“Everyone I meet. I write for work, and I network a lot with folks out here trying to do what I am trying to do -- get into a television writer's room. It's an intrinsic part of me that I will always lead with. "Hello, my name is Kendra and I am a writer."
Where do you see your writing taking you? 
“Hopefully to creating my own shows or finally finishing my first book. Time will tell.”
Do you have advice for writers just starting out?
 “Don't give up. Find your voice and stay true to it. Don't compare yourself to others, it's a waste of time. Their voice is not yours. People want to read what you have to say, specifically you. Only you can say it your way, so find your way and go for it. Ask questions, lots of questions, of other writers because we're a community and we want to see each other succeed. Tell the story you want to read, not the story everyone else thinks you should tell.”
What do you wish you knew before posting your first chapter?
 “I wish that I knew how to manage my time better. Heh.”
How many writing playlists do you have? Does your music have to change with what you write?
“ I make a playlist for every story I write that encapsulates that story's mood/world. I've been doing this for years, there's no other way for me. I must have music to write to and I must share it with my readers. Everything I publish was written to a musical score. They're all available on Spotify, too. Just look for the title of the fic or my user name, kendrawriter.”
How many projects do you have going on right now?
“ I have quite a few, it's all a jumble. Four open Richonne fics, one open WestAllen fic, a tv script and the tentative start to a young adult novel. Ehhhhhhh....I know. I know.”
Have you ever written a scene that’s made you cry? 
“Once, in my first Doctor Who fic, Nightfall. An original character in that story that I based off of my grandmother died in the story. My grandma was very ill at the time and we feared the worst (she passed away a couple of year ago). Writing her death scene was tough. To this day I'm not sure why I did that to myself, but at the time it made sense for the drama of the plot.”
Where do you get your best story ideas?
“I take inspiration from literally everything. My best ideas have come from me just really wanting to see something and obsessing over how to write it until it's in the story. But I base a lot of things off movie or TV references from all the many, many I've watched since childhood. Machine Heart, for example, blends about 100 references from all my favorite sc-fi stuff -- Star Trek, Aliens, Black Mirror, Terminator, The Matrix, Strange Days, The Fifth Element, the list goes on...”
Do you have a solution for when you’re stuck? 
“Just let it pass. It happens all the time, and over the years I've learned to just let it happen until I'm inspired again. Because once I'm inspired again, I go into THE ZONE and I'll write like crazy for days on end.”
What does WTOWW mean to you?
“ It's a community for me. It's full of really amazing, kind, funny, smart, talented women that I'm beyond grateful to know. Also, it's an opportunity to give less known writers a platform, and dive into some great writing prompts I otherwise wouldn't think of.”
Thank you Kendra for taking the time to share your story. 
-We’re The Ones Who Write
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I honestly don’t understand people who say Richonne came out of nowhere.
Of course, there are some who missed it and, when rewatching the series, caught it the second time around. But those who double down on this take and think they just decided to put Rick and Michonne together???
Please use your critical thinking skills here.
I can go on and on about how this series set up Richonne dating back to S4, which built off their chemistry in S3. I could, but I’m not going to. I just need people to ask themselves why Richonne and Grimes clan were always together. Why are her and Rick always side by side and they’re confiding in each other. What’s with the looks and comments on each other’s appearance? Because those things means things, esp narratively.
Because even if “it came out of nowhere” it didn’t.
What I mean by this is: Rick and Michonne never actively thought about each other in that way, but their actions and behaviors were of those who have deep intimacy. Which we constantly saw before they got together.
And it does happen like that for some people—like a switch has been flicked. Someone who was just a friend is someone you’re like, “oh shit, I’m into this person and want to be with them.”
We see them realize this in real time, so it’s weird for some viewers to pretend as if the scene was, “I’ve always been in love with you and you knew that, but now we can finally be together that Jesse is dead” or some shit.
It was two friends who were like, “hey, we’ve overlooked the obvious for so long, but now we’re here, I like this and I want to see where this leads.”
And that’s why that scene works.
Because they finally saw what attentive viewers saw.
And they allowed themselves to get lost in it, which is why their kisses were so deep and passionate. But it’s also cute that they’re experimenting with these kisses and discovering they like doing this with each other. Being shy and giggly and enamored. That they go with the flow because it’s not a question of if they should continue, they both definitely want to.
The whole point of their ship is that they have a solid foundation built of friendship, love, respect, shared experiences, and communication. That they understand and see how ash other, which is why when it turns romantic, it makes perfect sense in their minds and they want to see where it leads.
After Rick slept with Michonne that first night, there is no question in his mind that this is serious. He understands the difference know between infatuation (Jesse) and something lasting (Michonne). And it’s important that he communicates this to his son. He’s just so damn happy at the prospect of being with Michonne and literally fucking holds her hand while driving.
Do people not understand how, despite this realization being new for them, that it’s both exciting and scary, esp because it built up without them realizing it, but now they want it so bad? That it was unexpected for them too?
We see that Michonne isn’t sure what this means and Rick takes her hand because he is sure. And she’s immediately comforted by this action.
How do people not understand this and are still arguing about this SIX YEARS LATER???
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