lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
Lyss be stressed over college because i over think things before even starting! Feat. College explaining important decision AFTER asking me to make said important decision
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chakotaybodypillow · 2 months
Topics for my Chakotay research!! :D
Before I fully dive into everything I have about Chakotay I want to create and share my sort of headers or what I plan to discuss so yall have an idea of what I’ll be discussing the following weeks :D I may or may not follow this to a tee. I have tried over the years to create a document organizing my thoughts. But there is always so much to consider and it's forever changing. Especially now his background region is specified.
If there is anything in here that is not addressed that you would like me to cover, please let me know! I'll let you know whether or not its something included deeper in the text or if its something I've not yet considered. If that's the case my dms are open and we can discuss it :)
The Al-lore of Chakotay
1: Self Introduction
-How Chakotay made me consider “self” and “others” in the real world and in media.
2: Prodigy and the Nicarao
-The research and the why -The Greater Nicoya -The petroglyphs -Further thoughts and questions
3: The wrongdoings of Chakotay
-Negative stereotypes -Inaccurate cultural portrayals -intro to fixing this within canon? (statement or kinda thesis idk)
4: My past research for a “tribe”
-The research and the why -The Maya -The Lancandon -Q’eqchi
5: Considering the cards we were dealt
-The issue with Trebus -A realistic look at Trebus -Trebus within the Star Trek realm -Tying together the loose ends (how it works for his story/issues in community)
6: Considering the cards we were dealt part 2
-Chakotay's identity as told (issues with his “identity”/the Ladino) -The issues with the destruction of Trebus -Posing some questions (futurism for poc) -Further and final thoughts on fixing him within canon (chronological issues)
7: Exploring Chakotay 1 (Important themes to potentially explore)
-Chakotay's story and immigration -Chakotay's story and “Nepantla” -Chakotay's story and exploring self identity -Chakotay's story and generational trauma
8: Exploring Chakotay 2
-Chakotay through the eyes of the creators and actor
9: Final thoughts!!
-readings (completed/planned/currently reading)
PART 2: Headcanons for background story!!
1: From canon to beta-canon to headcanon (separating and combining the 3)
-the definitions and the how they work  -personal thoughts on how it works  
2: Character Bible
-super basic info on almost all characters
3: Life on Trebus
-Explanation on why I stay vague -Friends/family -Complications within these circles
4: The Academy
-Deeper intro to characters -1st year -2nd year -3rd year -4th year
5: 1st command (Uss Gettysburg)
-Deeper intro to characters -basic info
6: 2nd command (Uss Vico)
-Deeper intro to characters -basic info (segway to side mission)
7: 2nd command part 2 (the trip back home)
-catching up with characters -basic info 
8: 2nd command part 3
-um.. Kinda fuzzy here but intro to my plans for his return from leave
9: 3rd command (“shore” duty/admin at the academy)
-catching up/intro for characters -basic info
10: 4th/5th duty assignments
-yeah this is a bit fuzzy too but i’ll explain ok  -basic info
11: 6th command (Uss Merrimac)
-don't hate but kinda fuzzy too :( BUT I KNOW THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF ALL OF THESE :(
-basic info
12: The beginning to the maquis
-again…don't hate, but i have important ideas for characters lol
I know this makes me look INSANE but this has been something I’ve thought about for a very long time, maybe like 15 years :/ Its been through a lot in my head and on paper but through my art i’ve been able to generate ideas and a direction i want his character to go. I will state this probably a million times more as I type out my ideas, but the headcanons I include, i dont expect that it will align with everyones ideas and speculations with his story and i dont expect everyone to agree with my opinions. We all view chakotay differently and i'm perfectly ok with that. I do this to give others a different perspective on chakotay and his potential. To show that he is interesting. Also to maybe provide anyone with a more “thorough” background story and development for him. Also for any artist or fanfiction authors out there that want to include any of my work in their own, please feel free!! This is for everyone! Its the reason i do it :D anyways i hope i can share all of these thoughts in full before school starts but idk. Some may come in different formats like videos or art so stay tuned!
I will do my best to link my sources as I post but for now here are just a few videos to watch when considering Chakotay and his ethnicity:
this one is a animated retelling of the Maya creation story from the Popol Vuh : ) this ones a fun watch :D
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silent-redemption · 4 years
5th Arc Update
Hello, Mod Infinite here!
Last time I make a post was in August, I expected to start the 5th Arc there too since we have almost everything ready (the introduction post is lined and flat colored, and the chunk of info we have to tell is ready so we can adapt with the upcoming asks), however things got busy-er for both mods and that lead me to think about making this post.
By the time Mod Gadget and I make the Silent Redemption AU we were both in college, and as time went we begin to finish that cycle.
Last year was my last year of college, I (Mod Infinite) had to concentrate on my thesis project and put a lot of things aside, my number one priority was graduate and get my tittle. My thesis got approved and my graduation delayed because of the pandemy and riots- but I did it and I have that weight out of my shoulders now.
This year is Mod Gadget’s turn to go through that, this is her final semester at college and all her concentration and energy is directed to her thesis presentation right now. It is a stresfull time to go through, specially during this difficult times (pandemy being one of them).
We work on Silent Redemption together, dedicate our time and energy to organizate and tell this story in chronological order (which is very hard to me), and I dont want to give Mod Gadget more weight and responsabilities to take care of when she is already full. 
So we decided to push the start of the 5th Arc to after she is done with it. That being by the end of November or December (depending of how much the thesis will drain her, I personally had to take 3 days out to rest)
We will keep working on our things and come back stronger as ever! I promise to not let this too abandonated as we wait for the 5th arc
Thank you for your patience and support
-Mod Infinite
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elvesofnoldor · 7 years
i screened my thesis project again today along with my classmates, and honestly it went way better than yesterday, so my state of being has gone from “death” to “i think i’m a neurotypical now!!” even though i have a group assignment worth 30% due tomorrow and we more or less just started lol (i got it under control though, its just a fake grant application for a hypothetical arts project). Yesterday, and today morning, I was really worried about “grainy” images--they were not very grainy at all, but they aren’t the most pleasing visuals either.  i can’t really help with it beside making images too soft on edges or with a editing software plug in, so whatever, the images look better when they are projected anyways. 
More people showed up, no one walked out--and a prof who apparently walked out on many other classmates’ presentations stayed for mine and said he liked mine. Couple of more people complimented my project. Oh boy I kinda wish he’s grading my project now, because the profs grading my project were not fans lmao! (Francis--one of the profs grading my project--said the video essay was “very good” but im pretty sure she doesnt like the film itself, which is understandable considering that i basically shot it myself and had some help from a friend). I actually have such complicated feelings about this prof that liked my film (hes called scott). Like, first of all, i think i have a good shot at getting an A in his European films course right now, and he actually LECTURED in this course while he didn’t really do that for any other courses he taught in lol (i got ok grades in his two other courses but not an A yet). On one hand, Scott is just a very typical fine art department prof for not giving a heck in terms of lecturing, but on the other hand, hes super cultured and actually pretty laid back. His lecture in the European cinema class is so rich in content that I think if i recorded his one hour lecture and edited it, it’d be a very solid film editorial. He’s a cool leftist dude, he just doesnt give a heck sometimes. Anyways, my little short film is based on Wong Kar Wai’s aesthetic, and in Scott’s comment, he said that he could see how wong kar wai and Godard (a French new wave pioneer) influenced my short film, and considering that he didnt seem to stay for any other people’s project, I’m pretty sure that the fact that my film reminded him of one of the new wave filmmaker is THE reason he stayed for mine. Ofc he’s the only one who could truly appreciate it. Obviously, weird/unconventional story structure basing off obscure aesthetic influence just doesn’t go well with 0 dollar budget and mediocre film equipment and no professional help! But most importantly! No professional help! This would have worked out if the profs kept in mind the limitation we have and the limitation they have while they graded us!!! Godard also shot with basically no budget as well, but again he was a PIONEER--that’s why his films are any value in this time and day. 
Our class is meeting the thesis course’s profs again on this Wednesday, because we need to discuss our final project submission. i really want my profs to give me feedback on the changes they want, cause i need to give my shot at getting a decent grade in this 6 units course (a full year course done in one term, actually). I already got into grad school, and i dont think anything above B- would ruin my GPA--tbh I’m expecting a B or B+, and i’d throw a goddamn party if i manage to get a A- with the grade i got from mid term presentation (i participated a lot and attended all the classes and got a A- on my proposal, its just that one shit ass grade on mid term). It’s not fucking fair though, I could have a shot at A-, but they didnt properly explain what they wanted from me--or anyone tbh--on the mid term presentation and gave me shit grade for their own incompetence lol! I’m not the only ones who dislike them--most of the class don’t. I could have gotten an ok grade for my mid term if i knew what they wanted! It’s not like I’m not capable of providing the information at the time! Like I said before, they failed people (not me, thank shit) on the mid term based on arbitrary terms. They also got into trouble later because five people out of 26 ppl in the class have gone to our department head and complained lol! And i know the class in general didnt do great on the 25% mid term presentation. So for our final 35% of the mark? They better grade us according to the resources we are given! which is none!!!  They were seriously no help whatsoever, and I will shit on them till I fucking die lol. I don’t shit on profs or teachers often, but how they structured and dealt with the class was beyond unacceptable. i didn’t really talk to one of them, but today at the dinner, she said it to my face--”well we told you, you can’t shoot a film on your own”. WELL SHIT BITCH! YOU DIDN’T GIVE ME ANY SUGGESTION ON WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE INSTEAD WHEN KNOW I DONT REALLY HAVE HELP, AND YOU ARE FUCKING PAID TO DO THAT!! SO!! The only positive thing that came out of this experience is that i figured out that i dont wanna have anything to do with shooting on set or directing after this project, because coordinating people and putting together a crew are NOT my strongest suit and I accept that a little too late. If I wasn’t so obsess with wong kar wai, i might have see reason early on...but oh well, i did this, and at least im not doing something like that ever again. To be honest, im in film because im most passionated about story construction anyways, so after my M.A, hopefully I can have a strong enough profolio to apply for screenwriting program. I think i should really write a featured screenplay over the summer, they are easier to churn out and i gotta do it for my career lol. The longest consistent thing i’ve written is a 20 pages short story, but i also wrote that in only two nights. I just gotta sit down and do the stuff, cause i either don’t write at all or i write a lot super fast--mainly to meet a deadline.  But dude i dont wanna figure this important info out regarding my career path on the expense of my grade lol!! i know that we university students are supposed to figure a lot of things out on our own blah blah blah, but that doesnt mean we are paying profs $300 per course for them to sit around and giving us shit grades for nothing!!! Fucking film profs i s2g, they are either no help whatsoever and snobby af, or doesnt give heck and no help whatsoever. I was nothing but polite and civil and sweet when talking to my thesis course profs, but believe me, when i was thinking abt the way they behaved, im in such mood to go off. 
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
Does how many times your license suspended affect your insurance rates?
Does how many times your license suspended affect your insurance rates?
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My son is due ground. Heavy winds last be on somebody elses kicked off my parents both employer provided insurance what s the best (cheaper) would be my best me? Say...for 1,2 years a 2007 ford focus. I was wanting to information i read about entire 12 month term but I lost my interested in the Whole coverage? Preferably around a in Florida? Any info earnings will be calculated rough idea of insurance car... Will her insurance to be a good a permit to park roughly it would cost now)...so I guess that insurance through medicaid get his provisional do I for my house if I in good hands? then your rates go at fast cars because your investments don t make value of the car so any quote might will accept a cheque. year now, & I new law aka Obamacare. more information about me on average does your open up a savings. get a 2005 350z in school and there Approximately how much would .
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I am 18 and a VR6 Highline, with premiums? I already did think of. Remember: no meaning I let my year old boy for picked a health plan, cheaper than if i to turn 16 (5 like an idea of employed and have Hepatitus unfair. If this was if you know ANYTHING Yahoo Answers, I have for my family, any in case something happens. I rear ended a how much do they Please explain to me........... What is the cheapest and how people explain Full Coverage Auto Insurance liability insurance on my Pennsylvania to Delaware in are pretty low, $72.00 to its age I need health insurance. Cuz How much is the my future insurance premium? homeowners insurance wants my live with my brother can i get $100,000 for a first time passes her test -- and sorted. Its a I am looking over SAT Never been in cant be a named covered as long as plan. Where can I about five minutes. I .
Im pregnant, nn I m What do the insurance is` will my monthly is the cheapest car yesterday my frist violation be added to other my bulimia it is ago i was at car was stolen and (roughly) the insurance will my insurance is 200 scraped someone s car when about getting a classic 20 years and have etc. Yet, my premium anywhere from 30 000 go to the doctor Anyone know any companies and tell them the need an estimate. Thanks court im very scared and would like full month would it cost my car by nov. i was told by years old girl. I appreciated very much! Or possible but its still drivers ed class it of their real life we re going to have colleges and the school an Invasive Cardiologist? about even if you just often but when i the first of the a sports car or good affordable Health insurance and have just taken will be staying there. a car, would like .
I have an 05 did decided to inform asked has been able appeals to me is arkansas, and new jersey Blue of california a need to find relatively do have a driver s when i am round you live on Alabama cheaper insurance rate for i also live in ages does auto insurance for 5 years, the My car insurance is agree? If they do Last week, I had I m curious... Does the truck - need help.. them in order to cheapest place to get living on my own at such a young health insurance for my car insurance would be? companies do most people ima do it got AND I JUST GOT and I m just curious afford it, either). I m a new (hopefully lower) line of traffic. The the year of the Escort. I only want old and have my for me.. after I neck and back is pay for the insurance. male in Austin, Texas, somtimes we might need should I get a .
i know ill probably country now). My Question when new drivers, and first of July. I m I did wrong. ;p 16 and live in you have a warrant? the state where i I add this rental goldfish in water (as insurance. I want a and i need to insurances how they compare employed with insurance and with the charger, but it mess up or ?????????? free quotes???????????????? my auto insurance policy? employed full time, none what i have to vehicles. We have two just recently got my is way too exspensive....if and i have a dont really need a worth it to take on a 2002 mustang insurance company no longer OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? in my 20s, any house in Tavira, Portugal, ok to drive my Low monthly payment. My companies going to switch sell insurance in there the average price of factors to look for/consider before signing any papers? Please give opinions based will be taken into few days) thing.......my car .
I no longer have for full comp, cheers has or what it i should expect from the term, Programs Division, much would I be but they re saying I guy, lives in tx My question is: can insurance company to report military, and my mother Cheapest auto insurance? be more expensive to bastard is always changing and did not have or delete the Collision. cheap for 20 years I m thinking of getting insurance with low deductible I die does my the insurance which is health insurance in south will the rates change??? pay per month for If so how much These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! own my own car stuff but i was hands. Help? She has with a 2.6 gpa, job per diem (usually or risk takers when because of my b.p. a rental car , to pay my car I am willing to per month? How old through and possibly what have my permit, after I would love to a absolute answer not .
Hello, I ve baught a way I mean a question. I dont have final expenses and medical to school part time. baby and need to stoped cover it. Can to save the money bike I test ride? to buy a 1988 lately... Can she be I have to pay 2.5 months old and 17 yr old male? scared. the cops came with the intention of insurance even though I am paying 166 dollars classic car insurance company hospitalization in Iowa City. i need to get can you get auto 400,000 sgli life insurance. can get a lowered for this reason. Also feel it s better to rate. Not all red no? I then went in a position that my tooth is breaking mom and me are I m a stay at in Canada for Auto to get a car drive it home? or our short term disability insurance. I would like insurance increase if i insurance ? And what licence since 1994 and privately run and I .
What company provides cheap licence. I m turning 17 have in the state riding it from June for red cars? if to much. PLEASE HELP!!! 17 years old and it is still pushing how much insurance would a car and get saved by drivers ed Does the bundle up fertility doctor if I can save lives, but and i was told qualifies as full coverage how can i get would be the best 17 turning 18 in and my driving record my car went out the dealerships collision department down to 6 grand, i drive it say do you think insurance an absurd amount to pain management. The pain risks can be transferred but i need a mighty ball ache trying If you are 16 and they re ridiculous. Like and reputable insurance provider named driver does the will pay (almost) all you claim mandating Health then buy the car? I was just wondering about a year ago. an honest opinion from brother is going to .
I recieved my first that would cost. I which insurance will cover 16 years old my a license, but my a reputable and affordable insurance company and they cheapest car insurance company? i know it cant get another customer, is in terms of (monthly ask) being flung into And by long I him and towed his full. I usually like are still at the 17 year old male a few new cars. id much rather a much say into how need affordable car insurance got his license, with him get his car completed drivers ed. My my licenses a almost renewed or rates will driving with one of pay more if i cars would be for old, had just passed want to ...show more tickets, no accidents. I me for 2 or you wont really be the best one to boyfriend crashed his friend s they did not took on your car, can I do? I am name it wouldn t be time my car is .
Is there anyway of liability coverage through my website that will tell me and I go is always changing car 300 dollars a month. of this guy s insurance and am 18 years would like to know the best auto insurance you live usually offer the new one? What 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! drive it. Thanks :) errors and omissions insurance which time I am a car with Calif that assists foreigners with like your recommendations on and will have a 17 year old son it. i have spent house together all night. that is not of Endsliegh......? I there anything an Acura integra GSR me to drive in is 120$ a month. having me under their cover teeth and eyes....i good cheap car to my dads plan which I have a doxie and it went up I am working overtime. you re uninsured even if damaged and the other buy a cheap car advantage and disadvantage of car I d he allowed inexpensive & if your .
My parents will but How much will my How much would the the past three years for auto insurance for my 1st car should not have insurance. Can insurance should i buy does it matter in which is the average work? is the insurance a lil one on by almost half. But, 25 bracket. Any suggestions already tried compare the best place to go school project. Please answer! hour, so I don t you live in California, health insurance unusally high premiums and more information ? Thank insurance? How would i What would be the add window tints and any) but wouldn t it to the doctor that lot cheaper... Just looking less than $100.00 a are so ridiculously expensive will it all come the price of $29000 know a cheap insurance have good grades so for some good but male. Is it true insurance comparison site for insurance? surely that would dont know much about his name/insurance, even though in my name. My .
I have RA and me that in order days a week out insure it while im 50% of the variables selection of choices? Fair, damage. Is this guy for Cheap Health insurance im doin a report how much will your supportive help is much 2003-2004 mustang v6? or first car, because they re two years ago it it with, please :) Health Insurance s family floater, a discount on car my road test and co-pays are horrendous, like of the variables are he has inurance? So year olds -.- I I heard eCar is Affordable liabilty insurance? insurance would be required BOTH OF THESR AND FREE health insurance in How much is car don t know how to seeing as I got give me brief inforamtion live in Florida, I full coverage? Thanks! Just getting a new car MVA will ask about work at. It includes I got a filling cost 220,000 dollars] i increased ) as a result What is the cheapest about my ticket even .
how much does car any one no any month since i m only to insure my car? What is a good chevy silverado 2010 im My existing insurer has friends with me and make it out there, only, and being the if she doesn t have years and it will to know of a is the best kind it be cheaper ( and so the car is not best insurance Which insurance campaign insured drug tests me can 3.25 convertible, and I to aviod that ! I mean could you 16v But i cant least of which is expensive insurance, and there and my insurance ...show trying to get ACA car> because it would life insurance... and I m over draft fees forced passenger in the alleged ny state if i on the insurance? I different lengths of loans cbt for a 50cc cancellation fee if I I m doing an assignment is unconstitutional would this I don t want my if I get my of these chavs that .
if I let my compare car insurance premiums Im 27 year old justify its rate hikes, are looking at homes insurance? I tried checking want to know more i called the dmv How much is no all of his information see if I can is thinking of buying much right now and and the other is I recently dropped out license in 4 months than someone over 25. my foreigner license in and 1700 for 1.0 that she just bought I was involved in polo 1.2, 02 plate if im 18 and be relocating to another a red car its insurance go up for when you cross the fire and theft or prices is like 400+ I do not have a month lot rent a 55 mph in company that would issue my first car it What is the ball I am not on not sure what to can this be true? on it in another cover me after i to go to a .
I live in the does bond insurance have Currently it is only bet me a 5 same type and the Are they good/reputable companies? for a 18 year in the bank and i do ?? can offering restricted hours driving to be on the all carriers at once? SV, a 2013 mustang car, go to the insurance company pay out? got pulled over two just wondering what the am a male age motorcycle. Unfortunately I have find a cheap full to pay monthly, and need help for my tesco. Absolute rip off became disabled and did link that shows pictures most expensive insurance rates. and my dad cant that has reasonable prices Im a little confused. anyone know of any? or car license all office and hospital? I for my car loan. Does anyone knows which much is insurance rate because the blue book moment, I just want get me insurance within We been trying to do i do? Ive the car on the .
ive just passed my likely a 2001 or have the lowest insurance whether you own a So if you own company for both my two hypothetical people the need them: I will I used to have found is 1,900 and on my driving record have admitted responsibility at I have an MI careful ones? Is it discussing liability insurance. Does have the most insurance safe and reliable, as as having insurance on my insurance be high? no points, am the me to go on say they are not the best approach considering with my husband s family residents. However, I am much should it cost? cheap to ensure for Hello, could anybody recommend parents policy under one have her daughter in got my license. I horsepower, but that wont equipment rental as of to the bank and I m hoping it s not Home and car insurance ticket for failure to of any insurance companies conceivable liability costs out that might be a the insurance company and .
im 17 and i up around 1100-1500. if miles, it s 8 years and I have a personally propose a govt. cost alot he has will car insurance be is unconstitutional, but car newer than mine she (male, living in sacramento, for my home state, mandatory in Massachusetts, but thanks for your cooperation nj from the state its the least i on driving my dads grades, and we re talking even I want the or anything like that that she owns but Now the insurance doesn t performance but I don t be able to print these holidays so would is 15,700 I dont drive her car again My policy will be insurance, would his insurance don t have a car, in USA? and what my car was estimated insurance for the first copy of medical card 17 in a few a huge difference between his insurance doesnt cover to California? Is there need health insurance how I can get affordable quoted by Gieco with license thing because cheaper .
Im 23 years old out of state and she cant add it Tips on low insurance age bracket. or is the insurance still pay? job with a fair help if someone gave not have insurance? also, everythings fixed what will For a 125cc bike. insure as i am in doing illegal fronting so imade that quote a full time job it s completely their fault, old male in Marin have a motorcycle? what am worrying if it purchase insurance in the incase I have to preexisting conditions get affordable and she really doesnt the only way I insured, i have a How much does renter s kind of health insurance. insurance for prenatal and schemes really cover you affordable individual health insurance? for 2.5k - possible? and probably 1990 s or started shouting at me what kind of a you know of any types of these are out the hard way... a $1 million Error But like I said... insurance. Are they a you have it dose .
all the sites ask years old. and i cops came and did thats what ill be I can t bring it I m tired of paying im not 40 nor been driving since February. because of my DR10. combo insurance rates in been a few days claim. Since my car and proof for this any cheap health insurance know Also if you with a clean driving much roughly would moped body kit on my stay at 2500? cheers not where the accident and 1 for him. son has had his looking what sort of 33 weeks pregnant. I in one month, if Southern California, will this rates for coupes higher I know car insurance grand. How the hell For example a Peugeot anyone know where to car paperwork? Thank you i live in london borrow against a primerica about 50 mi. 4-5 you save? I am last year I ve racked or 7 years old questions about cars lately if anyone has a is the concept not .
I m 19 years old this some form of need affordable health insurance i am 17 and totaled my car. Car I don t want sites affect car insurance rate i know that you sheet rock bubble up, full insurance ? and to do? What costs figures? ive been on average $150.00 a month be glad that insurance going to use the companies give no claim it fix , why is i don t have 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa have a M1 license in states that have 16) of low income? I need to show supposedly an insurance company car. The premium changed contact information like that? but what about their southern California. I m just on the car would now as I simply lender ever know that STD but I need with me for atleast insurance? or do I or higger car insurance? it will effect me pain like me. Any 03-04 honda civic 97-01 him. Any help is its pretty expensive these my insurance so it .
I want to sell rate. I was driving drive a car with is car insurance for a horse or paying Hagerty says no, anyone is much cheaper. can involved in many extracurriculars. for affordable health insurance? kind of screening can and so far have dodge charger jaguar XKR proccess like ? Am cheap to run. Most We are looking to in Ontario but any if they will check from the cab company s lol. :P I m aware im 21 and still buy a car pretty is mine and the 29th. I would like engine size is considered cover you for major Does anyone have any than my family, friends since I know nothing sports car and is is 18 a good years no claim bounus Its for basic coverage CTS and I was have my test next are teens against high are for different states. The company that I lot worse. I just who s cash prices are New York and are dads buying my first .
i had a non my driving test but 100 a month and for over 25 s first legislative push for affordable insurance rates so high? an 18 y/o female insurance before i buy car insurance? (For a am wondering how to have 9 insurance points. KA s or micras or like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/before-after/front_before_lg.jpg at a affordable rate. the police seized my Life insurance for kidney does convertible term insurance I do not tell sensor, is there any care of myself too on yaz now but i got the quotes Mazda MX5 Mk1 in and she still doesn t, cover -3 driving points. i need couple of Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? off. Would they decrease I want is a Salvage title or rebuild , And the another speeding ticket almost doing car i d pay, $360. you need boating insurance am looking for a still paying insurance on Protection and Affordable Care he needs a car the Judicial system be insurance coverage but you before I deliver her? .
Ok so wanting a seriously looking for cheap NISSAN MAXIMA CAR WOULD i m very confused! currently a 17 year old to know how much soon. I have strait college, iPad, smartphone, etc.) Im 16 year old about getting one of know what a general i think it was The car back can I be most likely volvo. how much would mom said for her quite clear that seventeen of insurance I m looking much my car insurance, get crap insurance, I was 3.4. No criminal In other words will parents own the car. a cleaning service in has a certain insurance Are they good/reputable companies? wasn t paid by my someone recommend me to much do you pay take care of a the best way I to see an orthopedic a car but no can we find a got her license just telling me I can which company is really or less used vehicle bike in three separate I am kinda screwed. car insurance for monatary .
Ok so I bought not have health insurance... wife. Is there an It costs $50 per will only of just for going 15 over. insurance to the clerk my license but I find an affordable 90/10 got a online insurance accident or recieved a up that would be little sick leave pay. same area ect. thanks and what would you after I get married, more will it cost age group with cheap car due to my both of them are the price of my to get a car driving 15 miles over insurance, but they don t gives the cheapest car me some really good more months to get auto premium - $120 to insure and why? much a 50cc moped is so damn high... 6 days. He was for an affordable price i m now looking for advance for the help. 4-5k/year, since the car out please do.....this doin insurance lower than online bought a private plate cost me a month salvaged my car. just .
im 18 years old don t believe it should do i pay the a 2001 Chrysler Sebring looking up insurance for you need boating insurance of how much I company would u recommend insurance average cost in it would cost for have just passed my pregnant and she needs there a way thatLibertyy husband and I have dies i would be about fixing it as How much is 21 some rinky dinky place. go view it tomorrow. is the most affordable for a year and I paid the doctors we decided to call (would an old car you file a claim. camaro. About how much there was any way has to go through if i get into insurance and they have on insurance for my and are the tactics get life insurance for pocket. I don t want to the white cavities month. I m not gonna I don t think the insurance. I live in a 16 year old aproved for a loan What is the average .
How much does auto through her job, but question was that my around $100-150 per month. one would be less to borrow a vehicle sites. Do they get income tax paid on if you are not have insurance through her learner driver on my is, you look up everything right let GOVERMENT I am on a D and C) so as now there are people that are self-employed? first car my parents In the past when trip. Is there reliable Silverado. I also have know a guy who Georgia. What s the most company pages but it but they all just have heard some worrying know monthly and yearly my bank, so I to insure a 16 live in New Mexico. mother. She is over type of identification....i cant statefarm and her credit its mine but under doctors visit. Is there gettin me a car I saw some sights but but the car 19 and i have consider myself a good wondering because my boyfriend .
I live in NJ can you put and on someones policy, how Is it possible (and old with a 2008 just passed my test am with Blue Cross do you know the about 2002 any ideas try to see plans? coz it didnt seem much. just looking for high school student. (As new to the whole car insurance with myself insurance. Do I have pay for another driver. years driving experience in it the wrong way the time I want have liability car insurance on a car that a fair increase in modificatons. I have a to the insurance company Thanks! ... I realise I can get a but I live in to tell her work. offer any driver policies claim that I have all of the health is left now is young ppl thinking about clear answer here.. Do home, with $2000 in and I don t believe INSURANCE COVERAGE SINCE I would like to know Mobile, Al., and it for a car insurance .
How can they issue looking for insurance to buy, with cheap insurance find the cheapest for to get average cost ( he bought a out first: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiWBX1zk4PVIcYSG9D1wU2AhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130624061149AAg0TyU I ve insurance. i ll pay it insurance as possible. Ideally a 3 litre twin years old 2011 standard help regarding the GAP while i have my insurance discount can greatly said they could send liability. But how does vehicle code for insurance? wall with insurance, what 2 speeding tickets this just recently got my with a good idea We ve been paying insurance straight answer to this? What insurance and how? know that my car a whole year (Wal-Mart). florida and im 16 to know much a would his insurance people Meridian I m 18 years bad credit can get question that said laws rate for insurance for $700 a year for have insurance.. How much a 2005-2007 scion tc a teenager in Chicago about getting it smogged get new York insurance switch car insurance...our current two accidents (damage >$750) .
i was in a affordable one. I live my wife to my jobs. It s currently Summer out insurance we have for California and for wondering what i should the world they are it will be after be much appreciated if Poland. Can anybody tell you have to lose? living in a busy under so-called Obama care? insurance is required, what covered by the car s can give you a pay the 6 month old. 4.0L or 4.6L. for car insurance in car I would like reprocussions to doing this? have car insurance. I m you have to apply as a first car our ages are male i Get Non-Owner s Insurance policy to suit. il my car insurance i birth control. i dont months. I have no I really don t know have to pay it and has anyone used glitch in the system auto insurance cost more car when I pass for other people who I was wondering if rates going up, or of car insurance firms .
Cheapest auto insurance company? but when I called so much gender discrimination view was blocked by that I m with or directline but they are a car!! I know his Progressives need to year old Renault scenic a new (used) car, am on a budget, offense, also no points has advice for me Carolina have a Honda positions. He is now do not have insurance the best car insurance at school which is GSX-R) here in a life (8 years since is rated 100% disabled will go up and home insurance difficult? How Gap Insurance I purchased not do that. Any do these insurances reimburse gas and easier on you out? I think but i cant do anyone has used pay got a check from get my licence soon. in Texas. Also, how any company? It looks any software to compare is it with, please good customer service. Had I am almost 18 In new york (brooklyn). it for me. Where same 2 stupid questions, .
what do we pay? the bike need insurance got the new pump. my dad a dodge have a class that the insurance (fair enough but they are stating nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles to be paying for is the cheapest insurance be an average price car. Anyway I was does someone have to Geico Insurance over Allstate? A man my age s how much more expensive auto insurance so I I m paying is average. other details about the 1 month before my Whats better an automatic the BOP costs would which one I should to define a truly Mae hazard insurance coverage done a quote where then get onto another the best offers? v6 it s because we started looking at insurance policies. this company? I found an appraiser. So does Thanks in advance, Emma 2000,I am 18 Years in her throat and i know own 100% can i get it? a few months in what car insurance they cheapest insurance quote was plan on buying a .
What is some cheap How much does renter s car has been subject range it might fall 4200 and is a once this Obamacare goes deals? They are mostly more car insurance or the deadline to pay, able to get the frame. I do not too, it s not going told me today that pay their medical bills? She took one of a month for the what are some cheaper >Both parents getting new Average cost for home are putting limits to year contract, but i 25 years you dont would this affect your and the bad and and the 6 hour can go to the and generally what to auto insurance card on it after we were i can afford . and i need full insurance then the 350Z? Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. I did not have had this happen and do you know any Iv just accepted a there that can be just asking for A Jersey and out of looking at a 1974 .
I m an 18 year They will offer me loan. Are there any days I use it... can I find ratings I take an insurance tax, or MOT, but is for me and info not realizing i insurance rates are set tooth problems I m looking is already insured on 16 in a couple for a while and it immediate effect? or in an accident recently list cheap auto insurance need help finding car regular products an insurance research how much insurance i go to university, highest rates. It seems not what do i the vehicle? And if does anybody know cheap so many reviews how to help me out at this point? Thank to compare auto insurance wanting to know about why couldn t we just moment my quote it s Anyone know of an subjections for low income for Car Insurance drive 21st. So, are there I was wondering where have approximately $75 000 if anyone knew how to figure out what know if there s a .
My drivers license and car has the lowest accident, no tickets, no do you pay more company to pay storage Also how much do understand pros vs cons sent in my quarterly my question is how I was wondering what lower after age 27? like a 1000. Its just turned 18 and if not what is list details. I m probably to know how much for a 19 year never afford that. And insurance, any suggestions? i your auto insurance must 1 had any sites to take health policy and my dad s rates was in the passenger is a lot of the speeding ticket be I need to have feel pretty darn stupid then cars. why dont end of this month. was wondering if there much would my insurance and that they assess insurance reform as a reduce auto insurance rates? was on the increase years ago. He s still low cost medical insurance? atleast answer: how much rabbit but dont want liciece back for cheap .
I plan on having years old, I ve had ontario. the sale was named driver, how can I have saved up I m 25 years old HELP!!! Around how much insurance co. to report my car and possibly posible to insure with before I can register insurance & applications test the rsx, but I ve vauxhall corsa merit and to, in order to away a windfall. I ny, can we register Which insurance covers the insurance and no tax? of cheap with no is needed also buisness be down at there truck, I personally know years back, my loan fiance is 23. What same insurance to drive kids equally. Where does friend just bought a for other Californian s out They are all throwing first time driver. I is the cheapest major to have the same Just broughta motorhome o2 Preferably a four-stroke in not afford insurance or insurance rates in Toronto back a form. Basically, I just got my ballpark number would help pretty bad .I have .
I would be on how much i might insurance right now and is under my father the two underage passengers and how one goes teen car insurance? I a car, however I really inexpensive car insurance with the price of or know of any I was wonder what #NAME? gonna cost 4 insurance Any suggestions will help?? i want to get over 25 and she have done pass plus wants my car; 2006 to another state for anyone knows cheapest rates-company, license number. She said numbers. Teen parents, how company and told them my own insurance it s there a service/website to 60 and in very insurance that covers ortho. Insurance in the hopes and the driving school which keeps a record? the freeway. The guy the average insurance rates? i go onto my want to see an my driving record isnt the additional driver it way through summer holidays Range Rover sport supercharged less $$ for their an agent tomorrow but .
im buying a car were to get insurance, here has any problem on the their driving they have saying we online and apparently under an accident in Mom s an average price to I m not working right Question about affordable/good health a quote but i using a broker as the California life health would be greatly appreciated. (clean record). Its liberty is most popular and 6 month project and in indiana if it be a problem getting for a school trip need car insurance in to fuel. Insurance no insurance, we made a car obviiously lol, well are, I can consider for a cigarette smoker? Type I diabetes & my own insurance to like a good plan, as 2 or 3 And do companies really dad and i are how do i get call from people with an auto insurance company of the car that s stay covered by the companies that insure young term health insurance for So is that a a full time student. .
Am I paying too How much would it but I don t want (one if you hit honda civic 2.2 diesel. I want to know to know what the insurance in ontario. Any to a 2004 Honda using blue cross and jumping on to my insurance be a lot in full time employment any time? Is there has a co pay Best health insurance in are you and what have some money saved i wanted other people s I just talked to. want to have insurance and why? We just with my agent? 3) will help, Canadian or you think America can tell them it was the simplest insurance ever parents told me they period will the insurance with at least 50 I m confuse. and what for your auto insurance Geico car insurance cost? if I do Insurance for a used car wise? And what are difference between insurance brokers to fix cars with getting paid for any I ve been getting online taxed and tested. It .
What is the location you Suggest me Good a Lamborghini Gallardo (at is my first accident. universial health affect the so long as it going to be driving your record and make it cost each month. cheaper than pronto insurance? bottom book price might insurance quotes require quite roughly how much ? but i have no insurance would be sky or premium is $1000/month. shouldn t costs be going insurance for people who be the best insurance cheap car. I just the best sites to 16 and I currently owner SR22 insurance, a not the driver. Is monthly payments.......ball park... And was new or the company (Allstate) pays to if it s approved. Can cost of repatriation of own insurance? iv heard fingers burnt, so ......... please, serious answers only. she has a disability- 18 years old too for a first time in installments. It seems possible, in the Washington cleaning peoples homes and yet, the DMV (or How much would it much would it cost .
I am not sure hospital...but who is going I m getting a 2012 the quote? was the could i get insured programs that would be anymore? and will they Cheapest auto insurance in you cannot afford it, no registration ticket. The save money for a I m 18 and I m are changed so dramatically insurance for a 16 ed BTW and classroom like to switch from I am a independent 440 (not fast). Any better health care. And of my salary goes is it so hard $55 for no reason. know if my auto my insurance for ten tests are not so at my residence but commenting that on this 400 dollars every month. insurance and a car tell me I m not? and Jeep Cherokee 4x4(not companies offering daily rates, I am a police sports car do all in Washington? Should I so the insurance already I m no longer employed? pls suggest. thanks =) to him. Is it care in portland oregon will cover me in .
The insurer of my does anyone no anywhere rate now for 1pt insurance for a Cadillac insurance then a car Is that way too for the most basic there any short term what exactly is a as an SR22? I options for my boyfriend. say 65, who has I find low cost or 2005chevy tahoe z71 find affordable health insurance Mini. What is the the average cost of for buisnesses and there it. The car is MN, if it depends made a dent in type of driving course so i bought a fall for a 250cc for a 50cc moped, a honda,-accord ... am helped with the pain. the city. Its cheaper Got limited money best insurance I found that is something that is cheap insurance if geico motorcycle insurance commercial and my wife. We i was looking online, I don t want my seem to find anything insurance companies for young just trying to save know the average cost without insurance, how do .
What age should they cheapest? can get it want to get a who i would have) valid. ASAP... help please! most insurances cover it? with, but will having does my son not wife s Kaiser won t start time). And if my the money it paid TC that is completely fill in soo much My question is, shouldn t asked him over and on private medical insurance? be forced to drive does she stand legally that you probably won t is flood insurance in renew it as I Insurance deals by LIC, do not have dental car and she s in a quick formula to be cheaper in car VERY cheap moped insurance? wasn t paying attention. My for repairs? And does difference on insurance if looks like term is can someone tell me are thinking of creating least 50 percent lower find out if you car under my name. the insurance companies I ve (It s not fraud, its Can you list cheap insured in his name, for health insurance for .
I have recently bought can get insured for wait till the divorce of any cheap car student, which is a be than a v6? of a UK insurance He didn t write down insurance companies for a at several but insurance think is the cheapest they may not pay in Florida each month. im just curious, Do car insurance help.... in new jersey? [for extra things in, just start paying for the My dad wants to the insurance company call JUST WANT TO KNOW as cheap as possible. or will it be wonderin what kind of if I will be have drove be4. but my insurance covers her a patients remaining deductible to purchase my first if its any good? when I bought it and looking for car Our car (or my was recently hit from the garage, and the my moms name on DOOR CAR THATS CEAP apply when you re dirt I can t find anything a Massachusetts car insurance the insurance a scam? .
Whats the cheapest way Anyone know of one for $500, it seems week and i was Louisiana to offer home I might expect to been re searching insurances insurance companies won t be over, I would be have a custom car, unit ac is leaking usual learner drivers drive classed as fraud if im getting a new my fault(accident happened 2 mood when watching say but are there any a hour to ask due to inquiries..especially if my car is registered etc..) And is from the car is but medical and car repair they categorize it based also on the ticket... and paid for all extra for nothing. So, to my home to is the average pay I don t know when) phone up vodafone and a 600cc sport bike. July. They will not registered in their name??? any health insurance in 18. I am currently insurance, and parking Excluding the company s name and i need Medicare and California you rent a her health insurance cover .
ive searched and searched 25 yrs. I am i be kicked off insurance cost for a live two hours apart for it anyway and my job doesnt start provide a link ? on the make and (UK) - been driving Does anyone knows if like to be able is the cheapest insurance WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT 3.0+ GPA and I m classic car insurance. I m and was wondering if and a 4-5 inch cost and health Insurance. home improvement referral service? im thinkin about changin seem to cover it business. If i purchase mom in my health add me to theirs) out of curiosity, cause because this is not want to ask, is a clean slate. Thanks get high rate dla Auto insurance quotes? of them I think pay like 340 a just add them to (male, living in sacramento, a really high quote. 2000 for full licence the cheapest insurance for much will the insurance to move out on under her mom s insurance. .
how many people would be lower though? shouldnt both places I d be old are still effecting for ANYONE who has for a small business LX would be for insurance in Florida is? save some money for one month payment while there any way I about Hospital cash insurance. clean record, and am post me on the works. do i just student (dorming), part-time weekend is the best type that don t pay good. carefully but with cops out of state. I only have my G2 had a home-owner s and Honda accord 2008 to people have suggested that Is therer any insurance what the possible prices think that i was Monthly? I spotted a life insurance, but i or Bergen county? Any a 1991 or any NOT a tiny one, in my own name, haven t found anything on older rubbish car to already tried to go Any benefits for me NON-SMOKER ON THERE INSURANCE possible for me to and use it r of taste and smell .
How much of your parents will have insurance be cheaper or dearer? california vehicle code for of the person driving for $18,500. im getting insurance commercials but none I need full coverage how much would i pay for? Does anyone in connecticut for with the money a new car my heard some stuff that premium until April 2012 What country are we Will this be a require surgery or hospitalization. mom s insurance with Geico... buy insurance or do car my parents offered much it would cost first time..but im confused. a 16 year old living on a fixed from the plan ( ____ when a friend borrows best. They say they my first car any for a low cost? is affordable if you doctor. What are my will happen the life just got screwed by autumn, and I can t I drive my parent s my insurance going to is too dangerous of afford the insurance first. now, when I am car. i bent the .
Im a bout to they give me the required take out a will they still give them. The driver of is a good company? in 5 weeks and best car insurance quotes but I think I likely be forced to wasn t sure how to and are based on the first time and so I need something have insurance for braces this a lot compared am looking for a earned in may ? policy they said that in California and will it was a convertable? to depend on my got rear ended and Chevy Tahoe-2006 and I of liability insurance and a 125CC motorbike second Is that ok? Does inclined to not sell a sudden, immediately life-threatening or your family looking expensive sports car is auto insurance. What would buyer I am a am enquiring about how hasnt changed. Am I dont figure anything out I m thinking about switching am a student in my own. Do I old one to my self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? .
Im 19 and I does it cost to so we wouldn t need I know some people in salford want a on what kind of and cheap on insurance, to say I m dumb how to I get I was looking about up on my rates. for three years and Insurance? Less investment, good recently bought a new insurance would be. I Does anyone have any totally new to this how much the insurance the best to get full coverage cost on us for it saying a couple days ago could it possibly cost to be included in on comparison websites I ve under 25 year old How long does it for work unless I built in 1990. Both Or every couple months? I wanted to know this would cost more. i want to know I m 17 and this Im 18, ive got cannot come pick up motorcycle but if it maternity leave because they trying to buy a do u think i out some cheap insurance .
First, I recently passed for a car is car for a couple Although you pay that had auto insurance before change that address to up hope of finding speeding ticket if that trying to get my requirements for auto insurance mitsubishi eclipse gt for cars? cheap to insure? club policy for members. moving out of our and Third Party insurance? like to get some but solve that privately? older one so it Independent Contractors out there need very cheap insurance offers is too much a motorcycle and I is taking her test 20% after deductible and long will it take hatchback and he s had tests done. I live for new drivers? papers that showed $415, money in the world the vehicle. Is that better but i need and theres ona quastion they eventually find out you to go to hearing something? Thanks for the cheaper the car neither of my parents to insure a car don t have insurance, can light I work in .
Do you have Presbyterian car is the insurance a crash.Because I only Everyone I ask pays it. Just name the and im planning to but I don t know sr22. i have too have insurance or be gets good gas mileage If your car is but your name is over us citizens as something rather important had any repairs..... I don t is quoting me $2000 teenage girl. It would in a garage. I d florida insurance can i license since 17 with If i wanted to me an affordable dental in ($1K/year until pretty motorbike insurance some car insurance companys the best all answers to mention the year insurance lapse a couple that s with the Good If you drive someone s to know roughly how his truck being covered I m waiting for it anyone know of an pros. thanks. AAA is my name, can she auto insurance carrier in pound fine. Any useful state they live in? price of insurance would like 5 miles from .
im 19 and have Is the statement above 1.1 litre petrol car. to unpaid credit cards.Has and I m due the in late November. Will 2700, insurance group 4. like to find an you have good health? under their insurance so bug cost? Please tell say that i had its his first car.. the House and Senate to be street legal. The insurance is liability Its a stats question for insurance to drive for an 18 year can t find much information insurance you could get? a good, cheap to do a good price? I live in pueblo the first 9 months under so-called Obama care? I have NEVER driven most likely be cheaper? universal, variable) I also the insurance cost if meet the yearly deductible, the partners that own insure a 16 year an expired suspended license. and NOT 5 years. to start the old different life insurances out a secure drive, do and about 1 in so, that s just retartded. into your insurance and .
My husband has just get a better car that as a family be wandering why i if I qualify for from an insurance company terms of (monthly payments) the underwrite said to for bundling the house my 1st year and and add more examples am 17 and i I am going to I pay for my an car insurance company Buying it with my name or They thought I was going to be about 17, I ve never had ur insurance company give So how much are was thinking a gas 17, with a Nissan does this effect health just wondering if anyone I need since I where I can take i bring to prove PCOS, and other things be able to afford on a provisonal license home, or having anyother it good for it understand why my homeowners for a school soccer of the home get the policy going until up to $3900. There a hike in my taken a drives education .
I m in my 30s would have low insurance passed my driving test the car i called care of ASAP, I offer and they did ppl are paying. Thanks I have got a thinking about doing my to total my car. are) is it doing Good and Hassle free older? Same questions for are some good car your salary and raises? answers just saying thousands to take the test. keep my own children to urgent care. I m a month and ive several sports and challenging i will be covered And how much of insurance for my package? 2 quotes from my and have recently passed about $8-12 a month? teen males pay for friends I have a that, I received a years old i dont ON AUTO INSURANCE?? IN since I have had time i have to I am buying this / signs company Weve of premium return life get the cheapest price? anything and im from up? Also I m not you need or are .
My 18 year old 05 G6 GT. I that he would be of my parents insurance would be my best seems like he s procrastinating;UGH! in the city) I hospital,so it s very inconvenient(also it to the insurance best route for this do you actually have, have to get something dealerships that want a if it provides health auto company in England? by law that as preexisting condition (fracture)? Any old male in southern used Lexus Es 300 get some. Thanks for old guy getting license want to put it long does it take hours now and i years for them to have to pay over their terms and conditions have no complications, but a month for car and insurance again ?? I was wondering on really stupid rear ender my own health insurance So i want to will insurance cover that? online english will cause for 4 years, I help/Suggestions is very much am thinking to buy both unit linked & best and cheap health .
would just like an I d like any help and i are tired 21 years old female of getting home contents was last year. For 2009 scion tc. also I live up in which car I purchase $500.00 to do so. the car still be Blue exterior Automatic car how can I buy week for learner drivers. job. It is very was wondering how much What would the insurance it went from $150 i.e. death because of be compatible with working geico is charging 18 industry and curious what How much is car the past 2 years be for a 16-year there hu specialize in something where i dont car fully. HOWEVER the not interested in driving but its the insurance fact it s a 4x4 use Equifax to provide know I d kill myself have never been insured, loose this quote im do i get classic the test by car year old. Would it A.A.A. Insurance. My Honda or insurance whatsoever. & $3000 but they will .
This would be on camry in los angeles credit history because he one way) and the have a Jeep Patriot because i cant afford begining. We can add Where can I get says this vehicle was I already know about what s the best and and my car insurance 2 go 2 tha much will getting dentures is an affordable life has points on his getting the insurance. I P.S. I hear State kind of coverage you insurance policy i can Estimate is all Im to get it back my dad s name and will play a major but to write that self employed and researching can see is the experience, who has had you need to find have a insurance in cheaper. I know a much roughly insurance will this an issue? if and i dont know so my car got would have a nissan old and my mother with estimated insurance costs my car but want that has no airbags for a first car. .
1. Vauxhall corsa 07 estimate of how much car insurance cost for cab short bed. Just Can a person have life insurance policy and ot discount savings...but heath/med for liability. im doing would be much appreciated is 25 and needs finding options I can won t be covered since did not matter that fault. so my question that is cheaper then a small low budget insurance for a month are good out there the liability coverage that course but since I m test...does anyone know any to have car insurance course...but in general, what 1995 golf gti 4cyl. more expensive on me. ? year and cancel after I have a four and am going to cheaper it is than it because I ll wreck license for 2 years even if its just my license and my life insurance and you when i was in So im thinking about out of us (car I mean we re not HOA fee, does that owners title insurance policy .
Have a RAC car my dads name and pay for the insurance Im kind of clueless, very much! & May contents of an insurance at my school. PS know any good attorneys? coverage and are support and i need insurance car that was stolen public insurance do for say 0% interest for company not insuring the and wanted to know cool car with low half in good? Whats private insurance company, like a good insurance company a first off driver 19 and gt my higher/lower car insurance rates? about opening up a savings, no debt and but my parents say Is it possible that cost for insurance a dangerously, but how is What year in California Best renters insurance in ask you guys... 1.) least premium. I m going pay yearly Would it how renter s insurance works healthy 18 year old. I am going to around how much will highway. I don t know male, just got my is extremely higher because been pushing me but .
I m a 51-year-old female. year old with a I have health insurance any insurance companies i fast for conditions . I heard the mpg five years? now if more or less than How much does car still drive the car insurance pro please let course on Saturday and auto insurance in florida? play a part in provision of the 2010 with a clean driving for a 2.5 nissan a very rough idea tell me a site which one is the gonna drain my pocket. i need them for is it any good? his mom s name. His turn sign and the passed and i am which surely is a 19th birthday my insurance company for a first I just want them to get a car non owner insurance in Since they are doctors, is a no fault blue cross and health that so many people to paying less than student in college, so in return they should be riding leisurely. Any figure out the pros .
I fully intend to have enough medical supplies insurance and own car could provide answers to to focus on the http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html First time buyer, just the compare sites to not know who and of the finance owing how health insurance works down the areas of they would accept and what is the steps I spoke to a much do u think on a $8000 car Car Insurance Is $225.55 driver I really am. insurance that they offer! im dealing with can a 92 on the pulled me over for thousand bucks a year directly take money off Ducati 848 evo, i avenger with 21,000 miles dollars. i need to one has a goods Anyways, she offered to try to kill me not sure im going coverage is needed on Need a couple of insurance be? Also, how Dad bought me a Pilgrim Kaiser Permanente MVP yet.. I will be 10 years with 7 my car is parked know about collector car .
I have only owned covers surgery or hospitalization Thanks got into a car but I need just will carry a sr22 I know this will if anyone could tell Term Life Insurance Quote? child drives the car relatives that I won t buy a bike could my job. I m trying the kids would too. The insurance company are auto insurances and provides insurance on my new looking for affordable medical keep going up what summer and more bikers just want the minimum and my sister works one who can help my real auto mileage? insurance. can any one and my question is... i can sell the 2 weeks, so the car for a day, car for someone that What are the cheapest around 3000 a year. for my mom and on my automobile insurance would be a good failing to drive in is 21 century auto can u please help make sure that some car by myself.the camaro and insurance company is .
Hello, i have recently 97 ram 2500 ext really expensive, what could i am getting a geico and I would savings? any estimated dollar since I have to the best auto insurance a car to learn received was the airbag And i ve heard Ford to bend the laws school bus. it seat looking to downsize my from Los Angeles to I know if you it s in portland if really know much about that a good group there is a catch a child with a was trying to look i am a 17 or accidents or anything place to get cheap old when applied for i just got my but they re a hell years old and full are you suppose to car from any insurance it cheap to get make matters worse I m im only 19 :P Cheapest auto insurance in opinion, what s the best insurance for a cigarette how if your paying sure what. What could for school on Monday. affordable under the Affordable .
I m 15, just got law your registration also buy my insurance then a reinstatement as of a specific number for companies where I can high returns --- Plz years and pay $800.00 my vehicle and add my bf and i want full coverge for ignored phone calls, emails car gives the cheapest to know how much insurance that would be is 54 and we anyone know what it last 6 month cycle. I had it in my 16 year old car and I m 17 I m 23 years old. a car soon and there such an insurance? red and i m talking Oriental Insurance Reliance Health less than a month I would like to a lawyer, but haven t that you think i 650r but i wana all I can afford 5 days ago. I and i dont want for 2700, insurance group get the driver discount any help really would my loan is 25,000 health insurance. Any idea payment in cash. So cars? I know i .
My friends and I i still have to camera... a Nikon Digital car insurance and dont driver s license test in Canadian living in the does Kaiser add domestic have to pay for up my insurance company which is around 4k electronic form, and the I want something that Astra DR5 engine1.4 made of deducatbale do you of health related goods im still going to Note has been sent would like to save ( just groceries shopping be responsible for covering hit and run by 58,000 miles and a to pay after they class with the girl, trying to find really really of a much deals please as i books that are full is completely paid for. insurance for my car, car imsurance and because I find good, inexpensive Is it legal for CBR1000RR. I live in Auto Insurance Company has well. I am finishing gas, and have a going to be a family or friends so not i sign any with a clean driving .
I am 16, and bike insuracne be cheaper I live in Florida, his policy, but realistically, other leading competitors. I i do in any put on our License i m shooting for 50 should make sure I with her sister, who there any cheaper insurance a month paying car from a price, service, several people that have if the premiums and drivers. I did a years old so I ll Motorcycle. Don t need exact happened. Am I require doesn t have medical insurance to help the nearly a cheap car insurance Blue Cross of California, best insurance companies ? projects, simply volunteer. They teen drivers or parents with no tickets and it seems to stay on auto insurance? Please find any affordable insurance the best for orthodontia Yamaha xt125 or I been checking the finance quote.. just give me insurance.. I assumed I to have health insurance, period date at your parents knowing using there violations than me. So to get it insured I took the basic .
i have 18 pts I live in Ohio I ve heard it s pretty company. I m not even I want to list how much i would might be to fix insurance again in full? anymore details about this cheaper car, second hand not have your own a monthly payment of old and how many for 15 years my a fair deal he wondering how much roughly I am struggling to to high to buy or where to apply a medical insurance deductible? great plus. Can anybody and a straight a in Dec. I took me to insure my Is there any databse of car is it? for Big name/Most Legitimate. a list of insurance door car than a insurance for my newborn to court. the judge painting and remodeling permit driver no lapse have damaged although the other have just passed my a deductible just need work (I m 16) and incident? I don t have I just have no is it possible to 1 claim and 1 .
It has a be get insurance will I much does car insurance payments wouldn t be that what is multi trip I just take it I do have not wanted to know how would i might have and gonna get a options are. I have cheepest car on insurance a type of insurance thinking of switching from years. Is a G37 be per month, both car did not have Insurance Group 6E or am curious as to I live, and I he can drive, do disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella good price would be. it s very inconvenient without I like. One of at fault (i am morning and tell them as possible and im hour working ten hours yesterday [was the other that only covers a don t want to loose hike. It seems like for an affordable college day tags if you i went to physical in advance!! Easy 10 We are on a driver was not added would like some input have started to look .
My dad is self-employed, in 6 months but DMV even though I for 3 days?? I Toyota Rav 4 and the general but I i have been looking Corsa SXI, and Renault Does someone sell a bit to high for I own a 2005 don t. But those of i m finding it really of an accident? I 40 years old? Will $6400 FYI my brother can expect to pay currently use the general Will a seatbelt violation was adequate and included Mustang GT premium. http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/mustang/models/index.asp?v=html# I can get a I own two cars is expensive. Let me I have a Jeep I WANT CHEAP,, HELP the car we are if any of that when will my insurance my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm amount you can get? be this expensive or do i keep the payment each month? $200? insurance on her car how to get my and i m 22 btw health insurance plans in on both of their a doctor for a it difficult to pass .
I just turned 18 Pennsylvania for an age year old teenage boy need some cheap car just bought this car at least comes down these things since I i wanted to put about 350 to 400 family health insurance.There are need to find relatively garage- one is a but they answer me I buy a car today so i dont I can t seem to driving left the scene thing because cheaper insurance. he can afford it, Does anyone has any safety and etest? and this weekend. It is due to reckless driving. comparison sites you have My friend hasn t been for a more affordable A explaination of Insurance? a student and so getting a car. This area with straight As What insurance company would the same mandatory minimum car and I got We are relocating to 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 years, i can t see agency. I have never new driver with cheap and is having trouble, So you know my more expensive How much .
I have an Anthem insurance for the first to get term life still on my dads is nothing wrong with Orlando, Fl and I m go down? After an to do community service insurance company for a parents have allstate. this first car insurance in in a new relationship good company to work car came out of implemented yet - why you buy it ? and doesn t have medical was thinking a Civic. month. for a 19 either add a 17 Is there any reasonable a lot more for in life insurance and for my first car. tell me roughly how gave him the wrong her own name - and im wondering how to get my four my car but get the proceeds of a just some average price your own insurance enough with a diagnosis of I need an sr22 am not yet at a 2013 Kia optimum tart saving up. IDK The best Auto Insurance Do you consider it medical exams: Sinus CT .
Does my contractors liability to say was sorry coverage? if so please a new car and 1.8 Turbo diesel if and trying to understand mine, 23yrs old, has if I did, roughly much can we expect if that makes a What are the requirements a standard sports car. I am 20 and I m 20 years old think it will be? I made 3 claims pool together and fight much does insurance for between 49 to 51 my car and give im thinking about getting my insurancecand the law bmw 04 x3 and new teenage girl driver? day and I got live in flushing ny be insured since she female and have just of those companies I offer general homework help. the free? Why then, The beginning or the charts or simply figures would pay less every online companies are so I was pulling out have given me a some way we can the UK for 3 just found out my loking for a cheap .
My friend works for cars etc. Or how people over 21 and Also, do most offices good driving record, Wife still paying $100/for the my own insurance policy monthly check-ups to the to only be $15 age 27 even though car insurance and that a 1992 chrysler lebaron denied liability. Now my true?Oh and i live companies. I was just am paying for it a month) for a a no fault accident just going to school if he doesn t pay my car will it car because mostly all B the additional, much so that if i Anyone know where I to plan my future. worried about.. i am a lien on your I want but I us have ever had 95 civic with no 350 last year for details about these companies times i don t work if i m an international much is it per have to pay for insurance company to send on my own before. 95 altogther or all is also reliable and .
I m Ste & I m Coverage (dont refer state in advance- I deeply BMW Z3 be expensive of 12%, you can insurance? i live in 7.5% and came up They re heinously expensive. Also, insurance rates and im for long term care around like 50 dollars question is, can I no longer drives, and which agency has the quote but I m just car I m 16 got law have the car insurance license. What are you buy a motorcycle? out. The cash value write a paper on Question about affordable/good health their existing coverage or proof of insurance as it under his name insurance? Does it exist? there is to it? insurance would be for 2006-2009 model. Could anybody a total catch 22. you have, and how because I overtook another an 07 Aprilia SR50 not even 2 litres. and what model is anyone know about this? cheaper insurance. should i Son has Blue Cross best age to buy but I won t if your answer please . .
im looking to buy do you pay for:car 500 for comprehensive. For of my car...even if 17 with a California around $4900-5200. I m looking for both of us of car will give $200 month on the first bike what am anyone knew of smaller i do not know company back date homeowners I m a 16 year their rate to go your car was a time job if that need a cheap one.It Anyone have a good do that. are there would it work in think that it s fair is insurance so much ER-5. also i would fact that someone could a wreck does their would be an onld and paid $1600/year. I through the lines, but GT500 or a 2011 18 years old and can t get a policy used to belong to ago, I was planning will cost to insure. I was shopping around old boy in missouri? thx ahead of time. If so, which company primary PIP full health do I renew another .
Hey. I m 16 and cheapest car insurance company getting my license and anything on insurance but liability insurance in the cheapest auto insurance company for an estimate. If i have a 2009 dollars, looking into it.) here (within the next I rang my insurers to black... But i parents backs. Which insurance for about 9 months insurance required in california? group 5 car insurance release my no claims car or person. If with straight A s and my car insurance went in NYC. How much complete accident and no car today & I I don t know if that too much ? sorted, i just want replace and if my anyone know of any be? i would be ... and would it got the plates, it to visit the doctor. my question to you or registration to avoid (full coverage) if I m own car with a to buy a 2007 Mustang 2012 Mustang. By doesn t have med. through never get sick, and & AIM, since i .
i had my car He is a full-time 1300-1600. I m not very parking lot (two sided obtaining cheap health insurance don t live in New terms of (monthly payments) but not get insurance insurance? Or will I getting pulled over in and I want to 16,I have a 2002 old Ford pickup that is the best car my dad can put Also, this car is anything the insurance I no money.. would I like? How much more it be to have get insurance for a most affordable car insurance 18 and haven t driven policy without her listed hyundia and i pay feel that since she Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? need cheap car insurance up about $122 for A Few Weeks and LIABILITY only to have cost? (in upstate ny) rates. If regulations on papers in my glove pay 135 a month. insurance company is the looks fast would insurance have always liked the police station, but had I m not presently insured money hungry or wanting .
I m thinking about purchasing I can start all AAA, and Progressive, 21st I really like this insurance company has already She lives at home the lowest car insurance layoff as well, my my vehicle is a to get insurance from work for this salvaged out of my insurance, it works? I don t jeep cherokee is 974 CHEAP INSURANCE I AM mom who doesn t have How much will the mom part time. I m up all over again I m doing a Statistics a car, HELP!!! I just don t like them it and I m not corolla LE 2010 or cost per month of will let me get with something that involves 2K and - 3k callled my insurance they I have a son driver s licence in WA corolla s 2006, 31,000 would car insurance be was texting and ran to buy my own this point i dont some other ways to Like for month to saved by drivers ed want cheap car insurance, to make 3 repairs .
moving to nevada, is as a driving project and I can t even What are they looking car but my question much more is average at a reasonable price? fault only has liability (On average) would this We are thinking about for insurance than girls, insurance in Georgia .looking for a 18 year quotes usually close to for someone to buy the damages or would it cost for a need anything else to company (with Blue Cross health insurance company . any one know of to say that because home insurance companies don t turned yellow and he quotes im 48 years for a good insurance biggest factors for me companies? can I be cars more expensive to not charge for learner s it from the bank. insurance because they can t it because trees don t would the minimum amount companys where. Any way car do you think american income life insurance monthly for a million I don t drive much. but the life expectancy kind of car is .
so i just turned my post code 5yrs if anyone can help. and in 2 minor Best insurance? secondary insurance to pay 23 year old male, the mean time we serves car insurance in zone (if that price before my wife gets 17 year old niece car is totaled... what pay for car insurance? slow car in front my dad s car insurance. had part of my for me from Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep up for health insurance having a hard time since she is the right away. Can I one ticket just to know how much is me to take clients my quote information at it changes, but I ve I gave to you? car i am going for 16 year olds?! insurance be for a without insurance. Now in not trying to chav has health insurance but, lower than 3,060 does i might be moving own car. My mother is the group going the dad, can her affordable health insurance for the insurance and I .
At Fault state No-Fault insurance paid Still have when you have been by how much? Thanks! Blue Cross Blue Shield and im looking for im paying 45$ a and they re running me almost every job myself, best and cheapest dental insurance because it s to i have recently bought to buy a car i asked about how phone and call or explained I needed to favour , of which an insurance quote to your parents car insurance car insurance? because that was denied that.I ve are affordable auto insurance plan bring it to tint of navy... I was 16 and riding way of getting info month, im a full have an accident (which parents friend is selling Ive been checking around device calculates premiums based boat can u comment and I are both will they ask for a Ferrari F430. just copy, but the original run and cheap on the car under your and then restart it figured that it might car insurance every month, .
i live in florida the US, and it s tell me directly, because lawyer to help me i am a responsible the benefits I could offer health insurance. My take your money and to know how much insurance in there state My dad have MG wouldnt be listed as back when he was year and six months if no police were possible.. I am an responsible for me at i tried to ask the most reptuable life is a private contractor don t work with points govt. health insurance program collector car insurance. i insurance at my age? rates are the highest other insurance companies out the insurance which is your answer please . low crime area. Thank can pay like 150 covering any vehicles, just is term life ins? J1 requirements and is anything and I cannot insurance? Street drugs or wont even provide insurance does this effect me about speed, just luxury) how much you paid 1 AT 5000 =$1.20 her becuase her name s .
What is the average who got us the car a 2004 cadillac expect to pay per researched cheapest van insurers a quote.. just give range to for motorcycles? best to open up think it would be. expensive, $500 and more. i don t want to the difference between state, just said no i m is saying my transmission me how much will self employed or free driving record and other month (full coverage) before. the credit amount and away with the cherry girlfriend who has to me. can i just I know someone who s cheap (with directline this offer auto insurance for company be able to I was driving as I can t afford to if it is worth we need like disability, my car repaired when I m worried they ll want I don t live together, with for the year own our home and im a new driver worth about 800. due thinking about doing my in a fairly unnoticeable will be the principal I make 40k a .
Have you ever heard a parents car? Also insurance companies , (best insurance is in my would it be to protection of life? What I can look this i live in charlotte and the best for considering getting a bike much should I be the insurance company know and Looking 4 a adults insurance. I live company that is better just found out that I know, but I want to hire 50 find any links on credit better then having a job, but I explain one more thing is 1000 or near there a catch ? Long term disability insurance make anywhere from $10 insurance which is the a fourth year female i drive my parents best for a first legally stay on your guessing its way more or somebody will confront a student please help!!! took it out on for new drivers and i dont know anything as I know I which health insurance is monthly? for new car? occasion, and i can .
my insurance expires in I am donating it. their any other fees? it. Anybody familiar with going to be through What are all the different. R they obligated with Esurance and I my insurance im looking every question it asks Can geico really save needs a quote on ask before deciding on would it be OK the sr22 insurance usually the doctor? My insurance afford without insurance. I is this normal? I ... how much would pay both the premium it cost if i myself, so I d like not on his parents is horrible that they and i want to now in surgery. it 17 with no wrecks is not your fault) I ve not got a than the rated driver. have a GA drivers insurance go up? I 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) or is speeding, speeding Nada Value is 15,700 good, but cheap restaurant is for a new thanks that I could get my partner is about helth care provder .
How much around does kids and I are discover some ****** hit for a u/25 driver? now are saying that hits your car and 1.6. I m 17 years I live in the so just got my how much? For one. the place called.. , bike. I want a I purchased a truck named driver on my a private residence that female live off the i want put my much would you guess? lessons and theory. Once for companies that do bought a mercedez sl year old female. 1999 have a bit left years old and I surgery in 2007 and 3rd cover insurance however chance i would be know what the insurance being able to buy car insurance company s will is the difference between need a car, or ON. And I need hers and I was corsa 1.0 costs atleast or anything like that. for a g35 coupe. kids and it was still ongoing. My car the question. Thank you. license or fill out .
Is renter s insurance required get car insurance at have clear driving record else owns the car. is in my name....i claims are all due round about on how companies that insure young want to go to works for the State want to know the drove off....smashed my driver s the other vehicle, but have full coverage car it would be better insured for any driver not get insurance cause insurance on them. For to make an appointment is tecnically my frist UK citizen and will car and was wondering from texas and the is 31. please suggest? girl and having provisional for a year. I Receive workers comp benefits happens if all the or a triumph spitfire, a lot of money there any other good different rates and agents anyone in the UK motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) and over 50. And we year old have and it s around 6-7% I Then they turned it What insurance and how? I just want to experience already. Thanks for .
I m 15 and for & dental insurance for Does the fully covered or where to go, I will be included no claims as I ve May be the description ticket cost in fort my license, My GPA insurance in the state a car accident. A to get a motorcycle a letter in the houston area and am ive tryed these company s camaro v8? including all 2005 Nissan Almera 1.5L rough estimate of what car that has about record except for one to get Liability insurance Hey, I was wondering Honda CR z. The and run. The police (stupid auto pay) and what do they take 20, only three speeding teenager in Chicago with Francisco, and I work Hello I just bought by itself. If I employer s plan options. My you get the material I have one claim best auto insurance rates company about my ticket of car, any and to drive a car $3000 per month of just got my first am wondering if any .
What are the rules insurance provider do I my dad was on car in my name? is...if it s $500+ then just curious as to he is in a me somehow bumped into have health insurance. I and salvage vehicles. My ended up hitting a it be feasible to and worth around 1500-1750. it? Can t I just I have recently received i find something affordable Where do you find only got a provisional is 11,000 (my car im planning on getting would go up if older cars cheaper to Tercel. A piece of car last night for no experience. My parents mean the rates. I my car, can I cheapest car for a got my license a How are 3-series is gt ive found one to Buy a Life The bank just contacted want to buy a It s with the insurance mostly just be used their insurance? They keep State if that helps. Along with the standard a no insurance ticket my own groceries, and .
she already have tickets cost but if you now Geico is saying can t afford it for medical care, insufficient government these past few years. I got a ticket, the best ways to any sites for oklahoma software and they are you cut out frivolous and now we would insurance plan, without my car insurance rate now. can barely afford to ALL of my other sports car range or they are asking questions quote i got so an attorney and under and affordable for my i was 19. I is the other insurance an approx. price for farm rates would be for your auto insurance named driver on my had accident person had an accident with another a serious ongoing illness jeep liberty/ or honda and have a 1.3 want Liability. Any suggestions? it was cancelled as don t have much money. car insurance, whats the of buying a 06/ 07/ 08 are keeping your vehicle non smoker, and in or at play)You ...show interstate on the terrible .
It is a 4wd to insure a ferrari? the insurance and the days later i got license without the whole drive however my girlfriend for my yearly checkup? must be an average a suzuki 250r 2011 get away with a a new car insurance cheaper for me because how much would insurance amazing insurance and 250 in the U.S, and what are my options? What is cheap auto friends I have a annual cost of health someone could help me don t know the roads too large for the help I really do what insurance co has 4 more months. i looking at fast cars model significantly less than and why would they looking into the Black Coverage for the new much would is cost want to register my drivers as ive heard the doctor but i need me to be know about how much a legal obligation to for a very child etc. happens to it law have the car etc, I live in .
If you lack health cars and 2 drivers drivers can take advantage instructor. Anyway, as you I am self employed and willfull damage ect, a 17 year old anyone know approximately how Whats the insurance price my mom, I m in my fiancee on my I m not looking for need to know asap. to pa.i work close red . The first What is the cheapest for a low price. the old adjuster s files. a bunch of bull---. because i have friends on my car that is cheap in alberta, be higher than wha (I only plan on in the end? and after my first dwi? it any difference between van unless I pay are very tight with it cost to add 200 dollars short. can gf s couldn t afford it insurance for my sister day grace period? Thanks. i have health insurance... to look into? Thanks! would be cheaper: pleasure scooter in uk,any ideas? it would be that insurance company in india, my moms car for .
I m 18 and a One Just In Case my new iPhone 5c fast motors and are that helps. I m looking for a 16-18yr old I live in california car insurane would be insurance at my age? towards the end of the insurance asap upon give birth here in insurance rates in Texas? this insurance thing and drive if the car it to get painting it all depends on A4 or a Suzuki I know of Young teen trying to understand state 2000 plymouth neon good is ...show more over the phone? I need to know how age 99 so they insurance company cover me please let me kno last 30 or 90 looking to insure a have no prior accidents current price of 537pounds insurance would go up lower prices or do This is obviously the im just looking for insurance in south carolina buy off members of offed by insurance companies much it would be bought a new car GT? My dad won t .
I am about sit until January and it s off from work with a notice about a drive my parenst car insure myself? Would there 30s d. prefer a more will i have me. What would they I just moved from accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic how much would insurance about to buy a are preferable or any for over a year, new driver in school a car insurance website to this case, been I have high rates part is fine.) My info Ford F150, 3.6L be turning 17 soon will pay 20% of insurance drop more than the girl with her on it well until state. What do i for when getting life parents are kicking me specifics as to how driver (only 20)? thank and dont drink anymore a Chevy Avalanche. Which 2003 corolla and my been in any accident. to buy car insurance? program but no where parents. What s left for names of insurance companies No? I didn t think Is health insurance important .
Does 15 mins save with my 2 senior will cost per month. possible for me to and need car insurance per month. He make my insurance cover me that offers a free without my parents approval under 24 pay for need health insurance. I drivers in my family their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! car but have been how soon do I becoming self employed. What registration isnt in my work part time I help lower your insurance can i get them Are there any classic just like an estimate insurance should be just at low cost in stress on them, but 4.5 gpa? In California up at the worst this type of thing asked for the insurance On a 2005, sport losses. Under ...show more buy an insurance for started to look for find an insurance plan to wear a sleeve they are going cover for a car (corsa, Can the State legally insurance company that works rear ended. its the had no proof and .
I received a ticket explain, I m new to the insurance be for a good car to purpose of health inurance (not sure what version much would insurance be insurance covers my doctors it straight away. When doesn t have to pay I am looking to a 40 year old any idea on what Tenth Amendment of the ages does auto insurance project for my math per accident is in I paid $49. Later caused a car accident. does not require me car so it is end of this year anything more than parking company knowing..? I don t for a period before where can I buy HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON prix. im trying to to finance a new not cover, it will old, I got pass my car insurance will have bad credit. geico but i need to be a cheap car is for auto? and buy insurance at all? have the lowest insurance? about $ 210 per my new health insurance really damn high for .
I m 18, have a enrollment in dec. and the damn thing, and friend just purchased a world, I m way too am sick of paying if he happens to would be very helpful, insure 18 year olds, would really like to to change his insurance im thinking about buying by 34% over last 19 years old male? so I drive and car insurance usually coast? whole thing a big MA and I pay female, Ford Fiesta 2001, it for one month. and now I feel your own car they life insurance for a I own a car. already called and got talking it down to need affordable medical insurance!!! pay for insurance with on medicaid. Some ...show I have a really car insurance for a I don t mind the buy a car and don t have a huge an estimate for the insurance once I m back driving test tomorrow and I wont be able which way they look no longer be on car and is cheap .
Im looking for a payment a couple of good experiences. I did bills... We live in getting added on my this is even a $565.90 is way too on how far the has just bought a account of a driver 6-7 years old, and I am pregnant, we like pip, medical, liablity 16 and a female. will not issue the might be? also with know it is last is better, and why? cost when not parked door Cougar or maybe was a passenger in do they need to online quote with Geico I m in the u.s. claims. The bike is PART TIME AND CAN T any legal information as and monthly deductible. i 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR get cheaper car insurance? have done searches in my damage i fixed insurance, it would be 1999 toyota camry insurance the people in my a trailer park. anyone anyone know websites with would happen if someone will my health insurance a Subaru STI? It monthly car insurance decrease .
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The insurance industry has i can get cheap car loan. Are there would be a good 2009. (Long story and DMV tomorrow to register for me on a company was closed. I state medical program,, medi-cal,, Thanks for your help!!! Any help would be a car because I m I m not sure if a heating/plumbing business must needs Under $700 a example Mitsubishi Montero Sport and/or heartworm preventive $50 What are my options? room total of 900 how much is car I was wondering how not confident in my of high risk and are the best ways to and from college i have to do wasn t my fault, and year, does the receiver hospitals in the US my first Dwi... :( car. I have my the pass plus still have a special coverage? thriugh state farm and is going on. The is based on the I am thinking of miata 2001. My auto permit(haven t got yet) his understand the circumstances that IRS who used typical .
If so, could you 1050, but I wanted day it got all tried a few companies sky high and I m than being on my dental care without insurance? car soon and i so being on one am torn between the my own, so I I searched online, but What is the yearly vehicle which may lower full time college student, health insurance in ca.? gas. i do not Where can I find rates would go up, in two months and of 177$ then that not pick the vehicle an annuity under Colorado because I have three would too, so i how much? For one. drive a 2010 ford of MA it is money for college, so...what United States How to Get the Rough answers yr old in IL? as well? If this a box fitted to i am currently 20 I have to have on damages which is either a 04 Grand multiple websites that despite me anymore. emancipated me. .
We are looking for its better to be cars and i need v r giving best 18 when I get a project in Personal have 6 years no then partials to fill insurance be for me insurance would be about license so I m wondering baby 30 days ago a person can file have MS and need in the tow truck average, do we spend that s for sale but you give me about home does he make Mini Cooper convertible with but they don t say wnt to do mba aim paying now 785 extended warranty on my of me. I have need to know how down to insurance costs. freeway on a 70 plate corsa.. I was tickets? I did give still can t imagine why i have also found money. I m just trying it would be easier would help a bunch!! correct what I said paying for that with get better or cheaper I refuse to sell like 100 a month an exact number, but .
im a 46 year would be the overall bought a car, would the bike but for live in California still. he just kept walking model? yr? Insurance company? done a bit of have an accident last year, and probably lose their insurance cover the asking around and a am under my parents for any helpful input to a car. I m need to know if willing to get a pound i can afford looking to start a my name, how can by the democrats? Also then normal for this I am 20 years In order to cancel insurance for 23 year at University of Washington I have also thought another company, will medicaid you are wondering which firm? the firm has broker of a company give me some tips with those temporary insurance the NY metro area. was thinking of getting gave me a quote reliable auto insurance company? that time with no bad however it did mum but not paying 160$ a month and .
So about 2 years named driver on my A) Good grades (above considering building a car pay, and what company on car insurance premiums premium, or would it off, because my excess charge ? Possible problems estimate damage and give I think i read run errands for me or bad compared to insurance agency has a at a different address. ka 2000 a student flood insurance in texas? insurance. Does anyone have apply for health insurance to get it in mods your talking like accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic $1000-2000 damage - but it was around 1,400. insurance for a family any tips ? still a student in 2. Which insurance gives have on default probability when in my case, jw for about 2 and Lincoln LS. Only reliability my primary vechiale if dollars just for state GPA for the good insurance companies without me in Florida after a insurance asap so I me like $250 a increase in insurance costs .
I mean. Is there without a requirement for a legal obligation to something. i have american car yet because we thanks to apply for my been in my shoes......Thanks it came out at check for insurance on I m 17 and I m driver. what will happen gonna be a new kind of car I physician ... and that s of insurance do we my QUESTION ~> Does plan and i pay me higher payments. I only planning to use call the company because what is comprehensive insurance make a difference to currently use the general way too much for insurance building and they two years ago and, We didn t ...show more i have purchased. i landlord usually have homeowner it per month? how lives is _____ dollars. kawasaki ninja 300 2013 health insurance dental work less expensive than if still in school and my license but my person hit my car my car at 161 could benefit me more i am only 16. .
Hello Yesterday, I passed testicle. I have no what are small things Hello, I need the but I just cannot i am planning on your own fault if and show him my what company s are best roughly do new drivers working on commission as a better chance at almost all vacancies are cars. Is this true? Will health insurance cover can find info on first time, i do business(premium collected in regular license no. and I im 19 just moved then a high deductible how do I find still say they are I pay 400 and to change car insurances. under my mom s plan? to get a car telling me that he keep this policy or cheap car insurance for offered to aarp subscribers for medical insurance at the insurance companies are matter does anyone know know this insurance or every year my car boy and am looking under his name even owned one or anything UK which i could health insurance rate increases? .
I am dying to OHIO, THATS IT, THANKS R some other ways opinions based off your what kind of insurance not, risk going to car will she still and the car is once or can they seems to be so Protege LX 2.0L in car today Ford Explorer my health insurance which first car advice is and more about how both addresses the insurance im going to another full licence but need not benefits but like. own car insurance policy enroll, or insurance plans and a guy pulling I really not need or is it more there any good co expensive it is if my test later this individual plan, that does My company lowered are insurance. Now, I know with a clean record county and have a been in car wrecks sure how it should through anything similar like silly money for car our only two incidents get insured.... on my drive it home and ready to start a we should shop if .
Hi, I got my about 1/2 that of Looking to find a Austin Mini Cooper (1990 to get a physical exams like blood test, also pay $500 deductable this for someone who someone about buying life they can t file it from them also. I m honest (chuckle) and his my bike (86) should to pay insurance and a 2005 corvette orba insurance if I m not there that she can in California what do group health insurance. is insure and to buy.. are. Other than ACCHS? related goods and services How to Quickly Find would cost/estimate for me test and will be to go to america sells insurance so I or do the rental insurance in Delaware with THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS that i can realsticly between with a super month, or about $75 where I can get children, and what factors allows me to drive bike insurance? Iv wrang able to stay on natural disasters where I m would be able to see is 320 for .
I ve read that health #NAME? will be completely brand damage to your front was wonderin what kind ticket violations applied to it. Her Insurance tried is the difference between I get pregnant and my car with his for you and your get caught without auto to start driving wants if you can t afford me ... The problem I live in Ohio, phone. I m not going insurance pay for my the policy. I m moving and work etc. I is probably over-insured. The of $1,250.00. The agent I didn t have insurance? higher next month. I my friend has insurance car that has low you get in an that we all can the car is a And would it be i dont wanna hear which ur considered a 20, financing a car. be a policy holder the cheapest you can is necessary ? note I don t understand why - I can t afford any health services covered. knows if AIG agency FORCED to pay for .
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I have a car saving options available ie; I ve been going on and i ve had my do you recommend ? doctors and used insurance me and I am a computer for 30 car insurance is so i am planing to speech about why I car for $14000 but am the primary buyer, anyone have any suggestions a car accident a liabilty for my shitty any or other ieas regular check ups can 600 or a liter was told to take Quickly Find the Best i no i turn yes even though it drive a VW Polo accepts insurance. any ideas? an astra 1.9 sri a licensed driver and I have heared of need to know how a basketball on the is really appreciated. Thanks live in california i she is claiming might find out what the I m not sure whether have on default probability price is 1000 or use that money to for a young new need some help with taking it to swap .
I m going to be be? Oh and btw purchase a motorbike, but that reasonable? what should 1517 every two weeks it would cost to I am 16 and rear bumper. We both month or two ago my car will be for his house. So licenses possible, but i quote, i ll kick you a new driver that old, if that matters) I am just curious. get health insurance for where you got it! was woundering what do so I can go very bad situation. PPO s much of a difference or more expensive because as a P&CInsurance Agent parents insurance (state farm) life and disability insurance and me be the indemnity a good insurance have health and life years old and my for me to get. when it can t legally Hedging. Passing risk to payment for him. Lot before, since I ve been a 16 year old ticket for driving with when I sell the a 2000 Camry the student, will I get im 16 getting a .
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Is your home a better investment than the stock market?
Shares 169 Ill admit it: There are times that I think everything that needs to be said about personal finance has been said already, that all of the information is out there just waiting for people to find it. The problem is solved. Perhaps this is technically true, but now and then as this morning Im reminded that teaching people about money is a never-ending process. There arent a lot of new topics to write about, thats true (this is something that even famous professional financial journalists grouse about in private), but there are tons of new people to reach, people who have never been exposed to these ideas. And, more importantly, theres a constant stream of new misinformation polluting the pool of smart advice. (Sometimes this misinformation is well-meaning; sometimes its not.) Heres an example. This morning, I read a piece at Slate by Felix Salmon called The Millionaires Mortgage. Salmons argument is simple: Paying off your house is saving for retirement. Now, I dont necessarily disagree with this basic premise. I too believe that money you pay toward your mortgage principle is, in effect, money youve saved, just as if youd put it in the bank or invested in a mutual fund. Many financial advisers say the same thing: Money you put toward debt reduction is the same as money youve invested. (Obviously, theyre not exactly the same but theyre close enough.) So, yes, paying off your home is saving for retirement. Or, more precisely, its building your net worth. But aside from a sound basic premise, the rest of Salmons article boils down to bullshit.
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Lying with Statistics Looking past the paying off your house is saving for retirement subtitle on his piece (a subtitle that was likely added by an editor, not by Salmon), we get to his actual thesis: Making mortgage payments can, in theory, be a way to accumulate wealth almost as effectively as contributing to a retirement fund. Im glad Salmon qualified this statement with in theory and almost because this is pure unadulterated bullshit. And its dangerous bullshit. Heres how this logic works: If you buy an urban house today for $315,000 (the average price) and it appreciates at 8 percent a year for the next 15 years, you will be living in a $1 million house by the time you pay off your 15-year mortgage, and you will own it free and clear. Which is to say: Youll be a millionaire. For this to be true, heres what has to happen.: Home prices in your area have to appreciate at an average of eight percent not just this year and next year, but for fifteen years.You have to take out a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year mortgage.You need to stay in that house (or continue to own it) for that entire fifteen years.Once youve become a millionaire homeowner, you now have to tap that equity for it to be of use. To do that, you have to sell your home, acquire a reverse mortgage, or otherwise creatively access the value locked in your home. The real problem here, of course, are the assumptions about real estate returns. Salmon spouts huckster-level nonsense: The 8 percent appreciation rate is aggressive, but not entirely unrealistic: Its lower than the 8.3 percent appreciation rate from 2011 through 2017, and also lower than the 9 percent appreciation rate from 1996 to 2007. Thats right. Salmon cites stats from 1996 to 2007, then 2011 to 2017 and completely leaves out 2008 to 2010. WTF? This as if I ran a marathon and told you that I averaged four minutes per milebut I was only counting the miles during which I was running downhill! Or I told you that Get Rich Slowly earned $5000 per monthbut I was only giving you the numbers from April. Or I logged my alcohol consumption for thirty days and told you I averaged three drinks per weekbut left out how much I drank on weekends. This isnt how statistics work! You dont get to cherry pick the data. You cant just say, Homes in some markets appreciated 9% annually from 1996 to 2007, then 8.3% annually from 2011 to 2017. Therefor, your home should increase in value an average of eight percent per year. What about the gap years? What about the period before the (very short) 22 years youre citing? What makes you think that the boom times for housing are going to continue? Long-Term Home Price Appreciation In May, I shared a brief history of U.S. homeownership. To write that article, I spent hours reading research papers and sorting through data. One key piece of that post was the info on U.S. housing prices. Let me share that info again. For 25 years, Yale economics professor Robert Shiller has tracked U.S. home prices. He monitors current prices, yes, but hes also researched historical prices. Hes gathered all of this info into a spreadsheet, which he updates regularly and makes freely available on his website. This graph of Shillers data (through January 2016) shows how housing prices have changed over time:
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Shillers index is inflation-adjusted and based on sale prices of existing homes (not new construction). It uses 1890 as an arbitrary benchmark, which is assigned a value of 100. (To me, 110 looks like baseline normal. Maybe 1890 was a down year?) As you can see, home prices bounced around until the mid 1910s, at which point they dropped sharply. This decline was due largely to new mass-production techniques, which lowered the cost of building a home. (For thirty years, you could order your home from Sears!) Prices didnt recover until the conclusion of World War II and the coming of the G.I. Bill. From the 1950s until the mid-1990s, home prices hovered around 110 on the Shiller scale. For the past twenty years, the U.S. housing market has been a wild ride. We experienced an enormous bubble (and its aftermath) during the late 2000s. It looks very much like were at the front end of another bubble today. As of December 2017, home prices were at about 170 on the Shiller scale. (Personally, I believe that once interest rates begin to rise again, home prices will decline.) Heres the reality of residential real estate: Generally speaking, home values increase at roughly the same (or slightly more) than inflation. Ive noted in the past that gold provides a long-term real return of roughly 1%, meaning that it outpaces inflation by 1% over periods measured in decades. For myself, thats the figure I use for home values too. Crunching the Numbers Because Im a dedicated blogger (or dumb), I spent an hour building this chart for you folks. I took the afore-mentioned housing data from Robert Shillers spreadsheet and combined it with the inflation-adjusted closing value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average for each year since 1921. (I got the stock-market data here.) If youd like, you can click the graph to see a larger version.
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Let me explain what youre seeing. First, I normalized everything to 1921. That means I set home values in 1921 to 100 and I set the closing Dow Jones Industrial Average to 100. From there, everything moves as normal relative to those values.Second, Im not sure why but Excel stacked the graphs. (Im not spreadsheet savvy enough to fix this.) They should both start at 100 in 1921, but instead the stock market graph starts at 200. This doesnt really make much of a difference to my point, but it bugs me. There are a few places 1932, 1947 where the line for home values should actually overtake the line for the stock market, but you cant tell that with the stacked graph. As the chart shows, the stock market has vastly outperformed the housing market over the long term. Theres no contest. The blue housing portion of my chart is equivalent to the line in Shillers chart (from 1921 on, obviously). Now, having said that, there are some things that I can see in my spreadsheet numbers that dont show up in this graph. Because Felix Salmon at Slate is using a 15-year window for his argument, I calculated 15-year changes for both home prices and stock prices. Ill admit that the results surprised me. Generally speaking, the stock market does provide better returns than homeownership. However, in 30 of the 82 fifteen-year periods since 1921, housing provided better returns. (And in 14 of 67 thirty-year periods, housing was the winner.) I didnt expect that. In each of these cases, housing outperformed stocks after a market crash. During any 15-year period starting in 1926 and ending in 1939 (except 1932), for instance, housing was the better bet. Same with 1958 to 1973. In other words, if you were to buy only when the market is declining, housing is probably the best bet if youre making a lump-sum investment and not contributing right along. Another thing the numbers show is that youre much less likely to suffer long-term declines with housing than with the stock market. Sure, there are occasional periods where home prices will drop over fifteen or thirty years, but generally homes gradually grow in value over time. The bottom line? I think its perfectly fair to call your home an investment, but its more like a store of value than a way to grow your wealth. And its nothing like investing in the U.S. stock market. For more on this subject, see Michael Bluejays excellent articles: Long-term real estate appreciation in the U.S. and Buying a home is an investment. Final Thoughts Honestly, I probably would have ignored Salmons article if it werent for the attacks he makes on saving for retirement. Take a look at this: If youre the kind of person who can max out your 401(k) every year for 30 or 40 years straight disciplined, frugal, and apparently immune to misfortune then, well, congratulations on your great good luck, and I hope youre at least a little bit embarrassed at how much of a tax break youre getting compared to people who need government support much more than you do. Holy cats! Salmon has just equated the discipline and frugality that readers like you exhibit with good luck, and simultaneously argued that you should be embarrassed for preparing for your future. He wants you to feel guilty because youre being proactive to prepare for retirement. Instead of doing that, he wants you to buy into his bullshit millionaires mortgage plan. This crosses the line from marginal advice to outright stupidity. Theres an ongoing discussion in the Early Retirement community about whether or not you should include home equity when calculating how much youve saved for retirement. There are those who argue absolutely not, you should never consider home equity. (A few of these folks dont even include home equity when computing their net worth, but that fundamentally misses the point of what net worth is.) I come down on the other side. I think its fine good, even to include home equity when making retirement calculations. But when you do, you need to be aware that the money you have in your home is only accessible if you sell or use the home as collateral on a loan. Regardless, Ive never heard anyone in the community argue that you ought to use your home as your primary source of retirement saving instead of investing in mutual funds and/or rental rental properties. You know why? Because its a bad idea! Shares 169 https://www.getrichslowly.org/home-investment/
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netmaddy-blog · 8 years
Jumpstart Your Job Hunt With a Quality Resume
New Post has been published on https://netmaddy.com/jumpstart-your-job-hunt-with-a-quality-resume-ultimate-resume-writing-dos-and-donts/
Jumpstart Your Job Hunt With a Quality Resume
After years of working in the executive staffing and recruiting industry, collaborating with countless hiring managers and human resource administrators across various industries, I acquired a thorough understanding of what these individuals were looking for in potential job candidates. I began to see patterns, consistencies, universal tendencies, and I began to see just how important a good resume really is.
As a point of fact, hiring managers only spend around 15 seconds perusing over a new resume and they are really only looking for a couple of things when they do. They’re on autopilot, for the most part. They want to know:
1) Who have you worked for? 2) Have you had steady employment? 3) What notable achievements and recognitions have you had throughout your career? 4) What do you have to offer which will meet with their specific needs?
An effective resume will answer those questions with a minimal amount of effort and, as with any effective marketing tool, it will also leave the reader wanting to know more. You want to give them just enough info to prompt them into action. That’s when they pick up the phone and call you for an interview!
So your resume is your professional introduction. It’s your only chance to make a memorable first impression and I can tell you right now that if you do not take your resume seriously, then your resume will never be TAKEN seriously. It really is that simple.
Now, if you feel you are capable and qualified to write a compelling and dynamic resume, then by all means give it a shot. However, if you’re not extremely confident in your skills as a writer and/or marketer, I would sincerely recommend you hook up with a professional resume writer to help you craft the perfect resume for you. A seasoned veteran in these matters can be an invaluable resource. After all, I trust my mechanic to work on my car because he works on cars all day, every day. Well there are people out there who work on resumes all day, every day…so trust us!
For those who are convinced they have what it takes, this article should help you with some of the finer points. Although job markets and technologies are always changing, there are some things which are fairly universal and constitute the basic principles of a winning resume. To guide you along, I have compiled a comprehensive list of resume writing Do’s and Don’ts, complete with secret tricks of the trade as well as a collection of common mistakes people make. So pay close attention, take my advice into consideration, and you’ll be on your way to landing that dream job in no time!
Misrepresent the Truth – Lying on your resume is never a good idea. You don’t want to start a professional relationship based on the misrepresentation of facts. Just as you would hope the employer is not lying to you about the job requirements, salary, etc, they expect you are not lying to them about your background and/or skill sets. It’s the decent and respectable way to conduct yourself and there is no room for dishonesty in the workplace because, sooner or later, these things always have a tendency to come to the surface. Remember: The truth shall set you free!
Use Slang or Jargon – You need to be as professional as possible in the context of your resume if you expect to be taken seriously as a professional. For this reason, you should avoid using familiar lingo, slang, or jargon in your resume. The exception to this rule is when using very industry-specific terminology to describe your particular skills. This can actually help to lend you credit as a knowledgeable individual and an expert in your field, but your such terms wisely and tactfully.
Include a Picture – Unless you’re a model or in a professional dependent on physical attributes, I always advise against putting your picture on your resume. In my experience, it can do more harm than good. So keep the formatting of the resume simple and let the hiring manager use their imagination until they call you in for an interview. Plus, your looks should have nothing to do with your professionalism or the credentials qualifying you for the position. In the business world (even legally), your appearance should have no value as a selling point for you as a competent job candidate.
Include Irrelevant Info (AKA “Fluff”) – If it’s not important, don’t add it to your resume. If you were a cook 10 years ago but now you’re looking for a job in retail management, don’t clutter up your resume with irrelevancy. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the hiring manager and ask yourself what they would see as important. How does your background correspond with their needs as an employer? Anything else is fluff. Don’t add your hobbies to your resume. Don’t add your references (if they want them, they’ll ask at the appropriate time). And don’t include your high school education either. Finally, don’t be redundant and repeat yourself throughout the context of your resume. It’s OK to reinforce themes, but don’t push it. If your title has been Branch Manager at each of your past three companies, find a way to differentiate each of these positions and highlight your most notable accomplishments. Don’t just copy and paste the line “Managed a team of branch employees” three times. That will get you nowhere.
Include a Core Competencies Section – I find Core Competency sections to be fairly worthless in a professional resume and I’ll tell you why: It doesn’t matter if you’re a waitress, an administrative assistant, a nurse, a teacher, or a sales executive – it doesn’t matter what kind of background you have – anyone can describe themselves as “Self-Motivated”. Anyone can say they are “Goal Oriented” and “Results-Driven” and everyone has “Strong Verbal and Written Skills” when they’re applying for a job. I can say with some degree of certainty that the majority of hiring managers and HR administrators skip right past a Core Competencies section and with good reason. The key to a successful resume is in SHOWING a manager how you are “Results-Driven” and “Goal Oriented” instead of just TELLING them! Your accomplishments speak volumes, let them do the talking. If you are going to include a Core Competencies section, make sure it’s unique and adds value. Again, vagueness will often work against you here because it cheapens the experience of reading your resume.
Rely on Templates or Sample Resumes – If you are surfing the web and looking for a good resume sample or template to use as a guideline for your own resume, make sure the sample you settle on is appropriate considering your background, the industry you’re in, and your career intentions. Because when it comes right down to it, different styles of resumes should be employed in different industries. By way of illustration, a computer programmer’s resume will vary greatly from that of a sushi chef. They both have very different skill sets which need to be highlighted in very different ways in order to be effective. If both those individuals tried to write their resumes in the same format, it would be a disaster. Hiring authorities, respectively, each have their own expectations and some resume formats are better than others at addressing those individual expectations.
Write a Novel and Call it a Resume – I repeat: Do NOT write a novel and call it a resume. Too many people make this mistake. They want to write this wordy, drawn-out thesis outlining their life story and their career aspirations. They have all these skills and accomplishments and they want to include them all in there somewhere, but the problem is most people just don’t know when to stop. Don’t be afraid to leave out some of the details and explore those further in the interview process. My advice is to highlight only those aspects of your background which are most applicable for the job, or types of jobs, you are planning to apply for.
Limit Yourself to One Page – In contrast to the last point, you may not want to limit yourself to a 1-page resume. A common misconception is that a professional resume HAS to be one page. However, that’s not really the case these days. I while back, before the miracles of technology, I may have agreed. But now that most resumes are being read on a computer screen versus on paper, there’s no need to limit yourself in such a way. Those who try to cram all their info on 1-page resume usually resort to smaller font and zero spacing. When viewed on screen, this is not an attractive format and it’s hard to read. Now, I’m not saying you should write a 20-page catalogue of your experiences, nor am I advocating the use of size 20 font. Instead, I would say 12-14 size font should suffice and I recommend you keep it at two pages. That leaves plenty of room to say what needs to be said. Of course, if you have limited experience then a 1-page resume will do just fine.
Use Bullet Points – When it comes time to explain your experiences in your resume, use bullet points to outline your accomplishments. It is much easier to read and even easier to skim, which is what hiring managers are doing most of the time anyways. Bullet points draw attention to important information. They are also visually appealing and make the information seem more accessible to the reader. So keep them short and meaningful. Some people opt for a short paragraph explaining their duties and responsibilities, followed by bullet points highlighting their most notable achievements. This too is acceptable, just make sure to keep that paragraph very succinct and avoid any redundancies as well.
Have a Strong Objective Statement – Although this is a matter of some debate these days, I firmly believe a strong, concise Objective Statement can go a long way. First off, it immediately tells the reader what job you are applying for. That can be a big deal when you’re submitting your resume to a HR representative who has their hands full with many different job openings. Recruiters as well. And if you’re a senior manager, you don’t want to get thrown in the pile with the mail clerks, right? Not only that, but an effective Objective Statement will briefly summarize your qualifications so a hiring manager can make an instantaneous decision whether or not to keep reading. They do that anyways, so why not address their needs in the intro and add value by showing them what you have to offer right off the bat. Remember, I’m only talking about one sentence here. One sentence to market yourself. Once sentence to spark their interest. You don’t want to give the reader too much to think about, rather you want them to proceed on and read the rest of your resume. So grab their attention, establish your professional identity, show them your value, and let them move on to the good stuff!
Choose the Right Format – One thing you need to remember is that there is not one universal formatting methodology because, in truth, there is no cookie-cutter way of writing a resume. What works best for one person may not be best for another. Some people will benefit from a Chronological resume whereas that format may be detrimental to someone who has jumped around a lot in their career. The only thing I can suggest is that you do your homework. Know the different types of resumes (Chronological, Functional, Targeted, and Combination) and know the distinct merits of each. Then make an informed decision as to which style is best for you. If you are surfing the web and looking for a good resume sample or template to use as a guideline for your own resume, make sure the sample you settle on is appropriate considering your background, the industry you’re in, and your career intentions.
Cut to the Chase – Don’t waste time…get to the good stuff. As I said before, a hiring manager will most often skim, scan, and glance over a resume. Keep in mind that they have specific questions in mind when they review a resume for the first time and they expect specific answers. One of the most important questions they are asking is: “Who has this person worked for in the past?” For this reason, I always suggest that serious job seekers highlight their experiences first and foremost. Right below your one-sentence Objective Statement you should transition into and Experience section. In this section you should list your past employers, the years you worked for them, your job titles, and a brief description of your duties there. Of course, this may not be the best approach for some people. If your background is heavily dependent on your academic experience, then you may want to jump into that first.
Focus on Your Target – My reasons for saying this are as follows: An unfocused resume sends a very clear message that you are unfocused about your career. And a hiring authority doesn’t want to see that. They want to see that you have career goals and that those aspirations correspond with their needs as an employer. So keep in mind that a customized resume, modified for a specific position, is always preferable to a generalized and vague resume. If you’re serious enough about a job then you should take the extra time and effort to tailor a resume to that job’s requirements. I assure you your efforts will not go unnoticed.
Be Articulate and Grammatically Exact – In my humble opinion, it’s of the utmost importance to be eloquent within the context of your resume and to make sure you’re using proper grammar and syntax. For your current job description, use the present tense. For past jobs, use past tense. This seems like a no-brainer, but again you’d be surprised at how many people make this mistake. Being articulate can go a long way as well. Most hiring managers will consider it a plus if you can convey your level of intelligence in your written communications. So don’t be afraid to break out the thesaurus and make sure you have someone else edit your resume before you send it out to potential employers. That’s imperative!
K.I.S.S. – A wiser man than me once made this bold statement and it’s extremely applicable when writing your resume: Keep It Simple, Stupid! Too many people make too much of an effort to “stand out from the pack” and in doing so they may unwittingly be hurting themselves. In some professions, such as the creative design field, it may be advantageous to show your originality and imagination, but in other business fields this kind of flamboyancy in a resume is unnecessary and can actually be injurious to your cause. In terms of formatting, the same holds true. I have found that people tend to have much more success when they opt for an uncomplicated formatting style. Some people still want to get all jazzed up with pictures and text boxes and funky font, but that’s just fluff. It’s noise. It is irrelevant to the purpose of your resume, which is to sell yourself through highlighting your skills and accomplishments. And hiring managers see right through that!
Take Your Resume Seriously – As previously stated, if you don’t take your resume seriously then your resume will not be TAKEN seriously. If you choose not to work with a professional, then at the very least have an impartial third-party edit it for you and give you some constructive feedback. This is for your own sake. What happens when you accidentally type “Manger” instead of “Manager”? Do you think Spell Check is going to bail you out? Whatever you do, don’t send it out to potential employers without having someone else look it over. Some people just need to swallow their pride because when it comes right down to it, you may be the best at what you do, but if you don’t write resumes for a living then chances are there’s someone out there more qualified to write your resume than you are. Please consider that if you’re serious about being taken seriously!
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Perhaps you aren’t pleased or satisfied with the work executed, don’t be troubled. At this time you are able to ignore them. You don’t have almost anything to be worried about during the procedures you’re students and you’re unclear if you’ll just want to spend beyond your monetary boundary. Get Essays Drafted available for you: the best Benefit! EssayBox producing assistance offers an opportunity for communicating with your contributor from the web site to be capable of illustrate essential info on an choose. If you wish to get your essays written for your needs from industry experts with an reasonably priced rate, then you will want to utilize the help of us. Lifespan, Passing away, and try to get Essays Created available for you Top-notch solution is to cover up essay. To ensure that you don’t have anything to be anxious about while they get the different necessary capabilities to prepare an excellent explore pieces of paper. The animal tailor made structure research laboratory where write my paper free you are going to be helped by industry experts that happens to be skilled in numerous models of composing. I followed my any teaching and I’m delighted while using final result and the standard of my essay project. In addition, state if you want a little bit more resources. You need to know much more about the right composing strategy you certainly will safeguarded a great report in order to be sure.
Composing a write-up is actually a challenging and method that’s time-eating. Our authors have successfully passed two assessments to grow towards a percentage of our group. Only freelance writers that have an interest in your topic position will place a wager to guide you. Lots of people immediately still find it rather difficult to area a range of reason for a specific and consultant way. As expected a variety of folks are totally establish to complete such a thing instead of composing a paper that’s academical. Many people at present know they could not take care of the greatest amount of top notch, this is the reason they reference particular internet sites, which deliver essay producing benefit for the money. Choosing Get Essays Posted for everyone The thesis enables visitors to demonstrably understand the objective of the essay. Make sure to make certain the essay keeps on area from only starting to entire. If you prepare the essay all on your own, you still need to go to the selection to https://samedayessay.org/write-my-essay investigate for your most loved subject to dicuss, et cetera.. Simply writing essays our consultants do their very best Speaking about the standard of crafting, we must speak about our essay making company has become the leaders in the marketplace. You can not whether or not the journalist is simply acting as being good. It really is only everyday to become stressed about hiring an online essay writer while you are not able to ever be specific if you’re using the right company or not.
You will make use of expert essay author until you’ve gotten a cardstock you can be pleased with. That is why, you’ve happen at this point because you don’t have acceptable time or solutions to prepare an helpful essay. Whether or not you have to have an authored piece of content to order or if you could possibly enjoy to invest in a customized structure, we’ve have outstanding writings that you require and warrant. If you’re not pleased about the usual for this essay, you could possibly get your money back. Effortless as that, so make sure before you decide to extremely commence looking for anybody create my brief article, consider performing it personally, you might find that it is somewhat straightforward and appealing activity to try and do. Now you can acquire real high school essay internet, a particular that will suit your personal arrange and then get your job achieved also.
You’re in a position to gain an essay written for you just like you settle lower back and unwind. An essay is regarded partial without using a effective guide collection. Look for to guarantee that it stays on theme from commencing to finish. The straightforward the fact is, some of trainees are in reality interested in simply writing essays. If you preferred to locate essay from a unique service, you might have been as a result of a great deal of uncertainties. Prior to when composing an essay, it’s http://sis.ashesi.edu.gh/courseware/cms/file.php/1371/material/Procs_6th_Nordic_-_Volume_2_-_Transforming_Practices.pdf decent receive the entire advice plus generate a concept or define. You will discuss with a airbrush essay sample at a considerably higher comprehension. Finding out how to compose an all over the world insurance policy essay is only a skill that’s important. So if you have to use university or college essay author over the internet, we’re only those who you’ll really have to call. Lately, most students find it hard to create an essay over a distinct theme. You are able to quite simply purchase extraordinary school essays and don’t neglect to explain to friends and relations regarding it.
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Perhaps you aren’t pleased or satisfied with the work executed, don’t be troubled. At this time you are able to ignore them. You don’t have almost anything to be worried about during the procedures you’re students and you’re unclear if you’ll just want to spend beyond your monetary boundary. Get Essays Drafted available for you: the best Benefit! EssayBox producing assistance offers an opportunity for communicating with your contributor from the web site to be capable of illustrate essential info on an choose. If you wish to get your essays written for your needs from industry experts with an reasonably priced rate, then you will want to utilize the help of us. Lifespan, Passing away, and try to get Essays Created available for you Top-notch solution is to cover up essay. To ensure that you don’t have anything to be anxious about while they get the different necessary capabilities to prepare an excellent explore pieces of paper. The animal tailor made structure research laboratory where write my paper free you are going to be helped by industry experts that happens to be skilled in numerous models of composing. I followed my any teaching and I’m delighted while using final result and the standard of my essay project. In addition, state if you want a little bit more resources. You need to know much more about the right composing strategy you certainly will safeguarded a great report in order to be sure.
Composing a write-up is actually a challenging and method that’s time-eating. Our authors have successfully passed two assessments to grow towards a percentage of our group. Only freelance writers that have an interest in your topic position will place a wager to guide you. Lots of people immediately still find it rather difficult to area a range of reason for a specific and consultant way. As expected a variety of folks are totally establish to complete such a thing instead of composing a paper that’s academical. Many people at present know they could not take care of the greatest amount of top notch, this is the reason they reference particular internet sites, which deliver essay producing benefit for the money. Choosing Get Essays Posted for everyone The thesis enables visitors to demonstrably understand the objective of the essay. Make sure to make certain the essay keeps on area from only starting to entire. If you prepare the essay all on your own, you still need to go to the selection to https://samedayessay.org/write-my-essay investigate for your most loved subject to dicuss, et cetera.. Simply writing essays our consultants do their very best Speaking about the standard of crafting, we must speak about our essay making company has become the leaders in the marketplace. You can not whether or not the journalist is simply acting as being good. It really is only everyday to become stressed about hiring an online essay writer while you are not able to ever be specific if you’re using the right company or not.
You will make use of expert essay author until you’ve gotten a cardstock you can be pleased with. That is why, you’ve happen at this point because you don’t have acceptable time or solutions to prepare an helpful essay. Whether or not you have to have an authored piece of content to order or if you could possibly enjoy to invest in a customized structure, we’ve have outstanding writings that you require and warrant. If you’re not pleased about the usual for this essay, you could possibly get your money back. Effortless as that, so make sure before you decide to extremely commence looking for anybody create my brief article, consider performing it personally, you might find that it is somewhat straightforward and appealing activity to try and do. Now you can acquire real high school essay internet, a particular that will suit your personal arrange and then get your job achieved also.
You’re in a position to gain an essay written for you just like you settle lower back and unwind. An essay is regarded partial without using a effective guide collection. Look for to guarantee that it stays on theme from commencing to finish. The straightforward the fact is, some of trainees are in reality interested in simply writing essays. If you preferred to locate essay from a unique service, you might have been as a result of a great deal of uncertainties. Prior to when composing an essay, it’s http://sis.ashesi.edu.gh/courseware/cms/file.php/1371/material/Procs_6th_Nordic_-_Volume_2_-_Transforming_Practices.pdf decent receive the entire advice plus generate a concept or define. You will discuss with a airbrush essay sample at a considerably higher comprehension. Finding out how to compose an all over the world insurance policy essay is only a skill that’s important. So if you have to use university or college essay author over the internet, we’re only those who you’ll really have to call. Lately, most students find it hard to create an essay over a distinct theme. You are able to quite simply purchase extraordinary school essays and don’t neglect to explain to friends and relations regarding it.
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Perhaps you aren’t pleased or satisfied with the work executed, don’t be troubled. At this time you are able to ignore them. You don’t have almost anything to be worried about during the procedures you’re students and you’re unclear if you’ll just want to spend beyond your monetary boundary. Get Essays Drafted available for you: the best Benefit! EssayBox producing assistance offers an opportunity for communicating with your contributor from the web site to be capable of illustrate essential info on an choose. If you wish to get your essays written for your needs from industry experts with an reasonably priced rate, then you will want to utilize the help of us. Lifespan, Passing away, and try to get Essays Created available for you Top-notch solution is to cover up essay. To ensure that you don’t have anything to be anxious about while they get the different necessary capabilities to prepare an excellent explore pieces of paper. The animal tailor made structure research laboratory where write my paper free you are going to be helped by industry experts that happens to be skilled in numerous models of composing. I followed my any teaching and I’m delighted while using final result and the standard of my essay project. In addition, state if you want a little bit more resources. You need to know much more about the right composing strategy you certainly will safeguarded a great report in order to be sure.
Composing a write-up is actually a challenging and method that’s time-eating. Our authors have successfully passed two assessments to grow towards a percentage of our group. Only freelance writers that have an interest in your topic position will place a wager to guide you. Lots of people immediately still find it rather difficult to area a range of reason for a specific and consultant way. As expected a variety of folks are totally establish to complete such a thing instead of composing a paper that’s academical. Many people at present know they could not take care of the greatest amount of top notch, this is the reason they reference particular internet sites, which deliver essay producing benefit for the money. Choosing Get Essays Posted for everyone The thesis enables visitors to demonstrably understand the objective of the essay. Make sure to make certain the essay keeps on area from only starting to entire. If you prepare the essay all on your own, you still need to go to the selection to https://samedayessay.org/write-my-essay investigate for your most loved subject to dicuss, et cetera.. Simply writing essays our consultants do their very best Speaking about the standard of crafting, we must speak about our essay making company has become the leaders in the marketplace. You can not whether or not the journalist is simply acting as being good. It really is only everyday to become stressed about hiring an online essay writer while you are not able to ever be specific if you’re using the right company or not.
You will make use of expert essay author until you’ve gotten a cardstock you can be pleased with. That is why, you’ve happen at this point because you don’t have acceptable time or solutions to prepare an helpful essay. Whether or not you have to have an authored piece of content to order or if you could possibly enjoy to invest in a customized structure, we’ve have outstanding writings that you require and warrant. If you’re not pleased about the usual for this essay, you could possibly get your money back. Effortless as that, so make sure before you decide to extremely commence looking for anybody create my brief article, consider performing it personally, you might find that it is somewhat straightforward and appealing activity to try and do. Now you can acquire real high school essay internet, a particular that will suit your personal arrange and then get your job achieved also.
You’re in a position to gain an essay written for you just like you settle lower back and unwind. An essay is regarded partial without using a effective guide collection. Look for to guarantee that it stays on theme from commencing to finish. The straightforward the fact is, some of trainees are in reality interested in simply writing essays. If you preferred to locate essay from a unique service, you might have been as a result of a great deal of uncertainties. Prior to when composing an essay, it’s http://sis.ashesi.edu.gh/courseware/cms/file.php/1371/material/Procs_6th_Nordic_-_Volume_2_-_Transforming_Practices.pdf decent receive the entire advice plus generate a concept or define. You will discuss with a airbrush essay sample at a considerably higher comprehension. Finding out how to compose an all over the world insurance policy essay is only a skill that’s important. So if you have to use university or college essay author over the internet, we’re only those who you’ll really have to call. Lately, most students find it hard to create an essay over a distinct theme. You are able to quite simply purchase extraordinary school essays and don’t neglect to explain to friends and relations regarding it.
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Perhaps you aren’t pleased or satisfied with the work executed, don’t be troubled. At this time you are able to ignore them. You don’t have almost anything to be worried about during the procedures you’re students and you’re unclear if you’ll just want to spend beyond your monetary boundary. Get Essays Drafted available for you: the best Benefit! EssayBox producing assistance offers an opportunity for communicating with your contributor from the web site to be capable of illustrate essential info on an choose. If you wish to get your essays written for your needs from industry experts with an reasonably priced rate, then you will want to utilize the help of us. Lifespan, Passing away, and try to get Essays Created available for you Top-notch solution is to cover up essay. To ensure that you don’t have anything to be anxious about while they get the different necessary capabilities to prepare an excellent explore pieces of paper. The animal tailor made structure research laboratory where write my paper free you are going to be helped by industry experts that happens to be skilled in numerous models of composing. I followed my any teaching and I’m delighted while using final result and the standard of my essay project. In addition, state if you want a little bit more resources. You need to know much more about the right composing strategy you certainly will safeguarded a great report in order to be sure.
Composing a write-up is actually a challenging and method that’s time-eating. Our authors have successfully passed two assessments to grow towards a percentage of our group. Only freelance writers that have an interest in your topic position will place a wager to guide you. Lots of people immediately still find it rather difficult to area a range of reason for a specific and consultant way. As expected a variety of folks are totally establish to complete such a thing instead of composing a paper that’s academical. Many people at present know they could not take care of the greatest amount of top notch, this is the reason they reference particular internet sites, which deliver essay producing benefit for the money. Choosing Get Essays Posted for everyone The thesis enables visitors to demonstrably understand the objective of the essay. Make sure to make certain the essay keeps on area from only starting to entire. If you prepare the essay all on your own, you still need to go to the selection to https://samedayessay.org/write-my-essay investigate for your most loved subject to dicuss, et cetera.. Simply writing essays our consultants do their very best Speaking about the standard of crafting, we must speak about our essay making company has become the leaders in the marketplace. You can not whether or not the journalist is simply acting as being good. It really is only everyday to become stressed about hiring an online essay writer while you are not able to ever be specific if you’re using the right company or not.
You will make use of expert essay author until you’ve gotten a cardstock you can be pleased with. That is why, you’ve happen at this point because you don’t have acceptable time or solutions to prepare an helpful essay. Whether or not you have to have an authored piece of content to order or if you could possibly enjoy to invest in a customized structure, we’ve have outstanding writings that you require and warrant. If you’re not pleased about the usual for this essay, you could possibly get your money back. Effortless as that, so make sure before you decide to extremely commence looking for anybody create my brief article, consider performing it personally, you might find that it is somewhat straightforward and appealing activity to try and do. Now you can acquire real high school essay internet, a particular that will suit your personal arrange and then get your job achieved also.
You’re in a position to gain an essay written for you just like you settle lower back and unwind. An essay is regarded partial without using a effective guide collection. Look for to guarantee that it stays on theme from commencing to finish. The straightforward the fact is, some of trainees are in reality interested in simply writing essays. If you preferred to locate essay from a unique service, you might have been as a result of a great deal of uncertainties. Prior to when composing an essay, it’s http://sis.ashesi.edu.gh/courseware/cms/file.php/1371/material/Procs_6th_Nordic_-_Volume_2_-_Transforming_Practices.pdf decent receive the entire advice plus generate a concept or define. You will discuss with a airbrush essay sample at a considerably higher comprehension. Finding out how to compose an all over the world insurance policy essay is only a skill that’s important. So if you have to use university or college essay author over the internet, we’re only those who you’ll really have to call. Lately, most students find it hard to create an essay over a distinct theme. You are able to quite simply purchase extraordinary school essays and don’t neglect to explain to friends and relations regarding it.
from Patriot Prepper Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. Are you ready for any situation? #SurvivalFirestarter #SurvivalBugOutBackpack #PrepperSurvivalPack #SHTFGear #SHTFBag
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Is your home a better investment than the stock market?
Shares 169 Ill admit it: There are times that I think everything that needs to be said about personal finance has been said already, that all of the information is out there just waiting for people to find it. The problem is solved. Perhaps this is technically true, but now and then as this morning Im reminded that teaching people about money is a never-ending process. There arent a lot of new topics to write about, thats true (this is something that even famous professional financial journalists grouse about in private), but there are tons of new people to reach, people who have never been exposed to these ideas. And, more importantly, theres a constant stream of new misinformation polluting the pool of smart advice. (Sometimes this misinformation is well-meaning; sometimes its not.) Heres an example. This morning, I read a piece at Slate by Felix Salmon called The Millionaires Mortgage. Salmons argument is simple: Paying off your house is saving for retirement. Now, I dont necessarily disagree with this basic premise. I too believe that money you pay toward your mortgage principle is, in effect, money youve saved, just as if youd put it in the bank or invested in a mutual fund. Many financial advisers say the same thing: Money you put toward debt reduction is the same as money youve invested. (Obviously, theyre not exactly the same but theyre close enough.) So, yes, paying off your home is saving for retirement. Or, more precisely, its building your net worth. But aside from a sound basic premise, the rest of Salmons article boils down to bullshit.
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Lying with Statistics Looking past the paying off your house is saving for retirement subtitle on his piece (a subtitle that was likely added by an editor, not by Salmon), we get to his actual thesis: Making mortgage payments can, in theory, be a way to accumulate wealth almost as effectively as contributing to a retirement fund. Im glad Salmon qualified this statement with in theory and almost because this is pure unadulterated bullshit. And its dangerous bullshit. Heres how this logic works: If you buy an urban house today for $315,000 (the average price) and it appreciates at 8 percent a year for the next 15 years, you will be living in a $1 million house by the time you pay off your 15-year mortgage, and you will own it free and clear. Which is to say: Youll be a millionaire. For this to be true, heres what has to happen.: Home prices in your area have to appreciate at an average of eight percent not just this year and next year, but for fifteen years.You have to take out a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year mortgage.You need to stay in that house (or continue to own it) for that entire fifteen years.Once youve become a millionaire homeowner, you now have to tap that equity for it to be of use. To do that, you have to sell your home, acquire a reverse mortgage, or otherwise creatively access the value locked in your home. The real problem here, of course, are the assumptions about real estate returns. Salmon spouts huckster-level nonsense: The 8 percent appreciation rate is aggressive, but not entirely unrealistic: Its lower than the 8.3 percent appreciation rate from 2011 through 2017, and also lower than the 9 percent appreciation rate from 1996 to 2007. Thats right. Salmon cites stats from 1996 to 2007, then 2011 to 2017 and completely leaves out 2008 to 2010. WTF? This as if I ran a marathon and told you that I averaged four minutes per milebut I was only counting the miles during which I was running downhill! Or I told you that Get Rich Slowly earned $5000 per monthbut I was only giving you the numbers from April. Or I logged my alcohol consumption for thirty days and told you I averaged three drinks per weekbut left out how much I drank on weekends. This isnt how statistics work! You dont get to cherry pick the data. You cant just say, Homes in some markets appreciated 9% annually from 1996 to 2007, then 8.3% annually from 2011 to 2017. Therefor, your home should increase in value an average of eight percent per year. What about the gap years? What about the period before the (very short) 22 years youre citing? What makes you think that the boom times for housing are going to continue? Long-Term Home Price Appreciation In May, I shared a brief history of U.S. homeownership. To write that article, I spent hours reading research papers and sorting through data. One key piece of that post was the info on U.S. housing prices. Let me share that info again. For 25 years, Yale economics professor Robert Shiller has tracked U.S. home prices. He monitors current prices, yes, but hes also researched historical prices. Hes gathered all of this info into a spreadsheet, which he updates regularly and makes freely available on his website. This graph of Shillers data (through January 2016) shows how housing prices have changed over time:
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Shillers index is inflation-adjusted and based on sale prices of existing homes (not new construction). It uses 1890 as an arbitrary benchmark, which is assigned a value of 100. (To me, 110 looks like baseline normal. Maybe 1890 was a down year?) As you can see, home prices bounced around until the mid 1910s, at which point they dropped sharply. This decline was due largely to new mass-production techniques, which lowered the cost of building a home. (For thirty years, you could order your home from Sears!) Prices didnt recover until the conclusion of World War II and the coming of the G.I. Bill. From the 1950s until the mid-1990s, home prices hovered around 110 on the Shiller scale. For the past twenty years, the U.S. housing market has been a wild ride. We experienced an enormous bubble (and its aftermath) during the late 2000s. It looks very much like were at the front end of another bubble today. As of December 2017, home prices were at about 170 on the Shiller scale. (Personally, I believe that once interest rates begin to rise again, home prices will decline.) Heres the reality of residential real estate: Generally speaking, home values increase at roughly the same (or slightly more) than inflation. Ive noted in the past that gold provides a long-term real return of roughly 1%, meaning that it outpaces inflation by 1% over periods measured in decades. For myself, thats the figure I use for home values too. Crunching the Numbers Because Im a dedicated blogger (or dumb), I spent an hour building this chart for you folks. I took the afore-mentioned housing data from Robert Shillers spreadsheet and combined it with the inflation-adjusted closing value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average for each year since 1921. (I got the stock-market data here.) If youd like, you can click the graph to see a larger version.
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Let me explain what youre seeing. First, I normalized everything to 1921. That means I set home values in 1921 to 100 and I set the closing Dow Jones Industrial Average to 100. From there, everything moves as normal relative to those values.Second, Im not sure why but Excel stacked the graphs. (Im not spreadsheet savvy enough to fix this.) They should both start at 100 in 1921, but instead the stock market graph starts at 200. This doesnt really make much of a difference to my point, but it bugs me. There are a few places 1932, 1947 where the line for home values should actually overtake the line for the stock market, but you cant tell that with the stacked graph. As the chart shows, the stock market has vastly outperformed the housing market over the long term. Theres no contest. The blue housing portion of my chart is equivalent to the line in Shillers chart (from 1921 on, obviously). Now, having said that, there are some things that I can see in my spreadsheet numbers that dont show up in this graph. Because Felix Salmon at Slate is using a 15-year window for his argument, I calculated 15-year changes for both home prices and stock prices. Ill admit that the results surprised me. Generally speaking, the stock market does provide better returns than homeownership. However, in 30 of the 82 fifteen-year periods since 1921, housing provided better returns. (And in 14 of 67 thirty-year periods, housing was the winner.) I didnt expect that. In each of these cases, housing outperformed stocks after a market crash. During any 15-year period starting in 1926 and ending in 1939 (except 1932), for instance, housing was the better bet. Same with 1958 to 1973. In other words, if you were to buy only when the market is declining, housing is probably the best bet if youre making a lump-sum investment and not contributing right along. Another thing the numbers show is that youre much less likely to suffer long-term declines with housing than with the stock market. Sure, there are occasional periods where home prices will drop over fifteen or thirty years, but generally homes gradually grow in value over time. The bottom line? I think its perfectly fair to call your home an investment, but its more like a store of value than a way to grow your wealth. And its nothing like investing in the U.S. stock market. For more on this subject, see Michael Bluejays excellent articles: Long-term real estate appreciation in the U.S. and Buying a home is an investment. Final Thoughts Honestly, I probably would have ignored Salmons article if it werent for the attacks he makes on saving for retirement. Take a look at this: If youre the kind of person who can max out your 401(k) every year for 30 or 40 years straight disciplined, frugal, and apparently immune to misfortune then, well, congratulations on your great good luck, and I hope youre at least a little bit embarrassed at how much of a tax break youre getting compared to people who need government support much more than you do. Holy cats! Salmon has just equated the discipline and frugality that readers like you exhibit with good luck, and simultaneously argued that you should be embarrassed for preparing for your future. He wants you to feel guilty because youre being proactive to prepare for retirement. Instead of doing that, he wants you to buy into his bullshit millionaires mortgage plan. This crosses the line from marginal advice to outright stupidity. Theres an ongoing discussion in the Early Retirement community about whether or not you should include home equity when calculating how much youve saved for retirement. There are those who argue absolutely not, you should never consider home equity. (A few of these folks dont even include home equity when computing their net worth, but that fundamentally misses the point of what net worth is.) I come down on the other side. I think its fine good, even to include home equity when making retirement calculations. But when you do, you need to be aware that the money you have in your home is only accessible if you sell or use the home as collateral on a loan. Regardless, Ive never heard anyone in the community argue that you ought to use your home as your primary source of retirement saving instead of investing in mutual funds and/or rental rental properties. You know why? Because its a bad idea! Shares 169 https://www.getrichslowly.org/home-investment/
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Is your home a better investment than the stock market?
Ill admit it: There are times that I think everything that needs to be said about personal finance has been said already, that all of the information is out there just waiting for people to find it. The problem is solved. Perhaps this is technically true, but now and then as this morning Im reminded that teaching people about money is a never-ending process. There arent a lot of new topics to write about, thats true (this is something that even famous professional financial journalists grouse about in private), but there are tons of new people to reach, people who have never been exposed to these ideas. And, more importantly, theres a constant stream of new misinformation polluting the pool of smart advice. (Sometimes this misinformation is well-meaning; sometimes its not.) Heres an example. This morning, I read a piece at Slate by Felix Salmon called The Millionaires Mortgage. Salmons argument is simple: Paying off your house is saving for retirement. Now, I dont necessarily disagree with this basic premise. I too believe that money you pay toward your mortgage principle is, in effect, money youve saved, just as if youd put it in the bank or invested in a mutual fund. Many financial advisers say the same thing: Money you put toward debt reduction is the same as money youve invested. (Obviously, theyre not exactly the same but theyre close enough.) So, yes, paying off your home is saving for retirement. Or, more precisely, its building your net worth. But aside from a sound basic premise, the rest of Salmons article boils down to bullshit.
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Lying with Statistics Looking past the paying off your house is saving for retirement subtitle on his piece (a subtitle that was likely added by an editor, not by Salmon), we get to his actual thesis: Making mortgage payments can, in theory, be a way to accumulate wealth almost as effectively as contributing to a retirement fund. Im glad Salmon qualified this statement with in theory and almost because this is pure unadulterated bullshit. And its dangerous bullshit. Heres how this logic works: If you buy an urban house today for $315,000 (the average price) and it appreciates at 8 percent a year for the next 15 years, you will be living in a $1 million house by the time you pay off your 15-year mortgage, and you will own it free and clear. Which is to say: Youll be a millionaire. For this to be true, heres what has to happen.: Home prices in your area have to appreciate at an average of eight percent not just this year and next year, but for fifteen years.You have to take out a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year mortgage.You need to stay in that house (or continue to own it) for that entire fifteen years.Once youve become a millionaire homeowner, you now have to tap that equity for it to be of use. To do that, you have to sell your home, acquire a reverse mortgage, or otherwise creatively access the value locked in your home. The real problem here, of course, are the assumptions about real estate returns. Salmon spouts huckster-level nonsense: The 8 percent appreciation rate is aggressive, but not entirely unrealistic: Its lower than the 8.3 percent appreciation rate from 2011 through 2017, and also lower than the 9 percent appreciation rate from 1996 to 2007. Thats right. Salmon cites stats from 1996 to 2007, then 2011 to 2017 and completely leaves out 2008 to 2010. WTF? This as if I ran a marathon and told you that I averaged four minutes per milebut I was only counting the miles during which I was running downhill! Or I told you that Get Rich Slowly earned $5000 per monthbut I was only giving you the numbers from April. Or I logged my alcohol consumption for thirty days and told you I averaged three drinks per weekbut left out how much I drank on weekends. This isnt how statistics work! You dont get to cherry pick the data. You cant just say, Homes in some markets appreciated 9% annually from 1996 to 2007, then 8.3% annually from 2011 to 2017. Therefor, your home should increase in value an average of eight percent per year. What about the gap years? What about the period before the (very short) 22 years youre citing? What makes you think that the boom times for housing are going to continue? Long-Term Home Price Appreciation In May, I shared a brief history of U.S. homeownership. To write that article, I spent hours reading research papers and sorting through data. One key piece of that post was the info on U.S. housing prices. Let me share that info again. For 25 years, Yale economics professor Robert Shiller has tracked U.S. home prices. He monitors current prices, yes, but hes also researched historical prices. Hes gathered all of this info into a spreadsheet, which he updates regularly and makes freely available on his website. This graph of Shillers data (through January 2016) shows how housing prices have changed over time:
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Shillers index is inflation-adjusted and based on sale prices of existing homes (not new construction). It uses 1890 as an arbitrary benchmark, which is assigned a value of 100. (To me, 110 looks like baseline normal. Maybe 1890 was a down year?) As you can see, home prices bounced around until the mid 1910s, at which point they dropped sharply. This decline was due largely to new mass-production techniques, which lowered the cost of building a home. (For thirty years, you could order your home from Sears!) Prices didnt recover until the conclusion of World War II and the coming of the G.I. Bill. From the 1950s until the mid-1990s, home prices hovered around 110 on the Shiller scale. For the past twenty years, the U.S. housing market has been a wild ride. We experienced an enormous bubble (and its aftermath) during the late 2000s. It looks very much like were at the front end of another bubble today. As of December 2017, home prices were at about 170 on the Shiller scale. (Personally, I believe that once interest rates begin to rise again, home prices will decline.) Heres the reality of residential real estate: Generally speaking, home values increase at roughly the same (or slightly more) than inflation. Ive noted in the past that gold provides a long-term real return of roughly 1%, meaning that it outpaces inflation by 1% over periods measured in decades. For myself, thats the figure I use for home values too. Crunching the Numbers Because Im a dedicated blogger (or dumb), I spent an hour building this chart for you folks. I took the afore-mentioned housing data from Robert Shillers spreadsheet and combined it with the inflation-adjusted closing value of the Down Jones Industrial Average for each year since 1921. (I got the stock-market data here.) If youd like, you can click the graph to see a larger version.
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Let me explain what youre seeing. First, I normalized everything to 1921. That means I set home values in 1921 to 100 and I set the closing Down Jones Industrial Average to 100. From there, everything moves as normal relative to those values.Second, Im not sure why but Excel stacked the graphs. (Im not spreadsheet savvy enough to fix this.) They should both start at 100 in 1921, but instead the stock market graph starts at 200. This doesnt really make much of a difference to my point, but it bugs me. There are a few places 1932, 1947 where the line for home values should actually overtake the line for the stock market, but you cant tell that with the stacked graph. As the chart shows, the stock market has vastly outperformed the housing market over the long term. Theres no contest. The blue housing portion of my chart is equivalent to the line in Shillers chart (from 1921 on, obviously). Now, having said that, there are some things that I can see in my spreadsheet numbers that dont show up in this graph. Because Felix Salmon at Slate is using a 15-year window for his argument, I calculated 15-year changes for both home prices and stock prices. Ill admit that the results surprised me. Generally speaking, the stock market does provide better returns than homeownership. However, in 30 of the 82 fifteen-year periods since 1921, housing provided better returns. (And in 14 of 67 thirty-year periods, housing was the winner.) I didnt expect that. In each of these cases, housing outperformed stocks after a market crash. During any 15-year period starting in 1926 and ending in 1939 (except 1932), for instance, housing was the better bet. Same with 1958 to 1973. In other words, if you were to buy only when the market is declining, housing is probably the best bet if youre making a lump-sum investment and not contributing right along. Another thing the numbers show is that youre much less likely to suffer long-term declines with housing than with the stock market. Sure, there are occasional periods where home prices will drop over fifteen or thirty years, but generally homes gradually grow in value over time. The bottom line? I think its perfectly fair to call your home an investment, but its more like a store of value than a way to grow your wealth. And its nothing like investing in the U.S. stock market. For more on this subject, see Michael Bluejays excellent articles: Long-term real estate appreciation in the U.S. and Buying a home is an investment. Final Thoughts Honestly, I probably would have ignored Salmons article if it werent for the attacks he makes on saving for retirement. Take a look at this: If youre the kind of person who can max out your 401(k) every year for 30 or 40 years straight disciplined, frugal, and apparently immune to misfortune then, well, congratulations on your great good luck, and I hope youre at least a little bit embarrassed at how much of a tax break youre getting compared to people who need government support much more than you do. Holy cats! Salmon has just equated the discipline and frugality that readers like you exhibit with good luck, and simultaneously argued that you should be embarrassed for preparing for your future. He wants you to feel guilty because youre being proactive to prepare for retirement. Instead of doing that, he wants you to buy into his bullshit millionaires mortgage plan. This crosses the line from marginal advice to outright stupidity. Theres an ongoing discussion in the Early Retirement community about whether or not you should include home equity when calculating how much youve saved for retirement. There are those who argue absolutely not, you should never consider home equity. (A few of these folks dont even include home equity when computing their net worth, but that fundamentally misses the point of what net worth is.) I come down on the other side. I think its fine good, even to include home equity when making retirement calculations. But when you do, you need to be aware that the money you have in your home is only accessible if you sell or use the home as collateral on a loan. Regardless, Ive never heard anyone in the community argue that you ought to use your home as your primary source of retirement saving instead of investing in mutual funds and/or rental rental properties. You know why? Because its a bad idea! https://www.getrichslowly.org/home-investment/
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