#you found the number one dads enjoyer blog lmao
I love a avatrice with all my heart but sometimes we need bealil and God bless you and your dads fic!!
oh anon, darling, i think you meant this for my very talented friend @birgittesilverbae but while we’re here i’m 🤝 with you about dads it’s everything to me i think it’s so so brilliant, astonishingly beautiful in how it takes bea and lilith and understands them. there’s nothing i like more than a fic that (picture me crying) makes me go “oh god, oh fuck. she would fucking say that wouldn’t she?”
dads bealil is everything to me. these girls are divorced, they’re dating they share one whole braincell. their vibes are immaculate they’re the two biggest losers you’ve ever seen.
it’s the growing up so entangled with each other that they hardly know how to breathe alone. (it’s the learning to do that. alone so they can be together) it’s the please leave your scarf behind in my life but it’s a #1 dad mug and it’s oh, i left myself behind in your life but we can never go back
(you can’t take loved away)
fic: dads just gets bealil, i think. more importantly it understands both characters and it loves loves loves loves both characters. it’s lilith who cares so much, the “if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more.” how she just wants so loudly and both of them tripped up by their tongues.
the ache of loving so much and so long it sets you on fire and touching fans the flames and not touching makes the dead heat of longing sit under your skin. the inescapable gravity of them, two lives locked in orbit around what they both love (their daughter, each other) and the endless refrain of bealil that is the love didn’t change anything, it didn’t save anyone, but it still matters that the love was there.
it’s beatrice sifting through the ashes of their life it’s how impossible i find it to tell which of them is more in love. the quiet loud impossible affection bea has and holds, scalding her. (as long as we both shall live) holding a mug in the kitchen and broken by the brokenness of this love that’s as vital to her as a heartbeat.
dads just understands them both so much. they’re stupid, they’re married they’re divorced i hate them they love each other. they’re gentle and scalding and they can communicate in touches, without words when they speak the words run roughshod over each other they’re meant to be together they’re doomed (it doesn’t matter) they’re a two-body problem to which the solution is a three-body problem.
so, yeah, fic: dads is a masterpiece it’s a beautiful piece of storytelling and i’m glad you adore it because i do too
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belfromhell · 7 years
@flying-toes and @leslipigeonoficial tagged me on this. Why am I doing it? I truly don’t know, but I love their blogs (go and follow them, now!) so I’ll do it with a smile on my face. (Btw sorry if there’s grammatical mistakes, english isn’t my first language).
Ps: @flying-toes is the one of the best persons I’ve met in this page, she’s so funny and sweet all the time! Ilysm girl, thanks for listening and care, ¡te adoro, eres genial!
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
I tag: @rubbersoles19 @fandom-weirdness-for-life @punk-rock-princess-626 @xjustahoneymoon @astronautswife @honeybun-holland @gweniings @mermaid-with-flowers-in-her-hair @s-sun-kissed @petersyoink @havikenhayes @pocketandheart @flylikeajetpack @lawryn-w @allisondra @danceratthestillpoint @tomhollandhollaatme @cassieandra0721 @dorkiustothemax @thebreenutgallery
I love lots of blogs but my memory is just shit so I’ll tag my last 20 followers instead.
the last
1. drink: a very strong lemonade. Basically a lot of lemon juice, a tiny bit of water and almost no sugar. LIKE THE REAL MACHOS.
2. phone call: My mom? I wanted to know how make chicken soup but we ended talking about my new neighbor and her annoying chihuahua. Never got my soup, though.
3. text message: a friend. She’s with her boyfriend’s family so basically she’s having a mental breackdown cause the mom of the boy hates her, lmao.
4. song you listened to: OMG NOOOO HAHAH. “Abrázame muy fuerte” by Juan Gabriel (we miss you mi amor :c).
5. time you cried: last night? I’ll be honest with you guys, I was reading a very emotional fanfic, it’s just science. I couldn’t help it.
6. dated someone twice: My ex, I think. Idk, I’ll date him again soon probably. I’ll use him to get free food and a Netflix account >:v
7. kissed someone and regretted it: LAST MONTH AND SHE’S MY EX LMAO. What can I say? She’s very nice and persuasive o-o
8. been cheated on: Never.
9. lost someone special: My great-grandmother passed away five years ago. I haven’t lost someone special since her, thank God.
10. been depressed: My life consist on been depressed and and angry 24/7
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Last week. I FINALLY GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL FUCKERS. (By fuckers I mean my teachers, I love you all okay?)
3 favourite colours
12. Black
13. Blue
14. Red
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: Yep. Some thanks to other friends, some others thanks to my habit of losing important stuff.
16. fallen out of love: No, I still love the same guy, so ???
17. laughed until you cried: Yesterday, my friend’s mother put INTENTIONALLY soap in his eyes.
18. found out someone was talking about you: YES, I WAS WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION. Last month, some girl was talking shit about my whole classroom, just because we are genious and her classmates are total toddlers. It was graduation practice, AND MY PALS AND I WERE CONGRATULATED, NOT YOU SMOL LIL SHIT.
19. met someone who changed you: I’m always making friends. On web sites, on the street, everywere, so I’m always changing cause all of them teach me something everyday, even if they are just being themselves. Watch and learn.
20. found out who your friends are: I’ll just say yes while I keep my eyes shut to avoid cry.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yeah, me and my friends still play 7 Minutes in Heaven, so imagine how that turns out.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I’ve had the same Facebook account for five or six years now, and I’ve being in lots of fandoms. So, to make it short maybe I know five hundred of the three thousand? My school was really big and I’m just a sucker for friends and new people. 
23. do you have any pets: Nop, my last pet was a cat called Noah but she run away. But I have lots of plants, does they count?
24. do you want to change your name: Nop, I’m Karla Belén and that’s how family calls me, but other people call me just Karla or Belén or derivations of those two. My closest friends call me Kiwi or Kabe. My teachers used my last name and all my doctors call me Belito. I love my name cause some people has take their valious time to make nicknames or they call me in a certain way cause maybe a thing I’ve made reminds them of something specific and I’m okay with that, so no, I don’t want to change my name.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I was at my uncle’s house, the whole day we traveled with my parents to the capital, and when we arrived my aunt had cooked fried chicken. It was very simple but my dad let me drive a little bit and my mom was in a good mood, so it was really cute.
26. what time did you wake up: I stay till one am reading fanfics, so I usually wake at ten or eleven am.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Talking with @flying-toes​ about my horrible life decisions.
28. name something you can’t wait for: Start college on September, if they answer my call this Monday. The rest of the MCU movies. Dinner.
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Five minutes ago? She’s staying with me this days, but nah I don’t care really.
31. what are you listening to right now: I’m watching Parks and Recreation actually, so I’m listening to their voices?
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes, my friend’s brother is called Tomás, but we call him Tom cause Tomás sounds really pretentious.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: My family, the college applications THAT HAVEN’T BEEN ANSWERED, not having money to waste in shits and stuff.
34. most visited website: AO3, Instagram, and Tumblr.
35. hair color: Black.
36. long or short hair: Both, I like long hair to make braids but I like short hair cause is easy to comb. Now I have it long but that may change next week if I feel like it.
37. do you have a crush on someone: TOM HOLLAND’S GOT MY HEART AND MY SOUL AT THE MOMENT.
38. what do you like about yourself: I’m determined, I like to think that we should all be aware that we are part of a larger project and we must do something about it, but something good, something that helps the rest and make the stay in the planet more enjoyable. I am committed and fight a lot for world problems. I go out to protests and stuff, but I hope to be a politician someday to work for people who are forgotten by people with power.
39. piercings: Nope, just normal earrings holes.
40. blood type: I truly don't know, I think I’m O-, or some weird thing cause the only time i’ve need blood we had to look for a donator cause my family isn't compatible.
41. nickname: Kiwi, Kabe, Belu, Belito, Flaca, Nena.
42. relationship status: Trying to return with my ex but failing.
43. zodiac: Capricorn.
44. pronouns: “she” “her”.
45. favourite tv show: Parks and Recreation, maybe.
46. tattoos: A little moon on my right hip.
47. right or left handed: right.
48. surgery: twice.
50. sport: HA! Noooooo.
51. vacation: My grandparents house is my perfect vacation place.
52. pair of trainers: Converse or Vans? I don’t care about shoes, honestly.
53. eating: I eat everything except for sardines.
54. drinking: I drink everyting.
55. I’m about to: Read some Spideychelle fics?
56. waiting for: UPDATES OF MY FAVORITE FICS. And the damn college card.
57. want: Love.
58. get married: I’m still a baby, but I really want to get married someday.
59. career: I just graduated high school, soy un Bachiller de la República del Ecuador :D, but I want to be a lawyer.
60. hugs or kisses: Hugs.
61. lips or eyes: Eyes.
62. shorter or taller: I don’t care, but I prefer taller people cause I’m a little tall and people is dumb about it.
63. older or younger: I don’t care x2. Age it’s just a number, I’m still pretty inmature but I’ve know people of my age that is very responsible and older people that needs to get back to their parents house. 
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Nice heart? I like a nice body, but I don’t care x3 about aparience. If something or someone is cute, I like them. If they have fit bodies is cool, and is also cool if they don’t.
65. hookup or relationship: Relationship.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: TROUBLEMAKER AS FUUUUUCK. I have some strong opinios about delicate stuff and usually I get into trouble defending it.
67. kissed a stranger: Yeah, drunk or high.
68. drank hard liquor: Yeah, since I was fifteen probably.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Never, I can’t live without my glasses so I never leave them, at any moment.
70. turned someone down: Never.
71. sex on the first date: Never x2.
73. had your heart broken:It’s still broken but I'm pretending I'm fine reading lots of fanfics and going to the dentist.
74. been arrested: Once but I escaped before they called my parents or asked my name. I’m not proud of it but well...
75. cried when someone died: Yeah.
76. fallen for a friend: Yeah :(((
77. yourself: Sometimes, when I’m sure that things will go okay, and if I’m not I just stay positive.
78. miracles: I don’t know, I’m not a religious person. But I think that sometimes things are meant to be and happens in weird ways that can be considered as miracles.
79. love at first sight: No, that’s bullshit.
80. santa claus: Nop, here in Ecuador we don’t believe in that. It’s something that foreign brought like a comercial thing.  
81. kiss on the first date: It deppends.
82. angels: Maybe.
84. eye colour: Dark brown.
85. favourite movie: El 49. In 1949 a earthquake shake and destroyed my city. Help was sent from all the country and from close countries but it never came. People with power taked those things and made total empires using all the provitions. But my city didn’t give up. People that lost everyting worked harder that ever and the next year the city was reconstructed and since that year we celebrate on February the FFF (Fiesta de las Flores y de las Frutas) that means Flower and Fruit Festival. I love that movie cause reflects all the pain of those poor citizens but the determination of the ambateños (My city is called Ambato, do the math). 
IF YOU GOT TO THE END YOU HAVE A LOT OF FREE TIME. THANKS FOR READING! If you think we have something in common you should send me a message. I’am always willing to talk or listen.
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