#but you’re right anon fic: dads deserves so much love and so does its very talented author 💖💖🥰
I love a avatrice with all my heart but sometimes we need bealil and God bless you and your dads fic!!
oh anon, darling, i think you meant this for my very talented friend @birgittesilverbae but while we’re here i’m 🤝 with you about dads it’s everything to me i think it’s so so brilliant, astonishingly beautiful in how it takes bea and lilith and understands them. there’s nothing i like more than a fic that (picture me crying) makes me go “oh god, oh fuck. she would fucking say that wouldn’t she?”
dads bealil is everything to me. these girls are divorced, they’re dating they share one whole braincell. their vibes are immaculate they’re the two biggest losers you’ve ever seen.
it’s the growing up so entangled with each other that they hardly know how to breathe alone. (it’s the learning to do that. alone so they can be together) it’s the please leave your scarf behind in my life but it’s a #1 dad mug and it’s oh, i left myself behind in your life but we can never go back
(you can’t take loved away)
fic: dads just gets bealil, i think. more importantly it understands both characters and it loves loves loves loves both characters. it’s lilith who cares so much, the “if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more.” how she just wants so loudly and both of them tripped up by their tongues.
the ache of loving so much and so long it sets you on fire and touching fans the flames and not touching makes the dead heat of longing sit under your skin. the inescapable gravity of them, two lives locked in orbit around what they both love (their daughter, each other) and the endless refrain of bealil that is the love didn’t change anything, it didn’t save anyone, but it still matters that the love was there.
it’s beatrice sifting through the ashes of their life it’s how impossible i find it to tell which of them is more in love. the quiet loud impossible affection bea has and holds, scalding her. (as long as we both shall live) holding a mug in the kitchen and broken by the brokenness of this love that’s as vital to her as a heartbeat.
dads just understands them both so much. they’re stupid, they’re married they’re divorced i hate them they love each other. they’re gentle and scalding and they can communicate in touches, without words when they speak the words run roughshod over each other they’re meant to be together they’re doomed (it doesn’t matter) they’re a two-body problem to which the solution is a three-body problem.
so, yeah, fic: dads is a masterpiece it’s a beautiful piece of storytelling and i’m glad you adore it because i do too
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fbdo1986 · 4 years
idk the only fbdo prompt i can think of is cameron falls asleep on the couch so ferris and sloane have a contest to see how much random shit they can put on him before he wakes up. Besides that, the way you wrote cam & sloane’s 1st kiss was very good, how bout writing ferris and cam’s 1st kiss? Unless that’s gonna be in ur new fic of course. Anyway, i’ll be back if i can think of cuter prompts
yo anon… you’re the best!!!! how about i write both???!! it’s hard for me sometimes to write ferris/cam and i have no idea why?? but i’ll do it for you anon! and honestly i’m not too sure if my fic is gonna involve any kissing tbh! i kinda foster ideas as i go
okay! since i am incapable of putting this one in the same timeline of my sloane/cam fic heres one that goes post the fic im working on, which is an interpretation of that fateful day off! (it’s probably a few days after or so)
warning: slight mention of ab*se bc like. cameron’s dad exists
Cameron narrowly escapes to his room, his hands shakily pressing the button to dial up the Bueller residence. He was high of pure adrenaline, and unfortunately, fear. The spiel about how ‘he wouldn’t be pushed around any longer, and seriously doesn’t a teenager deserve to have a life of his own? and how he’s done nothing except nearly exhaust himself to make the man proud and he doesn’t even notice!?’ actually takes old Morris Frye by surprise, and in a good way. He ruffles Cameron’s hair and goes on about how for the longest time he’s been waiting for his son to become a man, and how maybe, he’s proud of Cam. That is, until he realizes Cameron’s mentioned the car. Then all bets are off. It starts with a loud bellowing yell and Cameron can sense it’s only gonna escalate from here. Quickly, Morris is inching his way closer to Cameron and even though Cam is giving an explanation as quickly as words can exit his mouth to try and derail his father, it’s no use for the man who loves his car more than his own family. The man is seeing red, the red of that precious 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California that tumbled to its death from the garage. And Cameron needs to get out of there before he gets any closer. 
So he makes it to his bedroom, and the immediate response is Ferris. There’s no one who can save him like the boy who can get out of trouble in any situation. The line rings and he hears the familiar, moody hello of Jeanie Bueller. “Hey, it’s Cameron. Can you put Ferris on, please?” His voice wavers, and Jeanie immediately understands. Cameron won’t lose it, not like how he used to, but these things build up. 
“Ferris! It’s Cameron!” Jeanie yells, and Mrs. Bueller asks if everything’s alright. Jeanie keeps silent, letting Ferris spill if he decides to.
Ferris has something inside of him that is fine tuned to discussions of Cameron or Sloane. This shout isn’t typical Jeanie tone, and immediate sirens begin to blare in his ears. From across the house he’s at the phone in the hall, immediately replacing Jeanie at the line. “Hey, what’s up?” He keeps his voice light. Maybe it’s nothing. 
“Fer, I need an out. My old man is gonna kill me for this car. I mean it. He’ll find a way to give me hell. If it was his way I’d never come back.” He lets out a breath he doesn’t know he’s holding in. “Please.”
At this point, Ferris has nearly bitten the inside of his cheek raw. He suddenly regrets all the things he’s ever done to put Cameron at risk of being hurt by his old man. Sure, he did think taking the car out was good for Cameron—he always wished Cameron could loosen up and fully enjoy what good things happened to him—but he could’ve never imagined the state it’d be in by the end of the day. He meant it when he said he’d take the heat for this, and he still does. It kills him to know his foolishness could cost Cameron harm. Ever since Ferris Bueller understood just how horrible things get in Cameron’s house he immediately knew he’d always be there for him. It takes a little longer to realize the reverse is true, that he’d be complete and utterly lost without Cameron, and that he needs him to stay sane. He won’t let that show in his words or his tone. He’s gotta be strong right now because that is what Cameron needs.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll get you out of there.” He covers the receiver. “Jeanie, can I use your car?” A silent nod of understanding from his sister. Mrs. Bueller is insisting to take care of it, she’s always liked Cameron, but Ferris wants it all under his control. “I’ll be there soon, alright?” He asks Cameron, hoping he doesn’t know that he’s keeping his voice from shaking. At least he can’t see his hands.
A deep breath. “Thank you, Ferris. Seriously. You don’t understand how much I appreciate this.” Cameron always knows that Ferris is and always will be there for him, but he’s always grateful when he steps up for things like this. 
Like lightning after Jeanie gives him the keys, Ferris races out of his house and hops into his sister’s car. Ferris is thankful for his driver’s license despite his absence of a car. And he’s thankful for Jeanie at this moment, too. And most importantly, for Cameron. He fights every urge to completely speed over there, since he’d never forgive himself for getting a speeding ticket on the way to his best friend’s house. When he gets to Cameron’s he makes his way to Cameron’s window. He’s willing to risk heat from Morris for sneaking Cameron out, and if the man even thinks he’s getting at Cameron for this he’s sorely mistaken. Has Ferris ever fought anyone? Absolutely not, but Morris Frye deserves to have a taste of his own medicine for once in his life. Ferris raps on the window as quietly as he can, his eyes lighting up immediately when Cameron turns to face him. 
Cameron fights a loud, enthusiastic expression of gratitude, but his sentiments remain. “G-d bless Ferris Bueller.” Ferris simply grins. But his eyes widen with concern when he remembers why he’s here. “Wait, Cam. Are you hurt? Did that son of a bitch—” Ferris can’t stop himself from grabbing at Cameron’s arms and getting a bit too close to look at his face.
Cameron chuckles, swatting him away. “I’m fine, Fer. Quit breathing on me. But seriously, I’m alright.” He looks at Ferris, the absolute goof of a best friend right in front of him. Despite his cool exterior, he really does wear his heart on his sleeve. He’s thankful that all those threats that he’d find a new best friend were never serious. Cameron almost embraces him. Almost. He settles for a shared smile. 
“Okay, let’s get the hell out of here.” Ferris rocks back onto his heels and Cameron swiftly stands up from his bed. They get out through the window and shut it tight. 
The ride to Ferris’s is awkward. Ferris wants nothing more than to crack a joke and relieve this tension, but he doesn’t want to disrespect what’s just happened to Cameron. The radio is on low, playing the current hits. When they reach the Bueller’s Cameron is bombarded with concerned but sweet proddings from Mrs. Bueller and a comforting look from Jeanie. Cameron feels a bit lighter already, but he only feels like he can fully breathe once they’re in Ferris’ room. The Cars are softly playing from Ferris’s stereo while Cameron flops directly onto the bed and Ferris sits next to him. 
“Jesus Christ.” Cameron’s voice is muffled against the comforter, and he slowly turns to face up and look at the ceiling. “I hate this. I can’t believe I have to run away to solve my problems.”
“To be fair, you’re not running away. You’re literally 10 miles away from your house. Plus, I helped you escape.” Ferris leans back on his palms and looks at the ceiling too. “Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t done it sooner. I wouldn’t last a day there. I don’t know how you do it. Fuck what Morris says, Cam, you’re the bravest man I know.” He breathes out a sigh and wishes he could say more. 
Cameron shifts and turns to Ferris for a moment. “No way, man. That’s you.” They exchange a glance. Despite being friends for seven years, words like these don’t get shared often between them. “Thank you. Again. Not even just for this, Fer.” He looks at Ferris intensely. “My life outside of that house is what it is because of you. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” 
Ferris averts his gaze, but a smile plays on his lips for a moment. He pauses and draws out the phrase, “You, my love, are worth it all.” 
Cameron’s face is immediately drowned in heat. He doesn’t know why this is so significant but all he feels is his heartbeat in his throat and he can’t help but sit up, dumbfounded. He looks at Ferris and there’s nothing that can convince him the boy was joking. Ferris, inversely, however, is turning pale. 
“What?” That’s all that escapes Cameron’s mouth, but it’s not upset or repulsed. Only curious. 
“Look, Cam, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it and it just slipped out and you’re just great, okay? That’s it. You’re just great, the problem is how great you are.” The words slip out so fast Cameron is just barely hanging on. 
“I’m what?”
“You’re fantastic. You’re everything I could ask in a friend and more and I’ve just been thinking it over for a few days and I’m so sorry I ever jeopardized your safety. I need you and all of this wouldn’t even matter if it wasn’t for you, Cameron.” His eyes, deep with worry and passion all at once meet Cameron’s. And without a second thought Ferris’s hands are cupping his face and he presses a kiss into Cameron’s lips. Cameron’s caught off guard, insanely surprised, but as his heartbeat slows he can hear Ferris’s breath in an exhale and Cameron presses a kiss back into Ferris. Cameron smiles and after a moment Ferris parts from the kiss and looks up at his best friend. 
“Didn’t mean shit, Bueller.” Cameron laughs and all of a sudden the light is back in Ferris’s eyes and Ferris can’t think of anything to do but tackle Cameron in a hug. It knocks Cameron’s lanky frame over, but they just lay there and continue to laugh.
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pokemagines · 6 years
future child. (ike x reader)
anon asked: “Could I possibly get a future child prompt with Ike??? I absolutely adore him he’s my fav character in the entire FE series and I don’t see much on him,,,also happy birthday mod touko!!💖
a/n: happy birthday............. my birthday is in JUNE can u see how old this ask is i;m so sorry dssldkfjs --mod touko
god i love ike i’ve been trying to finish path of radiance and hhhhh tibarn and reyson Hot ... bbbb 
other future child fics:  alfonse // sharena \ fjorm & gunnthra // loki \ michalis // shigure \ zelgius // chrom
   you don’t even want to think about where you would be in this battle without ike, he’s a monster on the battlefield, stopping at nothing, even when left against enemies he should clearly have the disadvantage against. every time you even got close to being in danger, ike was suddenly by your side. 
   so when you see the sight of ragnell coming towards you, you have no idea what to think. quickly, you jump out of the way, falling to the ground with a loud THUD. ike quickly notices, distracted momentarily as he yells out for you. thoughts racing, he pushes against the axe fighter with all his might, sending him staggering back before he pushes ragnell through the enemy’s body. not even sparing him a glance to see if he was truly down, he rushes to your side.
   the enemy twirls ragnell in front of you as you slowly gather yourself, clutching breidablik in case you needed a quick escape. ike pulls you by the waist, making you get behind him as he squares up against his foe. the enemy doesn’t back down, despite being much smaller than ike. 
   “stand down,” he warns the girl, “or i will have no choice but to cut you down.” ike says this with such coldness that you know he’s pissed off, most definitely because she tried to hurt you. ike was always overprotective over you, especially on the battlefield. 
   “f-father?” the feminine voice squeaks, lodging her sword in the ground. she pulls off her helmet, soft blue curls falling and resting on her shoulders. “oh my gods, i’m so sorry i didn’t--” 
   “what are you talking about?” he doesn’t back down, but his posture relaxes a little, not feeling the need to completely tower over the girl. you stand on your tiptoes to peer over his shoulders, and the girl meets your eyes, then flusters more. 
   “oh my gods, that was mother/other father? i’m so sorry you just... look so different i didn’t recognize you!” she runs a hand through her hair nervously, smiling sheepishly.
   “....i’m sorry but i still have no idea what is going on.” ike turns to look at you, and you manage a shrug. the battle grinds to a halt, and you hear sharena’s triumphant cries in the background. where usually you’d join in the celebration, you’re much more curious about the strange girl in front of you. “care to explain?”
   “of course! i’m sure this is strange since you two are... well... so young but!” she sways back and fourth on her heels, tugging at the rolled up sleeves of her shirt. she’s a very well-built girl, you notice, as she would have to be to pick up the heavy sword ragnell. wait, ragnell, she had ike’s sword... could she be telling the truth? you decide to point it out to ike.
   “it would seem so... could you really be telling the truth?” he turns to you, an look of concern on his face. “what do you think?” you meet his gaze, then put a finger to your chin pensively. 
   “i mean... she has your sword... and she does look uncannily like you.” your eyes flutter open, “i believe you!” the girl grins, rushing behind ike and to your side hugging you so tight you feel the air leave your lungs. yep, she had ike’s strength as well it seemed. 
   "then it’s settled. i believe you too.” ike says, though there’s a strain of suspicion still in his voice. “but can you tell me one thing uhh--”
   “quinn!” she replies with a smile, arm still around you.
   “yes, quinn... how did you get here?” her face immediately falls, the question obviously a rough one for her. you notice the sparkle leaves her eyes, only for it to return just a moment later.
   “i’ll explain later,” she makes a dismissive gesture with her hand, then looks down, and immediately pipes back up: “oh! you two aren’t even married yet! i must’ve come back reaaaaally far then!” ike blushes, and you giggle, as your apparent daughter takes your hand in hers and pushes it into ike’s line of sight.
   “you better get to buyin’ a ring, mister.” her voice takes on a teasing tone, one you’ve used many times when joking around with ike. “after all, i wanna be born soon!” ike flushes even darker.
   “oh, please dear don’t tease ike, er, your father.” you correct, “that’s my job!” her eyes sparkle, and she shoots a wink at you.
   “this is why you’re my favorite!” 
   “ike, dear, is something the matter?” the crickets chirp lazily as sun sets in the sky. he turns to face you, the moon illuminating his dark blue locks. his gaze softens. 
   “how’d you find me?” he asks, already knowing the answer. he was predictable, you would always say, that knowing grin plastered on your face. 
   “oh, you know...” you put your arms on the balcony edge, gaze fixed on his profile. his jaw is clenched, his mind obviously racing with thoughts. how could it not be after all that had happened today? he found out that the two of you had a daughter, one who was almost grown, it was odd, to say the least. the three of you had talked more, mostly about what the two of you were like in her world before she crashed on the armchair in your room. “what are you thinking?” he takes your hand in his, placing a small kiss on the back of it. gently, he puts it back on its original place on the balcony, his fingers loosely intertwined with yours.
   “my father was a great man... i’m only the man i am today because of his influence on me.” you squeeze his hand in comfort, knowing the topic of his dad could be hard on him at times. “i just... hope that i can be the same man to quinn.” 
   “i know you will be.” you tap his arm, getting him to look at you. “ike, you’ve done so much for this army, gods know how much people look up to you. and you know why that is? not because of your strength, or your wits on the battlefield, it’s because you’re kind. above all, ike, you do the right thing, risking you life to save those in need.” you put a hand on his cheek, beaming up at him. “if our girl has even half of your heart, well...” he returns your gaze with a soft smile, utterly smitten by you. “look out world.”
   he pulls you against his chest, strong arms enveloping your smaller frame. you melt under his touch, planting a chaste kiss to his cheek. he buries his face into your neck.
   “what did i do to deserve you?” 
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jancys-blue-bayou · 7 years
I have an idea for a chapter for your Jancy kid fic where Emily comes running to her daddy with her favorite stuffed animal in hand and she's crying because it has a rip in it so he calms her down and sews it back up for her (because Joyce definitely taught him to sew) all while she watches with wet and worried eyes. If you used this it would be amazing c: thank you!
OK this anon is actually @iamthethumperanon after the prompt we talked more and expanded on this idea together to the point where she deserves like a partial writing credit or like co- story by credit on this lol. Since then we’ve talked endlessly about different ideas for fics (both We’ll figure it out and some other stuff I have upcoming) and h/c’s so yeah, hopefully we’ll have a lot more for you soon (sort of depends on how much time life gives me to write right now).
Also on Ao3 and FFNet
He’s working from home for the day, bent over some different storyboards he’s going over for the magazine when his concentration is broken by a loud cry.
Emily’s shout is mixed with sobs and the five year old runs into the room with tears streaming down her face. She’s clutching her favorite stuffed animal, a fluffy bunny, tight against her chest.
”H-H-Hopper is hurt!” She cries and holds out the bunny towards him. There’s a noticeable tear in a spot where one of its legs meets the body, with some of the stuffing threatening to spill out.
The bunny was a gift from Will. In fact it was the first gift Emily ever received, in a way her first possession in the world. Will had given it to her the day after Emily was born, when they brought her home from the hospital. Which meant he’d had it ready for weeks, both he and Nancy were really touched by that. So the bunny had been there for as long as Emily could remember, when she grew she just grew more attached to it, she took it with her everywhere she went. He and Nancy hadn’t given it a name, only referring to it as Fluff-Bunny (”Did you remember to pack Fluff-Bunny?”), feeling it was Emily’s job to name it when time came. And when she’d learnt to talk she soon did. Hopper. They still weren’t sure how, but Nancy of course has a theory. That Emily overheard them calling his stepfather Hopper, and at the same time Nancy was reading a picture book about a bunny family for Emily, in which the rabbits of course hopped around.
When they first heard Emily call the bunny Hopper they both doubled over laughing. As soon as they had collected themselves Nancy went to the phone and dialed the number to his childhood home while he listened in. It was Will, home from college at RISD on a break, who answered. He burst out laughing as soon as Nancy told him and then they could here him calling over to Hopper, the real life Hopper, what Emily had named her bunny. Hopper’s groan had been loud enough for them to hear over the phone. From then on his dear stepfather was known by Emily as Bunny Grandpa, to differentiate him from Hopper the Bunny and her other grandpa. He and Nancy both of course referred to the bunny as Hopper too – that was its name after all, and whenever the three of them were visiting back in Hawkins they said Hopper and Bunny Grandpa to avoid confusion. Both Will and El soon joined in, and even his mom, to his stepfather’s chagrin.
His heart aches at seeing his daughter so upset. He bends down on one knee in front of her and carefully looks Hopper over.
”It’s okay Sweetheart, he can get better,” he assures her and wipes away some tears from her face.
”C-c-can he?” She chokes out, looking up at him with wide, wet eyes.
”Yes, I promise, I can fix. May I?”
Emily nods seriously and places Hopper in his hands. He clears away his work stuff from his desk and lays down the bunny on it. Then he gets his sewing kit out of a drawer. He had made sure to get it when he moved away from home. He still remembers the first time it had came to use, during freshman year of college.
”Aw, you ripped the hem of my skirt last night,” Nancy notes while sitting up in bed one lazy Sunday morning after a passionate Saturday night, picking the garment up off the floor.
”Oh, crap, I’m sorry,” he sits up too and looks over the damage to the skirt she’s holding in her hands. ”I’m so so sorry,” he profusely apologizes.
”It’s fine,” she shrugs but he can tell from the look on her face that she’s a little bit upset.
”You love that skirt,” he notes.
”Not as much as you do it seems,” she smirks at him.
”That’s fair,” he answers while blushing. ”I can fix it,” he offers.
She looks at him quizzically. He goes to his desk drawer and takes out his sewing kit, then sits back down and takes the skirt from her.
”You have a sewing kit?!” She asks in disbelief.
”Yes,” he answers while looking over the damage to the hem more closely.
”You know how to sew?”
”Learned it from my mom,” he answers while threading the needle.
”Well, my mom showed me how to sew too, but I never learned.”
”I had to.”
He’s quiet for a second while he begins to repair the damage as the memory comes flooding back to him. The words start to spill out of him as they always do when it’s just Nancy there listening. He can tell her anything, he knows. He wants to tell her everything.
~ ~ ~
”Jonathan!!” Will comes running into his room, crying and clutching his favorite stuffed animal, Chester the dog. ”Dad destroyed,” his five year old brother gets out between sobs. He looks closer at Chester and sees that the stuffed doggy has a big tear along its side. ”I-I left him on the floor when I went to get my crayons and dad stepped on him and said I’m not supposed to leave my stuff all over the floor and he tore Chester look!!” Will cries.
He feels anger bubble up in his chest. He hates dad when he’s like that. Which is all the time, really. Why does Will have to watch where he puts his things? Can’t he watch where he’s walking? Mom never steps on any of their stuff.
”It’s going to be okay,” he tries to calm his brother down, putting an arm around him and hugging him.
”No it won’t,” Will continues to cry.
His mind is racing. Mom could fix this, he’s pretty sure. She can fix most things. But she’s not home. She’s working a double-shift. When she does that she’s not home until well past Will’s bedtime. And Will won’t be able to go to sleep without Chester, he knows that. So Chester has to be fixed now. So it’s up to him, he realizes. He’s watched his mom fix stuff many times, sewing up holes in his pants, rips and tears in his sweaters. She had even let him try, letting him help her sew up a tear in one of his most well-worn pairs of jeans. He’s pretty sure he can do this. Well, he hopes so at least.
”Come on,” he says and tugs Will with him out of his room and into mom and dad’s bedroom. He opens the drawer in the dresser where he knows mom keeps the sewing kit and grabs it. Then they go to the kitchen. Dad is passed out in front of the tv with a beer in front of him, as usual.
He puts the sewing kit down on the table and beckons for Chester. Will hands him over, not crying anymore but still looking very worried. It takes a couple of tries but he manages to thread the needle and gets to work. Remembering what mom has told him he looks closely and works slowly and patiently, making a lot of small stitches since it’s better than a few big ones. When he think he’s done he takes a really close look of his work. Knowing he can’t do it any better than that he cuts of the thread and hands Chester back to Will.
”What do you think?”
Will looks over Chester with wide eyes, then gets up from his chair in a hurry and hugs him tight.
”Thank you.”
”No problem,” he says while huggings his brother back.
Later he helps Will get ready for bed as he does when mom works late. As usual he sits with his little brother for a while telling stories before Will is sufficiently sleepy and dozes of with Chester clutched to his breast. He goes into his own room and reads for a while and does his math homework. He’s getting ready for bed himself when mom comes home. He hears her open the door to Will’s room first, checking that he’s asleep, then she pokes her head inside his room. She looks tired.
”Hey Sweetie, all good?” She asks with one of those smiles she gives him when she looks really exhausted like she can barely muster up the energy for it but still always does.
”Yep,” he answers. ”I just did my homework. I’m going to bed.”
”That’s great Sweetie. Goodnight.”
It’s when he hears her footsteps walk towards the kitchen that he remembers that he forgot to put away her sewing kit. And also when he remembers that he’s not allowed to use it when she’s not home. Sure enough, soon he hears her footsteps rapidly coming back towards his room.
”Jonathan! I’ve told you, you aren’t allowed to use the sewing kit without me! The needle is really sharp and you could have your eye out and I don’t have a lot of thread and we need it for-”
”I’m sorry mommy, I’m sorry but I had to, it was an emergency,” he apologizes.
”What emergency?” She challenges.
”Dad tore up Chester and Will was crying and he can’t sleep without Chester and I knew you worked until after Will’s bedtime so I had to fix it.”
His mom’s facial expressions softens at his explanation. Then she walks over to his bed and hugs him.
”You’re the best big brother in the whole world, Jonathan,” she says. ”I love you so much.”
”I love you too, mommy.”
He finishes stitching up Nancy’s skirt at the same time as he finishes telling the story. He looks up when he hears a sniffle and to his surprise sees Nancy wiping away tears from her eyes. Then she flings her arms around his neck and hugs him.
”You’re the sweetest person in the whole world, Jonathan.”
”I don’t know,” he says while hugging her back.
”Well I know. You are,” she says firmly.
He shrugs and hands back the skirt. She looks it over, nods approvingly and tries it on for good measure.
”Still fits,” she notes. ”Are you sure about photography as your major? Think you should consider transferring to fashion design,” she jokes.
Emily stands next to his desk, wringing her hands together nervously and watching with still wet worried eyes while he sews up Hopper with the utmost care. When he’s done he hands Hopper back to Emily. She carefully looks him over, then hugs her dear bunny tight. Then she climbs up into his lap and hugs him.
”Thank you thank you thank you daddy, you saved Hopper!”
”No problem, Peanut.”
”I love you daddy.”
”I love you too Sweetheart.”
They hear Nancy’s key in the lock and Emily immediately runs out to the hall to greet mommy as usual. He follows.
”Mommy! Mommy!”
”Hey Sweetie,” Nancy smiles at Emily running up to her but it disappears when she sees the remnants of tears on Emily’s cheeks and her red eyes. ”What’s wrong?” She asks while picking up their daughter.
”Hopper had accident but daddy saved him, look,” Emily tells Nancy and shows her Hopper’s stitches.
”Oh, wow, I’m sorry Hopper. But how lucky are we that daddy is great at fixing,” Nancy says and smiles at him while she wipes away the remaining tears on Emily’s face.
”Yes, daddy can fix everything,” Emily nods seriously before clinging her little arms around Nancy’s neck, hugging her.
”I know, he really can,” she answers before mouthing ”No pressure” to him over their daughter’s shoulder.
He smiles at her. Nancy sets Emily down on the floor again and takes off her coat before coming over and giving him a quick kiss and a knowing look while stroking his back.
”Well, what else did I miss today?” Nancy then asks and Emily launches in to a dramatic retelling of their day.
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No no, I don’t mind at all! Apparently (this is what my mother told me) my teachers caught on pretty early that I had som difficulties but since I read A LOT of books no one really tested me. I got glossary with me home from school every week to practice but I don’t have any memory of this. It wasn’t until I was going to take my drivers license it was noted (I had studied 2 years at university at that point without any problem) but this theoretical test for the drivers license, I never passed it! I tried 5 times and by the fifth time I was completely crushed and devastated, how stupid must I be for not managing that test!? Well, turned out I wasn’t stupid, I just changes places of some words and read a bit slower. After that I got some adjustments for doing the test and got only 4 wrong answers of 70 questions ^^. Wow...that was a long explanation!
Well of course they want to hang out with the cute American, you’re fricking adorable AND lovely personality ❤️! Let’s just stick with you’re a good listener 😁!
Tolerance to heat still sounds like magic and witchcraft. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.
Actually, in the beginning I thought Shownu and Jooheon had plastic surgery, because of their lips, it looked to perfect to be done by nature and DNA but as time went by I figured that wasn’t the case - even if it were, I wouldn’t care, they can do whatever they want to their own bodies. I have a hard time with fans who bluntly tell their idols when they don’t like something with their idol, hair, tattoo or what not. Regarding Wonho, that amount of muscle isn’t attractive to me HOWEVER no one can deny the amount of work and dedication he put in his body and shaping in the wet he wants to! And besides that, the music he does and produces is just pure bliss ^^. I also love the fact that he is questioning beauty standards in Korea. An idol will never ever be able to satisfy all its fans at the same time but still fans are so pushy!!
Hmm, it was the Song itself, or more than so the beat. I’ve never been anyone to listen to lyrics that deep but the music and the beat has to have something. And monsta x sure has a lot of those songs, as I later found out ^^. Aww, that your boyfriend was a bit worried that he would make you upset ^^. Although some fans are rotten to the core most monbebes seems to have a quite hearty and joking attitude with the members. I’ve den a lot of mems and the king of them all 😊!
Maybe this is something you’ve written about before but when did you start writing, and what was the reason for it, if you don’t mind me asking?/stumbling anon
I’m gonna answer bellow to save space❤️
That’s amazing you got an answer and can accommodate for it! When I was little I had a problem with reading and speaking so I was in speech therapy from kindergarten till about middle school (tested out of it in 7-8th grade). I thought my problem was I was so young when I started school (I was in the cusp for the age group to start school so I was always the youngest in my grade), but as I get older I think my problem could be associated with something else because I would think too fast so I would sometimes slur my words whether it’s speaking or reading. (Which explains why when I write, I sometimes skip words like “the” or “and”).
Aw shucks 🥺❤️ sadly when I was a teenager I would get hit on a lot when I visited Europe, but thankfully they backed off when I said my age. It’s not my fault I had good tits 😭
Tolerance to heat is witchcraft and I feel the same way about people who have a tolerance to cold. I’m glad to be a desert witch, but you can’t grow anything here.
I thought the same thing about Honey and nunu(Shownu)! But then seeing childhood photos, there’s no way it’s artificial. I wish shownu had his chubby cheeks again 😔 same with Changkyun. Omg I get so upset about the tattoo thing because “fans” pressured Wonho to remove his tattoos and it’s like bitch those are not for you, they’re for him. Imagine his photos now if he kept the one on his thighs 🥴.
The song is so hype I totally understand why you love it! Coincidentally that mv was the one that had me scared of Jooheon 😱 he looked so tall and intimidating, I was so scared of him. I’m glad I have a sense of humor when it comes to me being a fan because yeah some people could be sensitive about jokes but I lived on the “we tease you because we love you but we would never cross the line”.
I don’t mind talking about me writing ☺️ I think I started writing stuff back in my early teens (mostly original stuff, I tried writing fanfic but couldn’t get it write). My best friend liked my stuff and would often read it, it was very sweet. My parents even liked my writing, I think my dad is my number fan, he would often ask me if I’m still writing and what I’m writing about (but I won’t actually tell him what I’m writing for obvious reasons. He knows it’s explicit content). After graduating high school I had a huge hiatus during university, it could be because of time but I don’t really know. Maybe I didn’t have a muse back then. I didn’t start writing again till I found kpop but I only wrote for myself. I didn’t know there was a whole community dedicated to content like this so after a few months of keeping stuff to myself, I started posting (on a different blog). It was so scary at first because I thought it would be cringe or bad, but people seemed to enjoy it. I gained some very lovely friends during that time and I’m eternally thankful for them and what I achieved. I made this new blog because my last writing blog was a side blog and it got annoying. I don’t regret moving to this one, it’s a lot cleaner. Do I miss having all of those followers (lol as if it was a lot, it was barely 300 before I made this one) and having access to immediate notifications on posts? Sure, but this one I don’t feel restricted. I don’t think my fics will ever compete to some of my past work, but it’s not about the note count, it’s about sharing the story and if people don’t want to read it 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ yes there is a big problem with lack of interactions that kill content creators, but I accepted I’m probably never going to get interaction except from the same 4-ish people (and there is nothing wrong with that, I love you and the others too❤️). Problems I’ve had trying to back “popularity” (as if I had that in the first place) is lack of readers using the tags to find content (they would use top tags instead of recents), of course lack of reblogging, and too much favoritism (there are some blogs who don’t deserve their following and it’s not because I’m salty). Sorry I rambled for a bit, it was just a lot on my mind. I really want to continue writing, but finding motivation and getting into the right headspace is hard as hell😔 (in reality I have a better time brainstorming and collaborating with friends than I do actual writing and they all call me a genius for the fluidity and ideas. Bless them❤️)
Something unrelated but what is the craziest dream you ever had that you remember??? If you ever had a reoccurring dream
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simkjrs · 7 years
chapter 6 asks that are people in distress about shinsou
SPOILERS FOR THE FIC, so it’s all under the readmore 
** before i start, i just want to say, the sheer number of people who have guessed that it’s himiko impersonating shinsou is frankly alarming and equally hilarious. thanks yall 
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD SHINSOU MY SON, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM??? HE DOESNT DESERVE THIS????? (for real, tho, that chapter was?? So good??? I'm so happy to have read this)
you’re absolutely right he doesn’t deserve this and im doing it to him anyways, which objectively proves that as an author i am not and never have been trustworthy. im sorry if i ever tricked you into thinking otherwise. im crying as well
Anonymous said: holy crap that chapter. where do i even start. i knew the kidnapping was coming up but that scene still managed to punch me in the gut. shinsou doesn't deserve this he just wanted to be a hero you guys. also the scene where izuku brought mitoki flowers was really great and i'm so happy that conversation happened. and the paintball fight? best thing i've ever laid my eyes upon. sorry this wasn't very coherent, i'm gonna go fling myself into the sun. thank you for this amazing chapter.
thank YOU for the feedback, i’m really glad you enjoyed the mitoki conversation & the paintball fight because those two scenes were the ones i was most nervous about. as for shinsou, you are very right. he doesn’t deserve this and im sorry 
Anonymous said: WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! that was so intense!!!!!!!!!!!! that chapter was amazing you lied sorry ://// (izuku has a crush on shinsou and i couldnt be happier. sweethearts, the both of them.) SO MUCH HAPPENED AT ONCE IM FU KCIFNSICIAJX!!!! WHAT HAPPENED WITH SHINSOU??? MY BOY WHO THREATENED HIM. WHO HURT HIM??!?!?!!?!??!!??!?! i got so emotional all throughout this chapter i almost cried like 26 times that was wild af!!! NOW HOW DO I RECOVER FROM THIS!!!! (im so worried about shinsou. about everyone.)
hfjldksf thanks!! glad you enjoyed it!! im sorry for making you emotional. its the unintended side effects of tryin to convey izuku’s state of mind 
i know this won’t ease your suffering much but for a while i intended for chapter 7 to be from shinsou’s point of view, and it was quite literally just titled “what happened to shinsou.” this may still happen. im not sure yet. stay tuned next for,
Anonymous said: *twitch twitch twitchy twich* omg suddenly i understand those comments from your betas. like. i'm legit speechless???? why. why would you do this, you evil writer from awesome land. like i just. im in like. the all caps state of shock. that FREAKING LAST LINE AKDJKLADSLKAJDSKLJLKJ. like. *squeezes air* i dont even know where to begin???? I MEAN CLEARLY I STARTED AT THE END BUT LIKE. so much. to talk about. like. the smile bits of gaming and cats and pics then THAT KAST KUUSJDFHSKJDHFSKJDHSJDF
i bait in readers with cute fun shenanigans and then i go in for the kill 
(thank you for writing in, i’m glad you enjoyed the chapter <3 )
Anonymous said: no, but like, ur saying that chapter 6 is the worst one YET (which is a HORRIBLE LIE. this chapter was great. even if it let us all devastated afterwards. but whats a good fanfiction if it doesnt affect the reader tho heh(and your certainly is a great fanfiction. one of the greatest)) is it because of the giant clusterfuck that 7 and/or 8 is gonna be? (kamino ward, all might reveal, kidnappings+ SHINSOU) im legit worried haha ( btw "(accidental) dad might: Stealth Style" is my favorite tag now)
i cultivate my tags with pride. im glad you enjoyed that one in particular :3c and also... thank you... i was super insecure abt ch6 so it’s really nice hearing ppl liked it! i really appreciate it <3 
the next chapter(s?) are going to be a clusterfuck so you are probably wise to be legit worried. preemptive apologies. i don’t know why im doing this and im sorry also 
Anonymous said: I don't actually believe that Shinsou did it, naturally. Maybe the villains pin the blame on him cause it's easier to do it to someone that everyone is already wary about? I honestly have no idea, you're too unpredictable with some of these things
u have a good nose anon... but also when have i EVER been unpredictable about anything. my taste and storytelling is incredibly predictable in that it is always The Worst and Incredibly Self Indulgent. all you have to do to pick out the path im taking is think “what path allows simk to pander to their own interests the most?” and thats the path i’ll take. this is exactly what is happening with the entirety of this fic and especially with this next arc 
Anonymous said: is shinsou being blackmailed?? controlled by someone else?? someone stole his face?? was he used as a hostage bc he interacted with class I-A more? or is someone threatening izuku again or.. ahhh idk what it is but I really feel he is not a traitor so: my current theories about shinsou. am I close?? 
yes to all of the above 
Anonymous said: Pretty sure you didn't get many theories yet cause we are still in shock. Send help pls. (Loved the chapter btw that chapter was legit a roller-coaster of feels.)
theres no help to be found. i did this irrevocably and now theres nothing we can do about it 
(thank you! i’m really glad to hear that, and hope that you have recovered from your shock :p )
Anonymous said: thoughts on shinsou's reasons: bakugou is a abusive shit who is undeserving of being a hero and made him lose all faith in heroes, blackmail, threats, brainwashing, some other type of convincing, he has been the traitor the whole time and you just want to kill us with angst, the LoV is threatening deku and if he doesn't help them they kill him, rage against society has reached its peak (same tho), or he wants to get back at bakugou, or the Cat Cafe is being threatened. please stop killing me.
this is a really impressive laundry list of unconventional reasons for shinsou to join the villain alliance. i love it. i too would become a villain in order to save my favorite cat cafe and spite a person i don’t like 
@armcontrolnerve said: it was himiko in the study with the candlestick 
d...does this make shinsou the murder victim 
Anonymous said: I JUST READ THE NEW CHAPTER AND JUST WANTED TO DROP BY AND SAY YOU'VE UTTERLY WRECKED ME. I have tears in my eyes, I am currently flailing about like a fish while my brain goes into overdrive trying to dodge the reality of that ending. Shinsou was helping Izuku not two scenes ago, he was probably kidnapped and forced to do it against his will via torture or something. I refuse to believe that Shinsou is a villain and you cannot tell me oTHERWISE
good instincts. hold onto that feeling 
Anonymous said: My guess: shinsou was kidnapped by Villain Alliance. Himiko Toga is using her quirk to impersonate him. But...why
bad pr image for yuuei 
Anonymous said: all im thinking is that girl with the quirk that lets her shapeshift into people if she gets their blood and im just. oh no. shinsou. how could u do this to the poor sweet gay boy. meet me in the pit for a fight, and also a round of compliments for ur fucking writing skills. u made me cry. i love this fic so much but unfortunately i still have to challenge u to a duel, for the sake of these poor children, and their mental health,,, (ps i love ur writing and ur fantastic!! byeee)
if you kill me youll never get these children back alive
(thank u though... this made me laugh. rest assured that i will promptly apply all my writing skills to elucidating the mystery of what happened to shinsou) 
Anonymous said: Shinsou probably got his quirk stolen by Sensei or someone is impersonating him I guess. Or his classmates are jerks and framing him or something. Smh
his classmates threw him under the bus
@sunslammerdown​ said: hi i am a person who reads your very extremely good fanfiction... thanks very much and also Wow Rude How Dare You. you said you were surprised at not getting more shinsou theories so heres my two: 1) It Was Toga, shinsou is kidnapped its not good 2) It Was All For One who can take quirks and use them on people and shinsou has a mind control quirk, its very not good still
what if its... 3) both, for maximum suffering, and the ultimate very not good happenstance 
@viperofsand​ said: I am sure I had something in mind when giving my review while I was reading chap 6, but after the final part my mind was all 'WHAT THE HELLLLLL', so, there is that. Also, I am inaugurating #ShinsouIsNotAVillain2017 for this fic starting now.
this is a good hashtag. i’m behind it. i have no right to be but i am 
Anonymous said: ok i'm trying not to panic bc of the cliffhanger but just tell me, will we know /why/ shinso is doing what he's doing ?? i'm trying not to spoil for ppl 
no worries! we will find out exactly what happened to shinsou...
@auspiciouswhiskers​ said: How much do I have to pay for a Shinsou redemption and/or Shindeku endgame because pleeease you have responsibilities
you don’t even have to ask. its already under way...
(more specifically: you just don’t even need to ask. there just isnt a need. hold that thought for a shindeku endgame though bc who KNOWS where im headed with that) 
Anonymous said: Izuku's gonna lure Shinsou with cats and everything will be just fine. Izuku holding up fuku, taka and isao: you know u can't harm them Shinsou: defeated
this is the ultimate villain shinsou ask. nothing is ever going to top this. you dont even need to fight shinsou you just have to appeal to him with cats and he’ll crumble instantly 
Anonymous said: Eh, I don't know if I'm angry, but I am a tad disappointed if it actually is "what it looks like" with Shinsou. I mean his whole deal is that while his power seems like one that a villain would have, he doesn't actually want to use it that way. If he really is a villain in your story, that sorta defeats the purpose of his character, you know? But I guess I'll just wait and see what you plan to do with it.
that aspect of his character is probably what makes what im doing 100% more awful so i guess what im trying to say is: don’t worry it’s not what it seems, but also, i should not be allowed to touch a computer 
Anonymous said: ok ok i have an idea about why shinsou provided inside help(i hope im at least a little right or im going to cry): he was threatened by the league? they saw him hanging out with deku and probably knew that he didnt know he was Hella Strong or smth and were like "look, if u dont want ur friend to die ur gonna have to Cooperate" and shinsou being an amazing friend was like "U LEAVE HIM ALONE U COCKROACH" and he did That. it probably happened in That One Stupid Horrible Month (please. PLEASE)
shinsou became a villain for deku confirmed. be gay, turn to the dark side 
Anonymous said: honestly while i'm still Actually Dead over the latest chapter Izuku having his Gay Awakening over someone who stabs him in the back is Relatable lol
h...hold that thought... 
also. i’m really sorry to hear that, and i hope you’re in a better place now. may your future gay relationships be blessed
Anonymous said: It's Mamoru. The ending to your new chapter is definitely a twist that I didn't expect at all. But oddly I'm not angry. Is Shinsou really going to be a villain? Because it kinda goes against he is fighting for. Or is he threatened?
spoiler alert...
@chocowl said: holy fuck simk
A theory: was Shinsou kidnapped by the VA and Himiko used her Quirk to look like him? That would explain the silence towards Izuku and would heal our tormented souls Q-Q
the truth is, the entire villain alliance is conspiring to fuck over shinsou, specifically
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