#you get to deice if this is a trick or a treat
devintrinidad · 8 months
trick or treat!
Happy Merry Scary Holiday!
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The Doors - Thanksgiving - 2018 story
The Doors - Thanksgiving - 2018 story
It was 1pm the day before Thanksgiving. Three of The Doors had just returned to the studio after a well-deserved lunch break. They walked into the studio and saw Jim wearing his sunglasses and sitting next to a round contraption that sounded like it was boiling. Ray said, “What the hell is this Jim?” Jim responded, “Duh its a deep fryer for a turkey. That's why its so tall.” Robby screeched, “You're deep frying a turkey in the studio? Next to my guitar?” Ray said, “Jim how you can safely deep fry a turkey your right wrist is still in a cast and in a sling.” Jim shrugged his shoulders and scratched his beard as he said, “You people never trust me. Its fine.”
Robby pointed to a fried round disc on the couch next to Ray's keyboards and said, “What the fuck is that?” Jim ran his left hand through his shoulder length brown hair and said, “Oh that's one of our gold records. I had to test this thing out and make sure it wasn't going to burn the turkey.” Ray said, “So you thought it was OK to fry one of our gold records?” Jim said, “Actually its mine. You clowns don't contribute enough to earn a gold record.” Ray shook his head, “What happened to you, Jim? When they put those pins in your wrist because it wasn't healing right it seems like you became even crazier than usual.”
Robby then pointed to a pink and white plastic rectangle plugged in, in the corner, “What the fuck is that?” Jim walked over to it and said, “Its my Easy Bake Oven, dumbass.” Ray shook his head and said, “I'm probably going to regret this, but why do you have an Easy Bake Oven, Jim?” Robby nodded, “Yes Jim. Do tell us why the hell you have an Easy Bake Oven.” Jim rolled his eyes, looked at Robby and said, “Because I live in a motel room, dickwad.  Its the only way I can cook. I am making dessert in there. Brownies. They should come out nicely since I'm not cooking in the dark like I usually do.” Ray said, “Why do you cook in the dark with that?” Jim sighed, “Because it cooks the food with the heat from a light bulb so in order for me to cook with it I have to take the bulb out of the lamp and then its dark in my room.” Robby stood there with his mouth open, “OMG your stupidity kills me. Rash-boy over there is smarter than you!” John looked up from scratching his legs.
Jim threw a box of rice at Robby and said, “Here, go cook this. The sink in the bathroom has hot water.” Robby laughed, “You want me to cook rice in a bathroom sink with hot water? Don't you have like a pan or something and we can use that damn hotplate that keeps short-circuiting? Jim glared at Robby, “I live in a motel room. Where the hell would I have a pan? And why would I need one?” Robby ripped open the box of rice and dumped it over Jim's head, “There. Now that the rice is all greasy from your nasty hair maybe we can fry it!”Jim shook his head and dry rice went flying, “I do not have greasy hair. That was uncalled for. Now I have rice down my shirt. Fuck you!”
Sensing the growing tension in the room Ray said, “How about we all go around and say what we are thankful for.” Jim nodded, “I'll start. I am grateful that I am the only one in the band that has any talent. I am grateful I am not a talent-less clown like the rest of you. I am grateful that girls want me, my mind and my body.”  John began moaning and scratching his body. Ray groaned, “Why do you always have to ruin it, Jim?” Jim glared at him, “OK then what are you thankful for?” Ray looked at John and said, “I'm thankful John's rash hasn't killed him yet.” Robby and Jim were both rolling around on the floor laughing. Ray looked at them, “Its not that funny. Why are you two acting like this John is our friend and our bandmate.” Jim snorted, “He ain't my friend and he sure as hell isn't someone I care about. Besides, it was funny when you said you were thankful he hadn't died from his rash. Geeze that's going to be some bad publicity for us when he does die from that rash. We'll be the only band to have a member die from a fucking rash. Guess we should start auditioning new drummers. Its only a matter of time until he dies or whatever.” Ray glared at Jim.
John looked at Jim, “Why do you have to be this way. You know I have a condition and you make it worse by saying shit like that.” Jim grinned, “I am thankful that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I don't have to be around you clowns. I can spend all day in my motel room and maybe in the evening head on over to Burger King and get my two whoppers, and a malt.” Robby rolled his eyes, “OMG you would go to Burger King on a holiday. What the hell is wrong with you?” Jim responded, “We've been over this before. You are jealous of me because they know me on a first name basis there. You clowns are just three random customers.”
Ray looked at Jim, “Stop calling us clowns.” Jim shrugged his shoulders, “I call it like I see it.” Robby yelled, “We're not the ones cooking with a damn Easy Bake Oven!” Jim said, “You are jealous as hell because no matter what I am cooler than you. You are nothing without me. If it wasn't for me this band would still be in Ray's parent's garage! You all ought to be thankful for me because I made this band something. I am the reason this band is so successful.”
Ray stood up, “Come on Robby and John. Let's leave this self-centered asshole. We're done for the day. We'll continue recording next week. I think we all need a break from Jim.” Jim glared at Ray, “No deep fried turkey for you.” Robby said, “How the hell did you even get the turkey in there? Your right wrist has pins in it and is in a cast and a sling. How are you getting the turkey out?” Jim said, “None of your business. This isn't for you. None of you are showing me any gratitude for cooking this dinner so its all for me now.” Robby rolled his eyes, “As if you aren't fat enough as it is. By the time this holiday season is over you're going to be the size of a house.” Ray and John chuckled.
Jim walked over to Robby, “I am not fat. I look good and the girls still want me. You are so jealous of me that you resort to calling me fat. So I put on a few pounds. I'm still not fat or overweight. Grow up.”  Robby said, “This is ridiculous. I am not going to argue with a man who cooks with an Easy Bake Oven in a motel room and who is deep frying a turkey in a recording studio. This tops your Halloween stunt of trick or treating in the studio.” Jim said, “Whatever. Halloween was fun until I fell and broke my wrist. I haven't been able to write any poetry or anything because I can't write with my left hand, its not legible.”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~10pm that evening~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
The Doors had just finished the Thanksgiving meal that Jim had spent all day cooking and that they had made fun of. Ray said, “Jim that turkey was really good.” Robby nodded. John just continued scratching his rash. Jim then walked over to his Easy Bake Oven and brought over the four brownies he had made for dessert. They turned out better than when he cooked in his motel room because he wasn't cooking in the dark. Jim smiled as everyone ate their brownie and he could tell that they really liked the brownie.
Dinner was over and it was time to break the wishbone from the turkey. It was deiced Jim and ray would break it. Jim smiled as he broke his part of the wishbone. He ended up with the part that meant he could make a wish. Jim closed his eyes and silently made his wish: I wish my wrist would heal. It hurts so bad and I miss not being able to write. I wish people would respect me and stop making fun of me. I have feelings but no one seems to realize that and so I'm always on the defensive because no one respects me. I wish to be loved and respected.
The End.
This is Jim sitting in front of his turkey deep fryer.
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clonecaptains · 7 years
Hello, yes- I'd like to request a Duncan Halloween fic, because who doesn't love sweetness getting some sweetness!
SWEETNESS GETTING SOME SWEETNESS!! duncan is the sweetest and i’ve got a lot of feelings for him~ hope you enjoy this!
It’s Halloween and Duncan is pacing back and forth behind his couch. There’s a chill in the air outside, but he’s sweating. 
Course that could just be because his mom has the heat on high in the house all the time. But that’s not helping his nerves any. 
He has his own apartment downstairs, and while he could’ve moved out - especially after what happened with Nicole - he deiced to stay to help his mom out.
Duncan doesn’t mind like he used to. As he’s gotten older he’s more appreciative that It’s his own private space. He has a bedroom, a small kitchen and a couch in the small sitting area.
He’s pacing the floor though because it’s his first time bringing Lacy home.
Duncan has brought home plenty of girls, including Nicole. But it’s been over a year now since his second “breakup” with Nicole. It wasn’t fair to her or his own feelings to keep that relationship going. They ended it mutually and Duncan got back out in the dating world while Nicole worked on her marriage. It was hard on them both, but they agreed, it was time to move on.
That’s when Duncan met Lacy.
A small bakery opened around the corner and Duncan was hired to help build shelves and such for the inside.
Lacy’s family owns the bakery, and she works the register. She, like Duncan, is in her late 20′s. And Duncan fell for her the moment he saw her. He’d walked in and saw her standing with some others and his eye went right to her.
She smiled shyly at him, and he smiled back as he started to get to work.
It was so hard for him to focus on his work because he wanted to talk to this girl.
The job of building the shelves and helping set up only took a few days, and he only managed to talk to her once. But in that one conversation he learned her name, and that she would work at this place once it was up and running. He knew he’d have to come back and talk to her again. She shyly adjusted her glasses on her nose and he KNEW he was in trouble when he thought it was cute.
It didn’t take long before they struck up a friendship, Duncan went into this place just about every morning to grab a pastry or bagel for breakfast. This place was just around the corner from his house, she was an added bonus.
Every day he tried something different. And every day Lacy looked forward to him coming in.
Their casual friendship grew and when Duncan realized he had feelings for her, he acted on them and asked her out.
They’ve been dating for a few weeks now and he wants to bring her to his place.
Duncan was going to take her to a Halloween party, and then they’d come home together to his place to watch some scary movies. Duncan got a phone call that morning from the host of the party, that he had to cancel because he’d gotten sick. So Duncan called Lacy to let her know the change of plans - to just come straight to his place instead.
Now he’s pacing the floor waiting for the doorbell to ring.
Why is he so nervous? It’s not like he’s never brought a girl home before. He’s brought girls home for random one night stands. He’s brought Nicole here dozens and dozens of times.
He hasn’t had a steady girlfriend since Nicole. He wants this to be right. So he’s pacing the floor and he nearly jumps out of his skin when the doorbell rings.
“Trick or treat!”
Oh. It’s just some trick or treaters.
Duncan runs halfway up the stairs yelling, “Ma! Where’s the candy?”
“What?” she calls from upstairs.
“THE CANDY?” he shouts from the stairs with a sigh.
The doorbell rings again and Duncan hears a giggle on the other side of the door. He hears his mom say something about eating the candy, when he goes to open the door. He looks out the window to see the pizza delviery car pull into the driveway.
His hands grab his hair in a flustered panic. No candy for the kids, he’s forgotten he didn’t get out the pizza money, and his new girlfriend should be over here in any minute.
Duncan fumbles to unlock and open the door with one hand and crams his hand in his pocket to get out the money for the pizza.
“I got it,” he hears a voice say, and then he feels a hand on his wrist. He looks up and sees Lacy holding the pizza.
Duncan smiles but looks confused for a tiny second but it dawns on him she was the one who said Trick or Treat.
“I pulled in the driveway at the same time, figured I’d bring the pizza too. It’s my ‘treat.’” She giggles at her own joke.
“You didn’t have to do that! And that was a trick AND a treat.” Duncan hugs her as he takes the pizza from her.
“Do I get any candy?” she teases.
“My mom ate it,” he crinkles his nose and shrugs, “got this for you though,” he smiles and leans in to give her a kiss.
“She ate all of it?” she giggles as the kiss breaks.
“Can’t say I’m surprised,” He rolls his eyes with a laugh and pushes the door open wider to let her inside.
She shrugs off her jacket while Duncan sets the pizza on the counter in the kitchen.
“What’s this?” he asks seeing a plastic bag on top of the pizza box.
“Brought us some goodies from the bakery today.”
Duncan smiles to himself. This woman knows the way to his heart - food.
“So much better than candy,” Duncan’s mouth waters just thinking about eating those pastries.
He gets out the cups and plates as he watches her look around.
“It’s perfect,” she smiles, “it’s so you.”
“Yeah?” he asks with a smile. He gets distracted by her smile and opens the coke bottle too fast and it almost spews. She laughs out loud and he can’t help but smile.
Lacy walks over and grabs off a paper towel to wipe his sticky hands.
“Yes, it’s so you. It’s cozy and homey.”
Lacy blushes as she wipes his big hands clean. She avoids eye contact because she knows he’s got that grin on his face.
He is grinning, but it’s not a cheeky grin. He’s grinning because for the first time in a long time someone is taking care of him, someone that’s not his crazy mom. Lacy doesn’t have to wipe off his sticky fumbling fingers but she does anyway.
She looks up for a brief moment to see color in Duncan’s cheeks too.
“Wanna watch start the movie while I get our plates?” Duncan asks.
“Sure!” she makes her way to the tv and flicks on the dvd player.
Duncan brings the pizza, plates, cups, and the 2 liter bottle and sets them all on the coffee table. Then he goes around and turns off all the lights.
Lacy gets settled on the couch with her pizza, and Duncan hops on the couch next to her.
She smiles because she can tell he’s excited to have company over. She feels like an honored guest.
They eat their pizza as they watch, and when they’re done Duncan wraps his arm around her shoulders. Lacy tucks her feet under her and snuggles closer to Duncan as the movie gets scarier.
"Do you want a blanket?” Duncan ask. He immediately regrets the question because he knows it’s warm in there.
“Actually yes,” she smiles shyly. “And how about we eat some of the goodies I brought?”
Duncan nods excitedly and jumps up to get her a blanket and the goodies. He tosses a bag of popcorn in the microwave and grabs the bag of the pastries off the counter.
He sits back down with the pastries and he hands her the blanket. She cuddles back in his arms while they wait for the microwave to ding. The movie’s paused and Duncan takes that opportunity to kiss Lacy. Slow kisses turn into heavy heated kisses. They don’t even hear the microwave go off.
When they sit back up, both a little breathless, Duncan remembers the popcorn. Lacy blushes and adjusts her glasses.
Duncan brings the bowl of popcorn and they get settled in and start the movie back up. Duncan enjoys all of the pastries and Lacy laughs as he gets handfuls of popcorn between bites.
“Is this your friend Stacy?” Mrs. Carmello’s voice asks suddenly.
Duncan jumps and knocks over the bowl of popcorn. Lacy gasps and clutches Duncan’s arm.
“MA! How long have you been there?” Duncan pauses the movie and turns around to see his mom standing behind the couch watching the movie with them.
“This one is terrible, you can see the ending coming from a mile away,” she continues to ramble.
Lacy giggles but she still hasn’t let go of Duncan’s arm.
“I’m Lacy,” she says and offers her friend hand to Mrs. Carmello to shake.
“Nice to meet you,” she smiles. “Will you be needing more pillows down here Duncan?”
“Ma!” he sighs embarrassed. “Go back upstairs!”
“Alright alright,” she laughs and she gives Lacy a little wink.
Lacy giggles into Duncan’s shoulder, “you mean you don’t want her to watch with us?”
“So she can ask a hundred questions in the first 5 minutes?” Duncan laughs.
“It’s sweet you stay with her.”
“You think so?”
“Of course! No shame in it either. Family’s important.”
Duncan felt a weight lift off his shoulders.
They watched another movie after the first one. And when it ended, Lacy didn’t want to go home.
“I’m not gonna be able to sleep after that!!”
“So stay here,” Duncan offers quickly.
“Ok,” she replies quickly.
They both laugh at how fast they both spoke.
“I don’t have any pajamas,” Lacy thinks aloud.
“You can wear one of my tshirts.”
And she does. They get ready for bed, and she steps into the bathroom to change. He’d given her some t-shirt and she loved how it felt and how it smelled when she put it on.
She hopped into bed with Duncan and he pulled her into his arms. They kissed briefly but stopped when Duncan bumped her glasses.
“Let me,” Duncan smiles and gently takes off her glasses. He folds them and reaches across to set them on her side of the bed.
They lay down and face each other, and Duncan holds Lacy tight as they go to sleep.
He’d been so scared she wouldn’t want to be there let alone stay, and she’d been so scared that she wanted to stay.
Duncan’s arms was the number one place she wanted to be. And holding her was the best feeling ever after all the worry.
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