#you got the gemstone! now you just need to go to the arctic to find a certain siren! hehehe
psychosistr · 4 years
FOWL Facets- Chapter 7
Summary: Domino and Loony finally meet up with Liquidator and find Steelbeak..along with something else they never would have expected.
Notes: Forewarning for a bit of “body horror” in this part. If any of you have ever seen Steven Universe before, then you probably have an idea of what to expect- nothing OVERLY graphic, but mostly just a lot of unpleasant imagery.
-First Chapter-
Domino and Loony stand at the entrance to the water palace, looking up at the grand double-doors as they wait for entry. Domino still has their prisoner’s gem bubbled in his hand and he keeps a tight grip on it- he doesn’t know what’s going to happen next, but, according to Gandra’s predictions, at some point he’ll lose their bargaining chip and he wants to make sure that doesn’t happen until they have Steelbeak safe and secured.
Without even needing to knock, the doors swing inward to let them in. As the pair of gems venture inside, they get to fully take in the décor. For all of its size and elaborate architecture on the outside, the inside is mostly just a single large room. Granted, the room is tastefully decorated and furnished with ornate pillars and artistic sculptures, a variety of chairs along the edges of the room, and, in the center, a large rectangular table with three chairs on the end closest to the entrance and one large chair on the opposite end.
And every last bit of it is made of ice and water.
To most people, such a spectacle would be considered beautiful. Domino, on the other hand, knows better. Gandra was right in her earlier assessment of the building- Liquidator was just using it as a way to flex his figurative muscles and remind them (mostly Domino) of how powerful he truly is. Sadly, it’s working…
“Liqui?” Loony calls out to the seemingly empty room around them while looking around. “Steely?”
The “floor” near the table ripples and, within seconds, a familiar gem rises up out of the water.
The gemstone itself is the only thing that can still be considered familiar about the other man, Domino soon notices, as Liquidator has changed drastically since the last time he saw him: Rather than the buff, intimidating physique he previously used, he looks smaller- the harsh look he had before softened and smoothed out to something more friendly and approachable with scruffier ears and a brighter smile. His outfit has changed as well- instead of the elegant uniform he once wore, he now wears a simpler and far more casual high-collared sapphire blue sleeveless shirt with an arctic blue star on the front and dark oxford blue pants with a belt that looks like braided strands of ice with a solid ice-rose for a buckle. When he opens his eyes to look at them properly, both gems are surprised to see that his right eye seems to have been unnaturally split into two overlapping pupils with the top one being two shades lighter than his normal eye color, the bottom one being two shades darker, and, in the area where they overlap in the middle, the small semi-circle is the same, regular color as his other, unchanged eye.
“Ah, Loony, it’s been far too long!” He looks at her with a bright smile, stretching his hand over to hers in a familiar greeting. “How’s the most fun spinel in the universe doing? Inquiring minds are dying to know!”
Loony returns the smile, stretching her arm over to his and winding their equally bendy arms around each other before their hands meet for a quick high-five. “Hiya, Liqui! I’m great!” Her arm returns when the “handshake” ends and she looks the lapis lazuli over from head to foot (well, puddle, more accurately). “You look so different now!”
Liquidator chuckles, clearly enjoying the spinel’s familiar cheerful attitude. “I’m the new and improved Liquidator- now softer and 85% more marketable than the classic version. Oh, but where ARE my manners?” He pulls one of the chairs back for her and does a sweeping hand gesture towards it. “Please, have a seat!”
Loony giggles as she sits in the offered chair. “Thanks, Liqui!”
After pushing her chair in, Liquidator finally greets his other “guest”. His smile doesn’t falter for a moment, but the joy in his voice is more of a sharp, hollow-mockery compared to how he spoke with Loony. “Domino…good to see you’re still the same 100% original product that I remember.”
Domino chooses to ignore the less than subtle jab about him apparently being the same as he was 4,000 years ago. “Why mess with a classic?” He pulls his own chair out and takes a seat as well, his eyes never leaving the canine. “Now, if you’re done pretending this is a friendly visit, can we please get to the matter at hand?” He holds up the bubbled melanite in indication. “I believe you wanted to do a hostage exchange?”
Liquidator doesn’t look surprised at all to see the darker gem in the bubble. “I had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to sell you on his performance.” He moves over to the lone seat on the other side of the table and takes his place in it comfortably. “So, what did he do to get bubbled?”
Loony gives Liquidator a slightly embarrassed smile and waves one of her hands shyly. “Sorry, Liqui, that was me. I kiiiiiiiiiiinda lost my temper and squeezed him a teensy-weensy bit too hard.”
Liquidator gives her a reassuring smile in return. “Let me guess- he called you Domino’s spinel, didn’t he?” At a nod from the spinel in question, he sighs and shakes his head. “My apologies- I should have warned him not to do that.” He stretches his arm across the table and holds his hand out expectantly to Domino. “Now, simply hand him over and we can-”
Domino moves the hand holding the bubbled gem away from the stretched out limb, leaning back in his chair so that the hand holding it is now over the floor rather than the table. “Not until we know that Steelbeak is still in one piece.”
Liquidator’s hand snaps back over to his chest as he gasps, looking at the snowflake obsidian with an over-exaggerated look of surprise. “Why, Domino, are you doubting my honor as a businessman?!” When his over-acting gains no reaction from the other gem, Liquidator sighs and flicks his fingers in an upward gesture. “Fine, fine, I suppose it’s only fair for both parties to inspect the merchandise before bartering.” The floor beside the aquatic gem begins to ripple as it did when he entered earlier, a pointed block of ice slowly rising out of the water.
Unfortunately, while they’re both distracted looking at the floor across the room, neither Domino nor Loony see the shifting floor behind them. Before either of them even have time to notice it, the shift in the floor gets closer to Domino and a pair of hands reach out of the water, snatching the bubbled melanite and quickly bringing it down into the floor.
“Woah, what was that?!” Loony stares at the floor behind Domino, surprise clear on her face as she tries to sit up and see a trace of what happened.
Domino looks down to the floor, and the quickly vanishing bubble, with an irritated glare. There went their bargaining chip.. “So much for a fair trade.” He turns his glare across the table towards Liquidator.
“Sorry, you know how third-party vendors are- always so quick to take their payment and leave.” Liquidator shrugs, but never loses his easy salesman-pitch or poker-face smile. “I told his friends I’d guarantee his safe return, but I guess they just couldn’t wait.” He averts his gaze to the object rising up beside him. “But, I am a gem of my word, so here- signed, sealed, and delivered at no extra charge!”
The ice block finishes rising out of the floor all the way, revealing Steelbeak completely frozen and immobile inside. The position he’s stuck in makes it look like he was in the process of fighting back, his hands still positioned as they would be if he were holding his tommy-gun while his legs gave the impression he’d been stepping backwards. Liquidator tries to continue whatever he was saying before, but a pair of striped arms suddenly reaching across the room stops him.
Loony wraps her arms around Steelbeak’s frozen prison a few times before she pulls and snaps the ice block off at the base. “I got him, Dommy!” She rapidly retracts her arms to bring the other gem closer and sets the large chunk of ice down between herself and Domino.
“Well done, Loony.” He tells her before summoning one of his pistols from his gem and pointing it at his partner. The barrel turns a light orange color as flames shoot out, melting the ice almost instantly. Once enough of it is melted, he turns his attention back to Liquidator, the gun vanishing. “Now that we have what we came for, we’ll be on our way.”
Liquidator, to Domino’s displeased surprise, doesn’t look bothered at all about losing the melanite. He seems frustratingly calm about the whole thing as he leans back in his chair with another casual shrug. “Nine out of ten gem-physicians agree: Steelbeak’s not in any shape to leave just yet.”
“What are you-?” Domino starts to ask, but is soon distracted when he sees Steelbeak fall to his knees out of the corner of his eye. “Steelbeak?” He looks down at the other gem and his eyes widen as he finally gets a good look at his partner.
He’s on his knees with one hand braced against the floor to keep from falling over. With the ice gone, they can now see that his colors are duller than usual and, when he manages to look up at them with a clearly pained expression on his face, they see his eyes are a glassy grey with no pupils or irises. “H…Hey, snowflake…Hey, stretch…you…ya sure took your time, didn’t ya..?” Steelbeak’s words are clipped, his voice strained. He manages to lift himself up for a moment, but is forced back down when a tremor of pain wracks his body, causing his free hand to clutch at his gemstone while the light making up his body flickers.
The action draws his teammates’ eyes to Steelbeak’s gem and, even if they only see it for a moment, they both notice the large, splintered crack in the normally pristine black rock.
“Steely!” Loony’s crouching down at his side instantly, looking extremely worried for the melanite’s well-being. “Are you okay?!”
Domino, on the other hand, is unable to move for a minute. He stares down at his partner of more than 8,000 years, his mind caught between shock at seeing the normally strong rooster brought to his knees and concern for the amount of pain the other gem is clearly suffering through. Eventually, though, the shock and concern merge together with something far stronger: Protective fury.
Directing that fury at the only one in the room deserving of it, Domino summons both of his guns from his gem and points them at Liquidator. “You CRACKED him?!” He fires anything and everything at his disposal, the barrels of his signature weapons turning a myriad of colors as he fires shot after shot at the lapis lazuli- orange for a burst of flames, icy blue for freezing ice bullets, bright yellow for sparking electrified rounds, dark blue for streams pressurized water, bright white for a blinding white flare, green for a shot of sticky slime, purple for a cloud of toxic gas, translucent white for bullets made of compressed air, and classic black for regular lead bullets.
Liquidator is once again unfazed by the change in atmosphere and, with nothing more than a simple raise of his hand, he easily brings up an entire wall of water in front of him that blocks each and every shot that’s sent his way. He waits until Domino’s calmed down enough- or rather, until he’s realized how futile his attacks are in this situation and begrudgingly stops firing- before looking at the loon with a bored expression. “Are you done yet?”
“…….” Even though his attack has stopped, the anger in Domino’s eyes has not lessened one bit.
“Good.” The wall of water recedes, Liquidator apparently confident that Domino won’t try anything else for the time being. “Now, that that’s over, please understand that I really DID call you here just to talk.”
“Talk?” Domino’s guns disappear and he leans forward over the table, his empty hands coming down to grip the icy furniture in a crushing grip that cracks the edges a little. “You kidnapped my partner, cracked him, and sent an impostor to lure me into a trap. I have nothing to say to you.” Just like all those years ago, if looks alone could kill then Liquidator’s gem would have exploded from the barely restrained fury in those glaring red eyes.
The lapis lazuli sighs with a roll of his own mismatched eyes. “All of which could have been 100% avoidable if Steelbeak just listened to me when I told him to call you over. Instead, he decided to throw out petty insults, fight me, and even deactivated his beacon so you couldn’t track him, when all I wanted was a friendly chat.”
“Hmph, ‘friendly’ he says..” Steelbeak’s voice maintains its usual amount of sarcasm despite the pain he’s in as Loony helps him up into one of the chairs. He keeps his hand on his gem, sending a weakened glare across the table at their “host”. “Last time we saw ya, ya walked out on us, shackled me, stabbed me, and threatened t’ break us if we came anywhere near ya…forgive me if I was less than willin’ t’ call my partner int’ a trap.”
“……” That, at least, made Liquidator look away briefly with an expression that seemed marginally guilt-ridden. “I won’t apologize for what I did or how I left.” He finally says with a sigh before looking back across the table at the other gems. “But..just know that I am not the same gem that I was back then.”
“Clearly.” Domino’s voice is dripping with equal parts venom and sarcasm. “After all, the old you would’ve- what were your words again? Oh, right-” He narrows his eyes, quietly seething as he paraphrases the lapis lazuli’s parting words back to him. “- ‘broken him and made me watch the whole thing’.”
Liquidator sighs again, this time in frustration as he drags one hand down his face. “I really didn’t want it to come to that..” He holds his hands up in a gesture meant to show no harm, though it isn’t quite as meaningful given their current surroundings and the gem’s earlier display. “Listen, all I want is ten minutes of your time. If you agree to give me that, then I’ll make sure Steelbeak is able to leave here in better shape than he came in.”
Domino nearly refuses the offer, each second around the liquid lapis lazuli making his irritation grow. However, a look at his partner- at the pained look in his eyes as he struggles to remain upright, all while trying to keep his face as neutral as possible to hide his suffering and not appear as weak as he likely feels- is enough to make him reconsider.
“You get five minutes.” He sits back down, keeping his arms crossed to help resist the urge to shoot the other gem.
“A shrewd negotiator as always.” Liquidator’s earlier grin returns. “Fine, I’m flexible enough to change the terms and conditions- five minutes it is.” He begins to stretch his arm across the table towards Steelbeak. “And, just to show that I’m willing to keep my end of the bargain-”
Domino raises one of his hands and a barrier-bubble instantly appears around his partner (the flash of white also helping to hide the way the rooster flinched when he saw the approaching appendage- he must still be shaken up over what happened, he usually never flinches in the face of danger), preventing the watery hand from reaching its target. “What are you going to do?” He has no reason to trust Liquidator’s words, not at this point.
“As I said, I’m upholding my side of our agreement.” Liquidator explains. “This new form of mine isn’t just fashionable, it’s also quite functional- I’ve picked up some handy new tricks.”
Domino still doesn’t feel like the lapis lazuli’s words are worth anything- not after what he did to Steelbeak and what he’d threatened to do before- but a familiar presence at his side finally pulls his attention away from the blue gem. “Dommy..” He looks to his left and sees Loony standing next to him, but her eyes are on Liquidator as she speaks. “I don’t get any bad feelings from him…I think…I think he’s telling the truth.” She looks back down at Domino. “He really wants to fix Steely.”
Domino is still hesitant to trust Liquidator, given his track record.
…but, he does trust Loony’s judgement…
Reluctantly, he releases his barrier, giving the blue gem a warning glare. “If you try anything-”
“I won’t.” Liquidator reassures him, his hand moving the rest of the way to Steelbeak’s chest.
The melanite is more than a little hesitant to move his hand off of his gemstone, but, after looking to Domino and receiving a brief nod to confirm that he won’t let anything happen to him, he slowly pulls his hand away to reveal the cracked black stone beneath.
Liquidator places his hand against the stone and, to the surprise of the three darker gems, it begins to glow and shimmer as if sunlight were streaming through his palm. When his hand retracts, the melanite is as nearly-flawless as it was before.
Steelbeak looks down at his stone in surprise, his colors having regained their usual vibrancy and his eyes returned to normal. “Would ya look at that..?” He looks across the table to the watery gem. “Since when did you become part rose quartz?”
Liquidator grins in response, a few bubbles visible in his chest as a sign of quiet laughter. “It’s a long and dramatic tale involving a fusion-addicted jasper, some corrupted gems, my own far-too-close-for-comfort brush with corruption-” He taps the side of his head by his misshapen eye for indication. “-and a fountain of healing tears that became my new body to save my life.” He waves his hand dismissively and shakes his head. “But, that’s a tale for another day. For now, I have a different story that I believe you’ll find far more interesting.”
“Your five minutes starts now.” Domino informs him, glancing at his watch to confirm the time.
“Very well then, I’ll give you the quick sales-pitch version.” Liquidator moves a hand over the table and small, three-dimensional figures of himself, a sapphire that looks like he’s part plant and part duck, and a tall gem bearing two gemstones- one on its cheek and one on its chest- with the appearance of a duck crossed with a rodent that Domino hasn’t seen before all appear out of the water on the table’s surface. “I’ve been on this planet with my friends-”
“Ya mean that pathetic little sapphire of yours and the fusion?” Steelbeak interrupts him with a condescending smirk.
“Bushroot and Goldy.” Liquidator gives the melanite a warning growl, but puts on a falsely understanding smile. “I know it can be hard to remember who my real friends are, but I’ve found it gets easier with time.”
Steelbeak rolls his eyes at the cheap shot regarding their conversation when he left. “The fusion’s got a name now? Woooow, you sound so attached- next thing ya know you’re gonna tell us you’ve done it, too.” He laughs at the very idea of it, not noticing the smirk on Liquidator’s face until he speaks again.
“I have.” Liquidator’s smirk only grows when the melanite’s laughter stops suddenly and makes him stare in disbelief at the lapis lazuli. “A few times, actually. Bushroot and I have a lovely fusion that goes by Angelite.” He chuckles, not caring about the confused and/or mildly disturbed looks he’s receiving from the other gems. “Anyway, back to the matter at hand.” He gestures to the figures on the table once again. “I’ve been on this planet with my friends for a while now, and we’ve decided that we all enjoy the freedom we’re granted here. We’ve abandoned our respective places in the Diamonds’ hierarchy and chosen to live here on Earth instead.” His smile slowly turns into a frown as an image of the Earth rises out of the table. “Recently, though, we’ve found out about a Diamond project known as ‘the Cluster’.” The image of the Earth splits open to reveal a large, jagged mass of something in the center of the planet. “It’s an enormous cluster of gem shards in the planet’s core that, when activated, will turn the planet into a living geo-weapon for the Diamonds…and destroy everything on the planet’s surface in the process.”
“Tragic,” Domino’s tone and expression are both equally dead-pan, showing how little he cares for the billions of lives that will be lost. “However, what weapons the Diamonds create and what happens to you, your friends, and this planet, have nothing to do with us.”
“A week or two ago, I would have agreed with you…but these started popping up out of the ground..” Liquidator concedes before moving his hand again to create images that are, honestly, unsettling to look at: A group of gem creatures that look like forcefully mashed together body parts from various different types of gems and animals. They all have hollow, empty eyes on their mismatched faces and several of them have multiple limbs or random body parts growing out of the wrong places. “We’ve started calling these ‘mini-clusters’.” Liquidator explains with a troubled frown. “It looks like they were early prototypes and by-products of the Diamonds’ experiments for the cluster. They have no mental activity, no ability to recognize anything or anyone around them…all they do is scream in pain and attack anything in their way..” He dismisses the images on the table and raises his hand beside himself, causing the floor to ripple as a blue-bubbled holo-disk rises up into his waiting palm. “A few days ago, we fought one that stood out to me. One of our allies on this planet wears armor with a video recorder built into his helmet- he was able to capture a good image of it during our fight.” The bubble around the disk pops and he sets it on the table, the surface shifting as the disk is carried from his end of the table to theirs. “I couldn’t be certain since it’s been a few thousand years and I only saw the images once or twice..but…I want you to take a look at it and tell me if you see anything familiar.”
More than a little curious, Domino touches a button on the small device. It activates and projects a three-dimensional hologram above the disk showing another one of the “mini-clusters”.
Steelbeak glances at the hologram, having a side-view of it, before looking back at Liquidator. “So, lemme get this straight, drippy- ya put us through all this just t’ show us some mashed t’gether gems? Like Dom said, we ain’t involved in whatever the Diamonds got planned for this rock. Right, snowflake?” When he doesn’t receive an answer right away, he looks back to his partner. “Deedee..?”
“……” Domino still doesn’t answer the other gem. He’s too busy staring in wide-eyed disbelief at the image in front of him. Then, to his partner’s utter shock, a tear slowly falls from his eye and trails down the dark feathers of his cheek.
“Domino?” Steelbeak’s definitely concerned now. Domino’s a tough gem, he doesn’t break down easily or crack under pressure and he doesn’t cry over nothing- especially not when there’s other people around to see it. In the thousands of years they’ve been together, he’s only been allowed to see the loon shed tears twice before, and both times were related to the exact same thing…
“Dommy..Dommy, I don’t get it..” Loony seems just as surprised as Domino, but far more confused. She looks away from the hologram with a frown on her beak so that she can look at the other dark-feathered bird instead. “You said shattered means ‘gone forever’, right? But if it means ‘gone forever’, then how come he’s right there?”
Before the melanite can ask who she’s talking about, a single word, said in a broken voice brimming with confusion and despair, leaves his partner’s beak:
“What?!” Steelbeak’s eyes widen in surprise this time. “ ‘Chuck’? As in Checkers- your old partner?” He gets out of his chair and moves around behind Domino and Loony to get a better look at the hologram.
From his new angle, Steelbeak can see the “mini-cluster” in its entirety: It’s as horrifying of a mashed together amalgamation of gems as the ones they were shown before with more limbs than it should’ve had in various colors of fur and feathers. The face he’d seen from his side had been that of some white-feathered duck he’d never seen before. From the front, though, he can see the other side of its face is that of a male dog with dark fur and a gray muzzle. It even has the dog’s arm and shoulder connecting up to the rest of him through a small sliver of his neck- fragments of clothing such as a brown sleeve and matching fingerless glove still being worn on its body. If that wasn’t enough of a confirmation, the “mini-cluster”’s gemstone on its chest, which looked like it was a forcefully fused together mass of different colored and textured gem shards, had a rather prominent chunk of a black and red fire round-radiated cut opal visible on the same side as the dog’s face.
Domino can’t seem to tear his eyes away from the image in front of him. How long had it been since he’d seen that face in something other than the millennia old holo-disk pictures in his room? But..the face isn’t right- there are no traces of its usual bright smile and its usually vibrant eyes are gone, replaced with a single pitch-black hole devoid of any visible life or emotion it may have once held.
It’s honestly the most horrific thing he’s seen in his entire life…
“So, I was right..” Liquidator mutters quietly before looking across the table to the others again. “We thought that ‘the Cluster’ was just the Diamonds’ way of getting payback for what happened to Pink Diamond..but, from what I heard, Checkers was shattered thousands of years before the Earth was even picked for colonization and in a completely different solar system- that would mean that this plan was in the works long before Pink Diamond’s shattering, or even the early stages of the rebellion.”
Steelbeak seems to be the only one out of the trio able to find his words, reaching forward to turn off the hologram to not only give him a better view of the blue gem on the other side, but to give his partner a reprieve from the gruesome sight. “Why’d ya call us, Liq? And don’t say it’s just ‘cause ya wanted t’ tell us about this mess.”
Liquidator sighs, looking at the melanite with a more pleading expression than he can ever remember seeing on the lapis lazuli’s face before. “Because I need your help.” The gravity of the situation is not lost on Steelbeak- he knows how much the other gem hates asking for help, so it must be seriously bad if he’s saying it out loud. “I’m looking into this whole ‘Cluster’ experiment as much as I can from here, but there’s only so much I can do..not like you three with your freedom to travel from planet to planet or your extensive information network and resources back on homeworld. I knew that if anyone could unravel this mystery, it would be you.” He frowns a bit. “I know I don’t really have the right to ask for your help, not after what happened before..but this whole thing feels bigger than that- bigger than all of us- and it’s not something that any of us can piece together on our own.” His eyes shift down to look at Domino, the loon’s eyes staring ahead unseeingly. “Plus…now that you’ve seen that..I doubt you’d be able to ignore it anytime soon…”
Steelbeak glances back down at the snowflake obsidian as well, trying to keep his face neutral despite the clear concern in his gaze. “…….” Taking a deep breath, the taller gem looks back over to Liquidator. “What did ya have in mind?”
“A simple exchange of information.” Liquidator proposes. With a raising of his hand again, another bubble rises up out of the floor beside him. When he pops this one and slides it across the table, they’re able to see that this one is a personal communicator. “I’ll provide you with any information that we find over here about ‘the Cluster’ and its ‘mini-clusters’, and you can do the same. Oh…and..here…” With a sympathetic frown, he brings one final bubble up out of the floor. This one, however, he does not pop before sliding it down the table to them. “Consider it a gesture of goodwill…and for old times’ sake..”
The bubble he slides to them contains the mass of shards from the hologram that made up the “mini-cluster”’s horribly fused together gemstone.
Domino’s eyes finally move from their forward position, looking downward at the bubbled mass of shards. “……” Without a word, he picks up the bubbled “gem” and walks briskly to the exit, Loony following close behind him.
Steelbeak stares after him for a minute before turning back to Liquidator with a scowl. “That was a low blow, Liq.”
“Perhaps..” Liquidator shakes his head. “But desperate times call for desperate measures.”
“……” That answer only makes Steelbeak scowl at him with a scathing glare before he picks up the communicator and follows after the rest of his team. “We’ll be in touch.”
“That’s all I’m asking for.” Liquidator watches the last of the darker gems leave, the door slamming shut harshly behind him, before he lets out a tired, worn-out sigh and leans forward to rest his head against his hands where they’re braced on the table. “……I’m sorry..” Alone in his palace of ice and water now, the quietly spoken words echo and fade away into nothingness.
<-Previous Chapter Next Chapter->
End Notes: Was Liquidator’s plan to show Domino and the others Checkers’ forced-fusion to make them intrigued enough to investigate it and the Cluster effective? Absolutely. Does he feel good about doing it? Not at all.
Like I said before, his relationship with Domino & Steelbeak is complicated and, even though  they left on bad terms and had a mutually manipulative and almost parasitic friendship, he DID still see them as his friends for a while. He knew that doing this would trigger a lot of Domino’s past trauma involving Checkers, but he also knew it would work. The decision to involve them was NOT an easy one and he wrestled with it for a while before finally deciding that he needed to do it to get their help. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t like to help those you care about, but it can be hard when those actions end up hurting others- even if you’re not that close to them.
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fanfictionlive · 4 years
Steven Universe: The Metal Wars: Volume 1
All credit for the prologue goes to my friend Roxas 358/2, who doesn't have a Reddit account, and the rest is cowritten by me and Roxas 358/2!!
Long Ago, when Metals discovered space technology, they started travelling the stars, finding other planets. They would offer protection to the planets, in return, they wanted their technology and knowledge. One day, they found Gem Kind, and after a small discussion, they made a deal. Both would join their technology for the benefit of both species. One day, Pink Diamond got her own colony and the A team of Irons made a base there to support her and things were going well, until one day, the news of Pink Diamond's "shattering" has dropped and the Diamonds attacked the Earth. Many Metals were eliminated that day and on top of that the Metal Generals found plans of the gems to colonize their home planet. They told King Platinum who was Furious after hearing that. He questioned White Diamond who simply ignored him, and he saw both the attack on earth and the colonizing plans as an act of Treason and Declared war against Gem Kind, a war that is even going on to this day...
our story starts with a young boy named Steven relaxing after the crisis with a gem named Spinel. Two months have passed since and now a new story is about to be revealed:
Steven Universe: Hey, Spinel, wait up!! Spinel:Hahaha, you can't catch me, Steven!!
Greg:look at this. the TV was showing something in the arctic,it looked like a base of some kind.
Steven Universe: Woah, what is that?! Spinel:Hey Steven, what's going on?!
Steven Universe: Hey Dad, what have they been saying about that arctic base on the TV, so far?!
Greg:not much,but could that be some kind of gem base?
Steven Universe: Idk, it looks different than any other gem bases I've ever seen. Hey, Spinel, go get Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl and come show them this!! Spinel: Oh, alright, but can we get back to playing again as soon as possible?! Steven Universe: Yes, I promise, but just come get them as soon as you can, they all need to see this!!
The rest of The Crystal Gems see the base.
Amethyst: What the heck is that?! Garnet: Hmm, that's definitely not a gem base. Pearl:Oh dear!! It can't be, can it?! Bases like that only belong to- Garnet: Yes, the metals.
Pearl: The metals are similar to gems, but different. Their bodies are made of metal rather than light coming from a gemstone, and they also tend to, in terms of human genders, present as male, rather than presenting as females like gems. Garnet: Yeah, they're also long time allies of gem homeworld, helping the Diamonds with colonizing planets, but I have no idea why they'd be building a base on The Earth, now of all times. Pearl: Who knows what they're up to or what they're gonna do to this planet!!
Garnet:Amazing...I haven't seen anything like this before!! Pearl: It's so barren, there isn't even that much here in this circular dark black and bright green dome, just that cylindrical slab in the middle with that indentation!! Amethyst: What does that thing even do, anyways?!
Steven: WOAH, what's all this?! Spinel: I'm getting bored, lemme try that!! Greg, Steven, and the other Crystal Gems: SPINEL, NO!! Spinel randomly presses buttons on the main computer and activates something, a holographic screen and control panel pops up.
Computer:Analyzing room.....
Computer: Analyses complete, Welcome, Pink Diamond. (the computer recognized Steven as Pink Diamond)
Computer:How may I assist you today?
Steven Universe: Computer, how long has this particular base been here?
Computer:6000 years ago
Garnet:Hmmm, that long ago, huh? Steven Universe: Computer, how do I get in touch with metal Homeworld?
Computer:the comunicator has been damaged repairs will take awhile
Steven Universe: Oh, well, Computer, do you have anything stored on your memory that could help us out?!
Computer:there are 5 undamaged files.
Steven Universe: Open the first of them, then, computer.
Computer:Opening file called:"limb enchancer prototype."
Computer:Limb enhancer prototypes allow gems,to encrease their sizes and be more useful then normal,the feet have been desing to be very durable,and have truster jet boots to allow gems to reach higher places,the arms are very durable as well with the fingers being able to creat screens to inform the gem about everything they need to know,they could also be withdrawn into a blaster,a lazer wip or lazer blade for self-defence situations.
Amethyst:Those are just like the ones Peridot has Pearl:Does that mean the metals were somehow involved in making limb enhancers?! Steven Universe: Computer, can you please display the next file?
Computer:very well,Opening file named:"Rejuvenator 2.0" Computer:the Rejuvenators 2.0 are similar to their original counter part,except they are more durable and more dangerus to both the user and the target,with it's dual ended blades makes it a unpredictable tool and weapon.
Pearl:This is really bad!! What else were the metals responsible for?! Steven Universe: Computer, open up the next file, please.
Computer:the next 3 files are recordings from the research the metals have done on earth. Computer:are you sure you want to play the recordings?
Steven Universe: Yes, computer, I'm sure I want to play the next recordings.
Computer:alright playing recording 1.????:log date 1,today we set a base to support pink diamond's very first colony,our king picked the best metals to ensure nothing would go wrong,a few gems were already made and them seem fit for the job,hopefully this colony will go well.
Pearl:Huh, I think I remember Pink talking about this once, in fact, she might have seen some of these video recordings the metals made. Amethyst:What, really?! Garnet: How much more about Rose do I not know about?! Steven Universe:Computer, please play recording 2.
????:log date 357,today is a sad day,pink diamond has been shattered,the diamonds are in deep sorrow,as it is expected....our king will sand his condolences tomorrow,what will become of this planet we do not yet know.
Garnet:That was just before...Pearl:The Diamond's Corruption Blast. Steven Universe:Computer, please play the third and final file you have in storage.
Computer:Playing file 3. ???:ABORT BASE,ALL METALS ABORT BASE!!!!,THE DIAMONDS ARE ATTACKING THE PLANET WE NEED TO LEAVE BEFORE IT'S TOO LA- GRAAAAAAAAA the screen cutes to static and a bit of the corruption song can be heard
Everyone:... Steven Universe:We need to fix the communicator!! If we want to find out more, we'll need to get in touch with the Metals!! Garnet:How long will that take, though?! Pearl: I'm not sure, but I agree with Steven, and I can get Peridot's help in repairing it!!
Computer:Is there anything I can assist you with?
Steven Universe:Yes, computer, can you please tell us if there's anything we can do to repair the communicators faster?!
Computer:The parts needed are in the parts and services room. Computer:a mechanical should know what to do next.
Steven, Greg and the rest of The Crystal Gems go fetch Peridot Peridot:Guys, even if it's possible to repair the communicator, it would be a really dangerous idea!! Pearl:Why's that, Peridot?! Peridot:Because the metals and gems are at war with each other, they have been ever since the Diamonds did the corruption blast on Earth!!
Garnet:I didn't know about this!! Pearl:But the metals and gems were such close allies!!
Steven Universe:Well, Pearl and Peridot still need to repair the communicator, anyways, I need to go ask the Diamonds about this.
meanwhile at the metal planet Steel:General Chrome,a log terminal has been used on earth without autorization! Chrome:what? aww man,looks like the others won't like to hear about this,we'll have to call a council meeting.
Uranium:What's the meaning for this meeting? this better not be a waste of time! Tungsten:Well Idoubt it's anything too important since it's Chrome who asked for the meeting. Chrome:oh shut up Tungsten!Platinum:Generals,take your seats all 3 sit down Platinum:now Chrome explain the meaning of the meeting Chrome:well a log terminal has been used without autorization on- Uranium:who cares? you called a meeting because of that?! Tungsetn:if you let him finish,you would know why Uranium:Fine Chrome:like i was saying,a log terminal has been used without autorization on earth Tungsten:Earth!? Uranium:How is that possible? Platinum:continue Chrome:i don't know how exactly but my guess is that the gems took back that planet,and are trying to get the info in that base. Uranium:most of the data on that base must be damaged what good could it do them? Platinum:but the information they could find on the base may give them a advantage in the battles,we cannot let that happend Uranium:What good will old data be for them? Platinum:Are you questioning my wisdom General Uranium? Uranium:N-no sir! Platinum:good,now we must discuss on what we shall do with the base on earth Uranium:we could destroy the planet Platinum:what would be not possible,there are life forms on earth that has nothing to do with the war Tungsten:We could send a Squad to colect the data and destroy the base Platinum:wise idea General Tungsten,but which metals do you plan to send? Tungsten:I believe low class metals will be more then enough for this mission,4 bronzes and a steel of my army to make sure they do not fool around. Platinum:Wonderfull,is everyone on favor with this plan? Uranium:fine Chrome: I don't see any problem your highness. Platinum:then it's settled Platinum:General Chrome,the your little squad ready. Chrome:will be do your majesty back on earth.
a small Ship lands near the artic.
Steel:now you morons this would be an easy mission,just go in and copy all of the data Bronzes:Alright then! they exit the ship
] the bronzes enter the base Bronze 1:this place sure is creepy. Bronze 2:let's just get the files and get out of here! Bronze 3:good idea! Bronze 4: Enemy spotted! (Peridot and Bismuth are in the base fixing the communicator.) Bronze 1:what should we do?! Bronze 2:pull our weapons out?
Peridot threateningly levitates one of the tools she was using in the air like a weapon, Bismuth shapeshifts her hands into hammer and shield shapes.
Bronze 3:i'd say JINX IT! the four split up and ran away
Steel:urg,those idiots are more useless then i thought! Steel get in a mech bot and jumps outside of the ship.
Steel:Well,Well,Well look what we got here? Steel:four useless Bronzes,a patheic excuse for a metal (refering to bismuth),oh a fool that doesn't even have limb ehancers? pfaaaaaaaa what a joke!
Bismuth: Grrrr!! How dare you say that, COME HERE!! Bismuth shapeshifts her hands into an axe and hammer and charges at Steel Peridot:Hold it right there, Buddy!! Just because I don't have any limb enhancers doesn't mean I'm not dangerous!! Peridot uses her metal powers to levitate a screwdriver and points it threateningly at Steel
the mech punches bismuth into a wall Steel:do you really believe that? You are such a Morron GHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Peridot: grimaces for a moment, and then smirks Of course I believe it. Do you want to see why? Peridot uses her metal powers to pick up every tool she was using to repair the communicator and points every single tool at once threateningly towards Steel.
Steel uses his limb enhancer to create a barrier Steel:metal bending? wow that is so lame.
Steel:now if you're done talking,i will finish you off,your gem will make a fine addition to my collection.
a warp pad can be heard
Garnet:Not so fast!! Steven Universe: I won't let you hurt my friends!! Garnet and Steven Universe run towards steel, manifesting their gauntlets and shield, Lapis flies alongside them Lapis Lazuli:Peridot!! Bismuth!! Are you Okay?!
Steel:grrr,i wasn't expecting reforments. Steel Jumps out of the mech and use the truster booster in his limp enhancers to escapes back to the ship.
Garnet:Why was that steel here?! Bismuth:Well, it wasn't just him, there were also these four bronzes that me and Peridot scared off earlier. Peridot:Cowards. Fortunately, none of those weak metals were a match for me and my awesome metal-bending powers, hahaha!! Steven Universe:I'm just so glad neither of you are hurt!! Lapis Lazuli: Yeah, and I'm especially glad that you're Ok, Peridot!! Peridot:Awe, thanks, Lapis!! We still need to find out why those Steels were here, though. Garnet: Smirks I think I know JUST who we need to talk to, to find THAT out!!
Bronze 1:AHHHHH Runs away.
Opal: Smiles and picks up the first Bronze with one of her hands Why do you want to leave so soon? We just want to talk to you!!
Bronze 1:Aahhhh don't hurt meh!
Opal: It's Ok, little fella, no-one's gonna hurt you!! You're too cute, hehe!! Opal puts the first Bronze back on the ground and smiles at him Opal: Now, do you know where the rest of your crewmates went?
Bronze:I would never tell that they are hiding in the base!...forget that I said that!
Opal: Smiles at the Bronze Hehe, It's Ok, little guy!! Do you wanna rejoin the rest of your crew?!
Bronze: I do, I do, I do!!
Opal: Smiles and beckons to the Bronze Hehe, you're adorable!! Ok, just follow me and you'll meet them again very soon, Ok?!
Bronze 1: Okay!
(Meanwhile, somewhere back at the base..)
Bronze 2:alright guys,i'm sure they won't find us here!
Garnet: Walks in alongside Steven and the rest of the Crystal gems Well, hello there!
Bronze:AH! Bronze:STAR freaking damn it!
Steven Universe: It's Ok, It's Ok, we're not gonna hurt any of you guys!! We just want to know who sent you here and why they did!!
Bronze 4:it was General Chrome under orders of King Platinum!
Steven Universe: Who's general Chrome and King Platinum?
Bronze 3:General Chrome is our General, he commands the low class rank on the metal army. Bronze 2:and King Platinum is the king of our Race.
Opal:Hey there, guys, look who I brought.
Bronze: Bronze 1!! Bronze 1: Guys!!
Bronze 2:are you alright? did they hurt you? Bronze 1:no i'm fine! Bronze 3:we were worried about you!
Steven Universe:Why did Platinum send you guys here?
Bronze 1:To collect the data on this base and erase what's left.
Pearl:How did they even know we were here!! Peridot: Yeah, it shouldn't have worked if the communicator was destroyed!! Steven Universe:So, what are all of you guys gonna do now?
Bronze 1: We don't know.
Bronze 2: All we know is that a log terminal was used without authorization.
Steven Universe:Yeah, that was me. It recognized me as Pink Diamond, so I thought that gave me authorization to use it.
Bronze 3: That can't be possible, Pink Diamond is gone, isn't she?
Steven Universe:Well, it's kind of a long and complicated story, but she had a child, and I'm her son. That's why the computer recognized me as Pink Diamond.
Bronze:So you're kinda her?
Steven Universe: Yeah, I'm kinda her, and also kinda different, kinda just me, y'know?
Bronze 2: I see.
Bronze 3:So you're not gonna sell us out?
Steven Universe:No, of course not!! I'm guessing since your ship got taken you'll need to build a new one, but you're free to come live with us in the meantime, if you'd like?
Bronzes: Really?
Steven Universe: Yeah, why not?! I'll find you a place you can stay, if you want to!!
Bronze 1: Alright.
Bronze 3: But where?
Steven Universe: Um, we have this little town, where you could live, but it's gonna be tough to settle in, since it's populated by gems.
All four Bronzes:Gulp. Bronze 1:b-but what about the Steel?
Steven Universe:Um, he ran away, we confronted him because he was threatening two of our friends, the Peridot and the Bismuth.
Bronze 2:h-he called us useless....Bronze 3:a-are we?
Steven Universe:He was just being mean, you're not useless, at all, you're all very special, unique and important!! Don't worry, you're all gonna be very useful!!
Bronze 4:r-really?
Steven Universe: Yeah, of course!! Once all of the gems get used to you, you're gonna be very happy!! You'll have lots to do, and no one will EVER judge you or question your worth, ever again!!
All four:thanks! Bronze 1:well at least the diamonds are too busy in homeworld right?
Steven Universe: Yeah. Well, do you want to come with the rest of us, now, and get to know your new home for a while?
they warp back to little Homeworld\*Steven Universe:Hey guys, I just realized that I still needed to go talk to the Diamond, so can you show the Bronzes around little Homeworld for me?! *Amethyst:Sure thing, Steven!! Pearl:I'll make sure to tell them EVERYTHING they need to know!! Garnet:Don't worry, Steven, it's gonna be great!! Steven Universe: Ok, thanks, guys, seeya later!! The Crystal Gems: Seeya!! Steven takes the other warp pad to Gem Homeworld and meets with the Diamonds.
Steven Universe:Blue, Yellow, White!! There's something I need to talk to all of you about!! Blue Diamond:Pink, we haven't seen you in a while!! White Diamond: Welcome back, Pink!! What's wrong?! Yellow:Yeah, what is it, Pink? Steven Universe:Do you guys know about a species called the metals?
Blue, White and Yellow:...White:Uh, what are these M E T A L S you're talking about, Pink?! Surely, you must be making something up!! Blue:Yes, Pink, I haven't heard of any metals, I don't even know what you're talking about!! Yellow:Yes, none of us do!! Steven Universe:Come on guys, we need to talk, we found one of their bases, and the computer recognized me as Pink Diamond!! They even sent a whole squad of metals to Earth because they registered someone was using the base without authorization!! Why would they know I was Pink Diamond if they didn't know about the gems?!
Blue:Uh, well... Yellow:We have kind of a long history with the metals, and it went pretty bad. White:We were allies with them for a long time there, but, uh, something went wrong, and now they're our enemies, even to this day. Steven Universe:Why are the metals now your enemies, though, and what happened?! White:Eeeh, that's kinda personal...
Steven Universe: The metals we talked to mentioned they had a king named Platinum, does it have something to do with him, White?! White: UM, NO!! I mean, not really, but, um, actually, it might, do, or not....yes....sighs heavilyyes, it does.
White:Some of Platinum's soldiers found some of our rubies when they were both scouting for planets to colonize for our respective empires. His soldiers directly told him about the rubies, and it wasn't too long before he found out about us and about gem homeworld. I became great friends with him, and it was just so remarkable to meet a ruler from an empire that was so advanced, very different than most of the organics, I'm sorry, Pink, no offence there, that we came across. We became allies and helped each other out with colonies and shared resources. Unfortunately, that corruption blast we inflicted on the planet damaged some of his metals as well as all of those gems, and he also found out that we were trying to build a kindergarten on his home planet. He felt pretty betrayed about that, so we've been at war with each other ever since.
Steven Universe: Isn't there anything you guys can do to improve your relations with him and Metal Homeworld?!
White:We'd try, but even though we've changed he still won't listen to us. He doesn't believe us or trust us anymore, and I can't blame him. I still wish we could make things better with him, though.
Steven Universe: Well, I don't know if we can talk to him right away, but we can start out by talking to some of the metal soldiers, though!! White, Blue and Yellow:Really?! Steven Universe:Yeah, just come to Earth in your big mech ship as soon as you can and you can talk to them!! Blue: Ok, well... White:If it will get us closer to talking to Platinum... Yellow:...then it can't hurt. Steven Universe:Ok, great!! I've gotta go back to Earth now, but I'll see you guys again very soon!! Blue: Alright, Pink. White:I wish you'd come back to the palace with us. Yellow:But we'll come visit you on Earth as soon as we can. Steven Universe: Ok, seeya guys later, then!! Steven takes the warp straight back to Earth, and arrives in little Homeworld just in time to see what's going on
Bronze 1:huh? Bronze 2:i-isn't that? Bronze 3:t-t-the.... Bronze 4:THE DIAMONDS!!!!
Steven Universe:No, no, it's Ok, guys!! I talked to them, and managed to get them to change their ways!! They've become nicer, and I made sure that all of the planets they colonized were healed and taught them to treat all gems, and all other life forms as well, more kindly and respectfully!!
Bronze 1:w-wait what? Bronze 2:f-for real?
Steven Universe: Yeah, for real!! I've spent the past two years teaching the Diamonds how to be nicer and kinder and getting them to change their ways!!
Bronze 3:h-how?
Steven Universe: Talking to them, A LOT!! You wouldn't believe HOW LONG I had to talk to them, but eventually I got it through to them, and they changed their ways!!
Bronze 4:wish someone could tell that to our king.... Bronze 4:i didn't said anything!
Steven Universe:Hehe!! Well, for now, you could try talking to them, yourselves, so then when your ship's finished being built, you could personally deliver the news to your king !!
Bronzes: Really? (Meanwhile...)
Steel contacts the metal home planet
Grey Gold:you are contacting in a metal line,identify yourself Steel:i'm am steel 382,i came with a mission report. Grey Gold:and what is the mission report? Steel:a failure,the gems had more back up then expected,and i had to fleed Grey Gold:i see....a back up squad will arive soon,wait on your possision. Steel:understood transmision ends. back with the crystal gems. Bronze 1:t-the diamonds are bigger then we expected
Yellow:Well, this is awkward. Blue:So, uh.. White:What do you think of us?
Bronze 1:Scary.....Bronze 2:intimidating.... Bronze 3:mean....Bronze 4:really big.
Blue:Yeah, we need to do a lot of work to repair that image. Yellow:Heh, the really big part can't be helped, though. White:So, uh, what's it like for the four of you on Metal Homeworld?
Bronze 1:We are low class metals,simple soldiers Bronze 2:we have been told gems were bad. Bronze 3:and that they shouldn't be trusted. Bronze 4:and that gems tried to colonized our planet.
Yellow:Well they weren't wrong about that, but.. Blue:We've changed since then... White:And we're wondering what we need to do to convince gem homeworld that we've changed for the better!!
Blue:Yeah, Pink's descendent, uh... White:Steven showed us a better way!! Yellow:And there's still a lot we're learning from him, as well!!
Bronze 1:Well I guess we can tell one thing.
Blue, Yellow and White: What's that?!
Bronze 2:well if anyone names drop White Diamond in front of our king... Bronze 3:they melt to their core.
White:It's all my fault...
Yellow:Oh, come on, White, it's not that bad!! Blue:Yes, things will be fixed, eventually, even if we have a rather long road ahead of us. White:Well, that's true, I guess these four bronzes are a start, for now. So what do each of you four like to do when you're not working?
Bronzes: hmmm. Bronze 1:We don't know.
Bronze 2:what do you do?
Steven Universe:Well, whatever you want to do!! What would you feel like doing if no one was telling you what to do?!
Bronze 3:hmm,no one asked us that before. Bronze 4:we often take too much time in our lines of duty.
Steven Universe:Well, then, now would be a good time to find out what you like to do when you're not in your lines of duty!!
Bronze 1:yeah!
Steven Universe:So, off the top of your head, what would seem like the most fun thing you could do right now?!
Bronze 1:hmm.
Bronze 2:this might take us a while.
Steven Universe:That's Ok!! Have you had a look around at Little Homeworld and Beach City yet?!
Bronze 3:not really. Bronze 4:Alright!
Steven Universe:Ok!! I take it you guys would rather start with beach city than Little Homeworld, since it doesn't have as many gems?!
Steven Universe:Hehe, Ok then!!
Bronze 1:woa! Bronze 2:so much water! Bronze 3:what is this? Bronze 4:what is it called?
Steven Universe:Well the water is called an ocean, and the land that touches the water we're standing on now is called the sand, there's a lot of areas like this here on Earth called beaches!!
Bronze 1:we don't have Beaches in our planet Bronze 2:maybe that's for the better Bronze 3:imagen the mess Mecuries would do Bronze 4:indeed!!
Steven Universe: WHAT?! You guys don't have beaches on your planet?! What kind of a place do you live in, then?! And what are Mercuries, anyways?!
Bronze 1:Mecuries are terraformersBronze 2:they are mid class metals at best. Bronze 3:but thier ego is huge Bronze 4:and they love to be annoying to lapis lazulies. Bronze 1:never seen one?
Steven Universe: No, I haven't, you guys and your supervisor are the first metals I've ever seen.
Bronze 2:Really?
Steven Universe: Yeah, really!!
Bronze 3:there are many of us. Bronze 4:tho Bronzes aren't very smart.
Steven Universe: Yeah, haven't heard of you guys before, sorry!!
Bronze 1:it's no big deal.
Steven Universe: Ok, well do you want to go to little homeworld now?!
Bronzes: Sure.
They go to little Homeworld.
Bronze 1:hmm.
Ruby 1: Hey!! What are those guys doing here?!
Bronze 2:uh-oh Bronze 3:uhhh
Ruby 2: This is supposed to be a place for gems, and they're metals!! Ruby 3: Metals are enemies of gems!! Steven Universe:Hey, hey, guys?! It's Ok, these metals are our allies!! They're not our enemies, and they're not gonna hurt you, either!! All rubies: Really?! Steven Universe: Yeah, really!!
Bronze 4:we have been ditched by our supervisor.
Ruby 4:Hey, that makes you guys a lot like us, then!!
Bronze 1:how so?
Ruby 1: We don't have any supervisors anymore, either!! Ruby 2:Yeah, we just do what we want now!! Ruby 3:But we're still often happiest doing anything that lets us be guards, though!!
Bronze 2:oh
Bronze 2:hmm Bronze 3:huh?
Bronze 1:oh.
(Meanwhile, a ship lands near the strawberry battlefield)
the ship lands Mercury:aw yeah,time to mess this planet up! Sliver:d-do you think that is nesseary? Titanium:our mission is to get in take that steel back and eliminate any gem that gets in our way. Titanium:i don't want to waste more time then we should.
they exit the ship. Mercury:aww not even a welcoming party? come on....
Bismuth:You're never going to be welcome on this planet!!
Mercury:oh good someone to play with! Titanium:and a shameless rip off as well Mercury:how shamefull and i was expecting a lapis lazuli.
Lapis: SmirksDid someone just mention my name? Oh, another middling mercury? (Lapis signifies the lapis lazuli that belongs to The Crystal Gems)
Mercury:oh good finally someone to play with.
Lapis: Don't expect to win this time, either, though!!
Mercury:oh i don't lose hehe Mercury strikes lapis with a water pilar.
Mercury:first blow! Titanium:don't get cocky Mercury:yeah,yeah whatever.
Lapis gets back up and makes a giant water hand that slowly hovers menacingly over Mercury
Mercury:oh now we are talking!Mercury uses a water chain to trap the hand. Titanium:stop playing around. Mercury:aww but i want to have some fun.
Titanium:that's what i get for working with a mercury.
Garnet:And this is what you get for threatening the planet Earth!! Garnet lunges to punch Mercury from the side when he looks over to see who's talking.
Titanium blocks Garnets punch. Titanium:you're a new gem,who are you?
Garnet:Garnet, and I'm a member of the Crystal gems, a team dedicated to protecting the Earth from anything that threatens it!! And, frankly, we didn't think it was a very good sign when we saw your ship landing from space!!
Titanium:Crystal gems? oh i remember,you were the ones who shattered pink diamond. Titanium:well garnet,your days of protecting are coming to an end!! Titanium kicks Garnet in the gut.
Steel:the back up here they are!
Steel:i'm here!
Peridot:Don't forget the competition, either, haha!!
Steel:grrr,you again? haven't you learn from last time moron?
Peridot:Never, hehe, I'm always looking forward to the chance to prove you're the moron and I'm not!!
Steel:wow,not only you are a moron but you are also dumb as a box of rocks.
Steel:i think you won't last 10 seconds.
Peridot:Picks up a sword lying around on the strawberry battlefield using her metal powers and quickly slashes it at the Steel, giving a cut on one of his limb enhancers I'd be careful if YOU'D last 10 seconds, if I were you, hehehe!!!
Steel:oh you now you've done it! Steel activates a lazer blade in one of his limb enhancers. Steel slashes at peridot.
Peridot: Jumps out of the way and slashes back at the steel Not so fast, I've had training in the art of combat, hehehe!!
Steel:but not in the art of style,your outfit looks lame.
Peridot: Pffft, look who's talking!! Have you even seen yourself in the mirror lately?! That outfit looks SO tacky!!
Steel:bet your would look ridiculous in limb enhancers.
Peridot:Not half as bad as the limb enhancers YOU'RE currently wearing!!
Steel:as if,from what i heard gem limb enchaners are so infirior to metal's. Mercury:time to make this interesting. Mercury flies into the clouds. he starts to cause an Acid Rain.
Steel:oh crap. Steel goes to Titanium and Silver and makes a barrier.
Peridot:Hey, no fair!! Cheater!!
Steel:oh it is so nice to have limb enchancers,don't you think so Peridot? oh wait i forgot you don't have it! ahahahahahahaha
Peridot: Grrrrrrr, THAT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY!!!! WHAT COULD YOU DO IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE ANY LIMB ENHANCERS?! Oh, wait!! I bet you'd be a helpless widdle baby who couldn't fend for himself and would ALWAYS need others to do everything FOR him, Hahahaha!!!!
Titanium:tisk,are those your final words?
Peridot:Oh, hardly!! Maybe more like YOURS!! Picks up the sword and slashes it at Titanium, cutting a deep gash in his armour.
the acid rain was hurting all gems in the area.
a hooded figure shows up at the area Steel:huh? The hooded figured let a sonic roar knocking Mercury from the sky Mercury:ow hey! what was that for! Titanium:who are you? ???:to you a problem Mercury:why you! Titanium:we already got what we came for,there's no need to stay here longer. Mercury:fine. they leave to the ship. the ship leaves. ???:tisk
Garnet:WeaklyYou... Lapis:WeaklyWho...are...you?!
???:just someone that has known you for quite a while.
Peridot: Weakly Could we...get to know you any better...sometime?!
???:perhaps ???:sorry i don't enjoy much company. ???:but I saw a bit of flaws in your combat strategy.
Lapis: I used to not really enjoy that much company...either. Garnet:Can you tell us what you thought we were doing wrong?!
???:fight a titanium in hand-to-hand combat was a reckless idea. ???:instead of talking back to a steel,strike them when they are talking. ???:and don't let a water bending Mercury get close to the sea or clouds. ???:anymore questions? ???:the boy's next line will be"how do you know that?"
Steven Universe:How do you know that?
???:heh told you.
Steven Universe: Gasps You have the same sort of powers as Garnet!!
Steven Universe: Ok, well, Idk what all your powers are, but you have future vision like she does, anyways!!
???:i see.
Steven Universe:What are some of your other powers besides future vision?!
???:sonic waves.
Steven Universe: What do your sonic waves do?!
???:well knock my opponents off the ground,open portals and make holes in mountains. ???:well.
Steven Universe:Where are you gonna go now?!
???:oh nowhere important.
Garnet:Well, it'll certainly be interesting if our paths ever cross again, someday.
Black gold:halt,you are aproching the king's chamber,identifie yourselves. Steel:Steel 421 Mercury:Mercury 321 Titanium:Titanium 180 Silver:Silver 911. Black Gold:what is your intentions? Titanium:mission report. Black gold:very well you may proceed. they walking in the King's Chamber. Silver:your majesty all four bow to Platinum. Platinum:ahh i see your mission has been a succse! so how did it go? Silver:well,we had some complications
Platinum:complications? Titanium:the earth is still home to the crystal gems. Platinum:oh them.... Silver:p-please your highness don't get upset,we were closet to bearing them but someone hooded show up and changed the tide to their favor. Mercury:it's a shame,i wantted to play more. Platinum:oh,you are saying someone unknown is a alie to them? Silver:yes.... Platinum:i see,you 3 did what you were told,you followed your orders,return to your respective class,i will send one of my knights to deal with this imiditially. All four:Sir Yes sir!
they leave.
a small pod flies to earth.
the pods lands on earth. the door opens to reveal a figure in black armor with a cape. Kight:so...this is earth....can't believe i have to deal with this mess myself.
Aquamarine:Yeah, and Steven will never be able to beat us if we- EyeBall: Hold it!! Did you hear something?!
Knight:hmm. the knight looks around. Knight:oh. Knight:what do we got here? a Ruby and a Aquamarine?
Aquamarine: Hoarsely whispers Just try and sneak away and don't make a sound!! Eyeball: Right!! They both try creeping away as quietly as possible but they don't get very far before they encounter the Knight.
Knight:found you.
EyeBall and Aqaumarine: EEEEEEp!! Both try frantically running on the other direction
the knight intercepts them. Knight:where are you going gem scum?
Aquamarine:Well, we certainly don't wanna get killed, in case you wanted to know!!
Knight:nothing will change that.
the knight draw his sword.
(Ok, this is gonna be random, Lol!!) Steven Universe: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
the knight Stabs Eyeball right on her gem. the knight stabs aquamarine in the gut.
Aquamarine: Poofs. EyeBall: Shatters.
the knight picks Aquamarine's gem and looks at Steven.
Steven looks scared and starts running forwards.
the knight Crush the gem with his hand.
Steven Universe: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Why did you shatter them?! They didn't do anything to deserve that!!
Knight:step down boy.
Steven Universe: No, I won't!!
Knight:all gems must suffer. Knight:they must pay for her betrayal.
Steven Universe: You mean White Diamond?
Knight:seems like you know abit about our past,but did she told you the truth,or a lie?
Steven Universe: She didn't really tell me much, so far, just that she tried to colonize your home plaent and your king felt betrayed by that.
Knight:and about the metals that were on earth 6000 years ago,she never told you what the king tried to do back then? Knight:and who are you,and why do you care? you are only a human after all.
Steven Universe: I'm Steven Universe, leader of the Crystal gems and Pink Diamond's half-human/half-gem son!!
Knight:Pink diamond lived?!?
Steven Universe:Yeah, long story short, she faked her death and later died in childbirth to have me.
Knight:then,you are all that is left from pink.
Steven Universe: Yes.
Knight:then,you are a enemy as well!
Steven Universe Summons his shield I don't want to fight you, though, I want to be your friend!!
Knight:friends? you must be delusional.
Steven Universe: No, I'm not, you're not being fair for blaming all gems for how White betrayed Platinum!!
Knight:you saw the files on the base,so you should know there is more to it then that.
Steven Universe: Yes, but the Diamonds have changed since then, I spent the past two years freeing all of their colonies and teaching them how to be nicer and kinder!!
Knight:and you truly believe 2 years were enough?
Steven Universe: Maybe not, but in those past two years, they've still already made great progress in knowing what they did wrong and fixing that to become better gems!!
Knight:and where is the proof of that?
Steven Universe: All of their former colonies have been fully healed and set free from their control.
Knight:as if.
Steven Universe: What kind of proof do you need, then?!
Knight:the truth is with what you see,not what you hear,as far as i know you could be lying.
Steven Universe: What is it you need to see, then, to believe?
Knight:seeing them with my own eyes,their actions will prove my point.
Knight:now,get ready!
Steven Universe: replaces his shield with a bubble.
the Knight stays in a defensive position,waiting for steven to strike.
Steven turns his bubble into a spiked bubble and rolls forward towards the knights.
the Knight blocks and counters.
Steven rolls the spiked bubble backwards and switches it with his shield.
the Knight goes for a strike,aming at Steven's gut.
Steven swiftly counters the strike with his shield.
Knight:you were well thought with your powers. Knight:but you are far unexpirence in combat. The knight Strikes aiming at Steven's foot.
Steven jumps out of the way in time with only a small cut on his foot. Steven Universe: Aah!! Perhaps I'm not as inexperienced as you think I am!!
Knight:you are holding back.
Steven Universe: Of course I am, I don't want to hurt you!!
Knight:you saw what I did to those 2 gems,you should be angry!
Steven Universe: And I'm still upset about that, too, but I still think it's wrong to kill anyone!!
Knight:you can't change who i am!
Steven Universe: Yes, I can, I know you're suffering and I need to help you overcome your suffering so you can be freer and happier!!
Steven Universe: Starts singing the change song from the Movie I can make a promise, I can make a plan, I can make a difference, I can take a stand...Steven Universe: still singing...I can make an effort, if I only understand, that I-I-I, I can make a change!!
the knight Starts to strike.
Steven counters it with his shield, again.
Knight:grrr. he keeps striking with more anger
Steven counters almost every shot, with only a few giving him minor cuts. Steven Universe: Starts singing again You can make it different, you can make it right!! Steven Universe: Still singing You can make it better, we don't have to fight!!
Steven Universe: You can make an effort, starting with toniiigghht..Cause you, you can make a change!!
Knight:SHUT UP!,I-I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO,I-I WON'T FALL FOR IT!!! The Knight drops the sword hand puts his hands on his head struggling.
Steven Universe: It's Ok, you really can make a change, and if there's anything that making you unhappy, you can get over it so you can be free to be happy again!!
Knight:GHAAAAAA!!!!! the knight broke free of his control..
the Knight fell on the ground unconscious.
back at the metal home planet. Platinum opened his eyes with Anger. a black aura fills the room melting almost everyone in the room.Platinum:How DARE him? Platinum:Gold....call the council i want a metting NOW!Black Gold:will be done your highness.
(End of Volume One, to be continued in Volume Two.)
submitted by /u/OneFatFeline21 [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2SGDgGx
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itbeajen · 7 years
Agape [End] | Yuri Plisetsky | Witch!AU
"Yurio, your step sequence needs more work." "I know that already," he growled out in response. He turned around, about to actually lower his pride for some work, but upon seeing the two lovebirds, he changes his mind. "YUURI, YOUR FORM IS AMAZING AGAIN TODAY!!!"
"V-Viktor!" Yuuri flushes red, and readjusts his glasses, clearly still not used to so much love and compliments. Yuri's expression slightly dropped, sorrow clearly reflected in his eyes. Yuuri sends him a soft gaze, "She'll find you soon." "We found each other when we were five last life," he muttered in response. It must be nice finding each other... He watched the two practice their pair skating again. As much as he hated to admit it, they looked really good together. But a scowl took over his features as he remembered his first time meeting Viktor. The amount of shock and disbelief that Viktor had towards Yuri almost made the blonde give up. But he couldn't, not when he finally remembered. It took so much convincing and explaining for the former older brother of yours to finally understand. It wasn't until the day after the first flood of memories hit Viktor that he finally remembered. A night that Viktor would forever remember, and refer to, as the never ending nightmare. For in that one night of restless sleep, poor Viktor had relived his past life as your older brother. He had witnessed the death of his - your - parents, and had to live with the fact that his younger sister had willingly sacrificed her life for the happiness of others. He had woken up in shock, cold sweat causing his long silvery hair to stick to his forehead and body. But he shuddered as he combed his hair aside. It reminded him so much of you. That day at ice skating practice, they both escaped for a breath of fresh air to talk about it. "Reincarnation, who would have thought it was true," Viktor hummed as he looked over the fence of the ice skating rink. Yuri bit his bottom lip and he asked, "Is she-" "No, not this life," Viktor whispered and Yuri felt a longing in his heart. He had messed up his last life, that much was obvious. But he didn't want to this time, if his memories served him correct; if that legend really was true. Then you and him were practically soulmates. Yuri slid down against the fence, now sitting against it and he muttered, "So she's not here." He gently plays with the pendant that he had found that one snowy day so many years ago. It was no longer the dull blue that didn't even sparkle in the sunlight, it was now just a tad bit brighter. Just a little bit. Viktor looked down, his gaze falling upon the pendant and he murmured, "Zaika probably has her part of it too." "I hope she does," Yuri's voice cracked, and unknowingly he felt tears going down his face. Viktor momentarily panicked and Yuri muttered, "I don't- Why am I-" Viktor did nothing except stand there in silence. He could do nothing to comfort the boy, because he knew, that in their past life. The one who suffered the most was him and you. Yuri was playing with his pendant idly, staring at the now brighter gem. The gemstone in the center of the pendant swirled aimlessly with a slightly more vibrant blue than the rest of the gem stone. After meeting Viktor, it finally regained part of its color, but when he came across Yuri and Otabek, the gemstone was almost unrecognizable from its original state. He purposely angled it against the sunlight that flitted through the windows, and stops when it reaches a certain angle. When the hues of blue reminded him of the warmth and love that was portrayed in your orbs. I wonder if I'll even find her... Or if she even knows, about herself... and- "Yurio?" Yuuri softly called out. Yuri snapped out of his reverie and responded in a dull tone, "What." The usual bite wasn't there, and Yuuri and Viktor can tell that the young blonde was reminiscing the distant past again. Yuuri sends him a soft smile, and points at the ice rink fence, "Your phone's ringing and you ignored it twice already." Yuri's eyes widened as he made his way back over to the fence and he picked up his still ringing phone. "Hello?" "Yura," Otabek's voice came through the line and Yuri's eyes widened before softening, "Hey Beka." Otabek smiles, but he knows Yuri can't see, "I'm in Russia." "You are?!" Yuri exclaimed excitedly. The two older males glanced over and Viktor asked, "Who is it, Yurio?" "None of your business, Viktor." "Oh? Is it Beka?" Viktor barely managed to see the name before the screen faded to black. A sly smile overcomes the older male's visage, and the glare from the small Russian boy was worth the tease. Yuri skates away and he asked, "Where are you right now?" "Heading to your ice skating rink," Otabek responded. Yuri could hear the faint sound of the car through the phone, and Otabek continued, "I have someone I need you to meet." Yuri frowned, "Huh?" "I mentioned my younger cousin, didn't I?" Otabek asked. Otabek glanced back, and upon seeing the teasing lilt in familiar arctic blue orbs and a smile, he continues hiding the truth from Yuri. Yuri hums in thought, and then he exclaimed, "Ah! Yeah! The one who said she liked my skating style?" "Mm," Otabek hums in confirmation as he glances out the window of the taxi. He muttered a quick thank you and passes the money over as he slowly got out and grabbed the stuff. He huffed once from the chilly wind, and then answered, "We're outside, I'll see you soon." "Kay!" Otabek got out of the car first before helping you out. You breathe in the fresh air and tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ears. Your eyes met his and you smiled, "Thank you, Beka." He merely smiled before gently patting your head and he asked, "Is it still weird?" "No," you giggled as you followed his footsteps, "You were always like an older brother to me. I guess it's just the hair that's weird." You gently play with the long black locks and Otabek chuckled, "Your eyes are still the same though." "Ah, yes," you blinked and smiled, "I suppose they can't change too much about me. It's a shame that I'm the only one that looks different." Otabek merely nods and he opens the door for you and he whispered against your ear, "They don't know about you." Your eyes widened and twinkled with mirth, "Is that so?" He nods, and he said, "Just stand behind me." "You are quite mean aren't you, Beka?" He doesn't respond, but you see the small tug on his lips, the ends curling upwards and you shake your head. You purposely trailed behind him, and when he enters the ice rink first, he's greeted with a cheer from Viktor and Yuuri before a simple hello from Yuri. "So, where's this cute cousin of yours?" Viktor teased. Otabek glanced back, and you took that as your cue to step inside. You made your way in, as soon as you walked in, you were seen first by Viktor. Viktor's throat constricts, as he can't even call you by your name. He finds himself scrambling towards the edge of the rink. His heart swelling and his eyes tearing up. He reaches you in record time, his arms wrapped around you tightly as he holds you close. You barely had time to register that you were being hugged by your former older brother and you held onto him tightly in return. Tears pricking your eyes and you're more than relieved to find that he remembers. "Vitya," your voice was the familiar softness and gentleness as back then. But both of you can hear the crack in your voice as you become overwhelmed and consumed by your emotions. "I'm so sorry," he immediately mumbled and you gently pat his back, your hands rubbing a soft circle against it and you mumbled, "Everything's okay now. We're all okay now." He nods against you and pulls back, a teary smile on his face and he laughed, "I'm so glad everything worked out. I-" "[F/N]?!" Yuuri overhears after he managed to get off the rink. He had stumbled more than he expected, but upon meeting your gaze and seeing the familiar strong, yet gentle smile on your lips, his lips tremble as he begins to tear up. "Oh Yuuri-" you don't finish though as you switch off from hugging Viktor to hugging Yuuri and you hold onto him tightly and he mumbled, "I should have tried harder to protect you. If I had been faster, if I found out faster-" "It's okay, everything worked out okay, and I wouldn't have forgiven you if you had saved me instead of Vitya," you gently cup his cheeks and pinch his nose, "My older brother is quite important to me. So take care of him for me, okay?" Yuuri nods and he lets go. Viktor gently wraps an arm around his shoulder and you turned to the very last person. And you softly called, "Yuri." He still refused to believe his eyes. There you were, perfectly safe, healthy, and most importantly, alive. He felt himself tremble as he remembered the last time he had saw you. Your silvery hair tainted with your own blood, the color and life slowly draining from your face as you had forfeited your life in return for the lives of the rest of the world. He momentarily lowers his head, how does he face you? How does he finally talk to you after all the crap and shit he's said and done to you? How is he supposed to expect forgiveness from you when you- But his thoughts are cut off when he hears a slight whimper coming from your direction. Much like him, your eyes were brimming with tears as they trickled down your cheek. And at that moment he no longer cared if you were going to push him away, because he knew you wouldn't. You were shaking, and visibly unable to move, your hands covered your mouth as all the emotions that carried over from your past life finally broke through any and all barriers of time. "Yu-" "[F/N]," his arms are wrapped tightly around you. And both of you are sobbing against the other, what silent tears you once had turned into body wrecking sobs as each heave made you tremor. "I'm-" His voice cuts due to the tremor from his sobs, and his grip on you tightens, and you managed to choke out, "I'm so sorry Yuri." He shakes his head, "Why are you the one apologizing?" He pulls away. He's no longer crying, but his eyes are swollen and he's sniffling, "I'm the one who needs to apologize. I hurt you so many times, and I even accused you for killing Beka. Why are the one apologizing to me?!" "I made you wait so long, and then I hurt you by leaving you first," your hands cupped his face as you gently wiped his tears away. There was a weak smile on your face and you whispered, "But I'm so glad I finally found you." He chokes back a sob, and he holds onto you for dear life, afraid that if he even let go, you'd disappear again, just like that day so many years ago. You feel him shake his head and he's still trembling, "Why would you even like a jerk like me?" "Because you're you," you whispered, "And no matter how much time may pass, or how many lives I would have to relive, I'd never choose anyone else beside you." Agape A type of love that is unconditional and selfless One that can withstand the tests of time.
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biofunmy · 5 years
Seeing What the Fighting Is All About on Alaska’s Coastal Plain
Up in the right-hand corner of Alaska, like something freezer-burned and half-remembered in the back of the national icebox, lies a place called the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is the largest wildlife sanctuary in the United States. It is the size of South Carolina. It is also home to the country’s second-largest wilderness area. It has no roads, no marked trails, no developed campgrounds. The Coastal Plain, the narrow strip where the refuge meets the sea, is home to more diversity of life than almost anywhere else in the Arctic. It is the kind of place where you can pull back the tent flap with a mug of coffee in hand, as I did one morning in June, and watch a thousand caribou trot past.
The animals came slowly at first, by twos and by threes, and tentatively, lifting their black noses to catch the strange scent of 10 unbathed campers. Then they tacked across the river. Near the front was a bull with a rack big enough to place-kick a football through its uprights. Mostly they were females in dun coats, serious mothers leading coltish calves that slid and played on the snowfields that still collared the tundra’s low places. Ungainly in looks, but a natural for work — each hoof a snowshoe, with hollow fur for warmth and to buoy them across gelid Arctic rivers. The calves had been born three or four days ago. Already they could walk farther in a day than a human.
The few caribou became dozens. They materialized by the hundred out of the heat-shimmer that rose off the tundra, like those lawmen bringing hot justice in old Sergio Leone films. Confident in their numbers, they surged past the encampment, urged by some twitch in the marrow to keep pushing toward the coast where ocean breezes would scatter the mosquitoes and bot flies that soon would torment them. We watched for a long time, not wanting to move and disturb anything.
“This,” someone whispered, “is sacred.”
In late 2017, a Congress controlled by Republicans badly wanted to pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. To help win the crucial vote of Lisa Murkowski, the senior Republican senator from Alaska, the Senate added a sweetener, a provision that opened to oil drilling the refuge’s Coastal Plain, a roughly Delaware-size piece of ground where the Brooks Range reclines and the tundra tilts toward the Arctic Ocean like the baize of an old pool table.
Most of the country thinks that’s wrongheaded. Seventy percent of American voters oppose drilling on the refuge, a survey by Yale University’s Center on Climate Change Communication found at the time. They don’t want oil drilling where these calves had just been born, and where they now walked, and where wolf and bear and wolverine stalk them, and where threatened polar bears find respite in a melting world, and where more than 200 species of birds have been recorded, including many that brighten your day in the Lower 48, from the tundra swans that head to the Chesapeake, to the mallards that hunters stalk in Arkansas.
Fights such as the one over the refuge are, for most of us, abstractions — tussles over lines on a map of a place we will never see, and will never know. I was tired of this. I wanted to see this place. I wanted to see what we still have, and what we are willing to gamble, for money and for oil.
Getting on Arctic time
North of Fairbanks, the country seems to get bigger and the planes get smaller. Our four-seater arrows north, into the Brooks Range. The pilot finds a notch between mountains and sets us down on a cobbled bar beside water that’s the scuffed green of a dime-store gemstone: the Hulahula River. We transfer to a second plane, smaller still, that swoops down and deposits us downstream. We are 10, in all — a lawyer and his son, a retired teacher, retired doctors and avid birders, Libby and Victor — all here for nine days to float the river for about 90 miles on its course through the Coastal Plain, until, exhausted, the river empties itself into the Beaufort Sea.
But first, mountains. We set up camp in a great scoop of valley and wander, dazed at the sudden change of scenery after Fairbanks. The Brooks Range in summer disorients the newcomer: The rivers run north. The sun seems to rise there, too, after “setting” briefly behind the peaks each night. So far north, the mountains wear no trees at all, but instead are stripped bare, showing off the veinwork of their naked flanks. They are not so bare as they seem. What lives here grows low — lichen, moss campion in purple pillows and Arctic poppies whose dish-flowers track the sun.
The lead guide with the outfitter Arctic Wild, Andrew George, is 39 and from Dallas, but has more Alaska in him than most Alaskans born here. Each summer he runs a fish wheel on the Yukon River with his wife to cache and smoke salmon for winter, when he runs trap lines with his dog team. On his last job, he says, he was paid in gold.
At dinner Mr. George has a message for us. “We’re going to be on Arctic time,” he says. “We’ll eat when we’re hungry. Hike when we want to. Move when we got to move.”
Paddling north
By mid-June the Hulahula River, named by whalers after the Hawaiian dance, is not a deep river nor does it usually pose, for the experienced boater, exceptional challenges. But it is fast and its waters are a life-taking cold. The night before shoving off, the nervous and the curious among us pass around topographic maps of the week’s route, marked in esoteric shorthand with the accumulated wisdom of past guides.
“Class IV scout + portage if necessary run at high water”
“Big haystacks”
“Run Right”
“Tight + Rocky”
“Lots of Aufeis”
All we really need to know, though, is to paddle north. To the plain.
The next morning, Patrick Henderson — assistant guide, expert boater and a great chef — whips up Spam musubi, an Hawaiian snack of grilled Spam atop a neat brick of rice, wrapped in nori. We wrestle into drysuits. The guides cinch hard on the straps of life preservers. (“You can’t drown if you can’t breathe!”) We push off in a cold spitting rain, drifting over quick green water. Restive with its course, the river chews at its banks, sending clumps of wildflowers into the water.
Mr. Henderson rams our raft into the shore and motions for quiet. Two football fields distant stands a musk ox, chewing on grass. We pile out to snap photos. The ox turns. Stamps. Nothing says “get back in the boat” like a 600-pound bovid covering ground, fast.
We drift on. There are caribou tracks on the shore, and wolf tracks that follow the caribou tracks.
“What time is it?” somebody asks.
“The time is now,” Mr. George replies.
We drift and paddle and drift more. Faced with the unceasing light of an Arctic June, time loses shape. The tyranny of the alarm clock is replaced by a fainter pulse, usually lost to us nowadays: the rhythm of natural places. We eat later and later, and take meandering walks in the convalescent light of midnight.
One night after spaghetti, Mr. George suggests that, with the weather so fair, we break camp and paddle all night, out of the mountains and into the foothills. A few hours later, Dall sheep watch us splash through rapids from the grandstand of canyon walls. A moose startles. The sun drops behind those walls. The world, and lips, turn a shivery blue. Finally, the mountains release the river. The sun splashes us with caramel light and reviving warmth. “Morning is a place around here,” one of the guides says. We pull to shore at Old Man Creek, where the guides cook breakfast hash and we collapse on shore, only waking when the afternoon sun heats the tent.
‘Welcome to the Arctic Plain’
On the seventh morning the last foothills bow out. The land becomes as flat as a tabletop. The final rapid throws a slap of 45-degree water to the cheek. Call it a baptism. “Welcome to the Arctic Plain,” Mr. George says, standing in the stern of our raft like a Mississippi boatman.
So this is what all the fighting is about.
For almost a half-century, the stretch of land between mountains and sea here has been a sanctuary with an asterisk. In 1980, Congress passed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, which greatly expanded the original wildlife range; designated most of it as wilderness, off-limits to development; and renamed the whole place the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Congress did not include the 1.57-million-acre Coastal Plain, but directed in Section 1002 that the area continue to be studied. For nearly 50 years a battle has been waged between those who think drilling in the so-called 1002 Area is Alaska’s birthright and can be done well — the oil industry, many of Alaska’s politicians, the native corporations that would see needed funds from drilling — and those who say the place is too valuable for other reasons, and also too wild, to drill.
No one knows how much oil is under this ground. Only one exploratory well was drilled, decades ago, its results a secret. An investigation by The Times found those results disappointing. The federal government’s last estimate was that a mean 7.7 billion barrels of feasibly recoverable oil may lie under the 1002 Area, or the amount of petroleum the United States uses in one year. But opening up the area might also eventually open Native Alaskan areas for drilling, and make adjacent state lands more profitable to drill, if new pipelines and other infrastructure are built.
The 2017 tax law that opened the refuge to potential oil development requires a minimum of two lease sales in the refuge of at least 400,000 acres each. One must be held by the end of 2021, the second by 2024.
But a draft of the required environmental study released earlier this year by the Bureau of Land Management, the author and the agency that oversees drilling on public lands, contained mistakes in basic ecology and didn’t seriously look at climate change’s effect on permafrost. That’s according to nearly 60 pages of corrections and additions to the study that were proposed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the agency that manages the refuge. The study even mentions a river that doesn’t exist, pointed out Michael Wald, a co-owner of Arctic Wild. Environmental groups have vowed to challenge the study, and any drilling approval.
Proponents have pitched drilling as a windfall to the United States Treasury — $1.8 billion, by an early White House estimate. But a Times analysis has found it may yield as little as $45 million over the next decade, or less than 3 percent of what’s been sold to the public.
What we do know is the area’s natural value. During the brief, frenetic Arctic summer, millions of waterfowl and shorebirds use the Coastal Plain here before dispersing to every state in the union, and almost every continent. Two dozen of them are birds of “management concern” by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Some are in even more trouble.
Even closer to the coast are polar bears, listed as “threatened’’ under the Endangered Species Act. The population of polar bears in the Southern Beaufort Sea has declined 40 percent in recent years, thanks largely to impacts related to its shrinking sea-ice habitat. Now these bears increasingly use the Coastal Plain, where females first raise their newborn cubs.
Steven Amstrup, who for three decades was head of the federal government’s polar bear research program and now is head of Polar Bears International, has urged against energy development here. So have the 200 Alaskan members of the Wildlife Society, a professional group of wildlife biologists and managers.
An unending circuit of caribou
And then there are the caribou. The previous day, from our camp on the boundary of the 1002 Area, we watched as hundreds fed on cottongrass and willow buds. We spent the day stalking them with cameras. They always edged farther away, as if they knew the limits of an amateur’s telephoto lens.
Few Americans probably realize that their nation possesses one of the world’s great migrations. Although there are variations, most years the 218,000 animals of the Porcupine herd of barren-ground caribou move in an unending circuit — from the south side of the Brooks Range; around the eastern and southern side of the mountains; then westward in late spring onto the Coastal Plain to drop their calves. They spend the summer fattening up on tundra plants. Then they reverse course. These caribou are the original commuters. A female will walk 2,700 miles in a year, on average.
The Coastal Plain has all of this — the birds, the bears, the caribou. It is still a place that can say its own name.
A week earlier, we had briefly landed at Arctic Village, a native Gwich’in village outside the refuge’s southern boundary. The Gwich’in are against drilling. The caribou forever have walked past Arctic Village on their circuit, and their meat has fed the Gwich’in, David Smith, the second chief, told me. Where the caribou are born — where the drilling might happen — his people do not even go, he said. “This is kind of where life begins,” he said. “It’s God’s place.”
An energy industry representative told me that oil and caribou can mix, that it has been done before with success elsewhere on the North Slope.
That’s misleading, countered Ken Whitten, who, for many years, was Alaska’s lead state biologist for the Porcupine herd. Yes, caribou inhabit some areas around Prudhoe Bay, where the pipeline begins. But studies around the oil fields have found that pregnant females will avoid development. As development increased, calving caribou were pushed southward where the food wasn’t as nutritious, resulting in the mothers having lower-weight calves.
These problems will likely be exacerbated in the refuge, said Mr. Whitten. A 2002 report by him and others predicted that extensive oil development would probably stop the growth of the herd, and perhaps worse. “We don’t think there’s any way you can have a large oil development on the 1002 and not have adverse effect on caribou.”
Another caribou expert told me that they simply don’t know for certain what will happen when pipelines and drill pads are introduced into a valuable habitat. While some caribou will walk miles to avoid a road, said Lincoln Parrett, regional research coordinator for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, others have noted that caribou in some places do acclimate to low-density development.
Treeless, flat and far from desolate
Caribou line the shore as our rafts drift onto the plain. They lift their snouts and hunt the air for a memory that tells them whether to run. But they do not run, at first. And we drift close, staring at one another across a moat of ice water.
The sun rides its circuit above camp. The days heat up. June will be the second-warmest June on record in Alaska. In our bags, the chocolate is melting.
Over the next several days we camp and float and camp again, occasionally taking long walks across the lumpy mattress of the tundra.
The Coastal Plain confounds a first-time visitor. It is too big. It is too treeless, too flat. The pancakes at breakfast had more relief. Trying to make sense of things, I head out with Libby and Victor, expert birders. Cast your eyes downward, their actions say. Where there are no trees, the ground is full of life. Scoops in the dirt are a sign that a grizzly bear has rooted out a ground squirrel. A twitch among the tussocks is a buff-breasted sandpiper, flown in from winter vacation in Uruguay.
“There’s a Baird’s!” Libby says, pointing out a Baird’s sandpiper. “That’s the one that winters in the high Andes, after raising its babies here.” It has made a nest for four speckled eggs on a gravel shore of the river. We wonder at the tenacity of having come so far to place such a fragile bet.
“The Arctic Plain is really nothing,” Don Young, Alaska’s representative, said during a 2011 Congressional hearing on the refuge. “It is not the heart. It is the most desolate part of the area.”
‘Desolate!” we say each time a snowy owl lifts off in search of a lemming.
“Nothing here!” we call out to one another as the next herd of caribou shimmers into view. We know better than to chase them, now. And we wait, patiently, for their arrival.
The sun is high. My watch is dead. It is exactly the time it is supposed to be.
Christopher Solomon, a 2019 Alicia Patterson Foundation fellow, was the 2018 Lowell Thomas Travel Writer of the Year.
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