#you gotta understand zeus is a bastard
lex-cursus · 9 months
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Does the nature of her relationship result in a lot of impotent rage? Yes.
Is she going to take slander for things she didn't do? Probably not, but she'll at least work with people on it.
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ghostkingdoesstuff · 5 months
A friendly reminder I am not to be held accountable for the things I'm about to say. Percy Jackson Season 1 FINALLY (SPOILERS BUT THAT'S THE LEAST OF YOUR PROBLEMS)
The visceral noise I made eating popcorn as Luke said "look you didn't ask to be a half-blood" caused an earthquake in Alaska, I'm sorry I was facing northwest.
"Riposte" I'm sorry, no I'm sorry no-
Also, the background of the sword fighting scene was very pretty.
Poseidon showing up for his son!!! Letts gooooooo! THE WEIGHT OF THE OCEAN UPON YEE!!!
Right in the heel, it's gotta hurt!
Percy asked his uncle to please return his mom, wholesome family gold.
"He'll kill you." "I done to stop running from monsters." "You're gonna need all the luck you can get." The show gets why these two work. Friends before anything else.
Glory as a theme is something that I like that the show highlights more. But Grover is right. at least send an insurance email or something. A quick "on my way, please don't kill anyone"
Dropping the master bolt on some poor dudes desk, legendary.
Olympus is so fucking beutiful omg
I'm gonna cry if Luke and Percy are in the same scene as each other in this episode again. ILL DO IT! THAT'S A THREAT!
The dead silence, I'm shitting omg... yes I know what happens and?
Followed by "I didn't steal it! Neither did any of my friends" IM GONNA CRY! IM GONNA DO IT
The pin strip suit, the sky blue paisley tie, the presence, the voice, THE KING OF THE GODS PEOPLE
Lotta talk for someone so small and scary
"Of course we dream. why do you ask?" "Do you ever dream about mom?" ;-;
Thalia looking strudy as ever.
Another reminder I am not to held liable for anything I might say, you need only see how many times I've listened to "Last day of Summer" from The musical to understand how much I've thought of this moment in fictional time.
Confirmation that Luke was indeed what mattered most in the end? I'm gonna make myself cry shit-
Honestly, this Percy might be too smart for his own good. Bro's never gonna live this heartbreak down.
"You...I'm here to recruit." I- fucking- AHHHH
"Stop saying "we"!" "It’s the word Zeus fears the most."
AND SHE HEARD EVERYTHING! Wasn't she supposed to be watching Clarrise? He'll, if Percy could figure it out, I'm sure Annabeth would. It's worth it to see that LOOK on Luke's face. I'm sorry. Feel the weight of your actions, man.
Miss my old friend the pit scorpion but I also like my new friend "the first scars we gave eachother"
He knows Luke won't hurt him physically, but the psychic damage hurts more and has lasting status de buffs.
"Just be a kid" that's it
"I'll find you" that's it
Promising to meet again next summer...Percy just you wait.
"Grandpa" "don't call him that"
They are the ultimate mother son duo
Kinda hate that Sally didn't intentionally do a murder, or at least she has a lot more possible deniability now, but I hope she still makes a sweet sale on that sculpture!
And that's it! Fuck it's over what to do now... RE READING THE LIGHTING THEIF LIFE BLOG COMING SOON! As well I'll probably drop a summary of my thoughts on the whole season at some point soon! Happy Finally, y'all! Can't wait to see the discorse!
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1041 - Initial Thoughts
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A week removed and the world has gone to shit, but at least there is more One Piece, so let's for a moment forget about real life and get down to business with this chapter
Spoilers for the chapter, support the official release too
Pudding got a 2-for-1 slap on the cover story, smacking some taste out of her would be brother-in-laws for bullying Sanji
Zunesha has indeed come to fight alongside Momo, which Yamato takes as further evidence that Momo is Joy Boy, but Momo not knowing the full details feels like an important thing
Sneaky Oden tearing out the Laugh Tale pages of the journal, gotta keep it a secret, but we do still not know why Momo feels like he cannot die yet
It is understandable that Momo has doubts about opening up Wano, Oden wanted to do this mainly for Joy Boy, but there's a lot more implications right now given the WG are officially sniffing around and not just sending CP0 to do dirty deals
Momo does ask if he's a coward for this hesitation, I don't think so, not agreeing with your father and formulating your own views from experience isn't cowardly
The victor card goes to Raizo as he finally collapses from the fire
And Jimbei is here to collect him, so Raizo may indeed survive
Preparations? What Preparations!?
Now back to the bastard Orochi, who's having a bit of a panic since MegaForehead hasn't come back
Hiyori decides this to be apt time to play her Shamisen, which Orochi takes disdain to
The roof however collapses over him, which is kinda fortuitous
It turns out Hiyori put a sea prism nail in him to prevent him from transforming and breaking free (finally calling back to that), while finally revealing her hand as Oden's daughter
But we've now swapped over to Izo's last stand, and it does look like it's curtains for him sadly
Izo may've been Shigan'd but he also shot the lanky one, causing White Eye to admit that Izo took down one of his own
Lots of people shitting on CP0 for this and not praising Izo enough I think, I mean Izo is still a Yonko Division Commander
Turns out the lanky one was called Maha
But new orders are in from the Gorosei: Kill Luffy
Naturally, White-Eye wants none of that sauce going down at the top of the dome
Drake is still alive too, Ancient Zoan Durability and all, but I still don't fancy him beating White Eye, in fact I still wanna hope he's Luffy's relative in some way
Izo may be down but there's an important factor still: Usopp and co are also somewhere in the basement
Maybe he can pick up Izo, maybe even avoid CP0 to add to his legacy
A Carrot appearance too, but it's just them leading Neko away from the edge because the floor is crumbling
Franky has also grabbed Zoro mid-fall, but he's unresponsive
Trust Nami to end up in the bathhouse XD But she is with Tama and Marco treating Hihimaru and Komachiyo, also showing no sympathy for Zeus' grieving over Big Mom
What makes Marco say that? Onigashima the most dangerous place on the planet?
The roof is very much crumbling as a spent Law and Kid look up above
Kaido meanwhile senses it though, Big Mom being defeated, and he's pretty pissed at that
Luffy meanwhile fits the time to praise Law and Kid for their efforts
Ooooh sneaking in some flashbacks, that's when you know the end is near, the mid-battle flashback is coming
Hmmm, I wonder what she meant by that? 'First time teaming with Rocks?' did Rocks often do team ups I wonder?
Looks like Linlin was a bit of a big sister model once upon a time
And it is another Yonko whose fire in their eyes petered and their smile corrupted
Nostalgia has gotten the better of drunk Kaido, who weeps for BM's defeat
But Luffy has gone into Snakeman
Hydra is his latest move, Magellan must feel remembered XD
This is where Luffy draws the line with people following their dreams though; if it causes great harm to innocent people he will put you in the ground
'One Last Go' is interesting wording, as if there's something else he could try, but it is telling that he uses Gear Fourth given how once it's finished Luffy will be out of it, this is his final rally
And it's those 4 great words: No Break Next Week
Well this was a whirlwind of a chapter, you can really feel Oda ticking off the list of things that need to be done before the climax
At great expense of Denjiro and Kawamatsu being AWOL though, and whatever happened to Inu. But Raizo looks to survive thanks to Jimbei, Izo meanwhile I'd like to have hope for but in all likelihood his journey ends here protecting his family. Brook didn't get too much in this raid either, nor did Carrot which is a huge shame to me.
Effectively, anyone outside of the main dome is in danger, which means everyone is going to have to converge right underneath the final battle.
As I said, Drake probably doesn't have a chance against White Eye, but I kinda hope there's a way to keep him away from Luffy, not that he wants to get involved but I feel like he will be forced to try anyway.
We STILL don't know what happened with Zoro, but I still don't buy he's dead, hell Hiyori playing Moon Princess is probably gonna trigger Enma again, and Zoro will just awaken screaming bloody murder before passing out again. I was a little let down by Orochi's setup though, it helps to constrict him yes and it's kinda ironic that he contributed to it, but it's also lucky of Hiyori that it happened so she could monologue, can we just kill the damn cockroach already?
I'm curious to what Raizo has planned, and a lot of other things, but it looks like we're setting up the final stages of the Raid at the least, we'll probably get a Young Kaido flashback in between. I do worry however that Snakeman will run out before Kaido does, the dude is very durable after all, but we're all pulling for Luffy to do it.
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drcrushers · 4 years
Here’s a prompt to YEET into your inbox: An AU (specifically one you’ve never seen done yet for the couple)
but let’s go with something that’s both hadestown and mythology AU.
the fire crackles and sends another shower of sparks into the air, the logs shifting slightly. persephone glances up briefly, eyes narrowing as she takes in the darkness that the fire doesn’t quite reach beyond the mouth of the cave. she isn’t worried; they’re relatively safe for now. a rarity in times of war, but they’re promised at least one night’s rest before what she suspects is another round of fighting that could keep them busy for days, if not weeks without end.  she twists her arrowhead in her hands, admiring it’s fine point before she sets about lashing it to the shaft. it’s sharpness reflects the fine craftsmanship of it in the glint of the fire, her gift from the cyclops creatures that are camped with the giants just over the next hill. she’s eager to use them, to see how well they dig through the armor and skin of the titans as promised. there’s a shiny new bow laying to her left, far more styled and sturdy than her wooden one.  “here.” she glances up as hades holds out a cup of ambrosia to her. she smiles her thanks, taking it so he can join her at the fire with his own cup. it burns when it hits her tongue, flooding her with more warmth than the fire ever could. “are they arguing again?” she asks idly, jerking her head toward the back of the cave where she knows the others to be settling for their night.  “per the usual. hera and deme still disagree with zeus’ plan. but it’s the only one we’ve got.” hades stares into the fire, watching the flames as she finishes building the arrow she’s on and adds it to the growing pile between them before picking up another.  “it has to work.” she frowns, brows furrowed. “i don’t like it either, but it’s our best shot.” a pause. “but i don’t like you being that close to them. invisible or not.” “about as much as i like you crackin’ open gaia more than she already is.” he remarks, and persephone huffs. no, gaia is already scarred up and entirely barren in some parts from the war. years of fighting have a way of leaving their marks - physical and emotion. on gods and environment alike, her mind supplies. she and hades both have their fair share.  “tartarus is too good for them, my opinion.” she mutters. “they oughta be destroyed.” a pause. “sorry. i just - i forget how hard it is on you. i know your momma means well.” her fingers still in their work, and she tilts her head to look at hades. his lips twitch as he regards her, the fire flickering in those dark irises.  “i just wish she’d joined our side. i don’t understand how she can still love him.” hades rumbles. yeah, his father is a right bastard. which is why persephone feels vaguely unwell at the idea of hades going anywhere close to them. if something happens - well, there won’t be any stopping her in a quest to avenge him.  she reaches across the small gap between them, taking his hand in her own. he lifts her hand to kiss her knuckles fondly, brushing his thumb across the back after he does.  “just promise me you’ll be safe.” persephone says quietly. “that you’ll come home to me.” hades’ expression softens, and he nods, a few strands of loose hair escaping the low ponytail it’s tied back with. she reaches up to brush them back behind his ear.  “promised, didn’t i?” he adds as they both take a sip of ambrosia.  “you and i know you’re about as likely to be careful as a dog has fleas.” persephone remarks dryly. hades’ companion (new, but more loyal than most of his siblings) lifts one of his heads from the other side of the fire. “present company excluded, beastie.” she adds to the canine who has yet to have a name.  “this war ends, we’ll all be better off.” hades holds her hand between his own as they sit. persephone looks down to her lap for a moment, studying the liquid in the cup of her other hand. “that offer to marry ya still on the table when this is done?” she asks, and hades looks vaguely amused.  “of course. you plan on takin’ me up on that offer?” “thinkin’ on it.” she grins, and leans over to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “though i dunno if i can take livin’ up on that mountain we’re fightin’ for with that motley crew of yours.” “wherever you’d like.” he says, a bit too quickly. his face is flushed golden and she can’t tell if it’s heat from the fire, the ambrosia, her, or some combination of all of the above.  “we could set ourselves up real nice somewhere, once they get done drawin’ straws for realms.” she adds the last as an afterthought. another contention of the fights that frequently break out among his siblings and frankly, she’s glad to have no dogs in the damn race. “soon as we send the titans straight to hell.” hades replies. “i wanna marry the woman who stood beside me through all of it.” a pause. “thank you.” persephone laughs. “for what? for being stupidly in love with you?” “that,” he laughs with her. “and for bein’ on our side.” “wasn’t even a question when you asked, lover. i may not have the same stakes in it as you, but this war has been a disaster for everyone.” she rests her head against his shoulder, and they watch the fire continue to burn. she feels him drop a kiss to her hair.  “if i gotta keep my promise, you gotta keep yours.” he says in the quiet silence that settles between them.  “i will. we’re gonna survive and then you ain’t ever gonna get rid of me.” persephone muses. “though i reckon we both get wiped out it won’t be a problem anymore.” “----always the optimist.”
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waterlinkedgirl · 5 years
NPoT chapter 270-272 summary
I wonder if I can catch up! Since we don’t have chapters this month, maybe I can!
“There’s no choice but to give up one of the doubles...”
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The atmosphere at the front is heavy...
The coaches discuss the lineup for the upcoming matches against Germany, but with Germany’s overwhelming power they’re having a lot of trouble.
“Dankmar and Bertie... The probability of winning against those two German pros is zero,” Kurobe says. Mifune looks rather unamused. Saitou, however, has a different idea. “Supervisor, how about pairing up Byoudouin and Duke?” “Don’t say stupid things!” Mifune says, “If it ain’t Byoudouin then who’s gonna go up against the pro Volk?” “Supervisor... Aside from that, we also have the matter of the one who had participated in the Japanese representatives camp, who departed to Germany aiming to become a pro, Tezuka Kunimitsu... There’s evidence that suggests that in the upcoming matches against us, he will be playing in singles.”
“There’s many that want to fight against that guy,” Tsuge says.
Mifune takes his bottle and takes a few good swigs. “Right now there ain’t anyone of the brats that can beat Tezuka!”
”Well~, we and Germany really have way different cards in our hand,” Saitou says. “That speaks for itself. Our opponents are the representatives of the world champion Germany, after all...” Kurobe says.
“What’s gonna come of you bastard coaches givin’ up, coach Saitou?!” Mifune has his back to the others, looking out the window.
“That’s right. None of that scum has given up!!”
We cut to: Kirihara being horribly lost.
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He was following Atobe because he was being all sneaky and suspicious, but lost sight of him and now he’s in the German representatives village.
This is where he spots!
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(this is where I went Konomi what the actual fluck is your anatomy doing but that aside--)
He wonder what the hell they have for a business with each other, when he notices Tezuka handing a CD to Atobe... Of course this means they’re
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SPIES! (right?)
He received something like a super-confidential file on the German representatives...! Hiiie!
I see! So Tezuka just pretended to have gone to Germany to do an infiltration investigation as a double-spy! Putting his life on the line for Japan’s victory... Huh?! If the truth got out won’t it be really bad?!
(this is of course a very, very logical conclusion to come to, Akaya, and I love you to bits for that.)
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...which is when he gets caught by security.
“Was machts du hier?!”
So of course, when it comes down to this...
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he makes a big effing run for it.
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Meanwhile, Amadeus and Ralph are still duking it out, with the first set score being 6-5 for now.
“You play a nice style of tennis...” Amadeus says, “However, I will teach you all the decisive difference between you and me!”
Taste the baptism of a pro!!
(Amadeus using baptism here when Volk has his Wirbel Taufe (lit. Whirl Baptism) technique is a fun detail I want to point out.)
With Dark Side, Amadeus scores off of Ralph, and it becomes set point for the Swiss.
“Our commander has switched gears...” Henri says. “How scary...” Peter whispers.
Amadeus’ Dark Side exposes the opponent’s greatest weaknesses and draws them out. The mental power he displays as he mercilessly and relentlessly attacks them...
“Your greatest weakness is the response delay of the opposite site of your pivot foot after your shot!”
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However, Ralph manages to return it.
“Ralph’s scariness is his ability to fix and overcome his weaknesses,” Ryoma says. “Make him miss once, and the next time it’ll be an easy course for him.”
(so like, Shiraishi but faster?)
“Thanks to you I’ve become fond of that weakness, Amadeus.”
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And now for something completely different--
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Zeus vs the temptation of fluffy fur feat. Tanegashima!
A whole line of men of statu(r)e is lined up to hug the koala! Heracles, Hermes, Vulcan, Davide...
He makes a pun about being startled now featuring koala’s, and of course if he makes a pun, you can guess who’s near to drop-kick him?
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Zeus addresses Tanegashima. “In the semifinals tomorrow against the German team, we, the Greek representatives, will come to cheer for you.” “Thanks☆”
“Game, set.” We cut back to the match between Ralph and Amadeus.
“Won by...
The American representative, Ralph Rheinhart!”
Cheers erupt from the American team. “Ohhhhhh! We won against a pro!” And with 3 wins and two losses, America advances to the semifinals!
“You could immediately become active as a pro player,” Amadeus says as they reach out to shake hands. “No...” Ralph says, “Participating as soon as the pro tour ended, the skill of unifying your team as a commander to come this far is something that deserves much more respect.”
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“Let’s meet again on the court.”
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“At least, the veil’s been lifted on the American representatives... This’s become really interesting.”
Spain moves on to the semis with a 3-0 against Russia. (the fun thing about NPoT is that we literally have no idea how the other matches are going to turn out and who the finals opponent will be... currently, Spain seems to be in favour.)
Amadeus closes his eyes and lifts his head to the skies. This year... we didn’t make it either.
“Commander... Nice game.” When he opens his eyes--
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All of his teammates, saluting him. He smiles, and closes them again. “Thank you very much.”
Meanwhile, the American team has noticed Ryoma and are shouting elatedly about how he came to watch. Ryoma tells them they’re making too much of a fuss... but that he’s happy to see everyone doing well.
“By the way, where’s my brother?” “Ah, Ryoga, huh,” Dudu starts.
“He’s always had that wanderlust, you know,” Kiko says. “Who knows where his feet led him♪”
“You’ll be able to fight him somewhere... for sure,” Ralph reassures him.
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“Let’s meet in the finals, Ryoma!”
(y’all you have audience right below don’t you feel awkward shouting that drthdcrt6uyjcftguyj)
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“We gotta beat Germany first!”
Yeah, about that...
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Kirihara’s finally been apprehended by the guards.
“Th- That’s why said! I didn’t see anything!” And, in his best attempt at English, “No spy! No spy! I was searching for a friend and I got all dizzy dizzy lost...
Th- This is bad! They don’t understand anything-- Help me!!” (Kirihara you idiot onomatopoeia don’t translate at ALL xdfhcxftghcgh)
“Che che che~” (this is Bismarck’s trademark laugh, more like ‘chi chi chi’ in the original but this conveys the sound better in the English accent imo, don’t question it)
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“You can let him go, that guy’s my Kumpan.”
Bismarck leads Kirihara out of there, to one of the courts.
“Thank you... very...” “Heh. Japanese is fine. Just don’t get lost in the enemy’s athlete village again. If you were caught by Volk he’d beat you up like a punching bag (lie)
If it were QP you’d have a court-martial (lie), and if it were Frankensteiner you’d be turned into a cyborg (lie)” (I love what this says about how these guys on the German team are perceived)
Kirihara lets out a yelp.
“Um.. You’re the guy who went against Fuji in the exhibition matches, right?”
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“Yeah, I’m Michael Bismarck!
But you Japanese middle schoolers sure are strong, huh!”
Kirihara laughs nervously. "That so? Those guys still got a long way to go.”
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(cin game on point)
“However, the German middle schoolers also have a bunch of guys who hate to lose. I’m looking forward to tomorrow. See you then, Kumpan!” “Thanks”
Right when he finishes waving, our attention is drawn to one of those hate-to-lose types. It’s Siegfried, and he looks exactly like he’s unlocked ten’imuhou.
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(meanwhile Frankensteiner looks like he’s nnnot gonna be in the tournament anytime soon htxcftgcyhzsg poor guy)
A park, lined with trees and skyscrapers in the background. “Mon amour... It was a bitter decision I made so they would be loved in the future...”
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Camus wistfully reaches for his racket as he laments that he had to stop Oswal.
But... If you talked about what I really wanted, fighting with him...
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The person who he’d been thinking about, Duke, pops up.
“Camus... Would you like to have a game?” “Even though you appeared just now, you say some funny things, Duke.
Well, it’s not unthinkable that you wouldn’t have understood my tennis in just our mental match.”
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“Will you have a game with me?”
“Are you planning on appearing in the Germany matches as well?”
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In yet another meanwhile, Tokugawa is going 1 vs 2 against Oni and Irie.
“Should we take a break?” Irie asks, smiling, when Oni notices someone. “Oi Tokugawa... He showed up today as well.”
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(it’s him!!!! :D) "Sorry for interrupting your practice! Tokugawa-san... Can I count on you today too?"
Tokugawa nods, and the two of them take off.
“That guy...” Oni looks over them with a certain pride in his eyes. “It seems that ever since they lost against Germany he’s been having practice with Tokugawa every day.
Though they may have been defeated, they are the only pair that has attained a Howling between their skills!”
Highschoolers and middle schoolers alike are preparing for the big day tomorrow, from watching matches of Volk,
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(spotted!) to running until the sun sets. It is already late when Atobe knocks on one of the room’s doors. Fuji opens.
“Hey, Fuji. Tezuka’s told me to return the CD he borrowed from you.”
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“Thank you, Atobe. Was Tezuka doing well?” “Yeah, much more than usual.”
“Hey, Fuji. Don’t make me run errands for you again.”
It’s the night before the semis. Everyone is gathered in the hall to listen to the head coach. “You bastards! Tomorrow finally is the Big Match! Go take revenge on Germany and shake the world!”
A roar erupts from the gathered players.
“I’ll announce the order for tomorrow!”
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(spotted! haha)
“Huh? Koshimae ain’t here.” “Mm. Akaya isn’t here either,” Sanada remarks.
“Can you believe those guys?”
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Of course, they’re playing off against each other. Or, well, it looks rather one-sided on Ryoma’s half, with his ten’imuhou.
“Sht... Why?!”
Tezuka-san... and Atobe-san... For the sake of Japan they put their life on the line and cross all kinds of dangerous bridges... I, too...!
“So how about giving up already?”
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(I’m yelling because being on top of the game and then telling their opponent to give up is something much more Yukimura than Ryoma in my book... But here we are!)
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“Even if I die I won’t give up.”
He, who can’t be called an angel or a devil, when that single man surpasses that wall--
[One day left until the semis against Germany.]
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nofearbts-blog · 6 years
Before The Biggest Fuck Up
There were seven of us. A gang of prideful bastards you could say; all bonded by experiences – not by blood. Of course, we all have a story as to how we ended up in our little tight circle of ours, however, I’d rather not go into detail with that because well, I don’t give a fuck about any of them anymore. I say that without batting an eyelash. I say it from the deepest and darkest pits of my black little heart. Why? Why – It’s a long story. Long enough that I could possibly tell it for the rest of my life time. Those fucking shitheads are so obsessed with loyalty and wanting to be in each other’s presence that they’d rather not live their own fucking lives and that’s how we got to this fucking point. It was all my fault for being so oblivious and blinded by all the messy shit we got into. I couldn’t have been the only one, right? The only one who wanted to take a break, kick back, have a girl in my arms and possibly settle down. I couldn’t have been the only one. I was wrong. I <i>was</i> the only one. I was – weak. I let my guard down and because of that, I lost someone I loved so dear to me. I lost her, my other half, my soulmate. Amidst all the chaos, amidst all the blood and the ear aching screams, she was the one I laid eyes on – the one I fought to hell and back first and then the one I fell in love with.
It all sounds like a bunch of rubbish, and perhaps it was, but this is exactly how it happened. We were enemies, and for some reason, I always hesitated in killing her. I didn’t find join in wanting to kill her like I did with all the other poor bastards I slaughtered in the past. Perhaps it was her eyes, or her lips, or maybe the way she moved, the way she touched, the way she talked and held onto me. She was the first person to show me how to be human, how to feel, and how express my emotions the right way – without killing anyone. No one else had this effect on me the way she did, and I adored her so fucking much for that. The closer we grew, the more irritated the group appeared to be. Eventually, all six of them found out about us and they were against it completely, in fact, they resented it, almost forbade it. I didn’t understand why, it was my chance in life to be happy for once and they were trying to take that away from me. I wasn’t going to let them ruin my chances with her. I didn’t allow it, there was no chance in hell that they would make me choose them over her. If anything, I wanted them to be happy for me for moving onto the next chapter in my life.
But, obviously, that wasn’t the case.
“No! Fuck you, I’m not going to do that, you fucking sick fuck.” I growled under my breath, my fists clenching tightly and my knuckles turning white as snow. I remember, there were hot tears welling in my eyes and my hands becoming numb by how hard I was squeezing them shut. Swallowing thickly, I watched them all snicker under their breath, eyeing each other with the evilest of glints that I, myself, have never seen before. “Zeus, you ARE going to do it. You can, and you will. You are capable. You’re a killing machine, don’t forget that.” Hades stated. Hades was a code name that belong to Kim Namjoon, which happened to be the pinnacle of the group. The leader, the boss. Anything he says, goes. Most of the time – all the time. “No – No. You’re not taking this away from me. I love her, Namjoon! For once, I have a second chance at living a normal life with the woman I love. I want to be with her, I want to live with her. For fuck sake, Namjoon! I want to marry the girl and have kids with her. Why can’t you just accept that?” I knew that this time, there was no getting out. Just like the first time we all inducted ourselves into the group. Once you were in, you could never get back out. I should’ve remembered that. I should’ve, but I didn’t. His eyes turned dark and his expression fell somewhat slack and blank. Perhaps it was the fact that I called him by his real name or the fact that I was standing up for myself against him when no one else could. Yes, even the others were afraid of him.
I watch him stand and for a second there, I faltered and took a small step backward. There was sweat beginning to form along my forehead and he walked closed and closer til’ he was looking down at me completely. I could hear the calmness of his heartbeat, and his slow, peaceful breathing fanning over me. The silence was deafening and finally, he smirked and lets out a small snort from his nose. “Fine, Taehyung. You win.” He said and the rest of them including myself went wide eyed. I – won? “You are no longer apart of his group, in fact, the longer you stand in front of me, the more I want to put my hands on you and slit your throat.” His voice was heavy, and each word was venomous that it was making me queasy. “Leave.” With that, I nodded my head and quickly darted out of there. For all I knew, that was the end of it. My ties were severed, and I was free. Deep down, I thank Namjoon but a small part of me wondered why he let me go so easily. I misunderstood and thought he had a heart in him.
He didn’t.
I remember running and running, smiling and laughing to myself. To the people that I ran passed, they probably thought I was a mental patient who escaped the mental hospital. Well, it wasn’t that far off. What I had gone through messed me up fucking bad, but not as bad as those six fuckers that I left behind. She waited for me at her place where I constantly kept visiting and I guess you could say, where I lived. There she was, sitting on the couch reading a book and she looked so fucking ethereal that it took my breath away. She always had that affect one me, always bringing me to my knees, knocking the wind out of my body. I was the luckiest man on earth, I really was. That same night, we planned to get away, as far away as we possibly can. I had this gut wrenching feeling about staying where we were that I bugged her constantly telling her we should re-locate. Eventually she gave in, no matter how much she loved being there at her own home, she gave in.
I left for a moment, to tend to some financial issues with the bank. I wanted to withdraw all the money I had in my account, so I could live off the grid for a while. It was only a moment – a moment that would forever haunt me to this day. My phone had rung, and I didn’t pick it up the first time because I was speaking to an accountant. The second time around, I was able to answer it and I could hear was her panting and sobbing painfully into the phone. She sounded scared, terrified. She wasn’t like this, she was a killer like me, she was strong like me – maybe even stronger. To hear her that way made my blood turn cold and my throat close. Her voice seemed hoarse, almost like it wasn’t her, but it was. We both didn’t say anything, maybe because we were both equally shocked but when I heard that dark cackle on her side I felt something bubble up within me that I have never felt before in my life. No. No. I don’t remember what happened much next, but I ran as fast as I could out of the bank, down the sidewalk and to the apartment we lived in. I nearly tripped on the stairs heading there and when I came to a halt at the front door of her house, our house, the door was nearly off its hinges. I could hear her whimpering in the living room and at that point I didn’t care if I was going to get hurt, I didn’t want HER to get HURT. Everything was tossed around, like a tornado had come through. I panted heavily, my chest hurt, and my throat was dry. My brows furrowed deeply as I glanced at the six men in the living room.
Finally, I let my vision fall and there she was, placed on her knees with her hands tied behind her back with a belt and her face blue and purple, swollen from the beatings she must’ve gone through while he was gone. It was only a moment, a moment that felt like a few minutes and during that small amount of time, she was hurt, she was hurt badly. For the first time, I felt tears running down my face and I looked up at Namjoon who held his silver pistol against his chest, tapping it gently. The others surrounded him, hands in their pockets and smirks adoring their faces. How dare they. “Zeus, you’re back! That was quicker than what I expected. I guess she really does mean a lot to you, huh?” It took a lot in me to not latch out and wrap my fingers around his throat. He began to walk slowly around her and over towards me. He continued to tap his gun against his chest rather calmly and soothingly. His eyes were down at the ground and that ugly, god forsaken smirk never left his face. “You know, when we all created our little gang we had a code, a law, a promise to abide by.” He started, and I could feel my toes and feet starting to lose feeling. “We all made a sacrifice, Zeus. We all promised each other we’d never stray away and that we’d stay together.” He continued, and I raised my hands slowly into my pocket where I had my pocket knife. Suddenly, there was a quick movement from Krato (Jeon Jungkook). He brought out his gun smoothly and fast, cocking it against my temple. “Uh-uh! Not so fast.” I could hear him cackling through his lips, Namjoon looked over and he let out a loud chuckle. “…and you’re willing to kill me over this – piece of human trash? You gotta be kidding me, Zeus. You can do better than that.” He continued to roar with laughter, no standing to the right of me, between me and my girl.
All this time, she had her head hung low. Sobbing quietly, sniffling here and there, she not once, looked up at me, was she ashamed? Did she feel ashamed? I would’ve been, if I was her. “Frankly Zeus, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you know better than any of us that you could never get out what we created together.” Straightening out his arm, he held his gun to her head. I gasped and nearly stumbled forward to protect her, but Krato had grabbed a hold of my neck, kicking me behind the knee, bringing me down to her level. “Hades, Namjoon, please. Please, don’t hurt her! I’ll come back, okay? I’ll come back, just don’t fucking touch her! Don’t FUCKING TOUCH HER!” I yelled as loud as I possibly could, to get it through his thick skull that I said what I meant. I would come back, only if he didn’t hurt her. She panted and looked at me with those round doe shaped eyes. Even though she was badly bruised, she was still beautiful to me. I wanted to be with her, we were going to get married, buy land, buy a house, and possibly have kids. I wanted all of that with her. “I’m gonna let you choose, Zeus. Alright, buddy? Do you want to be with this girl? Or do you want to stand beside us once again? You can only choose one.” My heart thumped hard against my chest and he looked at me, biting his inner cheek, brows furrowing. All the other men looked down at me, waiting for the right answer to come pouring out of my mouth. I knew what I wanted, but If I were to choose her, he would get mad and do the worst. I don’t know what he would do, but I know somewhere in my heart that he would never actually kill someone that I loved with all my entire being. I began to pant heavily, beads of sweat falling against the side of my forehead. For a second, I could’ve swore I saw her smile sadly. It was so small, but I saw it. What was she trying to say? No. No. I wasn’t going to let her go so easily. “I want to be with her, but I also want to stand beside you guys! Please, Namjoon!” his name reverberated against the living room walls and for a second, everything seemed to fall silent again. He stood up straighter and tilted his head in feigning in thought. “Wrong answer, dude.” He muttered under his breath as he cocked his gun against her head and pulled the trigger.
The ringing from the gun was so loud that I couldn’t hear a single thing, but I saw it all. The blood that splattered all over me and the walls. The way her body fell to her side so limply and lifelessly. Her smile remained but had no feeling behind it, her once starry like eyes was dull. I remembered I couldn’t breathe for the first 30 seconds. My eyes were wide, and my hands trembled violently. Slowly, I reached out to touch her and when I did, she didn’t move. I shook her once, nothing, now I was shaking her with all the strength I had and – nothing. Tears poured down my face easily and fell onto her cheek and neck. Her blood stained my clothes, my skin, I wanted it off. The scent was revolting, and though I had killed people before, the smell of blood never bothered me to this extent before, maybe because it was her blood. I felt my veins rising from my skin a bit, my eyes turning to slits and hatred, pure hatred filling my body. “You k-killed her.” Namjoon chuckled and stuffed his gun into his pocket. “Yeah, I did. God, that was riveting!” I shook my head slightly and stood up slowly before reaching into my pocket and whips out my knife. I lurched forward to stab him, to tear him up into bits but before I could lay my hands on him, all six men drew out their guns and shot me 4 times. One in the arm, another in my thigh and three into my chest. It burned, I couldn’t feel the pain around my bullets, but it burned a hell of a lot. I fell to the ground, on my knees first then to my side, next to the dead love of my life. I gazed into her still open dull eyes and tried to tell her that I loved her. I tried to reach out and pull her to me, but I couldn’t move a single thing. It was only then I felt myself feeling weaker and weaker, weightless and cold. I heard the six devils speaking among themselves, but it was all an underwater muffle. That’s when everything went dark and black.
Sad to say, I wish I was dead but for some reason, the prick that lives upstairs decided to give me a second chance at life, and he gave it to me for a reason.
The funny thing is, they don’t even know I’m alive.
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