#you guys are so obsessed with sex appeal you can’t even understand how soul appealing naughty boys are
padawansuggest · 1 year
While I’m at it, since y’all seem to be forcing your ideas on me and I think that’s nasty, let me tell you MY (as in, mine, not necessarily yours) ideas on the Padawan cut with Obi-Wan: I see Obi-Wan’s little smirk in TPM and I’m like ‘yeah, that boy goes over his master’s knee nearly daily’ and I stick by that assessment. He’s a naughty boy. He’s mischievous. He’s a cat who pushes your cup off the table when you don’t pay enough attention to him. He has a constantly sore bottom from punishment from Antics™️. He’s just a Little Guy. He ate too many candies and has a tummy ache. He’s got an oral fixation and keeps breaking pens. He’s a baby boy. A sugar baby. He doesn’t know the value of a credit he just hands the bill to someone richer and trembles his lip when he doesn’t get his way. He’s got silly syndrome!!!
Where as I see the Jesus cut (that shit ain’t a mullet you don’t KNOW what a mullet is he just hasn’t had a haircut in a while) and I’m like ‘ew. Now I know why they crucified the original.’ And that’s lol.
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yunho0o0o0o · 4 years
my fic recs: a masterlist
note: most of these have been reblogged on my account, but here’s a list for convenience, author’s summary is copy and pasted here if there is one, if it’s the first in a series I recommend the whole series, I’ll probably add to this as I read more, yes i know some people are missing i just somehow didn’t have any fics in my stache that included them
A- angst, S- smut, F- fluff
Includes BTS and Ateez
Lost & Found (F, 1.7k) - @namjoontunes - In a world where mythical creatures like dryads and vampires are commonplace, how will a household of supernatural humanoids react to their new kitten being a shapeshifting girl?
Lilies of the Valley (A) - @girlmeetsliv3 - includes ABO, yandere themes
Sunlight (F, A, 16,5k) - @floralsuga - A soulmate. That was all you had wished for. Someone to come home to, someone to be there for you, to build a life together with. And yet you were cursed with having seven. Seven soulmates that you could not allow yourself to have.
Fading Legacies (A, 3k) - @mindays - BTS achieved everything they’d ever dreamed of, becoming world wide idols. But then the zombie apocalypse hits and it’s all they can do to survive. And they’re going to need Y/N to do it.
The Gentlemen (M, A, F, 5.2k) - @honeymoonjin - Sick of unsatisfying hookups, boring relationships or the company of your own hand? Apply today for the chance to be on bangasm.com’s very first reality show! Seven attractive young gentlemen will be vying for your choice of who is best in bed. All from different backgrounds, these men claim they’ll be able to rock your world, so don’t hesitate! Apply now! 
Ethereal Orbit (A, F, S, 1.1k) - @miamorjoon - somehow you’ve landed on this strange planet named Utepnia and you have to save their race from extinction.
Chism (S, A, F, 19.9k) - @kpopfanfictrash - The entirety of your life, you have never fit in. A woman soldier. A passive power, wielded in the land of the bold. Despite this, you have followed your father’s advice and striven to blend into the crowd. You feel you have succeeded, until your Queen calls you before her with an arduous task. Guard the darkest cell in the lowest dungeon. Do not listen to what the prisoner has to say and above all else, keep your head. The old gods may be dead, but the humans are living.
Beastly Gods (M, A?, F, 8k) - @lemonjoonah - ‘Don’t leave the forest,’ a rule that you've been forced to follow since birth, but you are tired of living in this wooden cage. Out of desperation you cut a deal with Taehyung, who claims to be the only one who can get you out safely, even though he might be just as dangerous as the god you’re trying to escape.
Teach Me Dirty (S, 2.9k) - @forgottenpasta - Taehyung has a lot to teach his English teacher. Fortunately for him, you’re an eager and willing pupil.
World of Pride (A, F?, 5.2k) - @an-ambivalent - artificial intelligence hoseok, includes yandere themes, your father created an AI to protect you when he’s gone
Make Me (S, F, 4.4k) - @ppersonna - an ordinary sleepover with your best friend turns into anything but ordinary, thanks to your ridiculously loud neighbors above you.
Lineage (M, S, 6.7k) - @kosmosguk - When an engagement locks you, the 8th and forgotten princess, to the duke infamous for his cruelty, you find yourself counting the days until your inevitable death. It’s terrifying to think of your end, but when you arrive at his territory, you realize there’s a more morbid reason behind your marriage, and that the duke is much worse than the rumors have painted him out to be.
Switching Places (F, 1.7k) - @ijungkooki - soulmate au where you switch places with your soulmate at random times
Scopophilic Affection (M, F, 7.8k) - @bibbykins - Scopophilia is a more dignified way to define voyeurism, something Seokjin had no intention of partaking in until he came across your live stream. Seokjin is a dignified man, but never in his life had he felt so depraved watching you smile and work like it was his profession, unable to reach through the screen and make you his. Unable to tell you how much he loves to watch you because you have no idea you’re live stream even exists. He can’t tell you how hypnotizing you are without the glaring controversy of him watching your hacked-into webcam, both as a human and director in the computer science division of the company he is a board member of. Nevertheless, you were his very guilty utmost pleasure. 
Shadow (2.2k) - @yoonologue - Shadow has been on the run her whole life. Her survival depended on her keeping her mouth shut and staying hidden. If she didn't then she would be captured and used as a pawn to do their bidding. But it seemed that her heart did not seem to understand that. She had never been able to ignore a person in need. She never had a problem before, but it seems that her luck had run out. Now she was left with scraped hands and unconscious boy that was too nosy for his own good.
Asterismos (A, F, S, 7.1k) - @hobiance - As far as you’re concerned, things like magic, prophecies, and fate are nothing more than fairytales. But when you accidentally bind your soul to a mysterious amulet you found at an antique shop, a group of seven warriors from a magical world inform you that you now hold the key to saving them all. The fate of the realm Elodia now rests in your hands, and you realize that you couldn’t have been more wrong.
Sweets (F, 4.2k) - @worldwidemochiguy - in which jungkook steals your lip balm and perfume instead of talking to you, you leave a post-it note with your number on it for the strange thief who only seems to take the most inexplicable items and has a strange sense of responsibility for your wellbeing, and the cute boy in your photography class with the fluffy hair and the oversized sweater keeps getting more and more endearing… , includes yandere themes
Pen Pal (A, 5.3k) - @chinkbihh - As a lonely person, the idea of exchanging letters with someone apart from society was actually quite appealing to you.  In a random act of charity and desperation, you sign up for a pen pal and get paired up with an inmate named Jungkook.  The letters were meant to help him cope with prison life, but little did anyone know it was actually driving him more mad., includes yandere themes
Quarter Quell (11.2k) - @chinkbihh - includes yandere themes, you are selected as a tribute for the next quarter quell (hunger games au), the volunteer from district two seems to have an unhealthy obsession with you
Haunted (A, S, 14.1k) - @mint-yooxgi - you move into a new house without knowing it’s already occupied, includes yandere themes, ghost! jungkook
All Eyes On Me (S, A, F, 3.5k) - @atiny-piratequeen - member x member, not an x reader, yeosang focused, Yeosang is a very shy man. Everyone knows this.But he’s fed up of his shyness and insecurities being the reason he’s left out of sexual activities from the others. He wants them to look at him like they look at each other
Two is Better Than One (ft. Yunho) (S, F, 4.2k) - @mingishoe - a threesome with your boyfriend sub! Yunho and dom! Mingi
Two is Better Than One (ft. Mingi) (S, F, 4.2k) - @mingishoe - a threesome with your boyfriend sub! Yunho and dom! Mingi
Bassists Do It Deeper (S, 6.3k) - @luvteez - while using what you thought was your brother’s laptop you find a search history full of exhibitionism, only to find out you’ve been using one belonging to Yunho, the newest bandmate and your childhood enemy
Shower Sex (ft. Seonghwa) (S) - @atothetiny - after a long day at work you decide to join your boyfriend in the shower
First Time With San (S, F, 3.5k) - @call-me-bha -  Choi San, recognized as sex on legs among fans, was exactly-if not more- truthful to his reputation, and you quickly discovered that from the beginning of your relationship with him. In fact, you were about to find out about how much that name was made for him.
Truth or Dare (ft. Jaehyun and Johnny from NCT) (S, 6.2k) - @domjaehyun - playing truth or dare with your boyfriend and two guys you’ve hooked up with in the past when they propose a different kind of game
Focus (S) - @yeosangs-horizon - you and seonghwa try cockwarming in the study room, includes a little size kink
Shower Sex (ft. Yunho) (S) - @atothetiny - after a long day at work, you decide to join. your boyfriend in the shower
Listen (F, 3k) - @mingishoe - You can hear every song your soulmate does, yours just happens to listen to the same song on repeat… for days.
Talkative (S) - @needyateez - when your car dies you’re forced to accept help from your enemy, Wooyoung, however things turn a different way than either of you were expecting
Miss (S) - @mingi-baby - sub hongjoong calling you miss
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Hi! Long time follower here, never talked. Love your blog. Please please give us the Wuthering Heights rant. I really want it now!
My dear nonny, I’m truly sorry it’s taken me so long to get to this.
First off, I have to admit two prejudices when it comes to my reading of Wuthering Heights. First, I’m not a fan of Romantic literature. Second, I’m not a fan of what I would call “interpersonal dramas.” For example, TV shows like This is Us or films like August: Osage County are not my cup of tea. They’re about the dramatic and serious relationship between characters and family members and I just don’t care. I get that in my real life, give me dragons.
So that influences my opinion of WH and makes me predisposed to not be a fan. But I just really fucking hate that book, I’m sorry, I do, and it’s not because of any lack of writing skill involved in writing it, it’s because it’s a goddamn misery piece about people being assholes to each other and then dying miserably.
Like, I get it, we’re supposed to feel bad for Heathcliff because of his lower status and how people treat him, but he’s also an asshole? He eavesdrops on a conversation that he only hears part of (and therefore misunderstands) and proceeds to punish the person who was speaking, and she has no idea that’s why he’s doing it or what he overheard. God FORBID he tell her.
But then I suppose I’m an idiot for expecting anybody in this damn novel to talk to anybody about anything. Communication is something none of these people have ever heard of in their entire lives. And yes I get it! Suppressed emotions! Hidden passions! Yearning! Guess who did all of that while still having characters treat each other (generally, at least in regard to the heroes) with respect and communicating and learning the folly of not communicating?
My God, Heathcliff, I fucking get it, you’re fucking miserable, you know what I’d say if one of my friends went out and brooded in a fucking torrential rainstorm? GET BACK INSIDE AND BROOD IN FRONT OF THE FIRE YOU FUCKING MORON. The whole Romantic movement had a lot of focus on the power and beauty of wild, untamed nature, but there’s a line between appreciating nature and just going out to prove to everyone how sad you are and wallowing in self pity and I have no tolerance for that bullshit.
Oh! And that’s even if we IGNORE the racist undertones of Heathcliff being dark skinned and compared to people from places like India and called racial slurs as a result and how he turns into a violent petty vengeful man who abuses the woman he claims to love YEAH THAT’S A GREAT REPRESENTATION OF PEOPLE OF COLOR RIGHT THERE the only thing almost as infuriating is how in every adaptation he’s played by a white man. *screams into pillow*
And maybe? We’re supposed to read WH and Heathcliff’s journey as a cautionary tale of sorts? Hey look what happens when you let rage, jealousy, and vengeance consume you. Not a great look. Not that I’m saying any of the Bronte sisters were the kind of people to write morality tales. But perchance we weren’t supposed to like Heathcliff so much? That’s up for debate but doesn’t change the fact that far too many people in this world seem to think he’s a goddamn “tortured romantic hero.” Ha. Ha ha. Ha. Honey he’s not tortured he’s a bully. Cool story! Still murder!
And I’m sorry but I fucking hate the treatment of women in this. Nothing against the women themselves, really, but they’re not anything other than plot devices to be used by the men to hurt the other men in the story. Catherine only ever makes one solid choice for herself and that’s marrying Edgar and then Heathcliff proceeds to punish her for it for years.
Yeah, there’s nothing more romantic than, “If I can’t have you, nobody can.” Wow look my panties just fucking fell off, that was so romantic. *gags*
God and poor Isabella, he manipulates her and uses her and abuses her. Also Edgar, can we talk about Edgar? Edgar’s a good dude. He’s a good dude who loves Catherine and loves his daughter and really didn’t deserve this bullshit. But oh no, his soul isn’t made of the same stuff as Catherine’s, their souls aren’t the same, don’t you see? He’s not PASSIONATE and YEARNING and TORTURED!
Look, I get the temptation of that whole shtick when you’re sixteen. But if there’s something that age and experience has taught me, and most other people, it’s that relationships that are full of sweeping passion and tortured emotion are not the sort of relationships with which you can actually build a life together. While it’s said by a cultist trying to manipulate a lonely and traumatized woman, the quote, “Does he feel like home to you?” in Midsommar is a very apt question to ask. Finding someone upon whom you can rely, with whom you feel safe, with whom you feel comfortable, someone who is willing to put in the time and dedication to their relationship with you, is far more important than sex in a nor’easter and frankly I never saw the appeal of that tortured sweeping romance even when I was sixteen.
Everyone’s talking about how this guy is an “enduring icon” and such bullshit when the fact is he’s abusive. He never showed Catherine proper appreciation while she was alive and chose instead to hurt her, he abused everyone else around him whether they deserved it (Hindley) or not (Isabella). Catherine’s not a ton of fun either, faking insanity to hurt her husband because he doesn’t want her to cheat on him and then falling into actual insanity and starving herself to death because she can’t see her One True Goddamn Love.
If was her one true love then WHY DIDN’T SHE MARRY HIM? YOU CAN’T HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO. THAT’S NOT HOW THIS WORKS. If you love someone, you love them enough to say, “yeah we won’t be rich but we’ll find our way in the world.” Catherine loved her status and material comforts more than she loved Heathcliff, full stop, I don’t want to hear anything more about her tough choice.
And it’s okay that she wanted financial security and social status! There is nothing wrong with that, especially when Edgar was a pretty good guy all things considered! But for God’s sake woman stop throwing a tantrum like a fucking five year old. You made your choice. You don’t get to whine and cry about it. You can’t refuse to marry the guy and then get mad when you can’t have an affair with him. You should’ve fucking married him! Why is this so hard for people to understand!? She’s spoiled! Cathy’s just fucking spoiled!
Maybe it’s the autism but this is why I fucking hate dramas. Nobody communicates. Nobody is logical. Everyone blows everything out of proportion. God I hate people.
And again, I’m not saying that these characters were written to be characters that you root for, nor am I saying they’re characters you’re supposed to condemn. If anything I would say they’re characters you’re supposed to be drawn into in spite of yourself and get swept up in “THE DRAMA” of it all. Which is fine but honest to God that doesn’t make this book any better than any of the dozens and dozens of other similar stories out there. And whatever the author’s intentions, the way readers throughout the years have sighed and pined over this book and acted like it was such a great example of doomed romance pisses me the fuck off.
It’s not anything special, sorry. It’s about a bunch of horrible people doing horrible things to each other because they’re all petty and selfish, and the only other kind of people who exist are victims and idiotic bystanders. It’s not romantic, Heathcliff and Catherine’s romance is unhealthy obsession that’s more about themselves than about each other, and I fucking hate it.
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
BTS as Yandere (Based on their Venus and Mars Signs)
(We don’t know BTS’s exact birthtime and location so the placements are just general predictions and not precise.  Astrology is something I think reveals a lot about a person but I am in no way saying that all the members are like this)
Venus in Capricorn.
Takes a long time for it to develop yandere habits/mindset.  But once he gets there, there is no turning back.  
Probably fell for you bc he can see a future with you. He’s very strategic and attracted to accomplished individuals so your career, work ethic or lifestyle probably drew his attention.  You had to impress him in some way.
Fan of older partners.  it’s okay if you’re younger but you still have to be mature.  Childish behavior really pisses him off.  
Capricorn is about control, once he has you he wants to be in charge of the smallest things about you.  Your diet, what products you use, what shows you watch, the music you listen to and the friends you spend time with. 
Public image is very important to him, so he will not deal with any disobedience esp if you guys are out in public.  Wants the world to think you two are the perfect couple.   
Not that romantic, but very traditional.  Obsessed with planning for the future with you.  Looks at houses, talks about the schools nearby for your future kids.  While a venus in Pisces might write poetry for you and get you flowers, venus in Capricorn would ask to sign up for a joint bank account.  That’s romance to them.
Venus in Capricorn apparently like bigger butts, thighs and even duskier complexion.  Tall partners too.
Venus in Capricorn likes to take their time.  Even though he’s yandere, he still wants to progress slowly with you to savor the buildup and think about the story he will tell his kids about how he got with their mother.  No kisses on the first few dates, probably took months for you guys to fuck.  
Mars in Cancer
very protective of you.
He will have a family with you.  That’s not up for discussion.
Although his venus in cap makes him attracted to ambitious women, his mars in cancer makes it so that after being together for a while, he would ask you to be a stay at home sweetheart while he works and provides for you.
loves being depended on.  His cap and cancer both agree on this.  
Very lenient on punishment.  His cap will try to set harsh ground rules, but if you were to break them, just give him some teary eyes and he would fold completely.  he tends to settle on lectures instead of physical punishment. 
“Darling, it’s never to early to start shaping our future.  We need to figure out what private school to send our kids to and that would dictate where we live next.”
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Venus in Aries.
While other members would despise a partner who fights back all the time and gets mouthy, Yoongi would adore it.  
The sassier and more outspoken you are, the more Yoongi loves you.
One of the few members to not mind if you are independent, in fact it turns him on to know how capable you are on your own.  
He likes tension and fighting, bc it keeps the spark alive and he thinks you’re the sexiest when you are fiery and livid.  
Likes the chase.  Will def play your game.  If you give into him too easily, he’ll loose interest very fast,
Tends to like more tomboyish partners, laidback and straighforward.  Don’t be too sensitive or feminine, it will only anger him.
Likes for the relationship to move fast.  Will fuck you on the fist date if you let him.  He doesn’t understand the concept of waiting when you set his heart on fire like it’s nothing.  
Do. Not. Undermine. Him.  
If you say something, esp about his masculinity, he will flip shit and prob go out to kill some ppl just to prove that he is no bitch.  aries are sensitive to their assertiveness being tested.  Very competitive as well.  
Quick tempered at times, but not the type to hold a grudge.  
Any competitors for your affection will be dealt with.  utmost violence as well.  
Not the type to take you out for dinner and a movie every time you guys go out on dates, wants to have exciting dates with you.
Enjoys the company of younger partners, a youthful energy is needed to keep up with him.
Mars in Cancer.
protective as hell.
He will be violent, but never at you. The type to hurt people around you rather than you.  Just enough to get his point across.
“Thanks to your bitchy behavior, (friend) can expect a broken arm tomorrow.  Hope you’re happy.”  
possessive over you.  
Needs to be told you love him.  Just for reassurance.
A family would be nice, but he would be happy with just one kid or some pets.  
Your guys’ shared home is sacred to him.  People can’t just come over.
“Doll face, I’m bored.  Let’s fight.  We can have hot makeup sex afterwards.”
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Venus in Scorpio.
Run bitch.
High key, venus in Scorpio is one of the most yandere placements to exist.  
Obsession is his middle name.
The moment he met you, he knew he had to have you.  His mindset is almost scary.  
He could barely know you but he already is experiencing a need to consume your entire mind, soul and body like no other.  
The deepest desire which taints his mind until he cannot think of anything else.  
Convinced you two are soulmates.  
Attracted to partners that are sexy, mysterious, able to enchant him whilst barely trying.  Darker and more sensual clothes are preferred on his lovers.  For girls, something very womanly and grown.  For a guy, something manly and appealing to your form.  
Possessive.  An unquenchable thirst to dominate his lover.  He loves the idea of completely taking over someone so magnetizing.  
You have to be very intelligent, he needs stimulating conversation.  You can’t just be sexy without a brain.  
really likes your scent.  Not the perfume you wear or the shampoo you use, but your actual natural scent.  Might sniff your used clothes to get it.  Doesn’t mind if you haven’t showered in a couple days.  (weird but I read this somewhere and I can totally see it so hop off)
Doesn’t take things slow.  why should he when he knows that you two are going to end up together either way?  would fucking marry you after knowing you for two months.  
Not above mind games in order to get you to stay.
Very romantic, but some of the things he says raises red flags.
“I would kill for you, (Y/n).”
Mars in Cancer.
This only enhances some of his venus in scorpio.  
VERY protective.  VERY possessive.
Way more likely to end up with a younger partner, this would also aid his venus in scorpio’s need to dominate and consume his partner.  
Unlike the other mars in cancers, I think he would physically punish you at times.  (more sexually themed punishments though) never enough to actually seriously harm you.  A light spanking here and there that feeds his need to be the dominant one.  
very smart with getting rid of people in your life.  It happens over time and they would always be labelled missing.  
Wants to be the only person you need, will provide for you too.  Idk if he would want a fam bc venus in scorpio is very tunnel vision and kids may fuck with that.  
“We’re soulmates baby.  Don't kid yourself.  No one on this god green earth will understand you or care for you as much as I do.”
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Venus in Pisces.  
Attracted to softer and sweeter partners.  He wants to be slapped into a dreamy state when he sees you.
Very romantic.  Poems, songs, flowers, chocolates, five-star dining ect.  
eager to please you in any way.  Type to leave his house at 4 am and hit up your place to deliver ice cream just bc you ran out.
very emotional with you.  Your phone could die and you can’t answer his text, therefore 30 minutes later Hoseok would be sobbing and begging at your doorstep to not leave him.  
Very self-pitying.  Hard to explain but have you ever been mad at someone and instead of defending themselves, they just kinda say stuff like; “You’re right.  I’m the worst kind of person.  I should just die already.”  
He’s like that whenever you’re mad at him.  He likes to play the guilt card a lot.  
Enjoys smaller lovers, or petite people.  Likes feeling bigger than his partner.  (don't come for me guys, I literally just read this and it kinda made sense to me. Pisces are depicted as more elfish figures so he probably finds it attractive.)
Cuddling is so vital to him.  it’s as if he charges himself up or something because he can literally experience withdrawls.
Loves it if you’re really sweet and charitable. also if you are into arts or occult themes, Hoseok would be so intrigued and want to learn from you
Works himself into obsessive fantasies, Pisces love escapism and he tends to day dream about you 24/7.  
Least likely among the members to be violent to you or anyone else for that matter.
He would hurt himself before anyone else.  He likes acting very depressed or gloomy (in extreme cases, getting himself bruised and bloody) in order to get your affection and worry.  
Mars In Aquarius.
Still stands true that he wouldn’t hurt other people.  He’s very logical despite being yandere and he knows that you’re not sleeping with the waiter who lingered too long.  
Aquarius is very logical, so he could be very calculating with his emotional manipulating.  Like tell you his dad just got diagnosed with cancer and induldge in your cuddles and coddling, but little did you know his dad has had it for years.  
Punishment is very aloof.  You just loose privilages.  
Least likely to have an age preference out of the members.
Into some really kinky or odd/taboo things in the bedroom.  At the very least, he’s very willing to experiment.  
“Sugarplum~!  Aren’t you so sad for me right now?  Please, give me cuddles.  Those always make me feel better.”
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Venus in Scorpio
Very desperate to know every little thing he can about you.  
You haunt his mind even if it was just a brief encounter that you had with him.  
also wants to consume your very mind, body and soul.  
Attracted to sexy over cute.  Curves, dark and sensual clothes, alluring mannerisms and husky voice.  He wants to be magnetized by you, unable to forget you even if he tried.
Obsessive, mind consuming, passionate love for you which depths kind of terrify you.  
loyal and dedicated.  Your enemies are his enemies now.  (This includes anyone who happened to give you a less than warm glance).  
Sex is very important to a venus in scorpio, he feels like it’s the only way to properly express his love through mind-numbing pleasure he can give to you.  
He moves fast once he’s with you.  he doesn’t want to go through the fluffy bullshit of waiting so long to kiss, fuck or move in together when he’s 100% convinced you are his soulmate.  
Jealous.  No one should be able to look at you the way he does.  He’ll loose it.  
Wants to control you.  it’s the end-game.  
Doesn’t mind if you are younger or older but he will be the one in charge.  
A partner who has the appearance of dominance but will be very submissive to him is what he craves.
Likes marking his territory.  Leaves bruises, hickies or makes you wear couple clothes, his clothes or a necklace or something to make him feel the thrill of ownership.  
will write his name on you if you let him.  Just a permanent markered ‘Park Jimin’ on your forearm or something.  
But he would be so happy if you did the same to him as well.
You belong to him just as much as he belongs to you.
Mars in Scorpio.
Protective, possessive.  you know the drill.  
Punishments with you are sexual.  
Power play with him in charge is also a big factor in your sex life.  
Can and will murder anyone he deems a threat.  
Even your family and friends have to keep their distance.  
“Jagi, my name is beginning to fade off your arm.  Let’s touch it up, yeah?”
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Venus in Aquarius.
Attracted to someone very different and unique. 
It can be your looks, your ethnicity, personality, career or interests but for whatever reason; you stood out.  
Big age gaps are seen here.  Doesn’t matter if you are younger or older but chances are, it’s by ALOT.
Doesn’t follow dating normalities.  Couldn't give less of a shit about dating or courting. if he wants you, he is going to get you.  
Turned on by taboo relationships and sex.  Like if it’s forbidden for you two to be together, it’ll only spur him on more.  
Teacher/student, boss/worker, affairs, age gaps.  Anything society might look at with an eyebrow raise.  
Very kinky in the sheets, wants to try everything at least once.  
Aquarius is very cold and aloof sometimes, so Tae wouldn’t get jealous.  He has mastered the mask of indifference.  If someone tries talking to you in effort to get with you, Tae would just laugh bc it’s almost funny how they thought they had a chance with you.  
You must be very interesting intellectually, he wants a partner he can learn from.  
His yandere habits come out when you try to block him out from your life, or try to lessen his control over you.  
He craves authority over you, this is only added to bc his mars is in Capricorn. 
Wants to make small changes about you, then eventually big ones.  
Like it’s really subtle too, he’ll say something like “Oh, I really like that style, you should wear it more.”  And then a month later, he’s in control of your wardrobe. 
His methods are very sly.  He doesn’t threaten you or make a big show of putting you into submission, he much rather just plant a seed in your mind and wait for nature to take it’s coarse.  
Loves surprising you and playing games.  Will stop talking to you for like a week and then theres a knock on your door and damn, he sent you Gucci.
Doesn’t want you to be able to figure him out.  Always thinking of the next unpredictable thing he could do to keep you one your toes.  
Mars in Capricorn.  
After the push and pull game is over and he has put you into a submissive state for him, he wants to begin a more traditional life.  House, kids, you became a stay at home lover.    
Just bc he becomes a family man doesn’t mean that the freaky sex has to stop.
Possessive of you and your future kids.  
The type to teach his future kids on yandere and how they should make sure ‘mommy never tries to leave daddy’.  
Punishments are physical, and very harsh.  He’s all about that discipline and will not be talked down when he thinks you broke one of his rules. 
“Why is it wrong for me to make choices for you?  I know what best after all.  Have I ever failed you?  Even when people told me to break up with you because our relationship wasn’t cookie-cutter.”
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Venus in Libra. 
The opposite of Yoongi. He wants someone who is very feminie and ‘girly.’
Dresses, pastel colors, nice perfume, charming, docile manners and sweet sounding voice.  
Wants very bad to prove himself to you.  Virgos and Libras are people pleasers so the fact that his sun and venus are these two signs just tells me that he desperately will try to get you to like him.  
Will change his style, his hair, his voice whatever he has to do to get you to pay him attention.  
Very romantic.  Thinks you deserve the best so that will always reflect in the dates he takes you on or the gifts he gives you.  
Libra is ruled by venus so love is something that he simply cannot live without.  He fantasizes about marriage and furture plans with you.  
Will call you ‘wifey’ if you let him.  
He adores you.  
Worships the ground you walk on.  
Which is why his yandere tendencies will have to walk around your desires.  
Like you tell him to stop looking through your bedroom windows at night,  he can’t bring himself to do it anymore bc that would be going against you directly.  
BUT you didn’t say he couldn’t install cameras.
King of loopholes.  
Like a mechivous kid who loves his mom and doesn’t want to get scolded, but he still wants to sneak in some cookies from the jar.  
He isn’t the punisher of the relationship, YOU are.  
If he does something that angers you, just don’t talk to him for literally an hour or so and he’d go crazy.  
the fear of losing you is too great.  
Another one who really enjoys your scent.  It’s like crack to him.  
Prone to stealing a small thing froom you, like a scarf or a blanket that has your scent on it.  
If you were to be away from him for a while, he would just steal your perfume and spray it on his hoodie so he could feel like you were hugging him.  
Might even buy your perfume for himself.....
Mars in Scorpio.
Very protective of you and cannot handle the possibility of anyone being with you the way he is.  
He will get very brutal with anyone he considers a threat, no one is safe.  You can literally walk an old man across the street and Jungkook would still think the fucker was trying to cup a feel. 
very sexual, switches between being dominant and submissive.  It’s mainly focused on pleasing you bc of libra and virgo but mars is the planet of sex and with that in scorpio means he can be a dom.
Jungkook is (and I say this with all my heart) a switch with sub preference.
Wants to know you like no one else ever has.  You know how the members with scorpio venus are so intense? Jungkook has that side to him too.    
….it’s just hidden behind the sweeter venus libra.
“Princess, please stop ignoring me.  You’re my goddess, I can’t handle not being acknowledged by you.  Just tell me what to do to make it better.”
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shuttershocky · 7 years
Character Opinion: Tamamo No Mae (Fate/Extra)
I just realized I haven’t written some good old Type-Moon meta in a while, but I think I’ve found a topic I really wanted to write about.
Hi I’m Shuttershocky, and I’m here to convince you that Fate/Extra’s Tamamo No Mae was the best thing to happen to the Nasuverse since Shiki Ryougi killed a building.
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I’ll admit, Tamamo wasn’t exactly my first choice of servant when I started Extra. All I knew of her was that she was a fan-favorite, fanservicey character well liked for her cheerful personality and ample bosom. A ready-made waifu complete with a ditzy personality and an obsession with getting a husband (but whether that husband is male or not is no concern of hers) was not something that sounded very appealing, since I usually dislike Manic Pixie Dream Girl characters in my media, and certainly don’t like ones dressed as furries. But then she was also the hardest servant to use, thus, liking challenge, I thought I’d have to tolerate what would be an annoying servant.
And then I was proven wrong. Dead wrong. Tamamo was a lovesick ditz, a weak fighter, obsessed with becoming a wife and being seen as helpful and adorable true, but she was also a character with a good amount of depth whose nuances were done so subtly (a lot of it hidden through her own actions) that she often walked a fine line between flat fanservice and having an actual character, deftly balancing herself on the right side. 
See the thing is, Tamamo wants to be seen as a mere waifu. She’s acts sickly sweet and adorable, constantly flirting with and complimenting Hakuno like so 
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She even constantly agrees with and validates anything Hakuno says or does, to the point where she’s less of a servant and more of yes-man, to the point where  Hakuno occasionally gets annoyed with her. She sometimes oversteps her bounds and becomes overbearing, and her need to always agree and validate her master tends to oppose constructive criticism that helps Hakuno grow as a person and a master (which the game is, thankfully, aware of. Hakuno’s inner narration often shows Hakuno is aware of Tamamo being a kiss-ass.)
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So how does Tamamo differ from all the bland waifus this trope is filled to the brim with? Well, she has a tendency to slip.
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For someone who’s supposedly a lovable airhead, she sure doesn’t like the insinuation that she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. It soon becomes clear that Tamamo is very touchy with criticism coming from Hakuno, quickly getting angry if her flightiness and poor fighting skills are pointed out. She would much rather receive compliments on how cute and helpful she is, occasionally even directly asking Hakuno to compliment her after battles. She also clams up as soon as the subject of conversation draws close to her real identity, claiming that its so other masters cannot read Hakuno’s mind, before later admitting its because she’s worried that Hakuno would no longer like her if they were aware of her true name.
As the player proceeds through the game, we get the picture of a character who, for some reason, has become obsessed with making her master’s image of her perfect, to the point where she can be caught contradicting herself. She wants to be seen as a cute ditz in one moment, but a crafty fox with a sophisticated vocabulary that will have you reaching for a thesaurus in the next.  Her master is perfect and makes no mistakes, but don’t worry about that mistake that almost got us killed master, Caster always loves you. She’s a slender, small, weak girl who needs a big and strong master to support her, but don’t worry about the enemy master, because Tamamo is invincible, the strongest on earth! 
At some points, she completely forgets she’s supposed to be putting on an act for Hakuno and instead makes it very clear that she is indeed only acting.
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So why? Why is she so taken with the idea of being seen as the perfect wife? 
Her answer is that she just wants someone to love and devote herself to. A weak otaku-bait answer that almost wrecks the amount of work put into her character...
...at first glance.
When the pair have their backs against the wall, Caster reveals her true name. She is Tamamo-No-Mae, the original fox spirit of Japan and once a beloved courtesan and adviser to the Emperor. Her true nature as a fox spirit revealed by a fortune-teller, she was chased by the Emperor’s army and slaughtered screaming on a grassy plain far from home.
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Suddenly the player (through Hakuno) is invited to view her in a different light. Tamamo had no idea why she was chased away and killed mercilessly. Perhaps she blamed herself. Perhaps her overly eager efforts are her trying to make up for what she did wrong, for whatever she did wrong. Even if its obvious to everyone that she in fact, did no wrong. 
Still, this would not explain her nearly inhuman form of ass-kissing. There is after all, a difference between sucking up hard and straight up risking your life to do so. It often comes off as awkward, yet another Nasu-ism fans have long since learned to mentally filter, and then we find out Tamamo-No-Mae is not a heroic spirit, but a god. Specifically, an aspect of Amaterasu who became curious at the sight of people worshiping her, proclaiming they loved her. Attempting to learn more about what this “love” is, she descended to earth as Tamamo-No-Mae, and died at the hands of those who claimed to love her.
With that last piece, the picture becomes all too tragic. It wasn’t ass-kissing, it was worship. It’s all she knows, and thus its what she thinks she must do in order to show and receive affection. Her mania over her master’s image of her? She was put to death the last time simply because her true self with her ears and tail did not match the emperor’s image of her. The little slips she makes in her act and her sensitivity to criticism? She is a god, who is far older, wiser, and more powerful than any mortal soul. And yet, she gave herself a weakened body in an attempt to understand the love that was beyond the reach of divine beings, for it was the invention of mortal, fragile lives.
Just imagine; she’s been trying to navigate all that on her own, without access to most of her incredible powers and wisdom, while simultaneously trying to keep her hopeless master alive in a brutal war. And because she’s so afraid of the reputation she carries with her true name, she shuts out the only person who can help her, the person she claims she love more than anything else in the world, Hakuno. 
And the  Pièce De Résistance? Throughout all this, behind all the deception and comedy she brings to every scene, the game still builds a real, true relationship between her and Hakuno. Sometimes her words of encouragement end up lacking the tinge of a suck-up, instead being imbued with an air of honesty. Despite the lies she puts out and the airs she puts on, her heart was always in the right place and she truly cares.
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At the finale, when both Tamamo and Hakuno face the empty void, they face it hand in hand, having both reconciled Tamamo’s insecurities of her past existence and Hakuno’s lack of a current one, with Tamamo promising to stay right by Hakuno’s side until the very end.
It would be an understatement to say I found her characterization extremely impressive, especially since it involved walking such a tight line between real depth and waifu trash that a slight mistake (a common sight in Nasu’s works) could push her over the edge and ruin her character, but I think Tamamo was pulled off marvelously. Her motivations are clear, her behavior and methods all understandable and in-character, and, most of all, her characterization was brave.
What do I mean by that? Well Nasu is no stranger to writing strong female characters, but a lot of them are not traditionally feminine (is this the right word? Someone correct me if it isn’t) in their outward traits or behavior, such as the rude, crude Shiki Ryougi or the stone cold Saber. Tamamo on the other hand, is very outwardly feminine. She likes cooking and cute things and hot guys (and sometimes hot girls), she’s not a particularly capable fighter when every strong female character(tm) in fiction is apparently a black belt in 10 different combat arts, she really, really, really wants to be married off and be a housewife and thinks being a hero with demigod powers is a drag.
And she makes it work.
Tamamo also ticks off every box in the checklist for making a terribly flat manic pixie dream girl heroine. She’s unfocused but cute, revolves around the protagonist, is unbelievably kind and sweet but also reliant on the protagonist to get through the day. She’s also quite fond of sex, sometimes laying on the double entrende for Hakuno, sometimes telling them to straight up ravish her this instant (though they never agree to keep the ratings 15+, and, to my pleasant surprise, never show Tamamo in any compromising/sexy poses or anything. )
And she makes it work.
Tamamo defies the conventions of strong female characters (to be fair, anime in general does this way, WAY better than mainstream Hollywood), and that’s fucking great. Women can and should be allowed to be like that, to be whatever they feel like, and deserve to be seen as every bit as badass and valid as the sexless killbots and hypercompetent adventurers that dominate the discussion. And she does all this while being a side-splittingly funny character and a genuinely experienced, confident, quick-witted servant, whose tactical know-how and ability to get under her opponents’ skin proved a great help in winning the war. 
So when I see that the majority of the fanbase know her for her sexy outfits, squeaky voice, and comedic scenes, I can’t help but feel a little annoyed at the thought that they might be missing out on who I think is one of Nasu’s best written characters.
The ironic thing of course being that Tamamo herself would prefer it that way.
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selfhelpskillss · 4 years
Top 5 Dating Books For Women – Subtle Tactics That Will Make Him Yours 2020
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Years after years, new dating books for single women flood out fruitfully and constantly, in every single language, on every single platform. 
Have you read Steve Harley’s best-seller Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man which offers love wisdom to traditional well-settled men? 
Have you encountered Jenna Birch’s The Love Gap that educates you to step up your love game on the analysis of men’s psyche?
Is Michael Todd’s Relationship Goals: How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex your bedside book?
If you’re a dating book connoisseur, you must have realized two stereotypical mainstreams involving the style and the content of these pieces.
On the one hand, they concentrate on how to work out men’s psyche and how to control their lust and desire. 
On the other hand, they highlight girl’s power, self-love, and egoism delicately and enthusiastically at the same time, to give women a make-over they’ve always deserved, to knock off the false and outdated conceptions that rob off their appeals and charms. 
Among such a large library of life-hacks, it’s inevitable we’ve had to combat many biases to synthesize a list of top dating books for women regarding all genders’ life perspectives. Let’s pull the trigger, shall we?
Top 5 Dating Books For Women – When Innovative Lifestyles Go Beyond Books
Infatuation Scripts – Clayton Max
Infatuation Scripts – Clayton Max
No matter how much he said he loved you…
No matter how many boxes you’ve ticked on his ideal type list…
He just didn’t choose you in the end!
Have you ever wondered why not even a single man you have believed that you would make a perfect partner for him?
Clayton Max is here to solve your dilemma via his multimedia program Infatuation Scripts with clever day-to-day scripts springing from his applied psychology research background and over a decade of expertise in giving dating advice for women. 
Flipping through the pages, you will gradually brush off all those desperations of being worthless, and discouraged that can eventually kill your faith in love between humans just because those guys you have met chose another girl over you. 
The art of seduction isn’t trapped inside a trite and hollow writing style but is scientifically depicted via established journals and research orbiting the topic infatuation instinct. 
If the copy has anything more to offer besides the chemistry establishing the mode of love within a man’s brain, it must be Clayton’s devotion to the audio clips and video lessons in an attempt to reach out to as many single girls as possible.  
How will women enter men’s mode of love, especially if they’re still unable to do so despite being men’s perfect on paper partners? 
How to activate infatuation triggers further to make him fall head-over-heels for you and realize you’re his long-awaited Miss Right? 
Clayton presented augmented profound insights over decades about heart tucking words, the core values of his blueprint, in the form of specific scripts, Curiosity, Investment, and Uncertainty.  
Will it be the Cliffhanger or Curveball script that will exert a halo image of you into his mind? 
Should it be the Investment or Temptation script which would make your exes beg for a second chance? 
What can you do to fuel his interest in you, and later on, his desire for you? 
What’s revolving inside your man’s head?
With a series of 13 tutorial videos and three free-of-charge bonus packages, Infatuation Scripts goes beyond the conventional concept of dating books for women. 
The book will not take you on a drive through a dreamy land full of sweat talk and sugary words though, so yeah, you are not likely to find any deep quotes for your Pinterest or Instagram backdrop once placing the order. Yet we do believe the wide ranges of the author’s real-life consultancy that he has covered inside the materials would definitely resonate more with your daily pains and agony to stop relationships from hitting rock-bottom. 
Life is a hot mess already, so what more do you fear to lose but hitting that order button when Clayton offers you a 60-day money-back guarantee with a box of multimedia materials at a cost less than one night out?
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Passion Phrases: Obsess His Mind, Capture His Heart – Carlo Cavallo
Passion Phrases: Obsess His Mind, Capture His Heart – Carlo Cavallo
Why do men come on strong, but then he grows cold and pulls away from you?
The more love you give him, the less he gives back, why is that?
You’ll find the reasons why men always want a break-up no matter how smitten they used to be with you in this comprehensive dating guideline Passionate Phrases by Carlo Cavallo, a 14-year women dating guru. Take your cocktail and get drunk inside the mesmerizing science approved male psychology reports, with a romantic stream of the language of love as the cherry on top. 
After hundreds of coaching sessions and years of academic research, Carlo has finally revealed the keys to boosting relationship’s intimacy and commitment via the study of intrusive thoughts and compulsive thinking. 
This is a great piece that focuses on men’s psyche on chase and hunt instincts rather than highlighting obscure dating advice for women. Its uniqueness stands out from the majority of so-called dating guides for ladies thanks to the notes the author has jotted down carefully according to the precious sharings of thousands of his male clients. 
Once you have mastered how to tap into men’s seeking system and successfully flipped their obsession switch, they’ll no longer friendzone you with lame excuses like “wasn’t ready for a relationship” and “timing wasn’t right”.
And to be able to flip that obsession switch and enter a passionate phrase where you’re cast with a glowing effect deep down the subconsciousness of his mind, you’ll need to swipe from the start to the end of Carlo’s blueprint. 
Do you want to initiate a conversation with your crush? Here’s a 3-Step Formula.
Do you want to get your crush to ask you out? Here’re the Attentive Phrases.
You want your distant fiancé to keep his proposal? Here’re the Hoop Phrases.
Carlo’s finesse tips on the language of love will unveil powerful moves instrumental to heating up dull romance parties and preventing dead-end relationships overnight.
His scripts, applicable to dialogues, emails, messages, and even video chats, are deciphered as pleasantly surprising but charmingly working for any woman in daily lives. 
If your love life’s on the verge of falling apart, if you’re struggling to start a fling or if you want your fiancé to secure his fading commitment, then wait no more for this 90-day money-back guaranteed Passion Phrases digital package. You’ll also be given six bonus reports exclusively compiled by Carlos himself at a price like a steal.
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The Devotion System – Amy North
The Devotion System – Amy North
She couldn’t believe it…
Her best friend was sleeping with the man that she thought she wanted to spend her entire life with…
And that’s how a heart-broken Amy North, a Youtube influencer, a renowned Canadian dating and relationship coach, kicked off her arduous cycle of perusing every woman’s guide out there on the Internet. This later inspired her to publish her own journals after coming across the most psychologically advanced attraction techniques developed by the most eminent Havard professors. 
After 5 years of intensive research and real-life women dating consultancy, Amy put out her The Devotion System publication, not merely a dating book for single girls, but also one mighty beginner book to teach women’s self-love and men’s psychology that voices out to a mass audience. 
No matter whether you’re a 20-year-old relationship virgin, a U30 rational successful girl, a lonely 40-year-old soul with a mid-life crisis or a calm and collected U50 madame, no matter if you’ve just broken up or hosted a tasteless marriage life, regardless of your gender, Amy’s holistic, non-sugar coated dating advice can still share something true to each of your stage of life.
So, how to start all these cool tricks? 
What if you can’t find a way to make a man treat you as his soulmate, his S.P.A.R.K of life, his most treasured possession? 
May you find the light after devouring the art of texting flirtation via The Devotion System’s Language of Love, Monogamy Message, and Phone Phrenzy. They’re tools to help you grasp the gist of becoming irresistible to a commitment-phobic playboy, a dream guy, or even a cold-hearted ex. 
One unique point, Amy has successfully laid out a scientifically-backed game of men’s psychology. She doesn’t produce false promises, undoubtedly, via the way her male audiences still stay and confess their insecurities and fantasies with her, despite the overall low-key men condescending language in her publication. 
That’s how in The Devotion System will you find out…
Men’s latent desires and sexual lust… 
How to get them to understand you via their dull limbic system with Forever Attraction?  
Subtle tactics to apply Love Refreshment techniques for cheating-proof?
On top of those, the most surreal while practical content in this program must be every single letter devoted to teaching you how to embrace your own existence, from the P.A.S.S technique to the way Amy channels out every reader’s Inner Marilyn Monroe. 
You don’t need to be pencil-thin like top models!
You don’t need to be born naturally charming!
You don’t need to have Marilyn Monroe’s face!
Coming as a ground-breaking discounted digital bundle set including three bonus materials and an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee, The Devotion System is a colorful lifelong portrait that you wouldn’t regret buying ever.
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Addict Him To You – Mirabelle Summers 
Addict Him To You – Mirabelle Summers
A warm hug, laddies…
If your man abandoned you on your engagement night!
If your 5-year boyfriend would rather jug himself with Pornhub than have sex with you on your Candice Swanepoel’s Bondage Teddy!
Why on earth are men so commitment-phobic that make us women so stressed about long-term relationships?
Maybe the answer you’re longing for after all these years has already lied inside the dating expert and two-time Amazon bestseller Mirabelle Summers’ guide-to-guide digital blueprint Addict him to you. With over a decade of giving dating tips for women and hearing out their grievances, Mirabelle’s most treasured traits pop up from her heartfelt real-life stories. 
Addict him to you isn’t a rigid and dry scientific journal about men’s psychology, if men reading is your ultimate goal. But that does nothing to do with the fact that this is a well-researched piece. 
Along the journey to this dating guide, you can get yourself engaged in audios of Mirabelle’s interviews with different walks of life in different social situations.  
And this in turn screams out…
You won’t have to embarrass yourself trying failed tactics and so-called manipulative words on a variety of men to see the effects clearly. You’re a woman of high dignity and you own that grace!
But how do you start to change things, to up your dating skills without playing the mind game?
Be prepared, ladies, because Mirabelle is about to unwrap the harsh truths about a man’s deepest secrets and fantasies, and why he lies saying “I love you” when he’s still eyeing on your cousins and your best friends with the Human Lie Detector!
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as Mirabelle can help you turn a commitment-phobic man into a Primal Hunter who yearns for you with her subtle psychological Hold Me Tight triggers.
The best part? The Myth-Busting for women that lead you to will feel empowered and know how to make your essence shine after Mirabelle pulls back the cascade inside your mind about your role in a breakup and how to make up with your man afterward using the honey trick, unconscious mistake, or urgent response.  
Ladies, be an irressitible woman with all the charms and the life-long partner every man has ever dreamed of with this 60-day money-back digital dating blueprint Addict him to you. And have we told you about the four free bonuses and a 24-hour open email address that links to Mirabelle exclusively to get any more intimate?
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How To Make Him Desire You – Alex Carter 
How To Make Him Desire You – Alex Carter
Want to learn the art of invoking the deepest desire within a serial womanizer, a rude ex or your dream man, and make you his new addiction?
Alex Carter, a dating guru and professional pick up artist with over 200 successful clients, has come to the scene and will turn you into a man’s one and only eye candy through his bold but persuasive dating guideline of How To Make Him Desire You after 469 days in harbor. 
Instead of engraving a false outer illusion of your portrait onto a man’s eyes, Alex has put out comprehensible daily scripts for you to knock out the impulsive part of any guy’s mind under the form of simple text messages, an 11-word or 17-word string maybe. 
Each of his coined phrases will represent a different object and life situation. 
the Race to the Aisle phrase is intended to bring out commitment mood that turns a serial womanizer into your husband, or the Shake my Heart phrase will send adrenaline spikes down his spine and awake a feeling of refreshed love for you if he’s currently into another woman. 
Some of Alex’s techniques are rather manipulative once they toss and turn a man’s biological obsession and chase instinct (Butter me Up or Ultimate Fascination phrases), so How To Make Him Desire You is pretty controversial compared to the other modern dating guidelines on this review list. 
But which woman wouldn’t want to be adored?
Which woman wouldn’t want to be the only apple of her man’s eyes?
Which woman wouldn’t want to have a voice and sometimes take the lead?
Which woman wouldn’t want to make her date head-over-heels for her at first sight?
The materials did a great job in emphasizing the girl’s power engaging emotionally stimulating words under text hypnosis/mesmerizing messages. Those words are so powerful that sometimes they’re toxic to the man’s feelings, thus making them over-clingy and exposed to vulnerability. 
Yet How To Make Him Desire You will be women’s best wing girl in arousing the deepest lust inside men’s impulsive mind without too many heavy theories and not requiring any changes in your outer appearances. 
Not to mention, it actually works on men who are not that into you or haven’t developed any romantic spark for you yet after countless real-life testimonials. 
So, how about giving it a try at a discount with a 60-day money-back guarantee, a lifetime subscription warranty, and two bonus controversial reports of Alex Carter that cannot be found elsewhere on the market?
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Bottom Line
The books we’ve gone through are proof of one true saying from Marlen Dietrich, a German-American actress: “What a man notices first about a woman is whether she notices him”. 
You notice his psyche, and he will notice your worth. 
You stir a tug-of-war string to his heart, and he will realize you’re his deepest lust and desire. 
The greatest dating books for women aren’t something too heavy on scientific facts or gender bias, but a collection of good real-life testimonials that do wonders for every walks of life at each appropriate stage. 
Whether you would cooperate these dating secrets into your way of texting, video chatting, talking, or saluting, remember you can only own them, and even better, improvise them if you practice hard.
Before sending Self Help Skills best wishes, would you like to enlighten us with your own version of favorite dating books for women? Waiting for your comment down below!
source https://selfhelpskills.net/dating-books-for-women/
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ourtown-rp-blog · 7 years
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NAME ●●● Kurt Elias Hummel
AGE ●●● 25
BIRTHDAY ●●● 05/27
ORDER ●●● Third (Twin)
FROM ●●● Cotton Plant, Arkansas
SEXUALITY ●●● Homosexual/Homoromantic
STUDENT ●●● College Masters; Fashion Design, Marketing & Brand Strategies
FULL TIME JOB ●●● Performer at Ivory Regional Theatre/Owner & Designer at Songbird Designs
WRITER ●●● Swan
Growing up with a mother who always supported him no matter what only allowed Kurt’s already eccentric personality to flourish from a very young age. People didn’t exactly understand a little boy’s desire to take gymnastics and ballet, but Kurt absolutely adored those classes; he didn’t even care if they had to travel out of town for him to go to his classes every week.
He was only eight years old when his mother passed away, and losing shook his eight year old self to the core. He was no longer the vibrant little boy who loved dance and Broadway and singing; in fact, he didn’t speak for almost two months after she passed away. His father noticed right away and tried to get him to open up, even going so far as to send him to a therapist, but nothing worked; the way his mind had processed it, if no one could ever hear his mother’s beautiful voice again, then they’d never hear his again. It wasn’t until after a genuine, deep talk with his father - at least, as deep as you could get with an eight year old - that Kurt slowly started returning to his old self. He started going back to his dance classes, back to his vocal lessons, returned to his Broadway and Vogue obsessions.
Despite the fact that Kurt didn’t actually come out of the closet until the end of his Freshman year in high school, Kurt always dealt with bullying in his younger years in one form or another. Whether it was students making fun of his eccentric personality or his passion for fashion and theatre, kids always seemed to make fun of him. He had a few friends here and there, but none of them ever seemed to stick around for long. In high school, especially once he’d come out of the closet, the bullying seemed to intensify. There were times he considered asking his father to let him switch schools, but the only school he thought might help him get away from the bullies was far too expensive, especially for a kid from Cotton Plant. Despite intense bullying that left him with numerous bruises he would rush to make excuses for and quite a few scars in the long run, somehow he managed to survive high school in one - albeit slightly fractured - piece. He had always loved himself for who he was, despite the way others might have seen him; his mother’s voice in his mind had been the one constant reminder that there was nothing wrong with who he was.
College had been a time of sexual awakening for Kurt. Living in Lima for the entirety of his life up until that point, he’d never had a boyfriend back home. Sure, he found ways to pleasure himself it the dark comfort of his own bedroom, but he’d never experienced anything truly sexual with another person. It wasn’t until after going out to a club with one of his friends from class a few months after he’d gotten to the city that Kurt had actually gotten a taste of his first sexual encounter. He never saw the guy again, at least he doesn’t think (though in truth he can’t remember a whole lot about the night beyond the pleasure he felt), but the encounter had woken up something inside of Kurt he’d never known was there. He had discovered just how amazing sex was. Despite how enjoyable he’d found having sex to be, though, Kurt was still a romantic at heart. He believed in love and soul mates and everything that one would imagine came with romance. It had only taken one bad boyfriend to tarnish his outlook on that, and another two or three after that to completely destroy his optimistic outlook and faith in the idea of love - or at the very least, his idea that he would ever find honest and true love. One had been extremely abusive, another had stolen from him, another had used him to get to one of his co-workers, and the last ended when Kurt walked in on his boyfriend with his best friend in the city.
[ ABUSE TW] Kurt’s experience with relationships over the years he lived in New York left him with a reluctance to date again. While his exes were all bad in their own way, one in particular left a lasting remark on Kurt and his subconscious. Kurt met his first boyfriend, Tristan, while living in New York City; he was a few years older than Kurt and absolutely gorgeous. He hadn’t judged Kurt for the fact that he wasn’t sexually experienced or for the fact that his first time had been with some random one night stand he’d met in a club. If anything, he seemed intrigued by Kurt’s lack of experience. He had been the first person to introduce Kurt to actual relationships, and it had seemed fine at first, but those around him watched - almost helplessly - as his relationship with the older man spiraled into something dangerous. Tristan would make remarks discouraging Kurt’s passions - theater, fashion - and he’d put Kurt down in subtle ways. He wasn’t thrilled with the fact that Kurt was living on campus. He didn’t like whenever Kurt went out with his friends and didn’t bring him along; honestly, he didn’t like when Kurt did anything without him. After a few months, he’d even convinced Kurt to move off of campus and into an apartment with him. Without really noticing it, Tristan became controlling in every aspect of Kurt’s life, and for a time he was perfectly content with that; he was in love, he didn’t notice; or at the very least, he didn’t want to. The night that Kurt went out clubbing with some of his college friends instead of staying home like Tristan had wanted, though, was the first night Kurt started to realize their relationship wasn’t like everyone elses; it was the first time Tristan actually hit him - outside the bedroom, at least. Sure, their relationship hadn’t been like the ones in the movies he’d seen, but he had thought it was still normal enough. He would always remind himself that life wasn’t like the movies. Until that night. Tristan apologized and promised that it would never happen again. And it didn’t - not for a few days at least. It happened again after Kurt contradicted something Tristan had said. And again after Kurt refused to quit his job simply because Kurt was starting to form friendships with other guys. He’d never left any marks that were visible, or at least nothing that couldn’t be covered with carefully placed concealer, but he’d always made the impact that had been intended. After Tristan convinced Kurt’s boss that he had quit, that had been the final straw for him. With a little encouragement from his friends, Kurt was no longer content to let Tristan control his entire life. The only problem was trying to get out of the relationship without landing himself in the hospital. He made a plan with some of his friends to get his stuff and get out while Tristan was at work, but of course that had gone wrong. Kurt’s friends had taken some of his boxes downstairs, leaving Kurt alone in the apartment when Tristan had come home early. A fight ensued, and in the end Kurt was left with a fractured eye socket, three broken ribs, and his freedom.
Two months after Kurt graduated from college with two Bachelor’s degrees - one in Fashion, the other in Theatre & Film - Kurt ran out of money; even the two jobs he had weren’t enough to help support him in a city that big. He had degrees in fields that should have provided him easy access to jobs, but it never happened. He wasn’t sure what he was doing wrong, but soon enough he returned home with his proverbial tail between his legs. In a town like Cotton Plant, with the money he had left from his life in New York, he’s easily able to afford his own place and quickly got himself a job at a theatre in Brinkley designing costumes; it wasn’t something he had imagined himself doing, but it gave him a chance to gain experience in the design field as well as a chance to see free productions whenever he wanted. That was good enough for him.
With a little encouragement from his father, Kurt decided to go back to graduate school and earn his Masters Degree - hoping that it will help make his resume more appealing in the future.
Kurt has an intense appreciation for literature, and even though he hasn’t had a great experience when it comes to romance, he’s still a romantic at heart; he loves anything with a good love story. He’s a bigger fan of the classic novels, but there are a few modern novels that he likes, including the dystopian novels that are becoming popular. He’s also a very large Harry Potter fan.
He’s fluent in French, the language of love (no surprise there), and he desperately wants to visit France at some point in his life. He’s also a rather large Anglophile; he visited London once during a study abroad and absolutely fell in love with the culture.
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