#you guys should probably be hoping for french anon if im honest
oifaaa · 6 months
Who gets custody of thr kids then?
if I die you lot either go to French anon or who ever I end up with in my current run through of mystic messenger
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amelmajrii · 4 years
this is just my observation and i don’t mean it in a bad way, again as a reminder it’s only been 2 weeks since her debut. yes i said 2 weeks.
i think casey is doing a bit of shuffling in the lineup trying to figure out who works well together and where. i think tobin has an advantage here, because she can play both wings and the midfield if needed (seems unlikely bc united have a strong midfield but always good to have versatility).
whereas press is a forward. her natural position is a striker, it’s where she’s always played. this has only recently changed in the last few years (esp at utah bc 9 is the only position ARod plays so press didn’t have much of a choice otherwise). press is good at the wing and she’s good as a 9. yes ik she said she likes the wing she also said she’s always played at a 9. so i get why she’s being played there right now, and if you other anons are honest, you do too.
tricky thing for untied is they already had a few really talented wingers in galton and hanson. in comparison, russo seems to be the only true 9 (jane ross maybe but idk?). the obvious choice as a manager is to replace russo for press as she herself stated it’s her natural position.
also psa: idc who you are or how many trophies you’ve won you don’t automatically deserve to be in the starting 11, or displace other teammates (on the wings or elsewhere) who have been performing well just because you’ve won world cups. you earn all starting spots, and that’s my final take on this. you personally are not doing this but i’m seeing a lot of people complain about press not being a starter so i’d again throw out it’s still only been 2 weeks. but i felt the need to say this
i think that press is struggling to get back into form, and that’s fine. she hasn’t been out for long periods before and had to build her body back to game fitness and it’s new to her. and you can still clearly see this is the case, it may even take a few more games. welcome to professional sports guys.
imo she didn’t look fantastic today. i expect someone of her talent to put that goal away when she’s not being properly marked (like seriously you leave press open on the back post lol) and she did. i think the goal helps from a mental standpoint for sure, and honestly i think she was probably surprised she got it too.
you can clearly see her touches are still too heavy and she’s turning the ball over at the halfway line. and from what i’ve seen, when she gets on the pitch she just looks kind of tired and only has bursts of energy/speed, and is almost like waiting for the ball to come to her which is not at all how she usually plays.
i trust stoney. press got 15 mins today because stoney thought that’s what she needed/could contribute to the game.
while coaches and players can say whatever, we don’t actually know what press looks like in training and perhaps she’s not geling as quickly as tobin has (the front 3 today had a killer half) and that’s why stoney isn’t giving her more game minutes. as a coach i would not be trying to gel players when points are on the line. i’d wait to see it in practice first.
if that’s the case, i don’t blame stoney for not giving her much game time. i don’t think press has connected especially well with galton yet and stoney seems to really like having her on the pitch and when she’s having a good game (like today) she provides some quality assists.
so i think what i’m trying to say is that; while yes press needs game minutes to shake off her rust, if she’s not connecting with the other players on the field, then it’s not useful to have her out there. and i think a lot of people are having a hard time swallowing and think that she’s only rusty bc she’s not getting minutes, while i think there’s a lot more at play and acknowledging that sucks because she’s their fav which i get.
i think once she starts connecting better with the team, the rust will also begin to fade and that’s when we’ll see more of her. it’s been 2 weeks, i’d rather wait to see her when she’s at her best than what i’ve been seeing now when she’s coming on and not contributing as much as we all and she knows she could be.
thanks for reading my long ass take on this lmao. you’re one of the few people who actually really understands the technical aspects of football, and i think connection among teammates is very underrated and can ultimately make or break games. and for press it’s just not there yet. people keep complaining that she should be starting and getting like 45 mins and she’s clearly not ready for it yet, but she eventually will.
hope your french babies are well (neymar and veratti is a love story i didn’t know i needed) also love seeing diacre test positive for covid, karma doing her thing once again;)
Hi ! i took my time and read this. and i didn't know many people were complaining because i follow only a few on here.
The main reason like you said it’s because Press has never (thankfully for her) been out on long periods because of injuries and stuff like that so it’s harder to bounce back and get to a team, a new team in that matter. It maybe would have been easier if it was the NT where she has played for a long with the players. Also, Casey needs to find out as well who to play together and who works best with one another. I think the shuffling will go on for a bit with the return of Ona in  defense and Lauren James. The international break will once again give CP and everyone staying time to gel and make connections on the pitch. 
Also, CP is her best critic and then she has T and Casey as a coach to tell what went wrong sometimes. Also, Casey knows her value and wants to play her (im certain of that) but she also has to handle a team which has many attacking players. So its not that easy. I would try not to read too much into that part of her getting only a little minutes even though i want to see CP back to full form asap. I would have been bummed if T didn't play well but then i would not make that issue given the situation and how long they've been off the field. Again repeating this for everyone : They have been playing for 2 weeks ONLY!!!
and like you said, CP will definitely start kicking ass again because she's a talented, skilled and experienced player with a great understanding of the game! 
my french babies are fine unless they do some shit on Tuesday against Man utd and then my morale will take a hit ! 
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minhonirique · 5 years
I'm sorry for the late reply it was actually my 18th birthday yesterday and we spent Saturday night celebrating too--- but pls talk for hours at me I too am a whole chatterbox who loves to talk about anything and everything so I think (read: hope) we'll get along! As for about myself...I'm tall, I just turned 18 (same day as bin uwu), I cannot keep a bias for the life of me I Stan the dance line but Jisung still Gets To Me all the damn time- I should just give up and be an ot9 stan-- -staynon
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Oooh so you're 18?? Damn I feel kinda young haha,,,, but happy (belated) birthday then!!! I hope we get along too :') and woah, you're tall? Im a bit jealous tbh TT im like 170cm and while that's not very short, it....is actually kind of short for a guy lol anyway! I used to bias the dance line too at first but Jisung and Minho were too powerful and I gaaaaave up and biased them lol. But I feel ya, i think every STAY is lowkey an OT9 first and individual second (and that's understandable in every way) but I “can't” bias them all 200% bc,,,,,, my heart is tiny,,,,,,,,,, and i dont have the space to contain so much love,,,,,,,, even now it hurts to love them that much,,,,,,,,, that's why I 'need' to bias individuals (but lets be honest i dont rlly follow that rule with skz) because I'm honestly lost if I have to give all my heart to each of them :/ that's really a problem of mine and idk maybe it's because im 'cold-hearted' (like everyone who knows me likes to say.smh) idk?? Fuck i rambled again sorry.
And ooh we have some hobbies in common! I draw and write (but in french lol i have the english vocabulary of a 10yo) too (and im going to an applied(???doesthatevenexistinenglish) art school in September so that's neat,,). I'd like to see your drawings and texts (if you write in eng?? Otherwise well i'd still like to see your drawings) if you ever decide to reveal your identity when the event is over (not that i EXPECT you to(id understand if you didnt want to), i personally dont intend on revealing myself at my person bc id feel bad,,, im not a great anon for them and only answer like 2 days later everytime hhh and im sorry for them)
A n y w a y you dance??? That's a lot of work! I kinda want to learn dancing too, but i feel too uncomfortable with my body to do that (and i probably look horrible when i try to dance *seriously* (but i do a lot of random freestyle dances because.my body just mo ve s on its own a lot of the time lol + i sort of dance to skz's songs because the choreos are fascinating and the songs are so good i cant help myself----) but i started to learn side effects this summer but kinda. reported the whole thing but one day ill be comfortable enough in my own body to really learn it!! Hopefully). But yeah I really respect and admire you for learning dancing bc fuck that's so cool!!! Good luck on learning Fancy! :D you can be proud of yourself yup :') and idk if you missed things?? I dont think so but i dont have the greatest memory so im not sure but let's just say you didnt lmao. And where do you live? What job do you plan to do in the future? I'm terrible at questions i hope you dont mind,,,,srry
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