#you guys should totally vote for him btw
quanblovk · 4 months
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(Atlas by @unleashedsonic )
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dreamsclock · 1 year
hello. hi. as most of u are probably very unsurprised to hear, i have bit off WAY more than i can chew in terms of personal projects. this is now something i am beginning to belatedly realize is A Problem for many reasons. mainly a) i am chronically overwhelmed esp with the biggest exams of my LIFE next months and b) i can’t take on any more projects realistically that i want to begin.
poll + more info under readmore bc i have chronic can’t-shut-up syndrome (adhd)
SO. in order to actually produce content for you guys i am Cutting Back Which Fics I Work On. at least until july. this SHOULD allow me to finish at least some fics and hopefully move on in the summer to other ones, but since im indecisive i thought i’d let YOU guys decide which fics i continue to work on!!! so here’s a poll.
the top five will continue to be worked on, and i plan to finish checkmate + hold him close in the next week anyway. so vote for your next five faves, and from there i’ll figure out which ones i’m gonna continue
this SHOULD help me make a good dent in these fics while also working on stuff that makes people happy :]
IN ADDITION TO THIS. i am also only streaming three times a week. ‘only?’ you might be thinking. ‘sparrow dreamsclock, you don’t even stream ONCE a week!’ to which i say Be Quiet. kidding but i’ve been putting way too much pressure on myself to try and stream every night and then beating myself up when i’m too tired 😭 so hopefully limiting myself to three times a week helps!!
STREAM DAYS: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
I could stream more than this!! But at the very least you’re promised three streams a week unless something goes horribly wrong.
AO3 UPDATES: Wednesday, Sunday
AGAIN this is to try and give you guys some kind of consistency 😭😭 i know im very erratic + unreliable when it comes to uploading so i wanted to try and provide a schedule. no idea WHAT updates these will be, but you know Something will be posted there which is awesome
‘but sparrow!’ you may be saying. ‘you just said the most important exams of your life happen in may!’ to which i say Be Quiet. Yes. I Know. I’m An Idiot. but i wanna start providing youtube content Too!!! whether this be dsmp analysis or stream highlights or original minecraft choose-your-own-ending games i’ve made, i’ll be uploading (hopefully consistently) beginning may!!!! more info to come. unless i forget of course.
ANYWAY. if you’ve sat through all of this then HELLO HI!!!!! sorry. this announcement sounds self important and dumb but honestly even writing this out has eased like a load of my anxieties. ever since the end of 2021 i’ve been so overwhelmed with the frankly dumb amount of projects ive given myself, and it’s most of the reason ive been burned out since then too :’) thank u for being understanding and thank u for being such a source of inspiration for me and thank u thank u THANK U for being the best people ever muah ily
this starts from TODAY Btw!!! will be uploading a chapter of checkmate tonight and also streaming which i’m looking forward to. we’re gonna Chill until summer and then i can go crazy with projects again. but this feels more manageable!!!!
tune in for my stream tonight at 9pm (fnaf time FUCK YEAH) and thank u again :]
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terraliensvent · 5 months
Things Tycho needs to implement for the mod apps:
Please hire fucking adults. Not 19 year olds, please hire some people that are over 21 and have more developed brains. Preferably 25 and up.
Heavily restrict the ability to make mod customs. I know that a LOT of people only want to be staff to be able to make customs, and this isn't a good thing to be able to do right off the bat since Tycho needs mods who want to work, not make money making designs. I think mod customs should not be allowed for at least 6 months AFTER mod trial is over. Work on the species, that's what you were hired to do, not make customs. If you want to make and sell designs, apply to be a GA, not staff.
Mod myos. There's too many mod lim myos floating around and these should not be tradeable. If mods get myos as payment every month, they should get two options. Lim myo, not tradeable. Modified myo, tradeable. They get to choose just one.
Also I think Tycho needs to go through the shambling remains of the staff and get rid of loose ends, like Kea. Kea does absolutely fucking nothing for the species except occasionally vote on staff matters and do transfers, which literally any other staff member can do. All she does is ignore trade offers for her obvious trades that totally aren't entertaining offers, which aren't even allowed btw, and she'll talk about opening up customs to get people to throw themselves at her for her art. She needs to be removed as a staff member and made a GA, since that's what she's best at. Plus she's just conveniently taking a break and ignoring all the work that needs to be done and making Tycho and the other few mods do everything themselves. If Kea can't be a functioning staff member in this moment when we really need them, why do we need her at all? Karma, too. Why are you guys taking a break and making everyone else do all the hard work so you can just come back when it's all over and reap the benefits? You guys suck. Either step up and do your job or quit.
i agree with everything you said here anon
on your first point, it def goes back to the maturity thing for me because, while previous mods and the owners are “adults,” 18 and 19 is still pretty immature (and you can really tell based off of the controversies that have happened just within a year)
on the second, i really think terras should make more use of the “official artist” role. i agree that a lot of mods seem to just sit on their ass and make customs/adopts, which, if you want to just do art then say that!! dont present it like youre gonna actually moderate if ur just pumping out adopts, thats why theres the official artist role
for the third point, i actually think tycho does have plans to mitigate the myo situation (you can see that in the conversation i had with him here), so i think theres gonna be some progress there
on your last point, i agree as well; i think kea especially is one of the people who would benefit from being an official artist instead. she has the admin role but ive literally never seen her be an administrator of anything. doing approvals is something that really anyone can do, and the main thing ive ever seen from kea is customs and adopts. i dont think ive really ever seen her answer questions or design help, and as far as events go the only one shes been visibly a part of is the birthday one that just happened (and honestly if i didnt just go and check right now i would have totally forgotten shes an ADMIN, not just a regular mod)
i think delegation of staff and staff responsibilities is a big thing that needs fixing, since its been an issue basically forever in this species. design and prompts take forever to approve, but when its ever suggested to get more mods it was always “we have enough!” yeah, you have an overabundance of mods that just wanna make fucking adopts and nothing else. just make them official artists and have the mod role for people that can actually work.
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foxeroni · 2 years
Jimmy is not loosing to wilbur soot in a cringefail competition. Of all things. Let me provide you some reasoning as to why traffic jimmy should win, or at least why you should vote for him.
Also this post is directed at EVERYONE. Not just trafficblr and fandoms adjacent to trafficlr. If you watch mcyts not related to the life series i would hope you would read, for i wish to sway your vote in favor of our sopping wet cat.
THE POINTS (very long btw)
1) He dies first every single game
For those who don't know, the smp that he's from is essentially minecraft hunger games with a twist. And of all people, it's this guy that dies. But not just dies. The twist is that you get three lives. And jimmy is the one who dies first. But. It goes for all three series (thus far). And he dies first every single time.
2. He gets a total of maybe one kill throughout the whole series
He has a comically low kill count in comparison to other players. I think he got maybe one kill in all three games? And that was on someone who killed him five minutes earlier. Said person is also his sister (kinda).
3. He has terrible luck with deaths and lives
Aside from the first point, aka the canary curse, he has awful luck with this stuff in general. In the second series, a twist is that you get more than, less than, or just, 3 lives before the game even starts. Jimmy is one of the most unlucky players in the entire game, as he hets only 2 lives.
In the third series, he had the default three lives, but instead, he shares deaths (and a health bar) with another player. Said player promptly gets blown up in the first 20 minutes. They then go on to die first (as usual).
4. He gets bitches, but not too many bitches
In the first series, pretty much as soon as it begins, he marries Scott Smajor. No, they do not date beforehand. Yes, it is less than 10 minutes into the first episode.
In the second series he is pathicly lonely (L)
In the third, as previously mentioned, the way he meets his mystery soulmate is because the guy kills him before they can meet properly. BUT. The twist here is that they actually have a healthy relationship. That being said, the couple with one of the most toxic relationship wins while these two get out first, but. They are failures after all.
5. Everyone makes fun of him
The first death thing makes him a laughingstock. Everyone makes fun of him all the time. Including his husband, sister (kinda), and brother (also kinda). He is pathetic and everyone knows it.
So yes, vote jimmy solidaritygaming. He is cringe and fail. He is pathetic. He is a wet paper bag of a man and has that loserboy swag. Vote for jimmy below.
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cutiedwaekki · 2 years
Hi guys ~ how are you doin' ?
I'll need your help for a little thing , i got some ideas for my next fic but i don't know which one should i write first so i let my readers the possibility choosing it because i'm too lazy for doing it myself !
So here's the ideas i got (and mostly get obssessed with) :
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or were changbin see all his friends getting chubbier day by day and want them to get back in shape .... but it doesn't goes as he expected especially when he realize that they don't lose any weight but also that he start gaining weight too !
Pairing : Changbin centric (but some mention of Seungbin beauce i'm too soft for them)
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Or were Minho , a cold hearted boss who makes everyone around him scared is also a total simp for his husband who can be even more creepy and bossy than him especially when he's hungry
Pairing : Minsung
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Where Chan, who was once in high school qualified as the jock of his school, finds himself at a reunion 5 years later accompanied by his boyfriend. Jeongin seemed so sweet and innocent that no one could realize all the dirty thoughts that came to his mind when he saw how his once athletic and muscular boyfriend had become fat and lazy because of him and that no one realise it.
Pairing : Jeongchan
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or were Seungmin and Minho used to be chilhood friends but the oldest as a kid always made fun of the youngest for being chubby. But no worry , karma come and hit him. Ten years later they meet again , Seungmin become a famous model loved by everyone and Minho a graphic designer loving a bit to much sweet. How will it turn out ? Hate ? Love ?
(Inspired by a rp with my bestie @quokkahans hehe)
Pairing : 2min
If you guys have any request you can also vote for it and send me a message or put the request in my ask box ^-^
It could be also any group , boygroup like girlgroup as long the pairing or the person is not a minor
Btw if you want to dm me for a rp or just chattkng you can also to it i promise i don't bite :D
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #185
Are you currently in love? Yep yep.
Are you afraid of stink bugs? Eh, not really, but I can be jumpscared by one, haha. Just in the "oh there's a bug beside me" startle sense.
What is the one room in your house you spend the most time in? The spare bedroom, where my laptop is on a desk.
What do you think of your current president? Real talk, I haven't paid enough attention. I voted for him 'cuz I sure wasn't helping Trump gain ground, over my dead and rotting fucking body, and I know he HAS done at least some positive things, but I know I don't know as much as I should. Politics and understanding them is just so overwhelming - and depressing - to me.
Is there one website you visit regularly, but would never admit to? HAHAHA there are totally people I would NEEEEVER tell I have a Tumblr that isn't my photography one lmfao
Do you own any pets? Yes: a gray and white cat, brown and white chihuahua, and champagne ball python. I want more though, especially a hognose.
Would you rather have no legs or have no arms? No legs. I honestly wouldn't even want to live without arms, I do way too much with them, and loopholes like text-to-speech is something I am oddly super awkward with, like I never do it and I don't quite understand why it's so embarrassing for me to do. I don't do it for simple texts, anything.
Are you afraid of the dentist? Following a deep cleaning that was hell on earth, yes. Plus having two wisdom teeth extracted while conscious.
Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes, I've illegally downloaded a number of things. I once rode in the passenger seat with a driver who was high off weed, and it was one of the scariest moments of my life just because I was afraid to tell her no (me being afraid was no fault of her own, btw, I was just being I-don't-want-to-inconvenience-them me); if caught, we both would've gone to jail.
Do you like McDonald's sweet tea? I hate any and all tea.
Do documentaries bore you? I adore animal docs.
Are you usually happy or sad most of the time? Sad, honestly. At least, more sad than happy.
Does money make you happy? I've spent my entire life in a poor family, something that's gotten worse and worse as I got older, so hypothetically yes, having money in my possession would be a massive contributor to my happiness. Fuck outta here with the "it doesn't buy happiness" bullshit, say that when you get evicted out of your household because you can't pay for a roof over your head and have to rely on friends to house you.
Have you ever had a storage locker? If so, what is/was stored in it? No.
How far away is the nearest capital city? Like 50ish minutes by car.
What was the last movie trailer you watched? Oh I have no idea.
Are you expecting anything in the mail? No.
Have you ever broken any bones in your feet or hands? I broke my wrist as a kid, pretty sure my left one because I think I remember still being able to write.
Do you remember the first house you lived in? No; I wasn't even two (if I remember right) before we moved to the house I really consider my childhood home.
Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? No, I haven't done that in a very long time.
Is there anyone you know by the name of Frank? Yes, that's the name of one of my sisters' husbands.
Are you currently in a smoking environment? No.
Do you ever not speak to someone because you're afraid you'll annoy them? Yes, that's the story of my fucking life.
Have you ever known a guy who caused a lot of drama? Yep, at least two.
Is there anything you're saving up for? I don't have a single dollar to my name, so.
Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? I've never punched anyone to begin with.
One word to describe your most recent ex? Overdramatic, to list a nicer thing.
Do you like snow? I love snow, but granted, we don't get tons of it here; oftentimes a winter will pass without any.
Can you tie balloons? No; even before I developed tremors, I don't think I was ever good at it.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? It's been a real hot minute. We really only have PetSmart and Petco here, and I hate both of them.
Do you know anyone who is terrified of dogs? Pretty sure yes, or maybe it's just my sister's dog specifically. Their neighbors include a little girl where if she's over to play with the kids, Oakley (very large chocolate lab, wouldn't hurt a fly but VERY overenthusiastic in affection) has to be locked in her cage or else she's hysterical apparently.
What's your favorite horror movie? Probably The Blair Witch Project. Also quite a fan of The Crazies.
What cover do you think is better than the original song? "Hurt" by Johnny Cash, "Sound of Silence" by Disturbed, and Bad Wolves' version of "Zombie."
What's a TV show you have gotten into recently? Girt and I recently finished the first season of 3% and it's pretty good.
What is a food you think is nasty that most people enjoy? Fried chicken is one. Tomatoes seem to be liked a lot on sandwiches of sorts.
Was the last person you hung out with single? My mom is, yeah.
[TW: ABUSE] Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? No.
Do you like drinking diet sodas? Diet sodas are disgusting.
Who was the last person that cried in your presence? Maybe my mom, or a niece or nephew.
What was the last thing someone gave you? For our anniversary, Girt got me a picture of the night sky above my house the date we became a couple, I assume because it's where I asked him out. He always feels bad that his gifts aren't as "thoughtful" as mine (his words) so I thought it was the fucking cutest thing.
Who is the person you often go to for venting? My mom, Girt, or Mazzy and Tez.
Was the last person you kissed male or female? Male.
Who were you with the last time you went swimming? My mom, our family friends Lolita and Summer, and briefly one of Lolita's friends whose name I don't remember.
Do you say “I love you” even when you don’t mean it? Absolutely not. I will say I've said it to like, my mom in a time where I'm angry at her and don't really want to, HOWEVER I know I absolutely still do love her.
Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex? I don't think so.
Do you prefer wheat or white bread? Wheat.
What's your opinion on fast food? I absolutely hate how much I enjoy fast food, and I don't quite know why I do other than places I like just have food made in a way I particularly enjoy, I guess. Mom and I don't get it an awful lot though, maybe like once a week, because it's gotten so expensive and it's obviously unhealthy.
Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail? No.
If you've ever babysat, do you like it? No, I hate it.
Do you get a lot of spiders in your house? Nah.
Name two of your favorite things as a child. Dinosaurs and Pokemon.
Do you own a pillow pet? Uh no I don't think so. If I do, it's in a storage bag somewhere.
Have either of your parents gone to jail? Certainly not that I know of. I suppose it's possible when my dad has drugs in his past, but I feel like I'd know about this.
Do you have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)? I do/am medicated for it, though my OCD primarily manifests itself in rumination cycles, a lesser-known "format" of the condition. I don't have ritualistic behaviors and the like that you normally expect.
Do you know a hoarder? Well, I did. I recently learned she died. A former friend's mom also exhibited hoarder-like behavior, but I haven't had anything to do with these people in many years, hell if I know how the witch is.
Do you think homosexuality (anything besides heterosexual) is a choice? Absolutely not. I believe homosexuality and similar orientations are probably mutations, and I say that only because they're so against what science teaches (reproduce reproduce reproduce), but maybe they're even more "normal" than that. What do I know, I sure as hell don't have any degrees in this shit.
Do you have any interesting scar stories? I have one from a pilonidal cyst removal surgery and I really need to start testing how "hey I have an asscrack scar" goes for a conversation starter.
What's a reasonable amount of time before two people get engaged? This varies so, so much? Everyone's different? I will say that like, less than a year sounds very quick for any circumstance I can think up, and even one whole year sounds hasty, but again, this is so unique to different couples.
Do you hate the texture of meatballs? No, I actually love meatballs.
Do you get migraines? I consider myself super fucking lucky that these are very rare for me. I can't imagine dealing with them chronically, just the few occasions I have were hell itself.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Omg I forgot to tell you - two of my friends were on the set of The Crown (seasons 1-2) and they said the attention to details (interior design and fashion) was amazing. They even used some original wallpapers, furniture, clothes, and sometimes it took ages to find them
I'm a warm weather kind of person, like a lizard I NEED THE SUN. It's snowing right now and I'm in shambles 😭😭😭😭 your uni is in the mountains? Kinda spooky vibes, like a boarding school somewhere in the mountains 👀 be strong, we must survive it somehow 😢
Taemin lied down on my bed and was like "I sleep" kshdusyshdjsjsj he didn't give a fuck about me...
Atinys are shocked that despite Ateez gaining more fans, they don't vote and stream that much, y'all scared people away 😭 the surprise cocks on Twitter are the worst NOOOOO. Oh bestie you're lucky, because even if stans censor the names I still see it from time to time and 😐
If the JP MV isn't in the style of the previews I'm gonna 🔫 I need more vampire Ateez content
We got more deranged Hehetmons, they were bastardised 😭
You should add Clannad to your carrd under "triggers" 😅 But perhaps that's how I felt after reading Khr*n*s... I have such a soft spot for this show tho so I decided to focus on the positives.
AU of Ateez being wedding singers and Y/N decides to leave with Seonghwa 👀
TB is a train wreck, truly... Btw I'm obsessed with a webtoon called Blood Reverie (totally imagining vampire Hwa), I also started A Whirlwind Campus Affair - feel like it's gonna be a love triangle or perhaps even a quadruple 😭 but I'm rooting for the kinda mean but actually soft guy, he's a loser!
That styling on TXT reminds me of some of Ateez's stylings, because sometimes they just don't match 😭
Speaking of TXT I'm only gonna bark during Cat & Dog, you'll not catch me doing it otherwise hsgsjsgshaha embarrassing. Also some fans were barking for no reason at Loona and the girls were so confused
Why would you remind me of the Hwa hand holding?! The fact I was a bit reluctant back then, but now I would not let him go 💔
When Boa dropped her promo pics she was giving Avril too, she could be in Aespa with no problem.
ZOOTOPIA?! Stop because I was so hooked on that premise...
I'm laughing at people's reactions to Jongho's photo. What's next? Toes? 🤡
Lol and Japan won wih Germany, rip to Costa Rica though 7:0 💀
Damon gets better and then worse... he's my trigger 🔫
Maybe those people who dated capricorns are the problem, lol. Don't blame me, I never had a relationship!
Oiled London is now a TERF and a Christian man or whatever, someone lock him away
Bodyguard also I'm weak for Hwa in his big beanie and furry gloves. He's kinda going Soviet Union though
Oh that quiz was SERIOUS. I got "peace" but I lost the screenshot 💀 - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Omg I forgot to tell you - two of my friends were on the set of The Crown (seasons 1-2) and they said the attention to details (interior design and fashion) was amazing. They even used some original wallpapers, furniture, clothes, and sometimes it took ages to find them
EXCUSE ME THEY WHAT ??? omg ur fr so cool and u have the coolest friends omg,, SO UR SAYING DID THEY MEET THE CAST, but most importantly did they meet olivia colman bc i will beg ur friends for an autograph,, the crown really took their style to a different level, the interior and the cinematography truly so amazing !!!! but the recent season kinda lost it’s identity tbh 😭😭 i wonder what critique’s ur friends might have for this season!
I'm a warm weather kind of person, like a lizard I NEED THE SUN. It's snowing right now and I'm in shambles 😭😭😭😭 your uni is in the mountains? Kinda spooky vibes, like a boarding school somewhere in the mountains 👀 be strong, we must survive it somehow 😢
LIKE A LIZARDSDGWJDHWK 😭😭😭 omg what a perfect weather to stay in and relish some coffee,, it really is spooky! tbh some production company wanted to film it as north korea 😭😭😭😭 bc it does look like a boarding school,, almost hogwarts-y it’s spooky bc the fog really gathers up! and it’s just pure w h i t e ,,, WE MUST LIVE THRU IT BESTIE DONT SLIP ON THE SLUSH
Taemin lied down on my bed and was like "I sleep" kshdusyshdjsjsj he didn't give a fuck about me...
LMFAOOOO???? 😭😭😭😭 im in peak delulu bc taemin better comeback next week ALSO THIS TRACK IS CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED it’s very angst villain arc i rmr when he dropped the first part of this in want era,, i could not get it out of my mind
Atinys are shocked that despite Ateez gaining more fans, they don't vote and stream that much, y'all scared people away 😭 the surprise cocks on Twitter are the worst NOOOOO. Oh bestie you're lucky, because even if stans censor the names I still see it from time to time and 😐
the twt toxicity scared them away tbh 😭😭 the gatekeeping sometimes isn’t good 😭😭it just gets worse and worse,, FBWKHDWK NO BC ITS A MIX OF EVERYTHING THE WAY I BE SHIELDING MY EYES AND BLOCKING THE TAGS BUT SOMEHOW, SOMEHOW ITS ALWAYS THERE
If the JP MV isn't in the style of the previews I'm gonna 🔫 I need more vampire Ateez content
NO UR RIGHT IF THEY BAMBOOZLED US FOR THE MV IM GONNA 🔫🔫🔫 also i do not agree with a lot of the makeup choices in this cb <3
We got more deranged Hehetmons, they were bastardised 😭
You should add Clannad to your carrd under "triggers" 😅 But perhaps that's how I felt after reading Khr*n*s... I have such a soft spot for this show tho so I decided to focus on the positives.
im about to add that actually tysm,, LMFAOOOO KHRONUS WASNT REALLY TO THAT LEVEL TBH 😭😭 omg do u remember hanasaku iroha?? and wolf girl and black prince??
AU of Ateez being wedding singers and Y/N decides to leave with Seonghwa 👀
this is giving very sugar by maroon 5 vibes but the yn actually runs away 😭😭
TB is a train wreck, truly... Btw I'm obsessed with a webtoon called Blood Reverie (totally imagining vampire Hwa), I also started A Whirlwind Campus Affair - feel like it's gonna be a love triangle or perhaps even a quadruple 😭 but I'm rooting for the kinda mean but actually soft guy, he's a loser!
AYOO VAMPIRE??? im about to put this in my list rn,,, a campus affair 👁👁 IM SORRY IS THAT THE GUY UR ROOTING FOR??? BC AYOOO 🤚🏼🤚🏼 this is like a park seonghwa x park chanyeol = ban seongjun????
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That styling on TXT reminds me of some of Ateez's stylings, because sometimes they just don't match 😭
Speaking of TXT I'm only gonna bark during Cat & Dog, you'll not catch me doing it otherwise hsgsjsgshaha embarrassing. Also some fans were barking for no reason at Loona and the girls were so confused
DBWMBDWK if u can awoo for wolf, we barking for txt id bark if yeonjun asks me to <3 KDJDKD ATP ORBITS DO ANYTHING AND ITS SO CASUAL 😭😭 and chuu??? 😭😭😭
Why would you remind me of the Hwa hand holding?! The fact I was a bit reluctant back then, but now I would not let him go 💔
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When Boa dropped her promo pics she was giving Avril too, she could be in Aespa with no problem. /// ZOOTOPIA?! Stop because I was so hooked on that premise...
SHE REALLY WAS !!!! what a legend, ur right her vocal also fits aespa’s in some way maybe it’s the high pitch ness,,, FBWKDHWKDHWK THAT WAS MY EXACT REACTION 😭😭 MY JAW DROPPED WHEN I READ ZOOTOPIA but it true tho
I'm laughing at people's reactions to Jongho's photo. What's next? Toes? 🤡
PLSSSS NOT THE TOES AGAIN, ONE PICTURE IS FINE NO MORE TOES 😭😭 hwa’s other shoulder drop will k word me actually
Lol and Japan won wih Germany, rip to Costa Rica though 7:0 💀
no bc japan was DEADLY !!!! sk and uruguay was so neck to neck they did NOT COME TO PLAYY,,, can’t wait for sk vs portugal, son and ronaldo ??? 😮‍💨😮‍💨 NO CB WHAT WENT WRONG WITH COSTA 😭😭😭 AND NEYMAR?? i will give him my ankle i dont even use it bro pls take it and this?? THIS IS SO FUNNY 😭😭😭 THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST THING KPOP TWT HAS DONE ,,, also found out that the next fifa, my city will host it along with america but what’s the point if the main ppl aren’t there 😭😭🤚🏼
nugu (saudi) winning over a big 3 (argentina) company?? rigged
fanservice king 😭😭

no bc GET OUT
??? 😭😭 LMFAOOOO???
if he was in. bg, he’d be the main rapper 
Damon gets better and then worse... he's my trigger 🔫 /// Maybe those people who dated capricorns are the problem, lol. Don't blame me, I never had a relationship!
STOP BC HES A WALKING RED FLAG BUT HES TOO FINE 😭😭 i would like to say those are most likely men, bc cap women are so funny aint no way this for them 🔫
Oiled London is now a TERF and a Christian man or whatever, someone lock him away
Bodyguard also I'm weak for Hwa in his big beanie and furry gloves. He's kinda going Soviet Union though /// Oh that quiz was SERIOUS. I got "peace" but I lost the screenshot 💀 - DV 💖
that quiz read something so deep i was 😳🤚🏼since u lost it dbdb i did it multiple times so i can stumble on peace and wow.. anon are u okay <3 😭😭 mines almost similar in a way, solitude!
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got another one!
what’s going on at the jackson wang party 😭😭
HE IS SO 🤏🏼🤏🏼🤏🏼
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Okay, among us requests, because I am Never not thinking about Hermit among us: that moment in the latest stream (18/06/21) when Imposter Impulse accidentally jumps in the same vent as Engineer Astro? I don't have much more specific than that in terms of ideas, I just think two people crammed into one vent while quietly freaking out is hilarious
oh big same. thats why i asked for new requests :D
btw you're one of my favourite requesters so feel free to send any and all ideas/requests you have! lol
As the meeting ends, Impulse heads up to the top of cafeteria, cursing in his head. Having his imposter partner thrown off is never ideal, but at least he still has a chance to win. He’s up against four crewmates, so if he can kill one and frame another, he should have this in the bag.
After faking a task, he heads into medbay. But there’s nobody there for him to kill, so he decides to hop into the vent to head to security and find someone to kill there…
…only to find himself face-to-face with Astrozoan, who is squished into the vent along with him.
The two stare at each other for a few solid seconds, an almost identical open-mouthed, wide-eyed expression of surprise on their faces.
Impulse feels the need to say something, to explain himself. After all, he knows Astro isn’t his imposter partner. But all that comes out is, “Uhhh…”
Finally, Astro shakes himself into action and leaps out of the vent.
Cursing under his breath, Impulse follows suit and pursues him, hoping against all hope that he can catch Astro before he hits the button.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t.
“I just saw Impulse vent in medbay,” Astro says, with an air of victory.
“I did vent, cuz I’m the engineer,” Impulse tries.
“No, ASTRO’s the engineer,” responds Evil with a slight grin. “Nice try, Impulse.”
Impulse scowls at him. “How can you be so sure? Anyone can claim they’re the engineer, especially imposters.”
“I know it’s him because when the last sabotage went off, he said “hey Evil watch this” and insta-fixed it right in front of me,” Evil says. “That means you’re the imposter, cuz there’s no other roles that can go in the vent.”
“The only thing that makes sense is they’re both the imposters,” argues Impulse. “And they’re trying to get me voted out. You can’t just take Evil’s word for it that Astro fixed the sabotage.”
To his surprise and delight, it seems that the others aren’t as convinced of his guilt as Astro and Evil are.
“Oh come on!” Astro sighs as the votes are tied, thanks to Etho skipping.
Impulse watches him as the meeting comes to an end. Astro’s already used his emergency meeting, so he can’t call another one. But maybe Evil can.
The reactor gets set off. Clearly, Tango is helping Impulse out from beyond the grave.
Astro sets off immediately, but Evil stays by the button. Impulse follows Astro past medbay, and as soon as they leave Evil’s line of sight, Impulse shoots Astro dead and vents from security to electrical. He figures now that the person accusing him is dead, he should be back on track. And the fact that Astro didn’t solve the sabotage before he died just gives Impulse more time on his cooldown.
But just as he’s heading back to the table, Astro’s body is reported.
“Astro’s dead,” Evil reports, staring straight at Impulse. “NOW will you believe me that he was the engineer?”
Impulse stares at him for a moment, only now realising how absolutely game-endingly stupid his decision to kill Astro was.
“Maybe he got sheriffed…?” he suggests weakly.
“I watched you run off towards reactor with Astro and now he’s dead,” replies Evil. “I couldn’t save Astro but I’m gonna avenge him. Now will you all PLEASE vote for Impulse?”
Impulse opens his mouth to say something, anything, but deep down, he knows it’s no use. Killing Astro was the dumbest thing he could have possibly done; with Astro dead, Impulse has essentially proven his own guilt. He’s proven categorically that Astro wasn’t the imposter.
“Ohh, I am the WORST,” Impulse groans, burying his face in his hands.
Skizz bursts out laughing. “You killed the one guy who could’ve taken the fall for your kills, dude! You ARE the worst!”
Impulse lets out a long groan and sinks down in his seat, watching as everyone votes for him. He locks in his vote for himself and sighs as he’s ejected out the airlock.
Immediately, the round ends. When Impulse makes it back to the lobby, he seeks out Astro straight away.
To his surprise, Astro starts laughing as soon as he sees him. “Dude, your face when you saw me in the vent was- Oh my god, I’m gonna remember it forever. When you killed me, it all just kinda caught up to me and I just started laughing and didn’t stop for ages.”
“Sorry about that,” Impulse says sheepishly.
But Astro waves away his apology. “No, it was hilarious. It was totally worth it to see your face change dramatically when you realised you’d screwed yourself over.”
“It was a really stupid decision, wasn’t it? I really should not be allowed to play this game.”
“Hey, if it makes you feel any better, it was a result of the absolute worst luck possible,” Astro responds. “Such incredibly bad luck that you happened to jump into the one vent the engineer was chilling in.”
“Well, good on you for already building trust with Evil,” says Impulse.
“Oh yeah if I hadn’t, I think you might’ve managed to convince him you were engineer. He was already suspicious of me. That’s why I fixed the sabotage earlier; to convince him I wasn’t imposter.”
“Dang.” Impulse chuckles. “Good game, man.”
Astro grins back. “You too. Make sure you check the vent for rogue engineers more carefully next time.”
“Shut up.”
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I know that a lot of you are, as the ancient proverb says, always sluts for the Eurovision music festival so I’m gonna make a micro rant now --
So in Italy we’ve just had the Sanremo music festival which is like a cultural milestone of Italy, back when there was 1 tv channel the entire country stopped to watch it, it was the Big Event Of Television, this year was the 70° edition and while it had lost popularity some years back now it has risen in popularity again also thanks to appealing to young people, featuring rappers, not treating women like decorative objects etc etc. This edition was nice, I watched a good part of it and, while many of the songs weren’t very great, the festival in itself was pleasant, there was even some queerness sprinkled in it which I appreciated, including my favorite singer being a guest star every night of the festival and also making a little monologue about the fact that “happiness is not a privilege but a right” (meaning that queer people have a right to live as themselves in the open, it’s a theme in some of his songs) and that no person is wrong/a mistake. But I’m babbling.
The problem is that the winner of the Sanremo festival is chosen by a mix of people’s vote and jury vote, and it’s usually the most “yeah this is a nice song performed well” song out there. Which is, like, fine. In fact it’s like what it’s supposed to happen... Except that at some point in history it has been decided that the winner of Sanremo is automatically the Italian candidate to the Eurovision, but Eurovision has a totally different vibe!!
Like, all respect to Mr Nice Song who won the festival and deserved all the praise and prizes and whatnot and also had a very nice jacket last night, I’m not hating on him he’s cute and the song is alright
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but the universe clearly intended for this guy to be a candidate for the Eurovision festival. Like, his song wasn’t great but who cares about the song, not the Eurovision audience. C’mon. This is the guy who is supposed to be at the Eurovision, follow me
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yeah that’s a cape with stunning embroideries
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grandma it’s me Anastasia
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btw it was supposed to be a reference to when St Francis renounced his wealth and publicly undressed from his fancy rich clothes to embrace poverty... this is galaxy brain stage okay!!
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remember the guitarist he’ll be back
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David Bowie time!! Btw it’s a duet with this other singer and they’re performing a song sung originally by a woman that is about her negative experiences of abuse and disrespect from the men in her life... like, the Statement(TM) of choosing a song from a woman pov about how men are terrible!!
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look at him
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now look at this!! it’s it’s a reference to an eccentric noblewoman from the Belle Époque that promoted arts and made bold fashion statements
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i want his bracelet
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i mean
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highly suggestive vibes with the guitarist
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a statement about gender and fuckery thereof
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he pulled a Queen Elizabeth I for the finale!! the reason being that she was a badass woman who held her own in a world of men
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look at his face
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actually the both of them
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mind that literally every old person in Italy watches this thing okay
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smooch!! btw they’re not even a thing irl afaik but they just wanted to make Statements(TM) because fuck heteronormativity and gender norms in front of 60% of Italians who were watching tv last night, which, respect
In conclusion this guy Achille Lauro should be our candidate to the Eurovision, mic drop, bye
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Trudeau promises massive covid stimulus
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Canadian Prime Ministers have a fun gambit: when things start to go really badly for them, they "prorogue" (suspend) Parliament, which dissolves all committees, inquiries, etc, until such time as they are ready to reconvene, with a tabula rasa.
Most egregiously, the far-right asshole and climate criminal Stephen Harper prorogued Parliament in the middle of the 2008 Great Financial Crisis in order to avoid a no-confidence vote that would have triggered new elections.
While this DID save Harper's bacon, it also left Canada without a legislature during a global crisis that threatened the nation's entire future. It was a crazed, reckless thing to do.
Canada has a safeguard to prevent this kind of gambit: as a constitutional monarchy, Canadian parliamentary manoeuvres have to receive the Crown's blessing, in the form of assent from the Governor General, the Queen's rep to Canada.
This is the sober, apolitical adult supervision that fans of constitutional monarchies are always banging on about, and then-Governor General Michaëlle Jean completely failed to do her fucking job, leaving Canada without a Parliament during the GFC. She literally had one job.
Proroguing Parliament didn't just save Harper from a no-confidence vote: it also dissolved all the Parliamentary inquiries underway at the time, including the "Afghan detainee transfer" affair, which was investigating Canadian forces' complicity in the torture-murder of POWs.
In many ways, Trudeau is the anti-Harper: a charismatic Liberal who tells refugees they're welcome in Canada, marches with Greta Thunberg, and appoints the first-ever First Nations person to serve as Attorney General .
Truly, there is no policy so progressive that Trudeau won't endorse it...provided he doesn't actually have to make it into policy. Because many of his policies are indistinguishable from Harperism, albeit with a better haircut.
This started before he won the election, when Trudeau (whose father once declared martial law!) whipped his MPs to vote for a human-rights-denying mass surveillance bill, C-51.
Trudeau did so while insisting that the bill was a massive overreach and totally unacceptable, but claiming that the "loyal opposition" should still back it so as not to be accused of being soft on terrorism in the coming election. He promised to repeal it after.
Of course, he didn't.
Trudeau is often compared to Obama, a young and charismatic fellow who makes compromises, sure, but comes through in the clutch.
Tell that to pipeline protesters.
After the Obama administration killed the Transmountain Pipeline - the continent-spanning tube that would make filthy, planet-destroying tar sands profitable enough to bring to market - Trudeau bailed it out, spending billions of federal dollars to keep it alive.
Then, Trudeau - who campaigned on nation-to-nation truth and reconciliation with First Nations - announced that he would shove this toxic tar-sand tube through unceded treaty lands across the breadth of the naiton.
And then he had the AUDACITY to march with Greta Thunberg at the head of a climate march, demanding a change to policies that would see billions dead in the coming century.
HIS OWN policies.
I mean, Trudeau's boosters have a point - Harper NEVER could have pulled that off.
The Harper years were a Trumpian orgy of blatant self-dealing and cronyism.
The Trudeau years, on the other hand...
One of Trudeau's major donors is SNC Lavalin, a crime syndicate masquerading as a global engineering firm (think Halliburton with less morals).
SNC Lavalin had done so much crime that it was on its final notice with the Canadian legal sysem, a probation that it must not violate on penalty of real, big boy federal criminal prosecutions.
Then it did more crimes.
Remember Trudeau's historic appointment of a First Nations woman to the Attorney General's seat? Now was AG Jody Wilson-Raybould's moment to shine.
As Wilson-Raybould began aggressively pursuing these corporate criminals, she started getting calls from Trudeau's office.
For avoidance of doubt, these were not calls of support. They were demands to drop the case and let the SNC Lavalin crime syndicate get off scot-free. Eventually the PM himself called her and demanded that she give his cronies a pass on their repeated criminal actions.
Wilson-Raybould went public, decrying political meddling in the justice system. Trudeau denied everything and began to smear her (Harper had tons of scandals like this, BTW, only the counterpart was usually a rich old white guy, not a First Nations woman).
But Wilson-Raybould had recorded the conversations, and she released the recordings, and proved that Trudeau had lied about the whole thing. Trudeau fired her and kicked her out of the party.
But at least he's not Trump, right? He's the anti-Trump! (Well, except for the pipeline and that time he announced "No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and leave them there").
Remember the Muslim Ban? As Trump was tormenting refugees at the US border, Trudeau tweeted "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada."
Yes, that was awesome. There is no policy so progressive that Trudeau won't endorse it...provided that he never has to do anything to make it happen.
Canada and the US have a "Safe Third Country Agreement" that says that asylum-seekers turned away from the US border can't try again in Canada. To make #WelcomeToCanada more than a hashtag, Trudeau's government would have to suspend that agreement.
Instead, Trudeau's government insisted that under Trump, "the conditions of the Safe Third Country Agreement continued to be met" and thus they would not suspend the agreement and give hearings to those turned away by Trump's border guards.
But at least Trudeau handled the pandemic better than Harper handled the Great Financial Crisis.
No, really, he did!
I mean, unless you were in a nursing home or on a First Nations reservation.
But still, Trudeau's government did a MUCH better job than the Trump government, or Boris Johnson's Tories. Neither Liberals nor Conservatives will really fight cronyism, climate change or authoritarianism, but there are still substantive differences between them.
But in some ways, they are depressingly similar.
Take corruption.
Long before the plague struck, Canadaland was publishing damning reports on We Charity, a massive, beloved Canadian charitable institution nominally devoted to ending child slavery.
Canadaland's initial reporting on the charity focused on its partnerships with companies that were using child slaves to make their products, but the investigations mushroomed after the charity sent dire legal threats to the news organisation over its coverage.
And then Canadaland founder Jesse Brown found himself smeared by a US dirty-tricks organization that got its start working for GOP politicians, who got a contract to plant editorials criticizing Canadaland's We coverage in small-town US newspapers.
Private eyes started following Brown around, even keeping tabs on his small children. Rather than being intimidated, Brown kept up the pressure on We, which prompted whistleblowers to leak him even more details about the charity's activities.
These included massive, mysterious real-estate holdings, hard-to-excuse criminal investigations of its Kenyan activities, and (here's where I've been going with this all along) GIANT CASH PAYMENTS to Trudeau's family, as well as valuable gifts to his Finance Minister.
And, as with the Wilson-Reybould affair, Trudeau's initial response to this was to simply deny it, calling his accusers liars. But then the scandal kept unspooling, his Finance Minister quit in disgrace, the charity (sort of) folded up and shut down, and Trudeau...
Well, Trudeau prorogued Parliament, shutting down Canada's government in the midst of a crisis that was - unimaginably - even worse than the 2008 crisis that Harper had left the nation rudderless through to avoid his own scandal.
(Again, for constitutional monarchy fans, that's two entirely political proroguings in the midsts of global crises, signed off on by the Queen's supposedly apolitical and sober check on reckless activity)
Shutting down Parliament seems to have rescued Trudeau's government from snap elections, which may well have been won by the Tories, who have resolved their longstanding racist and plutocratic tensions with a new ghoulish nightmare leader:
And, as Trudeau has reconvened Parliament, he's promised something genuinely amazing: a massive, national stimulus package meant to keep families, workers and small businesses afloat through the looming second pandemic wave.
This is something Canada - and the US, for that matter - desperately needs. Canada is monetarily sovereign: it issues its own currency and its debt is in the same currency, meaning it can never run out of money (no more than Apple could ever run out of Itunes gift cards).
The Canadian DOES face constraints on its spending, but they're just not MONETARY constraints - they're RESOURCE constraints. If the Canadian government creates money to buy the same things the private sector is shopping for, there'll be a bidding war, AKA inflation.
But as a new wave of lockdowns and mass illness looms over the country, there's going to be a hell of a lot of things the private sector isn't trying to buy - notably, the labour of the Canadian workforce, millions of whom will be locked indoors through the winter.
An analyst warns that Trudeau's proposal is likely to add CAD30B to the deficit, which is a completely irrelevant fact unless that new money is going to be chasing the same goods that Canadian business and citizens are seeking to buy.
Trudeau has promised to create a national prescription drug plan (a longstanding hole in Canada's national health care system), as well as universal childcare, and he's denounced austerity as a response to the crisis.
There's a part of me that is very glad to see this. My family and friends are in Canada, after all, and if Trudeau lives up to his promise, he will shield them from the collapse we're seeing in the USA.
But that is a BIG if. Trudeau isn't Harper. He's more charismatic, he's got better hair, and he says much, much better things than Harper.
However, when the chips are down, Trudeau out-Harpers Harper.
Mass surveillance legislation. Corruption scandals. Lying about corruption scandals. Bailing out the pipeline. "No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and leave them there." Abandoning asylum-seekers to Trump's lawless regime.
"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action." It would be pretty naive to assume that merely because Trudeau has promised to do the right thing, that he will do the right thing.
Indeed, if history is any indicator, the best way to predict what Trudeau will do is to assume that it will be the OPPOSITE of whatever he promises.
I won't lie. I felt a spark of hope when I read Trudeau's words.
But hope is all I've got - and it's a far cry from confidence.
Or relief.
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Live 2020 debate commentary from a salty, disabled, and VERY pissed gen Z
 Yall he just said he’s immune
My dad just left the room
Bitch are u saying Johnson and Johnson is going to make the vaccine?
sir that’s the diaper company…..smh
Biden just said its going to be a dark winter
#winter is coming
“virus.....that came from china” -trump 2020
“were learning to live with it”-trump 2020
apparently “Biden lives in his basement”-your president 2020
totally accurate.....obviously
ohhhh biden just said were learning to die with it
trump interrupted biden
Mam I thought you said you were muting them?
biden laugh count at 3
he all about the once percent till its the dead ones
trump interrupting at 3...nvm its now 4
this debate is making my dog sad
interrupting now at 5 for trump
trump saying his young sons illness just “went away”
bitch he’s may age and no it did not just “go away”
he was in quarantine for two weeks
apparently nyc is a ghost town 
its not a ghost town trump I live right next to it
loudest neighbors ever
trump don’t call him Anthony
his name is DOCTOR Fauci
treat him with the respect he deserves
Biden looks so sad
nvm he legit looks like the joker right now
why is this at 9?
sir its a school night
I need time to scroll through my feed for hours before collapsing
Biden don’t use the word sovereignty
trump doesn't know what it means
thats discrimination against trumps
ohhh hes attacking hunter (biden) again
so he has a wee drug problem?
at this point everyone got one!
your the one making lewd comments about your infant daughter on national tv
(look it up he talks about his 6 month old daughters legs but and breasts)
get him big b!!
h876689908776- my dog 2020
he wants to express his disappointment
the light boxs is stealing his mother attention
ohh hes being rude to the moderator again
u a strong independent Indian woman get him girll!
mute his mike
prty plz
I am dissapionted in you
he’s saying he’s not allowed to release his taxs
(that is a proven lie)
“i was put through a phony witch hunt”- you'll never guess 2020
hes going after his BROTHER now
how is this allowed?
who decided trumps strategy would be to accuse his opponent of his own crimes?
look at the insults guys its a crystal ball
stay ahead of the scandal's
“i was a business man doing business”-trump 2020
no sir you were another rich white guy taking advantage of tax brakes and cheap foreign labor in asia
#american jobs as long as i don’t have to pay minimum wage
#you know like a DECENT FUCKING PERSON
Trump interrupted again
I lost count a while ago
Biden is staring into my soul
oh Biden just played the middle class childhood card
I haven't heard a single mute so far?
trump just said his bromance with kim jung un saved america from nuclear war
dont through my boy Obama under the bus
and another interruption
my big bro just screamed “MUTE BUTTON MUTE BUTTON MUTE BUTTON”
honestly same
10 more min guys
hang in there
OHHH trump just got MUTEDDDDDD
Biden is now on legitimate policy 
ahhh hes proud of his plan
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annd trump just interrupted
trump just kissed up to the moderator
trump just said biden’s more liberal than bernie
biden just said trump dosent know who hes running against
hes like “this is joe biden”
like I know bro but slick burn anyway
ohhh they muted trump again!!!!
perfect opportunity to mute missed
trump just blamed healthcare issues on nancy peloski
biden says the the republicans wont pass it
(btw hes actualy right)
2 mins left
and trump is speaking through it
1 min left
omg what a waste of air
I really want him to test his “immunity”
preferably during a harsh winter
there running over
they still haven't covered immigration
I have just learned there is 30 min left
I think I would rather kill myself than watch the rest of this
I’m seriously have a sensory overload right now
I’m doing this for u
“children are brought here by coyotes”-presedentail cown 2020
what a wack ass sentence
hes like ohIi haven't been putting kids in cages
and then just went but I didn't build them they were built in 2014
(contradiction much)
“who built the cages”
“who built the cages”
“who built the cages”
yes it was Obama but guess what
there ment to house animals, evidence, and adult prisoners in emergency situations
Biden was just like “well no actually kids come with PARENTS”
(kids hardly ever come over with out parents)
and then he was like and also WHO LOST TRACK OF OVER 1,000 PARENTS
(thats 500+ new orphans at the least)
hes saying only the illegal immigrants with the lowest IQs come back after being deported
we said the same thing in december about you but ya’know
my mum was like “anyone eating chocolate” and I was like “im snaking on this ignorance” and she was like “dont do that you'll get indigestion”
“no one has done more for the black community then Donald trump except for maybe Abraham Lincoln”
oh yeah Biden just brought up how trump publicly campaigned for the execution of the central park 5
trump just yelled at Biden, got muted, and just yelled louder
trump just said he cant see the audience but hes the least racist person in the room
“Abraham lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents in american history”- biden 2020
biden just went “oh god”
he just said that he used to not support the blm movement because they chanted rude things about police officers
I would like to reiterate that “pigs in a blanket” has never been chanted in a protest or been a prominent statement in the blm movement nor “fry em like bacon” so what trump is saying is factually incorrect
unless hes on some sort of far right conservative twitter feed were he came across a video of some drunk white college kids chanting it 
but you know what ever fits you narrative
plus I would be pretty pissed if I kept getting shot at for no reason so....
Biden making more logical decisions
trump was like why have you never done all this stuff when you were vice president
“we had a republican congress” -biden 2020
we have the cleanest air
we have the cleanest crystal clear water
sir, i know you've been to mexico
don’t lie
the waters gorges down there
and not owned by your smug ass
trump just called china filthy
so you know....
*whispers* racism
ok 5 min left
for real this time
trump just went “aoc plus 3: and then hes like she knows nothing about the climate
ummm.... you dont even believe in climate change
bidens like “are....is...is is”
good for you
correcting your grammar
trump just said “the wind kills all the birds” out of the godamn blue
(he means wind mills and its untrue)
“Whats the next question baba”
“the final question is leadership which he doesnt have”- baba 2020
I feel bad for anybody watching this on the toilet
bidens starring into your soul
he knows what your doing
there officially overtime
its 10 33
they haven't even done the last section yet
why do they host these so late
I should be pretending to be asleep right now
this is generational discrimination
plus trumps supporters are so old there asleep by now
ohhhh its over
1036 final time
okay so thoughts....I generally dont like the party system i think its ridiculous the system was not designed for it, and its now more about loyalty then the actual candidates. I also am really hesitant to put another strait white male in the oval office, especially one thats from “the lucky few” I.E. the smallest voting generation in the country and also the one that already holds the most positions. That being said, at this point its really anyone but trump and I think bidens got the experience to turn things around. 
I AM IN SCHOOL I CANNOT VOTE. I am relying on all my older friends, followers, neighbors, and community members. To make an educated decision that wont further degrade the once hopeful future my generation awaits. Please if you can vote VOTE the kids are relying on you!
P.S. sorry i wasn't able to edit this earlier i struggle alot with spelling and didnt have the time to edit this because I HAD TO GO TO BED AND THEN GO TO SCHOOL. Why am I more politically active then people twice my age you might ask? Well, thats because adults are lazy and need to get of their gd asses and VOTE. So kids dont have to do the legwork for them. 
I have said my peace now, have a wonderful day!
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Gonna do a little rant here. I'm pissed at my generation and the one below me. They aren't voting and thats why trump won.
Not saying hillary would of been amazing, but she probably wouldn't have done half the things trump did. It's too much to list in total but here's whats upsetting me. New restrictions on food stamps, slashed funding for SSI and SSDI.Slashed funding for medicare and medicaid. Removed regulations on companies for pollution. Because 'regulation kills business". No you numb nuts, those are in place so we don't have acid rain and shit. Regulations are there because companies only care about the bottom line, their profits. They'd set the world on fire if they think they'd come out on top.
Backed out of the climate agreement. Which btw climate change is real, it shouldn't be political. It's science! It's not opinion ,it's facts. The worlds top scientists have said it's real.
 The mail. Trump is literally  suppressing votes. He said, with cameras pointing at him, that he is de funding the mail so that people can't vote. He's blatantly saying he is trying to rig the election. During a pandemic no less! He knows a lot of people want to do mail in voting because going to a polling center right now is dangerous. Corona may not have a high death rate but it can still have long lasting effects we don't know yet.He literally admitted he's trying to rig the election in his favor.
Guys. People around my age, Please vote. We are the reason Trump is in office. It's our fault and we can fix it if we actually vote. I know Biden kinda sucks, he wasn't my first choice either. I'm not sure this country can have another 4 years of Trump. Not sure if anyone remembers this, but trump made a joke about "being president for life" after China did it. It may have been a joke, or maybe he's just telling it like it is and what he wants to do.
To his supporters... I don't know how or why anyone would support him at  this point. Like...do you guys listen to him and agree? "oh he says it like it is!" yeah. He does. Flat out says he's gonna rig the election. It's like someone saying "I'm going to punch you!" and then he does, and you go "man he says it like it is and just does it! Amazing!" It's like you don't realize he said he was going to hurt you and then he did. He cut funding to SSI ,SSDI and food stamps which a lot of his voters depend on. He's messing with the mail so some senior citizens cant get their meds.
Like..come on.I just don't know how to like...make you care about other people. I don't know how to get you out of the "I got mine. I'm doing fine, screw you!" mentality. Like...you should care about other people. Man this came out longer than i meant it to and i bet no one reads it but whatever. I've been brewing on this rant with no one to rant to about it.
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
amanda’s sanders sides binge reactions, episodes ten-sixteen
losing my motivation — making some changes
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home maintenance is not a joke
i don’t know, LOGIC
the game is on
all business
no you can’t play with us
i’ve been waiting for this day to wear it
he found a dollar
touching up some eyeshadow
what are these grounds
are they coffee grounds
you’re not welcome
elementary my dear daddy
how do the sides borrow money from each other i’m confused
sir sing-a-lot
i am a knight thank you very much
oh no how could you do it i trusted you
what’s going on? something good
feelings. the bane of my existence
weird mushy vision you mean my entire catalog of fanfic writing
well who should have done that *cue intense music*
am i in a paradoxical loop
calm down time
that was dark even for me
yes go to the library
logan’s name reveal
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Q+A time
laughy cry-y emoji
pouty mcspecs
i really need to up my roman giving nicknames game
his anxiety is heightened VIRGIL IS TALLEST SIDE CONFIRMED
so does roman have a fairy godmother
bippity boppity boo yah
i’m not okay
i promise
but also i am the walrus
wait that needs to be on my patton playlist brb
virgil likes tumblr hence he likes us
i need four cookies
and i will sit on a surface that is not meant to be sat on
patton doesn’t always screw stuff up
i also like podcasts
virgil’s compliments are great what are you talking about
who is texting logan (my guess is orange)
who is texting roman (my guess is remus)
winnie the pooh~
logan tries singing to all star
and virgil just goes “yeahhhh”
i know big words
relevant with yesterday’s skirt photo
what is a ship?
virgil definitely knows because he’s on tumblr
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thomas has a rat in his hair confirmed (it’s remus)
virgil is the first in this one too
sometimes i just gotta be me-an
hide under the covers until the sun goes away
chemically imbalanced romance
we’re donezo
never fear your creativity is here
thomas’ happiness is roman’s mission
you shackle your creativity
remus says something very similar
brainstorming extravaganza
patton why were you not wearing your pants
is this why princey spit yogurt at me yesterday
i’m always serious. clearly. i wear a necktie.
roman wears the pants-
they are a family btw
lol time limits
do those exist in current episodes
aggressive bouts of beat poetry
nb royalty aka me
*nods like virgil*
capita? like the cogitating cap?
patton would love untitled goat game
you tried you failed let’s go to sleep
logan you can’t just call virgil a defeatist
virgil’s face
and he just sinks out without saying anything
am so soft for the boy
roman name reveal!
hey roman
you’re my hero
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time for my favorite debate, much better than any political debates
analogical time
this could have been a logan centric video if virgil didn’t pop up
we get it, you don’t want me here, but i’m here
i want you here
virgil please be in the video tomorrow
i too call upon very specific facts to feel secure
how bruised is roman
cardigan-clad clod aka me
same, cream based broths upset my tummy unless i take lactaid
wait logan can’t be objective?
haagen daaz dispersion
bad imaginary
vocab word!
a debate *snap*
i wanna be the supreme dark overlord of negative commerce
please help me *screams in agony*
me me big boy
too much pressure, nooo
do they groan in disgust about the butterflies in his tummy because they feel that way about each other or-
this is better than any political debate
TBD = totally believable dude
when did they vote on logan’s proficiency plan i wanna see this
of course it’s not a straight answer no one in this video is straight-
the first FALSEHOOD
did he just hiss at me
i’m right, you’re wrong, shut up
that’s a try guys reference
this is stupid he’s stupid i’m out
your mom misses you
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visual puns are great
no virgil you’re not alone
same patton, i’m always confused
surly temple is one of my favorite nicknames
word association games return
don’t you dare turn breakfast food into a negative metaphor
was this really a necessary visual
voltron shirt *hits joan*
me watching sanders sides late into the night
great odin’s eyepatch!
well then it’s just 5am and you need to go to bed
keep it up so we get to see virgil more thanks
i’ve dreamed of this moment
anatomically, thomas is fine
what is the gosh-darn-ding-dang point
so mean to patton
darude sanderstorm
i want to bounce in a bouncy castle
i want to join a book club with joan and thomas
*gasp* not the necktie
you are the man. you look like the man. i fight the man. i want to fight you now.
janus also fights the man so-
you stole my look
is no one going to acknowledge that he just dabbed
logan asks for patton’s help when they can’t figure out what’s wrong
danny devito reference
mind palace!
star thingies
poor virgil and his eyes
for reference eeyore has always been my favorite disney character
and virgil is my fave
see any connections there
patton name reveal!
growing older is scary but being a kid was also scary because i didn’t know what was going on with my identity
patton understands virgil so well. cries. maybe the asides will fix their relationship
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listen buddy don’t blame us just because your mind is so empty
that was definitely roman
i didn’t know you made jokes like that
why don’t we talk more?
uh oh, feelings
more sentimental than on avalanche
it is flippin sweet man
with you i’m always home-
additional affirmation
whaddup anxiety
if virgil is upset when thomas isn’t near his friends then isolation really has to be messing with him
joan!logan is amazing
terrence!patton though
he/him pronouns all around~
another danny devito reference
okay but talyn!virgil is the best
breaking the fourth wall? 
single column?
aw patton loves thomas
hehe butt
“we are not actually your friends”
i love libraries
a man of many talyn’s
also i didn’t make as many comments on this one because it’s 11pm and i’m starting to get a bit sleepy
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soundsof71 · 6 years
TURN IT UP! Joe Walsh with The James Gang, “Walk Away”, 1971
The James Gang was one of those bands that hit so much harder live than on their studio records that it’s almost impossible to believe that they’re the same guys. Their two 1971 albums offer the perfect contrast, Thirds (from whence comes this glorious single), and James Gang In Concert, recorded in May 1971 at Carnegie Hall and released later that year.
I’m surprised the hall was still standing when they were done. It’s the loudest slab of vinyl I’ve ever put on a turntable -- even with the volume turned all the way down, the racket coming straight out of the needle scraping through the grooves unamplified was flat out unbelievable. Very much in keeping with the ethos proclaimed in the liner notes of the previous year’s James Gang Rides Again, “Made Loud To Be Played Loud.”
This performance from Germany’s Beat Club, first aired July 24, 1971, somewhat splits the difference between the civilized, if still loud, studio band, and the utter savages (in a good way!) of James Gang on stage. Surely you’ve already pressed play, and heard Joe Walsh absolutely ROAR into this thing. If all you know of him is what you’ve heard on the radio or with the Eagles, you’re in for an eye-opening, and ear-opening delight.
I had once thought of this song as a pleasant bit of science fiction. The MAN in the song is the one who wants to talk about his feelings and where the relationship is going, while “you just turn your pretty head and walk away.” Riiiight. Because that’s how men are. Just won’t shut up about relationships.  ‾\_(ツ)_/‾
Well, maybe Joe really IS that way, because the song sounds pretty damn persuasive, and other than being a little condescending, it’s not especially mean, which automatically sets him above most men of the day.
(1971 was the first great year for a wide swath women artists in classic rock, but women as a lot were alas still not faring well at the hands of male writers. Still aren’t, either, which is a story for another day.)
I actually started rethinking this song when I read what Stevie Nicks had to say about Joe Walsh, who she describes as "the great, great love of my life.”
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She said of their breakup: “It nearly killed me. We had to break up or we thought we’d die. We were just too excessive. We were busy superstars and we were doing way too much drugs. We were really, seriously drug addicts. We were a couple on the way to hell. 
But there was no closure. It took me years to get over it — if I ever did. It’s very sad but at least we survived. 
He was the one I would have married, and that I would probably have changed my life around for a little bit, anyway. Not a lot. 
[my note: the fact that she concedes that she’d have changed only a little bit, and only “probably”, suggests that she’s maybe not exaggerating the rest.] 
There was no other man for me. I look back at all the men in my life, and there was only one that I can honestly say I could truly have lived with every day for the rest of my life, because there was respect and we loved to do the same things. I was very content with him all the time. That’s only happened once in my life. 
This man, if he’d asked me to marry him, I would have. There was nothing more important than Joe Walsh — not my music, not my songs, not anything. He was the great, great love of my life.” (more here)
So on top of being better at relationships and rocking harder than you might have thought, he’s also a terrific technical guitarist, and a hilarious storyteller. I heard him tell a story on the radio in 1988 or so, involving him and George Harrison, that I’ve never seen documented, but I dropped everything I was doing to listen. 
I even remember exactly where I was -- in the back room of the bookstore I managed in Washington, DC, way past time to go home, but I didn’t want to miss the end of the story during the long walk to my car.
This is paraphrased, but it’s pretty damn close. I started telling this story to everyone within earshot right away, and you’ll get why. 
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(btw, I don’t have a picture of Joe and George together, although they shared a stage a time or two. There are quite a few pictures of Joe and Ringo, though -- not only did Joe play in some editions of Ringo’s All-Star Band, they’re married to sisters! Marjorie and Barbara Bach, so yeah, they’re brothers in law.)
Anyway, Joe said that the one piece of advice he gives every guitarist trying to learn the instrument, “Learn to play every song The Beatles ever did, and sound exactly like they did. Doesn’t matter if you hate The Beatles or don’t want to sound anything like them when you’re done, but once you can play everything they played, exactly the way they sounded, you can do anything that it’s possible to do on a guitar.”
Well, there was one song that was vexing him, the very last one that he still couldn’t figure out -- “And Your Bird Can Sing” from Revolver. When he finally got it, he was beside himself. He called up George Harrison to make sure he was home (both fellas were living in Los Angeles at the time), said, “Stay there, I got something you gotta hear!” 
He packed up his amps and his guitar, drove over to George’s house, and started setting up. “What is it?” asked George. “Just wait,” replied Joe, and kept setting up. 
When Joe finally unleashed a note-perfect “And Your Bird Can Sing”, George fell out of his chair laughing. “How the hell did you do that?” “Well, it took me long enough to figure out,” Joe said, “so I was going to ask YOU how YOU did it.”
George said, “The way *I* did it was John and me playing in unison, and then double-tracked! I can’t figure out how you did it by yourself, even though I just saw you do it!” 
Well, Joe was left feeling pretty good about himself, managing to sound like the equivalent of four Beatles guitarists all by himself, if a little exasperated to have spent so much time figuring out something that he should have known better than to try -- but he did it anyway. THAT’s Joe Walsh for ya.
I hope you’ve already hit play AGAIN on that blistering take on 1971′s “Walk Away” up top, because Joe really was killing it that year. There’s more to him than you probably think, too, so if you’re into the heavy guitar thing, you should definitely do some exploring.
Led Zeppelin fans in particular, I’m looking at you. Joe and Jimmy were friends from Jimmy’s days in The Yardbirds, and it was Joe who said, man, you’ve gotta quit monkeying around with that Telecaster. When you’re ready to rock, switch to a Les Paul -- and indeed, Jimmy bought his first Les Paul (known as “#1″) from Joe in 1969, for $1200, which Joe says he flew out to hand-deliver to Jimmy. Says Jimmy, “Joe brought it for me when we played the Fillmore. He insisted I buy it, and he was right."
(btw, nifty pic from Joe’s Twitter feed of him and Jimmy hanging out after LZ’s February 12 show at The Garden in 1975!)
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I wouldn’t want to say that Led Zeppelin’s approach to live jamming was necessarily influenced by James Gang, but I’m saying that they were similar and Joe got there first. LOL And seriously, if you dig live Zeppelin, you NEED to know more about live James Gang and early solo Joe.
(More details about #1 than anyone but a gearhead would want here, here, here, and here, but hey, maybe you’re a gearhead!)
To give you a head start for exploring more James Gang and early solo Joe, I’ll add one more video, from 1972, “Turn To Stone” featuring Fanny’s Jean Millington on bass absolutely slaying dragons on this monster. As Joe told Rolling Stone,
"Turn to Stone" was written about the Nixon administration and the Vietnam War and the protesting that was going on and all of that. It's a song about frustration. Also, I attended Kent State. I was at the shootings. That fueled it, too. In those days it felt like the government's priority was not the population. They had an agenda that was about something other than doing what was necessarily good for the country.
A few years later [in 1980], I decided to run for president myself. [Ed. Note: Walsh pledged to make "Life's Been Good" the new national anthem.] I thought it'd be a great idea and I had fun with it. And the reason I did it is because there was, and there continues to be, a very apathetic attitude toward voting. There's a total separation between the federal government and the people. So running for president was an attempt on my part to get people to care enough to go vote. But people just don't bother. And that's why it's not working.
Oh what the heck, and one more from July 20 1971, from the French TV show Pop2, “The Bomber” (from 1970′s Rides Again) which includes a quick little nod to “Beck’s Bolero” along the way.  (Well, technically I suppose, Ravel’s “Bolero”, and indeed, Ravel’s estate made them remove the reference from initial pressings of the album!)
And another note for LZ fans: Joe does some crazy stuff with his bare hands at around 2:30-3:30 going into “Bolero” that Jimmy did with a violin bow. THAT’s Joe Walsh for ya.
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xo-dailypier-blog · 5 years
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Hey People!
     It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted anything. But can you guys blame me? It’s been such a snore fest in Santa Monica, I almost just left you guys to you own devices to let you find out all the dirt by yourselves. But we couldn’t have that, can we?
     Anyways, while I don’t have a complete recap of the things going on (not that theirs anything interesting), you guys have sent me your BURNING CHLAMYDIA-LIKE questions that have piqued by interests. 
I would say things in this town are getting set in motion, but only time will tell…
But before we get into the questions, two things: 
1.) Everyone take a moment to say Happy Mother’s Day to QUEEN Phobe! Hopefully she’s been picking up her child from daycare. Am I right, guys? 
Hopefully you guys said HMD to your Mo -- Oh, Yikes ... um Moving on...
2.) Congratulations are in order! You guys voted and our Hottie of the Moment has been chosen…
     It’s none other than: Jason “Daddy” Sorrentino! With his ripped bod, and killer smile, Daddy Sorrentino has captured the hearts of Santa Monica one day at a time. I didn’t vote for him (I was torn between him and Daddy Lancaster, so I sat this one out), but it’s really no surprise. I mean, have you seen him? Ugh, soy hott. 
When asked about his Award Winning Hotness, Daddy had this to say:
“Everyone wanted to know what I’d do if I didn’t win, guess we’ll never know” (Jason Sorrentino, 2019).
... We love original quotes ..... Anyways! Let’s A some Q’s, yeah?
Q: singordie94 asked...
What is the Lipton on Myles Bennett and Julian Stark? The people are talking about seeing them at a bar eye fucking each other? What’s going on, DP? 
A: Hey singordie94,
     Sighhh, Shark Boy and Lava Top. Ok, so as we know, Myles gets pegged. Very progressive, love that for him. Now, the RUMOR (keyword) is that he ditched the strap and tried out the real thing with one Julian Stark. This, allegedly, happened a few months back according to sources close to the subject(s). Sadly, I honestly don’t believe this, this just sounds like fan fiction. Myles has a loving girl friend back home in Texas. It is PREPOSTEROUS to think our little sea critter would be a LIAR. I mean, could you guys really imagine OUR Myles letting Julian go snorkeling in HIS (chocolate) sea? HANG TEN in his boygina? Go KOWABUNGA in that ass??? (Let’s be honest, if this actually happened, there is no way anyone would actually believe that Myles was on top, we’ve seen him in his sea-diving-catsuit-thing, and … momma’s thicc with it). Anyways, I guess I’ll keep an eye on them just in case. But Myles just isn’t the type to cheat/leave his southern belle crying into the butter she has to churn for supper in the middle of her Amish village. (I’m assuming everyone in Texas is Amish. Look, I don’t know what the fuck goes on there, and honestly? I don’t care). Bottom line (tehehehe) is that Myles has his true love, the deep blue sea, and CHRIST as his main priorities, nothing more. Thanks for the question, singordie94, I’ll keep an eye out for ZESTY activity, but don’t hold your breath (like Myles did when he deep throated Julian, ALLEGEDLY).
Q: AshersBabyMomma asked...
Can we get an Aldridge update?
A: Well, AshersBabyMomma (cute name btw),
Keeping up with the Aldridge’s has been pretty dull this season.
Alex is, naturally, chasing after Award Winning Hottie, Jason. Their tumultuous relationship is one I’ll have to keep an eye on. You would think they were together by the way they interact, one minute their woohoo-ing in the back of an Uber and the next they need space? Maybe they should just call it quits? And apparently Alex was seen getting cozy with Logan Lancaster. I’m told that there was some serious flirting going on???? I heard that Jason totally came up in conversation too, and Logan called him like, a pussy, or something? (Fighting Words!!!) Whatever he said the two laughed about it, as they continued vibing. And to be honest? I kind of ship it. I mean I am obviously the president of the SorrentinHOEs, but ya girl Alex needs some stability. And hello??? Logan is as stable as they come! Daddy Sorrentino might be perfect at everything else, but maybe he should sit on the bench when it comes to Alex, Logan is scoring too high for him to keep up. #LoLex
Crackhead Asher is one that keeps getting written in about, though. A little bird told me, well, several little birds have told me that they’ve seen a guy (with a striking resemblance to our fav) out with several different guys since he’s been here in Santa Monica. I feel like Asher is a little fruity but is this something he would keep from his family? His twin? I feel like they would care less about this and more about his trips to San Diego to buy METH. The Quality Kind. Hmm, I suppose I’ll have to set up cameras inside his house, too, just to see if this story checks out. I’ll keep you posted.
The only Aldridge that matters is the MATRIARCH herself, Alegenda Aldridge. When she PUMPED IT into Santa Monica in kitten heels (because only SLUTS wear stilettos) I knew that she would be the saving grace of this DEMONIC town. We Stan Alegenda in this household, which is why If you use code SharkTop with your next purchase at Blush Boutique — The Anti-Fashionova, you’ll get 10% off, courtesy of The Daily Pier. Go on and immerse yourselves in the most sanctified of garmets, those floor length khaki skirts aren’t gonna wear themselves! Let’s hope that Alegenda does not fall into the EVIL clutches that have her siblings, and let’s hope that she can, instead, EXERCISE the DEMONS on her siblings KNEECAPS.
But honestly, who am I kidding. I enjoy her efforts, but in this town? She’ll probably be smoking the same crack rock as Asher by the end of the month. Tragic. I’ll keep you posted, AshersBabyMomma.
Q: dddonewiththebullshit asked...
A: I…. Hello?
     This is the only negative thing I’ve gotten about Jamie since I’ve started following him. If hoards of you thirst buckets aren’t writing in about want to “operate his ride” then you’re saying how he looks like a math teacher and you’d like to show him an acute angle (with your legs). Wait, is that last part just me? Yikes, this is awkward. Anyways, it’s true. Jamie and Mackenzie Westwood (the twink in question) dated for like 5 months, and when Mac ended things (because Jamie couldn’t commit) he packed his things and left. Apparently he forgot his paint brushes after his departure so he tried to BREAK INTO Jamie’s house and take them. And I guess they got into a fight. Based on the voice memos I got, it got pretty intense. Some people wrote in asking if Jamie got shot.
     Yeah he got shot … with love. The repressed feeling jumped out! This whole fight was laced with PASSION and I was waiting for them to rip each other’s clothes off and wake up your puppy (again). They TOTES still love each other. I mean hello??? Amazon Prime is right there and you choose to commit grand theft PAINTBRUSH on a random night, Mackenzie???? Give me a BREAK!
     I just hope that this doesn’t interfere with his work, and like, distract him while he’s operating a ride. Wouldn’t want him to ALSO cause a major accident which could kill people. #shade
I guess the final question I got a lot is what couple(s) I ship. And off the top of my head, my top 5 are ... Hmmm, I’ll have to say:
Well obvs, #LoLex
June Armstrong and an Exterminator. The Doll has roaches, and it’s fucking GROSS!!! Someone said she’s become acquainted with them and knows them by name. What a CREEP. Get an exterminator girl, know him by name. And while we’re on the topic of June, The Doll. I see right through her “innocent act”, I heard she hid a razor blade in her mouth in High School, and when she got into a fight one time, she SLICED her opponent. People who went to school with June contact me, and give me the scoop on this.
(and 5, I guess) And I am torn between Wes/Diana and Wes/Iris. You see, Diana and Wes have history and just thinking about them and all that they’ve been through, the fact that they can find solace through each other’s arms just …. sorry I need a moment. 
But Wes and Iris, it’s just … ugh … the flavors. Both of their pasts have been pretty hard, and I would love to see Iris in a happy relationship. Especially after that Sebastian guy (don’t ask).
So these are MY to watch list, lets hope something becomes of it! 
And with that, that concludes my comeback post, I guess. Hope you didn’t fall asleep reading this. And if you managed to to not be mentioned in this post, don’t you worry, this is only just the beginning. 
xo, DP
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minky-personal · 5 years
I got the idea of talking abt each dance individually from @teamkoine btw 
listen to my ramblings if you want 
1. I personally loved the group dance. I actually got chills from it, which is hard for me a lot of the times with contemporary dances. I don’t know why exactly, but it kinda gave me the impression of a shooting????? i wasn’t expecting that 
2. Gino and Stephanie: I loved this one!!! I didn’t really like the piece they got last week, but I think it was just out of their style and a little uncomfortable for them. They were both really high-energy and had a lot of personality, From what I can see, they had really clean lines and great timing. 
I’m shocked that Gino was safe, while Steph wasn’t tho. I didn’t particularly like either of them in the dance last week, but I thought he was the weaker one. 
Also s/o to Steph for being able to hold Gino while in heels. 
3. Eddie and Sophie:I really liked the dance. The dance seemed just as surreal as the song is, but I didn’t really get the message or a lot of emotion (I mean we never got to see their freaking faces). I think this song would’ve made more sense if they had staged the scene differently- doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it tho.  I don’t really remember how I felt about their dance last week, whoops. 
I’m surprised by both Eddie and Steph’s placements; she didn’t make much of an impression on me last week. I’m sad abt Eddie bc I really liked him, but there’s only 5 guys so.... maybe they should change bottom four to bottom three or two?? 
4. Anna and Benjamin: I love hip hop so.... I’m excited. 
I’m gonna be shocked if this isn’t my favorite of the night. I loved it!!! 
Their facials were so with the story/song; it reminded me of a scene plucked out of a comedy. I’d love a comedy-based dance movie. My favorite part was probably when Anna was crouched down leaning on him, or when they were both doing those faux bboy moves on the group? Idk how to describe it, but the personality and style were definitely there. 
I’m surprised Anna was in the bottom, but I might be biased cuz she’s like my favorite girl rip. Not surprised at Benjamin, cuz as someone who’s usually neutral on ballroom, he did amazing last week imo. 
5. Ezra and Madison: Meh. I personlly loved the choreography, but I don’t think they had any real chemistry. Whenever I saw Madison, it just looked like she was faking it, and not really into Benjamin. It really took me out of it. 
I’m shocked Madison got more votes than Anna and Steph.......mmmmmmmmmm don’t like that. don’t like that at all. 
6. Mariah and Bailey: They’re my ppl that I want to win it. Just want to get that out of the way first. 
I am shocked by how amazing that way, even tho I knew it would be amazing. It’s been forever since I’ve seen a hip hop choregoraphy that WELL DONE!! Luther Brown killed the choreography, it totally got the vibes of the song, and the musicality was on point. 
I’m so proud of Mariah!!!!! I would have never had a clue that she hadn’t been doing hip hop for years. They both had the facials and energy to match the song and vibe that I think Luther was trying to create. 
I’ve been biased towards Bailey since auditions, and these last two weeks have made me biased towards Mariah too. Bless!
One thing I do like is that it seems like every couple had one half up for elimination (except for Mariah and Bailey!!) 
Elimination notes: I would have loved to see Eddie stay, but it might just be because of his partnering so far tho. I was really starting to like Stephanie this episode, so I’m a little disappointed to see her gone, but I’m biased towards hip hop. 
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