#his lore is super cool 😳😳😳
quanblovk · 4 months
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(Atlas by @unleashedsonic )
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admittedly I'm not a big fan of the Rook spy family theory (I prefer other, wilder ones this one is too smart and normal lol), but there is something actually damning I'm not sure you know yet based off your old post: did you know that Ortho regularly scans him to tell how surprised/honest he is and finds out his vitals - heart rate, literally are the same in all situations and contexts? Like, I thought it was something super scary but it turns out it probably is a secret agent skill.
[Referencing this theory!]
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Omg, Spy x Family? 😳/j
Sometimes it’s just the most boring theories that are the most likely to be canon or just make the most sense! This was the case for the “Ortho is dead” theory (which got confirmed in book 6), but could also be true of the yet-to-be-confirmed “Leech mob family” theory.
Oh no, I’m aware! I believe it’s in Rook’s Beans Camo vignettes where Ortho scans him to detect if he’s telling the truth or not based on vital readings. (That’s only one circumstance though; I don't believe Ortho does it regularly or in all scenarios because he specifically asks Rook for his permission in the vignette!) It’s just that with how much content there is out of TWST, it’s easy to forget certain details and hard to comb through all the available lore for what else may be relevant. I thought to just stick with major examples shown in the main story and events for that theory.
Anyway! It’s not all that shocking to learn, especially when we know what Ortho is capable of and when we’ve been given a very clear example of Rook manipulating his heart beat to his advantage. As I mention in the original post, Rook controls his heart rate to convince Sebek that he, too, is scared, and therefore is not Sebek’s enemy. This is something that Trey points out after the group’s tension has been safely dispelled. That in of itself implies that Rook’s vitals would typically be normal—he just actively chose to change it when it benefits him.
Keeping cool and calm in even tough situations? Definitely a very suspicious and spy-like skill to have in his toolkit 😂 I’d know because I read Spy x Family and Loid has that skill too— I believe many agents irl have to pass a polygraph (“lie detector”) test, which really detects changes in heartbeat and perspiration… so being able to control those physiological components is a must! Control of pupillary dilation is particularly rare; overriding reflexes wired into musculature takes active effort and training.
Darker version of this theory: the Hunts are assassins for the criminal underworld 💀
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yellowvixen · 8 months
Hi, hello! Binturong anon with a lot of word vomit here, so be warned. I just read your reply to my ask and I'm so happy right now! I was slightly worried for a bit that you didn't like my silly little story, but hearing that you put off posting it because you liked reading it made me feel warm inside. And you want to draw it someday??? 😳 I can't believe this I'm hdhdjgk
As for my Sol OCs, I do have a few that are specifically parallels, but I'm never quite happy with them. There's always so many good ideas and I sometimes end up finding other people's takes on them that are SO cool (like Rime!) or that have ideas I was thinking of and I'm suddenly paranoid that I'm ripping off somebody else's character...
I absolutely get the struggle of deciding things like species, there's so many cool animals to use and I freaking struggled deciding on ones for mine. The Knuckles one is probably one of the most complete actually, but unfortunately I cannot show you her or any others because I'm not an artist. 😞 So I just rotate them all in my head until I think "Nice" and put it down on a digital notepad. I'm always interested to see others create their takes on them though! I'm certainly interested in all of yours!
I never considered Team Dark, apart from my Sol Shadow, who's definitely the least thought out. There's so many other cool ones out there, so I never really bothered. The few I have, if you're curious, are supposed to be Knuckles and Amy, to round out Blaze and Marine's Classic Quartet basically. And also a different Sol Eggman, because Blaze's nemesis being Eggman in G-major feels like a kick in the face to both Blaze and the actual Eggman 😒. (I also have a Sol Big but she's technically a joke character. She's also really small. I gave her a dinosaur though, as all women deserve.)
Anyway, basically just wanted to let you know that Rime is cool and I'm going to be thinking about that reply for the foreseeable future. Have a good week!
SORRYY I LEFT THIS SO LONG stuff kept happening and then I got ill and then more stuff happened 😩
But! Yeah!! I think it's cool seeing other people's ideas for stuff like this, like I know for sure there are other versions of Sol Shadow out there that are ice powered cats like Rime!! I don't rlly think it's the end of the world if people independently come up with the same ideas as long as you don't purposefully copy anyone.
God you're so right about there being so many cool animals to choose from... Sol Rouge was easy for me but everyone else is being a pain skfjfhdgd. Eventually I'll figure them out though. (One day I promise...) Also! It seems like you have the descriptions of characters down even if you can't draw them, so you could always commission someone!!
I love the idea of Sol Amy too, I personally have 0 ideas for them so might not design my own version tbh. But having a Sol Classic 4 is super cute! You could have a lot of fun with their designs too, the way classic Amy looks pretty different from modern Amy. Sol Eggman too... I've just kinda retconned Nega and made him actually be from the Sol dimension idc about canon LOL I haven't thought about it too much.
Also TINY SOL BIG??? I'm in love that's so cute and such a fun alt version. With a dinosaur too FUCK yes.
I really love how imaginative people are when it comes to the Sol dimension, actually giving it more characters and lore! If sega won't give it love then at least we will 😤
Thank you sm for enjoying Rime, and once again sorry this took so long for me to answer 🥲🩵 I hope you have a nice week too!!!
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all-hallows-street · 11 months
Lingzi's Odaibako/Twitter Answers Collection Volume 1
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In case you weren't aware, the author of 1031 All Saints Street Lingzi has a twitter account they update rarely, mostly rt'ing announcements of the Japanese release, 1031 fanart, Jpns comedians, and sometimes posting doodles and answering fan questions through Odaibako. You can still send questions/comments/requests through Odaibako but please be respectful and mindful! As the author stated they will not respond to any questions or suggestions about future content! Also do not spam, Lingzi answers in rare bursts so they might not get to answer your comment any time soon. Here is a compilation of what has been answered so far. Chinese questions and answers are being machine translated and I'm verifying with a friend the Japanese questions translations.
A few clarifications. I will skip some doodle requests/drawn answers and will compile them later in a post with all of Lingzi's twitter drawings. Everything with [] marks an edit so the English sounds more natural.
1. Hello~ Lingzi! What made you want to become a manga artist?
To put it simply, it was because of a domestic comic called "Super Alloy Society". At that time (around 14 years old), I became completely obsessed with it after reading a few chapters, and I was very eager to draw such a work myself 😌
2. Does Nick [have] feeling[s] towards Lynn?
ummm······I would say it's more like “he is curious about/interested in Lynn”
3. Who out of all the character would have the [ugliest] laugh?
Ah-never thought about this before, maybe broken [Cupid]?
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4. Will we get stories about Nick's university friends? Their designs are so cool and I would love to know more about them!
maybe? 🤔🤔 let me ask my editor next time.
5. anyone you relate to in the series?
Does this count? Look that is my name on the background 🤣🤣
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6. Which character do you enjoy drawing [the most]?
Definitely Nick[.] He's the easiest to draw, also [the] sexiest. 😌
6. Lingzi, do angles live longer than demons?
Yes! Angels basically cannot pass away unless they are killed. Teacher Lynn's age is also in the three digits~
7. I really, really, REALLY love All Saints Street. Thank you so much for creating this series! There are so many diverse characters, and I love the charming and relaxed atmosphere. I find it really difficult to choose a favorite character because I just love them all so much (Nick is objectively the best though). It encouraged me to try learning to read Chinese again in order to read the manhua. Again, thank you so much for creating this!
Wow I'm flattered, thank you for [liking] my manhua 😳😳 I will do my best to keep [it] going!
8. A work of my pleasure! I love you! I love “All Saints Street”! I love you big hair! Thank you for creating such wonderful works!
[Thank you]! 😊😊 Hope you will like the Japanese [dubbed] version too~
9. This is not an ask but I wanted to say thank you for your hard work! Your series makes me very happy and I love it so much! It's inspired me more to continue making my own characters and helped me create art more. thank you so much! <3
Thank you too 😊😊 Glad I [..] helped.
Not a question but a fact related to a previous question that is very much lore relevant:
Fun fact: Although angels live much longer than demons, because demons can reproduce independently but angels cannot, the number of angels is currently less than one-tenth of the number of demons. ( ← A small private device
10. Can Lynn turn into a girl like Nick and Neil?
No~ Transfiguration is a demon thing.
11. Can Ira taste demon blood? or does he hate it?
He can [...] but demon blood is always too strong for vampires, one bite is like [drinking] ten cups of coffee at once[.] They can get really hyperactive by drinking demon blood. Some vampires may like it, but not Ira. (And it's really bad for vampire kid[s])
12. Hi! This is not a question but i wanted to tell you that I REALLY LOVE ALL SAINTS STREET, since 2020 i been in love with this manhua/donghua, thank you for create all saints street, the manhua/donghua really help me in hard times and inspire me to create my own comics. I really love the characters specially Abu and Luis ❤️
Thank you too, glad you enjoy my work 😊😊
13. Who gives the best hugs?
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14. Why are Lily's wings so small compared to other angels?
No special reason, I just think it's cuter this way.
I will replace it with ship because I don't want the use the acronym due to tumblr search.
15. Will it be very Lynn/Nick? Because people keep telling me that Nini/Lily is the official ship, I am troubled. If the original painting is very bad, it feels like I have violated someone else's OC. I'm very sorry for disturbing you, and I really like your illustrations and works!
To answer this question, mainstream ship ≠ is correct. I think any ship has a reason to exist as long as some people like it. I don’t think it is a minefield at all... and even "official" ship does not mean anything. What kind of ship you want to consume is completely up to you, and you don’t need to ask for my opinion, just be happy
Continued in Part 2!
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Talking about girls
*The primary colors trio are chilling reading Sonic's super heroes comics collection*
Knuckles: i do not understand or relate with this bat - man... I'm feeling disappointment. 😑
Tails: Come on! He is cool! He doesn't have any powers but he is a super genius and uses gadgets to kick ass! 🤩
Sonic: Yeah knux not everything is about muscles... 🙄
Knuckles: Don't misunderstand, this Bat-man was appealing to me! A disciplined, skilled, wise, smart warrior worth my admiration! I don't care if he can't destroy walls with his bare fists. 😤
Tails: so....? Then what's the problem?😐
Knuckles: He let's his guard down when surrounded by females! He is always surrounded with them!😤
Sonic: pffff jajaja aren't you just jealous?😂
Knuckles: don't be ridiculous!😠
Sonic: so then you're not uncomfortable reading those parts because you're shy with girls?😝
Tails:.....(i think you are a bit like that too...)🤨
Knuckles: Shut up! That's irrelevant! And I'm talking about one specific female! This so called the Cat- woman... I get she is supposed to be some kind of charmer master! But the Bat- man already knows this treacherous Cat - woman is an evil seductress! A dishonorably thief! She keeps trying to trick him! She is the enemy! He has known that for a while and yet he remains infatuated by her! I simply can't understand this Bat- man reasoning😡
Sonic: wow you seem too obsessed with that thief...🤨 You sure you aren't feeling conflicted because you actually like her? She is a cool character... 😏
Knuckles: JA! That's a good one! I could never like someone as dishonorably as a Thief! How can the bat- man let this Cat- woman play with his heart like that!? She is obviously an evil female trained to mislead naive hearts! 😡
Tails: actually according to my research in the batman lore including his relationships... It seems that Catwoman actually loves him back and understands him better than anyone but she is unable to leave behind her thief life and...🧐
Sonic: Ok this is starting to get too mushy...😑
Knuckles: nonsense! The Bat- man hero turned out to be a disappointment! I could never understand why he fell for a thief. A THIEF! 😤
Sonic: whatever dude, hope that never happens to you🙄
Knuckles: Me? As if! What kind of fool do you take me for? I would never be as hopeless as the Bat-man
*Tom AKA lord donut shows up to check on the primary colors trio while they're reading Sonic's super heroes comics collection *
Tom: Hey guys! You're having fun? Are your new roommates enjoying your comics Sonic? 😃
Sonic: Oh yeah we are having lots of fun watching this knucklehead having a existential crisis 😂
Tom: What?🤨
Tails: apparently he doesn't understand Batman reasoning for having feelings towards one of his enemies...
Sonic: he doesn't get why the hero is so into the sexy Thief 😆
Knuckles: i don't know what is so funny about this! Is a serious matter! This bat -man is supposed to be one of the smartest warriors and he is tarnishing his reputation by being infatuated with this Cat thief woman villainess over and over again! He already knows she is a bad girl and still he let's her play with him and his heart! What's so appealing about this tight suit dressed thief.... 😡
Tom:.emmm😳 well...( i suppose he isn't in that age yet...? does it work the same in alien animals anyway?)
Sonic: Aaw man there he goes again 🙄
Tails: pffff 🤭
Sonic: Knux you should stop worrying about who is Batman simping for and just focus on the action, that's the best part! Right when the heroes kicks the bad Guy ass and save the day! Oh look just like i did! 😌👌
Tails: hey we helped too! 😐
Knuckles: exactly we fought together as a team don't take all the glory hedgehog!😤
Sonic: Ok ok sure but Im just saying I was the one flouting in the sky with a super handsome golden make over and then boom SUPER... SONIC ON THE SCENE SAVING THE DAY LIKE A BADASS! Even better and more handsome than Superman i must say... 😜
Knuckles: ...humppt 😒
Tom: well i guess you did save the day...🤔🙄
Sonic: i knew you would agree with me...😁
Tom: but you still lack of something to be fully like the heroes of your comics pal...🙂
Sonic: Excuse me!? no i don't? I have the sad origin back story, the superpowers, the villain nemesis, the sidekicks...🤨
Tails: 🤩 yey
Knuckles: 😤i beg you pardon?
Sonic: I have ALL the super heroes have! 😠
Tom: NOPE, you still don't have... The Girl! 😏
Tails: Oh it's true... Most of the heroes stories we've been reading involved some love interest also involving kissing ewww 😖
Knuckles: yeah even the solitary bat -man hero has a questionable love quest with a female enemy...🤔
Sonic: Shut up, Shut up!😳😖
Tom: See? You still need a girl with a biiiiiig cruuuush on you🤣
Sonic: ok enough!🙉🙉 yeah really mature lord donut reaaaally mature...😤
Tom: what's the matter? Where did that confidence go? Are you afraid of giiiiiiiirls? 🧐😁
Sonic: whaaat? I'm not afraid of girls! Knuckles is afraid of girls! 😠👉
Knuckles: HEY! I don not fear females! I could even fight one no matter how much of a charmer she was...😤
Sonic: WHY in the world are you talking about fighting girls??? I'm just saying I don't have a problem with girls ok?
Tails: 😶 ummm
Tom: ok ok I'm sorry 🙌😛
Sonic: look let's just say this is an exception ok I've never seen a girl of my kind anyway why would I even worry about that...😑
Tom: (oh that's true... He has never seen a girl of his home planet, I wonder how they look like... ) Aren't you curious?
Sonic: emmmmmmmmm (i wasn't before you brought the damn topic) No. No... Anyway what are the chances of meetings one here? Im not going to worry about that...😤
Knuckles: me neither.
Tom: Ok that's fair 🤷( though I wish I could see the moment... After all Sonic is a young teenager who won't stop trying to look cool... watching him seeing his first hedgehog girl would be hilarious) 🤭
Sonic: i don't know why are you laughing but cut it out! Come on! (Man i never thought about this before... But I don't think I'm gonna meet a girl of my world anytime soon so it's no use thinking about it) 😓😬
Knuckles: huump! ridiculous...
*Meeting Rouge*
Knuckles:( good chaos... I can not comprehend myself... what is this mysterious feel and on top of that she is a FEMALE BAT... Indeed this is a divine punishment for disrespecting the Bat-man love quest...😖)
*Meeting Amy *
Sonic: ( AW COME ON SERIOUSLY??? I WASN'T READY FOR THIS!!! OK Sonic be cool, be coo... don't look like an idiot in front of the very first hedgehog girl you ever seen in your life that also happens to be SO DAMN CUTE 💘🤯 and has a terrifying giant hammer... )🙂
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eiseryn · 11 months
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"You're stupid. I like that in a man."
I had to redraw this meme as soon as I found out Vail's INT is a 50 XD (for reference, Lei's INT is 80)*
I love them together so much 🥺🥺🥺 I used to clown Lei for having bad taste in men (Vail LOL because he seemed super flaky due to him having 0 screen time but it turns out he's really good to her??? He's just a very very busy man 😔😔😔). I also like how he's a short king BUT IT TURNS OUT HIS SIZ IS 65 and LEI'S SIZ IS 50 XDDD but since the DM said he's only a few cm taller I will believe in the Vail short king canon-ity (I'm going to estimate he's like 165cm though XD -- Lei is 158.5cm which she justifies is basically 159cm which is basically 160cm XD. She wears lots of heels for a reason XD) This was supposed to be a quick little sketch but y'know I haven't had much time to draw so after cleaning up the sketch for the lines I started the flats... and then I started rendering.. .and then for some ungodly reason I decided to draw a cyberpunk cityscape for the background WHICH MEANT OF COURSE I HAD TO DO THE APPROPRIATE FILTER + LIGHTING FOR IT 😭😭😭 SO HERE I AM LIKE 5 HOURS LATER 🤡🤡🤡💀💀🤡🤡🤡 I'm clowning too hard I have no time to draw nowadays... man...
Details I am proud of here: Lei's hand!!! I always struggle with hands but I spent a lot of time + effort this time and looked at a bunch of refs! Of course putting the effort into the lighting/BG is another one! BUT a very cool detail I included is that Vail's ear tips are red 😳😳😳 cute, right? They're so cute together 🥺🥺🥺 *80 is the usual max, but for some strange reason, her doctor friends Elise and Ceres have INT of 85 and 90 respectfully! This is very sus!!! (But there's apparently lore reasons why which have yet to be revealed...)
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firaknight · 2 years
HIIII how's the new tbd event? you seem to be having fun!!! :D
We got new NPCs, SIX new divisions we’ve never heard of, new jobs, new locations to go with these divisions, some really fun story telling, an event structure I actually like (it’s basically the play style of MSTF but with some minor changes!), new music, new lore, lots of new personality in the characters we’ve seen, and that’s just the first half!!!! I blew through the story (I got through it super fast and have it all screenshotted) and now I get to start compiling what I have!! It’ll be roughly 12-15 days (I think it’s 12, I can’t remember) before the second half comes out and I get the rest of the story, but I’m loving what we have so far!!
I’ll go a little in depth here (not too much as I don’t know the full story and can’t make) on the new characters ‘n whatnot!
So we have Coffee Candy Cookie and Baguette Cookie as our new playable cookies (the latter releases as a playable character in the second half of the update, but does make an appearance throughout the story)!!!! Coffee Candy is very nervous, but very excited about her new job! She’s clearly very young (I assume anywhere between 18 to 23 years old, but we’ll likely never get a number), and we learn that she used to be a journalist for the Cookie Herald!!! Baguette Cookie is, as I expected, a fucking asshole but I also really like her despite this! She’s a bitch and I want to punch her but I think she’s cool!
(Coffee Candy on the left, Baguette on the right)
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Next, we have two new NPCs we know the names of!! There’s a third NPC we haven’t met yet (and potentially more on the way), and that one hasn’t gotten a name, which we’ll likely see and learn about in the second half.
We’ve got Dark Fondue Cookie and Maple Taffy Cookie!! Dark Fondue is the head of the Cookie Resources Division, and god shes hot 😳. Kinda eerie looking when she smiles but I really like her and she seems very nice!!! We’ll get to learn about her division in the second half. Then there’s Maple Taffy Cookie, who I believe is the head of the Relic Management Division. He is so fucking neurodivergent this man loves to collect literally anything and just fucking rambles about his collection of relics to Coffee Candy and it’s awesome. He has a titty window and is reminiscent of Guy Fieri! He’s swag I like him a lot too!!
(Dark Fondue is in the top two images, Maple Taffy is in the bottom two)
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We learn about six new divisions of the TBD, some of which I’ve mentioned! We have:
🕰The Time Registry Division, which keeps track of timelines and literally every single diverging part of a timeline, and corrects small changes if need be (agents that use Timecraft handle the big changes). Coffee Candy and Baguette are in this division, and Baguette is the head of it!
🕰The Technology Management Division, which is where new tech is developed and where mechanics and menders work! Croissant is part of this division!
🕰The Relic Management Division, which keeps track of things acquired from timelines, be it just a rock or something as valuable as an egg that would’ve hatched into Longan Dragon Cookie. Maple Taffy works in this division!
(These next three we haven’t seen yet, so my explanations are mostly speculation)
🕰The Cookie Resources Division, which I assume is where supplies are kept and managed. I think this is where the Delivery Runners work, as they deliver various materials throughout the TBD. Dark Fondue is the head of this division!
🕰The Time Investigation Division, which handles criminal cases and legal stuff regarding time. String Gummy works in this division (and as we see in his costume, becomes Chief Detective in it)!!
🕰The Facility Management Division, which I assume our last unnamed NPC works in! I believe it’ll likely be stuff related to janitorial work, keeping the facility up to code, and the like.
(Chapters containing the various division names shown below)
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We got to see new areas, along with some familiar locations we saw in MSTF!!! The Director has been mentioned a few times, there’s characters we haven’t seen talking through communicators and whatnot, lore on old characters like Croissant, and plenty more I haven’t fully looked over yet!!
It’s such a fun fucking event and the fact it’s building on the employees of the department (which we’ve barely seen until now) makes it even better!! Worldbuilding for the win!!!!!!!!!
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sparklingpax · 2 years
Hi! You know, I'm here to thank you. Thanks for the content and searching for a lot of details on Super-God Masterforce! Honestly, I consider it one of the best works on transformers, and it's very nice to see people who share a love for this anime. I hope someday it will be appreciated as a classic of transformers, as it deserves. And it seems that we are on the way to that. I want to say that there is another person on this planet Earth who loves Super-God Masterforce, and is not so alone in this! I hope this thought warms you up a little! (I apologize for the mistakes, I use a translator)
First, let me apologize profusely for the fact that I took.....way too long to finally answer this, but it was only because I wanted to wait until I had a moment to sit down and write a thoughtful response to this >//<’’
(Also don’t worry about the translator, your message is clear and all :3 I’m going to apologize in advance just in case I have any typos in my response, as I tend to get lost in my own writing quite often haha ^^’’)
Getting this ask genuinely made my day, you are the nicest human being waaa 😭💙💕✨ thank you so much!!! And I'm glad too that there's yet another person who likes Masterforce out there!! >w< Like, there's so few of us, but we are strong, and we are growing!!! hehe >:3 I will continue doing what I can to generate content for everyone to enjoy ^w^
OMG AND YEA!! MASTERFORCE IS INDEED A CLASSIC AND DESERVES SO MUCH MORE LOVE THAN IT GETS??? Lowkey I feel like a lot of tf fans just write it off as "the strange one with lots of humans" or deadass forget about/have no idea of its existence and I just??? Like it makes me so sad and even maybe juuuust a little irked ;w; literally people are out there acting like some tf characters came from the comics and not from this series for example.....*lies on the floor and sobs*
But I will hold onto hope that someday, more people come to appreciate this series and hold it in higher regard. It's got great writing, cool designs (and in the episodes where the animation was on-point, really good visuals), a banger OST (insert songs of course included~), great characters who mostly receive a lot of development throughout the series, really interesting concepts that I wish were used more often in TF media, and just....the vibe of the whole show is so good 😩💗👏 I have so much appreciation in general for all the installments of the Japanese branch of G1, but I feel like Masterforce was just the best mix of everything that can be seen in other series 😎
So anyways, even if I am slow with my art and writing and everything, I will probably never stop making content for Masterforce, writing random ramble-y things about details of the canon lore I think are cool!! And I am honored you found my account and enjoyed it as much!
Apologies once again for being so late with this (😳🙏) but thank you so much for this ask 🥺🥰
I've kept it in mind on days where my personal life has been going badly (which is a lot lately qwq) and I start feeling bad about a lot of things, including stuff regarding my social media/art/etc--at those times I reminded myself that there are people out there who get me when I talk about Masterforce--and I smile and feel a bit better.
So ye! Sorry this is a bit long!! Here's a little doodle I made, to hopefully make up for the wait ^^'' sorry it's a bit rough 😳 but, it's the whole Autobot gang (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)💙
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Have a nice day/evening also!!! :D
-Kuni 💖
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imagionary · 2 years
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With Fire Spirit's rework most likely finally being finished next update for him to have his own Legendary Pet, I wonder what the story will be about? Personally, if Devsisters decides to make it another TBD update, I will be more than happy! I love the TBD! And, if Fire Spirit does get more lore relevance, alongside more TBD lore and what not, I feel like that'd be great!
Hero Cookie might be getting a costume next update too, with Mic Mac's silly teaser image; so if Hero Cookie gets a costume, he could potentially become an employee to the TBD as well and could be the Crime Investigation employee!
I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I'm just super excited; this current update has been so good, and the possibility of getting more TBD knowledge next update has me theorizing!
What if, next update, Hero Cookie is sent out on a mission with Schneeball Cookie and Twist Roll Cookie to help solve a case involving Fire Spirit and his missing Legendary Pet? Since a cookie had been going around stealing eggs and then dragon eggs, I wouldn't be suprised if they could have stolen Fire Spirit's pet, so the TBD would need to send people out to fix it; and who better than someone who's knowledgeable in Relics and Legendary items and history, a Time Investigator, and a Crime Investigator! I feel like that'd be a cool and interesting plot to follow!
Also, I feel like the Dragon situation has become too difficult for the cookies to handle on their own, so having the TBD get involved and help around the story before getting back to the Dragon story line would be interesting and fun! It'd help the story feel more connected and could potentially bring up older cookies into plot relevancy again!
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elkkiel · 2 months
You are welcome for the discussion <3 im just always glad to see st fans who are mature about sexual topics, and sometimes ill see stuff that makes me feel unwelcome as someone who reallyyy loves the sex appeal in the band/their music and it being a big factor of my appreciation of them. Im not actually offended at all by the term baby making metal and i get surprised by the vitriol people have towards the term. Art can be sexual but also be meaningful in manyyy different ways, i can appreciate the many layers of the music and ves's emotional vulberability in his art while also not acting like hes an infant who accidentally put sensuality in his music yknow (emphasis on SOME of the music, no im not saying atlantic or blood sport is sexy because just no)? I just feel like with how much personal attachment people have to the band (because yeah the music is SAD and ves has obviously been through awful things so i get being protective or being legit triggered by peoples hornier interpretations) things can get out of hand quickly in spaces ive observed in the fandom. Though perhaps ive just observed particularly bad places in the fandom in all fairness, im pretty new here and all having been listening to them for 2-3 months now. Tumblr doesnt seem too bad but ive seen stuff on twit that really angered me with the insults being thrown around and stuff that honestly seems infantilizing to ves (no, dont sexually harass him. Ive seen vids where people screamed "daddy" at him and.. ew. But like, i doubt hes offended by people having hornier interpretations on various songs as long as you dont get downright absurd and weird about whatever hes been through irl). Im rambling but i have Many Thoughts, genuinely didnt mean to have a long discussion but oops it happened. Thank you for discussing with me, kissing you on the mouth too (if youre cool with it of course lol)
If we're all in horny jail, Vess is the warden lol. Like he's the king of sexy fanservice and we're all just here soaking it in (darling? I think we've saturated 😳). To clarify my earlier answer, I loooooove me the sex appeal side of the music. It's just not why I'm a fan, if that makes sense. I'd be no more or less into them if Vess was fully clothed and decided to wear underwear for once (but I'm definitely not complaining about his current... attire loooool. don't search anything related to II on my blog it's embarrassing and I would be a total hypocrite to say that all sexualization is wrong.) It's totally normal to associate the music with sexuality considering, ya know, like a good chunk of his discography is sensual in some way. Bro literally wrote a song about vore as a romantic metaphor. If anything, it's a little unusual to insist that the music isn't sexual.
I'm not annoyed by any of the thirsting on a general level, just when that's people's only takeaway from the music (again, I would be incredibly hypocritical to take a hard oppositional stance lmao). But, that's also my personal opinion and not an objective judgement. I can't expect everyone that heard the summoning on tiktok to deep dive into the lore and discography, so baby making metal is just the only impression some people have lol. And that is okay no matter how I personally feel about it.
It's one thing to be a little miffed about booktok claiming Vess as their sex icon (referring to the reasons in the last ask), it's another thing to get huffy on his behalf about things that YOU'RE uncomfortable with. It's something that twitter fandoms overall seem to really struggle with. They're adults; if they were uncomfortable with contextually-appropriate thirsting, they can assert that boundary themselves. Again, I was in the dream smp fandom on twitter since 2020—the aggression with enforcing boundaries on the person they're a fan of is super unnecessary and, if anything, totally disrespectful as well.
In my experience, the Tumblr community tends to be a little older on average, so the discussion here is generally more mature and level-headed. Obviously you'll get a few dickheads in the bunch, but everyone here is pretty chill even if they disagree. The ability to articulate your thoughts in long-form text posts makes for a more rational medium for discussion imo. Honestly, twitter is a bit of a waste of time if you're looking for a positive, proper fandom experience. It's a platform optimized for rage engagement and echo chamber discussion, neither of which make for positive community building.
I'm starting to ramble and lose the plot a bit too lol. Also I am down to make out anytime anywhere. I'll bring the water bottles if you bring the toothpaste (nothing more intimate than scrub-a-dub-dubbing the chompers pre-smooch sesh 😘🩷)
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merry-kuroo · 3 years
My Top 10 Webtoons (2020-2021)
So, it’s been one year since I started Webtoons/Manwha. At first I downloaded the app to read Tower of God, then I started reading more stuff and now I’m deep into Webtoon hell lol. Anyway, I just wanted to share my Top 10 series...tbh there’s a few more I wish I could add to this list, but I’m not done reading them yet.
So...here :)
Sorry for any typos or any incoherent thoughts. I'm very very tired :)And there are spoilers for some of these series.
1.) Back to You
Honey B has the prettiest art oh my God. 😍
I’m a huge fan of time travel stories where the protagonist is trying to save someone else. In Hanyoung’s case, she decides to save the boy she was in love with Jaehyun.
I really don’t have much to say about this except that I really enjoy it, and things have been going too smoothly in the story atm and I’m expecting something bad to happen at any second. 👁👄👁
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2.) See You in my 19th Life
Lee Hey is incredible. This another story where the art is gorgeous, and I like the story in this one a lot more. The progression of Seoha and Jiuem’s relationship is really sweet 🥰. I’m curious to see how Jieum’s sister and Seoha react when they find out who she truly is...I don’t think it’ll go well :’)
A Good Day To Be a Dog is another awesome series by them which I recommend too, but I like this story a lot more.
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3. The Remarried Empress
The Remarried Empress is about a cool, sophisticated, intelligent woman who has to deal with her cheating idiot of a husband😡, and his mistress...who is also a idiot...and manipulative 🙄
But it’s okay because Navier has Heinrey and everything will be okay!! Hopefully...lol. 😅
This was one of the first stories I started reading when I downloaded the Webtoon app. I wasn’t too sure at first about continuing it, but the drama and Navier’s comebacks were so good that I had to keep coming back twice a week to read new episodes.
Navier will keep winning and she will get everything that she deserves 🥰
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4.) Let's Play
Hilarious and relatable...Let’s Play 🎮 is definitely a story near and dear to my heart. I’m very excited to Sam’s growth in season 3!!
Look, just go read it. Then you’ll know why it’s in my Top 5 haha.
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5.) My Deepest Secret
MDS is wild as hell 😳, but at least Yohan is there 😅 Season 3 has been fantastic so far, and I’m kind of scared of how the series is going to end... I don't know what kind of life Emma can have at this point.
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6.) Siren's Lament
Lyra, Shon, and Ian my loves 🥰😍💕💞💚💙💛
Siren’s Lament is a beautiful story. I have a lot of respect for the author being a student and working on this at the same time haha. Props to her for managing that!
I don’t know too much about Sirens, but reading this made me want to read up more about the lore surrounding them. Siren’s Lament did a good job of adding its own unique twist to the lore.
10/10 recommend
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7.) Tower of God
Yeah, boi. The anime left off on a cliffhanger, then I realized we weren’t going to get a season 2. So, I decided to read TOG from the beginning because I heard that some things were skipped in the anime (and yes quite a bit was different and a few scenes were cut).
I’m currently at the Workshop Battle. Team Sweet and Sour are my favs, but I have a feeling something bad will happen to them 😥
The amount of episodes is still daunting to me, but I know I’ll be caught up one day. 🥲
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8.) The Kiss Bet
The Kiss Bet is really cute 🥰 The second season was definitely an improvement. Each chapter left a smile on my face, and I impatiently waited for the next one.
I was rooting for Patrick, but now I ship Sara and Oliver ahahaha. I’m super excited for season 3 because the drama is going to be soooo goooood. I want to find out more about Oliver and Joe’s family situation or at least see their mom.
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9.) Nice to Meet You
NTMY gave me a boost of serotonin every week 😁. Like no joke. I had a big ass smile on my face after finishing a chapter. Every chapter was just tooth rotting fluff. Wyn is best boi, but it sucks that he’ll be suffering from second boy syndrome in the upcoming season 😢
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10.) unOrdinary
At first I didn’t like unOrdinary...I’m not to sure what happened, but all of sudden I became obsessed with it and began binge reading it.
The fight scenes were awesome and I’m excited to see the Wellston students take down the authorities and Ember. I’m glad John is a lot better now because damn it was hard seeing him so destructive. Hopefully, things will be okay for him and Seraphina now (I doubt it. Too much is up in the air).
My favorite trio - Remi, Isen, and Blyke...I love them and they are in so much trouble rn. I wonder how they’ll get out of it.
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Honorable mentions:
- SubZero
- Flow
- Her Bucket List
- I Love Yoo
- Midnight Poppy Land
So yeah those are my Top 10! I hope to do another list next year because I'm sure the rankings on this list will end up changing 🥰
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empires jimmy is a handsome man
jimmy. what more do i need to say. his episode was as youd expect it, he chose a spot in his good ol mesa and built a questionable looking��“wagon”!! I LOVE THIS SHERIFF LOOK ON HIM THOUGH SUPER HANDSOME LOOK AT THIS MAN WITH HIS LITTLE BANDANA ON HIS NECK WOWW GO YOU JIMMY!! i dont really know what to say about jimmys epsiode tbh but I DO LOOK FORWARD TO YA BOYS MESA JOURNEY ITS VERY OUT OF JIMMYS COMFORT ZONE SO IM EXCITED TO SEE HOW HIS BUILDS GO ALONG YK also omg sheriff is such a cool character i cannot wait to see the story arcs jimmy provides and omg lore?? i feed off lore bitch i am hype for my little sheriff man to solve crimes and enforce the law you do that jimmy i believe in you!! but yesyes this is i think the most active ive been like ever post wise i just wanna jot down some notes, thoughts and first impressions regarding everyones episodes yk empires is my favfav smp ever i am very passionate about this so if i seem spammy or youre like why does this bitch keep coming up on my page,,deal with it or if you like that im coming up on your page NICE THANKS (follow me maybe😳😳)
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plague-of-nice · 2 years
Howdy Joie! I saw your post about Ogata, Shiraishi, and Sugimoto- what are some of your favorite trivia about them / what are some of your favorite things about their individual personalities :D?
Clover @tex-treasures
Clover! Aaa thank you for dropping by 🥺 It's true I'm fixated so much on these three right now so I'm glad to ramble about them!
cw: mentions of Parent & Sibling/step-sibling death, Allusions to spoilers (also a few links to clips from the anime; Minor to Major Spoilers)
Regarding Sugimoto...
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One of the anime protagonists that I loved immediately. (Well- I haven’t watched too many anime for that statement to have weight, but the impact is still there ajdkadj) He’s charming guy and to me, the epitome of the duality of man. He’s one second chill and a huge softie, the next he’s living up to his name as “The Immortal Sugimoto” and an absolute beast in a fight. I’m super soft for his story too... The fact that he’s looking for gold to help the woman he loved (that woman having been married to his childhood best friend who ended up dying in the Russo-Japanese war) but then shifting to end up being Asirpa’s guardian and helping her... Sugimoto is a very kind and big-hearted man that’s been hardened so much by his rough experiences... It wasn’t part of the plan to end up falling for him but here I am! It’s very hard not to, to be honest, he’s just... so good. 🥺
Regarding Shiraishi...
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The unexpected F/O... Ever heard of “Happy Little Accidents” but with self-shipping? Because that’s exactly what happened with Shiraishi, The Infamous Escape King. He is...by all intents and purposes... a huge comic relief character while also simultaneously being a mainstay protagonist alongside Sugimoto and Asirpa. It’s way too easy to just dump him into the “big silly idiot” category but to be honest, to me he can be cool and cunning whenever he’s given his moments. I seriously did not imagine I’d end up loving him the way I do now... I used to swear he was just a really good and funny friend to get into trouble with... 
Why did my feelings eventually turned more romantic? It’s honestly because his motivations are very subtle (Again, because he’s the comic relief): Shiraishi’s very driven by themes of love. Like- With the life he’s lived, he’s hardly had stability in his life. He was abandoned as a baby, and then he ran away as a kid. One time as a prisoner, he fell in love with a shoddy drawing of a nun and used that as motivation to get himself transferred to a different jail just to find her. Heck, his iconic robe was a gift to him by a brothel lady that liked him very much and he wears it constantly... Even as a member of “The Golden Trio”, the main 3, he developed from a wallflower type of guy into someone who actively chooses to stick by Sugimoto and Asirpa ‘til the end. He’s so sweet, silly, and funny... and I fr find it hard to explain just how much he’s been a pleasant surprising mainstay in my heart, I just love him very much! Also he’s the one I have the most solid self-ship lore with at the moment. 😳
Regarding Ogata
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HOOO MAN. The one that started the fall. The cold, bastard, mountain cat-like sniper. It’s all thanks to him I got into G.olden K.amuy. Like- I literally just ran into fan art of him on Pinterest, then moments later I already had a pin board filled with the many other art/screenshots/manga panels of him.
As a narrative character, he serves as this huge and unstable foil to everybody’s plans. He joined the hunt for the gold for his personal gains, hopping around the involved parties and coercing to no end. But man... He’s truly one of the most intense cases of “I (wish I) could fix him” I’ve ever encountered. I adhere to canon a good degree and that’s why it’s been a bit of an uphill slope having him as an F/O... Like- There’s a lot to unpack, y’know? Growing up as a neglected, illegitimate child, having killed his own parents and step-brother... He’s been deprived of so much love and care. (Not to mention how things went down recently in the manga...)
AKSAKSJASJ Okay, in a lighter note, he truly is a big bastard at many points and at its peak, it’s also Ogata’s best moments because it showcases how cunning and ruthless he can be. He likes thinking he’s hot shit, and even has canon moments of him asking people to beg for his help and referring to him and his rank as Superior Private... 😳 (’Nuff said about that)
AND OH MY GOD. IT’S A SEASON 3 SPOILER. But this moment is so iconic, it lives in my head rent free. It’s Ogata’s peak. The sexiest he’s ever been. I love me a multi-lingual man, I’m just sayin-
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cquackity · 3 years
HI!!!!!! my dsmp hot takes would probably be:
-i like c!ranboo, he was my first favorite character and cc, but ive lost so much investment in him overtime because of the sheer amount of unsolved mysteries about him that have never been answered and, with his lore having been shelved atm, probably never will :(. the mysteries were so intriguing and engrossing at first, but with time going on for him to only create more unanswered questions instead of solve any of them i think ultimately hinders his character a lot. seriously, it's been 8 months since his january lore and we still don't even know what his other half is nor what his and c!dreams relationship is 😭😭😭
(^ THAT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE CRIT AT ALL BTW!!!! i still 100% respect cc!ranboo and know he's always had trouble getting people involved with his lore but my qualms are still there.)
-stop telling artists how to draw characters. stop. dude. just stop. if you don't like a headcanon that's fine but that's all they are. Headcanons. just move on... one of the best parts about this fandom is the art and how much it all varies, just stop. please 😭 pig techno is awesome! anime techno is awesome! zombie wilbur is so cool! white streak tommy is super nice! goat horns tubbo is wonderful! cardigan and hair clips tommy is amazing! etc, etc!! Just Move On And Respect Headcanons!!!!!
sorry about dumping this Monster in your inbox man 😭😭 totally cool if you don't agree with me though btw - id love to hear your thoughts :D!!
HI CALLI !!!! WONDERFUL TAKES AS ALWAYS !!!!!!!! i agree with you about c!ranboo, i think he has the opportunity to tell a really compelling story. but that's just.... Not Happening right now. nor does it look like it will anytime soon 😔 having a dsmp interest way later than everyone else, i don't really have an attachment to c!ranboo tbh. i can only imagine how exciting it was watching his lore live, and i think missing out on that and how Stuck his character is just didnt make me all that much of an enthusiast. what i love most about c!ranboo is the fanart, tbh. artists who draw c!ranboo are SO fucking talented, and there are so many different phenomenal fan designs for him. but in the end though there are just. many puzzles about his character that can only be solved with more lore. most of all i really want to fucking know what's going on with him and c!dream, feeling SO normal about the unsolved mystery of who set the explosives up in the prison! i am personally convinced its c!ranboo. also not crit on my end, i still really do love c!ranboo!!!!! i just don't think abt him Nearly as much as my other dsmp faves 😭😭
on 2 ur second point.... the artist critique drives me nuts. something i love so much about dsmp artists is they all are so fucking CREATIVE!!!! like you said, headcanons are one of the best things about this fandom❗❗ you can tell artists put so much time + effort into their designs. it's fucking inspiring. i truly never get bored going through dsmp art !!!!!!! and tbh? vilbur is definitely not my Favorite thing to see. but im not going to tell people to stop drawing twisted freaking cycle path c!wilbur. not my place, its rude as fuck, and a lot of cool art vilbur art does exist 😳 unless the art is harmful and genuinely needs correcting (like poc informing white people on how to draw characters/ccs who are poc respectfully is for sure needed critique) just. Let People Have Fun. there's value in everything artists create, regardless of if it directly caters to me or not.
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Uhmm Lyric Lore?? She’s really interesting to me! P sure she’s either some sorta Demi goddess or related to the gods in ur story and I wanna know a bit about that!
Aha not me getting interested in Lucid Shard
ok but she isnt a demigod anymore that whole concept is kinda scrapped??? instead shes an actual titan, which arent really around anymore because of this big war they led against the gods and oh no they are bad nobody likes titans yadayada, theyre in purgatory or something like that
her papa (if you can call him that really) was their leader and was the one who kinda forced the others into participating, they were heavily mistreated for no other reason than that they controlled things that were supposedly negative
he was the titan of wrath/rage, cant decide which one i want to call it but yea
he had this scythe that was his main weapon and he really cared about it and it was like a extension of him and a third eye, same as all the gods do with their cool weapons and stuff
so right as he was about to be sent away he turned that scythe into a dormant being, which was lyric
she kinda crashed onto earth and didnt wake up, but after a while she got disturbed by a mining project nearby and kinda just slaughtered all of them because she is DEFINITELY strong enough to do that kind of thing with a snap of her fingers
obvs the gods would detect that kind of thing since she caused a massive fucking crater, they took her with them and were originally plotting to just kill her or smthn but decided that if they failed and she was still alive and hurt she could attack them and might actually kill one of them
so they shoved her at young jericho who was like "yo what" but was super happy to have some kind of friend/attention because his dad was an asshole stupid bitch neglectful motherfucker
it wouldve been fine except that lyric had some kind of trait thing with her, like a second personality that heavily resembles her papa, it comes out when shes feeling any kind of negative emotion or if shes heavily drunk
she has heterochromia, one eye red and one eye blue, but they both turn red sometimes if she gets really upset
she also has a small indent on her left hand, which is also the side her red eye is on, its of a pentagram and its a birthmark thing and it glows red sometimes
her dad was also left handed which is why thats where it appeared
she also has nightmares of that war and it freaks her out because she has the same memories that the eye of the scythe saw
her dad constantly tries to manipulate her or speak to her but shes learned to shut him out, he keeps trying to coax her into taking his place
she really likes rock music which is why she joined a band she loves them a lot :]]]]
since she eats ambrosia her tongue, spit, blood etc. are all pomegranate flavored bc it has that side effect LOLLL (also if you know what pomegranates do in greek mythology hahahdhaha lore thing)
she also has goat-ish pupils, 1. hell reference 2. i just thought it was super cute
oh and like a cool fact, shes not actually a cat, her actual form is very different, although she never takes that form nor does she know that she has it
basically the gods gave her a cat form permanently so 1. she would be less intimidating and 2. because she really super liked cats and showed a big interest in them
she has red electricity as a power, and can create little portal thingies
her hair is actually SUPER spiky but she keeps it down with the little hat
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avirams · 3 years
hiii, i saw you were having yttd brainrot too!! which character's memories you helped retrieve with the lantern were your favorite? ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ i was so excited seeing gin's <3 he's one of my faves!! i thought that part of the recent chapter was so cool 😳😳
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:00 hello!! thanks sm for fulfilling my brainrot vhjdjgkf
gins was really great, yeah,, the canon reveal of him having autism was!! so awesome!! and his new cg was super nice too,,
favourite one tho? honestly kannas. her and kugie's new cg,,, that was actually such good content. the kizuchis have my entire soul and getting more interactions between them was,, amazing
and yea it really was!! i really liked all of them tbh,, we got to learn a lot more about the characters along with lore :}} and ty for stopping by btw :))
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