#you just think its him getting done dirty and being used for relationship advice?? thats NOT how it works
paintingformike · 2 years
i think a big reason why there’s always this back and forth debate on which is the better relationship between byler and mileven is because the arguments are always based on who mike treats better, who he cares more about and how el or will benefits from their relationship with mike. like it’s always just about who mike was more dedicated to and the arguments never end because mike has had instances where he has treated both el and will badly and people make use of those moments to prove their point. but all of these points are just one side of the relationship, and people rarely ever stop to think and consider that...what about the love and support mike receives in either relationship? what about the person mike feels the most comfortable with? instead of just considering how mike makes the both of them feel, what about how will makes mike feel vs how el makes mike feel? this is what i always try to emphasize in my analyses because i don’t see enough people actually talk about this factor and people don’t realize how much it actually supports byler endgame more so than they think. i do see more bylers on tumblr that talk about how much mike receives more love and support from will than el but barely any bylers on twt, people there are always fighting over who mike cares more about (because they’re also either just bylers who only care about will’s happiness and hate on mike or mlevens that mostly gravitate to el and don’t care about mike’s development as much as they claim to lmfao) and they just keep going in circles that it’s sad and pathetic to watch tbvh...
because evidently if we look at the show and actually think about it in this context, then it’s obvious who he’s meant to end up with, it’s literally a no brainer. we get little to no moments of mike receiving emotional support and comfort from el but we get a whole season’s worth of will making mike feel loved, heard and important. mike has expressed that he feels insecure and unneeded with el, but will made him feel like he isn’t just some random loser, that people look to him for guidance and inspiration and that he acts as a leader and protector. this is why i get so annoyed when the only takeaway people have from their storyline in s4 is that will was “used” purely to give mike relationship advice, because you missed the whole point. s4 was literally them showing how much will had all the love and support mike needed and wanted in a relationship, and that he was the one person who made mike feel better about himself, not el. he was able to get to mike and understood him in ways el was never able to. also, let’s face it...there’s countless shows where the person who seemingly harbors unrequited feelings for the other, actually ends up getting rewarded and has their feelings reciprocated precisely because of how much they selflessly tried to push the person they love to someone else.
tbh i can tell that this bitterness from self proclaimed bylers who only care about will’s happiness while simultaneously hating on mike, are a lot less confident in byler endgame because...they only ever consider will’s feelings in the equation but not mike’s lmfao. like if you want to understand why byler endgame is literally inevitable you HAVE to care about mike’s arc and which relationship makes him feel happier and loved too, you can’t just ignore his feelings because he’s one half of the relationship and you have to acknowledge how they’ve also been setting up the right person for him, the one who understands him better than anyone else, and not just the right person for will, if you actually had mike’s sake in mind then you’d undoubtly see this while watching byler scenes. as much as they did contrast who mike handled his issues with better and how he made both el and will feel about themselves, they also highlighted who was able to make mike feel better and who supports his character more, and with this perspective in mind the outcome of this love triangle is a lot clearer and evident.
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bluiex · 2 years
*holds my shitty grian swap notes out shakingly*
i just meant to write a couple bullet points of key differences between the hc!grian+scar and dl!grian+scar but it is SO LONG
and its not even fully done i still need to think of a couple more things for hc!grian+scar but i think this is good enough for the moment
- doesn't swear at ALL
- he also hasnt told scar he liked him but its more in a what if he doesnt like me back :(. kind of way instead of a oh fuck i murdered this dude he hates me way
- hc!scar is absolutely in love with him however so theres literally no reason theyre not together theyre just dumb
- less dumb then dl!scar and grian however
- hes a liddol guy
- knows way too much about hc!scar's face to be platonic
- will probably give dl!scar advice on how to deal with his other self
"dude you guys should just like communicate"
"says you, you and ur scar aren't even together"
"shut up ill work on that when i get back"
- non-clipped wings, goggles, parrot wings
- silly little guy
- he stays fully clothed most the time thank-you-very-much (to hcg's dismay)
- fully in love with grian, would literallly do anything for him if he asked nicely
- likes to go to hc!grian for resources he doesn't even need just to talk
- ALSO knows way too many details about hc!grian's face for a platonic relationship
- will also probably give dl!grian some advice, and so would dl!grian
- s8 outfit even tho it doesnt match the timing of s8 and double life
- fuck u s8 solos
- petty bitch
- love him for it tho
- willing to take his shirt off at any moment
- he desperately wants to make dlg happy and so tries and uses hcg as a substitute and gives him things to try and make himself feel better about not being enough for dlg (just fucking COMMUNICATE)
- he puts up a very happy front for dlg but instantly lets it fall when hes not around (everyone on double life is very confused at how dlg thinks scar doesnt care about big b)
- regular red scar double life outfit
- extra scars, red eyes
- very dirty man, needs shower after being in 3 death games
- swears like a sailor
- tired tm
- very much loves scar but is too much of a pussy to tell him so 'cheats' on him ( the whole secret soulmates thing is just him hangin out with big b but saying hes a secret soulmate to keep scar away)
- needs to fucking COMMUNICATE
- horrified of killing dls (will probably panic at watching hc!scar die)
- thinks dls doesnt even care about the big b thing so continues going to see him just to talk, big b continues on calling it secret soulmates just for funsies, dls DEFINITELY cares but dlg hasn't noticed
- has eye patch + clipped wings
- also is just very dirty, needs himself a bird bath/j
- red eyes
- scars
dl!scar and dl!grian still share damage throughout this entire thing
so like dl!scar hurts himself in double life, dl!grian will feel it in hermitcraft
thats it for now, hope u enjoyed my ramblings, expect more - 🧨 anon
okay love that bit with them still taking dmg even across different universes, thats wild- bet they learn that the hard way
GIVE THE BOYS BATHS OML Love dl!Scar being a petty bitch- love him. BUT MY GOD TALK DL!G AND DLS (we love a misunderstanding in this household tho)
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
germany or austria
First impression
Strict. Prissy. Very mean. Orderly. Level headed. Pretty much a well put together individual.
Impression now
Somewhat still the same. Prissy of course. Strict but actually leniant with certain things— "certain things" are usually Hungary and, mostly in an exhausted manner, North Italy, Germany only when he was a child, now it's terrifying to think of this large man with the puppy eyes and pout. We all know he has an organized mindset and prides himself on it too but execution? Messy messy messy! He strikes me as the kind of person to push his dirtly laundry under his bed and wait until it actually starts to stink to wash it. Which is unfortunate when he also strickes me as the kind to like really nice matching bed spreads so now those are kinda stinky too. I actually find it very neat of him to wear glasses for the aesthetic rather than necessity! Really gives us depth into the inner workings of his mind; one of the first things a new person will notice might very likely be the face so Austria choosing glasses rather than, say a brooch or pocket watch, is very telling in what he values more. Its his looks and most importantly first impressions! A person is more likely to greet another by eye contact so what better way than to catch their eye in a good way than to wear sophisticated looking glasses? I also like that fact he wears a corset under his clothes! Its stated he's out of shape so thats why he wears a corset. Corset and glasses context really tells the audience he has body issues that hes self concious of.
Favorite moment
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Okay I like this because man's got his priorites straight and I feel like it confirms my above statement "probably pushes his dirty laundry under his bed for later". HE RAN TO PRUSSIA'S LIKE THIS TO GET HIS UNDERWEAR BACK. He. He could have stayed home. Done the laundry so he WOULD have some drawers to put on. But no. This fucking loser ran all the way to Prussia's for his fucking underwear. Austria. My god. You could have been arrested for public nudity, man—
Idea for a story
While back, I wanted to explore Austria's dynamic with Kugelmugel— but in a human au context. Canon wise, I always see Austria taking Kugel in as his son rather than brother or something; its more of Kugel's choice than Austria's really. But with the story, he would be Austria's adopted son. He adopted him because he was lonely and he had previously pushed his family, friends, and even his (ex)fiance out of his life all because he wanted to perfect the violin just to get into this orchastra he idolized since childhood. He's already been recognized for his piano, now it was time for the violin to shine. But it didnt. Because he was lonely. And no one he reached out to wanted to hear a word of it. After some time, he decided to just. Adopt. Well, foster then adopt technically. But anyway, the story was supposed to be at least two chapters long. There really was no end goal though so I scrapped it. Plot seemed way too weak for my liking.
Unpopular opinion
Uuuuuuuuuuuh yeah no I'm starting not like his ignorance xjdbdj there is NO WAY he couldn't have known Vene was a boy. Like, talking canon here. No Austria knew. I will not draw or write Vene in a dress anymore unless its like him wanting to be cute by choice yknow? Like maybe he thought at first but seeing as Vene was a child, a small one at that, he probably needed supervision while bathing so as to not drown; like yeah he could swim, or if he did drown he'd wake back up in the end, but proper guardianship tells me its more appropriate for someone to supervise Vene for his safety and well being. So anyway, that task was changed between Hungary and Austria every few weeks. So yeah Austria had to know. He also probably needed assistance dressing for a while, mainly with buttons I assume but probably also got clothes backwards like any little kid would and would seek out help, which would give Austria a closer than normal look at Veneziano, how his face and jaw, altho are pretty androgynous mostly given his age, has that of a sterotypical boy's of his age groul. Point is, there was no way he had so little involvement in Vene's life while he lived with Austria. There's just no way. Austria knew. He's not THAT dumb!
Favorite relationship
Spaus hands down. Most likely because I can see it as like a one sided Statler and Waldorf act? But it changes frequently. One point, Austria could be the one sided act, but more commonly its Spain! They are an old married couple that just sorta bicker but its about the smallest of shit because THEY ARE that kinda couple that like the bickering more because like,,, they cant do it so often anymore or something? I don't know, they have old couple vibes. Austria is pretty possessive and gets jealous easily. Which doesn't pair well with how Spain kinda accidentally flirts? So he's most likely in for a scolding if Austria can't really tell if it was real or not.
Favorite headcanon
He's hopeless at being romantic. Either its too sappy or too much. He can't pull it off. By the off chance he wants to be, however, he probably begrudgingly reaches out to France, which 60% of the time is actually acceptable advice.
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applesdrowned-a · 4 years
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as  promised   here   are   some   pride   headcanons  .   the  questions  are  from  an   image  i   found  (  revised  for  rp  purposes  )   ,   feel   free  to  use  for  your  own  hcs  !
1. what is your muses sexuality ? : chad is a homoromantic demi-homosexual !
2. what gender does your muse identify as ? : cismale.
3. how long have they been aware of their sexuality and or gender ? : chad knew he was gay pretty much his entire life. he never had to think about it. he just knew "yeah i like boys" and that was that. he got kicked out of private school at age 10 for hospitalizing one of his bullies who called him a gay slur
4. do they have any preferences ? : not sure what this is asking, i assume it means gender preference ? but since my muse is gay it doesn't apply. 
5. share a positive memory of your muse coming out : chad came out to his brother and sister when he was ten. his parents found out chad was being called gay slurs at school after he hospitalized his bully. it was only fair he told his siblings. his sister took a while to wrap her head around the concept being younger, but she just wanted chad happy. his older brother was also extremely accepting of his brothers sexual identity. chad became even closer to his siblings that day.
6. how do they feel about pride month ? : chad loves pride month and is super obnoxious about celebrating it. he suppressed his sexuality throughout high school to avoid ridicule so like once he got away from that and felt more comfortable in his own skin. he is not shy about letting people know he is very happy to be gay.
7. do they participate in pride related events / any other events ? : my boy loves pride events. he went to his first pride parade in los angeles in university with his third boyfriend ( they were friends still at the time ) luca russo. chad wore the flag face paint and carried his little flag around. he was in awe of the festivities. he never had the guts to go to a parade before alone. 
since then chad has attended pride every year. even if he was single at the time. he does not miss a chance to embrace his identity.
8. how does your muse feel about lgbtq+ roles in media ? : seeing his community represented in media is very important to chad. as long as its done respectfully he is always happy to see queer folk in tv and movies. and like pretty much every person in the community, he hates queer baiting with a passion. the second he sniffs it chad will stop watching the program. he can tell  the difference between that and slow burn.
9. do they feel pride in who they are ? : chad struggled with his sexuality for a long time in fear of facing ridicule. it wasn't until he finally left home did he really embrace who he was. there was no reason to hide it anymore. in his adult life chad very much has pride for his sexuality and his community. 
hes heard stories from people in the past who wish they were different if only to stop the abuse. but chad has never wanted to be anyone else then the gay man he is. if given the chance he will provide a confidence booster in this regard. born this way by lady gaga is a huge inspiration for him.  ( yes i know it came out after he canonly died but on this blog we say fuck canon ) but lets clear the room, well chad is not insecure about his sexuality, he is overall stupidly insecure otherwise.
10. who has been your muses supportive idol in their self discovery ? : as chad didn't really have to struggle with finding his sexuality he never found reason to admire anyone. he does however look up to anyone who is comfortable with their identity and or a positive influence for the lgbtq+ community.
11. who was your muses first crush ? : chad was twelve when he started crushing on a boy in his history class. it wasn't anything more then wanting to hold his hand and sit next to him and smile. it was a fleeting fancy that chad got over in a short time. chad would often get soft feelings inside his chest for boys that would even simply smile at him.  but he once again would always suppress his desire for boys, never allowing himself to actually ask one out.
12. what advice does your muse have for lgbtq+ teens ? : if chad could go back and do it all again, he likely wouldn't have repressed himself. he would tell any teen in the community to never be afraid of who they are, if people didn't accept them then fuck those people. you are born who you are, and the real ones will love you for it.
13. has your muse come out to friends and family ? : yes he has. his parents and siblings know. ( see five ) chad never had friends really so there was no need to come out. most people who meet him in his college life onward, could just tell he was gay.
14. how does your muse feel about the phrase "coming out" ? :  chad sees this as letting your colours show. before you were kinda black & white like everyone else, the same, uniform. but then you let your colours come out & were seen as different.
15. do they believe there is a closet to come out of ? :  yes. the closet in his opinion is something you hide in until you feel safe to emerge. like if someone broke into your house, you hide until the danger has past. for some the danger might never pass, but if they stay in the closet forever they won’t have a chance to really live. sure they be alive but you won’t be living your life. being in the closet is safest, but its not really living. 
16. what's your muses biggest pet peeve when it comes to lgbtq+ characterization in media ? : harmful stereotypes. mostly because as a gay man chad can attest to certain things being common, and he knows he doesn't fit into a lot of those commonalities. particularly where sex is concerned. so it makes him a wee bit insecure. 
17. what's their favourite part when it comes to lgbtq+ characterization in media ? : finding someone he can relate too. he likes when gay men are portrayed for more reason then to be a token gay character. he likes a story with an actual backbone. something real. 
18. do they practice safe sex with the same gender ? : yes and no. he is very adamant about both parties being safe and comfortable but chad for most of his sexual career was a sub/bottom. he took it rather than gave it. his first boyfriend didn't like condoms, and chad being naive and fearful of him didn't ask him to wear one. the fact his boyfriend was uncovered was not what was making him the most uncomfortable so it wasn't really on his mind.
his following sexual relationship with boyfriend three fell into a similar pattern. chad didn't give he took,  and when he gave there was no coverage. since they were exclusive neither saw a need for protection. chad didn't see an issue with it.
boyfriend four insisted on wearing one most of the time, but since chad never penetrated him he never had to wear one.
patrick didn't give a fuck, a reason why chad insisted patrick wear a condom in the beginning of halloween part 1 cause he was worried about disease. in fact i hc they were unprotected until chad suspected cheating and got his boyfriend to cover up. although pat never asked chad too.
tldr; chad has little experience with protective sex but will always want to make things as safe as possible for his partner. so boy will wear the condom if asked.
19. what are their turn offs with the same gender ? what are their turn ons : turn ons are older men of authority. chad is very dominant in personality, but also has an extreme submissive side that can come out with the right partner. this part that longs to be taken care of is what attracts him to men in control. he also likes a man who knows what he wants, and has some culture behind him. ( talk dirty to him in another language and he will melt ) oh and praise is another huge turn on, he loves validation 
turn offs are pain. he doesn't like it. anything hardcore BDSM will have him running for the hills. no S&M. and anything demeaning, don't call him slut, whore etc. it makes him uncomfy. in terms of actual personality traits from men, anyone that acts like his first boyfriend ( leather biker, hot shot type ) will have him nopping out.
20. how does your muse feel about lgbtq+ clubs/apps/websites ? : this is a grey area for him as he is certainly in support of gay web content, its how its used that effects him. like, his experience with connecting with the community in any kind is limited to a general kink website which his boyfriend used to chest on him. so his feelings around that are a little uncomfortable. 
21. how do they feel about the term "queer" ? : chad has no issues with this word. he doesn't have anything deeper to say about it, other than it sounds close to queen in his opinion and he wears that label proud.
22. what tips would they give to heterosexual/cisgendered people looking to better understand the community and news surrounding it ? : chad would tell them to be open minded and not look at it with bias. forget about the hetronormative society you live in and just be open to another view. 
23. whats the most annoying question your muse has ever gotten for being lgbtq+ ? :  the most annoying question chad gets is when people ask who is the woman in the relationship. it really grinds his gears as something like that implies either he or his partner isn't a real man. it also makes him insecure as he is neither a masculine or effeminate gay. hes kinda of in between and it really rubs people the wrong way sometimes. because they expect him to act a certain way.
he acts gay, but hes more gay, and less gay depending on what people are seeing. so when people ask him if hes the man or the woman it brings out his rage over the fact that thats a homophobic af comment, and also his dilemma on what type of gay he is.
24. how do they feel about receiving questions about their sexuality and or gender ? : chad is overall not a super friendly person. i mean he can be, but his second language is bitch so be careful lol. so it really depends on who is asking and what they are asking. if a stranger is asking dumb shit he won't be inclined to give more than a "fuck off" but if someone he knows has some curiosities he wouldn't mind, depending on how invasive it is.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years
Rewatch: Episode 1x08, Day Trip
Some of our best commentary from our rewatch 
Why does Clarke mention never having ‘floated in the water’ in her little monologue? it seems weird. Like not, felt the breeze in her hair, or seen plants, or felt the grass on her feet? Bri got us thinking about this. 
Bellarke was a perfect ship and then Clarke went bonkers and ruined it all. 
We got strangely into the minutia this week. 
Bellamy sitting there staring at Lincoln, the GUILT in his face. god, we love our sad son. 
Why does Miller get that job, telling parents their kids died?
Bri just reminded us to mention how pretty s1 Bellamy is. Very important
Miller getting head butted is so fucking funny. 
Where did they get a camera, for that video chat?? 
Bri said probably the art supply store lol
Always all up in the Jonty feels during s1. 
We’re all so pumped for High Jonty
Shumway is the fucking worst. 
Octavia is such a petulant child, we love it. S1 Octavia gets to be a part of Pettykru. 
Her little “why do you even care, if i ruined your life”... man, siblings. 
Bellamy is such a grumpy boy. He needs to find a book and chill out. 
Elyse said he’s grumpy because there are no books. 
We love our Grumpy Boy™
Bellamy Blake, at it again with the iconic lines
Seeing Monty just makes us sad
Raven bby leave him you deserve so much better. 
Finn needs to stop being stressed about Clarke when his peRFECT GIRLFRIEND RAVEN REYES IS RIGHT THERE. 
Octavia asks Lincoln “its good right” when she giving him a drink. Babe.. Honey.. its WATER. he has definitely had it before. 
Elyse reminded us that she was never properly socialised. We will give her a pass. 
The line about Bellamy being a dick always makes me laugh, its so true. I love my dickhead son. 
A Necessary™ shot of Ricky Whittles Abs. 
Octavia taking responsibility for something? are we hallucinating? did WE ingest jobi nuts? 
Octavia being Petty again, but Raven is such an adult. 
Why are Raven and O always best friends in fics? like obviously no shade on any fic writer your stuff is always amazing everyone, but the show never really digs into that friendship, far as we can remember. They actually kind of actively dislike each other for a while.
I said i wanted to Vom about finn, and Elyse told me to drown him with it. So thats gross.
Clarke talking about the dirty bunker, such a princess
Bellamy is so grumpy about the blankets? like dude. Chill. 
He DOES chill, almost immediately, upon finding guns. the nerd. He’s like a kid on christmas. that smile is blinding. 
High Jonty is the best Jonty tbh. 
Monty is such a calm stoner. Just wants to hug the Earth. 
The camera angles used in this to show us that they’re all high is so cool. 
this is such an awesome episode all around. 
Octavia definitely only knows slang because her entire socialisation is a bunch of teenage criminals. 
Miller definitely doesn’t have siblings because if he did he would have never ever trusted those nuts Octavia gave him. His lack of suspicion is entirely because he doesn’t have a sister. 
INTENSE keysmashing over the bellarke gun shoulder touch. THROWN BY THE INTIMACY OR SOMETHING RIGHT?!?! 
They banter like an old married couple “we NEED to do this” “No we NEED to do that” lol. 
WHy couldn’t bellamy have a nice happy trip like Monty. poor sad boy. 
The difference in everyone’s trip was really awesome as a narrative choice
How is Clarke not MORE messed up after a year in solitary. 
okay we all love the ‘i can’t change the tide’ line, but i never noticed that when he comes into Finn and Raven’s tent, he starts with “Is the moon in here?” lmfao monty is an angel 
Raven making finn come out because everyone is so high is so funny. 
Clarke is so YOUNG. Like sometimes we all forget how young she was in the first season. Shes literally 17, season 1 doesn’t even go a whole month and in episode 1 she says she doesn’t turn 18 for another month. 
She just misses her dad, its so sad. 
They’re all just kids! Even Bellamy is only like 22/23 which is just about our age. 
Clarke being such a Teenger™ to her halucinated!Dad is so funny 
Okay but actually how old is Lincoln supposed to be? 
I have made Bri reevaluate the entirety of Linctavia. 
“The most beautiful broom, in a broom closet, of brooms” and then the kid just sort of hums at her. What a great Raven line. @the-most-beautiful-broom we miss you <3 
On first watch we were definitely all nervous that Lincoln wouldn’t get away. This is one of Finn’s few good moments. 
Elyse pointed out that Finn is like two separate characters, and Bails (no surprise) mentioned how they talk about that a lot in the @metastation podcast, about how they just sort of attribute random traits to Finn to fit his plot line. Go listen to the podcast, especially for s1. 
Jaha’s line “You want the peace of death” is so intense and well delivered. 
Bell saves Clarke, Clarke saves Bell, they save each other, they forgive each other, god s1 Bellarke is so alsdhfinsakldmjsdkjfh
Bullet to the neck Bell? *Jake Peralta Voice* Smort
Augh the forgiveness scene
Forgiveness... can you imagine. Hamilton references are always necesary. 
Bellamy is SO SAD AUGH. 
He just wants to be the man his mom raised him to be (our thoughts on aurora blake are... not so positive but its still super sad.) 
We all just wanted to cry because Bell is so so sad. 
Can they please ACTUALLY parallel the forgiveness moment in s6, and not this half assed shit they did at the end of s5? because thats not forgiveness. 
God these babies need a nap. 
Monty the Pine Cone Eater
“They’ll kill us” “Or Worse!” Okay, random kid... whats Worse? exactly? 
That synchronised Power Couple Strut™ and dropping of the guns, the epic power couple speech. Iconic.
Bellamy definitely made them practice this before they went in. “No clarke, you gotta say it like this”. He’s a Drama Hoe. We love our Drama Hoe. 
For real though, even with all the problems they have later, the way they actually write the Blake Siblings is so good. They feel like real siblings. There are a lot of shows that write siblings that you can just tell the writer doesn’t have siblings and didn’t ask anyone’s advice. But the Blakes have that dynamic of like “I’ll definitely kill you, but if anyone else says a bad word about you, I’ll kill THEM.” They have this petulant back and forth, but its always sort of underlined with this deep love. The writers know how to write a sibling relationship. Even when it becomes abusive and terrible later, that sort of weird dynamic is still there. Problematic, but the dynamic is well done. 
Finn is so high up on his own pedastal. Bellamy tortured Lincoln to SAVE YOU. How are you gonna shit all over him for it. How are you gonna question him like that. 
Clarke saying she trusts Bellamy is so lakdhjflsjhafkd;sa
Finn is such a fucking tool. 
The whole scene where Bellamy and Clarke talk to Jaha is so amazing
The scene where Diana kills shumway is intense. 
Kills: Bellamy: 1 Diana Sydnee: 1  Attempts:  Dax: 1 
“How many times did we talk about hating Finn” Tally: 6
Countdown till Raven meets Zeke: 6 years 6 months and 15 days, 56 episodes.
Times Bailey mentions the @metastation podcast (because she has a problem):  2
Times Octavia takes actual responsibility: 1 
How many times we called Octavia Sneaky: 5
Times Clarke’s Canon love interest is jealous of her relationship with Bellamy: 1
Countdown to Finn’s Death: 26 days, 13 Episodes  
 @granger--danger @raven-reyes-of-sunshine
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Author Spotlight @echomoon
Every week we are going to be interviewing a writer from The Magicians fandom. If you would like to be interviewed or you want to nominate a writer, get in touch via our ask box.
First things first, tell us a little about yourself.
what up im jared, im 19 and i never learned how to fuckign read. JK my name is Theo and I super know how to read. Most of the time. Also I’m 22. Anyway I’m one of the more OG members of the Magicians fandom, having been here since back in the early days of early s1. Uhhh I’m nonbinary and hella queer. Metafic is my most favorite thing in the world other than puppies. I cry at least once a day. I have adhd and depression and chronic pain and hella other issues. I’m an anthropology major, in my third year. I’m a slytherin, an illusions discipline, and a pisces.
How long have you been writing for?
Since I learned how, basically, but I only really started posting things online because of the Magicians and also because of Twilight?
What inspired you to start writing for The Magicians?
It’s the BEST and I find it very easy to write from Quentin’s pov which means I actually finish things sometimes lol.
Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write? What it is about them that makes them your favourite?
Quentin, because he is essentially me if I was born as a cisdude except more repressed in terms of sexuality and also more wealthy, which makes him super easy to write and super easy to get ideas about. I also like Penny, because for some reason people think I’m good at writing him?
Do you have a preference for a particular season/point in time to write about?
I write a lot set in the Brakebills years because I like the whole magic school thing and the exploration of magic and interpersonal relationships without having to deal with the Beast or other threats trying to destroy everything they know and love? Like I like that slow burn, spread out, things are happening but they’re happening slowly and also heres some meta about magic kind of exploration that that time gives me the opportunity to do. I think this is partially influenced by that the first book has them in that setting so much longer, and partially because I’m still doing the whole college thing myself and find that easiest to relate to (because no one really wants to read ‘Quentin working two part time jobs and struggling to survive and nothing else happens’ unless it’s just a tiny segment of the fic lmao).
Are you working on anything right now? Care to give us an idea about it?
Well, in regards to Magicians fic, I’m still trudging along on chapter two of Magician’s Path - I’m trying to introduce more of Julia’s side of the story as well as working on how to warp the two canons into each other while also making the storyline unique - and also on the next part of crazy/classic/life, my paradise kiss and magicians crossover au. I’m also trying to find the time to record more podfic of my fics, because I think its important to have audiofic available. But nothing new, just continuations.
As for other fandoms, I’m working on a HELLA long reworking of the Descendants universe (hi i love disney channel movies dont judge), and that’s my primary focus right now in terms of fic.
How long is your “to do list”?
What is your favourite fic that you’ve written for The Magicians? Why?
Oh heck, um… probably either all tied up or The Magician’s Path. all tied up was my first time writing PiV smut and also writing shadeless!Julia and I’m just really proud of it? And TMP is like, my baby, my huge multichapter canon reworking that I’m putting so much planning into and I’m always so excited to talk about it. I know it doesn’t seem like much yet but y’all I have so many plans for it and I hope you end up loving it as much as I do.
Many writers have a fic that they are passionate about that doesn’t get the reception from the fandom that they hoped for. Do you have a fic you would like more people to read and appreciate?
TMP for sure - I hope that when I’m done more people give it a try.
What is your writing process like? Do you have any traditions or superstitions that you like to stick to when you’re writing?
Ha my writing process is either ‘has no ideas for months straight and then suddenly idea when I’m supposed to be doing something else but I gotta write this down!!!’ or ‘one sentence every month at most’. Now that the FTB server has gotten bigger, I’ve found some people who will proofread for me, so there’s that editing process afterwards (thanks @oneeyeddestroyer for being the best beta).
I guess my only superstition is that if I’m doing a multichapter or big work I try not to give too much detail out when I talk about it because I get worried that saying about the plot too much will make me lose interest in it.
Do you write while the seasons are airing or do you prefer to wait for hiatus? How does the ongoing development of the canon influence and inspire your writing process?
I do tend to write more when the show is airing, because more people are engaged and it’s something to fill the void between episodes - during hiatus I tend to drift away a bit and focus on other fandoms. This is the first show thats been so all consuming for me, I don’t usually watch things while they air because I tend to forget about remembering to watch them after a week or so? But Magicians keeps pulling me back and keeping me in.
As for ongoing canon developments, it really depends on the thing. If it fits into my plot of it’s a detail I want to put in, I might, but otherwise I’m comfortable lifting what I want from canon and throwing the rest out for a fic - we follow a show with canon multiverses, we can do what we want lmao.
What has been the most challenging fic for you to write?
Honestly, most of my fics? Because I try to improve every time I write and like, explore new things. So whatever I’m working on at the time is the most challenging.
Are there any themes or tropes that you particularly like to explore in your writing?
EVERYONE BEING HAPPY AND NOTHING BAD HAPPENING EVER cough cough I mean, um. I like meta, I like worldbuilding and exploring meta and seeing what I can change. I keep accidentally writing soulmate fics? So that’s a trend I guess.
Are there any writers that inspire your work? Fanfiction or otherwise?
Oh heck, so many dude, I don’t even know, I’m gonna just link you to my bookmarks because that’s the fic I love and probably unconsciously imitate on the often
As for nonfic, like I def want to write like Marisha Pessl or Tamora Pierce or Donna Tartt or Lev Grossman or Mark Z Danielewski but more in his house of leaves phase than his current stuff tbh or Neil Gaiman and also like. Everything that you read or watch or experience makes up how you see the world and how you create what you create and I consume so much stuff I can’t even begin to guess my influences beyond the little tidbits that I keep in my bookmarks or on my shelves.
What are you currently reading? Fanfiction or otherwise?
Currently I’m reading a lot of harry potter fic - the mood is the department of mysteries or other exploration of magic, so things related to that. HP fic is my go to when I’m not revving for any fandom in particular. Nonfic, I’m working my way through Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, which is hella fucking good, as well as a bajillion textbooks.
What is the most valuable piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?
Fuck canon do what you want
Cringe time:
Are there any words or phrases you worry about over using in your work?
Yes but now that you ask can I remember any? Nope.
What was the first fanfic that you wrote? Do you still have access to it?
Oh shit dude I don’t even know. The earliest one I can remember was this like, post twilight self insert fic where the cullens came to my middle school for some reason? I barely finished the intro of it iirc but it might still be in my stack of papers in my old room somewhere.
Rapid Fire Round:
Self-edit or Beta? Beta (always get a beta kids! They’re worth their weight in gold)
Comments or Kudos/Reblogs or Likes? Comments!! (please, leave me comments, i live for them)
Smut, Fluff or Angst? fluff
Quick & Dirty or Slow Burn? Slow burn
Favourite season? All?????? Dont make me choose
Favourite episode? Im stuck between life in a day or all that josh
Favourite book(The Magicians books)? Probably book 2, i love seeing julia’s side of things and exploring hedge magic
Three favourite words? BUTTS, lore, hearth
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worthsomethingtoday · 8 years
Our interview with SupMikecheck
1. What is your names & what do you play in the band? My names Mike and I sing/rap, produce and song write under the artist name SupMikecheck 2. • How did the band get started? When I was growing up I loved watching Blink-182 and the Warped Tour scene and It was difficult for me to find a rock band where everyone was on the same schedule so I began getting into solo alternative Rap/Pop artists that were associated in the warped tour scene. One of which was T Mills. Another artist was Mod Sun and they made me get inspired to make hip hop music that has an alternative flare to it. I remember getting really into Gym Class Heroes, and of course one of the biggest Alternative Rap/HipHop bands of the time Hollywood Undead. To this day im mostly listening to rock music I was never really into rap that much. I love that twenty one pilots is killing it right now because their sound is something I kind of aim for. Its hip hop and pop but they are well accepted in the Warped Tour scene. 3. •What has the funniest thing that has every happened to you on stage? Over the years ive matured a lot but some of my older lyrics were a little embarrassing and I just remember playing one of my dirty songs and looking out into the crowd and there was a Grandma singing and dancing. And After the show like a 50 year old mom came to me and said she had to calm her mother (the Grandma) down because she was getting too excited. It was gnarly. But Im done with a lot of those dirty songs im trying to keep my music pretty clean now. 4. •If you had 1 million dollars in the music industry what would you use it for? Aw man, well I guess id buy myself onto some cool tours, Id definitely buy some features from my favorite artists. Its probably not much to Blink-182 but id propose a collaboration with them, I would want a Skrillex collab. I was always the biggest From First To Last fan ever. An artist that I listen to all the time who Ive met a few times, Blackbear Id probably hit him up for a feature or something. I feel like contacting artists telling them I randomly got 1 million dollars none of them would really believe me or answer me though lol. 5. • If you could tour with any band or musician dead or alive who would it be with & why? Blink-182, Sleeping With Sirens, Good Charlotte, Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, Metro Station, Travis Mills, Mod Sun, MGK, Blackbear, Jake Miller, id really be down to tour with anyone. I would probably feel most comfortable with bands I've talked to on twitter or in real life because they atleast know who I am. I know my fans are open minded though and they would come out for anyone. 7. What do you think of the media frenzy over mental illness meaning should we talk about it more in the world? I think its important to have more role models available to talk to. Especially some of these bands that people look up to. It should be natural for them to be there directly for their fans who look up to them and look to them for answers. I think some bands love making music but they don't realize the impact it has on people and what else actually comes with it. Your actions are always being watched and you can't really change that responsibility whether you want that or not. My fans almost become my brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. I know many by name and I always do what I can to give advice. I have strong relationships with my fans some just through DMs but I give advice on all kinds of things, music, relationships, rough family life, etc. and I think all bands should be able to atleast hear someone out, but a lot dont and it sucks. Because getting ignored constantly by your favorite band will only depress you more. Life is weird but sometimes you need to hear everything is going to be okay by someone important to you. 8. Have you ever dealt with depression or any other mental illness & if so how did you handle it? Yes all the time really, most of my depression is from my love life. Its just been a whirlwind. Some other things that upset me is how disconnected I am to my family because they dont support my music no matter how successful and how much money I get they just want me in a suit and tie with my hair parted to the side, working 9-5 with a wife and kids and basically societies views of normal lol and thats just someone I can never be. How Im alive today and handling life is a few things. One, always stay occupied, listen to music with headphones put on a bunch of movies or get into a TV Show with a lot of seasons because it will keep your mind running and not focusing on the bad. Two, is go out as much as you can, its terrible to be home when depressed, try and go to your friends and if your friends aren't around or something, go out somewhere alone where people will be. There's times I'll drive to Walmart alone and buy snacks just to get out of my room. Its actually really helpful! And finally well for myself, I just can see all my followers and Im put on somewhat of a level so I want to be strong for them and live a long life for them. Its kind of like the parent that loves his kids. You wouldn't want to take your life because your love for them overweighs the depression life is hitting you with. 9. What would you say has been the most difficult or hardest part of your life so far? Relationships are really hard, people are cruel and thats just a fact. Also Ive never been in a financially happy place, and just as things are bad they can get even worse in the blink of an eye. Like the other day I paid off all my bills and than got in a car accident and totaled my car. So finances are a big thing that effects my mood. I also don't like living in New Jersey or the town I grew up in so as of now I face living in a place I hate every single day. And then like I said previously my family and I just don't click so I'm alone on that one. 10. What would you tell a fan that is struggling with self harm? Well firstly, I understand why you are doing it. Its important to understand why someone is doing it because its something very serious and they normally have an emotional reason behind it, so I would listen. Id then tell them all my methods I mentioned earlier which is to listen to music, watch long movies, watch sports just keep your mind off things and constantly jogging. And if you need a friend who understands you than try and make it to a concert because the people at concerts most of the time are very much similar to yourself. 11. What is like when a fan comes up too you & tells them your music saved there life or get them though hard times in life? Even being a pretty new and not wildly famous artist I have had this happen before. I just felt great It made me feel like my life has meaning. And that single remark is enough to make me continue music forever. Even if I get a hateful comment now it just doesnt effect me anymore after hearing someone say that I helped save their life. That was one person all I want is to increase that number as much as I can while doing what I love. 12. Does any of your songs talk about anything dealing with depression or self harm or anything along them lines. Yeah definitely. From my last album I have a song called "Life's Not Fair" which is about a personal experience of life being difficult. "One Of Those Days" is a really solid song of me being really honest about my life and having a bad day. "Aint That Bad" is a song of victory and seeing through all the bad going on. "SINGle" is about being single and it sucking. From the first and very old album "Tears At Midnight" was written for a girl going through depression. My serious lyrics have really always been my strong spot. 13. What would you tell some ones that scared to ask for help because they don't wanna be looked at differently. Try an anonymous or behind closed doors approach. Sometimes people are scared because they dont want their name out there and linked to the problems. So find an app that will keep your name anonymous and you might feel more comfortable talking about your troubles. Also if you're shy to do things in the open try DMing someone because DMs or a little more comfortable knowing not everyone can read it. Talk only when you are ready because truth be told some people cope without having to talk and bring things to light. 14. Do you think we as society should be able to have a conversation about mental health without being judge or looked at differently & do you think we should be able to talk about it in our school systems? I think so because its very very common. Its just an emotion that everyone has more than others or less than others. Just like how some people dont get as hungry as easy as others but the difference is those people dont judge those who are hungrier than them so why should mental health be any different? I don't know, but it is. People will always judge until everyone can get on the same page with it. It would be amazing to be in schools, as the band Brand New sang "back in school they never taught us what we needed to know, like how to deal with despair or someone breaking your heart..." And that is extremely true. Because schools just waste our time reading books and answering questions like "What was the color of Mrs' blahblahblah's dress in Chapter 5 (of some pointless book we're reading in class)" 15. Do you think the media should look at mental health in a positive light, more then just jumping to conclusions on the news? I just think a lot of people who suffer from any form of depression can still be really good at a lot of things. You can be depressed and still happy at the same time. I know that makes little sense in text but its true. Its kind of like how I live, im upset about a lot of things but im still functioning and really talented and think highly of myself so what we need is the media to see the strength and bravery of these people like "Wow its amazing that they can still get up there and perform despite suffering from depression" or for someone who is anti social and scared to leave the house a positive thought could be "Wow its nice to see someone who is shy and hurting leave the house, I hope they know how strong they are and how amazing they actually are." we just need to love eachother more and compliment eachother more. Any compliment left unsaid just goes to waste.
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