#you know who you are!
fleetn-crab85 · 2 months
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Embracing more MST3K textposts because honestly I make myself cry laughing every time I make them
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yuesya · 5 months
“Hmm… I thought I might find you here.”
The words are sudden, and almost seem to resound in the empty silence, lingering upon the walls in a secret echo. Hers is a voice that comes out as a teasing drawl. Playful, as if there’s something that the speaker finds amusing about the world around her.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” The woman doesn’t seem to be bothered by the lack of response. There’s the loud click-clack of heeled boots against the polished metal flooring as she approaches, seemingly unconcerned. Gloved hands reach out, fingers pressing against the clear glass of the window.
And beneath the tip of the black fabric, on the other side of the glass, there is a veritable sea of stars stretching out into an endless expanse of darkness. It’s undeniable that looking out into the stars from the window of a space-faring vessel is quite different from standing on the ground and looking up towards these very same stars from Earth.
‘Space exploration.’ Unbidden, the words come to mind. Hazy, unclear.
But what remains certain despite the ambiguity is that the concept is not unfamiliar, even if the scenery is novel. And it has been a very long time since anything ‘new’ has last occurred.
… Prior to the arrival of unexpected guests. A conversation had then ensued, followed by the exchange of information and divulgence of certain secrets, eventually ending in an invitation to travel the stars together in pursuit of a common goal.
And now, a new beginning.
“A quiet one, aren’t you?” The woman withdraws her hand from the window, letting it drop back down to her side. She turns, and the momentum of the motion causes long strands of red-violet hair to swing up into the air behind her. For a moment, the color almost seems to glow like a drunken sunset.
The woman pauses. Then turns back around again, with a soft smile.
“Come along,” she says. “Not everyone is present right now, but you might as well meet the others who are currently on the ship. After all, us Stellaron Hunters will be working together for a long time in the foreseeable future.
Welcome aboard, Shiki.”
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tache-noire · 27 days
idk who needs to hear this but mr "i got my plastic surgery in an alley for $5" is not your pussy cunt cunt slay girliepop boyfriend
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Why did Octavian kill Gwen?
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One of the most persistent if mid-ranking controversies regarding Heroes of Olympus is the fact that Octavian’s motivation for some of his evil deeds is not particularly well fleshed out. 
The biggest example would be when his kills the 5th cohort centurion Gwen, in the Son of Neptune. Yes, I’ve read all the essays and critiques, they don’t change the fact that he definitely killed her. It is often complained that he had no clear reason to do it, since it was a big risk and wouldn’t actually gain him anything. 
Another seemingly unclear act, was his attempt to blackmail Hazel. At the time she was just a lowly legionnaire from the disgraced 5th. Her one vote wouldn’t be likely to turn the upcoming praetor election, for which Octavian seems to have had no real competition anyway before Percy. It’s not as if she is in any useful position of authority.
But killing one of the 5th’s centurions opens up a position of authority. 
Hazel might not have been popular in the legion at this time, but the appointment of centurions doesn’t seem to be by a direct popular election like a praetor. There were service requirements, but we see them get bypassed on special occasions. It’s probably not something Hazel could have gotten on her own at this point, but maybe with an influential “patron” greasing the wheels, it could have been done.
If Hazel had been made centurion, a senate seat would have followed, and now she’s a much more valuable puppet for Octavian to use, far beyond just the praetor election. And in the case of the election, a centurion would only have one vote; but seeing the confidence legionnaires are taught to have in their officers, an endorsement would probably secure many more votes.
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Well, since I dropped off the lore of what Danny Sexbang's powers would be... how would it be translated to Dani Sexbang?
Remember that little factoid I dropped off a while back where I said that she named her junk "Nimue"?
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blackrosesmatron · 5 months
"That boy will destroy my career..."
|| then just stay away from him
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snootlestheangel · 11 months
The Duality of Being A Graves Girlie
Fic one: Graves is the antagonist after a certain point, causes problems, is an all-around piece of shit
Fic two: Graves realizes he's in the wrong and does his best to remedy this, even if it means putting himself in harm's way
There is no in between and I think that's beautiful
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beanie-beebo-writes · 2 months
A sneak peek of a little something I'm working on 👀
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I was asked to give a slow burn for Hunter x reader.
Oh you'll definitely get it.
I'm already on chapter three and this is gonna be hopefully a pretty long haul.
Finally got some motivation to write on a good health day today! I've been plugging away whenever motivation and health allows (health has been a major setback).
This fic is looking pretty promising and I hope it's enjoyed! Stay tunedddd
not a set deadline; watch it be like a while. I don't wanna pressure myself to update every once in a while chapter wise in progress, so I'm not gonna post until finished. Hopefully this is satisfying enough for bread crumbs i dont wanna starve yall wndjejejd
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ashleys-canvas · 2 years
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A Patreon reward I forgot to share here!
dA // fb // pixiv // Instagram // ko-fi
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trips2saturn · 1 year
daily reminder to stay off grace van dien’s dick 🫶
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doublooons · 10 months
Love reblogging a post then seeing several mutuals all interact with it around the same time. Throwing seeds at the gay neighborhood birds. I’m powerful
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masquenoire · 2 years
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Thanks to everybody who sent Roman birthday asks last night! I do plan on getting to them in short order but unfortunately I woke up to being on call for a double shift today so won’t be back until after midnight.
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meirimerens · 2 years
anon from like 5 minute ago at this point (sorry for replying in this manner i missclicked when getting mad at my computer for freezing 👍 sent your message to hell. that's what i fucking get for not being patient)
I Will Decide... I decide what I feel comfortable enough writing (and drawing for that matter). i don't even take like Suggestions on the dedicated account because i'm obsessive about what i draw and the way i draw it and it's the same for writing. I'll see... I'll decide... I have already a lot i want to put into writing + need to be a little bit more insane about stuff in particular that takes priority on the rest
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blackrosesmatron · 5 months
there is something very unique about gathering crazy brazilian people who have the same kind of humor.
Obrigada cês duas <3 vocês alegram os meus dias!
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ravendemon016 · 1 year
when your moots compliment you and you try to reverse it...
but they actually know how to accept compliments-
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i-like-the-eyes · 1 year
My loves!
Your tags make me so happy! I'm grinning from ear to ear!
I love you all❤️😘😎💕
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