#you miss out on ONE qsmp stream i swear
okaioh · 5 months
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aquamarine021109 · 6 months
Talking about wilbur....(I want to talk about him because I just need to let my emotions out)
Im going to miss wilbur not being in any videos with the sorry boys and stuff…..and im serious....wilbur was the only one who helped me through alot of things. The things being: helping me accept me for who I am (my sexuality and gender identity), getting though my darkest depression days during 2022 ( 2022 was my worst year in terms of depression because my parents got divorced and I started to hate myself for stupid things like my social anxiety and autism.), helping me gain confidence in doing stuff I love (it might sound stupid but I was always so scared to show people of what I draw because I thought they would say hateful things like "thats stupid" or "thats the worst drawing I have ever seen")...
I guess on to the wilbur and shelby situation.....I mostly support wilbur, because I believe that shelby should get her fans together because they literally made FOUR wilbur fans commit suicide for this. Like you cant just ignore that people are dying out here because she's not getting her fans under control. And also shelby could be lieing because she literally showed no evidence of the bruises; she could've atleast taken pictures of the bruises; but she didn't. And also I looked at old pictures of them when they did date to see if she had any bruises on her, and she didn't. wilbur was the one who had those bruises on him not her in those pictures. And I'd like to add that wilburs "apology" wasn't suppose to be an apology anyways, it was suppose to be a statement. And I'd like to add that I was a shelby fan, and it breaks my heart that she would lie like this, but stuff like this happens.
Onto wilbur 'supposedly' biting niki. Once again she didn't show any pictures of the bruises. And you cant see a single bruise on her in old pictures of them. She also supports the girl that lied about the George situation.....in niki's recent stream of her talking about wilbur biting her she said "I never liked hanging out with him, it was the fans that were making me hangout with him" which is a total lie because look at their old dsmp/osmp streams together, You can literally see how much fun she was having, she was smiling and laughing.......im sorry niki.....I once was a huge fan of you...but..you cant just lie like that...and support a girl that lied about the George situation....
A little of topic but I hate how they changed tallulahs character design.... I fucking loved the brown hair and red beanie... And the only reason I changed her character design in my drawing of her is because so people wouldn't call me "abuser" or some shit....I might also stop watching qsmp because of wilbur being banned...because he was the one that actually got me excited to watch qsmp because he, dadza, and fit were the only one's that I found really funny. and of course thats a "might" not a 100% because dadza and fit's still on the server...their literally such an amazing duo😂/pos (but I swear if fit and/or dadza get banned for something they didn't do...then im going to start a riot...)
this is random, but enjoy this wilbur gif (or gift... I still have no idea😂)
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(also if you want to unfollow me....then fine..so be it...unfollow...but if you want to follow me....then I guess...hi??)
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quawe · 1 year
Tilins return
I'm just keeping up back with the lore of qsmp, and Elquackity brought such sad idea to me..
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Tilin opened their eyes, they could swear that a moment ago everything looked white, they were happily making flower crowns with their best friend juanaflippa but that didn't matter anymore, they were back, on quesadilla island. There was a new goal for them, to find Quackity, the father of theirs.
They ran around the server, surprised and mesmerised by so many new buildings around her, they could recognise that there were new people around and they were excited to meet new uncles, and maybe if they were lucky enough new aunties as well. But for now they didn't meet anyone and maybe that was for the best.
Their legs were tired but not giving up, all they could think about was seeing their father one more time, hugging them and living like nothing happened. Driving off that energy it seemed like Tilin could run for their whole life, stopping only when they see their father figure.
Suddenly they saw a person, his outfit was a little bit different, blue long shirt with black overalls. Tilin could feel tears in their eyes, it was so long, so long that they forgot how much they missed them, the hole in their heart after missing him was now more present than ever, their little heart was beating fast, faster than it should be. They were happy, happy to see him again but also nervous, nervous of the reaction their father would show once they'll meet.
The world stopped when their eyes met, with tears streaming down on Tilins egg shell they runned towards the smiley man. The closer they got the more adrenaline was pumping through their body, finally being reunited. So close and they could feel their father's warmth again, the smell of cologne their parents wore. Tilin closed their eyes waiting for the impact when they collided with Quackity's body. But it never came, in the last second quackity moved.
When tilin looked at him, they wanted to hide. The hatred in their eyes made tilin shiver, they could swear they saw Quackity pull a sword out for a moment but acting like nothing happened when somebody passed through. His aura was so ominous, so different from the Quackity they used to know.
And for a second they thought it was their fault, they realised how much pain their father went through when they were ripped out of his hands, maybe he was already over them, moved on and forgot about their child. And not even for a second was Tilin able to feel hate towards their father for forgetting them, they only felt sadness.
Quackity eyes showed no reaction towards tilin, not even after a while. Even having the attitude to leave while tillin was breaking down, feeling hated and unloved, not accepted back by her own father. They knew they were done for, their father didn't want them anymore, leave them on their own; and what sent the most sorrow through tillins body was the fact that he didn't say even a word, nothing to them, like they didn't even exist.
..Nobody knows how long the poor soul sat there alone, their body felt so cold under bads touch, leaned into his warmth tilin opened their eyes, writing down a sign " he didn't even recognize me, was i away for too long or does he just not love me anymore?" Bad felt the sadness from tilin, bringing them even closer. Hugging them so tight while he answered "he is not our quackity tilin, and i promise when he comes back he will love you just like the first day quackity met you"..
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Okay so I don’t have much time, cus that chapter took me like 1, 5 h to read (a combination of my dyslexia being a bitch, me watching Phil’s qsmp kitchen building stream in the background, and me constantly having to take a moment (TM) to process, scream and or squeal because you writing is giving me many emotions tonight. Anyway, have some delayed ‘live’ reactions.
So the chapter summary in combination with the chapter starting before they are back at the temple instantly shot my anxiety through the roof. My adrenaline was pumping (for most of the chapter actually).
Also, it’s good that you reminded us Wilbur hit his head cuz I had legitimately forgotten that bit. And the fact that he hit his head is important because my mans is bleeding. BEE, this is head wound number TWO! BEE, aren’t you put him through enough? Doesn’t he have enough trauma? Does he need the physical injuries too?
Anyway, I’m sure Wilbur walking in Injured was good for Phil’s heart rate. Not as bad as finding out both of them are missing though. But the realisation that Wilbur is bleeding reframes that entire scene because Phil was looking at Wilbur for an entirely different reason than he thought it was. I have yet to reread it, but I look forward to doing that tomorrow.
I gotta love Tommy getting grounded. Welcome to the average teenage experience. [Without thinking, the Pythia huffed out a, “Or what, you’ll ground me too?”
Phil gave him a flat stare. “Yes.”] let me tell you, I cackled. I have to pause for a solid minute to laugh. Congratulations, Wilbur, making up for teenage experience you’ve never had.
And the rest of this chapter is basically just sand duo. There is so much sand duo. I am living my best life. I am being fed. I have so much to analyse. But the summary the chapter summary should have been Wilbur speed-running getting adopted by Phil or Phil speed-running adopting Wilbur. Listen it’s some good father-son bonding with the regular dose of trauma dumping form Wilbur. And an equally expected dose of Phil hearing how shit Wilbur has been treated and adopting him on the stop. And I’m starting to think Kristin has been trying to pspspsps him so she can adopt him since the moment he stepped into the temple (and let me tell you I SCREAMED at that chapter end).
(also, rip Tommy, also, also, Techno burned the Aardvark, I’m sure he’s having a fun time with Tommy bored out of his mind, also, also, also, Wilbur still complimenting Niki’s bread even if he probably hasn’t talked to her in a week).
Anyway, I gotta go now! I’ll be back to scream more later! Thanks for the content! Thanks for the sand duo! I’m going to pray my room has cooled down cuz I will not be able to fall asleep when it’s 30 degree Celsius.
I have no idea how you were watching phil's stream while reading the chapter I cannot watch streams while reading fics (tbh I can't do much of anything when reading I have to put my full focus in it to process the words) so kudos to you for that even if it took a bit longer to read
oh yeah I knew everyone was going to brush over wilbur hitting his head at the end of the last chapter. it was such a 'blink and you'll miss it' moment bc I didn't even include it 'onscreen' and just described it happening from afar. it was meant to be very subtle so that when it gets pulled into focus in the next chapter the readers are just as surprised as wilbur is about it
also it was a MINOR wound i swear he did not get head trauma from this one he just cut his eyebrow he's okay 😭
phil was lucky he didn't have a damn heart attack that night. the man went through so much stress and then his son and the pythia they kidnapped stroll back in all casually, and the pythia is BLEEDING and neither one of them even seems to notice
wilbur's gotta get the average teen experience at one point in his life right?? I was very proud of that line lol it was so funny to me
this chapter was especially fun for me to write bc of all the sand duo. god as much as I love crimeboys I had so much fun writing sand in stars, that I was SO happy getting to dive back into their dynamic in this chapter. sandduo just hits different fr. they did so much bonding.
techno felt a headache coming on the second he heard tommy call his rag 'clementine' he is suffering so much to make sure that kid does his damn chores
glad you saw the subtle nod to complimenting niki's baking even if they're still in a very uncertain place with each other :)
can't wait to hear the rest of your thoughts!! also oh god 30 degrees that's really not fun. I hope you get a cool breeze through your windows tonight o7
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