#shelby is lying
aquamarine021109 · 3 months
I started watching qsmp when it was first ever announced and I loved it, I loved the idea of people from different country's interacting with each other. And later on I loved how there were the eggs and stuff. And when wilbur got his egg (tallulah) I was so happy and I immediately feel in love with her character (not in a weird way tho) I also immediately related to her character and started to headcanon her autistic because im autistic and I thought it would be so cool to finally get good autistic representation (sense most shows betray it awfully). And as you can tell she was my favorite character (along side wilbur) and when wilbur was on tour I was so stoked to see what her reaction would be of him coming back.....but then the stupid allegations started happening and I couldn't help but feel denial because wilbur helped me through my darkest days during 2022....I then choose support shelby because people were saying if I support him then that would make me an abuser. So that's why at first I supported shelby.....but from all the evidence that she's an ableist and the actual abuser. I can't help but support will......and when I watched quackity's stream of him saying he removed wilbur from the server, I couldn't help but cry....that my favourite streamer is banned from a server that I really liked....and from seeing all of will's friends turn on him, really made me sad because him and tommy were literally like brothers, same thing with phil being like their father in a way, it just made me sad because. HOW CAN YOU TURN ON YOUR FRIEND BY TRUSTING A GIRL Y'ALL BARELY KNOW!?!?!?!?. LIKE AT LEAST TALK TO WILL BEFORE Y'ALL TRUST A PERSON Y'ALL HAVE ONLY KNEW FOR A FEW YEARS LIKE WHAT THE HELL KIND OF TRUST IS THAT. IF MY FRIEND THAT I'VE KNOWN FOR 7 YEARS JUST BELIEVED A GIRL WE'VE ONLY MET A FEW YEARS AGO IM NOT GOING TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEM ANYMORE.
(Also something that I want to say is that im probably not going to do qsmp stuff anymore sense tallulah's admin literally changed her whole character over something so stupid. And apparently she changed the name to "lullah" instead of "tallulah" which is so stupid. And I hate how the admin and the rest of the community have changed tallulah's design completely, like now she looks like a emo girl or something. no hate to emo people tho y'all are beautiful❤)
(I will still do dsmp stuff tho, because I liked that server more anyways)
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vellichorom · 5 months
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spooky month 6 was wild with all these cameos man
( ft @tomiechu's lovely OCs & @lemoneychicken's bob !!! )
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glassballdinosaurs · 5 months
If you support Shubble/Shelby Grace unfollow and block me right now. She lied for clout and doesn’t give a fuck about the consequences.
I support Wilbur Soot and there’s nothing any of you morons can do to stop that
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if i get one more fucking wilbur supporter in my notes saying "but he's actually not a bad guy 🥺" im going to lose my fucking mind
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Long Division from the Owl House RTFD?
Real-Time Fandub | The Owl House, "A Lying Witch and A Warden" (2021)
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makeyouminemp3 · 5 months
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shelbym3rrick · 2 months
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i had to make a whole post about this because….
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rubyroboticalt · 7 months
I NEED MORE OF THIS??? PLEASE tell me about this au omg
OH BABY I WAS SAVING THIS FOR WHEN I HAD THE BRIAN FOR IT! including bolding and italics for easier reading on my part
i am SO fond of my witch in the well au. the connection was between witch!lying and witchcraft smp being, well, witches. the basic concept was one of the witchcrafters accidentally summons/awakens an old power, which freed lying from the well. originally it was actually going to be scott who freed them, by trying and failing to contact an ancient power, but then joey literally fell into a well. and that was just too poetic to ignore. i think lying was going to be a fear witch specifically.
>i dont have significant plot beyond the comic, which is why it's ended (tentative, if i get ideas i may continue), but i and some friends did have ideas for interactions beyond it. if it had continued, joey was going to make some deals with the witch for more power. to quote my own discord msgs on it, "maybe he does want to be the supreme witch, but is it worth this? lying makes him uneasy. he can't help but feel he's in danger, whenever he's around them. like there's something off" (mar 2023). so joey ends up in an uneasy sort of alliance, in part because after he escaped the well by digging/building out (not bound by the magic lying was, free to move and craft as he pleases), they look very much like a wet cat.
>cleo would recognize that dealing with the fear witch is a bad idea, but also treats them more as a nuisance than a threat until given evidence to the contrary. she also antagonizes them a little, because cleo in witchcraft (and in general) refuses to be intimidated even when given good reason, and the witch is all about intimidating people.
something something slapfight between the fear witch trying to intimidate and cleo's refusal to be scared. cleo doesn't tend to overestimate themself, so how well that slapfight goes for her depends on if she realizes it won't go well for her and plays cautious or if she leans in to the slapfight and sees what lying is capable of. if it's the latter, they probably get taken out of commission long enough to preserve the critical mistake moment for others. lying, to cleo, seems a little like a jokey thing and there's a significant chance she underestimates them.
part of what makes cleo and lying's interaction/slapfight so interesting is both of them spec'd into defense and retaliation instead of offense, meaning there's a tense waiting period to see who strikes first. there might be social tension because witch!cleo and lying the witch are similar, but cleo has friendly allies and lying has only the hesitant alliance with joey. that could be dug into and inspected closely for good plot points.
another angle that was discussed was cleo, being the time witch, may have met other lyings/at least be aware of them, giving her a reason to be wary. if she has, then she probably plays cautious, and during the crux of the intimidation slapfight she makes an escape. she honestly may have been friends with other lyings in other timelines!
and, tbh, from what ive seen and heard of lyings in general, they are mostly posturing and intimidation. witch!lying has gotten their ass kicked both times ive seen an actual fight (priest!lying, maid!lying, for example). they have a lot of defensive power but there's not much to back up that posturing. in contrast, cleo is closer to 70% posturing, but has power to back that up. the witch is scary and smart, but cleo is on a server with a bunch of maniacs who kill each other for fun (civil war, house war, demise, turf war, whatever the hell season 8 was, tag, decked out 1 & 2, demise 2, etc) where the witch was on a server where folks killed in self defense or to settle scores. this means the way they approach conflict differs!
>cupquake keeps her distance because the trees give her a quick psa to Stay Away From That Thang, depicted in the comic as the trees becoming more storybook horror gnarled branches the closer cupquake got. another funny quote from the outline for the comic "for once it is the trees who speak for the lorax" (mar 2023). iirc i may have written stuff in the branches but idr? ik i wrote things in the fog but the fog was specifically lying luring ppl in to free them. cupquake nopes out and plays avoidance hardcore, bc what i recall from watching her as a kid is while she has a lot of magic power once she gets into the midgame of botania, she's also very easy to startle/scare.
>an interesting point brought up is the ravens, tameable ravens from the modpack! el had a conversation with one in her first episode and shelby tamed one. the witch can see through ravens' eyes iirc. el thinks they're crows but based on how they're tamed they're bewitchment ravens. i didnt go too deep into this one for the comic but theres potential there.
>i never fleshed out the end of the story/plot regarding the supreme witch but i imagine the goal is getting the witch back to their home server or something. maybe they partake in the competition to be supreme witch, maybe they dont. honestly feel free to riff off of what i have written! witch in the well was made collaboratively and id love to see how other folks play in the universe!
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tuiyla · 2 years
as much as the Quinn the Villain aspects of Shelby's plot suck, I think I almost hate the Puck aspects more? Because to this day, I will see people justifying it like "aw, if he was a little older, they'd be cute". Are you fucking kidding me? It's not even solely that he's a teen and she's a teacher. It's that he's her daughter's peer AND ex-bf. It's that Puck is still stuck in his fantasy of a happy family life from S1, he's just swapped in a different baby mama now. How can people understand how unhinged Quinn is in wanting to "steal" a baby, but not understand that Puck is also in full on delusion thinking he can just get custody of Beth by hooking up with Shelby? He says it straight-out "Beth needs a dad, and who better than her real dad." The whole situation is so messed up, and the show tries to present it like it's sweet and like Shelby/Puck are the "good" parents and Quinn's the only fuck-up here. When essentially Shelby and Puck are basically icing her out and forming a unit apart from her with her daughter, then gaslighting her over being hurt by it.
I also hate the Puck aspects but, as much of a problem I have with some of his stuff and Beth's conception and his treatment of Quinn in particular, I hate it because he's the victim here. People who find him and Shelby in any way cute are messed up because even BEYOND the mess of the Glee polycule she's a full adult and his teacher and he's a KID, 18 or not. I don't give a shit if it's technically legal, if someone has to argue that they already know the relationship is messed up.
And the thing is, Shelby led him on. She let him into her apartment, took advantage of Puck wanting to help out and bond with Beth. Took advantage of his messy family life and complicated feelings around fatherhood, took advantage of Puck thinking he's oh so mature because he'd been with other older women. Shelby used this kid and it's horrifying. And I do feel for Puck here because he's desperate to take this chance and prove he, unlike his own dad, wouldn't be a shitty father and he's so ready to take on all these responsibilities because this full adult narcissist is enabling him in this fantasy.
Like I said, I have complicated feelings about Puck and very negative feelings about Quick's relationship. I think Puck treated her badly repeatedly, including here in season 3A. I think there is truth to the show presenting him and Shelby as the "good" parents which, wow. But yeah I'm just saying that he's also the victim of a borderline sociopathic adult's whims here, like Quinn is. He and Quinn both brought their baggage into meeting Beth and it messed both of them up, while Shelby not only let that play out but poured gasoline on that fire.
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tanalolo · 2 years
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This has irked me from the very 1st season...so does he really pay for his suits? Was he bluffing all this time? Like was he trying to impress Grace? Or was he merely trying to maintain his image of the most dreadful gangster?
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eric-the-bmo · 2 years
John Doe my beloved I love you but you are!!! dependent and lowkey toxic!!!!! get therapy and learn that it’s not a good idea to have your sanity depend on one person!!!
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aquamarine021109 · 6 months
Talking about wilbur....(I want to talk about him because I just need to let my emotions out)
Im going to miss wilbur not being in any videos with the sorry boys and stuff…..and im serious....wilbur was the only one who helped me through alot of things. The things being: helping me accept me for who I am (my sexuality and gender identity), getting though my darkest depression days during 2022 ( 2022 was my worst year in terms of depression because my parents got divorced and I started to hate myself for stupid things like my social anxiety and autism.), helping me gain confidence in doing stuff I love (it might sound stupid but I was always so scared to show people of what I draw because I thought they would say hateful things like "thats stupid" or "thats the worst drawing I have ever seen")...
I guess on to the wilbur and shelby situation.....I mostly support wilbur, because I believe that shelby should get her fans together because they literally made FOUR wilbur fans commit suicide for this. Like you cant just ignore that people are dying out here because she's not getting her fans under control. And also shelby could be lieing because she literally showed no evidence of the bruises; she could've atleast taken pictures of the bruises; but she didn't. And also I looked at old pictures of them when they did date to see if she had any bruises on her, and she didn't. wilbur was the one who had those bruises on him not her in those pictures. And I'd like to add that wilburs "apology" wasn't suppose to be an apology anyways, it was suppose to be a statement. And I'd like to add that I was a shelby fan, and it breaks my heart that she would lie like this, but stuff like this happens.
Onto wilbur 'supposedly' biting niki. Once again she didn't show any pictures of the bruises. And you cant see a single bruise on her in old pictures of them. She also supports the girl that lied about the George situation.....in niki's recent stream of her talking about wilbur biting her she said "I never liked hanging out with him, it was the fans that were making me hangout with him" which is a total lie because look at their old dsmp/osmp streams together, You can literally see how much fun she was having, she was smiling and laughing.......im sorry niki.....I once was a huge fan of you...but..you cant just lie like that...and support a girl that lied about the George situation....
A little of topic but I hate how they changed tallulahs character design.... I fucking loved the brown hair and red beanie... And the only reason I changed her character design in my drawing of her is because so people wouldn't call me "abuser" or some shit....I might also stop watching qsmp because of wilbur being banned...because he was the one that actually got me excited to watch qsmp because he, dadza, and fit were the only one's that I found really funny. and of course thats a "might" not a 100% because dadza and fit's still on the server...their literally such an amazing duo😂/pos (but I swear if fit and/or dadza get banned for something they didn't do...then im going to start a riot...)
this is random, but enjoy this wilbur gif (or gift... I still have no idea😂)
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(also if you want to unfollow me....then fine..so be it...unfollow...but if you want to follow me....then I guess...hi??)
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gemharvest · 3 months
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convince me I don't need him.....
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psychic-waffles · 3 months
New Shelby Merry!!!
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midnighticee · 4 months
i always have a fear of like. what if im faking this medical thing happening to me. and then my doctor does smthn like order an mri and its like hmmmm. but what if its all an elaborate hoax on me
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feckedstrats · 5 months
Ferrari drivers as one that is in a blood contract to stay forever and one with both feet already out the door is great actually
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