#you need to listen to the love love love lyrics with Nygmobs in mind
of-faery-descent · 2 years
Here’s my Nygmobs playlist for anyone who wants it: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2X9W5V15UZAKm3jBjDE0t8?si=kz9MgKbDTde6zGCwQ9qYqw
ALSO, FUNNY STORY. I was explaining the Oz and Ed plot line to my roommate the other day, and I reached “so Oz jumps in front of a grenade for Ed” and they go “oh, like that song” and pull up Grenade by Bruno Mars. Anyways, I am going through the lyrics yesterday and THEY WORK SO WELL??? The line about pulling brakes from a car?? Hello?? Basically what I’m saying is that I need to make another animatic (add it to my list of other songs from this playlist that I want to make into animatics)
(The list keeps changing because sometimes I get sick of songs from listening to much. Line Without a Hook was high on the list for a while, but I’ve over done it a bit. So it’s been pushed farther down)
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