#gosh I want to get better at storyboarding
habken · 9 months
oh my gosh fellow animation student !! I love learning about other people's art school experience, if you'd be willing to share? I think the diversity of assignments and teaching styles and focuses is cool 🩷 love your art as well !!
Yeah I can share a bit ! I’ve really enjoyed the program so far, I think I’ve learned a lot and I’ve gotten the chance to use programs I wouldn’t have access to usually!
First semester I had 9 classes (I’m counting story lab + lecture as two separate ones) and it was honestly pretty difficult to keep up with the workload, especially because I was still finishing up zine work. I had so many assignments, there were many weeks I’d have something due everyday, sometimes multiple things in the same day, so time management was a big struggle and I ended up having to sacrifice the amount of drawing I did for fun and for socmed </3 I think that was the biggest bummer cause it meant I lost both what helped me relieve stress and something that made me happy :/
While the work was intense and time consuming, I really did enjoy what I was making for each class. My favourite classes were character design, storyboarding, and animation. I felt like they were the ones I did best in and I realized loved my animation teacher her classes were really fun and I laughed a lot lol. I also really enjoyed my life drawing class, I have a lot of respect for my teacher, he marked harshly but I learned so much under him and my life drawing skills have improved a lot since september. He also collects bones and brought them in and it was super cool. He told us all the stories of were he’d picked them up, like asking farmers or finding roadkill and cleaning them.
Overall in each class, I really appreciated the critique I’ve gotten and I feel like I’ve really improved! I actually dropped out of art school before and one of the main reasons was because I felt like I wasn’t really getting anything out of the program. My stuff was nowhere near perfect but I was one of the better students so teachers used my stuff as an example rather than see me as a student that also was there to learn. I hated that so I left, and I’m really happy I don’t feel that way in the program I’m in now!
What I will say though is one of the hardest lessons to learn is that you can’t go 100% on every single thing, it’s just straight up impossible unless you don’t take care of yourself and get no sleep. It sucks because you want to do your best and be amazing at everything, but an assignment that’s half assed is better than handing in nothing at all and also better than permanently hurting yourself because you push through the pain and don’t allow yourself any rest.
One of the things that sucked the most assignment wise was my bone portfolio for life drawing, I had so much planned out and I really wanted to do amazing, but I had to cut a lot out to get it done on time, and so the finished project was lacking a lot. I got a decent mark for it, but personally I know it could’ve been so much better, and I just have to live with the sacrifice I made so I could get all my work done on time lol
I don’t want to share too much more about the assignments I did, but I was really proud of my work in my character design class and also my last storyboard assignment, where we took part of a script and made new boards based on it. I got a lot of compliments from the teacher about my attention to detail with subtle and human actions. I’m happy cause that’s the kind of stuff I love portraying and love seeing in films haha.
One other thing is I was so close to failing layout, the last two assignments I left until the very end and almost didn’t get them in one time before teacher’s grades were due, and without them I would’ve failed the class. As it stands, I got over a 90 average so the two assignments made a big difference lmao.
Sorry this was so long lol
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triinitas · 1 month
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Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: bun or bunnie. always has been - started because i had an overbite that was uncannily like a rabbit's, my zodiac sign is the rabbit, and my auntie always called me "little rabbit" when i got to visit her at pow wow.
ROLEPLAYER PRONOUNS: she/her is preferred but i don't mind they/them either.
MUSE NAME: zorah, demenia, and freiora.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: i dont really mind ! discord is usually my fave but the it really doesn't matter to me. im just happy to chat with people wherever theyre most comfy :)
EXPERIENCE: i started rping a very long time ago, i think i was around 10 or 12? my step-aunt (?) introduced me to the world of writing and then rping and ive been at it since. that's just wrtten rp, too; i started playing d&d and other ttrpgs before that, introduced by my brothers.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: oh gosh i'm not sure what this is supposed to mean?? i guess para-style lit rp. the experience of essentially writing a story with someone is what i crave. its soooo rewarding.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: no rules, no age mentioned in them, witch-hunting/callouts for petty stuff.. anything that tends to disrupt the sense of peace i try to maintain in my little corner of this site. ive been around long enough to see some absolutely insane stuff happen - i was literally stalked as a minor due to someone acting crazy on this site - and i want to avoid that kind of thing at all costs.
PLOTS OR MEMES: yes yes yes. i love both. memes are always fun; the spontaneity is a blast. but im also a sucker for plotting - tbc, i don't mean like... we have to literally storyboard the whole dang thing or whatever, i just like knowing what the general premise/goal of the thread is going to be. it helps me keep up motivation.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: it depends? i usually fall in the multi-para realm, but that doesnt mean novella length replies. sometimes, especially in casual threads or conversation based threads, i'll manage one decent paragraph and call it good. i rarely (unless doing crack or something silly) will only eek out a few sentences.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: whenever i have the motivation ! or less so motivation and moreso time. im an extremely busy person && real life always comes first for me. i'm in medical school, juggling that with a part time job, and trying to deepen my relationship (i think i may be getting proposed to soon?????) so that definitely takes precedence. my partner is a firefighter/paramedic and works 48+ hours a week so anytime i have with them is precious and when they're home i will always prioritize time spent with them.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: in small ways. i think it's normal to have characteristics shared. having multiple muses means i'm not really like any one of them, but certain traits i have are dispersed among them. i have the nerdiness and sweetness that demenia has (i try to at least!!!!), the ambition and "constantly working" that zorah shows, and frei was more inspired by my partner && is sort of an outlet for me to empathize with their chosen profession.
tagged by: @shdwtouch tagging: @accultant @grief-worn @ceruleanscarred @tamestray @likemosaic @dcviated && whoever wants to!!!
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twistedtoms · 10 months
O.m.g. i saw your twitter comic with scourge and fireheart i loovee how tou draw cats faces like their proportions and stuff and the composition was really interesting it kind of reminded me of like . a dream and the way you draw speech bubbles is so graceful
Gosh, thank you so so much! :-D I LOVEEE Drawing kitties so this is so nice to hear actually! I love doing composition since I like storyboarding and want to get into comics, so thank you for this ask :-) It made me feel better about it
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bolithesenate · 8 months
1, 2, 5 for the art ask game please? ❤️
1 - When did you start creating art?
early af. i think i started drawing with like 3 or 4 years old. i still have some of them and there's video footage of me trying to 'teach' my brother how to draw
even if it's just scribbles, i consider it art :P
2 - Do you do art in any professional capacity?
kinda, yeah. i write texts, film and do photography, dabble in graphic design and sometimes storyboard for the small agency I work at. I rarely get to be fully creative, but I think it still counts
5 - What piece of art are you still proud of today?
gosh. a lot of them, actually. I am not someone who looks at old art and goes 'eww i was so bad', because I just was younger. And I always was better at it than my agemates.
one thing I'll never forget was an essay i wrote in school when I was... 14? (when I say essay I mean it was just you had 2 hours to write something, really. I think you always got three themes to chose from and you didn't have to do an essay essay, you could just write whatever) and I asked the teacher if I could bring in unicorns and she said sure, if i could make it work.
so i wrote a story about two children being abducted by a society of underground-dwelling, sparkle-vomiting pink unicorns who ate humans and farmed cabbage. All while still incorporating the theme i chose.
she did not want to give me a 6 (our best mark), but she, ad i quote, 'had to, because yes, she allowed me to write about unicorns'
as for paintings, i have these two i have pictures of
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the first one being my favorite one of twelve oilpaintings i did as my matura work (kinda a final big project you do to finish gymnasium, i chose art) painted like what it's like to see the world from my eyes (i have myopia)
and the second one is a painting i did of two friends in like an hour at 2 in the night during an event at a local art museum and i did it with scrap paints and completely without reference (and they both turned out pretty recognizable) which was a lot of fun
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soupsandstars · 1 year
I once saw someone explaining that satisfaction in art is a circle. You're not satisfy with what you draw because you get good enough to see the flaws but you have yet to find a way to fix it. Then you fix it and you love what you do until you get even better and spot new flaws and fix it etc...
From my experience it does mean that you get better. I understand the feeling though, I often go through this myself, don't be too harsh on yourself and keep drawing what you like until you go into a love phase.
As I said you're my fav Hulk fanartist and I'm looking forward to when I'll be able to request you and I still mean it when I said I hope you'll have a PayPal or something like that once you do because the way you draw and write these gamma children deserve a tip. I just wanna see more of your Hulk story, I'm happy when I get a notification saying you posted something.
That's such a great way to look at it, and so so true-
I'm probably going to take a small step back and revisit some fundamentals, see what I'm missing. Especially since there's a lot of stuff I want to draw that feels so outside my reach at the moment. But its always comforting to know that the experience is pretty much universal for everyone!
And oh gosh, thank you!! You're one of my favorite hulk fanartists as well, and I'm definitely taking into consideration opening a ko-fi like you had mentioned before. At least for longer storyboard related requests.
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ookikufurikabutte · 2 years
just popping in to say that i absolutely adore your art! you’ve become one of my biggest inspirations and so inspired me to finally make the translation to digital art. do you have any tips for a beginner? thanks so much and I hope you have a great day!!
oh my gosh!! thank you so much!! you really don’t know how much it means to hear that so thank you, you just made my day!!
i’ve been collecting resources for someone i know who used to only do traditional art years ago, and is recently making the switch to digital, so i’ll link my all time favorite spreadsheet which covers a lot art-wise!! and then i’ll give some of my own advice at the bottom :)
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( it’s sorted by the type medium whether it be illustration / animation / storyboarding. they also have a whole section for foundational drawing and links out to websites for poses. it’s also updated every so often! :) it also lists resources and information about programs !! prices are included too! )
now, i’m not too sure how to give advice about art, but i definitely want to try and offer some help! :)
i have been drawing digitally for maybe ~8 years. the switch was really hard, but don’t let it discourage you!! i went on youtube and watched a bunch of speed paints and timelapses of my favorite artists at the time to try and understand how they did certain things. and to be honest, my art was not great! and i’m still improving; things i look at from even 3 months ago i will put my head in my hands at.
anyone would probably tell you to just practice when you say “i want to learn how to draw digitally” but they don’t often tell you what to practice either. i don’t really like that advice (even though it’s mostly true— it just doesn’t feel very beginner-friendly!!). so here are a few things that i wish i was told instead of “just practice to get good”
1. i really recommend finding an artist you like and looking at how they do certain things. try to figure out what you like about it; is it the texture, the colors, the lines, the compositions, etc. maybe think about incorporating the way someone uses bright colors (for example) in your own art (if you like the way the artist uses bright colors).
2. reference photos!! they are key. especially having multiple references, maybe one for lighting, a pose, background, etc. the more the better! — i recommend maybe maybe a folder on your device for references ^^
3. keep your old drawings! — some people tend to get discouraged (me) when they think they’re not improving. best thing i ever did was keep my sketchbooks and try to keep as much of my earliest digital art as possible.
one of my first digital drawings ever VS my redraw from last year…. which i want to redraw again now!!
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4. this one is going to sound a little funny, but draw your favorite character! - having a character to constantly draw helped me a ton. especially an original character;
5. if you are feeling uninspired, find a screenshot of some media you enjoy and try to redraw it or do a study of it :). i did this often when i didn’t know what to draw but wanted to draw!
6. experimenting with brushes!! — if you are also stuck, maybe try to download or even create some new brushes. …. i have too many brushes
i really wish i could offer all the advice to help you succeed!! i’d love to see your progress as well!! the main thing i can say is that not everything you create will be a masterpiece, but not every work of art is a mistake either. don’t regret spending time drawing if you love it, even if you aren’t in love with what you create. if you can recognize that something may be off, whether it be proportion-wise, color-wise, ANYTHING, you’re still seeing a way for improving your work. which means you are still improving!
i wish you the best anon!! if you ever have any more questions i can try to help, and i am rooting for you!!!!
you can do it!!!!! :) (ft. drawing i did in elementary school)
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of-faery-descent · 2 years
Here’s my Nygmobs playlist for anyone who wants it: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2X9W5V15UZAKm3jBjDE0t8?si=kz9MgKbDTde6zGCwQ9qYqw
ALSO, FUNNY STORY. I was explaining the Oz and Ed plot line to my roommate the other day, and I reached “so Oz jumps in front of a grenade for Ed” and they go “oh, like that song” and pull up Grenade by Bruno Mars. Anyways, I am going through the lyrics yesterday and THEY WORK SO WELL??? The line about pulling brakes from a car?? Hello?? Basically what I’m saying is that I need to make another animatic (add it to my list of other songs from this playlist that I want to make into animatics)
(The list keeps changing because sometimes I get sick of songs from listening to much. Line Without a Hook was high on the list for a while, but I’ve over done it a bit. So it’s been pushed farther down)
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38sr · 2 years
What do you think should be in a animation or storyboard portfolio? Like should it be project base or a general portfolio? I’m struggling trying to find out what I should put in mines - Oort Anon
Ooooh! So when it comes to making a portfolio the most important advice I've taken away was the following: • Make it easy to find your work and contact you
• Curate your work to the job you are applying for
• Showcase strong foundation skills
• Do not be afraid to create samples that speak to what fulfills you creatively as an artist Point 1: I think this is self-explanatory. Make sure your website, portfolio blog or whatever is easy to find for recruiters and always make sure your contact information is included. A lot of people miss this step and it's the #1 thing recruiters look for when looking at potential hires. Point 2: Curating your work. Now I understand you might think, "If I show that I can do multiple things then that will widen my chances of landing a job." This isn't the wrong line of thinking (will explain in part 2) but on the recruiters' end it might be confusing for them to discern what you want to do. In 2D TV animation, there really isn't a generalist role (in 3D there might be). So it's best to clearly broadcast the specific skills you have for a specific job so recruiters can place you into a production easier. So if you want to be a board artist, focus on a good storyboard portfolio. It would be confusing for them to get a board artist applicant and then review a portfolio that isn't storyboards or is just a hodgepodge of different skills not pertaining to storyboards. Part 2 of Point 2: So while I do suggest you should focus on one thing rather than a generalist portfolio, there are cases of industry professionals in having portfolios with multiple disciplines (I am one of those people). So if you want to do 2 disciplines I think that's fine since I do the same...but from what I've learned working in these studios is that it's just easier for recruiters to know instantly what you are going for if you're trying to break in. As you gain more experience in the industry and learn more about the pipeline, it does become easier for you to try out different jobs when those opportunities arise. For example if you're a board artist who wants to try BG design, you can ask to join a design breakdown meeting or ask the art director to see what kind a tests are given to potential hires for the BG design team. Those are few ways you can start to learn/try different jobs in the pipeline while also getting a better understanding of the full scope of an animated production. It's one of those situations where once you get over the first hurdle (breaking in), it's easier to jump over the next hurdle and so on. Point 3: Gosh, this is probably the second most thing I suggest when it comes to portfolios. Foundation skills make you a more versatile artist and you will be able to adapt quickly to any production (regardless of its visual style). And I don't just only mean anatomy, color theory, perspective and such. I'm also talking about staging, screen direction, composition, acting and cinematic language. Showcasing that you have a strong understanding of both set of skills makes your portfolio stand out more. You provide your team a strong foundation (haha get it) that they can work with and build off from that making it easier for you to adapt to the show and work on your assignments. Point 4: "So what kind of boards should I make then?" Make samples for genres you would love to work on! If you want to work in comedy, make comedy boards. If you want to work on a show similar to ATLA, make an action adventure board. If you love a type of storytelling, make samples of that! It's also good to showcase you can work in multiple genres but what catches eyes most is when you create work about things you are genuinely passionate about. Don't be afraid to make a sample about your own personal stories (I did that and that's how I got selected for the Nick Artist Program). A lot of people in this industry love to see original ideas. And it doesn't have to be some grand epic. It can be a short scene, no more than 200 panels (unless it's like a chase sequence or something). Give them a little golden nugget and make them ask for more. Showcase who you are as an artist and what stories you not only want to work on but also stories you want to make. Woof that was a lot. I hope this was helpful and it answered your question!
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fisherrprince · 3 years
ask dump (big long)
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1) ABDBHTDND YEAH THEY DID UM, they did the ”no THANK you..! etc etc BUT IM WEAK” song too! Wild how that is now. points at them hey I know those guys
2) OHHH….. THIS HITS……….. I like missio sometimes but this is a nice chorus also: Vanitas… yeah I, like, always love music recs. they can be hit or miss but it’s only fair with how much music I find and then immediately go what if I showed everyone
3) how many does he have in there now, eleven? Twelve??? He signed up for one mouse and he got eleven human children or at least nine to ten human children, two young adults, and two regular adults who aren’t going to be helpful—
4) aaaaaaaaa thank you!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
5) MMM I haven’t thought extensively about cowboys for a while… it’s been mostly space up here for now, haha. I like my space murder. But that’s not to say I haven’t given them some fond passing thoughts! Two bros sitting in a river 5 feet apart cos they’re covered in mud and smell awful and one of them is very loudly blaming the other for the plan that involved hiding behind a barn (actually the last thing I wrote in my notes is a mini totally unfinished drabble of hiding in Lea’s bar but the “great hiding place” Lea has is in his floor)
6) gosh I Have to wonder if it’s a case of destiny/universal “the nature of humanity is that every so often someone invents homestuck again” or if we just, like, had common knowledge of the book of prophecies. Or not even the Book, maybe, I have to assume that knowledge/observance of the Foretellers phased out pretty quickly, but prophecies left unfulfilled would linger for generations probably. Or maybe they’re even old stories, a tale of seven masters of the past drawn in to a chess game, or the game based on the old fairytales, or the numbers 7 and 13 are ingrained in local culture … see, because obviously Xehanort implies that this prophecy/old masters stuff ISNT common knowledge, but Eraqus CERTAINLY knows about it and it’s in all the architecture/local myths… ok but then also, if we’re to take the opening chess game as more than just clever symbolic narrative bookends, everyone’s symbols ARE right there. I just kind of registered that’s probably what you were talking about. In which case our questions are still there, how much did the common populace know and how much did eraqus know? Did he like, end up with three apprentices who had very distinct chess symbols as keychains and go uh oh john or what—
hey why’d you do this to me. I’m a tired college student in scala on my sixth response paper about the prophetic legitimacy of foreordained keybearers versus the self-imposed creation of destiny as following common legend and I’m arguing with some guy named Einar about how you can’t just fake a prophetic fulfillment by claiming to be the Crown piece in chess. You can’t just KIN A CHESSPIECE, Einar.
7) ABGDJGD TY..!!! To be honest they also live in my head rent-free! Some of them need to start paying rent because I’m supposed to be in school getting Better at storyboarding—
8) hard same hey thats just bc magnet is uhhhh. The best spell? Aside from mine spells
9) SEE AGAIN I DONT KNOW bc for one Sora obviously isn’t ENTIRELY unique, if he’s able to be diagnosed so quickly, but this “holding your nobody and two to four other people in there” kind of thing probably has never been seen before. But for another, Roxas and Xion have copied a keyblade. Just like — a keyblade? Copied entirely? Wild.
anyways keyblade manifestation is a mystery to me and I’d love to see it explored because what we know the Lore is, is this: they were fashioned after the likeness of the x-blade. They can be bequeathed to others (shown to not necessarily mean that exact keyblade is passed down, probably this means the ability to wield can be bequeathed). They can be WILLFULLY given. They come from the heart, they are not welded out of steel. They are…. questionably sentient, or maybe just sapient, or somehow are picky about who holds them. Side note khwiki is telling me things I Did not know about the whereabouts of Ven’s heart during 358 and also the ability to wield two which requires more than one heart obvi but which is named synch blade??? always question the wiki but these have sources. Anyways. Keychains can swap their forms so they have a Base and Custom Skins mode. There are three kinds, Light (common), Darkness (Michael mouse??? Not his bbs one the rod one which I GUESS is a counterpa Iiiiii am getting off trackaaaaa), and Heart (which I’m guessing is just the x-blade, maybe the gayblade, and the kh1 keyblade of heart??). Um. What was my point here. OH yeah I was just gonna say Bro Wild. This is completely a mystery to me. Does every keykid’s base form keyblade look different, and we were all just given cool keychains? Are there some kids who melded unique keychains? If I were connecting dots wildly and with reckless abandon I’d say yeah and also you cannot just suddenly one day wield one, you HAVE to be bequeathed, but as soon as that happens it sparks the creation of your own personal heart sword. Every keyblade is manifested independently — those wielding a family keyblade have the ability to summon their own, if necessary, but the family sword is taking up that space in their heart and theyd have to get used to making their own. since, it seems, keyblades (summoned) will die and solidify if their bearer dies, but keyblades (unsummoned) will either disappear or summon themselves somewhere else and retain a small piece of your… essence. A legacy keyblade, I feel, would be a little something like feeling every past Avatar and you are the avatar, but you can’t talk to them. They’re there tho. Also I think that having an exceptionally strong heart would be not only a moral requirement for ensuring the keyblade’s duty is upheld, but also a physical requirement! youre carving out a bit of your heart to make room for a sword. Weak hearts should not do that even if they want to.
aye… how was that longer than the scala answer? You got me on tangents again in these essays I
10 (submission from licilou22)
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badraygun · 3 years
how’d you learn to draw? like anatomy? your last post is by far my favorite :)
oh my gosh... thank you so much T__T that means a lot to me haha
As for your question... I’ve been drawing since I was very young, like in elementary school. I didn’t really decide I wanted to get into art until middle school and I've had several art classes in high school and in college that helped me improve my skills (I'm a sophomore currently). Ive picked up a lot of stuff from learning on my own, and also with instruction. neither is necessarily better or worth more than the other imo. you can be a good artist whether you’ve learned from a teacher or not.
Also... I’m not the most confident to give you advice since I'm still very much learning myself, but I’ll give you some things that you can keep in mind on your own art journey:
I’d say if you’re looking to get better at anatomy, don’t be afraid to use references. I used a reference as a start to my recent Ryan art, because I don’t play guitar and needed something to basically ‘fact check’ my work. This is also a very, VERY common practice amongst artists. you aren’t cheating by using one, in fact, most instructors I've had encourage it, whether it's for a pattern, clothing folds, musculature, etc. 
also, draw from real life. that can be from pictures you find online, or your roommates or pets or family members, and if you’re able, go to a park and sketch from a safe distance! they also don't have to be ‘good’ drawings. most of my first passes for my projects are very scribbly, very fast, and very weird. for example, here’s a very real drawing from a storyboard that I handed in to one of my classes this semester for a grade (its a frog kiss)(also I got an A):
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Anyway... It’s ok to need a reference or to draw something less than beautiful. What’s most important is that you keep on trying. 
I hope that helped... somehow! have a good rest of your day :^)
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moon-o-magic · 4 years
its funny that u mention people reading ur tags bcause i came here to ask if u are going to post the notes on your ed + kanker headcanons bcause kanker friend headcanons are the best
The Kankers are a bit hard for me to imagine for since I have almost no info of them in my spreadsheet compared to the Eds but here! I hope this works! I added a buncha more headcanons than I originally had bc I first made this when I had little to no idea how the Kankers operated but now I’ve got more so I hope it all still makes sense! I can hardly read at this point! :D
Ed & Marie are friends bc they’re both artistic/creative and they get together to storyboard and film little movies on her camera. She enjoys being able to act like a guy from time to time for the sake of their movies. Also, Marie holds the same fascination of mechanics as Dee so goes bonkers when he brings over his Model Kits and lets her help him build + paint his models. Both think that all toys are better with flamethrowers. Ed’s also probably half-decent with makeup since he’s an Ed and he’s got a younger sister so when her sisters are pissy he’s her makeup helper. Marie has a bad habit of insulting ppl but Ed’s 1. Used to it and 2. Willing to set boundaries so she backs off more with him.
Aaah and gosh in general.... I feel like it’d be a whole lot of chaotic fun if they joined in on his L&W campaign or any other roleplays the Eds do. Part of the Kankers characterization makes them feel incredibly lonely and that they want to cause mischief with everyone else but they don’t have a good outlet for that so they end up just harassing everyone since they’re often at the center of something creative. (I’m thinking the pirate episode for this mainly.... they dressed up and everything :(((( they want to join the fun.)
Dee & Lee are friends bc they’re both the most mature out of their respective trios and it’s kinda nice to have someone else see how Fucking Stupid this plan, is you guys- and also they’re character foils so they both try to get each other to change slightly, with Lee trying to get Dee to actually Consider Not Getting Beat Up and Dee trying to show her that Violence Isn’t Always The Answer Ma’am. Dee is probably a calming presence at first and Lee’s like “oh okay cool” but when he starts to get snarky with her is when she starts to Really like him. The two get together and make food for the others when they get together to watch Fishbowl 2 together or something but Lee (somewhat friendly-like) bullies him into doing more of the work. Dee likes to bake and Lee is more than willing to both help him and to kick everyone outside so she make a peaceful memory for once.
I also feel like (in general) Dee greatly respects the stuff they make like!!! Remember the pirate ship with a functional flag! Swoonable. Making stuff with the Kankers is a blast. They are creative masterminds like the Eds and being able to collaborate with even more knuckleheads is so much fun for him and shit gets done really fast (Eddy’s pretty lazy so just Ed & Dee can be slow but I feel like the Kanker’s all work in unision as to not miss the commotion of the cul-de-sac kids when something’s happening).
Eddy & May are friends bc of Younger Sibling trauma and May enjoys being able to eat and be herself around someone who won’t instantly call her fat or stupid and Eddy kinda tries to boost her confidence at times with small compliments and they make her go !!!!! everytime. May has a habit of saying dumb shit and Eddy‘s just like Ah Yes A Normal Tuesday. He’s so used to it. Also May does have knowledge abt science and Eddy has a lot of experience in listening to ppl just go on and on abt stuff they are passionate abt so he listens to her and the first time she does she’s super embarrassed but it gets to the point where he’s the first person she goes to when she’s excited abt something bc like yeah sometimes he doesn’t react positively but at least he’s not gonna like beat her up or anything. They do poke fun at each other but May has to adjust how much she mocks him bc she’s so used to instantly going for sore spots.
In general, remember the episode where Eddy fucked up Jimmy’s characterization for the rest of the show by teaching him scams???? YEAH!!!!!!! Eddy fucks up immensely by letting himself pass on his Bro’s knowledge of scams & pranks to the Kankers but its all good (between them at least dhdkdhskdb).
On a less fun note, Eddy would definetely have the hardest time out of any of the Eds connecting with the Kankers. Both Ed & Dee are much more forgiving than him once someone shows remorse, but he’s genuinely on edge around them a lot of the time. He’s heard empty promises of change from someone much worse and it really fucks with him. When they first start acting nice, he probably acts similiarly to the “Eddy is a no-necked chump” episode where he’s panicked about their behaviour, but the feeling doesn’t go away for the longest time.
I really do feel like May would be the first, and maybe only one he gets somewhat comfortable with. May is the first to make an effort to change. Theres also something abt how well she & Dee get along that helps to take away the edge, especially since they meet up on Wednesdays for Science Talk so both he and Ed have some time to potentially interact with her. She’s a lot like Ed and Eddy enjoys being able to interact with someone who’s willing to do stupid shit with him.
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zoocross0vers · 4 years
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Here we have Nick Wilde as Dracula on Vacation (his lazy idea), Judy Hopps as Bunnix and Sonic (Wachowski) the Hedgehog as Pumpkin Witch/Wizard(?).
Maybe I should explain this a little better. Sonic as Pumpkin Wizard is based by this picture:(https://images.redbox.com/Images/EPC/boxartvertical/210065.jpg) 
This was actually what inspired me for this art creation. He looks just adorable that I couldn’t help myself so I have make this. As for Judy and Nick at first want them to make as Ladybug and Spider-Man (that idea came from youtube fanfic video Sonic Halloween 3, besides I thougt it was great idea, come to think spider are natural predators to ladybugs just as foxes to rabbits, heh well what do you know), but then Sonic with his costume (even though he hero who also triumph Avengers if you know what I mean) would look out off place, so I played with ideas since I know those too well. Judy is entusiastic who takes those things seriously so she would in costume. I though that why not have her dress as Bunnix? (we already have ladybun) It was very great idea since I could also improvise with it, I mean Judy is bunny and we have a bunny superhero… So why not? Nick on the other hand he’s very laid low guy whose pretty much enjoy view and go easy (he take his job seriously but you must admit that he has his own way) and thanks to episode Treating from DuckTales where Dewey is dressed up as Pirate in Vacation and since Nick always wearing his hawaiian shirt it was just easy to put only vampire cape with his “bloody-colored” pawsickle lol. Also that idea came from Sonic Halloween 2.
Also I need to explain some misunderstandings that were made:
1. When I said Isabelle as Soccoro I meant Miguel’s baby sister and Violet would be Coco
2. Didn’t I mentioned in description that Tails would be Dante which also mean his Spirit guide?(Just asking to make it sure I did not forget that) Then again I’m not against it, I really like that idea, after all he can fly when he gets power-up stars (that why I picked Tails since he can and probably Sonic’s “family” in Coco wouldn’t be fond of since he’s fox and Nick Wilde is also fox, you get the picture). Hey now that I think about it, both Tails and Yoshi could worked as Dante and/or Spirit Guide, just like Eliot and River as Chip in Bunny and the Beast. (It’s just idea though)
3. I also need to explain something that I didn’t realized until you pointed that out. For clarification NO Sonic is not 12 years old.
The original Sonic (the one with peach arms) is 15 years old like you said before, while the Movie Sonic (blue arms) according to Director Jeff Fowler is around age 13-14. I forgot that Miguel is 12 years at the beginning of movie and the 13 at the end- eheh, sorry.😅
But yeah Sonic is pretty young especially in movie. Now I feel sad when I realized he’s must spend ten years alone in forest with no one…when he was probably 3… after… he saw… his mother-guardian figure… hurt… and …chased…..by….echid–nas-OHMYGOOOD, CRIPES HERE COMES WATERWORKS! Excusemeforamoment! (running of while crying)😭
Five minutes later….
Okay I’m good. Sorry for that. Speaking of movie I guess I should also explained some misundertstanding because I only mentioned one scene moments. Here is my quote:
“But I guess, that I made it hard for you with those moments so how about this we use the final moments like in your fanfic Carcass Bride: FINAL BOSS BATTLE SONIC VS. ROBOTNIK because honestly this moment is epic (wish I could make it bigger), it would start Sonic running from Robotnik, like we’ve seen in beginning of the movie, get shot retelling in short whole story, like in movie only less detailed and faster the confrontation between Nick and Robotnik (Sonic would unconscious but still hear them and had a self-doubt like Naruto in first chapter/episode if you what mean until he hear the important words that’ll give him boost), the final battle and then epilogue (Sonic with his new family) with open ending (you know the Eggman in Mushroom planet and then Tails’s introuction)”
I guess you might talk about this?:
“As for what kind of universe all of them would be I have another suggestions:
1. Sonic movie universe in Zootopia (but still happening in Green Hills only Zootopia would be San Francisco and Transamerica could be Palm Hotel like in Zistopia storyboard) and Night Howler Case never happened.
2. Night Howler case happened Nick and Judy are still cops, but later decided to live in Green Hills
3. Night Howler case happened but was solved instead of Judy and Nick by Jack and Skye who later became agents and don’t like Robotnik for his ego:
a) Nick come from Green Hills (Wachowskis live as police in GH for 50 years), but suffered from Ranger Scouts move to Zootopia became “shifty fox” until he’s saved by childhood friend Judy from Bunnyburrow (from wrong decision and targeting to become savage) and the return to Green Hills become sheriff along with his new wife.
b) Both Nick and Judy just heard about it in Green Hills.
I guess the first and third are more interesting.”
Those are not scenes moment but universe backround. Every story need some basic to start.
Hope this will clear everything. Tommorrow I will another picture for special. Be ready.
Anyway happy Halloween again and StaySafe!🎃😷
Oh my gosh Guest! This is awesome!!! 
And as always, this wonderful piece of art was made by the talented Guest! 😊
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Hello all! Just wanted to share a draft for a short story I'm working on at the moment. The 'planets' (cough cough Luna and Sol) are based off of pre-Copernican cosmology, so this is just my interpretation of their characters in a work setting. There's a lot that I want to change but I was curious about what you thought so far!
Mercury, the memo-boy, comes speeding down the hallway sending papers scattering across the floor. In his hand is a piece of gold note paper, which I know must have come from the boss’ office, which he presents to me as he skids to a halt. “Boss wanted me to give you this. He said it was urgent.” And then as quickly as he arrived, he leaves, tearing down the corridor.
“Jove, what now?” I open the note and read.
Hello Earth! Sorry about the inconvenience, but I need you to do a task for me. A few years ago I gave someone — one of the planets — a package, and I need that delivered to the address below. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten who it was, but it’s an urgent matter so I was hoping you could ask around for me. I would do it myself, but I’m busy at the moment dealing with administration. Did you hear that the council is planning on revoking Luna’s and Sol’s status as planets, and replacing them with two nobodies called Uranus and Neptune? They’re crazy! Anyways, the sooner you get this done, the better. Thanks!
A mysterious package… Well, I suppose I should go talk to Luna first. She’s my closest friend, after all.
I push past the silver door with LADY LUNA inscribed on a plaque, and step inside the dimly lit room. “Luna?” There’s a bluish glow about, and I haven’t quite figured out whether I find it eerie or comforting.
“Yes?” A soft voice that sounds like tinkling bells echoes throughout the office, and I follow it to find Lady Luna herself in the middle of a pond. She’s standing atop a canoe that looks as though it’s been woven by silver threads, with little blue lights surrounding her head, while stirring the water around her with a long staff. Though I’m not in my office at the moment, I can feel my tides shifting.
“I’ve been sent on a mission. Would you happen to know anything about a package the boss gave you, a few years back?”
Luna looks up from her stirring. “No? Should I?” Her pale face wears a concerned expression, and her fingers dance up and down her staff. It’s a tic she has when she worries about something. Apart from her fingers, nothing besides her long hair and her long white gown moves — I’ve never quite figured that out, there’s no breeze in here.
“No, it’s fine, just trying to find someone.”
Her posture relaxes. “Oh, good. I haven’t heard from anyone but you in a while, actually, I was worried I had missed something.” Though Luna and I are close, she doesn’t talk much with the others. They usually only come to her for therapy, because she’s very calming, but otherwise they avoid her because she also has a little bit of a reputation as a lunatic.
“You haven’t, don’t worry.” Then I think. “Actually, there is a little bit of a concern at the moment… I don’t think it’s something to dwell on too much, you’ll probably be fine, but they’re reconsidering yours — and Sol’s — statuses as planets. I don’t know why, they’ll probably not change anything.” I have no doubt that Luna will keep her position, but I see her face shift and know perhaps it wasn’t something I should have mentioned.
“What?! How could they?! My work is so important! It’s because I don’t talk to anyone, isn’t it? They think all I do is follow you around all the time. I’ll show them! Get out!” Her skin remains the same glowing white as it always does, but her fists are clenched and her face is furious. One of her blue glowing orbs shoots towards me, and I narrowly miss it as I slip out the door.
I love Luna, but her moods are all over the place. You have to watch your words around her.
I walk through the cafeteria with the intention of finding Venus, but Mercury comes whizzing around a corner a little too quickly and knocks us, along with his stack of newsletters, to the floor.
“Hey, watch it!” He sounds mad, but Mercury is much smaller than I am so I don’t really care.
“You should watch it. You’re the one that goes way too fast.”
“Can you blame me? If our maker didn’t want me to go fast, he wouldn’t have given me super speed.” He glances around nervously. “That, and Sol’s chasing me because I stole his favourite paper weight.” He pulls a gleaming golden bird figurine out of one of his many pockets. “How was I meant to know he cared about this bit of junk?”
“If it’s a bit of junk, why take it?”
“I’m a kleptomaniac, I can’t help it. Besides, that’s my whole shtick. If I don’t steal everything, who will? It’s the principle of the thing.
“Right.” A thought occurs to me. “Actually, Mercury, has our boss given you a package or anything to look after? Within the last few years?”
“You do realise that nobody gives me anything if they plan on getting it back, right?”
“So that’s a no. Okay, then, well I’ll see you around then, Mercury! Do you need any help getting those papers?” I ask, pointing to the memos scattered on the floor.
“No, I’ll be fine. See you!”
I make it around a corner before I notice one of my shoes doesn’t feel quite right. I glance down. The lace from my right boot has vanished, somewhere—
I go back to yell at Mercury for stealing my shoelace but he’s already gone, not a single paper in sight.
At the end of another long hallway is an amber-coloured door with a sign reading VENUS. I don’t talk to her a whole lot — we’re quite similar, but she causes a lot of drama in the office and it’s a bit of a pain. You see, the thing is: she’s very, very pretty. By that I mean beautiful, and by that I mean drop-dead gorgeous. Venus has a bad habit of making people fall for her, only for them to get their hearts broken, and I don’t know if she does it on purpose or not but it’s fair for me to dislike her a little bit for that. Right?
I push through the door and the first thing that surprises me is the heat. Admittedly, I’ve never been in Venus’ office before. It’s like walking into a sauna, or a rainforest, or a very humid greenhouse. The second thing that surprises me is the amount of greenery everywhere. The walls and ceiling are obscured by plants in all different shapes and sizes, from tiny cacti to enormous monstera plants. Lying on a chaise in the middle of the room, with a sketchbook in one hand and a pencil in the other, is Venus. A large feather fan flaps furiously beside her, which makes a cool breeze strong enough to ruffle her dark curly hair and occasionally flip the pages she’s trying to draw on. She wears an orange dress that compliments her skin, and it looks like a very fine material. Makes sense, considering how hot it is in here.
I slip off my sweater. “Hey, Venus.”
Venus glances up, and a look of surprise crosses her face. “Earth? What are you doing here?”
“Boss sent me. Do you know anything— gosh, it’s so hot! How can you work in this room?” I wipe my forehead with my arm, and it’s slick with sweat.
“Oh no, come sit here! It’s much cooler by the fan.” She drags me by the arm to her couch, where I immediately feel relief from the temperature. I can see her sketchbook now, she’s working on storyboards for advertisements. Venus has a knack for making things look attractive, hence she’s in charge of advertising and sales.
“Thanks. Do you know anything about a package the boss might have given you? A few years back?”
Venus shakes her head, her frizzy curls bouncing. “No, I’m afraid not. Why?”
I shrug. “He just needs it for something. Don’t worry about it.” I get up to go, but Venus grabs my arm again. “What?”
“I’m sorry, I just…” She hesitates. “You’re so good with plants. You have so many, and they thrive. But I’ve been trying to grow my own and it’s just not working. Are the conditions not right?”
“Oh— well, I think this greenhouse effect is good in theory, but it’s a little extreme and not all plants are suited for these kinds of conditions. Maybe you could set up little areas with different, I don’t know, climates for each? And you could research what different plants need to survive.” I have lots of plants, but they tend to take care of themselves.
“Great, thank you so much! I’ve tried asking around, but nobody really seems to care. Some of the interns are having a competition to see who can get a date first and whenever I try to talk to anyone that’s all that ever gets brought up anymore.” Venus looks both happy with the information but also quite dejected. I never really bothered learning office gossip, I just assumed Venus liked having all the attention.
“I’m really sorry to hear that, Venus… if you want, you can find me in my office and we can talk about plants any time you want, alright?” I offer.
She beams. “Earth, that would be brilliant. Thank you.”
I say goodbye, and leave Venus’ room. It seems I didn’t know her as well as I thought I did.
I plan on finding Mars next, but a clamour outside turns my attention to the window. Mercury zips along the path, the same paperweight clutched in his hand as the one he showed me before. Shortly after he disappears out of my line of sight, a tall, bronzed man in a chariot comes racing after him.
“Sol?” I call in surprise.
His chariot screeches to a halt, and Sol turns to me. He says nothing, but beckons for me to come outside. I crawl out of the window, and jog over to where he is. “Hop on, please, Earth. This kid’s messed with my belongings for too long.”
“I— what?” I’m too confused to register what he’s talking about, so he just pulls me up onto the chariot, cracks a golden whip, and the horses with manes of fire pulling the chariot whinny and start their chase again.
“You called me, was there something you wanted to ask?” Sol towers over me, which would be intimidating especially as I know him to have a fiery temper, but he radiates warmth which makes him seem friendly.
“No, sor— actually, yes. Did the boss give you any sort of package to look after? Within the last few years?” It would make sense if he did. Sol is very responsible and one of the more powerful of the planets. However, my guess is wrong.
“No, he hasn’t. He did give me that paperweight, though, and I’d really like it back.”
I laugh. “I’ll talk to Mercury later. Hey, aren’t you meant to be working right now?” Sol is in charge of scheduling, and he has the important role of being the one to chase the night away. It’s not a job that generally has breaks, so I don’t know why he’s out here.
Sol gives a sheepish smile. “I got Luna to cover for me. The eclipse will only last so long, though, so I’m hoping a few minutes will be enough to catch him.”
“Face it, Sol, the boy is too fast for you. Go back to work.” I pat him on the back and he sighs, before bringing the chariot to a slow stop.
“Fair enough. I hope you find who you’re looking for!”
I get off the chariot, and walk back into the building. Conveniently, Sol has dropped me off right next to Mars’ workshop.
Mars has a heavy iron door with his name on it at the entrance to his workshop. Inside is an array of tools and machinery, some of which looks so obscure I can’t imagine what it could be used for. Mars is toiling away at something metal at the other end of the room, which is made evident by the routine CLANG of metal against metal. I have to shout to be heard over the din.
“Hello, Mars!” The clanging doesn’t stop, but he looks up from his work. A few tufts of bright red hair stick out from under an iron helmet. Whether he’s wearing it for protection, or because he just likes armour in general (he’s a soldier every single Halloween), I can’t tell. I realise that if I want to talk to him I’ll have to be beside him, so I cup my ears with my hands and walk up the room.
“Hello” — CLANG — “Earth, what can” — CLANG — “I do for” — CLANG — “you?”
I grab the metal tool he’s using, so I can talk properly. “Two things: firstly, perhaps you could pause your racket just for a moment?”
Mars looks displeased, but complies. “Yes?”
“Thank you. Secondly, has the boss given you any sort of package recently?”
“No.” With that, the work continues, and my hands fly back up to cover my ears to protect them from the deafening noise. I already knew Mars was not one for conversation. He’s like Sol in the way that he’s hot headed, but perhaps he’s more likely to show it, or act on it. He’s usually behind the biggest fights at work, and I know that’s not a rumour because I’ve witnessed it myself. We keep him around though, because nobody is as good at production as he is.
As soon as I’m out of the workshop, I head towards the elevators. Who else could there possibly be? I’ve spoken with Luna, Mercury, Venus, Sol, Mars… what if he forgot? What if he actually didn’t give it to someone, and just left it lying around? I step into the elevator, because I can’t think of anywhere else it could be, and press the button for the top floor where Jove’s office is located.
The doors open with a cheery ding and I stroll through the corridor. It’s easy to see which door is the one I want: it’s wide open, and all around it are golden decorations in the shape of a grapevine. Without bothering to knock, I march through the doorway. “Hello, sir!”
“Oh, don’t bother with that ‘sir’ rubbish. Call me Jove!” Sitting at an elevated desk is a large man, with sparkling eyes and a rosy face. Jove reminds me a lot of Santa Claus, or Father Christmas, in the sense that he’s always cheerful and loves giving away presents. “What’s the matter, Earth?”
“Well, s— um, Jove. Is there any chance you may still have that package yourself? Because I’m sure I’ve asked everyone about it, and I know I certainly don’t have it, so I don’t know where else it might be.”
Jove frowns, a puzzled look on his face, which is so different from his usual friendly smile it’s surprisingly jarring. “Are you sure? Who have you spoken to?”
“Luna, Mercury, Venus, Sol and Mars,” I recite in order.
Jove’s expression changes from a frown to one of understanding. “Ah, I see. I know who has it — makes total sense, really, I don’t know how I could have forgotten. Then again, I suppose you forgot about him too, didn’t you?”
“Who could I possibly have forgotten?”
“Don’t you remember who works in our archives, taking care of everything we don’t immediately need?” Jove encourages.
“I don’t… Saturn!!” My jaw drops, and I am overcome with guilt. How could I have forgotten about Saturn?! I feel awful.
“Don’t worry about it, dear. It’s not that you see him often, anyways. I don’t think he’s been outside for at least a century.”
“Yes, but still…”
Jove gestures towards a tray on his desk. “Have a biscuit, you’ll feel better, and then go and fetch me that package, please?”
I take one, and walk out to go back to the lifts, but there’s an unfamiliar weight in my pocket. I reach into my pocket, and pull out a golden pen, with bands of different coloured metals going around the cap. A sticky note attached reads ‘For taking notes and remembering things’. It’s impossible to leave Jove’s office without a gift of some sort.
I haven’t been in the basement before. It’s cold, damp and dark, and it’s like a maze with shelves full of old files and peculiar artifacts that haven’t seen the light of day for years. I wander around for a bit, and almost walk past a row of shelves when I spot a figure balanced at the top of a tall ladder, leaning against a bookcase. “Saturn? Is that you?” I call out.
The figure turns, to reveal a wizened face with a long white beard. “Yes, that’s me. And you must be Earth.”
“How did you know? I don’t know if we’ve spoken before,” I inquire.
“No we have not, but I know everyone in this building, or has ever been. In fact, I know everything that has ever happened here in all history.”
The old man smiles. It’s a crooked one, but the one of someone who is very wise. “Really. All records are kept here, and I have read every single one.”
That is unbelievable, but perhaps spending so long down here gives you a lot of free time. “Saturn, Jove gave you a package some time ago. Could I have that please?”
Saturn’s face turns to one of knowing. “It is time, then.”
“Time for what?”
He says nothing, but climbs down the ladder and vanishes into the labyrinth. Mere minutes later, he returns with a package, wrapped in Jove’s signature golden paper and tied up with a simple white ribbon. “Take this and follow the markers in bronze to get to the exit. Good luck, Earth.” With that he’s gone again, and I don’t know if he was wishing me luck with leaving or with the package. I follow his instructions and leave the archives, Saturn just as much of a mystery to me as he was before.
The package glimmers prettily in the lights of Jove’s office. Jove welcomes me back with a shining goblet of wine, which now sits precariously on my arm rest, as I am sitting in a chair opposite his desk.
“Thank you Earth, you’ve done splendidly. Now, do you have any idea what this package is?”
“No, I don’t.”
Jove starts to undo the ribbon at the top. “You see, we were hoping we could increase our audience a little bit, but in order to do that we needed to find a place for them to go. I have been conducting some secret research throughout the company and have concluded that you, Earth, are the best fit for this new assignment.” He opens the package fully, and extracts a small box. “This is for you.”
I take the box and open it. Inside is what looks like dirt. “Thank you?”
Jove chuckles heartily. “It is more than what it looks like. From that, you will be the first planet to have people.”
“Humans. They’ll learn to live off what you provide for them, and they’ll be full of wild and wonderful ideas that we planets have never come up with before.” His voice lowers. “They may hurt you. They may forget who gave them what they needed and that they wouldn’t be anywhere without you. However, they will be better with you than anyone else and it is a privilege to be able to host life. Not even I have that. Are you willing to accept this assignment?”
My jaw drops, but I close it hastily. “Of course.”
Jove smiles from ear to ear. “Then take the box, choose a place in your office to put it, and see what happens. I wish you luck, Earth.”
With steady hands despite my nerves, I take the box of dirt — people? — and rush back to my office on a lower floor. It’s a calming combination of blue, green and white, and as I scan the room, my eyes fall on a large green area on the floor where I know I’ve got forests, mountains, deserts and ocean. “Africa,” I decide, and place the little box in the middle. There’s a flash, then I feel a tingling sensation, and the box is gone. However, I look closely, and I can see movement that was unlike anything else I had seen before. I was already used to creatures, but never any that were as apparently developed as these. Already they were moving things around and taking parts of plants to make things. Remembering I told Sol I’d talk to Mercury, I decided I could leave my people to their own devices for a little bit. As I slipped out of my office into the coffee room, I made a few plans.
I would treat them with kindness. Hopefully, they returned the favour.
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squeezil · 5 years
Answer these then tag 8 people you want to get to know better. Tagged by @fundamentally-loathsome-lullaby 💜
1. Birthday?
December 27th
2. Zodiac?
Capricorn sun/moon/rising (and bonus, my Chinese zodiac is earth snake 😁)
3. Height?
I'm 5'1½"
4. Last song I listened to?
Sunflower by Post Malone & Swae Lee
5. Hobbies?
Well, when my shitty retail job hasn't sapped all my energy, I like to crochet, bake/cook, sing, draw, jewelry making, play video games...almost anything creative really.
6. Favorite color?
Purple! 💜
7. Last movie I watched?
I'm not sure if this counts as a movie or a show lol but Mystery Science Theater 3000 (The Return): The Beast of Hollow Mountain
8. Favorite books?
Ohh gosh, let's see: the entire Harry Potter series (yes I know JKR is a gross terf and I won't buy anything else she fucking puts out but I still love them), the Series of Unfortunate Events series, "How I Paid For College: A Story Of Sex, Theft, Friendship, And Musical Theater" by Marc Acito, "Holidays On Ice" by David Sedaris, "Looking For Alaska" by John Green...man I could go ON but I'll stop there I think.
9. Dream job?
I would LOVE to be in animation in some way, especially somewhere like Laika, stop motion is the shit and they do ABSOLUTELY stunning work. Either as a storyboard artist, sculpter, set design, I dunno, anything honestly.
10. Meaning behind URL?
Lol it's just one I've heard since like 10th grade when I was super into Johnny The Homicidal Maniac. I LOVED Squee but that URL was taken so I embellished it a little and made it cuter lol 🤷🏼
Tagging: @weebwitchcraft @brokenyellowcrayons @aphroditiansarah @tea-time-tarot @thepastelpriestess @wintersbookofmagic @rosegoldtunic @mercury-minded ❤ (you don't have to if you don't want to)
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synthaphone · 5 years
pros and cons of letting characters swear in thing im writing
easier to get certain deliveries and tones across
remember that adventure time storyboard where the board artist was like “hate having to edit out ‘what the fuck’. nothing works as well as ‘what the fuck’.” well i feel that
those are both the same reason basically. another restatement of the same reason is that sometimes specific jokes are funnier with the cursing in them
an actual different reason: i’d have to rewrite some scenes im currently happy with specifically to edit out the swearing because i just kind of put it in there
maybe the challenge of having to not rely on swear words would ultimately push me to come up with more clever jokes and dialogue
this is neopets fanfic essentially and maybe its weird to have swearing in it. im not planning on putting the... comic? (story? however i end up delivering it) on neo itself anyway but like... i dunno. if they’d let people’s neopets be gay it might be fun to try and edit it so it could be published in the neopian times, but they don’t. i guess maybe after i wrote it, i could try to pull a thing where i make a version for the site where its as obvious as possible while being stealth enough to pass through security. but i’d have to finish writing it first
virtually all swearing, even ‘mild’ swearing, opens up worldbuilding issues. am i ready to just casually imply the concept of hell on neopia? or the concept of god? (this one is difficult because i tend to over rely on ‘oh my god’ as an exclaimation and its really hard to substitute something that has the same tone to it. ‘oh my gosh’ doesnt feel like it quite does it) also i tend to hate cutesy in universe versions of real world swearing, like pokemon fanfic using “oh my arceus” for instance. it doesnt bother me nearly as much when there’s no 1:1 counterpart- stuff like spongebob yelling ‘barnacles’ as a mild curse doesnt trip the annoyance alarm for me. so i guess i’d just have to put a LOT of thought into it if i wanted to come up with my own for neopets that wouldnt bother me
my characters arent far away enough from the cartoony site style for it to not seem potentially weird?? im not deliberately going for a joke about the dissonance of cute cartoon animals cursing, i just have a character swear if it feels like it would make sense for them to? hmm
in conclusion: i dunno, i guess i can wait to decide when i actually have a script ready instead of scattered scenes. my writing strategy so far alternates between ‘lets try to improv some characters shooting the shit and see what they’d talk about’ and ‘heres a specific scene i know i want/need but i dont know what anyone actually says in it yet, just that theres like, for instance, an argument that happens here. time to start writing that and see if i come up with something decent that fulfills that purpose’
maybe i’ll try to rewrite the scenes with swearing in them as practice, and then i can figure out if theres better jokes or dialogue that i might have overlooked, or if the swearing really does add something valuable enough to need to be left in
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theherocomplex · 5 years
Writing Priority List
Mainly to keep myself accountable. 
Slow Grows the Coral: chapter four needs to be totally rewritten, and chapter five need to be written. Then this is DONE, and I can make one big revision pass and send it off to be edited. 
A Lesson in Drowning: I anticipate 5-6 more chapters to wrap this up effectively; I had two and a half of them done but figured out a way to streamline the plot, so one chapter needs some heavy editing and then I’ll be following the new outline to the end. 
The Unnecessary FenHawke AU: I’d say this is about...one-third finished? I need to seriously storyboard it, since what I wrote last year is an uneven mess (but wow, what a fun mess it is!). 
The Rhyscue: Honestly, this will probably be my last longfic for a while (or at least the last planned one), so I want it to be good. At this point, it’s been so long since I wrote the original pieces of it that I may just trash them and start fresh. I estimate this will be about 5-6 chapters long, plus an epilogue. 
Unnamed YA scifi romance: I had a surprisingly linear dream a few months ago that gave me an excellent kernel for a story; I’m holding off on starting it till NaNo 2019, since I always do better with a fresh project. 
Hedge Witch: I loved what I wrote for this last year, but it’s moved on from being a bog-standard RH romance to something a bit deeper -- a more erotic fantasy romance, which ties into the larger TLS-multiverse (as does everything I write, shhhh). 
That Vicious Purity: Sirin and Owen’s story may end up being a standalone novel, though I do have vague ideas for a sequel. Even if it is only the one book, it’s still going to be massive, and it needs to be written after Hedge Witch, since that dictates part of the events in TVP. 
Unnamed YA supernatural romance: Queer crimefighting banshees! Woo! 
All the Beacons of the Night: Because why not write a gosh-darn play while we’re at it? 
Farewell the Green Gardens: Ugh, this still hurts to think about; I had a finished draft but ran into some huge issues while editing it (namely that it’s such a depressing story to start with, especially given all my various what is happening to the world anxieties). I’d like to give it another stab, and played around with a new outline in the past week, so I’m confident I’ll get back to it when I’m ready. I think it’ll be easier once I know where it sits in the multiverse, so I’m willing to give this a bit of time. 
The Little Steps: By necessity, this has to be written last, since it draws on everything else, and the First Eliza is the connective tissue linking every other story together. And, if I write everything else first...I might be the writer this story deserves by the time I get to it. 
...that’s enough to be going on, don’t you think? 
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