#you never know who's behind the screeb
antique-forvalaka · 1 year
No one can take your canon gay rep away from you.
No one.
Not even a random anon writing het fic for a personal challenge to write purposely 'unlovable' fic, nor a group of people jumping in for fun.
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changingourdestiny · 5 years
Forsaken Part 2: High Plains Blues
After receiving a tip off from Ikora, Rae and Adam head off to the Tangled Shore in search of Uldren and his Barons. However, things quickly take a turn for the strange when some strange Fallen appear, a mysterious cloaked figure saves the duo but tells them to leave or else, and the two are introduced to a Fallen called the Spider by Petra.
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Previous Part: Here
Next Part: Here
“The Tangled Shore. A lawless frontier of outlaws, scavengers, and pirates. Murderers like Uldren and his Fallen would fit right in.” Ghost began as two jumpships, one of the City and one in the colours of the Reef, flew over the shattered landscape, “We need to search the Shore - from the Fallen camps in Quitter's Well to that ancient Awoken Watchtower on the horizon. Leave no stone unturned. Uldren can't hide from us.” Rae and Adam transmatted onto the Tangled Shore. “Let’s go.” Rae activated her helmet and got her gun at the ready, “But stay alert.”
“You’re the boss.” Adam nods. Rae jumped slightly, “Sorry, I’m still not used to hearing you talk.” Rae gave a small chuckle as they begin to walk across the shore, “So you’re breaking your vow?”
“Might as well.” Adam shrugged, “I had my reasons for keeping myself silent, but I’m done staying quiet. I want to make sure I’m the last things those Barons hear.”
“We better get searching then.” Rae pulled up Ghost, checking her surroundings to make sure nobody was around, “Where to first Ghost?”
“Ikora told us Cayde's killers are skulking about the Tangled Shore. It's not much of a lead, but it's all we've got.” Ghost replied, “I've marked a suspicious energy signature on your display. Might be worth checking out.”
“Alright. Let’s move out.”
 “Ugh! These weird Eliksni are a nightmare!”
Rae patted out some blue flames that had caught onto her cape, “Especially these explodey guys.”
“It’s like a Cursed Thrall was given the speed of a normal Thrall.” Adam groaned in disgust as he kicked away an arm of a Screeb.
“Adam. There is a signal hacking our comms.” Stormbringer alerted his Guardian. “Who out here could be-?” Rae was cut off by a familiar voice ringing through the comms. “You're late. Here I was thinking I'd be hunting Uldren alone.”
“Petra Venj!” Rae exclaimed. “Petra! Man, do I have a lot to tell you.” Adam grinned, “Seriously, I haven’t spoken since my revival, I’ve too much to say.”
“Wait. Adam? You’re speaking?” Petra seemed surprised at hearing Adam’s voice for the first time, “Nice voice.” Rae saw Adam’s face go red as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “Anyway, we need to talk. Face-to-face. I'm on my way to see an old acquaintance. Word is he wants Uldren and his Barons dead as much as we do. Problem is, the feeling is mutual, so my acquaintance is laying low in a hidden bunker. If we want him to open the door, we can't leave any witnesses. Head down to Thieves’ Landing and I’ll send you some backup. Please - don't shoot the backup.”
“Um, alright?” Rae replied before turning off her comm, “Why would we shoot the backup?”
 “So this is why we were told not to shoot the backup.”
Rae and Adam fought alongside two Fallen as they took down the creatures that they now knew were called Scorn. “Rae, watch your six!” Adam called out as a Raider attacked Rae from behind.
“What the-?!” Before Rae could finish her sentence, she saw multiple Scorn get shot up in quick succession. Her attention was drawn to a figure standing atop a building. The figure’s entire body was covered by a black, hooded cloak except for the feet and face. They wore bluish-grey boots and their face was covered by a black bandanna and goggles. A gloved arm was sticking out of the cloak, holding a handcannon. The figure looked down at the two Guardians and began to speak in what sounded like a digitally distorted voice, “Leave this place. You Guardians don’t belong here. Return to your City.” Rae glared at the figure, “No way! We have a score to settle with Uldren and the Barons. And who do you think you are, bossing us around?”
“If you wish to kill the Barons, be my guest.” The figure replied, “But approach the prince, and there will be consequences.”
The figure darted off without another word, leaving Rae and Adam with the two Fallen. “Well…that happened.” Adam broke the silence. “What was their problem?” Rae muttered. “Hey. Everything alright out there? It’s gone quiet.” Petra called over the comms. “Uh, yeah!” Rae replied, “I’ll explain later, but it’s all clear out here.”
“Great. Now get over here.”
 Rae and Adam followed two of the Fallen soldiers to a large wall which disappeared upon approaching. The Fallen remained outside, guarding the entrance, as the two Guardians walked through the entrance to where Petra was waiting for them, “Shine your shoes, Guardian. You're about to meet… the Spider.”
“The incy-wincy spider?” Rae began, a small smile. “That went up the waterspout?” Adam finished with a chuckle. “Focus, you two.” Petra rolled her eyes as she lead the two inside. Upon entering, Rae and Adam saw a large Fallen residing on what seemed to be a throne with two of his soldiers standing guard either side. “Ah!” The Spider let out a laugh upon seeing the trio enter, “Well, if it isn't Petra Venj, the worst jailer in the solar system! What brings you to my home away from home away from home? On the run, are we?”
“I heard you lost the Shore.” Petra replied. “Gah! YOU lost my Shore.” Spider corrected. “Thought you might want some help getting it back.” Petra shot a glance at Rae and Adam, who stepped forward, “Meet my right hand, Adam Bergfalk, and hero of the Red War, Rae Drakyx.”
“A Guardian!” Spider exclaimed, before holding up a dead Ghost’s shell, “And where oh where, pray tell, are their Ghosts?”
“Oh, that’s disturbing…” Ghost muttered nervously. “What’s with Eliksni and Ghosts? First Variks and now him.” Stormbringer added. “Never mind the Ghosts.” Petra interrupted, “There were three Guardians at the Prison of Elders when it fell: Cayde-6… and these two. The four of us want the same thing, Spider. Uldren and his Barons. Dead.”
“What it is you're…” Spider muttered before speaking up in realisation, “Oh ho ho, I see! Haha. Despite our clear, mutually aligned interests, I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel like it is I who will come up short.” Petra went to reach for her knife but was stopped by Adam putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder as Spider continued, “It's true. I know where Uldren and his "Barons" scheme. You go, scratch your itch. Then we can just say… you owe me. Do we have a deal?” Petra removed her hand from the knife’s hilt as Rae stepped forward, “Deal.” Spider let out a slightly menacing laugh as Rae and Adam turned to leave, but were stopped by Petra pulling them aside, “I just wanted to say…I'm sorry about Cayde. He didn't deserve to...” Petra let out a sigh. “He’s not dead, P.” Adam spoke up. “What?” Petra’s eyes lit up in surprise. Rae, who had removed her mask upon entering the Spider’s domain, motioned to where her mark used to be on her cheek, “Paragonialans can sacrifice their lifeforce to bring back the dead by linking it to the deceased. So I used it to bring back Cayde and Sundance.”
“You’re serious?” Petra asked in disbelief, searching Rae’s face for any sign of deception, “This isn’t some kind of cruel joke.”
“Would I joke about something like this?”
Petra let out a sigh of relief, “Thank you…” Petra cleared her throat as she recomposed herself, “Anyway, my people are in ruins. Those who knelt to Uldren, he slaughtered. The rest have scattered. But it's not too late for revenge. Here.” Petra handed Rae a bow, “This bow is for you, straight from the Vestian armoury. But also…” Petra motioned to the bow. Rae inspected it and her eyes went wide at what she saw. The bow had a small trinket hanging from the bottom.
It was a fire-coloured feather.
“That bow used to be Blaze’s when she served the Royal Guard. After she left for Earth, Uldren kept it safe in the armoury and refused to let anyone touch it, saving it for her.” Petra explained, “I figured that if anyone should have it, it’s you.”
“I…thank you.” Rae smiled, before turning to Spider, “Have anything for target practise?” Spider took out a dead Ghost shell and tossed it into the air. Rae quickly pulled back and launched an arrow at the falling shell.
The arrow hit the shell dead-on, pinning it to the wall. “Why? Why would you do that?” Ghost muttered uncomfortably. “Sorry, pal.” Rae apologised, before turning to Adam and Petra, “Ready?”
“Always.” Adam nodded as Petra clenched her fist.
“Let’s go set things right.”
 To Be Continued…
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screaming-skvll · 6 years
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“Did you hear something?!”
“Your cloak rustling.”
“No, something over there.”
“Mmmmmnope. What do you think you heard?”
“Eh... Scraping or something. Maybe in that duct.”
“We’ve been facing down too many screebs. Makes you jumpy. I told you before we landed: the scanning pass was clear. There’s no one else here.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time we missed something.”
“And it certainly wouldn’t be the first time you got paranoid on one of your little personal expeditions. So, now that we’re here, alone in the middle of the desert, will you tell me what we’re looking for this time?”
“...Signs I might’ve left behind.”
“Signs? What signs? And what do you mean left behind? We’ve never been here before.”
“We haven’t, no... but it’s possible I have. Before.”
“...So one of the Awoken did tell you something about your past life.”
“Not exactly. One of the Corsairs I met in the Dreaming City... knew me. Knew my face. Knew my old name. My Reefborn friend who sent us to the Tangled Shore told me about the archive. They kept records of all the Awoken who left to go to Earth in the Dark Age. Every Awoken who became a Guardian... all of us were part of that contingent.”
“And the archive says this is where you went?”
“...We both know the Vanguard policy about things like this.”
“Zavala might come down pretty hard if he finds out.”
“Maybe, but I’m not the only Awoken Guardian on this sort of mission. Now that word’s out how the Earthborn Awoken got where we were... Zavala’s gonna have a long line of Guardians who won’t let his policies keep them from looking into their pasts. He can’t crack down on all of us, not if he wants Vanguard operations to keep running.”
“Well... you know none of that matters to me. I just wish you’d told me sooner.”
“Oh? You wouldn’t have scolded me?”
“Oh no, I would have, but if you feel you need to know, then I understand. This opportunity to find out is undeniable. Just two things.”
“Don’t let it interfere with our job to protect the City—”
“Of course.”
“—and whatever you learn, whoever it turns out you were... don’t let it make you lose sight of who you are, now.”
“Remember that, and that I’m with you.”
“...Thank you. I will.”
“So, what are we looking for, exactly?”
(Hazard of the Cast; The Right Choice w/ Calus’s Treasured; Prodigal Mask w/ Dead Orbit’s Fate, Prodigal Grasps, Prodigal Vest w/ Metro Shift, Orpheus Rig w/ Golden Trace, Memory of Cayde Cloak w/ Midnight Talons)
Mars Adventure (Complete)
Reef Adventure: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
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shaken-veil · 6 years
including my Ajun and @lordshaxxion‘s Othion. Our Terror Twins. This came up while Jay and I were leveling our two Warlocks. 
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The Tangled Shore had turned out to be Ajun’s nightmare, he didn’t know he had. He was sent here with his brother to study the Watchtower on the outskirts of this hellhole. They encountered several difficulties along the way. May it be suddenly appearing cliffs, angry Cabal or raging Scorn.
They almost made it, but both of their sparrows had gotten shot down by Raiders on the far hills. Ajun straightened his robes and looked at this brother. Othion was checking his weapons. Kura had warned him to go here without much backup, but he actually trusted in their abilities completely. Both Voidwalkers knew how to defend himself, though Othion might be better versed in fighting, since Ajun was pretty much a Tower guardian, stayed inside to study most of the day.
“We don’t have to go much further. Petra has sent the exact coordinates to Comet. Though, I fear we probably have some company.”
“What’s new?” Ajun reloaded his sniper rifle and turned, aiming at one of the Raiders and took him out with a clean headshot, while the other one made a run for it. “If we want to get this data, we have to proceed, so let’s go.”
As expected, once they approached the long path towards the ancient tower a horde of Scorn attacked them with their flaming barrels. Ajun stayed a bit behind, giving his brother backup with his sniper. He had heard of these little crawling bastards, saw them explode when Othion shot them. What a mess.. He was glad to be a long distance fighter.
“Careful, Othion, or Shaxx will find Screeb goo in your underwear for the next three weeks.”, he chuckled into the comms.
“You better not get any ideas….”
“I would never.”
Another sniper shot and a Ravager next to his brother fell. But he was slowly running out of ammo. Ajun was going to have a refill on that. He switched to his auto rifle and used his jump to hover over to Othion’s side, who was just using his Devour ability, regaining some energy.
“You good?”
“Sure, fine. It’s just up the path between the hills.” Othion pointed the way, hidden behind another bridge made of stone. In the short distance, they could see the tower watching over the whole Tangled Shore. The two Warlocks moved forward. Their fighting styles matched pretty well, even with them not being often out in the field together. Vanguard knew these two were a lot of trouble once in one place. Trouble, but efficient.
“Well, that’s a lot of Scorn.” Ajun crouched down behind a rock, followed by his brother. “I thought this place was supposed to be cleared out.”
“It was, but these guys are pretty.. insistent.” They both reloaded their guns and moved ahead, carefully to see how many enemies they would face behind this bridge and the answer was not too pleasant.
“Fit enough for some fireworks?”, Ajun gave him a side glance, as Arc energy was crackling at the ends of his fingertips. Othion smirked underneath his weird deer helmet, he just knew it and just a second later, Void light spread over his body and he vanished into thin air. He couldn’t watch the show for long, since an angry roar behind them caught his attention. On pure instinct, Ajun swirled around and unleashed his light in a destructive beam of electricity, colliding with the huge abomination trying to sneak up on them.
It was short work and after a moment to breath, he grabbed his rifle again to join Othion, who was still zapping around between the Scorn, blowing up all the Ravagers behind me. He gave his brother backup fire and took out the snipers in the back. A disturbing shriek close to him made him believe something big was coming, however, it was a horde of Screebs, rushing directly towards Othion… who just teleported right between them.
“Othion, watch out!”, he screamed into the comms, but too late.
‘Guardian down.’ Comet’s voice was all he heard for a moment, when the force of the explosion calmed. He revived his guardian and the Voidwalker came back to his feet. He looked down onto his hands, as Ajun jogged towards his side.
“I… I am covered in Screeb, Ajun!!”, Othion called out, clearly upset. And he was right. His twin brother was covered in blue goo, robes ruined and even some remainings hang down from his headpiece. “Screebs!!”
This was it. Everything broke. Ajun couldn’t help himself but burst out into laughter. He leaned forward and had to support himself on his knees. He could feel Othion’s angry glare. The attack came faster, than he had expected. His brother basically kicked his feet away from under him. He crashed to the ground and landed in the exact same goo, which his brother was covered in.. and now he was too.
Jali appeared next to Othion and Comet, shaking her whole shell. “You deserved that.”
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onisionrants · 7 years
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At first this post was going to be a onision manipulation of friends post, then a mix of joy and onision, but now I think my first big post on this topic will be mainly joy. I didn't want to muck up a anti O blog with too much Joy stuff, but she has made it easier to explain; also a lot of what onision does is similar so I’ll try to sprinkle that in as well. So for those that don’t know Joy and this girl Angel were friends that were also apart of the anti O chat. They had a falling out about the time I confirmed joys full of bullshit, angel posted a lot of things (including proof she had angel spying on our chat for info) as well as a lot of her manipulation. Though I did reach out to Angel to talk recently she declined, and that’s cool, though she has done some shitty things I think a lot of it comes from fleas she got from her sister and Joy too. Though I have hard feelings with Angel and know she had been manipulated not to like me, I feel the same of her as I do Lainey. I also want to thank her for letting me use her name in all this and not be anonymous, her story is important, she is a person that was hurt by Joy in a really real way. I will also ask others not to too harshly judge the things she’s done and to not contact her about this. So first screen cap, when Angel started releasing things this was the first big manipulation thing I saw. With recent events with Joy being defensive about the word “disabled” only verifies this to me. For those that don’t know I like to study NLP, so when manipulators use certain language it makes me perk up. Some back story on to why Joy is saying what she is, lolcow had started posting some real deal shit she had done in her past (I have screeb caps of her freaking out about this stuff) and originally at least Angel went over to lolcow and posted false things to throw people off. She also needs to demonize lolcow, something she’s still doing to deflect from her real drama today, so when people find some stuff she can call them haters and mean liars so fans will pitty her and take her side, not believing anything ~haterz~ say (hello onision). I’ll get back to this later. Anyway back to the meat of this screen cap. Joys trying to demonize the cows, she’s making the word “disabled” to be something horrible that it’s not. Disabled is not an insult, it’s a description, and when you use people that are disabled it should be noted. She then puts herself higher than these people “I’d never say that about you!!"and laying it on hard when at first Angel doesn’t "see the truth”, really wanting to be seen as the bigger person, the more trustworthy person. A moutain outta a mole hill. Also I know you think I’m some big person in lolcows angel, or that I started your thread. I’m sad to say I didn’t, I’m mainly a lurker, and only really contribute to like 4 threads, none of which have been yours, or anyone else’s I think don’t deserve what they get because of manipulation. Notice I didn’t post my convo with Billie on cows, or Konstigo, that’s because I respect them, and I want no harm to them, same with you. So onward onto why this conflicts with today Joy, which shows the manipulation more. In a livestream recently Joy made fun of a disabled girl, now she hasn’t been saving her livestreams, but there’s some valdaridity to it, but this isn’t even about that so you can look for all that stuff on your own. No this is about her defending herself in another livestream, in this recent stream she said something along the lines of “being afraid to use the word disabled cause people will take it out of context”, but joy, just a couple months ago YOU were taking it out of context and saying it was a horrible thing when you were trying to demonize people. Joy has been telling people to come to her if they have issues (though things like her dms are closed), she down talks people talking behind her back, well joy, you were pretty buddy buddy with me on various platforms (yt, skype, etc.) sometimes not knowing it was me. You praised me for being knowledgeable and acted like a “friend” all while talking behind my back (“vivica being weird again”) and eavesdropping to get info for vids so you could make money, that’s pretty back stabby. I like how you will talk about the fake drama in your chat, some of which was of your creation to throw people off joy, but when I come to your chat with real issue it’s all “let’s talk private”. I also like when I was first in your chat (with another anti O blog person) calling you out on things and you asked how I got my Info and I name dropped angel you started more or less bad mouthing her, this from a person who says they “love and respect all their past friends”. Also cue second screen cap, this is how you talk about ex friends. This is how you down grade a person with PTSD (the guy they triggered from my last joy post) to manipulate people on to your side. You were telling angel he was nuts because he talked to your ex friend of 10 years, whom has real shit on you, and was starting to think you manipulated him. I feel so fucking bad for Tim it’s not even funny. You joy are a horrible person.
One last thing I found funny about the livestreams recently, I said I wanted time to get my ducks in a row, I wanted “ receipts” to which to read but didn’t respond till the end of the chat (had to maul it over I guess), and said I “don’t have to worry about receipts”, but why always ask for them then? You know I’m a collector of info, I’ve gathered a whole bunch of caps of your words and actions. I want to bring those to the table and discuss it. I also mentioned this will have others involved, but not public. As I mentioned angel declined to talk to me about you, but a couple others involved are interested in a chat with at least me before our chat and I’d also like to hear their full story first. This chat will involve no less then me, nep, Jarrod and lilian cat, with maybe a couple others involved. I don’t want you to think (or try to spin) that this is a public lyncing or that we are out to get you. Regardless I’m going to be writing more about you (and possible vids) and want you to be able to speak what you have to say on the matters. I did start out liking you Joy, and gave you the benefit of a doubt (along with advice about how to handle the “lolcow problem”, which you ignored and fed into) but like I have said I saw through your bullshit. The more I dig the more you scare me as a person, as me and another were talking lastnight it’s some Jonestown level shit. That’s where I’m ending this rant.
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