#you want to join copia in there. i want to get copia outta there. we are not the same.
Hello ! How are you ? 🖤 Do you think you could write headcanons for the Ghouls going to karaoke (pleaaaase) ? I just had this thought of them absolutely having a blast while singing Bohemian Rhapsody (don’t ask me why 💀😭)
omg your brain is *chef’s kiss* i love this idea!!
also i got a little carried away so i do apologize for that y’all 😭😭
- The ghouls are allowed one sort of fun outing to town per week
- Copia is required to chaperone but he’ll let them pick what they want to do and where they want to go, he just goes along to supervise
- To keep everything fair, the ghouls get to write down one idea each for what they want to do, they put the ideas in a hat, and draw one each week until they’ve done everyone’s idea
- On Friday night the pack gathers around the hat and Cirrus pulls a slip with the words “Karaoke bar” on it
- So karaoke it is
- On Saturday night all 8 of them and Copia pile into one of the ministry’s van and off they go
- They enter a mostly empty little karaoke bar and get a private room for singing
- They also order a bunch of drinks
- Swiss insists on going first and gives a very unique rendition of No Hands
- Dew and Sunshine cheer him on of course
- Cirrus and Aether absolutely kill their choice of Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
- The others can’t help but give Mountain an amused glance every time his name comes up in the song
- He is very much not amused
- Cumulus goes next and sings Halo by Beyoncé so beautifully that Copia rethinks her being an Air Ghoul because she HAS to be part siren
- “Show off” Dew jokingly mutters when she’s done but Rain slaps him on the arm anyway
- Sunshine decides she wants to sing I Won’t Say I’m In Love from the Hercules soundtrack and gets Swiss and Aether to be the muses
- They do the little dances and everything
- Like i’m talking full on movie accurate choreography
- Rain and Mountain seem sort of reluctant at first but once they realize Disney songs are an option they are all for it
- They do Under The Sea from The Little Mermaid, Hakuna Matata from The Lion King, I’ll Make A Man Outta You from Mulan, and more
- Aether cuts them off after they sing The Bare Necessities for the second time
- After Dew has one too many margaritas (he drank 6) he BODIES Rap God by Eminem and Tap In by Saweetie
- When he starts singing CPR by Cupcakke Copia knows it’s time to go
- “But youuu haven’t sung anything yet Cardi!” Sunshine drunkenly points out from the couch where she’s leaning all of her body weight on a fast asleep Cirrus
- All the ghouls turn to Copia with nods of agreement
- “I— eh, eh-heh. That is true. I suppose one more song wouldn’t hurt.” Copia agrees
- He wanted to do Piano Man by Billy Joel but that wasn’t an option
- So he goes with Bohemian Rhapsody
- And boy was that a choice
- As soon as the ghouls hear the intro they get so hyped up
- Copia sings the intro and verse 1 and 2 by himself
- Dew and Aether vocalize the guitar solo but it’s really off pitch
- The ghouls join in verse 3 and they all do the high pitched voice
- They do the little call and response with Copia
- Sunshine, Rain, and Cumulus song the “Let me go” part and the other five ghouls sing the “We will not let you go” part
- When it’s all over they end up super giggly and in high spirits
- Then they got kicked out because Dew got too excited and lit a couch on fire
- But it was an overall 10/10 experience
If you read all of this to the end, you’re a real one! Also does anyone know of that tiktok with that group of boys wearing like navy blue bedsheets as togas and lip syncing to I Won’t Say I’m In Love cause that’s exactly what I imagine Swiss and Aether doing while Sunshine sings. Someone please know what I’m talking about 😭😭
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