#you'd like because they stop working without the whole previous book of set up
redtailfins · 1 year
ohh you fuck up the crows timeline? you remove the context and weight from iconic book scenes? jail for netflix, jail for netflix for a thousand years
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izayoizuki · 1 year
Mine To Keep Ch. 3
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Pairing: Hangman x F!Mitchell!Reader
Because there is no uneventful night at the hard deck.
Warnings: small physical altercation, OC Villain is mean to reader, no specified race/physical descriptors for Reader, Reader can be read as 1/2 white because she is Mav's kid
Wordcount: ~3.7K
Previous Chapter || Masterlist || AO3 || The Receipts Universe
Mine To Keep Chapter 3: Homecoming
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"Who was that?" Goose asked, a study in feigned nonchalance, as you slid into the front seat.
"An acquaintance? Honestly I'm not too sure, I just bumped into him, his callsign's Hangman." You fastened your seatbelt as the truck started up. "Anyway, what's got your knickers in a twist?" Thankfully the change in topic worked as his face twisted into a grimace. 
"It's about your Godmother..."
"What's wrong? Is everything ok?"
"It's fine it's fine, it's just, our anniversary is coming up, and you know...." You did know, your godfather was a romantic guy to begin with, absolutely crazy about his wife, and he felt extremely guilty about what his career choice had put her through - his words- that he went all out for every occasion that concerned her even remotely.
"Oh yeah... So what are you thinking?"
"Well, that's just it. I've been wracking my brain, but nothing is good enough. Well, that, or I've already done it. So I thought you could help me shop for a gift?" There was indecision in his voice that you rarely heard, and your heart went out to him. You laid a hand on his arm as he swung the truck into a parking lot.
"Of course we can do that! Did you have something particular in mind?" You asked as you both scanned for an empty parking space. It was then that a window display caught your eye. It had an around-the-world trip tableau set up, from the pyramids of egypt to the palaces of Japan and the hanging gardens of Babylon. It was tastefully, painstakingly done, likely by a fresh hire who still hadn't been crushed under the pressure of work, and it caused you to let out an involuntary, dreamy sigh.
"You say something?" Goose asked, still concentrating on circling for a space.
"Nah, it's nothing, just this window display of an around the world trip. I've always wanted to do that."
"You and Carole are two peas in a pod, you know that? She's spoken about those trips as well. In fact, I proposed to her in Florence, and we went to Grenoble for our honeymoon. Of course in those days the force was footing the bill..." he trailed off, reminiscing.
You let out another dreamy sigh. And then the most perfect idea struck you, and you grabbed his arm excitedly "Oh! Why don't you and Roro do the around the world trip?"
"Don't think we haven't considered it, kid," he chuckled light-heartedly, "but there's too many hoops to jump, with the whole work-leave thing and your Godmother's volunteering and-"
"Then what about just for a couple of weeks?" You countered, cutting him off in your excitement, "You could re-create your proposal and honeymoon! THAT could be your anniversary gift- I mean you should take her out to a nice dinner anyway- maybe a beach picnic? Me and rooster and dad could help arrange it of course!- but then the actual present could be the trip! And it'll be the off-season so you'll probably not face the huge crowds! Not to mention you'd save a bundle!"
Goose screeched to a stop in the middle of his nth circle, his eyes trained wide on you. A car honked behind him and it jolted him into response, but now he coasted without looking for a space, his gaze on you. "Could we? Do you think? But what about the dates? The time off work? Should I park in front of the travel agency?"
You shook your head decisively. "No. I can plan the trip better than the travel agent. About the dates..." You grabbed his little agenda book in the cupholder and thumbed through. Dutiful husband that he was, he had his wife's activities pencilled in too. "Roro has a couple of breather weeks, could you get your leave then?" You recited the dates to him and watched his face light up.
"Yeah, that's definitely doable!" He shot out of the parking lot from hell and onto the freeway, pulling the top down on his truck and putting his aviators on. "What do you say we have a pizza night?"
"I'd say it sounds perfect!" You grinned right back, and he pinched your cheek.
"What would I do without you punkin'? I know you won't believe me, but I'll tell you again, you're my kid. We just have you to Mav because he looked all lonely and miserable. And boy do I regret it."
"Oh, I do believe you Unca." you looked him dead in the eye. 
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah! You're where I get my moustache from." You joked, waggling your eyebrows and crossing your eyes, and delighted in hearing his yowl of a laugh.
As you loaded up the pizzas in the car, he spoke up. "How're you gonna book the trip? Should we hit an ATM?" He reached for his wallet.
“No,” You said as you hopped into shotgun. “I’ll put it on your Visa.”
Goose blinked. “Can you do that?”
You smiled at him serenely and focused on fastening your seatbelt.
“Hey, Punkin',” Goose shot you a glance. “If you ever turn to a life of crime, remember I was good to you. Punkin'?” But you just turned the dial up on the radio.
"BULLSHIT!" Rooster cried out. The table had been cleared up and the slosh-click of the dishwasher could be heard throughout as you all sat, cards in one hand and coffee in the other, a half-eaten plate of cannolis sharing the centre with a stack of cards.
"Oh yeah?" Maverick asked, the picture of wounded indignation, as he upturned a pair of hearts on the table, "That's the tone you're gonna take with your Godfather? The one who fed you with his own two hands? The one who changed your diapers? The one who- no no, you gotta pick up 4, c'mon-" Rooster glared daggers as he picked the discarded cards up.
"Speaking of bullshit, Pumpkin over here- five diamonds- has been hanging out with Hangman." Goose informed helpfully, as he laid out his cards face down in the pile.
"I am not "hanging out"- five of- no Roo, it's not your turn! Caro look, Roo is bullying me! Five hearts!- I bumped into him."
"You were sharing a dessert." Goose replied, as he slapped Bradley upside the head.
"I was being nice!" Rooster snorted violently in response, rubbing his smarting skull, even as you indignantly continued, "I was! For heaven's sake, I don't even know the man's name!"
"And yet you were sharing a dessert with him." 
"It's Jake, sweetheart," Carole supplied helpfully, "Jake Seresin, I believe." She was met with an en masse stare. "What, you think I don't know all of my son's friends?" 
"He's not my friend." Bradley grumbled.
"He saved your life, sweetie," Carole petted Bradley's smarting head.
"He saved our lives." Rooster nudged his head into his mom's hand, amending his statement.
"Don't bring me into this." your dad replied, smartly slapping a couple of cards down.
"It's not your turn, old man! It's mom's!" Roo stuffed Mav's cards back at him. "And you say that as if you're not concerned."
"Listen, I am beyond concerned. But nothing I can say will do any good at this point. I'm just going to be ready with the Kleenex and Ben & Jerry's. You liked the one with that smug comedian's face, right?"
"Wow, your faith in me is astounding on so many levels." you rolled your eyes, kicking Rooster as he tried to peek at the ever-growing stack.
"It might be jubilant tears."
"It might be patricidal tears."
"Is that any way to talk to your father? The man who fruited you from his loins-" you gagged, "The man who put a roof over your head? Besides, why don't you get angry at Carole and Goose, they've been cheating this whole time!" Mav finished plaintively.
This time it was Carole's turn to slap someone upside the head, "Just play your cards, old man."
Rooster picked up his phone, hmming and ahhing as he ambled over to you, sticking the phone to your ear.
"Hey, oh my god! I'm so glad I caught you in time!"
"Hey Natasha, I'm glad too! What's up?"
"Well we were having our girls' night tonight and we were hoping you could join us." Pleasure suffused you as you scrunched the phone between your cheek and shoulder, shooing Bradley away. They'd thought of you. You exercised admirable restraint in not climbing onto the kitchen counters and can-canning.
"Oh, are you sure?" Old reservations reared their head but you tamped them down.
"Of course we are! It'll be fun too! And Penny runs a tight ship at the hard deck so you can actually cut loose. Listen, I have to go, we'll meet up with you at seven?"
"Sounds good!" You said your goodbyes and let her go, mentally squealing with pure joy, even as you picked out what sundress you were going to wear.
"You going out with Phoenix and Halo?" Asked Rooster, who it turns out hadn't been shooed away far enough.
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, I know the way they order, so you may wanna go easy on the wrap." He grabbed a knife. "Here, I'll help you with that, I'll take half."
Phoenix and Halo were even better company than you'd hoped. Phoenix turned out to be a big reader, and Halo and your music tastes aligned wonderfully, so the conversation came smooth and easy, and above all, it was fun. Bradley had also been right about the way the aviatrixes had ordered; you surveyed the very filled up table, and the massive dent in the portions, with no small amount of awe.
You'd been there a fair while when Bob, Fanboy, Coyote, Rooster and Hangman converged on your group. Hangman casually came to stand behind you as Rooster grabbed a stool and slid in between you and Halo, Bob doing the same on your other side, so that he was between you and Phoenix. Fanboy and Coyote had scooted in between Halo and Phoenix. The manoeuvre was so smooth it was like watching poetry in motion, but even more than that, it was the familiarity of it. As if they had been your friends all your life, as if this was routine, normal, casual, as if all these years, it wasn't just Bradley by your side with no time lost in the middle, but Hangman at your back just as he was now, close enough for his cologne to envelope you, his breath to fan ever so slightly at the top of your head, for his body heat to warm up the skin on your arms. It was homecoming. And you could have almost wept from the sheer comfort of it.
Even as you basked in the sudden wave of emotions, Halo groaned, bringing your zoning out to an end, "Why? One night guys, c'mon." 
"Not you Bob, you're fine." Phoenix said, pushing a plate towards him.
"Wow, favouritism much?" Hangman muttered, grabbing a fry over your shoulder, even as Rooster grumbled, and his arm outstretched by your face made your stomach drop, your skin overheat. You could feel downy arm hair- his downy arm hair- against your cheek, and you had tamp down a shiver from going through you- even as you wondered what the everloving hell was wrong with you, to go nuts over arm hair. This night was playing havoc with your emotions.
"Hey, I'd rather be over there myself." 
"Not like any of you to be shut out of a poker game this early." Natasha observed. Hangman shifted closer to your back to allow folks to pass by behind him and then stayed there. You could smell the starch in his shirt- lavender and laundry soap- and that pesky shiver was rearing its head again.
"The cards are a fickle mistress." Hangman's quip was directed at Phoenix, but he was looking straight down into your eyes, snake, meet charmer.
Bob snorted. "The cards have nothing to do with it. You have a tell, Bagman." 
"Oh yeah-" Jake's hand came to rest on your shoulder as he attempted to reach over with the other, a friendly feint, but Bob had dug into the proffered plate, cheeks chipmunking, and now spoke with his mouth half-full, cutting Jake off as he casually twisted out of his reach.
"So what were ya'll talking about?" he asked, directing the conversation back to you, and it struck you how gentlemanly Bob was. You wanted to adopt him. You compromised by giving him a big grin.
"We were just starting to tell her how we got our callsigns." Phoenix answered her backseater. 
"It was probably all lies," Fanboy ribbed.
"So what's your version of the story?" you asked.
"Well, Phoenix here managed to crash and burn every single time she went up during her first week-" Phoenix threw her napkin at him, "And Halo over here manages to be teacher's pet no matter what. That what they tell you?"
You subtly caught eyes with both women before turning back to Fanboy. "Well, they told it better, but yeah." you grinned, and you knew from the way Phoenix squeezed your hand that you'd answered right. "What about the rest of you all?"
Coyote started to answer, but was drowned out by an unwelcome voice.
"What do flying and my dick have in common?" Yeller called from across the far side of the tables, making his way to your group, and you stiffened under Jake's hand. Hangman clocked the change and moved even closer to you, a feat, giving your shoulder a squeeze. You breathed in the altered scent thanks to the fact that he was almost bent over you- now there was expensive perfume mixing in with the starch and soap- and sat ramrod straight.
"They're both hard for you." Yeller made eye-contact with Phoenix as he completed his both crude and demeaning punchline, trying to muscle his way into the circle of the group and failing. "What, no laughter? C'mon, I'm the funniest person I know."
"You must not know very many people then." The words flew out of your mouth before you could even think, a reflex, and the whole group cracked up at the unexpected comeback.
"Thought you weren't taking up the bet, Hangman." Yeller had venom in his voice as the laughter died down, "Didn't know you were into ugly bitches." You knew Hangman was going to move before he knew himself, somehow, though you shelved the thought to the back of your mind to examine later, and subtly pushed your shoulder back into him, grounding him, reminding him. Yeller wanted the reaction, and even though your time with him had been miniscule, you never ever wanted to give Yeller anything he wanted.
"Hey Yeller, what does it say about you that you can't even get those?" You called out instead. Once again, the words were out before you could really think, and you were faintly proud of being able to take care of yourself. Your pride came before a fall though, because that's when everything started to moved in slow motion. You saw Yeller go purple with rage, Yeller's friends push through the crowd, Penny reach for her bell, everyone at the table start to move, Yeller reach for an almost filled stein on a nearby table, Yeller arch out the liquid so that it drenched you from head to toe, Coyote and Fanboy forming a wall in front of Halo, Rooster and Hangman both reaching out to Yeller too late, far too late while Bob tried to push you and Phoenix behind him and you realised with a start that Bob wasn't as much of a puppy that he appeared at first glance, that he was built like a 6'1 stealth missile, even as Bob didn't realise you had caught hold of Rooster and Hangman's sleeves instinctively to hold them back because you knew the ramifications of infighting so that you were all a tangle of arms and heads, all of this like a collage of snapshots someone was searing onto your retinas. Your reaction was even slower. You sputtered, gasping from the cold of the stinking beer, the sticky, terrible feeling of your skin and clothes sticking, the public humiliation in the now-silent bar as your whole body heated up in embarrassment, and you looked up wild-eyed. You were going to cry very soon, but you held it in. You instead scanned till you found Yeller, who was bent over with an arm behind his back, courtesy of Hangman, and walked up to him, your steps measured, steady. You walked right up to him, and squaring your shoulders, knowing that this was probably not the best idea, but also knowing that if you didn't do this, you would regret it your whole life, you socked him on the jaw.
Apparently this had been the right move, because Yeller had a glass jaw and went down like a tonne of bricks, taking the stein in his hand with him. 
It was as if the shatter of the beer mug was a cue in a play, and everyone unfroze. Coyote, and Fanboy picked Yeller up and threw him out, Halo went up to Penny to settle group's tab, Phoenix came to you and draped her jacket over your shoulders and Rooster informed you he was bringing his bronco to the front, as Bob gathered your stuff and walked with Rooster, presumably to cool him off. You were glad for it, because you didn't know what exactly you should be doing now. So it was a mercy when Hangman's arm came around you, his hand gripping your farside arm, shepherding you out into the parking lot. You walked out the door and let it shut behind you, the noise cutting away instantaneously, now a muffled faraway made-up-for-tv seeming sound, and it was only you and Hangman and the night sky and the million stars and the still still cars.
It was Hangman who broke the silence.
"Sorry," he said, his arm leaving yours to scratch at the base of his skull, and you missed his heat immediately. You could tell that he was, oddly enough, taking responsibility for the whole scene, battling guilt.
"What for?" You asked, puzzled.
"Huh?" He seemed startled, as if he had expected you to blame him as well. "Well, for that-" he jerked his head in the direction of the bar, and you shook your head, trying to make sense.
"What part of that was your doing?" You asked him gently, and now it was his turn to shake his head. "I should thank you," you laughed softly, and his head jerked up, his eyes trained on your face, "For holding him so still."
"Wha- oh. Yeah." He hung his head, scratching the back of his head again, "Yeah, you pack quite a punch huh?" He laughed a small laugh, but you could tell his heart wasn't in it.
"Oh come onnnn, what's with the aw-shucks-i'm-just-a-humble-farmer routine? Where's my Hangman? I want him back!" You demanded, and that seemed to be the key, because his eyes caught yours and stayed caught, drilling into you, some kind of dark heat in them that had warmth blooming in your chest despite your physical state and you didn't know when the both of you had moved this close to each other but-
A large honk sounded from the Bronco and you both jumped, landing further apart than you initially were as headlights highlighted you in the pitch night.
"C'mon, I'm dropping you home, I've got all your stuff!" Rooster called out, dangling your purse from his fingertips like he was showing off a hostage.
"In a minute!" You called back, already starting to turn towards the truck.
"Hey, listen-" Hangman started to reach out, his fingertips to your arm, before jamming his hands into his pockets like he'd been singed. You had no time to read into the gesture because he started speaking again. "Listen, I know the evening didn't go the way-"
"You thought the evening was going to go a way?" You accidentally cut him off in your amusement, and he just shrugged good-naturedly, and you realised what you'd done and spoke up again. "I had a fun time," you assured him.
"Oh come off it," he scoffed.
"No, I'm serious, the whole evening was really nice and even the end it was kinda...", You were picking and choosing your words very carefully, "cool." You finished.
"Cool, huh?" His mouth tipped up in one corner and you felt yourself heat up.
"Listen, how about this," he said earnestly, "Come to beach tomorrow."
"The beach?"
"Yeah, we have this thing..." 
"It's complicated, I'll explain the rules as we go. Just wear something you don't mind burning up."
"I don't like the sound of this."
"Just... Trust me, ok?" And the utter contriteness in his voice, his obvious need to make this better that he couldn't keep out, even though he'd done nothing to warrant it, had you nodding.
"Ok. But I better have fun."
"Bet on it." He grinned.
The ride to the house had been silent, and you'd both trooped over to your house, or rather, Rooster had fun doing his frog-marchy bit with you. Sometimes you thought he'd rather like to put you in a duvet cover and fling you about again, but you weren't going to test your theory. Instead, you let yourself be shoved into the bathroom with a "You stink," as if Rooster hadn't made this amply clear with the way he'd spread out towels on the shotgun seat. When you came out though, warmed and lotioned and smelling exponentially better than when you'd gone in, and wearing your softest sleeping t-shirt, you were willing to forgive him, because on your bedside sat a big bowl of ice cream and the TV switched on and frozen on the opening shot of "You've Got Mail". You grinned to yourself as you slid between your sheets. You'd always had a special spot for the movie. You didn't know why.
tagging: @therebeccaw @imjess-themess @blue-aconite @dempy @bluboop
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anystalker707 · 3 years
I Wanna Be Your Slave
Pairing: Frank x [amab] Reader Word count: ~ 2 400 Genre: Fluff / Smut Summary: (Y/n) f*cks Frank harsh as a kind of reward and punishment at the same time. Kind of content: Praising / Hair tugging / Handcuffs / Harsh / Temperature Play / Safe / Dirty talk / Edging / Fingering Requested on Wattpad Help with details by @frank-ieros-lip-ring
*not proofread this is the last part of a 3 parts story, afab reader smut coming soon
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"You will never redeem yourself." I light a cigarette, bringing it to my lips. "Stop trying. Once your hands are dirty, the stain never comes off." A smile tugs on my lips, although completely humorless, as I take a drag of the cig, leaning back against the chair, watching the smoke go out through the window. "Not redeeming yourself doesn't mean you can't be a good person. It depends on how much you're up to changing or how well you are with yourself."
"And sleeping at night is just that easy?" Frank raises an eyebrow at me, shifting in his place on the armchair by the other side of the desk.
"If you bury it deep enough." I shrug. "It doesn't matter, honestly. You shouldn't overthink because that's exactly what will end up killing you. Or not. I don't know. I don't like to think about it."
"You're confusing." He twists his lips lightly.
"I guess. But I'm doing well. I'm alive, I'm here, I have you." I let my eyes fall to the papers again, signing my name over the line. "And that's what matters to me."
It's silent, dense. For the first time in a good while, I'm actually the one uncomfortable with the silence I've imposed after my last words and the room has never felt so small. Having feelings for someone like this feels almost wrong. I have a whole company, a whole family to run, but again, it doesn't mean I can't be happy or that I need to live exclusively for them – on the other hand, that'd mean someone else to threaten me with. Sometimes I want to leave Frank.
"I supposed I can live with that," Frank says quietly.
I never look up. A true smile forms itself on my face this time and I only hum in response as I brush the cig's ashes away from the paper.
It's already late at night when I'm heading back to my bedroom, halls dark and only the sound of low chatter filling the ambient. Frank is in the room when I walk in, sitting on the bed only in his underwear, reading a book.
"Who said you could crash here tonight?" I hum, shrugging off my blazer, kicking away my shoes.
"I don't need anyone telling me what I can do or not." He doesn't even look away from his book, turning the page. Not really his book since I can recognize it as one of the books I got in my office.
"True?" I get rid of the suspenders so I can remove my shirt, then do the same with my pants. "Didn't know you'd gotten such a moral around here, Mr. Iero."
"Oh, but I do, actually!" And the way Frank sounds so cynical is somehow so funny.
"Being a bad boy today?" I struggle to hold back a chuckle, suppressing it before I can face Frank. He's about to say something, but I'm taking the book away from his hands first. "Mary Shelley? I never thought you'd like her books. Nothing against, tho," I mutter, marking the page so I can put the book down. "It's a really good book."
"What are you doing?" He shifts on the bed, glaring at me. "I was reading that!"
"You'll have all the time to read, tomorrow." I glare back, but actually amused.
"Why don't you stand up for me?" I make a come on motion, ignoring all the questioning looks shot at me.
Frank tenses up, but is eventually doing as told, eyes only meeting mine for a couple of seconds before they're falling to the ground. Not like I need him to look at me right now, after all. I cup his face and let my thumbs run across the soft skin – he leans into the touch, hands resting over my chest.
My lips meet Frank's in a soft kiss, one that's returned only after a few seconds, his lips slowly moving against mine until I set a pace, letting a hand fall to his hip to pull him closer then touch him through the thin underwear; his hands twitch on my chest, closing themselves around nothing.
"Safeword?" I whisper into Frank's ear, giving the side of his face a kiss.
"Redemption," Frank mutters back and I slowly nod.
"Good boy." I step back. "Now, undress and sit on the bed."
Frustration crosses Frank's eyes momentarily, but it doesn't stop him from doing as told, soon becoming unquiet because he's already half hard so, of course, I'm not going to rush things. One by one, the lube, handcuffs, candles and matches come off one of the bedside table's drawers, clearly intimidating Frank.
The candles go on the bedside table, over a couple of saucers whilst a third and a fourth candle are left aside along with the lube, the fire slowly burning and casting a warm light over Frank when I'm finally moving to give him some attention.
Creaking comes from the mattress with it sinking under my knees as I move towards Frank, my hand on his chest slowly pushing him down against the sheets; he chews down on his lip with me straddling his hips, but all I do it for is to use the handcuffs to lock each of his wrists to the bedposts despite his wide eyes watching me in silent complaints. A whine escapes Frank's throat with it, but I silence him with a peck, moving off of him.
"You're not to come until I tell you so, do you understand?" I grab the lube again, kneeling between his spread legs. "As you already know and have experience with, I'll stop at the same moment if you say the safe word. I thought that'd be great to remember."
Frank meekly nods in response, chest falling with an exhale.
The swallows around Frank's hips deform lightly as I sink my thumbs into the skin, rubbing circles into it, and watch him miserably push his hips up. "Please," he mumbles, but I barely give attention to him, starting to press kisses from his belly button down, mouthing around his crotch, seconds that probably feel like forever to him, but compensated with the pleasure once I take the tip of his cock in my mouth. A loud moan comes from him with it, squirming intensifying, in a way I can't help but to feel anxious to finally touch him properly.
I sigh softly, holding onto Frank's hips while taking him in completely, hearing the sound of the metal against clinking the bedposts under the cries coming from him.
"Tell me," I whisper once I pull away, letting my thumb sink into the inside of his thigh to rub circles into it – it's pathetic how he continues whimpering even with such a simple touch. "What are you, Frank?"
"Yours," he manages to say, voice tight.
Great. I fondle his balls lightly, watching his thighs quiver. "My what, hun?"
Frank gasps, a shaky moan escaping his lips. "Slave."
"Good boy." I press a kiss to his thigh and move away from him completely so I can reach for the lube, which makes Frank actually quiet instead of complaining about anything. "I'm gonna fuck you until I come," I tell him, covering my fingers with lube, "and if you come before I tell you to, you'll sort yourself out, okay?"
"No," Frank groans. "I–" He cuts himself off when my fingers start tracing his entrance, feeling it fluttering under my touch, before a finger finally sinks in, which snatches a sound of discomfort from him. "Please, just don't hold me back from cumming, I–" A moan.
"And what if you don't cum until I finish foreplay?" I can't help but to grin. "Then you can cum, but I won't stop until I've done it myself."
Frank mutters something under his breath, something I can't identify whether it's a complaint or a plea, however, he's frantically nodding. "Yes, master."
"Oh, fuck you," I mutter almost in the same moment, feeling my underwear grow way too tight.
With a second finger, Frank is being louder and almost pushing himself down against my hand when I brush against his prostate, not touching it as much as he'd like me to when scissoring and twisting my fingers around. The third finger makes him gasp, only moving more frantically. So hopeless.
"Fuck!" Frank throws his head back and arches his back when I'm pulling my hand away, eyes pressed shut tightly.
"You're doing really well, hun," I whisper, cleaning my hand away so I can reach for a candle.
"S-Sir," he swallows, breathing shakily.
I light the candle with one of the others and, opposite to them, this one burns easier, meaning the wax isn't harmful. Wax soon starts pooling in it and I tilt it to pour the warm liquid over Frank's torso – he lets out a gasp, a moan, as he uselessly tries to escape the inevitable touch of the wax.
"Fuck," he curses, melting down along with the wax.
"Tell me how it feels," I say softly, peeling away some of the dried wax while waiting for more to melt.
"I– It's good," he breathes. "Hurts in a good way." He hums, biting down on his lower lip when I pull onto a chunk of wax. "More, please."
And I do as said, carefully letting it fall over Frank's nipple and appreciating each little sound that escapes his lips – he arches his back like to meet the wax, humming as he moves his hips, pushing himself down and ending up finding a little of friction when his balls meet my leg for a second.
"Such a whore," I whisper, peeling the chunk of wax away from his nipple. "I had no idea you'd like something like this, look at how pathetic you are."
Whatever complaint Frank has is lost among moans once my hand is wrapped around his cock, working on it while I let more of the wax pour over his chest and without many pauses now, snatching a chain of gasps from him whilst he thrusts into my hand.
"S-Sir," he says breathlessly.
"I said not to cum during foreplay." I let go of Frank at the same moment, blowing the half burnt candle out before I can return it to its previous place.
"But master, sir," Frank says and these are honestly the only words I'm able to make out from all the babbling and cries coming from him.
"Shh, baby, it'll be just a moment." I stand up from the bed to get rid of the boxers and grab the lube again. Having my hand around my cock feels like such a relief; I almost immediately gasp, though trying to focus more on lubing myself up than jacking off. "Right," I mutter to myself, returning to kneel down between Frank's spread legs before I can adjust my position, bringing one of his legs up to make things easier. "My pretty boy, all mine," I say softly, "what'd it be of you if it wasn't me, hm?"
"Nothing, sir," he replies. Well, I wasn't waiting for that.
All I do is to flash Frank a smile in response then lean in for a kiss, a short and sweet one.
I use my free hand to guide myself in, not so slowly as Frank doesn't need it at all nor a slow pace at first – his body jerks with the heavy thrusts, instantly snatching high pitched sounds from him with every movement.
Frank is fucking tight, clenching around me each time I slam right back in, not bothering to miss his prostate this time. The pleasure is sent ringing up my spine instantly along with this immense relief, incessantly, and it's all about the small details. Clinking echoes through the bedroom along with the sound of the headboard hitting against the wall, but none of these are as loud as Frank.
"Please– Touch me, sir, touch me," he whines among all the gasps and moans.
"You can cum without it, baby boy," I reply softly, my fingers sinking into his thighs, holding both of them up so I can go in deeper and Frank's squirming shows how successful it is. He starts pleading again, but stops after a harsh slap is delivered to his thigh.
Frank fucking comes. Just now I become aware of his spluttered attempts of telling it to me, which I ignored due to being too focused on observing him and myself instead.
It'd be a lie to say it's like nothing; he immediately tightens around me and my hand shakes, sending some of the wax dripping down my fingers instead. "Fuck, fuck," I mutter, putting out the candle messily so I can set it aside and once again take a hold of Frank's thighs, fucking him through his release.
Frank is so messy, throwing his head back – I don't waste the opportunity, quickly attacking his exposed neck with my lips to leave behind marks among the few tattoos decorating the skin.
His skin is hot. Almost like mine, I imagine, burning, though certainly not as much as the muscles on the back of my thigh, which are already complaining by now with a sharp and annoying pain.
"A good boy, aren't you?" I breathe into his ear, not stopping to thrust in, feeling him pulsate, clench around me just so perfectly. "But also such a whore. Look at how you're letting me use you. Mine and only mine. Who's the only one who can touch you this way?"
"Y-You, sir," he stutters, thighs twitching under my touch already, but it doesn't take long for me to cum already, letting out a low moan escape my lips, mind momentarily going blank with the pleasure climbing up the back of my thighs and unraveling the knot in my lower stomach. My movements don't stop until I can feel the oversensitivity threatening to kick in.
"Hell," I breathe, slowly letting go of Frank. "Hell."
I rest my forehead against Frank's, both of us not sharing a word.
"You did so well, baby, so well," I whisper, moving to release him from the handcuffs and his arms just fall limp to the mattress. Fuck. So small and hopeless. "C'mere." I wrap my arms around him, pulling him close. "Relax for a bit so I can clean you up, hm?" I pull his sweaty strands back from his forehead and press a kiss to it. "I love you, hun."
"Love you, sir," he mumbles, eyes half lidded, though I'm sure he's barely conscious.
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chim-chimchii · 3 years
Encaptured (Jungkook)
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Genre: Fluff 
Note: A little fuckboy Jungkook for you all! I’m currently working on a social media au and I might just post the profiles so I can give you guys a sneak peek and to also motivate myself to work on it more! Let me know what you guys think! I also didn’t know how to end this so I apologize if it’s a crappy ending. 
. . . . . . . 
On Thursdays, the literary class met in the college library, and that was when Jungkook always had you look over his essays. Not only did he use that time to get his papers edited, but he also took this time to prod you about your weekend plans.
"So, are you going to accept my offer to take you to the movies this weekend?" Jungkook asked, resting his chin on his palm.
You glanced up from his essay. "Hm, not this week. I think I'm all booked." With a smirk directed towards him, you continued marking his paper.
"You said that last week." He mumbled with a playful pout.
"And last week, when I rejected you, you ended up taking that girl from your math class." You stated with a challenging stare.
Tongue in cheek, Jungkook chuckled, "Well, I couldn't let those tickets go to waste! I thought for sure you would have agreed." He continued trying to justify his playboy ways.
You scoffed and slid his paper over to him; red pen marks were scattered all over it. You thought that the edits you made to his essay would distract him from the current topic, but he pushed the assignment to the side.
"Y/n, when will you let me take you on a date?" Jungkook leaned in ever so slightly and smiled sweetly.
Your heart rate increased. His whole appearance changed with that one smile, and it was hard for you to hide the fact that it made you feel some way. Maybe it was time to give him a chance, and if it didn't work out, then he would finally stop bugging you.
"Okay." You finally answered after thinking it through. That one word took Jungkook by surprise.
"Okay? Are you saying, yes?"
Without making eye contact, you nodded and closed your notebook with a gentle smile.
"I'll pick you up at seven." Jungkook bit his lip to hide his smile and watched you leave the library.
. . . . 
The sun was setting, and seven o clock was right around the corner. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror that hung by the door and nodded in approval of your outfit. You tried to remember the last time you got all dressed up for a date, and as you tried to place a moment, there was a knock at the door. 
As you reached for the door, you hesitated. What if this was a one-time thing? What if he never spoke to you after tonight? Just because you turned his offers for a date down multiple times, it wasn't as if you didn't like Jungkook. You appreciated his presence in your boring literary class; you appreciated his jokes and stories. What if all he wanted was to add you to the list of girls he won over with his charms? 
Your thoughts were interrupted again by a knock, but this time it was a lot softer. You took a deep breath and twisted the doorknob. Whatever his intentions were, you decided to accept this date, so you had to deal with the consequences. 
Jungkook stood in the doorway with his hands buried in his pockets. His head was hung low as if he was half expecting you not to answer, but when you opened the door wider, he looked up. 
You forgot to breathe upon seeing him. Instead of the cliche leather jacket he always wore, he wore a grey flannel over a white shirt. It wasn't THAT different from what he always wore but seeing him wear light-colored clothing suits him well. His demeanor was different, as well. A timid smile replaced the cocky smirk he always had on his face. 
"Are you ready?" His voice came out lighter than usual; it took you a moment to remember this was Jungkook and not someone else. 
"Yeah, let me just grab my bad." You left him by the door as you dashed back to your room to grab your purse. 
. . . . 
It was the little things that Jungkook did that made you weak in the knees. As the two of you walked to the theater, Jungkook rested his hand on the small of your back. He maneuvered you to the other side of him; it wasn't until his warmth left that you realized he was making sure you were closest to the buildings and away from the busy street.
Your eyes fixated on him, and it felt like the world was in slow motion, and you saw Junkook in a new light. You wanted nothing more, but to have this moment last forever. Forever didn't come because he glanced at you with that beautiful smile of his.
"Would you be upset if I told you I don't want to go to the movies anymore?"
The world resumed at its original speed, and your excitement disappeared.
"Oh? Did you want to take a rain check or something?" You tried not to sound too disappointed.
"No, no. I just don't think I can handle sitting next to you for two and a half hours and not talk to you."
You sighed in relief, which made Jungkook chuckle.
"I don't know what you've been told or what you heard about me, but I'm not cruel.
You raised your eyebrow at him and smirked. "I don't know, I've heard some pretty interesting things about you, Jungkook."
You gave him one last teasing look before walking ahead of him. Jungkook tsked before jogging to catch up to you.
"So, are you going to tell me what you heard so I can prove those accusations wrong?"
Together you waded through the crowded street, careful not to lost one another. If he took your hand, would you pull away or let him have that small victory?
"You haven't said what we're going to do now that we're not going to the movies."
His hand grazed yours. "You're changing the topic."
Seconds later, his hand rested on your shoulder to guide you towards the entrance of an arcade. It was full of other couples, groups of friends, and people wanting to have fun. The atmosphere brought a smile to your face. You didn't even realize Jungkook had left until he returned with a bag full of tokens.
"I'll let you choose the first game."
Dramatically, you rested your hand on your heart. "What a gentleman."
Jungkook threw his head back in defeat. "Whoever told you that I wasn't a gentleman needs to stop feeding you lies."
"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you don't really have the best reputation." You explained as you made your way over to the basketball game.
You glanced back at him to make sure he was following and found him chewing on his lip. Your statement bothered him. The two of you exchanged no other words until he was standing next to you.
"Is that why you always rejected me?" His eyes locked with yours, and you didn't dare look away.
Rather than lying, you nodded. "Yeah."
Jungkook was the one to break eye contact; it was clear he was upset. He fished for a token and inserted it into the machine to start the game.
As you watched him, you inhaled deeply and thought about everything. You didn't want to be the reason the date ended in ruins. You were honest about why you declined his offers, but now that you were here with him, you kept thinking how different things could have been if you had just agreed to date him the first time he asked.
Without thinking further, when Jungkook reached for another ball, you took it from him and aimed for the moving hoop.
"You can't blame me for being scared."
Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but stopped as he watched you throw the ball straight into the hoop. Another ball rolled towards you, but Jungkook grabbed it before you could.
"I wasn't blaming you. I was blaming myself." He missed the hoop and ticked his head to the side, slightly annoyed that he didn't score, but as the game ended, he had one of the highest scores.
Together you moved in the direction of another game.
"Why are you blaming yourself?"
He didn't say anything, and you were afraid he didn't hear you due to the increasing volume of everyone around you.
"Because I got careless with relationships and dating, and now that I want something serious, my reputation is ruining my chances.
The corners of your mouth twitched into a tiny smile. "It's your turn to pick a game."
You weren't ignoring what he had said; you just wanted to think about it for a moment longer.
The two of you wandered around the arcade and tried not to lose each other with the growing amount of people entering the building. Jungkook stopped in front of a photo booth and let out a small laugh.
"It isn't a game, but it seems like this is the only thing unoccupied." 
"I think it'll be fun!" You linked his arm with yours and entered the small booth. 
Jungkook sat silently next to you as you messed around with the photo settings. As you sat back, your shoulder brushed against his, and it made it obvious how close the two of you were. You couldn't help but think back to his previous comment about wanting to be in a serious relationship.  Did he mean that he wanted to try and be in a serious relationship with you? You'd be lying if you said you didn't have feelings for him. The truth was, you had liked him all along, but you let the rumors about him cloud your judgment of his character. 
The beeping of the timer caused you to snap out of your thoughts. 
"Are you ready?" You glanced over at Jungkook, and to your surprise, he was already staring at you. The flash went off, signaling that the first picture was taken. Then the timer reset. 
"Your chances aren't completely ruined, by the way." 
The two of you looked away and to the camera, where you opted for a funny face. The camera went off. 
"What do you mean?" Jungkook turned to you again. 
"If you were this version of yourself all the time, you wouldn't have any trouble getting into a serious relationship, and any girl would be happy to be with you."  
You stuck your tongue out at him as the camera snapped another picture. 
"I don't want just any girl though--" He faced forward and held up a peace sign. "--I want you." 
Your expression changed in an instant, and it was captured as the shutter sounded. "Jungkook." 
He hesitated but looked your way as the last seconds of the timer counted down. You took his face into your hands and pressed your lips to his. The moment captured forever as the final flash of the camera washed over the two of you. 
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Dangerous Love (Pt. 07 of 13)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne (Batman) X Harley Quinn's sister!Reader
Word count: 2.9K
Summary: You're Harley Quinn's sister, Havoc, one of the many villain's of Gotham. But you've been caught, and has been tortured constantly for an year in Belle Reve. But when your think your life can't be anything else than the nightmare you find yourself into, Bruce Wayne, the Batman, takes you in for a project. He has a program to rehabilitate villains, and you're his lab rat. But soon enough confusing feelings start getting in the way. You know falling for Bruce is stupid. But can you keep your heart under control?
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{Justice League - DC Masterlist}
The Calm Before The Storm
• Bruce's POV •
I'm suddenly awake by a scream. Sitting up abruptly, I take in the silence. A bad dream probably. Running a hand through my hair, I lie back down, staring at the ceiling. Then I hear it again, a call for help and another yell.
As soon as I recognize her voice, I'm already up, taking the key to her room and running there. Is she hurt? There's nothing in there that would cause an accident. When I'm close, I hear groans, like a cry.
But when I open the door, I find her on the bed, hugging her pillow tight. The soft light coming from the window reflects on the many tears on her face. What is it that scares her so much? She's breathing fast, hands clenched into fists.
Without thinking, I lie beside her, delicately touching her shoulder, trying to wake her up as softly as I can.
“Wake up.”
• (Y/N's) POV •
A voice calls you, and you're pulled away from your terror. You know who's calling, and you immediately feel safe. Bruce is saving you from the nightmares, and it seems like whenever he's in the dream, the bad ones don't come again.
“Bruce.” He's lying behind you, so you take his arm, pulling it over your waist. “If you hold me I won't be scared,” you mumble, moving closer to him. “Don't leave me.”
“I won't.” His illusion answers, and it feels so real. Why can't this be real? Because you're a villain, and he's the hero... Because you would never be brave enough to do this in real life. And Bruce would never want to hold you like this.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
His voice is low on your ear, and you can't help but smile at the name he calls you. You feel his chest moving as he breaths. “This isn't real.”
“Why can't this be real?”
“Because nobody would love me.”
“You're wrong.” His thumb caresses your chin, and you smile again.
“I think I could fall in love with you,” you mutter.
“Me too.” His answer seems familiar as if you've already had this conversation before. Maybe in another dream. “Now get some sleep.”
You're not scared anymore. With him, you know you'll be safe.
You're happy today. You had a good night sleep, and you're one year older, which means you managed to stay alive for another entire year. And you're celebrating it out of that hell hole Belle Reve. You're brushing your hair, smiling to yourself when you hear the door opening.
“Hey, Bruce!” You exclaim, leaving the bathroom.
“I brought you this. But it's not your gift yet.” He shows you the plastic bag he's carrying.
“What is it?”
He searches for something in it, showing you a box die. “I had these for a while. It's the closest color to your natural hair.”
Hesitantly, you take the small box from his hand. It seems to have two more in the bag, and some other things. You knew he didn't like your hair. “Thanks...” You mumble, wondering if dyeing your hair would make him like you. Looking away, you make your way to the bed.
“You don't have to do it you don't want to.”
“I get it, Bruce. You want me to look normal.” And as quick as that, the day is ruined. Bruce doesn't like you, obviously, look at you. You're Havoc, a criminal. You can't look at him right now, so you put the box on the nightstand and lie down, pulling the blankets to cover your head. “Can you just bring me breakfast and leave me alone, please?” You can't deal with it right now. The best you can do is dream... In your dreams, Bruce hugs you, so tight... In your dreams, he's yours.
“(Y/N).” He calls, softly.
“Get out, Bruce,” you beg.
“I don't care about your hair color. I bought you this in case you wanted the natural color back. It's not about me, it's about you.”
“Then...” You sit up, watching as he sits on the edge of the bed. “...What if I wanted to dye the roots lilac?”
“Tell me what you'll need and I'll get it for you.” His stare is intense, yet gentle. Slowly, he puts his hand above yours in the mattress. “You're beautiful. Lilac hair or not. Now, come. I want to take you somewhere.”
“Where?” A smile comes to your lips as you get up to follow Bruce. He opens the door, and you give a little jump. “Are you taking me to see the gardens?”
“Yes. But you'll have to keep your eyes closed until we get there.”
Nodding, you close your eyes. Bruce takes your hand, and you cling on his arm. You walk slowly, mostly downstairs. You suddenly feel fresh wind on your hair and the lighting changes. You're outside. “Just a while longer now.”
“Alright.” You have to control yourself not to peak. Being here is already amazing. Bruce trusts you, right? He wouldn't do that if he didn't.
Stopping suddenly, you bite your lip. “Open.” When you do, you swear to God your heart stops.
There's a wooden table, and pink, purple and white balloons. A beautiful cake in the middle, cupcakes, colorful macarons... Confetti all over the place. You can't help but cry, but you don't try to hide it. You're still holding Bruce's arm, unable to move. Is it really for you? You don't deserve it.
“Bruce, I...”
“Happy Birthday, (Y/N).” He says, pulling you with him until you're at the table. “I hope you like it.”
“I... I don't even know what to say. My birthdays were like... Just robbery and then... This is...” You take a macaron, a blue one, and take a bite. “This is incredible.”
“That's not all.” Bruce walks around the table, taking two boxes he left of the bench, piled one above the other. “Your gifts.”
“Two. One for each month you've been here.” He puts them on the table, gesturing for you to approach. You're blushing hard now. “Open.”
“Alright.” Unable to hide the smile, you shily start open the biggest box. Inside, you find a beautiful, sparkly silver dress. As you pull it up to take a better look, the fabric is soft on your skin. It has a sweetheart neckline and spaghetti straps, bareback. “Do you think I'll look good in it?”
“We'll find out tonight at dinner,” Bruce answers with a smile.
He simply nods. “Open the next one.”
Taking a deep breath, you lie the dress down, focusing on the other box. Black high heels, Mary Jane flatforms if you're not wrong, with red bottom. It goes with the dress, apparently. “They look badass,” you say, holding one in your hands. “Are those for tonight too?”
“Thank you... Nobody cared enough to give me something for my birthday. Not without me asking... Or demanding.” Shaking your head to push away the thought, you focus on what's happening now. “So... Thanks again.”
“Hey, no bad thoughts ok? No bad memories.” Bruce takes your hand over the table and you smile. “Now eat your cake.”
That's the sweetest morning you ever had. Bruce doesn't seem in a hurry to leave or to do anything else. You just sit there eating a little of everything. You take in the whole scenario, but Bruce is better than all this. Having him here with you... It's amazing. You never spent a birthday with someone you loved...
With someone you care about, you mean.
When it's time for lunch, you just start eating again.
“So... Were you here last night? Or did Batman went to patrol the streets?” You ask him, a hand caressing the fabric of your dress.
“I slept in yesterday night.” There's something weird in his voice, but you have no idea what it is. “What about you? Did you sleep well?”
Your mind floats back to the dream. It never felt so real, it's like your brain is pulling a joke on you. Maybe it's just your confused feelings playing tricks. You remember his arm around you, his chest pressed against your back, the warmth coming from his body... You'd give everything you have to make it real. Or everything you had, because now it's kinda obvious you can't claim those things. And you don't think you want to.
“Yes, I... I had the best dream and it... It made me feel safe.”
“Would you tell me?”
“I can't...” Whispering, you avoid his gaze. Does he dream about you too? Of course, he doesn't. “Good dreams mean something is working, right?”
“Yes, but that's not me. It's you... I just gave you a little push in the right direction.”
“Yeah... Uhm, it's getting late. I'll take a shower and read a little.” You need to go back to your room to think. The sun will start setting soon anyways.
“Do that. I'll call you when dinner is ready.” Nodding, you stand up and take your gifts, making your way back, but you stop when you notice he's not following you.
“Hey?” You call. “Let's go. Game Of Thrones book two is waiting for me.”
“You can go.”
Tilting your head to the side, you turn on your heels to look at him. “What do you mean?” You know the key is in his pocket.
“(Y/N), just go.” Even though the distance, you see a smile on his lips. “I won't lock your door.”
“Don't trust me too much, Bruce.”
“It's a little too late for that.” That said, he gets up, walking inside, and leaving you alone.
Taking a deep breath, you decide you can't deal with this before a long damn shower and some pages of the book. So you make your way upstairs, and you spend two hours in the bathroom, thinking. There's a lot going on in your head.
There's a part of you, a small part you figured out, that still wants to be Havoc. That part was what made you run and break the kitchen window. But there's something else entirely, another part, that wants the past to be in the past. The life you had out there was good. You had mountains of money, fast cars, expensive jewels...
You had plenty of things.
What Bruce gave you here, is beyond all that. He cared about you. Not because he has to, for being some of your employees. But because he saw something inside you that you couldn't. He looks at you with such kindness, he touched you so softly... You think you found yourself, the real you, behind all the walls you built. You had a hell lot of fun out there, in Gotham's streets... But at the end of the day, there was always the possibility of being caught. And for people like you, being caught means getting hurt... Badly. And there was emptiness too. Loneliness. It's not a good feeling to know people only care because they fear you. You know that now.
You know what you want. You want a better life. You have no idea how to get it, but you'll ask Bruce for help.
After the night falls, you put on the dress. It's beautiful, breathtaking. You look like someone else. The shoes make you a lot taller, but not as tall as Bruce. But you'll be closer to his lips, you're sure. When you turn around to see the back, you sigh to notice the bruises will be showing. Such a nice dress wasn't made for you... You have no idea what to do with your hair, so you have no option but to let it down. It doesn't look good...
There won't be anyone here, but you'll still feel misplaced...
A knock on the door makes you jump. “Miss (Y/N). Master Bruce is waiting for you downstairs.” Alfred announces.
You wish you had some make-up. You should've asked Bruce to buy you some. But now it's too late for that. Your hair isn't styled, your face is blank and the dress, which is supposed to beautifully leave your back exposed, shows off awful, disgusting bruises... But you have to go down there. So you breathe in deeply and walk out.
• Bruce's POV •
I hear the soft click of the high heels on the floor, and seconds later she appears, at the top of the stairs. It's impossible to hold back the smile that fights its way to my lips. I can't take my eyes off her as she carefully comes downstairs, a hand on the handrail. The dress fits her perfectly. My guess is that (Y/N) looks beautiful no matter what she wears, or what color she puts on her hair.
Her eyes wander around, to the lights, the chandelier, the table I set for us in the middle of the hall. And a smile, hesitant at first, takes over her features. From her lips up to her eyes, lighting her up.
“It's wonderful.” She says, stopping before me, yet avoiding my eyes. “I didn't notice how huge this place is. I would easily get lost.”
I'm looking down at her, taking her in. Her scent, delicate and unmistakable, draws me closer. She doesn't seem to notice though. “You'll learn,” I assure her, and she finally looks at me with funny eyes. She doesn't believe me.
“So you'll let me walk around the house now?”
“One more birthday gift.” I trust her. I saw as she broke the window glass, and punched through it, with my heart burning.
The thought of losing her that night suffocated me. Nothing scared me so much. But she suddenly stopped, and so did my world. Slowly, I watch as she stepped down the sink and silently walked away. That made me realize it's useless to pretend (Y/N) doesn't own my heart. It's in her possession, and she doesn't even know.
I walk beside her as she paces around, curious eyes observing every detail. As she comments on everything, I wonder where to go from now. From the acknowledgment of love. I've never been there. I never thought I'd be able to hold such a feeling, but (Y/N) has proven me wrong, as she's doing to everyone who thought she was a waste of time.
It's a lot easier to be Batman than to figure out these things. These feelings. I can't help but wonder if she feels the same.
She held me so close, on those nights she thinks I was a dream. She said it herself, that she could fall in love with me. Was it true? Is it happening? Should I ask? I'd know what to do if she was like the women who have tried to approach me. But it's (Y/N)... And I don't know what to do. My guard is down, and these feelings keep flooding my heart.
There's only one thing I know for sure. That my heart isn't my own again.
• (Y/N's) POV •
“That's the nicest thing someone did for me,” you admit, turning to face him. You have to focus on not letting him see your back. “It looks like a fairy tale.”
“I'm happy you like it.”
“I–” A soft song starts playing, coming from everywhere. A hell of a sound system he has. “There aren't many ladies to dance with this time, Bruce Wayne,” you tell him as he takes your hand, pulling you close.
“Good. That means I can dance with you all night.”
“You- you shouldn't say things like this,” you mutter, feeling his arms around your waist. Your hands lay on his biceps as he starts to swing from side to side, slowly. And yes, you are closer to his lips now. But he'd still have to bend down a little... You mean, if he ever considered kissing you. Which he probably never did.
“Why not?”
“Nevermind... Just...” You wrap your arms around his neck, your bodies standing close. You smile to feel his thumb caressing the bare skin on your back. “Bruce, I could never pay you back. Not only for this but... For everything you have done for me.”
“I'm not asking for anything in return.” He takes one of your hands, but when he moves you to spin around, you stop suddenly.
“No,” you mutter, going back into his arms. It was supposed to go completely unnoticed, but you feel his eyes burning on you.
“Something wrong?”
“No, of course not,” you mumble, eyes on his chest.
“(Y/N)? Didn't you promised to be honest?” You stop dancing, and he steps back a little, an index finger on your chin, pulling your head up until you're looking into his eyes. “What's wrong?”
“I... The dress is absolutely beautiful but... My back is all wreck and it looks so awful that... This dress wasn't made me someone like me... It just... My skin is still all bruised and...”
“I don't care. You're beautiful.”
Biting your lip, you have to control yourself. You want so badly to kiss him... And when he says things like this it only gets worse. “If you keep saying things like that I might end up thinking you like me so... Don't.”
“Maybe I want you to think that.”
“What?” As you speak, some sort of alarm goes off. Two loud beeps. A pause. Them two more beeps. “What's that?”
“Something happened. Something bad.” Bruce pulls you close suddenly, placing a kiss on your forehead. Your whole body burns, and you gasp for air. “I'm sorry, I'll have to go.”
“It's ok. Go get them, Batman.” You say with a smile, watching as he steps away, slowly at first, before turning around and leaving.
Alfred serves you dinner, and he also acts more kindly. Then you go to bed, the feeling of Bruce's lips on your forehead still burning. You're almost falling asleep when the door is opened, and a very worried Bruce makes you sit up abruptly.
“(Y/N), I need you to listen to me.” He comes to sit beside you, and you hear a noise, like an airplane coming closer. “There's another Task Force X mission. And they demand you to go.”
“What?” It's hard to process what he's saying. “No.” You push yourself backwards until your back hits the headboard. “What- what do you mean?”
“There was nothing I could do.”
“No,” you repeat, hands covering your face. “Tell them I won't go.” You made a decision today, that you want a different life. Now, this... This can't be happening. Not now. Not when you're finally putting yourself back together. “Bruce, please.” You're crying, suddenly moving into his arms, tugging on his shirt. “I don't want to go.”
“Listen.” Bruce holds both your shoulders, his intense eyes on yours. “You're a strong woman. I'm sorry you have to do this and I promise... I promise you I'll never let them make demands of you again. You won't be their prisoner anymore.”
“Bruce...” You beg, eyes closing as you realize this noise is from their ship. They're already coming to take you.
“Listen.” He cups your face. “You'll track down some terrorists. They attacked a small town in New Mexico. You'll be doing something good, helping people.”
“Like you?” You whisper, your foreheads touching.
“Like me, yes.” A quick smile crosses his lips. “I will free you from them. I promise.”
“But I'll come back here, right?”
“Yes. They'll bring you here when the mission is over.”
The noise gets louder and louder until it stops. They're here.
Bruce walks beside you, silently. You're shaking like a leaf. When you reach the front door, you hear people talking. Taking a deep breath, you tell yourself that you can do this. You have to. Because you have to come back.
“Are you–”
You let the impulse fulfill its purpose this time. Pulling Bruce by the collar of his shirt, you tiptoe, crushing your lips on his. You swear you feel a little dizzy, but you don't give him time to react. Stepping back, your strength suddenly renewed, you open the front door and face the guards that came here to take you away.
@redwolf-7 @glitterypinkkitty @mybabyboytony @chipster-21 @agustdpeach @yaakimoon2 @chloe-skywalker
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chaotichuman0090 · 4 years
"His safest place" | Kayden Vescovi x Josephine Everhart
A/n: YESSS it's finally here!!!! My first fic! 🥳🥳 Well it was done a while ago (after a lot of planning), but I'm posting it now because I finally have some spare time and space lmao.😅
That being said, I didn't expect it to be so long (no pun intended). I should've probably split it in two parts but eh...
It's been a nice experience. Might do it again sometimes. I'd also prescribe a dose of Kayden to everyone here. I mean, just take a look at him.... *whew* 🥵
Oh, by the way, tell me if you catch any mistakes or weird typos, please. (english is my second language so I might get things wrong sometime).
This is set a few months after the end of the book.
Pairing: Kayden Vescovi - MC (Josephine Everhart) | The Royal Masquerade |
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Vonberry is the name I gave to my dear bear cub, bless him! 🧡
Words: 3370
Warnings: N*FW content (basically the whole second part, no pressure; almost smut at the end of the first part too. Almost because... I just thought it would be too much for a first attempt)
Tagging: @walkerswhiskeygirl @masquerade-reimagined @kayann9
P.s. Thank you guys for your support!! I appreciate it and it helped a lot! Sorry to keep you waiting though..
I can't wait to hear what you think of this. Big hugs!
If you'd like to be tagged in future let me know!
Okay. Enjoy!!!
Annalisa paced the outside of Josephine's house, growing slightly unpatient, yet still feeling overjoyed at the thought of seeing her sister after so long.
It was well past noon when she arrived after a whole day journey. It didn't took much for her to take matter into her own hands and went to see how she's doing.
And today was a day she was looking forward to.
She scowled at herself and leaned her back against the railing and examined the little garden in front of her. Last time she had seen her sister was after King Fabian's coronation.
When she finally felt like she had enough of wating she decided to go inside, leaving the door open on her way in.
The sweet, delicious smell of fresh baked goods instantly reaches her nose as she quickly moved closer, she heard the faint sound of Josephine's voice and stops into the doorway without announcing herself yet.
"Vonberry, I told you before, you are not allowed in when I'm baking, you little... oh.." Josephine looked behind and stopped abruptly. It was safe to say she was taken aback by the person in front of her.
She didn't have enough time to react as her sister enveloped her in a big hug that reminded them both of all the moments they've spent together at the Everhart estate.
"What... what are you doing here?" She stammered on her words, her eyes glossy and full of emotions accompanied by a big smile on her face.
"Well, forgive me for wanting to see how my dear sister is doing." Annalisa remarked quickly, puling back from the hug."I only hope you missed me just as much."
"You know what I mean." Josephine said, looking fondly at her.
"I suppose you've been quite busy."she said, looking around the messy room, with a grin on her face. There was flour and pastries of all kinds spread on the counter.
"I think I had spent all morning here."Josephine let out a long breath, the corner of her mouth curled upwards.
"Did you came all the way here alone?"She asked her sister, surprised.
"I did not came here on a fancy carriage with two white horses and dozens of sevrants anyway, if that's what you're asking." Annalisa stated with a lightly amused tone, expresing how giddy she felt about their reunion.
"I always knew you had an odd sense of humor". Josephine's eyes glimmered, matching the smirk in the corner of her mouth.
Their sweet joyful laugh echoed through the halls, in the whole house. Josephine decided to finish her task later, before joining her sister at the table, proceed on serving a cup of tea and carried on with the conversation.
"So, tell me, how did you adapt to your new life? And Kayden?" The question gained Annalisa a funny look and a quiet snort. To her disbelief she continued ..."He better treat you well or so help me-"
"Of course he does. He's... a dream come true" Josephine responded quickly, reminiscing about their wonderful, precious memories together, with a soft smile plastered on her face the whole time.
" I know, sister. I was merely joking." An easy smile replacing her previous frown.
"Anyone can see it on his face. He loves you with all his being. He would give his life only for you to be happy. It's a strong love. It's unbreakable." Annalisa said while looking her in the eyes.
"Speaking of which," Josephine spoke after a small pause. "I presume things are going well with Percival." She looked up, raising a brow, a teasing smile on her lips.
"Oh, you know how self-restraint he can be sometimes," Annalisa declared nonchalantly, "But we balance each other, since I'm an excellent lover, so to speak." She remarked with a grin, nodding proudly to herself.
A brief utterly childlike laugh escaped Josephine's lips, dissolving soon into a fit of laughter and her sister followed her soon.
"You're a breath of fresh air, Annalisa!" She said with a shake of her head.
The truth was she couldn't wait to spend the rest of the day in the company of her dear sister, catching up after long time away.
After Annalisa left, Josephine began preparing diner for her and Kayden, deciding on a delicious roasted chicken over a bed of fresh, hearty vegetables.
Everything was done by the time Kayden arrived home and she carefully put the meal on a tray with legs, picking out a few baked rolls as well, and took them to the table.
Needless to say the food tasted delicious as usuall, the rich aroma of the dish making her mouth water.
They ate in comfortable silence, listening to the wind gusting through the tree branches outside.
He watched her pick a small piece of meat off with her fingers and pop it into her mouth, chewing slowly.
A sweet smile reached her lips as she looked up at him, watching his hand that is holding the wine glass while picking at the food in his plate.
"I can tell your mind is full of busy thoughts without reading it. How can I help?" Josephine asked with evident concern, placing her hand on top of his.
Kayden looked down at their hands and mumbled something inchoerent, then cleared his throat.
He gave a quick shrug as a response while keeping his eyes on the table, looking lost in thoughts.
Slowly, he stood, and rounded the table to her, offering his hand. After a few moments she took it and he helped her stand but didn't go anywhere.
"Dance with me?" The question left his lips hesitantly, almost like he tried to restain his desire.
She agreed, allowing him to twirl her around, soon developing into a mix of passion and heavy, graceful footsteps without the steady drum of music.
They moved together, her arched back over a bridge of emotions, relishing the way their breath quicken with each step, feet guiding them across the floor, spinning, dibs, slow sways and more.
They danced for a while, the candlelight flickering shadows across the room. Nither of them said anything, feeling content with the silence.
Kayden was holing her, but not the way he held her the first time they danced, months ago, or even after that. He didn't hold her like she was his saving grace, his light in a world of darkness. Instead he held her softly and sweetly like they've been lovers for years. Like she was his safest place.
Josephine held him back that way, as she imagined a wife would hold her husband, lovingly, wrapping her arms tighter around him, closing her eyes and leaning in to rest her head on his chest.
Kayden welcomed her embrace, holding her tighter as well.
Their pace slowed and they stayed in one place , moving as only seemed natural.
"I love how we're always in perfect sync". Josephine said with a small smile playing on her lips.
Kayden did not reply to her straight away, instead he debates on a way to express his next words.
"With all the time I spent working these past few days," he continued carefully "I neglected you."
"Forgive me." Kayden's voice sounded tense and concerned for a moment; he looked deeply into her eyes, before kissing the top of her head.
"You need a break you know" Josephine gave a quiet sigh then raised on her tip toes to give him a delicate kiss filled with desire and devotedness, her hands sliding from his jaw to his hair, lips not breaking apart as their emotions took hold on them.
"I am taking a break now and... plainly wishing you would join me in our room later." His breathless, husky voice was close to her ear now, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
"Careful, Kayden. I might just keep you there for good." Josephine went on, waiting for a reaction from him. Kayden just raised an eyebrow at her and smiled subtly.
"Or perhaps I have planed to spend my night with a new book." She teased , exchanging a smile with him.
"I don't believe that even for a moment." He murmured in a deep and low voice, his warm breath close to her forehead.
The two of them were aware of the unconditional love they held for each other. They whisperd it with each glance of their eyes and each brush or their lips.
Kayden was open now. He told her many things, stories of his life when he was a child, growing up at the Vescovi estate, as his father son, still unsuitable for that also. He told her how that place became devoid of any significance, of life, as he grew older and more resentful by it every day.
Josephine understood that he'd been spurred on by whispers of untold secrets and the unmistakable feeling of guilt and inadequacy resting on his shoulders for too long.
It brought her back to the realization that he was still haunted by old pains. Things that happened in the past that he'll never get over. She couldn't bear to watch that pain flood his eyes, not again. It would not be the reason it came back again.
But she knew well that whatever was holding him back before, would not hold him back from now on. In a whole chaotic and nosy world, they managed to find each other. She swore to cherish every moment she has by his side.This world has already lost its magic for some, that she knew.
Spine tingling sansations, carrying so much emotion that she believed they'd had both gotten enough, still they find themselves observing the backside of his palm reaching out to the surface of her neck, under her ear before leaning forward to place a few more kisses and soft bites. Truthfully, she was unable to find the right words, her whole body burning with passion as she felt a flooding urge in other hidden places, that Kayden was well aware of.
"You've had a long day too. What is absolutely necessary right now is a... foot massage." His tone making it plain he meant more than he said."I believe that would be rather satisfying."
That sounded more like a promise, she thought.
She hummed in agreement, followed by a short laugh, her head hiden in the crock of his neck.
"I'm glad you find me amusing" Kayden quipped instantly. Not waiting for another response, he lowered her in a graceful dip, her long hair now swaying close to the floor.
Josephine can only stare up into those impossibly beautiful brown eyes, watching with bated breath as they morph into her own, seeing their entire future layed out.
Kayden pulls her back with him squeezing her hands gently before releasing them and took a step back. His eyes lingered on her with anticipation of his next words.
He was tall, ethereal, intimidating and formidable to her.
"Take off your dress!" said Kayden, his voice soft but demanding, nodding to her simple thin red dress that she had on.
Josephine starts to strip the material off her skin, taking her time, while silently enjoying his half-lidded eyes still gazing hungrily over her. Upon seeing the way he was looking at her sent shivers down her spine.
Soon after she's done and left only in her undergarments, Kayden moves closer to her and brushed the hair from her face, sweeping all of it over one shoulder before gripping it in a strong fist like he can't hold back anymore.
He crashed his lips down on hers, his hands burried withing the strands of hair, urging her towards him. His other hand pressed at the small of her back and drew her closer, just as he angled his head to kiss her deeper, mingling their scents along with their lips.
Josephine felt like she was losing not only her footage but also her mind. She griped onto his broad shoulders, trying to get even closer, if that was possible.
He hummed something against her that got drowned in a kiss, but whatever he wanted to say was not important, she gathered as his lips moved down to her neck, tracing the pulse pounding against her skin with his tongue. A soft moan found its way out of her parted lips as Kayden firmly gripped her waist, trailing kisses down the exposed skin along the way, making her back arch up.
He took a moment to let her breath and, with a quick movement, tossed his shirt to the side,while she starts undoing the buttons of his trousers, letting them drop to the floor.
They stumbled carelessly around, heading for the bed, Kayden letting them both fall onto the soft matress. Their limbs were entangled together, under the warm quilts of the bed, hidden from sight; it was a special moment which only they were witness to.
It was well past midnight when Josephine woke up suddenly, sensing the coolness of the room that was illuminated only by the starlight and the bright moon through the tiny window, casting them in blue shadows. She turned around in bed and sat still, rubbing her eyes and blinking slowly and just laid there wondering what cound have interrupted her sleep this early but did not ponder over it too much.
Shortly after, she found herself musing on the unforgettable events from last night, blood rushing to her cheeks at the thought. Looking over at Kayden who was still sleeping soundlessly next to her, his lower body covered by the blanket and his arm draped over her side of bed.
She had a crooked, sleepy grin on her face and brought her hand up to his face, touching his lower lip with the tip of her finger.
She was looking at him in awe, taking in the smoothness of his features illuminated by the moonlight. Kayden. Her Kayden.
After a few moments of deliberation she moved carefully, not to disturbe him, and climbed on top of him, straddling his hips.
Gently touching his cheek, she ever so slightly brushed her lips against his jaw. Of course he was too deep in his sleep to notice but it made her heart dance.
She then began nipping at his ear lobe, softly, with just a right hint of passion, then worked her way back, trailing lingering kisses from his stubbled jaw to his neck, down to his defined collarbone.
Josephine's hands travel from his chest down to the taut muscles of his stomach, sliping lower, caressing him through the material of his briefs and he harden further beneath her touch.
She could feel his arousal where she was straddling him as she pressed down on his hips, and it sent a bolt of heat straight to her core. She drew a slow, careful breath and her hands tightened around his shoulders.
A grunt slipped out of his parted lips, the sound matching the dark look in his now open eyes. He always found appealing that lascivious yet lovely look on her.
He lifted his hips, pressing his hardness against her and Josephine sighed and instinctively rolled her hips against him in return. Kayden hissed against her lips and his hands moved down, holding her tightly to him as he repeated the action.
Kayden kept his eyes closed momentarily and he took a deep breath, and then his eyes opened. Holding her gaze he rolled her on her back in a swift movement and pinned her beneath him before grabbing her face and slammed his lips to her.
This kiss was almost explosive, with the way they’d been teasing each other all day, and she moaned when Kayden nibbled on her lower lip before he dragged his mouth down her neck to the sensitive spot there. She practically melted against him, and she felt him smile against her as he tugged at her skin with his teeth, then lavished the spot with his lips and tongue.
Shifting his body and lowering his head, he circles her nipple with his tongue before tugging gently with his teeth, heaving her instantly whimper softly and arching into him.
"Ohh, don't stop." She gasped, panting for breath, her heart hammering in her chest, not daring to look away.
"Oh, I assure you, we're not finished yet." Kayden said, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips as he does so. He gave her that smoldering, piercing gaze that made her swallow hard and made a shiver run down her spine.
She knows that he's playing with her, making her wait when she can hardly bare it.
"I need you... please." her voice broke in a throaty whisper, and hearing that was all it took for him to stop and look at her one more time before his touch stirred every nerve in her body and brain.
She drew a sharp breath as he entered her in one, long, steady push; pulling all the way out, before he slid inside her again until he filled her completely.The muscles of her thighs tremble and then relax as his thumb massaged high on her inner thigh while his mouth worked its magic. 
Kayden quickly wraps a hand around her wrists and pins them above her head as he thrusts his hips into her, picking up his pace. Instantly she noticed that his eyes held a row intensity, never looking away from her.
Josephine savored the feeling of him inside her, moving only to lock her legs around his waist and pull him deeper.
Repositioning a hand between them, his fingers moved with purpose, using firm movements that weren’t too hard; slow enough to draw things out, but fast enough to keep building her pleasure.
He felt her tighten around him as he continued to thrust deeper into her, the action setting off another shattering moan from her.
A deep groan escaped his lips as the tension inside him coiled tightly and his thrusts becoming more erratic every passing second.
His hips now jolted hers, spearing her with each thrust until she was reduced to shuddering gasps.
"Kayden!" She gasped, barely able to get his name out, her toes curling and back arching into him as pleasure radiated throughout her body.
Kayden followed her shortly and, after a few more deep strokes, his body went rigid, shuttering in pleasure as he found its release, breath hitching and fingers digging into her flash.
Right after that, he collapsed on top of her with a heavy sigh, burying his head in her chest, still moving shallowly into her spent body, while she tenderly ranks her fingers through his hair, crooning at him.
He took a few moments to breath, then rissing up slowly, his strong arms supporting him above her, he kissed her swollen lips twice and paused and gave her a look that Josephine could only describe as love.
"What is it, love? Are you well?" She asked but he knew she was just teasing now from the evident gleam in her eyes.
"Trust me, I am. I'm just... taking you in." He whispered, not being able to retain the intimate tone in his voice.
"But I think I'll spare you the details." He chuckled when her face flamed up a little, being aware that she caught on the hint.
After what seemed like ages he moved himself from atop her, settling on his side and tugged the sheets around their bodies before wrapping her tightly up against his chest while pressing himself in closer somehow, to her, despite already leaving no space between them.
Josephine could sense the corners of Kayden's lips lifting up to a small smile before silence fell between them. She let herself get confortable in his soothing arms, in the quietness of their house, savoring the blissful afterglow, as every bone in her body relaxed and her covered chest slowly rose and fell, gentle breaths escaping her mouth.
The world can wait, Josephine thought. As far as she's concerned this man in her bed is the only world that matters, and she intends to give him just as much love and care, if not more so, as he gifts her.
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Distract me Rio: Would I ever do a thing like that? 😏 Rio: What are you up to? Buster: 'Course not, but make an exception this once, yeah? For me? Buster: In the most boring history lesson, a lad has legit fallen asleep and had everyone's blazers and books piled on him Rio: 😂 Rio: Idk, sounds like you're already having a wild time to me, babe Buster: What about you, how wild are you being without me? Rio: Not yet Rio: Got to work out where the best lighting is before I set up this stream Buster: Hit up Nance, she knows all about that shit, like Rio: That would be an interesting convo Buster: You don't have to give her the details, who doesn't love a selfie? Buster: She's probably got a whole ranking system of every inch of both houses is all I'm saying Rio: Keep it in mind, cutie Rio: also gonna keep it in your room, don't really need to make myself that at home Buster: Your fine my dad's not really the drop in for lunch at home type Buster: Earn that money, babe Rio: On it Rio: I'm going to go out tonight, scout out the decent clubs Buster: That better be you asking me out on a date Rio: Well, it is a School night 😉 Buster: Like fuck am I staying at home with an essay Rio: Better work hard to get it done earlier then eh boy Buster: You know I always work the hardest, babe Rio: I do, I've got faith Buster: Yeah, me too Buster: Always worshiping, like Rio: Good boy, I know Buster: Waking up early for it so I can put in the hours before school and everything Rio: Mmm don't remind me when I'm trying to concentrate so you can too Buster: But all I can concentrate on is that you're about to film and you always look so fucking good then Rio: Gotta get that dollar, right? Rio: Okay, you can have 1 photo, get it out of your system Rio: [Selfie] Buster: Babe Buster: That's getting nothing out of my system Rio: Damn Rio: I was really trying and everything Rio: now what do we do? Buster: Well, right now all I can think about is you lying on this desk like that Buster: Obviously I'm trying not to Rio: Obviously Rio: Have you ever fucked at School? Buster: Not all the way Buster: Sometimes girls get into their heads that they wanna mess around but they bottle it before then Rio: Yeah, I reckon I only did a handful of times, it's tricky Buster: Shame you dropped out 'cause I ain't gonna be ticking that one off now Rio: Aw baby Rio: no way I'm getting in now with this bank account, like Buster: Very rude of you not to consider me and my sexual exploits before you made the decision, honestly Rio: Truly, how dare I Rio: sure you can work out a way I can make it up to you Buster: I'll think on Rio: Just don't be handing in that list at the end, yeah Buster: It would liven things up a bit but Rio: 😂I feel you Rio: I might get a day job too, I miss you, like Buster: Is that you handing in your notice as my secretary already? Buster: Gutted, like Rio: 'Course not Rio: I can do it all, babe Buster: Yeah you can Rio: Though when that paperwork gets too much fr you might have to get a real one, but we got time Buster: You'll still be my fave if I do Rio: Awh, what a romantic Rio: she can't be as cute as me, put that on the ad Buster: There's nobody as cute as you Rio: Shh Rio: Idiot Buster: You shhh Buster: You're beautiful and you sent me the proof already Rio: 😊 What you reckon, are you like your Da or can you drop in for lunch later? Buster: I'm nothing like him, clearly Rio: Yeah? Rio: I'm glad Buster: I'm so unlike him in fact that I might just take the rest of the afternoon off Buster: Would you like that, babe? Rio: I would Rio: but you can't Buster: Why can't I? Rio: Because your Mum will kill me Rio: we can still have fun Buster: My mum won't know Buster: She ain't keeping tabs that hard Rio: Boy Buster: Fine Buster: I'll be 😇 Rio: We gotta Rio: we're proving we can do this, right Rio: that it's not a bad idea Buster: Yeah Buster: That don't mean I don't wanna be bad though Buster: I miss you Rio: I know Rio: 'cos I miss you more Buster: You reckon? Rio: I know so Rio: Didn't have to ask you to distract me 'cos I was already there Buster: Rio Buster: You can't say that and expect me not to wanna come home right now Rio: 🤐 Rio: It's hard not to think of you when everything here smells of you Buster: Jesus Buster: Are you in my bed? Rio: Yeah Rio: not being lazy, it's inspiring me, that's all Buster: I can imagine Buster: I am Rio: Don't worry, I'll be here waiting for you Buster: I know Buster: It's killing me Rio: I'm sorry baby, I can't help myself Buster: Don't be sorry 'cause then I'll have to act like I haven't been thinking about you since I left this morning Rio: You do look so good in your uniform, I don't even care Buster: [Shamelessly selfies in class like he's Max from Life is Strange, boy wtf] Rio: 🤤 Rio: I'd never be able to concentrate if I was in your class Buster: You'd be in good company Buster: Look how flustered you've made me Rio: You're so fucking adorable Buster: How long of a bathroom break can I get away with taking before they think I'm shooting up in there or something? Rio: Does your School have much of a heroin problem Rio: How long do you need Rio: I can get you closer before you go Buster: I'm not trying to be the poster boy either way Buster: Not with this fam's history Rio: Fair Rio: Going a bit hard for a Wednesday morning Buster: You think my mum would be gunning for you Buster: But imagine Rio: Yeah, in the grand scheme of things an afternoon of fucking isn't all that bad, like Buster: So tell me to be good and not be in the bathroom long enough to start those rumors Rio: 'Course Rio: Not going to let you get that bad when I'm not there with you Buster: You gotta be strict with me, babe Rio: That's how the uniform has got you feeling, yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: Then stop wasting both our time, McKenna Rio: Get going Buster: 😏 Rio: Best believe I'm gonna wipe that look off your face too Buster: Is that right? Rio: Well, I doubt you're going to feel very smug when I make you cum all over yourself just by talking to you Buster: That's what you think's gonna happen, yeah? Rio: I've got previous to back me up, what makes you sure it won't? Buster: It ain't my first rodeo either Rio: Listen, you shouldn't have thrown down the gauntlet if you can't hack it, boy Rio: I'm gonna be the first person to fuck you there, one way or another Buster: I admire the dedication, babe Rio: You better Buster: Or what? You gonna go harder? Rio: Nah, boy, you don't get rewarded for bad behaviour Rio: plenty of paying punters who'd really appreciate what I'm trying to do here Buster: You know how good I can be Buster: Don't worry about them Rio: Prove it Buster: I'll do anything you want Buster: Name it Rio: Get alone, first off Buster: Alright Buster: Hold on Rio: Baby, I'm getting impatient Buster: We're good Buster: I'm always getting off in bathrooms for you so I decided to change things up Rio: Interesting Rio: Where'd you go? Buster: I found an empty classroom Rio: Fuck Rio: Okay you get points for that Buster: I knew you'd like that, babe Rio: Can you be two for two and guess what else I'd like, I wonder Buster: I know you've got ideas about this teacher's desk Rio: Points again, this boy Buster: I'll get on it since you can't Buster: Quite comfortable actually Rio: Enjoy, because if I was there, you know you'd be on your knees on the floor, whilst I sat back with my legs spread Buster: I'd enjoy that more Rio: I know you would Rio: You're so desperate for me, yeah? Buster: Always Rio: Show me Buster: [sends pics] Rio: The things I want to do to you right now Rio: Jesus Buster: I'm listening Buster: Make me cum with every word just like you said you would Rio: First I'd get you outta that shirt so you can see me in it and nothing else like you like, and I'd get to feel and smell you on me Rio: these sheets aren't cutting it anymore, even with nothing between me and them now Buster: I want that so bad Rio: Then I want to keep bringing you closer and closer to the edge Rio: but I'm not going to let you cum, not yet Buster: Fuck Buster: I'm aching for you, babe Rio: Poor baby Rio: it's going to get much worse before it gets better Rio: I need you begging Buster: What do you wanna hear? Rio: How much it hurts and how badly you need me to just touch you again Buster: Rio, you know I need you Rio: You're going to understand what need feels like after this baby Buster: Jesus Rio: Are you touching yourself? Buster: I have to Rio: You can't hold it in any longer? Buster: Baby please Rio: Please what? Buster: Let me Rio: Okay baby, fuck yourself for me Rio: but take it nice and slow Buster: Okay Buster: Oh god Rio: How does that feel? Buster: So fucking good Rio: It would be even better if I could trace my tongue up and down every inch like I want to Buster: Rio Rio: Yes? Buster: I wanna cum inside you Rio: In my mouth or in my pussy? Buster: That mouth 'cause its got me like this Rio: You know I'd just swallow every single drop without breaking eye contact and you'd basically be hard again Buster: You're gonna get me caught Buster: I can't stop moaning for you Rio: Maybe you'll get sent home Buster: They better let me finish first Rio: Nah Rio: your cum is for me Buster: Come and take it Buster: I'm so close Rio: Promise you're going to come here and take me Buster: If you promise to clean me up Buster: You're gonna have to lick all this off me Rio: Take a picture of the mess you've made baby, show me how I've got you Buster: I will Buster: But promise first Rio: I want you so fucking bad, I promise you that and so much more Buster: I'm gonna make you feel this good, I swear Buster: I fucking love you, Rio Rio: I love you too Rio: did I do good? Buster: [sends the pic she wanted] Buster: What do you reckon? Rio: 😩 Rio: You're so fucking dirty and I want you to make me just as dirty Buster: As soon as they let me go for lunch I'll be there Rio: Good Rio: I'll cook you something Buster: I can eat later Buster: I wanna taste you more than anything else Rio: We can do both Rio: and I've got this apron on now, let me be good to you Buster: Okay baby Buster: Be my good girl Rio: This is how it's gonna be with me, daddy Rio: get used to it Buster: I don't know if I ever will Buster: You're so perfect Rio: I'm glad you think so Buster: I know it, babe Rio: I can't stop thinking about you, you're so good Buster: Keep thinking about me Buster: I want you to ache for me like I did for you Rio: can you keep talking to me for a bit Rio: even if you go back to lessons Buster: I'm already heading back but I'm not going anywhere Buster: I'm right here for you Rio: Good Rio: Keep me Buster: Anything you need, angel Rio: 😩 Rio: call me that again Buster: You're my angel Rio: Daddy Rio: I'm so wet now Buster: Show me Rio: [Pics] Rio: 😳 Buster: Poor baby Buster: Say the word and I'll help you Rio: Please Buster: How do you want me to fuck you? Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: I just want you every way it's so hard to decide what would be the hottest Buster: What food are you making? We could use that Rio: You wanna feed me 😏 okay Buster: Why sit at the table when you can use me to eat off of, right? Buster: You wanted my shirt already off anyway so Buster: And when you've had enough of that we can go back, get you sitting comfortably and I'll get underneath Buster: Exactly where you need me Rio: I need that Buster: That's the first course sorted then Buster: Where shall we have the second? Buster: I might need to get in the shower, depending how hungry you are, maybe we can start there Rio: Very Rio: I promised I'd clean you up so that makes the most sense Buster: It's a shame I'm not in a maths lesson, we could work out together how many times you're gonna cum Rio: I'll work it out now if you like Rio: really dedicated to the 'cause Buster: I'd love that Buster: You're really sexy when you concentrate Rio: I'll get out the hornrims and suck on my pen pointedly Rio: I know how you like it Buster: Yeah you do Buster: That's why you're my angel Rio: 😊 I'm going to be so good to you when you get here Buster: I know you will Rio: I'm going to think on dessert too, whilst I'm at it Rio: you can't be the only one full of good ideas Buster: If you need inspiration there's always the app Buster: Might help you think Rio: That app does not get me rational Rio: but I can see the appeal of having the only thing I'm capable of thinking about being you fucking me 'til I pass out from how good it feels Buster: You don't have to be a know-it-all to get how shamelessly appealing that is, like Buster: I'm glad you are though Rio: 😒 Bit rude Buster: No, you get me Buster: And you're so smart Rio: 😏 yeah backtrack some more babe, I'm into it Buster: Shhh Buster: That's what I meant from the off and you know it Rio: I know but you're too nice Buster: Oh you want me to be nasty, is it, babe? Buster: Alright Rio: 😋 I mean Buster: Good thing I got my tie on today Buster: Gonna need it Rio: Yeah, you reckon? Rio: Wasn't me who couldn't keep my hands to myself, like Buster: 'Cause of that mouth getting me in trouble so I reckon I'll just use it to shut you up instead Rio: Gonna make it count 'til you get here then 😉 Buster: Good Buster: I'm ready to work for that silence Rio: You're never off, such a hardworking Daddy Buster: You never stop turning me on Buster: That's why you ain't seen nothing yet, baby Rio: Show me something then Buster: I'm gonna show you how you made me feel in that classroom Buster: Fucking you until you wanna scream but you're not allowed Rio: Please Buster: Say it like you mean it Rio: Please tell me we've only got one more lesson to get through Buster: I've got one more lesson to make you as needy as I want you Rio: Baby Rio: I'm already so bad Buster: I know but I need your cum all over me too Buster: I need you so wet for me Rio: I want to cum all over your face Rio: Please Rio: I'll be so good from now on Buster: I know you will Buster: Keep telling me what you need, angel Buster: Anything Rio: Anything? Buster: I know you heard me Buster: Anything Rio: Come out with me tonight Rio: I wanna go back to that club, with the coke Rio: but do it right this time Buster: That's the best idea you've had since you first said yes to me Rio: Not going to disagree Buster: I love you Rio: I love you more Rio: Just work on not getting caught this time, yeah? Buster: Nobody's gonna stop us Buster: Not this time Rio: Nah, no one can babe Buster: You're mine Rio: Yeah I am Rio: All yours Buster: I wanna come home to you now Rio: I know Rio: the more I miss you though the more it'll be worth it, remember Rio: so needy Buster: Yeah Rio: Don't be sad baby boy, lemme cheer you Buster: You're so good to me, baby Buster: The best Rio: Yeah well, you earn it Buster: So do you Buster: But I'd still give you anything anyway 'cause I'm so weak for you Rio: I'm glad it's me then Rio: not just for obvious selfish reasons Rio: but 'cos you are too good to be taken advantage of Buster: We've always been on the same level Buster: Even when I was trying to act like I wasn't about you there was only so much pretending I could do Rio: Yeah, I'm pretty great 😏 Buster: Like I said 😇 Rio: I never hated you you know Rio: even when you were peak twat Buster: Cheers babe Buster: I knew it but I like hearing it from you Rio: You did not, did such a better job than you at hiding how I really felt 😜 Buster: You wish Rio: 😒 i'm a stone cold ice queen thanks very much Buster: Not around me Buster: I know exactly how to make you melt Rio: 😋 I'll allow it because I like it and you Buster: You can say you love it Rio: We'll see when you get here Rio: can't give you all your pillowtalk now Buster: You won't be able to speak later and we both know it Rio: Promises promises babe Buster: Like you said, when I get there you'll see Rio: Well, everything is ready Rio: I'm getting back in bed Buster: 'Course you are Buster: You deserve it, babe Buster was timed out 3 hours ago Rio was timed out 3 hours ago Buster joined the chat 3 hours ago Rio joined the chat 3 hours ago Rio: I swear I do things with my days Buster: Nothing to prove to me Rio: Just everyone else, like Buster: Shut up Rio: What, it's true Rio: and I will Buster: No it ain't Buster: That's not what you're here for Rio: What am I here for then? Buster: Do you want a list, like? Buster: It's not for them, it's for you Rio: 😏 Rio: You're cute Buster: I mean it Rio: I know Rio: I can feel your serious face from here Buster: Good Rio: 😋 Buster: I'm finally out of here Buster: Thank Christ Rio: 🙌 Traffic better not cockblock me now Buster: I've timed it before, there's no chance Rio: Good to know Buster: Standard I'm surrounded by posh cunts response Buster: Even without every added incentive you've given me Rio: Has it been tolerable? Buster: Nothing I can't handle, you know Rio: Be over before you know it Buster: Yeah Rio: Promise Buster: I really love you Rio: If I get a job, I can probably stay here 'til you finish Buster: I'm trying not to get my hopes up 'cause even I shouldn't be that selfish but like Rio: Yeah Rio: well, you know the deal Rio: unless Indie says she needs me back Buster: Exactly Buster: She might need you more than me Rio: I think Grandad went and got my stuff the other day Rio: no one else could be trusted, clearly Rio: my bedroom stuff anyway, not going to leave Indie without the rest if she is staying there Buster: Do you reckon she will? Like actually Rio: I don't know Rio: Ideally she'd go home but if she won't that's better than the alternatives Buster: True Buster: I can go get the rest of your shit if she doesn't Rio: Nah, fuck it, it ain't worth the aggro of him acting like we did him dirty getting rid of his ancient busted shit Buster: Alright Buster: But if you change your mind, say the word Rio: Will do, babe Buster: My mum hasn't made you feel weird about being here, has she? Buster: Cause you can tell me that too Rio: No, I mean, probably going to be weird when I actually see her in person again knowing she knows but Rio: all things considered, I thought she handled it well Buster: Me too Buster: And she has kept her word not telling my dad, like Rio: Yeah Rio: and I do still want to tell people so Rio: I can't work out why Drew hasn't but I'm glad Buster: Probably 'cause he doesn't want Indie to hate him more than she does Buster: If he actually wants her to live there, she wouldn't if he did you like that after everything Rio: Yeah, that's probably it Buster: As a selfish cunt that's how my mind works at least Buster: Fuck knows with him Rio: You're not fooling me, babe Buster: I don't want to Rio: Good Buster: You're good Rio: You know it Rio: Come see Buster: I'm nearly there Buster: Be ready to show me something Rio: Born ready Buster: I believe it Rio: [After] Rio: Miss you already Buster: I know Buster: I feel it too Rio: Least you'll be able to concentrate now Buster: If I don't fall asleep like Buster: Gonna need energy for tonight, yeah? Rio: 'Course Rio: only so much the coke can do Buster: At least when it ain't from Drew it don't have as much to do Buster: Say what you want about this postcode but Buster: Expensive taste has its upside Rio: Yeah, I hope so Buster: What are you doing before then? Rio: Gonna go workout Rio: maybe stream again when I'm getting ready to go out Buster: You didn't get enough of one from me? Rude Buster: I'll try harder next time then Rio: I mean Rio: Welcome for the motivation 😉 Buster: I've only just left and you've gone from 😇 to 😈 Rio: Just keeping things interesting, babe Buster: I love it Buster: I wish my teachers would take note Buster: Not necessarily in the same way, before you say it Rio: 😂 Rio: Whatever you say and whatever gets you through, like Buster: Don't be giving that advice to my sister, cheers 😂 Rio: Umm Rio: we're talking strictly fantasy thank you very much Rio: be getting ideas boy 😒 Buster: Yeah but we all know hers now Buster: Right now I'm only wishing as far as sir not being a prick and trying to make me put my phone away Rio: Be 😇 Rio: I'll catch you later Buster: 😒 Buster: Babe Rio: Babe Buster: I don't want to be that cunt like I only talk to you when I wanna fuck Rio: I reckon we're slightly past that being a believable cop-out Rio: try if you like though, old time's sake 😏 Buster: You're funny Rio: I'll go get in Nancy's bed, like Buster: I swear my mum reckons I was moving you in to fuck you whenever I want so Rio: Well, it'd be a bit weird if she assumed anything more really Buster: She could believe me but that's a novel concept Rio: She will Rio: it's not fair for us to expect it out the gate Rio: gotta see it first, yeah? Buster: You're right as per Buster: Like you said, she's been pretty decent about it actually Buster: I'm just being an impatient cunt, aren't I? Rio: Lil bit Rio: but if anyone gets that, it's me Rio: you know I'm tired of it too Buster: Yeah Buster: Speaking of, I need to go before I get my phone confiscated Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: What century are we in? Rio: Go work baby Rio: Love you Buster: You too, babe Buster: I love you
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