#you'll be happy to hear that they are in fact laying right next to eachother in the little rock outline to a little garden in our school
basorexia-formyboys · 2 months
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SFW 2005
Baji×Draken Part Three
Content warnings: Moderately detailed throwing up, mention of self-injury and self-murder, angst (eventual comfort)
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Throught the entire morning of October thirty-first, Baji felt on the brink of throwing up. He hadn't slept for a single minute the night before and his entire body felt like he was electrified. The noiret went as far as not touching people just in case the lightning he felt beneath his skin was actually there. It wasn't a hard task anyway, he wasn't a touchy person especially with Valhalla.
The feeling got landslides worse when they arrived at the junkyard. To an extent that he genuinely had to tell Hanma he'd be back and walk a bit away from Valhalla. The junkyard was long abandoned so it wasn't like he was harming anyone by emptying his stomach about thirty feet away and hidden from the gang he was reluctantly a part of.
He hadn't ate breakfast that morning nor dinner the night before, only smoked and drank after being slightly peer pressured by Hanma and the other uppers of Valhalla to do so. What his body produced due to that was a bitter mix of bile, beer, and stomach acid that burned Baji's throat and made Baji wish he'd brought something to wash the taste from his mouth.
Lucky for him, the masked teen 'Choji' seemed to be the most.. normal (though even calling him that felt questionable) of the gang and had brought himself a bottle of water he planned to hide and grab after the fight. Choji was also the one Hanma sent to go make sure Baji wasn't running off back to Toman.
"Here, don't drink too much or you'll throw up again. You can have it." Choji was short spoken but weirdly caring. Was it caring or just a baseline standard of acknowledging other delinquents as humans with lives and not just cattle for Choji to slaughter? No matter which, Baji let out a raspy gratitude and did as told.
With the first mouthful, he spit it right back out after swishing in hopes of completely removing the burning bitterness. He drank the next half of the bottle and mumbled another thanks after the bottle left his lips. Choji just gave a short nod and began to walk back with Baji on his tail.
All he needed to do was get through this fight. He had no issues sparking infights in Toman before so he would just view this as no different and make Kisaki his main target. In his mind he was still a Toman captain, he was just sparking his usual infights, and Kisaki was a Valhalla member that Baji needed to destroy. That is how he would see this all. That's how he would get through this.
Valhalla walked in when they were introduced and Baji kept his eyes far away from Draken. His planned way of thinking was already failing him and got even worse listening to Draken lay out the condition that, should Toman win, they'd be taking back Baji.
Of course it made him happy they wanted him back, but hearing Draken say that made it all the more meaningful. He was never going to get over this crush was he? Every time Draken made him feel special or important or wanted around, the noiret's cheeks got hot and Baji was damn glad that he didn't visually blush easily. He loved Draken so much but he would never be more than a friend. That's what ruined him.
Luckily Baji had, over the past few days, began to channel sadness into anger. Not at Draken of course. It could never be at Draken. But Valhalla held short spar meetings and Baji had realized that thinking about how he'd never be allowed to love Draken openly made him all the more ruthless. He'd nearly maimed one of the general members by zoning out on reality and into those feelings.
So when both gangs shot off towards eachother, Baji just kept repeating the saddening fact in his mind. He would never get Draken's love, so why not get his hate instead? The noiret wouldn't be able to be just Draken's friend. It'd hurt too much.
The first person he punched was sent absolutely flying and the other Toman members realized that this wasn't a mid-fight turnaround, Baji was genuinely against them right now and they needed to fight their first division captain.
So they did and things happened almost like a blur to Baji. He was nearly too deep in his thoughts to process the things around him.
Hitting Kisaki with a pipe, getting thrown down a little over half a dozen cars, Chifuyu trying to stop him from fighting Kisaki, Kazutora stabbing him, him playing it off and saying it was only a scratch, him fighting fifty Toman members of the third division, him holding a sharp pipe to Kisaki's neck, collapsing, blood, Mikey, Kazutora, his butterfly knife.
And then he was swinging it down while everyone was frozen. At least the noiret thought it was everyone.
"BAJI" Draken yelled, bolting in the direction. Baji was already swinging down but, just like with Osanai, Draken's sense of saving those he cared about was almost inhuman. The blond's hands grabbed Baji's wrists tight and stopped them mid swing. Baji couldn't move his arms even if he tried.
Baji couldn't look up at Draken but he saw the tears from the other as they fell. It didn't take long at all for Baji's eyes to sting and his own tears to succumb to gravity just the same.
"I don't know what the hell is going through your mind but suicide is not the answer. We need you here, Baji. I need you here." In a short moment of emotional weakness, Draken whispered in desperation for the amber eyed 'traitor' to not try to continue the self sacrifice.
"I'm sorry" Baji's words were just as quiet but nearly whimpered out. He didn't fight Draken pulling the knife from his hands and just let them fall to his sides when they were empty. Draken pulled him into a tight hug, both of them just listening to Mitsuya yell for Toman and Valhalla to leave as soon as they all began to hear sirens. Very soon it was just Baji, Draken, and Kazutora. Mitsuya couldn't help but watch from the gate everyone else left through.
"You have to survive this, please." Draken wasn't one to be desperate or cry or even hug people all that often but Baji was so fucking important to him.
"I'm sorry" Baji choked out another apology through gritted teeth and Draken shook his head. "Please leave and take Kazutora, I don't want either of you arrested."
Draken didn't want to leave. He couldn't leave. Baji could vouche that Draken wasn't the one to stab him. Mitsuya revealed himself and hurried over, helping Kazutora stand and holding a hand out to Draken. The blond got the message immediately and only pulled one hand away for just a moment to hand over the knife. Mitsuya basically dragged Kazutora away and managed to get out of the junkyard seconds before the ambulance and police arrived.
Baji was quick to tell them that the person who stabbed him had ran and he was even quicker to describe Kisaki as the assailant rather than Kazutora. Draken didn't argue with that because the blond trusted his fanged friend and figured there must be some reason for it that could be explained in private later. Both absolutely insisted Draken ride in the ambulance too.
Draken's tears fell faster when he watched Baji's eyes fall shut and heard the heart moniter let out one long beep. He curled up with his knees to his chest in the seat to stay well out of the way of the first responders and could only pray that Baji survived.
The vice commander understood panic and mourning brought out new colors of a person but this felt so much more than that. It felt like he was losing a part of himself. A very important part. More than Mikey, more than Toman, more than Emma even. Why did Draken feel like a terrified child?
If he'd been old enough to remember his mother's abandonment, would even that feel this strong? Draken didn't think so.
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So this time we painted on rocks in poetry class (yes that's a thing)
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And of course following edgy Sasuke is none other than... You guessed it kawaii Naruto.
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Hi! Hope your doing well! Could write a wholesome !Yan human! Kyubey scenario? Any other character works fine too! As long as your having fun. ^_^
Oooohhh, my first scenario! I'm so happy to finally do that, even though I really enjoy writing headcannons as well. I'm actually working on other two ones at the moment but decided to post this since scenarios take less to write. I assume, at least-
Also you guys can read the yandere human Kyubey headcannons in order for this to make more sense since there's lore and everything:
Yandere stuff (This one is wholesome so not many tws :D)
(Spoilers For Puella Magi Madoka Magica ahead?)
A human thing
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Another day of witch-hunting. Another day of almost dying. You've only been a magical girl for three weeks and yet it feels as if you made your contract just yesterday. Well, at least you weren't alone.
"Are you going to pick it up? No? Alright, I suppose that's a human thing."
A male voice sighed. That voice belonged to Kyubey, your teammate and enemy, in a way. Your whole wish was centered on making pay by making human. By making him a magical boy. By making him suffer just like your friend did... Yet you've slowly learned to tolerate him after all those weeks. Maybe giving him emotions wasn't a right decision though. Now he can be cocky.
"Hey, I was just thinking! Something you don't do, apparently."
You responded and picked up the last grief seed for the day. You gathered four today, which would probably last you two for a couple of days. You'd tease eachother a lot, you couldn't tell if it was genuine hatred or just teasing. He wasn't too happy about the fact he's a human at first; and trying to figure out what someone who appears to be emotionless is thinking isn't exactly easy.
Kyubey just rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself, watching you pout at him. He couldn't understand why it made him chuckle or feel "happy" in general. If that emotion was happiness, that is. He still wasn't good with distinguishing emotions.
The two of you returned home, you changing to your pyjamas immediately. After fighting with four witches you were super exhausted; and just wanted a good night's sleep.
“What is it? I'm tired, you know. It's Saturday tomorrow, you'll have all day to annoy me.”
And so Kyubey watched you walk up the stairs before disappearing into the darkness of the hallway. He wanted to talk with you about this recent new...emotion. The reason he smiles everytime you say good morning even though it's not something exciting, the reason he chuckles at you pouting even though there's nothing comedic about it. But you were tired.
Instead; he waited a few minutes at the living room and made his way to your room, being as careful as possible to not wake you up. Then, he sat on the bed, next to you. You looked so peaceful at the moment, it amused him how humans could lay on an object without moving at all for so many hours. Well; it was an advantage for him.
“I'm not really sure of how easily humans can go out of this state but I'm willing to risk it. This feeling is rather unbearable...I feel the need to verbally state it, even if you're unable to hear me.”
His hot pink eyes gazed directly to your closed ones, staring for a bit. The same eyes that looked right into your soul that day when you were walking home with your friend.
“I feel weird when you're around. It's not a bad feeling; it feels pleasant. Really really pleasant. Sometimes it changes pattern though. I saw you walking here with a male student through the window yesterday....
It didn't feel pleasant at all.”
He almost sounded angry this time. He's never felt angry before. Except for yesterday; of course. Suddenly something made him snap out of his thoughts though. You were whimpering in your sleep, even though he wasn't exactly sure what that meant. So he just stood there awkwardly.
Until you reached out for him.
You were still sleeping when you grabbed his hand in your sleep, almost literally forcing him to lay down with you. That new emotion he was feeling was really taking over right now. His face was more pink than his own eyes right now.
“I...suppose that's a human thing too.”
I apologize if that was a bit short! I'm still not that much of an expert when it comes to scenarios- I'll try to improve them in the future. I hope this was close to what you were hoping for though dear anon!
Have a wonderful day/night and I'll see you guys really soon! 💖💗
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
A/N: I dunno if I've got any desi/brown/poc readers but if you're reading this I love you so much and you (us) deserve the same validation and representation others get.
Here's a blurb as to what it feels like celebrating Eid with Harry! Enjoy!
Warning: none — just loads of fluff.
More Inspos, Masterlist, Let's Talk
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The night's pretty with murky clouds and thick layer of moon's brightness as Y/N cleans her flat, from scrubbing her Persian rugs to deep cleansing her vases back from her homeland. The flame evaporating from her candles scented like springs of Kashmir, flickers from her blowing sheer curtains due to the zephyr flurring outside.
She feels content, at peace waiting for Harry who promised that he'll be at her place by 11. He always comes an hour early helping her in setting the table before the iftari, they've been doing it together since the start of ramdan until today when he texted her he's busy along with a sad smiley.
It was fun. He fasted with her once or twice and would make sure she's hydrated enough once they break it, his love for rooh-afzah (it's a drink red in color made from essence of roses and some sweet herbs) will never fail to make her giggle as he'd demand for more after gulping two glasses already.
Then showing her his tummy along with his food pregnant jokes.
Her classes are online so it gave her time to experiment some cooking. They'd make samosas together and she always had an urge to hold back her cooes as his tongue used to poke out in concentration everytime his diligent fingers folded the samosa sheets skillfully.
"Did a pretty go'job here, innit?" He'd grin raising it like a summat trophy.
The moment he used to leave her flat (ofcourse after giving a tight hug before doing so) they both missed eachother terribly, y/n doesn't like the way her home falls into an abyss without his presence.
He's like a sunshine that warms her insides up.
The whistle of kettle and several raps of knocks on her door drags her from her fond memories of them together, she slings her feet down from the coffee table rushing to open it.
Harry says breathlessly prolly because he climbed three flight of stairs to get to her or that he's utterly flustered.
Her eyes remain struck at the thingies piled in his arms, a box of chocolates, many brown bags and stems of freshly blood ripped roses tucked between his knuckles.
He bought all of these gifts for her.
To make her feel like home.
To be her home.
What the fuck, nobody has ever done that for her —-- she just mighty cry.
Her mouths gupples like a fish too overwhelmed to react her emotions out and he gives her a sweet smile kicking the door shut with his feet -- gestures her to wait when she almost jumps like a cub to hug him and puts everything on the sofa knowing the things inside them's too delicate.
"C'mere, baby." He grins and she doesn't waste a moment falling in his embrace. Her cheeks smashes against his taught chest and she fists the hem of his shirt smiling too hard for her own sake as he sways them with his own rosy cheek squished against her temple.
"I love you so much, thank you." She murmurs gazing up at him with glinting eyes -- arms still lopped around his waist and his chin doubles adorably as he gives her his signature bunny grin kissing the tip of her nose, "Love you too bubba ... don't want ya homesick, at alllll."
The aggressive whistle of kettle parts them away, "Cuppa cha? Then we'll unwrap these pleasanteris." She points at the paper bags.
He nods flopping onto the floor cushions beside the large oak window of the balcony where they could bathe in moonlight.
"Thank you." He quips, kissing her fingertips while slipping his fingers under the handle of mug and takes it from her as she sits infront of him. He admires her for a second —- fawning over how she's looking so soft and cuddle-able wearing a baggy mauve kurta and some mismatched shalwar.
The tearing open of the stuffing tissue brings him back to focus --- this, he wanted to see this happiness dance over her features as she clutches the ethnic traditional dress he bought for her infront of her and when lifts it down he's met by overly excited eyes.
It's ethereal with golden details, handmade wire work and sheer fabric.
"It's gorgeous, pups." She squeezes his hand and he takes the sip of his cha smiling against the rim of the mug shyly, "Wasn't s' sure -- Sarah helped me in collecting stuff." Sarah's Y/N's bestfriend who was the only desi/brown in her filming class.
"No wonder she was being a lil sneak." Y/N chuckles already rummaging for what comes next.
He wanted to make sure he gets her everything they do traditionally in her culture and ate Sara's ears off to help him buy the most special thing and it's right there creating sweet noise when they touch eachother, dangling from her fingers.
"Churiyan .... " She whispers bitting down a smile. She loves glass bangles. Their colourfulness cheers her mood up and she'd always go with her Nani a night prior eid to select the most flamboyant pair of them from a bazar (market).
"This -— " She gestures to the gifts scattered around them, " —-- all of this and you, means alot to me." She sighs giving him a wet smile and he smoothes his thumb against her cheek like she's the most fragile thing to exist.
He watches her in a tad confusion when she stands up with a giggly squeal putting everything away and comes back with a tube of henna in her hand.
"It's chand raat t'night 'cos tommorrow is eid -- usually I spend it with Sarah and we apply henna to eachother, we're horrible at it honestly but now she isn't here 'm gonna bite yours ears —-" He cuts her off. Ushering her to sit back on her spot. He couldn't be more glad to spend all of his time with her whether it's just watching her make designs on her hand with henna.
"Your cha's waftin'." He shakes his head bringing it to her lips, "It's hot." She tells him drawing a circle on her palm and filling it with beautiful darkness of henna.
"Okie then ... " He blows at the hot beverage to cool it down and again brings it to her lips, "Now." He croons softly to her. She holds his wrist taking a sip from it -- he tucks the strand of her hair back and she smiles up at him making him chuckle when she takes a huge sigh as if her soul just woke up.
"What do we d'tommorrow?" He asks. Knowing most of the time they went to Zayn's house on Eids his mother used to fill the whole table with delicious dishes and the whole day was spent having fun.
"We do nothing but have loads of nice time -- I already made a dessert 'cos I know I'll be too lazy in the mornin', and invited your friends if that's okay?" She glances up at him done with her left palm.
"Perfect then," He nods, "D'ya need help with the other one?" He asks grabbing her right hand and the tube of henna from her.
"Yes, please." She shows him her hand covered with with henna and since it's wet she could do one thing wait or let him do it. The second options sounds more good.
"Not on me if it gets messed up." He warns her nonchalantly following the same pattern of her left hand. Stealing glances of her attractive face every now and then, dotting her moles with his intense gaze, he just thinks her brown eyes look more intricate – it's specks as if the forests soil on the first rains when they dilate with her racing heartbeat.
They're like an open book to him and at the same time mysteriously dark that he feels like burning a match to melt in them.
"You did it way better than me," She snorts examining it closely and turns the other way round to lay down on the carpeted floor and rest her head in his lap. He wipes his own hands watching the dark henna leaving a swipe of color on his fingertips.
He pets her hair, dimples milking into his cheeks when she raises her both hands infront of him -- blocking the moonlight that's falling on her, "When I was small I always used to end up getting it on my face and lemme tell ya. Having a yellow blotch isn't even a tiny bit fascinating on the only day you could dress up fancy."
His chest rumbles with giggles and he brings her hands closer to her lips blowing raspberries at them to get them dry early.
Comfortable silence envelopes them in to the point where they could hear crickets singing outside and moonlight sparkling on their skin —- she breaks it cuddling up into his chest.
"I really appreciate this, Harry." Her voice hushed whisper and her cherry stained lips couldn't resist but to patch kisses where his heart lays and she could sense it kicking a pace, "The fact that you did so much just for me -- is beyond my thought. I really feel like home." He let her speak. Squeezing her shoulders to convey the fierceness of his emotions he holds for her. His silken lips pressed to her temple and his eyelids flutters with each spurt of breath she inhales.
"I'll keep making you feel like home, till the day you'll allow me." Today. He for actually felt that his home was never a building or the luxurious furniture adorned inside it, but her. It's always gonna be her.
Because the moment he gets lost in those eyes all he come across is their shared laughter, their moments spent on this balcony right outside sipping onto their chas and watching the city wake up infront of their eyes, going to places he has never been to before, doing things he never thought he'd do in hundered years —- he isn't a big fan of spices but he still pretends like a big boi infront of her while eating pani puri she's oh so obsessed with.
The times she was never embarrassed to introduce him to her community or her friends, and getting soaked into rains even though they could've just used his car, having days planned to make him try new desi dishes, going to buy candles of many scent and shapes with him but then never feeling like leaving the store until he warns her that he'll throw her on his shoulder infront of everyone.
Going to Turkish markets together. He's a bread lover and so all this time he doesn't feel like leaving the shops filled with different kiln and tandoori breads. Eating Simit and drinking black tea in the amardu cups sitting outside the cafe –- he likes it with cheese while she might sound bland she just likes a bit of butter.
Them deciding for hours and hours which Persian rug to buy -- but never buying it apologising to the shop keeper.
Giving eachother head massages from the organic rosemary Morrocon oil that one of her friend gifted her, (Y/N) thinks she's one hell of a masseuse but Harry thinks otherwise —- though he would never ever break her heart so it's better keeping it a secret.
His nose creates a purring sound while he sleeps leaning against the wall, he doesn't even remember when he fell into the deep slumber with his large hand still wrapped around her wrist in a protective manner to keep her from moving.
It's cute.
Though when she stirs to regain consciousness with the birds chirping outside she feels remorseful finding him sleeping in such an uncomfy position just because of her and he wakes up with a loud wheeze —- blinking rapidly to see what just happened only to visibly relax back when she shushes him gently.
"Baby .... shit." He grogs out, knuckling at his eyes pointing at her jaw which's covered into a orangish streak, "Don't tell me." She groans bumping her head against his bicep.
A moment later they burst into fits of hoarse giggles and chuckles. She'd try to suck in air to not to snort and would do it nonetheless driving them more into belly aching laughter.
"Eid Mubarak, I guess?" He cackles loudly. Dimple coveting in to his velvet of skin. Rubs the tip of his nose against her's affectionately and swoons her in his arms to hug her warmly.
"Now -— go 'n dress up, c'mon." He cups the nape of her neck playing with the baby hair there and she whines smushing her face against his chest, "No. Lemme sleep some more."
"Heyyy none of that, c'mon sleepy girl you'll regret it later." He boops her nose smiling down at her fondly and she grumbles mumbling something in between you're so annoying or you're being so much like my mum.
He waits for her laying on the sofa with his arms folded and eyes closed. Prolly took a mini version of nap only to perk his head up grabbing the back of sofa when she returns with wet hair, soft clean face and lips tinted cherry wearing the dress and bangles he bought for her.
An enchantress from head to toe, he wouldn't even complain if she bewitches him.
He needs someone to pinch his bum because he thinks his eyelids might have struck. He takes a dramatic breather mischievously, pupils dilated cutesly and heart shaped lips parted with the sweet loving words in praise of her beauty burning at the tip of his tongue.
His fawning gives her butterflies. Expanding her chest with warmth and she does a three-sixty when he spindles his nimble in the air demanding her to show herself from every angle.
Her head falls back. An echo of happy giggles resonating in the room when he smacks his hand against his chest and flops into heaps of sofa cushions.
"You're fuckin' beautiful, a total knockout." He walks towards her with his hands spread open and takes her's to kiss the inside of her palms, "So are you." Her voice small with shyness. He sits on her on sofa and stays beside her with his chin perched upon his knuckles staring at her like she hung the moon -- as if she's a prayer come true.
"Did you get me ready to d'nothing?" She turns towards him. The curled up fringes kissing the apples of her cheeks same as his fingertips are dying to do so.
"I might sound selfish but it was a trap to get you ready early so I could admire you till everyone squeeze between us ... " He smirks and she huffs sinking deeper into the sofa throwing her limbs in air and his breath hitches when her bangles clanks together producing a beautiful noise.
"Harry!!" She whines.
"Okie, time to fill some grumpy kitten's tummy." He announces standing up to head to kitchen and she shakes her head with a silly smile trailing behind him.
All she knows is that. This Eid she'll have the best time of her life, as she could already feel his energy and love radiating in every corner of her home.
@harryforvogue idk why but everytime I'd sit to write this blurb you'd pop in my mind, hope so you're not hiccuping wildly.
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞:𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
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Imagine: Henry acts on his rage towards his Klaus. 
Pairings: Klaus x Vampire!Henry, Klaus x Human!Reader, Vampire!Henry x Human!Reader.
Warnings: Violence.
Words: 1156
Edited: Yes
Part 1
A/N: This for Anon and @elijahspersonalwifeyyy ! Enjoy !
The next morning, I got out of bed and walked downstairs past the living room and into the kitchen where I heard noise. I saw my mom passed out on the couch still with a blanket draped over her. I strolled into the kitchen to see him in the kitchen with Nathalia and Ansel, giving them breakfast. 
“Good morning, Henry !”
“Morning Nat.”
“What about me ?”
“and you Ansel.”
They started giggling with eachother at the table, whilst dad was still making breakfast. I opened the fridge, the chill hitting my bare stomach. I grabbed a carton of milk out and went to walk out the kitchen. 
“Do I not get a good morning Henry ?”
“No, you don't. I don't you think you deserve one.”
“Excuse me ?”
“I said I don't think you deserve one. In fact I know you don't. I'm going up to my room, don't come up.”
“Look Henry, I will excuse alot of things that you kids do but backchat is not one of them.”
“Do not walk away from me, Henry. I do not want to have to punish you.”
“Right, I'm not a little kid anymore...you can't punish me. Also I can do whatever the hell I want.”
“It doesn't matter how old you are, I will punish you for being disrespectuful.”
“Oh ? What are you gonna do ? Break my nose ? Accuse me of cheating on someone ? Sit there enjoying the image of me in pain ? Like you did last night...with mom.”
“Daddy, what does Henry mean ? Is Mama hurt ?”
“No sweetheart, eat your breakfast okay.”
“Okay daddy.”
My Dad grips me on the back of the neck and drags me out of the kitchen. Before pushing me into his study at the back of the house. Knowing that we were free to talk as loud as we want, as it was sound proof.
“I don't know what you think your playing at Henry but you need to control yourself and stop it now!”
“What you think just because mom forgave you, I will too. You are delirious if you think that, you bastard.”
“I think you forget that I have more power over you, than you think.”
“Oh and what's that ? My mom being a pushover and Nat and Ansel backing you because they don't know the full truth ? If you think that's any sort of power, your wrong.”
“You best stop talking before you say something you regret.”
“Ooooo, again with the threats. I'm starting to wonder how empty they are. You know full well, that you can't do anything to me.”
“Why’s that ?”
“Because despite how you treat us, there is a slither of you that cares for my mom and me and Nat and Ansel.”
“Oh I'm sure, you think that's an advantage to you ?”
“Yeah I do because if you do anything to me, you'll lose them and then you'll have nothing left and you'll be all alone. I guess you'll have Rebekah but she's gonna die within the next couple years because she has the cure running through her. So once again, what are you gonna do ?”
“Nothing. I won't do anything. I apologise for my actions and the distress it may have caused.”
“You ever lay a finger on my mom in a violent way ever again, I promise you that I will kill you. Your lucky Nat and Ansel love you so much, otherwise I would.”
“Really ? Surely you wouldn't kill your dad.”
“No, your right. I wouldn't kill my dad, couldn't even if wanted too since he's already dead. However, my step-dad will do just fine. That is a person I would kill.”
“If your dad were alive, I'm sure he wouldn't be happy with you for saying that.”
“Don’t tell me what my father thinks of me, I already know. I don’t need to hear it form the likes of you. You think that your the only one distraught by Dad's death don't you, your sick.”
“What’d you think he’d do right now, if he heard everything you were saying to his brother ?”
“Shut up.”
“You think he'd be proud of you, for finally sticking up for yourself ? Your weak Henry.”
“Stop talking about my father ! I mean it !”
“Oh do you ?”
“I swear I will punch you, if you don't shut the fuck up.”
“Give it your best shot.”
I lost all self control and punched him square in the nose, breaking it. I then grabbed him by his jacket, pinning him on the floor and punching him repeatedly in the face.
Y/N Pov:
I groaned as I cracked my neck. This is why you don't fall asleep on the couch. I heard giggling in the kitchen, thinking that maybe Klaus was making them breakfast. I walked in and too my surprise only Nathalia and Ansel were in there, albeit eating their breakfast....they seemed completely fine.
“Good morning babies.”
“Morning Mommy !”
They ran to hug me whilst I held their heads to me and kissed both of them.
“Where's Daddy ?”
“I don't know, he stormed out the kitchen with Henry about 10 minutes ago.”
“Huh. Okay thankyou, make sure you eat all your breakfast okay ? Then later we'll go to the park.”
They went back to eating there breakfast when I walked to the Klaus' study, to see if he was hiding away in there. I opened the door and instantaneously saw Klaus pinned to the floor with Henry on top of him punching him in the face. Klaus managed to roll them so he was now on top and then punched Henry in the face. I ran over grabbing Klaus trying to pull him off but it was no use, he turned around and punched me instead.
So full of rage, he carried on beating Henry like he was nothing. Henry reacted big time when he saw Klaus hit me, he picked Klaus up and threw him to the desk. He aimed his hand straight through his chest and clutched his heart, making me freeze. No one has ever bested Klaus before, with their actual hands. Not even Elijah. So when I saw that Henry was the first, it shocked me. Henry looked him dead on and spoke five words dangerously calm and collected.
“I warned you, you bastard.”
He clutched Klaus' heart and pulled it out before throwing it to the floor and walking out. That was the one and only time. That...Klaus Mikaelson. The evil Hybrid. The bastard son. The King of New Orleans. Was defeated by his own nephew. Albeit, he never genuinely died but no body has even got as close as Henry did. So from that day on Klaus always made sure to give him the respect he deserved for finally being the man who bested him.
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roguerogerss · 4 years
Sorry is a Sorry Word
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Plot: Steve fucked up - bad. He doesn’t really know how, or if, he should say sorry, until Dustin gives him a pep talk.
W/C: 3.1k
A/N: Just now realising how long this is oops, sorry. My first Stranger Things fic! Finally. (watch this flop so hard lmao) Remember to like and reblog if you enjoy! It really helps me out. As always, requests are open and any and all feedback is appreciated <3
"Dustin, Please, just leave me alone." She lay back on her bed, tears streaming down her face and hair amiss from where she'd run her fingers through it. "I'm fine, I just...give me some time."
"But, we tell eachother everything." Her little brother sounded so small and defeated that it almost broke her heart in two. She could hear him leaning his back against the door, the back of his head thumping dully against the wood a second later. "I feel like we're drifting apart. You don't talk to me anymore."
"No, it's okay. Don't worry." Dustin cleared the remnants of his upset from his throat, "We can talk later. I get that you need time."
And with that, he'd left. She could hear his muffled footsteps on the carpeted floor of the hallway, walking away from her bedroom and back to his own. She knew that she wanted to talk to him and vent about all of the happenings of the day, but she couldn't bring herself to let her walls down in front of anyone about her current situation just yet.
It was Steve. And it was bad.
They'd been together for a year and ten months. He'd been there for her through thick and thin. Whenever their mom went MIA, something that happened more often than not, during the days and weeks and months that Y/N was left to take care of her thirteen year old brother on her own with no notice whatsoever, Steve was there. And he'd take Dustin out to the cinema, give him free ice cream, play Dungeons and Dragons with him and his friends - even though Steve had no idea how to play Dungeons and Dragons. He'd sleep over, make her feel like she wasn't alone. It filled her with pride to see him taking Dustin under his wing, more like a dad than even an older brother.
When they lost Hopper, who'd become more of a parental figure than she and Dustin's mom was to her, he was standing by her side at the funeral, hand grasping her own smaller one with force and squeezing it every so often, just to remind her that he was there. He was there after the funeral, too, when they went to the cabin and went through Hopper's things. He was there when she found the birthday present that Hopper had bought for her, a necklace with, 'you're pretty cool, kid', engraved on it. Hopper's way of saying that he loved her. It came with a letter, one that she cried so hard while reading that she couldn't see the words on the page.
The point was, that Steve had been there through everything. And now that they'd had a huge argument over - of all things - Nancy Wheeler, she was unsure of whether or not she'd have Steve to lean on anymore.
It wasn't so much a stupid argument as it was a stupid mistake on Steve's end. He even admitted to himself that what he'd done was more than a dick move. Tina was having a party, a big one, for old time's sake. Y/N wasn't invited, having been socially considered as 'uncool' while in High School, while Steve was invited. He said that it wasn't a big deal, it didn't matter, he wouldn't go.
Except that it was a big deal, it did matter, and, well, he did go.
He'd gotten really drunk, so drunk, in fact, that he had no recollection of the night at all and managed to stumble to Y/N's front door at five in the morning.
He'd told her that he went to the party, that he was sorry. She'd been mad, but she was so tired that she said she'd deal with it in the morning and told Steve to sleep it off on the sofa. Before going to sleep, however, Steve had told Y/N that he 'thought he might've kissed Nancy' that night.
They'd argued about it the next day. She'd dropped him off at home, neither of them speaking at all in the car, and they'd screamed at eachother in Steve's living room. Little did either of them know, Steve hadn't actually kissed Nancy, he was just so drunk that he made himself believe that he had. And then, Y/N told Steve that they were done, and he'd said 'fine', and she'd left and cried in her car for an hour.
And now, she was here. Crying on her bed, little brother probably thinking that one of her friends had died or something.
She hated herself for blowing up and flying off the handle and literally breaking up with Steve. Steve, on the other hand, hated himself for even going to the party, hated himself for - possibly - kissing Nancy, hated himself for going to Y/N's front door and waking her up so early in the morning.
In the grand scheme of things, Steve Harrington had been an asshole. And he was all too aware of it.
It had been around half an hour since she got home when Dustin knocked on the door again. This time, she'd managed to calm down enough to allow him to come inside. She looked horrifying, hair messed up, tear stained face, cuddling a pillow and wearing one of Steve's shirts, but Dustin was her brother, he had no right to judge her.
The door swung open slowly, and Dustin was there, grinning and holding two pints of ice cream, spoons, and some movies. "Thought we could put a movie on and eat. And you can tell me about your problems and I promise I'll listen."
"Is the ice cream cookie dough?" Y/N asked, sniffling, and a watery smile crossed her face. Dustin laughed, happy to see his sister perking up at least a little bit, even if it was over ice cream, and turned the carton to reveal to her that it was, in fact, cookie dough.
"Only the best." He tossed one of the cartons and a spoon at her, and turned on the TV set that sat across from her bed. "Besides, I know it's the only one you'll eat when you're sad."
"You know me entirely too well." She hugged her knees to her chest and dug into her ice cream, relishing in the taste of it for a second, "Oh my God, I haven't had this in so long. And the Scoops cookie dough is so bad."
"Right? I know Steve thinks it's the best, but he is so wrong." Little did Dustin know, one mention of his name would make Y/N's meltdown begin all over again. Soon enough, she was crying hot tears into her ice cream, and she allowed Dustin to lay his head on her shoulder while she explained everything.
"Okay, I have to go somewhere." Dustin knew what he had to do, and Y/N's eyebrows furrowed as he got swiftly up from her bed. "I'll be like, maybe half an hour. But you can eat my ice cream if it starts to melt."
"Dustin! Don't leave me!"
"Watch the movie!"
And then he was gone, and she was by herself, with only some ice cream and E.T. to keep her company.
Meanwhile, Dustin had found Steve at work. He was insanely hungover - although, the headache and sickness had gone away thanks to Robin and her Tylenol, but the tiredness still remained - and reminded Dustin faintly of a particular zombie in Day of the Dead when he walked into Family Video to find him leaning on the counter. The grim look on his face wasn't so much because of the hangover, though, it was more to do with the fact that he and his girlfriend of nearly two years had broken up half an hour ago, and he'd been forced to go to work.
"If you're here to talk to Steve, I wouldn't. He nearly punched me when I asked him if he wanted Tylenol. And I'm a girl." Robin stopped Dustin at the front door, a serious look on her face, but he shrugged her off.
"It's fine. He won't do anything. Besides, I know what this whole thing's about. That's why I'm here." He tried to walk off again, but Robin grabbed his upper arm, tugging him back and making him elaborate.
"Is it Y/N? I think there was a fight between them or something. He’s never looked this rough.” Robin looked concerned, and she was. She’d never seen Steve so upset before. “He was crying when he came in.” She added.
Dustin shrugged, “Yeah, I’m gonna talk to him. He’ll be fine tomorrow.” He decided not to give Robin any more information on the situation in case Y/N or Steve would've gotten mad at him for it.
"Henderson, hey." Steve said quietly when he noticed that Dustin had entered the store. He looked like he'd been crying, and Robin was definitely right when she said he’d never looked rougher. "If you're here to hang out-"
"I'm not here to hang out, Steve. We have to talk." Dustin crossed his arms sternly over his chest, raising his eyebrows and nodding his head in the direction of the store room. Steve grumbled and complied, unlocking the door and ushering Dustin inside.
"You have to apologise."
"Apologise? Apologise for - what exactly are we talking about?" Steve rubbed a hand exhaustedly over his face, leaning against a sealed box of movies that he was supposed to have put away by now.
"You know what for, Steve. Y/N. You hurt her. Like, really badly. I don't think I've ever seen her so upset." Steve already wanted Dustin to stop, but he continued, really wanting him to get the message of just how hurt his sister was. "She cried in her room for half an hour before she even let me talk to her, and now she's at home by herself, probably crying some more because you went to a stupid party. I mean, seriously man, couldn't you just have stayed home? What was so important about it?"
Steve threw his head back and hid his face with his hands, wanting the floor to open up and swallow him whole. He knew that he'd been a dick, he knew that he'd hurt her, but, Jesus, knowing the details made his heart flip in his chest and his stomach hurt. He hated seeing Y/N upset at the best of times, nevermind when it was his fault.
"Yeah. Yeah, I should've just left it. Jeez, Dustin, I'm such an asshole."
"Yes. An asshole, you are. And what was that other shit? About you kissing Nancy?"
"I didn't kiss Nancy, okay? My drunk mind just kinda...made me believe that I did. I called her today just to confirm." Steve swallowed, suddenly having the nausea of his hangover coming back to him.
"Does Y/N know that?" Dustin had his arms crossed, back against the wall, looking unimpressed as Steve shook his head. "Seriously man? Don't you think that the first thing you should've done after finding out that you didn't actually cheat on your girlfriend, was tell your girlfriend that you didn't actually cheat on her?"
"My head's all over the place, Henderson. Cut me some slack, okay?"
"You have to come say sorry, you know that, right?"
"I will. I will, I promise. I finish in an hour, why don't you go home, I'll buy some flowers, take a shower and get changed, and I'll come chap on your door like none of this even happened." Steve had suddenly perked up, gesturing with his arms and almost getting excited to initiate his plan.
"Yeah. Sure. But it better be good, Harrington. You better make her happy."
Steve didn't even have time to respond before Dustin was running off, getting on his bike, and cycling back home to his sister. He promised himself internally that he'd do all it took to make her happy.
Y/N had finished her ice cream and Dustin's had started to melt by the time he got home. She hadn't cried any more, had been too focussed on the movie, and Dustin was relieved to see her laughing at something on the screen when he entered her bedroom.
"Hey." She smiled. "Your ice cream's melting, you'd better eat it."
Dustin smiled and bellyflopped onto her bed, sending her into a fit of laughter. They both laughed so hard, in fact, that they barely heard the doorbell ring, and Dustin almost got up to go and get it.
He stopped himself though, not wanting Steve to call him an idiot or something along those lines. "You should go. I have to eat my ice cream before it melts." He said sheepishly, sitting back down from where he'd jumped up. Y/N rolled her eyes and threw the pillow that she was holding at Dustin's face.
"Alright, make your sad sister get the door because you have to eat ice cream." She stood up even as she spoke, knowing that Dustin wasn't going to budge. "Nice one, asshole."
Y/N had left her bedroom before Dustin could retaliate, bounding down the stairs and realising that, if anyone saw her the way that she looked now, they'd probably never respect her again. The doorbell went again, and she sighed quietly at the lack of patience from whoever was on the other side.
She - stupidly - didn't even bother to look out of the window that stood next to the door to check who it was before opening it, and nearly closed it again when she realised who was standing there.
"Hey, woah, don't close the door yet!" It was Steve, his eyes widened from the possibility that he'd come all the way to her house so that she could slam the door in his face, holding white lilies and a box of chocolates, which was - in Y/N's opinion - the cheesiest apology ever. "Just...listen? For like, a minute."
She slowly let her hand slide off of the door knob, watching as Steve relaxed a significant amount even from seeing her do that. "A minute." She crossed her arms over her chest, chewing her cheek. "You have a minute."
"Okay, uh, yeah, okay." Steve began his rambling. "Listen, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have gone to that party, I know I shouldn't have gotten so drunk that I managed to convince myself that I kissed Nancy. Did I already say that I didn't actually kiss Nancy? I called her, and she said we didn't even speak. Bottom line is, I'm an asshole. I know that, and I hate myself for hurting you. Dustin told me how upset you were and I...I couldn't even comprehend the fact that I did that."
He paused, looking down at his feet and waiting for Y/N to say something. Something that didn't come, she simply stood, looking at and biting her fingernails, trying to figure out whether or not she should give in and forgive him or not, so he stopped waiting and spoke some more.
"I'm sorry. I love you. I love you so much. And I know that I fucked up, and I don't expect you to forgive me-"
"Steve." Y/N stopped him. He looked up at her, expecting that she'd look upset or annoyed, but she was smiling and shaking her head. "Come here."
"Seriously?" He already wished he hadn't said what he did before he'd even finished speaking. Seriously? What kind of thing to say was that? "I mean, you know-"
She was already hugging him before he could finish speaking. She knew that he'd ramble on for hours if he could, but she also knew that she already forgave him and didn't need to listen to his rambling. "It's okay. I forgive you."
"Oh, thank God. I thought I'd lost you, really, I did." He sighed into her hair, realising that he was probably ruining the bouquet of flowers with the way that he was crushing them against her back.
"Well, you were an asshole. You had every right to think you'd lost me." Steve had always loved her subtle sassiness, it was a habit that she often fell into unknowingly, but it made him chuckle.
"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I was an asshole."
She let go of him, finally, and stood back. He was wearing his light blue jeans, a black t-shirt and belt, with a blue jacket. It was an outfit that she'd seen him in before, quite a few times, but he never failed to look good in it anyway. His hair was slightly amiss, as though he'd gotten ready as quickly as he could - which was true, but she didn't know that for sure - but it still had his Steve 'the hair' Harrington charm.
"So, can I come in, or are you just gonna stand there and mock me?" He grinned and she stood to the side, allowing him to join her in the hallway. He went straight for the kitchen, taking out a vase and filling it up with water, then placing the flowers in it and leaving it on the kitchen counter.
"I didn't say you could-" She was trying to joke with him, but he didn't seem to care much, as he cut her off by dipping his head towards hers and kissing her passionately. He hated to admit it, probably something to do with the small part of his King Steve persona that he still carried around with him, but he'd missed her, and it had only been a few hours.
"Woah, easy tiger." Y/N laughed, pulling away when Steve's hands started to travel downwards. "We haven't even properly spoken yet."
"Yeah. Sorry." Steve said sheepishly. He pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and smiled down at the floor. "Do you wanna talk?"
She shrugged. "Not particularly."
"So, really, it's okay for me to do this," He closed the gap between them again, beaming at her while he searched her face for any sign of disapproval and admired the little flecks of contrasting colours that danced in her eyes. And then he kissed her again, lips soft against her own, gentle - something that wasn't widely believed, Steve Harrington was actually one of the most gentle people that Y/N had ever met.
"Well, yeah." She grinned, breathless. "But I'm sort of in the middle of watching a movie, wanna join?"
And so they spent the rest of the day, wrapped in the blankets on Y/N's bed and Y/N wrapped in Steve's arms, watching movies that Dustin fished out from the cabinet under the TV that Y/N didn't even know that they had.
She had to say, Steve's apologies were often cheesy and terrible, but this one wasn’t so bad as it was enjoyable.
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