#you'll se
hajihiko · 5 months
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close call maybe?
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ohitslen · 2 months
*Vampirizes your Vashwood*
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keep reading for more :)
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If there needs to be much closer close-up please let me know!
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kayit-z · 11 months
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(Probably???) No eggs for halloween or día de muertos so I'm coping by drawing my favorite family
The mexican eggs missing two importan festivities... that's very mexicanphobic of you quackity
Close ups because I spent 3 fcking hours drawing the details and you better admire them
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autisticamerican · 1 year
So I've been watching atla for the first time, and I just watched Tales of Ba Sing Se, and can I just say that I did not expect Uncle Iroh's to end the way it did.
When he started sing Little Soldier Boy to Lu Ten's picture, I started sobbing like a baby. My eyes are wet and my heart hurts.
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eerna · 9 months
everyone who still hasn't read Noragami: do it now bc once it ends it just won't hit the same. join me in destroying my brain by reading 26 volumes over the next week
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
Jun Mo the moment Ki Cheol asked him to help him get together with his own wife:
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querido-eh-dump · 11 months
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alphabetcompletionist · 7 months
would you like to join a discord server dedicated to making a series/movie based on gimmicks?
don't worry i'm the extroverted asexual
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I scheduled this for the future lol. Scheduled this on the 23/05/24 for the date in which this will come out Because now it's decent but I still don't like it (but at least you guys won't be starved of my content for too long [not like it would be that big of a deal but if there was someone irl cheering me on for doing this and I said I'd do it I would give them something I did in the past but haven't yet showed them during a time in which I can't produce more of that content]) So anyway you guys, here you have "Shine A Light (Reprise)" in Italian! ASK ME FOR PERMISSION BEFORE USING THIS, DO CREDIT ME IF YOU EVER USE THIS (I doubt you will it’s impractical and still needs so much fixing it’s unbelievable) AND TELL ME/LINK WHATEVER YOU USED IT FOR USING REBLOGS (because for some reason Tumblr doesn’t like comments with links and while I do think I understand why I don’t always like it)
(the apostrophes [or however ’ is called] are used to shorten the number of syllables often in poetry so I’m obviously abusing that power.)
[HEATHER MCNAMARA:] Stupidi tappi impossibili!
[HEATHER DUKE:] Oh guarda, Heather se ne va'a
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Fri-hignar tutta notte!
[HEATHER DUKE:] Non meriti di vivere!
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Perché non ucciderti?
[HEATHER DUKE:] Eccoti un sedativo
[HEATHER & COMPANY:] Fri-hi-higna!
[HEATHER DUKE:] * Perché Babbo Natale non c'è (uee-uee)
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Sei patetica perché frigni!
[HEATHER DUKE:] Frigni tutta notte!
[HEATHER DUKE:] (Frigna) Dalla squadra te ne devi andare (Frigna) Lamentati e piagnucola (Frigna) Non meriti di sognare (Frigna) Tu morirai da sola!
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Muori sola! Muori sola! Muori sola! MUORI SOLA! So, direct translation! (used in this to specify the meanings and explain certain word choices [and in one case this])
[HEATHER MCNAMARA:] Stupid impossible (implied to open) caps!
[HEATHER DUKE:] Aww look, Heather's going to
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Whi-hine all night!
[HEATHER DUKE:] You don't deserve to live!
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Why not kill yourself!
[HEATHER DUKE:] Here's to you a sedative
[HEATHER & COMPANY:] Whi-hi-hine!
[HEATHER DUKE:] Because there's no Santa Claus (uee-uee [in this case we're using this parenthesis for the explanations: so, uee-uee are the letters used to mimick crying in Italian, I don't remember the name of the poetic thing now, I think onomathopea? I'm unsure if it's even written right])
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] You're pathetic because you whine!
[HEATHER DUKE:] You whine all night!
[HEATHER DUKE:] (Whine) Go awayfrom the team (Whine) Whine (but as in moan about it) and whine (but as in cry but mockingly) (Whine) You don't deserve to dream (Whine) You're gonna die alone
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Die alone! Die alone! Die alone! DIE ALONE! OG LYRICS (if you’re seeing this I doubt you don’t know them, but here they are anyway):
[HEATHER MCNAMARA:] Stupid child proof caps!
[HEATHER DUKE:] Aww look, Heather's going to
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Whine, whine, whine all night!
[HEATHER DUKE:] You don't deserve to live!
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Why not kill yourself!
[HEATHER DUKE:] Here have a sedative
[HEATHER & COMPANY:] Whine, whine, whine!
[HEATHER DUKE:] Like there's no Santa Claus (boo-hoo)
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] You're pathetic because you whine!
[HEATHER DUKE:] You whine all night!
[HEATHER DUKE:] (Whine) Your ass is off the team (Whine) Go on and bitch and moan (Whine) You don't deserve to dream (Whine) You're gonna die alone
[HEATHER DUKE & COMPANY:] Die alone! Die alone! Die alone! DIE ALONE!
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mermen · 3 months
asked someone how much they were selling their dragon for in the forums expecting it to be max 100g only to be told they wanted at least 350g. in this dragon economy?
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regina-del-cielo · 5 months
Roberto Bolle spending the first five minutes of his latest ballet show on tv saying that the program (made in honour of the International Day of Dancing) was made "on the wishes of Rai and the Ministry of Culture" hurts my heart
Can you believe the GALL of fucking Sangiuliano.
As if Bolle, Global Ballet Legend, hasn't been single-handedly keeping ballet and dance alive in Italian people's minds with his tours and programs for the last ten years
People at Rai should kiss their own elbows that Bolle hasn't jumped ship like every other competent TV worker in the last two years
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sterrylight · 3 months
I love you amanda young
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mikrokosmcs · 8 months
La  oscuridad  era  su  amiga,  es  la  primera  enseñanza  que  le  dieron  cuando  sus  poderes  se  manifestaron  en  una  rabieta  cuando  tenía  apenas  cinco  años,  refunfuñando  y  desobedeciendo;  escondiéndose  en  esas  mismas  sombras  hasta  que  fue  localizada  por  su  padre  y  traía  de  nuevo  a  la  luz.   La  oscuridad  era  una  aliada  y  lo  había  visto,  puesto  que  todas  las  semanas  posteriores  a  haberse  separado  del  resto  de  sus  amigos  y  comenzar  su  travesía  en  búsqueda  de  los  monjes  de  sombras  que  la  entrenaron  no  hace  mucho  tiempo,  solo  la  noche  les  ayudaba  tanto  a  ella  como  a  Eunho  para  camuflarse,  esconderse  y  no  perderse.  La  magia  negra  era  más  poderosa  en  ese  momento,  tanto  la  Shadow  Walker  como  el  nigromante,  habían  logrado  sobrevivir  de  soldados  de  la  luz  y  personas  que  les  estaban  persiguiendo  por  sus  poderes.  Pero  Jisu  deseaba  más  que  nada,  poder  volver  a  ver  la  luz,  que  Taehwa  le  sacara  de  las  sombras  y  le  llevase  de  regreso  a  los  brazos  de  su  padre  Ryeohee,  que  le  acunara  entre  ellos  y  el  dulce  aroma  a  menta  combinado  con  frutos  del  bosque,  le  durmiera.  Pero  eso  no  iba  a  pasar,  no  cuando  la  pesadilla  se  repita  una  y  otra  vez  cada  que  cierra  los  ojos,  como  la  tierra  se  abrió,  grandes  y  esqueléticos  brazos  salieron  del  abismo  y  se  tragaron  a  sus  padres  y  tíos,  desapareciendo  frente  a  sus  ojos  y  el  lazo  que  los  unía  como  familia  se  cortó.  No  podía  sentirlos,  no  podía  percibirlos  más,  estaban  muertos. 
Una  lagrima  escapa  de  la  comisura  de  sus  ojos  y  el  cuerpo  tendido  de  la  muchacha  se  estremece  en  sueños,  las  costillas  le  duelen  y  está  segura  de  que  ha  sido  magullada  por  una  pelea,  una  donde  salió  victoriosa  si  estaba  viva  pero  no  puede  asegurar  si  su  hermano  estaba  bien  y  completo.  Su  cuerpo  no  responde  y  reniega,  gruñendo  como  lo  hacen  los  de  su  clase  e  intenta  concentrarse  en  otro  de  sus  sentidos,  el  olfato.  Siente  la  tenue  esencia  de  eucalipto  con  ébano  y  puede  respirar  tranquila,  Eunho  está  bien  y  estaba  no  hace  mucho,  ahí  a  su  lado.  No  obstante,  son  otros  aromas  desconocidos  los  que  le  hacen  enfocarse  en  el  dulzor  de  las  flores  y  las  frutas,  algunos  aromas  fuertes  como  antisépticos  y  pócimas  alcoholizadas.  Recuerda  a  su  tío  Taeim,  quien  curaba  sus  raspones  con  el  solo  soplido  de  su  magia  rosada  y  blanca,  el  mismo  aroma  del  cuidado  y  la  delicadez  que  estaba  percibiendo  ahora.  Inspira  más  fuerte,  llevándose  un  golpe  directo  a  todos  los  sentidos  gracias  a  la  flor  de  iris  y  el  dulzor  exquisito  del  durazno,  puede  prácticamente  saborear  la  fruta  en  su  boca  como  si  estuviese  clavando  los  colmillos  en  ella,  su  cuerpo  reacciona  por  fin  y  los  parpados  se  abren  para  dejar  entrever  un  par  de  pupilar  rojizas,  un  impulso  meramente  salvaje  del  animal  que  habitaba  en  su  interior,  tal  vez  intentando  lucir  atemorizante,  tal  vez  y  simplemente,  una  reacción  natural  de  un  alfa  hacia  un  omega  de  espectacular  aroma.  Está  desconcertada,  se  nota  en  lo  frenético  de  su  vista  tragándose  cada  cosa  que  ve,  el  lugar  desconocido,  una  cama  que  no  le  pertenece,  el  sonido  de  personas  y  risas  en  el  exterior  hasta  caer  en  la  muchacha  que  estaba  al  costado  de  su  lecho.  El  corazón  le  martilla  ridículamente  en  el  centro  del  pecho  y  no  es  por  miedo,  es  por  algo  que  no  puede  ponerle  nombre  y  es  entonces  que  el  golpe  de  realidad  vuelve  a  azotarle  la  mente  cuando  un  oleaje  del  mismo  aroma  vuelve  a  calarle  en  la  nariz.  Recuerda  a  su  enemigo,  una  espada  encajada  en  su  costillar,  el  grito  de  Eunho  y  el  descontrol  completo  de  su  instinto  abriendo  un  agujero  negro  en  el  piso,  tragándose  al  soldado  de  luz  para  llevárselo  a  dios-sabe-donde,  salvándolos.  Jisu  se  desplomó  en  un  paramo  verde  e  iluminado  por  la  luna,  cayendo  de  rodillas  alcanzando  solo  a  levantar  la  vista  cuando  lo  que  parece  una  ninfa,  un  hada  o  una  criatura  mágica  hermosa  aparece  en  su  campo  de  visión.  El  mismo  aroma  de  durazno  y  flor  de  iris  estrujándole  el  alma  antes  de  caer  en  un  profundo  sueño,  su  cuerpo  cayendo  rendido  cuando  sintió  que  podía  confiar  en  aquel  extraño  ente.  -  —Fuiste  tu  —  -menciona,  las  cuerdas  vocales  apretadas  y  secas  hacen  que  su  voz  salga  grave  y  apenas  audible  por  el  desuso,  ¿cuánto  tiempo  estuvo  dormida?  Jisu  traga  saliva,  incomoda  por  la  sensación,  pero  vuelve  a  hablar.  -  —Fuiste  tu  quien  apareció  ahí…  ¿dónde  está  mi  hermano?  ¿está  bien?
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jazzart07 · 6 months
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I'm working in a Eddsworld AU but with slight inspiration from the OMORI game, I'm still not sure who will be who but I couldn't help but make a drawing about it. Hope you like it.
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snekdood · 4 months
ppl who larp about the Revolution™ almost seem to expect someone *else* to take the leading role in it all so they can sit inside on their asses and do jack shit, they know they have no meaningful skills to offer and would only slow people down, but expect to *somehow* magically radicalize most americans into doing all the work for them because awww dey're just such a weak wittle babu that needs to be pwotected and defwended awlways uwu
like. come on. get a grip. if everything went your way and someone actually stronger than you came along to take the lead, you're likely not being invited, and you'll likely be left behind... which means left to the alt right, who will no doubt come to your house to see if you're perpetuating anything "woke", and you gotta know they wont just ask, they'll barge in and look through everything even your computer.
though, you should really focus on your plan. your first step: get along with people enough to even actually convince them its a good idea, and we all know you'll never dare to try that shit. you cant even be on here w/o blocking someone like me for even suggesting you are approaching this like a child playing war and you have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU'RE DOING.
you think you want a second holocaust (which is essentially letting trump win, i mean hitler got the majority vote in germany. thats how he rose to power. didn't just materialize out of thin air), but you dont seem to grasp the gravity of what that entails, or even that you'd be thrown in the camps with everyone else, all to stick it to jewish ppl and "the libs", even if it means you and all the ones you love die along with them. you are a net negative to humanity and quite frankly should be on a fucking watch list.
#tankies#accelerationists#i dont think the power of love and friendship is gonna carry you through this one guys#you're waiting for someone to come along and save you- this revolution is nothing more than a complex fantasy of you being saved#and protected. nothing more.#i understand you're scared. i understand you've made this idea your whole life and the only thing you dream about to feel better#about living in a world where you're oppressed and constantly in pain and have no power. it makes sense. i create such fantasies for myself#sometimes. but when we come back to reality- we cant expect to take the whole fantasy with us per se#the world isnt one day going to magically go exactly your way. its just not going to happen. it'd be nice if it did- we think- but it wont#you have to be more practical in this. you can use your fantasy as a motivator. a goal. be the change you want to see etc. etc.#but YOU have to take steps making it a reality. no one is going to be the all knowing person who saves you from all the problems#and can do all the things you cant do and save the day or whatever. it's never going to happen. you have to be that person#for yourself. if you're gonna larp about a revolution you have to at the bare minimum have this understood.#after that- you need conflict resolutions skills and to know how to communicate#you'll need to learn how to get along with people you dont like at all. you'll need to learn how to communicate your ideas effectively#you'll need to learn how to argue and defend your ideas and how to have the humility to be wrong and accept it and the ability#to change your mind. you'll have to educate yourself and keep educating yourself. you'll have to learn how to actually listen to other#ppl instead of trying to find a way to manipulate them to believe what you do#and after all that social stuff is out of the way- you need to learn some mother fucking SURVIVAL SKILLS BITCH#how to FIGHT and SURVIVE in any kind of environment. how to use weapons and build fires out of nothing n shit#if you cant manage all of that? you're fucked.
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deergirlslut · 9 months
Getting drunk and posting on tumblr to create hilarious content sounds fun in theory but sometimes you just become a sad :(
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