#you're all so cool and amazing and wonderful and im giving you all hugs <3
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 4 months
im so grateful for all you of btw
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
hey, im having a true anxiety moment for reasons and i was wondering if i could get some hurt x comfort headcanons for Billy Lenz, Chop Top, Bubba, Thomas, Vincent, Bo, Brahms, and Eddie Munson with an s/o who has to get surgery( minor or extreme) and is absolutely terrified of surgery and medical stuff. i might have to have surgery on my damn face and i am very scared. your writing always makes me happy and keep being amazing <3
I’m so sorry this took so long, it was kinda hard for me to come up with ideas lately. I'm not the best at comforting people so I'm sorry if this really sucks. Also I like to keep things cannonical for my writing, like events of fics and headcannons taking place in the time the media is set it. This goes along with keeping slashers who live off the grid well off the grid. But it doesn't really matter to me this time because getting surgery, especially surgery on your face is scary. I've had surgery before, thankfully when I was younger and I don't remember much of it but I do have to get my wisdom teeth out soon and I am dreading it so much. I hope this help sooth your nerves a bit. You've got support from me on this too. Reader is gn.
Includes: Billy Lenz, Chop Top and Bubba Sawyer, Vincent and Bo Sinclair, Brahms Heelshire and Eddie Munson
Warnings: Surgery mentions, paranoia, strong language, talk of medical issues, Billy calling reader pretty piggy
Billy Lenz
You found out that you're going to have to get surgery to remove impacted teeth in the back of your mouth and you are terrified.
When you went to Billy crying he got very worried about you. He held you close to his chest and waited for you to tell him what was wrong.
When you do tell him whats wrong he doesn't fully understand but he doesn't let that stop him from comforting you. "Pretty piggy shouldn't worry. Pretty piggy will be fine. Billy will make sure pretty piggy is ok."
He'll do everything in his power to make sure you stay calm and think rationally. He'll talk about how doctors do things like that all the time and it won't be too long.
If he ever find you crying or stressing about it he'll hold you close to him and let you tell him everything. "Pretty piggy is safe with Billy. Billy won't let anyone hurt his pretty piggy,"
Chop Top Sawyer
After a visit to the doctors you find out you have to have surgery on your neck to treat a blockage in an artery. You've been stressing about that surgery since you found out you needed it.
Chop Top quickly caught onto what was going on and tries his best to comfort you. He'll talk about how when he got the plate his head he went under and never felt anything. I feel like he'd have a ton of other surgeries like getting stitches as a kid or even as an adult by Bubba.
He'll talk about all the times you've been super brave while at the house with them and how if you could get them to keep you alive you can survive a common surgery.
He’s gonna try to keep you distracted as much as he can by bringing you little trinkets and bones that he thinks are really cool. 
He’s not super good with emotions but he’ll listen to your worries and try to figure out how to comfort you from there. 
Bubba Sawyer
Just like with Chop Top you have to have surgery on an artery and you’re so worried something is going to go wrong and you’ll bleed out. When you tell Bubba about your worries he pulls you into a hug right away. 
Whenever he sees you getting worried he pulls you away from whatever you’re doing and holds you in his arms. He understands if you don’t want to talk to him about it but he just wants to try to make it better. 
He’s gonna do whatever he can to distract you from those feeling of stress and worry. Other people have said he has an emotional support chicken and I agree totally. He’ll let you hold it and have it sit in your lap. 
He’ll have Drayton make you your favorite foods and the twins keep it down. He’ll keep all the killing outside and keep the noise down. 
He’ll give you little projects to take your mind off the stress of the surgery. He’s not gonna let you stress more than you need to. 
Vincent Sinclair
After your nose got broken by a tourist you tried to heal it on your own, but once it didn’t get better Bo took you to the hospital and found out you have to get surgery to realign the bones. 
When you got back to the house you ran to Vincent for comfort. Crying about how scared you are to get it done. He holds you there and listens to you cry. 
He’s had his fair share of surgeries himself because of his deformity so he understands how scary it can be to get that done. He’ll sign to you about how you’ll he ok and that surgeries are really safe now.
He’s gonna promise to love you no matter how the surgery goes.
He’ll keep you busy by having you pose for him or getting you to help him with whatever art he’s making.
Like with Vincent you need to get surgery on your nose to realign your nose. Bo is quick to tell that you’re very nervous.
He’ll keep reassuring you that you’ll be fine and that you shouldn’t worry. He might get gross about all of the injuries he’s endured and survived.
“Then this other time I got a 4 inch knife stuck in my hip and Vinny had to sew me up. It took a real long time to heal and it left a nasty scar.”
He’s gonna make sure you know that getting the surgery is better than your nose looking wonky and getting infected.
He knows when you’re stressing and he takes you away from whatever you’re doing and whatever chores he has then help you calm down. He’s not gonna let you sit around and be all worried. If you’re gonna be worried you’ll be worried in his arms.
After a lot of trouble with one of your knee joints you find out that you have a cyst there and you have to get it removed with surgery. 
When you tell Brahms about this and he sees how worried you get he gets really worried about it too. 
Brahms never got the medical attention he needed and he wishes he could have gone back and gotten it so he’s not letting you back out of this. He’ll be sure to be sensitive and kind about it though. He doesn’t want to scare you further. 
He’ll be so supportive. He’ll pull out old medical books and talk to you about how far medical advancements have come. If this just makes it worse he’ll stop talking about it.
He’s gonna help around the house with chores to his best ability to take stress off of you (ignore the fact that he’ll probably not to a great job and you’ll have to help clean up after him).
Eddie Munson
You find out that you need to get surgery on your hand to remove something blocking joints in your fingers. When you go to Eddie and he sees how stressed you are about it he’ll get stressed too.
“Hey Y/N come on don’t worry sweetheart you’ll be fine I promise.”
He’ll he extra nice to you while you deal with this. You wanna braid his hair? Go ahead he’s already sitting for you. You wanna watch some dumb romance movie with him? He’s grabbing the popcorn.
Constant reassurance that you’ll be ok with him. “ I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you. It’s a 1/10000 chance that you get hurt ok darling?”
Will check in a lot more often. If the two of you don’t see each other one day he always calls you at night so you two can talk. But if he doesn’t get to see you that day the calls will be a lot longer and me might call a few extra times in the day just to make sure you’re ok. If you need him to come over he’s already on his way.
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etherealyoungk · 11 months
Talk about your moots; what do you like most about them (could be a paragraph or a single sentence, spread the love!!)
okay this reached me huh. i tried to include most of my moots, but if you got left out im so sorry i'll give you a kiss on the forehead okay
my number one fr @strawberri-uyu like nico what would i do without you <3333 like you're so sweet and i love how we just clicked and haven't stopped talking since. i love how we also just feed each other delusions lmao and all the convos we have are so natural and fun and i just love talking to you. i actually love you so much <3 and you hold the place as being one of my first moots as well ^^ ily fr like my bestie. even if i can't talk to you or text you sometimes, im always thinking abt you and wondering how you are doing.
@daisycheols MY MARIAA you're the sweetest person ever and i find you so so cool and amazing. you're actually such a badass in my eyes. i love our talks and you're just so sweet and kind. you're always checking up on me and i find that so sweet and i just wanna come give you the biggest hug ever. ilysm and i hope you're well and taking care!
@fairyhaos YENAA LIKE YOU'RE SO SWEET and funny as well in a good way. i adore your writing so much and i adore you. and it's never a dull moment when talking to you. im so happy and grateful that you're one of my moots!
@blue-jisungs AXE my lovely! youre so fun to talk to i love how we're always talking in caps lmao it just adds something haha. and you're so sweet as well!
@wheeboo raniaa lovely! you're the sweetest ever it's always so fun to talk to you! i think you're very cool as well haha <3 just know imma come scream to you about juns drama and strangers from hell soon.
@kyeomyun JADA we have so much in common it's so fascinating haha. you're also fun fun to talk to and it's just so natural.
@gyuswhore EM! i know we talk on and off but i think you're very cool and you're super fun and sweet to talk to! and whenever the weekend hits im like manically searching for gyu pics to give you your weekly dose of mingyu lol. if know i missed a few weeks but i'll be back spamming ur inbox with mingyu
@toruro mika!! i honestly think you're so cool and ur so sweet. your fics and writing is amazing i admire you so much <3 it's always been fun when we've talked and you're super sweet as well. i hope you're well and taking care :)
@cheolhub sar! you're another person whom i think is very very cool. and you write so well too and i'll try to talk to you more ^^
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Just Say You're Jealous of Jimin and Go.
I wasn't planning on saying anything about the drama on Twitter this morning after the group photo was posted after the press conference. But its honestly ridiculous, so consider this me venting it out here for a moment. BTS dropped an amazing song, had a wonderful press conference, and dropped a group photo where jikook were... jikooking. It was amazing and I'll probably never be over it! And IMMEDIATELY hate started going around under Big Hits account and on the timeline for Jimin and Jikook. Its not even about ships anymore, its about basic respect for a group you say you "stan" and love.
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Not only were weird edits made of Tae or other women idols in place of Jimin, but the amount of defensive "they are brothers" tweets and hate directed towards Jimin was insane. Its just a god damn photo. It's adorable, appreciate it or don't, but keep your toxicity to yourself.
All the comments about Jungkook being forced to pose like this or forced to interact with Jimin are straight bullshit. And I can't believe that is even a thing anyone has to say at this point. I'm fully aware basically all the hate came from TKKs. Which baffles me because there were a ton of adorable Taekook moments recently. Obsess over those? Is it because this singular moment was more intimate and telling than any other moment TK had that showcased their friendship? Take your jealousy and shove it.
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Look! Taekook are cute as hell together! Can you just enjoy them without spewing toxic bullshit just because you see Jimin as some kind of threat to your ship? And no. Jungkook is not being forced into anything. Anyone who says that he is, doesn't actually know their idol AT ALL. Jungkook, Tae and Jin are the kings of "I do whatever I want... I don't listen to the company." Those 3 give off the biggest "wtf are they gonna do, fire me?" vibes. Yet people are still out here thinking they are forced into interactions they don't want or forced to stay away from each other?
Jungkook forced to interact intimately with someone he doesn't want to be with? This is the same man who was told he shouldn't get tattoos because its not okay for an idol, who now has a full sleeve and spent the live today showing them off in short sleeves. This is the same man who dyed his hair himself in the bathroom after the company told him not to. This is the same man who pushes the members off him whenever he needs space. This is the same man who has declined "fanservice" when not in the mood. This is the same man who stared down a bunch of fans and said "I am not your Oppa" even though RM was telling him its fine and to let it go for the fans. He does not do anything he doesn't want to do. This is the man whose slogan is "rather be dead than cool." Who doesn't want to live unless he is living with passion. He is a rebel soul at heart. And he is a grown ass man who can take care of himself. If he is hugging someone, its because he wants to hug them. So step off his ass and let him live. Damn.
And Tae? You think he is going to stay away from someone he supposedly loves just because the company said to? Tae? The same man who got on livestream on his birthday to inform the fans that the company banned him from saying anything about his mixtape... and then proceeded to say "But I don't listen to the company" and giggle his butt off while sending snarky looks to the staff as he played 3 to 5 second clips of his mixtape songs on live stream. The same man who also dyed his hair himself after the company said no. The one who said No, I won't flash my abs anymore, im not comfortable with it and had RM talk to the company to get their choreography changed along with the other members. The one who has no problem telling fans they have no chance with him in WeVerse replies (not very good fanservice there for a typical idol). Tae, who wrote a Christmas love song and wanted to have it be a duet with Jimin and had the company tell him that 2 guys couldn't sing the song and he had to record it with a female Vocalist and release it that way. And Tae responded by refusing to release the song, he wanted it to be Jimin, if he couldn't have Jimin, he wouldn't do the song.
Do either of these men sound like pushovers and doormats like people are making them out to be? Jin has a reputation in the fandom as the rebel. JinHit is a running joke. Everyone is willing to recognize it. But for some reason, that same energy is ignored in Taekook. Their shippers are willingly blind to it. If their shippers had to admit that Taekook had free will, it would dismantle their entire tragic star crossed lovers canon divergent fanfiction as exactly what it is... fiction.
Jimin is NOT the problem here. If Kookie didn't want to be in an embrace with him, he wouldn't be. THEY BOTH chose to pose like this and they all chose to post it. And I, for one, absolutely love it. BTS are all grown men who can make their own choices and don't need their so called fans victimizing them for things that aren't even a problem. Also, Tae and JK are both so endeared by and love Jimin so much, they would be appalled by the things people say about him in relation to their "ship" so everyone should just leave them all alone!
Ship whoever you want, but put respect on all 7 members. If you can't, then keep your mouth closed. Good lord.
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Anyway, Jikook are SO loud lately and nothing you say will change how close they are. Stay Pressed and Stream Butter.
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koishua · 2 years
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IT HAS BEEN a long and perhaps quite a tiring year (for me, at least, and i am sure for many others as well, unfortunately) and i think we all should receive like,,, a participation or completion medal honestly :') i sincerely hope tomorrow (and the year 2022) will be a fresh new start for those who are in need of one and i hope each and every one of you have a lovely time :(
it's my second time celebrating a new year on this site so this is very weird haha i first created a random account bc i was so extremely bored during quarantine last august and i did not expect to find so many people who i have now become friends with ;-; y'all are so cool and cute i adore you :( and i am also very very grateful for those of you out there who read my works and follow me and stuff :') y'all are the best :( i enjoy interacting with you (also pls excuse my late answers istg my social battery is prone to draining very quickly so i hold messages and asks off sometimes ;-;)
in particular though, i really want to just give a few moots a tight, tight hug ;-; fr my irl friends could not do half of the things y'all did for me even without y'all knowing <//3 moving on!!
@yourlocalhotgf when i tell you that i love you with all of my heart and soul :( my precious, i feel like you understand me so, so well it's crazy ;-; i always feel at ease with you and it hurts me whenever you aren't doing alright. thank you for being there like,, always :( im sorry that i will never be able to be as great and amazing of a friend as you are to me ;-; i love you i love you i love you ily >:(
@bloomingnono you little piece of sunshine i love you my first friend ;-; it's been like what?? eight months since i last talked to you bc you abandoned online life :') and i have no idea how you are doing now but i genuinely hope you're doing okay out there ;-;
@t-toodumbtocare pls can i cry i feel so emotional with you idek why 😭 just. idk. idk just thank you for existing bc you living your life just makes me feel so at ease :( i admired you so much and still do just as much ;-; may this new year be an absolute blast for you oml you deserve it.... mum :')
@blueprint-han hi dawnie it's been a while since our last convo but i will never forget how precious you are to me. thank you so much for everything you have done. when i couldn't tell anyone anything, you were the first person i opened up to and you talked me out of so many things and gave me so so much advice and i cherish you so much :( i hope you're doing well and have a great year ahead, really ;-;
@doiefy man my first tumblr mom if i might say so myself 😭 did you know that you were my second online friend?? legitimately. thank god i discovered you through rosie's blog, my faeiry istg you are a godsend. so precious very precious very talented i am happy you exist and i think you should know that :( —sincerely, 🦕 :')
@channoticedmeuwu you fucking menace pls i want to smother you in hugs let me smother you in hugs i will smother you in hugs ;-; we used to talk a lot bahaha and im so thankful that you trusted me enough to be all open with me ;-; and also vice versa ;-; kai ilysm i hope you are doing much, much better :( thank you for everything up till now and i hope next year is a wonderful year for you too :(
@fairyjunn my precious maria :( my soulmate and friend, first of all happy late birthday!! i wanted to celebrate it a few days ago but it somehow slipped my mind so im taking a little spot on this post to wish you a happy, happy (late bday ;-;) you encourage me like no other and i feel so overwhelmingly loved by you it's crazy :( thank you so so much for always bringing a smile on my face even just by the thought of you :') you're the sweetest and most caring and loving and i hope life treats you the way you deserve to be treated :(
@junityy bruh i feel like i want to both hug you and send you off to the moon 😭 happy new year you cutie and i wish you a great... sliiide.... into 2022 💀 i have THE most fun talking with you and we vibe and get each other so well i wish we were as close as before but yeah i will be bothering you a lot again soon so you better keep your eyes open and tysm for everything honestly :') you made my year so much more enjoyable :(
and to all of my moots that i interacted with before and now, i really do hope you have a nice nice nice year :(
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a little section for myself :')
so... this year was wild :') honestly hot damn the amount of things that went down this year is making me wheeze and cry at the same time :') i laughed a lot... but yeah i cried a lot negl this year was my crybaby year im hollering ;-; i started doing stuff i shouldn't do, did stuff i shouldn't have done and lost a good friend irl but ig that's life :') hoping that i get better this following year ✊
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me: (sees one post of you answering an ask) me, rolling up my sleeves: time to send Knox love and appreciation again hi yes you have literally lit up my life in such a good way, like theres no way id have written as much as i have this year if it wasn't for your constant enthusiasm keeping me going- simply knowing you and interacting with you got me like a whole list of new friends to talk to and interact with, which has been overall amazing since i havent been able to see my real life best friend in over a year. but you and your content and enthusiasm and creativity and just. sheer joy has managed to fill some of the hole that i'd been feeling. you're literally such an amazingly good person, im constantly impressed with every single piece of content you post, and how you seem to just be able to make people lives better just by existing your content is always such a joy to see, like its the highest tier of content. you're always so nice and positive about things, you come around and you just drop everything just to spread love and its incredible, i have no idea how you manage to do it. everytime you send me a message or mention me in a post or something im just filled with the highest level of serotonin, your friendship means so much to me, especially since when i was first joining this fandom becoming friends with you felt literally impossible. you're a light to this earth/fandom and just. i hope you maintain that energy and light wherever you go, and that only the Goodest Of Things happen to you, because you fully and truly deserve them.
WELL FIRST OF ALL how dare you come into my inbox and be this kind and incredible and wonderful and gh;GH;LASIJEOFWMEF ;A;
Knowing that something I wrote inspired someone as creative, incredible and enormously talented as you actually makes me wanna cry.
You just exploded into this fandom with a somehow constant stream of ideas and fics and I am amazed by EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Each of them are so original and incredible and SO MUCH FUN TO THINK ABOUT, whether it be angsty or SO FREAKING FUNNY AND JUST HGAKSFMOHGWE
Seeing you post stuff and recognizing you for the first time was like seeing someone from across a really popular cafe interacting with some people I know and I literally saw you and was like oh gosh, dunno how I missed this person because they are so freaking cool and are literally one of my favourite creators and it's been three seconds--
FROM LIKE, DAY ONE, I saw you and DESPERATELY wanted to interact with you and be your friend but HECK MAN, how much you created was so intimidating and so freaking cool and I just accepted yeah, we can just interact from a distance, i can be cool with that
AND THEN YOU FREAKING DM'D ME AND I FLIPPED A MOTHERFREAKING TABLE (not literally, but I did stim for an unreasonably long amount of time)
Having you here, having you around is just... sometimes I get really discouraged when I create. Sometimes I don't know if I want to post things because I suddenly get extremely self conscious, but then you're there like a fiery ball of hype and I get excited to share stuff. Even on days when I feel like I have no energy left, I see OH LUPIN DROPPED NEW AU HECK TIREDNESS I HAVE TO SEE THIS--
Every time I go to write a new longer fic I get so excited because gosh the last one got LUPIN into the fandom. DUDE, IT MAKES ME FEEL FAMOUS AND LIKE I CAN DO ANYTHING, TO KNOW I INSPIRED SOMEONE AS INCREDIBLE AS YOURSELF
I am rambling now and that is A-OK. HGAOWEHF
I love you a lot dude, and I'm glad you exist and it means so much to me that you share that you care, and I'm so happy that I was able to give you a little bit of good amongst all the crazy. You deserve hype, you deserve friends and care and love and *hugs* gosh darn it if I ain't gonna be one of the people smart enough to give it to you
I am simply very glad you exist, and for real <3 thanks for coming into my inbox and attacking me with affection. It really does encourage me to keep doing what I'm doing when I know it affects others in a good way, so thank you so much, dude <3
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zackmartin · 2 years
hello it's me again!! just replying to your reply but I haven't been active on here because of school and work so when I am on here I get so happy seeing your content and your gifs and posts!! it's just really cool to me how passionate you are about things and fandoms you love and you just have the most wonderful energy idk how to describe it!! I would love to talk more with you as well whenever you're less busy. it's also wild cause your energy will sometimes bleed onto me in a good way like I was watching the On Deck/I'm In the Band crossover and being like. zack: baby. baby boy. cody: evil.
I even downloaded "so this is ever after" just cause you put me on and introduced it to me and I'm excited to read it! omg your power <3 and it also means a lot seeing how you still post and write about HD because a lot of people moved on and I have such great memories attached to the show 🥺
I was almost not gonna send you the ask cause I thought you already watched the episode and I felt annoying KGNKBDNJV but I'm so glad you get to see new zack content. it's kind of a hard show to find (because it's criminally underrated) so let me know if you need a streaming link!! I think you're gonna really like it tbh I loved it so much as a kid and it held up so well
OKAY LAST THING IM SORRYYYYY but I know you have surgery soon and been going through treatment that has been hard on you so I just want you to know that I wish you so much luck! I hope everything will be okay and your recovery will be quick. sending you a virtual hug and positive vibes darling 💓💓💓💓
Ahh, thank you, that’s so incredibly sweet of you to say. That means the world to me, tbh, like you have no idea 🥺💕💕 I’m trying to do better about the negative talk, but I’m just used to it and it’s taking me a bit to unlearn that habit, so it’s nice when I’m offered a different perspective where it’s like “you’re passionate and that’s a good thing!!” so my long-winded point is I just appreciate your kind words and I thank you for like, giving me a different way of looking at it 💗💗 also, I love that lmao Zack is angel and Cody can choke 😘
AHH, THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!! There’s no pressure ofc cause I know you’re busy and I’m not trying to like, push you into reading it right away or at all but IF you do and you feel like talking about it either during or after or both, I’d definitely look forward to that. Again, no pressure tho!! I obviously get being busy 💞💞
I will warn you, though; idk how you are with blood and stuff, but there is a part in the beginning where Arek talks about the final battle they just went through and how his beheading of the evil guy didn’t go exactly as planned, and it does get a bit gross. Like, I’m not really good with blood and gore, but I was able to get through it; there wasn’t really a point where I felt like I had to stop or skip over. I still wanted to warn you, though, so it wasn’t like me saying “oh, it’s fun little fairytale romcom!!” and then you get to chapter 1 and it’s just blood splattering everywhere 😅
I get why people moved on and I know it would’ve been inevitable regardless since it’s over but. I guess since one half of what I’m writing about is Zack, I’m too attached to give it up right now 😅 and I got super lucky with finding the best friends through HD, and even though I’m ultimately writing everything for the target audience of me, it’s just super cool and amazing that a lot of people still support and encourage me in all those little crack AUs of mine 💖
No!! Never think that!!! Even if I had seen that episode, I still would’ve been SO excited that someone thought of me and decided to tell me. Like it literally made my day and it would’ve made my day no matter what. I’ve kinda been gravitating towards “comfort” things right now (which is probably why I’m a little over-the-top with So This is Ever After) so it kinda sounds like the perfect thing!! I vaguely remember the commercials for it, but I know I never saw it.
Thank you so much, that’s so sweet 🥺🥺💕💕 this surgery I’m having,,, well, it’s typically outpatient, but my problem is a little more difficult than normal so I will have to stay at the hospital, but hopefully it’ll only be a night or two 🤞🏻 but I just say that to say that it luckily isn’t like, really major surgery or anything. But, thank you for the well wishes!! ❤️
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