#young pastor craig
ringosp · 1 year
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Finally draw the silly (IMP TWEEK)
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kranjozoea · 1 year
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-0710 Twitter log
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finnanigans · 19 days
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he in fact do not stop saying blehhh 👅
based on interactions w me and my gf
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blehhhh 👅
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m4ffi · 1 year
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The love story of young pastor and Holy angel!! 🪽✝️💍
!!Angelic angel Tweek x Youth pastor Craig AU!!
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teacookiesandpeace · 7 months
All Projects
Hey guys, this is Hermis, organizing my aus and original projects here so that you can find them and read them more easily, thank you for the support and for all the love, I hope you have a good read
Once upon a time, South park ( outsp ) :
Conclusion, Do it for her, The hell finally freezes, Love, Looking for help, Young demon's suggestion, Changes, Hanging out, Who's next? ( test )
Part 1, Part 2
Imp Tweek x Pastor Craig au
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Bad End Neverland
| Chapter 1 |
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New projects will come soon, my focus is not only on South Park, I believe that maybe I will do more aus from other fandoms as well
New things will be added soon! =)
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cat-brrr · 1 year
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(not quite) young pastor craig but post covid version , my bbg , cuz yeah
and kyle
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dannystheone · 1 year
for some reason i cant see what im tying LMAO so apologies for any typos 😖 ANYWAY i love your fics sm ur so talented!! i was wondering if i could req a creek fic, maybe w tweek trying to work up the courage to tickle craig back since he keeps getting got. thanks! :) (this is literally a black screen for me idek what ive written lmao)
No you're good I hear you loud and clear! And thank you for the compliment! I love an excuse to write more precious boys :)) I hope you don't mind that I turned this into an Imp!Tweek and Pastor!Craig fic, I tried toying around with other ideas for the boys but this was really interesting to me.
One Movie At A Time? (Lee Pastor!Craig/ Ler Imp!Tweek)
WARNINGS: Kids swearing! And kind of a long intro sorry teehee
Imp Tweek discovers what tickling is for the first time and Pastor Craig is his (un)fortunate victim!
"Thanks, Father Maxi. I'll see you next Sunday, then." A young apprentice to the pastor of a local church exited an ornate office. Craig closed the wooden door behind him and shuffled along the cheap carpet of the hallway. Cables and printers lined the wall as he entered the nave and felt the chill of the empty church. The dust filled his nose as he walked up the steps to the altar.
The day was winding down, the golden glow of the evening shone through the stained glass windows. Patterns reflected off Craig's face as he knelt before the altar and mumbled a quick prayer. A certain character in his life he's been keeping quiet about was in his mind as he turned around and walked down the aisle of the church.
"Sardines...chocolate milk...ice cream...coffee...and shampoo. Why is he eating the shampoo again-" Craig read through the grocery list that was sent to him by his 'roommate' as he left the church and walked outside. How a pastor in training became roommate to a spawn of the devil was unbeknownst to him. Was it some sort of cosmic work of irony? At this point, it might as well be.
Craig had summoned an imp who he nicknamed 'Tweek' due to the imp taking the body of an anxious local boy in town for his host. Craig had never met the boy before he had the imp in his body, but his consciousness didn't weigh on him too much because of it. The imp himself was mischievous and cunning, while the personality of the boy still shone through. So Pastor Craig has an anxious ball of nerves experiencing the world for the first time on his hands while still dealing with school and pastor apprenticeship. He was lucky if he got three hours of sleep a night.
Craig walked through his front door and removed the clerical collar around his neck. "Tweek, Tweek I'm home! Come get the groceries." Craig called out. Craig heard feet pounding on his wooden floorboards and turned around to see the imp behind him.
The imp had taken the boy's form, with his golden mess of hair and ocean-blue eyes. He had kept his devilish horns and long red tail, however. That was always fun to conceal while in public and not a chore at all.
"GAH! Craig! I-I thought you were intruders! You can't do that to me, man! I just watched this movie called 'The Strangers' and they come in your home and kidnap you! GAHAH! I can't be kidnapped, I can't be!!" Are you sure you're an imp from hell... Craig wanted to ask. But he kept his mouth shut and walked into the kitchen with the grocery bags; Tweek following close behind.
"Don't worry Tweek, that was a movie. It's not for real. Here, I got the stuff you asked for. Do not eat the shampoo again." Craig passed over a grocery bag to Tweek across the kitchen island. Tweek hopped up on a stool, his tail waving slowly at the thought of fake movies. He winked in thought.
"B-But at the beginning of the movie, it read 'Based on true events'! ERK! What if something happens to us, and Hollywood makes a movie of us? Which actor will play me? They won't get my hair right! That is WAY too much pressure!!" Tweek's tail curled up as he hugged his can of sardines. Craig huffed as he turned around to place groceries in the cabinets.
"I can assure you Tweek, you're the least exciting thing to happen to this town. A movie will be made about an alien invasion, or mecha Barbra Streisand, or that imaginary characters exist-" Tweek started hiding his face and pulling at his hair.
"GAH! Those are things that happen in this town?! Why is it so chaotic?! Even Hell was more organized than this!" Tweek pulled on his horns while Craig leaned against the kitchen island.
"Well, sometimes those things happen. But mostly it's just a small town in snowy mountains. People live their daily lives here and make something of themselves. They have kids and buy houses and go to school, just like normal." Craig shrugged as Tweek started to calm down a little.
"Oh...alright. Urgh...I still have a lot to learn. I didn't think above-ground would be so confusing!" Tweek winked out of anxiety as he followed Craig into the living room to watch TV. Craig plopped on the couch and put his feet up after a long day. Tweek silently sat next to him, his tail waving in the air.
"Well, you're getting the hang of it. The remote control, anyway. How do I put parental supervision on this thing-" Craig messed around with the buttons on the remote as he switched the channel by accident. He looked up to the TV and just as quickly set his gaze back down to the remote, while Tweek continued to watch. Two cartoon characters were in the middle of a field rolling on top of each other. Were they rolling? Or fighting? It didn't look like either. Tweek winked at the TV and pulled on his shirt.
"Hey...hey Craig?" Tweek looked to Craig. Craig jerked his chin up in Tweek's direction while still fiddling with the remote. "Uh- urgh- what are they doing on the TV?" Tweek pointed to the characters on screen.
"Oh crap, did I change it to Cinemax on accident-" Craig was expecting to see something inappropriate on screen, but it was just two characters tickling each other. "Oh, they're just playing."
"It-It doesn't look like playing!" Tweek pulled on his shirt as he watched one character scribble his fingers all over his friend's tummy. The other character laughed in an animated fashion. It wasn't anything Tweek had ever seen before since he's been above ground. Craig quirked his lip as he sunk deeper in the couch to fiddle with the remote.
"Yeah, they're playing. They're tickling each other. It's a kid's game." Craig yawned and kept messing with the damn remote while Tweek was still curious.
"T-Tickling? What's that? Urgh- How do you play?" Craig's cheeks blushed a bit as he threw the remote to the side. He couldn't figure out where to find parental controls on the damn thing.
"Uh...there's not really any rules to it Tweek, you just kinda play, I guess." Ugh, this was on par with the birds and the bees talk they had last week in terms of embarrassment. "Humans are sensitive if you touch them a certain way in a certain place, 'cause of our nervous systems. Some people are really sensitive or not sensitive at all. Our bodies are different from each other. People tickle other people to see them laugh." Craig explained. Tweek held his fingers while he tried to process this confusing human game.
"So what's your body like Craig? ERK! Are-are you sensitive? If you're sensitive do people just come up to you randomly to play? That sounds horrible!" Tweek balled his fists in his pants while Craig toyed with a strand of his blue hat.
"No, no. People are usually respectful when people say they don't want to be tickled. But sometimes people ignore it and tickle them anyway. It can be annoying, but some people like it." Craig shrugged again, half-hoping that can be the end of the discussion. Tweek winked as he worked up the courage to ask his next question.
"C-Can I try? I wanna see what it's like." Craig blinked at Tweek blankly while on the inside he was screaming. Why did Tweek have to be so damn curious... But he looked genuinely interested. And Craig couldn't say no to his big blue eyes.
"Uh, I guess. Like I said, every person is different, so don't be surprised if you don't get a huge reaction out of me." Craig laid back on the couch, his midsection suddenly tense. He remembered getting tickled as a kid, but nothing too crazy. And being a pastor in training has taken away his time to participate in normal kid activities as well.
Tweek sat on Craig's jeaned thigh, his tail wagging out of curiosity. "Urgh...okay! I'm just gonna start like how I saw on the TV, 'cause I don't really know what to do-" Tweek was a lot more straightforward than Craig would have thought. Tweek followed the cartoon character's example and started scribbling his fingers in Craig's tummy. His impish traits gave him nails that resembled a woman's acrylics. Craig snorted from the sudden touching and started to squirm and laugh.
"Pffmt- T-Tweeheheek! Hehehey!" Craig giggled, his eyes narrowed in his laughs. His arms rested on his sides, despite his fists being balled up and resisting the urge to cover himself up. Tweek stopped immediately after he heard Craig protest.
"ACK! Craig, are you hurt? Are you dying?! I didn't mean to kill you, man!" Tweek held Craig's shoulder, his tail curling in worry, as Craig shook his head.
"Noho dude, you didn't hurt me at all. It just tickled, that's all." Craig said in his usual monotone voice. Tweek pulled on his tail in thought.
"Oh, so I was doing the right thing!" Tweek beamed and launched back into it before Craig could say anything.
"Yeah, I gue-HESS! Gihihive mehehe a wahaharning first!!" Craig laughed out as Tweek's fingers returned to his belly, the nails on Tweek's hands scritching the skin underneath Craig's black pastor uniform.
Tweek didn't answer. He's never seen Craig look this carefree. Craig's face was alight with his laughter, his cheeks blushed and his eyes squinting in his giggles. It was funny, even though Craig had no control over how he laughed, he still laughed in the same monotone register of voice.
"Does this tickle? Am-Am I doing it right?? Am I tickling you, Craig?" Tweek asked incessantly while his fingers scratched across Craig's tummy and ribs. Craig giggled and shifted all over the couch.
"Yehehes you ahahare! Yohohou're dohohoing ihihit a bihihit too wehehehell!" Craig tried putting his arms over his tummy to hug himself and keep Tweek's fingers away, but Tweek's reflexes were fast. Anytime Craig put his arm in the way, it was immediately set aside by Tweek. It was like he had four hands.
"Huh, this is- ERK! This is weird! You're laughing but nothing's funny! ACK!" Tweek twitched as he pressed his nails down harder into Craig's tummy for a bigger reaction.
"Ow- Ohohow Tweek! Nohohot sohohoho hahahahard!" The pastor called out to the imp. Tweek lessened his nails and kept it to a light scribble.
"Oh, sorry Craig! Like this??" Tweek shook and scribbled his nails over Craig's tummy and waist, his hands suddenly everywhere trying to find all of Craig's spots. Craig burst out in refreshed laughter as he started moving all over the furniture.
"Nohohoho nohohohot like thahahahat! Pffmt- heheheheh!" Craig's ears burned underneath his blue hat. A pastor in training getting tickled to pieces by an imp from hell. Was this biblical in a way, Craig wondered in the back of his head...
"Then how am I supposed to do it? ERK! I've never done this before!" Tweek began to worry. If you tickled someone incorrectly, did they die? How was Tweek supposed to know?? Tweek started using his index fingers and poked into Craig's hips to lessen the tickles even more to see if that helped. Craig's laughter turned heavy as he covered his hips with his hands.
"Gahahahaha! Stohohop thahahat! Tweeheheheek!" Craig tried pushing Tweek's hands away, but Tweek was still quicker than him every time.
"ACK- Sorry Craig, I'm just playing! I'm playing right?" Tweek's ten fingers scratched over Craig's waistline, which would have started to hurt if it weren't for Craig's shirt in the way. The sporadic use of different methods was starting to weigh down on Craig.
"I gue-hehehehehe! Gohoho sohohohomewhere ehehelse!" Craig called out. Tweek freaked out at this, which caused his fingers to go a little haywire.
"GAH! G-Go somewhere else?! Where am I supposed to go?? Just cause I was tickling you I have to leave?! ACK! Tickling is too intense!!" Tweek's fingers gripped Craig's hips in the middle of his freakout.
"NAHAHA-hahahow! I meheheheant ahaha diffeheherent spohohot! Dihihifferent tihihickle spohot!" Craig cried. Tweek didn't think he could have this much control over a man of God cause of something as simple as a child's game. The pastor in training was totally at his mercy...too much pressure.
"Oh-oh right. Uh, how about here?" Tweek moved down from his hips to squishing the tops of his thighs. Craig calmed down almost immediately but kept up a steady stream of giggles.
"Thahat-heeheheh- thahahat's okahahay." Craig rubbed his face with his hands, his body twitching every now and then with Tweek's squishing. Tweek looked up to see Craig's arms were raised and out of the way.
"Hey what's that?" Tweek asked out of the blue and shot up to stuff his hands up Craig's underarms out of curiosity.
"What's what- GOHOD! Hahahahaha stohohohop!" Craig shot his arms down and kept them close to his sides while Tweek's tail wagged in happiness. He was so close to Craig now, he could see his laugh and smile up close. Pastor Craig had blue braces, but Tweek didn't mind. He thought they looked cool. Tweek had never seen face wear like that before. Craig had a pink blush over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, and his eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed. Tweek's impish heart began to pump.
Craig's worn Converse drug across the couch as he tried to buck off the imp tickling him. A man of God at the mercy of an imp? What would the church think...
"Okahahay! Okay okay okahahay stohohohop stop stop!" Craig pleaded out. Tweek's fingers stilled; Craig's face was pink with residual giggles. "God save me..." Craig passed his hands over his face and steamed into them.
"ACK! Oh-Oh Satan, I didn't hurt you, did I?" Tweek hopped off Craig's waist, his tail twisting in worry. and waited by his side while Craig caught his breath on the couch.
"Ahehee- it's-it's okay Tweek. You didn't hurt me, you're just way more intense than I thought. But uh yeah- that's how you tickle, I guess. Also, you're not watching TV anymore. And don't tell anyone this happened, either." Tweek protested as Craig finally figured out the parental controls and blocked all of the kids channels and scary movies.
"Well, thanks for showing me Craig. Urgh...I thought you were cool." Tweek admitted. Craig blushed, not out of mirth but out of something else.
"Cool? How come?" He asked. Tweek shrugged, the leftover sunlight hitting his eyes.
"Ah, I don't know. You're just...mmph...words..." Tweek held his head in thought as Craig held Tweek's hand. Tweek looked up into Craig's smiling face.
"Thanks, Tweek. You're cool, too."
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blogger360ncislarules · 4 months
The Cooper family has signed off the air for good.
After seven seasons, Young Sheldon aired its moving, two-part series finale on Thursday, May 16. Cast members including Iain Armitage, Raegan Revord, and Annie Potts paid tribute to their time on the CBS comedy, showing their love on social media.
Armitage, 15, who played young Sheldon Cooper, posted on Instagram, "I’ve always wondered what this day would feel like and now it’s here! Thank you for a wonderful ride. I will miss everyone so much and I want you to know that it’s been an honor to play this part, and it’s been a joy to work with people I love so much."
"I’m excited to see what’s next and I hope you’ll join me on the next chapter, whatever that is. ❤️ I truly hope you enjoy the finale. It was made with a lot of love," the actor added, alongside a photo of himself posing on a couch.
Revord, 16, who played Missy Cooper, posted a video featuring moments from their time on the show, alongside the caption, "Over the years I’ve watched a lot of my favorite shows have their series finales and one thing I always thought about is how heartbreaking it must be to say goodbye, never thinking about my own because it seemed so far into the future."
"Here I am on the day of my own finale heartbroken. I love this cast, our incredible crew, and these characters so much not having them in my life everyday seems impossible. But I’m also filled with wonderful memories, a beautiful childhood, a family forever, and gratitude," Revord continued. 
"Thank you to those that have tuned in over the years and for loving these characters as much as we do. I hope you enjoy the finale tonight, it’s some of the most beautiful episodes of TV I’ve ever watched. ❤️"
Sharing a photo alongside Coach Dale Ballard actor Craig T. Nelson, 80, Potts, 71, who played Meemaw, wrote, "❤️Love and Gratitude for 7 great seasons #YoungSheldon."
Caleb Emery, 30, who played Darren, posted a grab of him and Armitage on his Instagram Stories, writing, "Congrats to this guy! What a run! Glad I was a part of it!"
Pastor Jeff Hodgkins actor Matt Hobby was among those posting about the finale, writing alongside two photos, "My first day at Young Sheldon, and my last day at Young Sheldon."
"I’m so grateful to have been a part of this wonderful story for 7 years. I will miss these kind, genius, loving people. I’m so proud that this will always be a part of my life. #youngsheldon," Hobby added.
Wyatt McClure, 15, who played Billy Sparks, added, "Bittersweet day today. Series finale of Young Sheldon is on tonight. Although the end is coming I have made lifelong friends forever."
"Get your tissues ready. Thank you to everyone on the show who made this the greatest 7 years possible. Looking forward to the next chapter!#cbsyoungsheldon #cbs," McClure added.
Melissa Joan Hart, 48, who directed a handful of episodes of the show, shared multiple snaps with the cast on Instagram, writing, "Bittersweet post about the series finale of @youngsheldoncbs tonight!" 
"I had the absolute honor to direct a handful of episodes for this groundbreaking show with this incredible cast and so many icons coming thru the door as guest stars as well! What's a ride and congrats to all my friends on a show that made people laugh, cry and come back to appointment television! #YoungSheldon."
Nora guest star Kate Flannery, 59, wrote on Instagram, "Congratulations @youngsheldoncbs What a great run! Thank you @iain you are a smart, funny, and very kind soul. It was so great working with you. A finale is a graduation! Thank you for letting me be a small part of this lovely show a few short years ago. ❤️ You did it!!"
Vyvy Nguyen, who also guest starred on the show, then shared a cute clip on Instagram of her and Armitage having an "oink-off," writing, "I had the absolute best time working on the show, playing the mother to Tam, Sheldon’s high school best friend, and it’s been so fun to receive messages from people discovering it on Netflix. Congrats on seven wonderful seasons! #youngsheldon."
Jim Parsons, 51, and Mayim Bialik, 48, also starred in the show, reprising their roles from The Big Bang Theory, portraying adult Sheldon and his wife Amy, respectively.
In exclusive interviews with PEOPLE at PaleyFest 2024 in April, the cast reflected on the years they spent together filming the beloved CBS comedy. 
“It's been very bittersweet. It's not an easy thing to know that something that's been so wonderful for us is coming to an end,” Zoe Perry, 40, who played Mary Cooper, said. “But I think I can speak for everyone that we're all just really grateful that we've gotten to tell this story, tell it for as long as we have, get to experience the audience reactions and how wonderful they've been. I think we're just so appreciative. Truly.”
Montana Jordan, 21, who played Georgie Cooper, described his castmates as a true-blue “family,” even when the cameras weren’t rolling as they did activities together outside of work. Revord in particular, bugged him “all the time” via text “to do stuff."
"I got two older sisters in real life, and on the show I got a little brother and a little sister, so I got the best of both worlds,” Jordan said, adding, “We've been a family ever since the first day we met — and we're still a family. Just because the show's ending don't mean we're not going to continue being a family. That's what kind of bond we got.”
Potts, for her part, grew emotional when PEOPLE asked her at the same event about her experiences working with Young Sheldon's younger actors.
"They were this big, and now look at them,” she said. “My God, they all turned out so beautiful and so sweet, and we feel like we had a hand in raising them … When we started out, they would sit in my lap and just play with my fingers and kiss me and tell me they love me all day long. That, and they still do actually."
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alister312 · 1 year
Hello! I’m Alister and below the cut you can find my about me/intro post for the SP Olympics event :)
For starters, my favorite ship is of course Gregstophe aka Gregory/Christophe from the movie. I’ve got various metas and fics about them if you’re looking for characterization inspiration (or scenes for drawing inspiration 👀 my gregstophe tsot fic is my current passion project). You can find all the important stuff in my pinned post. I love them both individually as well, though I do slightly favor Christophe 😅. I’ve also got more ships with him that I enjoy, namely Damstophe (Damien/Christophe), Kenstophe (Kenny/Christophe), and Tophlovski (Christophe/Kyle)
My second favorite ship is by far Style! I love most anything with them, but particularly fond of their Stick of Truth sonas. I’m just very drawn to the concept of regal elf king Kyle in love with his noble and faithful human knight Stan (who is definitely in love with him too)… it’s a very good concept to me. I also really like very regular AUs with them, just like high school or college or domestic stuff. The one thing I will say is that I’m not really a fan of the bleached hair Stan design but otherwise go nuts!
I have a fun AU I adore that I tag as “Kendy vs the World” but usually just call it my “kendy scott pilgrim au”. As you can probably guess, it’s a Scott Pilgrim AU with Kenny as the titular Scott Pilgrim and Wendy as Ramona Flowers. Other roles include Marjorine as Knives, Henrietta, Thomas, and Clyde as Kim, Stephan, and Young Neil respectively, Kyle as Envy Adams, and Christophe as Wallace Wells. Wendy’s (Ramona’s) exes are Tolkien (Matthew Patel), Gregory (Lucas Lee), Stan (Todd Ingram), Bebe (Roxy Richter), Kevin McCormick and Kevin Stoley (Ken and Kyle Katayanagi), and lastly Cartman (Gideon Graves). It’s mostly based off the movie because I’ve seen that and I’ve only read a few of the graphic novels.
I have a few children of ships I ship that you can find if you search the tag “sp next gen” on my blog! You’re welcome to ask me more about them if you like (I have a google doc of lore) but honestly just seeing those scamps doing whatever (either with each other or their parents) would make my day 🥰
Favorite characters (besides any in previous mentioned ships I like) are Damien, Kenny, Red, Bebe, and Craig. For Craig in particular I really like Youth Pastor Craig… I’m a sucker for religious imagery! Him with Imp Tweek or Angel Kenny makes me feral every time.
I’ve got a lot of rather rarepairs that I love and always love to see! You can ask for others if you’d like but off the top of my head I think my favorites are Dyde (Damien/Clyde), Rola (Red/Lola), and Lanskov (Corey Lanskin/Davey Solokov). They may not make much sense to you but I like them lots :3
If you’re still not sure what exactly I’d be into or wanna hear more headcanons/preferences of mine, I am absolutely open to chatting or being sent anons! I love talking about pretty much anything ever
In the end, I’ll probably be happy if people do anything for me at all, so don’t stress too hard about it! I’m very excited to participate in this cool event 😎
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gender-mailman · 1 year
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A gender connected to the quote: "Open your heart for salvation" from South Park: Phone Destroyer, said by Young Pastor Craig Tucker
Coined by me. Requested by no one
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Roy Owen Haynes (born March 13, 1925) is a jazz drummer. He is among the most recorded drummers in jazz. In a career lasting over 80 years, he has played swing, bebop, jazz fusion, and avant-garde jazz and is considered a pioneer of jazz drumming. "Snap Crackle" was a nickname given to him in the 1950s. He has led bands such as the Hip Ensemble. His albums Fountain of Youth and Whereas were nominated for a Grammy Award. He was inducted into the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame. His son Graham Haynes is a cornetist; another son Craig Holiday Haynes and grandson Marcus Gilmore are both drummers. He was born in Boston to Gustavas and Edna Haynes, immigrants from Barbados. His brother, Michael E. Haynes, became an important leader in the community of Massachusetts, working with Martin Luther King Jr. during the civil rights movement and for forty years serving as pastor of the Twelfth Baptist Church. He made his professional debut in 1942 and 1945 began his full-time professional career. He worked with saxophonist Lester Young and was a member of saxophonist Charlie Parker's quintet. He recorded at the time with pianist Bud Powell and saxophonists Wardell Gray and Stan Getz. He toured and recorded with singer Sarah Vaughan. He lent his voice to the open-world video game Grand Theft Auto IV. He was awarded the Danish Jazzpar prize, and the French government knighted him with the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. He received honorary doctorates from the Berklee College of Music, the New England Conservatory, as well as a Peabody Medal. He was inducted into the DownBeat magazine Hall of Fame. He was awarded the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation's BNY Mellon Jazz Living Legacy Award. His album Birds of a Feather: A Tribute to Charlie Parker was nominated for the 44th Annual Grammy Awards as Best Jazz Instrumental Album. He was named a recipient of a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences and he received the award at the Special Merit Awards Ceremony & Nominees Reception of the 54th Annual Grammy Awards. He was given the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Jazz Foundation of America. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpuo_c-uV4r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coghive · 1 year
Debut Of A Rich Mullins Never-Before-Seen Video
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An unknown video recording of Rich Mullins has surfaced and is debuting at non-profit website utrmedia.org.  On June 18, 1995, Mullins and his tour-mate Beaker made a surprise appearance for the people of First United Methodist Church in Oklahoma City – one of the churches that was damaged in the tragic bombing that took place only eight weeks prior. The 34-minute video shows Rich leading the congregation in some camp-style singalongs as well as sharing five original songs, including his most well-known anthem “Awesome God.” “It’s an incredible joy to share this video and hopefully encourage lives,” stated Jamie Russell, Executive Producer of the Relational Grace Podcast.  “My father was the pastor of First United Methodist Church.  After he passed away in 2020, we began rummaging through old Hi-8 video tapes of sermons.  I was a senior in high school the day Rich came to our church – a day I’ll never forget.  I was elated to find a tape with a handwritten label that just said ‘Rich Mullins.'” Russell and his friend Jared Ranum digitized the footage and are now ready to share it with the world.  “Rich and Beaker came to our church to be a gift and a blessing to our community,” Russell continues. “Now we hope this video is a gift and blessing to all who view it.” https://youtu.be/KLstkdzwsQY One surprise in the video is an introduction from a young Pastor Craig Groeschel, founding pastor of Life.Church, who was then serving as Associate Pastor of First United Methodist Church. This never-before-seen video is debuting now exclusively at UTR Media, a non-profit website that has championed the legacy of Rich Mullins, including being a part of the creative team behind the 2022 tribute album Bellsburg… The Songs of Rich Mullins. On April 19, the 28th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, the video will be publicly available on YouTube. Additional stories and reflections about Rich’s 1995 visit to Oklahoma City will be shared on Episode #100 of the Relational Grace Podcast (publishing on 4/18/23). Read the full article
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finnanigans · 2 months
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impastor save me 😿
ouuhh big letters i like big letters
yay yay big letters
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wutbju · 2 years
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Absent from the body, present with the Lord. On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, David Marshall Price entered into the loving arms of our Lord Jesus Christ whom he so faithfully served.
David was born March 4, 1940 in Newport News, VA, to Clarence Marshall and Pearl Owens Price. He realized at a young age that Christ Jesus came to earth to take the punishment for our wrongdoings and while sitting on top of a gravestone in the cemetery of Denbigh Baptist Church he prayed and accepted God’s free gift of salvation.
He graduated from Bob Jones University in 1965, and with his wife, Marilyn, began his lifetime of service to God. He began as a youth pastor of Dandy Baptist Church in the community of Dandy, VA. While serving at Dandy he worked at the Newport News Shipyard and Dry Dock on nuclear submarines. From there he became the first missionary sent from Servicemen For Christ (now Armed Forces Baptist Missions), and the family moved to Petersburg, VA, where he ministered to the service personnel at Fort Lee. The family moved back to Newport News where he was then the pastor at Dandy Baptist Church, and in 1972 he accepted the pastorate at York Baptist Temple in Grafton, VA. In 1977, God called him to Landmark Baptist Church and Christian School in Easley, SC where he spent the next 25 years. His great passion was for young people and missions. Throughout his years of ministry, their home was always welcoming to missionaries and many close friendships were made with missionaries from around the world.
He was the most amazing son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather and uncle. He cherished all his family - aunts, uncles, and cousins- and was in return, treasured by all his family. He will forever be in our hearts through the life lessons he taught us and the countless memories we made together. Although we already will miss him dearly, we trust in the blessed hope of the promise of God that we will see him again one day.
He leaves behind his precious wife of 59 years, Marilyn; his son, Mark (Sandy) of Easley; daughters, Sherri of Liberty, and Connie Siver (Pernell), of Juneau, AK; grandchildren who were the apples of his eyes: David Graham Price, Annagrace Patterson (Austin), Madison Kate Siver, Craig Myers (Angel), and Jennifer Bearden (Jesse); great-grandchildren who adored their Poppa, Nathaniel David Wayne and Ezekiel Robert Lee Patterson, Natalie Claire and Josie Kate Bearden, and one on the way, Oaklyn Ruth Myers; one brother, Ron Price (Ann) and sister-in-law, Donna Price; and many nieces and nephews.
He was predeceased by his parents, a brother, Wayne Price, and an infant sister.
Visitation will be Friday, March 4th, at Calvary Baptist Church, 8008 Liberty Highway, Liberty, SC from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. His Homegoing service will be Saturday, March 5th, at Calvary Baptist Church at 2:00 pm.
For those unable to attend, the service will be live-streamed through the Howze Mortuary beginning at 1:50 p.m. at www.facebook.com/thehowzemortuary.
Memorials may be given to the Mission Fund of Calvary Baptist Church.
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eug3n362 · 2 years
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!We don’t know about you, but we absolutely love the holidays. While some people struggle around this time, and we have resources for those, many of us are able to find joy in the things that come during the latter months. It’s something about the weather change, cozy vibes, and family gatherings that cheer us up! After an entire year of giving it the best that we’ve got, the 4th quarter marks a bit of a shift where we get to wind down, reflect on things we’ve accomplished, knock out our last bit of goals and sit back and take it all in.  While we’re roasting chestnuts on an open fire or preparing our Thanksgiving dinner to the voice of Mariah Carey in the background, others may need a little bit more to get in the mood. Depending on where you live, the weather may take a while to change, or it just may not feel like the holidays and you need just a little boost. No matter what you’re dealing with, nothing says the holidays like a good family movie. To add to everyone’s list, here are 9 classic Black movies that are sure to get you in the holiday spirit:   Fat Albert’s Christmas Special (1977) 9 classic Black movies that’ll get you in the holiday spirit. Photo Courtesy of IMDB.com   This oldie but goodie is a must-see for the kids. Follow Fat Albert and his junkyard gang as they rehearse their Christ...
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strobelir · 3 years
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Imp and pastor 😏💕
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