#young royals screensaver
nikolai-vincent · 2 years
I made Young Royals screensavers👀 I haven't made a screensaver in so long I'm so rusty lmao
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vitzoki · 4 months
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nonasuch · 2 years
here is a fun little star wars scenario that has been pinging around inside my head like a screensaver:
so let’s say there’s some very zealous, very low-ranking fresh young Imperial officer on duty the day they take the Senator from Alderaan into custody. 
and he is very very nervous because a) he’s been here for like a week and b) none of that week required him to be in a room with Darth Vader. which he now is. so he is trying to focus very very hard on Doing Everything Exactly According To Protocol, as a means of not focusing on the seven-foot evil wizard standing fifteen feet away.
and part of the protocol for processing new prisoners is to make a new file for them in the prisoner database, and enter all their biographical details and vital statistics and a gene sample and their known associates and the nature of their terrible crimes against the Empire and so on. which he does! very meticulously!
except the computer keeps throwing an error message. the stupid thing keeps beeping at him, this awful grating little noise that makes his shoulders ratchet up tighter and tighter every time it honks at him, and he can’t fix it and Darth Vader is right over there—
except oh god oh fuck the beeping noise must be annoying Darth Vader, too, because he’s coming over here and our poor junior officer is convinced he’s going to die before he even lives long enough to send his first paycheck home to his poor widowed mother —
he stammers out an apology. Vader just stares at him. he swears he’ll figure out the problem right away, sir, it’s probably a bug in the system, it’s just that for some silly reason it keeps saying this gene sample doesn’t match the one on file for the Senator so he can’t get her logged as a new prisoner just yet —
“Dismissed,” says Vader. the poor kid flees, gratefully.
Vader considers the matter. in fact, his underling was correct: the gene sample, which he saw taken through his very own helmet lenses, does not match the official record of Senator Leia Organa, heir to the throne of Alderaan. so: perhaps the sample on record was falsified. not impossible, but very, very difficult. and ordinarily a crime attempted by the lowly and desperate. he cannot see any need for it, in the daughter of a queen.
another possibility presents itself. Alderaan has no history of using royal doubles, as some worlds do. but Bail Organa has worked closely with royal houses where the practice is long-established. perhaps he was inspired. perhaps the girl they captured is not Leia Organa at all.
Vader runs the gene sample against the ship’s database. it is woefully incomplete, of course, containing only a fraction of the Empire’s billions of citizens: the ship’s own complement, a selection of known criminals and Rebels they might encounter, high-ranking officials whose identity must be confirmed should the Emperor require their presence. unlikely that this girl, whoever she is, would have a record here, or even a partial match—
the computer beeps at him. it’s a cheerful beep, this time, not the error message that stymied the junior officer. the computer reports that the gene sample is a partial match for Pooja Naberrie, the Senator from Naboo. they are, with eighty-nine percent probability, first cousins.
and Vader just. kind of stands there. for a minute.
when he goes to Leia’s cell, there’s no interrogation droid with him. he goes in. he shuts the door behind him. he stands there, silent, for frankly a worryingly long time, until Leia has run through her entire stockpile of  “how dare you, I’m a member of the Senate on a humanitarian mission” and “whatever you want, you can’t possibly think I would be of any help” and “well, if you’re going to interrogate me, get on with it already” and “are you even listening to me?” and  falls silent herself. 
Vader has been listening to her. he has also been listening to the Force, which seems to think that she’s not lying. obviously the humanitarian mission part is bullshit, that goes without saying. but the “I’m Senator Leia Organa” parts and the “I won’t help you” parts? yeah. he searched his feelings. he knows them to be true. the Force is singing in his head, bright and clear, in a way it hasn’t for nearly twenty years.
there’s still Tarkin to deal with, though. Vader turns and leaves the cell without a word.
Tarkin wants to blow up Alderaan. this is unacceptable, obviously, and Vader forbids it on the grounds that the Queen and the Viceroy possess vital intelligence, not disclosed to their daughter, that must be acquired. said intelligence being, not that he’s saying this out loud, how the fuck Bail got his hands on his daughter, and who else knows about it.
“the fate of the galaxy rests on it,” is what he does say out loud. from the way the Force harmonizes with his words, that might even be true.
so the Death Star just. parks there. in an incredibly threatening orbit around the planet. they issue a demand that the Organas surrender themselves, or else, but apparently the happy couple just left for a low-tech weekend retreat in the mountains, what awful timing, they’re sending someone to fetch them right away. Vader shuts himself up in his quarters, to seethe and watch the surveillance feed from Leia’s cell. he’s not really paying attention to much else. 
and it’s not like a random freighter getting tractored in for being an incredibly obvious smuggling vessel is the kind of thing you’d alert Darth Vader over, anyway. 
so he’s still sitting there, one great big thought filling up his whole entire head, watching Leia take a frustration nap, when her cell door opens. 
and a trooper comes in.
and the trooper takes off his helmet.
and he says, “I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.”
(continued here)
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twopoppies · 2 years
Idk why he talked in swedish but i think he had an romatic holiday with his husband because i remeber that he has a swedish house on his screensaver
Maybe he’s been watching Young Royals. Or he went to IKEA.
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tiniestjellifish · 2 years
Sky High (2005)
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Man,, I took a break from this account but I’m back! I need to do better with posting. I promise I will.
Okay, so I rewatched this movie recently and honestly it is once again a post that may have bias. I know this movie like the back of my hand. The script is cheesy and dumb, and some of it only makes me laugh because of nostalgia which I will acknowledge. 
But Sky High, in its simplest form, is just the compressed cut of if My Hero Academia was one movie and not a TV show. I constantly recommend this movie to those who are into superheroes, or honestly, those who aren’t. it doesn’t go too in depth about powers or lore, just enough for it to satisfy the presumed audience which at the time I assume was pre-teens who watched disney channel in the early 2000s. Which eventually trickled down to a young me. 
Its a cute teen movie with all the typical tropes of love triangles, cliques, and friend drama. I don’t know how to better get across the point of this being a disney channel original (not technically because it did have a movie theatre release) with a bit of extra spice.
As far as the unique aspects of the plot, there is a bit lacking. I do think its a sweet take on a ‘coming of age’ because Will Stronghold, the protagonist, in a way hasn’t grown into himself or more specifically, his powers. He’s trying to figure out high school but also living up to the expectations of everyone around him because his parents are the best superheroes in the world. and because he IS a late bloomer, there’s the added pressure of “what if my powers never come?” and what does that mean for his value as a person?
I couldn't tell you if the plot twist of Royal Pain being Sue Tenny who was aged backwards by her own invention was a good plot point or not because I’ve watched it for so long that the punchline no longer holds any kick. But when having showed the movie to other people, at least half of them are surprised. so there’s that. It’s a comfort film, something to watch around halloween because you could group it in with the supernatural. or on a sick day from work or school. 
Everyone looks painfully early 2000s with the layered tops, simple color block stripe t-shirts, etc. but I think it helps take your focus off the kids, and more on the plot, because who realistically believes those super well dressed kids on TV shows? Like regardless of how much money they possess, unless their parents were dressing them, no one was that well color coordinated as a freshmen in high school. 
For the most part, the CGI holds up after all this time. it’s aided by the fact that its a kids movie and there’s superpowers, so it should look a little cartoonish when there’s a character like Lash, who has super stretching abilities, and his arm looks like a pipe that would go across an old windows computer screensaver. 
Being honest with myself, this film is probably in the range of being a 6.9/10. but in my heart, in terms of how much I think its a tiny disney cult classic and a guilty pleasure film, it could be bumped up to an 8/10. very much a feel good film.
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hillerska-official · 3 years
My tv is just sitting on so netflix went to its flipping screensaver and young royals is on it 🥰 its listed as "emotional, romantic, teen" which like. Yeah pretty much. Anyways good to see it getting some push from netflix :)
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
“Catch and Release”: an HYH recap
LOL I guess we need to discuss these new opening credits? It’s a real throwback, incorporating some of the more famous images from the first few years of the show, especially young Carrie (also I don’t remember the maze as much the last few years but it was there, and it features heavily this year as well).
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Some notable audio clips:
Saul: You had a relationship complicated enough to lie about. Carrie: Yeah, it’s complicated! I lost seven months of my life!
Saul: You will become the focus of an investigation that will define the rest of your life.
Saul: Please God, tell me you haven’t…
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(had to include this cap because I’m trash)
So… this should be fun.
The episode opens right where the last one left off. Carrie is visibly disturbed by the site of Yevgeny walking out of G’ulom’s office. She wastes no time asking G’ulom what the hell they were doing there. He plays coy and says they’re just businessmen but Carrie is doing her whole righteous indignation, “New Car Smell” thing. She says he’s got to take back his comments about the POWs. There’s a pointed exchange where Carrie says they’re prisoners of war and G’ulom counters that they’re terrorists and OH MY GOD how much heavier could the Brody parallels get?? Anyway, G’ulom is very unconvinced by Carrie’s argument, which basically boils down to “please?” She seethes the whole way back to the CIA station and says her first mean thing to Jenna this episode.
Later on the phone with Saul, she asks if he knew Yevgeny was there. “Of course not,” Saul says, though I’m not really sure I believe him. But apparently they can’t do shit about this as it was part of the terms of Carrie’s release. Which I guess they forgot to mention in her debrief.
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Elsewhere in Afghanistan, Max is talking to the DoD’s version of Siri. His Hot Marines give him all a hair tousle, which he hates (obviously), but which also seems to be some sign of good luck. The nice guy in the hat from the last episode notably does not touch his head, so I’m sure he’ll be dead in 2-4 episodes. Apparently the DoD Siri is better than the real thing because he manages to comb through some conversations of Haqqani talking to his son about ending the war. Saul says this is “black and white” evidence, because as we know everything that happens on this show is “black and white.” He’s convinced that if he could just talk to Haqqani, they could end this war together. This is one of Saul’s more insane plans but it will probably work because: Saul.
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Back at the CIA, Carrie’s gotten an “anonymous tip” which is basically a name written in large block letters inside an envelope. She manages to use a computer successfully and discovers the name is of a woman who was involved in a government corruption probe that got ~mysteriously~ shut down when it uncovered actual government corruption. How quaint! Anyway, then her husband was killed in a car bomb that was probably meant for her. So she’s justifiably pissed and probably has dirt on G’ulom that Carrie could use.
Carrie proposes to Mike Dunne an operation wherein they pretend to interview her for a job while Carrie breaks into her apartment to find said dirt. Mike Dunne brilliantly suggests Jenna for the operation since apparently Jenna set up a fake NGO with all her downtime on account of not being let outside. Their conversation goes something like this:
Carrie: Wait, just last week you told me Jenna is sort of an idiot. Mike: I said she was stuck in the starting gate. That is a horse racing analogy. Carrie: [raises eyebrows] Mike: We need her idiocy to add a little drama to this otherwise straightforward operation you’ve devised.
Later, Carrie prepares with Jenna:
Carrie: I’m phrasing this next bit as a rhetorical question with an obvious answer, because I don’t actually believe you know the right answer, because you are an idiot. Jenna: I promise I’m not an idiot. Did Mike say I was a fuck-up? Carrie: No, I said that. Jenna: Oh, right. Carrie: Are you not a fuck-up? Jenna: [blank stare]
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Meanwhile, Tasneem is observing the transfer of Taliban POWs from Guantanamo, including one who is carted off on a stretcher. Also Saul is nowhere to be found. Between the ambulance and the “where the FUCK is Saul” of it all, this scene has several of the same elements of the iconique ending of “A Red Wheel Barrow.” Like Carrie then, Tasneem knows something is fishy.
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…and something definitely is! Saul’s not back in America like Tim Guinee says. He’s with Haqqani’s cousin, one of the released POWs, trying to convince him to hand deliver a letter to Haqqani in exchange for his immediate freedom.
Saul and Haqqani’s cousin arrive in Peshawar, where Saul hands over the letter to Haqqani, which he then reads via voiceover. It’s all very “A False Glimmer.” He pleads with Haqqani to meet with him, claiming “it’s only the men with guns who can make peace.” Which, I guess?
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The next day, Carrie’s operation is a go. Samira leaves right on time for the interview with Jenna’s fake NGO and Carrie and her crew easily break into her apartment. They don’t find much, until Carrie notices a burqa with a USB sewn into the hem. Incriminating evidence sewn into fabric that is discovered at the last moment is my FAVORITE device on this show.
Carrie is victorious in her search but Jenna royally fucks up the interview, because she’s an idiot (and a fuck-up, apparently), revealing that she knows about the “audit” Samira took part in. Jenna, you literally had one job! To her credit, Samira realizes what’s going on almost instantly and then takes a photo of Jenna. We have to stan!!
Samira doesn’t get away though. They abduct her and take her back to the CIA station, cuff her, and throw a hood over her head. Carrie is enraged, claiming they’ve just traumatized her all over again and now she definitely won’t talk. After a few seasons of getting a hood thrown over her head, Carrie sympathizes.
She does her best “here’s the lay of the land” with Samira and gets her to tell her the significance of the documents on the USB drive. Samira wants G’ulom arrested and says she can wait two more years, or even twenty, to take down G’ulom. Carrie knows the best they can do is just cut him at the knees by advancing the peace deal. In the end, she convinces her.
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Carrie calls Saul from a big abandoned building, location unknown, which is supposed to be an army base. Key phrase: “supposed to be.” Samira’s documents show evidence of an entirely fabricated Afghan Army battalion. That’s right, G’ulom is a scammer! He’s been funneling millions of dollars meant for the Army base into his own pocket for years. Incredulous, Carrie exclaims, “We’ve been enabling this motherfucker for 18 years! What is wrong with us?”
In Rawalpindi, Tasneem pays a visit to her retired stepfather Bunny (last seen in season four). He’s fallen asleep in his massive garden shooting squirrels with a pistol. The neighbors are complaining.
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Tasneem: If you took down the bird feeders, the squirrels would stop eating the bird seeds. Bunny: I prefer this. Also, that’s not fair to the birds. Tasneem: Is this a metaphor? [Later] Tasneem: Stepdad, I think Saul is up to no good. If he talks to Haqqani directly, there could be a real breakthrough. Bunny: Unacceptable. We must control everything. Tasneem: How far am I allowed to go then? Bunny: The Americans hate us and our God. Go as fucking far as you please. Tasneem: Coolio, it’s murder time. 
Wearing a nice set of gold bar earrings, Carrie is back in G’ulom’s office, presenting him with a slew of incriminating evidence about his scam. He has two hours to walk back the statements before she shares the papers with his own government, who’d likely have him killed. Finally she has leverage, but G’ulom still manages to give a menacing speech about how peace will be terrible for everyone. Carrie doesn’t relent.
Poor Max has not gotten any alone time at the Army base in Afghanistan, but he has realized that the ISI definitely know that Saul is in Peshawar. Apparently the Taliban does as well. Twist of twists, the ISI aren’t preparing to hit him, they’re preparing to hit Haqqani. Saul yells at the Taliban’s convoy to stop but it’s too late. Amid the panic, Saul is abducted again. I honestly cannot. How many times has this been? This was not the Homeland Greatest Hits I had in mind.
Later, Carrie is stomping her way through the streets of Kabul. She ends up at a bar with the rest of the crew. She says something encouraging to Jenna and orders a “soda water,” both of which are not things I would have expected Carrie to do. Mike Dunne is like, Carrie when the fuck are you gonna leave? Carrie does a cute lil’ shrug and randomly asks where the bathroom is.
That’s right, we needed Carrie alone and somewhat lost because YEVGENY IS BACK. Somehow he looks even hotter than last week. Apparently he gave the anonymous tip, which makes no sense.
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Yevgeny: I thought you were gonna thank me. *wink wink* Carrie: I am so confused. Yevgeny: Who else would have done something so nice for you? *wink wink* Carrie: I am maximum confused. Yevgeny: Don’t play dumb. *wink wink* Carrie: I am more confused now than that time I saw a screensaver. Yevgeny: Hey, maybe we could go to Banana Joe’s together? *wink wink* [fades into darkness]
The episode closes somewhat awesomely with Saul, still blindfolded, entering a cement fortress. The blindfold comes off, his beard looks raggedy. I’ve seen this all before. Haqqani walks in. He’s not dead. Saul’s thanking the heavens, and then Haqqani smacks him across the face with a rifle. Cut to black. *chef’s kiss*
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teen-content-queen · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me @geetalkstv 💕
Pick 10 of your otps from different fandoms without reading the questions and then answer them. Then tag 10 other people to do the same.
Stiles and Lydia (Teen Wolf)
Martino and Niccolo (Skam Italia)
Seth and Summer (The OC)
Neil and Andrew (All For The Game)
Veronica and Logan (Veronica Mars)
Nathan and Haley (One Tree Hill)
Chuck and Blair (Gossip Girl)
Amy and Jake (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
Alex and Henry (Red, White and Royal Blue)
Ander and Omar (Elite)
Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
1x03 when Nathan gives Haley the bracelet from his Cracker Jacks. “Don’t say I never gave you anything.”
Have you ever read a fic about 2?
Many. I’ve also written them.
Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile pic/tumblr?
No but 2 is currently my screensaver.
If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
 Not surprised, but just disappointed. 
Why is 1 so important?
Watching Teen Wolf (and waiting for them to be canon) bonded my college roommate and I and has been a thing that we can always go back to. We’ll be bonded for life over Dylan O’Brien and she send me the gif of him arriving at Lydia’s with the giant present every year on my birthday.
Which one has the strongest bond?
Nathan and Haley. They got married young, had kids and have lived through so much trauma together. Always and forever.
How many times have you read/watched 10′s fandom?
I’ve never rewatched the show, but have probably rewatched their scenes a dozen times. 
Which ship has lasted the longest?
Nathan and Haley, but Seth and Summer are right up there with them.
How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
Maybe twice I think? Possibly a third I’m forgetting.
If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive: 2 or 8?
Marti and Nico have been preparing for the zombie apocalypse since Day 1. Jake and Amy would make it for a while but ultimately would die fighting for the greater good.
Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
Yeah at the beginning especially. Lot of that going around the upper east side.
Is 4 still together?
Duh. Neil’s a junkie and Andrew wants nothing (but Neil).
Is 10 canon?
Yes thank god.
If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Neil and Andrew, although there are a lot of fighters in the mix so it would be tough. Neil and Andrew just have the strongest “survive at all cost” mentality. 
Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5?
Yes, the writers. The last ten minutes of Veronica Mars S4 don’t exist, sorry.
Do you spend hours a day going through 3′s tumblr tag?
Yeah. I follow their tag and it’s a nice treat when they pop up.
If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break forever or else she’d break them all up, which ship would you SINK?
I hate this question so much. Ugh. Wow. It’s probably cheating to say Veronica and Logan because of the aforementioned sabotaging and ultimate finale of S4 but it’s my game and I’ll do what I want. 
Tagging: @granmuffin @veggiesrock18 @carolineskam @lovely-things3 @solo-silenzio 
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midnightbluefox · 6 years
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Our Reylo Discord server, The Writing Den, held its first ever fic gift exchange! We are incredibly lucky to have so many talented writers among us to participate in this and make it an amazing experience. Plus, we got tons of new Reylo content to enjoy!
+ fic is mature/explicit
* fic is a WIP/ currently incomplete Just for Tonight by @aknightofwren for @reylo-ology :  Leia departs this life for the next, becoming one with the force. Rey and Ben are the first to notice.
Lights On by @reylo-ology for @reylocalligraphy :  Modern AU, Rey is insecure about her body weight being too heavy and/or Rey and Ben admit their love to each other for the first time.
+ The Life You Always Dreamt Of by @kylotrashforever for @avidvampirehunter :  Ben Solo has always followed his obligations. He is expected to take over his family’s enterprise, Skywalker Steel. He is expected to marry a reputable girl who will make him a fitting wife. He is expected to do as he’s told without question. He had long accepted his fate in this regard, until he met Rey. Her presence in his life was like that of a storm, blowing through his calm existence over the better part of a decade and leaving him wrecked on the other side. She was not his, but if he had his way... she would be.
Paradise Island by @ashtyntaytertot for SaveThePorgs : Ben Solo is a Porg conservationist on the remote pacific island of Ahch To. Only a few hundred Porgs remain on planet earth and Ben is adamant the species WILL. NOT. DIE. OUT. Rey is a poacher, an orphan and poor pacific islander with no, money and zero future. Porg eggs are highly prized on the black market, a rare delicacy. So she steals them from nests so that for at least a while she can eat. But what will happen, when Kylo catches her in the act? As the Clock Winds Down by @reylocalligraphy for Erulisse17 :  Who is Ben Solo, Crait High School’s star point guard, hiding from? And why is he suddenly taking pointers from a random nobody? High school Reylo AU featuring tech nerd Rey (who seems to be the only person Ben listens to) and arrogant but actually soft basketball star Ben.
+ Surf with Me by @j-dryless for @reylorobyn2011 :  Rey and Ben catch some much-needed vacation. Swells, kisses and smut.
+ A Demon is A Girl’s Best Friend by AmberDread for @asongforjonsa :  Rey finds a mysterious box, it seems impossible to open, yet there is something rattling inside it... 
+ Our Disparate, Naive Souls by SaveThePorgs for @reyssolo : Once a year the Smuggler Ben Solo, visits Jakku to trade with junk boss Unkar Plutt. Whilst there he meets the scavenger Rey. Talented and enigmatic, over the years he watches her grow up. But as Rey’s burgeoning connection to the Force grows, can Ben continue the hide the truth of who he is. Or will he help her become who she is meant to be?
+* Beneath the Sea by @asongforjonsa for @lilia-ula :  Rey and Ben meet working at The Royal Treat in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Sparks fly immediately.
+ Taste of Elysium by @lilia-ula for @mallie-3 : Thanks to the presence of a tall, dark and handsome classmate, Rey's Greek Mythology summer course was hotter than hell. She'd given up trying to concentrate, and so had he, drawn by their chemistry into a game of enticement that couldn't last. Weeks of endured longing end in a tryst steeped in the mythical elements of their focus.
+ Raising Hope by @spiegatrixlestrange for @dalzonii :  Ben Solo is a single dad with a crush on his daugher's far too pretty, young and kind nanny. He doesn't have a chance obviously, or at least that' s what he had thought until now.
+ The Prince and the Scavenger  by @reylorobyn2011 for @gopherbroke :  Kylo (or Ben) is the sole heir to the Skywalker Estate. He comes across a hungry young woman, scavenging outside the kitchen for scraps after the staff has gone to bed. Despite his icy treatment to her face when he orders his men to capture her, he has her washed, clothed, and fed. She is unrecognizable when she is next presented to him and is immediately taken with her. + Diet Coke and Mentos by @gopherbroke for @ever-so-reylo :  Alpha Rey Jakku is in charge of a major project at Rebel Enterprises, an architecture firm. Her bosses son, Alpha Kylo Ren is added to the project near the completion, sharing the leader role with Rey and immediately stirs the pot, causing rifts and arguments. Rey is not used to backing down. She also isn't used to the way her body reacts whenever Kylo gets too close. With two top dogs, who is going to be the one coming out on top?
+ Firefighters and Puppies by @kpopandstarwarswhynot for @ashtyntaytertot :  Just because Kylo puts out fire for living, doesn't mean he can't start one.
+ You should see the things we do by @ever-so-reylo for @loveofescapism : “Maybe Ben will come home from his business trip and bend me over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck me hard and fast.” In which they are roommates, and they hate each other until they don't.  
+* forced out (into you) by @dalzonii for @spiegatrixlestrange : “Alright kids. There’s no other way around it.” Maz paused, her wide beady eyes regarding the pair carefully, face unnervingly too serious. “You two might just have to, well... engage more intimately.” When Rey woke up in Senator Ben Organa’s body, she never thought fixing the problem could feel so good. Only, the Force simply isn’t letting up – and Jedi aren’t supposed to develop feelings for hot-headed, impulsive, politically-inclined men. Or, the force really wants Ben and Rey together and will go to great lengths to achieve this.
+ Other Voices by @reyloandotherfandoms for AmberDread :  Just a random day aboard the Millenium Falcon.
+ Consider...  by @loveofescapism for @kylotrashforever :  Rey Kenobi has a new job as an editor for K Trash Magazine where she has to edit the infamous Ben Solo's work. Things don't get off the best start and they instantly hate each other. The one thing that is making her days worth while is the handsome stranger she keeps bumping into in the elevator and the hungry, dark looks he continues to give her.
Come Home by @reyssolo for @aknightofwren :  Ben Solo enlists in the army to better his future, and the future he dreams of building with his girlfriend Rey. He just hopes he can come back from his deployment in Afghanistan in time for one of the biggest, most important events of his and Rey's lives.
+ Screensaver Sweethearts by @avidvampirehunter for @kpopandstarwarswhynot : When Clyde's new cell phone connects him to a woman halfway around the world, he never expected to fall in love. But, as luck would have it, that's exactly what he did. Reylogan.
Sex on the Beach by @kylohhh for @reyloandotherfandoms :  Rey walks into Ben's world renowned cocktail bar and just wants a beer. Ben sets out to convince her to see the error of her ways.
* Echoes of Memory by Erulisse17 for @kylohhh :  It couldn't be. What are the chances she'd be here? At this college? And yet... When Kylo catches a glimpse of his childhood friend, he has to follow her. To see if it's her. To see if she remembers him. If she's forgiven him. Getting doused in pepper spray was not part of the plan, but it did answer one question. She *definitely* remembered him.
Every single one of these fics was so amazing and well thought out! A huge thanks to everyone who participated, we can’t wait to do the next one! <3
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umccall71 · 5 years
The Arrangement:Til you come back to me
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Book: The Royal Romance
Characters:King Liam x (mc) Queen Sexy
Disclaimer: All characters used are sole property of Pixelberry. I am simply borrowing them for entertainment purposes.
Warning:The contents of this series includes nsfw, profanity, adult content, talk of sexual harassment and loss of a child. By reading this post, you acknowledged you are 18 +.
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The minutes seemed like hours trapped in the study with the two people that hated her most.Hana… “how the hell did Hana make it here, undetected?”,she internally thought to herself.Sexy felt lightheaded, but fought through it… she had to keep her wits about herself.
“Madeleine… I am really confused as to why you're here… with Hana of all people.”
The blonde bitch looked at her… or through her depending on the moment. Sexy could see a profound hatred when she skimmed Madeleine’s eyes. Maddie tried to mask her disdain for the former commoner turned Queen.Staring into her gaze, all the time from the moment she landed in Cordonia until Liam proposed flashed through her mind. In front of Sexy sat the epitome of all the torment, torture, feeling less than, the whispers, the smirks, the dismissing attitude all wrapped in a crusty green designer dress.
“You say your confused like that’s a hard feat to pull over your head.”, she smirked, “what’s confusing you dear?Perhaps sitting in the chair that should have been mine … in front of the two women you have wronged?”There was no way She could really believe this load of crap she was spewing.
Sexy felt her phone buzz,.. another text from Liam.
“Is that my king reaching out?Madeline was taking please in taunting Sexy .
“It’s nothing… it’s a little late, he’s probably wondering how soon I’ll be there.” Sexy felt her stomach tightening as if she had to retch.She breathed in deeply, composing herself trying to figure out how long before the guard returns.
Madeleine continued her symphony of her windbag concerto. Her voice was sounding a lot like an old phonograph playing at the wrong speed. She focused her attention on Hana playing with her braid by the French doors.
“ Hana… how are you holding up? I heard about your loss, I can only imagine what you must be feeling.” Sexy’s voice registered low and calming, which created the opposite effect on the manic woman that felt she had nothing to lose.
“What Do You know about loss?, she screeched like a banshee. “ you took everything I ever cared about from me.Madeline wouldn’t have cared if Liam and I were lovers, she would have welcomed it. Had you gotten on that plane, both of lives would be so different.” Sexy noticed that Hana’s face was devoid of any emotions. Her words did not match her features.
Madeline chimed in , bolstering a frantic, upset Hana to continue her version of the truth. “ Hana … tell how you know that she’s the reason everybody was tricked into believing the baby was not Liam’s.Tell her how you know she had the results changed in order to get you out of his life even though he loves you.”
Sexy heard a knock on her study door… security guard on the other side. How does she get him to help her without jeopardizing her safety? “ I’m okay… I still have quite a bit to do.” She uttered through the locked door. “ Why don’t you go get some coffee for yourself? I am still wrapped up in things.”
Sexy felt her heart racing although her voice didn’t betray her.She knew she had convinced him there was nothing out of the ordinary occurring.
“ Yes ma’am… I won’t be long.” She held her a breath she did not know she had inside praying that he would go… no questions asked.
“Bravo bitch… I guess your better at deception than I thought.”, Madeleine spit out.
Hana started approaching the desk with desperation in her eyes and disparities.
“Why couldn’t you just leave us be Sexy? Hana’s hands.. raw and skin peeling… her body draped with a T-shirt two sizes too big and jeans loosely fitting from the numerous meals that had been skipped. Sexy could help but notice a crimson stain on her jeans… blood. Blood that was purging from her body , evidence of the miscarriage. Hana was not focused on the here and now. She was fueled by delusions and anger fed to her like a eight course extravagant meal. Sexy’s heart broke for this fragile being detached from reality.
“ Hana… you were there when we worked together to clear my name of the false scandal… remember?” Sexy rose from the chair and slowly moved around the desk , nearing Hana clueless how she would make sense to the senseless.
“Hana … you know perfectly well she stole Liam from me and then from you. He has always saw both of us as kindred spirits and perfect candidates for Queen. Do not let her convince you otherwise.” Watching Madeline manipulating Hana was surreal. Sexy had a lot experience with this woman twisting scenarios to suit her own purpose. “ I will give you some privacy to make damn sure she understands what she has done. Sexy feels she entitled to king Liam, but she must learn her place.
Madeleine stood up from the chair and walked over to Hana giving her a fake hug and smiled wickedly st Sexy. “Ta Ta ladies, I will show myself out and I will be waiting for you Hana once your done.” Madeleine disappeared behind a false wall that had been installed years ago. This was how she managed to get into the palace… unseen. Her years spent at social functions and being engaged formerly to Leo, afforded her free movement around the majestic building.She orchestrated her and Hana movement in and out of Cordonia and Shanghai. “ I’m sure there’s a trail bribes from here to Shanghai allowing her to get a mental patient out so easily.”, she thought to herself watching Hana as three women , became two.
Sexy steadies her breathing and tries to collect her thoughts.She paces back and forth landing in a lean against the front of her desk.Sexy grips the desk edge so tightly, her knuckles turn white.The room is illuminated with a Tiffany desk lamp and moonlight breaking through the doors leading to the balcony. She scans the room and notices the light from her screensaver flashing a notification from Liam. She focuses on the photo locked in her phone of her loving husband holding their son and daughter flashing his crooked smile when he’s up to mischief.Her mind goes to them….God how much she loves them … needs them.. they are her world.Sexy takes her lead from the unstable woman standing in front of her hoping that reason will win out… sanity will win out.She watches Hana pacing the room… anger flashing in her eyes.
“You didn’t want me to give Liam a child… our child. He loves me, but denies it because of you. We were bred to have similar lifestyles and duties. But YOU…. you turned him against me and against our baby. I know… I know you had them kill my baby… you bitch!” Hana frantically rubbed her head, rubbing her forearm as if trying to rid her skin of a poison and fire.
“ Hana… in your heart of hearts you know that not true. You’ve been fed lies to make you feel I was against you. We were friends… once upon a time.I realize you have a lot of emotions floating in your head and it’s hard to make sense of it all.”Sexy tries to coax her to sit together on the couch. She feels if she stops talking, things will go south … fast. Keep talking Sexy, distract her, take her mind off of the lies Madeleine fed her.Sexy’s thoughts are running a hundred miles a minute. She thinks of all the methods she will take advantage of to make the blonde , desperate bitch pay. She knows she has built this powder keg.
Outside the door the guard receives a call from his majesty inquiring about the whereabouts of his queen.
“Sir… her majesty is still inside working and wishes not to be disturbed.”
“ I’m fairly that does not apply to her king.”Suddenly there was a sound of glass crashing to the floor. “What was that!” Liam has a panic stricken voice choking to come out. He knew that the guard was mere feet away from his Queen.
“Sir… I’m going to check on the disturbance now.” The line goes silent and Liam’s heart races not knowing what’s going on. Fear is something his wife spoke so eloquently about weeks ago when the news of Hana was delivered. He promised her that they indeed… they have each other. Fear would no longer dictate his actions. He needed to focus on staying calm and trusting his guards. He knew in his gut that the men and women that protect his family.. do so at great peril to themselves. Liam found himself rooted in the nursery staring down at his children, whispering to them how much he loves them and their mama. He slides his tall stature frame to the floor zoning out waiting to hear back from the guard, better yet his wife.
Back in the queens study, Sexy tries to get through to Hana.The queen failed to get Hana to be seated , but she was jumpy.. this scared Sexy a bit.
Hana moves closer to Sexy’s face glaring… fear flashing before her eyes.
“ You stole my life Sexy.. you stole my child!”, she grimaced and locked her jaw speaking through gritted teeth. Hana out of the blue smiles .. diabolically,” Perhaps… I should become mommy to the twins and join Liam every night in bed… making love all night long. I would ravish him into the early morning hours.” She laughs as she grips sexy hair pulling her head backwards.
Sexy felt her scalp on fire from the location where her hair follicles were in distress. “How would you ...How could you take my place with my family, don’t you think they would notice I’m missing?”
“ Oh Sexy… you wouldn’t be missing, you would be gone… dead. Of course Liam would feign grief for awhile, but he will need a new queen to rule at his side. The twins are so young… they won’t miss you at all… I will be the mother they deserve.First… you have to go.”Sexy felt enraged by her words, she would never leave her family to the devices of a deranged woman.She felt Hana’s hand starting to grip at her throat.One hand soon joined by her second hand, squeezing, droplets of blood drawn oozing down her slender neck.
Sexy found difficulty in breathing, but knew she needed to focus on getting home to her family.. to keep them safe. Images of the time she’s shared with the love of her life and their babies flashed through her … driving a response to fight . Sexy reached for the lamp on her desk finding it hard to reach. Her body slid back on the desk knocking the lamp to the floor sending it to crashing splintered grace. “Damn… I can’t get to it.”, she uttered to herself. While fighting to hold on to consciousness she gripped at anything on her desk when her delicate, manicured fingers found their way to her letter opener. Suddenly fight or flight, Sexy slashes at Hana’s arms trying to free the grasp on her throat.
“ You bitch!”, Hana shouts but this motion creates a window to get away from her grip.
Sexy twist in a tenable position trying to make it to the door … to help.The letter opener falls to the floor.. Sexy’s head slams to the side of the desk incapacity has her momentarily. Hana manages to get ahold of the letter opener and jabs it into Sexy’s back shoulder, before she could lift bit to repeat the action the study door flew open and Hana was tackled by several members of the king’s guard.
Bastien flew into the room on the phone with an ambulance to get help for the Queen.The room was spinning and finally grew dark. Sexy had lost consciousness … she felt a coldness running through her head, blurring her vision.
“ We have to alert his majesty that the queen is in trouble and we are en route to the hospital.Get a staff member to the royal residence to watch the children while the king makes it to her side.
After about 15 minutes, Sexy was rushed through the entrance of the hospital where an urgent care staff waited for her arrival. They raced to get her into the building as quickly as possible avoiding any press. The staff worked in precisioned focus to get to the source of the blood and pinpoint the injuries.The doctor ordered blood test and matching In Case of transfusion necessity. A full battery of standard testing was ran on the Queen while liquid stitches were applied to seal the slight opened gash on the corner of her head. Within minutes the doctor had results in hand on order properly diagnose and care for the Queen.
The doctor’s eyes stretched slightly at the results, “ Are all of these results conclusive? These results here… the levels are elevated. I would like to get an ultrasound ordered immediately.”Medical staff flying around in a flurry tending to the VIP patient.
Liam’s SUV came to a jaunting stop in front of the private entrance that had been communicated prior to arrival by Bastien. The head of his King’s guard met his majesty outside the entrance. Bastien opened the rear door allowing quick exit .
“Where is she ?!Take me to her now!” Liam composes himself as he took long strides through the corridors to find his wife.The ever stoic king could not breathe until he laid eyes on his Queen.Panic setting in not knowing what happened and the status of the love of his life. Bastien ushered him into a private waiting room set aside for royalty and nobles. “ Bastien … tell me how the hell we ended up in the hospital when I had my Queen in her study working!”He ran his large hands over his head , finally allowing for his breath to escape. The door opened after a quiet knock, “ Your majesty, I am Dr. Ashton the attending physician caring for the Queen. We have managed to seal the wound on her head.”The doctor paused allowing Liam to process the information that was just conveyed. “Sir… May I speak to you in private regarding her majesty?”
Liam’s blue eyes darted between his personal guard and the doctor.Bastien bowed and exited the room allowing the two men to speak freely.After several moments the doctor continued with his train of thought.
“Sir… her majesty was bought in unconscious . She has not regained consciousness since being here. We are wanting to perform a cat scan on her head to check for internal injuries, but we first need to make sure there are no adverse risk to her.”
Alarm flits across Liam’s face at the nervousness to complete his thought. “ what is that.. what risk?”
“ Sir we ran several test to determine blood type and possible mitigating factors that could complicate course of treatment.Your majesty...we need to perform an ultrasound to determine how far along her majesty is.”
Liam felt his heart race and the sound of the doctor’s voice fading away. “Did… I hear you correctly? We’re pregnant?” Liam smile was quickly replaced with concern, “ so you feel the scan can pose a risk to her and the baby?”
The doctor led Liam over to be seated while addressing his concerns… “ the scan will not be performed on her abdomen, so there is minimal exposure to radiation. We will first determine how far along the pregnancy progressed. If you join me in her room , we are about to do an ultrasound.”
“Let’s go… she hasn’t been feeling well , but we thought she had a bug.” Liam felt such a swell knowing that another child was created from their love. Here she was fighting her way back to him… and fighting for the life of their child he was unaware she was carrying. Liam and the doctor, followed by Bastien madd their way into the room holding the Queen setting up for an ultrasound.
“ Your majesty when her results came back, her HcG levels were extremely high.The ultrasound should give us an indication what’s going on.”Dr. Ashton moves the rolling table holding the machines around to the side of the bed exposing Sexy’s stomach.He squeezes a gel on her stomach to enhance the imaging.Liam took hold of her hand, thumb absentmindedly stroking her skin.within minutes of moving the probe over her abdomen… an image appeared on the screen.Liam was now eyes locked watching the first glimpse of his child, their child. His breath hitched in his throat knowing this blip was a manifestation of the love they share.
“Sir… right here is baby# 1… and here is baby # 2.” Liam’s fist flew to his lips trying to conceal a scream from escaping. His eyes glossy with tears threatening to spill over.He moves closer to the bed as the doctor continued to check measurements and approximate due date.He leaned down and placed a chaste kiss to side of her head.Liam closes his eyes briefly taking in the moment of hearing that he would be a father again.
“ Your majesty, based on the measurements, I would say she is about 12 weeks pregnant with twins.Dr. Ashton smiled warmly, “ congratulation to you both.I am going to make arrangements for her scan right away.”, I will give you a minute alone with her majesty.
Liam smiles, “thank you, just make sure she’s okay… they’re okay. I’m trusting my extended family to you.Dr. Ashton nods and exits the room.
“Bastien…. please contact duchess Olivia and request she go to the palace to stay with the twins until morning when the nannies arrive. I don’t want just anyone with them. I need to make sure Sexy doesn’t have to worry about them when she wakes up.”
Bastien bends deeply at the waist and proceeds to satisfy his King’s request. Suddenly the room was eerily quiet, he leaned down and whispered in her ear.
“My love… there’s so much going through my mind, but first I need to see you open your beautiful eyes.”, he sniffs trying to hold back the tears again. “ I need to see the look in your eyes when you learn we are need to prepare for twins again. Did you know you we’re with child? That doesn’t matter now… I never thought I could be happier than the day you shared with me we would be starting our family. Sexy … you are my dreams personified. I need you… to wake up so we can plan the biggest celebration Cordonia has ever seen.I need to be able to hold you and thank you for everything you have given me , as a man. I remember you telling me titles are not important, it’s not the measure of the man. You were happy to love me… just Liam.”He felt his heart breaking and overflowing with love at the same time. “ You asked me what I desired for my birthday… there is no greater gift than to learn we are expecting again.”, he chuckles to himself quietly. Suddenly realization setting in.. twelve weeks… he grins thinking back to when they shared paradise. “ Elafonissi, we started anew and lord and behold… new additions to our family.”
Liam moves further down the bed , leans down and kisses her stomach. “I can’t wait to meet you two… welcome to the family my newest angels” He gazed up and silently prayed for his mother’s spirit to watch over his unborn children, her would be grandchildren. The door opened slowly… “ we are ready for her your majesty.”
He watched as his heart in human form is wheeled down the hall , “ Bastien… you all had damn well better make sure that crazy bitch doesn’t escape again. I tried showing compassion and where did that get me… with my Queen in a hospital fighting to protect our children.I need this handled… Now!”
Bastien quickly retreated outside to make calls and get the ball rolling to find out… what the fuck just happened.
“ Don’t worry my love.. I’m here and I’m not leaving without you.”Liam slumps in the chair awaiting her return … pondering where he failed her, he knew he had to make this right.
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Kind of a weird request, but I thought of this listening to Kiss From A Rose haha. What if the Chocobros S/O's had to "marry" Ardyn (think Yuna with Seymour from FFX kind of situation?) in order to save the guys and when they see their S/O with Ardyn at a ball and he kisses their S/O, (which they don't want obviously because who kisses trash XD) the guys flip their shit and take back what's theirs? Lol I can never request anything normal.. haha thank you so much, love your writing
OMG The Drama that I am going to get out of this will fuel me for years! I love these type of situations!!! When I first read it, let me tell you I was all about it!
You stared in the mirror, putting on your lipstick, shaking hands attempting to get a good line as you tried holding back tears.
Even though it had been weeks at this point, you found yourself crying every time you looked in the mirror. Dreams of your actual love fluttering through your mind, as each time you closed your eyes, you hoped that when you opened them it would all be a horrid dream.
“Are you ready, My Queen.”
You shuttered, that voice that didn’t belong to him, but instead this man who stole you from him. Placing your lipstick down, as you took a deep breath, placing your pocket mirror and lipstick into your purse as you linked your arms with your, ‘Fiance’, who escorted you to this ball of the union of Insomnia and Neilfhelm to start the era of peace.
“Introducing Chancellor Ardyn, and his fiancee…”
You managed to hold back your tears as you were introduced as his fiancee, you hoped that you could do this.
The moment Noctis heard the announcement his gloved hands almost broke the armrests of the throne that he was currently sitting on. His eye trained to the entrance staircase, as you stood beside Ardyn, wearing an off white color dress.
Did that bastard not know anything about you! You’d never be caught dead in white.
“Noctis.” Ignis whispered softly, which caused the Prince to relax, but his back remained ramrod straight. “We must do this diplomatically.”
“I know, I know.” Noctis groaned, his eyes going back to you, a small smile appearing as he watched you constantly swat at Ardyn’s hands attempting to touch you aside from the linked arms, as the other man mingled around the room.
He recalled it all, every second leading up to this moment, the Prince decide to keep your relationship secret out of right to your privacy and safety. He managed to keep it from Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto, until the day Prompto saw the screensaver of you on the Prince’s phone. Which Noctis finally let the cat out the bag, and explained your relationship, but to the happiness of you, as now you both didn’t have to hide it from your friends.
His mind going to the day Ardyn sent Ravus to come collect you, even the older man who disliked the Prince seem to show some type of sympathy that day. Allowing you both a few hours to say goodbye, where Noctis promise to do everything in his power to get you back, that last parting kiss on your lips, as you left. Next he heard, you were engaged, he knew Ardyn was doing it to get under his skin.
Blue sapphire eyes scanned the crowd repeatedly, looking out for you, a small smile on his lips at every turn you’d try to shoo Ardyn away, stepping out of dances, swatting at his hands, even going so far as to stomp on the man’s foot. Only to growl, as Ardyn grabbed a hold of your wrist that was threaten to push him away again, pulling you forward to whisper in your ear. Noctis watched as your breath hitched, and your eyes turned to Noctis, before quickly lowering, softly nodding your head.
Noctis saw red, as Ardyn moved your head, pressing his lips to your own, as you pushed at the elder man’s chest, trying to get away from him.
“Ignis.” Noctis growled, his teeth clenched, knowing the other was watching the scene before them as well.
Ignis moved without a word, as he quickly moved through the crowd, avoiding coattails and dress trains, as he quickly approached you and Ardyn, quickly taking your hand, “His Royal Highness would like to speak with you.”
You smiled at seeing a familiar face, “Ignis.”
Ignis escorted you and your ‘fiancee’ toward the Prince, the entire time Ignis held tightly to your hand, only to lean in and whisper, “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of this.”
Your hold on Ignis’s hand tighten as you allowed him to lead you up to the throne before Noctis, a sad smile on your face. “Prince Noctis.”
“Your Highness.” Ardyn chuckled, as Ignis moved you to stand below Noctis as was custom, the rest of the floor completely obvious to you, believing it to be just normal royal protocol. “What do we owe this honor?”
Noctis glared down to the man, “Ignis, bring Y/N here.”
You let out a sigh of relief, Ignis had never removed his hand from your own. The man moved to lead you up the stairs, only for you to feel something grab your other wrist, tugging you back, as you stumbled over your heels into Ardyn’s chest.  
“May I inquire as to why the Prince would seek my fiancee’s company?” Ardyn called, his arm tightly around your waist.
“Chancellor do release, the young lady.” Ignis called, as he took your hand again, pulling you from the embrace, stepping before you, challenging the man to try it again. Satisfied that the man did not attempt it a second time, Ignis assisted you up the stairs to Noctis.
“Thank you, Ignis.” Noctis called, as he quickly stood, his eyes meeting your own. “Chancellor Ardyn, you are welcome to leave, we no longer require your presence, do see yourself out. Should you ever threaten my kingdom, or my fiancee again I will see to it that you do not only lose you position yet also everything else you hold dear.”
Ardyn moved to step forward, only to be greeted by Gladiolus and Prompto, a sneer to the young Prince before a mock bow before man turned leaving.
“Noctis.” You cooed, your hand reaching out to cradle his face, only for the Prince to press a kiss against your palm before pulling you forward.
“I don’t like seeing you in that, you should change.” He called in your ear, before turning to Ignis, “Have that dress burned.”
Ignis chuckled, always the Drama Prince, the man taking your hand again before escorting you out a secret back area. Only to return less than 30 minutes later, in your comfortable blacks and silvers to match your Prince, as you stood loyally by his side.
“Y/N, let me see your hand.” Noctis stated, as you moved your left hand to the man. Only for him to snatch off the old ring from Ardyn, before tossing it somewhere to the ballroom below. “Better.”
You giggled before leaning forward pressing your lips to Noctis, “I couldn’t agree more. Oh but what more thing, fiancee?”
Noctis chuckled, “Yeah, I’d like to see him try to take you from me again.”
Prompto couldn’t concentrate, which was a huge problem, considering that he was suppose to be guarding the Prince. Yet you left him, wordlessly almost a month ago, leaving your apartment keys, all your stuff, and a just a note that stated.
“I love you, more than anything.”
The others offered to help him, clear all your stuff out, but the blonde delince, holding onto the small hope that your’d come back, saying it was a huge joke.
Yet the moment he heard your name accompanying Ardyn’s and then seeing you dolled up being escorted in by the man, a huge ring on your left ring finger. How could it be?
“Prompto.” Ignis warned.
Prompto knew, he knew that he couldn’t just approach you, rush up to you, demanding answers. He wanted to know, he deserved to know!
Yet something seemed off, you were looking around the crowd, almost seeming dejected when you didn’t find what you were looking for. Only to suddenly perk up, a look of relief on your face, as you stared at him, taking a step forward, “Prom…” Suddenly you were yanked to Ardyn’s side, as he was talking to some elite, that small amount of fleeting joy on your face, suddenly gone, as your gaze when to the floor.
Something was wrong!
Prompto watched all evening, he watched as you tried to move from Ardyn’s side time and time again. Only for the elder man to grab a hold of your waist or arm, dragging you back to him. Only to watch as you finally rested into the man’s embrace, yet your eyes still trailed around the room. He shuffled to move, only to stop, he still had a job to do, he had to stay near Noctis.
“…powder room.” He heard you whisper to the man.
“Do not be long.” Ardyn chuckled, his arm going back around your waist, as he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your lips. Even as you pushed away at the man, trying to lean back as far as possible, which only seemed to fuel the man into deepening the kiss.
“Prompto!” Ignis barked, low enough for only the blonde to hear him.
Prompto hadn’t even realized, he had managed to get 3 steps before the other had called out him. Ardyn had released you by now, and he watched as you quickly dashed away to the restroom, only to duck out a few seconds later, looking around, before quickly moving to the opposite side of the room.
“Y/n,” Gladiolus growled, approaching you.
“Gladiolus,” You sighed in relief, “I know you must be so pissed at me, please, please give this to Prompto.”
Gladiolus looked down to the paper between the two of you, before noticing your focus was on something other, like a scare animal awaiting a predator strike. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” You smiled, your fingers brushing against the man’s arm, before you quickly turned to go back to Ardyn’s side.
“Here.” Gladiolus called slipping the man the papers.
How quickly Prompto attempted to open the small single fold paper he was certain he would rip it, but the words that he read made him see red, and this time he ignored Ignis’s call, as he moved across the room. Moving to stand before the red head man and yourself.
“Oh young Prompto, an honor to see you.” Ardyn chuckled, before a smirk appeared on his face, as he pulled you forward. “Have you had the honor of meeting my dear fiancee?”
“Let her go.” Prompto growled.
“Prompto.” You smiled weakly, only to gasp as Ardyn pushed you behind him.
“Who are you to demand what I do with my fiancee, she agreed to marry me. So I suggest you run along, little guard.”
Prompto’s blue eyes dashed around the room, they had begun to create a scene and the music had died, all eyes on them. “You’re forcing Y.N to marry you, what other reason would you want her?”
Ardyn chuckled stepping toward the younger man, only to sneer as the young man gave a tremble but did not step down, “And what proof do you have?”
At this time, Prompto saw Gladiolus move within vision to assist should the other attack, “Y.N.”
Ardyn chuckled, his lip turned up, “Just by word? Simply by word alone.”
Prompto’s hand trembled toward his phone, as he heard the familiar chime that hadn’t graced his phone is weeks, already knowing that you had sent the proof, as you quickly shoved your phone down the front of your dress. “Your word, and video as well.”
Ardyn quickly turned to you, his eyes glaring at you as you backed up, before he turned back to Prompto, moving to stand full height, “Fine, Y.n is an adult, who do you choose?”
The sentence barely fell from the man’s mouth, as you stepped forward removing your ring before shoving it into Ardyn’s chest. “Prompto, every time.”
The joy on Prompto’s face brought a smile to your own, only for the man to glare at Ardyn behind him. “I suggest that you leave.”
Ardyn looked to the ring in his hand, before chuckling, as he bowed out.
You moved to go to Prompto’s side, only feel Gladiolus’s hand go to your arm as he escorted you away, “Gladio?”
“For the moment let’s stay low, I’ll get  Prompto.” Gladiolus stated, as he moved you away from all the stares and murmuring around the dance floor. Already the talk of the town and tabloids you were certain.
Prompto had to admit he was nervous and he felt like he was going to collapse, but as he made his way through the crowd back to stand beside Noctis and Ignis, he already knew that Ignis was going to tear into him. Yet right now he was so proud of himself, he did it, he got you back, but where were you?
“Gladio, took her to the back.” Ignis stated, as the music begun to start again. “I had originally requested for you to wait until further into the evening towards the end, yet you’ve never been patience.”
“You actually looked cool for once.” Noctis laughed.
Prompto chuckled nervously at the praise, before noticing Gladiolus had returned to take his stance beside the Prince.
“She’s waiting in the back room.” Gladiolus called.
Prompto turned to the others, getting the silent permission as he all but ran to the backroom. Throwing open the doors, only to quickly have his arms full of you. Your lips meeting in a crazy, rush fashion.
“You were so cool, I love you so much Prompto!”
Prompto didn’t even respond as he dragged you into another kiss, shutting the door behind him. The other’s could handle the rest of the night.
His hands flexed at his side at the announcement, Gladiolus tried, he really did try, to calm and edge his anger. He knew he had a temper, he tried getting to 10, but when he hit 2 and saw you enter the room, tears at the corner of your eyes, Gladiolus knew that he had to leave quickly.
So he quickly excused himself away, knowing that Ignis and Prompto could handle the next five minutes without him, they would have to. The tall man basically sprinted out into the outdoor training arena, letting out a feral cry as he summoned a Greatsword, before slashing into a few training dummies, and a lot of equipment that he would get in trouble for later. Your last day together playing through his head.
He came home and you ran into his arms, tears streaming down your face. In all the years you’ve been together Gladiolus had never seen you cry, he had never heard those painful wails you released as you held him tightly. Explaining Ardyn’s plan to restart the war, should you not become his, as one last dig to the Lucian line.
Gladiolus did everything he could think to stop you from being taken away, in the end he watched tears in your eyes, as you were determine to assist your home. Why else had you trained to be the Prince’s Knight? The evening before you left, Gladiolus did everything he could to make you comfortable, and that night he found himself holding you tightly, as he made love to you. The two of you staying awake after, in each other’s arms for hours, placing soft kisses against one another, tears in your eyes. Gladiolus found that he had dozed off for one moment, the next he woke up and you were gone.
Stepping back into the ballroom, fifteen minutes later, Gladiolus found his anger had ebbed, yet not as much as he would have liked. Stepping up to stand beside Ignis, ever the King’s Shield, Gladiolus took stance, his eyes scanning the floor for you. Only to find you off the dance floor alone, moving to as far back as possible, almost as if you were hiding.
Only to see that Ardyn was currently in search for you, Gladiolus watched as you picked up your skirts, before quickly dashing away. Yet all the people on the floor made it difficult for you to get around them in such a large dress, meaning Ardyn could easily slip up to you, grabbing a hold of your arm, yanking you toward him.
Gladiolus felt himself take a step forward, only to halt as he felt Ignis’s hand on his shoulder. Noticing that all of his friends were watching as well, ready to step in, yet none knew how to without somehow creating a scandal. He watched powerless as Ardyn dragged you to the dance floor, pulling you forward into the next waltz.
Seeming almost powerful and rough with the way he dragged you around the dance floor. Gladiolus at least felt a surge of pride at that, you weren’t going down without a fight.
“Hey Gladio aren’t you good at the waltz?” Noctis asked offhandedly.
Gladiolus chuckled, as he moved across the floor, his step quicken, when Ardyn moved forward, his lips ghosting across your own.
You struggled back against the man before you, pushing at his shoulders to try and create a distance before you. Moving to turn your head, only to feel his hand on the back of your neck, keeping you locked in placed. Only to gasp as a large hand wrapped around the man’s collar, as Ardyn disappeared from your sight, only to have a strong burly chest taken it’s place.
Looking up to see those familiar red brown eyes looking down to you, staring you over, a smile overtook your face, as you grabbed a hold of the man before you. Hugging him tightly, “Gladdy, Gladiolus.”
Gladiolus chuckled, taking your hand to start the waltz, only to notice the ring on your left hand. Slipping it off, before chucking it somewhere behind him, hitting a duchess, as he begun to move you into the waltz and off the floor. His large form, while the perfect battering ram, also seem to keep Ardyn at bay.
“Gladiolus what about…”
“Like I fucking care, the house of Amicitia is more powerful that that guy.” Gladiolus replied, as he dipped you in a waltz, pressing his lips against your own, which you happily returned. “Besides, if he tries anything we’ll take him out.”
“Gladdy.” You giggled as he escorted you off the floor, sneaking you into a hallway that was currently unoccupied by guests as you wrapped your arms around the man’s neck. “I’ve missed you so much.”
Gladiolus chuckled, his lips ghosting across your own, “You have no idea babe.”
Ignis watched, he watched you enter the room with Ardyn, his sage eyes trained to you and your fake fiance, the man who tricked you into becoming engaged to him. A peace offering Ardyn lied, to show that there is no bad words between Neilfhelm and Insomnia.
Yet you were not royalty, you were a King’s Glavie, to Noctis, your only link to royalty. Yes, you were high in the ranking, yet that was through perseverance and loyalty to the King and Prince. Out of all the women the man could have taken, he picked you!
Everyone was aware of how upset Ignis was about this, yet the only thing that Ignis acted out on, was the first night, when you sent your letter. Explaining the situation as vague as possible, but later called, knowing that the man couldn’t pick up, yet explained that you love him, and would never wish anything against him, only to quickly disconnect as Ardyn’s voice echoed in the background.
The night Ignis excused himself, and only returned 2 hours later, a little disheveled.
“Ignis.” Gladiolus called.
Ignis nodded softly, his eyes watching you, you looked beautiful but pale, and almost sick. Had you been eating fine, have you been feeling fine? You hadn’t spoken to one another in weeks, but he couldn’t explain how much he missed you.
All night Ignis watched you, he watched as your elegant footwork and movement, seemed stumbled. A false smile on your lips, and it appeared that you were absolutely covered in make up. All of that upset him, but what upset him the most was after the fifth dance of Ardyn dragging you on the floor, despite your protests, Ignis had managed to move forward, attempting to get you alone.
Only to feel his blood boil at the scene before him.
“I’m going to step outside for some fresh air.” You called, to the red head man.
Ardyn turned, wrapping an arm around your waist, as he pulled you closer, even as you visibly flinched away from  him. Turning your head at the final second only for him to still catch part of your lips. “Don’t be long, My Queen.”
Ignis watched as you quickly pulled up your skirts, moving toward the empty balcony. Ending his dance with whatever woman he was using as a decoy to get closer, Ignis followed you toward the balcony. Signaling to the guards posted that he did not want anyone else to come onto the balcony.
Stepping onto the balcony, he found you, face in your hands, trying to stop yourself from hyperventilating. “Y/N?”
You turned over your shoulder, a sad smile appearing on your face, as you stared at the man before you. “Ignis. Ignis!” You cried, rushing forward, your arms wrapping around the man as you buried your face within his chest. “Ignis, My love!”
Ignis wrapped both his arms around you tightly, “Darling, I’ve missed you so much.”
Ignis felt you weep within his chest, your hold on the man tighten as you tried explaining the situation. Only to have Ignis hush you, explaining that he did not blame you and that he would do everything in his power to stop this. Moving back as he removed a handkerchief from his pocket, rubbing it against your cheek, removing a lot of your make up.
“My love, are you ill?”
You nodded softly, “I haven’t been sleeping well, nor eating.”
Ignis, remained cleaning the rest of your face, only to cup your face, “We must see to this, you need to rest.”
You cried softly, the first genuine smile on your face all evening, “Ignis.”
“Y/N, there you are.” Ardyn called, stepping on the balcony, only to notice the way that situation that you were in. “I believed we spoke about this.”
You moved to step away from Ignis only to have the man turn, pushing you behind himself. “Ignis?”
“She doesn’t feel well, she should be resting.” Ignis stated, his arm out before you, almost to sheild you from the man. “I can not sit by and allow you to harm her any further.”
“Y/n, get over here now.” Ardyn hissed.
You faltered slightly, only to find that instead you had stepped further behind Ignis, holding onto the back of the man’s suit jacket.
“Y/N,” Ardyn growled, stepping forward, stepping before the advisor, as he glared to the man, “Move aside Scentia, or are you willing to start a war for this woman?”
Ignis stared the man down, yet refused to allow him any closer, his arm still out to protect you from the man.  Hundreds of ideas going through his mind, how to save you, how to avoid starting a new war. The Chancellor held a higher ranking, but perhaps he could go above the man, what people did they have on that side that could stop a war and outrank Ardyn? Who would be willing to work against the man?
“Y/n, come along.” Ardyn repeated, going to grab you.
All thoughts of peace, and avoiding a war went out Ignis’s mind, as he clenched a glove fist, before delivering a strong uppercut to the elder man’s solar plex. Many did not believe it, yet Ignis was rather strong underneath that lean torso and long limbs. So this punch actually made the elder man double over.
“Y/N, we’re leaving, please leave anything that is trash behind.” Ignis growled, his gaze never leaving the man, who was hunched over trying to regain his breath.
You removed the ring that Ardyn provided you, wishing you could do something more dramatic, yet instead dropped it on the ground before the man, before taking your actual lover’s arm as he escorted you back to the ball.
“Ignis, my love, I don’t want to sound rude or upset, but did we have a plan for this?”
Ignis pulled you close to him, pressing a kiss to your lips, before pulling away. “I figured that we’d just see how this goes. Now let’s see to your rest.”
You smiled leaning against the man’s arm, “I actually feel much better.”
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vitzoki · 4 months
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
Meghan Markle Shows Off Her Engagement Ring As Prince Harry Reveals How He Proposed
The world awoke this morning, not to the sound of an alarm clock, but to the collective sound of women around the world crying upon learning that Prince Harry was abandoning bachelorhood for married life with American actress, Meghan Markle.
The 33-year-old ‘playboy prince’ surprised the world with his proposal, which came just 16 months after the pair began dating and mere days after his grandparents celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. “His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry to Ms. Meghan Markle,” read the official statement released by Clarance House on behalf of Harry’s father, Prince Charles. “The wedding will take place in Spring 2018. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course.” Prince Harry proposed to the 36-year-old actress earlier this month in London, where Markle is now believed to be living with her beau and her dogs after quitting Suits, the legal drama in which she played paralegal Rachel Zane. However, details regarding their proposal are being closely guarded by the red-headed prince who told reporters this morning that they would “come later,” while a nervous Markle, clearly less educated on how to keep the press at bay, coyly revealed that it was very “romantic”. The royal couple were seen this morning for the first time since their engagement announcement in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace. In fact, this was only their second official appearance as a couple, after they first stepped out together in September at the Invictus Games.
The cameras flashed incessantly upon the couple, illuminating Markle’s Hollywood smile and bare legs, as reporters posed questions to the duo, who stood sheepishly on the stone steps, Markle with both hands clinging on to Prince Harry’s suited arm. Prince Harry responded to the questions, while his love looked up adoringly at him as he declared that he knew she was the one “from the very first time we met.” Harry also went on to divulge that he is “over the moon” to be engaged to the actress, who has been married once before, as a beaming Markle shyly said that she too was “so happy”. Before the couple could escape from the spotlight, Meghan was asked to reveal her ring. Cautiously she let go of Harry’s arm to show-off the gold band, featuring two diamonds from Princess Diana’s personal collection, designed by the young royal himself. The third diamond on the band is from Botswana, a country of special significance to Harry who spent a lot of time in the country as a child. It also holds significance to the couple, who went on safari in the country in September – which may have been the moment when the fifth in line to the throne decided he wanted to marry the actress. The magnificent band was made by Cleave and Company, Court Jewellers and Medallists to Her Majesty the Queen, making it clear that Prince Harry had his grandmother’s full approval. The wedding is scheduled for next Spring, although it is thought that they will wait until after the birth of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s third child, which is due in April. Markle looked radiant in a wrap coat by designer Line the Label, in a very bridal hue, which she layered over the top of a green dress to protect her from the cold chill. On her feet she wore an elegant pair of Aquazzura heels, which retail at £552 ($736). Markle, who is often featured on ‘best dressed’ lists will give her sister-in-law, the Duchess of Cambridge some serious style competition. However, will she create a fashion frenzy quite like Kate, who reportedly boosted the economy by £1 billion in 2012 after people tried to emulate her classic style? The couple is due to appear on British television tonight to provide more details about their whirlwind romance. In the meantime, I’ll be crossing Prince Harry off my Christmas wishlist and removing the picture I have of him as my screensaver.
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