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For @echosong971 more incorrect quotes feat. her guardians
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Robyn would find Stannis on a sugar baby site. She wants to experience a thrill, and have money that isn’t her father’s. She matches with “BurningStag,” and sends a few pics of just her body in her best lingerie.
BurningStag: “Are you a bot?”
YoungWolf: “uh, no?”
BurningStag: “So you just send faceless pics to anybody?”
YoungWolf: “That’s what ur here for, right?”
BurningStag: “Great. A bot. Block and report.”
YoungWolf: “Hey, asshole. I’m real!”
BurningStag: “Send me pics of how you look right now, with face, and I’ll send five hundred dollars. You have five seconds.”
Robyn is in just a shirt and panties. She panics as he counts down blocking. She takes the photo. And there’s nothing. Robyn is getting nervous when she gets the notification she was just sent money.
BurningStag: “Cute. You’re a redhead. Should’ve led with that.”
YoungWolf: “Yeah, I’m real, see? God.”
BurningStag: “Watch your attitude. Meet me at this address, wear the lingerie set from your slutty photos. Hope you like Thai.”
The fuck???
Okay, now like imagine a multi-verse of this site oopsie ;)
BurningStag: “Cute. You’re a redhead. Should’ve led with that.” Fuck, okay, yes daddy
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ithisatanytime · 5 years
(✞HAF Mafia✞)
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chillyravenart · 6 years
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Robb Stark, King in the North :(
(A slightly updated version)
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hopefullpromises · 6 years
I’m trying to get out Find a subtle way out  Not just cross myself out Not just disappear
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xxannamalikxx · 6 years
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#robbstark #gameofthrones #stark #winteriscoming #winteriscomingstark #wolf #youngwolf #winterfell #greywind
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etherealmrp · 3 years
.:Weekly Character Highlight:.
Young Wolf
Player: Alright Alright Alright
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-Character Name: The Young Wolf
-Age: Between 7 to 10 years since his first resurrection
-Pronouns: He/Him
-How long has he been in Etherealm?: 5 months, since Feb 1st.
Harley Quinn
Riven of a Thousand voices
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Wanted Canon Mates:
-Amanda Holiday - Don't like to ship, just a friend/ally
-Ikora Rey - Don't like to ship, just a friend/ally
-Saint-14 - Don't like to ship, just a friend/ally
-Osiris - Don't like to ship, just a friend/ally
-Lord Shaxx - Don't like to ship, just a friend/ally
-The Drifter - Don't like to ship, just a friend/ally
-Eris Morn - Don't like to ship, just a friend/ally
-Elisabeth Bray - Don't like to ship, just a friend/ally
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all-face-on-me · 7 years
Zvijezde ostaju sjajne i kada noći su mračne!!!
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He is a boy no longer, she realised with a pang. He is sixteen now, a man grown. Just look at him. War had melted all the softness from his face and left him hard and lean.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Robyn turns up at the Thai place. She’s getting kind of anxious. And then she sees Stannis. Oh fuck. Isn’t that one of her dad’s friends? She hopes he doesn’t recognize her.
“Good evening”
Oh fuck he does.
“O-Oh… hello Mr. Baratheon! Wh-what brings you here?”
He leans forward and places a palm on her bum “You aren’t supposed to use real names, YoungWolf. Or are you hoping I’ll punish you for breaking the rules?”
Oh shit oh fuck oh no.
And then he just turns towards the host with his hand on Robyn's lower back before being guided into a private area
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It's okay to make a certain personality for your character in your au, not for the game itself.
What I mean is headcanons for yw is okay but inserting your own personality into them and what you like isn't right to insert into the game itself.
For example
Headcanon for yw would be like saying that they really like and wanna help crow but don't wanna tell him, or something along that line.
Self insert for yw would be like saying they don't like crow at all because they still see him as uldren and absolutely hate his guts, but in canon form that's not how their character is written
I'm really bad at explaining things but I just wanna get a point across, if someone would like to addon/help me with this It would be greatly appreciated.
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robbwolfking · 7 years
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O Norte se lembra! #robbststark #kinginthenorth #youngwolf #reidonorte #jovemlobo (em Winterfell)
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anetteslife · 6 years
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Nobody says cute ass to people regularly. It's not a saying, not an idiom. Jesus Christ, their justifications are getting worse by the day
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jmoneyyswaggss · 7 years
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This is clearly his game face #youngwolf @wolfpack_pups @bronxwolfpack @emt_83 #23
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lets-youngwolf-blog · 6 years
روب ستارك، الملك في الشمال... أم الملك الذي أضاع الشمال؟
روب ستارك، أول ملك في الشمال من أكثر ٣٠٠ سنة. أخر ملك عرفه الشمال هو تورين ستارك أو كما يعرف بتورين الراكع، لانه (في نظر أهل الشمال) أهان كبرياء الشمال بالركوع لإغون الغازي ولكن هذا موضوع آخر لن نتطرق له اليوم.
هل روب ستارك حقاً أضاع الشمال؟
من الظلم بما كان ان نضع كامل اللوم على الذئب الشاب في ليلة وفاته. لنوضّح بعض الأشياء قبيل الخوض في هذا الأمر، روب ستارك في الرواية كان صغيرا مقارنة بالمسلسل عندما تم اتهام والده بالخيانة وعلى اثرها تم اعدامه، كان صغيرا عندما اختاره الشماليون كملك في الشمال. عند وفاته كان عمره ١٦ سنة فقط.
هذا المراهق انتصر في اول ثلاث معارك خاضها كقائد حتى ان بعض اهل الشمال كان يلقبونه بالملك الذي لا يمكن قتله (ذكرتها آريا في حديثها مع تايوان لانيستر)، لكن ما فصل بينه وبين اللانيستر والفري هي الخبره والدهاء. في عالم قيم اوف ثرونز عودنا جورج ر.ر. مارتن انه عندما يرتكب الأبطال أخطاء... يموتون. هذا ما حدث مع نيد ستارك وروب ستارك ولاحقاً جون سنو. لا مجال للخطأ.
روب ستارك ارتكب اخطاء تراكمت عليه واغرقته. أول اخطاءه كان اعدام اللورد كارستارك، اخطأ كارستارك عندما قتل اطفال اللانيستر واهان روب عندما وصفه بالملك اللذي لا يعاقِب على الخيانة. لكن كان من الأفضل ان يكسب اللورد كارستارك بصفه الى ان تنتهي الحرب، بعدها يقوم بمحاكمته. كما فعلت سانسا مع لورد بيليش بالضبط، عندما اجّلت اعدامه الى ما بعد معركة اللقطاء لتضمن جيش الڤيل. الخطأ الآخر والذي كما يقال القشة التي كسرت ظهر البعير هي عدم زواجه من عائلة الفري بعد ان وعدهم بذلك. روب هو بنفسه قال: “كل الرجال يجب يقفوا خلف كلماتهم، خصوصاً الملوك” بغض النظر ان الفري كان عاقداً النية على خيانة روب قبل الزواج، لكن ماكان يجب ان يظهر ملك الشمال بمنظر الشخص الي لا يمكنه الحفاظ على كلمته.
جدير بالذكر ايضاً ان اخر كلمةٍ قالها روب ستارك في الرواية اثناء وفاتة هي “غري ويند” وهو اسم الذئب الذي يمتلكه روب، فلربما تمكن روب من ان يتحكم بالذئب عن طريق “الوورق” وهذا غالب الظن. بالطبع غري ويند لم يذهب بعيداً، تمكن من قطع ذراع احد الحراس وقتل بعض الكلاب لكنه قُتل في النهاية. أهم فارق من وجهة نظري بين الرواية والمسلسل كان تشريع جون سنو كجون ستارك واختياره كملك للشمال من بعده، كان هذا قبل ليلة وفاة روب ستارك والقليل من القادة هم من يعرفون عن هذا الأمر، ولو ان كاتلن ستارك كانت رافضة تماماً لكن لن اتطرق اليه اليوم كي لا أطيل، ربما في يومٍ آخر.
اراكم الأسبوع المقبل بإذن الله
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7, 18, 36, 37 for the music asks 🎵
What’s your favorite song to sing along to?
probably work song by hozier ! it’s one of my favourites and it really suits my vocal range... aside from that it’s the soundtrack to mamma mia here we go again
What’s your go-to song when you want to pump yourself up?
probably one of dodie’s more upbeat songs like ‘in the middle’!
What was your childhood song?
my entire family will attest to the fact that when i was a child we had a homemade cassette of songs to play in the car and it had the busted thunderbirds song and i would make them take the tape out and rewind it over and over again so it would just be that song on repeat for every journey
What was your childhood band/artist?
as it might be clear from above, it was busted ! i sobbed for days when charlie left and i’ve been to see them live as mcbusted.... i loved songs like air hostess and year 3000 and crash the wedding! in fact, once i was left next to the laptop that had the playlist up at a family party and i just put crash the wedding on it multiple times until i got caught
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