#your brain is so so huge and wrinkled as all shit beloved
widevibratobitch · 11 months
farewell wanderlust song of all time frfr
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tayegi · 7 years
New Rules Ch. 4
Word Count: 9,665
"What?! This is totally unfair!" You exclaim at the weekly school newspaper meeting.
Yoongi, the editor, rubs his temples in exasperation, "I thought I explained this to you, ___. This isn't permanent. I just need you and Somin to switch positions for the rest of the semester."
"You should be thanking me," Somin pipes up from where she sits across the room from you, "Your politics section is way more difficult to write for than mine!"
"Yeah, but yours is dull as hell," you shoot back, "At least I won an award for my piece on sexual violence last semester! What competition could I even hope to enter writing about goddamn sports?"
"For god's sake, woman, it's only for six weeks," Yoongi growls, frustrated with the length of the meeting, "Just make the switch already."
"I don't know why Somin can't still write for her segment! All of the stadiums are wheelchair accessible on campus!"
"But what about the away games?" She exclaims, "Do you really expect me to ride a long-distance bus with a broken leg?!"
She's got you there. You feel a twinge of guilt about being so insensitive when your colleague is in pain, but you're still hesitant about giving up your beloved politics section for something as mundane as sports. "You're right, Somin," you say in a soothing tone, "You've been in a lot of pain with that leg, and you should really just stay home and rest… The politics section might be a bit too stressful for you. Why don't you switch with Taehyung instead?"
A handsome boy with sandy blonde hair looks up from his phone at the sound of his voice, "Huh?"
"No way! How dare you suggest that I do the fashion column?!" Somin exclaims in outrage, "You're just trying to get rid of me!" She accuses, lifting one of her crutches to point at you from across the room.
"Hey, what's wrong with fashion?" Taehyung pipes up, indignant.
"That's right! What's wrong with fashion, Somin?" You exclaim.
"Really, ___?" she says with a haughty wrinkle of her nose, "I am the first woman to write for the sports section in our university's history! Do you really expect me to write for the fashion column after this? How humiliating!"
"There's absolutely nothing humiliating about writing about fashion!" You jump to your feet to yell at her.
"That's right!" Taehyung echoes, rising as well to stand next to you, "Fashion is cool!"
"And your logic is so misogynistic!" You add, feeling yourself getting fired up.
"Oh no…" Yoongi mumbles under his breath, but it's too late.
"Kudos to you for breaking a gender stereotype and writing for a traditionally male section. But how fucking dare you look down on a traditionally female pastime?!"
"Wh-what?" Somin splutters, "That's not what I—"
"That's the problem with modern day feminism," you rage on, "It's all great and dandy to have women break into stereotypically male roles. I love that we're encouraging young girls to embrace leadership positions and enter STEM fields. But the issue with this is that we're now depreciating traditionally female roles! A woman scientist is so fierce and strong. But now a woman who is more interested in fashion or beauty is scorned and considered weak?! That is bullshit! We're not teaching women to be equals to men. We're teaching women to be men. And that's so fucked up!"
Somin's face flushes red as she realizes her mistake, "This isn't just a gender thing," she feebly defends herself, "You have to admit, regardless of traditional gender roles, fashion is a bit…"
"A bit what?" you snap, "What makes sports so much better than fashion? Both are unsubstantial pastimes! Is watching men throw balls at each other really that much better than dressing nicely?"
"Yeah!" Taehyung enthusiastically defends you, "You're all just jealous because I look cuter than you!"
"He does!" you angrily agree, "And besides, don't be so haughty, Somin. Taehyung is also breaking gender roles!"
"I'm the first male fashion columnist in our newspaper's history!" The golden-haired boy crows in delight, "You ain't special!"
"And there's so much stigma for him as well," you add, "The fashion column is seen as so girly and irrelevant. Taetae has received so much flack for taking on the column. And I am so proud of him for not allowing society to tell him that engaging in traditionally female roles is shameful!"
"Exactly!" Taehyung jumps to his feet to sling an arm around your shoulder, "We're socially woke! Take that, you jerk!"
"Taehyung, sit the fuck down," Yoongi growls as he pulls his blood pressure medication from his backpack, "Don't pretend to be a raging feminist when we all know that you wanted the fashion column because you thought it was pretty."
Deflated, the younger boy awkwardly plops back down in his seat, "So what?" he mumbles, "That's a good reason…"
You sympathetically pat his head, "Don't worry, Tae. You did well."
Yoongi pops two pills in his mouth and dry swallows them before responding, "___, come outside. We need to talk."
"___, you really need to stop getting everyone riled up like that during our meetings," Yoongi says as soon as he pulls you out into the hallway.
"Sorry, but it's seriously unfair, Yoongi. You know how hard I worked to get the politics section. This feels like I'm being demoted."
"It's just temporary," he assures you, "And besides, those in leadership positions should set an example by making sacrifices."
"Leadership…?" you repeat with wide eyes.
"Yeah, didn't I tell you that you were the top candidate to take over my position as editor when I graduate next year? Don't ruin your chances, dumb ass."
Your heart soars in your chest at the reminder and you have to fight to keep a smile off your face, "Taehyung is just easily influenced… but I promise I'll try not to lead him astray."
"Good. And play nice with Somin as well! She's actually really good at her job and we need her."
Your face falls at the reminder, "She needs to play nice first," you childishly mumble, "I know she has no interest in politics, but she wants my section just to spite me."
"Well, even if that's the case, just ignore it. As editor, you've always got to be the bigger person."
"Fine," you sigh deeply, "I'll do it… But please don't fire me if I do a terrible job… I don't know shit about sports."
"Eh, I'm sure you'll do fine," the silver-haired man waves you off, "Besides, you have connections that Somin doesn't have. If you use them right, I bet you could even outdo her."
"Connections?" you repeat in confusion, "What do you mean?"
Yoongi gives you a pointed look, "Don't pretend to be so sly, ___. The men's soccer team is the talk of the whole school. If they continue their winning streak, they'll be the first team to advance to the championship game in twenty years."
"That's really great, but what does that have to do with me?" you ask, wracking your brain for any connection to the soccer team. But no one you know plays a sport… except Namjoon, who keeps trying to claim that chess is a real sport. That nerd.
Yoongi cocks an eyebrow at you, "I didn't think you were the type to play coy, ___. It really doesn't suit you."
"Honestly, Yoongi, I have no frickin idea what you're talking about."
"Do I really have to spell it out to you? Jeon Jungkook. I don't know what's going on between the two of you, but every journalist knows to use their personal connections to make a story. An interview would be amazing."
"Why would I interview that stupid fuckboy?" You ask, still not catching on, "He's not even good at talking… Though not as bad as Taehyung."
"Are you a good actor or seriously oblivious?" Yoongi asks in astonishment, "Because he's the star striker of the soccer team, of course!"
"Wait, really?"
"Aren't you sleeping with this guy? How could you not know?"
"I mean I heard someone mention it before, but I thought they meant it as a metaphor… Wait a minute! How did you know I was sleeping with him?!"
"Isn't it obvious?" Yoongi says with a snort, "The amount of PDA between the two of you at the barbeque was sickening."
Your face flushes, "What? It wasn't PDA! He was just being a handsy pervert!"
"Yeah yeah whatever. Just get the interview with him, will ya?"
"Alright… But I'm kinda disappointed that he's an athlete… no wonder his ego's so huge."
"I think you're the first girl to ever say something like that," Yoongi wryly informs you, "But whatever. Just get this done, ok? And please calm Tae down and go apologize to Somin together."
"Fine," you say with an exaggerated sigh, "Being editor isn't easy, huh?"
"Yup. You better watch yourself or I'm giving the position to Taehyung."
Your eyes pop open with shock, "You wouldn't dare!"
"Hey so you like kick around a ball or whatever?" you ask over the phone after your meeting for the school newspaper.
"Huh?" Jungkook says when he picks up on the other end, "Is that a euphemism for something?"
"What the hell are you talking about? How could that be a euphemism for anything?!"
"Balls?" he says pointedly.
"Stop it, you nasty. I just need to know whether you do sports things or not!"
"Ah, so this isn't a booty call?" Jungkook says, clearly disappointed.
"What?! It's Wednesday! How could this possibly be a booty call?!"
"Do people not fuck on Wednesdays?" He asks in amusement, "Besides, I haven't seen you for over a week," he whines, "I thought we were going to make this a regular thing!"
"You could see me more often if you actually went to class," you coolly inform him.
"Yeah, but we can't fuck in class, so what's the point?"
"The first part of our presentation is due next week!" You exclaim, "Please tell me you remembered that?"
"Yeah, of course," he says, but he sounds uncertain, "We should definitely get together and work on that…"
"And I need an interview from you for the school paper! Why didn't you tell me you were on the soccer team?!"
"Wait, what? You didn't know?!"
"No! I thought you were just jacked up on steroids or whatever shit. But I guess it makes sense that you're putting that muscle into use. But anyways, give me an interview with the team!"
"You're on the school newspaper?" Jungkook asks in surprise, "Wasn't there that Somin girl or whatever?"
"She broke her leg," you explain, "So unfortunately, it will be me for the next month or so until she recovers."
"Oh really? ___, did you know that she was supposed to travel with us for all of our away games?"
"What? No way! Why?"
"Our team is playing the best it has for over twenty years. We're blowing up in the press, and it'd be good publicity for the school newspaper to follow us and be the first ones to report. And since Somin is gone… I guess you'll have to be the one to travel with us."
You frown at the giddy quality of his tone. You can't see him, but you know for sure that he's smirking at you on the other end, "Fine. Whatever. That's not a big deal."
"A lot of our games are so far that we have to stay overnight though… and sleep at a hotel…"
You're slowly catching on to the implications of his words, but play dumb, "So what?" you defensively ask.
"Well, hotel rooms can be expensive… and if the newspaper ever wants to save on your travel costs, then you can just—"
"Ah stop right there, pervert!" you shriek at him before he can continue any further.
"Why?" he asks in disappointment, "It makes economic sense for us to share a room!"
You pull a face and shake your head before remembering that he can't see you, "Should you even be having sex before a game?!"
"It's just an urban myth that sex before a game decreases your stamina," he informs you, "And besides, what about after the game?"
"I guess I can hold you and feed you cheetos when you lose," you wryly shoot back.
"Lose?!" Jungkook repeats in outrage, "I'll let you know that we have a ten-game winning streak!"
"Against who? High schoolers?"
"You're talking major shit for someone who's never seen us play. I seriously can't believe that you didn't know I was on the team!"
"If I had known, I would've never slept with you," you mildly retort, "I hate athletes. Especially soccer players."
"Why? Because we're better than you at something?"
"No, because you're all so stupid and arrogant."
"What? Where did you even get this ridiculous—"
"You're getting off topic," you irritably interrupt, "When can we meet up?"
"Tonight," Jungkook says at once.
"What? I can interview the team tonight?"
"Oh, that's what you meant… Ah I have to ask the team first, so probably sometime next week?" He says in a dejected voice.
"Ok. And when can we work on the project?"
"Maybe this weekend? Hey, are you coming to our Halloween party on Saturday? We can work together the next morning."
"Why are you working so hard to get me in your bed, Jungkook? I already said I'm down to make this a regular thing!"
"Yeah, but it's been so long," he complains, "Come over and let me eat you out."
You hold the phone away from your ear with a wince, "Gross."
"How is that gross?!"
"Whatever. I'll see you on Sunday."
"Wait, aren't you going to our party?"
"I thought I told you that frat parties aren't my thing. I'd much rather get drunk in the comfort of my own bed, thank you very much."
"You are so weird," Jungkook sighs in disappointment, "Fine… See you on Sunday then."
"Ok, but don't drink too much," you warn him, "I can't have you hungover when we meet."
"Same with you," is his disheartened response.
"What? I'm a tank. It'll be no problem for me, so just watch yourself," you snort.
"Mijoo, are you ready?" You happily call out three days later.
"Yep, just one sec," Mijoo says from the bathroom stall right next to yours. You hear the fumbling of clothing for a few seconds before she says, "Ok, ready!"
"Great. On the count of three, let's both come out and reveal our outfits, ok?"
"Okay!" Mijoo cheerfully agrees.
"One, two, three!"
As soon as you count down to three, the two of you burst from your stalls at the same time. Then you simultaneously freeze in your tracks.
"What the fuck?"
"What the hell are you wearing?!" The two of you exclaim at the same time.
"Mijoo!" You half-scream at your roommate, "I thought we agreed on a matching couple's costume!"
"We did," she says in bewilderment, "So what the hell are you wearing?"
"I'm the hotdog!" You exclaim, twirling around to reveal your enormous, inflated body suit, "How are you the ketchup?" You demand, angrily pointing at her tight, red mini-dress.
"It's right here!" She defends herself, pointing to a tiny logo on the hem of her dress.
You squint your eyes and barely make out the "Heinz" logo for the first time. "That's so unfair!" You explode, "You look hot and I look like a fucking weirdo!"
"I didn't know we were going this far!" She says in bewilderment, "I thought you were just going to wear a t-shirt with a weiner dog on it something—you know, like normal college kids?!"
"Oh god, this is such a disaster," you groan as you bury your face in your hands.
Mijoo awkwardly shifts from foot to foot as she watches you suffer through your despair, "Do you still want to go get drunk?"
"Of course!"
"Alright… So should I give you a few minutes to get changed?"
"No!" You yell with so much passion that your oversized hotdog costume wobbles, "I paid good money for this costume and I intend on getting my money's worth out of it!"
"Okay… but don't be too mad if I document this whole thing on my snapchat…"
The bar you end up in an hour later is crowded with college kids going out on a Saturday night. A few of them are dressed up for Halloween, with pretty animal ears or graphic t-shirts, but the vast majority are in street clothes. As a result, the moment you and Mijoo walk into the bar, all eyes are on you.
"Um…" Mijoo says when you spend nearly five minutes shoving your oversized plush hotdog costume into your seat, "Would you be more comfortable sitting in a booth?"
"No!" you exclaim, causing a man to walk straight into a door in his attempt to rubberneck after you. "Don't be embarrassed, Mijoo! There's nothing to see here."
"I'm not embarrassed," she mutters, "I just thought it would be nicer to sit in a booth…"
"Nonsense!" You boom, "Let these children stare! They're the ones missing out by not dressing up for this glorious holiday!"
"Next time we should share our outfit ideas with each other in advance," Mijoo tells you in a hushed whisper, "But anyways… I think we're going to need a lot of alcohol… Excuse me, waiter!"
An hour and three bottles of soju later, both of you are hunched over on the tables, Mijoo resting her head on her hands, and you bunching your hotdog costume up as a pillow.
"One more bottle!" You exclaim, waving animatedly at the waiter.
"Ugh, I don't know if I can have anymore," Mijoo complains, "I just want to take a nap…"
"Don't sleep!" You reprimand her, reaching across the table to slap her arm, "We're having so much fun right now!"
"Are we?" Mijoo groans as she peeks up at you through a curtain of long, dark hair, "I want to sleep!"
"Just one more bottle," you beg her, "It's only Halloween once a year and we need to celebrate! Oh wait, Jungkook invited me to a party at the BTS house. Do you want to go to that instead?"
"No!" She nearly yells at you. Then, she pauses and blushes, "I mean, I don't think that would be a good idea…" she mutters.
"Why not?" you ask, eyebrow quirked. You have a good idea why she'd be uncomfortable going to the party, but you want to squeeze it out of her.
"I just don't think it'll be fun," she awkwardly lies, "Let's just get another bottle of soju, ok? That's way more fun!"
"Aren't you sleepy?"
"No way," She hastily denies, "This is the best! Waiter, another bottle please!"
Another hour later, and five bottles of soju litter the table around you while you incoherently ramble on about your love for dogs.
"I just… I love them so much!" You tearfully exclaim, "I wish I could go and hug every dog in the world, but I can't because that's crazy… It's crazy right? I can't hug every dog… But I want to… I want to. It's impossible! But I just… I love dogs!" And with that, you burst into tears, startling the customers seated around you.
"That… that's so beautiful," Mijoo says, equally as emotionally affected as you, "I love dogs… And I love you!"
Your heart feels like it might burst at her confession, "You love me? No, I love you!"
"No, ___, I seriously love you."
"I love you more!" You dramatically cry out, catching the attention of every person in the bar, "No one else was there for me in Freshman year after that incident, except you. You were the only one who stood by my side."
"That's because you're an amazing person!" Mijoo exclaims, tearing up, "Those other people were all unloyal assholes! But I'll always be here for you."
"What have I done in a former life to deserve you?" you lament as you reach across the table to squeeze her hand.
Mijoo offers you a watery smile in response, quiet as the two of you share an emotional, albeit drunken, moment. Then a brilliant grin flashes across her face, "Want to go to a party?"
You frown in response, "You didn't want to go to the BTS party!"
"Yeah, but I was also invited to an epsilon chi omicron party," she says with a grin, "Wanna go dance and meet cute new boys?"
"Fuck yeah!"
"Whoo, this is so much fun!" You yell in excitement as you grab Mijoo by the hand and beeline for the dancefloor.
"Ah, ___, hold on! Not so fast," she says, then turns to apologize to all the annoyed people on the dancefloor who you nearly plow over in your quest for the center, "I'm so sorry," she whispers, over and over.
"This is the best!" you yell to be heard over the pounding music, even as your oversized hotdog costume whips around to knock a guy onto his knees, "Party, party, party!"
"Um… Do you want to take that costume off first before we dance?" Mijoo asks, wincing when you accidentally bodyslam another partier.
"No way!" You exclaim, excitedly pumping both hands in the air, "This is the most fun I've ever had! Let's go!" You whoop in joy, turning in a wide circle.
Mijoo sighs as your dramatic spin knocks off a half dozen people on the dance floor, "What did I get myself into…?"
"Please come help me," Mijoo begs over the phone not even an hour later.
"Mijoo?" The voice on the other end says in confusion, "What's wrong?"
"It's ___," she explains, "And it's pretty serious… How soon can you come?"
"Um… maybe fifteen minutes?"
"Alright," Mijoo says with a nod, "Please hurry, Yerin."
"I'm on my way!"
"Thank you so much."
But as soon as Mijoo hangs up the phone, she looks up in shock to find you crawling up a table, "___! Get your ass down right now!"
True to her word, Yerin shows up at the epsilon chi omicron party less than fifteen minutes later. She takes one step onto the dance floor before spotting you sloppily trying to climb up the pole on the table before she hurriedly intervenes.
"Oh shit, Mijoo," she gasps as she rushes on top of the table to join the two of you, "This is worse than I thought."
"Tell me about it," she cries as she tries to physically pull you off the pole, "I haven't seen her this drunk in years!"
"Ah, we really should get her home," Yerin says with a frown, "Everyone's watching!"
"Ok. You grab her arms and I'll pull her off the pole!"
"Got it!" The younger woman chirps in agreement as she jogs into place. But as soon as she tugs at your arms wrapped tightly around the pole, the whole dancefloor begins to boo.
"You're no fun!" Someone yells out.
"Boo! Damn party poopers!"
"Let the hotdog dance!" A third voice bellows so loudly that it cuts through the loud pop music. This sparks interest from the crowd, and within seconds, the entire dance floor is chanting "Let the hotdog dance. Let the hotdog dance. Let the hotdog dance!"
Mijoo winces and redoubles her efforts at pulling you off the stripper pole, but as soon as Yerin loosens your arms, you wrap your legs tightly around the pole.
"Staph it!" you blubber, "Dey lurvvv me! Muh people!"
"Oh god, why is she so strong? What do we do?" Yerin asks in a panic.
Mijoo's face crumples, but before she can respond, a familiar voice calls out your name, "___?"
The two sober women turn around, and Mijoo nearly weeps in relief when she sees a confused-looking silver-haired man standing in the crowd, "Oh my god, Yoongi. Thank god you're here!"
"What's wrong with her?" He asks as he makes his way through the mosh pit to stand at the foot of the table.
Yerin's eyes pop in surprise at the sight of the older man, "O-oh, hello."
Yoongi briefly regards the pretty blonde girl with a nod of his head before he turns back to Mijoo, "Is she on drugs?"
"No!" Mijoo cries out in frustration, "I don't know why she's acting this way!"
"Let the hotdog dance! Let the hotdog dance!"
Yoongi cringes at the loud chants from the drunken crowd, "Aish, so noisy. Ok. That's enough fun for one day, ___." And with that, your editor grabs you by the waist and pulls you away from the stripper pole.
"Nuuuuu!" you cry out dramatically, "Muh peorple –hic- want meh!"
"Sure they do, babe," Yoongi wryly says as he pulls hard. You desperately cling to the pole for another second, but you're no match for his strength and in a second, he yanks you off the table with a surprising show of strength from the slender man.
The crowd immediately starts booing, "Give us the hotdog back!"
"You guys suck!"
But Yoongi ignores them all as he makes a break for the exit, "Hurry and help me!"
Mijoo and Yerin quickly rush forward to each grab a limb and together, the three of them manage to drag your body out of the party.
"LERME GO!" you yell, wildly squirming from where you're slung over Yoongi's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
He falters under your thrashing, "Aish, woman, why are you always like this? Why can't you participate for once in your goddamn life?"
All three of them wince from the volume of your voice. "Geez," Mijoo mutters, "By the way she's yelling, it seems like we're kidnapping her or something."
"This is for your own good, ___," Yerin says as she sympathetically squeezes your hand.
"Oh god," Yoongi grunts when a sudden spasm of flinging limbs nearly makes the both of you fall over, "I think I'm going to need some backup for this… You there, what's your name again?"
"Yerin!" she pipes up in surprise, flustered by his direct question.
"Oh, ok. Yerin. Can you grab my phone from my pocket?"
"Yes!" She says, stumbling forward at once, but then pauses with a blush as she realizes that his phone is in his back pocket. She demurely plucks it from his pocket, careful not to touch him, then hands it to him, "Here you go."
"Ah, my hands are full," he says, gesturing to where you squirm on his back, "Can you scroll through my contacts to call her boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend?" Yerin and Mijoo exclaim in unison. "What boyfriend?"
"You know, that bratty soccer player kid," Yoongi says with an irritated shrug of his shoulder, "Jeon Jungkook. Now can you please call him so he can go collect this hot mess?"
"Are they dating now?" Yerin hisses at Mijoo as she scrolls through Yoongi's contacts.
"I have no idea!" Mijoo says in genuine bewilderment.
Confused, the younger girl nevertheless dials the number. The phone rings ominously for a few seconds before Jungkook picks up, "Hello? Yoongi, what's up?"
His voice is slightly muffled on the other end and it's clear that he's at a party from the pounding music in the background, "Oh, Jungkook, this is Yerin from your creative writing class. I'm sorry to bother you, but we need your help."
"Huh? Where's Yoongi?" he asks in suspicion.
"Right here!" the older man yells into the phone, "Just get your ass over here!"
"What? Where are you? What's wrong?" He asked, slightly worried now.
"We're outside the epsilon chi omicron house," Yoongi explains, "Come here and collect your girlfriend, goddamn it!"
"Who are you talking about?" Jungkook asks in confusion, "I don't have a—ah you mean ___?"
"Yeah, obviously," Yoongi says with an annoyed roll of his eyes, "Hurry and come here."
"Wait, what's wrong with ___?"
"Just listen to this," Yoongi says, then juggles your weight with one arm so that he can grab the phone to hold next to your face.
"YOONGERS," you screech at him, "AH WANNA PARTAYYYY!"
"Oh shit," Jungkook curses on the other end, "Ok, I'm on my way."
It takes only a few minutes for Jungkook to show up on the scene, since the BTS house is located on the same street as EXO. By the time Jungkook arrives, Yoongi has given up on all hopes of carrying you home and simply sits on the ground as he watches you squirm around in the grass, along with your frantic two best friends.
All three of them look up in relief at the sight of Jungkook. "Oh thank god," Mijoo sighs as she wearily pulls herself upright, "Jungkook, you are—" but she stops, mid-sentence when it becomes apparent that there is someone walking right behind him.
"Hi Mijoo," Jimin nervously greets her when he steps out of Jungkook's shadow.
"Oh… H-hi," she stutters before immediately dropping her gaze to the ground.
Jungkook walks past the awkward couple to squat next to you on the lawn, "Oh god, ___. Why did you drink so much?"
He laughs and reaches into your hotdog costume to affectionately pat your head, "You're the same as always, even when drunk it seems."
"God, what are you even wearing?" he chuckles as he pulls you off the grass so that he can take in the entirety of your outfit for the first time, "What a cutie."
"Junglebook," you whisper to him in a serious tone, nearly going cross-eyed as you stare up at him with strange reverence.
He raises an eyebrow, as he tries to stifle a laugh, "Yes, babygirl?"
"Wah're you sho purty?" you say, trying to reach for his face with sheer awe on your face.
"Wait did you just call me pretty?" Jungkook asks in surprise.
You eagerly nod, "Purty!" you exclaim, "Mah purty purty -hic- Jengahook."
"Ah, so you do think I'm good-looking," Jungkook says in excitement, "I knew it!"
"Yah!" Yoongi yells over at the two of you, interrupting your conversation, "Stop your flirting, Jeon, and carry your damn girlfriend home so I can go to bed!"
"Yes sir!" And with that, he loops an arm around your shoulders and under your knees, picking you up bridal style with ease.
"Oh no, careful not to throw out your back, Jungkook," Yerin warns him as she looks over at you in concern.
"Yah, what about me then?!" Yoongi hotly demands, "I'm gonna need to see a chiropractor after this!"
"Thank you so much for your help, Yoongi," Yerin sweetly says, "That was really nice of you, and I hope you let me show you just how grateful I am for your help."
"Oh," the silver-haired man rubs the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed, "No need for that, Yerin."
"No, I insist," she says with a brilliant smile that makes him hesitate.
Normally, you'd be the first person to interject and angrily rip your precious friend away from the older, senior man. Or you'd send Mijoo to intervene. But unfortunately, both of you are too distracted to notice. And as a result, you are helpless as Yoongi awkwardly rubs the back of his neck and agrees.
"Um… okay, sure."
"Ah, I seriously can't make it any further," Jungkook pants a few minutes later when your strange gang of six arrives near the beta tau sigma frat house, "She can just sleep over with me tonight."
"Maybe we should get an uber?" Mijoo says in concern.
"There's no way an uber driver would let such a belligerent drunk in his car," Yoongi says as he looks over to where you're wildly yelling out and kicking in Jungkook's arms.
"Yeah, they'd probably call the police," Yerin adds with a frown.
"Let's just switch spots for the night," Jungkook wisely suggests, "Jimin, go crash over in ___'s bed and ___ can sleep in yours."
"Hold on, wait a minute—"
"Wait, no that's not—"
Both Mijoo and Jimin protest at the same time, thoroughly embarrassed, but Yoongi stops them in their tracks with a single glare.
"Can you guys just tough it out for one night?" The senior growls, "Just let the kid sleep with his girlfriend so we can all go home. It's nearly three in the fucking morning for god's sake!"
Thoroughly chastened, Mijoo and Jimin fall silent.
"Oh wait, what about Yerin?" Jungkook asks, half-way through the motion of crossing the lawn into the frat house.
"Can't she go back to the sorority with Mijoo?" Yoongi asks with a raised brow.
"I'm a Freshman," Yerin informs him with a blush, "I'm still rushing the sorority and I don't live there yet…"
"Ah, fine. I'll walk you back to the dorms," Yoongi gruffly tells her, "Let's just wrap this whole mess up."
"Oh no, it's fine!" She says, embarrassed, "I can get back by myself, don't worry."
"Yeah right. You think it's safe out there at this time of night?"
"I can call an uber! It's really not a big deal."
"Pssht, I wouldn't trust a pretty girl like you to be left alone with those shady ass drivers. Come on, Yerin. I'm taking you home."
Flustered by his unexpected compliment, she can't help but agree, "Oh… okay. Thank you." And then she has to duck her head to hide the smile that spreads across her face.
Yoongi simply rolls his eyes and reaches forward to grab her by the wrist, "Come on, kid. Let's just get you in bed." And with that, he marches off, not sparing another glance towards Mijoo and Jimin, who have been left standing on the sidewalk in front of the frat house.
"Um… So is it okay if I crash at your place tonight?" Jimin asks as he awkwardly scratches his ear.
"Yes of course!" Mijoo says, a bit too quickly, "Why wouldn't it be okay?"
"Ah, that's not what I meant… I just…"
His voice trails off after a few seconds, and he can't find the words to salvage the situation with as he stares at her in the frosty darkness of the night. Mijoo rubs her hands over her bare arms, self-conscious under his scrutiny. She can't meet the intensity of his gaze and drops her eyes down to her heels.
"I’ve missed you."
Her eyes shoot up in surprise at that unexpected confession, but he's already crossing the distance between them. She stiffens when he comes within a foot of her, but instead of kissing her like she half expected, he wraps something heavy around her shoulders.
Mijoo peeks through her eyelashes to find that he's covered her with his jacket, still warm from his body heat. "Jimin…"
He simply smiles at her as he begins to walk down the deserted street, entirely disregarding his previous confession as though he never said anything, "Come on, Mijoo. Let's sleep."
Although he can't see her, she nods and quietly follows after him. His blonde hair turns silvery in the moonlight, like a halo of light paving her path back home. Mijoo shivers and pulls his jacket closer to her body, heart sinking in her chest when his poignant scent overwhelms her senses.
"Wait, Jimin!" She calls after him before she can stop herself.
He pauses, mid-step, to peer over his shoulder in curiosity. Mijoo jogs a few steps to catch up with him, her breath icy in the frigid air. She stops within a step of him, then offers him a shy smile.
"Let's go together."
Meanwhile, in the frat house, Jungkook is having a much more difficult time trying to settle you down.
"Where'sh mah baby???" you gasp as though suddenly remembering something when Jungkook carries you up the stairs and into his bedroom.
He grunts as you suddenly begin to thrash in his embrace, and quickly dumps you on his bed to get rid of you, "Which one?"
"Meerjooo," you whine, "An' Urchin! Muh babers!"
"They're fine," Jungkook assures you as he rubs the kinks from his neck then begins to struggle with your oversized costume. But he barely manages to pull your face free from the hotdog top when you suddenly grab him by the collar.
"Junkcock," you address him in a serious voice, "Ah lurv you." And then you close your eyes and pucker your lips.
He laughs and skillfully dodges you before you can kiss him, "Sure you do, sweetheart."
"Ah do!" you whine in protest, kicking out your legs like a child, "Come kish me, ya binch."
"Alright, fine," he laughs, "Let's make a deal: if you still love me in the morning, I'll kiss you all you want, okay?"
You pause for a moment to try to think it through, but your thoughts whirl around incoherently in your mind, making it hard to focus. "S'kay," you reluctantly agree.
Jungkook chuckles and gives your hair one more ruffle before he gets up to turn to his dresser, "Alright, let's find you something to wear other than that stuffy costume of yours, and we can make out to your heart's content in the morning."
You say nothing in response, and he takes your silence as agreement as he happily shifts through his clothing. After a minute, he finds a t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts that seem about your size. "Ah, ___," he says as he triumphantly holds up the garments, "These should fit—oh," he says, stopping mid-sentence when he turns around and takes in the sight of you fast asleep on his bed.
"Wow that was quick," he chuckles as he sets back down his clothing, "Oh well, I guess you'll stay a hotdog for a bit longer… Cute... Now where'd I put my camera?"
The next morning, you feel like you're suffocating in heat. Your mouth is dry and your head feels like it's stuffed with cotton. Confused, you thrash around in bed for a few moments, kicking the covers off of you before realizing that you're still burning with heat. You struggle with the plush blanket still surrounding you before you realize that it's attached to your body.
"What the fuck?" You mutter, then wince when even this simple action causes your head to throb. You take a moment to gather up all of your courage. Then you open your eyes.
The sunlight streaming through the blinds hits you like a train. You scowl and cover your eyes with a hand before looking down at yourself. You blink at the hotdog costume covering your body in confusion before the memories of the last twelve hours come pounding back.
"Oh… oh fuck."
A chuckle from the side catches your attention. You whip your head around to find Jungkook sitting in a rolling chair, laughing at you, "So you're finally awake."
"Fuck my life," you croak out, "I'm never drinking again."
"Why not?" Jungkook teases, "Drunk ___ was so cute. Do you remember confessing your feelings for me?"
"I did… I did what?"
"You told me you loved me," he snickers, "Many, many times."
"Oh god..." you whisper as your memory finally returns.
"Are you finally ready to make out now?" He continues to tease as he suddenly gets out of his seat to approach you.
You cower back when his face comes close to yours, "Shut up, you know I was just drunk and didn't mean it… Wait you didn't kiss me last night, did you?" You ask in suspicion.
"And have you puke in my mouth?" he laughs, "No way."
"I'll puke on you right now if you don't back up," you threaten as you push him away by the forehead.
He good-naturedly acquiesces as he walks over to the dresser, "What happened to being a tank, huh?"
"Even a tank has a breaking point," you wisely inform him.
"Really? But Mijoo seemed fine last night."
Your jaw drops in indignation. Jungkook laughs at your expression and tosses you a handful of clothing before you can respond, "Come on. Go change into these."
"Ugh, I stink though," you grumble, more than aware of the old sweat caked underneath your plush hotdog costume.
"Wanna shower first?" Jungkook asks, "I also have mouthwash in the basket."
"Oh, ok," you say, surprised by his consideration as you pick up his shower caddy, "I'll be right back."
He simply hums in response, "I'll just be playing my game," he says, already slipping back on his headphones.
It's a bit embarrassing to shower in a communal frat bathroom the morning after a grand party. You know you probably look like some one-night stand who has overstayed her welcome, but luckily, you don't run into anyone as you shower at top-speed. You hastily towel yourself off, and not caring that you're still damp, and pull on Jungkook's clothes.
You don't have to look in the mirror to know that you look silly in his oversized outfit, but it's better than that musky hotdog costume. You finish up by splashing cold water on your face and chugging the mouthwash for an infinitely long period of time until the taste of soju is out of your mouth, then you head back to Jungkook's room.
He's fully engrossed in his game when you return, and you briefly consider interrupting him so that you can start on your project, but shrug it off instead. It's really not a big deal and you're not the type to nag. Instead, you plop yourself down back on his bed and turn on your side to watch him play.
You feel so refreshed from the shower and there's something soothing about watching him engrossed in his game that within minutes, you find your eyelids growing heavy again. You sleepily reach for the glass of water Jungkook has conveniently placed on the nightstand for you and gulp down half of it before your eyelids grow too heavy to keep open anymore. You place down the glass and you're asleep before your head hits the pillow.
You wake up to the sound of voices. Confused, you rub your eyes for a moment before your vision clears and you recognize Mijoo and Jimin standing in the doorway, talking to Jungkook.
"Wait, don't come in yet," Jungkook says, physically blocking their entrance with his body, "She's still resting."
"How do I know what you've done with her?!" Mijoo exclaims, panic evident in her tone, "I was drunker than I thought last night, letting her go home with you. I should've never left!"
"Calm down, Mijoo," Jimin says as he rests a hand on her shoulder, "You know Jungkook wouldn't do anything."
"How do I know?" She growls as she throws off his hand. "___ is my best friend, Jimin. My best friend. I don't care if you trust this pervy little fuckboy roommate of yours, but if I find out that he's touched a single hair on her precious head, I'm gonna—"
"Wow, Mijoo. You sounded exactly like me for a moment," you interject, quickly jumping from the bed to approach them in the doorway, "I was shocked."
Mijoo's expression, relieved at first from the sight of you unscathed, quickly flips to distress when she realizes what you're wearing, "___, are you okay?" She asks in a hushed whisper, "What did this little fucker do to you?"
You know exactly what you look like, dressed in Jungkook's clothes with your hair mussed from sleep. You pause for a moment as you consider your options. The most logical course of action is to laugh off her concerns then soothe her worries by going home with her. It's the obvious thing to do… But Mijoo is upset right now. She's lost her temper with Jimin. Things might be awkward between them for a while if she views him as complacent in some imaginary nefarious plot to harm you… And you can't let that happen.
So instead of laughing it off, you slip under Jungkook's arm, "He didn't do anything. Mijoo, you know that I trust him." And with that, you carefully wrap both arms around his waist and hug him.
Startled by the gesture, Jungkook instantly squeezes you back, but it all feels a bit awkward. Surprisingly, after all you've done together, this is one of the first times you've hugged him.
If Jungkook is surprised, then Mijoo and Jimin are shocked out of their minds, "What the hell happened between you two?!"
"Are you seriously dating?"
Your first instinct is to vehemently deny it. But that would only make matters worse. Mijoo's budding relationship with Jimin is still so fragile, plagued by her heavy guilt over her actions a whole year ago, and you refuse to nip it in the bud before it can actually start. So you tighten your hold on Jungkook and bury your face in his neck, "It's complicated."
Sharp to catch onto your act, Jungkook slides a hand down to the small of your back, holding you against him, "Don't worry about us," he tells them, "Just worry about yourselves."
Still, Mijoo looks uncomfortable, "Alright, whatever. We can talk about this later. Let's go, ___."
But to her surprise, you shake your head, "Jungkook and I need to work on our creative writing project… I'll see you later at the house." Mijoo's face shows her surprise, so you quickly reach over to grab her hand, "Seriously, don't worry about me, Mijoo. I'm okay."
Her face softens from your reassurance and she hesitantly nods, "Alright… I'll see you later then?"
You smile, "Yes, see you later."
You and Jungkook continue to awkwardly hold each other in the doorway and wave at your two roommates as they reluctantly trickle out down the hall. As soon as they disappear down the staircase, you break out of the stiff embrace with a deep sigh of relief.
"How much longer must we do this for?" Jungkook complains as he shuts the door and slumps back down in his chair.
"Just a bit longer," you assure him, "I can see her defenses crumbling already. She's no match for Jimin's sweetness!"
"I don't think I can even support this," he grumbles in annoyance, "She's still kind of an asshole."
"Call her that again and I'll shove my fist up your asshole," you threaten in a low voice.
"Ooh, are you feeling kinky, babe?" he asks, eyebrows raised, "I thought you needed some time to recover from your hangover first?"
"God, I hate you," you groan as you slump back down on his bed.
"Ah, finally the ___ I know returns," he teases, "It was a bit scary to have you love me so intensely, to be honest. I like the normal you so much better."
You snort at his response, "Whatever. Just be nicer to Mijoo, okay?"
"I don't know why you're so defensive over her," he says as he spins around in his chair to face you, "What she did to you was messed up. I don't care if you don't like Jimin or whatever. Still doesn't make it okay."
You simply shrug in response, "I know what she did wasn't right. But she apologized and tried to make things right and I forgave her. Besides, it would be so petty of me to hold onto this one incident when she's been nothing but supportive and loving on hundreds of other occasions… Hiding a note? That's nothing compared to what she's done for me."
"What exactly happened between you two to make you feel this way?" Jungkook asks in bewilderment.
"She was there at my lowest point," you explain in a quiet voice, "She helped me even when no one else would… I don't expect you to understand, Jungkook. You just need to know that if you hurt her, you hurt me too."
"Alright, whatever you say," He reluctantly says, "I still think you're wrong, but that level of loyalty is impressive."
You acknowledge the compliment with a small smile before continuing, "Anyways, we're getting off track, Jungkook… Should we start the project?"
"Wait… really?" he says, eyes widening with horror, "Do you really want to? I mean… It's still early."
"You're right," you play along, still fatigued by your hangover, "I mean it's not due for another couple of days…"
"Yeah… And you're still probably exhausted."
"I am… so should we…?"
"Order pizza and play games together?"
"It's like you read my mind."
The next day, Mijoo and Jimin officially begin dating.
It hurts. You're only human and of course it feels like your heart is being trampled on when Mijoo sits you down in the morning and tells you how she is accepting Jimin. You hate the way your heart drops to your stomach and bile crawls up your throat as you force a smile that quivers more than it should. You hate the way that for a split second, you genuinely dislike your best friend.
But then it all clears. Your throat loosens and you smile more easily as you reach for her hand and encourage her to go after him. It's nowhere near easy and it hurts like a bitch, but the pain is slowly dissipating, day by day. And soon, you hope that it will leave you entirely. And then you'll be able to smile at the person who means the most to you in your life without this ugly jealousy swallowing your heart.
But for the meantime, it lingers like a sour weight in the pit of your stomach as you gather your things after class and head down to the soccer field. You would like nothing more than to go straight to bed so you can curl up under the covers with a pint of ice cream, but unfortunately, today is the only day the coach of the soccer team will allow you to crash a team practice. So after leaving your grueling three hour stats lecture, you grab Taehyung, the best photographer in the newspaper with the nicest camera, and drag him over to the soccer field.
Practice is already in full gear by the time the two of you arrive. At once, you guys are bombarded by the sound of loud male voices yelling out numbers as they complete their laps around the track along with the shrill blow of the coach's whistle. Even as you and Taehyung set down your things by the bleachers on the other side of the field, you can smell the rubber of soles burning on the track and fresh sweat that makes their uniforms stick to their muscular backs.
"You might want to take a few pictures here," you tell Taehyung as you collect your voice recorder and a notebook from your backpack, "The lighting's pretty good at this time of day."
The blonde boy nods, "It might be nice to get some candid photos."
"Yeah, I agree. Do you need your tripod?"
"Hmm. Probably not for now, but I'll set it up on the track just in case we need a team photo."
"Got it. Now can you remind me what Yoongi—"
But before you can finish your sentence, a loud call of your name catches your attention.
You look up to find a blur of gray rushing towards you. Startled, you defensively hold up your arms in front of your face, but it's too late and Jungkook nearly plows you over.
"Ah, Jungkook!" you shriek when the two of you go tumbling down onto the grass.
"Oops, sorry," he laughs, rolling over to keep from crushing you with his weight, "I think I went a little too full-power."
"Ew, you're so sweaty," you say, shooting him a look of disgust when you realize that he's dampened your shirt in his fumbling.
"Sorry," he says as he bounces to his feet and pulls you upright, "I'm just excited that you're here! And ah, you brought Taehyung too?"
Startled by the mention of his name, Taehyung helplessly blinks three times in rapid succession before stuttering, "Y-yep."
"Yah!" A voice booms out from behind you, "Jeon Jungkook, what the hell are you doing?"
The three of you turn around to find a stocky middle-aged man marching towards you, clearly displeased by his star striker's sudden disappearance from practice. This clearly must be the famous coach, Bang Sihyuk, who is bringing the team to victory for the first time in over twenty years.
"Hi, Mr. Bang," you say, quickly intercepting before Jungkook can be scolded, "My name is ___, and I'm temporarily taking over for Somin at the newspaper. We spoke over the phone, remember?"
"Oh… Oh yeah, that's right," he says, scratching his head in confusion, "You're doing the interview today?"
You nod with a wide smile, "Yes. Is this a good time?"
"Well…" he hesitantly begins, "As you probably know, we have our a big game this weekend with the top ranked school in the district… and it's important for the boys to get in as much practice as possible."
"I know, this is incredibly monumental," you sweetly say, trying to get into his good graces, "The team is doing amazing, clearly under your expert guidance, and it would mean so much to the school to be able to hear about it from the members themselves."
Still, the older man looks conflicted, "I don't know… They really need to focus right now."
"I only need one member. And it shouldn't take longer than half an hour," you say with an award-winning smile, "Please, Mr. Bang?"
Jungkook and Taehyung's jaws drop in shock at the way your voice suddenly turns sugar-sweet and your eyelashes flutter girlishly against your cheeks. "What the f—?" But Jungkook luckily nudges the blonde before he can finish his sentence.
"Fine," Coach Bang reluctantly agrees, "You can interview one member this time, okay? But next time, find the kids during your own time, not during practice."
"Got it, Mr. Bang," you say in excitement, "We're just here this time because Taehyung needed to take pictures, but we promise we'll never interrupt practice again!"
Coach Bang simply grumbles in response, a bit flustered by your earnestness, "No longer than half an hour, got it?"
"Of course. That's plenty of time!"
"Great, now where should we go?" Jungkook asks, "Coach, should I show her the locker rooms?"
"Why the hell would you do that?" Coach Bang barks with a little smack to the back of the boy's head, "Besides, who said you were the one being interviewed?"
"Wait, what?" All three of you look up in genuine confusion.
"Coach, I was the one who invited them here," Jungkook explains, "Can't I do the interview?"
"No," he bluntly says, "You've been slacking off, kid. I need you to a dozen drills by the end of the day. I'm really worried about your performance on Saturday."
"But, coach—"
"No but's," he sternly interrupts, "Besides, isn't an interview from the team captain better? Hoseok can do it instead."
"What? That's so unf—"
"Keep whining and that'll be two dozen drills," Coach Bang threatens.
Thoroughly frightened, Jungkook obediently bows, "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." And with that, he hastily jogs away before Coach Bang can change his mind.
"Who the hell is Hoseok?" you hiss at Taehyung as soon as Jungkook leaves.
"Beats me," he whispers back, "I didn't even know we had a soccer team until this week!"
"Hey, Jung!" Coach Bang bellows out, catching the attention of the entire team diligently running through their drills, "Come here for a second."
A lean man with dark red hair looks up at the sound of his name, "Yes, sir!" He leaves the drill and jogs over to join the three of you on the track. "What can I do for you?" He's still a bit out of breath from the practice, and his chest heaves up and down from the exertion.
"Hoseok, these are reporters from the school newspaper," Coach Bang introduces you, "This is ___ and she'll be interviewing you for an article."
"Oh really?" he asks, his handsome face suddenly splitting into a stunning smile, "That's really great."
The brightness of his smile hits you like a direct glance into the burning mid-afternoon sun. For a moment, you can't speak, your mind completely filled with shooting stars and rosy lights. And when Hoseok runs his hands through his sweaty hair, brushing it off his forehead, you feel like a volcano has erupted in your core.
"A-ah, yes," you stammer, self-consciously wiping your mouth for any drool, "I… yes…"
"Awesome," he beams, "Let me towel off real quickly and grab a water bottle, and I'll be right back."
"I… um… oh…" you splutter, but he's already rushed off.
Both you and Taehyung fall into stunned silence as you simultaneously admire the way the lean muscles of his calves flex with every step… and that toned little ass… damn.
"Are you guys okay?" Coach Bang asks, interrupting the moment.
"Oh, yes, sorry," you say, quickly snapping back into it. "We'll be quick with the interview. Thank you for being so accommodating."
He simply grunts in response, "Just hurry it up, kids." And with that, he saunters off to yell at the players.
You and Taehyung stand there for a few seconds, still reeling from Hoseok's potent presence as you watch the gorgeous team captain bend to grab his water bottle from his duffel bag. As of one mind, both of you turn your heads at the same time for the best angle of his ass as he squats on the grass.
"Damn," Taehyung murmurs, "I thought Jungkook was hot but this guy is…" he whistles lowly as words fail to adequately express his appreciation. 
You laugh at his reaction and playfully throw an elbow into his ribs, "I didn't know you were so gay, Tae."
"Fuck, I didn't know either... but damn."
A/N: Sorry for the crack-y nonsense! And I know I’m always a holiday late with my updates, but Happy Thanksgiving and Happy belated Halloween lol. As always, please don’t ask me about updates :) 
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spacyparker · 7 years
The anniversary
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Summary : When he arrives at school, your boyfriend Peter Parker is silent which you find weird. But when you discover the reason of his behaviour, you try your best to find a way to help in.
Characters : Peter Parker x reader
Word count : 1.6k
A/N : I don’t know why I had this idea of uncle Ben’s death anniversary while I was in the toilets... Ok that wasn’t necessary to tell this lmaooo too late. I hope you will enjoy this even if everything about uncle Ben’s DEAT HIS REALLY SAD SHIT !
His gaze was lost in front of him, his head a little low. Since he arrived at school, Peter remained quiet and different. He seemed sad, and when you tried to go talk to him, Ned stopped you before begging you to let him alone. But it was too difficult to do nothing, Peter seemed so disorientated, and when you focused on his face you could see tears in his eyes. Although you weren't sure about that, his chair in the classroom was at your opposite and you thought that maybe you just didn't see clearly enough and your brain was starting to make up sadness. You were maybe a little too worried to think properly.
You wondered what was going on with your boyfriend the full hour of classroom but couldn't find any answer that would put him in such a state. You'd never seen him that down and it was terrifying. Maybe he had problems with Spider-Man, an immoral villain who wanted him dead and was blackmailing him to achieve his aims. Peter didn't talk about Spider-Man to you that much, he told you his secret because he thought it was the right think to do so you could one hundred percent trust him, but he barely related his many stories facing the bad guys in the streets or helping the people in need. That was why you wouldn't be surprised if it had to do with some super villains.
Maybe it was more about himself being The Spider-Man than his enemies. Peter had mentioned you this time Tony Stark took the suit away from him, and you were asking yourself if he could have done it a second time. You didn't know Stark personaly but you weren't such a huge fan of his, he looked selfish, and he considered Peter as a baby.
You just hoped it wasn't about you, but you couldn't think about something wrong you would have made that would put him in this light depression. There were no fights between you at this time, no tension. He was just a brand new man today, someone you never faced before and it was terrifying.
Peter had his head gripped between his head, he felt so sick as if his brain was going to explode and a stomach ache tortured him. He also felt a pain in his throat, and was trying to focus on all he was feeling but everything was just too much. His senses were on alert, he could smell the plates the cook was preparing for lunch break, everything he touched was burning or freezing, he could hear people talking in the courtyard even if the windows were closed, and his eyes saw things he never thought he would see one day, impressive details like marks of old writings on the tables that no one ever talked about.
“I need to go.” He said while getting up of his chair. And without any permission he took his stuff and went in the hallway.
Seeing him getting out the classroom, you stood up too without even noticing you did so, and you imitated him by leaving the class without asking the right to. It just seemed like the right thing to do, to follow Peter, a natural move. You met him in the hallway, he was leaned, a hand on his chest. You run to him, seeing vomit at his feet. You wrinkled your nose, no one would appreciate such a view and smell.
“Peter, what's going on ?” For any answer, he vomited again. You came beside him, one hand on his shoulder and the other one in his hair. “Babe, if you're sick you should go home. Why are you even there ?”
“Fuck [Y/N], leave me alone.” He groaned, then turned his face to lock your eyes on his. They were red, fully bloodshot. That was terrifying, it looked like he was turning into some future villain himself. Even his words were coarse and cruel.
“Did someone give you poison ? Peter, have you been bitten again by some sort of new radioactive shit ? You can't-”
“Shut up ! For God's sake just... Argh ! I can't think properly. Why did you follow me ?!” He was screaming in the hallway, some students looking at you and his vomit.
You felt even more terrible because of his mean words. You followed him to make sure everything was alright, and this was how he thanked you. Nice. “Well, sort it out yourself then.” You responded in a sharply tone, offended.  You left him as he wanted and went back to class worked up.
School finished and you had no news from Peter since you were with him in the hallway. Was he at home sleeping to get some rest ? Was he Spider-Man because he could never stop even when he was sick ? You got your response quickly, when you saw a red and blue human spider swinging between buildings. You wanted to scream his name, but it was clearly the wrong thing to do. So you continued walking to reach home. At least you tried. A web caught you and you were soon flying in the air wrapped around Spider-Man's arms. He stopped on the roof of your building.
The silence led the atmosphere between you two. You were too proud to break it, and Peter didn't know what to say to you knowing how careless he was few hours ago. He was really sorry, but he couldn't help himself back then. Now, he still wasn't totally himself.
“I didn't mean to be rude.” He started. “I just... I...” He didn't manage to talk but you could hear his voice breaking. “[Y/N]... It's... I can't...”
You frowned, more worried than ever. “You can't what, Peter ?” Your heartbeat was going faster and faster, what was he talking about ? Was it about your relationship ? That would explain why he talked to you so badly at school, why he seemed to don't care. “Take the mask off, Peter, c'mon let's talk face to face.”
“No. I can't either.” He took one step back. This was really suspiscious. He made a fist and you could hear him groan again. “It's all my fault, you understand ? I wanna shout it in the entire city [Y/N], that's all my fault. That's all my fucking fault !”
For the first time Peter was scaring you, and it was your turn to step back while he approached you. You finished the back against a wall and Peter's chest squashed in yours. “What are you talking about ?” You were starting to lose your nuts, your voice remained lower. His fist hit the wall just beside your head and your breathe became suddenly short as the tears was filling up your eyes. “What did you do ?”
You raised your arms so your hands could meet Peter's face, and while he stayed silent you took his mask off, revealing pink cheeks and swollen red eyes. He was crying, and you couldn't hold your tears back anymore facing this heartbreaking view. The love of your life was crying and you'd never seen him doing so before.
“I killed him !” He shouted. “I killed him. I killed him.” He started to repeat this speech again and again, unable to calm himself down. Then it hit you. Today was the first anniversary of his uncle Ben's death. You've never met him but Peter told you a lot about him, and also about his murder. You already knew he felt guilty even if you tried to convince him wrong. It was Peter after all, he would always stand by this stupid idea.
You catched his cheeks in your hands, tears rolling down your face too, looking him in the eyes.  “You didn't Peter, you're not a killer and even less his killer. He's proud of you, you know it, he doesn't blame you, no one blames you, love.” His breath was panting and irregular, he was panicking and you didn't even know what to do to help him. “You're Spider-Man. You save people, Peter, you don't kill them. You're fucking Spider-Man.”
“I'm Spider-Man.” He repeated. “That's why he's dead now.” He gripped his fist more and hit the wall once again, causing you to jump. “I should have died, not him, [Y/N], not him !”
A silence set in and you grabbed him to pull him closer to you, placed your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek and jawline multiple times. “First you have to calm down, Peter. Then, we'll bring him flowers, so many beautiful flowers, and you're gonna tell him about how you love him, right ? You both need that.”
Peter's breathe seemed to be softer now, and he nodded placing his face in your neck. He was still silent, but you thought it was for the best since you didn't want him to tell shitty things again. Few minutes later, you were in front of uncle Ben's grave, your boyfriend crying, down on his knees, a bouquet in his hand. The scene was heartbreaking but he refused to come alone, begging you to stay with him because he didn't want to face this without you. You listened to him talking to Ben about school, Spider-Man, and you, knowing you would spend the night taking care of him and not letting him down.
“And I'm sure you would have grounded me for this, but I miss you grounding me. May misses you too, uncle Ben. We will never forget about you, we love you too much.”
He put the bouquet down and stepped forward to hug the grave, dreaming about the reassuring arms of his beloved uncle.
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