#your dad has resting bitch face it’s not his fault 😭
armandyke · 2 years
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that’s just his natural state kiddo you’ll get used to it
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Izuku "I'm Actually A Sassy Little Shit, So As Soon As I Learn Self-Confidence It's Over For You Bitches" Midoriya does indeed one day gain self-confidence, and suddenly he starts reading villains to filth! And he does it with a patented Aizawa Gremlin Grin!
🥦: 😏 "You know, I get why you're robbing this bank. Dental work is expensive. Trouble is, there isn't enough Yen in Japan to fix your smile. You need a fucking miracle, ok?"
🦹‍♂️: ...😱😢😭
Aizawa has never been more proud of his Problem Child. 😁
BDJDBAIXJ BROOO, I LOVE CONFIDENT IZUKU😭😭 it’s what he deserves. Like, he’s a sarcastic little shit, he just has anxiety. Shouto but with the anxiety filter.
Bakugou: *complaining about being paired up with him*
Izuku: you know what kaachan? I didn’t want my dad to abandon my mom and I either! I certainly didn’t want my “best friend” to ab*se me for over a decade! Sometimes we don’t get what we want! I know this is a shocking concept for you because you yell and someone, usually me, gives you whatever you want, but shockingly enough, I don’t want to work with you either! So, we’re both just going to have to suck it up!
Class a:
Izuku: :)
I also love him just berating villains poor life choices 😭
Like, some villain is telling him their tragic backstory (Midoriya izuku, quirk: loose lips. People feel compelled to trauma dump whenever in close proximity with him)
Villain: my father never loved me
Izuku: oh I get that! My dad went out for milk when I was a kid, I think he must’ve gotten really lost, because it’s been over a decade and we haven’t heard from him
Villain: kid-
Izuku: get therapy and make absent father jokes like the rest of us, don’t throw your life away to prove some piss poor point
Aizawa: so, Midoriya. I heard that you don’t have a father-
It happens gradually over time and he grows and goes to therapy. Jirou is honestly the one who expected it most because he mutters things a lot and she’s been privy to his sass since the beginning. She’s just proud, and also surprised, that he’s being more vocal about it
The first time anyone sees him do the Aizawa signature smile, they fear for their lives. They shudder. Nezu smiles. Aizawa feels a shift in the tectonic plates that signifies a problem child back on their bullshit (not that they were ever really off their bullshit, but still)
It becomes such a regular occurrence though, that when he does it at the next sports festival, everyone fears for what will come from this monster’s plot. Mic just sees his face and sighs. “Eraser, what are you teaching this one?”
“No no, don’t look at me. He did this by himself. Also Nezu.”
“That’s your face! That’s the logical ruse face that you do!”
“It’s not my fault he’s like that!”
“No, you’re just his home room teacher, why would it be your fault what he’s learned…”
“Some kids just come with an extra side of crazy, it’s not the teachers fault. Did I nurture that crazy? Yes, absolutely. And I’m glad I did. Am I glad that it got introduced to nezu? No, absolutely fucking not”
Midnight stops then there.
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