#confident izuku deserves love
Izuku "I'm Actually A Sassy Little Shit, So As Soon As I Learn Self-Confidence It's Over For You Bitches" Midoriya does indeed one day gain self-confidence, and suddenly he starts reading villains to filth! And he does it with a patented Aizawa Gremlin Grin!
🥦: 😏 "You know, I get why you're robbing this bank. Dental work is expensive. Trouble is, there isn't enough Yen in Japan to fix your smile. You need a fucking miracle, ok?"
🦹‍♂️: ...😱😢😭
Aizawa has never been more proud of his Problem Child. 😁
BDJDBAIXJ BROOO, I LOVE CONFIDENT IZUKU😭😭 it’s what he deserves. Like, he’s a sarcastic little shit, he just has anxiety. Shouto but with the anxiety filter.
Bakugou: *complaining about being paired up with him*
Izuku: you know what kaachan? I didn’t want my dad to abandon my mom and I either! I certainly didn’t want my “best friend” to ab*se me for over a decade! Sometimes we don’t get what we want! I know this is a shocking concept for you because you yell and someone, usually me, gives you whatever you want, but shockingly enough, I don’t want to work with you either! So, we’re both just going to have to suck it up!
Class a:
Izuku: :)
I also love him just berating villains poor life choices 😭
Like, some villain is telling him their tragic backstory (Midoriya izuku, quirk: loose lips. People feel compelled to trauma dump whenever in close proximity with him)
Villain: my father never loved me
Izuku: oh I get that! My dad went out for milk when I was a kid, I think he must’ve gotten really lost, because it’s been over a decade and we haven’t heard from him
Villain: kid-
Izuku: get therapy and make absent father jokes like the rest of us, don’t throw your life away to prove some piss poor point
Aizawa: so, Midoriya. I heard that you don’t have a father-
It happens gradually over time and he grows and goes to therapy. Jirou is honestly the one who expected it most because he mutters things a lot and she’s been privy to his sass since the beginning. She’s just proud, and also surprised, that he’s being more vocal about it
The first time anyone sees him do the Aizawa signature smile, they fear for their lives. They shudder. Nezu smiles. Aizawa feels a shift in the tectonic plates that signifies a problem child back on their bullshit (not that they were ever really off their bullshit, but still)
It becomes such a regular occurrence though, that when he does it at the next sports festival, everyone fears for what will come from this monster’s plot. Mic just sees his face and sighs. “Eraser, what are you teaching this one?”
“No no, don’t look at me. He did this by himself. Also Nezu.”
“That’s your face! That’s the logical ruse face that you do!”
“It’s not my fault he’s like that!”
“No, you’re just his home room teacher, why would it be your fault what he’s learned…”
“Some kids just come with an extra side of crazy, it’s not the teachers fault. Did I nurture that crazy? Yes, absolutely. And I’m glad I did. Am I glad that it got introduced to nezu? No, absolutely fucking not”
Midnight stops then there.
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tired-teacher-blog · 5 months
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Husband Izuku who still gets misty eyed whenever he revisits your wedding photo album because he just cannot believe that you're actually his.
Husband Izuku who secretly dreamt of a life together with you ever since your first date, but he would never admit to it.
Husband Izuku who has your bright smiley face as his phone wallpaper and takes every opportunity presented to show you off to whoever is unfortunate enough to be subjected to him twittering on for hours at times about his beautiful wife, you.
Husband Izuku who showers you with gifts, with or without an occasion, and who anticipates your reaction eagerly with a goofy smile and a glint in his eye.
Husband Izuku who never fails to mention you during interviews, mouthing a shy greeting and a quiet "I love you" your way because he knows you'd be watching.
Husband Izuku who often cooks for you despite him being terrible at it, but he's stubborn and determined to learn from his mistakes because his goal is to prepare something worthy of your taste, and you love him for even trying.
Husband Izuku who dreams of having kids with you but never pushes the subject because he respects your body, and knows that you're the only one who can decide if and when to do it.
Husband Izuku who is mostly careful with your body, so sweet and attentive with his gentle touches and soft kisses as he covers every speck of you while moving slowly and deeply into your heat.
Husband Izuku who -despite his innocent demeanor- can actually sometimes be a beast during your intimate times together, pounding you into the mattress or any flat surface he can get you on, and watching as your eyes roll back and mouth falls open when you start fluttering around him as shockwaves of pleasure ripple through you.
Husband Izuku who obviously loves filling you up with his pearly seeds everytime he's allowed, and fantasizes about the day he'll finally get you pregnant.
Husband Izuku who almost chokes up when you place his hand on your belly and murmur into his ear that he is to be a father.
Husband Izuku who effortlessly memorizes every pregnancy book written, and you find it astounding that he knows about the subject more than you do.
Husband Izuku who accompanies you to every single doctor's appointment even if he has loads of work stacked up and waiting, he just gets someone to fill in for him so he wouldn't miss being with you during your checkups.
Husband Izuku who spoils you with massages because he's confident in his skills to alleviate your sore muscles and just about any discomfort you might have.
Husband Izuku who relishes watching your belly grow gradually and adores the extra weight you've put on, he simply cannot take his eyes off of you and is mesmerized by your glow.
Husband Izuku who loves kissing your baby bump and talking nerdily to your unborn child about anything and everything, until he falls asleep with his head on your lap and his hand resting on your tummy.
Husband Izuku who stands by you in the delivery room, holding your hand and encouraging you with loving words all the way through the process.
Husband Izuku who is unable to stop the stream of tears rolling down his cheeks when holding your baby for the first time.
Husband Izuku who kisses you deeply and thanks you for the greatest gift he has ever gotten, calling you his hero for being so strong and brave until the end.
Husband Izuku whose phone gallery is now filled with pictures and videos of you and the baby, drawing strength from seeing your faces whenever things get inevitably tough for the pro hero.
Husband Izuku who watches over your little family like a hawk, and whose life mission is to give you the happiness you deserve in return for what you've given him.
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animekpopsimp · 3 months
hey! I saw your post about Mha having a reader like Mitsuri and I was wondering if you could do a female s/o similar to Mitsuri.
MHA Characters with a S/O Similar to Mitsuri
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Izuku absolutely adores your personality and kindness, as well as your strength. He was surprised when you admitted that you had a crush on him, but he was happy that you felt the same. He knows you can be insecure about your appetite, but he doesn't judge you for it. And if someone tries to make you feel bad about yourself because of it, he's always there to cheer you up. You also cheer him up and make him feel better, which he really appreciates.
Your relationship with Katsuki started off rocky. He seemed to hate you at first, finding your overly positive personality annoying. However, after you beat him in a sparring match, he respected you, though he would never admit it out loud. He eventually confessed to you, and thus began your relationship. The two of you are considered a power couple. If anyone gives you any trouble, he will fight them without hesitation. And he doesn't mind your big appetite, he even cooks for you on occasion. He loves you a lot, and he shows it through his actions.
When the two of you met, the two of you had very different options about being in a relationship. On top of wanting to be a hero to help people, you also wanted to find someone who would accept you for who you are. Shoto didn't see the need to get into a relationship, he was more focused on proving his father wrong. It seemed unlikely that the two of you would be friends, let alone fall for each other. However, over time, Shoto grew close with you. He admired your strength and kindness. He confided in you about his father, and you were always there to support him. When the two of you get into a relationship, Shoto is nervous. Part of him doesn't believe that he deserves someone like you. Despite that, Shoto is really sweet and caring. He will defend you if anyone tries to make you feel bad about yourself, he loves you and he won't let anyone upset you.
You met Momo when you were a little girl, both of your families being wealthy. Growing up together, the two of you had your own insecurities to deal with. None the less, you both helped each other. You were close friends for years, and as time passed the two of you developed feelings for each other. Momo was the one to confess, and the two go you started dating. Momo feels lucky that you feel the same, and you do as well. She's always there to make you feel better, and while she doesn't believe in getting into a fight if someone does say something bad about you, she will defend you with words. She can be surprisingly mean when she wants to.
Hawks adores you, he fell in love with you the moment the two of you met. In the past, he never considered getting into a serious relationship, but he changed his mind when you came into his life. He dotes on you all the time, showering you with compliments and bringing you your favorite foods. The moment he notices you feeling insecure about yourself, he's right by your side, reassuring you that he loves everything about you. Hawks is your biggest supporter and would die for you.
She's your biggest hype woman, she's always making you feel beautiful and will fight someone if they insult you. Her favorite thing to do with you is shopping, and she loves picking out new outfits for you, you both turn it into a fashion show every time. She also loves bringing you your favorite foods since it brings a smile to your face when she does. She wants nothing more than to make you smile all the time.
He may not show his affection publicly, but Shota is smitten with you. You balance each other out and you have a talent for making him smile. He finds your personality adorable The two of you have simple dates that mostly consist of staying at home and cuddling while a movie plays in the background. You two also enjoy having dinners together, the life you two have together is simple but you both love it.
The two of you are the definition of total opposites. Dabi has an intimidating aura that scares people. You on the other hand are an absolute sweetheart. That's what Dabi loves about you, you give him a sense of peace that he hasn't experienced in a long time, so he cherishes the fact that you're in his life. Because of that, he's protective. He'll kill for you without hesitation. You're the only one he shows his soft side to, he just loves you.
Shigaraki usually hates people, but you're the one person he can stand. Your personality makes him feel safe, and he won't let anything take you away from him. If he needed to kill for you, he would do so without question. He loves you a lot.
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bakubunny · 3 months
*insert sound effect of bell ringing as i skip into bunny’s bakery*
HAPPY 2.5k HUN! well deserved! :3
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I’d like to order two slices of pie. pretty please.
1. bnha, izuku, lemon meringue
2. jjk, megumi, blueberry
i have no specifications, surprise me. i’ll eat anything you serve <333
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hi starr!! okay so, in truth, i put yours off a bit because between us and our moots, a lot of izu has been written. i wanted to discuss something i hadn’t before, and it took me a while to get an idea i liked. megumi on the other hand… i feel as though i don’t know him well, but i’ll give it a shot. i hope you enjoy and that you feel better soon, love! thanks so much. i’m glad you’re here. <3
tw: dark content (megumi), yandere behavior
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name: midoriya izuku
order: lemon meringue pie
lemon meringue: the first time pro bf!izuku overheard you getting off, his knees almost buckled. it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together, your pretty mewls behind closed doors made his cheeks hot and his heart swell. he had to stop himself from busting in the room immediately; he didn’t want to freak you out or make you think he’d overheard you intentionally. but hearing the sweet, breathless coos of his name when he wasn’t even in the room made him tremble. he was confident he’d fallen in love with you all over again. whether or not he decides to knock gently and give you what you’re craving or listen quietly, i’ll let you decide.
name: fushiguro megumi
order: blueberry pie
blueberry: yandere!megumi is a silently obsessive type. dreams about keeping you all to himself, locked up in his basement, but he knows better than to try that. he knows more about you than he should, and somehow obtained a lock of your hair that he has stored neatly for safe keeping. you knew each other in high school when his obsession started. it’s lasted several years past graduation, and even though you work independently from each other for the most part, he keeps up on every detail of your life. he has to act as though everything you’re telling him is new information when you have coffee and catch up or work together on something.
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bunny’s bakery (closed)
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
all that glitters — gojo satoru x reader
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a/n: it’s time we embrace that I am a loser who can not stick to a single decision
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gojo gazed at the corpse of his friend, best friend. the shaky sigh that left his lips was inevitable.
he didn’t know if he will be able to destroy his body with his own hands and technique, so he chose to at least bury him in a secluded area. it’s only after the evening that gojo is done.
his eyes are dull, his eyes are tired, their void is dark.
the stars are not glittering.
today, he walks to the grave, looking at the stone where he carved his friend’s name. he had done this a thousand times, the only difference today is that you’re with him.
your hand in his, and your thumb stroking the back of his hand. he can’t help but let out a small sigh. you’re here at least, he thinks.
geto’s name name stares back at him; however, it’s less daunting now and he doesn’t know whether it’s the passage of time or your hand that’s grounding him.
“you okay?” you call in a soft voice. its sweetness startles him for a moment, but you don’t notice. he likes it, your voice.
after composing himself, he hums lightly as you finally come to a stop.
“was he was a good guy that succumbed to madness?” you speak up.
he shrugs, “not exactly, suguru was a great person, kinder than I am, more righteous; it’s just…” and he loses his words, they are on the tip of his tongue, but he doesn’t know what to say exactly.
you nod in understanding, “…I think I get it…”
his eyes slowly fixate on you, and you continue talking, “you know that it’s okay to feel remorse and sadness, right?”
he nods slowly, “but I am the strongest—if I am not in my best shape and standing tall then everything falls into chaos.”
you listen closely as he continues.
“some people’s faith is only there because they know that there is someone who is called the ‘strongest’ for a valid reason and can actually back it up,” he exhales, brows furrowing as he stares at the ground.
a bitter smile makes its way to your face, “that’s true in a sense, but that, in no way, erases the fact that you’re human.”
“you feel, you love, you care and you break like anyone else,” you look at him and he turns to you, and even with the blindfold on, you know he is looking you straight in the eyes.
your hands slowly go up to cup his face and gojo holds back from leaning into your touch, “what makes someone strong isn’t their inability to feel sadness, but the ability to feel it and then recover from it,” you pause and stroke his face, “you, satoru, have done that and you’ve proven to the world that you’re the strongest in more ways than one.”
he chuckles lightly, but it’s empty, “not all people think like you, y/n.”
“that’s because they’re blind,” you sharply respond making him smile slightly, “plus, you’re much more than the ‘strongest sorcerer’ to me and to a lot of people.”
“oh yeah?” he quips, anticipating your response and you nod with confidence.
“to some, you’re their mentor and their guidance, to others, you’re an irreplaceable friend and presence, and to me, you’re my husband and the love of my life,” you feel his hands come to rest on your hips and your husband can’t help but press a kiss to your palm.
he takes a breath, “sometimes I wonder just what did I do to deserve someone like you.”
you rest your forehead on his and smile, “well, fate just decided to put us together; who are we to say no?”
night has fallen, both in the sky and his eyes. both have stars that fill their canvas, but, for once, the stars in satoru’s eyes glitter and shine brighter than the ones in the sky.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @bakugossanity @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @fiona782 @ginneko @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or i will be castrate you
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yuquinzel · 2 years
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i. characters— katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, hitoshi shinso and denki kaminari.
ii. warnings— none, just fluff &lt;3
iii. notes— could you tell i was a little biased sjsjsksk
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BAKUGO. with a perpetual scowl on his face becomes a blushing mess when you use corny pick up lines on him. he would never get flustered if you said something suggestive ( he would rather smirk and say something even more bold ). but causally say something cheesy like "your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine? ;o" and watch how his cheeks turn a furious red. would mask his embarassment with anger and probably yell something mean but you know he loves it.
SHOTO. who's quite dense when it comes to pick up lines, smiles and averts eyes in embarassment when you compliment him. oh how he loves it when you praise him. ruffle his hair, look him in the eyes and say he looks pretty today and he'll look at you confused, faint brush of pink blooming on his cheeks and would awkwardly mutter a quiet thank you, you too. he loves it when you say he's done a good job. boosts his confidence. might kiss you to show his thanks.
IZUKU. who's usually timid and shy would just stutter and play with his hands if you call him 'his hero'. he just loves when you encourage him and notice all his efforts. showers you in 'thanks yous' and compliments of his own. say something about how much he inspires you and how you look up to him and he'll look at you teary eyed wondering what he did to deserve an angel like you. will not be able to hold eye contact for too long because of how flustered he gets.
SHINSO. who's surprised and taken aback when you hug him and covers his face with his hands to hide his burning red cheeks. one hand on your waist holding you close and one hand just helping him hide his embarassment. he just gets shy when it comes to physical touch but loves it all the same. honestly takes time for him to get used to the rapid beats of his heart whenever you're around. another one who can't hold eye contact. totally goes weak when you call him by nicknames.
KAMINARI. i can see him trying to pin you against a wall but he was just blushing so much and probably panicked and said something stupid. doesn't get flustered as easily anymore cus you both shamelessly flirt with each other. you once shut up him by kissing him cus he was annoying you with his attempts at flirting. 100% did it again. tries to woo you with cheesy pick up lines but when you say something suggestive, would be left speechless for a hot minute and then clear his throat. lots of surprised pikachu faces.
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© yuquinzel2022 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
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theyscreamjade · 9 months
Hello Jade! I was wondering if you could do some head cannons with the main trio as villains who meet the pro hero reader after crashing a hero gala or important event and take one look at the reader and think “They’re mine, no matter what”. Thank You!
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I’ve Got My Eyes On You~
「 Yeah, I’m alive ya’ll. Baby, it’s been hard as hell to write lately, I apologize for the in and outness. However, I’m taking a break from school so I’m sure I’ll update more! ෆ」
⊰ 18+! (Anyone who’s underaged will be blocked!)ও
↬ word count: 1.1kෆ
↬ Disclaimer: Cursing, Kidnapping, Stalking.
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⧽ You were always on his radar since you were announced to the world for saving someone. 
⧽ Mister Deku couldn’t get you out of his head, he was hooked. 
⧽ From your style, personality, and much more. He could make a list of reasons why he liked you and desired to have you.
⧽ Unlike how most imagine, he and Shiggy are practically alike…and tend to whine to get what they desire. 
⧽ (They whine to Kurogiri, mostly)
⧽ So, this is the night you’ve been waiting for! You’ve ranked up and found your way towards the rankings. 
⧽ You’re one of the top twenty fan-favorite heroes, which boosted your ranking and confidence by a thousand.
⧽ You nearly lost your mind when you were given the news and tonight’s the night. 
⧽ You sat at your table with a few of your friends, dressed to the best and ready to hear your name and rank you were to be at. 
⧽ You deserved this.
⧽ You desired this. 
⧽ “Y/N!” Present Mic announced to a crowd with a missing you. 
⧽ Everyone paused and looked around in confusion, unsure as to how and what the fuck happened and how you even were fuckin lost. 
⧽ You were right there! 
⧽ Yeah, so, Izuku disgusted himself as a waiter. He taped your shoulder and lied to get you towards the back since..you know, your name was going to be called. 
⧽ You followed Izuku’s instructions, following the server just to be knocked out with a mist.
⧽ You fell right into his arms, and he smiled happily. 
⧽ “Look at them…they look so adorable like this..” he complimented before handing Shigaraki his empty tray. 
⧽ “Collect as much food as you think we’d need...I’ve got what I want.” He ordered while walking out the back door. 
⧽ “They’re all mine now. All mine.”
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⧽ There’s something about Villian Bakugou that concerns me. 
⧽ He doesn’t fall in love normally, he falls for someone who can keep up, or think ahead of him. 
⧽ That’s how he fell for you, every other villain couldn’t keep up or couldn’t think like him. 
⧽ You? 
⧽ You knew his every move and were able to do something that no one could ever do. 
⧽ You captured him for the first time and stole his heart in the process. 
⧽ After that, he was obsessed with you. He watched every new piece about you. 
⧽ Any magazine that had your face, he had it. He wanted to know every last and single detail about you. 
⧽ His stalker vibes were coming out full swing and some of the inmates were kind of concerned and confused as to why. 
⧽ So, when he received the news that you were now one of the top ten heroes and were to receive an award at the Heroes Gala. 
⧽ He knew he had to be there to give you a celebratory congratulations.
⧽ While you were getting all glammed and prepared, he was broken out of prison and heading straight towards the city. 
⧽ All the heroes would either be too damn busy to worry about a villain breaking out of the highly protected prison system ever so…he didn’t waste time.
⧽ You sat with family and friends, your significant other was there too. 
⧽ The second you heard your name, you stood on your feet while everyone clapped around you. 
⧽ You felt your accomplishments and hard work within the reach of your fingertips, each step towards the stage you took. 
⧽ Until a loud explosion blasted through the ceiling, Bakugou’s signature sonic Boom which creates a terrible after-effect. 
⧽ Your ears ring and affect your balance, so in seconds. You were in Bakugou’s arms while holding your head in agony. 
⧽ He flew with you in his arm, the other held the end of the ladder. The sound of the chopper didn’t help the pain in your ears. 
⧽ You tried to focus and use your quirk, but you can’t when your ears are ringing this badly. 
⧽ “Don’t even fight it, baby bear. I’ve been waiting for you~” he whispered, looking at you as though you were in agony.
⧽ “You’re all mine, mine.” He growled in a possessive tone, landing with you at his new secret lair. 
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⧽ Shoto didn’t have a great mentor (Dabi.) 
⧽ Basically, his brother told him if there’s something you want, “Go and Get it.”
⧽ Touya fucked up when he told him that shit, why? 
⧽ Because the person he wants is you, the fuckin number one hero of the ENTIRE agency! You overtook their father and kept the city safe in your own way. 
⧽ The only reason why Shoto even likes you is because how you overtook their father, talked shit about them then kept yourself up there. 
⧽ The man was mesmerized by someone who wanted the top and got their way to it. 
⧽ Which brings us here, you walking into the Heroes Gala. You dawn your best, sparkling your way into the luxurious building. Cameras flashed, and reporters asked thousands and thousands of questions. 
⧽ They wanted to know, they desired to know about you..though Shoto knew everything about you. 
⧽ He’s a stalker with some knowledge for and about you, he’s basically Nardwuar for your ass. He knows where you were even conceived. 
⧽ You’re one of a kind and he couldn’t just kidnap you normally.
⧽ He had to take you in the best and safest way possible….and he kind of discovered your fears too. 
⧽ You sat with your friends and family, hearing the paparazzi outside. You were laughing happily at a joke at one of your friends told you.
⧽ Then the room became silent, randomly and completely unexpectedly. You opened your eyes, seeing everyone knocked out around you.
⧽ Heads in either food or water while the rest were on a table or the floor. You stood up and immediately got into position for a battle. 
⧽ You needed to investigate and find out, you needed to know. 
⧽ You walked towards the back, checking and investing everyone around you..trying to understand what was even happening. 
⧽ How did everyone else get knocked out..but you’re fine? 
⧽ You stepped onto a drop door, instantly disappearing into the floor.
⧽ A loud splash echoed through the empty room, your body was submerged in your worst fear. Water. 
⧽ You kicked, flayed, and tried to swim to the top before cold over took your body. Suddenly, you were frozen solid. 
⧽ The light flickered on and your eyes met his mix-matched ones. 
⧽ “You look absolutely breathtaking….too bad no one else will ever see you again. I’m never going to let you go. You’re mine.” He told you, snapping his fingers as your body was rolled into a large frozen meat truck. 
⧽ “Mine only.” These were the last words you heard before the doors of the truck were closed and you were taken away from the building. 
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kitthepurplepotato · 5 months
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Chapter 10 - Kirishima’s “roomies forever” party (1/2)
Summary: Y/N and Izuku gets an invite to a fancy party at Katsuki’s house. They have a really hard time getting there though.
Warnings: Swear words, suggestive - it’s literally 50% reader being thirsty and 50% Deku trying to keep in his pants. 16+
First Chapter Master List
The weirdness starts with a simple invitation.
Nothing suspicious, it’s just a message from Kirishima in a brand new group chat.
New group chat: Everyone Katsuki definitely does not care about.
Kirishima: Dear friends! I would like to invite you to my house for a little get together this Sunday. It’s our 7th Roomie Anniversary, so please come in smart casual clothing, not in your underwear or pajamas (or that Pikachu onesie I absolutely adore on you, Kaminari. - It hurts me just as much as it hurts you, buddy.)
Please, do your best to be able to attend I have a surprise for him and I want you guys to be there for it!
“Damn, 7 years.” You mumble to yourself, tangled together with Izuku in the bed. It’s one of those days when Izuku miraculously managed to get home by 10PM so you are both lazing around, doing literal nothing because Izuku deserves a fucking break. “They must really like each other to stay together for so long.”
“Well, Eijirou was Katsuki’s first real friend if you don’t count me and trust me, back then, I did not count.” Izuku giggles. “He was the only one who could handle Kacchan’s temper and the only one who could calm him down when he went berserk. But Kacchan wasn’t the only one benefitting from this relationship; Kacchan helped Kirishima with studying and from being one of the worst students he ended up to be one of the best in only a few months. I’m not one of those weird shippers but I must admit they are perfect for each other.” Izuku mumbles into your neck, half asleep.
“Oi, don’t you dare look down on my kind, nerd!” You retort incredulously as you sit up to stare at the hero judgmentally which is a hard task right now, because he’s shirtless and absolutely beautiful and you kinda just want to kiss him all over which then makes you think about your cheeky evening in the hot tub which makes your insides turn upside down and… okay. Focus.
Also, you still haven’t seen his broccoli tattoo properly. This needs to change ASAP.
… not like that’s important right now.
Okay. Let’s go back to the main story. Sorry about that.
“Admit it, it’s weird! I don’t judge you or anything, but it is certainly… a funky little hobby.”
“You know what? I hope they fucking get engaged on the party. I’ll enjoy the pain on your face as you realize how wrong you were.” You pout and Izuku can’t help himself; he attacks your pouty lips right away with small, barely their kisses.
“I love you, but you are deranged.”
“What did you just call me?!” You giggle as Izuku slowly moves down from your lips to your neck, his lips barely grazing the skin and he doesn’t stop there; he makes his way towards your chest then down your belly and…
“Teasing my deranged little girlfriend.” He answers as he yanks your oversized t-shirt (okay, Izuku’s oversized t-shirt.) over his head and leaves tiny kisses all over your naked tummy and chest, slowly making his way up towards your breasts, his head completely hidden under your shirt.
“I’m not wearing a bra, Izu…” You mumble, pink dusting your cheeks. How are you supposed to not make a sound right now?! How?!
“Hmm… indeed.” You don’t need to see Izuku’s face to know there is a shit eating grin on his face. “I’ll close my eyes then.”
“That’s not the point, you silly!”
Honestly, this new, confident side of Izuku will be the death of you. The way he knows you don’t actually mind him there, the way you don’t need to beg him anymore to let himself loose… damn, how much you just want to push his face into your chest and…
Uhm… let’s calm down. He’s just having fun.
Suddenly, Izuku’s head pops out through the collar of your your shirt, the poor fabric almost tearing from the abuse.
“Want me to chill out? I can chill out.” Suddenly, Izuku lays down on top of you with all his fucking body weight and you literally can not breathe.
“Oh my god, you are like those massive Great Dane dogs who think they are lap dogs and suffocate their owners by accident.” You giggle while you ruffle his unruly hair.
Midoriya fucking Izuku just licked your cheek. Like… literally licked a stripe up your face.
“Izuku, you absolute weirdo, I love you so much.” Somehow, Izuku is taken aback by your sudden confession. He looks up at your face, looking for something, probably signs that you’ve meant it in a sarcastic way but needless to say he can’t find anything but pure adoration. “What?”
“I’m being my absolute worst and your first thought is that… you love me?” Izuku starts drawing circles into your hipbone with his thumb while his ring finger is playing with the hem of your pajamas. It’s getting really hot in here all of the sudden.
“Yeah. I really love when you go all unhinged and just… do stuff you want to do. I love that you know I won’t say no. Because I can’t, Izu. I can’t say no to you and I never will.”
You can see the moment your words get acknowledged by Izuku’s brain because suddenly, his eyes go all dark and half lidded and if eyes could physically devour you’ll be nothing but a few bones by now.
“You make it really hard for me to go to sleep, you know that?” Izuku’s voice goes deep and husky and hell if it doesn’t go right into your core. There is so much restraint in every single syllable it’s actually painful.
“Do you need to?”
Honestly, you should just downright tell him to get down on you at this point. You are way too obvious. Izuku kissing and sucking on the skin on your neck doesn’t help, either.
“I have an early shift tomorrow.” Izuku sighs, defeated. “I… uhm… when we… do stuff I want to have all the time in the world. I want to kiss your whole body from head to toe until your skin is tinged pink all over. I want to take my time. I want to cherish you as long as I can and not rush it.” Izuku mutters with half of his hands down your pajama pants, caressing the skin in your lower tummy as he speaks. “I want to love you all night, maybe even in the morning. Make you breakfast after then cuddle up by the TV.” He murmurs into your ear; your arms are full of goosebumps from the depth of his voice, from the warmth of his breath and…
“Let’s take a cold shower then.” You look at your boyfriend pleadingly. “Ice cold. Yeah.”
“Deal.” Izuku pops his head back into your shirt and skims your nipple with his chin by accident. You can’t help but yelp. “Goddamnit Sweet Pea.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault!” You giggle as a red faced Izuku finally climbs out under your shirt. “I would like to invite you to share the shower with me but I feel like it would just make this situation worse.”
“Please, stay away from me.” Izuku giggles and goes towards his bathroom. “Ahh, why did you say that, now I want to shower together!” He whines once again but closes the door behind him anyway.
“Silly nerd.” You sigh as you make your way towards the main bathroom. You can’t wait for the day when Izuku is free again. You can’t do this for much longer. Izuku pulls you in like a magnet, and you want more and more as the time passes; one day, your restraint will snap and you won’t be able to stop yourself and neither will he so if Izuku really wants to have your first time the way he planned it, he really needs to hurry up.
Damn, you always hated when you were reading a nice, fluffy fanfiction then suddenly, the main character went all slutty for the hero but now that you are living the dream most people only write and daydream about, it really starts to make sense.
Don’t tell them that, though.
Thanks to Izuku’s inhuman working hours, Sunday comes much sooner than you’ve expected. You are standing by the massive mirror in your room, accessing your dress and looking for flaws but by the look on Izuku’s face as he stares at you while sitting your bed, this dress was the right choice and there’s no reason for you to be stressed about it. You can hear the massive gulp even from the other side of the room as he stares at your your naked back, utterly mesmerized.
“Uhm… this dress… is quite revealing, isn’t it? Like… I could just… move that little strap and it would all fall down… uhm… not like I would…” Izuku mutters and you can’t help but giggle at that.
“You need a cold shower, Izu-Izu?” You slowly push the mentioned strap down. “Oh look, it’s still on! Magic of the dress tape!”
“I’m going to have a shower and put my own shirt on.” Izuku mutters, avoiding eye contact as he leaves the room in two long strides.
“Have fun!” You snicker to yourself, all over the moon from the fact that you have such an effect on your favorite hero.
“First of all…” Izuku pops his head back into the room, offended. “This is not smart casual.” He points at you from head to toe aggressively. You can barely stop yourself from laughing. “Second of all, fuck you.”
“Oh sorry, since when am I dating Bakugou Katsuki?” You snicker, adoration clear in your eyes.
“Oh, if I would be Bakugou Katsuki you would be naked by now.”
Wow. Izuku is in a sassy mood. Thank god you absolutely adore Izuku in a sassy mood.
“The only reason I’m not naked right now is the fact that we shouldn’t cancel on your two best friends.”
“That’s… a fair point.” You can see the steam coming out of Izuku’s red ears.
“Come on now, I want to have my own little meltdown when I see you in that gorgeous dark green dress shirt. Also, those trousers? I don’t think I’m ready for that.”
Somehow, this was the right thing to say; Izuku gets all excited and makes a dramatic leave after grinning like an idiot for half a minute. Ahh, there are literally no words for how much you love this man and his silly little sassy fits.
After around fifteen minutes, Izuku emerges from the bathroom; his dress shirt is messily put on, half of the buttons still open, his hair a mess but somehow, an artistic mess that makes him look badass instead of… we’ll… messy… uhm, fuck, it’s really hard to use words right now to be absolutely honest.
Because when Izuku turns around to close the door, the sight that welcomes you is…
Izuku’s perfectly juicy peach. In a tailored fit trousers which cup his… well… his bottom… perfectly. The whole messy dress shirt thing also doesn’t help your… well… situation. If this would be a no plot just cheeky stuff kinda fanfiction, this would be the time when Izuku throws his non-existent tie on the floor and devours you without asking for permission and in only a few minutes you would be screaming his name like s mantra. And to be absolutely, totally honest… you really hate that this fanfiction isn’t one of those right now.
“Cat got your tongue?” Izuku purrs as he slowly comes closer and closer while he finishes his buttons on the way to you. For the love of god, stop the violence. This is pure torture.
“I’ll call the police.” You retort awkwardly, your fingers pointing at all the really lovely bits on Izuku’s body, like for instance, his absolutely gorgeous pecks under the green, tight-fit shirt. “This… whatever this is… is surely illegal.”
“Uhm… I really wanted to retort with something cool and flirty but what if I just throw you into the wall and kiss you senseless instead?” Izuku mutters with a red face, clearly embarrassed.
“I mean, that would have been something cool and flirty if you wouldn’t ask for permission… uhmpf…”
Izuku is all over you and he smells like expensive cologne. He kisses your lips, your neck, his hands wandering are all over your back, grabbing and caressing the naked skin and you can’t help but yelp and moan and just make all the sounds humanly possible because it’s not enough, it’s never enough, you want more and you wanted it for so long but you can’t help but respect his decision, but that doesn’t make it easy.
“We need to go. Let’s continue this in the car.” Izuku looks at you, disheveled, flushed and panting.
“Izu, we’ll be really late if we do that.” You giggle into his mouth that moves relentlessly on yours even as you try to speak.
“To quote my good friend, Kacchan… I do not give a single flying fuck.”
Needless to say, you two were really late to the party. Not like any of you really cared.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Damn, honestly, these two need to get a room. I’m actually sorry for them at this point. I will burn in hell for this.
- Haha so funny story: I was so focused on the two specials I literally did not have a single word done of this until yesterday. Then I had a random urge to write and wrote two chapters in one go. Welcome to my life.
- The next chapter will be a Kirishima x Bakugou centered one so I’m sorry if you are not into that! This is my AU though, so like… I can do whatever I want. 😂 You can skip it if you really want but I’ll be really happy if you give it a try. This is NOT the same AU as the original and I’m not a fanatic KiriBaku shipper it just made sense in this AU. I love all the ships and I respect those who don’t ship anyone at all. So please, be nice or else I’ll cry. 😂💜
- Have you read the two Izuku x reader specials? If not, go on my profile and check them out! Send me your thoughts! 💜
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated as always! 🥦 Taglist is still open!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh
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Ideal Types: MHA
not quite what I usually do, but I had a headcanon and figured why not, I'm totally up for doing a part two if people are interested!
Bakugo, Izuku, Kirishima, Denki, Shoto
Notes: These are some headcanons that have come out recently, as I'm rewatching MHA with a friend
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I honestly think despite the popular opinion, I honestly think he'd fall for someone who's more stoic. Someone who's firm in what they believe no matter what people say, and are not easily swayed in any direction. I personally see this as someone who doesn't come across as badass at first, but is unafraid to defend their beliefs or set boundaries. Bakugo might get frustrated, might think they're weak or a coward. I think deep down Bakugo needs that in his life. I think Bakugo would respect the heck out of them especially as a 2nd or 3rd year at UA, and they'd become an unstoppable power couple.
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I sorta see Izuku with someone who's passionate, someone who always has something they're running towards, and dragging him out of his thoughts as they pull him along. He wants to be the number one hero to save people, and I believe he would really connect on a personal level with someone who's running towards their own dreams. I also believe that though Izuku loves the domestic life, he'd experience a much fuller greater life with a partner who's constantly working on improvement, and finding joy in the action. before his quirk, Izuku sought out action and took notes, so i believe someone who's always on the front lines would really help him grow. I believe that it might also compliment his personality if they were at a higher confidence, which would encourage him to strive for it as well!
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Despite his desire to be a ladies man, I honestly think Denki would fall for someone accidently. He constantly worried about coming across as the cool guy, and I think that love would strike the moment he least expected it and goofed up. I believe that Denki would fall for someone who's got a great deal of empathy and attention to detail. someone who would mock or shame him for his lack of academic intelligence, and in some twisted way, encourage him to improve himself in the process. 
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Now, It might be controversial, but I honestly think that Kirishima would fall for a close friend. Being as outgoing as he is, and with his past of depression, I think he would really be able to connect with someone who didn't have the best upbringing. I believe that he really needs to be told that he's strong enough for them, just as they need to be told they are deserving of love. Kirishima, especially as a 3rd year, would probably have learned a great deal from fatgum, and grown as a person with Tamaki. I think that both of you would push towards healing together and it would honestly be a really wholesome relationship.
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I honestly headcanon that Todoroki would fall hard for someone assertive. though he really wouldn't notice at first, he would evaluate their plans as they presented them and admire the confidence that came with it. as he learned to better embrace his quirk and his past, I think he would need someone who could mentally pull him into the present. Someone who could be a comfort but would always have a theory on what to accomplish next, I think Todoroki would appreciate some direction, and words said in blunt honesty. As he got older, I think both of them would soften up a but, but while at UA, they would be a power couple.
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thehusbandoden · 7 months
Okay so like I have a request cause like everyone says that I look mad when I relax me face so can you maybe like to Izuku x reader who always looks mad?
A/n: that reminds me of a friend of mine. She has an angry resting face and actually reminds me of Bakugo a whole lot 😅 (besides the bullying).
Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy, and don't feel afraid to request again or ask me to change/add anything! <33
Resting Mad Face -Midoriya Izuku x Reader (headcannons)
General info:
wc: 472 \\ posted: 11/26/2023 \\ requested
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You two first saw each other in middle school.
He was being relentlessly bullied, and so he was quite timid.
When he saw you, he actually got scared, thinking that you were just like Bakugo and that you would bully him too. He avoided you for months, and you didn't really notice.
You both got into UA, and you officially met on your first day in Class 1A.
When he realized how nice you were he was quite surprised. He immedietly took a liking to you and you quickly became friends.
The months pass by and he becomes quite attached to you. You two basically go everywhere together.
Though Izuku is quite timid, he gets very protective over you. He's defended you against a bully, helped you become more confident and comfortable, and almost got into a fight with Bakugo because he was trying to challenge you.
He started to fall in love with you in your eight month of highschool. He did an absouletly horrible job of hiding it.
He was blushing constantly, stuttering, and staring. He bought you flowers a few times and made sure to help you with anything and everything you were struggling with. He asked you out two months later, and you accepted.
You two went on two dates before becoming official. Your relationship hardly changed to be honest.. though your physical affection multiplied and you went on dates every weekend.
Izuku became even more protective of you, holding your hand whenever he was around anyone who made him feel threatened or uncomfortable.
The two of you hardly argued, and whenever you did you made up quite quickly.
Izuku mistook your natural resting face for anger quite often. He was constantly asking you if you were okay, if you were mad at someone or something, or if you were mad at him. The behavior only grew more frequent when he was starting to feel insecure.. which happened more than you'd think.
Izuku is a very fragile soul. He constantly thinks that he isn't good enough for you or that you deserve someone better or someone that has a better quirk, looks more attractive, etc.
Once you comfort him and give him a little extra love he immedietly starts to calm down.
As he grows older and matures more, he starts to grow more confident and recognizes when you're angry and when you're not.
He finds your resting face quite adorable, and he loves to spoil you with cuddles and affection when he comes home from a hard day of work or a particular grueling training session.
He proposes a few months after graduation, and he buys you your dream house as soon as possible, working extra hours just to spoil you.
He loves you a lot, and he isn't afraid to do anything to keep you happy.
Izuku's masterlist | Masterlist | Navigation | You can tip me here <3
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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siflshonen · 7 months
Hi, I love your analyses and your fics! 💕Especially that Eureka Seven AU man ngl it lives in my head and starts playing in my local theaters every other night at 2 AM, but *clears throat* I'm getting off topic lol :D do you have a bakudeku fic/authors rec list?
I'm honored you read the Eureka Seven one!
Good Bakudeku authors... the truth is, there are SO MANY. Just in general, and so many that are really, truly excellent. I have begun consuming more and more fic lately as I feel the itch of the subtext of what's happening in the manga rapidly becoming text and just plain consuming me, but many of the individual stories I've read can be GREAT as a story but perhaps not so great as a canon-faithful representation of Bakudeku - so I'm not entirely sure what kind of Bakudeku you're asking for ("fun and good story" versus "horny vignette" versus "that's totally Katsuki and Izuku.")
Also, like, for several of these authors, their Bakudeku portrayals evolved as the series progressed and we all learned more about these characters and the varnish of what BNHA pretends to be (superhero stock shonen!) peeled off to show what it actually is (The newest generation of something that should never have been domesticated now outgrowing the limits of the modern genre.) This is always good to keep in mind when looking at the dates of each work published.
Um, it's hard to pick just a few, and even harder when there's no specific direction about what TYPE. So here's a scattershot off the top of my head:
Me. My work. Read Mundane Crimes, Public Displays of Affection and I Want What I Don't Deserve. Those actually have some substance to them. The rest are kind of whatever, but you may still find them fun.
Kickass AUs and All-Rounders
chymerical is my favorite author on this list. They can do anything. I care about sports now because of chymerical. There's your fuckin' fadeaway.
young_crone - some are truly Bakudeku and some are just great stories that are using familiar names. Read all of 'em.
SmartiMart - Variant Edition is a sweeping epic and fascinating enough that the Bakudeku isn't actually its primary draw for me. Please also read Where in the World is Marigold? It's not Bakudeku, but I love it. SmartiMart is clever, inventive, and sometimes so much of a romantic that it makes me go, "woah, now! That's a bit much!" but in the best way.
iphido - this author has only one work for bakudeku, and it is worth it.
nicc - bite-sized sweet scenes, though many are very NSFW. Consistently excellent.
pikahlua - Dragonheart. this is your kick in the pants to finish those scenes, Pika.
Romantic Comedies
qodqodqod - Cringe comedy where love always, always, always prevails and bakudeku can't out-stupid their way out of it. Great job of not making the miscommunication, or lack of communication, a bore or overdone past what it needs to be.
heartsinhay - the cringe comedies are named that for a reason.
Darker Stuff
rironomind - apparently published something new earlier this year and I missed it??? DAMN! Existential, experimental, melancholic, high concept, fantastic. Rom's work is mostly in this category because it tends to throw curveballs at the reader. This is the category that just felt the most right by its vibes.
bkdkink - Lemonhead specifically.
Roadtripwithlucifer (read their new stuff too) - horny, but focused and full, full, full of ennui and anger and love and grief. It's the confidence of handling the last four that makes these works shine.
Surveycorpsjean - hit or miss for me personally, but always well done.
majjale - always great work; sometimes hit-or-miss for me personally on the bakudeku.
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hail-brod · 1 year
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
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U.A. ball.
Every hero student in U.A. looked forward to it. After three years of training as heroes, they were given the chance to celebrate their breakthroughs and improvements on their incoming career as Pro Heroes. It was exciting indeed.
And Midoriya Izuku was delighted. Not just because he finally felt stronger than before and became much more confident, but because you were there.
You were stunning that evening.
The music played with so much life as the other students made a beeline for the dance floor, showcasing their mirth for being there. Illuminated by the disco lights above, shining green eyes became a shooting star as it landed on your seated form.
You. [Last Name] [Name]. His ever-loving childhood friend. He basked in your gentle demeanor, smiling so calmly as you watched the others dance.
You made no move to sit up nor ask other students to dance with you. You only sat there. Not with a looming gloom but with a contented expression. You were a proud loner that seeks nothing but solitude and Izuku admires that about you. In his eyes, you were amazing. He saw your own ways when it comes to interaction with other people and you were unfaltering. Always so composed albeit sometimes in a humorous way.
So you sat there with a gorgeous smile as you listened to your classmates beside you. You were a good listener so people tend to be rambling to you whenever. That leaves him quite jealous at times but who is he to think like that? He’s at least relieved that you were enjoying your time in such a crowded event. That’s all that would matter to him. Your comfort.
In addition to that, you were his comfort.
For as many times he could decide, you deserve so much more. He wants you to see that he can also be your greatest comfort, someone you’d want by your side no matter what happens. Izuku could only imagine things when it comes to relationships, and his heart swells at the thought of it.
The music suddenly shifted. From the constant beats of rhythm to a mellow swirl of instruments, the dance floor toned down to a slow dance.
At that moment, he took note how you shifted on your seat for a mere second before sighing joyously at the change.
He knew how much you enjoyed your own company but he couldn’t help but stare longer at you.
The way you would just giggle and laugh at jokes from others and give your small comments here and there was respecting enough. Your satisfied body rhythms as you bob your head to the song was cute in many ways. The smiles that you give to your classmates when they greet you was mesmerizing at its best.
Izuku could only tweak a small smile as he laid his elbows on the table, his chin resting on his palm.
Isn’t it a cliché dynamic in movies? The childhood friend falling in love with the main character.
Well, Midoriya Izuku is that childhood friend.
Evidently, a blush came up to his cheeks. It was too late to be going back into seeing you as just a friend. You were special to him and that won’t change sometime in the future. He wouldn’t say he regrets falling because just being close to you is enough to send him into a craze of joy. You were there at his lowest and even if you were no match to Katsuki back then, you still stood up for him. You have a kind heart, in return, that heart is what makes Izuku’s own beat faster.
“Stop that.”
“Huh?” Izuku let out. Turning his head beside him, he met a pair of glaring crimson eyes.
“I can clearly make out the look you’re giving her and it’s irritatingly idiotic.” Bakugou Katsuki continued. With a gritted teeth, he gave his green haired friend an irritated look.
Green eyes could only widen at his remark as shades of blush started to fade in on his cheeks. “K-Kacchan…. I’m not-“
“Shut it. You have googly eyes.”
Still blushing, the green haired man tried to conceal his vulnerability as much as possible. “W- What the hell does that mean?” Stuttering was not part of it as he only blew it by nervously looking away. Googly eyes? Was he really that obvious?
Clicking his tongue, Katsuki replied nonchalantly. “I’m not stupid and I’m sure as hell not unaware of your silly little crush on her. Almost everybody in class knows your ‘secret’ because you we’re too damn obvious, dumbass.”
Well, there it goes.
Izuku paled at information so much that he almost shouted his next words but thankfully, he refrained so because of the romantic atmosphere. “Y-You’re kidding.”
“The hell I am.” Katsuki grunted. Standing up, he placed his hands in his pockets. “Too bad, too late. I bet she also knows now too.” He then proceeded to leave the dumbfounded green haired man.
Izuku could only stare at nothing as he processed what he just heard.
“I’m so done. So, so, so done.”
How could he ever let this happen? He thought he was playing it cool and stuffs but he was actually playing it too cool for it to be awkward. No, he was very much obvious. Sure, Katsuki would’ve been lying to him to get him all worked up but he isn’t the type of guy to mess around with this stuff. He’d rather battle to death with him than scare him with absurd jokes.
Though, the crush part wasn’t actually absurd. It’s true.
Midoriya Izuku is crushing on his childhood friend. Repeating that thought again and again in his head seems to pull him out of reality. His cheeks won’t stop heating up especially now knowing that you might be aware of his hidden feelings.
How would you act now? Would you think of him less? You’ve been both in good terms so maybe you’re not all that bothered? No. Or maybe you could’ve been trying to brush it off to save your friendship?
Aaaaahhhh. He doesn’t know anymore.
But one thing does come in his mind. You weren’t that kind of person. You we’re too kind for that and surely, you wouldn’t just let it slide off. You would do your best to talk and confront because you will seek assurance.
You once told him that you knew too much how it feels like to be left out. Even when you like to bask in the comfort of your own world, there were times on your past that made you feel insignificant. But that eventually changed.
His emerald eyes then landed on your seated form, chatting with his other classmates. Of course, you didn’t talk much but you did try to go for small talks. You giggled and smiled at their words. Izuku wouldn’t stop thinking of it. He wouldn’t stop thinking how sweet you were and how you make him sigh dreamily. He looked at you with so much fondness that his heart would somewhat explode to bloom something more in him. Something that made his stomach flip.
Gosh, since when did he became so lovesick?
The thought made him frown, though, he was still flushing. Eyes never wavering at the sight of your existence.
It almost wavered though. You were now also looking at him.
Both of you stared at each other for a few good seconds as you stared back in a dumbfounded manner. Izuku was, well, shocked. It didn’t take long for you to wave at him with a smile that Izuku thought was cuter than before.
Quite taken aback from your action, he managed to wave back nervously. He almost scolded himself for being a nervous wreck when both of you are long-time friends. He just hopes you wouldn’t catch up on his little speck of shyness.
Thinking back to what Katsuki said, he felt like he should be doing something now. Since he said that everyone in their class are pretty much aware of his interest in you, he should be taking his risks now. Whether you know it already or not, you need to hear it from him and not from them.
For now, it’s him you should be listening to.
As decided, he stood up and walked towards you only to stop when he was close enough to face you. You gave him a questioning look as he stood there quite timidly.
You smiled up to him. “Hmm? What’s up, Izuku?”
Izuku almost twitched a wide smile for seeing you close, but he refrained.
“Uh…hey. So….I was gonna- Well, sorry if this is just sudden but…you know, I wanted to- to- “
Great. He’s stuttering. He just blundered his own front for being not too obvious in front of you that he could only hope you were dense enough to go past it.
Unfortunately or fortunately, that isn’t going to be the case.
You could only stare at him for a few moments, widening your eyes. You knew those gestures and those frantic eyes. Those stutters that were accompanied by his cute blushes. Sure, it might be something different as man to woman but it can be different when it’s entirely on a deeper sentiment.
Oh, hush, you. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions. You…really shouldn’t.
“You…want to dance with me?” You almost muttered.
The green haired man tensed. It’s now or never.
“How- um,…. Yeah….” He bit his lip for a few second. Frantic eyes searched for your own as he was caught in a moment of trance. Ah, you were doing it again, making his heart swell a lot. He then showed his palm to you.
“Will you dance with me, [Name]?”
Izuku could never miss the way your eyes shine with elation as you replied.
“I would love to.” Chuckling, you took his hand. Basking in on his rough palms that was somehow so soft in many ways. Taking his hand like this felt different as it ignited a fluttering joy in you. You flushed.
Leading you on the dance floor, hands where they needed to be, you both swayed to the song. You rested your hands on his shoulder as he rested his on your hips. You felt the growing shyness in you take over but you rattled it with a quick breath. Looking up to him, you locked eyes with emerald ones. You saw how his lips twitch up in a smile at your attention as you finally saw it close up.
His cheeks were red as he only smiled at you. A smile that seemed so different to the other ones he gave you because it was much more clear and precise this time. His eyes shine so brightly, brighter than the dancing lights across the venue.
That only made you clutch his shoulder a bit as your insides felt a thousand flutter of wings.
You weren’t keen on human socialization and having a significant other was almost crossed out on your list. You didn’t know whether you would be qualified to be one because of your likeness to be in solitude and not a mind speaker. You would only rely a lot on your sight to observe and thoughts to decide on.
But when it comes to Izuku, you were much more open. You always feel at the best of your ability and comfort because he was he. The most adorable and kindest man you’ve ever known. You could say there’s a mix of bias in there but you know your feelings are genuine.
Too genuine perhaps.
Although, you would definitely admit that, Midoriya Izuku is — no doubt — your type of man.
You only decided he is because he’s the only one you would adore and look up to. Growing up with him does things, and it makes your heart beat pound.
You scanned his face. His cute little freckles stayed true on its spot since childhood, now colored with a tint of blush. He was incredibly handsome, your heart swelled. His stares had seemingly turned into a much more genuine contrast as his fondness was flowing in every corner of his gaze. Once again, that shyness crept up to you as you blushed furthermore.
“I’ve been wanting to ask.” Izuku broke the moment first. You hummed in reply. “A-Are you interested in someone lately?”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Oh….you mean like- romance and stuff?” That caught you off guard so now that shyness took over you in a matter of seconds. Nonetheless, you already decided. “I guess…maybe, yeah…”
“Will you tell me who? If- If its fine with you.” He should really work on his vocabulary in front of you more now. Not long did he received a hearty laugh from you. His gaze stayed on you as you flushed on his question.
Izuku smiled at that.
“If you’re interested in someone, Izuku, would you tell me too?”
Almost with a quick breeze of panic, he tried to maintain his nervousness. “Ah- Yeah, duh. Ahahaha…” He sweatdropped.
So you didn’t know. Izuku thought so. That honestly made him relief knowing that at least you would be able to hear it from him. Right now — if he can.
But you beat him to it.
“You’re cute, Izuku.”
Dumbfounded, Izuku stared. “Pardon?”
You giggled and replied. “Nothing.”
It sank in his mind as panic rose. “You did not just- just- brush that off.” His blush before had deepened its shade of red. Feeling much more conscious from your eyes even though he knows that you were just as embarrassed. “What you on about?” Looking away, he retorted with the same blush.
Fortunately, it doesn’t end there.
“I hope you got my hint.”
“Huh, hint?” Izuku darted his eyes back on you, only for him to bask on the sincerity of your words. You then smiled at him as your eyes-
Izuku relished in your fond gaze as your cheeks flushed — and your eyes only stayed on him, searching for something. As if you were expecting something from him and it hit him.
“Oh, shit.”
Your pretty little eyes widened for a brief second as you eventually laughed at his reaction. “You swearing always gets me.”
“How can I not? You… do you really mean it or you’re just messing around with me?” He frowned and pouted almost so childishly at you. He blushed furiously.
You looked at him with much more sincere, not wanting him to take it the other way. Tilting your head, you bit your lips before replying. “I meant it.”
“Like- meant it that way…if you know..”
At that very moment, a prolonged silence ensued. You already avoided his gaze as the man processed his thoughts. He felt the signal. You were right there, and both of you were expecting something.
 “You’re really attractive.” He finally blurts it out.
“[Name], I like you a lot.”
It didn’t take too long for both of your hearts to erupt in a fluttering swirls of string that tug you towards each other. Cheeks mutually heating up from the growing tension. You looked up to him once again, recovering from your quick shock — you released your smile that took all of your shyness to spring it up.
Izuku finally said it and he could only tensed even more when you leaned forward, resting your head on his shoulder.
His heart was filled with warmth at the action as he smiled for the umpteenth time. And it only got wider when you said it.
“I like you too, Izuku…”
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sapphic-agent · 7 months
Hopefully, this ask won’t get you in trouble. If you feel it does, then feel free to disregard this. Or if you don’t feel comfortable or confident talking about it, cause it does involve talking about ships.
But it somewhat feels like Horikoshi for the later chapters seems to be catering for same sex pairings, like Midoriya always being around Bakugou, or Ochako’s most significant moments now being around Toga. At least to me.
And the fact he seems to be focusing on same sex pairings certainly isn’t the problem.
The problem is the fact is the pairings he’s focusing on are f****** shit!
BakuDeku is an angry asshole bossing around and being a d*****bag to a boy that has been conditioned to think so highly of his abuser. This is a hop, skip and a jump away from Stockholm Syndrome.
Togachako, imo, is slightly worse than BakuDeku (but not by much) simply because it’s a very one sided relationship where one partner always has to cater to the problems of the other with no sign of returned love or reciprocated love. I wouldn’t trust Toga to know when she’s had enough of my blood. Why should I believe she would know where to stop drinking Ochako’s blood? And despite the images throughout their fight, like Toga GROPING Ochako, Horikoshi, for some disturbing reason, tries SO hard to paint this as a CUTE couple. (Hell, the dude could be showing Toga literally EATING Ochako and somehow paint it as an endearing thing…)
Why is Horikoshi banking on these toxic forms of love for the LGBTQ when he’s had more HEALTHIER couples?!?
TodoDeku? Tsuchako? IidaDeku? Minachako?
Hell, there are other pairings that were literally already there!
Mirio and Amajiki!
It’s just…it’s baffling why BakuDeku and Togachako are paraded as these fantastic M/M and W/W ships when they are anything BUT.
I have a sapphic couple in their wedding dresses as my pfp and my user is sapphic-agent... I'd honestly be impressed if someone could accuse me of homophobia😆Feel free to submit any LGBTQIA asks :)
In the case of TogaChako, I just think Toga herself is queer-bait. Among BakuDeku and other queer ships becoming popular, good old Hori probably thought to himself, "What's the best way to capitalize on this?" without actually putting any thought or care into it (like with Bakugou's redemption once he started to become popular). So he made Toga canonically bisexual (I'm like 90% sure she wasn't originally intended to be bi as she was way more infatuated with Izuku than Uraraka initially). And she's bad rep to boot. Horikoshi is making his only canonically queer character a predator... that's not a good look.
I even like Toga. Or, I liked how much potential she had at the beginning of the series. She was original and I liked her quirk. He could have given her a lot of depth, but nah let's just make her creepy and a predator mfers will eat it right up... And he was right unfortunately.
What makes it worse is that Uraraka has to be at the center of Toga's advances (again, WHY THE GROPING PANEL). Idk if it's because she's the main girl or what, but she deserved better than this.
(Tbh, I know she's Izuku's LI, but her and Tsu are way cuter and a lot healthier than her and Toga)
BakuDeku I feel like is part of that queer-baiting. Look, the fact is that it will never be canon. We know it, the shippers know it (even if they feign delusion), and Horikoshi knows it. But that doesn't mean Hori isn't milking it for all its worth. Do you see how the shippers go nuts when Izuku and Bakugou are in the same panel together? The entire MHA feed will be filled with it here on Tumblr for weeks. They eat that shit up and Horikoshi knows that. That's part of the reason why he forced reconciliation between them, so that he'd have more content for them to froth at the mouth over.
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faulty-writes · 11 months
Hey uh I dont know if you can but I'd love it if you made bakugou or some of the mha boys with a wednesday addams reader? like the one in the netflix show, use female pronounces thank you love<3
[ Hello dear Anon. So I decided to make this into a headcanon request and used three of our boys. I hope you like it. To be quite honest, I'm a fan of the original Addams Family television series from 1964, but I do love how Wednesday is portrayed in the Addams Family movies. I haven't actually seen the Netflix show, but I will do my best to combine all the knowledge I have regarding the Addams Family into this. ]
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The dark and mysterious nature of you caught his attention at first, but your honesty and confidence drew him to you as well. As a girl, it was uncommon to be interested in the macabre but that was why he saw you in a different light than the damn extras he knew.
Unlike most who might see him as an angry broken boy and feel sorry for him, you loved the scent of misery and anger on him. He was a source of chaos, a source of chaos that sought to help others at all costs. But more so, he was a God who held fear in place. You had never been afraid before meeting him, and it was that fear that you loved most about him.
"Yeah, you think that'll work babe?" He enjoyed the provoking and in-depth conversations he could have with you. Although, they mostly revolved around his quirk and how he could improve his tactical skills on the field. Of course, he appreciated your violent descriptions of what you wished he could do to others, including how he should keep any blood he spilled on his person until you could see it.
"Tell anyone about this and I'll blast your damn face off!" While you seemed to enjoy threats like this, you knew that despite his explosive nature, he appreciated your emotional support. The fact that he could cry around you and show his vulnerable side was new to him and something he would need to get used to. Still, being cradled in your shadow of darkness away from the rest of the world brought him comfort.
Being a hero was once the most important thing to him and victory was the only thing on his mind during training. But over time, you consumed his thoughts. He found that you were the most significant thing to him and he wanted to be a better hero for you. Everything he did was to prove he could continue to be the one you could always look up to.
Your sense of adventure led you to do unusual or unorthodox things with Katsuki when you were free. "Yeah, you can hold my hand if you're scared babe," he'd repeatedly tell you when the two of you explored abandoned places around Japan or embarked on a haunted house tour. Although you always refused the offer, at the end of the night your fingers were interlaced. It was an odd feeling, but you never wanted to let his hand go.
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He noticed your compassionate nature when you sat down next to him one day, he assumed it was because you had seen he was sitting by himself. Despite your uncanny appearance that drove most away, the fact that you held such concern for others that were misunderstood or discriminated against is something that he cherished.
"I can't b-believe how much information we just learned! T-This is amazing!" Izuku was the only person you thought was tolerable when he talked and scribbled in that small notebook of his. In addition, you enjoyed the conversations you had with him which usually involved heroism and morbidity. Unlike most, he accepted your interest in darker things and often asked you questions regarding your villain analysis.
"Yeah, I g-guess I've always felt different even when…when I got my quirk I s-still felt like I d-didn't deserve it." While the two of you could have conversations about your life experiences, sometimes the conversations got dark and frankly you loved it. Being able to dig into Izuku's mind and bring out his inner darkness only made you feel more connected to him.
While you didn't care what others thought of you, if anyone spoke badly about Izuku you'd often threaten them with the most morbid, most gruesome descriptions of what you'd do to them if they didn't stop. While Izuku appreciated how protective you were of him, and how you were always ready to defend him whenever necessary, he apologized on your behalf to the people you threatened.
On the other hand, you always encouraged Izuku to embrace his own strength and stand up for himself. You'd even explain the dangers of conforming to a society that should bend to your will. But deep down you knew he could show everyone what he was truly made of. In return, Izuku encouraged you to explore your own potential even if it was a touch too dark for most.
Izuku enjoyed keeping detailed notes about your quirk which was similar to Sir Nighteye's but with one small difference, you could see the past and the future when touching someone or something. Unfortunately, your quirk was one of the reasons you refused to be physically affectionate with Izuku, that is until he requested specially designed gloves to be made for you.
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From the beginning, he immediately noticed the intriguing qualities that made your presence immaculate, as well as your guarded nature and limited attention to others. He grew fascinated by you, a beautifully morbid girl.
Your fashion sense was perplexing yet charming to him. "To clothe yourself in such a style from an era vastly different from our own is quite extraordinary!" he'd praise. Your Victorian-inspired wardrobes usually included chokers, fishnet stockings, and combat boots. Tenya could not help but remain in awe and stare at you whenever you entered the room, despite knowing staring was quite rude.
Tenya enjoyed that you shared his values regarding intellectual pursuits, although your conversations varied across different subjects. His favorite thing to discuss with you was literature. While he fell more on the academic side of it, he admired your knowledge of the darker aspects of literature like Grimm's Fairy Tales or Edgar Allan Poe's work.
While the two of you had different hobbies, you shared a love of acting. Whenever an opportunity came to put your acting skills to work during training exercises or a play Yuuei High put on, you went off script and implemented the use of fake blood during any death scene. This usually terrified the audience and your fellow classmates and angered Tenya who always screamed, "Clean up this mess at once!" At the end of the day, he accepted your eccentric taste.
Tenya respected your unique and unconventional date ideas, although he was still slightly uncomfortable whenever you insisted on having a picnic or taking a walk through the graveyard given you usually wanted to do this during the evening. He would grow protective and continuously urge that the two of you needed to be back on Yuuei property before curfew.
You and Tenya had an unusual sense of humor. Tenya didn't understand most jokes, and when he tried to tell one it fell flat. In addition, he hated when others laughed at him and often scolded them unlike you who held a dark sense of humor and whose jokes regularly made others feel uncomfortable. Still, he always tried to find some sense of comedy when you told your jokes even if they were inappropriate at times.
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justatalkingface · 10 months
what's your opinion on the big 3? When I was hyperfoxed on this series they were the thing I care Abt the most (I enjoyed season 4, obv I'd change some stuff now but I still remember it being atleast ok)
I hate how dirty they did my girl nejire, as far as I'm aware they didn't even do anything with her after the whole pagent thing she just got a small backstory about how she was sad (don't know all of it I haven't been keeping up that well w the manga)
mirios not having a quirky and having to save eri (a girl who I can't imagine would be that skilled at the age she is and has been training on lizards to give his quirk back all together, I'd imagine it taking a few more months but bnhas time is shit so) and coming back in the war arc to punch one person and then basically do noting iicr
The only decently written one was amajiki, I wish they had more going on I think they have a fun dynamic (w them helping taking care of eri and me rlly liking idk what it's called but I love the fluff it brings) :(
Lots of mixed feelings, in all honesty. Lots of mixed feelings.
I'll admit, a big part of my mixed feelings about them is they showed up as the latest, 'Stomp on Izuku's everything' at the point in the story where it was becoming obvious that there was always something stomping on Izuku, and that gave me a bad first impression on them I've never been able to shake... which isn't helped by how they're connected to the clusterfuck of Nighteye, of all people, which is kind of my whole thing with Mirio (warning; I am biased):
As a person, he's obviously nice, but as a character, basiclly his entire reason for existing was, 'give Izuku an existential crisis' and I don't think I've ever forgiven him for that, really. His entire character is just bigger, stronger, older, happier, more capable, more confident, more successful, more loved Izuku, who had a Quirk his whole life and only had to dig deep to find out how strong it, and he, was all along.
Unironically. It's....
It's a really bad look, to be blunt; he feels kind of like a bad fanfiction character written by a bad writer who wanted to put their super special OC in the story, except he's canon.
Since we've never seen him even think something unheroic, there's really nothing that distinguishes him from that impression factual statement, which, again, makes it hard for me to give a shit about him, or even remember him... which is a problem Hori seems to share, lol. It doesn't help that I loathe Sir Nighteye and that most of his development time is spent admiring him, to boot, and that his parts of the story are either empty or focused on a living plot device I can't quite like no matter how hard I try because of how blatant the emotional manipulation is about the biggest story breaking, SOD shattering plot device until Stars and Stripes showed up.
If he ever got any kind of development to flesh him out a human being rather than being either Izuku and/or a heroic archetype, it'd help, but beyond all of that his biggest personality trait is liking jokes, and that barely even comes up. Or, rather, considering both the Final Arc and his response to Bakugou's name, along with Nighteye's own tendencies, 'jokes', maybe.
He doesn't deserve it, I admit it, it's not his fault, but I just can't get past that. He also doesn't deserve to just be forgotten until his big moment of a butt joke, but... MHA, everyone. In all honesty, I'd just like him better if his entire story arc didn't exist in and as some of the worst parts of the Overhaul arc, but he's tainted by that fact.
I freely admit that I am unfairly biased against him, so take all of that with a mountain of salt.
As a side note though, god, the story doesn't seem to realize how badly Nighteye is using the poor kid; Mirio thinks Nighteye is training him because he's worthy, while Nighteye mainly seems to be doing it because he's the closest thing to an All Might clone he can get, bar him actually cloning All Might, even if he grew to like him for who he is. I'm not sure Nighteye ever thought of Mirio with just his Quirk as anything more than a temporary situation; even at the start of canon, when on his own merits he's rising to fame with how successful he is, Nighteye's overall focus is still about getting AFO into the kid.
I almost wish I could see Nighteye explaining how all of his training came down to getting All Might's Quirk, just to see MIrio react and tear Nighteye down a peg about it, except Hori's history of handling these kinds of things means he'd never be allowed to be properly offended on his own behalf, the poor bastard.
Moving on, Tamaki. Out of all of them, he's had the biggest of an on-screen story arc, and in a intellectual way his Quirk is easily the most interesting. Unfortunately, while he has a personality, it feels so bland at times that he's far easier to remember for his Quirk than who he is.
I liked his story, really, but at the time it was overshadowed by Mirio and his everything, and by the time he showed back up it was clear how irrelevant it and he was, so it was more about how (admittedly, very) cool he get his Quirk to be than it was about him, and with some brutal honesty, it's probably because his Quirk is so interesting that he even got that much focus beyond that initial arc by Hori.
And... Nejirie.
In a combat sense she's easily the best of them, really; Mirio is almost purely defensive, which limits him (especially if he's not surprising someone with it) while Tamaki's Quirk, while flexible, is so conditional in ways that can easily hold him back (we only ever see him fight with full preparation; if he's not gearing for a fight he'd be easy to ambush), and like a lot of things in the Final Arc, his big laser canon thing is.... questionable.
Nejirie, though, is just simply powerful. In a setting where everyone has one power and one main application of that power, where you either fly or blast things, but not both, she's the closest I've seen to a 'traditional' super hero, like you'd see in Marvel or DC.
At the same time, though, out of the three of them she least has a story, for obvious reasons, and it's a disgrace, really. If Hori had just spent some time on her, on the her backstory that apparently exists (yeah, I'm not sure where that is either), she could have been so interesting... but really, all she is is the Girl Teammate. Her personality traits are The Girl Teammate's personality traits. She's just The Girl Teammate stamped over all of the interesting stuff, and it's such a waste, it really is.
And finally, as a unit? The Big Three is a shiny toy that Hori forgot in the corner somewhere as soon as he got bored with it. He spent a few minutes oohing and aahing over them, focusing really hard on developing interesting powers, how they could be used, and how strong they were, only to start to lose interest as soon as those powers were established, and he was writing the three of them off before their introductory arc was even over.
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theloganator101 · 9 months
In an ideal world, Mha's main cast would look something like:
Izuku, the protagonist: Treated well by narrative, actually develops and learns to be both stand up for himself and trust people. He still gets OFA but his quirkless past isn't forgotten because the concept of him going from powerless to powerful is interesting
Shouto, the deuteragonist: Starts the same as canon but never gets sideline by Endeavor in his own plot, actually gets focus on who he wants to be as a person and his connections to his friends, he's also one of the biggest critics of the current hero system. Shouto also learns that he shouldn't risk his own well-being and mental health to save a family that's already beyond repair (He could also be Izuku's love interest because... it just works)
Ochaco, the triagonist: Izuku's BFF who gets tons of screentime and development and is actually powerful. She wants to be the hero who saves other heroes just like in canon and calls out how the celebrity culture of heroes has negativelly affected the mental health of those in the profession (none of the bullshit with Toga happens)
Tenya: Izuku's main rival, they're still friends but they butt heads often and through that they actually help eachother grow and realize their flaws.
Eijirou: Shouto's self-proclaimed best friend who approaches him as the start because he thinks Shouto looks lonely. He's the one who starts melting the walls Shouto has put up before Izuku completely crashes through them in the sports fes. Backstory remains the same as canon.
Mina: Shouto's rival, who disliked him at first because of how he treated others initially. Higly skilled with her quirk and actually on par with Shouto when it comes to quirk proficiency and combat. After the sports fes, she and Shouto become friends but are still very competitive with eachother.
Yuga: One of Izuku's first friends after entering U.A along with Tenya and Ochaco. Actually quirkless, the belt is just a support item but he keeps it a secret. Eventually tells Izuku the truth and they both confide in eachother with Izuku also telling him about OFA (Not the traitor anymore because that plot point is just terrible)
Any thoughts?
I love all of this!
Izuku gets the positive attention he deserves.
His friends not sidelined.
Actual themes and plot points get explored instead of being used as flavor text.
A gay ship I actually love.
And my boy Aoyama doesn't get screwed over!
One thing I will add is hopefully Bakugou got expelled after the battle trials since that's where it would make sense to get rid of him after he literally attempted murder.
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