#your diy blorbos. hand them over
pyreshe · 1 year
you: so my oc-
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Reading Preferences - Peddlestox Shinyrocks
as tagged by @mimble-sparklepudding
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BOLD genres your character reads. Italicize genres your character occasionally peruses. Strikethrough if they absolutely won’t touch it. Bold, italicized and strikethrough they won't go 10 fulms feet of it.
art | biography | business | chick lit | children’s | classics | comics | contemporary | cookbooks | crime | fantasy | fiction | gay and lesbian | graphic novels | historical fiction | history | horror | humor and comedy | memoir | music | mystery | nonfiction | paranormal | philosophy | poetry | psychology | religion | romance | science | science fiction | self help | suspense | spirituality | sports | thriller | travel | young adult | warfare
ty mimble for the ask! i... do not know who hasn't done this
@starrysnowdrop for her two blorbos? @houserosaire? uhh @draculas-husband @laladventures perhaps? sends one @cadrenebula too
So a little bit about Kwaszits:
The bolds:
She doesn't believe anyone can be too old for a children's story. And she prefers the simpler words.
Comics and Graphic Novels? They have pictures. Even if she can't understand the words she can certainly look at the pictures.
Fantasy and Fiction? She likes hearing about the tales of adventurers and a lot of them seem fairly far fetched from a non-adventurer's perspective.
Kwas loves romance novels. She loves the pining, the slow burns, the love at first sights, Romeo and Juliet type stuff.
The italics:
These are underneath a bunch of assumptions.
Chick lits I don't think are things Kwas would often look at now, but maybe once or twice when she was a teen.
Art depends on what constitute as "art". Are we including making forms of art like say jewelry making, knitting, quilting, embroidery, etc or just plain drawing/sketch/painting books to learn from or just plain picture books of art? If its the broad strokes, it'd probably be a bold instead. If its the latter two, again, once or twice but not often.
Cookbooks are only when she wants to make something and nothing else.
Historical fiction will depend on the plot.
Humor/comedy I think she would be interested in, but I've also never read either of those kinds of books (because they don't really appeal to me, I'd rather watch a comedy/satire) so maybe.
Nonfiction and science are probably where her instruction manuals and DIYs are put in, but they're also other things in there so italics.
Science fiction is not as good as Fantasy/Fiction but I think she'd read a handful.
Travel books only for the newest place she's heading to and never again.
The normals:
The only one I wanna talk about here is the gay/lesbian one because... well if its under romance she'll probably read it, but she's not going to go out of her way to find them.
The strikethroughs:
Just plain disinterest in the topic.
The bold/italic/strikes:
Oh dear god does she hate these.
Poetry only for the sin of having problems understanding them. I think she'd find them pretty cute/interesting if she sat down and gave them a chance.
Warfare is obvious. She's a lovegobbie. Not a fighter.
Paranormal? Kwas is a coward. She HATES ghosts. (cocoa ghost only exception and only cause he's been nice and giving her cocoa) She wants nothing to do with any of it - demons, cryptids, ghosts, all of that gives her nightmares and if I didn't know any better I'd say they could induce her into a panic.
Horror is pretty much the same thing. She doesn't like the idea of something going bump in the night, anything to do with the likes of things like slasher fics or murder mysteries or anything that could make her think not twice but four times over being alone with a chocobo on the road going to the next town. Her gobbieheart can't take it.
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First Line, Last Line, Best Line
I was tagged by the wonderful @blossom-adventures (thank you very much! 💖) to give away the first, last, and best lines of my fic—I'm gonna give a few author's notes in each one, because Why Not...😇
First Line!
Laat Dovahkiin is not the ordinary heroine of the coveted legend Skyrim always envisioned; a child out of wedlock, unlucky enough to never meet her own parents, condemned to the most unjust of deaths at the executioner's axe by the age of twenty.
Okay, these were the very first lines I ever wrote for TPATD, and even though I wrote them when I was still a bit of a novice in writing (and probably would have written them a bit differently now), they pretty much encapsulate the heroine I wanted to make for this story: a person who's painfully ordinary and relatable, enduring Struggles™ as much as any other person in Skyrim, and none of her Dragonborn powers coming to her easily—my poor blorbo has got her ass kicked Multiple Times before she finally reached where she's now, and I'm very proud of her!
Last Line!
If the word emotional has a synonym term, that would be Jia's name and state at this exact moment. She nods her head furiously, swallowing her sobs again and again and again until her bobbing throat is almost scraped and bleeding. While she squeezes her arms around his waist, fingers clawing desperately on his back, Miraak's jaw rests on the crown of her head, his hand getting lost inside her thick unbound mane as he strokes it. "Yes, we stay; we stay here tonight," Jia repeats, almost as though talking to herself. "And—and we will come back when everything's all over; I promise you this, dii shir iilahil. I promise you."  Gods only know how she will fulfill that promise most verily.
These are the lines of the freshly-baked chapter 18! They take place somewhere that will play a significant role at a crucial point of the story, and it's Jia and Miraak in a moment of shared vulnerability (especially on Miraak's part, even if these lines seem to connote Jia's more. I won't spoil more, though).
Best Line!
And yet, amidst her suffering, something seems to soothe her too-tired soul because for once in her life... she did it. In this safe haven Miraak has built for her, she made it to unfold every trace of her pain, lift it up to his mouth like a ripe fruit to bite, with him declaring in return, look at me sinking my teeth in it and swallowing it out of your soul. 
I struggled a lot to find my best line as I have many favorites, but this is the one that came first to mind, and went for it. Not only because of the hurt/comfort theme as it appears superficially, but mainly because these lines highlight exactly what I have in mind for Jia's and Miraak's soul-bond: whatever emotion the one has, the other feels it right in their soul, as though they are woven into one another's essences. It's a shared pain, and even though Miraak didn't know the details of her past sufferings, when she finally revealed them to him with words, he felt like he had, somehow, experienced them too... So he basically thinks here, "let me relieve you from all this pain; it's not only yours to carry, it's also mine."
Whoever sees this and wants to do it, please feel free; you're all tagged! 💖
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toads-treasures · 9 months
For Leda and Cori (but feel free not to do both or to skip questions or anything)!
What is your Tav’s origin story? 
What is your character’s moral alignment?
How does your Tav get along with each party member?
Does your Tav consider themselves a hero, villain, victim or something else?
-wayhavenots :)
Ahhh thank you for the ask!!! I tried so hard not to let this get too long and uhhhhhh I failed 😂 I was way too excited to talk about my DIY blorbos
What is your tav’s origin story?
Staring off with my first ever Tav Leda!!
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She’s actually had a lot of different origin stories 😂 before I ever had the game, and I was just obsessively theorizing I thought it would be funny to have a little pink murder muffin. So I set out to make the cutest, sparkliest, most pastel candy colored character and have that be my Dark Urge character! I did not consider the fact that I cannot be mean to pixels, and I restarted after one (1) uncontrolled murder lol.
So Leda’s backstory took a hard left and she’s been through many iterations, but the tldr version is she was born into a noble house, but was banished from it at a young age because of her uncontrolled magic and a tragic incident involving hellish rebuke She ran as far from home as she could and took any odd job offered to her, and when she inevitably had a surge of wild magic that would cause her to lose said job, she’d move on. I picked the urchin background for her in game, but this is what is in the Deep Lore of my brain lol. Someday I do want to do a dark urge run with her, but, we shall see if I am strong enough 😂
Now for my new Tav, Corisandre!
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Cori was raised on the road with her family (parents and older sister Lyra, and younger sister Melody). Her mother is a cleric of Kelemvor (god of death) and travels around the sword coast preforming last rites, taking care of the undead and general Cleric of Death business. Her father is a bard and handyman. He’d often preform (sing and play the lyre) or do repair work around a tavern in exchange for lodgings on the road. Most people preferred his handiwork over his singing lol. Her family often came in contact with a traveling group of performers that seemed to follow similar routes as her and her family. Cori loved watching them. They were much more polished and professional than what she and her dad would do, as they were both self taught. She befriended several members of the troop, particularly a talented lute player, a boy named Lark. They were happy to teach her more about music and preforming, and the magic they used to enhance their talents with both. Then, when she was eighteen there was a long period of time where she didn’t see the troop at all. When her family finally ran into them again, she discovered that they’d been attacked on the road and several members, including her friend Lark, had died. Cori was devastated, and decided to join the troop, hoping to protect them on the road. She was with them up until she got kidnapped by the mindflayer ship.
What is your character’s moral alignment? Does your Tav consider themselves to be more of a hero, a villain, a victim or something else?
I’m going to combine these two questions a bit!!
Leda is chaotic neutral, but that changes to chaotic good as she gets a little bit of guidance from a certain Blade of Frontiers. She’s always admired people who would be considered “good aligned” but often felt too cowardly to become so herself. Her magic has hurt people more often than it’s helped, and so she’s spent most of her life trying to repress it, never really learned how to control it or use it for “good”. But she’s working on it now! And now that she has an actual support system (Wyll cough cough, Honeylark) being a “hero” comes much easier.
Cori is neutral good!
She’s always willing to lend someone a hand if it’s within her means to do so, and is quick to stand up for anyone vulnerable, part of the reason she joined the preforming troop was to protect them. I don’t think she’d really consider herself a hero though. In her mind she’s just a silly little bard who happens to be pretty good with stabbing things that need stabbing lol. She can’t be considered lawful good, though she was kind of raised with a similar set of principles, but she’s not quite as erratic as Leda 😂
How does your Tav get along with each party member?
Cori is so new that I’m not really sure yet!! So far, she has the highest approval with Gale, then shadowheart and Karlach. She initially was a little ruffled by Lae’zel but only because she was mean to the very scared Tiefling, Zorru, in the grove and Cori is very protective of other tieflings lol. But she’s got crazy high insight stats, so I think she’s quick to realize that pretty much all of these people are terrified. She knows Lae’zel is so far from anything even remotely familiar and she doesn’t take her brusk attitude to heart really. Overall she’s quite fond of all of them, particularly a very verbose wizard, and a fiery, kind hearted tiefling.
Led gets along very well with pretty much everyone! But she’s also a pathological people pleaser at the beginning lol, so it might have been hard to tell what was genuine connection and what was her doing whatever it took to make herself seem useful so they wouldn’t leave her behind.
I think initially Shadowheart, Astarion and Lae’zel found her naive and silly. Astarion in particular thought she’d be an easy mark for his plan of “seduction for protection” but she was also oblivious to him attempting to come on to her and he gave up pretty quick 😂 I think she feels the closest, friend wise, with shadowheart and Karlach. Lae’zel was and is slightly terrifying to her but she likes her a lot, one of her favorite things is telling Lae’zel the summary of novels (usually romance novels) she’s read while they walk, but changing them up to be much more violent and battle heavy to keep Lae’zel interested. At first she avoids Gale, she’s intimidated by his knowledge of magic and feels very insecure about her own abilities (or lack there of) but he grows to be a very good teacher! He’s very patient with her and she likes listening to him but she is my adhd queen so if there’s not something to keep her hands busy while she’s talking her eyes will glaze over.
With the later companions, Halsin Jaheira and Minsc, Leda adores them all and sees them as role models/parental figures, especially Jaheira. Though Minsc is definitely more of a fun uncle type 😂
And then last but not least, the pride of the gate Wyll Ravengard himself. Leda was smitten with him from literally the first moment she saw him. His introduction at the grove, the way he was so kind to the Tiefling children, girl was practically swooning. She’s always loved romance/adventure stories and Wyll seems like he basically stepped out of one. She’s met people before who may play the part of hero, who pretend to be a knight in shining armor. But she’s never met anyone who actually embodies those ideals like Wyll does. And the more she gets to know him, the more she admires him, and the more she worries about his selflessness turning to self destruction.
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