#your future
knubbfeedeesspace · 17 days
Again, don't claim any ownership, but thia feedism propaganda is just too hot to not upload.
Your choice, choose obesity
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taystarotoverload · 10 months
What Direction Is Your Life Headed In
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☆ this is JUST a general reading so take what resonates leave what doesn’t. we’re going to be looking at what path the universe has you on right now + more! 🤍
☆ how to PICK A PILE: Breathe in deeply for 3 and out for 5. Meditate on each picture continuing this manual breathing. Ask spirit out loud or in your head “what direction is my life headed in” and meditate on it. You’ll hear a number or see a number pop into your head, or maybe you’ll feel drawn to a certain pile. whatever works for you go for it! if you’re new to pick a piles this may be difficult at first, but as you read and watch them more and more the process becomes much easier! 😊
☆ lastly thank you thank you to my guides and your guides for offering me and providing me the energy, knowledge, and guidance to do this reading. 🤍
wheel of fortune - judgement - eight of pentacles - knight of cups - five of pentacles - three of pentacles - 7 of cups - page of cups
pile 1 you are going to be receiving so much fortune and balance in your life. some of you will be starting a new job and this will help you financially. seeings lots of money coming into your life pile 1. you’re going to feel better mentally too. some of you were just down in the dumps and spirit is saying “not for long !” because you’re going to see your life change drastically. pile 1 there are a lot of people who have their eyes on you? i’m seeing that people are thinking about you and talking about you. this can be people thinking about hiring you for a job? some of y’all are in a BAD workspace and the universe is like “we don’t want you to go through this… so we got you this” and it’s like the same job but a whole different energy lol. some of y’all are going to get into a relationship with someone? i’m not seeing this relationship lasting a looonnggg time but it will be a very rewarding relationship. i’m seeing that lots of changes will be made but you’ll also be faced with lots of choices. you’re probably going to feel extremely overwhelmed and stressed by all of these ‘choices’ but spirit wants you to know that you’re on the right path, and whatever choice you make will bring you more fortune and more balance. i’m seeing that spirit wants you to reaaallllyyyy think about your choices before you make them though. don’t just get up and do something without thinking, actually take the time to analyze it.
two of wands - wheel of fortune - six of pentacles - nine of cups - death - four of pentacles
wow pile 2 there is an old energy coming into your life? somebody that you knew in the past is coming back into your life, but this time they’re going to be wise and bring you lots of closure. pile 2 are y’all confused about something? is there something you’re really needing closure on that is making you slightly annoyed/angry? just heard something some of y’all are in relationships and your partner might be hiding something? or could be friends or work partners. i’m seeing that there is an energy that will come into your life and bring you lots of closure and clarity. you will feel relieved. you feel a very strong weight on your shoulder, this is going to be lifted. i’m seeing some of you might be getting a raise at your job OR you will be getting a new job that pays reeeaaalllyyyy well. i’m seeing that lots of balance will be brought into y’all’s life, you’re going to view the world in a whole different light a whole different perspective. your energy is very strong to manifesting right now. don’t be afraid to manifest crazy things because crazy things can happen. pile 2 y’all are a very laid back, calm, mature pile. i’m feeling very safe in your energy. i’m seeing that not a LOT will change in your life but i am seeing that good offers will be sent to you, and you will find yourself with more money?? i’m just seeing you’re going to be smiling a lot more too haha
eight of cups - the moon - the empress - four of swords - temperance - six of swords - two of swords
so pile 3 y’all are interesting because i’m sensing some if not all of you are going through something with somebody right now. y’all are a very giving pile and might i say y’all can be a bit of a people pleaser. i’m seeing that there is a person or people that is feeding off of your energy. you’re giving a lot to this person and you’re receiving nothing back. this is very damaging to your own energy because you might be feeling very damaged and low and depressed. your energy is very stagnant and just empty. you already are aware of how this person is feeding off of you and it is honestly draining to even be aware about. im seeing that you just feel very used. you might feel like you have to walk around eggshells with this person. spirit knows the best option for you is to drop whoever this is in your life. don’t keep this negative energy in your life, because i’m seeing this could definitely cause problems in the future. i’m seeing once you drop this person you’re going to still feel very lost and alone. you’re going to feel alone fs. this feeling might last for… well a long time. but during this time i’m seeing a lot of you will be doing shadow work. this change will ground you. i’m seeing y’all will be very grounded. i’m really not seeing anything super drastic in your life pile 3, but i just felt like something was missing so i pulled an oracle for you.
oracle: create
you’re a very creative pile. i’m seeing that you had a blockage in your life. you were blocked from receiving things and i believe this is from another persons energy. im seeing that some of you were working on something really important and an opportunity was ripped away from you, or you just no longer had the energy to do it. pile 3 you’re going to feel that creative part of you again. you’re going to feel this energy that urges you to do something you really like. im seeing that you’re going to try and distract yourself so you don’t think about what has happened or will happen. iykwim.
eight of wands - knight of swords - page of swords - six of swords - two of swords - ace of pentacles - four of pentacles
your life is going to become very fast paced pile 4. im seeing lots of offers and lots of people coming into your life. i’m seeing something with work something big may be happening in your career. i’m seeing some of y’all your love life is about to take a turn??? uhhhh some of y’all bout to receive info about your partner. lots of secrets rising from the dead. things feel very fast and chaotic, lots of chaos might ensue in your pile. good and bad it’s very balanced but off balanced. some of y’all have some conflict happening? somebody might be irking y’all’s nerves so some conflict here and there. it’s really hard to think. y’all might have trouble thinking. i’m hearing a child that is like purposefully trying to annoy you… some of y’all might have some little kids trying to annoy you😭 i’m seeing some offers being handed out, be very cautious with who you talk to. there are some people who want to give you something that don’t have any good intentions. be very careful with who you let in your energy and space, some people like to see you fail and WANT to see you fail. you might be getting a haircut too tbh. some of y’all are trying to change something about yourselves and you’re going with style. you might be very curious about new things might find new hobbies? pile 4 y’all are giving me such scattered energy i’m feeling very happy then sad then annoyed etc etc, your emotions may be at an imbalance at this time. it’s from your. environment your environment is making y’all very chaotic. not many changes for you pile 4 if seeing life might feel very repetitious and boring. you might live in a big city so there’s lots of noise and people. you might feel very overwhelmed.
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numinously-yours · 2 months
Pick a pile: Where will you be in 3, 6, and 12 months?
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Looking back at my poll from a couple of weeks ago, there were three topics tied for second place. One of them is this one: Where will you be in 3, 6, and 12 months?
For this reading, I looked at your current energy. If you're not sure which pile is for you, please feel free to read that part first! Then, I went through and provided insight on where you'll be/what you'll be focused on at the 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month increments of the next year. The write ups are a bit longer than usual, so I apologize in advance for pile 3 & 4 for having to scroll a bit longer lol
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Current Energy: The Moon
At this current time, it feels like you are in an energy of “almost”. You have something in your mind that you think makes a good idea/proposal. Your gut tells you that you should go for it, but your anxiety is holding you back from taking the leap. You may be remembering a time in the past where you went for something big and it didn’t work out. You’re worried this may happen again and you don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment.
3 – Page of swords, Knight of cups
In three months time, you’re going to be on an enthusiastic, creative, and passionate adventure. There is something you are hoping to share with the world! In the months leading up to this, new ideas are going to be brewing. How can you best share your passion with others? What is a fun and new way to present your idea? Continue brainstorming these ideas and you’ll have a good basis of where to start when the time comes.
6 – Eight of wands
After a few more months of getting your idea up and running (6 mo. total) , you are really going to see movement and action. There may have been a few bumps along the way as you perfected the execution of your ideas above, but things seem to be smoothing out. I think that around this time, you’ll have a really solid foundation of where you want this project to go. As you see the rewards of your work, you may even want to begin expanding.
12 – Four of wands, Wheel of fortune
Finally, a year from now, you’re going to feel really fulfilled. What I love is that the wheel of fortune came up in this time frame specifically. The Wheel is about karma and life cycles – it makes me think that at this time next year you’re really going to feel like you’ve come full circle in whatever project you’ve just taken on. The four of wands is all about celebration, harmony, and relaxation. An amazing and overwhelming sense of “I did it!” is definitely coming through here. Congratulations on whatever you’re up to, pile 1. It’s going to be amazing 😊
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Current energy - Knight of pentacles rev. and Seven of cups rev.
You are feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. Based on the cards that came out for your timeline, I think it likely has to do with your social circle/relationships. Maybe you’re the foundation of the group and you’re starting to become tired of being everyone’s support (like, actual exhaustion, not just “sick of it”) or you feel like you’re the one who is continually left out. You are trying to figure out what to do about it but feel stuck. I also can’t stop thinking that some of you are students – either graduating HS this year and starting college in the Fall, transferring schools, or starting a new career closely after graduation. This might not be all of you, but I was called to make that note.
3 – Three of cups reversed
You’re going to venture on your own pretty soon here, number two. Where the three of cups upright is about community, celebrating with friends, etc., the reversal indicates that you need some alone time. It’s okay if you don’t feel like you’re really clicking with your people anymore. Even though it can suck, you must do what is best for you. And I think that means seeing who you are, without the influence of others. There is a small indication of overindulgence, specifically when it comes to lifestyle changes. While it’s important to find yourself, please remember to do it smartly and healthily.
6 – Six of cups, page of cups
Taking the time to find yourself is going to bring you to your six-month point. At this point in time, I think you’re going to have a pretty good idea of who “you” are. You’re going to be more in tune with your intuition & higher self. You have a clearer idea of the future – or at least you are getting more and more comfortable with the unknown. Taking this time for yourself was really important and I’m happy that you’re going to do it. It is going to teach you the beauty of curiosity, it’s going to remind you that your inner child is still within you and deserves fun, and it’s going to teach you that the past is the past and the only way forward is continuing to move ahead.
12 – Ten of coins, The Devil
The main message from these two cards comes from the ten of coins. This next year is going to teach you SO much about yourself. At this time next year, you’ll look back feel like your personal journey was absolutely worth it. You feel more abundant and much more confident that your future ahead is bright. The Devil, I think, is here as another reminder to not get ahead of yourself or start to feel conceited because of your journey. You may feel tempted to rub your success in the faces of that social circle you left, but that is not going to be beneficial to you. Let your success make YOU happy. You can absolutely share the success, but not as a way to shame the others who had previously let you down.
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Current Energy – The Emperor and Playday rev.
Playday is a specific card to this deck and, for some reason, there’s not any info on what the card was meant to represent. But hey, that’s all part of the tarot reading process! Since it came into reverse, my initial thought is that you haven’t had many opportunities to have playday. I asked the deck for a standard tarot card to clarify and the Emperor came out at that time. In your current energy, you feel an obligation to take of others and be a foundation for them. Some of you are likely parents or caretakers. Others feel like you have to be “the strong one”. In your eyes, there is no time for play because there is too much to be done and there are too many people who need you.
3 – Three of coins rev., Five of cups
I think it’s been your goal for some time to focus on self-care. And I think that you’re going to continue to try for the next three months. There is this sense that you wish others would take care of you for once, but you’re “stuck” taking care of yourself AND trying to take care of them at the same time. You wonder why you have to be on the journey of self-care alone. You might get to this three-month period and wonder what the point of self-care is if you don’t even feel better.  I’m here to remind you that ANY progress in taking care of yourself is good progress! The fact that you are THINKING about how you deserve to be taken care of is a good thing! It means you know your worth. Unfortunately, I don’t think the three-month period is going to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside but!! (see your six-month overview for more)
6 – The Chariot
Although the road to self-care has been HARD, you really WILL feel your rewards soon. By the six-month period, you’re going to feel some success. You’ll see that you have the willpower to take care of yourself instead of dropping everything to help everyone else, you’ll have the determination to hold your boundaries, and you’ll have the strength to remember that it only gets better from here. Boundary setting is coming out the strongest as the thing you’ll progress with the most. There will be tests that challenge this and sometimes the boundaries will come down, but you will more consistently BELIEVE you deserve the boundaries. It’s going to be an empowering time for you, group three! I’m just sorry it has to be the six month check point lol
12 – Five of swords rev., Ace of swords, Eight of swords (clarified by Sunrise, also a deck specific card!)
At this time next year, you’re going to be so proud of yourself. This makes my heart happy <3 There are still some times where people challenge your boundaries and try to take advantage of your genuine heart, but you’re finally at a point where you feel confident saying no. If/when this happens, you’ll reflect over this past year and see how far you’ve come. This will remind you of all of the hard work you did to get here and that it is not worth going back to feeling the way you did before (aka right now). You can ABSOLUTELY still be a person who provides a solid foundation for others, but not at the expense of yourself. Your mental state is going to feel soo much more clear. Each day you’ll realize something new about yourself, your needs, and how YOU can help yourself get there. This is really going to be a turning point in your mindset. AH I’m just so excited for you! Finally, with the eight of swords – I wanted to pull a clarifier because the eight usually represents negativity and victim mentality. I don’t think this will be your energy in a year. So, I pulled the Sunrise card. I think it’s AWESOME that you got 2/3 unique cards from this deck. This card is different than the Sun card, though, in my interpretation, it has a lot of the same energy. In the times that you feel guilty for setting your boundaries or taking care of yourself first, there will be a sunrise in the back of your mind. You will see the light of the rays and the warmth of this bright star. It will be a reminder that the sun always rises and it doesn’t mean you’re reverting back to your old tendencies to forget your own needs.
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12 month column is ace of wands & moonlight ; apologies for the hard to read text. in retrospect, I shouldn't have picked that photo background.
Current energy: The Devil reversed.
Right now, you are going through a personal transformation. I bet there is a sense of unknown and you’re a bit resistant to that (consciously or not). The future is scary and not being able to plan for it doesn’t help the anxiety. However, you understand the importance of your transformation and are trying your best to optimistic of the outcome.
3 – The Hierophant, Temperance, and Four of cups
In three months, it looks like you’ll still be on the journey of self-discovery, but you’ll be a little more patient with not knowing. In the time leading up to this three-month mark, you’ll discover tools that help you remain present. You’ll do a lot of introspection which will allow you to feel more comfortable about still being in land of the unknown. Around the three-month mark, you’ll redirect your thoughts to a different pathway than you’re currently thinking. The four of cups represents meditation and re-evaluation of your situation. You may have a moment of panic feeling like you have to start over AGAIN, but the tools you’ve learned were meant to be learned so you could get through this. You KNOW you’re not starting over because you have new insights that weren’t even in your reality three months ago (aka now). You may start delving more into spirituality to help you on your journey. This could include going to church more often, researching new religions, picking up tarot, or simply continuing meditation to get a bigger understanding of the world around you.  
6 – The Sun
By six months, you’re going to feel like the sun won’t stop shining. Even on the coldest days, you feel the warmth of the sun because you know you have a purpose. In the time between three months & six months, you’re going to figure something out. Something is going to click and it is going to propel you to work on something great. You’ll feel revitalized, group four, and I think it’s a feeling you’ve been looking for for awhile now.  You’re going to inspire others with your newfound light. You’re going to feel confident expressing yourself (beliefs, needs, ideas, etc.). I’m really happy for you!
12 – Ace of wands, Moonlight (specific to this deck; different from The Moon)
This time next year will truly feel like a new beginning. The sun has set on this particular part of your journey and the moon is coming out to light the next path. While the moonlight is less bright than the sunlight, I think this card is here to represent that, no matter day or night, the universe is here to provide some light even in the darkness. As you look ahead to new opportunities, the unknown doesn’t scare you as much. You know the sun will always rise again and provide you clarity on your path. And you know based on this journey that you’ll always feel the sun’s warmth, no matter what part of the journey you’re on.
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gayofthefae · 27 days
Bucktommy is super cute but...
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In the most literal, symbolic terms...it's night and day. It is night. And then it is the morning. The beginning.
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the-dreamnote · 6 months
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doomsayersunited · 10 months
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musicmakesyousmart · 1 year
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Precipitation - Your Future
IDS Recordings
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sundaitarot · 1 year
Hello, I hope you're having a good day/night. I wanted to request for a free reading actually, my question is how will my fs treat me or how will my fs express love/affection towards me?
My initials are FH and idk if I need to include my sun/moon etc but just in case,,, I'm a Taurus/Aries cusp sun, Cancer Moon and Libra Rising.
Also, I understand you must be getting many requests and it's possible that you might not be able to answer them all!!! I thank you for your time and energy either way though! Stay safe! Bye ✋🏻
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your kindness and all your information! Let's take a look at your future spouse and answer some of these questions for you.
So, I decided to do one card for you, and one for your future spouse.
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🌸 Your card 🌸
The Porcupine and Anemone
The Porcupine, with its impressive quills, is a well-known symbol of self-defense. It appears that, right now, you project yourself from becoming hurt - either from previous pain or simply the fear that you've seen from others. You'll need to learn to open yourself up and take the risk that comes with freeing your heart for others to claim. Don't be afraid to take risks but maintain healthy boundaries until you've made sure to take care of yourself first.
🌸 Your future spouse 🌸
The Finch and Peach
Love is in the air when The Finch and Peach appears! Your future spouse is very charming and so eager to please you. They will aim to keep you as delighted as possible, constant dates, attention, and affection. Their love language will be mostly of touch and give gifting. They will want to feel safe with you, protected just as you protect yourself. They will leave themselves vulnerable around you, and it's your responsibility to never use that against them.
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bambi21 · 2 years
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Ti diranno non c’è la farai ,ti diranno ma che sei ancora a fare quel esame, ma invecchierai in quella università… bene tu car@ mi@ prenditi tutto il tuo tempo ,perché il futuro è il tuo non degli altri ❤️
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noknowshame · 1 year
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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ethereal233 · 4 months
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getting older can be so amazing? you get more familiar with yourself. learn tips & tricks for troubleshooting your own brain. trial & error helps you build routines that minimize discomfort, maximize reward. your preferences/interests don't get set in stone, but you do find out which ones are going to stay with you in the long-term, and which ones are fun but transient joys to appreciate in the moment.
you learn that the world is so much more complex than you were taught, and that that's okay, and that there's an endless supply of things you can learn or watch or experience or think about if you want to. if you're lucky, you loosen up, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. if you're lucky, you learn to recognize that negative inner voice, and whack it with a baseball bat until it hushes up. if you're lucky, you learn to treat yourself gently, not because you are fragile but because you are worthy of gentleness. (i hope you are lucky.)
and some things will change. some things will get better. some things will get good. and maybe you start to recover from the dehumanizing stress of childhood/education. maybe you learn the power of your own autonomy. maybe you learn how to walk away from bad situations (which is a superpower even if you don't realize it yet). and you get to choose your own clothes. and your own food. and which relationships to pursue! and what you do with your free time. and with your life (but don't worry you get to choose that gradually). and that's crazy! and sometimes scary. and extraordinarily, indescribably precious.
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idealog · 5 months
Toys R Us
All Praise to the One Good God,
Lord over All.
Feliz Navidad
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the-dreamnote · 7 months
[학교폭력예방 웹드라마] 너의 미래|3부 '피해자'
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