#your gentle giant tag is one of my fave so soft!
raplinenthusiasts · 2 years
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nature loving giant
for @rkivedfiles 🌿
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arachnofille · 3 years
italic for things that sometimes apply, bold for things that always apply and strike out what never applies. DO NOT REBLOG ; COPY AND PASTE ON A NEW POST
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CARMILLA. giant featherbeds. tightening a corset. moonlit walks. killing for love. cruelty for the sake of love. love is always selfish. romantic tragedy. love to the brink of destruction. nighttime rendezvous. bloody kisses on soft skin. death was the maiden. a very strange agony. claimed by the supernatural. dreaming about your lover. sympathy for the devil. loving me to death. candlesticks lighting up the palm of your hand. a passion that wearies you. killing the one you love.
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. a single red rose laid out to be found. sensual voices singing them to sleep. a familiar shadow attending every recital. love waits on the rooftop in the night. two soulmates holding hands. walking down long corridors. retrieving something lost. devoting one’s craft to them. making them your muse. the horror was for love. painted faces on parade. gentle touches in the dark. revealing your darkest secrets. beauty and the beast. writing messages on the mirror. kindness conquers all. letting your lover go. love never dies.
JANE EYRE. loving the escape. an impassioned affair. being consumed by love. meeting your soulmate. lace and silk. thirsting for the perfect romance. marrying for passion. losing yourself in the face of your lover. wedding veils and bouquets of pink roses. maddened by love. finding warmth in the cold. calling out for your love. starting at the bottom. the fire cleanses all. hiding your passion. your love will destroy me / my love will destroy you.
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY. painting a portrait or sketching the face of someone you love. meeting in secret. visions of your lover dying. clutching a lovers clothes to your chest. love so consuming you kill them. protecting their innocence at all costs. betrayal. polyamory. devotion. flowers for the one you love. remembering the name of your first love. jealousy when you see them with someone else. love so consuming you die for it. visiting the place where you saw them the first time.
THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO. letters to your lover. marrying for love. these bars can’t keep me from you. motivated by love. an avenging angel. scorching jealousy. love reborn. devoted to memory. it was all for you. going your separate ways. commit murder for me. an unstoppable hunger. death comes for us all. the strongest love eventually grows apart.
DRACULA. the holiest love. girls love wolves. the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. violence is passion. red lips, sharp teeth. love letters in a diary. unrelenting support. getting lost in the woods. coming home to you. walking backwards into hell. vengeance for my love. even death won’t stop me. we can live forever. love is an open wound. too much love to give. bestowing your favor. a never-ending thirst. beauty even in death. ravenous desire. if only death had a heart to give. a mercy killing. these violent delights have violent ends.
FRANKENSTEIN. childhood friends to lovers. they were something out of a dream. arranged marriages. learning to love. was it all really worth it? our guilt can know no bounds. vengeance, my love. dismembered body parts. my beating heart in your open palm. your death destroys me. adam and eve. crossing the mountains. an antagonist in mourning. paradise lost. the loss of innocence. abandoning your dream. the tempest on the horizon. humans are the real monsters. my love is wiser than my hate.
TAGGED BY: just doin’ it again 4 this blog’s fave doomed cannibal couple TAGGING: Everyone Should Do This Immediately
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
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Word Count: 2255
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Sam, Dean, Cas, Jack, Reader, Crowley (Mentioned), Maggie (Mentioned), Hezekiah (OG, Mentioned), Farid (OG)
About: The Reader and Dean go out after learning from Cas that she is on both Heavens and Hells most wanted list. They are then cornered by a few demons where they learn about another missing piece of the Readers missing memories. One that has both Dean and Reader agreeing that Sam mustn’t know about.
Warnings: Language, Tease (Sexual), Fluff, Angst, Fighting, Blood and Gore, Panic Attack, 
A/N: I am noticing that I am changing my original story line a bit. I really hope you all like it!!!! 
A/N 2: Tag all your fave accounts/friends who love SPN!!! 
A/N 3: If you want to be tagged in of my fics, Let me know below or send me a DM!!!
Forever Tag List: @hobby27​ @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @magssteenkamp​ @elansaidaris​ @440mxs-wife​ @squirrelnotsam​
Dean/Jensen Tag List: @akshi8278​ @sandlee44​
"A whole fucking year?!" Dean asks the next morning. He sits up in bed and tousles his hair. If he weren't too annoyed and upset, I would have found the action sexy and hot. But I don't, also doesn't mean I'm not turn on by it. "And you didn't think to wake me up with this information?"
I take a deep breath. Understand what he's saying. I should have woken him up but, to be honest, I was more focused on what I was feeling when I found out I had been back for a full on year. "According to what Sam found on the phone," I say rolling out of bed. Before I get dressed, I turn back to Dean. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. You actually looked really peaceful sleeping."
When I came back to the room, I had seen how peaceful he looked. Even when I was living the first time around...wow, I never knew I would ever have a thought like that.  Dean rarely ever saw rest like that. It could have been the sex. It could have been seeing me alive and somewhat well. It could have been a combination of both.
Dean nods his head and rolls out of bed. I bite my lip as I see his entire figure. "I did sleep good," He turns back to me and smiles at me. Then he notices me staring at him. Dean leans over the bed and eyes the black underwear I'm wearing under his tshirt. "You know," he tugs at the hem of the shirt and elastic of the underwear. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."
I smile and playfully push his hand back. "Not now," I pull some pants on and throw my hair up in a hair tie. Turning back around dean is in my favorite red button up shirt. That damn red shirt did things to me and made me feel things that are just as dirty as the sex last night.
"Well, now that's hot." Dean's dressed and pulls me into his arms. "Maybe we can get you some fake glasses and you can teach me a few lessons." His voices purrs against my skin and I am very tempted to rip my clothes off and shove Dean on the bed. But I can't. Not this time at least. We have so much to do and get onto.
"Sweetheart," I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "When all of this over and I get a years worth of memories back, you can have me in whatever way and shape you want." I plant a soft and gentle kiss on his lips.
"I guess we should get those memories back then huh?" Dean gives my ass a little squeeze before pushing away from me. "What do you say we get some food?"
We head to the kitchen to hear Sam talking to Cas. When we enter the Kitchen we see the two of them huddled up while Jack sat a few feet from them looking at a book. He looks confused and interested at the same time. Cas looks up and stops talking.
"What's up?" I ask sitting across from Jack but the questions is aimed at Cas and Sam. They continue to look at me and not say anything. Dean picks it up too.
"Dragons are real?" Jack looks up at me with his eye brows knitted together.
"Yes," I say. "They kidnap virgins and the only way they can be killed is by a blade they forge." I take the book from him and close it. "Go to my room, its down that hall and the third door on the left. There will be better books in there for you to choose from. Grab The Lightning Thief  and read it."
Jack gets up and does what I say. Once he was gone Cas sighs. "He should be reading up on all the Lore he can."
"He's a child Cas," I say. "Let him enjoy something fun." I turn towards the angel and younger Winchester. "Now, what's up that you guys had to stop talking in hushed tones. It sure has something to do with me. Let's get it all out in the open now."
It's quiet for a while. My heart races because if it was something I did and because I won't remember it, then I don't know what I would do to even forgive myself. Dean must have seen my worry because he is sitting next to me. Cas and Sam look at each other and Sam nods.
Cas takes a deep breath before speaking. "I over heard something on Angel radio," Another deep breath. "That both angels and demons are looking for you. Apparently they have had you on their radar since you came back last year. They want to know how and why. It is not pretty."
I let out a shaky breath. "Well they can get in line until we figure that out." I get up to get my blood moving. Dean attempts to grab my hand but, I push it away. "I need to get out of here and get some air." I start to feel dizzy. What did I do to get on heavens and hells most wanted list? I get to the top of the stairs and realize that Dean has my hands and his turning me towards him.
"I can't let you go out there," he says. "Not with a giant target on your back. You're on a wanted list. If any of them get you, it won't be pretty. They will torture you and I don't know what I would do if I lost you again."
I stare at Dean. I see the worry on his face. He must see the fear on mine. "You're not my parent. Dean," I whisper. "I'm full grown ass woman who can't breath in here," My voice raises through clenched teeth. "So let me go so I can get some air or I will kick your ass."
Dean drops my hands and ushers me out the door. Once outside, I put my hands on my knees and just breath.  Dean standing beside me rubbing my back. "I'm sorry," He says kneeling down to look at me. "Where should we go?" He rattles the impala keys in his hands.
Within the hour, we are parked in a alley way about to rip our clothes off when there is tapping on the window. We both sigh in annoyance. I slide off Deans lap and fix up my hair and see not one but, four people standing in the alley. I look at Dean who is getting the same vibe I am. Dean opens the glove compartment and pulls out two angel blades.
"Probably not the best idea," he says as he slides a blade over to me.
"Best idea in the moment," I open the door and step out and smile at the group of demons. "What do we owe for this visit?" I give a taunting smile. The kind of smile I remember using in Hell to get what I wanted when I was a demon. Dean notices and looks me up and down.
"Crowley wants your head." one of the two females say.
"Of course he does," I say keeping the taunting smile. But what for? I wondered. "And why is that, again?" I ask.
The demons laugh. A male demon steps forward. "Don't play stupid."
"Hey!" Dean points his blade and the male stops talking. "If anyone calls YN stupid or any other names, I will be sending you back to Crowley in a tiny USPS box."
The demons look at each other. The female who spoke before, well, she walks up to me. I continue to keep my taunting smile  but, from the corner of my eye I see Deans body stiffen up. "All those deals you made as a demon, all those souls that were rightfully Crowley's, have been null and void since you came back. So he's a little pisses and want's your he for it but according to the self righteous dicks they want you for information on a rogue angel you've been in cahoots with."
I loose my smile and look at Dean. I don't care about the deals being voided by whatever, what I do care about is the fact I was working with a rogue angel. Then something clicks in the back of my brain. "Hezekiah," I say under my breath.
"Ahhh yes, that's his name. The same dick that sicked you on that poor hunter chick a while back. Sliced her throat and almost bled her dry. Into a hikers camel back." She smiles wickedly and it sends a shiver down my spine.
"What?" I can barely get my voice out. I can hear Cas's words echo in my head from the day before. Maggie had been found with a throat slashed. In the woods. I look at Dean who is looking at me, there's a realization on his face when he connects the dots too. Sam mustn't know. I look back at the demon licking my lips.
"Prove it," Dean says to the demons. "Prove that it was her if you're so sure that it was her."
The demon laughs and stalks towards Dean. Making  your already on edge body and mind even more on edge. I turn a bit so that I don't loose sight of the other three demons standing with weapons in their hands. "We don't have to prove anything to you," She get's too close for my liking but I don't move. I watch as the demon pulls an angel blade out and draws the tip of it up his arm to his cheek. "Farid," she calls to the male demon who basically called me stupid. "Grab YN, take her Crowley. I might have a little fun with the Winchester."
Having a flashback of that time in the field before I died going through the gates of Heaven. Everything starts to move in slow motion. I turn to see the demon, Farid, run towards me. From the corner of my eye I see Dean spin the female demon around and stab her with her own blade. She lights up and falls to the ground. I focus on the demon charging me and simply side step away and grab his arm and push him on the wall. I drive my blade into the middle of his back and watch as his body lights up. I watch as his body falls to the ground and the blood spills out of his body.
I turn to see the other two demons smoke out, leaving their vessels behind. Dean and I go and check to see if they are alive but, sadly they are not. I sit back and start to breath deeply. I feel that my body is starting to relax and my heart pace quickens. I close my eyes and try to forget what the demon told us. I did not kill Maggie. I wouldn't kill my best friend. I hope to God that I didn't. Sam will never forgive me I did.
I feel Deans hand on mine and I open my eyes. "Hey, you wouldn't kill Maggie. You want to know why I know that? You and her were always joined at the hip, the best of friends." I know Dean is trying to help but it doesn't make me feel any better.
"And if I did?" I ask letting tears fall. I can't stop thinking about it. Something deep inside me was telling me that its true. And if I did, Sam will most likely kill me.
"We will cross that bridge when we come to it," Dean brushes the tears away. Dean helps me up and leads me back to the Impala. "We will have Cas try and search hard for that forgotten memory." I nod and hug my arms around myself and close my eyes.
"We don't tell Sam about this at all," I say and see Dean nod in agreement.
Once we are back at the bunker and are inside, Cas tells us that Sam went out with Jack on a supply run. Which makes everything better. Dean catches Cas up to speed and I head to the room 7B. I stood in the door way as I remember Michael, in Deans body, sitting at the table strapped to wires. I remember that some hours before that he had stabbed me after kidnapping me.
Take a deep breath and walk into the room and grab rope and a chair. I turn to see both Dean and Cas standing in the door way. I hold the rope out and Dean approaches me and takes the rope. I sit in the chair and let him tie me up. One the way back I told Dean he would need to tie me down because for some reason if something were to snap in my head and I went into some robot killer mode, the both of us were protected.
"Okay," Dean steps aside. Cas walks up behind me and places two hands on both sides of head.
"Here goes nothing," Cas says. I feel a wave of energy run through my brain. It hurts like hell but I can't find the will to scream out in pain but, I can't possibly tell him to stop. "There is a wall up but, theres a crack. I might be able to get into it."
"Whatever you have to do," I say through the pain in my brain.
Then, my vision is clouded by a bright light.
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random-mha-thoughts · 5 years
Teddy (Shinsou x Reader)
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader
Genre: Fluff!!! Periodt!!
Summary: You’re walking back to Shinsou’s place to help him pack after a party with the Heroes, but he doesn’t seem to want to.
Word count: 1,542
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: Help I think I just devastated myself into wanting Shinsou as my boyfriend hhhhh you have been warned
This might be my favorite of the 3 so far.  Some of you might think Shinsou as ooc here, but this is my note that you’ve been dating for a loooong time and (as it says in the story) he wasn’t always like that, he needed to work at it.  He’s just a giant who loves lazing around and cuddling okay shut up
Shinsou is my 2nd fave boy in MHA so I hope I did him justice.  I agree he deserves so much more love and attention because he’s secretly soft babe.  Not much spice here, but 12 cavities worth of fluff uwu.  
I’m finally done with everyone I wanted to do this scenario for! (If this is your first time here, I’ve also done Bakugou and Todoroki)  I have a huge list of ideas and no clue what order to write them in, plus Icy Hot’s birthday is in 2 days, so I’m obligated to do something special for him.  
Okay I’m done talking now, enjoy!
"Did you have a good time?"
My purple haired boyfriend shrugs.  "You know I don't really care about parties.  I only went because you were going."
I frown at his avoidance of the question.  "Okay, but were you miserable being there?"
"Miserable isn't the word I'd use."
"Hitoshi!" I groan.  It's like pulling teeth with him sometimes.
He chuckles at my frustration before wrapping an arm around my waist and placing a kiss on my temple.  "Just messin' with you.  Of course I had fun, I was with you."
"Is that why you were practically glued to my side the whole night?"  I poke his firm stomach teasingly.
"Not the whole time.  I talked to Midoriya, Todoroki, had a drink with Kaminari-"
"-While you were still within 10 feet of me."
He huffs a stubborn breath and plops his large hand on top of my head to ruffle my hair.  "You're my favorite person there, why would I stray from you?"
I lean into his touch, almost like a pet cat.  "To make friends?  Socialize?  Mingle?  Something to that effect maybe?"  Not that I'm the most extroverted person either, but at least I try to make an effort for friends.
"Yea- No, I'd rather be home sleeping next to you," he dismisses lazily, rejoining our hands together.
I chuckle at his predictable answer.  "Can't say I don't agr-EEH!"
Shinsou suddenly hoists me into his arms bridal style and continues walking down the dimly lit road as if it's the most natural thing.  "Now that I have the thought in my head, I wanna hurry and get home to cuddle with you, kitty."
My arms instinctively cling around his neck.  "Don't you have to pack first?"
He groans in annoyance and picks up his pace.  "Then we really need to hurry."
His overt display of need is amusing.  As I lean against his chest, I'm reminded of when we first started dating.  Shinsou barely even wanted to hold hands in the beginning because he would get flustered, and now here he is carrying me down the street in public.  Even the first time we cuddled, as soon as I leaned on him, his body was stiffer than a board in confusion.  After a while, he's grown into an oversized teddy bear hungry for cuddles.  If that isn't growth, I don't know what is.
"What did you and Todoroki talk about?" I draw circles on his chest absentmindedly, the steady rhythm of his steps rocking my body back and forth.
"Nothing really.  Just hero stuff."
"I always thought you guys would've been good friends, since you're both alike," I think out loud.
"You don't say?"  I can tell I've piqued his interest.
"Yeah, both of you took a while to come out of your shell, you both took a while to trust and befriend people even though both you claimed you didn't come to UA to make friends, you both had your walls broken down by Broccoli boy."  He snorts at my stupid nickname for Midoriya.  "Both of you are touch-starved babies-"
"Hold on," he stops dead in his tracks and eyes me warily.  "How do you know Todoroki's touch-starved?"
"Because every Sunday I go to his place to pet him and rub his tummy," I retort sarcastically.  When Shinsou continues glaring at me, I kiss his nose cheekily.  "Obviously, Midoriya talks about it all the time.  Not to mention Todoroki clings to Midoriya the same way you cling to me."
"I don't appreciate the attitude, Tiny."  A smirk spreads across his face, and I know I'm dead.  Before I can protest, he flings my body over his shoulder.  "You deserve this!"
I smack his back defiantly, my face heating up in embarrassment.  "Hitoshi!"
Shinsou makes a point to skip the elevator and climb all 3 flights of stairs up to his floor with me still slung over his back.  When we reach his apartment, he flings me down onto his couch and looks down at me like a disappointed parent.  "Did you learn your lesson now?"
I nod in earnest.  "I won't tickle Todoroki's tummy without your permission again."
His face turns red and he growls out loud before attacking me in a frenzy of tickles.  "What did you say, kitty?!"
"Stop!" I struggle against him, but he's too giant for me to push him off through my laughing fits.  "You know...I'm sensitive!"
"Try again!"
"O-Okay!  I won't...taunt you...again!"
He finally stops his attack, pinning me under his massive body, my wrists next to my head as I gasp for air.  Shinsou bursts out into a fit of his own laughter.  "You should see how red your face is."
"Shut up."
He collapses on top of me, his head nuzzling into the crook of my neck and his arms caging me against him.  "You're mine, kitty.  I love you."
I smile to myself, playing with his hair.  "I love you too, you giant bear."  He's come such a long way.  I wouldn't have imagined him to anything like this almost a year ago.  It sobering that all this time, we've grown and changed together.  I bask in the nostalgia, hearing his steady breathing against my skin.
And then I start running out of air.  "Babe, I can't breathe anymore, get off."
"Babe, you're smothering me."  I attempt prying his arms from his tight grasp.
"Five more minutes."
"Hitoshi, you still need to pack!"  I finally kick him off the couch, sending him tumbling onto the floor.  "Come on you big lug, we can cuddle later.  Let's go."
After a few minutes of struggling to get him off the floor, Shinsou finally trudges into his room and pulls out his bag, lazily surveying the clothes in his closet and drawers.  He messily throws his them into his duffel, not caring where everything ends up, leaving me the responsibility of folding them up and neatly packing them away.
I pick up a printed black hoodie he threw into the pile to pack.  "Can I keep this for the week, babe?"
He looks over his shoulder and chuckles.  "If you go out in public with that, send me a photo.  You'll look like a tiny child."
While he goes back to throwing stuff in the pile, I strip off my top and replace it with his hoodie, letting his natural musk envelop me in a hug.  I snort when I see myself in his mirror.  Shinsou's hoodie comes halfway down my thigh, swallowing up my entire frame in black.  Moments like this remind me how much larger he is than me, not just his hands.
My boyfriend snickers when he sees me.  "I told you you're tiny."  His arms slither around my torso and he rests his chin on top of my head.
I play with the shoelace strings dangling from the hood.  "It smells just like you," I admit softly, staring at him through the reflection.
His head descends to place a chaste kiss at the base of my jaw, sending warm tingles down my spine.  "I'll be back for you, I won't be gone too long.  And I'll be thinking of you the whole time."
"You better," I pout, not even trying to sound threatening from my tiny appearance.  I hold his chin to place a kiss on his cheek.  "I'll send you a morning text every day."
His cheeks blush faint rose.  "I look forward to it," he mutters before collapsing his head into my neck.
"Hey hey, go finish packing."  I try pushing his giant weight off me to no avail.
He wraps his arms tighter around me.  "I can finish in the morning, my flight isn't until the afternoon," he drawls his breath into my skin, picking me up easily.  "Let's go to bed, kitty."
I have no choice except to obey as he lays me down on one side.  "Someone's very needy today."
Shinsou jumps onto the other side of the bed, removing his shirt in the process.  "I need to store up for all the cuddles I'll miss when I'm away."  He reaches over to pull his purple and black comforter over us, engulfing me in his warmth once again.
My head rests against his bare chest, the gentle thump of his heart in my ear.  "Stay safe on your trip.  I want you back here in one piece."
He hums in response, the noise reverberating against my face.
"And don't skip your meals.  And get enough sleep for once."
Fingers tilt my chin up to face, dark purple eyes boring into mine.  "How will I sleep well when my kitty's not with me?"
I plant a kiss on his lips.  "Think of me next to you.  Or call me."
His smile warms my heart as he clings closer to me and presses his lips against mine in a lazy, slow kiss.  "You always know just what to say."
I move myself up so I can play with his hair, entwining my fingers in his hand at my waist.  We lay there peacefully, hearing each other breathe, feeling each other's warmth, smelling each other's scent.
"You'll miss me, right?" he pokes open an eye to stare at me.
I squeeze him harder.  "Yes teddy bear, I'll miss you."
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tiggitytwa · 6 years
Questions for the Mun
  Copy this and fill in your own answers. Then tag some people to learn more about them. Repost, not reblog!
I was tagged by @laprisonmechanic, it’s fun to share new things together, thanks! I had to use my laptop for this, I forgot how bad my blog setup looked.
Favorite smell - Rain. Or that muggy water smell of lakes you’re not allowed to swim in.
First Job - Sales associate at Tradesmart, up until it got liquidated.
Zodiac sign - Cancer.
Favorite pizza - HHhmmmeat...
Favorite dog - I work with dogs so this is tough! They’re all so good for different reasons... Oh man but I am so weak for Great Danes, what gentle giants.
Favorite foot attire - High-tops.
Favorite Roller Coaster - You know the Boomerang at Elitches? I like that a lot but as I get older I just like the big, swinging ones.
Favorite candy - I don’t really like candy... Gushers?
Favorite ice cream - Sherbet or vanilla.
Pet peeves -  People can’t put shopping carts back, like?? When finished stories have grammatical errors. When people refer to living creatures as “it”. HOLES in SOCKS. When anybody feels the need to berate or shame others.
What are you listening to right now - Uh, I just listened to Take My Love and Run by Bad Suns.
Color of your vehicle - Champagne.
Color of eyes - Blue probably.
Favorite Holiday - Halloween. I like parties with friends and ESPECIALLY a good spook. I was Jason Voorhees last year. Good times.
Night owl or day person - Night owl. I love the lights and the stars and the chilly breeze and the lack of responsibility.
Fave day of week -  Gotta give love to Wednesday since nobody else will.
Tattoos - I don’t have any but am planning a few. Some far more ambitious than others. They’re so expensive...
Like to cook - I’m not big on cooking but I like making deviled eggs.
Beer or wine or neither - I’m allergic to the sulfites in a lot of wines. So neither.
Can you drive a manual transmissions -  Nope, we’ll sooner die if our only hope is me driving a manual.
Favorite color- Teal.
Do you like vegetables - If they’re cooked through and soft, yes.
Do you wear glasses - It’s illegal for me to drive without them.
Favorite season - The fall. It’s cool and smells good. Colors, pumpkins, there’s ghouls everywhere. Wonderful
@laprisonmechanic you’re the only person I talk to who I don’t know in person so I’ve got nobody to link. I appreciate you tagging me~
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Tagged by @prodigalbrad and I’m tagging @a-placebothwonderfulandstrange to do it too!
What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
- I don’t think I have a favorite...I’m usually humming/singing whatever is stuck in my head at the time from one of my favorite bands.
What’s your favourite flower/tree/plant?
- Flower is a rose, and tree is a weeping willow.
Favourite colours?
- Scarlet red, emerald green, sapphire blue, and black.
What do you always doodle?
- Flowers and vines.
How do you take your coffee/tea?
- The same way I like my interaction with humans: nonexistent.
Favourite candle scent?
- MAHOGANY TEAKWOOD. But I also love flowery scents like rose, lilac, and honeysuckle, or fresh ones that are water-like.
Sunrise or Sunset?
- Sunset.
What perfume do you wear?
- Burberry Blush or Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh.
Favourite quote?
- “Only the gentle are ever really strong.” — my boy JD.
Favourite self care routine(s)?
- Lighting candles, taking a bath, and then climbing into bed afterward with a good book.
Fuzzy socks or house slippers?
- Depends on my mood. I have and love both.
What colour are your eyes?
- Blue-green, and one of them has a splash of rust color in it.
What’s your favourite eye colour on others?
- Green or blue.
Favourite season? Why?
- Summer, because I’m not working and I love being outside without a jacket or shoes.
Cheek, neck, or nose kisses?
- Is this even a fucking question? Neck.
What does your happy place look like?
- A giant, corner nook in a room that is piled with massive pillows, with a canopy draped overhead and string lights all over, a bookshelf right next to it, a golden retriever and a corgi snuggled in those pillows, a glass of wine waiting for me and a giant bowl of popcorn, too. And then a soft, snuggly blanket to curl up in.
Favourite breed of dog? Basically just said it but corgis and golden retrievers.
Do you ever want to be married? if so, what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
- Duh. My wedding will be Gatsby-themed because it’s the most gorgeous and vivid imagery I’ve ever read in a book (and a bunch of other reasons), so the colors would be deep and rich. Probably go with emerald green and sapphire blue (hence the fave colors).
Cursive or print?
- Cursive, man. I’m old-fashioned.
Favourite weather?
- Upper 70s and thunderstorming, with my windows open so I can smell the rain and listen to it.
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