#your muse could be trying to gain info for a different mission
antvnger · 1 year
((Okay why not, let’s try this out - open starter))
Scott’s more used to pulling off heists, not stakeouts. And honestly, he thought he might never take up a stakeout job again.
When he was asked to do a stakeout against what looked like a ragtag crew of amateur thieves, he thought this would be a piece of cake, especially considering his size and skills set.
Worse. It was boring.
These guys were doing nothing. Scott watched for two full days with nothing to show for it. He was beginning to think his information was wrong, but his informant was hardly ever wrong with stuff like this. They were going for something big, and they apparently needed big help to get it done.
So when the crew had arranged for a meeting with someone who could give them big help, Scott almost cheered. Finally! Something’s actually happening.
When he followed the crew in question to the rendezvous, there was someone there waiting for them already.
“Holy shit,” Scott muttered when he realized who they were meeting. Scott knew them.
“What are you up to?” he wondered aloud from his hiding place as he watched the exchange go down.
Okay so maybe stakeouts weren’t too bad after all…
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dragcnburned · 4 years
Intro under the read more! Like this post and I’ll come plot with you.
Hold! Who goes there? Why, is that [Kirian Solgard] the [Dragonrider] of [Loqoala]? They do look [guarded] for a [man] of [33] years. Don’t they call [him] the [passionate and caring empath]? I’ve heard he’s also the [self-destructive and reckless Dragonburned] though. Don’t take my word for it but they do look an awful lot like [Ben Barnes].
Basic info
Name: Kirian Solgard
Pronunciation: kee-ree-yahn sol-guard [ki:riːjæn sɒl’gɑːd]
Title: dragonrider
Place of Origin: Loqoala
Family Members: Mother, father, a brother and a sister
Physical Description
Height: 1m85
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: black 
Gender: cis male
Build: lean, slender
Distinguishing features? (Scars, tattoos, piercings): From his right jawline, down his neck and his shoulder/upper arm, a burn scar creeps down all the th
Any health related issues?: suffers from ptsd and depression, causing insomnia, and has trouble completely lifting his right arm.
Kirian is a man whose reputation precedes him. A man who’s decided he may as well live up to it. There is a reckless, intimidating yet oddly innocent charm about him, the kind of cheerfulness only a man with nothing to lose can feel. But don’t let his smiles fool you -- he wears the like armor, just like the scars that mar his skin. Just like the words the townsfolk would throw at him. Intense, determined and passionate, Kirian is not as adept at fading into the shadows as a wanted man would wish. Despite all this, it seems people can spend many hours around him and still not know anything. Kirian has learned to entertain people with his gruesome existence for a while -- but don’t dig any deeper, you’ll just find a locked door. 
i. Dragonrider
Kirian was born to a family of simple, honest, hard-working longshoremen. Lost in the drab underbelly of the Loqoalan society, there wasn’t much in unique trade or secrets they could offer. So they just worked, day in, day out. They were hard people and the days blurred into nights of working. So many things to do, so few things to feel.
Except for Kirian.
Kirian was always an easily distracted boy. He would be fascinated by the spider crawling through the spiderweb, instead of ripping it away to lift a box. He would smile and talk and flirt with the men and women of the ships, instead of just keeping his head down and doing his job. He would have all these thoughts, all these emotions. He was just so much all the time and his parents had little patience for his antics, although they loved him as best as they could.
But he had a talent for keeping animals calm -- lambs to be led to the slaughter, wild horses bucking after days on a ship, even the exotic birds for the lords trying to break free. An odd talent, but it earned them some status, so they let him be. Loved and useful, Kirian’s talent grew, until one day the the unthinkable happened: social, cheerful and empathic, Kirian earned himself the grace of the lord’s house and was chosen as an apprentice to the dragonriders.
As a Dragonrider, Kirian proved himself spectacularly talented, even as he was still the wildcard many had trouble fitting into a safe category. He feels too much, they whispered behind his back, he is not fit to be a dragonrider. 
But if you are as powerful as Kirian proved himself to be, such things become obsolete. So he gained favor and his family did as well.
Powerful, loved and with a bright future ahead -- what more could a boy want?
ii. Dragonburned
A purpose. A mission. Rumours of terrible things had reached the ears of the dragonriders, rumors that with the use of forbidden blood magic, elves had been enslaving dragons to their will. Kiran was chosen for the mission, along with a few select others: the greatest honor of their lives. A mission of utmost importance was planned: to free the dragons.
Or so they had Kirian believe.
The ritual to break the bond was gruesome and draining, but it succeeded. But it didn’t stop there. The reality of war had started to dawn on the Loqualan officers and the powers a dragon could bring in that fight was just too important. Besides, they argued as the dragon riders showed reluctance, isn’t this what they’ve always been doing? This was just a different way to get to the same result. Just faster, just a small sacrifice in the name of good, in the name of safety.
Trusting in the words of their superiors, the dragonriders reluctantly accepted.There was a war coming and this was not the time to be weak. This was not the time to doubt the people that had given them so much.
Even Kirian. Despite his protest, his reluctance, even Kirian didn’t want to fight back too much, didn’t want to let down the people who had taken such care of him. His whole life they had told him he felt too much, felt all the wrong things at the wrong times, that his heart screamed so much louder than his head. He wanted so much to prove them wrong, but all he did was prove them right that day.
As the dragon, forcefully bonded, felt Kirian’s insecurity, hurt, betrayal and even rage fill their own heart, it took to the sky, raining down fire and ashes upon the dragonriders, stopping at nothing as the forest burned and burned and burned.
It was only through his friendship with a present military officer that Kirian could take enough control to break the empathic bond between him and the dragon, stilling the blood magic in his veins. In anger and fear, the dragon turned on Kirian, burning his armor and leaving deep claw marks over his chest and arm, nearly piercing his heart. Before the dragon killed him however, they seemed to change their mind and left.
Knowing that he could never explain what had happened without also taking down the family he had come to love so much, Kirian disappeared from Loquala, from everything he had ever know. Tales of the tragedy spread, earning him the nominker The Dragonburned.
Additional Info and plots!
Honestly, I prefer to plot by just looking what kind of development our muses need, so if there is anything at all you think a character like Kirian could set in motion, please let me know. I’m not afraid to let Kirian make mistakes or have him be the “bad guy”, so even if the plot is a little darker, I’m absolutely here for it!
Kirian is trying to atone and recover from some really fucked up shit that happened to him, so either plots dealing with him recovering, or having to deal with consequences of what happened, or people trying to take advantage of his unstable emotions could all work. I could definitely see Kirian being manipulated in doing some terrible things again if people go about it the right way, on honestly any side of this conflict.
I love plots to go somewhere, that deal with characters growing and facing who they are and what they’ve done. So honestly, I’m open for anything!
I know that sometimes you need a starting point though, so here are some extra ideas and wanted connections
.keep you safe: You’ve listen to enough stories to know who Kirian is when he stumbles across you. You’re also in desperate need of protection and it seems no one else is willing to lend you a hand, so maybe for now you can strike a deal.
THE VULTURES SWARM MY BONES. You’ve heard the rumors about Kirian and are interested in learning more -- to have a great story, or for political gain, either way Kirian seems like a person of interest to you.
BLOOD MOON: You don’t have much, least of all power. And while everything is telling you Kirian is dangerous, at least he’s more than you are now. Why not see where it goes, have a chance at adventure?
and then the universe was still: someone trained in the low, ritualistic art of healing. After Kirian was forced into using blood magic, his own magic has progressively gotten worse. It gets stronger, but in the wrong way. Where he once healed, he can now only induce pain. Where he once felt emotions, he can now twist them into something grotesque. Ashamed and afraid of these powers and suffering through them, Kirian is looking for a mentor who could undo the damage to his magical abilities. Someone who can bring some peace to his screaming mind.
the devil screams through your mouth: you are the dragon Kirian freed, only to force a bond upon you again. The pain and terror of your forceful empathic bond was so agonizing, you acted on base instinct and under control, left nothing but death, chaos and fire in your way. While you are forever grateful Kirian let you go in the end and the bonding process left something between you, you can’t forgive or forget the way everything started.
old men, filled with regret: you knew Kirian when he was a young man, full of life and love and seemingly always smiling. Whether you find it hard to believe he did what they say he did, or whether his downfall was your rise in the ranks, seeing him again will surely be meaningful.
not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you: when fire swallowed your village whole, when ash clung to your eyelashes, you crawled on your belly to get out. You are (one of?) the only survivor of the village that Kirian destroyed. What will you do when you finally find him?
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littlemisssquiggles · 7 years
RWBY Musings #24: So since the team will be going to Atlas for the duration of V6, there has been talk about Ruby potentially meeting Whitley Schnee with the little snowflake gaining an ‘interest’ in our little rose.
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To quote Ducky from the Land Before Time, oh no, no, no, no, NO!
There is only one young 14-year-old boy who I will accept romantically pursuing our Silver Eyed Warrior Rose and he is a precious as gold, gentle avocado cinnamon roll, thank you very much.  
I’ll admit, at first I wasn’t quite so chill with this idea. I mean Whitley charismatically flirting with a romantically awkward Ruby, dropping lyrics smoother than syrup on shaved ice---the very thought of this, while amusing on the part of Ruby, gave me Goosebumps and not the good kind. But then I realized a particularly interesting comprise.
I’ll only accept this concept if it meant helping Oscar towards realizing his true feelings for Ruby and vice versa.
Dammit, now I want a Masquerade Ball or charity gala episode to be included in the Atlas Arc in RWBY V6.
Like picture this guys...
Imagine if...
Whitley invites Ruby as his date to an esteemed charity ball and our poor red-haired huntress begrudgingly accepts as a favour to Weiss. Like imagine if the gang need some super important info that only the Schnee Dust Company can provide. Since Weiss isn’t the heir anymore, she no longer can provide everyone with ties or access. But she does know someone who can.
Her brother.
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So Weiss consults Whitley for a favour. An invitation to the upcoming annual charity gala being hosted by the Schnee Dust Company. At first, Whitley cheekily mocks his sister for crawling back to him for favours but then he makes an exception to the deal if Weiss gives him something in return. When Weiss questions what it is, Whitley says that he’ll only give Weiss an invite to the gala on the condition that her ‘lovely friend’, Ruby agrees to be his date to the charity event that just happens to be held at the main company headquarters.
Under duress, Weiss takes the deal and sadly, so does Ruby for the sake of their agenda, getting whatever from the Schnee Dust Company building.        
Now Weiss has to bring a date too since it’s that kind of gala event so much to everyone’s surprise, Weiss brings Oscar to the gala as her date and partner on the secret Schnee Dust Company infiltration mission.
Let’s say for whatever reason as the company heir, Whitley was placed in charge of handling the guest list for the gala and unceremoniously forgot to provide General Ironwood with his invitation for the event (so no assistance from him).
Now before this, let’s say we get several indications that Whitley doesn’t particularly like Oscar very much.
Whether it’s the fact that he came from a much poorer background (having grown up on a farm on the outskirts of Mistral), Whitley’s general behaviour towards Oscar is pure disrespect and every time the two meet, he treats the boy as if he was someone beneath him despite them being the same age. Y’know that kind of schlick.
And Whitley acknowledging Oscar’s obvious interest in Ruby only deepens his disgust towards to the farm boy. In the short amount of encounters Oscar’s shared with Whitley, not only has he managed to make a mockery of him, his family name and his upbringing but he has also made several harsh remarks about Oscar being a suitor for Ruby; calling him unfit of a 'rare flower' such as her, addressing him as a 'peasant' as his crude nickname for Oscar.
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 So Oscar accompanies Weiss as her ‘date’ to the gala, looking all dashingly handsome in his tux that Weiss was kind enough to provide for him, like a young prince straight out of a fairy tale; much to the awe of Ruby and the chagrin of Whitely Schnee.
In Whitley’s eyes, Oscar may be a peasant but unfortunately for him, like Cinderella, the peasant cleans up impeccably well because underneath that farm-bred exterior is quite the boyish exquisiteness.
Just add some of that good ole Ice Queen spit-shine and the boy gleams like gold.
This of course ends up annoying the hell out of Whitley but for appearances’ sake, he hides his annoyance and distaste over not just his sister inviting the young farm boy unbeknownst to him but also noticing the evident infatuation Ruby has for Oscar.
This is a nice way to introduce a friendship between Oscar and Weiss giving her the little brother relationship she never got to have with Whitley.
Like what if...for at the gala, Whitley’s continuous badgering forces Oscar to storm off in shame.
And it is Weiss to sit him down and have a nice heart to heart talk with Oscar highlighting an important lesson that she learned for herself that your upbringing doesn’t define you as a person. You do. You can have all the riches in the world and still be the loneliest person of all, drawing reference from herself.
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Weiss also brings up points like Ruby genuinely liking Oscar for who he is even if he’s a farm boy from Mistral and she too admits to being fond of Oscar as well. This is a good opportunity to build Weiss and Oscar’s comradery.
Weiss’s talk then gives Oscar the courage to finally stand up for himself when Whitley comes for round two of his pompous pestering.
To the surprise of Oscar and Whitley, Ruby also comes to the farm child’s defense and tries in a very Ruby-fashion to get Whitley to apologize for his impudence towards Oscar.
This however, only worsens the scenario, when an angered Whitley pulls a Jacques Schnee and makes the mistake of...[insert douche-y date act here like pouring punch over Ruby’s head, ruining her dress all because she didn’t take his side of the argument].  
At first Oscar was only verbally defending himself against Whitley, but the minute he dared embarrass Ruby, that’s when the country boy decides to teach the Atlesian rich boy a good lesson in manners, Mistral style. 
The next thing Whitley knew he was lying on the floor as Oscar socked him in the jaw so hard, not only did he tumble backwards straight into the punch bowl but also sent it and most of its continents sailing cartoonishly right onto the private table where Jacques was entertaining some elite higher ups; giving them all quite the splash.
To all the Whitley and Oscar fans in the audience reading this who want them to be best friends or lovers, I apologize if my post may upset you in any shape or form.
For me, I want these two boys to be enemies in the beginning and then possibly friends or more so acquaintances that mutually respect each other in the end, perhaps.
An episode subplot at a gala hosted by the Schnee Dust Company at the company grounds could also spell a nice reveal for the true nature of Whitley’s relationship with his father and the kind of pressures he currently faces as the new heir to the company.
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What if...
Oscar discovers an upset Whitley lying in some lonely corridor, wincingly tending to a bruised cheek and bloodied nose. Not due to their earlier tussle but as a result of his punishment from Jacques for the level of humiliation his and Oscar’s little spat at the gala brought upon the Schnee Family. At first, Oscar tries to help Whitley out of sincere concern for his predicament. However even in his dishevelled state, Whitley still holds onto his pride and continues to be an indecent prick; showing the real side to his personality as he refuses Oscar’s help.
It is here when we can get a powerful speech from Oscar, that not only ties back to the talk he had with Weiss but additionally encompasses his feelings regarding all that has happened to him during the events of volumes 4 and 5 after meeting Ozpin. Oscar says this to Whitley:
‘...A wise girl once told me that your upbringing doesn’t define who you are. You’re right. Compared to you, I am a peasant. But I’m never alone. I’m blessed enough to have people in my life who care about me and look out for me, which is the least I can say for you. I may not have all the riches in the world but even if I did, it wouldn’t make me better than anyone. It wouldn’t define me or the choices I choose to make. I define me.
This is why I am here. Helping you. Even though I have every right to insult you, undermine you and make you feel every bit of anger and embarrassment you’ve made me feel since we’ve met... I’m not going to do that.
That would make me no different from you and that’s not who I am.
I’m better than that...’
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It’d be so cool if we got an amazing character speech like that from Oscar at some point in V6, granted that the series does provide fans with a gala subplot such as the one I just described. I’m not writer for RWBY so it’d be interesting what is in store for us for V6 in the Atlas Arc.
The Abusive Parenting of Jacques Schnee
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I know I initially started this post to be mainly about Whitley, Oscar and Ruby and shipping stuff, but I’d like to deviate from that now and share my thoughts and theories on this particular topic. 
I’m not trying to say that Jacques Schnee as a character is a completely abusive parent; at least not too much in the physical sense.
However I wouldn’t deter from it either. If he was willing to slap Weiss, one of his girl children, then imagine what he’d do to his own son in order to pull him up and shape him into his perfectly complacent little heir.
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I wouldn’t denounce the theory that Jacques would occasionally abuse Whitley if he wasn’t obedient. It wouldn’t surprise me if neither Winter nor Weiss knew about this.
In continuing with the subplot I was describing before, what if...Ruby and Weiss meet up with Oscar and upon finding him with Whitley, Weiss is torn to see her brother is such a messy state especially after discovering that their own father did that to her little brother.
I can imagine Weiss confronting Winter about knowing of Jacques’ abuse towards Whitley to which Winter would reply that, while she didn’t know this, she always suspected it.
If Whitely was being abused while Weiss was growing up, I’d suspect that it would be a situation where Winter, as the oldest sibling, acknowledged many signs of the abuse but could never actually prove it given the fact that one; Jacques was always very strategic with his levels of aggression and physical punishment and secondly, Whitley never admitted to anything himself no matter how many times Winter attempted to probe him on the matter but his behaviour and how withdrawn he was from his sisters was always a sure-fire red flag for Winter.
Weiss, of course, was oblivious to the whole thing and always brushed off Whitley’s closeness to their father as part of his spoiled grooming, not knowing the darker implications of it.
Winter couldn’t save Whitley from Jacques because from the moment he was born, Jacques had placed a tight hold over Whitely so instead Winter was forced to focus on Weiss; unfortunately leaving their little brother behind. 
Whitley being the worst victim of Jacques’ strict parenting could partially explain his distance and dislike towards his older sisters cause maybe he secretly feels left behind, in a way or...perhaps that how Jacques made him feel.
It’d be interesting if Whitley thought his sisters knew of his abuse and just didn’t care about him. After all, in the entire Schnee household, who did Whitley have to look out for him beyond Jacques? His sisters never included him in their tight circle, all because of Jacques no doubt.
The mother is a lost cause (probably knew of the possible abuse too but just was too much of a depressed alcoholic to care. Perhaps she and Qrow can have a little chat together over some light drinks and he can be the one to finally talk some good sense into this MIA alcho-momma being a better parent and being there for her kids or at least the youngest one).
I’m not sure how close Whitley is to Klein but I’m sure Jacques’ stronghold on the poor young boy also hampers with the butler’s relationship with him as well.
But.....perhaps I’m just really over thinking too much here.
So, to conclude:
I’m hoping that our heroes’ stay in Atlas is stretched out for two seasons (V6 and even V7). There are so many different arcs and subplots that can be covered when the group arrives in Atlas that go beyond the stuff involving the Relic of Knowledge.
One of them is Weiss bringing some well needed closure to her family drama. With Whitely as the new heir to the  Schnee Dust Company, that’s bound to be a main subplot for the Atlas arc. 
So having Whitley, pulling a Jacques Schnee, and only taking a so-called interest in Ruby, considering her a rare flower that he plans to obtain, not only cause of the uniqueness of her silver eyes, but also a means of somewhat spiting Weiss by being distrustfully chummy with one of her closest friends. That definitely strikes me as something he would do.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m still itching for...not necessarily a Whitley-redemption arc (though it would be nice if his whole ‘like my daddy’ act was all a facade to conceal a much more humane young soul) but at least a side of the story that lets us fans understand why Whitley is the way he is.
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I may not like Whitley as a character so much however, if I had to classify him in terms of personality, I think he could either be a Peridot (from Steven Universe. A character whose antagonism and way of thinking was only as a result of their upbringing. But once this character meets someone who helps them see a new way of thinking, they end up changing for the better)
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Or... an Azula (from Avatar the Last Airbender. A character that is antagonistic due to their upbringing but unlike the Peridot, this character isn’t quite open to change.
On the contrary, this character persona relishes in their hostile ways because it makes them feel powerful and power is all that matters to them above everything else.
But underneath this tough exterior is a far more broken individual who has spent their entire life trying to achieve one goal, willing to do anything and everything in their power, be it good or bad, to get what they want. Then once they get it, not only does it make them feel dissatisfied but also lonely. As a result of this, they wind up tormented shells of their own bitterness and guilt after staining their fingers from hungrily chasing their petty ambitions).
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If having a romantic triangle between Whitley, Ruby and Oscar as a potential subplot for V6 leads to progress in understanding the kind of character Whitely is as well as him rekindling his relationship with his sisters, I’d be down for that. 
Weiss and Winter probably never got the chance to properly bond with their little brother as Jacques probably held a much tighter hold over Whitley after he was born; according to ♦Eruption-Fang’s theory on that.
So it’d be bittersweet to see Weiss and even Winter extend a hand to their baby brother for them to all be a family again or at least stronger as a siblinghood and see whether or not he comes to accept it.
Whitley may be a portrayed as an obnoxious little turd as of V4---I expect nothing less from Jacques Schnee Jr. or Mini Jacques--- but...I think Whitley’s redeemable. If Jacques was a prick to his wife and his daughters, imagine what kind of physical and emotional abuse Whitley endured as his only son.
Or...for all we know Whitley could secretly be a sociopathic psychopath with plans to brutally kill off his father, General James Ironwood and the entire Atlas Council as well as anybody else who gets in the way of his pursuit of ultimate power and total sovereignty over Atlas.
Cause why stop at just being the Heir to the Schnee Dust Company? Why not just rule all of Atlas and eventually Remnant? As a matter of fact, why not just make Whitley join up with Salem while we’re at it too.
Okay. I know that last point is quite farfetched but it would be hilariously ironic if it became canon, am I right? Just to highlight the paradox that Jacques parenting methods practically turned his youngest spawn into an antisocialist monster. Y’know like the Mini Trump of the World of Remnant. How’s that for a twist?
But seriously, if we get all of that development I described above with Whitley while coupled together with making our two simple souls: Ruby Rose and Oscar Pine, realize their own deeper connection and feelings for each other as an added bonus and flavour to this delicious plot pot, then this squiggle meister is pretty game for indulging in all that goodness.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)
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hereliesbitches--me · 6 years
(Part 1)
Firstly, I would like to thank you for coming to check my cat girl out.
While her background varies per verse she’s played in, the roots below are the background she has in the original world which she comes from. Its my own work i’ve spent years developing, with its own lore, and which I will go on to explain in later posts. My cat is very adaptable to all worlds, and i’m more than happy to chat and explore a little, so please don’t be too overwhelmed. Feel free to ask me anything, and Thank you very much for reading!
Basic Info- Muse Edition:
Full name: Rosie Valentine
Pronunciation: Ro-zee Val-en-tine (Like the day. Hates Valen-TEEN pronunciation)
Nickname(s) or Alias:
- Lady Moon
- Little Moon
- Rose
- Sweetheart
- Juliet
- Cat/ Katz
- Kitten
Gender: Female
Species: Celestial guardian deity( Former- counts as her “Soul” in a physical body ) ~> Human (Former, gained body) ~> Angel (Current. Not a biblical angel)  
Note: Becoming these things was a process. It did not happen all at once.
Age: ( varies by what stage she’s played in) Usually between 28- 32. As an ‘Angel’ , the process of aging is incredibly slowed.
Birthday: March 3, 1990 (physical body)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality:  American
Religion: Christian ( although knows of other deities, and she herself is not always  devote with her life style)  
City or town of birth: Miami, Florida
Currently lives: Rural area in the Hudson Valley, New York
Languages spoken:   As a person, She only speaks English fluently. Has some vague understanding of simple spanish, and decent understanding in American sign language.
Relationship Status: Multiship- Varies by verse. Main partners you’ll see often are, whom I love dearly-
- Eddie Brock/ Venom ( Marvel- @osteum )
- Guts ( Berserk- @lupus-solitarius)
- Casca ( Berserk- @bladeofthehawk )
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As a Moon:
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Height: 5’3
Weight: 160lb.
Apple/ faint hourglass shape. Chubby, thick thighs. Slim in the arms and fit calves.
Hair colour: Chocolate brown.
Eye colour: Rusette brown
Skin/fur/etc colour: Medium Beige skin, fur is a creme color. Her body feathers are a light blue.
Tattoos: A swirling red mark on the palm of her left hand.
Scars/distinguishing marks: Covered in array of different scars from battle on nearly all parts of her body- from teeth marks, to burns, to gunshots, to slashes. Significant scars are
- Cross burned into her right hand
- 3 large puncture scars on her abdomen
- Scar down the left corner of her lip
- Scars across both her wrists
- A perfect ring around her upper left arm
Preferred style of clothing:   Usually tries to cover as much skin as possible. Likes Button ups or shirts with long sleeves, or she rolls them up to her elbows. Prefers leggings for comfort, but often caught in dress pants. Anything that covers the skin of her legs and shirts that cover her arms. Rocks the casual professional look. Color choices are always neutral colors or cool shades. A splash of color is usually touches of red.
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories:  Silver cross always around her neck.
Health/ Habits / Personality
It’s rather complicated with her. Used as an outlet and a distraction for her sorrows, she suffers from PTSD which at times can make her shift from sex-repulsed (Because of her own shame), or hyper-sexual for the sake of Validation and comfort. More often than not, she’s well aware when she is being used, but she’s been conditioned to play the game  and a darker part of herself likes it. The artificial intimacy is soothing for the moment until her senses can return to her., and she sets herself straight again to keep going. At the same time, that momentary input often makes her crave for more, but her fear of the vulnerability of a relationship keeps her from seeking and staying in a healthy one. It is something she is trying to overcome into her adult life. Alcohol is used to Dull the pain. Its better to be hazy than aware of your misery.
While her personality varies by her surroundings and by the people she’s approached by, you’ll see Rosie best as someone charismatic and friendly to most, not easily swayed or intimidated given her own life experiences- even to someone who probably could wipe the ground with her physical body or kill her in some way. She’s quicker to try to befriend a possible enemy than act out aggressively simply because, despite the power and destruction she is very well capable of, she does not like to fight. Its tiring and, more often than not, unnecessary. She is trying to improve herself as a person and avoid stresses that cause her bad habits to resurface.  She likes to make light of hard situations, especially when its her life on the line. She’ll joke about her own misery, she’ll try to set herself up with good association. It helps to put her image as one that’s happy and reliable, and it eases her own inner turmoil by pretending to be something else.
She lives by her secrets, and rather not let anyone know about her filthy past lest she really trust them. Childhood experience has left her with a certain abrasiveness to female authority figures, to which that too she is trying to control.  Despite her appearance of being incredibly outgoing , she’s guarded and does not get easily attached. The only exception might be to someone whom she has the responsibility over to care for. Children are a near instant soft spot in her heart, and a weakness to her guard.
Behind closed doors, the woman still faces her own demons. Still trying to handle bipolar depression, overcome her conditioned fears and addiction, and her own soldier complex to try to seem normal to the people around her. Despite being a magnet for trouble, she really does enjoy the company of others. And once she is attached to you, ya truly have gained an ally for life.
*Cat has the strange habit of pushing on her fears for the sake of thrills. Her reaction of them may not always be the same. Especially some that would be exploited in the bedroom*
- Lack of control
- Being pinned face down
- Being unable to move her body
- Smoke/Gas(anything that causes breathing difficulty)
- Unwanted bodily contact. Dislikes her skin being touched
- Tight places with no quick exits
- Slightest wariness Female authority figures
- Elastic Balloons/ When they pop(HARD FEAR)
- Collecting old records for her record player and old tapes.
- Creating and Collecting music boxes
- Cleaning her house, truck, weapons, and armor
- Spending time with her kids to ground her and remind her of her purpose.
- Befriending and nurturing some feared creature because she has faith she can see the good in anyone- which will probably bite her in the ass one of these days.
- Baking
- Murder
Taste in music:
- A Lover of the oldies from the 20s-80s.
- Classic and alternative Rock. Cat ears are sensitive to intense sounds.
- Classical music
Significant/special belongings:
- Silver Cross always around her neck
- Antique records and music player
Level of education:
High school Graduate completed online, some college classes taken in criminology and psychology with duel enrollment. But never went to an official university. Upon the death of her father and a shift in her parental guardian, she is dragged into a military division of Calvary Academy to train, to  hunt, and kill all things supernatural.
- 5 years military experience in hunting the demonic and the supernatural.
- 8+ years on the police force
Current job title and description:
- Officer in the NYPD
- Takes on detective work as her own personal side project
- ( Dependent on the time I play her) Organized and runs a program known as the ‘Angel Project’ - A ragtag team of super people, a species known as angels , to show the potential and good they are for the public. With her own agenda under wraps. She is the figurehead and speaker for the group, handling all the mission updates and policy works, and making sure missions run smoothly.
Family History:
Parents names/ Status:
- Roland Valentine(Father- Deceased, Murdered),
- Camellia Hidalgo( Mother- Deceased, died of cancer )
Sibling names/ Status:
- Alexander Hidalgo (Brother- Deceased)
- Malakaid (Adopted)
- Mia Blagrove
- Thursday Blagrove
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rcleplayer · 7 years
so i figured it was about time i updated the list of fc’s and plot’s etc i wanna play and do. i need to kick my own ass and get onto 1x1′s cause i feel like lately that’s all i’ve got time for. not to mention i just love to use different fc’s. SO, ON THAT NOTE, please hmu or like this or whatever if you’re interested in plotting.
wanted male face’s:
luke mitchell
luke pasqualino
miguel gomez
casey deidrick
ben barnes
hunter parrish
dacre montgomery
chris wood
bill skarsgard
charlie hunnam
dj cotrona
bob morley
josh bowman
milo ventimiglia
charlie weber
wanted female face’s:
courtney eaton
ana de armas
odette annable
shantel vansanten
nathalie kelley
camila queiroz
nina dobrev
camila mendes
sophia bush
gal gadot
amber heard
marie avgeropoulos
stella maeve
meghan markle
katie stevens
wanted plots:
give me a hate ship where they cannot fucking stand each other and they’re just nasty to each other 70% of the time and the other 30% of the time they’re having sex in the bathroom. 
 *screams* i want a plot where a guy goes on a roadtrip just wandering around the state trying to find meaning of life with his big ass doggo and one day he comes to diner where this shy young woman works and like her boss is always yelling at her and she has abusive boyfriend and her father used to be abusive as well and this guy he is the first man who ever treated her nicely and he just asks her completely out of the blue if she doesn’t want to leave with him and she’s like “why not?” so she takes all of her things and leaves with him. pleaseee! 
   but, can someone please give me a southpaw themed plot? muse a & muse b were both raised in a group home – they were taken from their original families at a young age, more than likely due to abuse &/or neglect. they became incredibly close while in the group home with muse a always looking out for and over muse b. when they turned eighteen, they managed to get a shoddy apartment together and work odds and ends jobs to make ends meet. muse a, having fought his entire life, aspires to be a boxer and muse b actively supports him, doing whatever she can to help him achieve his dream. he ends up making it B I G and the celebrity life takes him for a whirlwind. the plot would follow the difficulties in their relationship – the newfound money he acquires, the fame, the attention. it’s challenging formuse a because he loves this new lifestyle and at times finds it difficult to say no, which often times affects muse b. they fight, but passionately, because they love each other so much, but it’s hard. i can see other women getting in the way, parties, alcohol &/or drugs, and issues with other boxers. give it to me. thanks.
muse A is highly successful in their career, but is threatened to be fired due to an expired work visa because they are from a different country. Muse B has been the assistant to muse A for years. Muse B puts up with shit that the boss puts them through, because they are paying for the medical bills of their younger sibling who has cancer. In an attempt to stay in the country, muse A convinces muse B to marry them and they would help pay for a portion of those medical bills.
okay but someone do a plot with me where i play the “underground” fighter who’s always getting roughed up and almost constantly has a black eye or a broken nose and that’s the way he earns money and he keeps coming into the ER and there’s always a nurse there patching him up and they’re the sweetest person ever and he just 😍😍😍 after them
where one person is actually famous and sets up a dating account with their real picture and the other sees it and is like, oh dude you are not fooling anyone with that picture (because srsly trying to catfish someone with a really famous person is hilarious and cute because the profile also had some really dorky info about liking model trains and farmers’ markets) cue an online romance and when they actually meet the other is pissed because DUDE YOU’RE THAT FAMOUS PERSON and the other is like, yeah, i mean, i thought you knew…
Okay but I want a plot of two rival companies where the CEOs use their children as a way to gain information on each other. The daughter of one CEO goes out to seduce and win the trust of the son of the rival company. Little does she know that he’s on his own mission to charm his way into her heart. Both of them think they are winning when in reality they’re playing into each other’s traps. Imagine all the lowkey flirting and sweet words. Pretending to be all about each other. All while trying to ask the right questions so they can get all the dirty little secrets to bring down the others company. This could turn angsty if one ends up developing real feelings for the other and starts questioning whether what they’re doing is right. Bonus points if one of the companies is close to going bankrupt so they’re trying everything to stay in business.
  I was dating you parent (sugar daddy/mama) when I finally met you. We turned out to be the same age and WOW you’re really cute and exactly like your parent. Even though, you’re exactly like your parent you’re more age appropriate for me. Now, every time we are alone we’re flirting and making comments to each other. I REALLY need to make a choice between you and your parent now.  While you both buy for my affection and attention I’m having a hard time picking.Bonus: Your parent finds out we’ve been flirting and now has made it a goal to win. Now your’e more determined then ever to win me over.
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The Stars are Red.: (Onlookers)
A/N.: So yea, I’m back with The Stars are Red. Thankfully the muses were on my side for once and let me get this chapter out before the end of fall break. 
Pairing: Scotty/ Reader (It’s getting there)
Warning: You legit might wanna kill Uhura rn (and probably the next chapter too. ‘XD)
Prompt: Slight ‘Jim’ prompt, no lyrics in this one
Summary: After hearing your voice over the loudspeakers singing, Uhura is 1000% on your radar. You just so happen to have intell as to where she is. It’s not your fault ‘Jim’ got in the way. 
   One would expect Leonard McCoy to be fearless at this point. If a man could survive living around their biggest fear for years, repeatedly going back to it after multiple near-death encounters, it seems like a fair assumption. But that assumption is far from the truth. Allowing himself to be a part of this five year mission has subjected him to more fearful thoughts and encounters than the medical officer could ever foresee.
   Yet, there was one thing that truly brought more fear to the Southern Doctor than space could ever conjure up to spite him. That fear was you. More specifically, you being on a warpath.
   Sadly, fate wasn’t on his side today.  
   Having just been annoyed by the tenth red shirt in the last hour, the doctor was most certainly at the end of his rope. The nurses on hand, most of which McCoy signed on personally a few days prior, somehow found a way to keep the CMO at bay through their scuttling around the med bay. Most of the procedures, he knew, were the routine checkups that were required in a few days.
   Uhura was no different. She was taken into a room to do the regular procedures. Claire, one of the newer nurses, was glad to put her info into the database. All of her numbers were fantastic, save for a slightly elevated heart rate, which could easily be filed under as simply being nervous. When they left the room, it was clear to the nurse that she was correct in that assumption.
   Leonard should’ve seen the warning signs as soon as you came in. Your smile was tighter than normal, clearly fake to anyone looking hard enough. Even though he couldn’t hear you talking, it was clear from Christine’s body language that, whatever you said, was something worthy of keeping an eye on you for. Yet, the longer you stayed in the facility, the easier he found it to forget to keep you in his sights. A mistake he instantly began to regret as soon as your target came into your view.
   Uhura was swift in racing away from you, yet you were right on her heels. The bay became a slew of moving obstacles, most attempting to get out of the way as the realization of what was happening around them kicked in.
   Putting your tactical expertise to good use, you watched Uhura’s body closely. Even with how random her movements looked to the outsider, you saw the thoughts that went into each movement the woman made. Each sway was a calling card, each side-step a small piece of a bigger game plan. Though, no matter how close you scrutinized her moves, you couldn’t find a single hint to the bigger picture.
   That was the case, until you nearly ran into ‘Jim’.
   The nurses and Leonard watched on in a daze as you both shouted at each other on opposite sides of the ‘captain’.
   “You jerk!” You bellowed out, attempting to reach the fawn skinned woman, “I trusted you!”
   Raising a fabric wrapped arm, Uhura used it to block your attack as she stammered out, “I- I didn’t do it! Honest I didn’t!”
   Blocking ‘Jim’s’ arm with ease, you allowed the arm to fall limply to his side. You had more important matters at hand. “Yeah right. And Andorians and Vulcans smile and sing kumbaya together on weekends.” You spit out, pushing ‘Jim’ towards Uhura, all in hope that it might cause her to lower her guard.
   Needless to say, it didn’t work. With each advance you sought, Uhura countered in her own time, all the while maintaining the mobile barricade between your bodies. Whatever argument you had before had dwindled down to throwing petty insults at the other, most of which were a slew of different dialects. The only way to truly describe the amount of rage flowing through your veins at the moment was ‘seeing red’.
   You were so committed to your argument that your brain didn’t register anything else. That was, until someone chose to be stupid enough to use their arms to keep you at bay.
   Through your huffing and cursing, it was clear that whoever was holding you back was a man, his chest pressed to your back to better help his arms gain enough leverage to maintain their hold on you. Rearing your head back you realized that he was a fair bit taller than you’d expected, feeling his throat buckle slightly instead of the nose you were intending to break. Unfortunately, the attempt at getting free only ended up with a harsher hold and a soft warning growl in your ear.
   Whipping your head to the side, you intended to make the man regret ever trying to hold you back. With teeth bared in a sneer and eyes blazing with fury, you threw out the first words that came to thought in a rumbling whisper.
   “Don’t test me. You won’t like how it ends.”
   “Oh, really?” He whispered harshly, his voice brought down a few octaves from your attack, “Yet yer the one bein held back.”
   As the man finished speaking, you finally registered the captor’s red shirt and deep brown eyes that stared back into your own. Even with how deep his voice was, his Scottish accent was easy to recognize. Forcing yourself to look down, it was made quite clear to the scotsman that you registered what you had done by the soft blush and whimper that refused to be held back.
   “Ya back now lassie?” With a soft nod, Scotty let go of you, not catching the way you shivered as his hand slowly pulled away from around your waist.
   “Hey Scotty,” Uhura called out, peeking out from behind ‘Jim’s’ back, all the while making sure not to place too much weight on the preoccupied doctor.
   “Morning lass. Now, if I may ask, what da bloody hell went on?”
   With enough decency to look bashful, the young woman muttered out, “We got in a fight over something that we could’ve talked out. We even pulled poor ‘Jim’ into it.”
   “Ay, I can see that.” Giving you a glance over his shoulder, he walked over towards the battered skeleton. “Poor lad’s shirt is hanging off. An he’s still pantsless, the stook oughta know by now how to act in front of so many bonnie lasses. Wouldn’t ya agree Bones?”
   Looking toward the man, it was clear that he wasn’t listening. Christine had all of his attention, currently discussing a procedure that involved too many complex words and acronyms for you to follow comfortably. Both were too immersed in their own world of medical jargon to notice the multiple glances that Uhura, Scotty, and yourself exchanged. For the few brave souls that opted to watch the whole duration of the pointless game of cat and mouse were experiencing something that was often spoken of in hushed whispers among the crew.
  ‘The Enterprise’s Wrath’ was plotting an attack.
   A name that the Scotsman, the Communications officer, and yourself donned as a joke during ‘The Mighty Prank War’ was one that a fair portion of the crew chose to keep calling you ‘in secret’. It was a fitting name at the time, for three commonly laid-back crew members that hid their true knack at pranking and evasion unless they chose to hone in on a victim.  
   Most can still find a picture or two on the immediate database of the carnage that was Jim’s room.
   Taking a silent vote full of raised eyebrows and squints full of reproach, it was decided. Bones gets to walk away, only by sway of ice cream and movie night from Uhura’s side.
   Since the covert, and more amusing, option was now off the table, you opted for a more abrupt approach. Slinking behind the southern man, you found his attention on a datapad, clearly displeased with whatever was written on it. With no time to think your actions through, you whipped an arm around the doctor, only to pull back just as fast when his datapad was in your grasp.
   “Give it back little lady!” He growled lowly, keeping his hand outstretched for the offending object.
   “Hmmm. . . “ was all you quipped out, smirk evident as you pretended to think it over, “Why would I do that? If the ever diligent Bones was occupied with whatever is on it, then why would I give it back before I knew what was written on it?”
   With every step he took forwards, you sprung back an equal distance. Skimming over the words, it was painfully obvious that the words comprised of a medical document. With diligent flicks of your finger, you got deeper and deeper into the letter. All of a sudden,both you and your smile froze, much to the confusion of the now captive audience. With nothing but a glance back at the man, you lifted the document as if it weighed led.
  Wasting no time, McCoy took the object back as quickly as you had taken it.
   Making sure to get in your space, the doctor leaned down to your ear before he spat out  “You gonna leave my stuff alone when I tell you?”  
   Voiceless, all you could manage was a soft nod, too in shock to respond accordingly.
   “You better.”
   Opting to recognize Scotty rather than you, he tilted his head towards the   scotsman, making it clear that he was listening.
   Gathering his thoughts as rapidly as he could, he sputtered out, “Eh, tha captain says that we av’ta go to a banquet tomorrow. Says that it’s for ‘diplomatic purposes’. You too, Uhura.”
   “Can’t make it. Got too much stuff to do here.” Seeing that as being the end of the discussion, McCoy strode over to his office, Christine close on his heels.
   Huffing out in frustration, Scotty’s eyes met Uhura’s, clearly asking her opinion as to what to do.
   “Were they expecting anyone expressly?”
   “I donae think so, save for the captain and Spock. We were what the captain thought would be best at the party.” He acquiesced, adding in a shrug for good measure before adding, “He only asked for me to tell the lad because I was on my way for a physical.”
   “Well, I was about to head back on shift anyways, I’ll see what he wants us to do.” Was all she deemed necessary to end the conversation.
   On her way to the door, her eyes met your own, making it clear that you were meant to follow her. Giving him a courtesy nod, you rushed out before your blush could be made evident. As you fell into stride with her, you saw her fingers flying over her datapad, no doubt talking to Jim about what to do.
   Once you both reached the turbolift she commented,“I’m vouching for you.”   
   “I’m vouching for you to Jim. And it looks like he’s for it so far.”
   “But I don’t even have a dressy enough dress to go to a banquet in!” you almost shrieked at the other officer.
   Choosing to reply with a side-eye as her device pinged again, her body language as a whole screamed ‘you don’t think I’ve already had this planned out from the start’.
   Pausing the turbolift, she canceled both of your intended paths, choosing instead to enter the lowest inhabited deck floor. The same floor that allowed people on and off the station. As she activated it again, she gave you a smirk that made it clear that you were both going to the party and going to go all out with the dress options you could find.
   With a huff, the words that you had hoped to never hear come from her lips met the air, with an amusement fit for an overenthusiastic torturer.
   “Let's go shopping.”
All you could do was pray that the three hours left docked would go swiftly.
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workreveal-blog · 8 years
Tips to write a successful blog
New Post has been published on https://workreveal.biz/tips-to-write-a-successful-blog/
Tips to write a successful blog
Here are some tips to write a successful blog, a commercial enterprise weblog is one of the most value-powerful and simplest ways to sell your retail business. Finished proper, it could pressure visitors to your internet site, increase your income, establish you as an expert on your industry and additionally assist you in attaining new markets. Regrettably, many small groups are but to wake up to the advantages of this tool. Valid reasons range from lack of time for writing the blog posts to a lack of ideas for first-class posts. Right here are my pinnacle suggestions for writing and building a hit enterprise blog, so here are some tips.
Write on your clients
Your weblog, like your internet site, isn’t always for you. It is to your customers, so write for them. Preferably, your weblog needs to intention to either remedy a hassle in your clients or offer fresh insights into your enterprise.
Plan your content material
Loss of time and ideas are the maximum regularly mentioned motives many small agencies cite for now not having a weblog. However, with a bit of planning, you can have enough thoughts to maintain your it strolling for weeks or even, months in advance.
Your posts may be answers to the questions maximum frequently requested via your customers. For instance, if you are a jeweller, you could write a blog post on what to look for while buying a diamond.
Google Adwords Keyword device is every other excellent manner of finding Keyword phrases that people are the usage of to search for your offerings. The Keyword word, once you’ve got recognised it, will be your weblog title. It is a straightforward and powerful manner of using site visitors to your weblog and letting the arena realise approximately your offerings. So, for the jeweller stated, his weblog identify, primarily based on Keyword volume studies through Google’s Keyword tool, might be ‘how to buy a diamond’.
Create valuable content material The key to aa hit commercial enterprise blog is giving your readers valuable content. This is how you set up your website’s authority in your industry. Also, if you give your readers valuable content, they will reward you by way of becoming return traffic and additionally part with their cash.
If lack of time or lack of writing skills is trouble, you can outsource your weblog to a blog writing career. These do exactly what it says on the tin – write your blog to meet your clients’ wishes and also power income for you.
Opinion is divided on how often you should replace your blog. The goal for a rate that you could keep. Fortnightly or weekly is satisfactory. The key is consistency. Don’t start a blog after which abandon it halfway.
Search engines like google and yahoo like fresh content and the extra regularly you update your weblog (and through extension, your internet site), the more likely your website will climb seek engine scores and also gain visibility to your target clients.
Broaden your running a blog fashion
Blogs are intended to be informal, so permit your weblog mirror the human face of your business enterprise. Deliver it a few character and try to maintain the sales pitch down. You will locate that persons are more likely to reply to you and also purchase your offerings.
Phrase matter
As a manual, a weblog submit ought to be approximately 400 sentences. If your submit is longer than this, think about serialising it. Humans tend to test web content, so make every Phrase count number.
Simply due to the fact, your blog isn’t getting any comments does now not mean that it is not being read. Think about the range of articles you read or blogs which you go to. Do you regularly leave feedback? Many humans Do not. But, you may discover which you get greater comments as you slowly building up your readership. Make your weblog shareable
Links are the lifeblood of the net, so make it smooth for your readers to share your blog. The very best way to do this is using the usage of proportion icons. These are social networking icons (see an example to the proper of this text) that make it clean for humans to share you are put up and consequently, force traffic and potential income on your internet site.
Measure your weblog’s overall performance
If you haven’t already Completed so, make sure you have got a web stats tool to Measure your website’s performance. The maximum popular one is Google Analytics. It is unfastened and takes mins to put in. Over time, as you add more posts for your weblog, it will come up with a clearer photo of ways humans are finding your weblog and, most significantly, which of your posts are famous, so you realise the type of content material your readers like.
There are numerous advantages to having an enterprise weblog, and with Those suggestions, you must respond nicely to your way to developing a successful blog that still promotes your business.
Educational running a blog is a treasured a part of the broader ecology of scholarship, with the ability for engagement, outreach and reinforcing the Instructional effect. Despite the fact that our heritage is in technology, we are hoping this list of pointers can be useful to all blogging academics, here are some more tips.
1) Write about yourself and your life. Humans are Simply as interested by researchers (and their sports) as their studies; also write about what is going wrong in addition to proper – the human story of failed experiments is exciting but rarely gets told.
2) discover you are running a blog voice. Don’t worry if it takes a yr or more. Your blog will evolve as you learn your style, which is probably quick topical pieces or long-form reflective essays (or a combination of the two). Read different Academic blogs, and you’ll speedy see the variety of voices human beings use.
3) Be clear what your weblog is for. Are you writing to share your musings on lifestyles, the universe and the entirety, or a particular theme or topic? Again allow the scope evolve; it may be difficult to begin running a blog with a mission announcement, but it’s far useful to start off by using thinking what you would like to obtain together with your weblog.
Four) blog as yourself. While there are instances in which blogging anonymously is essential, in standard, it’s far higher to be clean and open about yourself and your Instructional position. It is also important to clarify whether you are writing on behalf of your university.
5) reflect consideration on how debatable you need to be. Calibrate the diploma of controversy in line with threat (specifically for an early career researcher as compared to a tenured professor); in well known, handiest be organised to position something on a weblog that you’d be organised to mention to someone’s face (or shout out in a crowded room). Relationship controversy can be pleasant in case you are a senior Academic, but take note that your function lends a stage of authority to what you write – so make certain you’re happy with your words to be quoted.
6) Don’t forget: a blog post is an e-book. In case you are writing about ongoing studies which aren’t but posted or patented, then have in mind of the risks of upfront revealing info of capacity innovations or intellectual assets.
7) permit your university to recognise approximately your blog. Have a talk together with your line manager about your intention to start an educational weblog. You might not need their permission. However, It’s first-class If your weblog doesn’t come as a marvel to your manager or institution at an inopportune time.
Eight) consider how regularly you need to blog. In case your weblog acquires a following then your readers will sit up for your subsequent post, so Do not position yourself below stress using creating expectations of, say, a blog post every few days while you know you can’t keep it up in the long term.
9) Use social media to sell your jobs. Twitter is an easy way to tell the sector that you’ve Just posted a brand new piece in your weblog, establishing up wider Interaction and engagement.
10) weblog because you need to. Do not weblog because you have to – it should be amusing, no longer a chore! There are already lots of arduous obligations for an academic; this should no longer emerge as one in every of them.
Training in selling yourself and your commercial enterprise Whether riding clients for your on-line store or promoting your logo more generally, social media is a unfastened and powerful device. Maria Juelich advises deciding on the sites you use cautiously. “Find those that apply to you and your business and the ones that will help you develop,” she stated. “Find out what the people you need to attract are the usage of.”
Elena Pincus set up her dressmaking school Sew it with Love after six years of operating from home. She emphasised that social networks ought to be visible as a dialogue. “Observe it as a way of engaging your target market.”
Press coverage can help propel your enterprise to success. Pincus recommended writing a press launch with a catchy subject line that may be despatched to courses. From there, get in contact with magazines you’re interested in and electronic mail the applicable editor. She is an advocate for patients with writers. “In case you preserve nagging them it is a lot much more likely they’ll say sure!” Westergard had a nifty tip at the crossover of the conventional press and social media. “Twitter is also a super way to construct relationships with journalists so that they know you’re a person they can come to if they need something mainly.”
Copyrighting – is it profitable? The panel had been asked it that they had ever copyrighted their designs and Whether it turned into highly-priced or time-ingesting. Westergard supplied some useful history – she defined that while you create or design something you have digital copyright for 20 years after introduction. She went on to say that trademarks apply to artists or crafters – patents are for investors – and to involve a legal professional regarding trademarks as they may be complex.
“When you have the trademark you could then defend that individual or emblem more successfully and sell licenses for people to use it and reproduce,” she defined
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